This  Agreement, made  as of the 17th day of April, 1997, by
          and between

                    Campo Electronics, Appliances and Computers, Inc., (the
                    109 Northpark Blvd., Suite 500
                    Covington, LA 70433 ("Facility"), and

                    York Management Services, Inc. ("Consultant")
                    37 Northfield Ave.
                    Edison, NJ 08837

               WHEREAS,   Company   desires   to  retain  the  services  of
          Consultant as set forth herein in accordance  with  the terms and
          conditions of this Agreement; and

               WHEREAS,  Consultant  desires  to  provide  the services  to
          Company  as set forth herein, and intending to be legally  bound,
          Company and Consultant hereby agree as follows:

               1.   DEFINITIONS

                    As  used  in  this Agreement, the following terms shall
          have the meanings set forth below:

                    1.1  "Affiliate"   shall   mean  a  corporation  which,
          directly or indirectly, controls, is controlled  by  or  is under
          common  control  with  the  Company,  and  for  purposes  hereof,
          "control"  shall  mean the ownership of 20% or more of the Voting
          Stock of the corporation in question.

                    1.2  "Board"  shall  mean the Board of Directors of the
          Company as duly constituted from time to time.

                    1.3  "the  Business" shall  mean  the  business  to  be
          conducted  by  the  Company   or   any  Subsidiary,  directly  or
          indirectly, including but not limited to retail sales.

                    1.4  "Commencement Date"   shall  be the date first set
          forth on page one of this Agreement.

                    1.5  "Confidential Information" shall  include, without
          limitation   by   reason   of   specification,  any  information,
          including, without limitation, trade secrets, vendor and customer
          lists, pricing policies, operational  methods,  methods  of doing
          business,  technical  processes,  formulae,  designs  and  design
          projects, inventions, research projects, strategic plans, product
          information,  production  know-how and other business affairs  of
          the Company or its Affiliates, which (i) is or are designed to be
          used in or are or may be useful  in  connection with the business
          of the Company, any Subsidiary or any  Affiliate  of any thereof,
          or which, in the case of any of these entities, results  from any
          of  the  research  or  development activities of any such entity,
          which (ii) is private or confidential in that it is not generally
          known  or  available to the  public,  except  as  the  result  of
          unauthorized disclosure by or information supplied by Consultant,
          or (iii) which gives the Company or a Subsidiary or any Affiliate
          an opportunity  or the possibility of obtaining an advantage over
          competitors who may  not  know or use such information or who are
          not lawfully permitted to use the same.

                    1.6  "Date  of Termination"   shall  have  the  meaning
          assigned to it in Section 3.

                    1.7  "Notice  of  Termination"  shall  have the meaning
          assigned to that term in Section 3.

                    1.8  "Person"    shall   mean   any  individual,   sole
          proprietorship, partnership, joint venture, trust, unincorporated
          organization,   association,  corporation,  institution,   public
          benefit  corporation,  entity  of  government  (whether  Federal,
          state, county,  city,  municipal or otherwise, including, without
          limitation,  any  instrumentality,   division,  agency,  body  or
          department thereof).

                    1.9  "Subsidiary" shall mean  a  corporation  of  which
          more  than  50%  of  the  Voting  Stock  is  owned,  directly  or
          indirectly, by the Company.

                    1.10 "Term"   shall  mean  the  term  of  retention  of
          Consultant under this Agreement.

                    1.11 "Voting Stock"  shall  mean  capital  stock  of  a
          corporation  which  gives  the  holder  the  right to vote in the
          election of directors for such corporation in the ordinary course
          of  business  and not as the result of, or contingent  upon,  the
          happening of any event.

               Wherever from  the context it appears appropriate, each word
          or phrase stated in either  the  singular  or  the  plural  shall
          include  the singular and the plural, and each pronoun stated  in
          the masculine,  feminine  or  neuter  gender  shall  include  the
          masculine, feminine and neuter.


