Washington, D.C. 20549

                                   FORM 10-K
  Annual Report Pursuant To Section 13 or 15(d) of the Securities Exchange Act
                                    of 1934

                  For the fiscal year ended December 31, 1997


  Transition Report Pursuant To Section 13 or 15(d) of the Securities Exchange
                                  Act of 1934


                        Commission file number: 0-7931

                          FIRST COMMERCE CORPORATION
            (exact name of registrant as specified in its charter)
        Louisiana                                     72-0701203
(State of incorporation)                   (I.R.S. Employer Identification No.)

       201 St. Charles Avenue, 29th Floor, New Orleans, Louisiana 70170
            (address of principal executive offices and zip code)

      Registrant's telephone number, including area code: (504) 623-1371


                             Title of each class:

                        Common Stock, $5.00 par value

Indicate by check mark whether the Registrant (1) has filed all reports
required to be filed by Section 13 or 15(d) of the Securities Exchange Act of
1934 during the preceding 12 months (or for such shorter period that the
Registrant was required to file such reports), and (2) has been subject to such
filing requirements for the past 90 days.
                           Yes   X      No

Indicate by check mark if disclosure of delinquent filers pursuant to Item 405
of Regulation S-K is not contained herein, and will not be contained, to the
best of Registrant's knowledge, in definitive proxy or information statements
incorporated by reference in Part III of this Form 10-K or any amendment to
this Form 10-K.

  State the aggregate market value of the voting stock held by nonaffiliates
                   of the Registrant as of February 6, 1998.
                        Approximately $2,602,867,530*


Indicate the number of shares outstanding of each of the Registrant's classes
of common stock, as of the latest practicable date.

          Common Stock: $5.00 par value; 39,512,362 shares outstanding as
                             of February 28, 1998.


* For the purposes of this computation, shares beneficially owned by directors
and executive officers have been excluded.

                              TABLE OF CONTENTS

                                                                       Page No.
Part I:                                                                --------

     Item 1.   Business                                                   3

     Item 2.   Properties                                                 6

     Item 3.   Legal Proceedings                                          6

     Item 4.   Submission of Matters to a Vote of
                      Security Holders                                    6

Part II:

     Item 5.   Market for Registrant's Common Equity                      
                      and Related Stockholder's Matters                   7

     Item 6.   Selected Financial Data                                    8

     Item 7.   Management's Discussion and Analysis
                      of Financial Condition and Results of Operations    9

     Item 8.   Financial Statements and Supplementary Data

                            Consolidated Balance Sheets                   26

                            Consolidated Statements of Income             27

                            Consolidated Statements of Changes
                                in Stockholders' Equity                   28

                            Consolidated Statements of Cash Flows         29

                            Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements    30

                            Report of Independent Public Accountants      59

                            Selected Quarterly Data                       60

     Item 9.   Changes in and disagreements with Accountants on           
                      Accounting and Financial Disclosure                 61

Part III:

     Item 10.  Directors and Executive Officers of the Registrant         62

     Item 11.  Executive Compensation                                     66

     Item 12.  Security Ownership of Certain Beneficial Owners
                      and Management                                      72

     Item 13.  Certain Relationships and Related Transactions             74

Part IV:

     Item 14.  Exhibits, Financial Statement Schedules and Reports
                      on Form 8-K                                         75

                           PART I
Item 1
Description of Business

      First  Commerce  Corporation  (FCC)  is  a  multi-bank
holding  company  with  six wholly owned  bank  subsidiaries
("the  Banks") in Louisiana: First National Bank of Commerce
in  New  Orleans (First NBC), City National  Bank  of  Baton
Rouge  (CNB),  The First National Bank of Lafayette  (FNBL),
Central Bank in Monroe (CB), The First National Bank of Lake
Charles  (FNBLC)  and  Rapides  Bank  &  Trust  Company   in
Alexandria (RBT).
      The  six banks accounted for substantially all of  the
assets of FCC at December 31, 1997, and substantially all of
its net income for 1997.  The Banks offer customary services
of  banks  of  similar size and similar  markets,  including
numerous  types  of interest-bearing and noninterest-bearing
deposit  accounts,  commercial  and  consumer  loans,  trust
services,  correspondent banking services and  safe  deposit
facilities.  For further discussion of FCC's operations, see
Management's Discussion and Analysis of Financial  Condition
and Results of Operations.
      FCC  has  a number of non-bank subsidiaries,  none  of
which,  individually or in the aggregate with other non-bank
subsidiaries,  account for a significant amount  of  assets,
revenues or earnings.
      On October 20, 1997, FCC entered into an agreement and
plan  of  merger with BANC ONE CORPORATION.  The  Merger  is
expected  to  be  consummated during the second  quarter  of
1998.   See  Note  2  of  Notes  to  Consolidated  Financial
Statements for a discussion of the Merger Agreement.

      Like other bank holding companies in Louisiana, FCC is
subject  to  regulation  by  the Louisiana  Commissioner  of
Financial Institutions and the Federal Reserve Board.  Under
the terms of the Bank Holding Company Act of 1956 (Act),  as
amended,  FCC  is restricted to only banking or bank-related
activities  specifically allowed by the Act or  the  Federal
Reserve  Board.   The  Act requires  FCC  to  file  required
reports with the Federal Reserve Board.  Each of FCC's Banks
is  a member of the Federal Reserve System and is subject to
regulation  by  the  Federal  Reserve  Board  and  the  FDIC
(Federal  Deposit Insurance Corporation).  The four national
bank  subsidiaries  are  also  subject  to  regulation   and
supervision  by  the  United  States  Comptroller   of   the
Currency,  while  the two state-chartered bank  subsidiaries
are  subject to regulation and supervision by the  Louisiana
Commissioner of Financial Institutions.

Payment of Dividends
       The   primary  source  of  funds  for  debt   service
obligations   and  the  dividends  paid  by   FCC   to   its
stockholders  is the dividends it receives from  the  Banks.
The  payment  of  dividends  by  FCC's  national  banks   is
regulated  by the United States Comptroller of the Currency.
The  payment of dividends by FCC's state banks is  regulated
by  the Louisiana Commissioner of Financial Institutions and
the  Federal  Reserve Board. Banks are required to  maintain
minimum  capital  levels to ensure capital  adequacy.  Prior
approval  must  be obtained from the appropriate  regulatory
authorities  if  the payment of dividends  would  result  in
required capital falling below regulatory limits or  if  the
payment  of  the  proposed  dividend  would  result  in   an
"undercapitalized"  position.   Additionally,  the  national
bank  subsidiaries may not pay dividends in excess of  their
retained  net  profits (net income less  dividends  for  the
current  and  prior  two  years)  without  prior  regulatory
approval.  The state bank subsidiaries may not pay dividends
in  excess of their retained net profits (the lesser of  net
income  less  dividends for the current year and  one  prior
year  or net income less dividends for the current year  and
two  prior years) without prior regulatory approval.   Under
certain  circumstances, regulatory authorities may  prohibit
the  payment  of  dividends by a bank or its parent  holding
company.   See  Note  17 of Notes to Consolidated  Financial
Statements for a discussion of dividends.

Transactions with Affiliates
      Federal law prohibits FCC or its non-bank subsidiaries
from  borrowing  from its Banks, unless the  borrowings  are
secured by assets with market values of 100% to 130% of loan
amounts, depending upon the nature of the collateral.  Loans
to  or  investments  in  a  single covered  affiliate  by  a
subsidiary  bank  may  not  exceed  10%  and  loans  to   or
investments in all covered affiliates may not exceed 20%  of
an  individual  bank's  capital, as  defined  in  applicable
Federal  Reserve Board regulations. Further, a bank  holding
company and its subsidiaries are prohibited from engaging in
certain tie-in arrangements in connection with any extension
of  credit,  lease  or  sale of property  or  furnishing  of

Company Support of Bank Subsidiaries
       The  Financial  Institutions  Reform,  Recovery   and
Enforcement  Act  of  1989  (FIRREA)  contains   a   "cross-
guarantee"  provision  which could  result  in  any  insured
depository  institution  owned  by  FCC  (i.e.,   any   bank
subsidiary) being assessed for losses incurred by  the  FDIC
in  connection with assistance provided to, or  the  failure
of,  any  other  depository institution owned  by  FCC.   In
addition,  under  Federal  Reserve  Board  policy,  FCC   is
expected to act as a source of financial strength to each of
its  Banks and to commit resources to support each such bank
in  circumstances  in  which the  bank  might  need  outside
      The  FDIC Improvement Act of 1991 (1991 Act) provides,
among  other things, that undercapitalized institutions,  as
defined    by    regulatory   authorities,    must    submit
recapitalization  plans, and a parent  company  of  such  an
institution  must  either  (i) guarantee  the  institution's
compliance with the capital plan, up to an amount  equal  to
the  lesser of five percent of the institution's  assets  at
the  time it becomes undercapitalized or the amount  of  the
capital deficiency when the institution fails to comply with
the  plan, or (ii) suffer certain adverse consequences  such
as  a prohibition of dividends by the parent company to  its

Prompt Corrective Action
      The  1991  Act  and implementing regulations  classify
banks  into  five  categories generally  relating  to  their
regulatory  capital  ratios  and  institutes  a  system   of
supervisory  actions indexed to a particular classification.
Generally,  banks that are classified as "well  capitalized"
or   "adequately  capitalized"  are  not  subject   to   the
supervisory  actions specified in the 1991  Act  for  prompt
corrective action, but may be restricted from taking certain
actions   that  would  lower  their  classification.   Banks
classified     as     "undercapitalized",     "significantly
undercapitalized"   or  "critically  undercapitalized"   are
subject   to   restrictions  and  supervisory   actions   of
increasing stringency based on the level of classification.
      Under  the  present regulation, all of the  Banks  are
"well-capitalized".   While  such  a  classification   would
exclude   the  Banks  from  the  restrictions  and   actions
envisioned by the prompt corrective action provisions of the
1991  Act,  the regulatory agencies have broad powers  under
other  provisions of federal law that would permit  them  to
place   restrictions   or  take  other  supervisory   action
regardless of such classification.

Other Provisions of the 1991 Act
      In  general,  the 1991 Act subjected  banks  and  bank
holding companies to significantly increased regulation  and
supervision.  Other significant provisions of the  1991  Act
require   the   federal  regulators  to  draft   non-capital
regulatory   measures  to  assure  bank  safety,   including
underwriting  standards and minimum  earnings  levels.   The
legislation further requires regulators to perform annual on-
site bank examinations, places limits on real estate lending
and   tightens  audit  requirements.   The  1991   Act   and
implementing regulations also impose disclosure requirements
relating  to fees charged and interest paid on checking  and
deposit accounts.

Interstate Banking and Branching Efficiency Act
      The Interstate Banking and Branching Efficiency Act of
1994  (Interstate Act) (i) allows bank holding companies  to
acquire  a  bank  located in any state, subject  to  certain
limitations  that may be imposed by the state,  (ii)  allows
banks  to  merge  across state lines, a law  opting  out  of
interstate  bank  mergers,  and  (iii)  permits   banks   to
establish  branches  outside  their  state  of  domicile  if
expressly  permitted by the law of the state  in  which  the
branch is to be located.  In 1995, the Louisiana Legislature
enacted  legislation permitting an out-of-state bank holding
company  to  convert its Louisiana banks, as  defined,  into
branches  of  the  holding  company's  out-of-state   banks,
effective  June  1,  1997.   Prior thereto  an  out-of-state
holding  company was permitted only with certain limitations
to acquire Louisiana banks as separate entities.

Annual Insurance Assessment
       FCC's   Banks   are  subject  to  deposit   insurance
assessments  by the FDIC.  For 1997, the rates paid  by  the
Banks for deposit insurance to the Bank Insurance Fund (BIF)
and  the Savings Insurance Fund (SAIF) were zero.  Beginning
in 1997, all insured institutions were assessed the interest
cost of the Financing Corporation bonds which were issued to
provide   funds   for  the  resolution  of   failed   thrift
institutions.  The assessment rate for BIF deposits  is  1.3
cents per $100 of deposits, while the rate for SAIF deposits
is  6.3  cents per $100 of deposits. At December  31,  1997,
approximately 87% of FCC's deposits were insured by the BIF,
while approximately 12% were insured by the SAIF.

      Federal and Louisiana laws provide for the enforcement
of  any  pro rata assessment of stockholders of  a  bank  to
cover  impairment of capital stock by sale,  to  the  extent
necessary, of the stock of any assessed stockholder  failing
to  pay  the  assessment.  FCC, as the  stockholder  of  its
Banks, is subject to these provisions.

Item 2

       FCC's   executive  offices  are  located  in   leased
facilities in the Central Business District of New  Orleans.
Through  its  subsidiaries, FCC  also  owns  or  leases  its
principal  banking facilities and offices  in  New  Orleans,
Baton Rouge, Lafayette, Monroe, Lake Charles and Alexandria.
Of  the 144 banking offices open at the end of 1997, 82  are
owned and 62 are leased.
      Data  processing  services for FCC  and  each  of  its
subsidiaries are performed in a facility in the Metropolitan
New Orleans area, which is owned by a subsidiary of FCC.
      Management considers all properties owned or leased to
be  suitable  and adequate for their intended  purposes  and
considers  the  leases  to  be  fair  and  reasonable.   For
additional  information concerning premises and  information
concerning  FCC's  obligations under long-term  leases,  see
Note 9 of Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements.

Item 3
Legal Proceedings

      FCC and its subsidiaries have been named as defendants
in  various  legal  actions  arising  from  normal  business
activities in which damages of various amounts are  claimed.
The  amount, if any, of ultimate liability with  respect  to
such   matters   cannot  be  determined.    However,   after
consulting with legal counsel, management believes any  such
liability  will  not  have  a  material  effect   on   FCC's
consolidated financial condition or results of operations.

Item 4
Submission of Matters to a Vote of Security Holders

     Not Applicable

                                  PART II

Item 5
Market for the Registrant's Common Stock and Related Stockholder Matters

                                                                    1997 Quarters
                                                    4th          3rd          2nd         1st
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
   Per common share data
     Net income - basic                           $ 0.83       $ 0.81       $ 0.85       $ 0.75
     Net income - diluted                         $ 0.79       $ 0.77       $ 0.81       $ 0.73
     Cash dividends                               $ 0.40       $ 0.40       $ 0.40       $ 0.40
   Common stock data (a)
     High stock price                             $71.88       $57.38       $48.25       $46.38
     Low stock price                              $55.38       $43.38       $39.00       $38.25
     Closing stock price                          $67.25       $56.13       $44.00       $40.50
     Trading volume (in thousands)                23,355        9,953        8,225        8,049
     Number of stockholders (end of period)        8,876        9,008        9,193        9,223

                                                                     1996 Quarters
                                                    4th         3rd          2nd           1st
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
   Per common share data
     Net income - basic                           $ 0.77       $ 0.68       $ 0.80       $ 0.80
     Net income - diluted                         $ 0.72       $ 0.66       $ 0.76       $ 0.75
     Cash dividends                               $ 0.40       $ 0.35       $ 0.35       $ 0.35
   Common stock data (a)
     High stock price                             $39.88       $36.63       $36.00       $34.25
     Low stock price                              $34.88       $33.25       $32.25       $30.25
     Closing stock price                          $38.88       $34.88       $35.38       $33.00
     Trading volume (in thousands)                 7,095        9,118        5,498        5,051
     Number of stockholders (end of period)        9,319        9,267        9,257        9,286
(a) Common stock is traded in the over-the-counter market and is listed on the NASDAQ Stock Market.
    All closing prices represent closing sales prices as reported on the NASDAQ Stock Market.


Item 6
Selected Financial Data

(dollars in thousands, except per share data)                            Years Ended December 31
                                                            1997        1996        1995        1994        1993
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  Total assets                                          $9,183,476  $8,525,109  $8,141,194  $7,827,303  $7,677,220
  Earning assets                                         8,497,804   7,831,517   7,464,065   7,189,322   7,044,969
  Loans - reported                                       6,318,995   5,512,428   4,542,678   3,678,298   3,213,885
  Loans - managed(a)                                     6,439,817   5,512,428   4,542,678   3,678,298   3,213,885
  Securities                                             2,119,454   2,253,065   2,831,943   3,356,825   3,460,928
  Deposits                                               7,449,963   6,887,675   6,703,077   6,447,897   6,384,923
  Long-term debt                                           341,117      85,338      89,739      90,315      99,961
  Stockholders' equity                                     758,136     724,674     687,533     623,169     573,174
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  Total interest income                                   $699,084    $641,225    $598,494    $507,293    $491,386
  Net interest income                                      381,980     369,742     343,344     323,505     315,923
  Net interest income (FTE)                                389,234     375,500     349,317     330,056     322,850
  Provision for loan losses                                 52,371      37,983      30,600     (10,418)     (2,424)
  Other income (exclusive of investment
       securities transactions)                            194,511     171,177     151,279     134,648     126,278
  Investment securities transactions                         1,002       1,360     (11,413)    (43,461)       (344)
  Operating expense                                        338,129     326,848     337,204     306,311     281,748
  Operating income                                         124,962     117,554      83,369     108,477     113,291
  Net income                                               125,613     118,438      75,951      80,227     113,025
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  Return on average assets                                    1.37%       1.39%       0.93%       1.02%       1.47%
  Return on average total equity                             16.57%      16.34%      11.05%      12.87%      19.72%
  Return on average common equity                            16.57%      16.95%      11.41%      13.47%      21.18%
  Net interest margin                                         4.58%       4.79%       4.68%       4.59%       4.58%
  Efficiency ratio                                           57.92%      59.79%      67.36%      65.92%      62.73%
  Other income (excluding investment securities
       transactions) to total revenue (FTE)                  33.32%      31.31%      30.22%      28.98%      28.12%
  Average loans to average deposits                          84.82%      80.03%      67.77%      57.05%      50.34%
  Allowance for loan losses to loans                          1.29%       1.31%       1.48%       1.72%       2.41%
  Nonperforming assets to loans plus foreclosed assets        0.61%       0.51%       1.17%       0.58%       1.34%
  Allowance for loan losses to nonperforming loans          231.11%     299.42%     142.14%     449.04%     250.52%
  Equity ratio                                                8.64%       7.87%       8.59%       7.45%       7.74%
  Leverage ratio                                              8.35%       7.76%       8.16%       8.20%       7.70%
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  Earnings Per Common Share
    Net income - basic                                       $3.24       $3.05       $1.90       $2.02       $2.91
    Net income - diluted                                     $3.10       $2.89       $1.87       $1.98       $2.75
    Operating income - basic                                 $3.22       $3.03       $2.10       $2.77       $2.92
    Operating income - diluted                               $3.08       $2.87       $2.05       $2.64       $2.76
  Common Dividends
    Cash dividends                                           $1.60       $1.45       $1.25       $1.10       $0.85
    Dividend payout ratio                                    49.38%      47.54%      65.79%      54.46%      29.21%
  Book Value (end of period)
    Book value                                              $21.03      $18.66      $17.86      $14.19      $15.00
    Tangible book value                                     $20.63      $18.20      $17.32      $13.75      $14.54
  Common Stock Data
    High stock price                                        $71.88      $39.88      $34.50      $30.00      $32.20
    Low stock price                                         $38.25      $30.25      $22.00      $21.75      $23.90
    Closing stock price                                     $67.25      $38.88      $32.00      $22.00      $25.13
    Trading volume (in thousands)                           49,582      26,762      22,400      30,235      19,562
    Number of stockholders (end of period)                   8,876       9,319       9,951       9,359       9,360
  Average Shares Outstanding (in thousands)
    Basic                                                   38,122      37,644      37,543      37,282      34,736
    Diluted                                                 43,267      40,671      40,547      43,580      40,965
NUMBER OF EMPLOYEES (end of period)                          3,822       4,036       4,211       4,376       4,373
(a)Managed portfolio represents the owned loan portfolio plus the securitized credit card receivables.



                                          Year Ended December 31, 1997
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
(dollars in thousands,                       Reported    Impact of       Impact of
  except per share data)                       Basis   Securitization  Securitization
   Net interest income                       $381,980      $5,206        $387,186
   Net interest income (FTE)                  389,234       5,206         394,440
   Provision for loan losses                   52,371       6,829          59,200
   Other income                               195,513      (2,194)        193,319
   Net income                                 125,613      (2,481)        123,132
   Net income - diluted                         $3.10      ($0.06)          $3.04
   Net interest margin                           4.58%       0.06%           4.64%
   Efficiency ratio                             57.92%      (0.29)%         57.63%
   Net charge-off ratio                          0.66%       0.09%           0.75%

                                              1997                                1996                              1995
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                                   Average                             Average                          Average
(dollars in thousands)             Balance    Interest      Rate       Balance    Interest    Rate      Balance    Interest   Rate
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
   Loans(b)                      $6,318,995    $561,702     8.89%    $5,512,428   $492,248    8.93%   $4,542,678  $412,839    9.09%
     Taxable                      2,038,096     133,341     6.54      2,165,167    142,532    6.58     2,733,630   176,391    6.45
     Tax-exempt                      81,358       8,260    10.15         87,898      8,894   10.12        98,313    10,062   10.23
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
       Total securities           2,119,454     141,601     6.68      2,253,065    151,426    6.72     2,831,943   186,453    6.58
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
   Money market investments          59,355       3,035     5.11         66,024      3,309    5.01        89,444     5,175    5.79
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
       Total earning assets       8,497,804    $706,338     8.31%     7,831,517   $646,983    8.26%    7,464,065  $604,467    8.10%
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
   Other assets (c)                 769,766                             771,367                         752,546
   Allowance for loan losses        (84,094)                            (77,775)                        (75,417)
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
       Total assets              $9,183,476                          $8,525,109                      $8,141,194
   Interest-bearing deposits
     NOW account deposits        $1,185,668     $26,299     2.22%    $1,095,729    $21,541    1.97%  $1,023,939   $19,379    1.89%
     Money market investment
      deposits                      993,790      34,657     3.49        856,366     25,682    3.00      723,768    19,662    2.72
     Savings and other consumer
      time deposits               2,724,075     133,084     4.89      2,788,282    132,612    4.76    2,802,907   131,528    4.69
     Time deposits $100,000
        and over                  1,234,840      69,657     5.64        800,539     43,306    5.41      732,788    40,373    5.51
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
       Total interest-bearing
        deposits                  6,138,373     263,697     4.30      5,540,916    223,141    4.03    5,283,402   210,942    3.99
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
   Short-term borrowings            494,801      25,812     5.22        697,536     37,718    5.41      558,136    33,015    5.92
   Long-term debt                   341,117      27,595     8.09         85,338     10,624   12.45       89,739    11,193   12.47
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
       Total interest-bearing
        liabilities               6,974,291    $317,104     4.54%     6,323,790   $271,483    4.29%   5,931,277  $255,150    4.30%
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
   Noninterest-bearing deposits   1,311,590                           1,346,759                       1,419,675
   Other liabilities                139,459                             129,886                         102,709
   Stockholders' equity             758,136                             724,674                         687,533
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
       Total liabilities and
        stockholders' equity     $9,183,476                          $8,525,109                      $8,141,194
       Net interest income
        (FTE)(a) and margin                    $389,234     4.58%                 $375,500    4.79%              $349,317    4.68%
       Net earning assets
        and spread               $1,523,513                 3.77%    $1,507,727               3.97%  $1,532,788              3.80%
       Total cost of funds                                  3.73%                             3.47%                          3.42%
(a) Fully taxable equivalent based on a 35% tax rate.
(b) Net of unearned income, prior to deduction of allowance for loan losses and including nonaccrual loans.
(c) Includes mark-to-market adjustment on securities available for sale.


