STOCK PURCHASE AGREEMENT

                            Dated as of May 27, 1998

                                  By and Among

                                J SAINSBURY PLC,

                            JS MASS. SECURITIES CORP.


                             KONINKLIJKE AHOLD N.V.
                                  (Royal Ahold)

                                TABLE OF CONTENTS



     DEFINITIONS.................................................................................................   1

                  Section 1.1  Definitions.......................................................................   1

     SALE OF STOCK AND TENDER OFFER..............................................................................   4

                  Section 2.1  Sale of Transferred Shares........................................................   4
                  Section 2.2  Purchase Price for Transferred Shares.............................................   4
                  Section 2.3  Closing...........................................................................   4
                  Section 2.4  Transfer Taxes....................................................................   4
                  Section 2.5  Tender of Class A Shares..........................................................   4

     REPRESENTATIONS AND WARRANTIES OF THE PARENT AND THE SELLER.................................................   5

         Section 3.  Representations and Warranties of the Parent and the Seller.................................   5
                  Section 3.1  Legal Status......................................................................   5
                  Section 3.2  Power and Authority; Enforceability...............................................   5
                  Section 3.3  Ownership of Transferred Shares...................................................   5
                  Section 3.4  No Conflicts; Consents of Third Parties; Compliance with Laws.....................   6
                  Section 3.5  Broker's or Finder's Fees.........................................................   6

     REPRESENTATIONS AND WARRANTIES OF THE PURCHASER.............................................................   6

         Section 4.  Representations and Warranties of the Purchaser.............................................   6
                  Section 4.1  Legal Status......................................................................   6
                  Section 4.2  Power and Authority; Enforceability...............................................   6
                  Section 4.3  No Conflicts......................................................................   7
                  Section 4.4  Broker's or Finder's Fees.........................................................   7
                  Section 4.5  Available Funds...................................................................   7
                  Section 4.6  Securities Act....................................................................   7

     EXCLUSIVE DEALING, OTHER COVENANTS..........................................................................   8

                  Section 5.1  Exclusive Dealing.................................................................   8
                  Section 5.2  Further Assurances................................................................   9
                  Section 5.3  Resignations......................................................................   9
                  Section 5.4  Provisions Concerning Transferred Shares..........................................   9

                  Section 5.5   Restriction on Transfer, Proxies and Non-Interference............................   9
                  Section 5.6   Changes in Shares................................................................  10
                  Section 5.7   Changes in Tender Offer..........................................................  10
                  Section 5.8   Tender Offer Conditions..........................................................  10
                  Section 5.9   Purchase of the Class A Shares and the Transferred Shares........................  10

     CONDITIONS TO THE PURCHASER'S OBLIGATIONS...................................................................  10

         Section 6.  Conditions to the Purchaser's Obligations...................................................  10
                  Section 6.1   Truth of Representations and Warranties..........................................  10
                  Section 6.2   Performance of Agreements........................................................  11
                  Section 6.3   Injunction.......................................................................  11
                  Section 6.4   Consents and Approvals...........................................................  11
                  Section 6.5   Tender Offer  Conditions.........................................................  11
                  Section 6.6   Resignations.....................................................................  11
                  Section 6.7   Class AC Stock Purchase Agreement................................................  12
                  Section 6.8   Tender Offer.....................................................................  12

     CONDITIONS TO THE OBLIGATIONS OF THE PARENT AND THE SELLER..................................................  12

         Section 7.  Conditions to the Obligations of the Parent and the Seller..................................  12
                  Section 7.1   Truth of Representations and Warranties..........................................  12
                  Section 7.2   Performance of Agreements........................................................  12
                  Section 7.3   Injunction.......................................................................  12
                  Section 7.4   Tender Offer.....................................................................  12
                  Section 7.5   Class AC Stock Purchase Agreement................................................  13

     MISCELLANEOUS...............................................................................................  13
                  Section 8.1   Representations and Warranties...................................................  13
                  Section 8.2   Expenses.........................................................................  13
                  Section 8.3   Governing Law....................................................................  13
                  Section 8.4   Headings.........................................................................  14
                  Section 8.5   Publicity........................................................................  14
                  Section 8.6   Notices..........................................................................  14
                  Section 8.7   Binding Effect; Benefit; Assignment..............................................  15
                  Section 8.8   Best Efforts.....................................................................  15
                  Section 8.9   Counterparts.....................................................................  16
                  Section 8.10  Entire Agreement.................................................................  16
                  Section 8.11  Amendments.......................................................................  16
                  Section 8.12  Severability.....................................................................  16
                  Section 8.13  Termination of Agreement.........................................................  16
                  Section 8.14  Specific Performance.............................................................  16
                  Section 8.15  Remedies Cumulative..............................................................  17
                  Section 8.16  No Waiver........................................................................  17

                            STOCK PURCHASE AGREEMENT

     STOCK PURCHASE  AGREEMENT (this  "Agreement")  dated as of May 27, 1998, by
and among J Sainsbury  plc, a corporation  organized and existing under the laws
of England and Wales (the "Parent"),  JS Mass.  Securities  Corp., a corporation
organized  and  existing  under  the laws of the  State of  Massachusetts  and a
wholly-owned  subsidiary of Parent (the "Seller"),  and  Koninklijke  Ahold N.V.
(Royal Ahold), a public company with limited liability  organized under the laws
of the Netherlands  with its corporate seat in Zaandam  (Municipality  Zaanstad)
(the "Purchaser").

                              W I T N E S S E T H :

     WHEREAS,  the Parent and the Seller own  beneficially  and the Seller  will
prior to and at the  Closing  (as  hereinafter  defined)  own of record  125,000
shares  of Class AL Common  Stock,  par value  $1.00  per share  (the  "Class AL
Shares"),  and  11,779,931  shares of Class A Common Stock,  par value $1.00 per
share (the "Class A  Shares"),  in each case of Giant Food Inc.,  a  corporation
organized   and  existing   under  the  laws  of  the  State  of  Delaware  (the

     WHEREAS, the Seller desires to sell, and the Purchaser desires to purchase,
all of the Class AL Shares (such Class AL Shares, collectively, the "Transferred
Shares"),  on the  terms  and  subject  to the  conditions  set  forth  in  this
Agreement; and

     WHEREAS,  the  Purchaser has made a tender offer to purchase any and all of
the issued and outstanding  Class A Shares,  subject to the terms and conditions
set forth in the Offer to Purchase  dated May 19, 1998 (the "Offer to Purchase")
(including,  without limitation,  the conditions set forth in Section 14 thereof
(the "Tender Offer Conditions") (the "Tender Offer"), at a price per share equal
to $43.50 (the "Tender Offer Price").

