PROCEDURES MEMORANDUM
                      PURSUANT TO RULE 6e-3(T)(b)(12)(iii)

                              PROCEDURES MEMORANDUM
                      PURSUANT TO RULE 6e-3(T)(b)(12)(iii)

                                 DESCRIPTION OF

This document sets forth the administrative  procedures that will be followed by
Great-West  Life & Annuity  Insurance  Company  ("GWLA") in connection  with the
issuance of its  flexible  premium  variable  universal  life  insurance  policy
("Policy") described in this Registration Statement, the transfer of assets held
thereunder,  and  the  redemption  by  Policyowners  of  their  interest  in the

Set out below is a summary of the principal Policy provisions and administrative
procedures  which might be deemed to constitute,  either directly or indirectly,
issuance,  transfer,  and redemption  procedures under flexible premium variable
life  insurance  policies to the extent  necessary to comply with Rule  6e-3(T),
state  administrative law or established  administrative  procedures of the life
insurance  company.  The summary shows that,  because of the insurance nature of
the Policies,  the procedures involved necessarily differ in certain significant
respects  from the  procedures  for  mutual  funds and  contractual  plans.  The
summary,  while  comprehensive,  does not  attempt  to  address  each and  every
procedure or variation which might occur. In certain states, the Policies may be
offered  as  group   contracts   with   individual   ownership   represented  by
certificates.  The  discussion of Policies in this document  applies  equally to
certificates under group contracts, unless the context specifies otherwise.



Premiums for the Policies will not be the same for all  Policyowners.  GWLA will
require the  Policyowner  to pay a required  premium for the first  Policy Year.
Policyowners  may also select a planned  periodic  Premium payment schedule that
provides a level premium  payable at a fixed interval for a specified  period of
time.  Payment of premium in  accordance  with this  schedule  is not,  however,
mandatory  and failure to make such payments will not of itself cause the Policy
to lapse.  Instead,  Policyowners may make premium payments in any amount in any
frequency,  subject  only to the maximum  premium  limitation.  If at any time a
premium is paid which  would  result in total  premiums  exceeding  the  current
maximum  premium  limitation,  GWLA will accept only that portion of the premium
which will make total premiums equal that amount.  Any portion of the premium in
excess  of that  amount  will be  returned  to the  Policyowner  and no  further
premiums  will  be  accepted  until  allowed  by  the  current  maximum  premium
limitation or unless the Policyowner increases the face amount of the Policy.


The Policy will remain in force so long as the Policy's Account Value,  less any
Policy Debt, is  sufficient to pay the monthly  deduction for that Policy Month.
The amount of a premium,  if any,  that must be paid to keep the Policy in force
depends upon the Cash Surrender Value,  which in turn depends on such factors as
investment experience,  cost of insurance charges,  administrative  charges, and
Policy Debt.  The Monthly Risk Rate  utilized in computing the cost of insurance
charge  will not be the same for each  Insured.  The  chief  reason  is that the
principle  of pooling  and  distribution  of  mortality  risks is based upon the
assumption that each Insured incurs an insurance rate  commensurate  with his or
her mortality  risk which is actuarially  determined  based upon factors such as
issue age, sex,  duration,  risk  classification  and face amount of the Policy.
Accordingly,  while not all Insured  persons will be subject to the same Monthly
Risk Rate,  there will be a single  "rate"  for all  Insured  persons in a given
actuarial category.

The  Policies  will be offered  and sold  pursuant to  established  underwriting
standards and in accordance  with state  insurance  laws.  State  insurance laws
prohibit unfair  discrimination among Policyowners,  but recognize that premiums
and charges must be based upon factors such as age, sex, health, and occupation.

The Policy offered by GWLA contains an exchange of policy  provision under which
the  Policyowner  can exchange the Policy for a policy that does not provide for
variable  benefits.  This  exchange  will be  implemented  by  transferring  the
Policy's   Account  Value  to  GWLA's  general   account  and   terminating  the
Policyowner's future right to allocate funds to the Series Account.

The exchange shall be subject to the following rules:

(1)      The  exchange  must be made within 24 months  after the issuance of the
         existing Policy.

(2)      GWLA may  require  the  Policyowner  to return  the  Policy  before the
         exchange will be processed.

(3)      No transfer fee will be assessed to complete the exchange.

(4)      Premiums  for the new  policy  will be based on the same  issue age and
         risk classification of the Insured as the existing Policy.

