United States
             Securities and Exchange Commission
                  Washington, D.C.  20549

                         FORM 10-K

       SECURITIES EXCHANGE ACT OF 1934 [Fee Required]

        For the fiscal year ended December 31, 1996

 [  ] Transition Report pursuant to Section 13 or 15(d) of
 Securities Exchange Act of 1934 [no fee required] for the
          transition period from       to       .

               Commission File Number 0-12774

   (Exact name of registrant as specified in its charter)

      (State or other jurisdiction of incorporation or

            (I.R.S. Employer Identification No.)

                       P. O. Box 398
                    110 Franklin Street
              Napoleonville, Louisiana  70390
               (Address of principal office)

                       (504) 369-7269
    (Registrant's telephone number, including area code)

Securities registered pursuant to Section 12(b) of the Act:


Securities registered pursuant to Section 12(g) of the Act:

               Common Stock, $5.00 Par Value

Indicate  by check mark whether the registrant (1) has filed
all reports  required  to be filed by Section 13 or 15(d) of
the Securities Exchange  Act of 1934 during the preceding 12
months (or for such shorter  period  that the registrant was
required to file such reports), and (2)  has been subject to
such  filing  requirements  for the past 90 days.   YES /X/
NO /  /

Indicate by check mark if disclosure  of  delinquent  filers
pursuant  to  Item  405  of  Regulation S-K is not contained
herein,  and  will  not  be  contained,   to   the  best  of
registrant's  knowledge  in  definitive proxy or information
statements incorporated by reference  in  Part  III  of this
Form 10-K or any amendment to this Form 10-K. / /

Aggregate  estimated  market  value of voting stock held  by
non-affiliates as of January 15,  1997 (for purposes of this
computation  shares  held  by  directors  and  officers  are
                        $ 5,748,000

Number of shares outstanding as of January 15, 1997:

                   160,000 Common Shares

                           PART I

Item I - Business

Assumption  Bancshares,  Inc. (Bancshares)  is  a  Louisiana
business  corporation  and  a   one-bank   holding   company
registered  under  the  Federal Bank Holding Company Act  of
1956, as amended.  It was  formed  in 1984 primarily for the
purpose  of  holding  all  of  the  outstanding   stock   of
Assumption  Bank  and  Trust  Company  (the  Bank), which is
Bancshares' sole subsidiary.  The Bank, which  was formed in
1933,   conducts   general   commercial   banking   business
throughout  the State of Louisiana with the majority of  its
business  concentrated   in   Assumption   Parish,   western
Ascension   Parish   and  northern  Lafourche  Parish.   Its
principal  office  and  a   motor   branch  are  located  in
Napoleonville,  Louisiana.   The Bank operates  three  other
branch offices, one each in Pierre  Part,  Labadieville  and
LaPlace,  Louisiana and an automatic teller machine in Belle
Rose, Louisiana.

The Bank provides  the  usual  services  offered by banks of
similar  size and in similar markets.  The  Bank  does  have
trust powers, but does not have an active trust department.

The Bank competes  actively with national and state banks in
Southern Louisiana for  all types of loans and deposits.  In
addition, the Bank competes  for funds with savings and loan
associations, the U.S. Government,  credit unions, and other
financial  service companies.  It competes  for  loans  with
other financial  service  institutions,  such as savings and
loan   associations,   insurance   companies,   small   loan
companies,  credit  unions, mortgage companies, and  certain
government agencies.   The Bank's primary competitors in its
service  area  are  ArgentBank,   Iberville   Bank,  Service
Mortgage Co., Guidry Finance Company and banks  and  savings
and  loans located in Thibodaux, Donaldsonville and LaPlace,

The Bank does not receive a material portion of its deposits
from any  single  person.  However, as of December 31, 1996,
the  Assumption  Parish   School  Board,  Assumption  Parish
Waterworks  District  #1, the  Assumption  Parish  Sheriff's
Office, the Assumption  Parish  Police  Jury, the Assumption
Parish Clerk of Court, Assumption General  Hospital and four
commercial enterprises accounted for an aggregate  of 12% of
the Bank's deposits.

The  lending  services of the Bank include a broad range  of
consumer, real  estate and commercial loans.  As of December
31,   1996,  real  estate   and   home   loans   represented
approximately  83%  of  all loans; commercial, financial and
agricultural loans accounted  for  4%  and individual loans,
which include auto and mobile home loans accounted for 13%.

Bancshares and the Bank employ 51 persons  full-time  and  6
persons part-time.

The  Bank's  location in the heart of Louisiana's sugar cane
country subjects  it  to  seasonal  variations  in business.
Because  of  the  impact  of  the  sugar  industry, deposits
typically  vary by four to five million dollars  during  the
course of each fiscal year.



Bancshares and the Bank are extensively regulated under both
federal and  state  laws.   To the extent that the following
information describes particular statutory provisions, it is
qualified in its entirety by  reference  to  the  particular
statutory   and   regulatory   provisions.   Any  change  in
applicable law or regulation may  have  a material effect on
the business and prospects of Bancshares.


Bancshares is a bank holding company within  the  meaning of
the Bank Holding Company Act of 1956, as amended (the  Act),
and, as such, is subject to the provisions of the Act and to
regulation and supervision by the Board of Governors of  the
Federal  Reserve System (the Board).  Bancshares is required
to file  with  the  Board   annual  reports  containing such
information as the Board may require pursuant to the Act and
is also subject to periodic examination by the Board.

Under the Act, a bank holding company may not  acquire  more
than 5% of the voting shares or substantially all the assets
of  any  bank  or  another  bank holding company without the
prior  approval  of the Board.   The  Act  also  limits  the
business  in  which  a  bank  holding  company  may  engage,
directly or through  subsidiaries,  to  banking, managing or
controlling  banks, and furnishing or performing  activities
so closely related  to  banking  or  managing or controlling
banks as to be a proper incident thereto.

In  addition,  Bancshares  is  subject  to   the  Securities
Exchange  Act of 1934 and files reports with the  Securities
and Exchange Commission under provisions of that Act.

The Bank

Both federal  and  state  laws  extensively regulate various
aspects  of  the  banking industry,  including  requirements
regarding  the maintenance  of  reserves  against  deposits,
limitations  on  the rates that can be charged on loans, and
restrictions  on  the   nature  and  amounts  of  loans  and
investments that can be made.

Banks domiciled in Louisiana having a minimum capitalization
of $100,000 may open one  or  more  branch  offices anywhere
within  the  state  and  acquire  one or more banks  located
within  the  state  or  any  or  all  branches  thereof.   A
certificate   of  authority  must  be  obtained   from   the
Commissioner of  Financial  Institutions  in connection with
the establishment of a branch office.

Louisiana's  reciprocal interstate banking law  allows  bank
holding  companies   domiciled   in  any  state  to  acquire
Louisiana banks and bank holding companies,  if the state in
which  the  holding  company  is domiciled allows  Louisiana
banks and bank holding companies the same opportunities.

As  a  state bank, the Bank is subject  to  the  supervisory
authority   of   the  Louisiana  Commissioner  of  Financial
Institutions, whose office conducts periodic examinations of
the Bank.  As a federally-insured  bank,  the  Bank  is also
subject to supervision and regulation by the Federal Deposit
Insurance   Corporation.    The   foregoing   regulation  is
primarily  intended  to  protect  the  Bank's creditors  and
depositors rather than Bancshares' security holders.


The   following   tables   contain  additional   information
concerning the business operations  of  Bancshares  and  the
Bank  and  should  be  read in conjunction with Management's
Discussion and Analysis  of  Financial Condition and Results
of Operations and the consolidated  financial statements and
the related notes thereto for the three years ended December
31, 1996, included in Items 7 and 8, respectively.


The  Bank adopted the provisions of Statement  of  Financial
Accounting   Standards   No.  115,  Accounting  for  Certain
Investments in Debt and Equity Securities (Statement 115) at
December 31, 1993.  Under  Statement  115,  held-to-maturity
securities  are  those  securities  which the Bank  has  the
ability   and  intent  to  hold  until  maturity.    Trading
securities  are  bought and held principally for the purpose
of selling them in  the  near  future.  All other securities
not included in trading or held-to-maturity  are  classified
as available-for-sale.

Trading  and  available-for-sale securities are recorded  at
fair value.  Held-to-maturity  securities  are  recorded  at
amortized  cost,  adjusted for the amortization or accretion
of premiums and discounts.

Carrying values of securities at December 31, 1996 and 1995,
are as follows (in thousands of dollars):

                                  Held-to-  Available- 
                                   maturity  for-sale   Total     1995
                                   ________  ________   _____     _____

 Mortgage-backed securities        $  3,405   13,406    16,811    20,984
 Other U.S. Government agencies           -    2,415     2,415     1,482
 State and municipal obligations      9,909    4,172    14,081    14,129
 Collateralized mortgage obligations    441      346       787       770
                                   _________ _________ _________ _________

                                   $ 13,755   20,339    34,094    37,365

Additional information with respect to the  amortized  cost,
approximate  market  value  and  gross  unrealized gains and
losses  is included in note 2 to the consolidated  financial

The carrying  value  and  average  yield  of  securities  at
December  31,  1996, by contractual maturity are shown below
(in thousands of  dollars).  Expected maturities will differ
from contractual maturities  on  securities  which  may have
call provisions.

                                            Amortized    Average
                                                cost      yield
                                                ____      _____

State and municipal obligations:
 Due after one year through five years       $    501      6.69
 Due after five years through ten years         7,071      5.40
 Due after ten years                            2,337      5.36

 Mortgage-backed securities                     3,405      7.92

 Collateralized mortgage obligations              441      7.98
     Total held-to-maturity                  $ 13,755

                                              Fair        Average
                                              value        yield
                                             ______       ______

Other U.S. Government agencies:
 Due in one year or less                     $ 1,204       7.76
 Due after one year through five years         1,118       6.93
 Due after five years through ten years           93       6.75
State and municipal obligations:
 Due in one year or less                         467       5.62
 Due after one year through five years         2,501       5.02
 Due after five through ten years              1,204       4.94

Mortgage-backed securities                    13,406       6.69

Collateralized mortgage obligations              346       7.38
    Total available-for-sale                $ 20,339

The  weighted  average yields shown above have been computed
by comparing the  forward  income  stream on the securities,
plus  or  minus the anticipated accretion  of  discounts  or
amortization  of  premiums,  to  the  amortized  cost of the
securities,  which is stated at cost, adjusted for  previous
amortization or  accretion.   Average  yields  on  issues of
states and political subdivisions have not been computed  on
a tax equivalent basis.

At  December 31, 1996, the Bank held no securities issued by
a single  issuer which exceeded 10% of stockholders' equity.
At December  31,  1995,  the  Bank held securities issued by
Assumption Parish totaling $980,000,  which  exceeded 10% of
stockholders' equity.


Types of Loans

The amount of loans outstanding by type and concentration is
shown in the following table (in thousands of dollars):

                                             December 31
                                            1996     1995
                                            ____     ____

 Commercial, financial and agricultural   $  2,680   3,498
 Real estate, principally mortgage          50,413  46,695
 Individuals                                 7,738   6,893
                                          ________  _______
                                          $ 60,831  57,086
                                          ========  =======

Substantially  all  of  the  Bank's  loans are derived  from
borrowers  and  property located in the  local  market  area
which is largely  dependent on the agricultural and chemical
industries.  The Bank does not have concentrations of credit
in  either  of  these   industries.    However,  the  Bank's
borrowers  are  all  indirectly  affected  by  the  economic
performance of these industries.

The loan portfolio contains no foreign loans.

Maturities and Sensitivities of Loans to Changes in Interest

The  following table presents the maturity distribution  and
sensitivity  to  interest rate changes of the loan portfolio
at December 31, 1996 (in thousands of dollars):

                                           Due in   Over 1   Over
                                            1 year   to 5     5
                                           or less*  years   years    Total
                                           ________ _______  ______   ______
 Maturity of Loans

 Commercial, financial and agricultural     $   652   1,948     80     2,680
 Real estate                                 12,265  36,635  1,513    50,413
 Individuals                                  1,886   5,623    229     7,738
                                           ________  ______  ______   ______

                                           $ 14,803  44,206  1,822    60,831
                                           ========  ======  ======   ======
 Interest Rate Sensitivity

 Loans with predetermined rates              10,598  44,206  1,822    56,626
Loans with floating rates                     4,205       -      -     4,205
                                           ________  ______  _____    ______
                                           $ 14,803  44,206  1,822    60,831
                                           ========  ======  =====    ======

 * Includes demand loans, loans having no stated schedule of
repayments and  no stated maturity and overdrafts.

Interest  rate  sensitivity management is concerned with the
management of the  timing  and magnitude of repricing assets
compared to liabilities.  It  is  the  objective of interest
rate sensitivity management to generate stable growth in net
interest  income  and to control the risks  associated  with
interest  rate  movement.    Management   regularly  reviews
interest  rate exposure by utilizing forecasting  models  to
analyze the  impact various interest rate changes would have
on net interest income.

