Employment Agreement

The Employment Agreement (the "Agreement") made this 20th day of
August, 1996, by and between Camden Property Trust, a Texas real
estate investment trust, (the "Company") and Mr. G. Steven Dawson
(the "Executive").


WHEREAS the Company is engaged in the business of multifamily
management and development; and

WHEREAS the Executive is experienced and knowledgeable in the
field; and

WHEREAS the Executive shall work as Senior Vice President,
Finance, Chief Financial Officer, Treasurer and Assistant
Secretary; and

WHEREAS this agreement shall supersede and replace all prior
employment agreements between the Company and the Executive;

NOW THEREFORE, in consideration of the mutual covenants and
conditions contained herein, the parties agree as follows:

 1.  Employment
     The Company employs the Executive as Senior Vice President,
     Finance, Chief Financial Officer, Treasurer and Assistant
     Secretary (the "Officer") to perform he duties normally
     associated with that office under the control and at the
     direction of the Chairman of the Board, Chief Executive
     Officer and the President ("Management") and other such
     duties as may, from time to time, be assigned and are
     consistent with the position.

 2.  Employment Term

     (a) Employment Term
         The term of employment shall begin the 20th day of
         August, 1996, (the "Commencement Date"). This agreement
         will expire three (3) years after the Commencement Date
         or after the expiration of any Renewal Period (the
         "Expiration Date"). The term of employment shall
         annually be extended by one (1) year (the "Renewal
         Period") unless written notification is given by either
         party to the other at least six (6) months prior to the
         Expiration Date. The Commencement Date through and
         including the Expiration Date is hereinafter referred to
         as the "Employment Term".

     (b) Termination
         The Company agrees to employ the Executive for period
         beginning on the Commencement Date and continuing
         through the earliest of:

         (i)    death of the Executive; or

         (ii)   termination of the Executive by Management for
                "Disability", as defined below; or

         (iii)  the discharge of the Executive by Management "For
                Cause", as defined below, or any other
                termination For Cause; or

         (iv)   the discharge of the Executive by Management any
                reason other than For Cause;

         (v)    retirement of the Executive under the terms of
                the Company's retirement plan as instituted and
                amended from time to time by the Board;

         (vi)   resignation of the Executive "For Good Reason",
                as defined below;

         (vii)  termination of the Agreement due to "Change of
                Control", as defined below; or

         (viii) the end of the Employment Term.

     (c) Disability
         The term Disability refers to the physical or mental
         incapacity of the Executive that has prevented the
         execution of the Duties of the office, as outlined
         below, for three (3) consecutive months or for a period
         of more than 180 business days in the aggregate in any
         18 month period and that, in the determination of the
         Management after consultation with a medical doctor
         licensed to practice in the State of Texas appointed by
         Management and the Executive, may be expected to prevent
         the Executive for any period of time thereafter from
         devoting substantial time and energies to the Duties of
         the office, as outlined below. The Executive agrees to
         submit to reasonable requests for medical examinations
         to determine whether a Disability exists.

         During the period of incapacitation, as provided above,
         the salary otherwise payable to the Executive may, at
         the absolute discretion of Management, be reduced by the
         amount of any disability benefits or payment received by
         the Executive pursuant to Company plans, excluding
         health insurance benefits or other reimbursement of
         medical expenses for the Executive.

     (d) For Cause
         The term For Cause shall mean any one or more of the

         (i)   material or repeated violation by the Executive of
               the terms of this Agreement or the material or
               repeated failure to perform the Duties of the
               Office to include material substandard performance
               of the Executive in the achievement of written
               goals and objectives set by Management for two (2)
               consecutive years, other than any such failure
               resulting from the Executive's Disability;

         (ii)  excessive absenteeism not related to illness; or

         (iii) the Executive's conviction of or plea of nolo
               contendere to a felony or conviction of any other
               crime which incarcerates the Executive for a
               period of one (1) year or longer; or

         (iv)  the Executive's commission of fraud, embezzlement,
               theft, or other crimes, in any case, whether or
               not involving the Company, that, in the reasonable
               opinion of Management, render the Executive's
               continued employment harmful to the Company; or

         (v)   the voluntary resignation of the Executive without
               the prior consent of Management.

     (e) Resignation For Good Reason
         The Executive may resign from the Company, if at any
         time during the Employment Term, there is the continued
         and material failure of the Company to comply with the
         covenants and obligations under this Agreement, but only

         (i)   the Executive notifies the Company detailing the
               manner in which the Executive believes the Company
               has failed to meet its obligations under this
               Agreement; and

         (ii)  such material failure continues for at least
               thirty-two (32) days following the receipt of the
               notification by the Company.