(5)      No  evidence  of  insurability  will  be  required  at the  time of the

(6)      The conversion  will be subject to an equitable  adjustment as required
         by Rule  6e-3(T) to reflect  variances,  if any,  in the  payments  and
         values under the new policy.

(7)      All Policy Debt must be repaid before the exchange will be effected.



To  purchase a Policy,  the  Policyowner  must submit an  application  to GWLA's
Principal  Office.  GWLA will then follow  underwriting  procedures  designed to
determine  the  insurability  of the  proposed  Insured.  GWLA may require  full
underwriting,  which  includes a medical  examination  and further  information,
before  the  application  is  approved.  GWLA  also may  offer  the  Policy on a
simplified  underwriting or guaranteed  issue basis.  Proposed  Insureds must be
acceptable risks based on GWLA's applicable  underwriting  limits and standards.
GWLA will not issue a Policy until the  underwriting  process has been completed
to GWLA's satisfaction. GWLA reserves the right to reject an application for any
lawful reason or to "rate" an Insured as a sub-standard  risk, which will result
in  increased  Monthly  Risk  Charges.  The  Monthly  Risk  Charge also may vary
depending on the type of underwriting GWLA uses.

The applicant must specify certain information in the application, including the
Total Face Amount, the death benefit option and supplemental benefits, if any.

Upon approval of the application, GWLA will issue to the Policyowner a Policy on
the life of the Insured.  A specified  Initial  Premium must be paid before GWLA
will issue the Policy. The effective date of coverage for the Policy (which GWLA
calls the "Policy Date") will be the date GWLA receives a premium equal to or in
excess  of  the   specified   Initial   Premium  after  GWLA  has  approved  the
Policyowner's  application.  If the Policyowner's premium payment is received on
the 29th,  30th or 31st of a month,  the  Policy  will be dated the 28th of that

GWLA  generally  does  not  accept  premium   payments  before  approval  of  an
application.  However,  GWLA may elect to do so in its sole discretion.  If GWLA
accepts a premium payment before  approval of an application,  GWLA will provide
the applicant with temporary  insurance coverage in accordance with the terms of
GWLA's temporary insurance agreement. In its sole discretion, GWLA may limit the
amount of premium  GWLA will accept and the amount of  temporary  coverage  GWLA
will provide. If GWLA approves the Policyowner's application, GWLA will allocate
the Policyowner's premium to the Series Account on the Policy Date, as described
below. Otherwise, GWLA will promptly return the payment to the Policyowner. GWLA
will not credit  interest to the  Policyowner's  premium  payment for the period
while the  Policyowner's  application  is in  underwriting,  unless  interest is
required to be credited under state law.

If the  applicant  is not  satisfied  with the  Policy,  it may be  returned  by
delivering  or mailing it to GWLA's  Principal  Office or to the  representative
from whom the Policy was  purchased  within 10 days from the date the  applicant
received it (unless a longer period is required under applicable state insurance
law) (the "Free Look  Period").  A Policy  returned under this provision will be
deemed void. The applicant will receive a refund equal to the greater of the sum
of all premium  payments  made (less any  withdrawals)  or the Policy's  Account


During the  Policyowner's  Free Look  Period,  GWLA will  allocate  net  premium
payments to the  Division of the Series  Account that invests in the Maxim Money
Market  Portfolio.  GWLA will transfer the Account Value in that Division to the
other  divisions  of the Series  Account in  accordance  with the  Policyowner's
allocation  instructions  five days after the end of the Free Look Period.  GWLA
may delay the transfer of Account Value from the Maxim Money Market  Division to
the Policyowner's  chosen  Division(s) until after GWLA receives all outstanding
documentation  delivered  with the Policy that is required to  completed  by the

         C.       PREMIUM ALLOCATION

Premium payments are subject to a guaranteed maximum expense charge of 10%. This
charge  compensates  GWLA for sales and promotional  expenses and covers premium
taxes and certain  federal  income tax  obligations  resulting  from  receipt of
premiums.  The amount of premium  remaining  after the  deduction of the expense
charge (i.e.,  the net premium) is allocated to the Divisions in accordance with
the Policyowner's instructions.

In the application for a Policy,  the Policyowner must specify  instructions for
the  allocation  of  premiums  among  the  Divisions  of  the  Series   Account.
Percentages must be in whole numbers.

Premiums  received  prior to the end of the Free Look Period will  initially  be
credited to the Maxim Money Market Portfolio Division. The Policyowner's initial
allocation  instructions  will take  effect  five days after the end of the Free
Look Period.