                                  1997 Compared to 1996            1996 Compared to 1995
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                              Total     Due to     Due to        Total      Due to     Due to
                             Increase  Change in  Change in     Increase  Change in   Change in
(dollars in thousands)      (Decrease) Volume(b)   Rate(b)     (Decrease) Volume(b)    Rate(b)
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  Loans                      $69,454   $70,271     $(817)        $79,409    $89,367    $(9,958)
   Taxable                    (9,191)   (8,558)     (633)        (33,859)   (36,983)     3,124
   Tax-exempt                   (634)     (664)       30          (1,168)    (1,055)      (113)
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    Total securities          (9,825)   (9,222)     (603)        (35,027)   (38,038)     3,011
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  Money market investments      (274)     (398)      124          (1,866)    (1,425)      (441)
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    Total interest income
     (FTE)                   $59,355   $60,651   $(1,296)        $42,516    $49,904    $(7,388)
  Interest-bearing deposits
   NOW account deposits       $4,758    $1,857    $2,901          $2,162     $1,393     $  769
   Money market investment
    deposits                   8,975     4,454     4,521           6,020      3,841      2,179
   Savings and other
    consumer time deposits       472    (3,092)    3,564           1,084       (689)     1,773
   Time deposits $100,000
    and over                  26,351    24,434     1,917           2,933      3,676       (743)
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    Total interest-bearing
     deposits                 40,556    27,653    12,903          12,199      8,221      3,978
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  Short-term borrowings      (11,906)  (10,618)   (1,288)          4,703      7,719     (3,016)
  Long-term debt              16,971    21,858    (4,887)           (569)      (548)       (21)
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    Total interest expense   $45,621   $38,893    $6,728         $16,333    $15,392     $  941
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    Change in net interest
     income (FTE)            $13,734   $21,758   $(8,024)        $26,183    $34,512    $(8,329)
(a) Fully taxable equivalent based on a 35% tax rate.
(b) Changes not solely due to either volume or rate are allocated on a proportional basis.

                                                                       December 31
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
(dollars in thousands)                              1997       1996         1995        1994         1993
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  Loans to individuals - residential mortgages  $1,202,263  $1,086,370  $  975,331  $  753,127    $649,571
  Loans to individuals - other                   1,730,678   1,762,257   1,435,165   1,161,246     947,024
  Commercial, financial and other                1,485,846   1,315,191   1,133,785     947,733     734,251
  Real estate - commercial mortgages             1,087,923     953,144     769,019     656,294     659,422
  Real estate - construction and other             287,395     273,498     198,672     119,235     123,510
  Credit card loans - managed                      946,458     829,612     617,824     509,076     465,425
  Unearned income                                     (493)     (2,589)     (7,070)    (17,472)    (27,497)
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
      Total managed loans                        6,740,070   6,217,483   5,122,726   4,129,239   3,551,706
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  Securitized credit card loans                   (300,000)         -           -           -           - 
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
      Total reported loans                      $6,440,070  $6,217,483  $5,122,726  $4,129,239  $3,551,706

                                                              December 31, 1997
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                                                  Within      One to       After
(dollars in thousands)                           One Year   Five Years  Five Years    Total
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Commercial, financial and other
   Fixed                                         $201,998    $289,873    $122,914    $614,785
   Floating                                       694,231     143,726      33,104     871,061
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
       Total commercial, financial and other     $896,229    $433,599    $156,018  $1,485,846
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Real estate - construction and other
   Fixed                                          $73,200    $103,282     $27,811    $204,293
   Floating                                        56,425      23,845       2,832      83,102
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
       Total real estate - construction
        and other                                $129,625    $127,127     $30,643    $287,395

                                                                      December 31, 1997
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
(dollars in thousands)                                                     Maturity
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                                      Within 1 Year        1-5 Years        5-10 Years     After 10 Years   Total Fair Value
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                                                 FTE                FTE             FTE              FTE                FTE
                                       Amount   Yield    Amount    Yield   Amount  Yield   Amount   Yield   Amount     Yield
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
U.S. Treasury securities              $118,036   7.15%   $823,768   6.55% $103,719  6.96%  $    -       -% $1,045,523   6.66%
U.S. agency mortgage-backed securities
    Fixed                                2,905   7.38     150,106   6.73   307,497  6.40   229,918   6.11     690,426   6.38
    Floating                                 -      -         667   6.13         -     -   274,419   6.64     275,086   6.64
States and political subdivisions        7,472  10.56      14,674  10.03    27,526  9.72    38,833  10.96      88,505  10.39
Other debt securities                   45,011   5.83      51,097   6.03         -     -         -      -      96,108   5.94
Equity securities                        4,823   4.86           -      -         -     -    41,930   4.04      46,753   4.12
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
       Total securities available
        for sale                      $178,247   6.90% $1,040,312   6.60% $438,742  6.74% $585,100   6.53% $2,242,401   6.63%
(a) Fully taxable equivalent based on a 35% tax rate.  Maturities are based on the contractual maturities of the securities.

(dollars in thousands)                           1997                    1996                    1995
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Noninterest-bearing demand deposit     $1,303,244     17.49%    $1,336,815    19.41%    $1,410,211    21.04%
NOW account deposits                    1,185,668     15.92      1,095,729    15.91      1,023,939    15.28
Money market investment deposits          993,790     13.34        856,366    12.43        723,768    10.80
Savings deposits                          483,112      6.48        632,088     9.18        770,384    11.49
Other consumer time deposits            2,241,063     30.08      2,156,327    31.30      2,041,762    30.45
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
       Total core deposits              6,206,877     83.31      6,077,325    88.23      5,970,064    89.06
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  Time deposits $100,000 and over       1,243,086     16.69        810,350    11.77        733,013    10.94
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
          Total average deposits       $7,449,963    100.00%    $6,887,675   100.00%    $6,703,077   100.00%

                $100,000 AND OVER
(in thousands)
- -------------------------------------------------------
Within three months                      $339,739
Three to six months                       234,032
Six to twelve months                      221,220
After twelve months                       428,119
- -------------------------------------------------------
    Total at December 31, 1997         $1,223,110

                                    Twelve Month     Economic
                                    Net Interest     Value of
At December 31, 1997               Income Change  Equity Change
- ------------------------------------------------------------------
Interest Rate Change
In Basis Points:
+100 Shock                              (0.8)%        (1.2)%
- -100 Shock                               0.1%         (0.9)%
+100 Gradual                            (0.1)%         N/A
- -100 Gradual                            (0.2)%         N/A

                                                                            Weighted Average Rate
                                                                         Receive   Floating 
                            Notional      Market          Maturity        Fixed      Rate    Strike       Underlying
(dollars in thousands)       Amount        Value            Date          Rate     (LIBOR)    Rate     Asset/Liability
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Floors                       $500,000         $16         Dec 1998            -%       -%    4.65%    Transaction deposits
Swaps                          10,000          41   Feb 1998 - Feb 2000    6.19     5.89        -     Long-term bank notes
Swaps                         201,000       2,158   Jan 1999 - Feb 2002    6.39     5.83        -     Retail brokered CDs
Swap                          100,000       5,827         Mar 2002         7.18     5.91        -     Prime-based loans
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Total at December 31, 1997   $811,000      $8,042                          6.63%    5.86%    4.65%

                     (NOTIONAL AMOUNTS)
                                         Based        Generic
(in thousands)                        Instruments      Swaps       Total
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
Balance, December 31, 1996               $500,000      $130,000    $630,000
   Purchases                                    -       181,000     181,000
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
Balance, December 31, 1997               $500,000      $311,000    $811,000

                     INTEREST RATE CONTRACTS
Year Ended December 31, 1997          Based       Generic
(in thousands)                     Instruments     Swaps      Total
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------
Interest income                      $   -        $1,960      $1,960
Amortization                          (568)            -        (568)
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------
Net interest income                  $(568)       $1,960      $1,392

                                                    December 31
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
(dollars in thousands)         1997        1996          1995        1994        1993
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Tier 1 capital               $771,947    $683,190      $679,003    $651,080    $603,563
Tier 2 capital                115,380     126,993       149,769     138,995     132,371
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    Total capital            $887,327    $810,183      $828,772    $790,075    $735,934
Risk-weighted assets       $6,688,542  $6,294,032    $5,343,946  $4,452,537  $3,872,240
  Leverage ratio                 8.35%       7.76%         8.16%       8.20%       7.70%
  Tier 1 capital                11.54%      10.85%        12.71%      14.62%      15.59%
  Total capital                 13.27%      12.87%        15.51%      17.74%      19.01%
  Equity ratio                   8.64%       7.87%         8.59%       7.45%       7.74%
  Tangible equity ratio          8.48%       7.69%         8.37%       7.26%       7.54%

                                                                                              December 31
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
(dollars in thousands)                                                  1997       1996       1995       1994       1993
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Nonaccrual loans by type
  Loans to individuals - residential mortgages                         $8,302     $7,908     $6,897     $5,164     $6,366
  Loans to individuals - other                                          1,355      1,007        335        815      1,148
  Commercial, financial and other                                       9,169     11,037     27,610      1,222      5,383
  Real estate - commercial mortgages                                   16,634      6,687     15,455      8,282     20,844
  Real estate - construction and other                                    537        616      3,064        340        430
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    Total nonaccrual loans                                             35,997     27,255     53,361     15,823     34,171
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Foreclosed assets                                                       3,554      4,600      6,470      8,315     13,559
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    Total nonperforming assets                                        $39,551    $31,855    $59,831    $24,138    $47,730
Loans past due 90 days or more and not on nonaccrual status           $22,820    $29,451    $20,668    $12,215    $15,742
  Nonperforming assets as a percent of loans plus foreclosed assets      0.61%      0.51%      1.17%      0.58%      1.34%
  Allowance for loan losses as a percent of nonperforming loans        231.11%    299.42%    142.14%    449.04%    250.52%
  Loans past due 90 days or more and not on nonaccrual status as
     a percent of loans                                                  0.35%      0.47%      0.40%      0.30%      0.44%

(dollars in thousands)                                                    1997       1996       1995       1994       1993
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Allowance for loan losses at beginning of year                          $81,606    $75,845    $71,052    $85,604    $96,658
Allowance related to receivables sold                                    (8,790)         -          -          -          -
Allowance acquired in bank purchase                                           -          -      1,142          -          -
Provision for loan losses                                                52,371     37,983     30,600    (10,418)    (2,424)
Loans charged to the allowance
    Loans to individuals - residential mortgages                             61        337        401        332        889
    Loans to individuals - other                                         21,422     18,155      8,055      3,635      3,537
    Commercial, financial and other                                       1,727      1,090     13,518        947      3,166
    Real estate - commercial mortgages                                      250        206        416        198      1,389
    Real estate - construction and other                                      1          -          9          7        131
    Credit card loans                                                    34,726     25,661     15,561     11,120     11,433
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
      Total charge-offs                                                  58,187     45,449     37,960     16,239     20,545
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Recoveries on loans previously charged to the allowance
    Loans to individuals - residential mortgages                            331        575        731      1,218      1,127
    Loans to individuals - other                                          5,631      4,759      2,831      2,431      2,405
    Commercial, financial and other                                       2,448      3,195      3,002      3,903      3,613
    Real estate - commercial mortgages                                    3,807        822        656      1,005      1,719
    Real estate - construction and other                                     65        244        465        561        432
    Credit card loans                                                     3,910      3,632      3,326      2,987      2,619
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
      Total recoveries                                                   16,192     13,227     11,011     12,105     11,915
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
        Net charge-offs                                                  41,995     32,222     26,949      4,134      8,630
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Allowance for loan losses at end of year                                $83,192    $81,606    $75,845    $71,052    $85,604
Gross charge-offs as a percent of average loans                            0.92%      0.82%      0.84%      0.44%      0.64%
Recoveries as a percent of gross charge-offs                              27.83%     29.10%     29.01%     74.54%     57.99%
Net charge-offs as a percent of average loans                              0.66%      0.58%      0.59%      0.11%      0.27%
Allowance for loan losses as a percent of loans at end of year             1.29%      1.31%      1.48%      1.72%      2.41%

                                                                          December 31
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                                 1997                 1996                 1995                  1994                  1993
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                        Allowance    Loans    Allowance   Loans    Allowance    Loans    Allowance    Loans    Allowance   Loans
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Loans to individuals     31.89%      45.54%     22.12%    45.80%     19.20%     46.99%     29.32%     46.17%     22.92%    44.62%
Commercial, financial
   and other             20.60       23.07      14.81     21.14      21.69      22.10      19.93      22.85      20.91     20.51
Real estate              22.70       21.35      14.64     19.72      20.51      18.86      13.12      18.70      24.46     21.87
Credit card              24.81       10.04      29.70     13.34      19.84      12.05      19.10      12.28      18.57     13.00
Unallocated                  - (a)       -      18.73         -      18.76          -      18.53          -      13.14         -
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
   Total                100.00%     100.00%    100.00%   100.00%    100.00%    100.00%    100.00%    100.00%    100.00%   100.00%
(a) At December 31, 1997, the allowance for potential loan losses not specifically identified has been allocated on a pro rata
    basis to all loan categories.

Item 7
Management's Discussion and Analysis of Financial Condition
 and Results of Operations

     First Commerce Corporation's (FCC's) net income for
1997 was $125.6 million, up 6% from $118.4 million in 1996.
Diluted earnings per share were $3.10 in 1997 and $2.89 in
1996.  The 1997 results reflect continued revenue growth,
partially offset by increases in operating expenses and the
provision for loan losses.
     Excluding the effect of the $300 million credit card
securitization in August 1997, net interest income grew 5%
in 1997, primarily due to loan growth.  Higher credit card
fee income, venture capital securities transactions and
trust fee income were the main causes of a 13% rise in other
income.  Operating expense, excluding nonrecurring charges,
grew 5% in 1997, while the provision for loan losses rose
$14.4 million.  Higher net charge-offs and loan growth were
the main causes of the increase in provision.
     On October 20, 1997, FCC entered into an agreement
providing for the merger of FCC with a wholly owned
subsidiary of BANC ONE CORPORATION (BANC ONE).  Terms of the
agreement call for FCC shareholders to receive 1.408 shares
of BANC ONE common stock (the Exchange Rate) for each share
of FCC common stock.  The Exchange Rate has been adjusted to
give effect to the 10% stock dividend on BANC ONE common
stock paid on February 26, 1998.  The merger is subject to
various conditions, including shareholder and regulatory
approval, and is expected to be completed in the second
quarter of 1998.  For additional information concerning the
merger agreement, see Note 2 to the consolidated financial
     A more detailed review of FCC's financial condition and
earnings for 1997 follows, with comparisons to 1996 and
1995.  This review should be read in conjunction with the
Consolidated Financial Statements and Notes which follow
this Financial Review.

Credit Card Securitization
     On August 7, 1997, FCC's subsidiary bank, First
National Bank of Commerce (First NBC), securitized $300
million of credit card receivables for additional funding.
First NBC retained the servicing and customer relationships
of the underlying credit card accounts.
     The ongoing accounting effect of this securitization is
to reduce net interest income and the provision for loan
losses while increasing noninterest income.  Noninterest
income for 1997 included $9.2 million of securitization
revenue, which represents the securitized credit card
receivables' interest income, provision for loan losses,
credit card fee income, and gains on sales, net of funding
and other costs.  Table 1 presents the impact of the credit
card securitization on certain income statement line items
and ratios.

Net Interest Income
     Net interest income, fully taxable equivalent (FTE) in
1997 was $389.2 million, compared to $375.5 million in 1996.
The net interest margin was 4.58% in 1997, compared to 4.79%
in the prior year.  As shown in Table 1, securitization
reduced 1997's net interest income and net interest margin
by $5.2 million and six basis points, respectively.
     Adjusted for the impact of securitization, net interest
income rose 5% from 1996.  Loan growth was the most
significant cause of the improvement.  Average managed loans
(which include the owned loan portfolio and the securitized
credit card receivables) grew 17% from 1996, while average
earning assets rose 9%, resulting in a more favorable mix of
earning assets.  As a percent of earning assets, average
managed loans increased to 76% in 1997, compared to 70% in
1996.  The most significant increases in average managed
loans were in commercial real estate, commercial and credit
card loans.  Loan growth was funded by a reduction in
securities, plus increased levels of retail brokered
certificates of deposit (CDs) and bank notes.  Retail
brokered CD and bank note programs were established in the
fourth quarter of 1996 and the first quarter of 1997,
respectively, to diversify FCC's wholesale funding sources.
     Excluding the effect of securitization, the net
interest margin was 4.64% in 1997, compared to 4.79% in
1996.  Higher funding costs caused the drop in the net
interest margin.  FCC's cost of funds was 3.73% in 1997, up
26 basis points from 1996.  The higher funding costs
reflected rates paid on FCC's increased level of longer-term
funding sources, the customer retention strategy of moving
FCC's best clients to higher yielding accounts, and the
attrition of noninterest-bearing accounts.  Higher funding
costs were partially offset by an 11 basis point increase in
the yield on earning assets (excluding the effect of
securitization) due to the shift in the earning asset mix to
a higher proportion of loans.
     For 1996, net interest income was $375.5 million, 7%
higher than in 1995.  The net interest margin was 4.79% for
1996, 11 basis points higher than the prior year.  These
improvements were primarily the result of loan growth.  In
1996, average loans grew 21% and were 70% of earning assets,
compared to 61% in 1995.  Growth was experienced in all
categories of loans and was funded by a reduction in
securities and growth in interest-bearing deposits.
     Table 2 presents the average balance sheets, net
interest income (FTE) and interest rates for 1997, 1996 and
1995.  Table 3 provides the components of changes in net
interest income (FTE).

Provision for Loan Losses
     The provision for loan losses was $52.4 million in
1997, compared to $38.0 million and $30.6 million in 1996
and 1995, respectively.  The increasing provision resulted
from both loan growth and higher net charge-offs.  As shown
in Table 1, the credit card securitization reduced 1997's
provision by $6.8 million.  Economic conditions, national
and regional trends, net charge-off levels, and changes in
the level and mix of the loan portfolio, could cause FCC's
provision for loan losses to fluctuate from 1997 levels.
For discussion of the allowance for loan losses, net charge-
offs and nonperforming assets, see the Credit Risk
Management section of this Financial Review.

Other Income
     Other income was $195.5 million in 1997, compared to
$172.5 million in 1996, an increase of 13%.  Other income
for 1997 included $9.2 million of securitization revenue,
$7.0 million of which would have been recorded as credit
card fee income had the securitization not taken place.  The
principal contributors to the growth in other income from
1996 were credit card fees, venture capital securities
transactions and trust fee income.
     Adjusted for the effect of securitization, credit card
fee income rose $11.3 million, or 24%, in 1997.  This growth
reflected higher purchase volumes and late charge fee
income.  Higher late charge fee income was driven by both
volume and pricing increases.  The venture capital business
realized gains from the sales of securities of companies in
which it invested of $6.5 million in 1997, compared to a
$1.2 million loss in 1996.  FCC began its venture capital
business in 1994 to provide companies with capital for
growth through expansion or acquisition, satisfying the
corporate finance needs that traditional bank lending could
not meet.  Trust fee income was $2.8 million, or 13%, higher
than in 1996 due to new trust business.  Additional
increases were experienced in broker/dealer revenue (up $1.4
million, or 13%) and ATM fee income (up $836,000, or 9%) and
were mainly related to higher business volumes.  Service
charges on deposits fell 4% from 1996, reflecting FCC's
customer retention strategy and the attrition of noninterest-
bearing accounts.
     Other income rose $32.7 million from 1995 to 1996.  The
most significant contributors to the improvement were credit
card fee income and investment securities transactions.
Credit card fee income rose $13.3 million, or 38%,
reflecting increased purchase volumes and late charge fee
income.  Investment securities transactions resulted in
pretax net gains of $1.4 million in 1996, compared to pretax
net losses of $11.4 million in 1995.  The losses recorded in
1995 were related to FCC's securities portfolio
restructuring in response to rising interest rates.  Growth
in trust fee income ($3.5 million), broker/dealer revenue
($2.6 million) and ATM fee income ($1.3 million) mainly
reflected higher volumes of transactions and accounts.

Operating Expense
     Operating expense was $338.1 million in 1997, compared
to $326.8 million in 1996 and $337.2 million in 1995.
1996's operating expense included a one-time $5.3 million
expense related to the assessment by the FDIC for the
recapitalization of the Savings Association Insurance Fund
(SAIF).  Operating expense in 1995 included $26.4 million of
nonrecurring merger-related and reengineering charges.
     From 1996 to 1997, operating expense, excluding the
SAIF one-time special assessment, rose $16.6 million, or 5%.
Personnel expense rose $4.1 million, or 2%, reflecting
annual merit raises, partially offset by lower incentive pay
expense.  On April 25, 1997, all outstanding stock
appreciation rights (SARs) were canceled and replaced with
stock options with equivalent terms.  Compensation expense
is increased or decreased in connection with SARs based on
the market value of FCC's common stock.  This exchange
capped the total expense at the stock price on the exchange
date.  Increased depreciation caused equipment expense to
rise $3.9 million, or 15%.  Also contributing to the rise in
operating expense were advertising expense, deferred
consumer loan origination costs and bank stock tax expense.
Advertising expense grew $2.1 million, mainly due to
increased donations expense.  Lower deferred consumer loan
origination costs (down $1.8 million) reflected FCC's
pullback from intensely price-competitive indirect
automobile lending.  Bank stock taxes (Louisiana does not
assess income tax on commercial banks; rather, banks pay
property tax based on the value of their capital stock) were
$1.9 million higher than in 1996.
     Excluding one-time charges, operating expense rose
$10.8 million, or 3%, in 1996.  Higher personnel costs
caused the increase.  Personnel expense rose $15.9 million,
or 10%, from 1995.  This increase was due to incentive pay
expense tied to the improvement in FCC's financial returns
and the appreciation of its common stock during 1996.
Communications and delivery expense grew $1.8 million, or
11%, while equipment expense rose $1.6 million, or 7%.  FDIC
insurance expense, excluding the SAIF recapitalization
expense, fell $6.9 million in 1996 reflecting lower premium
rates due to strengthened FDIC reserves.
     FCC monitors its efficiency ratio as one measure of its
success at increasing revenues while controlling expense
growth.  Excluding one-time charges, the efficiency ratio
was 58% in 1997, compared to 59% in 1996 and 63% in 1995.
     As with most other companies, many of the computer
programs that FCC uses were originally designed to recognize
calendar years by their last two digits.  Transactions
processed using these truncated fields will not work
properly with dates from the year 2000 and beyond.  FCC
established a task force in 1996 to prepare its data
processing and other systems to be Year 2000 compliant.
This process involves modifying or replacing certain
hardware and software maintained by FCC as well as ensuring
that external service providers are taking the appropriate
actions.  The team's plan is to substantially complete this
project by the end of 1998.  The total internal and external
costs for system conversions and testing are not expected to
be material.

Income Taxes
     Income tax expense was $61.4 million in 1997, $59.0
million in 1996 and $39.5 million in 1995.  The changes in
income tax expense resulted primarily from changes in pretax
income and the effect of 1995's nondeductible merger-related
expenses.  FCC's effective tax rate was 33% in both 1997 and
1996 and 34% in 1995.  These effective rates are lower than
the 35% federal statutory tax rate, primarily because of tax-
exempt interest income received from the financing of state
and local governments.  Louisiana does not assess an income
tax on commercial banks; rather, banks pay property tax
based on the value of their capital stock in lieu of income
and franchise taxes.
     For additional information on FCC's effective tax rates
and the composition of changes in income tax expense for all
periods, see Note 22.

