NTL INCORPORATED TAKES

New York, New York (December 17, 1998) - NTL Incorporated (NASDAQ: NTLI; EASDAQ:
NTLI.ED)  announced  today that a wholly  owned  subsidiary,  Premium TV Limited
("NTL"),  has entered into an agreement with Cameron Hall  Developments  Limited
("CHD"),  the majority shareholder in Newcastle United PLC, to acquire 9,000,000
shares  (representing 6.3% of the issued share capital of Newcastle United) at a
price of 111.7 pence per share.

In conjunction with the sale of shares, CHD has also entered into an irrevocable
commitment  to NTL that if NTL makes a general offer for all of the issued share
capital  of  Newcastle  United,  CHD will  accept  that  offer in respect of the
remaining balance of its shares in Newcastle United,  representing  50.8% of the
issued share capital of Newcastle  United.  If made,  any such offer would be at
the price of 111.7 pence per share in cash and may,  if NTL so decides,  carry a
full zero coupon loan note alternative.

The  decision on whether NTL will make an offer may be  influenced  (among other
things) by the substance of the report by the Monopolies and Mergers  Commission
on the proposed offer for  Manchester  United  Football  Club.  The  irrevocable
commitment  given by CHD is binding until 12 weeks  following the publication of
that  report.  This  period  may  extend in  certain  circumstances  to 16 weeks
following  publication and may be extended further should the Secretary of State
for Trade and Industry decide to refer to the Monopolies and Mergers  Commission
the transaction being announced today.

Barclay  Knapp,  President  and Chief  Executive  Officer  of NTL  said:  "NTL's
approach  across  its  business  activities  is to be a force for wider  choice,
diversity and customer  value.  Through Premium TV, we have been looking at ways
to  bring  more  quality  sports  programming  to  more  viewers,   and  today's
transaction  is in  line  with  that  strategy.  Our  involvement  will  benefit
football,  Newcastle  United and its  supporters.  We believe  strongly that the
future  success of football will continue to be developed on the  enthusiasm and
active support of fans."

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For further information contact: In the U.S.: John F. Gregg, Managing Director -
Corporate Development,  Michael A. Peterson, Director - Corporate Development or
Richard J. Lubasch,  Senior Vice President - General  Counsel at (212) 906-8440;
in the UK:  Barclay  Knapp,  President  and Chief  Executive  Officer,  Geoffrey
Hamilton-Fairley  or Alison Smith, Group  Communications at 0171-413-3000 or via
e-mail at investor_relations@ntli.com.