     NOW,  THEREFORE,  in  consideration  of the  premises  and of the  promises
hereinafter set forth,  and other good and valuable  consideration,  the receipt
and  sufficiency of which are hereby  acknowledged,  the parties hereto agree as

                                    ARTICLE I

     Section 1.1 Definitions.  When used in this Agreement,  the following terms
shall have the respective meanings specified therefor below (such meanings to be
equally applicable to both the singular and plural forms of the terms defined).

     "Acquisition  Proposal"  shall have the meaning  provided in Section 5.1(a)

     "Affiliate" shall mean, with respect to any Person, any other
Person  directly or indirectly  controlling,  controlled  by, or under direct or
indirect common control with,  such Person.  A Person shall be deemed to control
another Person if such Person possesses, directly or

indirectly,  the power to direct or cause the  direction of the  management  and
policies of such other  Person,  or the power to appoint or dismiss the managing
directors  of such  other  Person,  whether  through  the  ownership  of  voting
securities,  by contract  or  otherwise;  provided  that,  for  purposes of this
Agreement, the Corporation shall not be deemed an Affiliate of the Parent or the

     "Agents" shall have the meaning provided in Section 5.1(a) hereof.

     "Agreement" shall have the meaning provided in the recitals hereto.

     "Class AC Shares" shall mean the shares of Class AC Common Stock, par value
$1.00 per share, of the Corporation.

     "Class AC Stock Purchase Agreement" shall mean the Stock Purchase Agreement
dated  as of May 19,  1998 by and  between  the  Purchaser  and the  Selling  AC
Shareholder,  as such  agreement  may be  amended  from time to time. 
     "Class AL Shares" shall have the meaning provided in the recitals hereto.

     "Class A Shares" shall have the meaning provided in the recitals hereto.

     "Closing" shall have the meaning provided in Section 2.3 hereof.

     "Closing Date" shall have the meaning provided in Section 2.3 hereof.

     "Corporation" shall have the meaning provided in the recitals hereto.

     "Director" shall have the meaning provided in Section 6.6 hereof.

     "Existing  Class A Shares"  shall have the meaning  provided in Section 2.5

     "HSR Act" shall have the meaning set forth in Section 4.3(b) hereof.

     "Law" shall mean any constitution,  treaty,  statute, law, code, ordinance,
decree, order, rule, regulation, or judicial or arbitral decision or judgment.

     "Liens"  shall mean liens,  security  interests,  options,  rights of first
refusal,   charges,   adverse  claims,   security   agreements,   or  any  other
encumbrances;  provided,  however,  that with respect to the Transferred Shares,
"Liens" shall not include any restrictions  imposed upon such Transferred Shares
by  this  Agreement,   the  Certificate  of  Incorporation  or  By-Laws  of  the
Corporation  or the  provisions of the General  Corporation  Law of the State of

     "Offer to Purchase" shall have the meaning provided in the recitals hereto.

     "Parent" shall have the meaning provided in the preamble hereto.


     "Person" shall mean any individual, partnership, limited liability company,
corporation,   trust,  unincorporated  association  or  other  entity  which  is
recognized as having legal personality under national or international Law.

     "Purchase Price" shall have the meaning provided in Section 2.2 hereof.

     "Purchaser" shall have the meaning provided in the preamble hereto.

     "Securities Act" shall have the meaning provided in Section 4.6 hereof.

     "Seller" shall have the meaning provided in the preamble hereto.

     "Seller's  Class A Shares"  shall have the meaning  provided in Section 2.5

     "Selling AC  Shareholder"  shall mean The 1224  Corporation,  a corporation
organized and existing under the laws of the State of Delaware. "Share Register"
shall mean,  collectively,  the register  books  maintained  by the  Corporation
setting  forth the names and  addresses  of each of the  owners of the shares of
capital  stock of the  Corporation  and the number of such shares  owned by each
such owner,  and  indicating  each transfer or encumbrance of such shares by any
owner thereof.

     "Tax" or "Taxes" shall mean any net income, alternative or
add-on minimum tax, advance corporation,  gross income,  gross receipts,  sales,
use, ad valorem, franchise, profits, license, value-added, withholding, payroll,
employment, excise, transfer, stamp or occupation tax, governmental fee or other
like assessment or charge of any kind whatsoever,  together with any interest or
any penalty imposed by any  governmental  authority with respect thereto and any
liability for such amounts as a result of either being a member of an affiliated
group or of a contractual obligation to indemnify any other entity.
     "Tender Offer" shall have the meaning provided in the recitals hereto.

     "Tender  Offer  Conditions"  shall have the  meaning  provided  in recitals

     "Tender Offer  Documents" shall have the meaning provided in Section 2.6(b)

     "Tender  Offer  Price"  shall have the  meaning  provided  in the  recitals

     "Transferred Shares" shall have the meaning provided in the recitals


                                   ARTICLE II
                         SALE OF STOCK AND TENDER OFFER

     Section  2.1 Sale of  Transferred  Shares.  On the terms and subject to the
conditions set forth in this Agreement,  the Seller agrees and the Parent agrees
to cause the Seller,  to sell and transfer to the Purchaser at the Closing,  and
the Purchaser agrees to purchase from the Seller at the Closing, the Transferred
Shares,  free and clear of all Liens.  At or immediately  following the Closing,
each of the Parent and the Seller shall use its reasonable best efforts to cause
the  Corporation  to duly enter the  transfer of the  Transferred  Shares in the
Share Register.

     Section 2.2 Purchase Price for Transferred  Shares.  In full  consideration
for the purchase by the Purchaser of the Transferred Shares, the Purchaser shall
pay to the Seller (or its  designee)  on the Closing  Date One  Hundred  Million
Dollars  ($100,000,000)  in  the  aggregate  by  wire  transfer  in  immediately
available funds to the account specified by the Seller to the Purchaser at least
two business days prior to the Closing (the "Purchase  Price").  For purposes of
this Section  2.2,  "business  day" shall mean any day other than a Saturday,  a
Sunday or a day on which the banks in the United States or the  Netherlands  are
authorized or obligated by Law to close.  Section 2.3 Closing. The sale referred
to in Section  2.1 (the  "Closing")  shall take place at the  offices of White &
Case LLP, 601 Thirteenth Street, NW, Suite 600 South, Washington, DC, as soon as
practicable  after the last of the  conditions  set forth in Articles VI and VII
hereof is fulfilled or waived  (subject to  applicable  law) but (a) in no event
later than the fifth  business day  thereafter,  or at such other time and place
and on such other date as the Purchaser and the Seller shall  mutually agree and
(b) in any case  simultaneously  with  the  purchase  of Class A Shares  validly
tendered pursuant to the Tender Offer (the "Closing Date"). On the Closing Date,
the Seller  shall,  and the  Parent  shall  cause the Seller to,  deliver to the
Purchaser,  against  payment as provided  in Section  2.2  hereof,  certificates
representing the Transferred  Shares,  duly endorsed in blank, or accompanied by
stock powers duly endorsed in blank,  with all necessary  transfer tax and other
revenue stamps, acquired at the Purchaser's expense, affixed thereto.