Interest rate  sensitivity  is  defined  as  the exposure to
fluctuations  in market rates of interest earned  and  paid.
Sensitivity to  fluctuations  in  market  rates  of interest
occurs  when  the  repricing  characteristics  of  interest-
earning assets and interest-bearing liabilities do not match
within  the same period.  When the repricing characteristics
do not match,  a "gap" is created.  The Bank's interest rate
sensitivity  on  December   31,  1996  is  detailed  in  the
following  table.   While  the  table   is  presented  on  a
contractual  basis,  a  significant portion  of  the  Bank's
retail deposits do not respond  to changes in interest rates
to the degree the unadjusted gap would indicate.

The Bank's experience has indicated  that  repricing of NOW,
savings and money market accounts does not result in changes
of  the same magnitude as changes in general  market  rates.
In addition,  these  categories  have historically been very
stable sources of funds to the Bank,  which would indicate a
much   longer  implicit  maturity  than  their   contractual

(Dollars in thousands)

                                  1996                    1995                   1994
                          _________________________ ________________________ _________________________
                            Daily    Amount            Daily  Amount           Daily   Amount
                           average  earned  Average   average earned Average  average  earned  Average
                           balance  or paid  rate     balance or paid  rate   balance  or paid  rate
                           _______  ________ ______   _______ _______ ______  ________ ________ _______
Interest-earning assets:
  Loans<F1>               $ 60,078    5,510   9.17%   $ 54,072  4,819  8.91%  $ 47,904  4,259    8.89%
  Taxable securities        21,828    1,436   6.58      26,439  1,801  6.81     36,142  2,178    6.03
    securities<F2>          13,869      740   5.34      13,644    709  5.20      9,862    490    4.97
  Federal funds sold         4,683      244   5.21       2,797    164  5.86      4,032    146    3.62
  Deposits with 
     other banks                99        6   6.06          99      6  6.06         99      5    5.05 
                           ________   ______            ______  ______          ______  ______
      Total interest-
       earning assets      100,557    7,936   7.89      97,051  7,499  7.73     98,039  7,078    7.22
                                      ______                    ______                  ______
Noninterest-earning assets:
  Cash and due from banks    4,545                       4,524                   3,932
  Bank premises and 
    equipment                2,171                       2,210                   1,839
  Other assets               1,223                       1,343                   1,932
  Allowance for loan losses (1,222)                     (1,116)                 (1,104)
                           _______                     ________                _________
                           107,274                     104,012                 104,638
                           _______                     ________                _________
Interest-bearing liabilities:
    NOW                     17,657      421   2.38      18,166    485  2.6     719,225    439    2.28
    Savings and IRA         22,591      761   3.37      23,096    827  3.5     824,087    793    3.29
    Money market            10,395      232   2.23      10,892    260  2.3     911,850    295    2.49
    Certificates of
     deposit and other
     time deposits,
     $100,000 and over       3,925      205   5.22       3,571    187  5.2      43,237    112    3.46
    Other certificates
     of deposit             30,527    1,591   5.21      27,712  1,339  4.83     26,856    890    3.31
    Fed funds purchased          8        1   6.25         441     26  5.90        805     40    4.97
                           _______   _______           ________ ______          _______ ______         
       Total interest-bearing
         liabilities        85,103    3,211   3.77      83,878  3,124  3.72     86,060  2,569    2.99
                                     _______                    ______                  _______

Noninterest-bearing liabilities:
  Demand deposits           11,898                      10,912                  10,111
  Other liabilities            723                         491                     386

Stockholders' equity         9,550                       8,731                   8,081
                           ________                    _________              _________
                         $ 107,274                   $ 104,012               $ 104,638
                           ========                    =========              =========
Net interest income/average
  earning assets                    $ 4,725   4.70%            $4,375  4.51%           $4,509   4.60%
                                     ======   =====             =====  =====           =======  ======

                              1996 compared with 1995       1995 compared with 1994   
                              ________________________      ________________________
                                 Variance due to              Variance due to
                                 ________________             _______________
                                             Rate/                          Rate/
                              Volume   Rate  volume  Total    Volume  Rate  volume  Total
                              ______   ____ _______ _______  _______ _____ _______ ______
Interest-earning assets:
  Loans<F1>                    535      140      16    691      548    10      1     560
  Taxable securities          (314)     (62)     11   (345)    (548)  283    (76)   (378)
    securities<F2>              12       19      -      31      188    22      9     219
  Federal funds sold           111      (18)    (13)    80      (44)   91    (28)     19
  Deposits with 
     other banks                 -        -       -      0        -     1      -       1
                             _______   ______  ______ ______  ______ ______ ______  ______
      Total interest-
       earning assets          344       79      15    437      107   407    (94)    421
                             ______    ______  ______ ______  ______ ______ _______ ______
Noninterest-earning assets:
  Cash and due from banks 
  Bank premises and 
  Other assets            
  Allowance for loan losses
Interest-bearing liabilities:
    NOW                        (14)     (51)      1    (64)     (24)   74     (4)     46
    Savings and IRA            (18)     (49)      1    (66)     (33)   69     (3)     34
    Money market               (12)     (17)      1    (28)     (24)  (12)     1     (35) 
    Certificates of
     deposit and other
     time deposits,
     $100,000 and over          19        -       -     18       12    58      6      75
    Other certificates
     of deposit                136      105      11    252       28   408     13     449
    Fed funds purchased        (26)       2      (2)   (26)     (18)    7     (3)    (14)
                             _______  ______   ______ _______   _____ _____   ____   _____    
       Total interest-bearing
         liabilities            85      (10)     12     87      (59)  604     10      555
                             ______   _______ _______ _______  _____ ______  ______ ______

Noninterest-bearing liabilities:
  Demand deposits           
  Other liabilities         

Stockholders' equity        
Net interest income/average
  earning assets              259        89       2    350      166   (197)  (104)  (134)
                           =======     ======   ===== ======   ====== ====== ====== =======

<F1>  Loans on which interest accruals have been stopped are included in
the daily average balances of loans outstanding.
<F2>  Not taxable equivalent. 

The table  indicates  the  Bank  is  liability  sensitive (a
negative gap) at December 31, 1996 for periods 1-90 days and
91-365 days, and is asset sensitive (a positive gap) for the
period  over  one  year  or fixed.  A positive gap indicates
more interest-earning assets  are  subject to repricing than
interest-bearing liabilities in a given period.  Conversely,
a  negative gap indicates more interest-bearing  liabilities
are  subject  to  repricing  earlier  than  interest-earning
assets.  In an environment of increasing interest  rates,  a
positive  gap  implies  that  earnings  would be expected to
increase as the volume of repricing assets exceeds repricing
liabilities.   In  contrast,  a  negative gap  implies  that
earnings would be expected to decrease  in an environment of
increasing  interest rates.  It should be  noted  that  this
presents the Bank's overall position for a single day, which
may not be indicative of its position in the future.

Interest Rate Sensitivity

                             1-90       91-365      Over 1
                              days       days       year        Total
                           ________    _______    ________     _______

Loans                      $  8,457      6,346      46,028      60,831
Securities                    5,901      2,929      25,264      34,094
Federal funds sold           10,400          -           -      10,400
Interest-bearing deposits         -         99           -          99
                          ___________  __________  __________ __________
    Total earning assets     24,758      9,374      71,292     105,424
                          ___________  __________  __________ __________
NOW and savings accounts     33,894          -           -      33,894
Money market accounts        10,584          -           -      10,584
Certificates of deposit and
  IRA accounts               24,187     14,549       3,869      42,605
                          ___________  ___________  __________ _________
    Total interest-bearing
      liabilities            68,665     14,549       3,869      87,083
                          ___________  ___________  __________ _________
Gap                        $(43,907)    (5,175)     67,423      18,341
                          ===========  ===========  ========== =========
Cumulative gap             $(43,907)   (49,082)     18,341
                          ===========  ===========  ==========
Cumulative gap/total
  earning assets             (41.65)%   (46.56)%     17.40%
                          ===========  ===========  ==========

Risk Elements

The  following  table sets forth the past due and nonaccrual
loans (in thousands of dollars):

                                                   December 31
                                                   1996   1995
                                                   _____  _____
 Loans past due 90 days or more                   $ 100    135
                                                    ====   ====
 Nonaccrual loans                                 $ 850    853
                                                    ====   ====

The  amount  of additional  interest  income  on  nonaccrual
loans, which would  have  been  recognized  during  1996 and
1995,  had  the  related loans been performing according  to
their  original  terms   was   not   material.   The  income
recognized on the cash basis on loans  in  nonaccrual status
was  approximately  $53,000 and $48,500 for 1996  and  1995,

Loans  are  placed on nonaccrual  status  when  management's
assessment of  the  borrowers' financial condition indicates
that collection of interest  is  doubtful.   In  making this
determination,  management  considers  current economic  and
business   conditions,   the   nature   of  the  collateral,
collection efforts and regulatory guidelines.

Potential Problem Loans

Management   has   identified   approximately  $230,000   of
potential problem loans, which are  loans for which payments
are  contractually current but the borrowers  are  currently
experiencing  financial  difficulties  at December 31, 1996,
which   are  not  otherwise  identified  as  past   due   or


The following table summarizes the activity in the allowance
for loan  losses  arising from loans charged-off, recoveries
of  loans  previously  charged-off,  and  additions  to  the
allowance charged to income (in thousands of dollars):

                                                    Years ended
                                                    December 31
                                                    1996   1995
                                                    -----  -----
Balance of the allowance for loan
 losses at beginning of year                       $ 1,196 1,104
                                                     _____ _____
Loans charged-off:
 Commercial, financial and agricultural                 11     3
 Real estate                                            57    25
 Individuals                                            65    59
                                                     _____ _____
                                                       133    87
                                                     _____ _____
Recoveries on loans previously charged-off:
 Commercial, financial and agricultural                 44     9
 Real estate                                            26    17
 Individuals                                            21    17
                                                     _____ ______
                                                        91    43
                                                     _____ ______
Net loans charged-off                                   42    44

Provision charged to income                             36   136
                                                     _____ ______
Balance of the allowance for loan
 losses at end of year                               $ 1,190 1,196
                                                     ===== ======
Ratio of net charge-offs during the year to
 average loans outstanding during the year            0.07% 0.08%
                                                     ===== ======

Allowance for Loan Losses and Nonperforming Loans

Management considers  the allowance for loan losses adequate
to  cover  losses  on  the  loans  outstanding  as  of  each
reporting date.  It must  be  emphasized,  however, that the
determination  of the allowance for loan losses,  using  the
Bank's procedures  and methods, rests upon various judgments
and assumptions.  The  factors  which influence management's
judgment in determining the level  of the allowance for loan
losses and the amount which is charged to operating expenses
are:  (1) past loan loss experience;  (2) composition of the
loan portfolio; (3) evaluation of potential  future  losses;
(4) current economic conditions; (5) specific identification
and anticipation of problem and nonperforming loans, and (6)
other relevant factors affecting loans.  No assurance can be
given  that  the  Bank  will  not, in any particular period,
sustain loan losses which are sizable  in  relation  to  the
amount  reserved  or that subsequent evaluations of the loan
portfolio,  in  light   of   conditions   and  factors  then
prevailing,  will  not  require significant changes  in  the
allowance for loan losses.   In addition, various regulatory
agencies, as an integral part  of their examination process,
periodically review the Bank's allowance  for  loan  losses.
Such agencies may require the Bank to recognize additions to
the  allowance  based  on  their  judgment about information
available to them at the time of their examinations.

The  following is an allocation of the  allowance  for  loan
losses  by related categories of loans and the percentage of
loans in  each  category  to  total  loans  (in thousands of

                                           December  31

                                     1996                  1995
                                     ____                  ____

Commercial, financial and
 agricultural                    $  52   4.4%         $  73    6.1%
Real estate                        987  82.9            978   81.8
Individuals                        151  12.7            145   12.1
                                 _____  _____         ______ ______
                               $ 1,190 100.0%       $ 1,196  100.0%
                                 ===== ======         ====== ======

The daily average amounts and average rates paid on deposits
are summarized below (in thousands of dollars):

                                         December  31

                                     1996               1995
                                     ____               ____

 Noninterest-bearing demand     $ 11,898   - %       $ 10,912     - %
 NOW accounts                     17,657 2.4           18,166   2.7
 Money market accounts            10,395 2.2           10,892   2.4
 Savings and IRA accounts         22,591 3.4           23,096   3.6
 Certificates of deposit and 
  other time deposits, $100,000 
  and over                         3,925 5.2            3,571   5.2
 Other certificates of deposit    30,527 5.2           27,712   4.8
                                  ------ ===           ------   ===
                               $  96,993             $ 94,349
                                  ======               ======

Remaining  maturities  of  deposits  of  $100,000 or more at
December 31, 1996, are summarized as follows  (in  thousands
of dollars):
                                            Over 3
                                 Within     through  Over 12
                                 3 months   12 months months  total
                                 ________   _________ _______ ______

Certificates of deposit,
 and other time deposits,
 $100,000 and over                $ 2,999     1,128    200    4,327
                                  =======    ======== ======= =======

The Bank has no foreign deposits.