                    2.1  Consultation  Duties.   The Company hereby retains
          Consultant,   and  Consultant  hereby  accepts   appointment   as
          Consultant to the  Company.   The  principal  duty  of Consultant
          shall be to perform those services which may be requested  by the
          Board,   including,   but  not  limited  to,  assistance  in  the
          evaluation of the Company's  existing business; and assistance in
          the formulation of a strategic  plan  to  restore  the  Company's
          profitability,   including   restructuring   and   reorganization
          alternatives,  and  to  render  services  as  are  necessary  and
          desirable  to  protect  and  advance  the best interests  of  the
          Company  and  its  Subsidiaries.   Consultant  agrees  to  devote
          whatever reasonable time is required to perform such duties.

                    2.2  Consultant  shall  report  to  and  be  under  the
          supervision of the Board.
                    2.3  Consultant does not  hold itself out as having the
          licenses  of,  nor  does  Consultant  perform  the  services  of,
          attorneys,  accountants,  brokers,  or  other  service  providers
          requiring a license.

               3.   TERM OF RETENTION

                    3.1  The  retention  of  Consultant  pursuant  to  this
          Agreement  shall commence as of the Commencement  Date,  and  end
          seven (7) days  after receipt of written notice by one party from
          the other terminating this Agreement (the "Termination Date").

               4.   PLACE OF WORK

                    4.1  Consultant's services shall be performed initially
          in substantial part  at  the home office location of the Company,
          and the Company agrees to afford to Consultant and its personnel,
          office  space at the Company  headquarters,  and  other  business
          premises  owned  by  or  available  to  Company  as is reasonably


                    5.1  Retainer.   Company  agrees  to  pay Consultant  a
          retainer of $50,000.00 on the Commencement Date, which Consultant
          shall hold as security for the timely payment and  performance by
          the  Company  of  its  obligations  hereunder.   If  the  Company
          breaches  this  Agreement,  Consultant may apply the retainer  to
          reduce Consultant's damages.   Following  the  Termination  Date,
          after  all fees, bonuses and expenses due to Consultant have been
          paid, the  balance  of  the  retainer  shall  be  refunded to the

                    5.2  Fees and Expenses.  Company agrees to pay fees for
          services  rendered  by  personnel  of Consultant based  upon  the
          hourly  rates  attached hereto as Exhibit  A.   Hourly  fees  for
          personnel not listed  on  Exhibit  A shall be billed at the rates
          regularly charged by Consultant for services personnel performing
          similar  functions.   Personnel  of  Consultant   shall   include
          employees  of Consultant and independent consultants selected  by
          Consultant to  perform  on  behalf  of the Consultant.  All rates
          quoted may be reasonably increased from time to time in the event
          the assignment extends beyond a six (6)  month  period.   Company
          agrees  to  reimburse Consultant for all reasonable and necessary
          expenses incurred  by  Consultant  by  reason  of this Agreement,
          including, but not limited to travel, including  air  travel  and
          rental   car,  mileage  reimbursement  for  use  of  Consultant's
          personal automobiles,  and for lodging and meal expenses whenever
          Consultant's personnel are  away from home.  Travel time shall be
          reimbursed at one-half (1/2)  of  the  Consultant's  hourly rates
          listed on Exhibit A.

                    5.3  Billing and Payment.  Consultant agrees  to render
          weekly  invoices to Company for fees and expenses, and any  delay
          in rendering  such invoices shall not constitute a waiver of such
          fees and expenses.   Company  agrees  to pay such invoices within
          two (2) business days of receipt by wire transfer to Consultant's
          bank, or by certified check or cashier's check.

                    5.4  Taxes.   Company  agrees that  all  taxes  due  by
          reason  of  amounts payable, or paid  to  Consultant  under  this
          Agreement (for  instance, sales taxes), are the responsibility of
          and to be paid by  Company,  other than federal, state, and local
          taxes on the Consultant's income.