The  Policyowner  may change  allocation  instructions  at any time by  Request.
Telephone  Requests will be honored if GWLA has a properly  completed  telephone
authorization  on file. An  allocation  will be effective as of the Business Day
GWLA  receives  the Request for that  change if received  before 4:00 p.m.  E.T.
Otherwise,  the Request will be effective on the next  Business Day.  GWLA,  our
affiliates  and the  representatives  from whom the  Policyowner  purchased  the
Policy will not be responsible  for losses  resulting from acting upon telephone
Requests reasonably believed to be genuine.

         D.       REINSTATEMENT

A  Policyowner  may  reinstate a lapsed Policy any time within three years after
the date of lapse by submitting the following items to GWLA:

(1)      A written request for reinstatement;

(2)      Evidence of insurability satisfactory to GWLA;

(3)      An amount equal to the Policy  charges which were due and unpaid at the
         end of the Grace Period;


(4)      A premium equal to four times the monthly  deduction  applicable on the
         date of reinstatement; and

(5)      An amount to repay or a Request to  reinstate  any Policy loan that was
         outstanding on the date coverage  ceased,  including  interest at 6.00%
         per year compounded  annually from the date coverage ceased to the date
         of reinstatement of the Policy.

A reinstated  Policy's Total Face Amount may not exceed the Total Face Amount at
the time of termination.  The Policy's Account Value on the  reinstatement  date
will reflect:  the Account Value at the time of  termination;  plus net premiums
attributable to premiums paid to reinstate the Policy;  less the Monthly Expense
Charge;  less the Monthly Cost of  Insurance  charge  applicable  on the date of

The effective date of reinstatement  will be the date the reinstatement  request
is approved by GWLA. The suicide and incontestability provisions will apply from
the effective date of the reinstatement.


All  payments  GWLA  receives  from the  Policyowner  will be treated as premium
payments unless GWLA has received  satisfactory  notice,  as determined by GWLA,
that the funds are for Policy loan repayment.  Loan repayments will first reduce
the outstanding  balance of the Policy loan and then accrued but unpaid interest
on such loans.  GWLA will accept  repayment of any Policy loan at any time while
the Policy is in force. Amounts paid to repay a Policy loan will be allocated in
accordance with then current premium allocation instructions.


If the  Insured's  age  and/or sex on the Policy  Date has been  misstated,  the
benefits  payable under the Policy will be the amount of insurance that the cost
of insurance  (deducted from the Policy's  Account Value at the beginning of the
Policy Month in which death  occurred)  would have purchased for the correct age
and/or sex on the Policy Date.

If the age and/or sex of the Insured or any other person  covered  under a rider
has been misstated on the Policy Date, the benefits payable under the rider will
be the benefit that the amount  charged would have purchased for the correct age
and/or sex on the Policy Date.

If the age is  misstated  in such a way that the  Insured was not  eligible  for
coverage under the Policy,  GWLA's  liability will be limited to a return of the
premiums paid, less any partial  withdrawals  and outstanding  loans and accrued
loan interest and the cost for riders.



This  section  outlines  those  procedures  which might be deemed to  constitute
redemptions  under the Policy.  These procedures  differ in certain  significant
respects from the redemption procedures for mutual funds and contractual plans.

         A.       SURRENDER

The  Policyowner  may surrender the Policy for its Cash  Surrender  Value at any
time while the Insured is living. If the Policyowner  surrenders the Policy, the
insurance  coverage and all other benefits under the Policy will terminate.  The
Cash  Surrender  Value  is the  Policy's  Account  Value  less  the sum of:  the
outstanding  balance of any Policy Debt and any other  accrued and unpaid Policy
charges.  GWLA will determine the  Policyowner's  Cash Surrender Value as of the
end of the first  Valuation Date after GWLA receives the  Policyowner's  request
for surrender.  Surrenders from the Series Account will generally be paid within
seven days of GWLA's receipt of a Policyowner's request to surrender. Payment of
any amount  payable  from the Series  Account  upon  surrender  may be postponed

                  (i)      the New York  Stock  Exchange  is closed  other  than
                           customary weekend and holiday closing,  or trading on
                           the NYSE is otherwise restricted;

                  (ii)     the  Securities  and Exchange  Commission,  by order,
                           permits    postponement   for   the   protection   of
                           Policyowners; or

                  (iii)    an emergency  exists as determined by the  Securities
                           and  Exchange  Commission,   as  a  result  of  which
                           disposal of securities is not reasonably practicable,
                           or it is not reasonably  practicable to determine the
                           value of the assets of the Series Account.