     Total loans of $6.4 billion at December 31, 1997 were
net of $300 million of securitized credit card receivables.
Managed loans of $6.7 billion at year-end 1997 were 8%
higher than one year ago.  As shown in Table 4, loan growth
was broad-based and was driven by economic expansion in
Louisiana.  The 2% decline in loans to individuals-other
reflected FCC's pullback from intensely price-competitive
indirect automobile lending.  Table 5 and Note 6 provide
additional information on loans.
     Consumer loans include loans to individuals and credit
card loans.  Consumer loans continue to be the largest
segment of the loan portfolio at 58% of total managed loans.
Managed consumer loans were $3.9 billion at December 31,
1997, up 5% from year-end 1996.  Growth in managed credit
card loans (up 14%) and residential mortgages (up 11%) were
partially offset by the decline in indirect automobile
     Commercial loans were 22% of total managed loans, at
December 31, 1997, and were 13% higher than at the prior
year-end.  Growth was distributed among virtually all
industry segments and reflected increased economic activity
in Louisiana.  The commercial loan portfolio is diversified
among a wide array of industries.  The three largest
industry categories were services with $369 million,
retail/wholesale trade with $224 million and transportation
with $170 million.
     Real estate loans consist of loans secured by
commercial properties, construction and land development
loans, and loans secured by multi-family properties and
farmland.  Real estate loans rose 12% during 1997 and were
20% of total managed loans at year-end.

     As part of its securities portfolio management
strategy, all of FCC's securities have been classified as
available for sale.  A significant factor in this decision
is the desire to maintain flexibility to actively manage the
portfolio in response to market conditions and funding
     At December 31, 1997, the securities portfolio totaled
$2.2 billion, unchanged from year-end 1996.  Unrealized
gains, net of tax, increased stockholders' equity $33.6
million at December 31, 1997, compared to $22.9 million at
year-end 1996.  The fluctuation in market values was mainly
driven by changes in market interest rates.
     At December 31, 1997, 90% of total securities were
obligations of the U.S. government or its agencies.  The
average expected life, which considers projected paydowns,
was 3.5 years.  Table 6 presents detailed information on the
maturities and yields of securities.
     FCC's mortgage-backed securities are either direct
issues or collateralized by direct issues of U.S. agencies.
At year-end 1997, the average expected life of FCC's
mortgage-backed securities was 4.2 years.  Prepayment rates
on mortgage-backed securities may differ from those
expected, due to changes in interest rates and other
economic conditions.
     Note 5 contains additional information on securities.

     Deposits were $7.8 billion as of year-end 1997, up 7%
from December 31, 1996.  Growth was experienced in most
interest-bearing deposit categories with the most
significant increases in money market investment deposits
and time deposits $100,000 and over.  Higher time deposits
$100,000 and over mainly were in retail brokered CDs, a
program instituted in the fourth quarter of 1996.  Lower
savings and noninterest-bearing deposits reflected FCC's
customer retention strategy of moving FCC's best clients to
higher yielding accounts, and the attrition of noninterest-
bearing accounts.  As shown in Table 7, average core
deposits rose 2% in 1997, and were 83% of total average

Short-Term Borrowings
     Short-term borrowings were $367 million at December 31,
1997, and averaged $495 million for the year.  This was a
decrease from the $945 million at year-end 1996 and the $698
million average for 1996.  The decline was due to FCC's
increased use of longer-term wholesale funding sources as
discussed under the Liquidity section of this Financial
Review.  Note 10 contains additional information on short-
term borrowings.

Asset/Liability Management
     The objective of FCC's asset/liability management is to
maximize net interest income while maintaining acceptable
levels of risk from changes in interest rates and, also,
balancing liquidity and capital needs.  FCC monitors
opportunities and risks so that appropriate actions can be
taken by management to meet this objective.  Actions
considered include purchases and sales of securities to
alter maturities and yields of the portfolio, changes in the
mix and level of earning assets and funding sources, and the
use of off-balance sheet interest rate risk products such as
swaps, caps and floors.

Interest Rate Risk
     Interest rate risk is the potential impact on net
interest income of changes in interest rates.  FCC measures
this risk by analyzing the sensitivity of net interest
income and the economic value of equity to interest rate
     Simulation of net interest income under various
interest rate scenarios is FCC's primary tool for measuring
interest rate risk.  Management regularly reviews simulation
results to better understand FCC's interest rate risk and to
develop strategies for managing this risk.  FCC's
simulations incorporate assumptions regarding such factors
as loan and deposit growth, pricing and mix, prepayment
rates, and spreads between various interest rates.  These
assumptions are derived from a combination of historical
analysis and management's expectations and are regularly
reviewed and refined.
     FCC captures longer-term interest rate risk by
analyzing the sensitivity of economic value of equity to
interest rate changes.  Economic value of equity is defined
as the present value of assets and off-balance sheet
positions less the present value of liabilities.
Assumptions about the timing and variability of cash flows
are based on historical analysis and management's
     Table 9 shows the sensitivity of FCC's net interest
income over a twelve-month period to both a gradual and
immediate +/- 100 basis point rate shift.  Also shown is the
economic value of equity change to an immediate +/- 100
basis point rate shift.  The assumptions used in this
analysis are inherently uncertain.  Actual results could
differ from simulated results due to timing, magnitude and
frequency of interest-rate changes and changes in market
conditions and management strategies, among other factors.

Off-Balance Sheet Instruments
     In the normal course of business, FCC is a party to
various financial instruments which are not carried on the
balance sheet.  However, income and expenses related to
these instruments are reflected in the financial statements.
FCC uses these instruments to meet the financing needs of
its customers and to help manage its exposure to interest
rate fluctuations.  These off-balance sheet instruments
include commitments to extend credit, letters of credit,
securities lent, foreign exchange contracts and interest
rate contracts.  Note 18 provides additional information
about off-balance sheet instruments.
     FCC uses interest rate contracts to manage interest
rate risk.  Table 10 summarizes FCC's interest rate
contracts at December 31, 1997.  Table 11 summarizes the
activity, by notional amount, for all interest rate
contracts during 1997, while Table 12 presents their impact
on net interest income.
     At December 31, 1997, FCC had $311 million of interest
rate swaps, with $211 million converting retail brokered CDs
and bank notes from fixed to floating rates.  The remaining
$100 million convert prime-based floating rate loans to
fixed rates.  FCC's $500 million of interest rate floors
hedge transaction deposits.  As of year-end 1997, the
unamortized premium on these floors was $544,000.
     As shown in Table 10, the estimated fair value of FCC's
total interest rate contracts at year-end 1997 was $8.0
million.  The fair value of interest rate contracts at any
given date represents the estimated amount FCC would receive
or pay to terminate the contracts.  Changes in the fair
value of FCC's interest rate contracts are largely offset by
changes in the fair values of the balance sheet assets and
liabilities matched against these contracts.  The fair
values of interest rate contracts fluctuate depending upon
the remaining maturities of the contracts and the financial
markets' expectations regarding future interest rate levels.

     The objective of liquidity management is to ensure that
funds are available to meet the cash flow requirements of
depositors and borrowers while at the same time meeting the
cash flow needs of the corporation.  Liquidity is provided
by a stable base of funding sources, especially core
deposits, and an adequate level of assets readily
convertible into cash.
     Beginning in the fourth quarter of 1996, FCC
significantly diversified its access to external funding
sources by establishing programs for issuing retail brokered
CDs, bank notes and credit card asset-backed securities.
Outstandings under these programs totaled $920 million as of
December 31, 1997.  Other funding alternatives available
include commercial paper issued by the Parent Company and
lines of credit maintained with major banks totaling $45
million.  No commercial paper was issued in 1997, and the
lines of credit were unused.

Capital and Dividends
     At December 31, 1997, total stockholders' equity was
8.64% of total assets, compared to 7.87% one year ago.  The
regulatory leverage ratio, which excludes the net unrealized
gain on securities available for sale, was 8.35% at year-end
1997 and 7.76% at December 31, 1996.  The increase in both
ratios from the prior year was mainly due to net earnings
retained during 1997. Table 13 presents FCC's risk-based and
other capital ratios for the past five years.  All ratios
remain well above regulatory minimums.  Note 16 provides
additional information regarding the regulatory ratios of
FCC and its Banks.
     FCC paid dividends of $1.60 per share for 1997, a 10%
increase over 1996's per share amount of $1.45.  The Parent
Company's sources of funds to pay cash dividends on its
common stock are its net working capital and the dividends
it receives from the banks.  At December 31, 1997, the
Parent Company had net working capital of $90 million.
Also, the Parent Company could receive dividends from the
banks without prior regulatory approval of $51 million after
December 31, 1997, plus the banks' adjusted net profits for

Credit Risk Management
     FCC manages its credit risk by diversifying its loan
portfolio, maintaining credit underwriting standards which
emphasize cash flows and repayment ability, providing an
adequate allowance for loan losses and continually reviewing
loans through an internal independent loan review process.
Portfolio diversification reduces credit risk by minimizing
the impact on the portfolio if weaknesses develop in certain
segments of the economy.  Credit underwriting standards
ensure that loans are properly structured and
collateralized.  An adequate allowance for loan losses
provides for losses inherent in the loan portfolio.  The
loan review process identifies and monitors potentially weak
or deteriorating credits.

Nonperforming Assets and Past Due Loans
     Nonperforming assets consist of nonaccrual loans,
restructured loans and foreclosed assets.  As shown in Table
14, nonperforming assets totaled $40 million at year-end
1997, compared to $32 million at December 31, 1996.  The
year-end 1997 total consists of $36 million of nonperforming
loans and $4 million of foreclosed assets.  As a percent of
loans and foreclosed assets, nonperforming assets were .61%
at the end of 1997, compared to .51% one year ago.  Changes
in the level of total loans, the mix of the loan portfolio
and economic conditions will primarily determine the future
levels of nonperforming assets.
     Nonperforming loans rose $9 million in 1997.  The
increase was due to commercial real estate loans placed on
nonaccrual status.  67% of nonperforming loans were
contractually current or no more than 30 days past due at
December 31, 1997, compared to 42% at the end of 1996.
     Foreclosed assets, which include unused bank premises,
fell $1 million from year-end 1996.  The decline was the
result of property sales.
     Loans past due 90 days or more and not on nonaccrual
status were $23 million, or .35% of total loans, at year-end
1997, compared to $29 million, or .47% of total loans, at
December 31, 1996.  The decrease was mainly related to
government-guaranteed student loans.  At the end of 1997,
accruing loans past due 90 days or more included $6 million
in government-guaranteed student loans and $12 million of
credit card loans (which are charged-off within 180 days of
becoming past due).
     At December 31, 1997, loans considered to be impaired
totaled $29 million, of which $10 million required a total
impairment allowance of $3 million.  Impaired loans are
included in nonaccrual loans.

Watch List
     FCC's watch list includes loans which, for management
purposes, have been identified as requiring a higher level
of monitoring due to risk.  FCC's watch list includes both
performing and nonperforming loans, as well as foreclosed
assets.  The majority of watch list loans are classified as
performing, because they do not have characteristics
resulting in uncertainty about the borrower's ability to pay
principal and interest in accordance with the original terms
of the loans.
     The watch list consists of classifications, identified
as Type 1 through Type 4.  Types 1, 2 and 3 generally
parallel the regulatory classifications of loss, doubtful
and substandard, respectively.  Type 4 generally parallels
the regulatory classification of Other Assets Especially
Mentioned.  These loans require monitoring due to conditions
which, if not corrected, could increase credit risk.  Total
watch list loans at December 31, 1997 were $201 million, or
3.12% of total loans and foreclosed assets, compared to $157
million, or 2.52%, at the end of last year.  Approximately
half of the rise was related to one borrower; the remaining
increase was due to several commercial loans in a variety of

Allowance for Loan Losses
     At December 31, 1997, the allowance for loan losses was
$83 million, or 210% of nonperforming assets, compared to
$82 million , or 256% of nonperforming assets, at year-end
1996.  The allowance was 1.29% of loans at the end of 1997,
compared to 1.31% at December 31, 1996.  During 1997, the
allowance was reduced $9 million related to the credit card
receivables securitized.  For 1997, the provision exceeded
net charge-offs by $10.4 million, reflecting both strong
loan growth and the effect of increasing charge-offs, which
impacted the experience factor used in the allowance
calculation.  Management believes that the allowance is
adequate to cover losses inherent in the loan portfolio.
Table 15 presents the activity in the allowance for loan
losses for the past five years.  The allocation of the
allowance for loan losses is included in Table 16.
     Net charge-offs were $42.0 million, or .66% of average
loans, in 1997, compared to $32.2 million, or .58% of
average loans, in 1996.  Managed net charge-offs were $48.2
million, or .75% of average loans, in 1997.  The increase
from 1996 reflected higher net charge-offs of credit card
loans.  Net charge-offs on credit card loans were $30.8
million, or 4.19% of credit card loans, in 1997, up from
$22.0 million, or 3.24%, in 1996.  Managed credit card net
charge-offs were $37.0 million, or 4.32% of credit card
loans.  The rise in credit card charge-offs at FCC
throughout 1997 and 1996 tracked national trends and was
principally due to higher bankruptcies and the number of
accounts which have reached the age at which charge-offs
peak (generally an account that has been open for 18 to 36
months).  The level of credit card charge-offs may continue
to rise during 1998.
     Economic conditions, national and regional trends, net
charge-off levels and changes in the level and mix of the
loan portfolio, could cause FCC's provision for loan losses
to fluctuate from 1997 levels.

Fair Value of Financial Instruments
     Note 19 provides information regarding the fair values
of financial instruments as of December 31, 1997 and 1996.
     The differences between fair values and book values
were primarily caused by differences between contractual and
market interest rates at the respective year-ends.
Fluctuation in fair values will occur as interest rates

Fourth Quarter Results
     FCC's net income for the fourth quarter of 1997 was
$32.0 million, compared to $28.7 million in 1996's fourth
quarter.  Diluted earnings per share were $.79 in the fourth
quarter of 1997 and $.72 for the fourth quarter of 1996.
The following are key items from the fourth quarter.
     Net interest income (FTE) was $96.4 million, compared
to $97.8 million in 1996's fourth quarter.  The decrease was
caused by the shift of net interest income to noninterest
income related to the securitization of credit card
receivables in 1997's third quarter.  Excluding the effect
of this shift, net interest income rose 2% from 1996's
fourth quarter.  Loan growth was the most significant cause
of the improvement.  Higher funding costs partially offset
the benefit of this loan growth.
     The provision for loan losses was $8.6 million in the
fourth quarter, down from $14.2 million in the prior year.
Excluding the impact of securitization, the provision would
have been $12.6 million in 1997's fourth quarter.  Net
charge-offs were $9.7 million in this year's fourth quarter,
compared to $11.9 million in 1996's fourth quarter.  Managed
net charge-offs were $13.9 million, or .84% of average
loans. The increase from 1996 reflected higher net charge-
offs of credit card loans.  Net charge-offs of managed
credit card loans were $10.7 million in 1997's fourth
quarter, $8.6 million in 1997's third quarter and $7.3
million in the fourth quarter of 1996.  Higher credit card
charge-offs were mainly related to the number of accounts
that are reaching the age at which charge-offs peak.  Credit
card charge-offs may continue to grow over the next few
     Other income was $50.3 million in the fourth quarter.
Excluding investment securities transactions and the effects
of securitization, other income was $49.3 million, up 8%
from 1996's fourth quarter.  Credit card fees were the
principal factor in this growth.
     Operating expense was $88.8 million in 1997's fourth
quarter, 4% higher than in 1996.  Higher equipment costs
were the most significant contributor to the increase.   The
efficiency ratio was 60.5% for the fourth quarter of 1997.
     Selected Quarterly Data compares certain quarterly
financial information for 1997 and 1996.

     FCC may from time to time make written or oral forward-
looking  statements, including statements contained in  this
report  and  other filings with the Securities and  Exchange
Commission,  in  its reports to stockholders  and  in  other
communications by FCC, which are made in good faith  by  FCC
pursuant  to  the "Safe Harbor" provisions  of  the  Private
Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995.
      These forward-looking statements are based on a number
of  assumptions  about  future events  and  are  subject  to
various  risks  and  uncertainties which  may  cause  actual
results  to differ materially from those in such statements.
These  risks and uncertainties include, but are not  limited
to, (i) the strength of the U. S. economy in general and the
strength  of  the  local  economies in  which  FCC  conducts
operations,  (ii)  changes  in trade,  monetary  and  fiscal
policies,  laws and regulations of government  agencies  and
similar  organizations, including interest rate policies  of
the  Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System, (iii)
inflation,  interest rate, market and monetary fluctuations,
(iv) FCC's ability to improve sales and service quality  and
to  develop profitable new products, (v) the willingness  of
users  to substitute competitors' products and services  for
FCC's  products  and services, (vi) the success  of  FCC  in
gaining  regulatory approval of its products  and  services,
when required, (vii) changes in consumer spending, borrowing
and   saving  habits,  (viii)  the  effect  of  changes   in
accounting policies and practices, as may be adopted by  the
regulatory  agencies  as  well as the  Financial  Accounting
Standards Board, (ix) the amount and rate of growth in FCC's
expenses  and  its ability to achieve targeted or  projected
cost  controls, (x) the costs and effects of litigation  and
of  unexpected or adverse outcomes in such litigation,  (xi)
technological changes, including the possibility that  FCC's
Year  2000  compatibility project may not  be  completed  as
projected resulting in losses related to data processing and
other  systems that may not operate as expected,  (xii)  the
possibility that FCC's merger with a wholly owned subsidiary
of  BANC ONE CORPORATION may not be completed if one or more
of  the  conditions  of  the closing  are  not  met,  (xiii)
acquisitions  and  the  integration of acquired  businesses,
(xiv)   the   impact  on  FCC's  financial   statements   of
nonrecurring  accounting charges that may  result  from  its
ongoing   evaluation  of  its  business  strategies,   asset
valuations  and  organizational structures, (xv)  charge-off
and  delinquency  trends, (xvi) the  effects  of  easing  of
restrictions  on  the financial services industry,  and  the
effects  of   competition from institutions  that  can  take
better advantage of eased restrictions and  from new entries
into  the  markets served by FCC, and (xvii) the success  of
FCC at managing the risks involved in the foregoing.
      Readers  are cautioned not to place undue reliance  on
forward-looking statements made by or on behalf of FCC.  Any
such statement speaks only as of the date it was made.   FCC
undertakes  no obligation to update or revise  any  forward-
looking statements.

Item 8
Financial Statements and Supplementary Data


(dollars in thousands)                                                            December 31
                                                                             1997                1996
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  Cash and due from banks                                                $  433,558          $  440,347
  Interest-bearing deposits in banks                                             68                 134
  Federal funds sold and securities purchased under resale agreements        29,000              59,250
  Trading account securities                                                 72,249              13,122
  Securities available for sale, at fair value                            2,242,401           2,177,529
  Loans, net of unearned income                                           6,440,070           6,217,483
      Allowance for loan losses                                             (83,192)            (81,606)
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
        Net loans                                                         6,356,878           6,135,877
  Premises and equipment                                                    156,401             170,431
  Accrued interest receivable                                               105,819             105,888
  Other assets                                                              110,923              87,532
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
        Total assets                                                     $9,507,297          $9,190,110
  Noninterest-bearing deposits                                           $1,428,089          $1,436,038
  Interest-bearing deposits                                               6,379,344           5,868,808
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
        Total deposits                                                    7,807,433           7,304,846
  Short-term borrowings                                                     366,915             944,823
  Accrued interest payable                                                   55,026              44,160
  Accounts payable and other accrued liabilities                             66,125              91,883
  Long-term debt                                                            390,818              80,723
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
        Total liabilities                                                 8,686,317           8,466,435
  Preferred stock; 5,000,000 shares authorized, none issued                       -                   -
  Common stock, $5 par value
     Authorized -- 100,000,000 shares
     Issued -- 39,240,854 and 39,402,926 shares, respectively               196,204             197,015
  Capital surplus                                                           175,582             146,390
  Retained earnings                                                         421,884             373,521
  Treasury stock -- 482,998 common shares, at cost                                -             (13,150)
  Unearned restricted stock compensation                                     (6,331)             (2,956)
  Net unrealized gain on securities available for sale                       33,641              22,855
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
        Total stockholders' equity                                          820,980             723,675
        Total liabilities and stockholders' equity                       $9,507,297          $9,190,110
The accompanying Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements are an integral part of these Consolidated Balance Sheets.


(dollars in thousands, except per share data)                          Years Ended December 31
                                                             1997              1996              1995
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  Interest and fees on loans                              $557,101          $489,326          $410,039
  Interest and dividends on taxable securities             133,137           142,324           176,222
  Interest on tax-exempt securities                          5,835             6,274             7,066
  Interest on money market investments                       3,011             3,301             5,167
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    Total interest income                                  699,084           641,225           598,494
  Interest on deposits                                     263,697           223,141           210,942
  Interest on short-term borrowings                         25,812            37,718            33,015
  Interest on long-term debt                                27,595            10,624            11,193
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    Total interest expense                                 317,104           271,483           255,150
NET INTEREST INCOME                                        381,980           369,742           343,344
PROVISION FOR LOAN LOSSES                                   52,371            37,983            30,600
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
NET INTEREST INCOME AFTER PROVISION FOR LOAN LOSSES        329,609           331,759           312,744
  Deposit fees and service charges                          56,563            58,871            59,515
  Credit card fee income                                    52,053            47,786            34,516
  Securitization revenue                                     9,207                 -                 -
  Trust fee income                                          23,421            20,655            17,163
  Broker/dealer revenue                                     12,150            10,765             8,198
  ATM fee income                                            10,529             9,693             8,393
  Other operating revenue                                   24,088            24,607            23,494
  Venture capital securities transactions                    6,500            (1,200)                -
  Investment securities transactions                         1,002             1,360           (11,413)
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    Total other income                                     195,513           172,537           139,866
  Salary expense                                           156,474           151,781           139,285
  Employee benefits                                         28,673            29,298            33,855
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    Total personnel expense                                185,147           181,079           173,140
  Equipment expense                                         30,203            26,337            26,652
  Net occupancy expense                                     21,080            20,980            22,027
  Communications and delivery expense                       20,066            19,154            17,429
  Advertising expense                                       15,671            13,551            15,108
  Professional fees                                         13,582            14,180            19,336
  FDIC insurance expense                                     1,369             7,057             8,665
  Other operating expense                                   51,011            44,510            54,847
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    Total operating expense                                338,129           326,848           337,204
INCOME BEFORE INCOME TAX EXPENSE                           186,993           177,448           115,406
INCOME TAX EXPENSE                                          61,380            59,010            39,455
NET INCOME                                                 125,613           118,438            75,951
PREFERRED DIVIDEND REQUIREMENTS                                  -            2,116             4,325
INCOME APPLICABLE TO COMMON SHARES                        $125,613          $116,322           $71,626
  Basic                                                   $   3.24          $   3.05           $  1.90
  Diluted                                                 $   3.10          $   2.89           $  1.87
  Basic                                                 38,805,481        38,121,896        37,644,406
  Diluted                                               42,739,394        43,267,089        40,670,518
The accompanying Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements are an integral part of these Consolidated Financial Statements.