                    5.5  Bonus for Exceptional Performance.  Company agrees
          that Consultant will receive a  bonus for exceptional performance
          in the event the Company's financial  condition  is stabilized or
          the  Company  is  sold  or  merged.   In  the event the Company's
          financial  condition  is  stabilized  through  the   end  of  the
          Company's  current fiscal year without recourse to reorganization
          under Title  11  of  the  United States Code, Consultant shall be
          paid a Success Fee in the amount  of  $200,000.  In the event the
          Company becomes a debtor in a case under Title 11  of  the United
          States  Code,   Consultant  shall  be  paid a Success Fee in  the
          amount  of  $200,000, in the event a Plan  of  Reorganization  is
          confirmed on  or  before twelve (12) months following the initial
          filing date.

                    5.6  Except  as  hereinafter provided, in the event the
          term of this Agreement extends  beyond  sixty  (60) days, and the
          Board of the Company, during the term of this Agreement or within
          six (6) months following the termination date elects to undertake
          the sale of the Company, York shall be retained  as the exclusive
          representative to market the Company, and shall be paid a fee for
          the  completion  of  a transaction in accordance with  a  written
          agreement to be concluded within the next thirty (30) days, which
          fee shall be calculated using the "Lehman formula".  No fee shall
          be due Consultant in connection  with  the sale of the Company to
          Consultant or an entity which, directly  or  indirectly, is owned
          or  controlled  by  Consultant  or any person or entity  to  whom
          indemnification is extended pursuant  to  Section  10.2  of  this

                    5.7  Obligations   of   the   Company.   The  Company's
          obligation to pay Consultant the compensation,  fees and expenses
          contained  herein  and  to make the arrangements provided  herein
          shall be absolute and unconditional  and shall not be affected by
          any  circumstance,  including,  without limitation,  any  setoff,
          counterclaim,  recoupment,  defense  or  other  right  which  the
          Company may have against Consultant  or anyone else.  All amounts
          payable by the Company hereunder shall  be paid without notice or


                    6.1  Consultant shall for all purposes  hereunder be an
          independent  contractor with respect to the Company.   Consultant
          shall not be deemed  an  officer  or  director  or  agent  of the
          Company.   This  Agreement  shall not constitute Consultant as  a
          joint venturer or partner of  the Company.  Consultant shall have
          no  liability  for  any  debts  or obligations  of  the  Company.
          Consultant shall have no authority  to  contract on behalf of, or
          otherwise bind the Company without the express  authorization  of
          the Board.

                    6.2  Except   as   provided  in  Section  6.3  of  this
          Agreement, nothing contained in  this  Agreement  shall  preclude
          Consultant  from  being a purchaser of the Company or its Assets,
          or a proponent of a  plan  for the Company to reorganize same, or
          to  participate  in any way in  any  transaction  respecting  the

                    6.3  Consultant  agrees  that neither it nor any person
          or entity to whom indemnification is extended pursuant to Section
          10 of this Agreement will (i) make any proposal to buy securities
          or other assets of the Company without  the prior approval of the
          Board unless the Board has decided to offer the Company for sale,
          or (ii) solicit proxies to vote shares of  the  Company; or (iii)
          trade in Company stock.


                    7.1  The  Company  agrees  to  provide  access  to  all
          financial and other information and records to Consultant  and to
          Consultants   officers,   employees   and   representatives,   as
          Consultant shall reasonably request.

                    7.2  Consultant  agrees that it may obtain Confidential
          Information during the course  of  its retention hereunder by the
          Company  .  Accordingly, Consultant agrees  that  it  shall  not,
          either during  the  Term  of this Agreement or at any time within
          one year after the Date of   Termination  (i) use or disclose any
          such Confidential Information outside the Company and Affiliates;
          or  (ii)  except  as  required in the proper performance  of  its
          services  hereunder, remove  or  aid  in  the  removal  from  the
          premises of  the  Company  or  any Affiliate, of any Confidential
          Information or any property or material relating thereto.

