CAMDEN PROPERTY TRUST
                        1999 EMPLOYEE SHARE PURCHASE PLAN
                                NOVEMBER 3, 1999


     The primary  purpose of this Plan is to encourage  Share  ownership by each
Eligible  Employee in the belief that such Share  ownership will increase his or
her  interest  in the  success of Camden  Property  Trust,  a Texas real  estate
investment trust (the "Company").


     2.1.  The term  "Account"  shall  mean  the  separate  bookkeeping  account
established and maintained by the Plan  Administrator  for each  Participant for
each Purchase  Period to record the  contributions  made on his or her behalf to
purchase Shares under this Plan.

     2.2.  The term  "Beneficiary" shall mean the person  designated  as such in
accordance with Section 8.

     2.3.  The term  "Board"  shall  mean the  Board  of Trust  Managers  of the

     2.4.  The term  "Closing Price" shall mean the closing price for a Share as
reported for such day in The Wall Street Journal or in any successor to The Wall
Street Journal or, if there is no such successor, in any publication selected by
the Committee or, if no such closing price is so reported for such day.

     2.5.  The term  "Committee"  shall  mean the Compensation  Committee of the

     2.6.  The term  "Company" shall mean Camden  Property  Trust,  a Texas real
estate investment trust.

     2.7.  The term  "Election Form"  shall  mean  the  form  which an  Eligible
Employee  shall be required  to properly  complete in writing and timely file at
least 15 days prior to the  commencement of any Purchase Period in order to make
any of the elections available to an Eligible Employee under this Plan.

     2.8.  The term "Eligible Employee" shall mean each officer or employee of a
Participating  Employer who is shown on the payroll  records of a  Participating
Employer  as  an  employee  for  at  least  twelve  (12)  months  prior  to  the
commencement of a Purchase Period.

     2.9.  The term "Participant"  shall  mean (a) for each  Purchase  Period an
Eligible  Employee who has elected to purchase Shares in accordance with Section
4 in such  Purchase  Period and (b) any person for whom Shares are held  pending
delivery under Section 7.


     2.10. The term  "Participating  Employer"  shall  mean the  Company and any
affiliated entity which is designated as such by the Committee.

     2.11. The term  "Pay"  means  all cash  compensation  paid  to an  Eligible
Employee for services to a Participating  Employer,  including  regular straight
time earnings or draw, overtime,  commissions and bonuses, but excluding amounts
paid as living allowance or reimbursement of expenses and other similar payments
paid to him or her by the Participating Employer.

     2.12. The  term  "Pay  Day"  means  the day  as of  which  Pay is paid to a

     2.13. The term "Plan" shall mean  this Camden  Property Trust 1999 Employee
Share  Purchase Plan,  effective as of October 1999,  and as thereafter  amended
from time to time.

     2.14. The term "Plan Administrator" shall mean the Company or the Company's

     2.15. The term "Purchase  Period" shall mean a period set by the Committee.
Unless changed by the Committee,  each Purchase  Period shall begin on January 1
and July 1 each year and end on June 30 and December 31 each year.

     2.16. The term "Purchase  Price" for each Purchase Period shall mean 85% of
the lesser of: (a) the Closing Price for a Share on the last trading day of such
Purchase Period or (b) the Closing Price for a Share on the first trading day of
such Purchase Period.

     2.17. The term "Rule 16b-3" shall mean Rule 16b-3 promulgated under Section
16(b) of the  Securities  Exchange Act of 1934, as amended,  or any successor to
such rule.

     2.18. The term "Share" shall mean the common shares of beneficial interest,
par  value  $.01 per  share,  of the  Company.  The  aggregate  number of Shares
available  for grant  under  this Plan  shall not  exceed  500,000,  subject  to
adjustment  pursuant to Section 17 hereof  plus any Shares  acquired by the Plan
Administrator in the open market for the Accounts of the Participants.