                                                                                                  Unearned   Gain (Loss)
                                                                                                 Restricted  on Securities
                                            Preferred  Common     Capital   Retained   Treasury     Stock     Available
(dollars in thousands except per share data)  Stock     Stock     Surplus   Earnings    Stock   Compensation   for Sale     Total
Balance at December 31, 1994                 $59,954   $188,146   $112,238  $307,701     $   -   $  (592)     $(73,888)   $593,559
  Net income                                       -          -          -     75,951        -         -             -      75,951
  Cash dividends
    Preferred stock  ($1.8125 per share)           -          -          -     (4,325)       -         -             -      (4,325)
    Common stock ($1.25 per share)                 -          -          -    (39,611)       -         -             -     (39,611)
    Pooled acquisitions                            -          -          -     (1,846)       -         -             -      (1,846)
  Preferred stock conversions                 (1,234)       287        947          -        -         -             -           -
  Exercise of stock options                        -        223        583          -        -         -             -         806
  Sales to plans                                   -          -        324        (88)   1,033         -             -       1,269
  Restricted stock activity                        -        172        400          -        -      (531)            -          41
  Issuance and purchase of 516,100
        shares in acquisition                      -      2,580     10,913          -  (13,760)        -             -        (267)
  Change in net unrealized gain (loss)
     on securities available for sale              -          -          -          -        -         -       107,472     107,472
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Balance at December 31, 1995                  58,720    191,408    125,405    337,782  (12,727)   (1,123)       33,584     733,049
  Net income                                       -          -          -    118,438        -         -             -     118,438
  Cash dividends
    Preferred stock ($1.3594 per share)            -          -          -     (2,116)       -         -             -      (2,116)
    Common stock ($1.45 per share)                 -          -          -    (55,932)       -         -             -     (55,932)
  Preferred stock redemptions and
    conversions                              (58,720)     4,615     14,862    (24,463)  63,456         -             -        (250)
  Purchase of 1,814,000 shares of common 
      stock for preferred conversions              -          -          -          -  (63,926)        -             -     (63,926)
  Conversion of 12 3/4% convertible debentures     -        434      1,881          -        -         -             -       2,315
  Exercise of stock options                        -        235        819          -        -         -             -       1,054
  Sales to plans                                   -          -         11       (188)      47         -             -        (130)
  Restricted stock activity                        -        323      3,412          -        -    (1,833)            -       1,902
  Change in net unrealized gain (loss)
       on securities available for sale            -          -          -          -        -         -       (10,729)    (10,729)
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Balance at December 31, 1996                       -    197,015    146,390    373,521  (13,150)   (2,956)       22,855     723,675
  Net income                                       -          -          -    125,613        -         -             -     125,613
  Cash dividends on common stock
   ($1.60 per share)                               -          -          -    (62,484)       -         -             -     (62,484)
  Retirement of treasury stock                     -     (2,348)         -    (10,331)  12,679         -             -           -
  Conversion of stock appreciation rights
    to stock options                               -          -     10,401          -        -         -             -      10,401
  Exercise of stock options                        -      1,200      8,626     (4,302)     471         -             -       5,995
  Sales to plans                                   -          -          -       (133)       -         -             -        (133)
  Restricted stock activity                        -        337     10,165          -        -    (3,375)            -       7,127
  Change in net unrealized gain (loss)
     on securities available for sale              -          -          -          -        -         -        10,786      10,786
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Balance at December 31, 1997                   $   -   $196,204   $175,582   $421,884  $     -   $(6,331)     $ 33,641    $820,980
The accompanying Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements are an integral part of these Consolidated Financial Statements.


(dollars in thousands)                                                               Years Ended December 31
                                                                              1997            1996           1995

OPERATING ACTIVITIES                                                                                 
  Net income                                                               $125,613        $118,438        $75,951
  Adjustments to reconcile net income to net cash provided
   by operating activities:
      Provision for loan losses                                              52,371          37,983         30,600
      Depreciation and amortization of premises and equipment                25,161          22,689         23,427
      Amortization of intangibles                                             2,314           2,856          2,870
      Deferred income tax (benefit)                                          (7,166)         (4,485)        (9,124)
      Net deferred loan (fees)                                               (3,846)         (7,113)        (7,247)
      Net (gain) loss from venture capital securities transactions           (6,500)          1,200              -
      Net (gain) loss from investment securities transactions                (1,002)         (1,360)        11,413
      Net (gain) on branch divestiture                                            -          (1,137)        (3,054)
      (Increase) decrease in trading account securities                     (59,127)          6,508        (10,660)
      (Increase) in accrued interest receivable                              (1,895)        (10,105)       (24,362)
      (Increase) decrease in other assets                                   (16,039)        (13,045)         9,612
      Increase in accrued interest payable                                   10,866           2,304         16,105
      Increase (decrease) in accounts payable and other accrued liabilities  (9,422)         15,731         18,219
      Other, net                                                                674           7,715         (8,195)
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
        NET CASH PROVIDED BY OPERATING ACTIVITIES                           112,002         178,179        125,555
  Net decrease in interest-bearing deposits in banks                             66             654          3,542
  Proceeds from maturities/calls of securities held to maturity                   -               -         80,036
  Purchases of securities held to maturity                                        -               -        (32,879)
  Proceeds from sales of securities available for sale                      533,857         110,385        765,867
  Proceeds from maturities/calls of securities available for sale           821,905         605,735        306,118
  Purchases of securities available for sale                             (1,396,528)       (308,966)      (625,446)
  Net (increase) decrease in federal funds sold and
      securities purchased under resale agreements                           30,250         (25,350)       126,680
  Net (increase) in loans                                                  (578,294)     (1,141,442)      (989,160)
  Branch divestiture                                                              -         (14,410)        (4,897)
  Purchases of premises and equipment                                       (14,127)        (29,643)       (46,966)
  Proceeds from sales of foreclosed assets                                   15,246          13,742         12,161
  Other, net                                                                  2,396           1,758          4,343
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    NET CASH (USED) BY INVESTING ACTIVITIES                                (585,229)       (787,537)      (400,601)
  Net proceeds from sale of securitized credit card receivables             296,525               -              -
  Net increase (decrease) in transaction and savings accounts               155,222          24,826        (30,543)
  Net increase in time deposits                                             345,254         344,213        250,928
  Net increase (decrease) in short-term borrowings                         (577,908)        309,095        135,235
  Issuance of bank notes                                                    308,480               -              -
  Payments on long-term debt                                                    (27)         (5,308)        (1,874)
  Cash dividends paid                                                       (62,368)        (56,754)       (41,672)
  Proceeds from issuance of common and treasury stock                         8,696             541          3,206
  Purchase of treasury stock                                                 (7,436)        (63,926)       (15,108)
  Other, net                                                                      -            (250)             -
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    NET CASH PROVIDED BY FINANCING ACTIVITIES                               466,438         552,437        300,172
    (DECREASE) INCREASE IN CASH AND CASH EQUIVALENTS                         (6,789)        (56,921)        25,126
    CASH AND CASH EQUIVALENTS AT BEGINNING OF PERIOD                        440,347         497,268        472,142
    CASH AND CASH EQUIVALENTS AT END OF PERIOD                             $433,558        $440,347       $497,268
Cash paid during the period for
   Interest expense                                                        $306,238        $269,275       $238,882
   Income taxes                                                            $ 69,150        $ 60,040       $ 37,080
The accompanying Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements are an integral part of these Consolidated Financial Statements.

Business,  Summary  of Significant Accounting  Policies  and
Recent Pronouncements

      First  Commerce  Corporation  (FCC)  is  a  multi-bank
holding  company  headquartered in New  Orleans,  Louisiana.
Through its six banks (collectively "the Banks") located  in
Louisiana, FCC offers complete banking and related financial
services  to commercial and consumer customers in  the  Gulf
South,  primarily  Louisiana and southern Mississippi.   The
Banks  account for substantially all of the assets  and  net
income  of  FCC.   FCC  and the Banks  are  subject  to  the
regulation  and  supervision of certain  federal  and  state
agencies   and  undergo  periodic  examinations   by   those
regulatory  authorities.  The Banks include  First  National
Bank  of  Commerce (First NBC), City National Bank of  Baton
Rouge  (CNB),  The First National Bank of Lafayette  (FNBL),
Central  Bank (CB), The First National Bank of Lake  Charles
(FNBLC)  and  Rapides  Bank & Trust  Company  in  Alexandria

Summary of Significant Accounting Policies

Use of Estimates
      The  accounting and reporting policies of FCC and  its
subsidiaries  conform  with  generally  accepted  accounting
principles  and with general practices within the  financial
services  industry.  In preparing the consolidated financial
statements,   FCC   is  required  to  make   estimates   and
assumptions  that  affect  the  amounts  reported   in   the
consolidated  financial statements and  accompanying  notes.
Actual results could differ from those estimates.

Basis of Presentation
      The  consolidated  financial  statements  include  the
accounts  of  FCC  and  its subsidiaries.   All  significant
intercompany balances and transactions have been eliminated.
Prior  year  financial  statements  have  been  restated  to
include the accounts of business combinations accounted  for
as   poolings-of-interests,  unless  immaterial.    Business
combinations  accounted for as purchases are  included  from
the  respective dates of acquisition.  Certain prior  years'
amounts have been reclassified to conform with current  year
financial statement presentation.

      Securities are classified as either trading,  held  to
maturity  or available for sale.  Management determines  the
classification  of  securities when they are  purchased  and
reevaluates this classification periodically.
       Trading  account  securities  are  bought  and   held
principally  for resale in the near term.  They are  carried
at  fair value with realized and unrealized gains or  losses
reflected in other operating revenue.  Interest and dividend
income on trading account securities is included in interest
income on money market investments.
      Securities  which  FCC has the  ability  and  positive
intent to hold to maturity are classified as securities held
to maturity.  They are stated at amortized cost.
      Securities which may be sold in response to changes in
interest   rates,   liquidity   needs   or   asset/liability
management strategies and investments made by FCC's  venture
capital  unit  are  classified as securities  available  for
sale.  These securities are carried at fair value, with  net
unrealized gains or losses excluded from earnings and  shown
as  a separate component of stockholders' equity, net of the
related tax effect.
      Realized gains and losses on securities either held to
maturity  or  available for sale are computed based  on  the
specific  identification method and are reported as separate
components  of  other income.  Amortization of  premium  and
accretion  of  discount  are  computed  using  the  interest

      Loans  are stated at the principal amounts outstanding
net of unearned income.  Interest on loans and accretion  of
unearned income are computed by methods which approximate  a
level   rate   of   return  on  recorded  principal.    Loan
origination fees and costs are deferred and amortized as  an
adjustment  to  the related loan yield.  For commercial  and
consumer  loans, the amortization period is the actual  life
of  the  loans; for residential mortgage loans,  it  is  the
expected  average life of the loan.  Loan origination  costs
on   credit  card  loans  are  not  deferred  due  to  their
immaterial  effect  on  the  financial  statements.   Annual
credit  card  fees  are recognized on a straight-line  basis
over the related twelve-month period.
      Securitized  loans  that qualify for  sale  accounting
treatment    are    removed   from   the   balance    sheet.
Securitization revenue represents the net effect of interest
income,  provision for loan losses, credit card fee  income,
gains  from  sales  and funding costs  for  the  securitized

Nonperforming Loans
      Nonperforming  loans consist of nonaccrual  loans  and
restructured  loans.  Loans past due 90  days  or  more  are
considered  to  be  performing until  placed  on  nonaccrual
status.  Loans are placed on nonaccrual status when, in  the
opinion of management, there is sufficient uncertainty as to
timely  collection  of interest or principal.   Any  accrued
interest  is  usually  reversed when a  loan  is  placed  on
nonaccrual  status.   Generally, any  payments  received  on
nonaccrual  loans  are first applied to  reduce  outstanding
principal  amounts.  Loans are not reclassified as  accruing
until  interest  and principal payments are brought  current
and  future  payments  are reasonably  assured.   Delinquent
credit  card  loans  are  charged off  within  180  days  of
becoming past due.
      A  loan  is considered to be impaired when,  based  on
current information and events, it is probable that FCC will
be  unable  to  collect  all amounts due  according  to  the
contractual terms of the loan agreement.  Impaired loans are
carried on nonaccrual status.

Allowance for Loan Losses
      The  allowance for loan losses represents management's
best  estimate  of potential losses in the  loan  portfolio.
This  estimate  is  based on an ongoing  evaluation  of  the
portfolio.   Factors considered include significant  changes
in  the  character  of  the portfolio, loan  concentrations,
current year charge-offs, historic charge-off ratios, trends
in   portfolio   volumes,  delinquencies,  nonaccruals   and
economic  conditions.  Ultimate losses  may  vary  from  the
current    estimates.    These   estimates   are    reviewed
periodically and, as adjustments become necessary, they  are
reflected in current operations.

Premises and Equipment
      Premises  and  equipment  are  stated  at  cost,  less
accumulated depreciation and amortization.  Depreciation and
amortization  are computed primarily using the straight-line
method  over  the estimated useful lives of the assets,  and
over  the shorter of the lease terms or the estimated  lives
of   leasehold  improvements.   Additions  to  premises  and
equipment   and  major  replacements  or  improvements   are
capitalized.  Gains and losses on dispositions, maintenance,
repairs  and  minor  replacements are reflected  in  current

Foreclosed Assets
     Foreclosed assets, which includes unused bank premises,
are  reported in other assets and are recorded at  estimated
fair  value,  less estimated selling costs.  At foreclosure,
the  reduction  of  the carrying amount  to  fair  value  is
charged  to  the allowance for loan losses.  Any  subsequent
writedowns   and  revenues  and  expenses  associated   with
foreclosed   assets   prior  to   sale   are   included   in
nonperforming assets expense.

Intangible Assets
      The  unamortized cost of intangible assets is included
in  other  assets.  Goodwill, the excess of  cost  over  net
assets of acquired subsidiaries, is amortized on a straight-
line  basis over periods ranging from 5 to 20 years.   Other
intangible assets, such as premiums on purchased  loans  and
deposits, are amortized using the straight-line method  over
the   periods  benefited.   FCC  periodically  reviews   its
intangible assets for possible impairment in value or life.

Income Taxes
      FCC  and its subsidiaries file a consolidated  federal
income tax return.  FCC accounts for income taxes using  the
asset and liability method.  Under this method, deferred tax
assets   and   liabilities  are  based  on   the   temporary
differences  between the financial reporting basis  and  tax
basis  of FCC's assets and liabilities at enacted tax  rates
expected  to be in effect when such amounts are realized  or

Interest Rate Contracts
       FCC   uses   interest  rate  swaps  and  option-based
instruments such as caps, collars and floors to  manage  its
interest rate exposure.  These interest rate contracts hedge
against  interest rate risk by reducing either cash flow  or
market value risk on specific assets and liabilities and are
accounted  for using the hedge accounting method.   Revenues
or  expenses on interest rate contracts are recognized  over
the  lives  of  the  agreements as adjustments  to  interest
income or expense of the asset or liability hedged.  Related
fees  and  any  premiums paid or received are  deferred  and
amortized  over the lives of the agreements.   Any  realized
gains  and  losses  resulting  from  early  termination   of
interest  rate contracts are deferred and amortized  to  the
earlier  of  the  maturity  date  of  the  hedged  asset  or
liability, or the original expiration date of the  contract.
If  the asset or liability being hedged is disposed of,  any
unrealized or deferred gain or loss on the related  interest
rate  contract is included in determining the gain  or  loss
from  the  disposition.   Any interest  rate  contracts  not
qualifying  for  deferral accounting are  recorded  at  fair
value.   Any  changes in the fair value or gains and  losses
from  early  termination  of  interest  rate  contracts  are
recognized in other income.
      The derivative portfolio's performance is evaluated by
management  on  a continuous basis through  the  use  of  an
effectiveness  report.   Each  derivative's   objective   is
regularly  compared  to  its  actual  performance  so   that
management  can  assess the effectiveness of FCC's  interest
rate risk strategies.

Earnings Per Common Share
      Earnings per common  share  is  calculated  under  the
Treasury Stock Method.  Basic earnings per  share  (eps)  is
computed by dividing income applicable to  common shares(net
income less  preferred  stock  dividends)  by  the  weighted
average  number  of  common  shares  outstanding  during the
period.  Diluted  eps  is  computed  using  average   common
shares  outstanding  plus  dilutive  potential common shares
outstanding  during  the  period.  Dilutive potential common
shares  include  shares   issuable   under   stock  options,
convertible  debentures  and  convertible  preferred  stock.
Income  for  diluted  eps  is  adjusted for interest expense
related to the convertible  debentures,  net  of the related
income tax effect, and preferred stock dividends.

Statements of Cash Flows
     FCC considers only cash on hand and noninterest-bearing
amounts due from banks to be cash equivalents.

      Assets  held by the Banks in fiduciary capacities  are
not  assets  of  the  Banks  and are  not  included  in  the
consolidated  balance  sheets.   Generally,  certain   minor
sources  of income are recorded on a cash basis, which  does
not differ materially from the accrual basis.


      On  October 20, 1997, BANC ONE CORPORATION (BANC  ONE)
and  FCC  entered into an agreement and plan of merger  (the
Merger Agreement), pursuant to which FCC will be merged with
a wholly owned subsidiary BANC ONE (the Merger).
      In  accordance with the terms of the Merger Agreement,
each   share   of  FCC  common  stock  (FCC  Common   Stock)
outstanding immediately prior to the effective time  of  the
Merger (the Effective Time) will be converted into the right
to  receive  1.28 shares (the Exchange Ratio)  of  BANC  ONE
common  stock (BANC ONE Common Stock).  The Merger Agreement
provides  for appropriate adjustments to the Exchange  Ratio
and  other  factors used to determine or limit the  exchange
rate  in  the  event of a BANC ONE stock dividend  or  stock
split.   Each holder of FCC Common Stock who would otherwise
be entitled to receive a fractional share of BANC ONE Common
Stock  (after  taking into account all  of  a  shareholder's
certificates)  will receive cash, in lieu  thereof,  without
     The Merger Agreement may be terminated by FCC by giving
notice to BANC ONE if (x) both (i) the average closing price
of  BANC  ONE  Common Stock for the five full  trading  days
ending two business days before the closing date set for the
merger  (the Average Closing Price) is less than $49.67  and
(ii)  the  number  obtained by dividing the Average  Closing
Price  by $55.19 (the closing price of BANC ONE Common Stock
on October 17, 1997) is less than the number obtained by (a)
dividing  the average of the closing prices of  a  specified
index  of  bank  stocks during the above-mentioned  five-day
period  by  the closing price of such index on  October  17,
1997  and  (b) subtracting 0.10; or (y) the Average  Closing
Price  is  less than $47.46.  If FCC seeks to terminate  the
Merger Agreement pursuant to the conditions set forth in the
preceding  sentence,  BANC ONE may determine,  in  its  sole
discretion,  to  increase the Exchange  Ratio  to  eliminate
FCC's right to terminate the Merger Agreement.
      The  Merger is intended to constitute a reorganization
under  Section 368(a) of the Internal Revenue Code  of  1986
(tax-free exchange), as amended, and to be accounted for  as
a pooling-of-interests.
      In  addition,  the Merger Agreement contemplates  that
each stock option or other right to purchase a share of  FCC
Common  Stock  under the stock option and other  stock-based
compensation  plans  of  FCC (each an  FCC  Plan),  will  be
converted into and become a right to purchase 1.28 shares of
BANC  ONE Common Stock in accordance with the terms  of  the
FCC  Plan and the FCC option or right agreement by which  it
is evidenced.
      Consummation  of  the  Merger is  subject  to  various
conditions, including: (i) receipt of the requisite approval
by  the  shareholders  of  FCC; (ii)  receipt  of  requisite
regulatory  approvals from the Board  of  Governors  of  the
Federal   Reserve  System  and  other  federal   and   state
regulatory authorities; (iii) receipt of opinions as to  the
tax  and  accounting  treatment of certain  aspects  of  the
Merger; (iv) listing, subject to notice of issuance, of  the
BANC  ONE Common Stock to be issued in the Merger;  and  (v)
satisfaction of certain other conditions.
      In  connection with the Merger Agreement, BANC ONE and
FCC  entered into a stock option agreement dated October 20,
1997  (the  Stock Option Agreement), pursuant to  which  FCC
granted  to  BANC ONE an option to purchase,  under  certain
circumstances, up to 9,689,000 shares of FCC Common Stock at
a price, subject to certain adjustments, of $64.00 per share
(the Option).  The Option is exercisable upon the occurrence
of  certain events, and, if exercised, would give the holder
thereof  the  right to acquire, after giving effect  to  the
exercise of the Option, 19.9% of the total number of  shares
of  FCC Common Stock outstanding.  The Option Agreement  was
granted  by FCC as a condition and inducement to BANC  ONE's
willingness to enter into the Merger Agreement.
      The Merger with BANC ONE is expected to be consummated
during the second quarter of 1998.


      During  1995,  FCC  acquired five Louisiana  financial
institutions.  FCC's acquisitions of First Bancshares,  Inc.
(First),  Lakeside  Bancshares,  Inc.  (Lakeside),   Peoples
Bancshares, Inc. (Peoples) and Central Corporation (Central)
were accounted for as poolings-of-interests. FCC's financial
statements  for all periods presented reflect  these  pooled
companies. The acquisition of City Bancorp, Inc. (City)  was
accounted for as a purchase transaction. The following table
shows  the  merger date, assets acquired and number  of  FCC
common shares issued for each of the pooled companies:

                  Date               (millions)      Shares
- --------------------------------------------------------------
First         February 17, 1995     $     246      2,705,537
Lakeside      August 3, 1995        $     130        984,021
Peoples       October 2, 1995       $     172        956,184
Central       October 20, 1995      $     830      6,790,939
- --------------------------------------------------------------

      FCC acquired City on February 17, 1995 in exchange for
516,100  shares  of  FCC common stock.  FCC  repurchased  an
equal  number of shares of its common stock.  City's  assets
were  $79  million  at December 31, 1994.   The  results  of
operations  of City are included in the financial statements
from the acquisition date.

Restrictions on Cash and Due from Banks

     The  Banks  are  required to maintain  average  reserve
balances with the Federal Reserve Bank based on a percentage
of  deposits.  Average balances maintained for such purposes
were  $27.4 million and $42.0 million during 1997 and  1996,

Securities Available for Sale

      An analysis of securities available for sale follows (in thousands):

                               Amortized   Unrealized  Unrealized     Fair
                                  Cost       Gains      (Losses)     Value
December 31, 1997
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
U. S. Treasury securities      $1,025,071     $20,452    $      -  $1,045,523
U. S. agency mortgage-backed
   securities                     964,260       4,599      (3,347)    965,512
States and political
 subdivisions                      78,368      10,146          (9)     88,505
Other debt securities              96,139          28         (59)     96,108
Equity securities                  26,807      19,946           -      46,753
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    Total securities
      available for sale       $2,190,645     $55,171     $(3,415) $2,242,401
December 31, 1996
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
U. S. Treasury securities      $1,314,665     $19,672     $  (613) $1,333,724
U. S. agency mortgage-backed
   securities                     711,633       3,438      (7,214)    707,857
States and political
   subdivisions                    85,469      10,214         (17)     95,666
Other debt securities               3,359          17           -       3,376
Equity securities                  27,241       9,671          (6)     36,906
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    Total securities
      available for sale       $2,142,367     $43,012     $(7,850) $2,177,529

    The amortized cost and fair value of securities available for sale by
maturity are shown below (in thousands):

                               Amortized      Fair
                                  Cost       Value
December 31, 1997
- -------------------------------------------------------
Within one year                $  177,859  $  178,247
One to five years               1,025,491   1,040,312
Five to ten years                 428,955     438,742
After ten years                   558,340     585,100
- -------------------------------------------------------
      Total securities
        available for sale     $2,190,645  $2,242,401
      Expected maturities may differ from contractual maturities because
borrowers may have the right to call or prepay obligations with or without
      Gross gains of $8.2 million and $1.7 million and gross losses of
$675,000 and $1.5 million were realized on sales and calls of securities
available for sale in 1997 and 1996, respectively.
      Securities with carrying values of $1.4 billion and $1.6 billion at
December 31, 1997 and 1996, respectively, were pledged to secure public and
trust deposits, and for other purposes.


