March 19, 1997
          Page 1

                                                               EXHIBIT 10.1

                                    March 19, 1997

          Anthony P. Campo
          104 Chipola Court
          Mandeville, LA

          Dear Anthony:

               This  letter is to set forth the terms that have been freely
          and mutually agreed upon by us in connection with your separation
          from employment with the Company, effective March 19, 1997.

               In  satisfaction  of  all  of  its  obligations  under  your
          Employment  Agreement dated December 16, 1993, as amended May 16,
          1996, and your  Change of Control Agreement, the Company will (i)
          pay in full to you  all  salary, wages, and other compensation or
          remuneration owed and due  to  you  arising  out of or related to
          your  employment with the Company through March  19,  1997,  less
          applicable  withholding  for taxes; (ii) pay to you in a lump sum
          of $363,000 less applicable  withholding  for  taxes; (iii) for a
          period of 12 months from March 19, 1997, reimburse  you  for  the
          health  insurance premiums paid by you for health insurance under
          your COBRA  elections  made  to  continue  the  coverage that the
          Company  maintains; (iv) continue the lease payments,  insurance,
          etc. that the Company has been paying with respect to, and permit
          you to continue  to use, the Company automobile you are currently
          using for the duration  of  the current lease; and (v) permit you
          to  retain  your office computer  and  other  small  items  of  a
          personal nature in your office.

               The Company  acknowledges that you will remain a director of
          the Company until your resignation, removal or non-reelection and
          that for purposes of  compensation  of  directors,  you will be a
          non-employee director.

               The  Company will also enter into with you a consulting  and
          non-competition agreement (the "Agreement") in the form attached.

               In exchange for the above, you will enter into the Agreement
          and you voluntarily  release  the  Company  and  its  affiliates,
          officers, agents, directors, employees, shareholders and insurers
          from any and all claims of whatsoever nature and kind  which  may
          have  arisen  from any act done, or not done, relating in any way
          to  your  employment   with   the  Company  and  its  affiliates,
          including, but not limited to,  the  Employment Agreement and any
          alleged violation of Title VII of the  Civil  Rights Act of 1964,
          the  Age  Discrimination  Act  of  1967, the Employee  Retirement
          Income Security Act (ERISA), the Fair  Labor  Standards  Act, the
          American with Disabilities Act, and any other federal, state,  or
          local law, regulation or ordinance.

               You  and  the  Company  both  agree  that neither party will
          display,   discuss  or  publicize  this  letter  agreement,   its
          underlying terms  or  the  facts and circumstances leading to the
          separation  of  your  employment   with  the  Company  except  as
          necessary to comply with applicable  laws and legal process.  You
          understand that disclosure of the terms  is  required  by federal
          securities laws.

               This  letter agreement further supersedes any and all  other
          agreements, either oral or in writing, between us with respect to
          your employment  with the Company and contains all the agreements
          between us with respect  to such employment, except that you will
          continue to comply  with Paragraph  9 of the Employment Agreement
          in accordance with its terms.

               The construction and interpretation  of this agreement shall
          be governed by and construed and enforced in  accordance with the
          laws of the State of Louisiana.

                                        Very truly yours,

                                        CAMPO ELECTRONICS, APPLIANCES,
                                        AND COMPUTERS, INC.

                                        By:  /s/ RON FORMAN

          19th DAY OF MARCH, 1997.

          /s/ ANTHONY P. CAMPO


          March 19, 1997
          Page 1


               Agreement   between   Campo   Electronics,  Appliances   and
          Computers,   Inc.   (the   "Company")  and   Anthony   P.   Campo
          ("Consultant") dated March 19, 1997.

               1.   Definitions.   The   following  terms  shall  have  the
          meanings set forth below:

                    (a)  "Associate"  and  "Affiliate"   -   the   meanings
          specified  in  Rule  12b-2  under the Securities Exchange Act  of
          1934, as amended ("Rule 12b-2").

                    (b)  "Business" - the  business in which the Company is
          currently engaged, including but not  limited  to the retail sale
          and installation of (i) major home appliances such  as  microwave
          ovens,  washing  machines, dryers, air conditioners, dishwashers,
          refrigerators,  freezers,   ranges   and  vacuum  cleaners;  (ii)
          consumer  electronics,  such  as  televisions,   video   cassette
          recorders,  camcorders, audio components, audio systems, portable
          audio equipment,  car  stereos,  mobile telephones and automobile
          anti-theft  devices;  and (iii) home  office  products,  such  as
          personal computers, telephones, answering machines, fax machines,
          copiers, calculators and computer software.