         The Executive's resignation For Good Reason shall be
         effective the last day of the month following the
         waiting period, defined above.

     (f) Change of Control
         A change of control shall be determined to have occurred
         when two (2) events occur.  The first of which is the
         occurrence of one of the following events:

         (i)   at any time during any twelve (12) month period,
               the Company directors in office at the beginning
               of such period cease to constitute a majority of
               the Company's Board of Directors, disregarding any
               vacancies occurring during such period by reasons
               of death or disability but deeming any individual
               whose election, or nomination for election, to
               fill such vacancy to have been in office at the
               beginning of such one (1) year prior; and, a
               tender offer or exchange is made and consummated
               for ownership of securities of the Company
               representing twenty-five (25%) percent or more of
               the combined voting power of the then outstanding
               voting securities;

         (ii)  a merger or consolidation occurs to which the
               Company is party, whether or not the Company is
               the surviving entity; or

         (iii) the sale of at least fifty (50%) percent of the
               Company's assets.

         In addition to the occurrence of one (1) of the
         preceding events, one (1) of the following events must
         occur to trigger a change of control:

         (iv)  the Executive is required, without the Executive's
               consent, to relocate to a different metropolitan
               area; or

         (v)   the Executive is assigned to a lower
               organizational level than the level stated in this
               Agreement, or substantially diminishes the
               Executive's assignment, duties, responsibilities,
               or operating authority from those specified in
               Section 3, Duties; or

         (vi)  the Executive is terminated.

 3.  Duties
     The Executive will devote substantially all of his time,
     skill, energy, knowledge, and best efforts during the
     Employment Term to such duties, and will, faithfully and
     diligently endeavor to the best of his ability, further the
     best interests of the Company.

     At no time shall the Executive be requested to perform
     duties that are not commensurate with the duties of a senior
     executive of the Company.

 4.  Location of Employment
     The Executive shall be located in or about Houston, Texas.
     The Executive shall travel to such geographical locations as
     may be appropriate from time to time to carry out the duties
     of the office as outlined in Section 3, Duties.

 5.  Compensation
     For all services rendered by the Executive to the Company,
     the Company shall pay:

     (a) Base Salary
         For services rendered, the Company shall pay the
         Executive an annual salary of $139,265, payable in
         arrears monthly or semi-monthly as the Board may elect
         from time to time during the Employment Term. Management
         shall conduct an annual review of the Executive's base
         salary.  The Executive shall be entitled to receive
         increases in the Base Salary, if any, that may be
         determined by Management at its sole discretion.  Any
         increases to the Executive's Base Salary shall be
         effective January 1 for each year of the Employment

         In no event shall the Executive's base salary be
         reduced, except as provided for under Section 2(c),

     (b) Sign-on Bonus
         The Board shall grant the Executive, on the Commencement
         Date of this Agreement, 4,000 shares of restricted stock
         of the Company.  Such shares granted shall vest over the
         initial term of this agreement on a pro rata each basis
         on the anniversary date of this Agreement.

     (c) Omitted

     (d) Annual Incentive Compensation
         In further consideration of the Executive's service, the
         Executive shall be eligible to receive an annual
         incentive compensation as determined by the Board.

     (e) Long-term Incentive Compensation
         In further consideration of the Executive's service, the
         Executive shall be eligible to receive a long-term
         incentive compensation as determined by the Board.

     (f) Taxes
         All compensation paid to the Executive shall be subject
         to applicable employment and withholding taxes.

         The Executive shall be responsible for any taxes
         resulting from a determination that any portion of any
         benefits supplied to the Executive may be reimbursing
         personal as well as business expenses.

 6.  Employee Benefits

     (a) Benefits
         The Executive shall receive group health/dental
         insurance, life insurance, disability insurance, and
         other similar benefits available to the Company's
         employees.  Benefits may be changed, modified, or
         revoked at the sole discretion of the company.

         The Executive shall not be deemed to have a vested
         interest in any of the Company plans or programs.

         The Executive shall receive benefits not generally
         provided to Company employees from time to time at the
         sole discretion of the Board.

     (b) Vacation
         The Executive is entitled to receive paid vacation
         annually for each year of the Employment Term.  Such
         vacation shall be taken at such times that are
         consistent with the reasonable business needs of the
         Company.  All vacation shall be subject to the policies
         and procedures of the Company.

