Exhibit 1.(3)(b)

                             LIFE INSURANCE CONTRACT
                         BROKER-DEALER SELLING AGREEMENT

         This Agreement,  dated  ____________________,  19____,  is by and among
_______________________________________________________            (individually
"Broker/Dealer")     and     ___________________________________________________
(individually "Insurance Agency"), (or collectively "Broker/Dealer,") Great-West
Life & Annuity Insurance Company ("Insurer") and BenefitsCorp Equities,  Inc., a
registered Broker/Dealer ("Distributor").

         WHEREAS,  This Agreement is entered to arrange for the  distribution of
certain corporate owned variable universal life insurance ("COLI VUL") contracts
(the  "Contracts"),  issued by Insurer and underwritten by Distributor,  through
sales  people who are licensed  agents of the  Insurance  Agency and  Registered
Representatives  of the Broker/Dealer  (collectively  referred to as "Registered

         WHEREAS,  Broker/Dealer  hereby represents that it is, or is affiliated
with an entity which is,  registered as a Broker/Dealer  with the Securities and
Exchange  Commission  ("SEC")  and  which is a member  in good  standing  of the
National Association of Securities Dealers, Inc. ("NASD");

         WHEREAS,  Broker/Dealer  is affiliated  with Insurance  Agency which is
licensed as a life  insurance  agency  under the  insurance  laws of the various
states in which it operates.

         NOW THEREFORE,  In  consideration  of the mutual promises and covenants
contained in this Agreement,  Insurer and Distributor  appoint those persons who
are Registered Representatives of Broker/Dealer and licensed agents of Insurance
Agency to solicit and procure applications for the COLI VUL Contracts, which are
or will be properly  registered under the Securities Act of 1933, as amended and
are offered in connection with a unit investment trust which is registered under
the Investment  Company Act of 1940, as amended.  Broker/Dealer is authorized to
offer and sell the Contracts subject to the following conditions:

A.       Scope of Appointment

         1.       This  appointment  is not deemed to be exclusive in any manner
                  and only extends to those jurisdictions in which the Contracts
                  have  been  approved  for  sale  and in  which  Broker/Dealer,
                  Insurance  Agency  and their  Registered  Representatives  are
                  properly licensed and appointed.

         2.       Applications  shall be  taken  only on the  application  forms
                  supplied by Insurer.  All completed  applications,  supporting
                  documents  and initial and  subsequent  payments  are the sole
                  property  of Insurer  and must be  remitted  immediately  upon
                  execution  or payment  to  Insurer  at such  address as it may
                  designate from time to time. All  applications  are subject to
                  acceptance by Insurer in its sole discretion.

         3.       Broker/Dealer  agrees that it will not act as the collector of
                  deposits,   transfers,   or  rollovers  from  other  insurance
                  carriers,  banks,  trusts,  savings  institutions,   or  other
                  financial institutions, or of other amounts to be deposited to
                  the Contracts.

         4.       Broker/Dealer further agrees that if, on occasion, it receives
                  such  deposits  under the  Contract,  the full  amount of such
                  deposits  shall be  immediately  remitted  to Insurer  without

B.       Registered Representatives

         1.       Broker/Dealer   is   authorized   to   recommend    Registered
                  Representatives  for appointment with Insurer to solicit sales
                  of the Contracts.  Further,  Broker/Dealer  warrants that each
                  such person  recommended  for  appointment  is fully  licensed
                  under the applicable  state  insurance and securities laws and
                  is a duly Registered Representative of Broker/Dealer.

         2.       Broker/Dealer  is  responsible  for  such  supervision  of its
                  Registered  Representatives which will enable Broker/Dealer to
                  ensure that its Registered  Representatives  are in compliance
                  with  applicable  federal and state  securities  and insurance
                  laws, rules,  regulations and statements of policy promulgated
                  thereunder  as may apply to the  Contracts.  Broker/Dealer  is
                  responsible for conducting all background investigations which
                  may be required by law or regulation and  represents  that its
                  Registered  Representatives have all the necessary licenses to
                  transact business.

C.       Sales Materials

         1.       Broker/Dealer   shall  cause  its   officers,   employees  and
                  Registered  Representatives  not to use any sales  material or
                  information,  including but not limited to written,  audio, or
                  video  sales  material,  or  offering  documents,  unless such
                  material  has been  provided or approved in writing by Insurer
                  or Distributor.