GWLA is not required to and, hence,  will not withhold the amount of any tax due
on that  portion  of a  surrender  which is  taxable.  However,  as a service to
Policyowners,  GWLA will  withhold  and  remit to the  federal  government  such
amounts if  directed to do so in writing at or before the time of  surrender  by
the Policyowner.

         B.       PARTIAL WITHDRAWAL

The  Policyowner  can request a portion of the Cash Surrender  Value by making a
partial withdrawal from the Policy.

The amount of any  partial  withdrawal  must be at least $500 and may not exceed
90% of the  Policy's  Account  Value  less the  value of the  Loan  Account.  An
administrative fee will be deducted from the Policyowner's Account Value for all
partial  withdrawals  after the first made  during  the same  Policy  Year.  The
administrative fee is guaranteed to be no greater than $25.


If the  Policyowner  has chosen  either Death  Benefit  Option 1 ("Option 1") or
Death Benefit  Option 3 ("Option 3"),  described  below,  then the death benefit
payable will be reduced by the amount of any partial withdrawals. The Total Face
Amount  remaining after a partial  withdrawal may not be less than $100,000.  If
increases  in  the  Total  Face  Amount  previously  have  occurred,  a  partial
withdrawal  will first reduce the amount of the most recent  increase,  then the
most recent  increases  successively,  then the original Total Face Amount under
the Policy.

Under Death Benefit Option 2 ("Option 2"),  described below,  which provides for
life insurance proceeds equal to the Total Face Amount plus the Policy's Account
Value,  a  reduction  in the  Policy's  Account  Value as a result  of a partial
withdrawal  will typically  result in a dollar per dollar  reduction in the life
insurance proceeds payable under the Policy.

A Policy's Account Value will be reduced by the amount of a partial  withdrawal.
The amount of a partial  withdrawal  will be withdrawn from the Divisions in the
proportion the amounts in the Divisions bear to the Policy's  Account Value. The
Policyowner cannot repay amounts taken as a partial  withdrawal.  Any subsequent
payments  received by GWLA will be treated as  additional  premium  payments and
will be subject to GWLA's limitations on premiums.

Partial  withdrawals from the Series Account will generally be paid within seven
days of GWLA's  receipt of a  Policyowner's  request  for a partial  withdrawal.
Payment of any amount payable from the Series Account upon a partial  withdrawal
may be postponed whenever:

                  (i)      the New York  Stock  Exchange  is closed  other  than
                           customary weekend and holiday closing,  or trading on
                           the NYSE is otherwise restricted;

                  (ii)     the  Securities  and Exchange  Commission,  by order,
                           permits    postponement   for   the   protection   of
                           Policyowners; or

                  (iii)    an emergency  exists as determined by the  Securities
                           and  Exchange  Commission,   as  a  result  of  which
                           disposal of securities is not reasonably practicable,
                           or it is not reasonably  practicable to determine the
                           value of the assets of the Series Account.

GWLA is not required to and, hence,  will not withhold the amount of any tax due
on that portion of a partial withdrawal which is taxable.  However, as a service
to  Policyowners,  GWLA will withhold and remit to the federal  government  such
amounts if  directed  to do so in  writing at or before the time of the  partial
withdrawal by the Policyowner.

         C.       DEATH BENEFITS

If the Policy is in force at the time of the Insured's death,  GWLA will pay the
beneficiary  an  amount  based on the  death  benefit  option  in  effect at the
Insured's  date of death,  once  GWLA has  received  Due Proof of the  Insured's
death. The amount payable will be:


         o        the amount of the selected death benefit option, plus

         o        any amounts  payable  under any  supplemental  benefit  riders
                  added to the Policy, less

         o        the  value of any  Policy  Debt on the  date of the  Insured's
                  death, less

         o        any accrued and unpaid Policy charges.

