ARTICLE I
                       PURPOSE OF THE PLAN

     The purpose of the 1997 Dividend and Interest Reinvestment
and  Stock  Purchase  Plan  (the  "Plan")   of  First  Commerce
Corporation  (the "Company") is to provide the  record  holders
(collectively, "Security Holders") of Company Common Stock, par
value  $5.00 per  share  (the  "Common  Stock"),  the  12  3/4%
Convertible  Debentures  due 2000, Series A of the Company (the
"Series A Debentures") and  the  12 3/4% Convertible Debentures
due 2000, Series B of the Company  (the  "Series B Debentures")
and any subsequently issued series or classes  of stock or debt
instruments as the Company Board of Directors (the "Board") may
designate  (collectively,  "Securities")  with  a  simple   and
convenient  way  of  reinvesting dividend and interest payments
for  purposes of acquiring  shares  of  Common  Stock  at  such
shares'  current market price, without the payment of brokerage
commissions,   fees,   service   charges   or  other  expenses.
Participants  may also contribute up to an additional  $150,000
each year (an "Optional Cash Contribution") to the Plan for the
purchase of shares  of  Common  Stock  at  such shares' current
market  price,  without  the payment of brokerage  commissions,
fees, service charges or expenses  other  than a nominal charge
for processing Optional Cash Contributions by electronic debit.
Capitalized  terms in this Plan that are not  defined  in  this
paragraph shall  have  the  meanings  given  them  in Article X

                            ARTICLE II

     Section  2.1.   Enrollment.   (a)  Any Record Security
Holder may elect to participate in the Plan by  completing  and
returning  to  the  Administrator  a  completed enrollment form
designating  the  Record  Securities  of such  Record  Security
Holder  that  shall  be  Participating Securities  and,  if  so
desired by such Record Security  Holder, submitting for deposit
under the Plan one or more certificates  for  shares  of Common
Stock to the Administrator accompanied by such documentation as
the  Administrator  may  require.   Such Person's participation
will be effective immediately upon the  Administrator's receipt
of  such enrollment form and any other documentation  required.
The Administrator shall send to any such Record Security Holder
who  deposits   shares  of  Common  Stock  under  the  Plan  in
connection with enrollment  a  statement  of account as soon as
practicable after such deposit.  A Street Name Beneficial Owner
may  not  participate  in the Plan.  A Street  Name  Beneficial
Owner  may  become  a  Record   Security   Holder  eligible  to
participate  in  the  Plan  by  obtaining  the registration  of
Securities  in such Person's name.  A Participant  may  at  any
time increase  or  decrease  the  number or principal amount of
Record  Securities  that  will be Participating  Securities  by
completing  and  delivering  to  the  Administrator  a  revised
enrollment  form,  and  such  modification  will  be  effective
immediately upon the Administrator's  receipt  of  such revised
enrollment form.  If a Participant elects on an enrollment form
that  all  Record  Securities  of  such  Participant  shall  be
Participating  Securities,  all  Record Securities subsequently
acquired  by  such  Participant  will   also  be  Participating

          (b)  Any Person participating in the Predecessor Plan
as of the date that the Plan becomes effective will be enrolled
in  the  Plan automatically, without submitting  an  enrollment
form. All  Participating  Securities of a Participant under the
Predecessor   Plan  will  automatically   be   deemed   to   be
Participating Securities  under  the  Plan  and  all  shares of
Common  Stock  attributable  to  a Predecessor Plan Participant
under the Predecessor Plan will automatically  be  deemed to be
Plan Shares, without regard to whether the Participant  submits
certificates for such shares to the Administrator, and, to  the
extent  any  such shares are held by the Predecessor Plan agent
under the terms of the Predecessor Plan, they will be delivered
to the Administrator  and  credited  to the Plan Account of the
applicable Participant.

          (c)  Any Person who is a transferee  of a Participant
may  elect  to  participate  in  the  Plan  by  submitting   an
enrollment  form and otherwise complying with the provisions of
Section 4.2.

          (d)  Notwithstanding  the  foregoing, the Company and
the  Administrator  retain the right to  reject  an  enrollment
application of a former  Participant  whose  Plan  Account  was
terminated pursuant to Section 4.5.

     Section  2.2.   Optional  Deposits  of  Common Stock.  (a)
After  the  establishment  of  a  Plan  Account as provided  in
Section  2.1,  a Participant may at any time  deposit  free  of
charge shares of  Common  Stock  held  in a Record Account over
which  such  Participant  has dispositive authority  into  such
Participant's  existing  Plan   Account   by   delivering   the
certificates representing such shares and such documentation as
the Administrator may require.  The Administrator shall send to
a  Participant  a  statement  of account as soon as practicable
after the deposit of shares of  Common Stock under the Plan for
such  Participant.   A Street Name  Beneficial  Owner  may  not
deposit shares of Common Stock with the Administrator under the
Plan.   A Street Name Beneficial  Owner  may  become  a  Record
Security Holder eligible to participate in the Plan and thereby
be  able  to   deposit   shares   of   Common  Stock  with  the
Administrator under the Plan by obtaining  the  registration of
such  shares  in  such  Person's  name  and then following  the
procedures set forth in Section 2.1.  Nothing  contained herein
shall be construed to prohibit any Street Name Beneficial Owner
or  Record  Security  Holder from participating in  the  direct
registration system for any of the Securities, whereby a Person
may be registered on the books of the Company as the owner of a
Security without the issuance  of  a  certificate or instrument
evidencing such registration or ownership.

          (b)  A  Participant  or a Plan  applicant  delivering
certificates to the Administrator in connection with depositing
shares of Common Stock into such person's existing Plan Account
or a Plan Account to be established for such person is eligible
for  insurance  free  of  charge  against   the  loss  of  such
certificates, provided such person submits such certificates to
the  Administrator by first class mail in brown,  pre-addressed
envelopes   supplied   by   the   Administrator.   The  maximum
protection provided by such insurance  is the lesser of $25,000
or  the  current  market value of the shares  of  Common  Stock
represented by such  certificates.   Claims  for such insurance
must  be submitted to the Administrator by a Participant  or  a
Plan applicant  within thirty calendar days after the date that
the subject certificates were mailed to the Administrator, and,
if the claimant is  a  Plan  applicant, such claimant must also
enroll in the Plan in conjunction  with  the processing of such
person's insurance claim.  Any Participant  or  Plan  applicant
who  elects  to forego such insurance coverage by not following
the  aforementioned   procedures   should   nevertheless   mail
certificates  for  shares of Common Stock to be deposited under
the Plan to the Administrator  at  the address furnished by the
Administrator and obtain from a third  party  insurance against
the loss of such certificates in an amount equal to the greater
of  $20  or  the current market value of the shares  of  Common
Stock represented by such certificates.

