EMPLOYMENT AGREEMENT

               This  Agreement  is dated as of the 14th day of April, 1997,
          between Campo Electronics,  Appliances  and  Computers, Inc. (the
          "Company") and John K. Ross (the "Employee").

               1.   Employment/Capacity.  The Company agrees  to  and  does
          hereby  employ  the Employee, and the Employee agrees to and does
          hereby remain in  the  employ  of the Company, upon the terms and
          conditions set forth in this Agreement.  Such employment shall be
          in the capacity of Vice President  -  Marketing,  subject  to the
          supervision  of  the  Company's  Board  of  Directors  and  Chief
          Executive Officer.  Such employment shall commence on the date of
          this  Agreement  (the  "Effective Date") and shall continue until
          the first anniversary of the date of this Agreement unless sooner
          terminated  as provided in  this  Agreement.   As  used  in  this
          Agreement, the phrase "term of this Agreement" shall be deemed to
          include the period  subsequent  to the Effective Date through the
          earlier of termination of Employee's  employment with the Company
          or the first anniversary of the date of  this Agreement; however,
          such phrase shall not be construed as limiting the enforceability
          by either party of any rights provided for in this Agreement.

               2.   Time  and Effort/Absences.  During  the  term  of  this
          Agreement,  the  Employee   shall  devote  his  entire  time  and
          attention during normal business hours to the Company's business,
          and he shall not engage in any other business activity whether or
          not for gain, profit or other  pecuniary  advantage,  but nothing
          shall  be construed to restrict him (i) from performing  services
          as a member  of  the Board of Directors, Board of Trustees or the
          like of any non-profit  or  for-profit  entity  whether or not he
          receives  compensation therefor, provided that such  services  do
          not unreasonably  interfere  with  his  ability  to  perform  the
          services  and discharge his responsibilities hereunder, (ii) from
          investing his  assets  in such form or manner as will not require
          any services on his part  in the operation of the business of the
          entity  in  which such investment  is  made,  and/or  (iii)  from
          serving in various  capacities  with,  and attending meetings of,
          industry  groups  and  associations  relevant  to  the  Company's

               3.   Corporate  Offices.   If  elected,  the  Employee  will
          serve, without additional compensation,  as  a  director  of  the
          Company and/or as an officer and director (or in either capacity)
          of  any  subsidiary  of  the  Company.  The Company agrees during
          Employee's employment hereunder to:

                    (i) maintain, if available  at a cost acceptable to the
               Board of Directors in its discretion,  director  and officer
               liability insurance for the Employee in connection  with his
               serving  in  all  such  capacities  in an amount and on such
               terms as are currently in effect for  officers and directors
               of   the   Company   or,   if  reduced,  as  are  reasonably
               satisfactory to the Employee; and

                    (ii) use its reasonable  best  efforts  to maintain the
               director   and   officer   exculpation  and  indemnification
               provisions   currently   provided   in   its   Articles   of
               Incorporation and By-laws  and, if Louisiana law at any time
               permits more protection than  currently  provided,  use  its
               best efforts to add such additional protection.

               4.   Salary/Bonus/Other  Benefits.   In consideration of the
          services and duties to be rendered and performed  by the Employee
          during  the  term of this Agreement, the Company agrees  that  it
          will, during the  term of this Agreement, pay and provide for the
          Employee  the  compensation  and  benefits  described  below  and
          described elsewhere in this Agreement and the Appendices hereto:

                    a.   Salary.   A  salary,  payable  in  equal bi-weekly
          installments,  at  the  annualized  rate  provided in Appendix  A
          hereto, or in such greater amount as may from  time  to  time  be
          fixed  by  the  Board  of  Directors  of  the Company or any duly
          authorized committee thereof.  The Employee's  salary  rate shall
          not be reduced without his written consent.

                    b.   Bonus.   A  bonus  or  bonuses  in such amount  as
          described  and  as may from time to time be fixed  in  accordance
          with Appendix A hereto.

                    c.   Other   Benefits.    The   other  payments  and/or
          benefits described in Appendix B hereto.

                    d.   Withholding.  All such payments  shall  be  net of
          applicable  withholding  for  taxes  and  other  required amounts

               5.   Expenses.  The Employee shall be reimbursed for out-of-
          pocket  expenses  incurred  from  time to time on behalf  of  the
          Company or any subsidiary in the performance  of his duties under
          this   Agreement,   upon  the  presentation  of  such  supporting
          documents and forms as the Company shall reasonably request.