         2.       Broker/Dealer   shall  cause  its   officers,   employees  and
                  Registered  Representatives  not to use any sales  material or
                  information,  including but not limited to written,  audio, or
                  video  sales  material,  or  offering  documents,  unless such
                  material  has  been  approved  in  writing  by  the  NASD,  as
                  required,  if such  materials  were not provided by Insurer or
                  Distributor  and copies of such materials will be submitted to
                  the Insurer and Distributor pursuant to Section C.1. above for
                  their approval.

         3.       In accordance with the  requirements  of law and  regulations,
                  Broker/Dealer  shall maintain complete records  indicating the
                  manner,   date  and  extent  of   distribution   of  any  such
                  solicitation material. Such records and material shall be made
                  available to  appropriate  regulatory  agencies as required by
                  law  or   regulation.   Broker/Dealer   shall  hold   Insurer,
                  Distributor and their  affiliates and agents harmless from any
                  liability  arising from the use of any material  which has not
                  been  specifically  approved  by Insurer,  Distributor  and/or
                  NASD, as applicable,  in writing, or which is used in a manner
                  inconsistent with Insurer's or Distributor's approval.

         4.       Broker/Dealer,   its  officers,   employees,   and  Registered
                  Representatives   are  not   authorized   to  make  any  other
                  representations   concerning   the   Contracts   except  those
                  contained in the then-current  offering materials and/or sales
                  materials issued and/or approved by Insurer or Distributor.

         5.       Insurer and Distributor will use reasonable  effort to provide
                  to   Broker/Dealer   and   its   Registered    Representatives
                  information  and marketing  assistance,  including  reasonable
                  quantities  of  advertising   materials,   sales   literature,
                  reports, and current offering documents for the Contracts. All
                  material  provided by Insurer or Distributor to  Broker/Dealer
                  under  this  Agreement  shall  remain  property  of Insurer or
                  Distributor  and  upon  termination,   any  materials  in  the
                  possession of Broker/Dealer or its Registered  Representatives
                  shall be  returned  promptly to Insurer or  Distributor  or at
                  Insurer's  or   Distributor's   request,   shall  be  properly

D.       Broker/Dealer and Insurance Agency Compliance

         1.       Broker/Dealer is a Broker/Dealer registered with the SEC and a
                  member in good  standing  of the NASD and shall  comply  fully
                  with the rules of conduct of the NASD and all other applicable
                  laws,   rules  and  regulation,   including   insurance  laws,
                  applicable to the transactions hereunder.

         2.       Insurance  Agency is properly  registered  and licensed in all
                  jurisdictions  in which the  Contracts  will be sold and shall
                  comply fully with all laws,  rules and regulations  applicable
                  to the transactions hereunder.

         3.       Broker/Dealer  and/or  Insurance Agency shall establish forms,
                  procedures, supervisory and inspection techniques necessary to
                  supervise the activities of their Registered  Representatives.
                  Upon request by Distributor or Insurer,  Broker/Dealer  and/or
                  Insurance  Agency  shall  furnish  appropriate  records as are
                  necessary to establish diligent supervision.

         4.       In the event that  Broker/Dealer  uses an affiliated entity to
                  satisfy the Broker/Dealer  requirements pursuant to permission
                  granted  by  a  no-action  letter  issued  by  the  SEC,  such
                  affiliated  Broker/Dealer shall countersign this Agreement and
                  shall  be bound  hereby  and a copy of such no  action  letter
                  shall be attached to this Agreement as an Exhibit.

E.       Recordkeeping

         1.       Broker/Dealer  is responsible  for preparation and maintenance
                  of full and accurate records of the business transacted by its
                  Registered  Representatives under this Agreement.  Insurer and
                  Distributor  shall have the right to  examine  Broker/Dealer's
                  records at reasonable times.

F.       Commissions

         1.       Insurer shall pay  commissions to Distributor for the sales of
                  the  Contracts  as  defined  therein.  Distributor  will pay a
                  commission  to  Broker/Dealer  for those sales of the Contract
                  procured by Broker/Dealer as described in Exhibit A.

         2.       Broker/Dealer  shall not be entitled to an agrees to return to
                  Distributor  any  commissions  paid  in  connection  with  the
                  Contracts if a Contract owner elects to terminate the Contract
                  in accordance  with any Free-Look  Provision,  if any or under
                  any other  applicable  state or federal law or  regulation  or
                  NASD rule or policy.