     Section 2.4 Transfer Taxes. The Seller shall, and the Parent
shall cause the Seller to, pay all Taxes  charged to  grantors,  transferors  or
assignors under applicable Law,  provided that the Purchaser shall pay any stock
transfer and stamp taxes which become payable in connection with the purchase of
the Transferred Shares hereunder.

     Section 2.5 Tender of Class A Shares. (a) The Seller hereby
agrees, and the Parent agrees to cause the Seller, to tender validly (and not to
withdraw) pursuant to and in accordance with the terms of the Tender Offer, in a
timely  manner  for  acceptance  by the  Purchaser  in  the  Tender  Offer,  the
11,779,931  Class A Shares owned by the Seller on the date hereof (the "Existing
Class A Shares") and any Class A Shares that may be acquired by the Seller after
the date hereof and prior to the termination of this Agreement  whether upon the
exercise  of  options,  warrants  or  rights,  the  conversion  or  exchange  of
convertible  or  exchangeable  securities,  or by means of  purchase,  dividend,
distribution or otherwise (such Class A Shares, together with the Existing Class
A Shares, are referred to herein as the "Seller's Class A Shares").  Each of the
Parent and the  Seller  hereby  acknowledges  and  agrees  that the  Purchaser's
obligation  to accept for  payment  and pay for Class A Shares  tendered  in the
Tender Offer, including the Seller's Class


A Shares,  is  subject to the terms and  conditions  of the  Tender  Offer.  The
Purchaser  agrees to use its reasonable best efforts to cause the depositary for
the Tender  Offer to agree to use its  reasonable  best  efforts to notify  each
holder of Class A Shares tendered  pursuant to the Tender Offer, if requested by
such  holder,  of any defect in the tender of such  Class A Shares  which  could
result in such Class A Shares not being deemed validly tendered  pursuant to the
Tender Offer.

     (b) Each of the Parent and the Seller hereby agrees to permit the Purchaser
to publish  and  disclose,  and hereby  consents  to any prior  publication  and
disclosure,  in the Tender Offer Statement on Schedule 14D-1 with respect to the
Tender Offer, the Offer to Purchase and form of related letter of transmittal as
well as all other  information  and exhibits and any  supplements  or amendments
thereto (the "Tender Offer  Documents") its identity and the Seller's  ownership
of Class A Shares and the Class AL Shares,  and,  to the extent  required by the
Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as amended, an accurate summary of the material
terms of the agreements,  arrangements and understandings  among the Parent, the
Seller and the Purchaser under this Agreement.

     Section 3.  Representations and Warranties of the Parent and the Seller. In
order to induce the  Purchaser to enter into this  Agreement  and to acquire the
Transferred  Shares,  each of the  Parent  and the  Seller  makes the  following
representations and warranties.

     Section  3.1 Legal  Status.  The  Parent is a duly  organized  and  validly
existing  corporation  under the Laws of England and Wales. The Seller is a duly
organized and validly  existing  corporation  in good standing under the Laws of
the State of Massachusetts.

     Section 3.2 Power and Authority; Enforceability. Each of the Parent and the
Seller has full  requisite  legal  capacity,  power and  authority  to  execute,
deliver and perform its obligations pursuant to this Agreement and to consummate
the  transactions  contemplated  hereby  and has taken all  necessary  corporate
action to authorize the  execution,  delivery and  performance by the Parent and
the Seller of their  respective  obligations  pursuant to this Agreement and the
consummation of the transactions  contemplated  hereby.  This Agreement has been
duly authorized, executed and delivered by each of the Parent and the Seller and
constitutes a valid and legally binding obligation of each of the Parent and the
Seller enforceable  against each of the Parent and the Seller in accordance with
its   terms,   subject   to   bankruptcy,   insolvency,   fraudulent   transfer,
reorganization, moratorium and similar Laws of general applicability relating to
or affecting creditors' rights and to general equitable principles.  Section 3.3
Ownership of  Transferred  Shares.  The Parent and the Seller are the beneficial
owners of, and prior to and on the  Closing  Date the Seller  will be the lawful
record owner of, all of the Class AL Shares and the Existing Class A Shares,  in
each case free and clear of all Liens.  Other than as specified in the preceding
sentence, as of the date of this Agreement none of the Parent, the Seller or any
Affiliate of the Parent owns any shares of capital stock of the Corporation. The
Seller has full legal right, power and authority to sell,  assign,  transfer and
convey the Transferred  Shares  pursuant to this Agreement.  The delivery to the
Purchaser of the


Transferred  Shares against payment  therefor  pursuant to this Agreement and of
the  Seller's  Class A Shares  pursuant  to the  Tender  Offer  against  payment
therefore will, in each case, transfer to the Purchaser on the Closing Date good
and valid title thereto, free and clear of any Liens.

     Section 3.4 No Conflicts;  Consents of Third Parties; Compliance with Laws.
(a) The execution, delivery and performance by the Parent and the Seller of this
Agreement and the consummation of the purchase of the Transferred Shares and the
other transactions contemplated hereby will not (i) conflict with the Memorandum
and  Articles  of  Association  and  By-Laws  of the Parent or the  Articles  of
Organization  or By-Laws of the Seller,  (ii)  conflict  with,  or result in the
breach or  termination  of, or constitute a default under,  any lease,  charter,
note,  bond,  mortgage,   license,  permit,  indenture,   contract,   agreement,
commitment,  arrangement  or  other  instrument  or  obligation,  or any  order,
judgment, decree, injunction, regulation or ruling of any governmental authority
or regulatory organization of competent authority, domestic or foreign, to which
the  Parent or the Seller is a party or by which the Parent or the Seller or any
of their respective properties or assets are bound, (iii) constitute a violation
by the Parent or the Seller of any Law applicable to the Parent or the Seller or
any of their respective  properties or assets, or (iv) result in the creation of
any Lien upon the Transferred Shares, except in the case of subclause (ii) above
such conflicts,  breaches,  terminations and defaults which would not prevent or
substantially  delay the consummation of the  transactions  contemplated by this

     (b) No consent, approval, permit or authorization of, or
designation,  declaration or filing with, any governmental  authorities or third
parties is required on the part of the Parent or the Seller in  connection  with
the  execution  and  delivery  of  this  Agreement  and the  performance  of the
transactions contemplated hereby.