The  following table shows the return on assets (net  income
divided  by  average  total  assets),  return on equity (net
income  divided  by average equity), dividend  payout  ratio
(dividends declared  per  share  divided  by  net income per
share) and equity to assets ratio (average equity divided by
average total assets) for each year indicated.

                                              Year  ended
                                              December 31
                                             1996     1995
                                             ____     _____

Return on assets                             1.06%    1.04%
Return on equity                            11.86    12.34
Dividend payout ratio                       36.72    38.63
Equity to assets ratio                       8.90     8.39
                                            =====    =====
Item 2 - Properties

The   principal  properties  of  Bancshares  and  the   Bank
(collectively, the Company), are its main offices located at
110  Franklin  Street,  Napoleonville,  Louisiana,  a  motor
branch  in  Napoleonville,  Louisiana,  an  automatic teller
machine  (ATM) in Belle Rose, Louisiana, and branch  offices
in Pierre  Part  and Labadieville, Louisiana.  The Bank owns
all of these properties with no encumbrances.  The Bank also
owns  certain leasehold  improvements  associated  with  its
LaPlace branch.

Item 3 - Legal Proceedings

The Company  is  a  party  to various ordinary routine legal
proceedings incidental to its  business, none of which it is
believed by management, after consulting with counsel,  will
have  a material effect on the financial position or results
of operations of either Bancshares or the Bank.

Item 4 - Submission of Matters to a Vote of Security Holders

No matters  were  submitted  to  a  vote of security holders
during the fourth quarter of the fiscal year covered by this

Item 4a - Executive Officers of the Registrant

The executive officers of Bancshares and the Bank are Joseph
H. Montero and Harold F. Templet.  Mr.  Montero,  62, is the
President and Chief Executive Officer of Bancshares  and the
Bank  and  has  served  as  an executive officer of the Bank
since 1971.  Mr. Templet, 50,  has been an executive officer
of the Bank since 1981; he currently  serves  as Bancshares'
Secretary   and   Treasurer   and  the  Bank's  Senior  Vice


Item 5 - Market Price of, and Dividends on, the Registrant's
Common Equity andRelated Stockholder Matters

The primary market area for Bancshares'  common stock is the
Assumption  Parish  area.   There is no established  trading
market  for  the  common  stock.    The  limited  number  of
transactions that have come to the attention  of  management
during  the  past  two years have occurred at prices ranging
from $27 to $42 per  share.   No assurance can be given that
this range of prices per share  represents the actual market
value of Bancshares' common stock.

The approximate number of holders of record of each class of
Bancshares' equity securities as  of  December 31, 1996, was
as follows:

          Title  of Class             Number of Record Holders
          _______________             _________________________

    Common stock, $5 par value                   732

Bancshares' declared annual dividends to its stockholders of
$416,000 ($2.60  per  share)  during each  of 1996 and 1995. 
Future dividends are  dependent  upon  the  future  earnings
of Bancshares and management's discretion.

Item 6 - Selected Financial Data

Selected financial  data of Bancshares and the Bank for each
of  the years in the five-year  period  ended  December  31,
1996,  is  shown below.   The selected financial data should
be  read in conjunction  with  Management's  Discussion  and
Analysis  of  Financial  Condition and Results of Operations
and the consolidated financial  statements  and  the related
notes  thereto for the three years ended December 31,  1996,
included   in  Items  7  and  8,  respectively  (dollars  in
thousands, except per share data).


                                 1996       1995        1994        1993      1992
                                 ____       ____        ____        ____      ____
 Interest income:
   Interest and fees
      on loans                 $ 5,510      4,819       4,259       4,169     4,520
   Interest on securities        2,176      2,510       2,668       3,008     3,554
   Other                           250        170         151         164       153
                               ________   ________     ________    ________   ______
   Total interest
     income                      7,936      7,499       7,078       7,341      8,227

 Interest expense               (3,211)    (3,125)     (2,569)     (2,832)    (3,601)
                               ________   ________     ________    _________  _______
   Net interest
     income                      4,725      4,374       4,509       4,509      4,626

Provision for possible
  loan losses                      (36)      (136)        (60)       (321)      (446)
                               ________    ________    _________   _________   _______
Net interest income
  after provision for
  possible loan losses            4,689      4,238        4,449      4,188      4,180
                               ________    ________    _________   _________   _______

 Other income                      587        637          531        662        330
 Other expenses                 (3,723)    (3,582)      (3,539)    (3,241)    (3,101)
                               ________    ________    _________   _________   _______
   Income before
     income taxes                1,553      1,293        1,441      1,609      1,409

 Income tax expense                420        216          275        496        432
                               ________    ________    _________   _________   _______
   Income before
     cumulative effect
     of change in
     principle                  1,133       1,077        1,166      1,113        977

Cumulative effect of
  change in accounting
  for income taxes                 -            -            -         54          -
                              ________    ________    _________   _________   _______
   Net income                 $ 1,133       1,077        1,166      1,167        977

Per share data:
  Income before cumulative
   effect of change in
   accounting principle       $  7.08         6.73         7.29       6.95       6.11
                               ========    =========    =========  =========   ========

  Cumulative effect of
   change in accounting
   for income taxes           $     -            -            -        .34          -

  Net income                  $  7.08         6.73         7.29       7.29       6.11
                               ========    =========    =========   ========   ========

  Dividends declared          $  2.60         2.60         2.25       2.50       1.75
                               ========    =========    =========   ========   ========

                                1996       1995        1994         1993      1992
                              _______    ________    _______      ________  _______
Number of shares
 used in
 computations                 160,000    160,000     160,000       160,000   160,000
                             =========  =========   =========     =========  ========
 Total securities           $  34,094     37,365      42,676        48,669    45,142
                             =========  =========   =========     =========  ========
 Total loans                $  60,831     57,086      50,576        43,559    42,889
                             =========  =========   =========     =========  ========
 Total assets               $ 111,802    109,108     106,426       105,843   107,728
                             =========  =========   =========     =========  ========

Item  7  - Management's Discussion and Analysis of Financial
Condition and Results of Operations

The following  discussion  focuses primarily on the Bank and
should  be  read  in  conjunction   with   the  consolidated
financial statements, the related notes thereto,  and  other
financial information presented herein.

Overview of 1996 Performance

The  Bank recorded consolidated net income of $1,133,000  or
$7.08  per  share  in  1996  as  compared to a net income of
$1,077,000 or $6.73 per share in 1995,  and  a net income of
$1,166,000 or $7.29 per share in 1994.  Equity  capital  was
8.90%  and 8.40% of assets as of December 31, 1996 and 1995,

The  Bank's  net  income  increased  slightly  in  1996  due
primarily  to  two  factors.   First,  net  interest  income
increased  from  $4,374,000  in  1995 to $4,725,000 in 1996.
Loan  demand  in  the  Bank's  trade  area   has   increased
significantly since early 1994.  The resulting growth in the
loan portfolio has helped the Bank achieve a higher yield on
earning   assets.    This  increase  in  income  earned  was
partially  offset  by higher  balances  of  interest-bearing
liabilities.  The Bank's  net interest margin increased from
4.51% in 1995 to 4.70% in 1996.

Secondly, as a result of the  continued low level of charge-
offs experienced by the Bank, the  provision for loan losses
was $36,000 in 1996, as compared to  $136,000  in 1995.  The
growth in the loan portfolio over the past years resulted in
an increase in the provision during 1995.

The  factors  described  above  which  contributed  to   the
increase in net income during 1996 are offset by an increase
in  other  expenses from $3,582,000 in 1995 to $3,723,000 in
1996.  The increase  is due primarily to a $203,000 increase
in legal and consulting  fees  as  a  result  of  the merger
negotiations discussed below.

The   Bank's   effective   income   tax  rate  increased  to
approximately 26% during 1996, up from  approximately 17% in
1995. Although the Bank's tax exempt income  earned on state
and  municipal  obligations  remained  consistent,  the  tax
exempt income as a percentage of total income decreased.  In
addition,   professional   fees   related   to  the   merger
negotiations discussed  below of approximately  $180,000 are
not   deductible   for  tax  purposes.   These  two  factors
increased the Bank's  effective  income  tax rate and income
tax expense for 1996.

Liquidity and Capital Resources

The  Bank's deposits increased approximately  $2,030,000  at
December  31, 1996 as compared to December 31, 1995.  Equity
as a percentage  of  year-end assets increased from 8.04% at
December  31,  1995 to 8.90%  at  December  31,  1996.   Net
earnings of $1,133,000 for the year ended December 31, 1996,
offset  by  a decrease  in  the  fair  value  of  securities
classified as  available-for-sale  of $48,000, and dividends
of  $416,000  resulted  in a net increase  in  stockholders'
equity  of  $669,000.   The   increase   in  cash  and  cash
equivalents was due primarily to the increase  in  deposits,
and  the  normal  cycle  of  cash  flow  by the agricultural
customers in the Bank's trade area.

In prior years, fluctuating interest rates  and  competitive
forces  in  the financial services industry have intensified
the  need for  management  and  matching  of  maturities  of
various  assets  and  liabilities.   During the recent past,
interest rates earned on loans and newly-acquired securities
have  generally  stabilized.  However, elimination  of  rate
ceilings and maturity restrictions on a major segment of the
Bank's interest-bearing  deposit  accounts, the introduction
of money market accounts and the general deregulation of the
financial services industry have intensified competition for
funds,  resulting  in  the  need  for  management   of   all
maturities.  This process involves maintaining liquidity and
controlling  interest  sensitivity.   The  goal of liquidity
management  is  to ensure funds are available  for  customer
needs.  Interest  sensitivity  management  attempts to match
shifts   in  earning  asset  yields  with  interest   paying
liability rates.

Increased competition for funds and loans have created risks
for institutions  without  adequate  liquidity and favorable
opportunities   for   those   which  have  their   resources
structured to take advantage of income opportunities as they
appear.   The  Bank has an aggregate  of  approximately  $38
million of cash  and  due  from  banks,  federal funds sold,
securities  and loans maturing within one year.   Management
believes  the   Bank  currently  has  sufficient  liquidity.
Further liquidity  may  be provided for the Bank, should the
need arise, by acquiring  additional  deposits  and  through
borrowing  from the federal funds market or through the  use
of repurchase agreements.

The dividends  declared and paid in 1996, 1995 and 1994 were
$2.60,  $2.60,  and  $2.25  per  share,  respectively.   The
continuation of the  dividend  is  dependent upon the future
profitability  of  the Bank.  While management  expects  the
Bank to be profitable  in  the  future, future profitability
cannot be predicted with certainty.

The Federal Reserve Board has adopted  a  risk-based capital
measure  which is applicable to bank holding  companies  and
banks.  The  guidelines  for  measuring  compliance with the
risk-based capital require a minimum total  capital standard
of 8% at December 31, 1996, of which 4.00% must  consist  of
"core"  capital  (common stockholders' equity).  At December
31, 1996, the Bank  was  in  compliance  with the risk-based
capital requirements having a core capital  ratio  of 17.69%
and  a  total  capital  ratio of 18.94%.  Management is  not
aware of any recommendations by regulatory authorities which
are reasonably likely to  have  a  material  effect  on  the
Bank's liquidity, capital resources or operations.


Securities  which  totaled $34,094,000 at December 31, 1996,
decreased approximately  $3,271,000 or 9% from 1995.  During
1996,  the Bank experienced  loan  growth  of  approximately
$3,700,000  which  was  funded  primarily  through sales and
maturities  of  investments.   The  securities portfolio  is
managed  with the primary objective of  generating  interest
income while  maintaining  an  appropriate  level  of  asset
liquidity  and controlling the Bank's net interest rate risk

The Bank adopted  the  provisions  of Statement of Financial
Accounting  Standards  No.  115,  Accounting   for   Certain
Investments in Debt and Equity Securities (Statement 115) at
December  31,  1993.   Under Statement 115, held-to-maturity
securities  are those securities  which  the  Bank  has  the
ability  and  intent   to   hold  until  maturity.   Trading
securities are bought and held  principally  for the purpose
of  selling  them  in  the  near future.  The Bank  has  not
established a trading portfolio.   All  other securities not
included  in trading or held-to-maturity are  classified  as
available-for-sale.     Trading    and    available-for-sale
securities  are  recorded  at  fair value.  Held-to-maturity
securities are recorded at amortized  cost, adjusted for the
amortization or accretion of premiums and discounts.

During  November  1995,  the Financial Accounting  Standards
Board  (FASB)  issued  a  "A  Guide   to  Implementation  of
Statement 115 on Accounting for Certain  Investments in Debt
and   Equity   Securities"   (Implementation   Guide).    In
accordance   with   the   Implementation   Guide,  the  Bank
reclassified   securities   with   an   amortized  cost   of
$10,899,000 and a net unrealized gain of  $14,600 from held-
to-maturity to available-for-sale as of December  31,  1995.
After the reclassification, the carrying value of securities
available-for-sale   included   $37,000  in  net  unrealized
losses, net of taxes, as of December 31, 1995.

