Exhibit 10.5


The Amended and Restated  Employment  Agreement (the  "Agreement") made this 7th
day of August 1998, by and between  Camden  Property  Trust, a Texas real estate
investment trust, (the "Company") and MR. D. KEITH ODEN (the "Executive").


WHEREAS the Company is engaged in the business of multifamily management and 
development and

WHEREAS the Executive is experienced and knowledgeable in the field; and

WHEREAS Mr. Oden shall work as President & Chief Operating Officer; and

WHEREAS  this  Agreement  shall  supersede  and  replace  all  prior  employment
agreements between the Company and the Executive,  including, but not limited to
the Employment Agreement dated July, 22, 1996 (the "Prior Agreement").

NOW THEREFORE, in consideration of the mutual covenants and conditions contained
herein, the parties agree as follows:

     The Company  employs Mr. Oden as President & Chief  Operating  Officer (the
     "Officer") to perform the duties normally associated with that office under
     the  control  and at the  direction  of the  Board of Trust  Managers  (the
     "Board") and other such duties as may,  from time to time,  be assigned and
     are consistent with the position.


          The term of employment  shall begin the 7th day of  August,1998,  (the
          "Commencement  Date").  This agreement will expire on July 22nd , 1999
          or after the expiration of any Renewal Period (the "Expiration Date").
          The term of employment shall annually be extended by one (1) year (the
          "Renewal Period") unless written notification is given by either party
          to the other at least six (6) months prior to the Expiration Date. The
          Commencement  Date  through  and  including  the  Expiration  Date  is
          hereinafter referred to as the "Employment Term."

     (b)  TERMINATION  
          The Company agrees to employ the Executive for the period beginning on
          the Commencement Date and continuing through the earliest of:

                      (i)  death of the Executive; or

                      (ii) termination  of the  Executive by vote of a committee
                           of the Board for "Disability," as defined below; or

                      (iii)the  discharge of the  Executive by vote of the Board
                           "For   Cause,"  as  defined   below,   or  any  other
                           termination For Cause; or


                      (iv)  the discharge of the  Executive by vote of the Board
                            for any reason other than For Cause;

                      (v)   retirement of the  Executive  under the terms of the
                            Company's retirement  plan as instituted and amended
                            from time to time by the Board;

                      (vi)  termination of the  Agreement  due to a  "Change  of
                            Control," as defined below; or

                      (vii) the end of the Employment Term.

     (c)  DISABILITY 

          The term Disability refers to the physical or mental incapacity of the
          Executive  that has  prevented  the  execution  of the  duties  of the
          office,  as outlined below, for three (3) consecutive  months or for a
          period of more than 180 business days in the aggregate in any 18 month
          period and that, in the determination of the Board after  consultation
          with a  medical  doctor  licensed  to  practice  in the State of Texas
          appointed by the Board and the  Executive,  may be expected to prevent
          the  Executive  for  any  period  of  time  thereafter  from  devoting
          substantial time and energies to the Duties of the office, as outlined
          below.  The  Executive  agrees to submit to  reasonable  requests  for
          medical examinations to determine whether a Disability exists.  

          During the period of  incapacitation,  as  provided  above, the salary
          otherwise payable to the Executive may, at  the absolute discretion of
          the Board, be  reduced  by the amount  of any  disability  benefits or
          payment received by the Executive, excluding health insurance benefits
          or other reimbursement of medical expenses for the Executive.

     (d)  FOR CAUSE 
          The term "For Cause" shall mean any one or more of the following:

                      (i)  material or repeated  violation  by the  Executive of
                           the  terms  of  this  Agreement  or the  material  or
                           repeated  failure to perform the duties of the office
                           to include  material  substandard  performance of the
                           Executive  in the  achievement  of written  goals and
                           objectives  set by the Board for two (2)  consecutive
                           years, other than any such failure resulting from the
                           Executive's Disability;

                      (ii) excessive absenteeism not related to illness; or

                      (iii)the  Executive's   conviction  of  or  plea  of  nolo
                           contendere  to a felony  or  conviction  of any other
                           crime which  incarcerates  the Executive for a period
                           of one (1) year or longer; or

                      (iv) the  Executive's  commission of fraud,  embezzlement,
                           theft, or other felony crimes,  in any case,  whether
                           or not involving the Company, that, in the reasonable
                           opinion   of  the  Board,   render  the   Executive's
                           continued employment harmful to the Company.

                      (v)  the voluntary  resignation  of the Executive  without
                           the prior consent of the Board.


          A "change of control"  shall be  determined  to have occurred when any
          one or more of the following events occur:

                      (i)  at any time during any twelve (12) month period,  the
                           Trust  Managers  in office at the  beginning  of such
                           period   cease  to   constitute  a  majority  of  the
                           Company's Board of Trust Managers,  disregarding  any
                           vacancies  occurring during such period by reasons of
                           death or disability but deeming any individual  whose
                           election,  or nomination  for election,  to fill such
                           vacancy  to have been in office at the  beginning  of
                           such one (1) year prior;

                      (ii) there is a report  filed on Schedule  13D or Schedule
                           14D-1 (or any successor  schedule,  form or report or
                           item therein),  each as  promulgated  pursuant to the
                           Securities  Exchange  Act of 1934,  as  amended  (the
                           "Exchange  Act"),  disclosing that any person (as the
                           term "person" is used in Section  13(d)(3) or Section
                           14 (d)  (2) of  the  Exchange  Act)  has  become  the
                           beneficial owner (as the term  "beneficial  owner" is
                           defined  under  Rule 13d-3 or any  successor  rule or
                           regulation  promulgated  under the  Exchange  Act) of
                           securities  representing  over  25% of  the  combined
                           voting  power  of  the   securities  of  the  Company
                           entitled to vote  generally  in the election of Trust
                           Managers  (the  "Voting  Shares")  of the  Company or
                           could  become the owner of over 25% of the  Company's
                           Common  Shares of  Beneficial  Interest  through  the
                           conversion   of  the   Company's   debt   or   equity