GWLA will pay this amount to the  beneficiary  in one lump sum,  unless GWLA and
the beneficiary agree on another form of settlement.  GWLA will pay interest, at
a rate not less than that required by law, on the amount of Policy Proceeds,  if
payable  in one lump sum,  from the date of the  Insured's  death to the date of

Policy Proceeds from the Series Account will generally be paid within seven days
of GWLA's  receipt  of Due Proof of the  Insured's  death (if  payable in a lump
sum).  Due Proof of the Insured's  death consists of such evidence of death GWLA
may  reasonably  require  including,  but not  limited  to,  a  certified  death
certificate.  Generally,  death benefit proceeds are payable from GWLA's general
account.  When GWLA receives Due Proof of the Insured's death, the death benefit
will be calculated as of the actual date of death.  Units in the Series  Account
attributable  to the Policy  will be  redeemed on the date that Due Proof of the
Insured's death is received by GWLA and GWLA may use the proceeds thereof to pay
part or all of the death benefit.  Payment of any amount from the Series Account
resulting from the death of the Insured may be postponed whenever:

                  (i)      the New York  Stock  Exchange  is closed  other  than
                           customary weekend and holiday closing,  or trading on
                           the NYSE is otherwise restricted;

                  (ii)     the  Securities  and Exchange  Commission,  by order,
                           permits    postponement   for   the   protection   of
                           Policyowners; or

                  (iii)    an emergency  exists as determined by the  Securities
                           and  Exchange  Commission,   as  a  result  of  which
                           disposal of securities is not reasonably practicable,
                           or it is not reasonably  practicable to determine the
                           value of the assets of the Series Account.

In its sole  discretion,  GWLA may delay  payment of a death benefit while it is
contesting or investigating a death claim.

                  1.       DEATH BENEFIT OPTIONS

While the  insured is alive,  the  Policyowner  may choose  between  three death
benefit options:

If Option 1 ("Level Death") is selected, the Death Benefit is:

         o        the  Policy's  Total Face Amount on the date of the  Insured's
                  death less any partial withdrawals; or, if greater,


         o        the Policy's  Account Value on the date of death multiplied by
                  the applicable factor as described in the Policy.

If Option 2 ("Coverage Plus") is selected, the Death Benefit is:

         o        the sum of the Total  Face  Amount  and  Account  Value of the
                  Policy on the date of the Insured's death; or, if greater,

         o        the Policy's  Account Value on the date of death multiplied by
                  the applicable factor as described in the Policy.

If Option 3 ("Premium Accumulation") is selected, the Death Benefit is:

         o        the sum of the Total Face Amount and  premiums  paid under the
                  Policy plus interest at the rate  specified in the Policy less
                  any partial withdrawals; or, if greater,

         o        the Policy's  Account Value on the date of death multiplied by
                  the applicable factor as described in the Policy.


Subject to certain limitations,  a Policyowner may increase or decrease the face
amount of a Policy.  A change in face  amount may  affect the cost of  insurance
rate and the net amount at risk, both of which may affect a  Policyowner's  cost
of insurance charge.

For a decrease in Total Face Amount:

         o        GWLA must receive a Request in writing.

         o        The decrease will become  effective on the first  Business Day
                  of the Policy Month following approval of the Request.

         o        The decrease  will apply first to the most recent  increase or
                  increases   in  Total  Face   Amount  for   purposes   of  the
                  Incontestability Provision.

         o        The minimum decrease amount will be $25,000 and the Total Face
                  Amount  may  not be  decreased  below  $100,000  unless  prior
                  approval is obtained from GWLA.


         o        If following  the  decrease in Total Face  Amount,  the Policy
                  would not comply with the maximum premium limitations required
                  by Federal tax law,  the  decrease  may be limited (or, if the
                  Policyowner  so elects,  Account  Value may be returned to the
                  Policyowner,  subject to taxation) to the extent  necessary to
                  meet these  requirements.  When GWLA returns  Account Value to
                  the Policyowner  under these  circumstances,  GWLA will redeem
                  Units in each  Division  of the  Series  Account  to which the
                  Policyowner has allocated Account Value. The amount of Account
                  Value to be returned  will be withdrawn  from the Divisions in
                  the  proportion  the  amounts  in the  Divisions  bear  to the
                  Policyowner's Account Value. Such return of Account Value will
                  generally  be paid  within  seven days of GWLA's  receipt of a
                  Policyowner's  request.  Payment of any amount from the Series
                  Account under these circumstances may be postponed whenever:

                  (i)      the New York  Stock  Exchange  is closed  other  than
                           customary weekend and holiday closing,  or trading on
                           the NYSE is otherwise restricted;

                  (ii)     the  Securities  and Exchange  Commission,  by order,
                           permits    postponement   for   the   protection   of
                           Policyowners; or

                  (iii)    an emergency  exists as determined by the  Securities
                           and  Exchange  Commission,   as  a  result  of  which
                           disposal of securities is not reasonably practicable,
                           or it is not reasonably  practicable to determine the
                           value of the assets of the Series Account.