     Section 2.3.   Optional  Cash  Investments.  A Participant
may  elect  to make an initial Optional  Cash  Investment  upon
enrolling in  the  Plan  by  means of a personal check or money
order   payable  in  United  States   dollars   to   the   Plan
Administrator.    Subsequent  to  enrollment, a Participant may
elect to make occasional or ongoing  Optional  Cash Investments
in the Plan for the purchase of additional Plan Shares by means
of  a  cash  payment  form  that  is attached to statements  of
account prepared by the Administrator  for such Participant, or
by  electronic  debit under Section 2.4 to  the  Administrator;
provided, however, that any Optional Cash Contributions must be
accompanied by, or  in  the case of electronic debits, preceded
by, documentation acceptable  to  the  Administrator.   Ongoing
Optional  Cash Investments by means of a cash payment form  may
be made no  more  frequently  than  once  each  calendar  week;
ongoing  Optional  Cash  Investments by electronic debit may be
made no more frequently than  as set forth in Section 2.4.  Any
Participant who elects to make  Optional  Cash Investments must
invest  at least $50 for any single Optional  Cash  Investment.
In any calendar  year, the sum of all Optional Cash Investments
made that year by a Participant shall not exceed $150,000.

     Section 2.4.   Optional  Cash  Investments  by  Electronic
Debit.   A  Participant  may  elect  to  transmit Optional Cash
Contributions   for   Optional   Cash   Investments    to   the
Administrator   by   means   of   electronic  debit  from  such
Participant's  bank  account  designated   for   this  purpose,
provided   the  Participant  completes  and  delivers  to   the
Administrator  a  valid  and  usable  Automatic Deduction Form,
which will become effective as promptly  as  practicable  after
receipt  thereof  by  the Administrator.  A Participant may any
time  thereafter  change   such   election  by  completing  and
delivering a revised valid and usable Automatic Deduction Form,
which will become effective as promptly  as  practicable  after
receipt  thereof  by  the Administrator.  Each electronic debit
permitted by this Section  2.4  must  be  a  minimum  of $50 in
amount.   A  Participant  making  one  or  more  Optional  Cash
Investments   by  electronic  debit  will  be  charged  by  the
Administrator a  fee, which will initially be $2, for each such
electronic debit.   Such electronic debits may be occasional or
periodic, provided all periodic electronic debits must be made,
at the election of such  Participant,  in  accordance  with the
limitations established by the Administrator from time to time.
Until otherwise established by the Administrator, a Participant
may elect that all such periodic electronic debits will be made
on a monthly basis on either the first or the fifteenth  day of
each  month or on a bi-monthly basis on the first and fifteenth
day of  each  month:  provided  that,  if any such day is not a
Business Day, such debit will be made on the first Business Day
following such day.  Funds provided by an electronic debit will
be used by the Administrator to make Optional  Cash Investments
generally on the Investment Date that is within  five  Business
Days  after  the date of such debit.  In the event that at  any
time the designated  electronic  transfer route or bank account
proves  unusable  for any reason, the  Administrator  shall  so
advise the Participant  of  the  failed transmission and of the
Administrator's resulting inability  to execute the transaction

     Section  2.5.   Dividend  and  Interest   Payment  Method.
Dividends  and  Interest  paid  in respect of all Participating
Securities will be reinvested in  shares  of  Common  Stock and
credited  as  Plan  Shares  to  the  appropriate  Plan Accounts
pursuant to the provisions of the Plan.  Dividends and Interest
paid  in  respect  of a Participant's Securities that  are  not
Participating Securities  shall  be  paid  by  means of a check
delivered  to  such  Participant's address of record  by  first
class mail unless such  Participant  elects that such Dividends
and  Interest  be  sent  by electronic fund  transfer  to  such
Participant's  bank account  designated  for  this  purpose  by
completing and delivering  to  the  Administrator  a  valid and
usable  Automatic  Deposit Form.  A Participant may change  the
designated bank account  by completing and delivering a revised
valid and usable Automatic  Deposit  Form to the Administrator.
In the event that the designated electronic fund transfer route
or bank account identification proves  unusable for any reason,
the Administrator shall send a check for  the  subject Dividend
or Interest by first class mail to the Participant's address of
record  with an advice of the failed transmission  and  of  the
resulting  inability  to  execute  the  deposit  of Dividend or
Interest funds.

     Section 2.6.  Conversion of Securities.  Shares  of Common
Stock  issued  to  a  Participant  upon  the conversion by such
Participant of convertible Securities shall not be deemed to be
Participating  Securities unless such Participant  has  elected
that  all  Record   Securities  of  such  Participant  will  be
Participating Securities  or unless such Participant submits to
the Administrator a revised  enrollment  form  designating such
shares of Common Stock as Participating Securities.

                           ARTICLE III

     Section  3.1   Source  of  Common Stock.  All  Dividends,
Interest and Optional Cash Contributions  shall  be invested in
either (i) Directly Issued Common Stock or (ii) in Common Stock
purchased  in  the  Open Market, as determined by the  Company.
The Company may not change  such determination as to the source
of the shares purchased more  than  once every three months nor
in the absence of a documented determination  by  the  Board or
the chief financial officer of the Company that the need of the
Company  to raise additional capital has changed or that  there
is another valid reason for such change, unless counsel for the
Company  advises   the   Company   that  compliance  with  such
requirements  is no longer necessary  or  advisable  under  the
federal securities laws.

     Section 3.2.   Optional  Cash  Investments.   (a)  For  an
Investment  Date  with  respect  to which the Company elects to
sell Directly Issued Common Stock  to  the  Plan,  the  Company
shall issue to the Administrator upon the Company's receipt  of
the  funds  described  herein  an  integral number of shares of
Common  Stock  equal  to  (i)  the  amount   of  Optional  Cash
Contributions held by the Administrator on such Investment Date
that do not comprise any Ineligible Funds, divided  by (ii) the
Company   Purchase   Price   for  such  Investment  Date.   The
Administrator  shall  credit  to   the  Plan  Account  of  each
investing Participant for such Investment  Date  the  number of
Book  Shares  that  represents  the Participant's proportionate
interest,  as  calculated  in the preceding  sentence,  in  the
Common Stock so purchased.