As of December 31, 1996, securities  with  a  fair  value of
$20,339,000  have  been  identified  as  available-for-sale.
Falling bond prices caused a decrease in the  market  values
of   these   securities  during  1996.   Amortized  cost  of
securities classified  as  available-for-sale exceeded their
fair market value by $16,000.   Included  in other assets at
December 31, 1996, is $5,000 to reflect the  tax  effect  of
unrealized   holding  losses.   A  net  unrealized  loss  on
securities of $11,000 is included in stockholders' equity at
December  31, 1996.   Management  considers  the  unrealized
losses  in the  securities  portfolio  to  be  temporary  in

Allowance and Provision for Loan Losses

The provision  for loan losses was $36,000 in 1996, compared
to  $136,000 in 1995,  respectively.   This  relatively  low
provision  is  due to the continued low level of charge-offs
experienced by the Bank.  The higher provision in 1995 was a
result of the growth  of  the  loan  portfolio over the past
years.  The Bank's allowance for loan losses as a percentage
of gross loans was 1.96% and 2.09% at  December 31, 1996 and
1995, respectively.  The provision for loan  losses is based
upon management's evaluation of the loan portfolio  and  the
prevailing  local economy.  Management continues to evaluate
the adequacy  of the allowance for loan losses on an ongoing
basis  and  believes,   based  on  its  analysis,  that  the
allowance is adequate to absorb losses relating to these and
other credits in the portfolio.

The level of nonperforming assets, which includes other real
estate  and  nonaccrual loans,  increased  to  approximately
$880,000 at December  31,  1996  compared  to  $874,000  and
$681,000  at December 31, 1995 and 1994, respectively.  This
increase in  nonperforming  assets  is  not  the result of a
single  borrower;  rather, it is due to several  residential
and commercial real  estate loans being placed on nonaccrual
status during 1995.  As  a  percentage  of  total loans plus
foreclosed assets, nonperforming assets were 1.4%, 1.5%, and
1.3%  at  December  31,  1996,  1995 and 1994, respectively.
Management  does  not  believe there  has  been  an  overall
deterioration in asset quality as a result of these changes.

Net Interest Income

The primary factors which impact net interest income are the
gross  amount  and  mix  of   interest-earning   assets  and
interest-bearing  liabilities, their respective yields,  and
relative sensitivity to changes in market interest rates.

Net  interest  income   in  1996  was  $4,725,000,  up  from
$4,374,000  in  1995  and  $4,509,000   in  1994.   Although
interest  rates  increased during 1995 and  remained  stable
during 1996, the Bank's  yield  on  loans increased slightly
during the current year.  The Bank's  yields  on  loans have
traditionally  lagged the current interest rate environment.
The continued growth  in the loan portfolio since early 1994
has also helped the Bank  achieve  a higher yield on earning
assets.   During 1996, the Bank also  experienced  increased
balances  in  its  deposit  liabilities  with  stable  rates
compared to  1995.   The  net  result  is an increase in the
Bank's  net  interest margin for 1996.  The  table  entitled
Distribution  of   Assets,   Liabilities  and  Stockholders'
Equity; Interest Rates and Interest  Differential  appearing
under  the  heading Statistical Information in Item 1  above
reveals how increasing  volumes  of interest-earning assets,
increasing rates earned on the loan  portion of those assets
combined with higher volumes of interest-bearing liabilities
than  the  previous year resulted in a $351,000  higher  net
interest income when compared with 1995.

Other Income

Other income in 1996 was $587,000, down from the 1995 amount
of $637,000,  and  up  slightly  from $531,000 in 1994.  The
fluctuations in other income for 1996,  1995  and  1994  are
primarily  due  to  recognition  of approximately $31,000 of
interest on prior year income tax  refunds received in 1995,
rental  income  received  on  other  real  estate  in  1995,
security  losses  in  1994  and changes in  service  charges
earned on deposit accounts.

Other Expenses

Other  expenses  in  1996  totaled   $3,723,000,   up   from
$3,582,000 in 1995 and $3,539,000 in 1994.  The increase  is
due primarily to a $203,000 increase in legal and consulting
fees  relating  to  the merger negotiations discussed below.
The Bank also experienced  an  increase  in  its  ad valorem
taxes   and  taxes  assessed  on  capital  as  a  result  of
consistent  increases  in  capital  over  the past years and
reassessments  of the Bank's value by the respective  taxing
authorities.  These  increases  are  partially  offset  by a
decrease in the Bank's FDIC premiums.  During 1995, the Bank
Insurance  Fund (BIF) administered by the FDIC, became fully
funded and,  as a result, the Bank's FDIC insurance premiums
decreased from approximately $50,000 per quarter to $500 per
quarter.   Expenses  to  maintain  other  real  estate  also
decreased during  1996  due  to  the  Bank's  low  level  of

Other   expenses   increased  from  $3,539,000  in  1994  to
$3,582,000 in 1995 primarily  due to an increase in salaries
and  employee  benefits  expense.    Salaries  and  employee
benefits increased $87,000 during 1995  due  to the addition
of  three new employees, as well as an increase  in  pension

Income Taxes

Note  8  to the consolidated financial statements includes a
reconciliation  of  income  tax  expense for the years ended
December 31, 1996, 1995, and 1994 to the expected income tax
expense, based on the statutory federal  income  tax rate of
34%.  Tax-exempt interest of $746,000, $721,000 and $501,000
was   earned  during  1996,  1995  and  1994,  respectively.
Although there was a slight increase in 1996, the tax exempt
income  as  a  percentage  of  total  income  decreased.  In
addition,   professional   fees  of  approximately  $180,000
related to the merger negotiations  discussed  below are not
deductible  for  tax purposes.  These two factors  increased
the Bank's effective income tax rate for 1996.

Fair Value of Financial Instruments

The Bank adopted the  provisions  of  Statement of Financial
Accounting Standards No. 107, Disclosures  About  Fair Value
of  Financial  Instruments  (Statement 107) at December  31,
1995.   Under Statement 107, the  Bank  has  disclosed  fair
value information  for  its financial instruments.  Refer to
note 11 to the consolidated financial statements for further

The fair value of financial instruments is based upon quoted
market prices or management's best estimate of the values at
which the instruments could  be  exchanged  in a transaction
between willing parties.  Estimates of fair values are based
on present value and other valuation techniques,  which  are
significantly  affected  by  the assumptions used, including
discount rates and estimates of future cash flows.  As such,
the derived fair value estimates may not be realizable in an
immediate settlement of the instruments.

It is not management's intention to immediately dispose of a
significant portion of its financial  instruments; thus, any
unrealized gains or losses should not be  interpreted  as  a
forecast of future earnings and cash flows.

Effect of Inflation

Inflation  is  not  a  material  factor affecting the Bank's
business.  General operating expenses  such  as salaries and
employee   benefits   are,   however,   subject   to  normal
inflationary pressures.

Effects  of  Financial  Accounting Standards Issued but  not

In  June  1996,  the Financial  Accounting  Standards  Board
issued Statement of  Financial  Accounting Standard No. 125,
Accounting for Transfers and Servicing  of  Financial Assets
and   Extinguishments   of   Liabilities  (Statement   125).
Statement 125 is applicable to  transfers  and  servicing of
financial   assets   and   extinguishments   of  liabilities
occurring  after  the  effective  date and is to be  applied
prospectively.  The effective date  is  January  1, 1997 for
certain provisions of Statement 125 and January 1,  1998 for
the   remaining   provisions.    This   Statement   provides
accounting   and   reporting  standards  for  transfers  and
servicing  of  financial   assets   and  extinguishments  of
liabilities based on consistent application  of a financial-
components   approach   that   focuses   on   control.    It
distinguishes transfers of financial assets that  are  sales
from  transfers that are secured borrowings.  Management  of
the Bank does not expect that adoption of Statement 125 will
have a  material  impact  on  the Bank's financial position,
results of operations, or liquidity.

Merger Negotiations

On November 20, 1996, the Boards  of Directors of Assumption
Bancshares,  Inc. and ArgentBank announced  that  they  have
unanimously approved  a  Definitive Agreement which provides
for the merger of Assumption  Bank and Trust, a wholly-owned
subsidiary of Assumption Bancshares,  Inc.  with  ArgentBank
for $21.5 million, or approximately $134 per share,  payable
in  a combination of cash and ArgentBank common stock.   The
transaction   is   subject  to  regulatory  and  shareholder
approvals and the satisfaction  of certain other conditions.
ArgentBank  is  headquartered  in Thibodaux,  Louisiana  and
operates in Lafourche, Terrebonne and Assumption parishes.

Item 8 - Financial Statements and Supplementary Data

Index to Financial Statements

Independent Auditors' Report

Consolidated Statements of Condition as of December 31, 1996
 and 1995

Consolidated Statements of Operations  for  the  years ended
 December 31, 1996, 1995 and 1994

Consolidated  Statements  of  Stockholders'  Equity for  the
 years ended December 31, 1996, 1995 and 1994

Consolidated  Statements of Cash Flows for the  years  ended
 December 31, 1996, 1995 and 1994

Notes to Consolidated  Financial  Statements  for  the years
 ended December 31, 1996, 1995 and 1994

All  schedules  have  been  omitted  because  they  are  not
 applicable  or  the required information is presented in the
 consolidated financial statements or notes thereto.

                Independent Auditors' Report

The Board of Directors
Assumption Bancshares, Inc.:

We have audited the  accompanying consolidated statements of
condition of Assumption  Bancshares,  Inc. and subsidiary as
of December 31, 1996 and 1995, and the  related consolidated
statements  of  operations,  stockholders' equity  and  cash
flows for each of the years in  the  three-year period ended
December 31, 1996.  These consolidated  financial statements
are  the  responsibility  of the Company's management.   Our
responsibility   is  to  express   an   opinion   on   these
consolidated financial statements based on our audits.

We  conducted  our  audits   in  accordance  with  generally
accepted auditing standards.   Those  standards require that
we plan and perform the audit to obtain reasonable assurance
about whether the financial statements  are free of material
misstatement.  An audit includes examining, on a test basis,
evidence  supporting  the  amounts  and disclosures  in  the
financial statements.  An audit also  includes assessing the
accounting principles used and significant estimates made by
management,  as  well  as  evaluating the overall  financial
statement presentation.  We  believe that our audits provide
a reasonable basis for our opinion.

In  our  opinion,  the  consolidated   financial  statements
referred to above present fairly, in all  material respects,
the  financial position of Assumption Bancshares,  Inc.  and
subsidiary at December 31, 1996 and 1995, and the results of
their  operations and their cash flows for each of the years
in the three-  year  period  ended  December  31,  1996,  in
conformity with generally accepted accounting principles.


New Orleans, Louisiana
January 11, 1997

                       AND SUBSIDIARY

            Consolidated Statements of Condition

                 December 31, 1996 and 1995

                 Assets                     1996          1995
                 ______                     ____          ____

Cash and due from banks                $   4,266,633    6,293,399
Federal funds sold                        10,400,000    5,950,000
                                        ____________   ___________

Cash and cash equivalents                 14,666,633   12,243,399

Interest-bearing time deposits                99,000       99,000
  Held-to-maturity (market values of
    $13,988,010 and $14,765,181
    at December 31, 1996 and 1995,
    respectively)                         13,754,817   14,677,589
  Available-for-sale (amortized cost
    of $20,355,567 and $22,630,690
    at December 31, 1996 and 1995,
    respectively)                         20,339,424   22,686,923

Loans                                     60,830,935   57,086,118
  Less allowance for loan losses           1,190,245    1,195,517
                                        ____________   ___________

                                          59,640,690   55,890,601

Other real estate                             30,194       20,717
Bank premises and equipment, net           2,092,022    2,230,281
Accrued interest receivable                  850,752      814,196
Other assets                                 328,650      444,794
                                        ____________   ___________

                                       $ 111,802,182  109,107,500

                       AND SUBSIDIARY

      Consolidated Statements of Condition, continued

                                              1996          1995
                                             ______        ______
    Liabilities and Stockholders' Equity

  Noninterest-bearing deposits             $  14,294,965   12,542,093
  Interest-bearing deposits                   87,082,783   86,806,028
                                            ____________   __________
                                             101,377,748   99,348,121

Accrued interest payable                         368,598      340,500
Other liabilities and accrued expenses           220,702      252,980
                                            ____________   __________

   Total liabilities                         101,967,048   99,941,601
                                            ____________   ___________
Stockholders' equity:
  Common stock - $5 par value.  Authorized
    1,000,000 shares; issued and outstanding
    160,000 shares in 1996 and 1995              800,000      800,000
  Paid-in capital                                450,000      450,000
  Retained earnings                            8,595,789    7,878,785
 Unrealized gain (loss) on securities,
   net of income taxes                           (10,655)      37,114
                                           ______________  ___________
   Total stockholders' equity                  9,835,134    9,165,899
                                           ______________  ___________
Commitments                                $ 111,802,182  109,107,500
                                           ============== ============
See accompanying notes to consolidated financial statements.