               6.   Disability. If the Employee becomes Disabled (such term
          is used as defined in  Section 1.5 of the Company's Severance Pay
          Plan  and  Summary Plan Description)  during  the  term  of  this
          Agreement the  Company shall have the continuing right and option
          while such disability  continues  by  notice  in  writing  to the
          Employee  to terminate this Agreement effective thirty days after
          such notice  is so given, unless within such thirty day period he
          becomes capable  of rendering full time services of the character
          contemplated  hereby  and  he  resumes  such  services.   If  the
          Employee becomes  Disabled,  as  aforesaid,  the Company shall be
          obligated to provide to him the amounts and benefits described in
          Appendix C hereto (less Withholding) in lieu of all other amounts
          and benefits provided by this Agreement.

               7.   Death.  If  Employee  dies  during  the  term  of  this
          Agreement, this Agreement will terminate and the Company shall be
          obligated  to provide his personal representative(s)  and/or  his
          beneficiaries  with  the  amounts and death benefits described in
          Appendix C hereto (less Withholding) in lieu of all other amounts
          and benefits provided by this Agreement.

               8.   Severance or Termination  Pay  and  Benefits.   If  the
          employment  of  the Employee is terminated at any time during the
          term of this Agreement  (i) by him for Good Reason (as defined in
          Paragraph 9 hereof) or (ii)  by  the Company for any reason other
          than  for  Cause (as hereafter defined),  the  Company  shall  be
          obligated to  pay to him the severance pay and benefits described
          in Appendix D hereto  (less  Withholding)  in  lieu  of all other
          amounts   and  benefits  provided  by  this  Agreement.   If  the
          employment  of Employee is terminated at any time during the term
          of this Agreement  (i)  by him without Good Reason or (ii) by the
          Company for Cause, the Company  shall  be  obligated  to  pay the
          Employee the termination and other benefits described in Appendix
          E  hereto  (less  Withholding)  in  lieu of all other amounts and
          benefits  provided  by  this  Agreement.    Termination   of  the
          Employee's employment on account of his Disability or death  will
          not  require  the  Company  to  pay  and  provide any amounts and
          benefits  pursuant  to Appendix D or E, but instead  to  pay  and
          provide the amounts and benefits described in Appendix C.

               As used herein,  the  term "Cause" means (i) the willful and
          continuing failure by the Employee  to  perform substantially the
          services contemplated (other than any such failure resulting from
          his  Disability)  within  a reasonable period  of  time  after  a
          written demand for substantial performance is delivered to him by
          a duly authorized member or representative of the Company's Board
          of Directors  which specifically  identifies  the manner in which
          it  is  alleged  that  he  has  not substantially performed  such
          services,  or  (ii) the willful engaging  by  him  in  misconduct
          materially injurious to the Company.

               9.   Termination by the Employee for Good Reason.

                    a.   The  termination by the Employee of his employment
          for "Good Reason" during  the  term  of  this  Agreement shall be
          deemed  a  justifiable  termination of his employment  and  shall
          excuse  him  from the obligation  to  render  services  under  or
          relating to this  Agreement.   In that event the Company shall be
          obligated  to  pay  to  the Employee  the  amounts  and  benefits
          described in Appendix D hereto  in lieu of all others provided by
          this Agreement.  As used herein, the term "Good Reason" means:

                         1.   the occurrence  of any of the following:  (i)
          a change by the Company in his status, title or position(s) as an
          officer of the Company which does not  represent a promotion from
          or enhancement of his status, title and  position,  or  (ii)  the
          assignment of any duties, responsibilities which are inconsistent
          with  such status, title or position, or (iii) any removal of the
          Employee  from  or any failure to reappoint or reelect him to his
          position except in  connection  with a justifiable termination by
          the  Company  of  his  employment for  Cause  or  on  account  of
          Disability or death or the  termination  by  the  Employee of his
          employment other than for Good Reason, or (iv) the exclusion from
          meetings,  or  decision-making  processes, or the withholding  of
          data  which would be valuable and  appropriate  to  an  executive
          officer  of  the  Company,  or  germane  to  the function of Vice
          President of Marketing, provided in each such  case  described in
          clauses (i), (ii), (iii) or (iv) that the same continues  for  10
          days  after written notice thereof by the Employee to the Company
          specifying the alleged occurrence; or