     Section 3.5 Broker's or Finder's  Fees.  No agent,  broker,  person or firm
acting on behalf of the  Parent,  the Seller or any of their  Affiliates  is, or
will be, entitled to any commission or broker's or finder's fees from any of the
parties hereto, other than the Parent, the Seller or their Affiliates.

                                   ARTICLE IV
     Section 4.  Representations  and Warranties of the  Purchaser.  In order to
induce the Parent  and the Seller to enter into this  Agreement  and to sell the
Transferred  Shares,  the  Purchaser  makes the  following  representations  and

     Section 4.1 Legal  Status.  The  Purchaser is a duly  organized and validly
existing   public  company  with  limited   liability  under  the  laws  of  the

     Section 4.2 Power and  Authority;  Enforceability.  The  Purchaser has full
requisite  legal capacity,  power and authority to execute,  deliver and perform
the terms and provisions of this  Agreement and to consummate  the  transactions
contemplated  hereby and has taken all necessary  corporate  action to authorize
the execution,  delivery and  performance by the Purchaser of this Agreement and
the consummation of the transactions contemplated hereby. This Agreement


has  been  duly  authorized,   executed  and  delivered  by  the  Purchaser  and
constitutes a valid and legally binding obligation of the Purchaser  enforceable
against the  Purchaser  in  accordance  with its terms,  subject to  bankruptcy,
insolvency, fraudulent transfer, reorganization,  moratorium and similar Laws of
general applicability  relating to or affecting creditor's rights and to general
equitable principles.

     Section 4.3 No  Conflicts.  (a)  Assuming  the  receipts  of the  consents,
approvals, permits, authorizations,  designations or declarations, or the making
of the  filings,  specified  in clause (b) below,  the  execution,  delivery and
performance  of this  Agreement  by the  Purchaser  and the  performance  of the
provisions regarding the Tender Offer will not (i) conflict with the Articles of
Association  of the  Purchaser,  (ii)  conflict  with,  result in the  breach or
termination  of, or  constitute a default (or give rise to any third party right
of termination,  cancellation, material modification or acceleration) under, any
lease, charter, note, bond, mortgage, license, indenture,  contract,  agreement,
commitment,  arrangement  or  other  instrument  or  obligation  or  any  order,
judgment, decree, injunction, regulation or ruling of any governmental authority
or  regulatory  organization,  domestic or foreign,  to which the Purchaser is a
party or by which the Purchaser or any of its properties or assets are bound, or
(iii)  constitute a violation  by the  Purchaser  of any Law  applicable  to the
Purchaser any of its properties or assets.  (b) Except (i) for filings under the
Hart-Scott-Rodino  Antitrust  Improvements  Act of 1976,  as  amended  (the "HSR
Act"), (ii) as required by the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as amended,  and
the rules and regulations  thereunder in connection with the Tender Offer, (iii)
the "blue sky" laws of various states, (iv) applicable Alcohol and Drug Laws and
(v)  applicable  local  permit laws,  rules and  regulations  pertaining  to the
operation of the business of the Corporation and its  subsidiaries,  no consent,
approval,  permit,  or authorization  of, or designation,  declaration or filing
with, any  governmental  authorities or third parties is required on the part of
the  Purchaser in connection  with the execution and delivery of this  Agreement
and the performance by the Purchaser of the  transactions  contemplated  hereby.
Section 4.4 Broker's or Finder's Fees. Except for Merrill Lynch, Pierce,  Fenner
& Smith Incorporated (whose fees and expenses will be paid by the Purchaser), no
agent, broker, person or firm acting on behalf of the Purchaser or any Affiliate
thereof is, or will be,  entitled to any commission or broker's or finder's fees
from any of the parties hereto, or from any Person controlling, controlled by or
under common control with any of the parties  hereto,  in connection with any of
the transactions contemplated by this Agreement.

     Section 4.5 Available Funds. The Purchaser has or will have available to it
at the Closing all funds necessary to satisfy all of its  obligations  hereunder
and in connection with the transactions contemplated by this Agreement.

     Section 4.6  Securities  Act. The  Purchaser is acquiring  the  Transferred
Shares solely for the purpose of investment  and not with a view to, or for sale
in connection with, any distribution  thereof in violation of the Securities Act
of 1933, as amended (the "Securities Act"). The Purchaser  acknowledges that the
Transferred Shares are not registered under the Securities Act or any applicable
state securities law, and that the Transferred Shares may not be transferred


or sold except pursuant to the registration  provisions of the Securities Act or
pursuant to an applicable  exemption  therefrom and pursuant to state securities
laws and regulations as applicable.

                                    ARTICLE V

     Section 5.1 Exclusive Dealing. (a) The Parent, the Seller and each of their
respective  officers,  directors and employees  shall,  and shall instruct their
respective   representatives,   consultants,   investment  bankers,   attorneys,
accountants,  agents and advisors (collectively  "Agents") to, immediately cease
any discussions or negotiations  with any other parties that may be ongoing with
respect to any purchase of the Transferred  Shares or any  Acquisition  Proposal
(as  defined  below).  Neither  the  Parent  nor the Seller  shall  directly  or
indirectly,  take (and  neither  the Parent nor the Seller  shall  authorize  or
permit its Agents to so take) any action to (i)  encourage,  solicit or initiate
the making of any offer to purchase the  Transferred  Shares or any  Acquisition
Proposal,  (ii) enter into any  agreement  with respect to any offer to purchase
the Transferred Shares or any Acquisition  Proposal, or (iii) participate in any
way in discussions or negotiations  with, or furnish or disclose any information
to, any Person (other than the Purchaser) in connection  with, or take any other
action to facilitate knowingly, or that such Person reasonably should have known
would facilitate,  any inquiries or the making of any proposal that constitutes,
or may reasonably be expected to lead to, any offer to purchase the  Transferred
Shares  or any  Acquisition  Proposal.  "Acquisition  Proposal"  shall  mean any
inquiry,  proposal or offer from any Person (other than the Purchaser)  relating
to any direct or indirect  acquisition or purchase of all or any of the Class AL
Shares,  of a  substantial  amount of assets  of the  Corporation  or any of its
subsidiaries  or of more  than 10% of any  class  of  equity  securities  of the
Corporation or any of its subsidiaries,  any tender offer or exchange offer that
if consummated would result in any person  beneficially  owning more than 10% of
any  other  class  of  equity  securities  of  the  Corporation  or  any  of its
subsidiaries,   any  merger,   consolidation,   business  combination,  sale  of
substantially  all the assets,  recapitalization,  liquidation,  dissolution  or
similar transaction involving the Corporation or any of its subsidiaries,  other
than the transactions  contemplated  hereby, or any other transaction  involving
the  Corporation  or any of its securities or assets the  consummation  of which
could  reasonably be expected to impede,  interfere with,  prevent or materially
delay the Tender Offer,  the acquisition of the  Transferred  Shares pursuant to
this Agreement or the  acquisition of the Class AC Shares  pursuant to the Class
AC Stock Purchase Agreement.