                       AND SUBSIDIARY

           Consolidated Statements of Operations

        Years ended December 31, 1996, 1995 and 1994

                                                1996       1995       1994
                                               _____      _____      _____
Interest income:
 Interest and fees on loans                 $ 5,510,430  4,818,574  4,258,766
 Interest on securities:
 Taxable                                      1,436,440  1,800,819  2,177,923
 Exempt from federal income taxes               739,605    709,192    489,820
 Interest on federal funds sold                 243,989    163,735    146,561
 Interest on deposits with banks                  5,956      6,510      4,810
                                          _____________ __________ __________
     Total interest income                    7,936,420  7,498,830  7,077,880

Interest expense on deposits                  3,210,932  3,124,468  2,568,689
                                          _____________ __________ __________
     Net interest income                      4,725,488  4,374,362  4,509,191

Provision for loan losses                        36,000    136,000     60,000
                                           ____________ __________ __________
     Net interest income after
      provision for loan losses               4,689,488  4,238,362  4,449,191
                                           ____________ __________ __________
Other income:
 Service charges on customer accounts           442,916    422,508    382,879
 Securities gains (losses)                        7,496     (9,318)   (48,997)
 Other                                          136,537    223,327    197,340
                                           ____________ ___________ __________

                                                586,949    636,517    531,222

Other expenses                                3,723,389  3,581,629  3,539,335
                                           ____________ ___________ ___________
 Income before income taxes                   1,553,048  1,293,250  1,441,078

 Income tax expense                             420,044    216,019    274,859
                                            ____________ ___________ ___________
 Net income                                 $ 1,133,004  1,077,231  1,166,219
                                            ============ =========== ===========
Per share data:

 Net income                                 $      7.08       6.73       7.29
                                           ============ =========== ===========
 Number of shares used in computations          160,000    160,000    160,000
                                           ============ =========== ===========
See accompanying notes to consolidated financial statements.

                       AND SUBSIDIARY

      Consolidated Statements of Stockholders' Equity

        Years ended December 31, 1996, 1995 and 1994

                                                                                          gain or         Total
                                             Common      Paid-in       Retained          (loss) on      stockholders' 
                                              stock       captial       earnings         securities       equity
                                            _________    ________      __________        _________      __________
 Balances at January 1, 1994                $ 800,000     450,000       6,411,335         271,185        7,932,520

 Net income                                         -           -       1,166,219               -        1,166,219
 Dividends declared, $2.25 per common share         -           -        (360,000)              -         (360,000)
 Change in unrealized gain (loss) on
  securities, net of tax benefit of $423,981        -           -               -        (823,022)        (823,022)
                                            ___________  ___________   ___________      __________      ___________

 Balances at December 31, 1994                800,000      450,000      7,217,554        (551,837)       7,915,717

 Net income                                         -            -      1,077,231               -        1,077,231
 Dividends declared, $2.60 per common share         -            -       (416,000)              -         (416,000)
 Change in unrealized gain (loss) on
  securities, net of tax expense of $303,400        -            -              -         588,951          588,951
                                            ___________  ___________   ___________      __________      ___________

 Balances at December 31, 1995                800,000      450,000      7,878,785          37,114         9,165,899

 Net income                                         -            -      1,133,004               -         1,133,004
 Dividends declared, $2.60 per common share         -            -       (416,000)              -          (416,000)
 Change in unrealized gain (loss) on
 securities, net of tax benefit of $24,608          -            -              -         (47,769)          (47,769)
                                             ___________  ___________   ___________      __________      ___________

 Balances at December 31, 1996               $ 800,000     450,000      8,595,789          (10,655)       9,835,134
                                             ===========  ===========   ===========      ==========      ===========

See accompanying notes to consolidated financial statements.

                       AND SUBSIDIARY

           Consolidated Statements of Cash Flows

        Years ended December 31, 1996, 1995 and 1994

                                               1996       1995        1994
                                               ----       ----        ----
Cash flows from operating activities:
Net income                                $ 1,133,004  1,077,231    1,166,219
Adjustments to reconcile net
income to net cash provided
by operating activities:
 Depreciation and amortization                221,400    201,625      199,800
 Provision for loan losses                     36,000    136,000       60,000
 Securities losses (gains)                     (7,496)     9,318       48,997
 Writedown of other real estate                     -          -       63,554
 Decrease (increase) in accrued
  interest receivable                         (36,556)     5,620      (46,862)
 Increase (decrease) in accrued
  interest payable                             28,098    147,026      (18,941)
 Other                                        101,776    113,205       11,057
                                            _________  _________    _________
       Net cash provided by
         operating activities               1,476,226  1,690,025    1,483,824

Cash flows from investing activities:
 Proceeds from sales of securities
  available-for-sale                        1,749,568  5,213,282   11,523,329
 Maturities of and principal payments
  on securities held-to-maturity              920,267  2,256,336    5,075,055
 Purchases of securities available-for-
  sale                                     (2,780,211)  (489,431)    (458,675)
 Maturities of and principal payments
  on securities available-for-sale          3,315,766   1,503,873    3,250,573
 Purchases of securities held-to-
  maturity                                          -  (2,323,160) (14,780,358)
 Loans originated, net of principal
  collected                                (3,840,191) (6,577,548)  (7,055,327)
 Proceeds from sales of other real
  estate                                       51,323     228,733            -
 Capital expenditures                         (83,141)   (384,184)    (613,554)
                                           ___________  ___________  __________
       Net cash used in investing
         activities                          (666,619)   (572,099)   (3,058,957)
                                           ___________  ___________  __________

                       AND SUBSIDIARY

      Consolidated Statements of Cash Flows, continued

                                               1996       1995        1994
                                               ----       ----        ----

Cash flows from financing activities:
 Net increase (decrease) in demand
  deposits, NOW accounts, money
  market accounts and savings and
   IRA accounts                           $   716,216    (778,149)   1,712,634
 Net increase (decrease) in
  certificates of deposit                   1,313,411   1,873,503     (981,814)
 Dividends paid                              (416,000)   (416,000)    (360,000)
                                          _____________ ___________  ___________

        Net cash provided by
          financing activities              1,613,627     679,354      370,820
                                          _____________ ___________  ___________
 Net increase (decrease) in cash
  and cash equivalents                      2,423,234   1,797,280   (1,204,313)

 Cash and cash equivalents at
  beginning of year                        12,243,399  10,446,119   11,650,432
                                          ____________ ___________  ___________
 Cash and cash equivalents at
  end of year                            $ 14,666,633  12,243,399   10,446,119
                                          ============ ===========  ===========
 Supplemental disclosures:
  Interest paid                          $  3,182,834   2,977,442    2,587,630
                                          ============ ===========  ===========
  Income taxes paid                      $    340,000     250,000      310,000
                                          ============ ===========  ===========
See accompanying notes to consolidated financial statements.

                       AND SUBSIDIARY

         Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements

              December 31, 1996, 1995 and 1994

(1) Summary of Significant Accounting Policies

   (a) Organization

   Assumption  Bancshares,  Inc.  (Bancshares) was incorporated
   under the laws of the State of Louisiana  in  1984.  On July
   31, 1984, Assumption Bank and Trust Company (the  Bank)  was
   reorganized  as  a  subsidiary of Bancshares.  Prior to July
   31,   1984,  Bancshares   had   no   significant   activity.
   Bancshares   is   currently   engaged,   through   the  Bank
   subsidiary,   in   banking  activities.   The  Bank  is  the
   principal  asset  and   primary   source   of   revenue  for

   The  Bank  is  subject  to  competition from other financial
   institutions  and  the  regulations  of  certain  government
   agencies.     The    government    regulatory    authorities
   periodically  examine the  Bank's  financial  condition  and
   regulatory compliance.

  (b) Basis of Presentation

   The consolidated  financial statements include the financial
   statements of Bancshares  and  the  Bank.   All  significant
   intercompany  balances and transactions have been eliminated
   in consolidation.   All  references  to the "Bank" appearing
   hereafter shall mean the consolidated balances of Bancshares
   and the Bank.

   (c) Securities

   The  Bank adopted the provisions of Statement  of  Financial
   Accounting   Standards   No.  115,  Accounting  for  Certain
   Investments in Debt and Equity Securities (Statement 115) at
   December 31, 1993.  Under Statement 115, the Bank classifies
   its  securities  in  one  of  three   categories:   trading,
   available-for-sale, or held-to-maturity.  Trading securities
   are  bought  and held principally for the purpose of selling
   them in the near  future.   The  Bank  has not established a
   trading  portfolio.  Held-to-maturity securities  are  those
   securities  in  which the Bank has the ability and intent to
   hold until maturity.   All  other securities not included in
   trading or held-to-maturity are classified as available-for-

   Trading and available-for-sale  securities  are  recorded at
   fair  value.   Held-to-maturity  securities are recorded  at
   amortized cost, adjusted for the amortization  or  accretion
   of  premiums  or  discounts.   Unrealized holding gains  and
   losses  on  trading  securities are  included  in  earnings.
   Unrealized holding gains  and losses, net of the related tax
   effect, on available-for-sale  securities  are reported as a
   separate  component of stockholders' equity until  realized.
   Transfers of  securities  between categories are recorded at
   fair  value  at  the date of transfer.   Unrealized  holding
   gains and losses are  recognized  in  earnings for transfers
   into trading securities.  Unrealized holding gains or losses
   associated  with  transfers  of  securities   from  held-to-
   maturity  to available-for-sale are recorded as  a  separate
   component of stockholders' equity.  The


                       AND SUBSIDIARY

         Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements

   unrealized  holding gains or losses included in the separate
   component  of   equity   for   securities  transferred  from
   available-for-sale to held-for-maturity  are  maintained and
   amortized  into  earnings  over  the remaining life  of  the
   security as an adjustment to yield  in  a  manner consistent
   with the amortization or accretion of premium or discount on
   the associated security.

   A  decline in the market value of any available-for-sale  or
   held-to-maturity  security  below  cost that is deemed other
   than temporary results in a charge to  earnings resulting in
   the establishment of a new cost basis for the security.

   Premiums and discounts are amortized or  accreted  over  the
   life of the related security as an adjustment to yield using
   the   effective   interest   method.    Interest  income  is
   recognized  when  earned.   Realized  gains and  losses  for
   securities  classified  as available-for-sale  and  held-to-
   maturity are included in  earnings and are derived using the
   specific identification method  for  determining the cost of
   securities sold.

   (d) Allowance for Loan Losses

   Management considers the allowance for  loan losses adequate
   to   absorb  losses  on  the loans outstanding  as  of  each
   reporting date.  The determination of the allowance for loan
   losses, using the Bank's procedures  and  methods,  is based
   upon  various judgments and assumptions.  The factors  which
   influence  management's judgment in determining the level of
   the allowance  for  loan  losses  and  the  amount  which is
   charged  to  operating  expenses  are:  (1)  past  loan loss
   experience;   (2)   composition   of   the  loan  portfolio;
   (3) evaluation  of  potential  future  losses;  (4)  current
   economic   conditions;   (5)  specific  identification   and
   anticipation of problem and  nonperforming  loans,  and  (6)
   other relevant factors affecting loans.  No assurance can be
   given  that  the  Bank  will  not, in any particular period,
   sustain loan losses which are sizable  in  relation  to  the
   amount  reserved  or that subsequent evaluations of the loan
   portfolio,  in  light   of   conditions   and  factors  then
   prevailing,  will  not  require significant changes  in  the
   allowance for loan losses.   In addition, various regulatory
   agencies, as an integral part  of their examination process,
   periodically review the Bank's allowance  for  loan  losses.
   Such agencies may require the Bank to recognize additions to
   the  allowance  based  on  their  judgment about information
   available to them at the time of their examinations.

   During the first quarter of 1995, the Bank adopted Statement
   of  Financial  Accounting Standard No.  114,  Accounting  by
   Creditors for Impairment  of  a  Loan  (Statement  114)  and
   Statement   of   Financial  Accounting  Standards  No.  118,
   Accounting by Creditors  for  Impairment  of a Loan - Income
   Recognition  and  Disclosures  (Statement  118).   The  Bank
   applied the provisions of Statement 114 and Statement 118 to
   all of its loans, except for its consumer installment  loans
   which  are  collectively evaluated for impairment.  Pursuant
   to Statement  114 and Statement 118, a loan is considered to
   be impaired when,

                       AND SUBSIDIARY

         Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements

   based on current information and events, it is probable that
   the Bank will be  unable  to  collect principal and interest
   amounts due according to the contractual  terms  of the loan
   agreement.  When a loan is impaired, the measurement  of its
   impairment  can  be  determined  in  one  of  three ways, as
   follows: (1) the present value of the expected cash flows of
   the   loan  discounted  at  the  loan's  original  effective
   interest  rate,  (2)  the  observable  market  price  of the
   impaired loan, or (3) the fair value of the collateral  of a
   collateral-dependent loan.  The amount by which the recorded
   investment  in  the loan exceeds the measure of the impaired
   loan is recognized by recording a valuation allowance with a
   corresponding charge  to  the  provision  for  possible loan
   losses.  The effect of adopting Statement 114 and  Statement
   118  on  the  Bank's  financial  condition  and  results  of
   operations was immaterial.