          (b)  For an Investment Date with respect to which the
Company elects to effect the  Optional Cash Investments through
purchases of shares of Common Stock  in  the  Open  Market, the
Administrator  shall,  if it is an Independent Agent, or  shall
cause an Independent Agent  to,  purchase an integral number of
shares of Common Stock in the Open  Market  equal  to  (i)  the
amount of Optional Cash Contributions held by the Administrator
on  such  Investment  Date  that do not comprise any Ineligible
Funds, divided by (ii) the Market  Purchase  Price with respect
to such Investment Date.  The Administrator shall credit to the
Plan Account of each investing Participant for  such Investment
Date   the   number   of   Book   Shares  that  represents  the
Participant's  proportionate interest,  as  calculated  in  the
preceding sentence, in the Common Stock so purchased.

     Section   3.3.    Dividend   Reinvestment   and   Interest
Reinvestment.  (a)  On  or before each dividend payment date or
interest  payment  date  for   a   Security,  pursuant  to  its
established   practice,  the  Company  shall   remit   to   the
Administrator the  Reinvestment  Fund for such dividend payment
date  or interest payment date with  respect  to  Participating
Securities  to be invested in either (i) Directly Issued Common
Stock or (ii)  Common  Stock  purchased  in the Open Market, as
determined by the Company in accordance with Section 3.1.

          (b)  For  a  dividend  payment date  or  an  interest
payment date with respect to which  the  Company elects to sell
Directly Issued Common Stock to the Plan to  effect  a Dividend
Reinvestment  or  an  Interest Reinvestment, the Company  shall
issue to the Administrator  an  integral  number  of  shares of
Common  Stock equal to (i) the amount of the Reinvestment  Fund
for such  dividend  payment  date or interest payment date that
does not comprise any Ineligible  Funds,  divided  by  (ii) the
Company  Purchase  Price  for  such  dividend  payment  date or
interest  payment date.  The Administrator shall credit to  the
Plan Account  of each Participant with Participating Securities
in regard to which  a  portion of such Dividend or Interest was
paid the number of Book  Shares  that  represents  the  subject
Participant's  proportionate  interest,  as  calculated  in the
preceding sentence, in the Common Stock so purchased.

          (c)  For  a  dividend  payment  date  or  an interest
payment date with respect to which the Company elects to effect
the  Dividend  Reinvestment  or  Interest  Reinvestment through
purchases  of  shares of Common Stock in the Open  Market,  the
Administrator shall,  if  it  is an Independent Agent, or shall
cause an Independent Agent to,  purchase  an integral number of
shares  of  Common Stock in the Open Market equal  to  (i)  the
amount of the  Reinvestment Fund for such dividend payment date
or interest payment  date that does not comprise any Ineligible
Funds, divided by (ii)  the  Market Purchase Price with respect
to such dividend payment date  or  interest  payment date.  The
Administrator  shall  credit  to  the  Plan  Account   of  each
Participant with Participating Securities in regard to which  a
portion  of  such  Dividend  or Interest was paid the number of
Book  Shares  that represents the  Participant's  proportionate
interest, as calculated  in  the  preceding  sentence,  in  the
Common Stock so purchased.

                            ARTICLE IV

     Section  4.1.   Sales  of  Plan Shares.  A Participant may
request, at any time, that all or a portion of the whole shares
of Common Stock allocable to such Participant's Plan Account be
sold  by delivering or making to  the Administrator a completed
Transaction Request and, with respect  to  Plan Shares that are
Certificated  Shares,  delivering  to  the  Administrator   the
certificates  representing  such  Plan  Shares  and  such other
documentation as the Administrator may require. If it is not an
Independent   Agent,   the  Administrator  shall  forward  sale
instructions for such Plan  Shares  to  the  Independent Agent.
The  Administrator  shall,  if it is an Independent  Agent,  or
shall cause an Independent Agent  to  sell  such Plan Shares in
the  Open Market as soon as feasible at its discretion  on  any
one day on which the Common Stock is traded on the Open Market.
The Administrator  shall,  if  it  is  an Independent Agent, or
shall  cause  an  Independent Agent to sell  such  Plan  Shares
pursuant to the provisions  of  Section  5.5  and in accordance
with  general commercial law, stock transfer requirements,  and
federal   and   state  securities  laws.   Promptly  after  the
placement of the  order  to  sell  such Plan Shares on the Open
Market, the Administrator shall send by first class mail to the
address of record of such Participant  a transaction notice for
such  sale.  As soon as practicable following  the  receipt  of
proceeds  from  the  sale of such Plan Shares but no later than
thirty days after its  receipt of the sale Transaction Request,
the Administrator shall send by first class mail to the address
of record of such Participant  a  statement  of  account  and a
check  payable  in  an amount equal to the total number of such
Plan Shares sold multiplied  by  the Market Sale Price for such
Plan  Shares, less any applicable deductions  and  withholdings
required  by  law.  Fractional Plan Shares of a Participant may
be sold in accordance  with  the provisions of Section 4.4 only
if the selling Participant is  withdrawing completely from Plan
participation or the provisions  of  Section  4.5  only if such
Participant's   Plan  Account  is  being  terminated  and  such
Participant has elected  to sell such Participant's Plan Shares
in connection therewith.