For an increase in Total Face Amount:

         o        GWLA must receive a written Request.

         o        The  increase  will be subject  to  evidence  of  insurability
                  satisfactory to GWLA.

         o        The  increase  will be  effective  on the  Policy  Anniversary
                  following  the  approval  of the  Request  for  the  increase,
                  subject to the deduction of the first Policy  Month's  Monthly
                  Risk  Charge,  Service  Charge,  any extra risk  charge if the
                  Insured is in a rated class and the cost of any riders.

         o        The minimum increase amount will be $25,000.


                  3.       CHANGES IN DEATH BENEFIT OPTION

After the first  Policy  Year,  but not more than  once each  Policy  Year,  the
Policyowner  may change the death benefit option by Request.  Any change will be
effective on the first day of the Policy Month  following the date GWLA approves
the Policyowner's Request. A maximum administrative fee of $100 will be deducted
from the Policyowner's Account Value each time the Policyowner changes the death
benefit option.

A change in the death benefit option will not change the amount payable upon the
death of the Insured. Any change is subject to the following conditions.

         o        If the change is from Option 1 to Option 2, the new Total Face
                  Amount, at the time of the change,  will equal the prior Total
                  Face  Amount  less the  Policy's  Account  Value.  Evidence of
                  insurability may be required.

         o        If the change is from Option 1 to Option 3, the new Total Face
                  Amount, at the time of the change,  will equal the prior Total
                  Face Amount less the accumulated  value of all premiums at the
                  interest  rate shown in the Policy.  Evidence of  insurability
                  may be required.

         o        If the change is from Option 2 to Option 1, the new Total Face
                  Amount, at the time of the change,  will equal the prior Total
                  Face Amount plus the Policy's Account Value.

         o        If the change is from Option 2 to Option 3, the new Total Face
                  Amount, at the time of the change,  will equal the prior Total
                  Face  Amount  plus  the  Policy's   Account   Value  less  the
                  accumulated  value of all premiums at the interest  rate shown
                  in the Policy.

         o        If the change is from Option 3 to Option 1, the new Total Face
                  Amount, at the time of the change,  will equal the prior Total
                  Face Amount plus the accumulated  value of all premiums at the
                  interest rate shown in the Policy.

         o        If the change is from Option 3 to Option 2, the new Total Face
                  Amount, at the time of the change,  will equal the prior Total
                  Face  Amount  less  the  Policy's   Account   Value  plus  the
                  accumulated  value of all premiums at the interest  rate shown
                  in the Policy.

         D.       PREMIUM REFUNDS

GWLA will not  normally  refund  premium  payments  unless one of the  following
situations occurs:

1.       The  Policyowner  exercises the Free Look privilege in accordance  with
         state regulations.


2.       The  premium  payment  would  disqualify  the Policy as life  insurance
         coverage as defined under the Internal Revenue Code.

3.       The  Policy  would  become  a  Modified   Endowment  Contract  and  the
         Policyowner has not elected to accept the Policy as such.

4.       A  premium  was  paid  before   underwriting   was  completed  and  the
         underwriting risk is not accepted by either GWLA or the Policyowner.

Amounts  payable  upon a  Policyowner's  exercise of the free look right will be
paid as described in this  memorandum at section 1.B.  "Application  and Initial
Premium  Processing."  GWLA will not pay interest on amounts paid as a refund of
premium,  except as required by state law.  Premium  refunds will be paid within
the time frame required by state law.

         E.       POLICY LOANS

The Policyowner  may request a Policy loan of up to 90% of the Policy's  Account
Value,  decreased by the amount of any  outstanding  Policy Debt on the date the
Policy loan is made. When a Policy loan is made, a portion of the  Policyowner's
Account  Value equal to the amount of the Policy loan will be  allocated  to the
Loan Account as collateral for the loan. This amount will not be affected by the
investment  experience of the Series Account while the loan is  outstanding  and
will be  subtracted  from the  Divisions  in the  proportion  the amounts in the
Divisions bear to the Policy's  Account Value. The minimum Policy loan amount is

The  interest  rate on the  Policy  loan  will  be  determined  annually  at the
beginning of each Policy Year.  That interest  rate will be guaranteed  for that
Policy Year and will apply to all Policy  loans  outstanding  during that Policy
Year. Interest is due and payable on each Policy Anniversary.  Interest not paid
when  due  will be  added to the  principal  amount  of the  loan and will  bear
interest at the loan interest rate.

