CONFIDENTIALITY AGREEMENT

         AGREEMENT made as of February 2, 1998, between  Koninklijke Ahold N.V.,
a public  company with  limited  liability,  incorporated  under the laws of The
Netherlands  with its corporate  seat in Zaandam  (municipality  Zaanstad),  The
Netherlands  ("Ahold"),  and 1224  Corporation,  a Delaware  corporation  ("1224
Corp.") (each, a "Party" and collectively, the "Parties").

         WHEREAS,  the Parties  have  expressed  an interest in  discussing  the
possibility of an acquisition  from 1224 Corp. of outstanding  shares of capital
stock of Giant Food Inc., a Delaware corporation ("Giant") (the "Transaction");
         WHEREAS,  in connection  therewith Ahold has requested oral and written
information  with  respect to Giant's  business,  assets,  financial  condition,
operations and prospects which Giant will provide to Ahold; and
         WHEREAS,  as conditions to the exchange of such  information,  Ahold is
required  to  agree,  as set  forth  below,  (i) to  treat  confidentially  such
information and any other information that Ahold or any  representative  thereof
receives  from 1224  Corp.,  Giant or any of their  respective  representatives,
whether  received before or after the date of this Agreement,  together with all
analyses, compilations,  studies or other documents or records prepared by Ahold
or any  of  its  representatives  which  contain  or  otherwise  reflect  or are
generated from such information (collectively,  "Received Material") and (ii) to
take or abstain from taking  certain other  actions as set forth below.  As used
herein  with  respect  to  any  Party,  the  term  "representatives"  means  its
affiliates,   directors,   officers,   employees,  agents  and  representatives,
including financial  advisors,  consultants and counsel and the term "affiliate"
has the meaning  provided in Rule 12b-2  promulgated  pursuant to the Securities
Exchange Act of 1934, as amended (the "Exchange Act"),  and in any event,  shall
include  any  person  who on the date  hereof  or at the  time of  determination
thereof, directly or indirectly, owns 10% or more of such Party.
         NOW,   THEREFORE,   in  consideration  of  the  mutual  convenants  and
agreements set forth herein, the Parties agree as follows:

         1. Ahold  acknowledges and agrees that Received  Material is a valuable
and proprietary asset, has competitive value and is of a confidential nature.
         2. Ahold  agrees  that,  except as 1224 Corp.  may  otherwise  agree in
writing  in  advance,  it will,  and  each of its  representatives  will,  treat
confidentially,  preserve and protect with the same standard of care afforded by
Ahold to any of its  documents  and not disclose any Received  Material and will
use Received  Material solely to evaluate the  Transaction;  provided,  however,
that Ahold may  disclose  Received  Material or portions  thereof  only to those
representatives  who  need to  know  such  information  solely  for the  purpose
described above (it being understood that (a) each such representative  shall be
informed of the confidential  nature of Received  Material and shall be directed
to treat  Received  Material  confidentially,  not to use it other  than for the
purpose  described  above and to  otherwise  comply with the  provisions  hereof
applicable  to  representatives  and (b)  that,  in any  event,  Ahold  shall be
responsible for any actions

taken by any of its  representatives  which if such  representative  was a party
hereto   would   breach   a   provision   of  this   Agreement   applicable   to

         3. The term "Received Material" shall not include information (i) which
was or becomes  generally  available  to the public  other than as a result of a
disclosure  by  Ahold  or by  any  representative  thereof  in  breach  of  this
Agreement,  (ii) which was or becomes available on a non-confidential basis from
a source other than 1224 Corp. or Giant or any representative thereof,  provided
that  such  source  is  not  and  was  not  known  to  Ahold  to be  bound  by a
confidentiality agreement with 1224 Corp. or Giant or any representative thereof
or by any other  contractual,  legal or fiduciary  obligation  to 1224 Corp.  or
Giant which would prohibit the disclosure of such information to Ahold, or (iii)
which was within the possession of Ahold or any affiliate  thereof prior to such
receipt.  The term  "Received  Material"  shall also not include  any  analyses,
compilations,  studies or other  documents or records that have been prepared by
Ahold or its representatives  solely from information of the nature described in
any of clauses (i), (ii) or (iii) of this paragraph 3.