     Section 4.2.  Transfers  of  Shares.   A  Participant  may
elect  to  transfer by gift or private sale to the Plan Account
of another Participant or to the Plan Account to be established
for a Person  in  conjunction with such transfer (a) any number
of Plan Shares or (b)  any  number  of Certificated Shares that
are not Participating Securities over which the Participant has
dispositive authority.  Unless the Administrator  is instructed
otherwise, all shares so transferred shall be credited  to  the
appropriate transferee Plan Account as Book Shares.  Fractional
Plan Shares may be transferred from one Plan Account to another
Plan  Account only if the transferor Participant is withdrawing
completely  from  Plan  participation.   Such  transfer  may be
effected  by the Participant by delivering to the Administrator
a  completed  Transaction  Request,  any  necessary  transferee
enrollment form, certificates for any Certificated Shares being
transferred  and  any  other documentation as the Administrator
may require.  As soon as  possible  after  such  transfer,  the
Administrator  shall  send  by  first class mail a statement of
account to each transferor and transferee for such transaction.
If the transferee is already a Participant  as  of  the date on
which Plan Shares are credited under this Section 4.2  to  such
Participant's  Plan Account, the payment of Dividends allocable
to such transferred  Plan Shares shall be made according to the
instructions previously  provided  by  the  transferee for such
Participant's Plan Account.  If the transferee is not already a
Participant  as of the date on which Plan Shares  are  credited
under this Section  4.2 to such Participant's Plan Account, the
Administrator shall open  a  Plan  Account  in  the name of the
transferee using the information provided by the  transferee in
such Person's enrollment form, and the Administrator shall send
the  transferee  a Prospectus and any related documentation  as
soon as reasonably  practicable,  whereupon the transferee will
be eligible to submit Optional Cash Contributions to the Plan.

     Section  4.3.   Classification of  Record  Shares.   If  a
Participant has elected  that  a  portion, but not all, of such
Participant's Record Shares shall be  Participating  Securities
and  such  Participant  subsequently sells, gives, or transfers
fewer  than  all  such  Participant's   Record   Shares,   non-
Participating  Securities  will  be  deemed  to have been sold,
given,  or  transferred prior to any Participating  Securities,
unless such Participant instructs the Administrator otherwise.

     Section  4.4.   Withdrawal  from Plan Participation.  If a
Participant  elects to withdraw partially  or  completely  from
Plan  participation,   the   Administrator  shall  transfer  or
reclassify all whole shares of  Common  Stock allocable to such
Participant's Plan Account and subject to  such  election  to a
Record  Account  for such Participant.  The Administrator shall
send  by first class  mail  a  statement  of  account  and  any
certificates  for  such  whole  shares  of Common Stock to such
Participant's address of record as soon as  practicable, but in
no  event  later  than  thirty  days  after  receipt   of  such
Participant's election.  In connection with any such request to
withdraw  from  Plan  participation,  any fractional Plan Share
will be sold in the open market as soon  as  practicable  after
the  Administrator  receives  such  Participant's election.  As
soon as practicable, but in no event  later  than  thirty  days
after   the   receipt   of  such  Participant's  election,  the
Administrator shall also  send  by  first  class  mail  to  the
address  of  record  of  such Participant a check payable in an
amount  equal  to  a  proration   of  the  Market  Sales  Price
applicable to such fractional Plan  Share,  less any applicable
deductions and withholdings required by law; provided, however,
that  a  Participant  will  not  be  charged  any Administrator
processing fee if whole Plan Shares of such Participant are not
sold in connection therewith.  In the event, however,  that the
Participant  requests  to sell or transfer all or a portion  of
the Common Stock allocable  to  such Participant's Plan Account
upon  withdrawal  from  the Plan, the  relevant  provisions  of
Sections 4.1 and 4.2 will  apply  to  such  sales or transfers,
respectively.   In  the  event that the Administrator  receives
such  Participant's  election  to  withdraw  on  or  after  the
dividend record date or  interest record date for a Dividend or
Interest payment but prior  to  the  dividend  payment  date or
interest  payment  date with respect thereto, the Administrator
may, in its sole discretion,  either  reinvest such Dividend or
Interest  in shares of Common Stock for  the  benefit  of  such
Participant  prior  to  processing  such withdrawal or pay such
Dividend or Interest to such Participant  by  means  of a check
delivered  to  such  Participant's  address  of record by first
class mail.

     Section  4.5.   Termination  of  Plan Participation.   The
Company   or  the  Administrator  may,  in  their   discretion,
terminate a Participant's participation in the Plan at any time
and will do  so  if  a Participant's continued participation is
not considered to be in the best interests of the Company.  The
objective of the Plan  is  to encourage long-term investment by
allowing Security Holders to  accumulate  Common  Stock  over a
long  period  of  time,  thus  providing  benefits  to Security
Holders and the Company.  Excessive activity in a Participant's
account does not serve this objective and may cause the Company
or  the  Administrator  to  terminate  the  eligibility  of   a
Participant  and  such Participant's Plan Account.  The Company
or the Administrator may terminate a Participant's Plan Account
by sending by first class mail to the address of record of such
Participant  written  notice  of  termination.   In  connection
therewith, the  Administrator  shall transfer or reclassify all
whole shares of Common Stock allocable  to  such  Participant's
Plan  Account  to  a Record Account for such Participant.   The
Administrator shall  send  by  first  class mail a statement of
account and any certificates for such whole  shares  of  Common
Stock  to  such  Participant's  address of record within thirty
days  of  such  termination.   In  connection   with  any  such
termination, any fractional Plan Share will be sold in the open
market   as   soon  as  practicable  after  the  date  of  such
termination.  As  soon  as  practicable,  but in no event later
than  thirty  days  after  such termination, the  Administrator
shall also send by first class mail to the address of record of
such  Participant a check payable  in  an  amount  equal  to  a
proration   of  the  Market  Sales  Price  applicable  to  such
fractional Plan  Share,  less  any  applicable  deductions  and
withholdings   required  by  law;  provided,  however,  that  a
Participant will  not  be  charged any Administrator processing
fee if whole Plan Shares of  such  Participant  are not sold in
connection   therewith.   In  the  event,  however,  that   the
Participant requests  to  sell  or transfer all or a portion of
the Common Stock allocable to such  Participant's  Plan Account
upon such termination, the relevant provisions of Sections  4.1
and 4.2 will apply to such sales or transfers, respectively.

     Section  4.6.   Pledge  of Plan Shares.  A Participant may
not pledge Book Shares until such Participant has obtained from
the Administrator one or more  certificates  for such shares of
Common  Stock pursuant to the provisions of Section  5.7.   All
Plan Shares  pledged  by  a  Participant  shall  continue to be
Participating Securities, unless such Participant instructs the
Administrator otherwise.

                            ARTICLE V

     Section 5.1.  Registration of Common Stock Under the Plan.
All  shares of Common Stock purchased by the Administrator  for
the Plan  shall  be  registered  on  the  stock  records of the
Company  in  the  name of the nominee of the Administrator.   A
Participant may at  any  time  submit  Certificated  Shares for
safekeeping    by    the   Administrator.    The   certificates
representing such Certificated  Shares  shall be cancelled, and
such  shares  shall  be  credited  to  such Participant's  Plan
Account as Book Shares.  Any remaining Certificated  Shares  of
such  Participant  that are also Participating Securities shall
remain registered on  the  Company's shareholder records in the
name of the Participant.