Currently,  the maximum interest rate for Policy loans is The Moody's  Corporate
Bond Yield Average - Monthly Average  Corporates,  which is published by Moody's
Investors  Service,  Inc. If that Average  ceases to be  published,  the maximum
interest  rate for Policy  loans will be derived  from a  substantially  similar
average established by state regulation.

GWLA must reduce the Policy loan interest rate if the maximum loan interest rate
is lower than the loan interest rate for the previous Policy Year by one-half of
one percent or more.

GWLA may increase the Policy loan  interest  rate but such  increase  must be at
least  one-half  of one  percent.  No  increase  may be made if the Policy  loan
interest  rate would exceed the maximum loan interest  rate.  GWLA will send the
Policyowner advance notice of any increase in the Policy loan rate.


Interest will be credited to amounts held in the Loan Account.  The rate will be
no less than the  Policy  loan  interest  rate then in effect  less a maximum of
0.90%. This rate may change at any time but will not change more frequently than
once annually.

All  payments  GWLA  receives  from the  Policyowner  will be treated as premium
payments unless GWLA has received notice, in form satisfactory to GWLA, that the
funds are for loan repayment.  Loan repayments will first reduce the outstanding
balance of the Policy loan and then  accrued but unpaid  interest on such loans.
GWLA will accept repayment of any Policy loan at any time while the Policy is in
force. Amounts paid to repay a loan will be allocated in accordance with current
premium allocation instructions.

Policy  Debt may not  exceed  the Cash  Surrender  Value.  If Policy  Debt would
otherwise  exceed the Cash  Surrender  Value,  the  Policy  will enter the Grace
Period and, if sufficient  payment is not received within the Grace Period,  the
Policy will lapse and terminate  without value (see "Grace Period"  below).  The
Policy may, however, later be reinstated (see "Reinstatement" above).

GWLA permits  loans at issue only in the case of an exchange  under Section 1035
of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended.  GWLA will accept  outstanding
loans that are not greater than 80 percent of the total account value exchanged.
GWLA  reserves the right to change the loan at issue  limits at its  discretion.
Changes will be applied uniformly to all applicants.


After the  first  premium  is paid,  if the  Policy's  Account  Value,  less any
outstanding Policy loans and less any accrued loan interest,  on the last day of
a Policy Month is not  sufficient  to cover the monthly  deduction  for the next
Policy  Month,  a Grace Period of 61 days  (commencing  on the first day of that
next Policy  Month) will be allowed for the payment of an amount  sufficient  to
cover the monthly deduction for 2 Policy Months.

Coverage will remain in force during the Grace Period. If the premium due is not
paid within the Grace  Period,  all coverage  under the Policy will cease at the
end of the 61 day period.

Notice  of such  premium  due will be mailed to the last  known  address  of the
Policyowner  and any  assignee  of  record  at least  31 days  prior to the date
coverage will cease.

If the Insured dies during the Grace Period,  any due and unpaid Policy  charges
will be deducted from the Policy Proceeds.



The Policyowner may at any time transfer to another Division or Divisions all or
a portion of the Account Value allocated to a Division. GWLA will make transfers
pursuant to a Request.  A Request to transfer  will be effective on the Business
Day it is  received by GWLA if received  before  4:00 pm.  E.T.  Otherwise,  the
Request  to  transfer  will be  effected  on the next  Business  Day.  Telephone
Requests  will be  honored  only  if GWLA  has a  properly  completed  telephone
authorization  form for the  Policyowner  on file.  GWLA, our affiliates and the
representative  from  whom the  Policyowner  purchased  the  Policy  will not be
responsible for losses resulting from acting upon telephone Requests  reasonably
believed to be genuine.  GWLA will use  reasonable  procedures  to confirm  that
instructions  communicated by telephone are genuine. For transactions  initiated
by telephone, the Policyowner will be required to identify himself by name and a
personal  identification number. However, if GWLA does not take reasonable steps
to help ensure that a telephone  authorization is valid,  GWLA may be liable for
such  losses.  GWLA may  suspend,  modify or terminate  the  telephone  transfer
privilege at any time without notice.

