FIRST COMMERCE CORPORATION

               WHEREAS,   First   Commerce   Corporation   (the  "Company")
          established  effective January 1, 1986, as a successor  to  prior
          defined-benefit  plans,  a  defined  benefit  plan  known  as the
          Retirement Plan for Employees of First Commerce Corporation  (the
          "Retirement  Plan"),  designed  to qualify under Internal Revenue
          Code Section 401(a);

               WHEREAS, the Retirement Plan provides benefits for employees
          of the Company and each of its subsidiaries  and affiliates (each
          such employer hereinafter included in the term "Employer");

               WHEREAS,  for  purposes  of  calculating the  benefit  of  a
          participant   in  the  Retirement  Plan   (a   "Retirement   Plan
          Participant"),   since   1989   Internal   Revenue  Code  Section
          401(a)(17) has forbidden the Retirement Plan to take into account
          earnings  in  excess  of  a dollar limit, which  limit  began  at
          $200,000 was adjusted upward  each  year  from  1989  to  1993 to
          reflect cost-of-living increases and was reduced to $150,000  for

               WHEREAS,  Section  415  of  the  Code  limits  the amount of
          benefit that can accrue for a participant in the Retirement Plan;

               WHEREAS, a few Retirement Plan Participants are  affected by
          the  limitations  under  Code  Sections  401(a)(17) and 415,  and
          accordingly  their  retirement  benefits  constitute   a  smaller
          percentage of their earnings than similarly situated participants
          who have less earnings;

               WHEREAS,  the  Board  of  Directors  of  the  Company at its
          December 20, 1993, meeting authorized the establishment of a plan
          to pay the difference between (1) the benefit the Retirement Plan
          Participant would receive under the Retirement Plan  if his total
          earnings (other than the portion of any bonus in excess of 30% of
          base pay) were taken into account and there were no limits  under
          Code  Section 415, and (2) the benefit he actually receives under
          the Retirement Plan;

               NOW,  THEREFORE,  effective  January  1,  1994,  the Company
          adopts   the   First   Commerce  Corporation  Retirement  Benefit
          Restoration Plan (the "Plan")  having  the  following  terms  and

          Section 1.Definitions.

               a.   An "Employee" is any person employed by an Employer.

               b.   An Employee's "Retirement Plan Compensation" for a year
          shall  be  the  same  as his Compensation for that year under the
          Retirement Plan as then written.

               c.   An Employee's  "Total Compensation" for a year shall be
          the  same as his Retirement  Plan  Compensation  for  that  year,
          except  that  (1) the portion (if any) of an Employee's bonus for
          the year in excess  of  30% of base pay for the year shall not be
          included,  and (2) the dollar  limitation  required  by  Internal
          Revenue Code  Section 401(a)(17) to be imposed on Retirement Plan
          Compensation shall be ignored.

               d.   An Employee's  "Excess Compensation" for any year shall
          be  the  difference  between   his  Total  Compensation  and  his
          Retirement Plan Compensation for that year.

               Any capitalized term used in  this Plan document that is not
          defined herein but is defined in the Retirement Plan document, as
          amended, shall have the same meaning  as  is  given  to it in the
          Retirement Plan document, as amended.

          Section 2.Participation.

               Every  Retirement Plan Participant who in 1993 or  any  year
          thereafter receives  Excess  Compensation of $1,000 or more shall
          become a Participant in the Plan upon such person's Entry Date if
          still an Employee on that date.   A  person's "Entry Date" is the
          latest of (a) January 1, 1994, (b) the  last  day  of the year in
          which such person becomes fully vested under the Retirement Plan,
          or  (c) the last day of the first year in which such  person  has
          Excess Compensation of $1,000 or more.

          Section 3.Payment of Benefit.

               The  benefit  payable  under  the Plan shall be known as the
          "Restoration Benefit".  The Restoration  Benefit shall be paid in
          the same form and at the same time as the  benefit  paid  to  the
          Participant under the Retirement Plan.

          Section 4.Amount of the Benefit.

               The  amount  of  the Restoration Benefit shall be equal to A
          minus B, where

               "A"  = The benefit  that  the  Participant  would  have
               received   under  the  Retirement  Plan  if  (1)  Total
               Compensation  rather  than Retirement Plan Compensation
               were used to calculate his Accrued Benefit with respect
               to each year of participation  in  the  Retirement Plan
               after  1988,  and  (2) the  annual  benefit limitations
               under Code Section 415 did not apply.

               "B"  =  The  benefit  that  the  Participant   actually
               receives under the Retirement Plan.

          Section 5.Survivor Benefit.

               Upon  a  Participant's death no benefit shall be paid  under
          the Plan unless  a benefit is payable to a surviving annuitant or
          beneficiary under the Retirement Plan.  The amount of the benefit
          payable to the beneficiary  or surviving annuitant under the Plan
          shall be equal to the difference  between  the benefit that would
          have  been paid under the Retirement Plan if  Total  Compensation
          had been  taken  into  account  and  there were no annual benefit
          limit, and the benefit actually paid under  the  Retirement Plan.
          The benefit shall be paid to the same person, in the  same  form,
          and for the same term as the benefit under the Retirement Plan.