                    (c)  "Competitive  Business"  - any business or line of
          business that (i) in whole or in part, as  of  the  date  of this
          Agreement,   is   the  same  as,  substantially  similar  to,  or
          competitive with, any  facet  of  the Business and (ii) operates,
          sells, markets, competes or derives  revenue  in  the  Restricted

                    (d)  "Person" - any natural person, any entity, and any
          enterprise  of  any  kind,  including  governmental  or political
          subdivisions, agencies or instrumentalities thereof

                    (e)  "Restricted Market" - (i) During the term  of this
          Agreement,  the  parishes  in  Louisiana  of  Orleans, East Baton
          Rouge,  St.  Tammany,  Caddo,  Bossier,  Ouachita, Calcasieu  and
          Rapides, and all parishes, counties and municipalities within the
          other  states  within which the Company is then  engaged  in  its
          Business and (ii) following termination of this Agreement for the
          periods of time  in subsections 3(c) and 3(d), the above parishes
          of Louisiana, any  parish  of  Louisiana  in which the Company is
          engaged in its Business at the time of such termination, and such
          additional  jurisdictions,  as  are  specified   in   writing  to
          Consultant at such time.

               2.   Personal  Services to be Performed; Term; Compensation.
          (a)  The  Company hereby  engages  Consultant  to  serve  as  its
          consultant  and  Consultant  agrees  to  so  serve  for  a period
          commencing  as  of  the  date  hereof  and  ending  on the second
          anniversary  of  the  date  hereof,  unless sooner terminated  as
          provided herein.  Consultant agrees to  perform  services on such
          matters and at such times as and when requested by the management
          or  Board  of  Directors  of the Company upon reasonable  notice.
          Consultant agrees to devote  such  of  his time, skill, labor and
          attention to the performance of such services as may be necessary
          or  desirable to render the prompt and effective  performance  of
          his duties hereunder.

                    (b)  Consultant  shall not be precluded by this Section
          from  pursuing other employment  or  occupational  or  vocational
          activities,  provided  that  he  complies  with  the covenants in
          Sections 2(a) and 3.

                    (c)  In exchange for his services and his  covenants in
          Section  3,  the  Company shall pay Consultant $5,000 per  month,
          payable  monthly.   Consultant   shall   also   be   entitled  to
          reimbursement  for  all  travel  and other out-of-pocket expenses
          reasonably  incurred by him in the  performance  of  his  duties,
          subject to Company  policies  with respect thereto, after receipt
          of Consultant's written expense  voucher  (with  copies  of bills
          attached)  indicating  the  amount,  nature  and  purpose  of the
          expenses  incurred, all of which shall be in such form and detail
          as to enable  the  Company to substantiate its federal income tax
          deductions for such expenses.

               3.   Covenant Not  to Compete.  (a) Consultant hereby agrees
          that, he will not, and will  cause  his Affiliates and Associates
          not to, directly or indirectly:

                         (i)  own,  manage,  operate,   control,   consult,
          advise,  promote,  invest  or  acquire an interest in (other than
          investments not exceeding 4% of  voting  or  equity), be employed
          by,  act  as  an agent on behalf of, allow his skill,  knowledge,
          experience or reputation  to  be  used by, or otherwise engage or
          participate  in (whether as a proprietor,  partner,  shareholder,
          director, officer,  employee,  consultant,  advisor, sales agent,
          joint venturer, investor, promoter or other participant  in)  any
          Competitive  Business within the Restricted Market; provided that
          he may own an  interest in Mobile-One and he may also be employed
          by Mobile-One as long as Mobile-One's business is not expanded to
          include any other Competitive Business (It is agreed that Mobile-
          One's business currently  is  the retail sale and installation of
          car stereos, mobile communication  devices, automobile anti-theft
          devices  and  other  electronic  devices   designed  for  use  in

                         (ii) solicit,  induce,  influence  or  attempt  to
          influence  any  customer,  supplier,  distributor,  sales  agent,
          lender,  lessor  or  any  other  person  who   has   a   business
          relationship  with  the  Company,  or  who  on  the  date of this
          Agreement had a business relationship with the Company  or had in
          the  past  year  engaged  in discussions or negotiations to enter
          into a business relationship  with the Company, to discontinue or
          reduce the extent of such relationship with the Company;

                         (iii)  recruit,  solicit   or   otherwise  induce,
          influence or attempt to influence any employee or  agent  of  the
          Company  to  discontinue such employment or relationship with the
          Company, or employ  or  seek  to  employ,  or cause or permit any
          Competitive Business to employ or seek to employ,  any person who
          is  then  (or was at any time within one year prior to  the  date
          Consultant,  his  Affiliates  or  Associates,  or the Competitive
          Business employs or seeks to employ such person)  employed by the
          Company; or

                         (iv) use   the   Campo  name  in  any  Competitive

                    (b)  Each of the covenants  in  subsection  (a) of this
          Section  shall  be  binding for the lesser of two years from  the
          date hereof or the maximum  period  of  time under applicable law
          for  which  a  natural person or corporation  may  agree  not  to
          compete in connection with the provision of consulting services.