                         (a)  The foregoing confidentiality provision shall
          cease  to  be  applicable to any Confidential  Information  which
          becomes generally available to the public (except by reason of or
          as a consequence  of  a  breach  by Consultant of his obligations
          under this Section).

                         (b)  In the event Consultant is required by law or
          a court order to disclose any such  Confidential  Information, it
          shall promptly notify the Company of such requirement and provide
          the Company with a copy of any court order or of any law which in
          its  opinion  requires  such  disclosure,  and if the Company  so
          elects, permit the Company an adequate opportunity,  at  its  own
          expense, to contest such law or court order.

               8.   DISPUTES AND REMEDIES


               9.   REGULATORY COMPLIANCE

                    9.1  All  regulatory  compliance  decisions   are   the
          responsibility   of   the   Company;   and,  without  limitation,
          Consultant shall have no duty, responsibility  or  authority with
          respect  to  regulatory  compliance  duties,  including,  without
          limitation:  (1) the management, handling, transport, disposal or
          remediation  of  hazardous  wastes  or hazardous substances;  (2)
          compliance  with  applicable federal, state  or  local  statutes,
          ordinances, regulations, orders and requirements of common law in
          any  way  affecting  or  pertaining  to  health,  safety  or  the
          environment; and (3) filings  with  federal  and state securities
          authorities and federal, state and local taxing authorities.


                    10.1 Company and its subsidiaries, if  any, jointly and
          severally agree to indemnify and hold harmless Consultant  to the
          full  extent lawful, against any and all losses, actions, claims,
          damages, liabilities or costs including reasonable legal fees and
          expenses  (collectively,  "Loss"),  whether  or not in connection
          with  a  matter  in  which  Consultant is a party,  as  and  when
          occurred, directly or indirectly,  caused  by, relating to, based
          upon or arising out of Consultant's activities  pursuant  to this
          Agreement.  The Consultant will not be held liable for errors  in
          judgment.   Notwithstanding  the foregoing, Company shall have no
          duty to indemnify or to hold harmless  Consultant  for  any loss,
          action, claim, damage, liability or costs to the extent such Loss
          is   found,   in  a  final  judgment  by  a  court  of  competent
          jurisdiction to  have  resulted  primarily  and directly from the
          gross  negligence, willful misconduct or unlawful  activities  of

                    10.2 Limitation   of   Liability.    Company   and  its
          subsidiaries,  if  any, agree that the Consultant's liability  to
          Company, to the extent not otherwise limited, indemnified or held
          harmless under this  Agreement,  is further limited to the amount
          of fees paid to Consultant under Section 5.2.

                    10.3 Included  Indemnities.    Except   for   liability
          arising from Consultant's gross negligence, willful misconduct or
          unlawful  activities,  These  indemnification  and  hold harmless
          provisions  shall  be in addition to any liability which  Company
          may otherwise have to  Consultant  and shall include, in addition
          to  Consultant,  Consultant's  affiliated   entities,  directors,
          officers,   employees,   independent  contractors   employed   by
          Consultant for this project,  agents  and  controlling persons of
          Consultant  within  the meaning of the federal  securities  laws.
          All references to Consultant  in  these  indemnification and hold
          harmless provisions, and other provisions of this Agreement shall
          be understood to include any of the foregoing persons.

                    10.4 Counsel  and  Notification  of  Company.   If  any
          claim, action, proceeding, or investigation  is  commenced  as to
          which  Consultant proposes to demand such indemnification and  to
          be held  harmless,  it  will  notify  the  Company  promptly upon
          becoming  aware  of any such action, proceeding or investigation.
          Consultant will have  the  right  to  retain  counsel  of its own
          choice to represent it, subject to the Company's approval of such
          counsel,  which approval shall not be unreasonably withheld,  and
          the Company  will  pay  the  reasonable fees and expenses of such
          counsel; and such counsel shall  to its fullest extent consistent
          with its professional responsibilities cooperate with the Company
          and  any counsel designated by it.   The  Company  will  only  be
          liable  for  any  settlement of any claim against Consultant made
          with the Company's  written  consent,  which consent shall not be
          unreasonably withheld.