                         2.   a  reduction  in his salary rate or a failure
          by the Company to pay to the Employee when due any installment of
          salary and/or any bonus required pursuant to Appendix A or to pay
          when  due  any  other amounts owing under  or  relating  to  this
          Agreement,  or  to   perform   any   of  the  Company's  material
          obligations under this Agreement, which  reduction  or failure in
          any  such  case continues for a period of ten days after  written
          notice thereof is given by him to the Company; or

                         3.   the  Company's  requiring  him  to  be  based
          anywhere  other  than within a 75-mile radius of the New Orleans,
          Louisiana area except  for required travel in the ordinary course
          of the Company's business.

               b.   The filing by  or against the Company of an application
          seeking protection under the  federal  bankruptcy  laws,  or  the
          granting of such application, shall not of itself constitute Good
          Reason,  but  the  failure of the Company to satisfy Paragraph 27
          shall constitute Good Reason.

               c.   Employee's  right  to terminate his employment for Good
          Reason during the term of this Agreement shall continue in effect
          until the Company notifies Employee  in  writing that Good Reason
          exists specifying the provision of the Agreement  giving  rise to
          the right to terminate and Employee fails to exercise such  right
          within  60  days  of  actual  receipt  of  such notice.  Any such
          failure  to exercise shall not prevent Employee  from  exercising
          the right  to  terminate  for Good Reason with respect to any new
          occurrence constituting Good Reason that follows such failure and
          is not a continuation of a prior such occurrence.

               10.  Notice  of  Termination.    Any   purported  notice  of
          termination  by  the  Company or the Employee of  the  Employee's
          employment shall be communicated  in  a  writing delivered to the
          other  party  as provided in Paragraph 18 hereof  (hereinafter  a
          "Notice of Termination").   Any  such  Notice of Termination that
          purports to terminate Employee's employment for Cause or for Good
          Reason shall specify the termination provision relied upon by the
          party giving such notice and shall set forth in detail such facts
          and  circumstances  claimed  to  provide  a justified  basis  for
          termination under the provision(s) so indicated.

               11.  Trade  Secrets,  Etc.   Upon  the  termination  of  his
          employment, the Employee agrees forthwith to deliver  up  to  the
          Company,  and, during the term of this Agreement and for 15 years
          thereafter,  not  to  disclose  to any person, firm, corporation,
          association or other entity other  than  the  Company  (a  "Third
          Person")  for  any  reason  or  purpose  whatsoever other than as
          authorized by the Company or as required by  law  or as necessary
          to the performance of his duties to the Company, any confidential
          data  in  his possession, whether produced by the Company  or  by
          him, relating  to  the Company's business or any past, current or
          prospective activity of the Company.

               12.  Customer   List.     The    Employee   recognizes   and
          acknowledges that any written list(s) of the customers, suppliers
          and/or vendors of the Company, its subsidiaries  and  affiliates,
          is  a  valuable,  special and unique asset.  The Employee  agrees
          that he will not during  the  term of this Agreement or within 15
          years thereafter, use for his own  personal  benefit  or disclose
          any  such  written list or any part thereof, to any Third  Person
          for any reason or purpose whatsoever.

               13.  [Omitted]

               14.  Injunctive Relief.  In the event of a breach or threat-
          ened breach  by the Employee of the provisions of Paragraph 11 or
          12 of this Agreement  during or after the term of this Agreement,
          the Company shall be entitled  to  an  injunction restraining the
          Employee from violation of such paragraph.   Nothing herein shall
          be construed as prohibiting the Company from pursuing  any  other
          remedy  it  may  have in the event of breach of this Agreement by
          the Employee.