     (b) In addition to the  obligations  of the Parent and the Seller set forth
in  paragraph  (a), on the date of receipt  thereof,  each of the Parent and the
Seller shall advise the Purchaser of any request for information or of any offer
to purchase the Transferred Shares or any Acquisition  Proposal,  or any inquiry
or proposal with respect to any offer to purchase the Transferred  Shares or any
Acquisition Proposal,  the material terms and conditions of such request,  offer
or Acquisition Proposal and of any material changes thereto, and the identity of
the entity or person making any such inquiry or proposal.


     Section  5.2  Further  Assurances.  Each  of  the  parties  shall  execute,
acknowledge,   deliver  and  file,  without  further  consideration,   all  such
additional  documents  and  take  such  other  actions  as may be  necessary  or
reasonably   requested  by  the  other  party  to  consummate  or  evidence  the
transactions and fulfill the obligations contemplated by this Agreement. 
     Section 5.3  Resignations.  On the Closing Date, the Seller shall,  and the
Parent  shall cause the Seller to, cause each Person who has been elected by the
Seller to the Board of Directors of the  Corporation  to resign  effective as of
the Closing Date.

     Section 5.4 Provisions Concerning Transferred Shares. Each of
the Parent and the Seller hereby agrees that during the period commencing on the
date hereof and continuing until the earlier of (i) the Closing Date or (ii) the
termination date set forth in Section 8.12 hereof, at any meeting of the holders
of capital stock of the Corporation,  however called,  or in connection with any
written consent of the holders of capital stock of the  Corporation,  the Seller
shall, and the Parent shall cause the Seller to, vote (or cause to be voted) the
Transferred  Shares  whether  issued,  heretofore  owned or hereafter  acquired,
except as otherwise  agreed to in writing in advance by the  Purchaser,  against
the following actions: (A) any extraordinary  corporate  transaction,  such as a
merger, consolidation or other business combination involving the Corporation or
its  subsidiaries;  (B) a sale, lease or transfer of a material amount of assets
of the Corporation or its subsidiaries,  or a reorganization,  recapitalization,
dissolution or liquidation of the  Corporation or its  subsidiaries;  or (C) (1)
any change in a majority of the persons who constitute the Board of Directors of
the Corporation, (2) any change in the present capitalization of the Corporation
or any amendment of the  Corporation's  Certificate of Incorporation or By-Laws,
(3) any  other  material  change in the  Corporation's  corporate  structure  or
business,  or (4) any other action involving the Corporation or its subsidiaries
which is intended, or would reasonably be expected,  to impede,  interfere with,
prevent or materially delay the Tender Offer, the acquisition of the Transferred
Shares  pursuant to this  Agreement  or the  acquisition  of the Class AC Shares
pursuant to the Class AC Stock  Purchase  Agreement.  The Seller shall not enter
into any  agreement  or  understanding  with any  Person the effect of which the
Seller knows or reasonably  should have known would be to violate the provisions
and agreements contained in this Section 5.4.

     Section 5.5 Restriction on Transfer, Proxies and
Non-Interference.  Beginning on the date hereof and ending on the earlier of the
Closing Date or the termination  date set forth in Section 8.12 hereof,  neither
the Parent nor the Seller  shall (i)  directly  or  indirectly,  offer for sale,
sell, transfer,  tender,  pledge,  encumber,  assign or otherwise dispose of, or
enter into any  contract,  option or other  arrangement  or  understanding  with
respect  to or  consent  to  the  offer  for  sale,  transfer,  tender,  pledge,
encumbrance,  assignment or other disposition of, any of the Transferred  Shares
or any of the Existing  Class A Shares or any interest  therein,  (ii) except as
contemplated by this Agreement, grant any proxies or powers of attorney, deposit
any  Transferred  Shares or Existing Class A Shares into a voting trust or enter
into a voting agreement with respect to any Transferred Shares or Existing Class
A Shares,  or (iii) take any action that  would,  to their  knowledge,  make any
representation  or warranty of the Parent or the Seller  contained herein untrue
or incorrect  or have the effect of  preventing  or disabling  the Parent or the
Seller from performing its obligations under this Agreement.


     Section  5.6  Changes  in  Shares.  In the  event  of a stock  dividend  or
distribution, or any change in the capital stock of the Corporation by reason of
any stock dividend, split-up, recapitalization,  combination, exchange of shares
or the  like,  the term  "Transferred  Shares"  shall be  deemed to refer to and
include  the  Transferred  Shares  as  well  as all  such  stock  dividends  and
distributions  and  any  shares  into  which  or  for  which  any  or all of the
Transferred  Shares may be changed or exchanged and the Purchase  Price shall be
appropriately  and equitably  adjusted.  The Seller shall be entitled to receive
any cash dividend paid during the term of this  Agreement by the  Corporation on
the Transferred Shares until the Transferred Shares are purchased  hereunder and
on the Seller's Class A Shares as and to the extent provided in the Tender Offer

     Section 5.7 Changes in Tender Offer.  Without the consent of the Parent and
the Seller,  the Purchaser  shall not (a) reduce the number of Class A Shares to
be purchased in the Tender Offer,  (b) reduce the Tender Offer Price, (c) modify
or add to the Tender Offer Conditions in a manner that is materially  adverse to
the holders of Class A Shares or (d) change the form of consideration payable in
the Tender Offer.

     Section 5.8 Tender Offer  Conditions.  If the  Purchaser  waives any Tender
Offer  Condition  for  purposes of Section 6.5 hereof or the Tender  Offer,  the
Purchaser shall waive such condition with respect to the Tender Offer or Section
6.5 hereof, as the case may be.