                    10.5 Duration.  Neither termination  nor  completion of
          the  engagement  of  Consultant pursuant to this Agreement  shall
          affect the indemnification  and  hold  harmless  provisions which
          shall remain operative and in full force and effect.

                    10.6 Health,  Safety and Environmental Inclusion.   The
          Company its subsidiaries agree to indemnify and hold harmless the
          Consultant from any breach  of the representations and warranties
          and covenants set forth in Section  11  below, to the full extent
          set forth in Section 10.

                    10.7 In  the event of litigation  between  Company  and
          Consultant, the prevailing party shall be entitled to recover its
          reasonable fees and expenses.

                    WARRANTIES, AND COVENANTS

                    11.1 Company and its subsidiaries,  if any, jointly and
          severally, represent and warrant that:

                         (a)  All activities and operations of Company have
          been  and are being conducted in compliance with  all  applicable
          federal,  state  and  local  environmental,  health,  and  safety
          statutes, ordinances, regulations and orders and requirements  of
          common law ("Environmental Statutes").

                         (b)  No Hazardous Substance (as herein defined) is
          present  in,  on, over or under any facilities owned or leased by
          Company  or its  subsidiaries,  if  any  (collectively,  "Company
          Facilities")  in  a  manner  as may require remediation under any
          Environmental Statute or, to Company's  knowledge, is present in,
          on, over or under any adjacent premises or  is  migrating  to the
          Facility   or   to   Company  Facilities.   The  term  "Hazardous
          Substances" means substances  and/or materials that are regulated
          pursuant   to   Environmental   Statutes,    including,   without
          limitation,  substances  and  materials  that  are   or   contain
          hazardous  substances,  hazardous  wastes,  hazardous  materials,
          toxic  substances,  regulated substances, and petroleum as  those
          terms are defined pursuant to any Environmental Statute.

                         (c)  Company has obtained and maintained and is in
          compliance  with  all  registrations,   licenses,   permits   and
          approvals,  including  amendments thereto, issued by governmental
          agencies pursuant to Environment  Statutes  and  all  are in full
          force and effect.

                         (d)  The    generation,,    handling,   treatment,
          storage, transportation and disposal of Hazardous  Substances and
          waste by, or on behalf of, Company was and is in compliance  with
          all  applicable  federal,  state  and  local laws, ordinances and
          regulations, including Environmental Statutes.

                         (e)  Company has not received  any  notice  of any
          violation  of  or  investigation  or claim of liability under any
          Environmental Statute regarding or  relating  to the Facility and
          Company  Facilities  and  their  operation  or  notice   of   any
          investigation  or  potential  liability  of Company regarding any
          other  facility  including, without limitation,  those  to  which
          Company,  Company  Facilities  or  the  Facility  sent  Hazardous
          Substances or waste  for handling, treatment, storage or disposal
          ("Other Facilities").

                         (f)  Neither the Facility, Company Facilities, nor
          any Other Facility is  listed  or  proposed  for  listing  on the
          National  Priorities  List  or  the  Comprehensive  Environmental
          Response,  Compensation  and  Liability  Information System  list
          promulgated pursuant to the Comprehensive Environmental Response,
          Compensation  and  Liability  Act, 42 U.S.C.  9601  et  seq.,  as
          amended, or any analogous state or local list.