   (e) Other Real Estate

   Other  real estate consists of properties that were acquired
   through  foreclosure or through acceptance of a deed in lieu
   of foreclosure.   These properties are recorded at the lower
   of cost or fair value, net of estimated selling costs.  When
   a reduction from the  carrying value of the loan to the fair
   value  of  the  property  is   required   at   the  time  of
   foreclosure, the difference is charged to the allowance  for
   loan   losses.    Revenues   and  expenses  associated  with
   operating these properties are recorded during the period in
   which they are received or incurred.

   The  process  of determining the  appropriate  valuation  of
   other real estate  involves judgments and estimates that are
   particularly susceptible to change.

   (f) Bank Premises and Equipment

   Bank  premises  and  equipment  are  stated  at  cost,  less
   accumulated depreciation.  Depreciation of bank premises and
   equipment is calculated using a combination of straight-line
   and accelerated methods  over  the estimated useful lives of
   the assets.  Estimated useful lives range up to 39 years for
   buildings, 3-10 years for furniture  and  equipment  and the
   shorter  of  the lease term or the useful life for leasehold


                       AND SUBSIDIARY

         Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements

   (g) Interest Income on Loans

   Accrual of interest on loans is discontinued when management
   believes, after considering economic and business conditions
   and  collection   efforts,  that  the  borrowers'  financial
   condition is such that collection of interest is doubtful.

   (h) Income Taxes

   Effective  January  1,   1993,   the   Company  adopted  the
   provisions  of  Statement of Financial Accounting  Standards
   No. 109, Accounting for Income Taxes (Statement 109).  Under
   the asset and liability  method  of  Statement 109, deferred
   tax assets and liabilities are recognized for the future tax
   consequences   attributable  to  differences   between   the
   financial statement  carrying amounts of existing assets and
   liabilities and their  respective  tax  bases  and operating
   loss and tax credit carryforwards.  Deferred tax  assets and
   liabilities are measured using enacted tax rates expected to
   apply  to  taxable  income  in  the  years  in  which  those
   temporary  differences  are  expected  to  be  recovered  or
   settled.   Under  Statement  109, the effect on deferred tax
   assets  and  liabilities  of  a  change   in  tax  rates  is
   recognized  in  income  in  the  period  that  includes  the
   enactment date.

   (i) Pension Plan

   The  Bank  participates in a noncontributory defined-benefit
   pension plan organized by the Louisiana Bankers' Association
   which covers substantially all employees.  Pension costs are
   actuarially determined and include the amortization of prior
   service costs  over  the estimated remaining service periods
   of the Bank's employees.   Funding  is  based on a review of
   the specific requirements and an evaluation  of  the  assets
   and  liabilities  of  the defined-benefit pension plan.  The
   Bank does not provide any  postretirement  or postemployment
   benefits, except for those provided under the pension plan.

   (j) Advertising Cost

   The costs of advertising are expensed as incurred.

   (k) Reclassification

   Certain  reclassifications  were  made  to  the consolidated
   financial  statements  of  prior years to conform  with  the
   presentation for 1996.


                       AND SUBSIDIARY

         Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements

   (l) Use of Estimates

   Management of the Bank has made  a  number  of estimates and
   assumptions   relating  to  the  reporting  of  assets   and
   liabilities and  the  disclosure  of  contingent  assets and
   liabilities   to   prepare  these  financial  statements  in
   conformity with generally  accepted  accounting  principles.
   Actual results could differ from those estimates.

   (m) Earnings per Share

   Earnings  per share have been computed on the basis  of  the
   weighted  average   number   of   shares   of  common  stock
   outstanding during the year.

   (n) Statements of Cash Flows

   For purposes of the consolidated statements  of  cash flows,
   the Bank considers due from banks and federal funds  sold to
   be cash equivalents.

(2) Securities

   The  amortized  cost,  gross unrealized holding gains, gross
   unrealized holding losses and fair value of held-to-maturity
   and available-for-sale securities  by major security type at
   December 31, 1996 and 1995, were as follows:

                                       Gross      Gross
                       Amortized    unrealized  unrealized     Fair
1996                       cost       gains      losses        value
____                   ___________  ___________ __________   __________

  securities           $ 3,404,847    55,659     (23,915)      3,436,591
 State and municipal
  obligations            9,909,065   166,409     (80,845)      9,994,629
  obligations              440,905   115,885           -         556,790
                       ____________ ___________ ____________ ____________
  Total held-to-
    maturity            13,754,817   337,953    (104,760)     13,988,010
                       ____________ ___________ ____________ _____________

                       AND SUBSIDIARY

         Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements

                                       Gross      Gross
                       Amortized    unrealized  unrealized     Fair
1996                       cost       gains      losses        value
____                   ___________  ___________ __________   __________

  securities          $ 13,489,693    75,198     (158,857)   13,406,034
 Other U.S.
  agencies               2,411,155    34,253      (30,551)    2,414,857
 State and municipal
  obligations            4,166,230    36,440      (30,844)    4,171,826
  obligations              288,489    58,218            -       346,707
                       ____________ ___________ ____________ _____________
   Total available-
    for-sale            20,355,567   204,109     (220,252)   20,339,424
                       ____________ ___________ ____________ _____________
 Total securities     $ 34,110,384   542,062     (325,012)   34,327,434
                       ============ =========== ============ =============

  securities          $  4,252,551    81,325      (23,588)    4,310,288
 State and municipal
  obligations            9,970,032   152,595     (160,637)    9,961,990
  obligations              455,006    37,897           -        492,903
                       ____________ ___________ ____________ _____________
 Total held-to-
  maturity              14,677,589   271,817    (184,225)    14,765,181
                       ____________ ___________ ____________ _____________
  securities            16,748,075   121,091    (137,987)    16,731,179
 Other U.S.
  agencies               1,420,185    70,755      (9,263)     1,481,677
 State and municipal
  obligations            4,174,676    32,747     (48,128)     4,159,295
  obligations              287,754    27,018           -        314,772
                       ____________ ___________ ____________ _____________
   Total available-
    for-sale            22,630,690   251,611    (195,378)    22,686,923
                       ____________ ___________ ____________ _____________
   Total securities   $ 37,308,279   523,428    (379,603)    37,452,104
                        ==========   =======    =========    ==========

                       AND SUBSIDIARY

         Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements

The amortized cost and fair values of securities at December
31, 1996, by remaining contractual maturity  are shown below
(in thousands of dollars).  Expected maturities  will differ
from  contractual  maturities  on mortgage-backed securities
and other securities which may have prepayment provisions.

                                                  Amortized   Fair
                                                    cost      value
                                                  __________ _______
  Due after one year through five years            $    501     504
  Due after five years through ten years              7,071   7,135
  Due after ten years                                 2,337   2,356
  Mortgage-backed securities and
   collateral mortgage obligations                    3,846   3,993
                                                   ________ ________
     Total held-to-maturity                          13,755  13,988
                                                   ________ ________
  Due in one year or less                             1,639   1,671
  Due after one year through five years               3,631   3,619
  Due after five years through ten years              1,307   1,297
  Mortgage-backed securities and
   collateral mortgage obligations                   13,778  13,752
                                                   ________ ________
     Total available-for-sale                        20,355  20,339
                                                   ________ ________
     Total securities                              $ 34,110  34,327
                                                   ======== ========

During  November  1995,  the  Financial Accounting Standards
Board (FASB) issued "A Guide to  Implementation of Statement
115 on Accounting for Certain Investments in Debt and Equity
Securities" (Implementation Guide).   In accordance with the
Implementation Guide, the Bank reclassified  securities with
an  amortized cost of $10,899,000 and a net unrealized  gain
of  $14,600,  from  the  held-to-maturity  category  to  the
available-for-sale category as of December 31, 1995.

During  1996,  1995 and 1994, gross gains of $10,001 $40,457
and  $55,929,  respectively,   were  realized  on  sales  of
securities.  Gross losses of $2,505,  $49,775  and  $104,926
were   realized   on  sales  during  1996,  1995  and  1994,

Securities  having  a   carrying   value   of  approximately
$17,678,000 and $21,609,000 at December 31,  1996  and 1995,
respectively,  were  pledged  to  secure public deposits  as
required by law.

At December 31, 1996, the Bank held  no securities issued by
a single issuer which exceeded 10% of  stockholders' equity.
At  December  31, 1995, the Bank held securities  issued  by
Assumption Parish  totaling  $980,000, which exceeded 10% of
stockholders' equity.


                       AND SUBSIDIARY

         Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements

(3) Loans and Allowance for Loan Losses

A summary of the types of loans follows:

                                           1996          1995
                                           ____          ____
Commercial, financial and
  agricultural                         $  2,680,514   3,497,583
Real estate                              50,412,576  46,695,271
Individuals                               7,737,845   6,893,264
                                       ____________ ___________
                                       $ 60,830,935  57,086,118
                                       ============ ===========

A summary of the changes in the  allowance  for  loan losses
for 1996, 1995 and 1994 follows:

                                         1996       1995        1994
                                         ____       ____        ____

     Balance at beginning of year   $  1,195,517  1,103,823  1,129,774
     Provision charged to income          36,000    136,000     60,000
                                    ____________  __________ __________

                                       1,231,517  1,239,823  1,189,774
                                    ____________  __________ __________
     Loans charged-off                  (133,053)   (87,602)  (140,623)
     Recoveries on loans charged-off      91,781     43,296     54,672
                                    ____________  __________ ___________
           Net loans charged-off         (41,272)   (44,306)   (85,951)
                                    ____________  __________ ___________
           Balance at end of year    $ 1,190,245  1,195,517  1,103,823
                                    ============  ========== ===========

The Bank had loans of approximately $850,000 and $853,000 on
nonaccrual at December 31, 1996 and 1995, respectively.  The
amount of additional interest  income  on  nonaccrual loans,
which  would have been recognized for 1996, 1995  and  1994,
had the  related  loans  been  performing according to their
original terms was not material.  Interest income recognized
on  the  cash  basis  on  loans  in  nonaccrual  status  was
approximately $53,000, $48,500 and $39,000  for  1996,  1995
and 1994, respectively.

At  December 31, 1996 and 1995, impaired loans, all of which
were on nonaccrual, totaled $850,000 and $853,000, requiring
a total  impairment  allowance  of  $235,000  and  $235,000,
respectively.   The  average recorded investment in impaired
loans was approximately  $791,000  and  $768,000  during the
year  ended  December 31, 1996 and 1995, respectively.   For
all impaired loans, the impairment amount was measured using
the fair value of the underlying collateral.

For purposes of  the  consolidated statements of cash flows,
noncash investing and financing  transactions  include other
real  estate and assets acquired in settlement of  loans  of
approximately  $54,000,  $23,000,  and  $58,000 during 1996,
1995 and 1994, respectively.

                       AND SUBSIDIARY

         Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements

The  Bank  has  extended  loans, in the ordinary  course  of
business, to officers and directors  of  Bancshares  and the
Bank,  their  immediate families and companies in which  the
directors  are  principal   owners.    In   the  opinion  of
management, such transactions are on substantially  the same
terms  as  those  prevailing  at  the  time  for  comparable
transactions  with  others.   The  amount  of loans to these
persons  and  their interests and the related  activity  for
1996 and 1995 is summarized as follows:

                                       1996         1995
                                       ____         ____

Balance at beginning of year        $ 1,888,846   1,056,766
Additions                             2,691,550   4,618,705
Payments and renewals                (2,350,380) (3,786,625)
                                    ____________ ___________
Balance at year end                 $ 2,230,016   1,888,846
                                    ============ ===========

(4) Bank Premises and Equipment

Bank premises and equipment are summarized as follows:

                              Cost       depreciation     Net
                              ____       ____________     ___

December 31, 1996:
 Land                      $  256,532            -       256,532
 Banking houses             1,699,888     (715,368)      984,520
 Leasehold improvements       108,198     (102,420)        5,778
 Furniture and fixtures     2,769,461   (1,924,269)      845,192
                           __________   ___________    __________

                           $4,834,079   (2,742,057)    2,092,022
                           ==========   ===========    ==========

December 31, 1995:
 Land                         256,532            -       256,532
 Banking houses             1,678,007     (667,967)    1,010,040
 Leasehold improvements       108,198      (68,280)       39,918
 Furniture and fixtures     2,708,200   (1,784,409)      923,791
                           __________   ___________    __________

                          $ 4,750,937   (2,520,656)    2,230,281
                           ==========   ===========    ==========
                       AND SUBSIDIARY

         Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements

(5) Pension Plan

The  Bank  participates in a noncontributory defined-benefit
pension   plan   organized   by   the   Louisiana   Bankers'
Association,   which   covers   substantially   all  of  its
employees.  The following table sets forth the plan's funded
status  and  amounts  recognized  in the Bank's consolidated
statements of condition at December 31, 1996 and 1995.

                                            1996        1995
                                            ____        ____
Pension benefit obligation:
Accumulated benefit obligations:
  Vested                               $ 2,154,571   1,866,974
  Nonvested                                110,123     165,697
                                       ____________  __________

                                         2,264,694   2,032,671
Additional benefits based on
 estimated future salary levels            435,876     440,659
                                       ___________   __________

Projected benefit obligation             2,700,570   2,473,330

Plan assets at fair value                2,343,655   2,134,586
                                       ___________   __________
Plan assets less than projected
 benefit obligation                       (356,915)   (338,744)

Unrecognized net asset being amortized
 over 14 years                             446,115     387,737
                                       ___________   __________
Prepaid pension cost included in
 other assets                           $   89,200      48,993
                                       ===========   ==========

Plan  assets for the defined benefit  pension  plan  consist
primarily of common stocks, corporate bonds, U.S. Government
obligations and cash equivalents.