                      (iii)the Company  files a report or proxy  statement  with
                           the  Securities and Exchange  Commission  pursuant to
                           the Exchange Act  disclosing  in response to Form 8-K
                           or Schedule 14A (or any successor  schedule,  form or
                           report or item  therein)  that a change in control of
                           the Company has  occurred or will occur in the future
                           pursuant   to   any    then-existing    contract   or
                           transaction; or

                      (iv) a merger or consolidation occurs to which the Company
                           is party and the Company is not the surviving entity;

                      (v)  the  sale of at  least  fifty  (50%)  percent  of the
                           Company's  assets  to any  person  or  entity or in a
                           series of related transactions.

          The  determination  as to which  party to a merger,  consolidation  or
          reorganization is the "surviving entity" within the meaning of Section
          2(e) shall be made on the basis of the relative equity interest of the
          shareholders in the entity existing after the merger, consolidation or
          reorganization,  as follows: if following any merger, consolidation or
          reorganization the holders of outstanding Voting Shares of the Company
          immediately prior to the merger,  consolidation or reorganization  own
          equity securities  possessing more than 50% of the voting power of the
          entity existing following the merger, consolidation or reorganization,
          the Company shall be the  surviving  entity.  In all other cases,  the
          Company shall not be the surviving entity. In making the determination
          of ownership of equity  securities  by the  shareholders  of an entity
          immediately after the merger, consolidation or reorganization pursuant
          to this paragraph,  equity  securities  which the  shareholders  owned
          immediately  before the merger,  consolidation  or  reorganization  as
          shareholders of another party to the transaction shall be disregarded.
          Further,  for  purposes of this  paragraph  only,  outstanding  voting
          securities of an entity shall be calculated by assuming the conversion
          of all equity  securities  convertible  (immediately or at some future
          time) into shares entitled to vote.


          Notwithstanding  the  foregoing  provisions  of Section  2(e),  unless
          otherwise  determined in a specific case by majority vote of the Board
          of Trust  Managers of the Company,  a "Change of Control"  will not be
          deemed to have  occurred for  purposes of Section 2(e) solely  because
          (A)  an  entity  in  which  the  Company,   directly  or   indirectly,
          beneficially   owns  50%  or  more  of  the   voting   securities   (a
          "Subsidiary"),  or (B) any employee share  ownership plan or any other
          employee benefit plan of the Company or any Subsidiary either files or
          becomes  obligated to file a report or a proxy  statement  under or in
          response to Schedule 13D,  Schedule  14D-1,  Form 8-K, or Schedule 14A
          (or any successor schedule, form, or report or item therein) under the
          Exchange Act disclosing beneficial ownership by it of shares of Voting
          Shares, whether in excess of 25% or otherwise,  or because the Company
          reports  that a change in control of the Company has  occurred or will
          occur in the future by reason of such beneficial ownership.

     3.   DUTIES
          The  Executive  will  devote  substantially  all of his  time,  skill,
          energy, knowledge, and best efforts during the Employment Term to such
          duties,  and will,  faithfully and diligently  endeavor to the best of
          his ability,  further the best  interests of the Company The Executive

                      (i)  continue  to serve as  general  partner  in, or as an
                           officer,  director,  or  shareholder of a corporation
                           that  is  a   general   partner   in,   the   limited
                           partnerships  listed  in  Schedule  A  to  the  Prior
                           Agreement; and

                      (ii) continue  to  serve  as a  director  or  shareholder,
                           directly or indirectly, in the corporations listed in
                           Schedule A to the Prior Agreement; and

                     (iii) serve  in  the  future  as  an   officer,   director,
                           shareholder,  or  limited  partner  in  any  business
                           venture which is not prohibited by Section 9(c).

          At no time shall the Executive be requested to perform duties that are
          not commensurate with the duties of a senior executive of the Company.

          The  Executive  shall be  located  in or  about  Houston,  Texas.  The
          Executive  shall  travel  to  such  geographical  locations  as may be
          appropriate from time to time to carry out the duties of the office as
          outlined in Section 3, Duties.

          For all services rendered by the Executive to the Company, the Company
          shall pay:

          (a) BASE SALARY
              For  services  rendered,  the Company  shall pay the  Executive an
              annual  salary of $258,000,  "the base salary"  payable in arrears
              monthly or  semi-monthly  as the Board may elect from time to time
              during the  Employment  Term.  The Board  shall  conduct an annual
              review of the  Executive's  Base Salary.  The  Executive  shall be
              entitled to receive increases in the Base Salary, if any, that may
              be determined by the Board at its sole  discretion.  Any increases
              to the  Executive's  Base Salary shall be effective  January 1 for
              each year of the Employment Terms

              In no event shall the Executive's  base salary be reduced,  except
              as provided for under Section 2(c), Disability.


              In further consideration of the Executive's service, the Executive
              shall be eligible to receive an annual  incentive  compensation as
              determined by the Board.

              In further consideration of the Executive's service, the Executive
              shall be eligible to receive a long-term incentive compensation as
              determined by the Board.

          (d) TAXES
              All  compensation  paid  to the  Executive  shall  be  subject  to
              applicable employment and withholding taxes.