               4.   Status  of  Consultant.   (a)  The  parties  agree that
          Consultant  is  an independent contractor and not an employee  of
          the Company. Accordingly,  Consultant  acknowledges  that he will
          (i)  not  be eligible or entitled to participate in any  employee
          benefit plans,  arrangements,  distributions,  insurance or other
          similar  benefits  that  may  be provided by the Company  to  its
          employees, (ii) not be treated as an employee for purposes of any
          law  regarding  income  tax  withholding   or   for  purposes  of
          contributions   required   by  any  unemployment,  insurance   or
          compensatory program, and (iii)  be  solely  responsible  for the
          payment  of,  and  will  pay  when  due, any taxes or assessments
          imposed on account of the compensation  to or the services by him
          pursuant hereto, including, without limitation,  any unemployment
          insurance  tax,  federal,  state  or local income taxes,  federal
          social security payments, state disability  insurance  taxes  and
          foreign  taxes.  Consultant agrees to indemnify and hold harmless
          the Company  from  any  liabilities,  claims,  losses or expenses
          arising  out  of  his breach of this Section 4, which  obligation
          shall survive the termination of this Agreement.

                    (b)  Consultant  will  not,  and  has  no authority to,
          represent  to  others  that  he  is an employee or agent  of  the
          Company.   Except  as  expressly authorized  in  writing  by  the
          Company, Consultant has  no  authority  to  bind  or obligate the
          Company, to use the name of the Company or any of its  Affiliates
          in any manner whatsoever, or to represent to others that  he  has
          any such authority.

               5.   Term;   Termination.   (a)  Unless  earlier  terminated
          pursuant to subsection (b), this Agreement shall terminate on the
          second anniversary of the date hereof.

                    (b)  Notwithstanding anything to the contrary contained
          herein, this Agreement may be terminated by:

                         (i)  either  party in  the  event  of  a  material
          breach  by  the  other  of  them of  any  covenant  or  agreement
          contained herein, which cannot  be  cured  within  10  days after
          written  notice  of  such breach is given to the party committing
          such breach;

                         (ii) the  Company,  upon  the  Consultant's death,
          incapacity or interdiction; or

                         (iii) the mutual written consent  of  both parties
          hereto in whole or in part at any time.

                    (c)  Except   as   otherwise   provided   herein,  upon
          termination  of  this  Agree-ment  under  this  Section  5,   all
          obligations  of the Company and Consultant hereunder shall cease;
          except  that  the  obligations  of  Consultant  under  Section  3
          hereunder shall  survive  for  the  periods  of time set forth in
          subsection  3(b)  hereof.   If  this Agreement is  terminated  by
          Consultant pursuant to subsection  (b)(i) above, all amounts owed
          him for the unexpired term hereof shall  become  immediately  due
          and payable in full to him within 30 days of such termination.

               6.   Notices.   Any  notice,  communication, request, reply,
          consent,  advice  or  disclosure notice  ("Notice")  required  or
          permitted to be given in  connection  herewith must be in writing
          and may be given by (i) depositing it in  the United States mail,
          postage prepaid and registered or certified  with  return receipt
          requested, (ii) hand delivery, or (iii) sending it by  an express
          air   mail  courier  service  for  next  business  day  delivery,
          facsimile  or  e-mail.   Notice  deposited  in  the mail shall be
          effective  72 hours thereafter; otherwise it shall  be  effective
          upon delivery.   For  purposes  of  Notice,  the addresses of the
          parties  shall,  until  changed  as hereinafter provided,  be  as

               (a)       If to the Company:

                         104 Northpark Blvd.
                         Covington, La.

                         Attention: President

                    (b)  If to Consultant:

                         104 Chipola Court
                         Mandeville, La.

          or such other address as either party  shall specify by Notice to
          the other party.