Net pension  expense  for  1996,  1995 and 1994 included the

                                        1996        1995      1994
                                        ____        ____      _____
Service cost - benefits earned
 during the period                    $  57,211     53,927     61,063
Interest cost on projected
 benefit obligation                     175,574    163,421    151,513
Actual return on plan assets           (192,975)  (303,418)    29,188
Amortization of transition assets         8,783    136,132   (202,234)
                                      _________   ________   _________
   Net pension expense                $  48,593     50,062     39,530
                                      =========   ========   =========


                       AND SUBSIDIARY

         Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements

Assumptions used in determining the pension expense  for the
years ended December 31, 1996, 1995 and 1994 were:

                                             1996       1995    1994
                                             ____       ____    ____

Discount rate                                7.50%      8.05%   7.25%
Rates of increase in compensation
  levels                                     3.50       3.50    4.00
Expected long-term rate of return on
  assets                                     9.00       9.00    9.00
                                            ======     ======  ======
(6) Deposits

A  summary of deposit accounts at December 31, 1996 and 1995

                                       1996        1995
                                       ----        ----

   Noninterest-bearing            $  14,294,965   12,542,093

     NOW accounts                    19,740,118   20,518,595
     Money market accounts           10,583,829   10,699,688
     Savings and IRA accounts        21,573,867   22,393,243
     Certificates of deposit
       $100,000 and over              3,650,360    3,577,697
     Other certificates of deposit   30,857,553   28,778,502
     Other time deposits $100,000
       and over                         677,056      838,303
                                    ____________  ___________
                                     87,082,783   86,806,028
                                    ____________  ___________
                                  $ 101,377,748   99,348,121
                                    ============  ===========

Interest  expense  related  to  certificates  of deposit and
other  time  deposits,  $100,000 and over totaled  $204,731,
$185,470,  and  $105,364  during   1996,   1995   and  1994,

                       AND SUBSIDIARY

         Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements

(7) Other Expenses

Details of other expenses are as follows:

                                            1996       1995        1994
                                            ____       ____        ____

   Salaries and employee benefits       $ 1,835,239  1,797,053   1,709,801
   Repairs and maintenance                  284,207    277,247     241,800
   Depreciation                             221,400    201,625     199,800
   Stationery and supplies                  180,960    195,577     190,886
   Occupancy                                154,767    149,663     142,037
   Data processing                           17,889     19,930      17,753
   Professional services                    386,965    202,413     162,420
   Directors' fees                          107,250     91,550      91,600
   FDIC insurance and state
     assessments                             24,198    130,024     239,968
   Taxes, other than on income              113,252     88,026      75,017
   Telephone                                 68,138     79,683      83,378
   Postage                                   59,720     60,000      61,783
   Other real estate                          3,892     29,004      93,544
   Conventions and seminars                  29,200     30,261      43,796
   Advertising and marketing                109,341    104,934      92,297
   Other                                    126,971    124,639      93,455
                                        ___________  _________   __________
                                        $ 3,723,389  3,581,629   3,539,335
                                        ===========  =========   ===========
 (8) Income Taxes

Income  tax  expense  for the years ended December 31, 1996,
1995 and 1994 consists of:
                                                1996       1995        1994
                                                ____       ____        ____

  Income from continuing operations:
         Current                              $ 366,060   253,850    292,560
         Deferred                                53,984   (37,831)   (17,701)
                                              __________ _________  _________
                                                420,044   216,019    274,859

  Deferred tax expense (benefit)
         recorded in stockholders'
         equity for unrealized gains
         (losses) on securities
         available-for-sale                     (24,608)  303,400   (423,981)
                                             ___________ _________ __________
                                              $ 395,436   519,419   (149,122)
                                             =========== ========= ==========

                       AND SUBSIDIARY

         Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements

Total  income tax expense differed from the amounts computed
by applying  the  U.S.  federal  income  tax rates to income
before income taxes as a result of the following:

                                              1996     1995      1994
                                              ____     ____      ____
   U.S. federal income tax rate                34%      34%       34%

   Computed "expected" income tax       $ 528,036  439,884   474,432
   Increase (decrease) in income taxes
     resulting from:
         Tax-exempt interest             (258,182)(249,440) (173,066)
         Non-deductible professional fees  61,200        -         - 
         Other, net                        88,990   25,575   (26,507)
                                        __________ ________ __________
            Total income tax expense    $ 420,044  216,019   274,859
                                        ========== ======== ==========

The  tax  effects of temporary differences that give rise to
the net deferred tax asset at December 31, 1996 and 1995 are
presented below:

                                                  1996        1995
                                                  ____        ____

   Deferred tax assets:
     Allowance for possible loan losses        $ 278,951    266,635
     Unrealized losses on securities
       available-for-sale                          5,488          -
     Other real estate due to writedowns          21,608     21,608
     Minimum tax credit carryforward                   -     19,438
     Other                                           488      3,316
                                              ___________ __________
         Total deferred tax assets               306,535    310,997
                                              ___________ __________
   Deferred tax liabilities:
     Unrealized gains on securities
       available-for-sale                              -     19,120
     Bank premises and equipment, principally
       due to differences in cost basis and
       depreciation                               77,867     60,367
     Securities, principally due to differences
       cost basis and discount accretion          90,553     76,953
     Pension, principally due to accrual for
       tax and not financial reporting purposes   31,135     18,201
                                              ___________ __________
         Total deferred tax liabilities          199,555    174,641
                                              ___________ __________
         Net deferred tax asset                $ 106,980    136,356
                                              =========== ==========

No valuation allowance was recorded against the deferred tax
asset  because  management  believes  that it is more likely
than not that the net deferred tax asset will be realized in

                       AND SUBSIDIARY

         Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements

(9) Parent Company Condensed Financial Information

Summarized financial information for Assumption  Bancshares,
Inc. (parent company only) follows:

                       Balance Sheets
           Assets                                  December 31,
           ------                                  ------------
                                                 1996        1995
                                                 ----        ----

Cash                                         $     704       1,854
Investment in 100% of the outstanding
  common stock of bank subsidiary            9,834,430   9,164,045
                                             _________   _________
                                           $ 9,835,134   9,165,899
                                            ==========   =========
      Liabilities and Stockholders' Equity

Stockholders' equity:
  Common stock                                 800,000     800,000
  Paid-in capital                              450,000     450,000
  Retained earnings                          8,595,789   7,878,785
  Unrealized gain (loss) on securities,
    net of income taxes                        (10,655)     37,114
                                            ___________ __________
                                           $ 9,835,134   9,165,899
                                            =========== ==========
                  Statements of Operations

                                            Years ended December 31,
                                           1996      1995       1994
                                           ----      ----       ----
Equity in net income
  of bank subsidiary                  $ 1,135,154  1,077,756  1,167,955
Assessments from state banking
  commission                               (2,150)      (525)    (1,736)
                                      ____________ __________ __________
     Net income                       $ 1,133,004  1,077,231  1,166,219
                                      ============ ========== =========

                       AND SUBSIDIARY

         Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements

                  Statements of Cash Flows

                                              Years ended December 31,
                                             1996        1995        1994
                                             ----        ----        ----

Net income                               $ 1,133,004   1,077,231   1,166,219
  Adjustments to reconcile net income
    to net cash used by operating
      Equity in net income of
        bank subsidiary                   (1,135,154) (1,077,756) (1,167,955)
                                          ___________ ___________ ___________
Net cash used by operating
  activities                                  (2,150)       (525)     (1,736)
                                          ___________ ___________ ___________
Cash used in financing activities -
  dividends paid to shareholders            (416,000)    (416,000)  (360,000)
                                          ___________ ____________ __________
Cash provided by investing activities -
  dividends received from subsidiary         417,000      416,000    364,000
                                          ___________ ____________ __________

Net increase (decrease) in cash               (1,150)        (525)     2,264

Cash at beginning of year                      1,854        2,379        115
                                          ___________ ____________ ___________
Cash at end of year                        $     704        1,854      2,379
                                          =========== ============ ===========

Bancshares'  primary  source of working capital is dividends
from the Bank.  Certain restrictions exist under Federal law
regarding the ability of  the  subsidiary  bank  to transfer
funds  to  Bancshares  in  the  form of cash dividends.   In
addition, regulatory authorities  also consider the adequacy
of the Bank's capital in relation to  its  assets  and other
considerations.  Therefore, such capital adequacy may  limit
the  availability  of  undistributed  earnings  by a varying

(10) Commitments

The  Bank  is  a  party  to financial instruments with  off-
balance-sheet risk which are  executed  in the normal course
of  business to meet the financing needs of  its  customers.
These  financial  instruments  include commitments to extend
credit  and  standby letters of credit.   These  instruments
involve, to varying degrees, elements of credit and interest
rate (market)  risk  in addition to the amounts reflected in
the accompanying consolidated statements of condition.

The Bank's exposure to  loss  in the event of nonperformance
by  the  other  parties  to these financial  instruments  is
limited to the contractual  amount of such instruments.  The
Bank employs the same credit  policies in making commitments
and conditional obligations as  it does for on-balance-sheet

                       AND SUBSIDIARY

         Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements

  Financial  instruments  whose contract  amounts  represent
credit risk as of December 31, 1996 and 1995 are as follows:

                                                1996       1995
                                                ----       ----

Commitments to extend credit                $ 3,530,235  4,185,759
Stand-by letters of credit                      923,807  1,016,624
                                            ___________  __________
                                            $ 4,454,042  5,202,383
                                            ===========  ==========

Commitments to extend credit are agreements to extend credit
to   a  customer  under  certain   terms   and   conditions.
Commitments  generally  have  fixed expiration dates of less
than one year and other termination  clauses and may require
payment  of  a  fee.   Since  some  of  the commitments  are
expected  to  expire  without  being drawn upon,  the  total
commitment amounts do not necessarily  represent future cash
requirements.     The   Bank   evaluates   each   customer's
creditworthiness on  an  individual  basis.   The  amount of
collateral  required,  if deemed necessary by the Bank  upon
extension of credit, is  based on management's evaluation of
the creditworthiness of the  counterparty,  and the terms of
the   agreement.   Collateral  held  varies,  but  generally
includes:   accounts receivable, inventory, property, plant,
and equipment, and real estate.

Standby letters of credit are conditional commitments issued
by the Bank to  guarantee the performance of a customer to a
third party.  The credit risk involved in issuing letters of
credit is essentially the same as that involved in extending
loan facilities to  customers.   Letters  of  credit  can be
secured  by  cash  or non-cash items.  Those secured by non-
cash items are backed by a note signed by the customer.

(11) Fair Value of Financial Instruments

Statement  of  Financial   Accounting   Standards  No.  107,
Disclosures  About  Fair  Value  of  Financial   Instruments
(Statement  107), requires the disclosure of estimated  fair
values for financial  instruments.  Quoted market prices, if
available, are utilized  as an estimate of the fair value of
financial  instruments.  Because  no  quoted  market  prices
exist  for  a  significant  part  of  the  Bank's  financial
instruments,  the  fair  value  of such instruments has been
derived based on management's assumptions  with  respect  to
future  economic conditions, the amount and timing of future
cash  flows   and   estimated   discount  rates.   Different
assumptions  could  significantly  affect  these  estimates.
Additionally,  these  estimates  are  only   indicative   of
individual  financial  instruments' values and should not be
considered an indication of the fair value of the Bank taken
as a whole.

                       AND SUBSIDIARY

         Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements

The  estimated  fair  value   of  financial  instruments  at
December 31, 1996 is as follows (in thousands of dollars):

                                          Carrying      Fair
                                           Amount       Value
                                           ------       -----

Financial assets:
  Cash and cash equivalents              $  14,667      14,667
  Interest-bearing deposits                     99          99
     Held-to-maturity                       13,755      13,988
     Available-for-sale                     20,339      20,339
  Loans receivable, net                     59,641      60,584

Financial liabilities - deposits           101,378     101,414
                                         =========     =======

The following methods and assumptions  were used to estimate
the fair value of each class of financial instrument:

Cash and cash equivalents: The carrying  amounts reported in
the  consolidated  balance  sheet  for  cash and  short-term
instruments  approximate  those  assets' fair  values.   The
Bank's   investment   in  interest-bearing   deposits   with
maturities of greater than three months are quoted at market

Securities:  Fair values for investment securities are based
on quoted market prices or dealer quotes.

Loans:  For loans with  maturities  of three months or less,
fair value is considered to approximate carrying value.  The
fair value of other loans is estimated  by  discounting  the
future  cash  flows using the current rates at which similar
loans would be made to borrowers with similar credit ratings
for the same remaining maturities.