     Section 5.2.  Commingling  of  Assets.  For the purpose of
making, or causing to be made, purchases  and  sales  of Common
Stock for the Plan, the Independent Agent shall be entitled  to
commingle  each Participant's funds or the Common Stock held on
behalf  of a  Participant  with  the  funds  or  Common  Stock,
respectively, held on behalf of all other Participants.

     Section 5.3.   Statement  of  Account.  The Administrator
shall send to each Participant a statement  of  account as soon
as  practicable  after  any purchase of shares of Common  Stock
under the Plan for such Participant. Such statements of account
shall  be in addition to other  statements  of  account  to  be
delivered  pursuant to the provisions of other sections of this
Plan.  A Participant  may  also  request from the Administrator
duplicate statements of account.   A  Participant  making  such
request shall be charged by the Administrator a fee, which will
initially be $5, for each such statement of account that is two
or  more  years old, not to exceed a certain amount, which will
initially be  $25, for a single request for statements covering
more than one year.

     Section 5.4.   Stock  Splits,  In-Kind  Distributions, and
Rights Offerings.  Any shares of Common Stock distributed as an
in-kind  distribution  or stock split on Plan Shares  shall  be
credited as Book Shares  to the Plan Accounts of the respective
Participants in proportion  to  the  Plan  Shares  held in such
Participants'   Plan   Accounts,   respectively.    Any  rights
distributed  in respect of the Common Stock that are deemed  to
be attached to  the  Common  Stock  shall  attach  to  all Plan
Shares,   including   fractional  Book  Shares,  and  shall  be
allocated to the Plan Accounts  of  the respective Participants
in  proportion to the Plan Shares held  in  such  Participants'
Plan Accounts, respectively, and shall be held in the same form
as the  Certificated  Shares  or  Book  Shares as to which such
rights relate, respectively.  All communications  in respect of
such  rights shall be distributed to the Participants  pursuant
to Section 6.2 hereof.  To exercise any such rights attached to
any  Book   Shares   credited   to  the  Plan  Account  of  any
Participant, such Participant must  first  request certificates
pursuant  to  Section 5.7 for the Plan Shares  associated  with
such rights and then exercise the rights in accordance with the
procedures for  Record  Security  Holders  applicable  to  such

     Section  5.5.   Timing  of Investments and Sales.  (a) The
Administrator shall, if it is  an  Independent  Agent, or shall
cause  an  Independent Agent to sell Common Stock allocable  to
any  Plan  Account   as   soon  as  practicable  following  the
Administrator's receipt of a direction from a Participant to do
so, except when deferral is  necessary under applicable federal
or state securities laws or regulations.

          (b)  The Administrator shall, if it is an Independent
Agent, or shall arrange with the  Independent Agent to purchase
Common Stock for the Plan at least  once  each calendar week if
there are any outstanding Optional Cash Contributions  not  yet
invested.   The  Administrator  shall  arrange  for purchase of
Common Stock with a Reinvestment Fund no later than thirty days
after  the  relevant dividend payment date or interest  payment
date, and, for  Optional  Cash  Contributions,  no  later  than
thirty-five  days  after  the  Administrator's receipt thereof,
except in each case when deferral  is  necessary to comply with
applicable  federal  or state securities laws  or  regulations.
Any Dividends or Interest  not  invested in Common Stock within
thirty days of the relevant dividend  payment  date or interest
payment date and any Optional Cash Contributions  not  invested
in  Common  Stock within thirty-five days after receipt thereof
by the Administrator  shall be promptly returned by first class
mail to the address of record of each relevant Participant.  No
interest shall be paid on Dividends, Interest, or Optional Cash
Contributions held pending investment or return to the relevant

     Section 5.6.  Timely  Receipt  of  Instructions.   (1)  If
prior to a scheduled Investment Date the Administrator receives
from  a  Participant  an  instruction  not to invest all or any
portion of an Optional Cash Contribution  previously  delivered
by  such  Participant to the Administrator, such Optional  Cash
Contribution  will  not be invested in Common Stock and will be
returned by first class  mail  to the address of record of such
Participant as soon as practicable  but  no  later than thirty-
five days after receipt thereof by the Administrator.

          (2)  If on or before a Record Date the  Administrator
receives from a Participant instructions to change  a  Dividend
or  Interest  payment  method for such Participant, the revised
payment method will be implemented  beginning  with such Record

          (3)  If the Administrator receives from a Participant
instructions to transfer Plan Shares of such Participant  on or
after  an  Ex-Dividend  Date  but  before  the related dividend
payment  date,  or  if  a transfer occurs on or  after  an  Ex-
Dividend Date but before the related dividend payment date, any
such transfer shall be processed without Dividend rights to the
transferee  of  such  Plan  Shares.   As  soon  as  practicable
following the receipt of the  Dividend  allocable  to such Plan
Shares, the Administrator shall reinvest the Dividend  for  the
benefit  of  the  transferor Participant and, if the transferor
Participant has withdrawn  from  Plan  participation,  the Plan
Shares  so  purchased  with  the  Dividend  shall  be  sold  in
accordance  with  the  provision of Section 4.1 of the Plan for
the benefit of the transferor Participant.

     Section 5.7.  Requests  for  Certificates.   A Participant
may,  at  any  time  or from time to time, submit a Transaction
Request to receive one  or  more  certificates  for  all  or  a
portion  of  such Participant's whole Book Shares.  Such shares
of Common Stock  shall  remain  Plan  Shares.  Certificates for
such  shares  of  Common  Stock  will  be  delivered   to  such
Participant's  address  of record within thirty days of receipt
of such Transaction Request.

     Section 5.8.  Fractional  Plan  Shares.   Fractional  Plan
Shares  shall  be  recorded  as  Book  Shares.  Fractional Plan
Shares will not have voting rights but will accrue Dividends on
a proportionate basis.  Fractional Plan Shares of a Participant
will not be liquidated except upon complete  withdrawal by such
Participant from the Plan or the termination of the Plan.