    The composition of loans follows (in thousands):

                                                         December 31
                                             1997                        1996
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Residential mortgages               $1,202,263     18.67%       $1,086,370     17.47% 
Automobile                             949,260     14.74         1,000,218     16.08
Education                              455,051      7.06           384,591      6.18
Other                                  326,367      5.07           377,448      6.07
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    Loans to individuals             2,932,941     45.54         2,848,627     45.80 
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Services                               368,778      5.73           334,708      5.38 
Retail/wholesale trade                 223,889      3.48           215,137      3.46
Transportation                         170,173      2.64           106,636      1.71
Mining                                 149,556      2.32           121,156      1.95
Other                                  573,450      8.90           537,554      8.64 
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    Commercial, financial
     and other                       1,485,846     23.07         1,315,191     21.14   
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Commercial mortgages                 1,087,923     16.89           953,144     15.32  
Construction and land development      190,302      2.95           203,667      3.28
Other                                   97,093      1.51            69,831      1.12 
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    Real estate loans                1,375,318     21.35         1,226,642     19.72
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Credit card loans                      646,458     10.04           829,612     13.34 
Unearned income                           (493)        -            (2,589)        -
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Loans, net of unearned income       $6,440,070    100.00%       $6,217,483    100.00%   

    In the ordinary course of business, the Banks make loans to directors and
executive officers of FCC and its subsidiaries and to their associates.  In the
opinion of management, related party loans are made on substantially the same
terms, including interest rates and collateral, as those prevailing at the time
for comparable transactions with unrelated parties and do not involve more than
normal risks of collectibility.  An analysis of changes in such loans during
1997 follows (in thousands):

Beginning balance                                    $164,169
Additions                                             561,376
Repayments                                           (512,314)
Net decrease due to change in related parties         (72,833)
- --------------------------------------------------------------------
Ending balance                                       $140,398

    On August 7, 1997, FCC's subsidiary bank, First National Bank of Commerce
(First NBC), issued $300 million of credit card securities which were backed
by the cash flows from credit card receivables.  The offering was through a
trust called First NBC Credit Card Master Trust and was part of a $750 million
shelf registration for credit card securities.  First NBC retained the
servicing and customer relationships of the underlying credit card accounts.
    The offering included a publicly offered $259.5 million series 1997-1,
Class A certificates with a coupon of 6.15% and an expected maturity of August,
2002 and $21 million of Series 1997-1, Class B certificates with a coupon of
6.35% and an expected maturity of September, 2002. Series 1997-1 also included
a privately funded $19.5 million collateral interest, which was subordinated
to the Class A and Class B certificates.
    This offering was accounted for as a sale under the criteria established
by SFAS No. 125, "Accounting for Transfers and Servicing of Financial Assets
and Extinguishments of Liabilities".  The  ongoing  accounting  effect  of
securitization is to reduce net interest income and the provision for loan
losses while increasing noninterest income.  Included in 1997's noninterest
income was $9.2 million of securitization revenue.  Securitization revenue
represents the net effect of the securitized credit card receivables' interest
income, provision for loan losses, credit card fee income, gains on sales and
funding costs.  For 1997, the securitization increased net income $2.5 million,
or $.06 per diluted share.

Allowance for Loan Losses

    A summary analysis of changes in the allowance for loan losses follows
(in thousands):

                                                                  Years Ended December 31
                                                                 1997       1996       1995
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Allowance for loan losses at beginning of year                 $81,606    $75,845    $71,052
Allowance related to receivables sold                           (8,790)        -          -
Allowance acquired in bank purchase                                 -          -       1,142
Provision for loan losses                                       52,371     37,983     30,600
  Loans charged to the allowance                               (58,187)   (45,449)   (37,960)
  Recoveries on loans previously charged to the allowance       16,192     13,227     11,011
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    Net charge-offs                                            (41,995)   (32,222)   (26,949)
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Allowance for loan losses at end of year                       $83,192    $81,606    $75,845

Nonperforming Loans and Foreclosed Assets 

     The following is a summary of nonperforming loans and foreclosed assets
(in thousands):

                                                            December 31
                                                           1997      1996
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Nonaccrual loans                                         $35,997   $27,255
Foreclosed assets                                                 
  Other real estate                                      $ 3,045   $ 4,494
  Other foreclosed assets                                    826       868
  Allowance for losses on foreclosed assets                 (317)     (762)
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Total foreclosed assets                                  $ 3,554   $ 4,600

   The amount of interest income that would have been recorded on nonperforming
loans if they had been classified as performing was $3.9 million in 1997, $3.2
million in 1996   and $6.5  million  in  1995.  Interest  income recognized on
nonperforming loans was $982,000, $883,000 and $3.1 million for 1997, 1996 and
1995, respectively. Additionally, interest of $2.4 million was recovered on
loans previously on nonaccrual, but not on nonaccrual status in 1997.
   The activity in the allowance for losses on foreclosed assets was as follows
(in thousands):

                                                  1997      1996     1995
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Allowance for foreclosed assets at beginning
  of year                                         $762      $733    $3,898
Provision for losses on foreclosed assets           70       425       538
Sales and dispositions                            (515)     (396)   (3,703)
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  Net change                                      (445)       29    (3,165)
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Allowance for foreclosed assets at end of year    $317      $762    $  733

    Loans considered to be impaired totaled $29.3 million and $23.5 million as
of December 31, 1997 and 1996, respectively.  Of these totals, $9.6 million and
$9.7 million required a total impairment allowance of $3.2 million and $2.8
million, respectively.  Impaired loans averaged $26.2 million during 1997 and
$31.4 million during 1996.  Interest income recognized on impaired loans was
$712,000 for 1997, $722,000 for 1996 and $3.0 million for 1995.

Premises and Equipment

    An analysis of premises and equipment by asset classification follows
(in thousands):

                                                         December 31
                                                       1997       1996
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
Land                                                  $ 25,682  $ 27,191
Buildings                                              105,888   105,423
Leasehold improvements                                  31,589    32,117
Furniture, fixtures and equipment                      191,079   175,246
Capitalized leased equipment                               404       404
Construction in progress                                   964     6,622
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
                                                       355,606   347,003
Accumulated depreciation
    and amortization                                  (199,205) (176,572)
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
                                                      $156,401  $170,431

    At December 31, 1997, the Banks and a service subsidiary were obligated
under a number of noncancelable operating leases.  Certain of the leases have
escalation clauses and renewal options. Total rental expense, net of immaterial
sub-lease rentals, was $7.5 million, $6.1 million and $7.5 million for 1997,
1996 and 1995 respectively.
   As of December 31, 1997, the future minimum rentals under noncancelable
operating leases having an initial lease term in excess of one year were as
follows (in thousands):
1998                                                   $ 8,788
1999                                                     8,292
2000                                                     7,674
2001                                                     7,513
2002                                                     5,635
Later years                                             40,351
- ------------------------------------------------------------------

Short-Term Borrowings

    Short-term borrowings include federal funds purchased and securities sold
under agreements to repurchase (repos).  Federal funds purchased arise from
transactions with other banks and have overnight maturities.  Repos are secured
by U.S. government and agency securities, and had maturities of up to 16 days
at December 31, 1997.  FCC has the ability to exercise legal authority over the
securities which serve as collateral for the repos. Other short-term borrowings
primarily include term federal funds purchased, which had maturities of up to
14 days at December 31, 1997.
     An analysis of short-term borrowings follows (in thousands):

                                                      December 31
                                                     1997       1996
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------
Federal funds purchased                            $142,429   $168,821
Securities sold under
  agreements to repurchase                          184,360    429,411
Other short-term borrowings                          40,126    346,591
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------
    Total                                          $366,915   $944,823

   Information regarding federal funds purchased follows (dollars in thousands):
                                                      1997       1996
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------
Average interest rate on December 31                   5.50%      6.25%
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------
Average for the year
  Interest rate                                        5.48%      5.84%
  Balance                                          $218,137   $247,597
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------
Maximum month-end outstanding                      $297,069   $402,917

     Information regarding repos follows (dollars in thousands):

                                                       1997       1996
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------
Average interest rate on December 31                   5.11%      5.51%
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------
Average for the year
  Interest rate                                        4.91%      4.95%
  Balance                                          $237,513   $296,969
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------
Maximum month-end outstanding                      $343,742   $429,411

    FCC maintains lines of credit with several large banks, totaling $45
million at December 31, 1997, to support the issuance of commercial paper
and pays fees to maintain these lines.  No lines of credit were in use at
December 31, 1997, 1996 or 1995.

Long-Term Debt

     Total long-term debt consisted of (in thousands):

                                                        December 31
                                                       1997       1996
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  12 3/4% convertible debentures,
    due in December 2000; unsecured (a)
      Series A                                       $ 26,824   $ 26,824
      Series B                                         53,647     53,647
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
                                                       80,471     80,471
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  Bank notes (b)                                      310,122          -
  Obligations under capitalized leases, due
     in installments through August 2003                  225        252
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
        Total long-term debt                         $390,818   $ 80,723
 (a) At December 31, 1997, approximately $13.1 million was held by directors
     and executive officers of FCC.
 (b) These bank notes have stated rates ranging from 5.65% to 6.60%, have
     effective rates ranging from 5.45% to 6.58%, and mature between February
     1998 and July 2002.

     Annual principal repayment requirements for the years 1998 through 2002
are as follows (in thousands):

                                          Parent   Subsidiaries   Total
1998                                     $       -   $ 56,030   $ 56,030
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
1999                                             -         34         34
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
2000                                        80,471    253,659    334,130
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
2001                                             -         42         42
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
2002                                             -        547        547
     FCC is required to redeem Series B Debentures at the principal amount
upon the death of the original holder; Series A Debentures allow redemption
upon the death of the original holder at the option of the holder's estate.
At the option of the holder, each of the Series A or B Debentures may be
converted into FCC common stock at the conversion price of $26.67 principal
amount for one share of stock.

Employee Benefit Plans

     Retirement Plan - FCC maintains a defined benefit pension plan covering 
substantially all employees who have attained age 21 and completed one year
of employment.  Benefits are based on years of service and an average of the
employee's highest consecutive ten years of defined compensation.  FCC's
funding policy is to contribute annually the maximum that can be deducted for
federal income tax purposes.
     FCC also maintains a nonqualified restoration plan for certain officers 
whose defined benefits under the qualified pension plan exceed limits imposed
by federal tax law.
     The following table sets forth the plans' funded status (in thousands):

                                                   December 31
                                                 1997       1996
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------
Projected benefit obligation
    Vested benefits                           $ (83,396) $ (74,198)
    Nonvested benefits                           (2,132)    (1,340)
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------
    Accumulated benefit obligation              (85,528)   (75,538)
    Effect of projected future
      compensation levels                       (27,189)   (25,661)
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------
Projected benefit obligation                   (112,717)  (101,199)
Plan assets at fair value                       101,419     88,612
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------
Projected benefit obligation in excess of
    plan assets                                 (11,298)   (12,587)
Unrecognized net (gain) loss due to past
    experience different from
    assumptions made                             (5,516)     2,304
Unrecognized prior service cost                     931        425
Unrecognized net transition assets being
    recognized over 15 years                     (2,438)    (3,192)
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------
Unfunded accrued pension cost included
    in other accrued liabilities              $ (18,321) $ (13,050)

     The plans' assets at December 31, 1997 consisted primarily of U. S.
government securities, corporate bonds and common stocks.
     Net periodic pension cost included the following components
(in thousands):

                                                  Years Ended December 31
                                                  1997       1996      1995
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Service cost-benefits earned during
    the period                                   $5,255     $4,453    $3,591
Interest cost on projected benefit
    obligation                                    7,158      6,626     5,946
Return on plan assets                           (16,685)    (7,444)  (14,383)
Other components, net                             9,226        309     8,056
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    Net periodic pension cost                    $4,954     $3,944    $3,210

     In determining the plans' funded status, the weighted average discount
rate assumed was 7% at December 31, 1997 and December 31, 1996, and 6.5% at
December 31, 1995. The rate of increase in future salary levels was 5% in 1997
and 1996, and 5.5% in 1995.  The expected long-term rate of return on assets
was 8% in 1997, 1996 and 1995.
     Tax-Deferred Savings Plan - Substantially all of FCC's full-time employees
are   covered  under a  tax-deferred  savings  plan.   Employees may voluntary
contribute up to a maximum of 15% of eligible compensation, with the limit
depending upon salary level.  FCC matches 50% of each employee's contribution
up to a maximum employer contribution of 2 1/2% of eligible compensation.
Matching contributions are in the form of FCC common stock and are vested at
25% per year with full vesting after four years.  Employer contributions were
$2.4 million,  $2.2 million  and  $2.4 million  in  1997,  1996  and  1995,
     Prior to acquisition,  Central  and  Lakeside  maintained employee stock
ownership plans (ESOPs).  The assets of the Central ESOP were distributed to
the participants in 1996.  The Lakeside  ESOP  was  combined  with FCC's tax-
deferred savings plan in 1996.  Company contributions relating to the ESOPs
were $8,000 and $800,000 in 1996 and 1995, respectively.
     Postretirement and Postemployment Benefits - FCC provides medical and
life insurance coverage for specified groups of employees who retired in prior
years.  Postemployment benefits have also been provided to specified groups of
former  or  inactive  employees  subsequent  to  their  employment but before
retirement.  Given the current structure of FCC's postretirement and
postemployment benefit programs, these programs do not have a material impact
on the financial condition or results of operations of FCC.

Stock-Based Incentive Compensation Plans

   FCC has stock-based incentive plans which are accounted for under Accounting
Practice Bulletin No. 25 (APB 25) and related Interpretations.  In 1995, the
FASB issued SFAS No. 123, "Accounting for Stock-Based Compensation" which is
effective for fiscal years beginning after December 15, 1995.  Under SFAS No.
123, FCC may elect to recognize stock-based compensation expense based on the
fair value of the awards or continue to account for stock-based compensation
under APB 25.  FCC has elected to continue to apply the provisions of APB 25;
however, pro forma disclosures are required as if SFAS No. 123 had been
adopted.  FCC's  stock  incentive  plans  permit the granting of stock options,
stock appreciation rights (SARs), stock awards, restricted stock, phantom stock
and performance shares. The plans cover up to 10% of the outstanding shares of
FCC common stock.
   Stock options and SARs are granted at fair value at the date of grant.  The
Compensation Committee (Committee) determines the terms of each grant and when
it becomes exercisable. The stock options expire eight years from the date of
grant.  Stock options have a four-year vesting schedule with 25% of the stock
options becoming exercisable each year.  Stock options and SARs may not be
exercised during the six-month period immediately following the date of the
grant.  SARs entitle the holder to receive, in the form of cash, the increase
in the fair value of the stock from the date of grant to the date of exercise.
     On April 21, 1997, FCC's shareholders approved the FCC 1997 Stock Option
Plan (the "Option Plan").  Under the Option Plan, all outstanding SARs were
canceled and replaced with stock options with equivalent terms.  On April 25,
1997, each SAR was exchanged for one newly-issued stock option to purchase one
share of FCC's common stock. The options issued in exchange for SARs totaled
988,168.  FCC's closing stock price on April 25, 1997 was $39.63.  Fixed option
expense of $825,000 related to the newly-issued options was recorded in 1997.
Compensation expense was recognized in connection with SARs based on the fair
value of the stock and was $1.7 million, $7.3 million and $3.0 million in 1997,
1996 and 1995, respectively.
     The following table summarizes the activity related to stock options and
                                                  Weighted            Weighted
                                       Number of  Average             Average
                                         Stock    Exercise Number of  Exercise
                                        Options    Price      SARs     Price
Outstanding at December 31, 1994        459,571    $18.67    232,366   $27.50
Granted                                 331,174    $28.03    992,579   $26.84
Exercised                               (44,561)   $13.21     (1,891)  $27.50
Forfeited                               (19,454)   $26.32    (36,114)  $26.80
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Outstanding at December 31, 1995        726,730    $22.97  1,186,940   $26.96
Granted                                 248,989    $33.27          -   $  -
Exercised                               (47,922)   $16.39    (53,341)  $26.63
Forfeited                               (25,449)   $29.97    (47,737)  $26.75
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Outstanding at December 31, 1996        902,348    $25.97  1,085,862   $26.99
Granted                                 254,633    $40.13          -   $  -
Converted                               988,168    $27.00   (988,168)  $27.00
Exercised                              (414,874)   $23.62    (73,747)  $26.85
Forfeited                               (51,785)   $31.16    (23,947)  $27.02
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Outstanding at December 31, 1997      1,678,490    $29.15          -   $  -

     Stock   options  exercisable  at  December  31,  1997, 1996 and 1995,
respectively, were 637,195, 387,568 and 296,699 with weighted average exercise
prices of $25.76, $20.00 and $16.28, respectively.
     The following  table  summarizes  information  about  the stock options
outstanding and exercisable at December 31, 1997:
                     Options Outstanding             Options Exercisable
                                Average   Weighted               Weighted
    Range of                   Remaining  Average                Average
    Exercise       Number    Contractual  Exercise   Number      Exercise
     Prices     Outstanding  Life (years)  Price   Exercisable    Price
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
$10.00 - $19.99     58,375       0.80     $10.86     58,375       $10.86
$20.00 - $24.99     51,701       2.13     $21.07     51,701       $21.07
$25.00 - $29.99    969,897       4.87     $26.58    429,416       $26.78
$30.00 - $34.99    348,890       6.03     $32.74     95,609       $32.52
$35.00 - $39.99      3,200       6.53     $35.00        800       $35.00
$40.00 - $44.99    246,427       7.06     $40.13      1,294       $40.13

     Shares of restricted stock are issued subject to risk of forfeiture
during a vesting period.  Restrictions  related  to these shares and the
restriction term are determined  by  the  Committee.   Restrictions  are
generally related to the attainment of  specified  performance  criteria
over  the  restriction  period.  Holders  of  restricted  stock  receive
dividends  and  have  the  right  to vote the shares.  FCC recorded $6.0
million, $1.9 million and ($111,000) in compensation expense  related to
restricted  shares  in  1997, 1996 and 1995, respectively.  The weighted
average grant-date  fair value  of restricted stock granted during 1997,
1996 and 1995 was $40.13, $33.78 and $26.28, respectively.  A summary of
changes in restricted stock follows:
                                       Number of
- -----------------------------------------------------
Outstanding at December 31, 1994         54,052
Granted                                  34,175
- -----------------------------------------------------
Outstanding at December 31, 1995         88,227
Granted                                 104,019
Forfeited                               (33,766)
Earned and issued unrestricted          (17,807)
- -----------------------------------------------------
Outstanding at December 31, 1996        140,673
Granted                                  97,947
Forfeited                               (10,284)
Earned and issued unrestricted          (20,541)
- -----------------------------------------------------
Outstanding at December 31, 1997        207,795

     Performance shares were granted in conjunction with the 1997, 1996 and
1995 restricted stock grants, equal to 50% of restricted shares. These shares
may be earned based on certain criteria. Recipients of performance share awards
do not receive dividends or have voting rights on these performance shares.
Compensation  expense  recognized  in  1997  related  to  the  1995  grant of
performance shares was $663,000.  No compensation expense was recorded in 1996
or 1995 related to performance shares.
    In the event of a change in control of FCC, all outstanding options become
exercisable immediately, the restrictions on all shares of restricted stock
lapse immediately, and all performance  shares  are  earned  immediately.  The
consummation of the Merger Agreement described in Note 2 will constitute such
a change in control.
     Under SFAS No. 123, the fair value of each stock option granted is
estimated on the date of grant using an option-pricing model.  Excluding the
options issued in 1997 in exchange for SARs, the following weighted average
assumptions  were  used  for  stock  option  grants  in  1997, 1996 and 1995,
respectively: dividend yields of  4.48%, 4.36% and 5.09%; expected volatility
of 20.57%, 24.28% and 27.42%; risk-free interest rates of  6.51%, 6.32% and
6.68%; and expected lives of eight years.  Based on the above assumptions, the
weighted average grant-date fair value of options granted during 1997, 1996
and 1995, respectively, was $8.20, $7.87 and $6.46.  For the options issued
in exchange for SARs, the following weighted average assumptions were used:
dividend yield of 4.48%, expected volatility of 19.60%, risk-free interest rate
of 6.84% and remaining life of six years.  The weighted average exercise price
was $27.42 and based on the above assumptions, the weighted average grant-date
fair value of the converted SARs was $12.39.
     Had the compensation cost for FCC's stock-based incentive plans been
determined in accordance with the fair value based accounting method provided
by SFAS No. 123, net income and earnings per share (eps) for the years ended
December 31, 1997, 1996 and 1995 would have been as follows:

                                              1997       1996         1995
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Net income (thousands)      As reported    $125,613    $118,438     $75,951
                            Pro forma      $127,284    $118,035     $75,613
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Basic eps                   As reported       $3.24       $3.02       $1.89
                            Pro forma         $3.28       $3.01       $1.88
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Diluted eps                 As reported       $3.10       $2.89       $1.87
                            Pro forma         $3.13       $2.88       $1.86

    Due to the inclusion of only 1995, 1996 and 1997 option grants, the effect
of applying SFAS No. 123 to the years presented may not be representative of
the pro forma impact in future years.

Earnings Per Share

     In February 1997, the FASB issued SFAS No. 128, "Earnings Per Share"
which became effective for financial statements issued for periods ending
after December 15, 1997.  SFAS No. 128 establishes standards for computing
and presenting earnings per share (eps).  Under SFAS No. 128, primary eps
is replaced with basic eps.  Basic eps is computed by dividing income
applicable to common shares by weighted average shares outstanding; no dilution
for any potentially convertible shares is included in the calculation.  Fully
diluted eps, now called diluted eps, is still required; however, when applying
the treasury stock method, the average stock price is used rather than the
greater of the average or closing stock price for the period.  Prior period
earnings per share information has been restated in accordance with SFAS
No. 128.  The basic and diluted earnings per share computations for net
income follow (dollars in thousands except eps):

                                                                   Years Ended December 31
                                                               1997          1996        1995
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Basic earnings per share
  Net income                                                $125,613     $118,438      $75,951
  Preferred dividend requirements                                 -        (2,116)      (4,325)
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
     Income applicable to common shareholders               $125,613     $116,322      $71,626
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  Weighted average number of common
     shares outstanding (a)                               38,805,481   38,121,896   37,644,406
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Basic earnings per share                                    $   3.24     $   3.05      $  1.90
Diluted earnings per share
  Income applicable to common shareholders                  $125,613     $116,322      $71,626
  Preferred dividend requirements                                 -         2,116        4,325
  Interest on convertible debentures, net of tax (b)           6,668        6,635            -
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
     Diluted income                                         $132,281     $125,073      $75,951
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  Weighted average number of common
     shares outstanding (a)                               38,805,481   38,121,896   37,644,406
  Restricted shares                                          200,156       97,437       88,227
  Options assumed to be exercised                            716,481      237,308      165,634
  Preferred stock assumed to be converted                          -    1,782,354    2,772,251
  Convertible debentures assumed to be converted (b)       3,017,276    3,028,094            -
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
        Average shares for diluted computation            42,739,394   43,267,089   40,670,518
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Diluted earnings per share                                  $   3.10     $   2.89      $  1.87
(a)  Excludes restricted shares which are issued subject to risk of forfeiture during a vesting
(b)  In 1995 the convertible debentures were antidilutive.