     Except for the exercise of those powers expressly  granted to the Committee
to determine the Closing Price,  who is a Participating  Employer and to set the
Purchase  Period,   the  Plan   Administrator   shall  be  responsible  for  the
administration  of this Plan and shall  have the power in  connection  with such
administration to interpret the Plan and to take such other action in connection
with such  administration as the Plan Administrator deems necessary or equitable
under the  circumstances.  The Plan  Administrator  also shall have the power to
delegate  the  duty  to  perform  such  administrative  functions  as  the  Plan
Administrator deems appropriate under the circumstances.  Any person to whom the


duty to perform an  administrative  function is delegated shall act on behalf of
and shall be responsible to the Plan Administrator for such function. Any action
or inaction by or on behalf of the Plan  Administrator  under this Plan shall be
final and binding on each Eligible Employee,  each Participant and on each other
person who makes a claim  under this Plan based on the  rights,  if any, of such
Eligible Employee or Participant under this Plan.


     4.1.  Each person who is an Eligible Employee on the enrollment  date shall
be a Participant in this Plan for the related Purchase Period,  if he or she (i)
properly completes and timely files an Election Form with the Plan Administrator
to elect to participate in this Plan; and (ii) deposits,  either through payroll
deduction or a lump sum, the full amount of his or her desired  purchase  amount
prior to the final  pricing  day of a  Purchase  Period.  An  Election  Form may
require an Eligible  Employee to provide such  information  and to agree to take
such action (in  addition to the action  required  under  Section 5) as the Plan
Administrator  deems  necessary or  appropriate  in light of the purpose of this
Plan or for the orderly administration of this Plan.

     4.2.  Notwithstanding  anything herein to the contrary,  no person shall be
deemed to be an Eligible Employee:

          (a) if immediately  after such  participation,  Participant  would own
     Shares,  and/or hold outstanding options to purchase Shares,  possessing 5%
     or more of the  total  combined  voting  power or value of all  classes  of
     Shares of the Company (for purposes of this paragraph, the rules of Section
     424(d) of the  Internal  Revenue Code of 1986,  as amended,  shall apply in
     determining Share ownership of any Participant); or

          (b) if such Participant's rights to purchase Shares under all employee
     share purchase plans of the Company accrues at a rate which exceeds $25,000
     in  fair  market  value  of the  Shares  (determined  at the  time  of Plan
     enrollment)  for  each  calendar  year in  which  such  purchase  right  is
     outstanding; or

          (c) if immediately  prior to  commencement of a Purchase  Period,  the
     Eligible  Employee has not been an employee of the Company for at least one
     year; or

          (d) if the Participant is no longer an Eligible  Employee at the final
     pricing date and when the shares are purchased.


     4.3. Each Participant's  Election  Form  under Section  4 shall specify the
contributions  that he or she proposes to make for the related  Purchase Period.
If the Participant elects to make payroll  deductions,  such contributions shall
be expressed as a specific dollar amount that Participant proposes to contribute
in cash or a percentage  of the  Participant's  Pay that his or her  Participant
Employer  is  authorized  to deduct  from his or her Pay each Pay Day during the
Purchase  Period (or as a  combination  of such cash and such payroll  deduction
contributions); provided, however:


          (a) the minimum  payroll  deduction for a Participant for each Pay Day
     for purposes under this Plan shall be $10.00, and

          (b) the maximum contribution which a Participant may make for purposes
     under this Plan for any calendar year shall be $25,000.

          Notwithstanding  the  preceding,  a  Participant  may,  on  his or her
     Election Form, elect to make cash deposits to the Plan at any time during a
     Purchase  Period in any amount up to the  $25,000  aggregate  annual  limit
     rather than or in addition to regular deductions from pay.

     4.4. A Participant  shall have the right to  amend his or her Election Form
at any time to reduce or to stop his or her  contributions,  and such  amendment
shall be effective immediately for cash contributions and as soon as practicable
after the Plan  Administrator  actually  receives such amended Election Form for
payroll deductions.