     Section 5.9.   Company Participation.  If  a  Participant
should deliver an Optional  Cash  Contribution  to the Company,
the  Company  must  transmit  it  to the Administrator  by  the
opening of business on the next Business  Day  if such Optional
Cash Contribution is received by noon or by noon  of  the  next
Business  Day  if  such  Optional Cash Contribution is received
after noon.

                            ARTICLE VI

     Section  6.1.   Shareholders.    A  Participant  shall  be
recognized  as a shareholder of Common Stock  for  purposes  of
admission to  the  Company's  shareholder  meetings, voting and
disposing  of  the  shares  of Common Stock allocable  to  such
Participant's  Plan Account and  the  communications  that  the
Company  may from  time  to  time  send  to  its  shareholders,
provided (a)  the  Participant  so recognized has not alienated
the voting or dispositive authority  over  the shares of Common
Stock allocable to such Participant's Plan Account,  other than
pursuant  to  a  valid  proxy solicitation, and (b) either  the
Company's  stock  records  or   the   Plan   records   of   the
Administrator contain the name and address of such Participant.

     Section  6.2.   Communications  and  Voting.   The Company
shall  send  or forward to each Participant Common Stock  proxy
solicitation materials  and  other  general Company shareholder
written  communications,  consent  solicitation  materials,  or
rights offering materials or notices.  A Participant shall have
the exclusive right to exercise all  voting  rights  respecting
such  Participant's Plan Shares and may vote such Participant's
Plan Shares  in  person  or  by  proxy;  provided,  however,  a
Participant  shall  have  no  voting rights with respect to any
fractional Plan Shares allocable  to  such  Participant's  Plan
Account.   Shares  of Common Stock allocable to a Participant's
Plan Account shall not be voted unless such Participant or such
Participant's proxy votes them.

     Section 6.3.  Solicitation.   Solicitation of the exercise
of Participants' voting rights by the management of the Company
and other persons under a proxy or consent provision applicable
to all beneficial holders of Common  Stock  shall be permitted.
Solicitation of the exercise of Participant's  tender  offer or
exchange  offer  rights  by  the  management of the Company and
other persons shall also be permitted.  The Administrator shall
notify Participants of each occasion  for the exercise of their
voting  rights  or rights with respect to  a  tender  offer  or
exchange offer within a reasonable time before such rights must
be exercised.  Such  notification shall include all information
distributed by the Company to Record Security Holders regarding
the exercise of such rights.

                           ARTICLE VII
                       PLAN ADMINISTRATION

     Section 7.1.  Costs.   Costs  of  mailings, materials, and
other administration of the Plan shall be  paid by the Company;
provided,  however,  that  brokerage  commissions,   applicable
taxes, and direct Plan fees, charges, and expenses incurred  in
connection  with Common Stock sales transactions under the Plan
shall be borne  by the Participants as specified in Section 4.1
and disclosed in the  Prospectus.

     Section 7.2.   Control  of  Transactions.   With regard to
Open  Market  purchases and sales of Common Stock, neither  the
Company nor the  Administrator,  unless  it  is  serving as the
Independent Agent, shall have any authority to direct  the time
or  price  at  which Plan Shares may be purchased or sold,  the
amount of such shares  to  be  included  in  a transaction, the
markets on which such shares are to be purchased  or  sold,  or
the selection of the broker or dealer, other than the selection
of  the  Independent Agent by the appropriate party, through or
from  whom   transactions   may   be  made,  except  that  such
transactions shall be made in accordance  with  the  terms  and
conditions  of  the  Plan.  The Company may perform only purely
clerical  and  ministerial   functions   in   connection   with
Securities  transactions  under the Plan and the administration
of the Plan.  Purchases and  sales  of Common Stock on the Open
Market pursuant to the Plan may be executed  upon the terms and
subject to the conditions respecting price and  delivery as the
Administrator,   if   it  is  an  Independent  Agent,  or   the
Independent Agent determines to be appropriate.

     Section 7.3.  Modification  and Termination of the Plan by
the Company.  The Company may at any  time  and  from  time  to
time,  at its sole option, modify, amend or terminate the Plan,
in whole,  in part or in respect of Participants in one or more
jurisdictions;  provided,  however,  no  such  amendment  shall
result  in a distribution to the Company of any Plan Shares  or
cash credited  to  the  Plan  Account of any Participant.  Upon
complete termination of the Plan,  the  Plan  Accounts  of  all
Participants  or, upon the partial termination of the Plan, the
Plan Accounts of all affected Participants, shall be converted,
respectively, to Record Accounts.  The Administrator shall send
by first class  mail  to the address of record of each affected
Participant prior written  notice  of such Plan or Plan Account
termination and of the conversion of  Plan  Accounts  to Record
Accounts.   The fractional Plan Shares of each such Participant
will be liquidated  at  a  cash  value  in an amount equal to a
proration  of the Company Purchase Price as  of  the  effective
date  of  such  termination,  less  applicable  deductions  and
withholdings  required  by law.  As soon as practicable, but no
later  than  thirty  days  after   such   effective   date   of
termination,  the  Administrator shall mail by first class mail
to the address of record  of  each  such  Participant  a  check
payable   in  an  amount  equal  to  the  cash  value  of  such
Participant's fractional Plan Share.

     Section  7.4.   Sale Upon Plan Termination or Plan Account
Termination.  In the event  that  a  Participant  notifies  the
Administrator  of such Participant's desire to sell or transfer
all  or  a portion  of  the  Common  Stock  allocable  to  such
Participant's  Plan  Account  upon the Company's termination of
the Plan or of such Participant's  Plan  Account, such sales or
transfers shall be effected pursuant to the relevant provisions
of Article IV.

                           ARTICLE VIII

     Section   8.1.    Selection  of  an  Administrator.    The
Administrator  shall  be  appointed   by   the  Company,  which
appointment  may be revoked by the Company at  any  time.   The
Administrator  may  resign at any time upon 120 days' notice to
the  Company.   The  Company   shall   make  such  arrangements
regarding compensation of the Administrator  and  reimbursement
of expenses as is  deemed reasonable and appropriate.

     Section 8.2.  Authority and Duties of Administrator.   The
Administrator  shall  have  the authority and responsibility to
control  and  to  manage  the  aspects  of  the  operation  and
administration of the Plan that  are  assigned  herein  as  its
responsibility   and   such  other  aspects  of  operation  and
administration of the Plan  as may be determined by the Company
from time to time.  The Administrator  shall have the power and
the  duty  to  take  all  actions  and  to make  all  decisions
necessary or proper to carry out its responsibilities under the
Plan.  Notwithstanding any other provision  of  this  Plan, the
Administrator shall not be liable for its inability to  buy  or
to  sell  Common Stock on behalf of the Plan as a result of the
closing of one or more of the markets on which the Common Stock
is traded.