     (c) Fringe Benefits
         The Executive shall receive fringe benefits as such
         benefits may exist from time to time at the sole
         discretion of the Board.

 7.  Business Expenses
     The Executive is authorized to incur reasonable, ordinary
     and necessary business expenses in the performance of the
     duties outlined above during the Employment Term in
     accordance with policies established by Management.  The
     Executive shall account to the Company for all such
     expenses.  The Company shall reimburse the Executive or pay
     the expenses in accordance with the policies established by

 8.  Termination
     In the event of termination, the Executive's rights and the
     Company's obligations shall terminate except as herein

     In all events, the Company shall be obligated to pay all
     salary and benefits accrued to the Executive through and
     including the date of termination.  Additionally, the
     Executive shall be entitled to receive the minimum bonus for
     the contract year during which the termination occurs,
     prorated through and including the date of termination.

     (a) Termination for reason other than For Cause If the
         Employment Term is terminated for reasons other than For
         Cause, the Executive shall be entitled to receive a
         severance payment equal to the annual base salary
         currently in effect.

         In addition, the Executive shall continue to receive
         health and welfare benefits, as received before the
         Executive's termination, until the earlier of (a) the
         Executive obtaining employment with another company or
         (b) the end of the Employment Term, as if the Executive
         had not so terminated.

         The Executive shall forfeit any and all unvested portion
         of any award made to the Executive in respect to any
         retirement, pension, profit sharing, long-term
         incentive, or other similar such plan(s).

     (b) Termination for reason of Death
         If the Employment Term is terminated by reason of Death,
         the Executive shall be entitled to receive a severance
         payment equal to the annual compensation, including
         targeted bonus, at the date on which death occurs.

     (c) Termination for reason of Disability
         If the Employment Term is terminated by reason of
         Disability, the Executive shall be entitled to receive a
         severance payment equal to the annual compensation,
         including targeted bonus, at the date on which
         termination due to Disability occurs.

         The Executive shall receive, so long as the Disability
         continues, to remain eligible for all benefits provided
         under any long-term disability program(s) of the Company
         in effect at the time of such termination, subject to
         the terms and conditions of any such program(s), as may
         be amended, changed, modified, or terminated for all
         employees of the Company.

     (d) Resignation for Good Reason
         If the Executive resigns for Good Reason as defined in
         Section 2(e), the treatment for the severance payment to
         the Executive shall be the same as if the Executive was
         terminated for reasons other than For Cause as provided
         for in Section 8(a).

     (e) Termination due to Change of Control
         If the Executive terminates due to Change of Control as
         defined in Section 2(f), the Executive shall be entitled
         to receive a severance payment equal to 2.99 times the
         average annual base salary of the Executive for the
         three (3) most recent taxable years that ended before
         the date of termination.

         The Executive shall not forfeit any and all deferred
         portion of any award made to the Executive in respect to
         any retirement, pension, profit sharing, long-term
         incentive, or other similar such plan(s).

         Notwithstanding the preceding, if and to the extent the
         severance payment, either alone or in conjunction with
         other payments the Executive has the right to receive
         either directly or indirectly from the Company, would
         constitute an excess parachute payment (the "Excess
         Payment") under Section 280G of the Internal Revenue
         Code of 1986, as amended, the Executive agrees that such
         cash severance payment shall be reduced by the amount
         necessary to prevent any such payments to the Executive
         from constituting an Excess Payment as determined in
         good faith by the Company.

 9.  Confidentiality and Non-Competition
     All information (the "Confidential Information") includes
     all confidential information of the Company and/or its
     subsidiaries, including information entrusted to the Company
     and/or any of its subsidiaries by third parties, not
     otherwise publicly disclosed or available, other than as a
     result of wrongful disclosure by the Executive, which,
     during the Employment Term:

         (i)   is disclosed by any of them to the Executive; or

         (ii)  the Executive had access to otherwise had reason
               to know; or

         (iii) was developed or discovered by the Executive.

     Confidential Information includes, but is not limited to,
     whether or not legended or otherwise identified as

         (i)    property lists, prospective properties lists, and
                details of agreement with sellers; and

         (ii)   acquisition, expansion, marketing, financial, and
                other business information and plans; and

         (iii)  research and development and data related
                thereto; and

         (iv)   other compilations of data; and

         (v)    computer programs and/or records; and

         (vi)   sources of supply; and

         (vii)  confidential information developed by consultants
                and contractors; and

         (viii) purchasing, operating, and other costs data; and

         (ix)   employee information; and

         (x)    manuals, memoranda, projections, minutes, plans,
                drawings, designs, formula books and

      (a) Restriction on Use and Disclosure
          The Executive acknowledges that the Confidential
          Information is valuable and proprietary to the Company
          or to third parties which have entrusted the Company
          and/or its subsidiaries, and, except as required by the
          Executive's Duties, the Executive shall not
          use, publish, disseminate, or otherwise disclose any
          Confidential information without prior written consent
          of the Company.