              The Executive  shall be responsible for any taxes resulting from a
              determination  that any  portion of any  benefits  supplied to the
              Executive  may  be  reimbursing   personal  as  well  as  business


          (a) BENEFITS
              The Executive shall receive group  health/dental  insurance,  life
              insurance,   disability  insurance,  and  other  similar  benefits
              available  to the  Company's  employees.  Benefits may be changed,
              modified, or revoked at the sole discretion of the Company.

              The Executive shall not be deemed to have a vested interest in any
              of the Company plans or programs.

              The  Executive  shall receive  benefits not generally  provided to
              Company  employees from time to time at the sole discretion of the

          (b) VACATION
              The  Executive is entitled to receive  twenty- (20)  business days
              paid vacation  annually for each year of the Employment Term. Such
              vacation shall be taken at such times that are consistent with the
              reasonable  business  needs of the Company.  All vacation shall be
              subject to the policies and procedures of the Company.

          (c) FRINGE BENEFITS
              The Executive  shall receive fringe  benefits as such benefits may
              exist from time to time at the sole discretion of the Board.

          The  Executive  is  authorized  to  incur  reasonable,   ordinary  and
          necessary  business expenses in the performance of the duties outlined
          above  during  the  Employment   Term  in  accordance   with  policies
          established by the Board.  The Executive  shall account to the Company
          for all such  expenses.  The Company shall  reimburse the Executive or
          pay the expenses in accordance  with the policies  established  by the

          In the event of termination,  the Executive's rights and the Company's
          obligations shall terminate except as herein provided.


          In all events,  the Company  shall be  obligated to pay all salary and
          benefits  accrued to the  Executive  through and including the date of
          termination.  Additionally, the Executive shall be entitled to receive
          the minimum bonus for the contract  year during which the  termination
          occurs, prorated through and including the date of termination.

              Upon the  occurrence  of a change of control or if the  Employment
              Term is terminated for reasons other than For Cause, the Executive
              shall be entitled to receive a severance  payment (the  "Severance
              Benefit")   equal  to  2.99  times  (I)   Executive's   annualized
              compensation that would be included in Executive's gross income in
              the year in which the first event constituting a change of control
              occurs or the taxable  year in which the  termination  occurs,  as
              applicable,  or, if higher,  (ii) the average annual  compensation
              that was  included in the gross  income of the  Executive  for the
              three (3) most recent  taxable years that ended before the date of
              termination  or the date of the change of control,  as applicable,
              plus 2.99 times Executive's targeted annual incentive compensation
              for the fiscal year in which the event first constituting a change
              of control occurs.

              Gross income includes, but is not limited to:

                     (i)  base salary;

                     (ii) annual bonus amounts;

                     (iii)deferred compensation amounts; and

                     (iv) the value, in good faith, of share options, restricted
                          share grants and dividend equivalent rights granted to
                          the Executive and any other  benefits  received by the
                          Executive from the Company,  (assuming for purposes of
                          such calculation that all grants have vested).

              For purposes of making the calculation in Section  8(a)(iv) above,
              the  Board  shall  make  such   calculation   and  shall  use  the
              Black-Scholes   pricing  model  for  its  calculation;   provided,
              however, that if the Black-Scholes pricing model cannot be used to
              value the types of benefit being  valued,  the Board shall use any
              other   reasonable   method   of   calculation   based   upon  the
              recommendation   of   the   Company's   independent   compensation
              consultant  (or if  there  is none,  an  independent  compensation
              consultant retained by the Board for such purpose.)

              However, gross income shall not include untaxed fringe benefits.

              Following the  occurrence of a Change of Control or termination of
              of employment for a reason other than For Cause,  the Company will
              pay  to  the  Executive  the  Severance   Benefit  in  immediately
              available  funds, in United States  Dollars,  within five business
              days  after  the  first  occurrence  of a  Change  of  Control  or
              termination,  as  applicable.  In addition,  during the  Severance
              Period, the Company will arrange to provide the Executive Employee
              Benefits that are welfare  benefits (but not share options,  share
              purchase,  share  appreciation,   dividend  equivalent  rights  or
              similar  compensatory  benefits)  substantially  similar  to those
              which  the   Executive   was  receiving  or  entitled  to  receive
              immediately  prior to the Change of Control.  Such one year period
              will be  considered  service  with the  Company for the purpose of
              determining  service  credits and  benefits due and payable to the
              Executive  under the  Company's  retirement  income,  supplemental
              executive  retirement,  and  other  benefit  plans of the  Company
              applicable to the Executive, the Executive's dependents, or the


              Executive's  beneficiaries  immediately  prior  to the  Change  of
              Control.  If and to the extent that any benefit  described  in the
              immediately  preceding  sentence  is  not or  cannot  be  paid  or
              provided  under any policy,  plan,  program or  arrangement of the
              Company,  then the  Company  will  itself pay or  provide  for the
              payment  of such  Employee  Benefits  to the  Executive,  and,  if
              applicable, the Executive's dependents and beneficiaries. Employee
              Benefits  otherwise  receivable by the Executive  pursuant to this
              Section  8 will  be  reduced  to  the  extent  comparable  welfare
              benefits  are  actually  received by the  Executive  from  another
              employer during the Severance Period.

              There will be no right of set-off  or  counterclaim  in respect of
              any claim,  debt of  obligation  against any payment to or benefit
              for the  Executive  provided  for in  this  Agreement,  except  as
              expressly provided herein.