     4.5. A  Participant  may withdraw his or her  contributions  at any time. A
withdrawal shall be deducted from the  Participant's  Account as of the date the
Plan  Administrator   receives  such  amended  Election  Form,  and  the  actual
withdrawal  shall be effected by the Plan  Administrator  as soon as practicable
after such date. A Participant  who withdraws his or her  contributions  in full
may not be eligible to  participate in the Plan for six (6) months from the date
of such withdrawal, i.e. will not be eligible for the next Purchase Period.

     4.6. All payroll deductions made for a Participant shall be credited to his
or her  Account as of the Pay Day as of which the  deduction  is made.  All cash
deposits made by a Participant shall be credited to his or her Account as of the
date such amount is received by the Plan  Administrator.  All contributions made
by a Participant under this Plan, whether in cash or through payroll deductions,
shall be held by the Company or by such Participant's Participating Employer, as
agent  for the  Company.  All  such  contributions  shall be held as part of the
general  assets  of the  Company  and  shall  not be held in trust or  otherwise
segregated  from the  Company's  general  assets.  No interest  shall be paid or
accrued on any such contributions. Each Participant's right to the contributions
credited to his or her Account shall be that of a general and unsecured creditor
of the Company.  Each  Participating  Employer shall have the right to make such
provisions  as it deems  necessary or  appropriate  to satisfy any tax laws with
respect to purchases of Shares made under this Plan.

     4.7. The  balance  credited  to  the   Account  of  an  Eligible   Employee
automatically  shall be refunded in full (without interest) if his or her status
as an  employee  of  all  Participating  Employers  terminates  for  any  reason
whatsoever  during a  Purchase  Period.  Such  refunds  shall be made as soon as
practicable  after  the  Plan  Administrator  has  actual  notice  of  any  such



     5.1. If a Participant is an Eligible Employee through the end of a Purchase
Period,  the balance which remains  credited to his or her Account at the end of
such Purchase  Period  automatically  shall be applied to purchase Shares at the
Purchase  Price for such Shares for such Purchase  Period.  Such Shares shall be
purchased  on behalf of the  Participant  by operation of this Plan in whole and
fractional Shares.

     5.2. Except as specifically  provided herein,  all Participants  shall have
the same rights and privileges under the Plan. All rules and  determinations  of
the Board in the  administration of the Plan shall be uniformly and consistently
applied to all persons in similar circumstances.

     5.3. The Plan  Administrator  may use  up to ten (10)  trading days to make
open market purchases of Shares. The average price paid for all Shares purchased
during such ten (10) day period shall  become the price used to allocate  Shares
to all Participants.  For the purpose of determining holding periods pursuant to
the Plan,  all Shares  purchased  shall be deemed to have been  purchased on the
10th trading day following the end of the relevant Purchase Period.

     5.4. If the total  Shares to be purchased  in  accordance  with Section 6.1
exceeds the number of Shares  available under the Plan,  (after deducting all of
the Shares previously purchased under Section 6.1), the Plan Administrator shall
make a pro rata allocation of the Shares in a uniform manner.