     Section 8.3.   Selection  of  Independent  Agent.  If the
Administrator is not eligible under the provisions of this Plan
to  serve  as  the  Independent Agent, the Administrator  shall
select the Independent Agent to serve in such capacity pursuant
to the Plan.  The Administrator  shall  make  arrangements  and
enter  into agreements with the Independent Agent in connection
with the activities contemplated by the Plan.

     Section  8.4.   Authority and Duties of Independent Agent.
The   Independent  Agent   shall   have   the   authority   and
responsibility  to  control  and  to  manage the aspects of the
operation  and  administration of the Plan  that  are  assigned
herein  as  its  responsibility   and  such  other  aspects  of
operation and administration of the  Plan  as may be determined
by the Administrator from time to time.  The  Independent Agent
shall  have the power and the duty to take all actions  and  to
make all  decisions  necessary  or  proper  to  carry  out  its
responsibilities under the Plan.

                            ARTICLE IX

     Section   9.1.    Governing   Law.   This  Plan  shall  be
construed, regulated and administered  under  the  laws  of the
State of Louisiana.

     Section   9.2.     Agreement   by   Participants.    Each
Participant,  as  a  condition  of  participation  herein,  for
himself,    his   heirs,   devisees,    legatees,    executors,
administrators, legal representatives and assigns, approves and
agrees to be  bound  by  the  provisions  of  this Plan and any
subsequent  amendments hereto and all actions of  the  Company,
the Administrator, and the Independent Agent hereunder.

     Section  9.3.   Headings.  The headings and subheadings in
this Plan are inserted  for  convenience and reference only and
are not to be used in construing  the  Plan  or  any  provision

     Section  9.4.   Absence of Guarantee.  Neither the Company
nor the Administrator  guarantees the Plan or Plan Participants
against loss or depreciation.   Neither  the  Company  nor  the
Administrator  guarantees  the  payment or amount of any future
Dividends or Interest on Securities.  Unless otherwise provided
by law, the Company, its directors,  officers,  employees,  and
agents,  the  Administrator, and the Independent Agent shall in
no manner be liable  to  any  Participant  with  respect to the
price or performance of the Common Stock held for the Plan.

     Section  9.5.   Liability.   The  Company,  its directors,
officers,  employees,  and agents, the Administrator,  and  the
Independent Agent shall  not  be  liable under the Plan for any
act performed in good faith or for  any  good faith omission to
act including, without limitation, any claims for liability (a)
arising  out  of  failure to terminate a Plan  Account  upon  a
Participant's  death   absent   valid   transfer   instructions
pertaining  to  the Common Stock allocable to the subject  Plan
Account and (b) the price at which Common Stock is purchased or
sold for Plan Accounts and the time such purchases or sales are

     Section 9.6.  No Assignment.  A Participant who desires to
assign or pledge  Book  Shares  must first request certificates
for such shares pursuant to Section 5.7 hereof.

                            ARTICLE X

     For all purposes of this Plan,  the  following terms shall
have the meanings indicated.

     Administrator:  The term "Administrator"  shall  mean  the
bank, trust company or other entity appointed from time to time
by the Company to act  as  the administrator of the Plan and as
custodian for the Common Stock purchased for the Plan, the Plan
Shares  held  for Participants,  and  all  funds  received  for
investment under  the  Plan.  Until otherwise determined by the
Company, the Administrator shall be First Chicago Trust Company
of New York.

     Automatic Deduction  Form:   The term "Automatic Deduction
Form" shall mean the documentation that the Administrator shall
require to be completed and received prior to taking electronic
debits from a bank account.

     Automatic Deposit Form:  The term "Automatic Deposit Form"
shall  mean  the  documentation  that the  Administrator  shall
require to be completed and received prior to making electronic
credits to a bank account.

     Book  Shares:  The  term  "Book  Shares"   shall   mean  a
Participant's  proportionate  interest  in the shares of Common
Stock held in nominee name by the Administrator  for  the Plan,
as to which the Participant's ownership is evidenced solely  by
book entry in Plan records, and not by any certificate.

     Business  Day:  The  term  "Business  Day"  shall mean any
weekday  on  which  the Administrator conducts normal  business
operations, exclusive of federal banking holidays.

     Certificated Share:  The  term  "Certificated Share" shall
mean a share of Common Stock for which  a  valid certificate is

     Company Purchase Price: The term "Company  Purchase Price"
shall mean with respect to a share of Common Stock  the average
of the high and low per share sales prices of Common  Stock, as
reported  on  The  Nasdaq Stock Market for the date in question
or, if there is no reported  sale  on  such  date,  on the last
preceding  day  on  which  any  reported  sale  of Common Stock
occurred.  With respect to the Company Purchase Price, the date
in question shall be the relevant Investment Date  for Optional
Cash Investments in Directly Issued Common Stock, the  relevant
dividend  payment  date  for Dividend Reinvestments in Directly
Issued Common Stock, and the relevant interest payment date for
Interest Reinvestments in Directly Issued Common Stock.

     Directly Issued Common  Stock:  The  term "Directly Issued
Common Stock" shall mean shares of Common Stock  sold  directly
by  the  Company  under the Plan and shall exclude Common Stock
purchased in the Open Market.

     Dividend: The  term  "Dividend"  shall mean cash dividends
paid on Securities.

     Dividend  Reinvestment:  The term "Dividend  Reinvestment"
shall mean the purchase of Common  Stock  with the Dividends on
Participating  Securities  received  by  the Administrator  for
credit as Plan Shares.

     Exchange  Act:  The  term "Exchange Act"  shall  mean  the
Securities Exchange Act of  1934, as amended from time to time,
and the rules and regulations promulgated thereunder.

     Ex-Dividend Date: The term  "Ex-Dividend  Date" shall mean
the date as of which The Nasdaq Stock Market lists  the  Common
Stock  as being subject to transfer without dividend rights  to
the transferee.