G.       Indemnification

         1.       Broker/Dealer   agrees   to  hold   harmless   and   indemnify
                  Distributor  and  Insurer  and  their   respective   officers,
                  directors,  agents  and  affiliates  from any and all  claims,
                  direct or indirect liabilities,  losses and expenses which any
                  such party may incur  (including  attorney's  fees)  resulting

                  (a)     requests,   directions,  actions  or  initiations  of
                           Broker/Dealer  and/or  its  officers,  employees,  or
                           Registered Representatives, or

                  (b)      Any  alleged  true  or  untrue   statement   made  by
                           Broker/Dealer, its officers, employees, or Registered
                           Representatives,  unless such  statement is contained
                           in  the  offering  or  sales  materials  provided  by
                           Distributor or Issuer for the Contract, or

                  (c)      The   failure   of   Broker/Dealer,   its   officers,
                           employees,  or Registered  Representatives  to comply
                           with any provision of this Agreement, or

                  (d)      Any  negligent,   intentional   or  fraudulent   act,
                           omission  or error of  Broker/Dealer,  its  officers,
                           employees or Registered  Representatives  relating to
                           the solicitation,  sale or servicing of the Contract,

                  (e)      Any   violation   of  any   federal   or  state  law,
                           regulation,  or ruling,  or of any  violation  of any
                           other applicable rules or regulation  arising from an
                           act  or  error  of   Broker/Dealer,   its   officers,
                           employees or Registered Representatives.

         2.       Insurer and  Distributor  agree to hold harmless and indemnify
                  Broker/Dealer and its Registered  Representatives from any and
                  all  claims,  direct  or  indirect  liabilities,   losses  and
                  expenses which any such party may incur (including  attorney's
                  fees) resulting from:

                  (a)      Any  negligent,   intentional   or  fraudulent   act,
                           omission,  or error of Insurer or Distributor,  their
                           officers, employees or affiliates in the solicitation
                           or servicing of the Contract, or

                  (b)      Any act or error of  Insurer  or  Distributor,  their
                           officers,   employees  or  affiliates   which  is  in
                           violation of any federal or state law, regulation, or
                           ruling or of any  violation  of any other  applicable
                           rules or regulation.

                  (c)      Any  false  or  materially  misleading  statement  or
                           omission in any Contract  prospectus or  registration
                           statement,   if   Broker/Dealer   relied   upon  such
                           statement or omission and such  statement or omission
                           is the basis of the Broker/Dealer's liability.

H.       Fidelity Bond

         1.       Broker/Dealer  represents  that all its  directors,  officers,
                  employees and Registered  Representatives  who are licensed or
                  appointed  pursuant to this Agreement are and will continue to
                  be covered by a blanket  fidelity bond including  coverage for
                  larceny,  embezzlement  and  other  defalcations,  issued by a
                  reputable  bonding  company.  This bond shall be maintained at
                  Broker/Dealer's   expense.   Such  bond   shall  be  at  least
                  equivalent  to the minimum  coverage  required  under the NASD
                  Rules, and will be endorsed, as necessary,  to extend coverage
                  to variable contract transactions.  Broker/Dealer acknowledges
                  that,  from time to time,  Insurer may require  evidence  that
                  such  coverage is in force and  Broker/Dealer  shall  promptly
                  give notice to Insurer of any notice of cancellation or change
                  of coverage.

         2.       Broker/Dealer  assigns any proceeds received from the fidelity
                  bond company to Insurer or Distributor,  as applicable, to the
                  extent of Insurer's or Distributor's loss caused by activities
                  covered by the bond. If there is any deficiency, Broker/Dealer
                  shall pay Insurer or Distributor,  as applicable,  that amount
                  promptly  on demand and  Broker/Dealer  indemnifies  and holds
                  harmless  Insurer and/or  Distributor  from any deficiency and
                  from the costs of collection.

I.       Limitation of Authority

         1.       The Contract forms are the sole property of Insurer. No person
                  other  than  Insurer  has the  authority  to  make,  alter  or
                  discharge  any  policy,  contract,  certificate,  supplemental
                  contract  or form  issued by  Insurer.  Insurer  may make such
                  changes as it deems  advisable  in the conduct of its business
                  or  discontinue  at any  time  issuing  any of  its  forms  or
                  contracts and no liability to the Broker/Dealer will attach to
                  Insurer or Distributor by reason of Insurer so doing.