     A book-entry  record of the Shares purchased by each  Participant  shall be
maintained by the Company's  transfer agent and no certificates  shall be issued
for  such  Shares  except  to the  extent  that a  Participant  specifically  so
requests.  Notwithstanding the foregoing, when a refund is made to a Participant
pursuant to Section 5.5,  certificates  shall be delivered to him or her for all
Shares  then  held for the  Participant  under  the  Plan.  A Share  certificate
delivered to a  Participant  shall be  registered  in his or her name or, if the
Participant so elects and is permissible  under  applicable law, in the names of
the  Participant  and  one  such  other  person  as  may  be  designated  by the
Participant, as joint tenants with rights of survivorship. However, (a) no Share
certificate  representing  a  fractional  share of Share shall be delivered to a
Participant  or to a Participant  and any other person,  (b) cash which the Plan
Administrator  deems  representative of the value of a Participant's  fractional
share  shall be  distributed  (when a  Participant  requests a  distribution  of
certificates for all of the shares of Share held for him or her) in lieu of such
fractional  share unless a Participant  in light of Rule 16b-3 waives his or her
right to such cash payment and (c) the Plan  Administrator  shall have the right
to charge a Participant  for  registering a Share in the name of the Participant
and any other person.  No  Participant  (or any person who makes a claim for, on
behalf of or in place of a  participant)  shall have any  interest  in any Share
under  this Plan  until  they  have  been  reflected  in the  book-entry  record
maintained  by the  transfer  agent or the  certificate  for such Share has been
delivered to such person.



     A Participant  may designate on his or her Election Form a Beneficiary  (a)
who shall receive the balance  credited to his or her Account if the Participant
dies before the end of a Purchase Period and (b) who shall receive the Share, if
any, purchased for the Participant under this Plan if the Participant dies after
the end of a Purchase Period but before either the certificate representing such
Shares has been  delivered  to the  Participant  or before such Shares have been
credited to a brokerage account maintained for the Participant. Such designation
may be revised in  writing at any time by the  Participant  by filing an amended
Election  Form,  and his or her revised  designation  shall be effective at such
time as the  Plan  Administrator  receives  such  amended  Election  Form.  If a
deceased  Participant  fails to  designate  a  Beneficiary  or,  if no person so
designated  survives a Participant  or, if after  checking his or her last known
mailing  address,  the  whereabouts  of the  person  so  designated  survives  a
Participant  or, if after  checking his or her last known mailing  address,  the
whereabouts  of the person so  designated  are unknown,  then the  Participant's
estate shall be treated as his or her designated  Beneficiary under this Section


     8.1. Neither the balance credited to a Participant's Account nor any rights
to  receive  Shares  under  this Plan may be  assigned,  encumbered,  alienated,
transferred, pledged or otherwise disposed of in any way by a Participant during
his or her lifetime or by his or her  Beneficiary  or by any other person during
his or her lifetime, and any attempt to do so shall be without effect.

     8.2. Except  as  provided  in   Section  7,  no  sale,  transfer  or  other
disposition may be made of any Shares  purchased under the Plan during the first
nine  (9)  months  following  the end of a  Purchase  Period.  If a  Participant
violates  the  foregoing  restriction,  he or she shall  remit to the Company an
amount of cash  equal to the  difference  between  the  Purchase  Price for such
Shares and the price  paid by the Plan  Administrator  to acquire  the Shares as
provided under Section 6.3.  Notwithstanding the foregoing, if a Participant who
owns Shares  subject to the  foregoing  restriction  is  determined  by the Plan
Administrator  in its  discretion  to  have a  serious  financial  need  for the
proceeds  of the  sale  of  such  Shares,  then  upon  application  made  by the
Participant,  the Plan  Administrator  shall consent to a sale of such Shares to
the extent necessary to satisfy the serious  financial need, and the Participant
will not be required to make the  remittance  to the Company  described  in this
Section 9.2.  Alternatively,  the Plan  Administrator  may, at the Participant's
option, sell the Shares and deduct from the proceeds of such sale the remittance
due under this Section 9.2. No participant shall be required to sell Shares upon
termination of employment.


     If the Company shall deem it necessary to register under the Securities Act
of 1933, as amended,  or any other applicable statute any Shares purchased under
this Plan or to qualify any such Shares for an exemption from any such statutes,
the Company  shall take such action at its own expense.  If Shares are listed on


any national securities exchange at the time any Shares are purchased hereunder,
the Company  shall make  prompt  application  for the  listing on such  national
securities  exchange of such  Shares,  at its own  expense.  Purchases of Shares
hereunder shall be postponed as necessary pending any such action.