     (b) Return of Documents
         Upon termination of the Executive's employment, the
         Executive shall forthwith deliver to the Company all
         plans, designs, drawings, specifications, listings,
         manuals, records, notebooks, and similar repositories of
         or containing Confidential Information, including all
         copies, then in the Executive's possession or control,
         whether prepared by the Executive or others.  Upon such
         termination the Executive shall retain no copies of any
         such documents.

     (c) Restriction on Competitive Employment
         The term Business shall mean:

         (i)   the business of the Company and its subsidiaries
               as described in the Company's Registration
               Statement on Form S-11, as amended; and

         (ii)  any other business in which the Company or any of
               its subsidiaries is engaged during the Executive's
               Employment Term.

         The term Territories shall refer to those metropolitan
         areas in which the Company owns properties or otherwise
         is engaged in the Business, including any areas where
         the Company has specific plans to acquire or develop
         properties within the following six (6) months following
         the date of termination, and all outlying areas located
         within a thirty (30) mile radius each such metropolitan

         Except as noted in Section 3, Duties, during the
         Employment Term and the twelve months (12) months
         following the termination of this Agreement (the
         "Non-Competition Period"), absent the Company's prior
         written approval, the Executive shall not, as
         owner, part-owner, shareholder, partner, director,
         principal, agent, employee, consultant, or otherwise,
         within the Territories, directly or indirectly engage or
         participate in activities relating to, or render
         services to or invest in any firm or business engaged or
         about to become engaged in, the business, provided that
         the Executive may:

         (i)   engage in the activities as noted in Section 3,

         (ii)  make passive investments in an enterprise engaged
               in the Business the shares of ownership of which
               are publicly traded if the Executive's investment
               constitutes less than 2% of the total equity of
               such enterprise.

     (d) Inducement / Enticement
         During the Employment Term and the Non-Competition
         Period, the Executive shall not, directly or

         (i)   induce, or attempt to induce, any employees or
               agents or consultants of or to the Company or any
               subsidiary of the Company to do anything from
               which the Executive is restricted by reason
               of Section 9(a) through 9(c), inclusive; or

         (ii)  offer or aid others to offer employment to anyone
               who is an employee, agent or consultant of or to
               the Company or an subsidiary of the Company at the
               time of termination of the Executive.

     (e) Reduction of Non-Competition Period If this Agreement
         shall be terminated by the Company pursuant to Section
         2(b)(iv), Termination for reason other than For Cause,
         the provisions of Sections 9(c) and 9(d) shall terminate
         on the first business day following the termination of
         the Executive.

         Unless other wise provided, the provisions of Sections
         9(a) through 9(d), inclusive, shall survive the
         termination of this Agreement for the duration of the
         Non-Competition Period.

10.  Remedies for the Company
     The Executive acknowledges that remedy at law for any breach
     or attempted breach of the Executive's obligations under
     Section 9, Confidentiality and Non-Competition, may be
     inadequate, agrees that the Company may be entitled to
     specific performance and injunctive and other equitable
     remedies in case of any such breach or attempted breach, and
     further agrees to waive any requirement for the securing or
     posting of any bond in connection with the obtaining of any
     such injunctive or other equitable relief.

     The Company shall have the right to offset against amounts
     to be paid to the Executive pursuant to the terms hereof any
     amounts from time to time owing by the Executive to the

     The termination of the Employment Term pursuant to Section
     2(a)(iii), Discharge For Cause, shall not be deemed to be a
     waiver by the Company of any breach by the Executive of this
     Agreement or any other obligation owed the Company, and,
     notwithstanding such a termination, the Executive shall be
     liable for all damages attributable to such a breach.