               8.   Complete Agreement; No Amendment.   This  Agreement  is
          the entire under-standing between the parties with respect to the
          matters   provided   for   herein,  and  all  prior  discussions,
          negotiations, commitments, writings  and  understandings  related
          hereto  are  hereby  superseded.   This  Agreement  shall  not be
          amended  or  modified  except  by  the  written  agreement of the

               9.   Successors  and  Assigns.   This  Agreement   shall  be
          binding  upon  and inure to the benefit of the parties and  their
          successors and permitted  assigns.   Consultant  may  not  assign
          either  his rights or obligations hereunder without the Company's
          prior written consent.

               10.  Remedies.    The   parties  agree  that  if  Consultant
          breaches or is about to breach  any  provision hereof, the damage
          to  the  Company  will  be  substantial,  although  difficult  to
          ascertain,  and  money  damages  may not afford  it  an  adequate
          remedy, and it shall be entitled, in addition to all other rights
          and remedies as may be available to  it  at  law or in equity, to
          specific performance and injunctive and other equitable relief to
          prevent or restrain a breach.

               11.  Governing Law.  The construction and  interpretation of
          this Agreement shall be governed by and construed and enforced in
          accordance  with  the  laws of the State of Louisiana,  provided,
          however, that any dispute  regarding  the  reasonableness  of the
          covenants  and agreements in Section 3 hereof, or the territorial
          scope  or  duration  thereof,  shall  be  governed  by  the  laws
          applicable to such dispute.

               12.  Waivers.    The   Company  will  not  be  deemed  as  a
          consequence of any act, delay,  failure, omission, forbearance or
          other indulgence granted by it from time to time or for any other
          reason to have: (a) waived, or to  be  estopped  from exercising,
          any of its rights or remedies hereunder or (b) modified, changed,
          amended, terminated, rescinded, or superseded any  of  the  terms
          hereof,  unless  it  does  so expressly, in a writing signed by a
          duly authorized officer.  No  single  or  partial exercise by the
          Company  of any right or remedy will preclude  other  or  further
          exercise thereof  or  the  exercise of any other right or remedy,
          and a waiver expressly made  in  writing  on one occasion will be
          effective only in that specific instance and only for the precise
          purpose for which given, and will not be construed  as  a consent
          to or a waiver of any right or remedy on any future occasion.  No
          notice  or  demand  will  entitle  its recipient to any other  or
          future notice or demand in similar or other circumstances.

               13.  Severability.  Consultant  acknowledges  that  (a)  the
          geographic  scope of the covenants contained herein is the result
          of arm's-length bargaining and is fair and reasonable in light of
          the nature of the operations of the Business and that some or all
          facets  of  the  Business  have  been  conducted  throughout  the
          Restricted Market and (b) such covenants are given as an integral
          part of his obligation  to provide services pursuant to Section 2
          hereof.  It is the desire,  intent  and  agreement of the parties
          that the provisions of this Agreement be enforced  to the fullest
          extent  permitted under the laws and public policies  applied  in
          each jurisdiction  in  which  enforcement  is  sought, and if the
          duration,  geographical  scope  or  any  other provision  of  the
          covenants herein are determined to be invalid or unenforceable in
          any  jurisdiction,  then they will negotiate  in  good  faith  to
          modify or limit the scope of such covenants in a manner that they
          believe, after consultation  with  their respective counsel, will
          result in such covenants being enforceable  in such jurisdiction,
          it being the intent of this provision that such  modification  or
          limitation  will apply only with respect to such jurisdiction and
          that the Company  shall  at  all  times  have  the benefit of the
          covenants  contained   herein,  except  to  the extent  otherwise
          required  by  any  such  modification  or  limitation.    Without
          limiting the generality of the foregoing, the parties acknowledge
          that  the  covenants  in subsections (i) through (iii) of Section
          3(a) and in Sections 3(b),  3(c) and 3(d) are each intended to be
          separate and divisible, and if,  for  any reason, any one or more
          shall be determined to be invalid or unenforceable,  in  whole or
          in  part,  such  determination  shall  not  be held to affect the
          validity or enforceability of any other such  covenant or portion

               14.  Determinations.   Any good faith determination  by  the
          Board  of  Directors  that  a  business   or   line  of  business
          constitutes a Competitive Business shall be final and binding.

               15.  Acknowledgment.  Consultant hereby acknowledges that he
          has read, understands and expressly agrees to the  terms  of this
          Agreement,  including without limitation the provisions governing
          the length of  his  agreements  not  to compete and the choice of
          governing law.

               IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have duly authorized,
          executed and delivered this Agreement  as of the date first above

                                        CAMPO ELECTRONICS, APPLIANCES
                                        AND COMPUTERS, INC.

                                        By:  /s/ RON FORMAN

                                             /s/ ANTHONY P. CAMPO