Deposits:  The carrying value for all deposits without fixed
maturities, and  for  time deposits with maturities of three
months or less, is considered  to  approximate  fair  value.
The fair value for time deposits greater than $100,000  with
maturities  greater  than  three  months  as  well  as  time
deposits  less  than  $100,000 is based upon the appropriate
discount rate for similar  pools.   The fair value of demand
deposits  is  the  amount  payable  on demand,  and  is  not
adjusted for any value derived from retaining those deposits
for  an  expected  future period of time.   That  component,
commonly referred to  as  deposit  base  intangible, was not
estimated at December 31, 1996 and is not  considered in the
fair value amounts nor is it recorded as an intangible asset
in the statement of condition.

                       AND SUBSIDIARY

         Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements

Commitments to extend credit, standby letters  of credit and
letters  of  credit:  Pricing of these financial instruments
is  based on the  credit  quality  and  relationship,  fees,
interest rates, compensating balances and other covenants or
requirements.   Many  of  these commitments are expected to,
and typically do, expire without being drawn upon.  Carrying
amounts which are comprised  of  the  unamortized fee income
and,  where  necessary,  reserves  for any  expected  credit
losses  from  these financial instruments,  are  immaterial.
Because these instruments  are  generally priced at the time
they are funded, there is no gain  or loss embedded in these

(12) Regulatory Capital

The Bank's regulatory capital is summarized as follows:

                                              1996          1995
                                              ----          ----

Tier I capital                            $  9,834,430   9,164,045
Tier II capital                                695,080     668,606
                                          ____________  ___________
   Total capital                          $ 10,529,510   9,832,651
                                          ============  ===========

Risk adjusted assets                      $ 55,606,399  53,488,441
                                          ============  ===========
                             Regulatory Minimums
                           Adequately      Well
                           capitalized  capitalized
                           -----------  ------------
Risk-based capital ratios:
    Tier I                      4%           6%        17.69%   17.13%
    Total                       8           10         18.94    18.38
Tier I leverage ratio           4            5          9.17     8.64

The  Bank's  risk-based  capital  and Tier I leverage ratios
substantially  exceed the regulatory  required  minimums  at
December 31, 1996 and 1995.

(13) Pending Merger

On November 20,  1996, the Boards of Directors of Assumption
Bancshares, Inc. and  ArgentBank  announced  that  they have
unanimously  approved  a Definitive Agreement which provides
for the merger of Assumption  Bank and Trust, a wholly-owned
subsidiary of Assumption Bancshares,  Inc.  with  ArgentBank
for $21.5 million, or approximately $134 per share,  payable
in  a combination of cash and ArgentBank common stock.   The
transaction   is   subject  to  regulatory  and  shareholder
approvals and the satisfaction  of certain other conditions.
ArgentBank  is  headquartered  in Thibodaux,  Louisiana  and
operates in Lafourche, Terrebonne and Assumption parishes.

Item 9 - Disagreements on Accounting and Financial Disclosure

There  have  been  no  changes  or  disagreements  with  the
Company's  independent  certified  public accountants on any
matter  of  accounting  principles  or  practice,  financial
statement disclosure or auditing scope or  procedure  within
the twenty-four months prior to December 31, 1996.


Item 10.          Directors and Executive Officers of the Registrant

Information with Respect to Directors

      The  following table sets forth certain information with respect to each
director of  the  Company.   Each  person  has  been  engaged in the principal
occupation  shown  for  the  past five years.  All of the directors  are  also
directors of Assumption Bank & Trust Company (the "Bank"), the sole subsidiary
of the Company.

Name                        Age            Principal Occupation           Elected
- ----                        ---                or Employment              Director
                                               -------------              --------
F. N. Carrier, Jr.           81    Retired; Investor                        1958
Ridley J. Gros, Phd.         55    Dean, College of Business                1991
                                   Administration, Nicholls State
Leonard C. Guedry, Jr.       47    President, Leonard Guedry Insurance      1991
                                   Agency, Inc.; Owner, Guedry Real
                                   Estate Agency
Robert J. Tregre             52    President, Robert's Food Store, Inc.     1991
                                   (Retail Outlet)
Patrick E. Cancienne, Sr.(1) 67    Retired; for more than five years        1982
                                   prior to March 1, 1995 he
                                   served as President, Savoie
                                   Industries, Inc. (sugar cane growers
                                   and processors)
Joseph H. Montero, II        62    President and Chief Executive Officer    1972
                                   of the Company and the Bank
Clarence J. Savoie, II(1)    49    Chairman of the Board of the Company     1987
                                   and the Bank since 1995; President, 
                                   C.J. Savoie Consulting Engineers, Inc.
Stanley S. Sternfels         62    President, Economical Wholesale, Inc.    1983
                                   (wholesale grocery company)
Nelson A. Cox, Sr., M.D.     84    Physician; Coroner of Assumption         1965
Felix H. Savoie, Jr.(1)      65    Attorney at Law; Vice President -        1993
                                   Dugas & LeBlanc Ltd. (sugar cane
                                   growers and processors)
Nicess P. Templet            69    Retired; Investor; Former owner of       1987
                                   Griffin's AG, Inc. (retail grocer)
Risley C. Triche             68    Attorney at Law                          1972

(1)   Mr. Cancienne, Mr. C. Savoie and Mr. F. Savoie are cousins.

Section 16(a) Beneficial Ownership Reporting Compliance

      Section 16(a) of the Exchange  Act  requires the Company's directors and
executive officers to file with the Securities and Exchange Commission initial
reports of beneficial ownership, and changes  in  beneficial ownership, of the
Common  Stock.   In  1996, Felix H. Savoie, Jr., a director  of  the  Company,
inadvertently failed to  file  a  report  required  by  Section  16(a)  of the
Exchange Act reporting one transaction related to the acquisition of shares of
Common Stock.

Item 11.          Executive Compensation

Summary of Executive Compensation

      The   following   table   provides  certain  information  regarding  the
compensation of Joseph H. Montero,  II,  President and Chief Executive Officer
of the Company and the Bank, for each of the preceding three years.

                          Summary Compensation Table

                                      Annual Compensation
                                      -------------------          Other
        Name and                                                   Annual
   Principal Position        Year         Salary      Bonus    Compensation(1)
   ------------------        ----         ------      -----    ---------------
Joseph H. Montero, II,       1996        $103,555     $4,900       $6,750
  President and Chief        1995         103,555      5,300        6,000
  Executive Officer          1994         103,555      6,000        6,000     


(1)   Consists of director fees.

Compensation of Directors

      Directors do not receive fees for attending  meetings  of  the Company's
Board.  Each director of the Bank receives a fee of $500 per month  if present
and  $250  per  month  if  not  present  at  the  Bank's board meetings.  Bank
committee  meetings  are held from time to time as necessary,  and  directors,
other than the President  and  Chief  Executive  Officer,  are  paid  $100 per
committee meeting attended.

Item 12.          Security   Ownership   of   Certain  Beneficial  Owners  and

      The  following  table  sets  forth  certain information  concerning  the
beneficial ownership of the Common Stock of  the Company by (i) each director,
(ii) each executive officer named in the Summary  Compensation Table and (iii)
all directors and executive officers of the Company as a group, as of February
28,  1997.   Beneficial ownership of the shares of  Common  Stock  has  been
determined in accordance  with Rule 13d-3 under the Securities Exchange Act of
1934 (the "Exchange Act").   Unless  otherwise  indicated, all shares shown as
beneficially owned are held with sole voting and investment power.

Name                                    Shares             Percent
                                     Common Stock             of
                                     Beneficially           Class
F. N. Carrier, Jr.                      1,790                1.12%
Ridley J. Gros, Phd.                      200                   *
Leonard C. Guedry, Jr.                    200                   *
Robert J. Tregre                          400                   *
Patrick E. Cancienne, Sr.               1,300                   *
Joseph H. Montero, II                   2,000                1.25%
Clarence J. Savoie, II                    925(1)                *
Stanley S. Sternfels                    1,250                   *
Nelson A. Cox, Sr., M.D.                1,870                1.17%
Felix H. Savoie, Jr.                    1,090                   *
Nicess P. Templet                         978                   *
Risley C. Triche                        1,293(2)                *
All Directors and Executive Officers
  as a Group (13 Persons)              13,601                8.50%

* Less than one percent.
(1)   Includes  60  shares as to which Mr. Savoie shares voting and investment
(2)   Includes 50 shares  as  to which Mr. Triche shares voting and investment

      Management  is  not  aware  of  any  person  or  group  of  persons  who
beneficially owns more than five percent of the Common Stock.

Item 13.          Certain Relationships and Related Transactions

      Directors and executive officers  of  the Company and the Bank and their
associates  have been customers of and have had  loan  transactions  with  the
Bank, and such  transactions  are  expected to continue in the future.  In the
opinion of management, all loans to  such  persons  were  made in the ordinary
course  of  business,  were  made  on substantially the same terms,  including
interest rates and collateral, as those  prevailing at the time for comparable
transactions with others, and did not involve  when made and have not involved
since they were made, more than the normal risk  of  collectibility or present
other unfavorable features.


Item 14 - Exhibits, Financial Statements, Schedules and Reports on Form 8-K

(a) 1. Financial Statements

       Independent Auditors' Report

       Consolidated Statements of Condition as of December 31, 1996 and 1995

       Consolidated  Statements  of  Operations for the years ended
         December 31, 1996, 1995, and 1994

       Consolidated  Statements  of Stockholders'  Equity  for  the
         years ended December 31, 1996, 1995, and 1994

       Consolidated Statements of  Cash  Flows  for the years ended
         December 31, 1996, 1995, and 1994

       Notes  to Consolidated Financial Statements  for  the  years
         ended December 31, 1996, 1995, and 1994


     2. Financial Statement Schedules

All  schedules  have  been  omitted  because  they  are  not
applicable  or  the required information is presented in the
consolidated financial statements or notes thereto.

     3.  Exhibits

         2.1    Agreement and Plan of Merger by and among Argent Bank and
                Assumption Bancshares, Inc. and Assumption Bank & Trust 

         3(i)   Articles of Incorporation of Bancshares (incorporated by 
                reference to Exhibit 3(i) to Bancshares Form 10-K for 
                the year ended December 31, 1994.)

         3(ii)  Bylaws of Bancshares (incorporated by reference to
                Exhibit 3(ii) to Bancshares Form 10-K for the year 
                ended December 31, 1994.

         21     Subsidiaries of Bancshares (incorporated by reference to
                Bancshares Form 10-K for the year ended December 31, 1994.)

         27     Financial Data Schedule.

(b)  Reports on Form 8-K

   No reports on  Form  8-K  were filed by Bancshares during
the quarter ended December 31, 1996.


Pursuant to the requirements of  Section  13 or 15(d) of the
Securities Exchange Act of 1934, Bancshares duly caused this
report  to  be  signed  on  its  behalf  by the undersigned,
thereunto duly authorized.

                                  ASSUMPTION BANCSHARES, INC.

                                By: /s/ Joseph H. Montero
                                        Joseph H. Montero
                               President and Chief Executive Officer
                               (Principal Executive and Financial

Dated: February 19, 1997

Pursuant to the requirements of the Securities  Exchange Act
of 1934, this report has been signed below by the  following
persons  on  behalf  of the Registrant and in the capacities
and on the dates indicated.

Signature                           Title                 Date
_________                           _____                 ____

/s/ Clarence J. Savoie, II   
    Clarence J. Savoie, II   Chairman of the Board   February 19, 1997

/s/ Patrick E. Cancienne, Sr.
    Patrick E. Cancienne, Sr.     Director            February 19, 1997

/s/ F. N. Carrier, Jr.
   F. N. Carrier, Jr.             Director            February 19, 1997

/s/ Dr. Nelson A. Cox, Sr.
    Dr. Nelson A. Cox, Sr.        Director            February 19, 1997

/s/ Dr. Ridley J. Gros
    Dr. Ridley J. Gros            Director            February 19, 1997

/s/ Felix H. Savoie, Jr.
    Felix H. Savoie, Jr.          Director            February 19, 1997

/s/ Risley C. Triche
    Risley C. Triche              Director            February 19, 1997

/s/ Stanley S. Sternfels
    Stanley S. Sternfels          Director            February 19, 1997

/s/ Joseph H. Montero
    Joseph H. Montero             Director            February 19, 1997

/s/ Leonard C. Guedry, Jr.
    Leonard C. Guedry, Jr.       Director             February 19, 1997

/s/ Robert J. Tregre
    Robert J. Tregre             Director             February 19, 1997

/s/ Nicess P. Templet
    Nicess P. Templet           Director              February 19, 1997

                           EXHIBIT INDEX

          No.             Description
        _______           ____________
         2.1    Agreement and Plan of Merger by and among Argent Bank and
                Assumption Bancshares, Inc. and Assumption Bank & Trust 

         3(i)   Articles of Incorporation of Bancshares (incorporated by 
                reference to Exhibit 3(i) to Bancshares Form 10-K for the
                year ended December 31, 1994.

         3(ii)  Bylaws of Bancshares (incorporated by reference to Exhibit
                3(ii) to Bancshares Form 10-K for the year ended December 
                31, 1994.

         21     Subsidiaries of Bancshares (incorporated by reference to
                Bancshares Form 10-K for the year ended December 31, 1994.)

         27     Financial Data Schedule.