              Notwithstanding   any  other   provision   hereof,   the  parties'
              respective  rights and obligations  under this Section 8 and under
              Sections 11 and 16 will survive any  termination  or expiration of
              this  Agreement  following a Change of Control or  termination  of
              employment, other than for cause.

              Executive  will not be  required  to  mitigate  the  amount of any
              payment   provided  for  in  this   Agreement  by  seeking   other

              "Employee  Benefits" means the  perquisites,  benefits and service
              credit  for  benefits  as  provided  under  any and  all  employee
              retirement income and welfare benefit policies, plans, programs or
              arrangements  in which the  Executive is entitled to  participate,
              including,  without limitation,  any share option, share purchase,
              share appreciation,  dividend equivalent rights, savings, pension,
              supplemental  executive  retirement or other retirement  income or
              welfare benefit,  deferred compensation,  incentive  compensation,
              group or other life, health, medical/hospital,  or other insurance
              (whether  funded  by  actual  insurance  or  self-insured  by  the
              Company), disability, salary continuation,  expense reimbursement,
              and  other  employee   benefit   policies,   plans,   programs  or
              arrangements  that  may  now  exist  or any  equivalent  successor
              policies,  plans,  programs  or  arrangements  that may be adopted
              hereafter  by the  Company,  providing  perquisites,  benefits and
              service  credit for benefits at least as great in the aggregate as
              as are payable thereunder prior to a Change of Control.

              "Severance Period" means the period of time commencing on the date
              of an  occurrence of each change of control and  continuing  until
              the  earliest  of (i)  the  expiration  of  one  year  after  each
              occurrence of an event constituting a change of control,  (ii) the
              Executive's death, or (iii) the Executive's attainment of age 65.

              If the  Employment  Term is  terminated  by reason  of Death,  the
              Executive  shall be entitled to receive a severance  payment equal
              to the Severance Benefit.  Vesting of benefits shall be treated as
              described in Section 24 of this Agreement.

              If the Employment Term is terminated by reason of Disability,  the
              Executive  shall be entitled to receive a severance  payment equal
              to the Severance Benefit.  Vesting of benefits shall be treated as
              treated as described in Section 24 of this Agreement.


              The Executive shall receive, so long as the Disability  continues,
              to remain  eligible for all benefits  provided under any long-term
              disability program(s) of the Company in effect at the time of such
              termination,  subject  to the  terms  and  conditions  of any such
              program(s),  as may be amended,  changed,  modified, or terminated
              for all employees of the Company.

              (i) Notwithstanding anything in this Agreement to the contrary, in
              the  event  it is  determined  (as  hereafter  provided)  that any
              payment or  distribution  by the  Company to or for the benefit of
              the   Executive,   whether  paid  or  payable  or  distributed  or
              distributable pursuant to the terms of this Agreement or otherwise
              pursuant  to or by reason of any other  agreement,  policy,  plan,
              program or  arrangement,  including  without  limitation any share
              option,  share  appreciation  right,  dividend  equivalent  right,
              restricted  shares of similar  right,  the lapse or termination of
              any  restriction  on or the vesting or exercise  ability of any of
              the  foregoing  (any such payment or  distribution,  a "Payment"),
              would be subject to the excise tax imposed by Section  4999 of the
              Internal  Revenue  code of 1986,  as amended  (the "Code") (or any
              successor  provision  thereto),  by  reason  of  being  considered
              "contingent  on a change in  ownership or control" of the Company,
              within the meaning of Section  280G of the Code (or any  successor
              provision thereto) or to any similar tax imposed by state or local
              law, or any interest or  penalties  with respect to such tax (such
              tax or taxes, together with any such interest and penalties, being
              hereafter  collectively referred to as the "Excise Tax"), then the
              Executive  will be  entitled to receive an  additional  payment or
              payments (collectively,  a "Gross-Up Payment"); provided, HOWEVER,
              that no Gross-up  Payment  will be made with respect to the Excise
              Tax,  if any,  attributable  to (A)  any  incentive  share  option
              ("ISO")  granted prior to the  execution of this  Agreement or (B)
              any share  appreciation or similar right,  whether or not limited,
              granted  in tandem  with any ISO  described  in clause (A) of this
              sentence.  The  Gross-Up  Payment  will be in an amount such that,
              after  payment  by the  Executive  of  all  taxes  (including  any
              interest  or  penalties  imposed  with  respect  to  such  taxes),
              including  any Excise Tax imposed upon the Gross-Up  Payment,  the
              Executive  will have  received an amount of the  Gross-Up  Payment
              equal to the Excise Tax imposed upon the Payment.

              (ii)  Subject  to  the  provisions  of  Section  8 (d)  (vi),  all
              determinations  required  to be  made  under  this  Section  8(e),
              including  whether an Excise Tax is payable by the  Executive  and
              the amount of such  Excise Tax and  whether a Gross-Up  Payment is
              required to be paid by the Company to the Executive and the amount
              of such  Gross-Up  Payment,  if any,  will be made by a nationally
              recognized accounting firm (the "Accounting Firm") selected by the
              Executive in the Executive's sole  discretion.  The Executive will
              direct  the  Accounting  Firm  to  submit  its  determination  and
              detailed  supporting  calculations  to both  the  Company  and the
              Executive   within  30   calendar   days  after  the   Executive's
              termination  date,  and any  such  other  time or  times as may be
              requested by the Company of the Executive.  If the Accounting Firm
              determines  that any Excise Tax is payable by the  Executive,  the
              Company will pay the required  Gross-Up  Payment to the  Executive
              within five business days after receipt of such  determination and
              calculations with respect to any Payment to the Executive.  If the
              Accounting  firm  determines  that no Excise Tax is payable by the
              Executive,   it  will,   at  the  same  time  as  it  makes   such
              determination,  furnish the Company and the  Executive  an opinion
              that the  Executive  has  substantial  authority not to report any
              Excise Tax on the  Executive's  federal,  state or local income or
              other  tax  return.   As  a  result  of  the  uncertainty  in  the
              application  of  Section  4999  of  the  Code  (or  any  successor
              provision  thereto)  and the  possibility  of similar  uncertainty
              regarding  applicable  state or  local  tax law at the time of any
              determination  by the Accounting  Firm  hereunder,  it is possible
              that Gross-Up Payments which will not have been made by the


