FORM OF
                               FOURTH AMENDMENT TO
                           THIRD AMENDED AND RESTATED
                            OF CAMDEN OPERATING, L.P.

PARTNERSHIP OF CAMDEN OPERATING,  L.P. (this  "AMENDMENT") is entered into as of
January 7, 2000, by and between CPT-GP,  Inc.  ("GENERAL  PARTNER"),  a Delaware
corporation and a wholly owned subsidiary of Camden USA, Inc.  ("CAMDEN USA"), a
Delaware corporation,  a wholly owned subsidiary of Camden Property Trust ("CPT"
or the "GENERAL PARTNER  ENTITY"),  a Texas real estate investment trust, as the
general partner of Camden Operating,  L.P., a Delaware limited  partnership (the
"PARTNERSHIP") and Edgewater Equity, Inc., a Delaware  corporation  ("EDGEWATER,
INC.") and  Edgewater  Equity  Partners,  L.P., a Delaware  limited  partnership


     WHEREAS,  the signatories hereto desire to amend that certain Third Amended
and Restated Agreement of Limited  Partnership of Camden Operating,  L.P., dated
as of April 15, 1997,  as amended by that  certain (i) First  Amendment to Third
Amended and Restated Agreement of Limited Partnership of Camden Operating, L.P.,
dated as of February  23,  1999,  (ii)  Second  Amendment  to Third  Amended and
Restated Agreement of Limited Partnership of Camden Operating, L.P., dated as of
August 13,  1999,  and (iii)  Third  Amendment  to Third  Amended  and  Restated
Agreement  of  Limited  Partnership  of  Camden  Operating,  L.P.,  dated  as of
September  7, 1999  (collectively,  as amended,  the  "AGREEMENT")  as set forth
herein;  any  terms  capitalized  herein  but  not  defined  herein  having  the
definitions therefor set forth in the Agreement;

     WHEREAS, as of August 13, 1999 (a) Edgewater,  Inc. contributed  $5,000,000
to the Partnership in exchange for the issuance by the Partnership to Edgewater,
Inc. of 200,000 Series C Preferred  Units, and (b) Edgewater,  L.P.  contributed
$8,000,000 to the Partnership in exchange for the issuance by the Partnership to
Edgewater,  L.P. of 320,000 Series C Preferred  Units. In connection  therewith,
inter alia,  Edgewater,  Inc.  and  Edgewater,  L.P.  were each  admitted to the
Partnership, effective, as of August 13, 1999, as an Additional Limited Partner;

     WHEREAS,  as of  September  7, 1999,  Edgewater,  L.P.  made an  additional
contribution  to the  Partnership  in the sum of $22,500,000 in exchange for the
issuance by the Partnership to Edgewater, L.P. of an additional 900,000 Series C
Preferred Units.

     WHEREAS,  as of the date hereof,  Edgewater,  L.P.  has made an  additional
contribution  to the  Partnership  in the sum of $17,500,000 in exchange for the
issuance by the Partnership to Edgewater, L.P. of an additional 700,000 Series C
Preferred Units.

     NOW, THEREFORE,  in consideration of the foregoing,  of the mutual promises
set forth herein, and of other good and valuable consideration,  the receipt and
sufficiency of which are hereby acknowledged,  the parties hereto,  intending to
be legally bound,  agree to continue the  Partnership and amend the Agreement as


     1.  UNITS.  As  of  the  date  hereof,   Edgewater,  L.P.  has  contributed
$17,500,000 to the  Partnership in exchange for the issuance to Edgewater,  L.P.
of 700,000 Series C Preferred Units. As of the date hereof,  Edgewater,  L.P. is
the holder of a total of 1,920,000  Series C Preferred Units and by execution of
this Amendment,  Edgewater,  L.P. has agreed to be bound by all of the terms and
conditions of the Agreement, as amended hereby.


         (a)  Article I of the  Agreement is hereby  amended by the  deletion of
     the definition  of  "Series  C  Preferred  Contribution  Agreement" in  its
     entirety and its replacement with the following:

              "SERIES C PREFERRED  CONTRIBUTION  AGREEMENT" means, collectively,
     that certain (i) Contribution  Agreement,  dated as  of August 13, 1999, by
     and   among,  Edgewater   Equity,  Inc., CPT   and  the  Partnership,  (ii)
     Contribution  Agreement,  dated  as  of  August  13,  1999, by  and  among,
     Edgewater   Equity  Partners,   L.P.,  CPT   and  the   Partnership,  (iii)
     Contribution  Agreement,  dated  as  of  September  7,  1999, by and among,
     Edgewater  Equity  Partners,  L.P.,  CPT  and  the  Partnership,  and  (iv)
     Contribution Agreement,  dated  as  of  January  7,  2000,  by  and  among,
     Edgewater Equity Partners, L.P., CPT and the Partnership

         (b)  The  term  "SERIES  C   DESIGNATION"  shall   mean  the  Series  C
     Designation, as amended by that certain (i) First Amendment to Statement of
     Designation of Series C Cumulative Redeemable Perpetual Preferred Shares of
     Beneficial  Interest of  Camden Property  Trust, dated  as of  September 7,
     1999, by the General Partner Entity, and (ii) Second Amendment to Statement
     of Designation of Series C Cumulative Redeemable Perpetual Preferred Shares
     of  Beneficial  Interest of Camden Property  Trust, dated  as of January 7,
     2000, by the General Partner Entity.

     3.  AMENDMENT  TO  ARTICLE  XVII. The second  sentence of  Section  17.2 is
hereby deleted in its entirety and replaced with the following:

     "The number of Series C Preferred Units shall be 2,120,000."

     4.  EXHIBIT A. The  Agreement  is hereby  amended by adding to Exhibit A of
said  Agreement the addendum to Exhibit A presently  attached  hereto and made a
part hereof,  so that all  references to "Exhibit A" in the  Agreement  shall be
deemed to be references to Exhibit A which shall include the addendum to Exhibit
A attached hereto.

     5.  FULL FORCE AND EFFECT.  Except as amended by the provisions hereof, the
Agreement,  as  previously  amended,  shall  remain in full  force and effect in
accordance  with its terms and is hereby  ratified,  confirmed and reaffirmed by
the undersigned for all purposes and in all respects.

     6.  BINDING.  This  Amendment  shall be binding upon and shall inure to the
benefit  of  the  parties  hereto,   their  respective  legal   representatives,
successors and assigns.

     7.  COUNTERPARTS.  This Amendment may be executed in  counterparts,  all of
which together shall constitute one agreement binding on all the parties hereto,
notwithstanding that all such parties are not signatories to the original or the
same counterpart.


     IN WITNESS  WHEREOF,  the parties hereto have executed this Amendment as of
the date first written above.

                                   GENERAL PARTNER

                                        CPT-GP, INC.


                                   GENERAL PARTNER ENTITY

                                        CAMDEN PROPERTY TRUST


                       (SIGNATURES CONTINUED ON NEXT PAGE)


                                   LIMITED PARTNERS

                                   EDGEWATER EQUITY, INC.


                                   EDGEWATER EQUITY PARTNERS, L.P.

                                   By:  WSW Capital, Inc., its general partner



                                   ADDENDUM TO
                                    EXHIBIT A

                                           SERIES C


Edgewater Equity Partners, L.P.             700,000
c/o DLJ Asset Management Group
277 Park Avenue
New York, New York  10172
Attention: Peter Gaudet


TOTAL                                       700,000