          Section 6.Company's Obligation

               The  Company  and  the  Participant's  Employer or Employers
          shall  be responsible to pay the benefits provided  for  in  this

          Section 7.Plan Administration.

               a.   The   First   Commerce  Corporation  Employee  Benefits
          Committee shall be the Plan Administrator.

               b.   The Plan Administer may appoint such agents, attorneys,
          accounts, and actuaries as  may  be  required  to  administer the

               c.   The  Plan  Administrator  shall  make all decisions  in
          connection  with  the  administration  of  the  Plan,   including
          decisions  concerning  eligibility to participate and amounts  of
          benefits.  The Plan Administrator  shall  have the sole authority
          to interpret the Plan, and all of its decisions  shall  be  final
          and binding on all persons affected thereby.

          Section 8.Assignment.

               To  the  extent  that  a  Participant, survivor annuitant or
          beneficiary acquires a contractual right to receive a Restoration
          Benefit, such right shall not be  subject  to  assignment, pledge
          (including collateral for a loan or security for  the performance
          of  an  obligation),  encumbrance  or  transfer.  Any attempt  to
          assign, pledge, encumber or transfer such  rights  shall  not  be

          Section 9.Amendment and Termination.

               The Company, through its Board of Directors or any person to
          whom  it has delegated the power, reserves the right to amend the
          Plan,  including   discontinuing   further  accrual  of  benefits
          hereunder,  provided  that  no  such  amendment  shall  reduce  a
          Participant's already accrued Restoration  Benefit  or affect the
          vesting  of  the Restoration Benefit.  The Company also  reserves
          the right to terminate the Plan at any time and distribute to all
          Participants  the   Actuarial  Equivalent  of  their  Restoration
          Benefit earned to that date.

          Section 10.Governing Law.

               The Plan shall be  governed  by  the  laws  of  the State of

          Section 11.Funding.

               Participants,  surviving  annuitants and beneficiaries  have
          only an unsecured right to receive their Restoration Benefits, as
          general  creditors  of  their Employers  and  the  Company.   The
          company, however, has undertaken  to fund its obligations through
          a Retirement Benefit Restoration Trust,  to  which  it  may  make
          contributions from time to time.  Assets of the Trust are subject
          to  the payment of claims of general creditors of the Company oir
          any Employer  upon  the  Company's or Employer's insolvency.  The
          Company's  and Employers' obligations  under  the  Plan  are  not
          limited to the amount in the Trust.

          Section 12.Demand for Benefit.

               Benefits  upon termination of employment shall ordinarily be
          paid to a Participant  without  the  need  for  demand,  and to a
          surviving  annuitant or beneficiary upon receipt of the surviving
          annuitant or  beneficiary's  address  and  Social Security number
          (and evidence of death, if needed).  Nevertheless,  a Participant
          or  a  person claiming to be a surviving annuitant or beneficiary
          can file  a claim for benefits with the Committee.  The Committee
          shall accept  or  reject the claim within 30 days of its receipt.
          If the claim is denied,  the  Committee shall give the reason for
          denial in a written notice calculated  to  be  understood  by the
          claimant, referring to the Plan provisions that form the basis of
          the  denial.   If  any  additional  information  or  material  is
          necessary to perfect the claim, the Committee will identify these
          items  and explain why such additional material is necessary.  If
          the Committee  neither  accepts  nor  rejects the claim within 30
          days, the claim shall be deemed to be denied.  Upon the denial of
          a claim, the claimant may file a written  appeal  of  the  denied
          claim  to  the  Committee  within  60  days  of  the denial.  The
          claimant shall have the opportunity to be represented  by counsel
          and  to  be  heard  at  a  hearing.   The claimant shall have the
          opportunity to review pertinent documents  and the opportunity to
          submit  issues  and  argue  against the denial in  writing.   The
          decision upon the appeal must  be made no later than the later of
          (a) 60 days after receipt of the  request  for  review, or (b) 30
          days after the hearing.  The Committee must set a date for such a
          hearing within 30 days after receipt of the appeal.   In no event
          shall  the  date  of the hearing be set later than 60 days  after
          receipt of the notice.  If the appeal is denied, the denial shall
          be in writing.  If  an  initial claim is denied, and the claimant
          is ultimately successful,  all  subsequent  reasonable attorney's
          fees and costs of claimant, including the filing  of  the  appeal
          with the Committee, and any subsequent litigation, shall be  paid
          by  the  Employer  unless  the  failure of the Employer to pay is
          caused  by  reasons beyond its control,  such  as  insolvency  or

          Thus done and  signed  on  this  ___  day  of  June, 1994, in the
          presence of the undersigned competent witnesses.
          WITNESSES:                         FIRST COMMERCE CORPORATION

          ______________________             By: _________________________

                                             Title: ______________________



               BEFORE  ME,  the  undersigned Notary Public, personally came
          and appeared ______________, who being by me sworn did depose and
          state that he signed the foregoing Retirement Benefit Restoration
          Plan document as a free  act and deed on behalf of First Commerce
          Corporation for the purpose therein set forth.


          BEFORE ME THIS __  DAY
          OF JUNE, 1994

                    Notary Public