     Section  5.9  Purchase  of the Class A Shares and the  Transferred  Shares.
(a)The Purchaser agrees that if it purchases any Class A Shares validly tendered
pursuant to the Tender Offer and not  withdrawn  prior to the  expiration of the
Tender  Offer,  it will  waive all  unsatisfied  conditions  to the  Purchaser's
obligations  set forth in Article VI hereof and will  purchase  the  Transferred
Shares pursuant to this Agreement.

     (b) The  Purchaser  agrees  that if it  purchases  the  Transferred  Shares
pursuant  to  this  Agreement,  it  will  waive  all  unsatisfied  Tender  Offer
Conditions and will purchase any of the Seller's Class A Shares validly tendered
pursuant to the Tender Offer and not  withdrawn  prior to the  expiration of the
Tender Offer.

                                   ARTICLE VI

     Section 6. Conditions to the Purchaser's Obligations. The obligation of the
Purchaser to purchase the  Transferred  Shares on the Closing Date is subject to
the satisfaction, at or prior to the Closing, of the following conditions:

     Section   6.1   Truth   of   Representations   and   Warranties.   (a)  The
representations  and  warranties of the Parent and the Seller  contained in this
Agreement  shall be true and correct in all  material  respects on and as of the
Closing Date with the same effect as though such  representations and warranties
had been made on and as of such date,  and the  Purchaser  shall have received a
certificate signed by an executive officer of each of the Parent and the Seller,
dated the Closing Date, to such effect.


     Section 6.2 Performance of Agreements.  All of the agreements of the Parent
and the Seller to be  performed  and all of the  covenants of the Parent and the
Seller to be complied  with prior to the  Closing  pursuant to the terms of this
Agreement shall have been duly performed or complied with, as applicable, in all
material respects and the Purchaser shall have received a certificate  signed by
an  executive  officer of each of the Parent and the  Seller,  dated the Closing
Date, to such effect.

     Section 6.3  Injunction.  No preliminary  or permanent  injunction or other
order shall have been issued by any court or by any  governmental  or regulatory
agency,  body or authority which prohibits the consummation of the Tender Offer,
the  purchase  of the  Transferred  Shares  or any  of  the  other  transactions
contemplated  by this  Agreement  and which is in effect  at the  Closing  Date,
provided,  however,  that,  in the case of a decree,  injunction or other order,
each of the parties shall have used  reasonable  efforts to prevent the entry of
any such  injunction  or other order and to appeal as  promptly as possible  any
decree,  injunction or other order that may be entered. Section 6.4 Consents and
Approvals. All governmental and third-party consents,  waivers and approvals, if
any,  specifically  disclosed  in this  Agreement  or  necessary  to permit  the
consummation of the transactions  contemplated by this Agreement shall have been
received.  All time periods under the HSR Act  applicable to the purchase of the
Class AC Shares under the Class AC Stock Purchase  Agreement and the purchase of
the  Transferred  Shares  under  this  Agreement  shall  have  expired  or  been
terminated.  No  governmental  or other  instrumentality  or agency  shall  have
required that, in exchange for approval of the transactions contemplated by this
Agreement,  the Purchaser, the Corporation or any of their respective Affiliates
sell or otherwise  dispose of, or hold separate  (through the establishment of a
trust or otherwise)  particular assets or categories of assets, or businesses of
the Purchaser, the Corporation or any of their respective Affiliates or withdraw
from doing business in a particular  jurisdiction or take any other action that,
in the  aggregate,  in the sole judgment of the Purchaser,  would  reasonably be
expected to substantially impair or substantially reduce the Purchaser's ability
to control,  direct or manage on a  day-to-day  basis the business or affairs of
the Corporation or to substantially  impair or substantially  reduce the overall
benefits  expected,  as of the date hereof, to be realized by the Purchaser from
the  consummation  of the  transactions  contemplated by this Agreement or would
have a material adverse effect on the business, properties, assets, liabilities,
condition  (financial  or  otherwise),   prospects,  operations  or  results  of
operations  of the  Purchaser  and its  subsidiaries  taken  as a  whole  or the
Corporation and its subsidiaries taken as a whole.

     Section  6.5  Tender  Offer  Conditions.  At any time on or after  the date
hereof  and at or  before  the  time  of  payment  for  the  Transferred  Shares
hereunder, none of the Tender Offer Conditions shall have occurred.
     Section 6.6 Resignations.  Each Person who has been appointed by the Seller
to the Board of  Directors of the  Corporation  (each a  "Director")  shall have
delivered  to  the  Purchaser  their  written  resignation  from  such  position
effective as of the Closing Date or the Purchaser  shall have  received  written
evidence satisfactory to it that any Director who has not


delivered such written resignation has been removed from such position effective
as of the Closing Date.

     Section 6.7 Class AC Stock Purchase  Agreement.  The purchase of all of the
Class AC Shares  pursuant to the terms of the Class AC Stock Purchase  Agreement
shall be consummated  simultaneously with the purchase of the Transferred Shares
pursuant to this Agreement.

     Section  6.8 Tender  Offer.  The  purchase  of any Class A Shares  tendered
pursuant to the Tender Offer and not  withdrawn  prior to the  expiration of the
Tender  Offer  shall be  consummated  simultaneously  with the  purchase  of the
Transferred Shares pursuant to this Agreement.

                                   ARTICLE VII

     Section 7. Conditions to the Obligations of the Parent and the Seller.  The
obligation  of the Seller to, and of the Parent to cause the Seller to, sell the
Transferred  Shares on the Closing Date is subject to satisfaction,  at or prior
to such date, of the following conditions:

     Section 7.1 Truth of Representations  and Warranties.  The  representations
and warranties of the Purchaser  contained in this  Agreement  shall be true and
correct in all  respects on and as of the  Closing  Date with the same effect as
though such representations and warranties had been made on and as of such date,
and the Parent and the Seller  shall have  received a  certificate  signed by an
authorized officer of the Purchaser, dated the Closing Date, to such effect.

     Section  7.2  Performance  of  Agreements.  All  of the  agreements  of the
Purchaser  to be  performed  and all of the  covenants  of the  Purchaser  to be
complied with prior to the Closing pursuant to the terms of this Agreement shall
have been duly performed or complied with, as applicable, and the Parent and the
Seller shall have received a certificate  signed by an authorized officer of the
Purchaser, dated the Closing Date, to such effect.