     Independent Agent: The term "Independent Agent" shall mean
an agent  independent  of the Company that satisfies applicable
legal   requirements,   including    without   limitation   the
requirements of Regulation M and Rule  10b-18 promulgated under
the Exchange Act, and who, in the absence of the eligibility of
the Administrator to serve as such, has  been  selected  by the
Administrator  pursuant  to  Section  8.3 hereof to serve as an
independent agent for purposes of making  Open Market purchases
and  sales  of  Common  Stock for the Plan.  Unless  ineligible
hereunder, the Administrator shall be the Independent Agent.

     Ineligible Funds: The  term "Ineligible Funds" shall mean,
as of any date with respect to any Optional Cash Contributions,
Dividends, and Interest received  or  held by the Administrator
from or on behalf of any Participant, any portion of such funds
that   the  Administrator  is  required  to  return   to   such
Participant pursuant to Section 5.5 or Section 5.6 hereof as of
such date.

     Interest: The term "Interest" shall mean interest payments
made on Securities.

     Interest  Reinvestment:  The  term "Interest Reinvestment"
shall mean the purchase of Common Stock  with  the  Interest on
Participating  Securities  received  by  the Administrator  for
credit as Plan Shares.

     Investment Date: The term "Investment Date" shall mean the
date in each calendar week selected by the  Administrator or by
the  Independent Agent as of which shares of Common  Stock  are
purchased  or  begun to be purchased for the Plan with Optional
Cash Contributions,  either  in  the Open Market or as Directly
Issued Common Stock.

     Market Purchase Price: The term  "Market  Purchase  Price"
shall mean with respect to a share of Common Stock purchased on
the  Open  Market  in  connection  with  an  Investment Date, a
dividend  payment  date  with  respect  to  a Security,  or  an
interest payment date with respect to a security,  the weighted
average price per share of all shares of Common Stock purchased
on  the  Open  Market  under  the Plan in connection with  such
Investment Date, dividend payment  date,  or  interest  payment
date,  respectively,  without  deduction for charges, expenses,
fees, and commissions directly incurred in connection with such

     Market Sale Price: The term "Market Sale Price" shall mean
with respect to a share of Common Stock sold in the Open Market
on a particular date the weighted  average  price  per share of
all  shares  of Common Stock sold in the Open Market under  the
Plan  on such date  after  deduction  for  the  Administrator's
processing   fee,   which  will  initially  be  $15,  for  each
transaction request by  a  Participant and the weighted average
per share amount of brokerage  commissions  and any other costs
directly incurred in connection with such sales.

     Open  Market:  The  term  "Open  Market"  shall  mean  any
securities  exchange on which the Common Stock is  traded,  the
over-the-counter  market, or negotiated transactions, excluding
transactions with the Company or its affiliates.

     Optional  Cash   Investment:   The   term  "Optional  Cash
Investment" shall mean the voluntary purchase  by a Participant
of  shares  of  Common Stock under the Plan with Optional  Cash

     Participant:  The  term  "Participant"  shall mean (a) any
person  who has met the requirements of Section  2.1  regarding
enrollment  and  investment and has not revoked such elections,
and (b) any Person  participating in the Predecessor Plan as of
the date that the Plan  first  becomes  effective,  unless such
Person  has  timely delivered the notification referred  to  in
Section 2.1(b) hereof.

     Participating Securities: The Securities of a Participant,
whether held in  a  Record  Account  or  a  Plan  Account,  the
Dividends  or  Interest  payable  in respect of which have been
designated  by such Participant on an  enrollment  form  to  be
reinvested under  the  Plan  or the Predecessor Plan.  All Book
Shares of a Participant shall be Participating Securities.

     Person:  The  term "Person"  shall  mean  any  individual,
corporation,  partnership,  limited  liability  company,  joint
venture, association,  joint-stock  company,  trust,  estate or
unincorporated organization.

     Plan  Account: The term "Plan Account" shall mean,  as  to
any Participant,  the  account  maintained by the Administrator
recording such Participant's Plan  Shares  and any cash held by
the  Administrator  pending  investment  or  return   to   such

     Plan  Shares: The term "Plan Shares" shall mean, as to any
Participant,   (a)   the   Certificated  Shares  held  in  such
Participant's name on the stock  records  of  the  Company  and
credited  to  such  Participant's Plan Account as Participating
Securities and (b) the  Book  Shares held in such Participant's
Plan Account.

     Predecessor Plan: The term  "Predecessor  Plan" shall mean
the Dividend and Interest Reinvestment and Stock  Purchase Plan
adopted by the Company in 1987.

     Prospectus:   The   term   "Prospectus"   shall  mean  the
prospectus for the offering of shares of Common Stock under the
Plan filed by the Company under the Securities Act  of 1933, as
it may be amended from time to time.

     Record Account: The term "Record Account" shall  mean  any
Security  Holder  account  on  the Company's securities records
reflecting Securities ownership, excluding all Plan Accounts.

     Record Date: The term "Record  Date"  shall  mean the date
established  by  the Company's Board of Directors to  determine
Record Security Holders  and  Plan Participants for the purpose
designated by the Board of Directors at the time.

     Record Securities: The term "Record Securities" shall mean
all Securities credited to a Record Account.

     Record Security Holder: The  term "Record Security Holder"
shall mean the Person whose name and taxpayer identification or
social security number, where applicable,  are  recorded  in  a
Record Account.

     Reinvestment Fund: The term "Reinvestment Fund" shall mean
the  total   amount  of  Dividends  or  Interest  allocable  to
Participating  Securities  for a given dividend payment date or
interest   payment   date,   respectively,    less   applicable
withholdings and deductions required by law, and  paid  by  the
Company to the Administrator with respect to such Participating

     Street  Name  Beneficial  Owner:  The  term  "Street  Name
Beneficial   Owner"   shall   mean  any  Person  other  than  a
Participant  who  has  voting  or  dispositive  authority  over
Securities registered on the Company's  securities records, not
in such Person's name, but in the name of  a  third party bank,
broker, nominee, or trustee.

     Transaction Request: The term "Transaction  Request" shall
mean  the instructions and documentation that the Administrator
shall  require   to  be  completed  and  received  prior  to  a
Participant's sale,  gift,  or  transfer  of  Plan  Shares, the
provision    of   certificates,   or   withdrawal   from   Plan
participation.   The  term  shall  include electronic and voice
transaction  requests acceptable to the  Administrator  wherein
the  Participant   supplies   the   Administrator   with   such
Participant's  Plan  account number and personal identification