              Company should have been made (an "Underpayment"), consistent with
              the calculations required to be made hereunder.  In the event that
              the Company  exhausts or fails to pursue its remedies  pursuant to
              Section 8(d)(vi) and the Executive  thereafter is required to make
              a payment  of any  Excise  Tax,  the  Executive  will  direct  the
              Accounting Firm to determine the amount of the  Underpayment  that
              has  occurred  and  to  submit  its   determination  and  detailed
              supporting  calculations  to both the Company and the Executive as
              promptly as possible.  Any such Underpayment will be promptly paid
              by the Company to, or for the  benefit  of, the  Executive  within
              five  business  days  after  receipt  of  such  determination  and

              (iii)  The  Company  and  the  Executive  will  each  provide  the
              Accounting  Firm  access to and copies of any books,  records  and
              documents in the  possession of the Company or the  Executive,  as
              the case may be, reasonably  requested by the Accounting Firm, and
              otherwise  cooperate with the Accounting  Firm in connection  with
              the  preparation  of  and  issuance  of  the   determinations  and
              calculations  contemplated by Section 8(d)(ii).  Any determination
              by the  Accounting  Firm as to the amount of the Gross-Up  Payment
              will be binding upon the Company and the Executive.

              (iv) The  federal,  state,  and local  income or other tax returns
              filed by the Executive  will by prepared and filed on a consistent
              basis with the  determination  of the Accounting Firm with respect
              to the Excise Tax payable by the  Executive.  The  Executive  will
              make proper  payment of the amount of any Excise  Payment  and, at
              the  request  of the  Company,  provide  to the  Company  true and
              correct copies (with any  amendments) of the  Executive's  federal
              tax  return  as  filed  with  the  Internal  Revenue  Service  and
              corresponding state and local tax returns,  if relevant,  as filed
              with the applicable  taxing  authority,  and such other  documents
              reasonably  requested by the Company,  evidencing such payment. If
              prior to the filing of the Executive's  federal income tax return,
              or  corresponding  state or local tax  return,  if  relevant,  the
              Accounting Firm determines that the amount of the Gross-Up Payment
              should be reduced,  the  Executive  will within five business days
              pay to the Company the amount of such reduction.

              (v) The fees and expenses of the Accounting  Firm for its services
              in   connection   with   the   determinations   and   calculations
              contemplated herein will be borne by the Company. If such fees and
              expenses are  initially  paid by the  Executive,  the Company will
              reimburse  the Executive the full amount of such fees and expenses
              within five  business  days after  receipt from the Executive of a
              statement  therefor  and  reasonable  evidence of the  Executive's
              payment thereof.

              (vi) The Executive will notify the Company in writing of any claim
              by the  Internal  Revenue  Service or any other  taxing  authority
              that, if successful, would require the payment by the Company of a
              Gross-Up  Payment.  Such notification will be given as promptly as
              practicable but no later than 10 business days after the Executive
              actually  receives  notice of such  claim and the  Executive  will
              further  apprise  the  Company of the nature of such claim and the
              date on which such claim is requested to be paid (in each case, to
              the extent known by the  Executive).  The  Executive  will not pay
              such  claim  prior to the  earlier  of (i) the  expiration  if the
              30-calendar  day period  following the date on which the Executive
              gives  such  notice  to the  Company  and (ii)  the date  that any
              payment  of  amount  with  respect  to such  claim is due.  If the
              Company  notifies the Executive in writing prior to the expiration
              of  such  period  that it  desires  to  contest  such  claim,  the
              Executive will:


                   a)  provide the Company with any written records or documents
                       in  the  Executive's  possession  relating to  such claim
                       reasonably requested by the Company;

                   b)  take such action in connection with contesting such claim
                       as the Company  may  reasonably  request in writing  from
                       time to  time,  including  without  limitation  accepting
                       legal  representation  with  respect  to  such  claim  by
                       attorney  competent in respect of the subject  matter and
                       reasonably selected by the Company;

                   c)  cooperate  with  the  Company  in  good  faith  in  order
                       effectively to contest such claim; and

                   d)  permit  the  Company  to  participate in any  proceedings
                       relating to such claims;