               15.  Certain Proprietary Rights.  The Employee agrees to and
          hereby does assign  to  the  Company  all  his  right,  title and
          interest in and to all inventions, business plans, work models or
          procedures,   whether  or  not  patentable,  which  are  made  or
          conceived solely or jointly by him:

                    a.   At  any  time during the term of his employment by
          the Company and during the  course  of  or in connection with his
          duties during the term of this Agreement, or

                    b.   With the use of time or materials  of the Company.
          The  Employee  agrees  to  communicate  to  the  Company  or  its
          representatives  all  facts known to him concerning such matters,
          to  sign  all  rightful  papers,  make  all  rightful  oaths  and
          generally, at the Company's  expense  to do everything reasonably
          practicable (without expense to the Employee)  to aid the Company
          in obtaining and enforcing proper legal protection  for  all such
          matters in all countries and in vesting title to such matters  in
          the  Company.  At the Company's request (during or after the term
          of this  Agreement)  and  expense,  the  Employee  will  promptly
          execute  a  specific  assignment  of  title  to  the Company, and
          perform  any  other  acts  reasonably necessary to implement  the
          foregoing assignment.

               16.  Binding Effect.  This  Agreement  shall be binding upon
          and inure to the benefit of:

                    a.   The Company, and any successors  or assigns of the
          Company, whether by way of a merger or consolidation,  or  by way
          of the Company selling all or substantially all of the assets  of
          the Company, to a successor entity, or otherwise; however, in the
          event  of  the  assignment  by the Company of this Agreement, the
          Company shall nevertheless remain  liable  and  obligated  to the
          Employee in accordance with the terms hereof; and

                    b.   The   Employee,   his   estate,   his   executors,
          administrators,  heirs  and beneficiaries, none of whom shall  be
          permitted to assign this  Agreement  or any rights or obligations

               17.  Expenses  Relating  to  Enforcement   of  Rights.   The
          Company  agrees to pay as incurred, to the full extent  permitted
          by law, all  reasonable  time-based legal fees and expenses which
          the Employee may reasonably  incur  as  a  result  of any contest
          (regardless of the outcome thereof) by the Company,  the Employee
          or  others  of  the  validity  or enforceability of, or liability
          under, any provision hereof (including as a result of any contest
          by the Employee about the amount  of any payment pursuant to this
          Agreement), provided that if it is determined by a court that the
          position  of  Employee  in any such contest  is  unreasonable  or
          frivolous, he shall be required  to reimburse the Company for his
          legal fees and expenses so paid by the Company.

               18.  Notices.  Any notice or  other  communication  required
          under this Agreement shall be in writing, shall be deemed to have
          been  given and received when delivered in person, or, if mailed,
          shall be  deemed  to have been given when deposited in the United
          States mail, first class, registered or certified, return receipt
          requested, with proper  postage  prepaid,  and shall be deemed to
          have  been  received  on the third business day  thereafter,  and
          shall be addressed as follows:

               If to the Company, addressed to:

                    Chief Executive Officer
                    Campo Electronics, Appliances and Computers, Inc.
                    109 Northpark Blvd., 5th Floor
                    Covington, LA 70433

               with a copy to:

                    Barbara Treuting Casteix, Esq.
                    Barrios Kingsdorf & Casteix, L.L.P.
                    701 Poydras Street, Suite 3650
                    New Orleans, LA 70139

               If to the Employee, addressed to:

                    217 Paradise Court
                    Mandeville, LA 70448

          or such other address as  to  which  any  party  hereto  may have
          notified the other in writing.

               19.  Governing Law.  This Agreement shall be governed by and
          interpreted   in  accordance  with  the  laws  of  the  State  of

               20.  Entire Agreement.  This Agreement, including Appendices
          A  through E,  inclusive, all of which are herein incorporated by
          reference and made  a  part hereof, and the documents referred to
          herein, contain the entire understanding between the Employee and
          the Company relating to  the  employment  of  the Employee by the
          Company during the term of this Agreement.  No  provision of this
          Agreement, including the Appendices, may be modified  or  amended
          except by an instrument in writing signed by both parties.

               21.  Severability.   If any term or provision of this Agree-
          ment, or the application thereof  to  any person or circumstance,
          shall at any time or to any extent be invalid  or  unenforceable,
          the remainder of this Agreement, or the application  of such term
          or provision to persons or circumstances other than those  as  to
          which  it is held invalid or unenforceable, shall not be affected
          thereby  and  each  term and provision of this Agreement shall be
          valid and enforced to the fullest extent permitted by law.