         4. Each Party agrees  that,  without the prior  written  consent of the
other Party, it will not, and will direct its  representatives  not to, disclose
to any person the fact that discussions  regarding the Transaction (or any other
discussions  between or involving the Parties) are taking or have taken place or
other facts with respect to such discussions,  including the status thereof,  or
the fact (if such becomes the case) that any  confidential  information has been
exchanged,  nor otherwise make any public  disclosure  (whether written or oral)
with respect to this Agreement or the matters  contemplated  hereby,  except and
only to the extent that such Party has been  advised by legal  counsel that such
disclosure  is required by law and then, to the extent  practicable,  only after
prior notice to the other  Party.  The term  "person" as used in this  Agreement
shall be broadly  defined  to  include,  without  limitation,  any  corporation,
partnership,  company or individual, but shall not include (i) those officers of
Giant who are informed of the  Transaction  in order to provide the  information
requested by Ahold, (ii) those directors of Giant who are members of the Special
Committee of the Board of  Directors  of Giant and (iii) with the prior  written
consent of Ahold, the remaining members of the Board of Directors of Giant.
         5. If Ahold or any representative  thereof is requested or required (by
deposition,  interrogatory, request for documents, subpoena, civil investigative
demand or similar  process) to disclose any Received  Material,  it will, to the
extent  permitted by  applicable  law,  notify 1224 Corp.  promptly  and, to the
extent practicable, prior to any disclosure, so that 1224 Corp. or Giant, as the
case may be, may seek any  appropriate  protective  order  and/or take any other
appropriate action. In the event such protective order is not obtained,  or that
1224  Corp.  waives  compliance  with the  provisions  hereof,  (i) Ahold or its
representative,  as the case may be, may disclose to any tribunal or  regulatory
or  administrative  body with  jurisdiction  only that  portion of the  Received
Material  which it is required to be disclosed,  and shall  exercise  reasonable
best efforts to obtain  assurance that  confidential  treatment will be accorded
such  Received  Material and (ii) Ahold shall not be liable for such  disclosure
unless such disclosure to such tribunal or regulatory or administrative body was
caused by or resulted from a previous  disclosure by Ahold or any representative
thereof not permitted by this Agreement.


         6. Each Party hereby  acknowledges to the other Party that it is aware,
and will advise its representatives who are informed as to the matters which are
the subject of this Agreement,  that the United States  securities laws prohibit
any persons who are in  possession  of  material,  non-public  information  with
respect to an issuer from  purchasing  or selling  securities of such issuer or,
subject to certain limited circumstances, from communicating such information to
any other person.

         7. In the event that the Parties do not agree to a  Transaction  within
90 days of the date  hereof  (which  period may be  extended  by the  Parties by
mutual written  agreement),  or if either Party terminates  discussions prior to
such 90-day period, Ahold and its representatives will, as promptly as practical
following a request from 1224 Corp., deliver to 1224 Corp. all Received Material
and any other material (whether in written, electronic,  magnetic or other form)
containing or  reflecting  any  information  in the Received  Material  (whether
prepared by Ahold,  its  representatives  or otherwise)  and will not retain any
copy or other extract or reproduction in whole or in part thereof;  except that,
all Received  Material  whether in written,  electronic,  magnetic or other form
whatsoever,  prepared  by  Ahold or any  representative  thereof  containing  or
reflecting  information  in the  Received  Material  may be  destroyed  and such
destruction shall be certified in writing to 1224 Corp. by an authorized officer
supervising such destruction.