          provided,  however,  that the Company  will bear and pay  directly all
          costs and  expenses  (including  interest and  penalties)  incurred in
          connection  with such contest and will indemnify and hold harmless the
          Executive,  on an after-tax  basis,  for and against any Excise Tax or
          income tax,  including  interest and penalties  with respect  thereto,
          imposed as a result of such  representation  and  payment of costs and
          expenses.  Without  limiting the foregoing  provisions of this Section
          8(d),  the Company will control all  proceedings  taken in  connection
          with the contest of any claim  contemplated  by this Section  8(d)(vi)
          and,  at  its  sole   option,   may  pursue  or  forego  any  and  all
          administrative appeals, proceedings, hearings and conferences with the
          taxing authority in respect of such claim (provided, however, that the
          Executive  may  participate  therein at the  Executive's  own cost and
          expense) and may, at its option,  either  direct the  Executive to pay
          the tax  claimed  and sue for a refund  or  contest  the  claim in any
          permissible manner, and the Executive will prosecute such contest to a
          determination  before  any  administrative  tribunal,  in a  court  of
          initial  jurisdiction,  and in one or more  appellate  courts,  as the
          Company may determine;  provided, however, that is the Company directs
          the Executive to pay the tax claimed and sue for a refund, the Company
          will  advance  the  amount  of such  payment  to the  Executive  on an
          interest-free   basis  and  will  indemnify  and  hold  the  Executive
          harmless,  on an  after-tax  basis,  from any  Excise Tax or income or
          other tax,  including  interest or  penalties  with  respect  thereto,
          imposed with respect to such advance;  and provided further,  however,
          that any extension of the statute of  limitations  relating to payment
          of taxes for the taxable year of the  Executive  with respect to which
          the  contested  amount if claimed to be due is limited  solely to such
          contested  amount.  The Company's  control of any such contested claim
          will be limited  to issues  with  respect to which a Gross-Up  Payment
          would be payable  hereunder  and the  Executive  will be  entitled  to
          settle or contest,  as the case may be, any other issue  raised by the
          Internal Revenue Service or any other taxing authority.

          (vii)  If, after the receipt by the Executive of an amount advanced by
          the Company pursuant to Section  8(d) (vi), the Executive receives any
          refund with  respect to such claim, the Executive will (subject to the
          Company's complying with the requirements of Section  8(e)(vi) pay  to
          the Company the amount of such refund (together with any interest paid
          or credited thereon after (vii) If, after the receipt by the Executive
          of an amount advanced by the Company pursuant to any  taxes applicable
          thereto) within 30  calendar days after such receipt and the Company's
          satisfaction of  all  accrued  obligations  under this  Agreement. If,
          after  the  receipt by  the Executive of any amount  advanced  by  the
          Company pursuant  to  Section  8(d) (vi), a determination is made that
          the  Executive will not be entitled to any refund with respect to such
          claim and the Company does not notify the Executive  in writing of its
          intent  to contest such determination  prior  to  the expiration of 30
          calendar days after  such  determination,  then  such  advance will be
          forgiven and will not be


          required to be repaid  and the amount of any such advance will offset,
          to the extent  thereof, the amount of Gross-Up  Payment required to be
          paid by the Company to the  Executive  pursuant to this Section 8.

     All information (the "Confidential  Information") includes all confidential
     information of the Company and/or its subsidiaries,  including  information
     entrusted to the Company and/or any of its  subsidiaries  by third parties,
     not otherwise  publicly  disclosed or available,  other than as a result of
     wrongful bisclosure by the Executive, which, during the Employment Term:

                    (i)   is disclosed by any of them to the Executive; or

                    (ii)  the  Executive  had access or otherwise  had reason to
                          know; or

                    (iii) was developed or discovered by the Executive.

     Confidential  Information  includes,  but is not limited to, whether or not
     legended or otherwise identified as "confidential":

                    (i)   property  lists,   prospective  properties  lists, and
                          details of agreement with sellers; and

                    (ii)  acquisition,   expansion,   marketing,  financial, and
                          other business information and plans; and

                    (iii) research and development and data related thereto; and

                    (iv)  other compilations of data; and

                    (v)   computer programs and/or records; and

                    (vi)  sources of supply; and

                    (vii) confidential information  developed by consultants and
                          contractors; and

                    (viii)purchasing, operating, and other costs data; and

                    (ix)  employee information; and

                    (x)   manuals,  memoranda,   projections,   minutes,  plans,
                          drawings, designs, formula books and specifications.

          The  Executive  acknowledges  that  the  Confidential  Information  is
          valuable and proprietary to the Company or to third parties which have
          entrusted the Company and/or its subsidiaries, and, except as required
          by the  Executive's  Duties,  the  Executive  shall not use,  publish,
          disseminate,   or  otherwise  disclose  any  Confidential  information
          without prior written consent of the Company.

          Upon  termination of the Executive's  employment,  the Executive shall
          forthwith deliver to the Company all plans, designs, drawings,


          specifications,  listings,  manuals,  records,  notebooks, and similar
          repositories of or containing Confidential Information,  including all
          copies,  then  in  the  Executive's  possession  or  control,  whether
          prepared  by the  Executive  or  others.  Upon  such  termination  the
          Executive shall retain no copies of any such documents.

     (c)  RESTRICTION ON COMPETITIVE EMPLOYMENT The term Business shall mean:

                     (i)  the  business of  the  Company and its subsidiaries as
                          described in the Company's  most recent Form 10-K; and

                     (ii) any other  business in which the Company or any of its
                          subsidiaries   is  engaged   during  the   Executive's
                          Employment Term.

          The term Territories shall refer to those  metropolitan areas in which
          the Company owns  properties  or otherwise is engaged in the Business,
          including any areas where the Company has specific plans to acquire or
          develop  properties  within the following six (6) months following the
          date of  termination  or change of  control,  as  applicable,  and all
          outlying  areas located  within a thirty (30) mile radius of each such
          metropolitan area.