               22.  Waiver of Breach.   The  waiver  by  either  party of a
          breach of any provision of this Agreement shall not operate or be
          construed as a waiver of any subsequent breach thereof.

               23.  Remedies  Not  Exclusive.   No  remedy specified herein
          shall  be  deemed  to  be  such  party's  exclusive  remedy,  and
          accordingly,  in  addition  to  all  of the rights  and  remedies
          provided for in this Agreement, the parties  shall have all other
          rights and remedies provided to them by applicable  law,  rule or

               24.  Beneficiaries.   Whenever  this Agreement provides  for
          any payment to be made to the Employee's estate, such payment may
          be  made  instead  to such beneficiary or  beneficiaries  as  the
          Employee  may have designated  in  writing  and  filed  with  the
          Company.  The  Employee  shall  have the right to revoke any such
          designation from time to time and  to redesignate any beneficiary
          or beneficiaries by written notice to the Company.

               25.  No Obligation to Mitigate  Damages.  The Employee shall
          not be required to mitigate damages or  the amount of any payment
          provided for under this Agreement by seeking  other employment or
          otherwise, nor shall the amount of any payment provided for under
          this  Agreement  be  reduced  by any compensation earned  by  the
          Employee as a result of employment  by  another  employer  or  by
          retirement  or  by other benefits, either before the date of this
          Agreement or after the date of termination of his employment with
          the Company under this Agreement.

               26.  Counterparts.  This Agreement may be executed in one or
          more counterparts,  each  of  which  shall  be  deemed  to  be an
          original  but  all of which together shall constitute one and the
          same instrument.

               27.  Bankruptcy   Matters.    The  Company  shall  take  all
          necessary  steps  reasonably available  to  it  so  that  amounts
          payable hereunder shall  not  be  subject  to  avoidance  if  the
          Company  comes  under  the  protection  of the federal bankruptcy

               28.  Continuation.  Employee's employment under the terms of
          this Agreement shall not be automatically  continued  beyond  the
          termination  of  this  Agreement even if Employee's employment by
          the  Company  continues thereafter.   Any  continuation  of  this
          Agreement shall  only be by express written agreement of Employee
          and the Company.

                                   CAMPO ELECTRONICS, APPLIANCES
                                   AND COMPUTERS, INC.

                                   By:  /s/  REX O. CORLEY, JR.

                                   /s/ JOHN K. ROSS
                                   John K. Ross


                                      APPENDIX A

                                  SALARY AND BONUSES

               A.   Salary.   The annualized salary rate of Employee during
          the term of the Agreement shall be $125,000 (the "Base Salary").

               B.   Performance  Bonus.   The  Company  shall  pay  to  the
          Employee,   upon   execution   of   this  Agreement,  a  one-time
          performance  bonus  of  $25,000  in  consideration   of  services
          previously performed by Employee for the Company.

               C.   Incentive Bonus. The Company shall pay to the  Employee
          a bonus of up to $25,000.00 (the "Incentive Bonus") in a lump sum
          payment  made  within 15 days after the first anniversary of  the
          date of this Agreement,  the amount of which bonus shall be based
          upon the Company having achieved  the  following  name and market
          share  criteria  (the "Bonus Criteria") as confirmed  by  unaided
          recall independent  market  research  in not less than 50% of the
          markets  (the  "Sample  Markets") in which  Campo  has  conducted
          business for a period of not less than 12 consecutive months:

                    (i)  consumers   continue   to  identify
                         Campo as the Number One  or  Number
                         Two  retailer  in  appliances, home
                         electronics    and   home    office
                         products  in such  Sample  Markets;

                    (ii) consumers  continue   to   identify
                         Campo  as  the Number One or Number
                         Two  retailer  "shopped-first"  for
                         appliances,  home  electronics  and
                         home office products in such Sample