Stockholders' Equity
     In connection with the execution of the Merger Agreement
and  the  Option  Agreement with BANC  ONE  CORPORATION,  FCC
amended  its Rights Agreement, dated as of February 27,  1996
(as  amended,  the Rights Agreement), between FCC  and  First
Chicago  Trust  Company  of New York,  as  rights  agent,  to
provide  that the agreements entered into in connection  with
the  Merger with BANC ONE would not trigger the rights issued
under the Rights Agreement.  The Rights Agreement established
one   preferred  share  purchase  right  (Right)   for   each
outstanding  share of FCC common stock. Each  Right  entitles
the  holder to purchase from FCC one one-hundredth of a share
of  Series  A Preferred Stock at a price of $105, subject  to
adjustment.  The Rights become exercisable only if  a  person
or  group  acquires  10% or more of FCC's outstanding  common
stock  or commences a tender offer that would result in  such
person or group owning 10% or more of the shares.
      If  any  person or group acquires 10% or more of  FCC's
common  stock,  a  Rights holder (other  than  the  acquiring
person  or group) will be entitled to buy a number of  shares
of  FCC's common stock with a market value equal to twice the
exercise price. Additionally, if FCC is involved in a  merger
after  a  person  or group has acquired 10% or  more  of  its
common stock, each Right entitles its holder to buy, for  the
exercise  price, a number of shares of common  stock  of  the
acquiring  company  with a market value equal  to  twice  the
exercise  price.  Following the acquisition by any person  or
group of 10% or more of FCC's common stock, but prior to  the
acquisition of 50%, the Board may exchange some or all of the
Rights  (other than Rights held by such person or group)  for
one share of common stock or one one-hundredth of a share  of
the new preferred stock for each Right.
      Prior  to the time the Rights become exercisable,  they
are  redeemable for one cent per Right at the option  of  the
Board.  The Rights expire on March 11, 2006.
      On  October  21, 1996, FCC called its 7.25%  Cumulative
Convertible  Preferred Stock, Series 1992 for  redemption  on
January 2, 1997.  The preferred stock was redeemable for  $25
per  share, plus accrued dividends, and was convertible  into
1.1646 shares of common stock.

Regulatory Capital

    FCC and the Banks are subject to regulations which establish minimum
leverage and risk-based capital levels. For FCC and the Banks, the minimum
leverage, tier 1 and total capital ratios are 4%, 4% and 8%, respectively.
Regulatory authorities may, however, set higher capital requirements for an
individual institution when particular circumstances warrant.  As a general
matter, banks are expected to maintain capital ratios well above the regulatory
minimums. Failure to meet applicable guidelines could subject a financial
institution to a variety of enforcement remedies which could have a direct
material effect on their financial statements.  Under the regulatory framework
for prompt corrective action, the capital levels of financial institutions are
categorized into one of five classifications ranging from well-capitalized to
critically under-capitalized.  For  an  institution  to  qualify  as  well-
capitalized, its leverage, tier 1 and total capital ratios must be at least 5%,
6% and 10%, respectively. Maintaining capital ratios at the well-capitalized
levels avoids certain restrictions which, for example, could impact the FDIC
insurance premium rate.  As of December 31, 1997 and 1996, each of FCC's Banks
was categorized as well-capitalized, and there have been no events since year-
end 1997 that management believes would cause this status to change for any of
the Banks.
    The actual capital amounts and ratios and the minimum and well-capitalized
required capital amounts for FCC and each of the Banks are presented in the
following tables (dollars in millions):

                                         December 31, 1997                                     December 31, 1996
                           ---------------------------------------------      ---------------------------------------------
                                Actual                       Well-                  Actual                        Well-
                           Amount    Ratio    Minimum(a)  Capitalized(b)      Amount     Ratio   Minimum(a)  Capitalized(b)
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Total Capital
(to Risk-Weighted Assets):
       FCC                  $887     13.27%      $535          $669            $810    12.87%        $504           $629
       First NBC             455     10.84%       336           419             408    10.23%         319            399
       CNB                    91     12.10%        60            75              86    12.04%          57             72
       FNBL                   78     14.12%        44            55              78    16.01%          39             49
       CB                     83     13.81%        48            60              76    12.79%          48             60
       FNBLC                  54     16.64%        26            32              54    17.98%          24             30
       RBT                    47     14.07%        27            33              45    15.32%          24             29
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Tier 1 Capital 
(to Risk-Weighted Assets):
       FCC                  $772     11.54%      $268          $401            $683    10.85%        $252           $378
       First NBC             402      9.59%       168           252             358     8.97%         160            239
       CNB                    84     11.20%        30            45              80    11.18%          29             43
       FNBL                   73     13.23%        22            33              73    15.05%          19             29
       CB                     77     12.65%        24            36              70    11.74%          24             36
       FNBLC                  51     15.80%        13            19              51    17.05%          12             18
       RBT                    44     13.17%        13            20              42    14.46%          12             18
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
(to Average Assets):
       FCC                  $772      8.35%      $370          $462            $683     7.76%        $352           $440
       First NBC             402      6.99%       230           288             358     6.44%         222            278
       CNB                    84      7.38%        46            57              80     7.52%          43             53
       FNBL                   73      9.06%        32            40              73     9.57%          31             38
       CB                     77      9.46%        32            40              70     9.18%          31             38
       FNBLC                  51      9.39%        22            27              51     9.50%          21             27
       RBT                    44      8.48%        21            26              42     8.41%          20             25
   (a) Minimum capital required for capital adequacy purposes.
   (b) Capital required for well-capitalized status.

Dividend and Loan Restrictions

      The primary source of funds for the dividends paid  by
FCC  to  its stockholders is dividends from the Banks.   The
payment of dividends by national banks is regulated  by  the
Comptroller  of the Currency.  The payment of  dividends  by
state  banks  in Louisiana that are members of  the  Federal
Reserve system is regulated by the Louisiana Commissioner of
Financial  Institutions and the Federal Reserve Board.   The
amount of retained earnings that could be paid to FCC  after
December  31,  1997  without prior regulatory  approval  was
$51.0  million plus an amount equal to the Banks' net income
for 1998.
     Under Section 23A of the Federal Reserve Act, the Banks
are  limited  in the amounts they may loan to or  invest  in
certain  of  their affiliates, including FCC.  Loans  to  or
investments in a single covered affiliate may not exceed 10%
and  loans  to or investments in all covered affiliates  may
not  exceed 20% of an individual bank's capital, as  defined
in  applicable Federal Reserve Board regulations. Generally,
such  loans  must  be collateralized by assets  with  market
values  of 100% to 130% of loan amounts, depending upon  the
nature of the collateral.

Off-Balance Sheet Instruments

     In  the  normal course of business, FCC is a  party  to
various financial instruments which are not carried  on  the
balance  sheet.  FCC utilized these instruments to meet  the
financing   needs  of  its  customers,  to  reduce   funding
requirements,  and to help manage its exposure  to  interest
rate  fluctuations.   These  financial  instruments  include
commitments to extend credit, letters of credit,  securities
lent,  interest  rate contracts, foreign exchange  contracts
and securitized credit card receivables.
     Commitments  to extend credit and lines of  credit  are
agreements  to  lend funds to a customer at a  future  date,
generally  having  fixed  expiration  or  other  termination
clauses and specified interest rates and purposes.  For  its
credit card customers, First NBC has the right to change  or
terminate  any  terms  or  conditions  of  the  credit  card
accounts at any time.  Such commitments and unused lines  of
credit  may  expire without being drawn upon,  the  unfunded
amounts  do  not  necessarily   represent   future   funding
     Standby  letters of credit obligate the  Banks  to  pay
third  parties if the Banks' customers fail to perform under
agreements with those third parties.  Commercial letters  of
credit  are  used to finance contracts for the  shipment  of
goods from seller to buyer.
     The  credit risk associated with commitments to  extend
credit and letters of credit is essentially the same as that
involved  in extending loans to customers and is subject  to
FCC's credit policies.  Collateral requirements are based on
the creditworthiness of the customer.
     Foreign  exchange contracts are commitments to purchase
or  deliver  foreign currency at a specified exchange  rate.
These  contracts  are used as commercial  service  products.
Market  risk  associated with these contracts  is  generally
minimized by offsetting transactions.  
     FCC  enters  into  interest  rate  contracts  with  the
objective of partially  insulating  net interest income from
changes  in  interest  rates.  Primary  among  the financial
instruments used are swaps and floors. The  notional amounts
in  these  contracts  do not represent an amount at risk but
are used only  as  the basis  for determining the cash flows
related  to  these contracts.  Credit  risk  associated with
these  contracts is  minimized  by requiring the same credit
approval process as is required  for lending, by  monitoring
credit  exposure  and  counterparty creditworthiness, and by
dealing   in  the   national   market   with   highly  rated
counterparties.   Interest  rate  swaps  are  agreements  to
exchange interest  payments  computed  on  notional amounts.
Interest rate floors are contracts in  which  a counterparty
pays or receives a cash payment from another counterparty as
an index rises above or falls below a predetermined level.
     Securitized   credit  card  receivables  represent  the
principal balance of credit card loans securitized and sold.
FCC's  exposure  to  losses under the recourse provisions of
its  credit  card securitization is contractually limited to
future  excess  spread  revenue.  At  December 31, 1997, FCC
reported  $6.9  million  of  future excess spread revenue in
other assets.
     A summary  of  off-balance  sheet financial instruments
follows (in thousands):

                                                            December 31
                                                           1997     1996
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
Commitments to extend credit for loans and
  leases (excluding credit card plans)               $1,772,015  $1,636,245
Commitments to extend credit for credit card plans   $3,587,465  $3,098,103
Commercial letters of credit                         $      980  $    1,127
Financial letters of credit                          $  104,355  $   99,192
Performance letters of credit                        $    4,874  $   15,513
Foreign exchange contracts
  Commitments to purchase                            $    3,196  $    5,734
  Commitments to sell                                $    3,204  $    5,743
Securities lent                                      $  293,631  $       -
Forward commitments to sell mortgages                $      259  $    1,098
When-issued securities
  Commitments to purchase                            $    1,400  $      200
  Commitments to sell                                $    1,220  $      200
Interest rate contracts (a)
  Interest rate floors                               $  500,000  $  500,000
  Generic and callable swaps                         $  311,000  $  130,000
Securitized credit card receivables                  $  300,000  $       -
 (a) Notional principal amounts.

Fair Value of Financial Instruments

    SFAS No. 107, "Disclosures about Fair Value of Financial Instruments,"
requires the disclosure of fair value information about certain on and off-
balance sheet financial instruments where it is practicable to estimate that
value.  Because many of FCC's financial instruments lack a readily available
trading market, fair values for such instruments are based on significant
estimations and present value calculations.  The use of different assumptions
and estimation methods could significantly affect fair value amounts disclosed.
In addition, reasonable comparability between financial institutions may not
be possible due to the wide range of permitted valuation techniques and
numerous estimates involved.
    Fair value estimates do not consider the value of future business or the
value of assets and liabilities that are not considered financial instruments.
In addition, the tax ramifications related to the unrealized gains and losses
have not been considered in the estimates.  Accordingly, the aggregate fair
value amounts presented do not represent the underlying value of FCC.
    The following methods and assumptions were used to estimate the fair value
of each class of financial instrument:
    Cash and short-term investments - For cash and due from banks and money
market investments, the carrying amount is a reasonable estimate of fair value.
    Securities - Fair value of securities are based on quoted market prices,
where available.  If quoted market prices are not available, fair values are
based on quoted prices of comparable securities.
    Loans - The fair value of loans, except for credit card loans, was
calculated by discounting scheduled principal and interest payments to maturity
using estimates of December 31, 1997 and 1996 rates.  For credit card loans,
cash flows and maturities were estimated based on historical experience using
an average yield adjusted for servicing costs and credit losses.
    Deposits - SFAS No. 107 requires that deposits without stated maturities,
such as noninterest-bearing demand deposits, money market accounts and savings
accounts, have a fair value equal to the amount payable on demand (carrying
amount).  Deposits with stated maturities were valued using a present value
of contractual cash flows with a discount rate approximating current market
rates for deposits of similar remaining maturities.
    Short-term borrowings - The fair value of short-term borrowings is their
carrying amount.
    Long-term debt - The fair value of bank notes was estimated using a present
value of contractual cash flows with a discount rate approximating current
market rates for notes with similar remaining maturities.  The value of
convertible debentures was estimated from dealer quotes.
    Off-balance sheet financial instruments - The fair values of interest rate
contracts were obtained from dealer quotes.  These values represent the
estimated amount that FCC would receive or pay to terminate the contracts,
taking into account current interest rates and, when appropriate, the current
creditworthiness of the counterparties. The fair values of other off-balance
sheet financial instruments are not material.
    The estimated fair values of FCC's financial instruments follows (in

                                                 December 31, 1997           December 31, 1996
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                                               Carrying        Fair        Carrying        Fair
                                                Amount        Value         Amount        Value
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
On-balance sheet financial assets:
  Cash and short-term
     investments                               $  534,875    $  534,875    $  512,853    $  512,853
  Securities available for sale                $2,242,401    $2,242,401    $2,177,529    $2,177,529
  Loans, net of unearned income and 
     the allowance for loan losses             $6,356,878    $6,417,365    $6,135,877    $6,173,769
On-balance sheet financial liabilities:
  Noninterest-bearing deposits                 $1,428,089    $1,428,089    $1,436,038    $1,436,038
  Interest-bearing deposits                    $6,379,344    $6,450,862    $5,868,808    $5,865,692
  Short-term borrowings                        $  366,915    $  366,915    $  944,823    $  944,823
  Long-term debt                               $  390,818    $  447,668    $   80,723    $  131,420
Off-balance sheet financial instruments:
  Interest rate floors                         $      544    $       16    $    1,113    $      408
  Generic and callable swaps                   $       -     $    8,026    $       -     $    2,548


    FCC and its subsidiaries have been named as defendants in various legal
actions arising from normal business activities in which damages in various
amounts are claimed.  The amount, if any, of ultimate liability with respect
to such matters cannot be determined.  However, after consulting with legal
counsel, management believes any such liability will not have a material
effect on FCC's consolidated financial condition or results of operations.

Other Operating Expense

The composition of other operating expense follows (in thousands):
                                       Years Ended December 31
                                      1997      1996        1995
- --------------------------------------------------------------------
Data processing services            $10,988    $9,689     $12,745
Taxes, licenses and other fees       10,411     8,717       8,339
Stationery and supplies               9,729    10,487      10,540
Credit card expense                   7,677     7,036       5,036
Travel and entertainment              3,972     3,881       3,901
Miscellaneous net losses              3,320     1,675       7,504
Nonperforming assets expense          1,252     1,652       1,053
Other                                 3,662     1,373       5,729
- --------------------------------------------------------------------
  Total                             $51,011   $44,510     $54,847

Income Taxes

     The components of income tax expense in the consolidated statements of
income for the years ended December 31, 1997, 1996 and 1995 were as follows
(in thousands):
                                            1997       1996       1995
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
Current                                    $64,816    $63,495    $48,579
Deferred                                    (3,436)    (4,485)    (9,124)
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   Total                                   $61,380    $59,010    $39,455

    Income tax expense related to state and foreign income taxes are included
above and were insignificant in all years presented.  Income tax expense
(benefit) related to securities transactions was $2,626,000 in 1997, $56,000
in 1996 and $(3,995,000) in 1995.
    Total income tax expense was different from the amounts computed by
applying the statutory federal income tax rates to pretax income as follows
(in percentages):

                                                 Years Ended December 31
                                                   1997     1996     1995
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Federal income tax expense                        35.00%   35.00%     35.00%
Increase (decrease) resulting from
  Benefits attributable to tax-exempt interest    (2.45)   (2.03)     (3.26)
  Nondeductible expenses                            .73      .77       2.40
  Other items, net                                 (.46)    (.49)       .05
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Actual income tax expense                         32.82%   33.25%     34.19%

     FCC had a current income tax receivable of $3.5 million on December 31,
1997 and a current income tax payable of $5.9 million on December 31, 1996.
    Deferred income taxes reflect the tax effects of temporary differences
between the carrying amounts of assets and liabilities for financial reporting
purposes and the amounts used for income tax purposes. There were net deferred
tax assets of $14.2 million and $16.4 million on December 31, 1997 and 1996,
respectively.  The major temporary differences which created deferred tax
assets and liabilities are as follows (in thousands):

                                              December 31, 1997    December 31, 1996
                                              Deferred  Deferred   Deferred Deferred
                                                 Tax       Tax       Tax       Tax
                                               Assets  Liabilities  Assets  Liabilities
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Allowance for loan losses                       $31,556  $     -    $28,336 $      -
Employee benefits                                 6,444        -      4,410        -
Stock options / stock appreciation rights         2,857        -      3,531        -
Nonaccrual loan interest                          2,599        -      1,609        -
Amortization of intangibles                       1,495        -      2,068        -
Allowance for losses on foreclosed assets           747        -      2,469        -
Unrealized gain on securities available for
 sale                                                 -   18,115          -   12,307
Accumulated depreciation                              -    6,198          -    6,053
Accrued liabilities                                   -    5,765          -    5,733
Bond accretion                                        -    3,789          -    3,559
Other                                             6,862    4,542      4,356    2,706
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  Total deferred taxes                          $52,560  $38,409    $46,779  $30,358

Condensed Parent Company Only--Financial Information

Condensed Balance Sheets (in thousands)
                                                      December 31
                                                    1997      1996
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------
   Interest-bearing deposits in
    subsidiary banks (a)
        Cash and due from banks                   $106,483  $ 95,749
        Time deposits                                    2         2
   Investments in subsidiaries at equity (a)
        Banks                                      762,358   702,640
        Nonbanks                                    17,998     9,223
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------
                                                   780,356   711,863
   Other assets                                     34,550    26,926
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------
     Total assets                                 $921,391  $834,540
   Payables to subsidiaries (a)                   $  1,104  $      -
   Long-term debt                                   80,471    80,471
   Other liabilities                                18,836    30,394
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------
     Total liabilities                             100,411   110,865
STOCKHOLDERS' EQUITY                               820,980   723,675
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------
     Total liabilities and stockholders' equity   $921,391  $834,540
 (a) Eliminated in consolidation, except for goodwill and other intangibles.

Condensed Statements of Income (in thousands)
                                                      Years Ended December 31
                                                      1997      1996     1995
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
   Interest and dividends on securities           $    456  $    393  $   354
   Interest on receivables from subsidiaries (a)     4,839     3,527    5,513
   Other income                                        234        29       23
   Dividends from subsidiaries (a)
      Banks                                         68,388   136,639   46,861
      Nonbanks                                           -     2,000        -
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                                                    73,917   142,588   52,751
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
   Interest on debt to nonbank subsidiaries             98        31       79
   Interest on debt to nonaffiliates                10,260    10,207   10,625
   Other                                             3,947    11,992    7,621
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                                                    14,305    22,230   18,325
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Income before income taxes and equity in
   undistributed earnings of subsidiaries           59,612   120,358   34,426
Income tax benefit                                  (2,818)   (6,465)  (3,954)
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                                                    62,430   126,823   38,380
Equity in undistributed earnings of subsidiaries (a)
   Banks                                            55,765    (5,728)  43,130
   Nonbanks                                          7,418    (2,657)  (5,559)
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
NET INCOME                                         125,613   118,438   75,951
PREFERRED DIVIDEND REQUIREMENTS                          -     2,116    4,325
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
INCOME APPLICABLE TO COMMON SHARES                $125,613  $116,322  $71,626
 (a) Eliminated in consolidation.

Statements of Cash Flows (in thousands)
                                                                         Years Ended December 31
                                                                    1997         1996        1995
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Net income                                                          $125,613    $118,438     $75,951
Adjustments to reconcile net income to
  net cash provided by operating activities
      Equity in undistributed earnings of subsidiaries (a)           (63,183)      8,385     (37,571)
      Deferred income tax expense (benefit)                              634      (3,099)     (1,332)
      (Gain) on sales of assets                                         (234)          -           -
      Decrease in interest payable                                         -         (56)         (4)
      Decrease in other assets                                         6,701         847       1,443
      Increase (decrease) in other liabilities                          (125)     14,373       3,351
      Other, net                                                         788       2,110          41
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
        NET CASH PROVIDED BY OPERATING ACTIVITIES                     70,194     140,998      41,879
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  Investment in subsidiaries (a)                                           -        (500)     (5,100)
  Proceeds from maturity of interest-bearing time deposits (a)             -         136       2,010
  (Increase) decrease in loans                                             -      (2,000)        975
  Purchase of securities                                              (2,260)     (1,141)     (1,611)
  Proceeds from sales of securities                                    1,915       1,000         375
  Principal collected on advances (a)                                195,966     165,691     134,536
  Advances originated or acquired (a)                               (193,973)   (168,344)   (136,524)
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
        NET CASH PROVIDED (USED) BY INVESTING ACTIVITIES               1,648      (5,158)     (5,339)
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  Payments on long-term debt                                               -         (72)       (968)
  (Decrease)  in other short term borrowings                               -           -         (20)
  Proceeds from issuance of common and treasury stock                  8,696         541       3,206
  Cash dividends                                                     (62,368)    (56,754)    (41,672)
  Purchase of treasury stock                                          (7,436)    (63,926)    (15,108)
  Other                                                                    -        (250)          -
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
        NET CASH (USED) BY FINANCING ACTIVITIES                      (61,108)   (120,461)    (54,562)
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    INCREASE (DECREASE) IN CASH AND CASH EQUIVALENTS                  10,734      15,379     (18,022)
    CASH AND CASH EQUIVALENTS AT BEGINNING OF YEAR                    95,749      80,370      98,392
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    CASH AND CASH EQUIVALENTS AT END OF YEAR                        $106,483     $95,749     $80,370
(a) Eliminated in consolidation.


     The management of First Commerce Corporation is responsible
for the preparation of the financial statements, related
financial data and other information in this annual report.  The
financial statements are prepared in accordance with generally
accepted accounting principles and include some amounts that are
necessarily based on management's informed estimates and
judgments, with consideration given to materiality.  All
financial information contained in this annual report is
consistent with that in the financial statements.

     Management fulfills its responsibility for the integrity,
objectivity, consistency and fair presentation of the financial
statements and financial information through an accounting system
and related internal accounting controls that are designed to
provide reasonable assurance that assets are safeguarded and that
transactions are authorized and recorded in accordance with
established policies and procedures.  The concept of reasonable
assurance is based on the recognition that the cost of a system
of internal accounting controls should not exceed the related
benefits.  As an integral part of the system of internal
accounting controls, First Commerce Corporation has a
professional staff of internal auditors who monitor compliance
with and assess the effectiveness of the system of internal
accounting controls and coordinate audit coverage with the
independent public accountants.