     Section 7.3  Injunction.  No preliminary  or permanent  injunction or other
order shall have been issued by any court or by any  governmental  or regulatory
agency,  body  or  authority  of  competent  jurisdiction  which  prohibits  the
consummation of the Tender Offer, the purchase of the Transferred  Shares or any
of the other transactions  contemplated by this Agreement and which is in effect
at the  Closing  Date,  provided,  however,  that,  in  the  case  of a  decree,
injunction  or other  order,  each of the  parties  shall  have used  reasonable
efforts to prevent the entry of any such injunction or other order and to appeal
as  promptly  as  possible  any  decree,  injunction  or other order that may be

     Section  7.4 Tender  Offer.  The  purchase  of any Class A Shares  tendered
pursuant to the Tender Offer and not  withdrawn  prior to the  expiration of the
Tender  Offer  shall be  consummated  simultaneously  with the  purchase  of the
Transferred Shares pursuant to this Agreement.


     Section 7.5 Class AC Stock Purchase  Agreement.  The purchase of all of the
Class AC Shares  pursuant to the terms of the Class AC Stock Purchase  Agreement
shall be consummated  simultaneously with the purchase of the Transferred Shares
pursuant to this Agreement.

                                  ARTICLE VIII

     Section 8.1 Representations and Warranties.  The respective representations
and warranties of the Parent,  the Seller and the Purchaser  contained herein or
in any  certificates  or other  documents  delivered  prior to or at the Closing
shall not be deemed waived or otherwise  affected by any  investigation  made by
any party. Each and every such representation and warranty shall serve solely as
a condition to closing and shall expire with, and be terminated and extinguished
by, the Closing and thereafter none of the Parent, the Seller, the Purchaser nor
any  of  their  respective  officers,  directors,  employees,   representatives,
consultants, investment bankers, attorneys, accountants or other agents shall be
under  or  subject  to  any  liability  whatsoever  with  respect  to  any  such
representation or warranty. This Section 8.1 shall have no effect upon any other
obligation of the parties hereto. Section 8.2 Expenses. The parties hereto shall
pay all of their own expenses relating to the transactions  contemplated by this
Agreement,  including,  without  limitation,  the  fees  and  expenses  of their
respective counsel and financial advisers.

     Section 8.3 Governing Law. This Agreement  shall be construed in accordance
with, and be governed by, the Laws of the State of Delaware. Each of the parties
hereby irrevocably and unconditionally:

                  (a) submits itself in any legal action or proceeding  relating
         to this  Agreement,  or for recognition and enforcement of any judgment
         in respect  thereof,  to the general  jurisdiction of the courts of the
         State of Delaware,  the federal  courts of the United States of America
         located in Delaware and appellate courts from any thereof;
                  (b) consents that any such action or proceeding may be brought
         in such courts and waives any  objection  that it may now or  hereafter
         have to the venue of any such action or proceeding in any such court or
         that such action or proceeding was brought in an inconvenient court and
         agrees not to plead or claim the same;

                  (c) agrees  that  service  of  process  in any such  action or
         proceeding will be in accordance with the laws of the State of Delaware
         and agrees to  appoint an agent for  service of process in the State of
         Delaware within 10 business days of the date hereof;
                  (d)  agrees  that  nothing  herein  shall  affect the right to
         effect service of process in any other manner permitted by law; and
                  (e) waives  the right to require a trial by jury with  respect
         to any such action or proceeding.


     Section 8.4 Headings.  The headings in this  Agreement are intended  solely
for convenience of reference and shall be given no effect in the construction or
interpretation of this Agreement.

     Section 8.5 Publicity. Except as required by applicable U.S.
federal  securities  law or the rules and  regulations  of any U.S.  or  foreign
securities  exchange upon which the  securities of the parties hereto are listed
for trading, or as otherwise provided for in this Agreement,  no announcement or
other publicity  relating to this Agreement or the Corporation  shall be made or
issued  directly or indirectly  by or on behalf of any party hereto  without the
prior  approval of the other  parties  hereto  (which shall not be  unreasonably

     Section   8.6   Notices.   All   notices,   requests,   demands  and  other
communications  required or permitted to be given  hereunder shall be in writing
and shall be deemed to have been duly given when  delivered  in person,  or when
sent by  telex  or  telecopy  or  other  facsimile  transmission  (with  receipt
confirmed),  or when sent via express  delivery service and addressed as follows
(or at such other  addresses as the parties may  designate by written  notice in
the manner aforesaid):

                  If to the Purchaser:

                           Koninklijke Ahold N.V.
                           Albert Heijnweg 1
                           1507 EH Zaandam
                           The Netherlands
                           Telecopier: 011 31 75 659 83 66
                           Attention: Paul P.J. Butzelaar, Esq.
                  with a copy to:

                           White & Case LLP
                           1155 Avenue of the Americas
                           New York, New York 10036
                           Telecopier: (212) 354-8113
                           Attention:  Maureen Brundage, Esq.
                  If to the Parent or the Seller:

                           J Sainsbury plc
                           Stamford House
                           Stamford Street
                           London SE1 911
                           Telecopier: 011 44 171 695 7610
                           Attention:   Nigel F. Matthews,
                                        Corporate Secretary


                  with a copy to:

                           Sullivan & Cromwell
                           125 Broad Street
                           New York, New York  10004
                           Telecopier:  (212) 558-3588
                           Attention:  Neil T. Anderson, Esq.

or to such other person as shall be designated in writing by any such party, and
such notice or  communication  shall be deemed to have been given as of the date
so delivered, sent by telecopier or mailed.

     Section 8.7 Binding Effect; Benefit; Assignment. This Agreement shall inure
to the benefit of and be binding  upon the parties  hereto and their  respective
successors  and  permitted  assigns,  but neither this  Agreement nor any of the
rights,  interests  or  obligations  hereunder  shall be  assigned by any of the
parties  hereto  without  the  prior  written  consent  of  the  other  parties.
Notwithstanding  anything in this Section 8.6 to the  contrary,  it is expressly
understood  and agreed  that the  Purchaser  may assign this  Agreement  and its
rights,  interests and obligations  hereunder to any wholly-owned  subsidiary of
the Purchaser;  provided,  however,  that no such  assignment  shall relieve the
Purchaser  of any of its  obligations  hereunder.  Nothing  in  this  Agreement,
expressed or implied, is intended to confer on any Person other than the parties
hereto  or their  respective  successors  and  permitted  assigns,  any  rights,
remedies, obligations or liabilities under or by reason of this Agreement.