          For  purposes  of  establishing the Bonus Criteria,  "independent
          market research" may  be  determined  by  any  of  the  following
          methods: (a) research contracted for by the Company itself, or in
          partnership with local newspapers in the Sample Markets,  or  (b)
          through  commercial  market  reports,  if available in the Sample
          Markets. The Sample Markets shall be selected  by  the  Board  of
          Directors.  To  the extent that the Company chooses not to obtain
          independent  market  research  for  all  of  the  Sample  Markets
          selected and no other independent market research is available to
          determine whether  the  Bonus  Criteria has been satisfied in the
          requisite  percentage  of  Sample Markets  (50%),  the  requisite
          percentage shall be reduced  to  50%  of  the  Sample Markets for
          which independent market research has been obtained  or otherwise
          exists. In the event that the only one of the two Bonus  Criteria
          has been satisfied, the amount of the Incentive Bonus to be  paid
          to  the  Employee  shall  be  $12,500.00.  If neither criteria is
          satisfied, no bonus will be due to the Employee.

               D.   Incentive   Compensation.   The  Company's   Board   of
          Directors shall use its  reasonable  best  efforts to develop, as
          soon as is practicable, and in no event later than 120 days after
          the  date  of the Agreement, an executive incentive  compensation
          program in which  Employee shall be eligible to participate.  The
          program shall be developed  after  consultation with an executive
          compensation  consultant,  and  Employee's   rewards  under  such
          program shall be based on goals designed to return the Company to
          a profitable position during the term of this  Agreement  or  the
          Employee's  continued  employment with the Company following such

               E.   Accelerated  Vesting   of   Stock  Option.  Within  ten
          business days after the date of this Agreement,  the  Company and
          Employee  will enter into an agreement amending the Non-Qualified
          Stock Option  Agreement  (the "Option Agreement") entered into as
          of October 4, 1996 by and between the Company and the Employee to
          eliminate the vesting criteria  set  forth  in  Section  2 of the
          Option  Agreement  and  to  provide  that  100%  of the Option to
          purchase  50,000  shares  of  the Company's common stock  at  the
          Exercise Price shall be exercisable  by  Employee six months from
          the date of this Agreement.


                                      APPENDIX B

                                    OTHER BENEFITS

               During the term of the Agreement:

               A.   Vacation.   The  Employee shall be  entitled  to  three
          weeks of noncumulative paid vacation time per year of employment.

               B.   Medical Benefits.   The  Employee  shall be entitled to
          participate in the medical benefit plans provided  by the Company
          from time to time to its executive officers generally.

               C.   Other  Benefits.   The  Employee  shall be eligible  to
          participate in any other benefit program provided  by the Company
          from time to time to its executive officers generally.


                                      APPENDIX C

                                 DEATH OR DISABILITY

               In  the event of a termination of the Employee's  employment
          during the  term  of  the  Agreement  for the Employee's death or
          Disability, the Employee shall be entitled  to payment within not
          less than 30 days from the date of termination  of (a) his salary
          through the date of termination to the extent not  already  paid,
          and (b) his Performance Bonus, to the extent not already paid.


                                      APPENDIX D


               Severance pay and benefits to be provided to the Employee if
          the  Employee  is  terminated during the term of the Agreement by
          the  Company  without   Cause  or  the  Employee  terminates  his
          employment during the term  of  the Agreement for Good Reason are
          as follows: (a) the Company shall pay to the Employee the amounts
          that would be due (at the times they would be due) had employment
          terminated by reason of death or  Disability and, in addition, an
          amount (payable within 30 days after  termination  of employment)
          equal to the additional salary and benefits Employee  would  have
          received  had  his  employment  terminated  six  months after its
          actual termination, less any portion thereof that  has previously
          been  paid  and  less any severance benefits that are payable  to
          Employee under the  Company's  Severance Pay Plan with respect to
          any "change of control" that occurs  prior  to the termination of
          Employee's employment; and (b) for a period ending on the earlier
          of  (i)  6  months  from  the date of termination  of  Employee's
          employment or (ii) Employee's obtaining other full-time permanent
          employment, the Company shall,  at  its sole expense as incurred,
          provide  the  Employee  with  outplacement   services   that  are
          reasonable in scope and cost in relation to his position.


                                      APPENDIX E


               If  the  employment  of  Employee  is terminated at any time
          during  the  term of the Agreement (i) by Employee  without  Good
          Reason, or (ii)  by  the  Company for Cause, the Company shall be
          obligated to  Employee only  for  payment within not less than 30
          days from the date of termination of  his salary through the date
          of termination, to the extent not previously paid.