         8.  Ahold  understands  that  except  as may be  provided  for in  such
definitive agreement or agreements, if any, as may be entered into in connection
with a  Transaction,  none of  1224  Corp.,  Giant  or any of  their  respective
representatives  makes any  representation  or  warranty  as to the  accuracy or
completeness of any Received  Material and no liability (on any basis including,
without   limitation,   in  contract,   tort  or  otherwise)  to  Ahold  or  any
representative thereof shall result from its use.

         9. Each  party  agrees  that  unless and until a  definitive  agreement
between the parties  hereto with respect to a Transaction  has been executed and
delivered,  neither  party  will be  under  any  legal  obligation  of any  kind
whatsoever  with  respect to a  Transaction  by virtue of this or any written or
oral  expression  with respect to such a  Transaction  by any of its  directors,
officers,  employees, or other representatives or its advisors or representative
thereof except of the matters specifically agreed to in this letter.
         10. It is  understood  and  agreed  that money  damages  would not be a
sufficient remedy for any breach of this Agreement and that the Parties shall be
entitled to specific  performance and injunctive relief as remedies for any such
breach  and  neither  the  Parties  nor their  representatives  will  oppose the
granting of such relief.  Such remedies  shall not be deemed to be the exclusive
remedies  for breach of this  Agreement  but shall be in  addition  to all other
remedies available at law or in equity to the Parties.

         11. This Agreement  shall inure to the benefit of and be enforceable by
the Parties and their successors.

         12. The Parties agree and  acknowledge  that nothing  contained  herein
shall limit,  restrict or otherwise  affect the rights of the Parties to compete
with each other, provided that the


Received  Material will be used by Ahold solely to evaluate the  Transaction and
not for any operating or other purpose.

         13. It is further  understood  that no failure or delay by either Party
in exercising any right, power or privilege  hereunder shall operate as a waiver
thereof,  nor shall any single or partial exercise thereof preclude any other or
further  exercise  thereof  or the  exercise  of any right,  power or  privilege

         14.  This  Agreement  shall  remain in effect  until the earlier of (i)
three years from the date hereof and (ii) consummation of the Transaction.
         15. This  Agreement  (a) shall be governed and  construed in accordance
with the laws of the State of Delaware  applicable to agreements  made and to be
performed within such State and (b) may not be terminated or modified nor any of
its provisions waived,  except in a writing signed by a duly authorized officers
of both Parties.

         16. Each of the Parties agrees that any legal action or proceeding with
respect to this  Agreement may be brought in the Courts of the State of Delaware
or the United States  District Court for the District of Delaware,  by execution
and delivery of this Agreement,  each Party hereby irrevocably submits itself in
respect of its property,  generally and  unconditionally to be the non-exclusive
jurisdiction of the aforesaid  courts in any legal action or proceeding  arising
out of this  Agreement.  Each  of the  Parties  hereby  irrevocably  waives  any
objection  which it may now or  hereafter  have to the laying of venue of any of
the aforesaid  actions or proceedings  arising out of or in connection with this
Agreement  brought in the courts  referred to in the  preceding  sentence.  Each
Party  consents  to  process  being  served in any action or  proceeding  by the
mailing of a copy  thereof to the address set forth  opposite its name below and
agrees that such service  upon  receipt  shall  constitute  good and  sufficient
service of process or notice thereof.  Nothing in this paragraph shall affect or
eliminate any right to serve process in any other matter permitted by law.
         17. This Agreement may be executed in counterparts, each of which shall
be deemed an original and all of which shall be deemed the same instrument.


         IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Parties hereto have caused this Agreement to be
duly executed as of the day and year first above written.

Address:                                        KONINKLIJKE AHOLD N.V. Albert
Heijnweg 1
1507 EH Zaandam, The Netherlands

                                            By:  /s/ A. M. Meurs
                                                Name:   A. M. Meurs
                                                Title:  Executive Vice

1013 Centre Road,                               1224 CORPORATION Wilmington,
DE 19805

                                            By: /s/ Pete Manos
                                                Name:   Pete Manos
                                                Title:  Chairman and President