Transfers  may be  Requested  by  indicating  the transfer of either a specified
dollar amount or a specified  percentage of the Division's  value from which the
transfer will be made.

Transfer  privileges are subject to GWLA's  consent.  GWLA reserves the right to
impose limitations on transfers,  including, but not limited to: (1) the minimum
amount that may be transferred;  and (2) the minimum amount that may remain in a
Division following a transfer from that Division.

Transfers may be postponed whenever:

           (i)  the New York  Stock  Exchange  is closed  other  than  customary
                weekend and holiday closing, or trading on the NYSE is otherwise

          (ii)  the  Securities  and  Exchange  Commission,  by  order,  permits
                postponement for the protection of Policyowners; or

         (iii)  an emergency exists as determined by the Securities and Exchange
                Commission,  as a result of which  disposal of securities is not
                reasonably  practicable,  or it is not reasonably practicable to
                determine the value of the assets of the Series Account.

In  addition,  a Transfer  may be delayed for up to seven days if an  underlying
portfolio delays the payment of redemption proceeds.


An  administrative  charge of $10 per transfer  will apply for all  transfers in
excess of 12 made in a calendar year. GWLA may increase or decrease the transfer
charge;  however,  it is  guaranteed  to  never  exceed  $10 per  transfer.  All
transfers  made in a single  day will count as only one  transfer  toward the 12
free transfers. The transfer of the Policyowner's Initial Premium from the Maxim
Money Market Portfolio Division to the Policyowner's selected Divisions does not
count toward the twelve free  transfers.  Likewise,  any transfers  under Dollar
Cost Averaging or periodic rebalancing of the Policyowner's  Account Value under
the Rebalancer  Option do not count toward the twelve free transfers (a one time
rebalancing, however, will be counted as one transfer).


      By Request,  a  Policyowner  may elect  Dollar Cost  Averaging in order to
purchase  Units of the Divisions  over a period of time.  There is no charge for
this  service.  Dollar Cost  Averaging  permits a Policyowner  to  automatically
transfer a predetermined dollar amount, subject to GWLA's minimum, currently set
at $1000, at regular intervals from any one or more designated  Divisions to one
or more of the  remaining,  then  available  Divisions.  The Unit  Value will be
determined  on the dates of the  transfers.  The  Policyowner  must  specify the
percentage to be transferred into each designated Division. Transfers may be set
up  on  any  one  of  the  following  frequency  periods:  monthly,   quarterly,
semiannually,  or annually.  The transfer will be initiated one frequency period
following  the date of the  Policyowner's  request.  GWLA will provide a list of
Divisions  eligible for Dollar Cost Averaging which may be modified from time to
time. Amounts  transferred through Dollar Cost Averaging are not counted against
the twelve free  transfers  allowed in a calendar  year. A  Policyowner  may not
participate in Dollar Cost Averaging and the Rebalancer Option (described below)
at the same time.  GWLA  reserves  the right to modify,  suspend,  or  terminate
Dollar Cost Averaging at any time.


      By Request,  a  Policyowner  may elect the  Rebalancer  Option in order to
automatically  transfer  Account Value among the Divisions on a periodic  basis.
There is no charge for this service. This type of transfer program automatically
reallocates  a  Policyowner's  Account  Value  so as to  maintain  a  particular
percentage  allocation among Divisions chosen by the Policyowner.  A Policyowner
may Request  that  rebalancing  occur one time only,  in which case the transfer
will take  place on the date of the  Request.  This  transfer  will count as one
transfer  towards  the twelve  free  transfers  allowed in a  calendar  year.  A
Policyowner  may  also  choose  to  rebalance  Account  Value  on  a  quarterly,
semiannual,  or annual basis, in which case the first transfer will be initiated
one  frequency  period  following  the date of the  request.  On that date,  the
Policy's  Account  Value  will  be  automatically  reallocated  to the  selected
Divisions.  Thereafter,  Account  Value will be rebalanced  once each  frequency
period.  In order to participate in the  Rebalancer  Option,  the entire Account
Value must be included.  Transfers  made with these  frequencies  will not count
against the twelve free transfers  allowed in a calendar  year. The  Policyowner
must specify the  percentage  of Account  Value to be allocated to each Division
and the frequency of rebalancing. The Rebalancer Option may be terminated at any
time by Request.  A Policyowner may not participate in the Rebalancer Option and
Dollar  Cost  Averaging  at the same time.  GWLA  reserves  the right to modify,
suspend, or terminate the Rebalancer Option at any time.