          Except as noted in Section 3, Duties,  during the Employment  Term and
          the twelve  months  (12)  months  following  the  termination  of this
          Agreement (the "Non-Competition  Period"),  absent the Company's prior
          written  approval,  the  Executive  shall not,  as owner,  part-owner,
          shareholder,    partner,   director,   principal,   agent,   employee,
          consultant,  or  otherwise,   within  the  Territories,   directly  or
          indirectly engage or participate in activities  relating to, or render
          services  to or invest  in any firm or  business  engaged  or about to
          become engaged in, the Business, provided that the Executive may:

                     (i)  engage  in  the  activities  as  noted  in  Section 3,

                     (ii) make passive  investments in an enterprise  engaged in
                          the  Business  the  shares of  ownership  of which are
                          publicly   traded   if  the   Executive's   investment
                          constitutes  less than 2% of the total  equity of such

          During  the  Employment  Term  and  the  Non-Competition  Period,  the
          Executive shall not, directly or indirectly:

                     (i)  induce, or attempt to induce,  any employees or agents
                          or  consultants of or to the Company or any subsidiary
                          of the Company to do anything from which the Executive
                          is  restricted by reason of Section 9(a) through 9(c),
                          inclusive; or

                     (ii) offer or aid others to offer  employment to anyone who
                          is an  employee,  agent  or  consultant  of or to  the
                          Company or an subsidiary of the Company at the time of
                          termination of the Executive.

          If this  Agreement  shall be  terminated  by the  Company  pursuant to
          Section  2(b)(iv),  Termination  for reason other than For Cause,  the
          provisions  of  Sections  9(c) and 9(d) shall  terminate  on the first
          business day following the termination of the Executive.


          Unless  otherwise  provided,  the  provisions of Sections 9(a) through
          9(d),  inclusive,  shall survive the termination of this Agreement for
          the duration of the Non-Competition Period.

     The Executive  acknowledges  that remedy at law for any breach or attempted
     breach of the Executive's  obligations under Section 9, Confidentiality and
     Non-Competition, may be inadequate, agrees that the Company may be entitled
     to specific performance and injunctive and other equitable remedies in case
     of any such breach or  attempted  breach,  and further  agrees to waive any
     requirement  for the securing or posting of any bond in connection with the
     obtaining of any such injunctive or other equitable relief.

     The  termination  of the  Employment  Term  pursuant to Section  2(a)(iii),
     Discharge  For Cause,  shall not be deemed to be a waiver by the Company of
     any breach by the Executive of this Agreement or any other  obligation owed
     the Company, and,  notwithstanding such a termination,  the Executive shall
     be liable for all damages attributable to such a breach.

     In the event the  Executive is  terminated  For Cause and it is  ultimately
     determined the Company lacked "cause", the:

                     (i)  Executive's   termination   shall  be   treated  as  a
                          Termination  for reason  other  than For Cause,  as it
                          pertains to Section 8(a); and

                     (ii) Executive  shall  reserve the right to seek remedy for
                          breach of the Agreement by the Company including,  but
                          not  limited  to,  any other  such  damages  as may be
                          suffered  and/or   incurred  by  the  Executive,   the
                          Executive's  costs  incurred  during the dispute,  and
                          reasonable  attorney's  fees in  connection  with such
                          dispute; and

                     (iii)Executive  shall receive all Severance  Benefits under
                          Section  8(a),  Termination  for reason other than For
                          Cause,  with  interest of 8% annually on all  payments
                          considered  past  due  from  the  date at  which  such
                          payment would have been made.

     No Waiver or  non-action  by either party with respect to any breach by the
     other  party  of any  provision  of  this  Agreement,  nor  the  waiver  or
     non-action  with respect to the provisions of similar  agreement with other
     employees  or the  breach  thereof,  shall be deemed or  construed  to be a
     waiver of any succeeding  breach of such  provision,  or as a waiver of the
     provision itself.

     Should  any  portion  of  this  Agreement  be  adjusted  or  held  invalid,
     unenforceable   or  void,  such  holding  shall  not  have  the  effect  of
     invalidating  or voiding the  remainder of this  Agreement  and the parties
     hereby  agree that the  portion  so held  invalid,  unenforceable,  or void
     shall, if possible,  be deemed amended or reduced in scope, or otherwise be
     stricken  from this  Agreement  to the extent  required for the purposes of
     validity and enforcement thereof.


     Neither the  Executive  nor the Company may assign its rights,  duties,  or
     obligations hereunder without consent of the other.

     Except  with  respect  to  any  termination  under  Section  2(b)(iv),  the
     Executive's obligations under Sections 9 and 10 shall survive regardless of
     whether or not the  Executive's  employment is  terminated,  voluntarily or
     involuntarily, by the employer or the Executive, with or without cause.

     The Company's  obligations under Sections 8 and 11 shall survive regardless
     of whether or not the Executive's employment is terminated,  voluntarily or
     involuntarily, by the employer or the Executive, with or without cause.

     This Agreement  incorporates the entire agreement between both parties with
     respect to the subject matter hereof and  supersedes all prior  agreements,
     documents, or other instruments with respect to the matters covered herein.

     This Agreement shall be governed by, and interpreted in accordance with the
     provisions  of,  the  law of the  State  of  Texas,  without  reference  to
     provisions that refer a matter to the law of any other  jurisdiction.  Each
     party  hereto  hereby  irrevocably  submits  itself  to  the  non-exclusive
     personal jurisdiction of the Federal and State courts sitting in Texas.

     This  Agreement  may not be changed or  terminated  orally,  and no change,
     termination, or waiver of this Agreement or of any of the provisions herein
     contained  shall be  binding  unless  made in  writing  and  signed by both
     parties,  and, in the case of the Company,  by a person  designated  by the

     Without limiting the foregoing,  any change or changes,  from time to time,
     in the Executive's  salary or duties or both shall not be, nor be deemed to
     be, a change,  termination,  or waiver of this  Agreement  or of any of the
     provisions herein contained.