     All elections and  transactions  under this Plan by persons subject to Rule
16b-3 are intended to comply with at least one of the exemptive conditions under
Rule  16b-3.  The  Plan  Administrator   shall  establish  such   administrative
guidelines to facilitate  compliance with at least one such exemptive  condition
under Rule 16b-3 as the Plan Administrator may deem necessary or appropriate. If
any  provision  of this  Plan or such  administrative  guidelines  or any act or
omission with respect to this Plan (including any act or omission by an Eligible
Employee)  fails  to  satisfy  such  exemptive  condition  under  Rule  16b-3 or
otherwise is inconsistent with such condition, such provision, guidelines or act
or omission shall be deemed null and void.


     This Plan may be amended by the Board from time to time to the extent  that
the Board  deems  necessary  or  appropriate,  and any such  amendment  shall be
subject  to the  approval  of the  Company's  shareholders  to the  extent  such
approval is required  under the laws of the State of Texas,  federal tax laws or
to the extent such  approval is required to meet the  security  holder  approval
requirements  under  Rule  16b-3;  provided,  however,  no  amendment  shall  be
retroactive unless the Board in its discretion determines that such amendment is
in the best interest of the Company or such  amendment is required by applicable
law to be  retroactive.  The Board also may terminate this Plan and any Purchase
Period at any time  (together  with any related  contribution  election)  or may
terminate any Purchase Period (together with any related contribution elections)
at any time; provided,  however, no such termination shall be retroactive unless
the Board determines that applicable law requires a retroactive termination.


     All Election Forms and other  communications from a Participant to the Plan
Administrator  under,  or in connection  with, this Plan shall be deemed to have
been  filed  with the Plan  Administrator  when  actually  received  in the form
specified  by  the  Plan  Administrator  at  the  location,  or by  the  person,
designated by the Plan  Administrator  for the receipt of any such Election Form
and communications.


     The right to elect to  participate  in this Plan  shall not  constitute  an
offer of employment or membership on the Board,  and no election to  participate
in this Plan shall constitute an employment  agreement for an Eligible Employee.
Any such right or election  shall have no bearing  whatsoever on the  employment
relationship  between an Eligible  Employee and any other  person.  Finally,  no
Eligible  Employee  shall be  induced  to  participate  in this  Plan,  or shall
participate in this Plan, with the expectation that such participation will lead
to employment or continued employment.



     14.1.In the event that the outstanding  Shares of the Company are hereafter
increased or decreased  or changed into or exchanged  for a different  number or
kind of Shares or other securities of the Company or of another corporation,  by
reason  of  any   reorganization,   merger,   consolidation,   recapitalization,
reclassification,  Share split-up,  combination of Shares or dividend payable in
Shares,  appropriate adjustment shall be made by the Board in the number or kind
of Shares as to which a right granted under this Plan shall be  exercisable,  to
the end that the right  holder's  proportionate  interest shall be maintained as
before the occurrence of such event. Any such adjustment made by the Board shall
be conclusive.

     14.2.If the Company is not the  surviving or resulting  corporation  in any
reorganization,  merger,  consolidation or recapitalization,  this Plan, and the
Company's  rights,  duties and  obligations  hereunder,  shall be assumed by the
surviving or resulting  corporation  and the rights of a Participant to purchase
Shares shall continue in full force and effect.


     The headings to sections in this Plan have been included for convenience of
reference  only. This Plan shall be interpreted and construed in accordance with
the laws of the State of Texas.


     This Plan is  intended  to be a "  Qualified  Plan"  within the  meaning of
Section 423 of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended.  Accordingly,  the
Company will seek shareholder approval of the Plan at the next annual meeting of
the Company's  shareholders.  If shareholder approval is not obtained, the Board
of Trust  Managers  may  terminate  the Plan or cause the Plan to  continue as a
"Non-Qualified Plan" in its sole discretion.