For Immediate Release


                           INTERNATIONAL OPPORTUNITIES

New York, New York (March 18, 1999) - NTL Incorporated  (NASDAQ:  NTLI;  EASDAQ:
NTLI.ED)  announced today that the  Commonwealth of Australia had accepted NTL's
bid to own and operate the Australian National Transmission Network ("NTN").

NTN operates  from over 560 tower sites and provides  exclusive  television  and
radio   transmission   services  to  Australia's  only  national  TV  and  radio
broadcasters, ABC and SBS. In addition, NTN serves regional and community TV and
radio broadcasters, and provides equipment hosting services to telecom operators
and emergency service  communications  providers on its towers.  NTN's customers
include Telstra,  WIN Television,  Prime  Television,  Vodafone and Air Services
Australia.  NTN holds long term contractual  relationships  with the majority of
its customers.

Under the terms of the acquisition agreement, NTL Australia will purchase all of
the shares of National  Transmission  Company (the entity which will hold all of
the NTN assets) for an aggregate  purchase price of  approximately  $650 million
Australian  ($407 million  U.S.).  The closing is expected to occur early in the
second quarter of 1999.

Commenting on today's  announcement,  Barclay  Knapp,  President and CEO of NTL,
said "This acquisition marks the beginning of a bright new era for our broadcast
transmission and tower business worldwide. NTL combines the best of two exciting
businesses in this space. The first is traditional tower site leasing, which has
gained substantial  visibility in the US in recent months. NTL's network of more
than 1,300 sites in the UK provides  virtually total geographic  coverage of the
UK. Likewise,  NTN's 560 sites in Australia will give NTL a similar footprint of
the population centers in that country.

"The second business,  which is less well understood in the U.S.,  represents an
enormous  opportunity  worldwide that NTL is now leading. In addition to renting
antenna space on its towers,  NTL provides full turn-key  transmission  services
for  three-fourths  of the television  broadcasters  in the UK, and now with the
acquisition  of  NTN,  for  all  of  the  national  television  broadcasters  in
Australia.  NTL  and  NTN are  responsible  for  virtually  all  aspects  of the
television transmission to the television set, under long term, high-value added
contracts. Under these contracts, both NTL and NTN own and operate the broadcast
transmission infrastructure for their respective customers.

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March 18, 1999
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"With NTN,  NTL will be the only  company  in the world  fully  responsible  for
national television transmission in two countries. Virtually every major country
in  the  world  outside  of  the  U.S.  will  be  privatizing   their  broadcast
transmission  networks  over the next several  years as  countries  seek to gain
funds for the transition from analog to digital television transmission.  As the
only company which will be performing  these services in two of the most forward
thinking  developed  countries,  and with a history  of  operating  broadcasting
services  for over forty  years,  NTL today has gained a  significant  leg up as
these privatizations accelerate in Europe, Asia and elsewhere around the globe.

"NTL is uniquely  positioned  to  capitalize  on the two major  trends that will
shape global broadcasting in the coming years: privatization and digitalization.
NTL is the  acknowledged  leader in  delivering  end-to-end  digital  television
transmission  systems.  For some time, we have focused on creating  partnerships
with major broadcasters to design,  build and operate complex digital television
broadcast systems. Our strategy is simple - to transfer our success in the UK to
other countries.

"The NTL  transmission  group has translated its  capabilities  into significant
revenue and EBITDA growth since its  privatization  in 1991. In addition,  since
our  acquisition  of the group in May 1996,  we have  doubled the size of our UK
tower  inventory to more than 1,300  towers.  NTN offers us the  opportunity  to
recreate this successful  model in Australia and we plan this to be the first of
many international opportunities for NTL."

In a related  transaction,  NTL  announced  that on or about  March 31, 1999 and
prior to the closing of the  acquisition of NTN, NTL will form a holding company
under the Delaware Corporation Law which will be the new publicly traded company
of the NTL Group of companies.  Each share of NTL will be converted into a share
in the new holding  company  which will  continue to trade on NASDAQ and EASDAQ.
NTL will become a wholly-owned  subsidiary of the new holding  company.  Through
other subsidiaries,  the new holding company will pursue  opportunities  outside
the United Kingdom and the Republic of Ireland;  the first such  investment will
be NTN.

NTL also  announced  that its board had  approved  the  pursuit  of  alternative
corporate financial strategies with regard to its broadcasting and tower related
opportunities.  These  strategies are intended to provide the division with more
flexibility to pursue future  opportunities and to illuminate the value of those
assets, while leaving the cash flow from its UK operations within NTL.

NTL is a leading alternative  telecommunications  company in the United Kingdom.
The company offers local business and residential  telephony,  residential cable
television and Internet  services over advanced  broadband fiber networks in six
major  franchise  areas  in the  UK.  Through  its  national  telecoms  services
division,  the company owns and operates one of only five  independent  national
telecoms networks in the UK, and offers national business telecoms, national and
international carrier telecommunications services, and satellite and

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March 18, 1999
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radio  communications   services.  The  company's  broadcast  services  division
operates a national broadcast  transmission network of more than 1,300 owned and
shared transmission sites, and offers digital and analog broadcast  transmission
services to major television and radio stations nationwide in the UK.


The Company will hold a conference call to discuss this  announcement on Friday,
March 19, 1999 at 11:00 a.m. Eastern Time.  Investors who wish to participate in
the conference call should  register in advance at (212)  986-6667.  A replay of
the call will also be available.

For further information contact: In the U.S.: John F. Gregg, Managing Director -
Corporate Development;  Bret Richter, Director - Corporate Development,  Richard
J. Lubasch, Senior Vice President - General Counsel or Kathy Makrakis,  Director
- -  Investor   Relations  at  (212)   906-8457;   in  the  UK:  Alison  Smith  at
01252-402-662; or via e-mail at