         2.       No  person  other  than  Insurer  has the  right to waive  any
                  provision with respect to the Contract.

         3.       No person other than Insurer or  Distributor,  as  applicable,
                  has the authority to enter any proceeding in a court of law or
                  before a  regulatory  agency  in the name of or on  behalf  of
                  Insurer or Distributor.

J.       Cooperation

         1.       Broker/Dealer   agrees  to  notify  Insurer  and   Distributor
                  promptly of any change of address or of any written  complaint
                  by any Contract owner,  state insurance  department,  or other
                  regulatory  or  oversight  agency,  litigation  or other legal
                  proceeding,  whether  criminal or civil,  with  respect to the
                  Contract(s),  brought  against it, its officers,  employees or
                  Registered   Representatives,   by   any   person,   including
                  regulatory agencies of any state or the federal government.

         2.       Insurer and Distributor will notify Broker/Dealer  promptly of
                  any written  complaint by any Contract owner,  state insurance
                  department,   or  other   regulatory   or  oversight   agency,
                  litigation  or other  legal  proceeding,  whether  criminal or
                  civil, with respect to the Contract(s),  brought against them,
                  their  officers,  employees  or  affiliates,  by  any  person,
                  including  regulatory  agencies  of any  state or the  federal

         3.       Broker/Dealer,   its   directors,   officers,   employees  and
                  Registered  Representatives  shall  cooperate with Insurer and
                  Distributor in the  investigation and settlement of any or all
                  claims  against   Broker/Dealer,   its  officers,   directors,
                  employees  and  Registered  Representatives  relating  to  the
                  solicitation  or  sale  of  Contracts  under  this  Agreement.
                  Broker/Dealer   shall   promptly   forward  to   Insurer   and
                  Distributor any notice or other relevant information which may
                  come into Broker/Dealer's possession.

K.       General Provisions

         1.       Failure of any of the parties to insist upon strict compliance
                  with  any of the  obligations  of  another  party  under  this
                  Agreement  shall not be deemed to  constitute  a waiver of the
                  right to enforce strict compliance.

         2.       Broker/Dealer   and   its   Registered   Representatives   are
                  independent  contractors  and not employees of or subsidiaries
                  of or affiliated with Distributor or Insurer.

         3.       No assignment of this  Agreement or of any  commissions or any
                  other payments under this Agreement shall be valid without the
                  prior written consent of Insurer and/or Distributor.

         4.       Any notice pursuant to this Agreement shall be mailed, postage
                  paid, to the address listed on the last page of this Agreement
                  unless changed in writing by the applicable party.

         5.       To the  extent  this  Agreement  may be in  conflict  with any
                  applicable  law  or  regulation,   this  Agreement   shall  be
                  construed  in a  manner  not  inconsistent  with  such  law or
                  regulation.  The  invalidity or illegality of any provision of
                  this  Agreement  shall not be deemed to affect the validity or
                  legality of any other provision of this Agreement.

         6.       This agreement may be amended in writing signed by all parties
                  to this  Agreement,  except that this Agreement may be amended
                  by notification  from Insurer or Distributor and  applications
                  submitted by Broker/Dealer  or its Registered  Representatives
                  following  such   notification   shall  be  deemed  to  be  an
                  acceptance of such amendments.

         7.       This Agreement may be terminated immediately by any party upon
                  written notice.

         8.       This Agreement  shall be construed in accordance with the laws
                  of the State of Colorado.

         IN WITNESS  WHEREOF,  the parties have executed  this  Agreement on the
date set forth above.


- -----------------------------                  --------------------------------

Address:                                       Address:

- -----------------------------                  --------------------------------

- -----------------------------                  --------------------------------

By: _________________________                  By: ____________________________

Name: _______________________                  Name: __________________________

Title: ______________________                  Title: _________________________

Date: _______________________                  Date: __________________________

Great-West Life & Annuity                        BenefitsCorp Equities, Inc.
Insurance Company                                8515 E. Orchard Road
8515 E. Orchard Road                             Englewood, CO 80111
Englewood, CO 80111

By: __________________________                   By: __________________________

Name: ________________________                   Name: ________________________

Title: _______________________                   Title: _______________________

Date: ________________________                   Date: ________________________