11.  Remedies for the Executive
     In the event the Executive is terminated For Cause and it is
     ultimately determined the Company lacked "cause", the:

         (i)   Executive's termination shall be treated as a
               Termination for reason other than For Cause, as it
               pertains to Section 8(a); and

         (ii)  Executive shall reserve the right to seek remedy
               for breach of the Agreement by the Company
               including, but not limited to, any other such
               damages as may be suffered and/or incurred by the
               Executive, the Executive's costs incurred during
               the dispute, and reasonable attorney's fees in
               connection with such dispute; and

         (iii) Executive shall receive all payments as defined
               under Section 8(a), Termination for reason other
               than For Cause, with interest of 8% annually on
               all payments considered past due from the date at
               which such payment would have been made.

12.  No Waiver
     No Waiver or non-action by either party with respect to any
     breach by the other party of any provision of this
     Agreement, nor the waiver or non-action with respect to the
     provisions of similar agreement with other employees or the
     breach thereof, shall be deemed or construed to be a waiver
     of any succeeding breach of such provision, or as a waiver
     of the provision itself.

13.  Invalid Provisions
     Should any portion of this Agreement be adjusted or held
     invalid, unenforceable or void, such holding shall not have
     the effect to invalidating or voiding the remainder of this
     Agreement and the parties hereby agree that the portion so
     held invalid, unenforceable, or void shall, if possible, be
     deemed amended or reduced in scope, or otherwise be stricken
     from this Agreement to the extent required for the purposes
     of validity and enforcement thereof.

14.  Successor and Assigns
     Neither the Executive nor the Company may assign its rights,
     duties, or obligations hereunder without consent of the

15.  Survival of the Executive's Obligations
     The Executive's obligations under Sections 9 and 10 shall
     survive regardless of whether or not the Executive's
     employment is terminated, voluntarily or involuntarily, by
     the employer or the Executive, with or without cause.

16.  Survival of the Companies Obligations
     The Company's obligations under Sections 8 and 11 shall
     survive regardless of whether or not the Executive's
     employment is terminated, voluntarily or involuntarily, by
     the employer or the Executive, with or without cause.

17.  Prior Agreements
     This Agreement incorporates the entire agreement between
     both parties with respect to the subject matter hereof and
     supersedes all prior agreements, documents, or other
     instruments with respect to the matters covered herein.

18.  Governing Law
     This Agreement shall be governed by, and interpreted in
     accordance with the provisions of, the law of the State of
     Texas, without reference to provisions that refer a matter
     to the law of any other jurisdiction.  Each party hereto
     hereby irrevocably submits itself to the non-exclusive
     personal jurisdiction of the Federal and State courts
     sitting in Texas.

19.  No Oral Modifications
     This Agreement may not be changed or terminated orally, and
     no change, termination, or waiver of this Agreement or of
     any of the provisions herein contained shall be binding
     unless made in writing and signed by both parties, and, in
     the case of the Company, by a person designated by the

     Without limiting the foregoing, any change or changes, from
     time to time, in the Executive's salary or duties or both
     shall not be, nor be deemed to be, a change, termination, or
     waiver of this Agreement or of any of the provisions herein

20.  Notices
     All notices and other communications required or permitted
     hereunder shall be made in writing, and shall be deemed
     properly given if delivered personally, mailed by certified
     mail, postage prepaid and return receipt requested, sent by
     facsimile, or sent by Express Mail or Federal Express or
     other nationally recognized express delivery service, as

          If to the Company or the Board:

          Camden Property Trust
          3200 Southwest Freeway, Suite 1500
          Houston, TX 77027
          Attention: Board of Directors

          If to the Executive:

          G. Steven Dawson
          3200 Southwest Freeway, Suite 1500
          Houston, TX 77027

     Notice given by hand, Express Mail, Federal Express, or
     other such express delivery service shall be effective upon
     actual receipt.  Notice given by facsimile transmission
     shall be effective upon actual receipt of received during
     the recipient's normal business hours, or at the beginning
     of the recipient's next business day after receipt if not
     received during the recipient's normal business hours.  All
     notices sent by facsimile transmission shall be confirmed
     promptly after transmission in writing by certified mail or
     personal delivery.

     Any party may change any address to which notice shall be
     given to it by giving notice as provided above of such
     change in address.

21.  Executive's Representation and Warranties
     The Executive represents and warrants that he/she is legally
     free to make and perform this Agreement, that he/she has no
     obligation to any other person or entity that would affect
     or conflict with any of his obligations hereunder, and that
     the complete performance of his obligations hereunder will
     not violate any law, regulation, order, or decree of any
     governmental or jurisdictional body or contract by which
     he/she is bound.

 EXECUTED as of the date first written above.

 Camden Property Trust

 by: ____________________________________

 name: ____________________________________

 title: ____________________________________


 G. Steven Dawson