     Section  8.8 Best  Efforts.  Subject to the terms and  conditions  provided
herein, each of the Purchaser,  the Parent and the Seller shall, with respect to
matters within their respective control, cooperate and use their respective best
efforts to, (i) take, or cause to be taken, all appropriate  action,  and do, or
cause to be done, all reasonable  things  necessary and proper under  applicable
law  to  consummate  the  transactions   contemplated   hereby  as  promptly  as
practicable,   (ii)  obtain   from  any   governmental   authority,   regulatory
organization  or other  instrumentality  or agency or any other  third party any
licenses, permits, consents, waivers, approvals, authorizations, qualifications,
or orders  required  to be obtained or made by the  Purchaser,  the Parent,  the
Seller  or any of their  subsidiaries  in  connection  with  the  authorization,
execution  and  delivery  of  this  Agreement  and  the   consummation   of  the
transactions contemplated hereby, and (iii) as promptly as practicable, make, or
cause to be made,  all  filings  and  other  submissions  necessary,  proper  or
advisable  with  respect to this  Agreement  and the  transactions  contemplated
hereby under any applicable laws or regulations.  The Purchaser,  the Parent and
the Seller shall  cooperate with each other in connection with the making of all
such filings, including providing copies of all such documents to the non-filing
party and its  advisors  prior to  filing  and,  if  requested,  to  accept  all
reasonable  additions,  deletions or changes suggested in connection  therewith.
The Purchaser, the Parent and the Seller shall use their respective best efforts
to furnish to each other all  information  required for any application or other
filing to be made pursuant to the rules and regulations of any applicable law in
connection with the transactions contemplated by this Agreement. Notwithstanding
anything to the contrary in this Section 8.7, none of the Purchaser, the Parent,
the Seller, the Corporation or any of their respective


subsidiaries shall be required to sell or otherwise dispose of, or hold separate
(through  the  establishment  of a trust  or  otherwise)  particular  assets  or
categories of assets, or business of the Purchaser,  the Seller, the Parent, the
Corporation  or any of their  affiliates  or withdraw  from doing  business in a
particular  jurisdiction or take any other action that, in the aggregate, in the
sole judgment of the Purchaser,  would  reasonably be expected to  substantially
impair or  substantially  reduce the Purchaser's  ability to control,  direct or
manage on a day-to-day  basis the business or affairs of the  Corporation  or to
substantially impair or substantially  reduce the overall benefits expected,  as
of the date hereof, to be realized by the Purchaser from the consummation of the
transactions  contemplated  by this  Agreement or would have a material  adverse
effect on the business, properties, assets, liabilities, condition (financial or
otherwise),  prospects, operations or results of operations of the Purchaser and
its subsidiaries  taken as a whole or the Corporation and its subsidiaries taken
as a whole.

     Section 8.9  Counterparts.  This  Agreement  may be executed in two or more
counterparts,  each of which shall be deemed an original, but all of which shall
constitute the same Agreement.

     Section  8.10  Entire  Agreement.  This  Agreement,   including  the  other
documents  referred  to herein  which form a part  hereof,  contains  the entire
understanding of the parties hereto with respect to the subject matter contained
herein  and  therein.   This  Agreement  supersedes  all  prior  agreements  and
understandings  between the parties with respect to such subject matter. Section
8.11 Amendments. This Agreement may not be changed, amended, waived, or modified
orally, but only by an agreement in writing signed by the Purchaser,  the Parent
and the Seller.

     Section 8.12 Severability. If any term, provision, covenant or
restriction  contained  in  this  Agreement  is held  by a  court  of  competent
jurisdiction or other authority to be invalid,  void,  unenforceable  or against
its regulatory  policy,  the remainder of the terms,  provisions,  covenants and
restrictions  contained in this Agreement  shall remain in full force and effect
and shall in no way be affected, impaired or invalidated.

     Section 8.13  Termination  of  Agreement.  All parties  hereto agree to use
their best efforts to fulfill the requirements of Articles VI and VII as soon as
practicable.   If  any  precondition  to  the  completion  of  the  transactions
contemplated  hereby is not fulfilled on or prior to December 31, 1998, then any
party may terminate this Agreement and  thereafter  this Agreement  shall become
void and have no effect,  without any liability hereunder of either party to the
other  party  except  for any breach of this  Agreement.  This  Agreement  shall
terminate and become void and have no effect, without any liability hereunder of
either party to the other party except for any breach of this Agreement,  if the
Class AC Stock  Purchase  Agreement  or the  Tender  Offer  shall be  terminated
pursuant  to their  respective  terms prior to the  purchase of any  Transferred
Shares hereunder.

     Section 8.14 Specific  Performance.  Each of the parties hereto  recognizes
and acknowledges that a breach by it of any covenants or agreements contained in
this Agreement will cause the other party to sustain  damages for which it would
not have an adequate remedy at law


for money  damages,  and therefore each of the parties hereto agrees that in the
event of any such breach the aggrieved  party shall be entitled to the remedy of
specific  performance  of such covenants and agreements and injunctive and other
equitable relief in addition to any other remedy to which it may be entitled, at
law or in equity.

     Section 8.15 Remedies Cumulative.  All rights, powers and remedies provided
under this  Agreement  or  otherwise  available  in respect  hereof at law or in
equity shall be cumulative and not alternative,  and the exercise of any thereof
by any party shall not preclude the  simultaneous or later exercise of any other
such right, power or remedy by such party.

     Section 8.16 No Waiver. The failure of any party hereto to
exercise any right,  power or remedy  provided under this Agreement or otherwise
available in respect hereof at law or in equity, or to insist upon compliance by
any  other  party  hereto  with its  obligations  hereunder,  and any  custom or
practice of the parties at variance with the terms hereof shall not constitute a
waiver by such party of its right to exercise any such or other right,  power or
remedy or to demand such compliance.


     IN WITNESS  WHEREOF,  each of the Purchaser,  the Parent and the Seller has
caused its corporate  name to be hereunto  subscribed  by its officer  thereunto
duly authorized all as of the day and year first above written.

                                   J SAINSBURY PLC

                                   By: /s/ DAVID M. BREMNER
                                      Name: David M. Bremner
                                      Title: Deputy Group Chief Executive

                                   JS MASS. SECURITIES CORP.

                                   By: /s/ SANDRA J. DORAN
                                      Name: Sandra J. Doran
                                      Title: President

                                   KONINKLIJKE AHOLD N.V.

                                   By: /s/ Robert Zwartendijk
                                      Name: R. Zwartendijk
                                      Title: Executive Vice President