                    11.2 Company and its  subsidiaries,  if  any,  agree to
          remain in compliance with all Environmental Statutes.


                    12.1 Entire Agreement.  This Agreement constitutes  the
          entire  understanding  and  Agreement  between the parties hereto
          with  respect to the subject matter and supersedes  all  previous
          agreements  between  the parties hereto, written or oral, express
          or   implied,   covering   the   subject   matter   hereof.    No
          representations, inducements,  promises  or  agreements,  oral or
          otherwise,  not embodied herein, shall be of any force or effect.
          This  Agreement   may  not  be  amended,  changed,  modified,  or
          supplemented, except in writing signed by each party.

                    12.2 Neither   party  shall  sell,  assign,  convey  or
          otherwise  transfer  this  Agreement,   or  any  of  the  rights,
          interests or obligations hereunder to any other party without the
          prior  written  consent of the other party.   In  the  event  the
          Company becomes a  debtor  in a case under Title 11 of the United
          States Code, it shall immediately apply to assume this Agreement.

                    12.3 Notices.  Any  written notice required to be given
          hereunder shall be valid if sent  by registered or certified mail
          with return receipt requested, or by  Federal  Express  or  other
          overnight  service  with  receipt verification, to the address of
          the party set forth in the  opening  paragraph of this Agreement,
          or to such other address as one party shall provide in writing to
          the other in accordance with this paragraph.

                    12.4 Governing Law.  This Agreement  shall  be governed
          by  and construed, and the rights and obligations of the  parties
          hereto  enforced,  in  accordance  with  the laws of the State of

                    12.5 No Waiver. No waiver or modification of any of the
          provisions of this Agreement shall be valid unless in writing and
          signed  by  or  on behalf of the party granting  such  waiver  of
          modification.  No  waiver  by  any party of any breach or default
          hereunder shall be deemed a waiver  of  any  repetition  of  such
          breach or default or shall be deemed a waiver of any other breach
          or default, nor shall it in any way affect any of the other terms
          or  conditions  of  this Agreement or the enforceability thereof.
          No  failure  of  the Company  to  exercise  any  power  given  it
          hereunder or to insist  upon strict compliance by Consultant with
          any obligation hereunder,  and  no custom or practice at variance
          with the terms hereof, shall constitute  a waiver of the right of
          the Company or Consultant to demand strict  compliance  with  the
          terms hereof.

                         (a)  Consultant  shall  not have the right to sign
          any waiver or modification of any provisions of this Agreement on
          behalf of the Company, nor shall any action  taken  by Consultant
          reduce its obligations under this Agreement.

                         (b)  This  Agreement  may  not be supplemented  or
          rescinded  except  by  an  instrument in writing  signed  by  the
          parties hereto.  Neither this  Agreement nor any of the rights of
          any of the parties hereto may be  terminated  except  as provided

                    12.6 Separability  of Provisions.  If any provision  of
          this Agreement shall be or become  illegal  or  unenforceable  in
          whole  or  in  part  for  any  reason  whatsoever,  the remaining
          provisions  shall  nevertheless  be  deemed  valid,  binding  and

                    12.7 Headings   and   Paragraphs.   The  headings   and
          paragraphs of this Agreement are for reference purposes only, and
          shall not in any way affect the meaning or interpretation of this

               IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties  hereto  have  executed this
          Agreement on the day and year first above written.

           COMPANY                          CONSULTANT
           Campo Electronics, Appliances    York Management Services, Inc.
           and Computers, Inc.

            /s/ Rex Corley, Jr.                 /s/ William F. Taggart
                  Rex Corley, Jr.                 William F. Taggart
                     President                        President

          Exhibit A to Agreement dated as of April 17, 1997, by and between
          Campo  Electronics,  Appliances and Computers, Inc., ("Company"),
          and York Management Services, Inc., ("Consultant").

                              Schedule of Hourly Billing Rates

                    Name                     Hourly Billing Rate

                    William F. Taggart            350.00
                    Tom Hays                      245.00
                    Sanford (Sandy) Nacht         225.00
                    Sid Layton                    195.00
                    John Hennessey                195.00
                    Tom Kirkpatrick               195.00
                    Services                       80.00