     All notices and other communications  required or permitted hereunder shall
     be made in  writing,  and  shall be  deemed  properly  given  if  delivered
     personally,  mailed by certified  mail,  postage prepaid and return receipt
     requested, sent by facsimile, or sent by Express Mail or Federal Express or
     other nationally recognized express delivery service, as follows:

                              If to the Company or the Board:

                              Camden Property Trust
                              Three Greenway Plaza, Suite 1300
                              Houston, TX 77046
                              Attention:  Board of Trust Managers

                              If to the Executive:

                              D. Keith Oden
                              Three Greenway Plaza, Suite 1300
                              Houston, TX 77046


     Notice given by hand, Express Mail, Federal Express,  or other such express
     delivery  service shall be effective upon actual  receipt.  Notice given by
     facsimile  transmission  shall be effective upon actual receipt of received
     during the  recipient's  normal  business hours, or at the beginning of the
     recipient's  next  business day after  receipt if not  received  during the
     recipient's   normal  business   hours.   All  notices  sent  by  facsimile
     transmission  shall be confirmed  promptly after transmission in writing by
     certified mail or personal delivery.

     Any party may change any  address to which  notice  shall be given to it by
     giving notice as provided above of such change in address.

     The Executive  represents  and warrants that he is legally free to make and
     perform this  Agreement,  that he has no  obligation to any other person or
     entity that would affect or conflict with any of his obligations hereunder,
     and that the complete  performance  of his  obligations  hereunder will not
     violate  any law,  regulation,  order,  or  decree of any  governmental  or
     jurisdictional body or contract by which he is bound.

     It is the intent of the Company that the Executive not be required to incur
     legal fees and the related  expenses  associated  with the  interpretation,
     enforcement or defense of the  Executive's  rights to  compensation  upon a
     Change of Control by litigation  or otherwise  because the cost and expense
     thereof  would  substantially  detract  from the  benefits  intended  to be
     extended to the Executive  hereunder.  Accordingly,  if it should appear to
     the  Executive  that the  Company  has  failed  to  comply  with any of its
     obligations  under this  Agreement  or in the event that the Company or any
     other person takes or threatens to take any action to declare the agreement
     to  pay   Executive   compensation   upon  a  change  of  control  void  or
     unenforceable,  or institutes  any litigation or other action or proceeding
     designed to deny, or to recover from,  the Executive the benefits  provided
     or  intended  to be  provided  to  the  Executive  hereunder,  the  Company
     irrevocably authorizes the Executive from time to time to retain counsel of
     the  Executive's  choice,  at the  expense of the  Company  as  hereinafter
     provided, to advise and represent the Executive in connection with any such
     interpretation,  enforcement or defense,  including without  limitation the
     initiation or defense of any  litigation or other legal action,  whether by
     or against the Company or any Trust Manager, officer, shareholder, or other
     person affiliated with the Company,  in any  jurisdiction.  Notwithstanding
     any existing or prior attorney-client  relationship between the Company and
     such counsel,  the Company irrevocably consents to the Executive's entering
     into  an  attorney-client  relationship  with  such  counsel,  and in  that
     connection  the  Company  and  the  Executive  agree  that  a  confidential
     relationship  will exist between the  Executive  and such counsel.  Without
     regard  to  whether  the  Executive  prevails,  in  whole  or in  part,  in
     connection  with any of the  foregoing,  the Company will pay and be solely
     financially  responsible  for any and all  attorneys'  and related fees and
     expenses incurred by the Executive in connection with any of the foregoing.


     The parties  expressly  agree that this  Agreement is contractual in nature
     and not a mere recital,  and that it contains all the terms and  conditions
     of the agreement  between the parties with respect to the matters set forth
     herein. All prior negotiations,  agreements,  arrangements,  understandings
     and statements between the parties relating to the matters set forth herein
     that have occurred at any time or  contemporaneously  with the execution of
     this  Agreement  (including,  but not limited to, the Prior  Agreement) are
     superseded  and merger  into t his  completely  integrated  Agreement.  The
     Recitals set forth above shall be deemed to be part of this Agreement.

     Notwithstanding  anything in this Agreement, the Company's employee benefit
     plans,  any  agreement   entered  into  under  such  plans,  or  under  any
     retirement,  pension,  profit  sharing  or  other  similar  plan,  upon the
     occurrence  of a  change  of  control,  as  defined  in  Section  2(e),  or
     termination for reason of death or disability or if Executive is terminated
     other than For Cause all deferred or unvested portions of any award made to
     Executive   under  any  of  the  foregoing   plans  and  agreements   shall
     automatically  become fully vested in Executive  and shall be in effect and
     redeemable  by  or  payable  to  Executive,   or   Executive's   designated
     beneficiary or estate, on the same conditions (other than vesting) as would
     have applied had the change of control,  or termination for reason of death
     or disability or the termination  other than For Cause, as applicable,  not
     occurred,  including,  but not limited to, the right to exercise  any share
     options  for a period  of 10 years  from the date of  grant.  All  unvested
     awards under the plans shall  immediately  vest upon the change of control,
     or  termination  for  reason  of death or  disability  or if  Executive  is
     terminated other than For Cause and the Executive or Executive's designated
     beneficiary  or estate shall have the right to exercise  any vested  awards
     during the balance of the awards' term.

EXECUTED as of the date first written above.

                                   CAMDEN PROPERTY TRUST

                                   By:              /s/Richard J. Campo

                                   Name:              Richard J. Campo

                                   Title:         Chief Executive Officer


                                              /s/D. Keith Oden
                                   D. Keith Oden