     The Audit Committee of the Board of Directors, composed
solely of outside directors, meets periodically with management,
the internal auditors and the independent public accountants to
review matters relating to financial reporting, internal
accounting control and the nature, extent and results of the
audit effort.  The independent public accountants and internal
auditors have direct access to the Audit Committee with or
without management present.

     The financial statements have been audited by Arthur
Andersen LLP, independent public accountants, who render an
independent professional opinion on the financial statements
prepared by management.  Their appointment was recommended by the
Audit Committee and approved by the Board of Directors.


To the Stockholders
and Board of Directors of
First Commerce Corporation:

      We  have  audited the consolidated balance sheets of  FIRST
COMMERCE  CORPORATION (a Louisiana corporation) and  subsidiaries
as  of  December  31, 1997 and 1996 and the related  consolidated
statements  of income, changes in stockholders' equity  and  cash
flows  for  each of the three years in the period ended  December
31,  1997.  These financial statements are the responsibility  of
the  Company's management.  Our responsibility is to  express  an
opinion on these financial statements based on our audits.

      We  conducted  our  audits  in  accordance  with  generally
accepted  auditing standards.  Those standards  require  that  we
plan  and perform the audit to obtain reasonable assurance  about
whether   the   financial  statements  are   free   of   material
misstatement.   An  audit includes examining, on  a  test  basis,
evidence  supporting the amounts and disclosures in the financial
statements.   An  audit  also includes assessing  the  accounting
principles used and significant estimates made by management,  as
well  as evaluating the overall financial statement presentation.
We  believe  that our audits provide a reasonable basis  for  our

      In  our opinion, the financial statements referred to above
present  fairly, in all material respects, the financial position
of First Commerce Corporation and subsidiaries as of December 31,
1997  and  1996, and the consolidated results of their operations
and  their  cash flows for each of the three years in the  period
ended  December  31, 1997, in conformity with generally  accepted
accounting principles.

                                   /s/ ARTHUR ANDERSEN LLP
                                   ARTHUR ANDERSEN LLP

New Orleans, Louisiana
January 13, 1998



(dollars in thousands, except per share data)                                1997 Quarters
                                                    4th              3rd              2nd               1st
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
   Net interest income                           $94,573          $95,138          $96,436          $95,833
   Provision for loan losses                       8,565           15,806           14,775           13,225
   Other income (exclusive of investment
     securities transactions)                     50,267           51,875           48,824           43,545
   Investment securities transactions                 17              182              780               23
   Operating expense                              88,785           84,333           82,169           82,842
   Income tax expense                             15,471           15,358           16,237           14,314
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
   Net income                                    $32,036          $31,698          $32,859          $29,020
   Per common share data
     Net income - basic                          $  0.83          $  0.81          $  0.85          $  0.75
     Net income - diluted                        $  0.79          $  0.77          $  0.81          $  0.73
     Cash dividends                              $  0.40          $  0.40          $  0.40          $  0.40
   Common stock data (a)
     High stock price                            $ 71.88          $ 57.38          $ 48.25          $ 46.38
     Low stock price                             $ 55.38          $ 43.38          $ 39.00          $ 38.25
     Closing stock price                         $ 67.25          $ 56.13          $ 44.00          $ 40.50
     Number of stockholders (end of period)        8,876            9,008            9,193            9,223

                                                                             1996 Quarters
                                                   4th              3rd              2nd               1st
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
   Net interest income                           $96,232          $93,617          $90,968          $88,925
   Provision for loan losses                      14,168           12,525            7,465            3,825
   Other income (exclusive of investment
      securities transactions)                    45,498           42,378           42,501           40,800
   Investment securities transactions                407             (170)             (84)           1,207
   Operating expense                              85,304           83,614           78,144           79,786
   Income tax expense                             13,958           13,155           16,109           15,788
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
   Net income                                     28,707           26,531           31,667           31,533
   Preferred dividend requirements                     -              698              705              713
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
   Income applicable to common shares            $28,707          $25,833          $30,962          $30,820
   Per common share data
     Net income - basic                          $  0.77          $  0.68          $  0.80          $  0.80
     Net income - diluted                        $  0.72          $  0.66          $  0.76          $  0.75
     Cash dividends                              $  0.40          $  0.35          $  0.35          $  0.35
   Common stock data (a)
     High stock price                            $ 39.88          $ 36.63          $ 36.00          $ 34.25
     Low stock price                             $ 34.88          $ 33.25          $ 32.25          $ 30.25
     Closing stock price                         $ 38.88          $  4.88          $ 35.38          $ 33.00
     Number of stockholders (end of period)        9,319            9,267            9,257            9,286
(a) Common stock is traded in the over-the-counter market and is listed on the NASDAQ Stock Market.  All
    closing sales prices represent closing sales price as reported on the NASDAQ Stock Market.

Item 9
Changes in and Disagreements with Accountants on Accounting and Financial

       Not Applicable

                          PART III

Item 10
Directors and Executive Officers of the Registrant

     The names, ages and positions of FCC's directors and
executive officers are listed below along with their
business experience during the past five years.

Ian Arnof, 58
President and Chief Executive Officer of FCC
Director of FCC since 1983

James J. Bailey III, 56
Managing  Partner, Bailey Family Investments (real estate development
    and management); director, United Companies Financial Corporation
Director of FCC since 1985

John W. Barton, 81
Private investments
Director of FCC since 1985

Sydney J. Besthoff III, 70
Property management and family interests(1)
Director of FCC since 1992

Robert H. Bolton, 89(2)
Senior Chairman of the Board, RBT
Director of FCC since 1986

R. Jeffrey Brooks, 49
Executive  Vice  President  of  FCC  since 1993; Director of Consumer
    Products since 1997; Director of Card Services of FCC from 1994 to
    1996; Director of Strategic Support of FCC from 1993 to 1994

Thomas L. Callicutt, Jr., 51
    Executive Vice President of FCC since 1996, Senior Vice President,
    Controller and Principal Accounting Officer of FCC since 1987

Robert C. Cudd III, 61
Private investments
Director of FCC since 1995

Frances B. Davis, 69(2)
Private investments
Director of FCC since 1986

Laurance Eustis, Jr., 84
Advisory Chairman  and  Consultant, Eustis  Insurance, Inc.; director,
    International Shipholding Corporation and Pan American Life
    Insurance Company
Director of FCC since 1983

Michael A. Flick, 49
Executive Vice President of  FCC  since   1985;   Chief Administrative
    Officer of FCC since 1994; Chief Credit Policy Officer of FCC from
    1985 to 1994; Secretary  of  FCC since 1987

William P. Fuller, 71
President, Fuller Farms, Inc.
Director of FCC since 1978

Howard C. Gaines, 58
Executive  Vice  President of FCC since 1995; Chairman of the Board of
    Directors of First NBC since 1988; Chief Executive Officer of First
    NBC from 1988 to 1994

Arthur Hollins III, 67
Chairman  of  the Board, President and Chief Executive Officer, FNBLC;
    director, Calcasieu Real Estate & Oil Co., Inc.
Director of FCC since 1985

F. Ben James, Jr., 62
President, James Investments, Inc. (real estate development and private
    investments); director, Central Louisiana Electric Co., Inc.
Director of FCC since 1973

Erik F. Johnsen, 72
President and director of International Shipholding Corporation (ocean
Director of FCC since 1983

J. Merrick Jones, Jr., 63
Chairman of the Board, Canal Barge Company, Inc. (river transportation)(3)
Director of FCC since 1983

Kimberly Y. Lee, 37
Executive Vice President and Chief Internal Auditor of FCC since 1994;
    Senior Vice  President and Manager of Audit and Credit Review from
    1992 to 1994

Edwin Lupberger, 61
Chairman of the Board, President and Chief Executive
    Officer, Entergy Corporation  (electric utility holding company);
    director, International Shipholding Corporation
Director of FCC since 1992

Mary Chavanne Martin, 47
Private investments
Director of FCC since 1995

Hugh G. McDonald, Jr., 59
President,  Hugh  G.  McDonald, Jr. Corporation (petroleum engineering
Director of FCC since 1995

Saul A. Mintz, 66
Chairman  of the  Board, Sunbelt Plastics, and various real estate,
    distribution and investment corporations known collectively
    as Strauss Interests
Director of FCC since 1995

Hermann Moyse, Jr., 76
Chairman   of  the  Board, FCC;  Chairman Emeritus, CNB; director, Pan
    American Life   Insurance Company(4)
Director of FCC since 1985

O. Miles Pollard, Jr., 60
Private  investments; director, United Companies Financial Corporation
Director of FCC since 1988

G. Frank Purvis, Jr., 83
Chairman of the Board, Pan-American Life Insurance Company
Director of FCC since 1975

William W. Rucks III, 67
Chairman of the Board, FNBL; Independent Petroleum Landman
Director of FCC since 1997

Ashton J. Ryan, Jr., 50
Senior Executive Vice President of FCC since 1993; President of  First
    NBC since 1991; Chief Executive Officer of  First NBC  since 1994;
    Chief Operating Officer of First  NBC  from 1991 to 1994

Tom H. Scott, 87
Chairman and Chief Executive  Officer, Scott Truck and Tractor Company
    of Louisiana, Inc.
Director of FCC since 1995

Edward M. Simmons, 69
Chairman and Chief Executive Officer,  The McIlhenny Co. (producer  of
    Tabasco  brand  food  products)(5);  director,  Pan  American Life
    Insurance Company, Piccadilly Cafeterias, Inc. and Central Louisiana
    Electric Co., Inc.
Director of FCC since 1981

H. Leighton Steward, 63
Vice Chairman of the Board, Burlington Resources (Burlington Resources
    acquired The Louisiana Land and  Exploration Company in 1997)(6)
Director of FCC since 1992

E. Graham Thompson, 61
Executive Vice President and Chief Credit Policy Officer  of FCC since
    1994; President  and Chief Executive Officer of  FNBL from 1992 to

Robert A. Weigle, 51
President, David C. Blintiff & Co., Inc. (investments)
Director of FCC since 1988

Joseph V. Wilson III, 48
Senior Executive Vice President of FCC since 1993

(1)  Mr.  Besthoff was Chairman of the  Board  of  K  &  B,
     Incorporated (retail drug stores) for  more than  five
     years prior to 1997.
(2)  Mr. Bolton is Mrs. Davis' uncle.
(3)  Mr.  Jones  was President of Canal Barge Company,  Inc.
     for more than five years prior to January 1995.
(4)  Mr.  Moyse  was Chairman of the Board of City  National
     Bank  of Baton Rouge for more than five years prior  to
     December 1994.
(5)  Mr. Simmons was President and  Chief Executive Officer
     of McIlhenny Co. for  more  than  five  years prior to
     June 1996.
(6)  Mr.  Rucks was Chairman of the Board, Chief  Executive
     Officer  and  President  of  The  Louisiana  Land  and
     Exploration  Company (oil  and  gas  exploration  and
     production) for  more than five years prior to October

Section 16(a) Beneficial Ownership Reporting Compliance

      Section 16(a) of the Securities Exchange act  of  1934
requires  FCC's  directors,  executive  officers   and   10%
shareholders to file with the Securities Exchange Commission
reports  of  ownership and changes in  ownership  of  equity
securities  of  FCC.   During 1997, all  such  reports  were
timely filed, except for one report which was filed late  by
Mr. Simmons.

Item 11
Executive Compensation

Summary of Executive Compensation

     The following table summarizes, for each of the three
years in the three-year period ended December 31,1997, the
compensation of FCC's Chief Executive Officer and each of
the four most highly compensated executive officers in all
the capacities in which they served:

                                                                    Long-Term                All
                                  Annual                           Compensation             Other
                               Compensation                                              Compensation
                                                                             No. of
                                                     Total Cash              Under-
                                                      (Salary   Restricted   lying
                                                        and      Stock      Options/    LTIP                                 
Name and Principal         Year  Salary(1)  Bonus      Bonus)   Awards(2)    SARs(3)  Payouts(4)  Other(5)
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Ian Arnof                  1997  $620,833  $337,500 $  958,333  $369,150    23,800    $ 85,124    $15,719
President and Chief        1996  $587,500  $435,600 $1,023,100  $317,870    23,235    $103,325    $15,000
Executive Officer of FCC   1995  $525,000  $175,000 $  700,000  $105,840    47,864          -     $13,594
Joseph V. Wilson III       1997  $324,500  $147,150 $  471,650  $137,789     8,936    $ 28,694    $ 8,428    
Senior Executive Vice      1996  $310,000  $180,000 $  490,000  $130,074     9,608    $ 52,664    $ 7,975
President of FCC           1995  $295,000  $ 60,000 $  355,000  $ 58,328    26,372    $     -     $ 7,500
Ashton J. Ryan, Jr.        1997  $324,500  $147,150 $  471,650  $137,789     8,936    $ 28,694    $ 8,453
Senior Executive Vice      1996  $310,000  $180,000 $  490,000  $130,074     9,508    $ 48,896    $ 8,267
President of FCC and       1995  $292,500  $ 60,000 $  352,500  $ 64,523    29,170          -     $ 7,500
President and Chief 
Executive Officer of
First NBC                                              
Michael A. Flick           1997  $308,333  $125,550 $  433,883  $ 76,037     4,930    $ 17,237    $ 7,875
Executive Vice             1996  $298,333  $160,000 $  458,333  $ 87,680     6,409    $ 57,872    $ 7,500
President, Chief           1995  $290,000  $ 50,000 $  340,000  $ 23,678    10,705    $     -     $ 7,375
Administrative Officer
and Secretary of FCC
Howard C. Gaines           1997  $296,667  $121,500 $  418,167  $ 76,037     4,930    $ 20,828    $ 7,438
Chairman of First NBC      1996  $278,667  $150,000 $  428,667  $ 87,680     6,409    $ 53,986    $ 6,958
                           1995  $272,000  $ 43,500 $  315,500  $ 23,678    10,705    $     -     $ 6,867


(1)  Total  salary reported for 1997 reflects two months  of
     salaries at 1996 levels and ten months at 1997 levels.

(2)  Reflects  the  number  of shares  of  restricted  stock
     awarded multiplied by the market closing price  of  FCC
     Common  Stock on the date of the grant.  As of December
     31,   1997,  the  Named  Executive  Officers  held  the
     following  aggregate  number of  shares  of  restricted
     stock with the following year-end values (calculated by
     multiplying the number of shares of restricted stock by
     the  closing  market  price  of  FCC  Common  Stock  on
     December   31,1997):    Mr.   Arnof,    22,792   shares
     ($1,532,762); Mr. Wilson,  9,568 shares ($643,448); Mr.
     Ryan,  9,804 shares ($659,319); Mr. Flick, 5,434 shares
     ($365,437);  and  Mr. Gaines, 5,434 shares  ($365,437).
     As  of  December 31, 1997, the Named Executive Officers
     also  had  the  right  to earn the following  aggregate
     number  of performance shares with the following  year-
     end  values  (calculated by multiplying the  number  of
     performance shares by the closing market price  of  FCC
     Common  Stock on December 31, 1997): Mr. Arnof,  11,396
     shares ($766,381); Mr. Wilson, 4,784 shares ($321,724);
     Mr.  Ryan,  4,902 shares ($329,660), Mr.  Flick,  2,716
     shares   ($182,651);  and  Mr.  Gaines,  2,716   shares
     ($182,651).    Holders  of  Restricted  Stock   receive
     dividends paid on the stock but no dividends  are  paid
     on  the performance shares.  The restricted stock  will
     vest  and  the performance shares will be earned  three
     years   from  the  date  of  grant  provided   specific
     performance goals are achieved and the Named  Executive
     Officer remains employed by FCC.  Restrictions  on  the
     shares   of  restricted  stock  would  lapse  and   the
     performance  shares would be earned within  the  three-
     year  period upon a change in control of FCC  resulting
     from   certain   specified   actions   (a   Significant
     Transaction).  The consummation of the Merger Agreement
     described  in  Note  2  will  constitute  a  change  in
     control.   For  additional  information  regarding  the
     restricted  stock  and performance  shares  granted  in
     1997, see 1997 Long Term Incentive Plan Awards.

(3)  On  April  21, 1997, all outstanding Stock Appreciation
     Rights   (SARs)  were  converted  into  options  at  an
     exercise price equal to the base price of the SARs  for
     which  the  options were exchanged.  The  options  will
     vest and become exercisable in the same increments  and
     at  the same time as would the SARs for which they were
     exchanged.    For   additional  information   regarding
     options  granted in 1997, see 1997 Stock Option Grants,
     and  for  information  regarding  current  holdings  of
     options, see Option Holdings.

(4)  Amounts reported  for 1997 reflect the value on May 23,
     1997, the  date  restrictions  lapsed  with  respect to
     shares  of  restricted stock granted  in  1994.   These
     shares were earned over a three-year performance period
     based on cumulative earnings per share targets.

(5)  Consists of amounts contributed by FCC on behalf of the
     Named  Executive Officer pursuant to FCC's Tax-Deferred
     Savings  Plan and its Supplemental Tax-Deferred Savings

1997 Stock Option Grants

     The following table contains information concerning the
grant  of  stock  options  to the Named  Executive  Officers
during 1997:

                              1997 STOCK OPTION GRANTS
                                                                              Potential Realizable
                                                                                 Value at Assumed
                         No. of                                                    Annual Rates
                         Shares    % of Total                                     of Stock Price
                         Under-     Options                                      Appreciation for
                         lying     Granted to                                      Option Term
                        Options    Associates  Exercise or                    --------------------   
  Name                  Granted(1)  in 1997    Base Price   Expiration Date      5%         10%
  ----                  ---------- ----------  -----------  ---------------   -------- -----------
Ian Arnof                 23,800      9.35%      $40.125     January 20, 2005  $455,958 $1,092,099

Joseph V. Wilson III       8,936      3.51%      $40.125     January 20, 2005  $171,195 $  410,042

Ashton J. Ryan, Jr.        8,936      3.51%      $40.125     January 20, 2005  $171,195 $  410,042

Michael A. Flick           4,930      1.94%      $40.125     January 20, 2005  $ 94,448 $  226,220

Howard C. Gaines           4,930      1.94%      $40.125     January 20, 2005  $ 94,448 $  226,220

(1)  The exercise price represents the fair market value  of
     FCC Common Stock on the date of the grant.  The options
     are not exercisable for one year from the date of grant
     and  become  exercisable thereafter in  25%  increments
     each  year, unless the Compensation Committee,  in  its
     discretion,  elects  to accelerate the  exercisability.
     In   addition,  all  outstanding  options  will  become
     immediately  exercisable  upon  the  occurrence  of   a
     Significant  Transaction.   The  consummation  of   the
     Merger Agreement described in Note 2 will constitute  a
     Significant Transaction.

1997 Long Term Incentive Plan Awards

     The following table contains information concerning the
grant of restricted stock and performance shares under FCC's
1992  Stock  Incentive Plan to the Named Executive  Officers
during 1997:

                        Number of Shares, Units
                            or Other Rights
                              Granted (1)
                         No. of                                           
                        Shares of    No. of                                    
                       Restricted  Performance   Performance            Estimated Future Payouts
   Name                   Stock      Shares        Period       Threshold        Target            Maximum
   ----                ----------  -----------   -----------  ------------   ----------------   -------------
Ian Arnof                9,200        4,600        3 years    4,600 shares     9,200 shares     13,800 shares

Joseph V. Wilson III     3,434        1,717        3 years    1,717 shares     3,434 shares      5,151 shares

Ashton J. Ryan, Jr.      3,434        1,717        3 years    1,717 shares     3,434 shares      5,151 shares

Michael A. Flick         1,895          947        3 years      947 shares     1,895 shares      2,842 shares

Howard C. Gaines         1,895          947        3 years      947 shares     1,895 shares      2,842 shares


(1)  No   shares  of  restricted  stock  will  vest  and  no
     performance shares will be earned, except in  the  case
     of death, unless (i) the individual remains employed by
     FCC through December 31, 1999 on which the Compensation
     Committee has determined whether the performance  goals
     have  been  met,  and  (ii)  FCC's  average  percentile
     ranking of reported annual return on equity against the
     Keefe,  Bruyette and Woods, Inc. Survey of other  banks
     and  bank holding companies (the KBW 50) for the three-
     year  period  ending December 31, 1999 (the Measurement
     Period)  would  rank higher than the  25th  percentile.
     FCC's  reported annual return on equity (which  may  be
     adjusted  by  the committee for Statement of  Financial
     Accounting Standards (SFAS) No. 115 and/or other  Board
     approved one-time transactions) will be ranked  against
     the  KBW  50  for each year of the Measurement  Period.
     FCC's  percentile ranking for each year  will  then  be
     averaged for the three years of 1997, 1998  and 1999 to
     determine the payout percentage.  Holders of restricted
     stock  are  entitled to all rights of a stockholder  of
     FCC,  including the right to vote the restricted shares
     and   receive   dividends  and/or  other  distributions
     declared on the restricted stock.  These rights are not
     applicable to the performance shares.  Restrictions  on
     the  shares  of  restricted stock would lapse  and  the
     performance  shares would be earned within  the  three-
     year  period  upon  the  occurrence  of  a  Significant
     Transaction  or  on a pro rata basis in  the  event  of
     death.    The  consummation  of  the  Merger  Agreement
     described  in  Note  2  will constitute  a  Significant

Option Holdings

     The following table sets forth information with respect
to  unexercised options held by the Named Executive Officers
as of December 31, 1997:

                         Number of Shares
                      Underlying Unexercised     Value of Unexercised in-the-
                            Options at                  Money Options at
                         December 31,1997              December 31,1997(1)
     Name             Exercisable  Unexercisable  Exercisable   Unexercisable
     ----             -----------  -------------  -----------   -------------
Ian Arnof               75,828         72,107     $3,322,042     $2,495,493

Joseph V. Wilson III        -          31,624     $       -      $1,119,714

Ashton J. Ryan, Jr.         -          33,024     $       -      $1,177,114

Michael A. Flick         8,111         16,485     $  323,838     $  572,093

Howard C. Gaines            -          16,785     $       -      $  584,018

 (1) Reflects  the  difference between  the  closing  market
     price of FCC Common Stock on December 31, 1997 and  the
     exercise  or base price of the options.  The  following
     table   shows,  for  exercisable  options,  the   value
     attributed  to  options outstanding for the  number  of
     years indicated:

                           Value     Years
                          -------    -----
Ian Arnof                $881,329       8
                         $432,968       6
                         $828,986       4
                         $981,253       3
                         $197,506       2
Michael A. Flick         $125,054       4
                         $175,562       3
                         $ 23,222       2
     The following table sets forth information with respect
to options exercised during 1997 by the Named Executive

                  Options Exercised In 1997

                             Number of                Net
                         Shares Exercised            Value

Ian   Arnof                          -           $      -
Joseph V. Wilson III             30,467          $1,200,212
Ashton J. Ryan, Jr.              28,713          $1,136,193
Michael A. Flick                 18,379          $  773,122
Howard C. Gaines                 18,252          $  839,423

Pension Plans

     FCC has a qualified defined-benefit plan (the
Retirement Plan) and a nonqualified Benefits Restoration
Plan (the Restoration Plan), pursuant to which each
participant, including each Named Executive Officer, who has
completed at least five years of service is entitled to
receive a monthly payment after retirement no earlier than
at age 55.  The following table sets forth the aggregate
annual retirement benefits that a participant with the
indicated years of service and compensation level may expect
to receive under the Retirement Plan and the Restoration
Plan assuming retirement at age 65.  Annual retirement
benefits beginning prior to age 65 would be reduced.

                   Pension Plans Table
- --------------------------------------------------------------------     
Compensation     15 yrs.    20 yrs.   25 yrs.   30 yrs.    35 yrs.
- --------------------------------------------------------------------     
$  550,000      $133,090   $177,453  $221,817  $266,180  $310,543
$  600,000      $145,465   $193,953  $242,442  $290,930  $339,418
$  650,000      $157,840   $210,453  $263,067  $315,680  $368,293
$  700,000      $170,215   $226,953  $283,692  $340,430  $397,168
$  750,000      $182,590   $243,453  $304,317  $365,180  $426,043
$  800,000      $194,965   $259,953  $324,942  $389,930  $454,918
$  850,000      $207,340   $276,453  $345,567  $414,680  $483,793
$  900,000      $219,715   $292,953  $366,192  $439,430  $512,668
$  950,000      $232,090   $309,453  $386,817  $464,180  $541,543
$1,000,000      $244,465   $325,953  $407,442  $488,930  $570,418
$1,050,000      $256,840   $342,453  $428,067  $513,680  $599,293
$1,100,000      $269,215   $358,953  $448,692  $538,430  $628,168
$1,150,000      $281,590   $375,453  $469,317  $563,180  $657,043
$1,200,000      $293,965   $391,953  $489,942  $587,930  $685,918
$1,250,000      $306,340   $408,453  $510,567  $612,680  $714,793
$1,300,000      $318,715   $424,953  $531,192  $637,430  $743,668
$1,350,000      $331,090   $441,453  $551,817  $662,180  $772,543
$1,400,000      $343,465   $457,953  $572,442  $686,930  $801,418

     The above table reflects the aggregate benefits payable
assuming they will be paid in the form of a monthly  annuity
for the life of the participant.

     The amount of a participant's monthly payment under the
Retirement  Plan  is  equal to (i) 1% of  the  participant's
average   monthly  compensation  over  his  or  her  highest
consecutive  120  months of compensation multiplied  by  the
number   of  years  of  service, plus  (ii)  0.65%  of   the
participant's average monthly compensation over his  or  her
highest consecutive 120 months of compensation in excess  of
Social  Security  covered compensation   multiplied  by  the
number  of  years of service up to a maximum  of  35  years.
Compensation  for purposes of the Restoration Plan  includes
the total of salary plus bonus, but is limited to a total of
130% of salary.  Federal law now prevents certain employees,
including  the Named Executive Officers, from receiving  the
full  benefit  of  this formula under  the  Retirement  Plan
because both the amount of the annual benefit and the amount
of  compensation on which the annual benefit is based cannot
exceed certain limits.  Accordingly, in order to assure full
benefits  to  employees, the benefit under  the  Restoration
Plan is equal to the difference between the benefit actually
payable  under  the  Retirement Plan  and  the  hypothetical
benefit  that would be payable under the Retirement Plan  if
no  legal  limitations existed, except that the  bonuses  in
excess of 30% of salary are not taken into account.

     Under the Retirement Plan and the Restoration Plan, the
number of credited years of service as of December 31,  1997
was  19,  22,  6, 27 and 9 years for Messrs. Arnof,  Wilson,
Ryan,   Flick  and  Gaines,  respectively,  and   the   1997
compensation  on  which  benefits would  be  calculated  was
$1,393,933 for Mr. Arnof, $651,650 for Mr. Wilson,  $651,650
for  Mr.  Ryan, $593,884 for Mr. Flick and $568,167 for  Mr.

      FCC's Supplemental Executive Retirement Plan (the SERP
Plan) provides supplemental retirement benefits for three of
the   Named  Executive  Officers.   At  age  65,  a   vested
participant   will  receive  60%  of  his   average   annual
compensation  over the five calendar years ending  prior  to
the  termination of his employment reduced by  the  benefits
that  he  receives from (i) the Retirement  Plan,  (ii)  the
Restoration   Plan,  (iii)  the  Corporation's  Tax-Deferred
Savings  Plan  (other  than  benefits  consisting   of   his
deferrals  and  earnings  on  those  deferrals),  (iv)   the
Corporation's Supplemental Tax-Deferred Savings Plan  (other
than  benefits consisting of his deferrals and  earnings  on
those  deferrals), (v) his primary unreduced Social Security
amount and (vi) unless otherwise provided, the benefit under
any   subsequently  adopted  FCC  plan.   Annual  retirement
benefits beginning prior to age 65 would be reduced.

     The  estimated  annual retirement benefits  payable  to
Messrs.  Arnof,  Ryan  and  Wilson  (the  SERP  Plan's  only
participants) under the SERP Plan, assuming they continue in
their   current  positions  at  their  current   levels   of
compensation and retire at age 65, are $184,804, $70,807 and
$0, respectively.

      Pursuant to the SERP Plan, benefits will increase  and
payment  may  be accelerated upon a change in control.   The
Merger  as  described in Note 2 will constitute a change  in
control of FCC.

Change of Control Agreements

     FCC  has  agreements  with  certain  of  its  executive
officers,  including  the  Named Executive  Officers,  which
provide  for certain payments and benefits to the  executive
if  his  or  her  employment  is  terminated  under  certain
circumstances  within two years of a change  in  control  of
FCC, including cash payments of up to three times salary and
bonus  as  well as continued medical and other benefits  for
three  years and vesting under FCC's retirement plans.   The
Merger  as  described in Note 2 will constitute a change  in
control of FCC.
Item 12
Security Ownership of Certain Beneficial Owners and


      The following table shows the beneficial ownership  of
FCC Common Stock of each director of FCC, each of FCC's most
highly, compensated   executive  officers  (Named  Executive
Officer), and all FCC directors and  executive officers as a
group as of February 6, 1998, determined in  accordance with
Rule 13d-3 of the SEC.  In  addition  to  its Common  Stock,
FCC currently has outstanding  two  other classes  of equity
securities: two series of 12 3/4% Convertible Debentures due
2000 ("A Debentures" and "B  Debentures"). Unless  otherwise
indicated, the securities  are  held  with sole  voting  and
investment power.

                                           No. of         Percent
        Name of Beneficial Owner           Shares        of Class(1)
        ------------------------         ----------      -----------
Ian Arnof                                309,180(2)          *
James J. Bailey III                      124,715             *
John W. Barton                            88,766             *
Sydney J. Besthoff III                     2,250             *
Robert H. Bolton                         196,287(3)          *
Robert C. Cudd III                       841,806(4)         2.14%
Frances B. Davis                         409,454(4)(5)      1.03%
Laurance Eustis, Jr.                      37,500             *
William P. Fuller                         57,054(4)          *
Arthur Hollins III                       215,770(2)(4)(6)    *
F. Ben James, Jr.                          3,900             *
Erik F. Johnsen                          115,152(7)          *
J. Merrick Jones, Jr.                    116,003(4)          *
Edwin Lupberger                            4,052             *
Mary Chavanne Martin                     100,205             *
Hugh G. McDonald, Jr.                     68,517(4)          *
Saul A. Mintz                            515,711(4)(8)      1.31%
Hermann Moyse, Jr.                       310,893(4)          *
O. Miles Pollard, Jr.                    181,632             *
G. Frank Purvis, Jr.                      60,592(9)          *
William W. Rucks III                       5,048             *
Tom H. Scott                             657,226(4)         1.67%
Edward M. Simmons                        137,215(4)(10)      *
H. Leighton Steward                        5,619             *
Robert A. Weigle                          56,606(4)          *
Named Executive Officers (11)                                
Joseph V. Wilson III                      61,977(2)(4)       *
Ashton J. Ryan, Jr.                       55,012(2)          *
Michael A. Flick                          74,434(2)          *
Howard C. Gaines                          48,903(2)          *
All directors and executive                               
 officers as a group (33 persons)      8,270,754(12)       20.46%

- ----------------
*Less than one percent

 (1) Shares that may be acquired within 60 days from March 13, 1998
     and  shares that may be acquired upon conversion of debentures
     are deemed to  be  outstanding  for  purposes of computing the
     percentage of Common Stock owned by such  person  individually
     and  by  all  directors and executive officers as a group, but
     are not deemed to be outstanding for the purpose of  computing
     the ownership  percentage of any other person.  FCC is a party
     to a  Merger  Agreement  with  BANC  ONE pursuant to which all
     outstanding    options   and   restricted   shares  (including
     performance  shares)  will  become exercisable or vested.  The
     Merger   contemplated  by the Merger Agreement  is expected to
     be consummated in the second quarter of 1998.  For purposes of
     this schedule, it is assumed that all outstanding  options and
     restricted  shares  (including  performance  shares)  will  be
     exercisable or vested within 60 days.
 (2) Includes  shares  subject  to options exercisable,  restricted
     shares (including performance shares) and shares allocated  to
     the  individual's account in FCC's Tax-Deferred  Savings  Plan
     and  Supplemental Tax-Deferred Savings Plan  (the  Plans),  as
                              Option     Restricted        Plan
                              Shares       Shares         Shares
                              ------     ----------       ------       
       Mr. Arnof...........  122,704       34,188         33,542
       Mr. Flick...........   15,396        8,150         12,133
       Mr. Hollins.........       -            -          31,199
       Mr. Gaines..........   16,785        8,150         11,977
       Mr. Ryan............   33,024       14,706          7,282
       Mr. Wilson..........   31,624       14,352          6,315
 (3) Includes  119,175 shares Mr. Bolton has the right  to  acquire
     upon conversion of $3,178,000 principal amount of B Debentures
     (5.92% of the class), and 8,336 shares allocated to  his  Plan
 (4) Includes  shares  as  to  which the  named  individual  shares
     voting  and  investment power as follows:  Mr.  Cudd,  703,679
     shares;   Mrs.  Davis,  127,239  shares;   Mr.  Fuller,  3,900
     shares;   Mr.  Hollins,  4,687  shares;   Mr.  Jones,   11,250
     shares;   Mr.  McDonald,  8,326  shares;   Mr.  Mintz,   7,255
     shares;   Mr.  Moyse,  130,105  shares;   Mr.  Scott,  655,226
     shares;   Mr. Simmons, 19,800 shares;  Mr. Weigle, 356 shares;
     and  Mr.  Wilson, 1,250 shares.  Mr. Cudd disclaims beneficial
     ownership  of  290,667 shares owned by his  wife.   Mr.  Mintz
     disclaims  beneficial  ownership of 3,174  shares  held  in  a
     trust  for  which  he  is  co-trustee.   Mr.  Scott  disclaims
     beneficial  ownership of 439,338 shares held in a trust.   Mr.
     Simmons  disclaims beneficial ownership of the 19,800 owned by
     his wife.
 (5) Includes  282,015 shares Mrs. Davis has the right  to  acquire
     upon   conversion  of  $7,520,400  principal   amount   of   B
     Debentures   (14.02%  of  the  class),   including  $1,508,400
     principal amount owned by Mrs. Davis' husband, as to which she
     disclaims beneficial ownership.
 (6) Includes  157,713 shares Mr. Hollins has the right to  acquire
     upon   conversion  of  $4,205,685  principal   amount   of   A
     Debentures (15.68% of the class), including $343,860 principal
     amount as to  which  Mr.  Hollins shares voting and investment
     power, and 31,199 shares allocated to his Plan account.
 (7) Includes 1,164 shares owned by Mr. Johnsen's wife, as to which
     Mr. Johnsen disclaims beneficial ownership.
 (8) Includes  419,512  shares owned by Mr.  Mintz's  children  and
     grandchildren that Mr. Mintz has power to vote pursuant to  an
     understanding.   Mr. Mintz disclaims beneficial  ownership  of
     these shares.
 (9) Includes  53,666 shares owned by Pan-American  Life  Insurance
     company,  of  which Mr. Purvis is the Chairman of  the  Board.
     Mr. Purvis disclaims beneficial ownership of these shares.
(10) Includes  800 shares as to which Mr. Simmons has  sole  voting
     and investment power, but disclaims beneficial ownership.
(11) Information  for  Mr. Arnof appears above  under  the  heading
(12) Includes   176,448  shares  underlying  $4,705,285   principal
     amount  of  A  Debentures (17.54% of the  class)  and  437,019
     shares   underlying   $11,653,840  principal   amount   of   B
     Debentures (21.72% of the class).  Of these amounts,  $499,600
     principal  amount  of  A  Debentures  and  $955,440  principal
     amount  of  B Debentures are held by FCC subsidiary  banks  as
     fiduciaries.   Also  includes  (i)  301,706  shares  executive
     officers  are  entitled  to  acquire  upon  the  exercise   of
     options,  108,201 shares of restricted stock (of which  36,064
     are performance  shares) and 126,467 shares allocated  to  the
     Plan  accounts  of  such persons, (ii) 8,006  shares  held  by
     FCC's  Pension  Plan  and 528,865 shares  held  by  the  trust
     departments  of  the subsidiary banks of FCC  as  fiduciaries,
     and  (iii)  1,279,064 shares of record held by the trustee  of
     the  Plans  (in  addition to those shares held  on  behalf  of
     directors  and  executive officers)  that  are  voted  by  the
     trustee  in  accordance  with the instructions  of  the  Plans

Principal Stockholders

     BANC ONE CORPORATION, P.O. Box 710158, Columbus, Ohio  43271-
0158, has filed a Schedule 13D with  the SEC  reporting beneficial
ownership  of  9,689,000  shares  (approximately 19.9%)  of  FCC's
Common  Stock by virtue of an option granted by FCC to BANC ONE on
October 20, 1997, in connection with the Merger  Agreement entered
into  between  FCC  and  BANC ONE on that date.  The option is not
currently exercisable, and BANC ONE disclaims beneficial ownership
of the shares.
     No other person is known by FCC to beneficially own more than
5% of its Common Stock.

Item 13
Certain Relationships and Related Transactions

Certain Other Transactions

     Directors, nominees and executive officers of FCC and
their associates have been customers of, and have had loan
transactions with subsidiary banks of FCC in the ordinary
course of business, and such transactions are expected to
continue in the future.  In the opinion of FCC's management,
such transactions, which at December 31, 1997, amounted to
an aggregate of 17% of FCC's stockholder's equity, have been
on substantially the same terms, including interest rates
and collateral on loans, as those prevailing at the time for
comparable transactions with other persons and did not
involve more than the normal risk of collectability or
present other unfavorable features.

     During 1997, FCC and its subsidiaries paid $378,716 in
premiums on disability and life insurance policies issued by
Pan-American Life Insurance Company covering FCC's
employees.  In addition, First NBC leases branch space in a
building owned by Pan-American Life Insurance Company.
Total rent paid under this lease in 1997 was $121,858.  Mr.
G. Frank Purvis, Jr., a director of FCC, is Chairman of the
Board of Pan-American Life Insurance Company.

                           Part IV
Item 14
Exhibits, Financial Statement Schedules and Reports on  Form

 (a)  1.  Financial Statements - See Item 8.
      2.  Financial Statement Schedules - All
          schedules are omitted, since they are either not
          applicable or the required information is shown in
          the Consolidated Financial Statements or Notes

      3.  Exhibits:

                  2.1  - Agreement and  Plan  of  Merger
                  between FCC, Delta Acquisition Corporation
                  and  BANC  ONE   CORPORATION  included  as
                  Exhibit  99.2  to  BANC ONE  CORPORATION's
                  Current  Report  on Form 8-K filed October
                  29, 1997   (File No. 1-8552),  and  incor-
                  porated herein by reference.

                  3.1  - Amended and  Restated  Articles  of
                  Incorporation of FCC included  as  Exhibit
                  3.1  to  FCC's Annual Report on Form  10-K
                  for  the year ended December 31, 1996, and
                  incorporated herein by reference.

                  3.2  - Amended and Restated By-laws of FCC
                  included  as  Exhibit 3.2 to FCC's  Annual
                  Report  on  Form 10-K for the  year  ended
                  December   31,   1995,  and   incorporated
                  herein by reference.

                  4.1  - Indenture between FCC and  Republic
                  Bank,  Dallas, N.A., Trustee, (trusteeship
                  since  transferred  to  The  Bank  of  New
                  York)  including  the  form  of  12   3/4%
                  Convertible Debentures due 2000, Series  A
                  included  as  Exhibit 4.1 to FCC's  Annual
                  Report  on  Form 10-K for the  year  ended
                  December   31,   1985,  and   incorporated
                  herein by reference.

                  4.2  - Indenture between FCC and  Republic
                  Bank,  Dallas, N.A., Trustee, (trusteeship
                  since  transferred  to  The  Bank  of  New
                  York)  including  the  form  of  12   3/4%
                  Convertible Debentures due 2000, Series  B
                  included  as  Exhibit 4.2 to FCC's  Annual
                  Report  on  Form 10-K for the  year  ended
                  December   31,   1985,  and   incorporated
                  herein by reference.

                  4.3  - Rights  Agreement between  FCC  and
                  First  Chicago Trust Company of  New  York
                  as  Rights  Agent included as Exhibit  4.3
                  to  FCC's  Annual Report on Form 10-K  for
                  the  year  ended December  31,  1995,  and
                  incorporated herein by reference.

                  4.4   - Amendment   to   Rights  Agreement
                  between   FCC  and  First  Chicago   Trust
                  Company  of  New  York  as  Rights   Agent
                  included   as   Exhibit   4.3   to   FCC's
                  Quarterly  Report  on Form  10-Q  for  the
                  quarter  ended  September  30,  1997,  and
                  incorporated herein by reference.

                  4.5  - Option Agreement  between  FCC  and
                  BANC  ONE CORPORATION included as  Exhibit
                  99.3  to  BANC  ONE CORPORATION's  Current
                  Report on Form 8-K filed October 29,  1997
                  (File   No.   1-8552),  and   incorporated
                  herein by reference.

                  10.1  -  Form  of   Employment   Agreement
                  between FCC  and  Messrs.  Arnof,  Brooks,
                  Flick, Gaines, Ryan, Thompson, Wilson  and
                  Ms. Lee included as Exhibit 10.1  to FCC's
                  Annual Report on Form  10-K  for  the year
                  ended December 31, 1995, and  incorporated
                  herein by reference.

                  10.2  -  Amended and  Restated FCC Supple-
                  mental Tax-Deferred Savings Plan included
                  as Exhibit 10.2 to FCC's Quarterly  Report
                  on Form  10-Q  for  the     quarter  ended
                  September  30,  1997,  and    incorporated
                  herein by reference.

                  10.3   -  FCC Amended and Restated Retire-
                  ment  Benefit  Restoration  Plan  included
                  as Exhibit 10.3 to  FCC's Quarterly Report
                  on Form  10-Q  for   the   quarter   ended
                  September  30,  1997,  and    incorporated
                  herein by reference.

                  10.4  -  Form of Nonqualified Stock Option
                  Agreement under the FCC 1992  Stock Incen-
                  tive Plan and  Form   of  Restricted Stock
                  Agreement under  the FCC 1992 Stock Incen-
                  tive  Plan  included  as Exhibit  10.2  to
                  FCC's Annual  Report  on Form 10-K for the
                  year ended December  31, 1992, and incorp-
                  orated herein by reference.

                  10.5   -  FCC  Amended and Restated   1992
                  Stock   Incentive   Plan     included   as
                  Exhibit  10.4  to  FCC's Quarterly  Report
                  on Form  10-Q  for  the     quarter  ended
                  September  30,  1996,  and    incorporated
                  herein by reference.

                  10.6   -  FCC  Supplemental      Executive
                  Retirement  Plan  included as Exhibit 10.6
                  to FCC's Annual  Report  on  Form 10-K for
                  the year ended December  31, 1996,     and
                  incorporated   herein    by     reference.

                  10.7   -  FCC   Directors'  Phantom  Stock
                  Plan included  as  Exhibit 10.7  to  FCC's
                  Annual Report on Form  10-K  for  the year
                  ended December 31, 1996, and  incorporated
                  herein by reference.

                  10.8   -  FCC  Change in Control Severance
                  Plan included  as  Exhibit  10.8  to FCC's
                  Annual  Report  on  Form 10-K for the year
                  ended December  31, 1996, and incorporated
                  herein by reference.

                  10.9   -  FCC  1997 Stock  Option Plan in-
                  cluded  as Exhibit 10.9 to FCC's Quarterly
                  Report on Form  10-Q  for     the  quarter
                  ended March  31,  1997,  and  incorporated
                  herein by reference.

                  11     -  Statement  Re:    Computation of
                  Earnings Per Share

                  21     -  Subsidiaries of  First  Commerce

                  23     -  Consent of Arthur Andersen LLP

                  24     -  Power of Attorney

                  27     -  Financial Data Schedule

 (b)   Reports on Form 8-K

             A  report  on Form 8-K dated October  16,  1997
             was  filed  by  the Registrant  under  Item  5,
             Other  Events.   The  document  was  filed   to
             disclose  FCC's  issuance of  a  press  release
             dated   October  14,  1997,  announcing   FCC's
             earnings for the Third Quarter of 1997.
             A  report  on Form 8-K dated October  23,  1997
             was  filed  by  the Registrant  under  Item  5,
             Other  Events.   The  document  was  filed   to
             disclose  FCC's  issuance of  a  press  release
             dated   October  20,  1997,  announcing   FCC's
             agreement  to merge with a subsidiary  of  BANC
             ONE CORPORATION.
             A  report on Form 8-K/A dated November 6,  1997
             was  filed  by  the Registrant  under  Item  5,
             Other  Events.  The document was filed to amend
             FCC's  report  on  Form 8-K dated  October  23,
             1997, disclosing FCC's agreement to merge  with
             a subsidiary of BANC ONE CORPORATION.
             A  report  on Form 8-K dated November 26,  1997
             was  filed  by  the Registrant  under  Item  5,
             Other  Events.   The  document  was  filed   to
             disclose   a  change  to  FCC  and   BANC   ONE
             CORPORATION's expected effective date  for  the
             planned merger.

Pursuant to the requirements of Section 13 or 15(d) of the
Securities Exchange Act of 1934, the Registrant has duly caused
this report to be signed on its behalf by the undersigned,
thereunto duly authorized.

                    First Commerce Corporation

                    By   /s/ Thomas L. Callicutt, Jr.
                            Thomas L. Callicutt, Jr.
                            Executive Vice President, Controller and
                                Principal Accounting Officer

                    Date:  March 26, 1998

Pursuant  to the requirements of the Securities Exchange  Act  of
1934,  this report has been signed below by the following persons
on  behalf  of the Registrant and in the capacities on the  dates

Signatures                             Title
- ----------                             ------
Ian Arnof                    President, Chief Executive
                              Officer and Director

Hermann Moyse, Jr.           Chairman of the Board
Michael A. Flick             Executive Vice President, Chief Administrative
                                 Officer and Principal Financial Officer
James J. Bailey III          Director
John W. Barton               Director
Robert H. Bolton             Director
Robert C. Cudd III           Director
Frances B. Davis             Director
Laurance Eustis, Jr.         Director
William P. Fuller            Director
Arthur Hollins III           Director
Erik F. Johnsen              Director         By   /s/ Thomas L. Callicutt, Jr.
J. Merrick Jones, Jr.        Director            ------------------------------
Edwin Lupberger              Director              Thomas L. Callicutt, Jr.   
Mary Ellen Chavanne Martin   Director              Attorney-in-Fact
Hugh G. McDonald, Jr.        Director              Executive Vice President, 
Saul A. Mintz                Director               Controller and Principal 
O. Miles Pollard, Jr.        Director                  Accounting Officer
G. Frank Purvis, Jr.         Director              
Thomas H. Scott              Director               Date:  March 26, 1998
Edward M. Simmons            Director
H. Leighton Steward          Director
Robert A. Weigle             Director
William W. Rucks III         Director