DEED OF TRANSFER

In the city of New York,  in New York State,  USA, on this 13th day of December,
1999,  before me, Ms.  Margaret  M. Van Dyke,  Notary  Public  domiciled  in the
above-mentioned  city and state,  duly  commissioned  and in the  exercise of my
notarial functions.


Mr. Gregg Gorelick, of legal age in accordance with his national law, born on 20
December,  1958, of American  nationality,  married,  domiciled for professional
purposes at 110 East 59th  Street,  New York,  New York 10022,  USA, and holding
passport number 151479071; and

Mr. George S. Blumenthal, of legal age in accordance with his national law, born
on 6 January, 1944, of American nationality, married, domiciled for professional
purposes at 110 East 59th  Street,  New York,  New York 10022,  USA, and holding
passport number 111063415.

                                    THEY ACT

Mr.  Gregg  Gorelick,  in the name and on behalf of the State of  Delaware,  USA
company, NTL COMMUNICATIONS CORP., whose principal place of business is 110 East
59th Street,  New York, New York 10022,  USA (the "Vendor").  Mr. Gregg Gorelick
acts in his position as Vice  President - Controller of the Vendor and having to
my own judgment the necessary legal capacity to grant this document.

Mr.  George S.  Blumenthal,  in the name and on behalf of the State of Delaware,
USA limited  liability  company,  NTL (TRIANGLE)  LLC, whose  principal place of
business  is  110  East  59th  Street,  New  York,  New  York  10022,  USA  (the
"Purchaser").  Mr. George S. Blumenthal has been granted the power and authority
to act as an authorized signatory of the Purchaser and having to my own judgment
the necessary legal capacity to grant this document.

                                   THEY GRANT


The Vendor is the owner of the entire issued and outstanding  participations  of
Canarias Target, S.L., a Spanish corporation,  whose principal place of business
is Avenida Alcalde Ramirez  Bethencourt,  6 bis, Edificio  Atlantico,  35003 Las
Palmas de Gran Canaria, Spain (the "Company").

The Vendor and the Purchaser agree that the Vendor should sell and the Purchaser
should purchase the entire issued and outstanding  participations of the Company
pursuant to the terms and subject to the conditions contained herein.


1.   The Vendor shall sell and the  Purchaser  shall  purchase the entire issued
     and   outstanding    participations   of   the   Company   (the   "Transfer
     Participations")  with effect from 13 December  1999  pursuant to the terms
     and subject to the conditions contained herein.

2.   The consideration for the acquisition of the Transfer  Participations shall
     be 535,180,000  Irish punts in cash to be paid in the equivalent  amount of
     British Pounds Sterling.

3.   Completion  of the sale of the  Transfer  Participations  shall  take place
     effective as of 13 December 1999, whereupon completion,  each of the Vendor
     and the Purchaser  shall send an original of this Deed of Transfer,  signed
     by or on behalf of each of the  Vendor,  the  Purchaser  and the Notary and
     legalized  with an  "Apostille"  certificate  in accordance  with the Hague
     Convention of 5 October 1961 to the Secretary of the Company at the address
     for the  Company  set  forth in the first  WHEREAS  clause  above,  for its
     recording in the Registry Book of Members of the Company. The remittance of
     this  document  shall be sent along with a letter signed by or on behalf of
     each of the Vendor, the Purchaser and the Notary  substantially in the form
     attached hereto as Schedule I.

4.   The Purchaser  shall subject to the  satisfaction of the matters set out in
     clause 3 above or sufficient undertakings by the Vendor in respect thereof,
     authorize and consummate the wire transfer of British Pounds Sterling in an
     amount equivalent,  on the date of entering into this Deed of Transfer,  to
     535,180,000  Irish  Punts,  in  immediately  available  funds to an account
     specified in writing by the Vendor.

5.   The Vendor shall transfer the Transfer Participations with good title, free
     from all liens, charges,  encumbrances,  equities and claims whatsoever and
     together with all rights now and hereafter attaching to them.

6.   The  Vendor  shall do,  execute,  perform  or  deliver or cause to be done,
     executed,  performed or  delivered,  to the Purchaser or at its direction a
     nominee  all such  further  deeds,  documents,  instruments,  certificates,
     assurances,  acts and things as the Purchaser shall reasonably  require for
     the purpose of vesting in the Purchaser the full title,  benefit and rights
     of the Transfer Participations.

7.   This  Agreement  shall be governed by and construed in accordance  with the
     laws of the State of  Delaware,  USA,  and the parties  hereto  irrevocably
     submit  to the  exclusive  jurisdiction  of the  Courts  of  the  State  of
     Delaware,  USA, as regards any claim,  dispute or matter  arising out of or
     relating to this Agreement or any of the documents to be executed  pursuant
     to this Agreement.


IN  WITNESS  WHEREOF,   the  undersigned   authorized   representative   of  NTL
Communications  Corp.  and  authorized  signatory on behalf of NTL Group Limited
have  caused  this Deed of  Transfer  to be executed on the 13th day of December


/s/ Gregg Gorelick
- ------------------
Gregg Gorelick
Vice President - Controller


/s/ George S. Blumenthal
- ------------------------
George S. Blumenthal
Signing as an authorized signatory on behalf of NTL
Group Limited

/s/ Margaret M. Van Dyke
- ------------------------
Notary Public

                                   SCHEDULE I

13 December 1999

Mr. Francisco Fernandez de Pedro
Secretary of CANARIAS TARGET, S.L.
Alcalde Ramirez Bethencourt, 6 bis
Edificio Atlantico
35003 Las Palmas de Gran Canaria

Dear Sir,

We hereby  inform you that as of the 13th day of December 1999 the attached Deed
of  Transfer  (the  "Deed  of  Transfer")  relating  to the  entire  issued  and
outstanding  participations of Canarias Target,  S.L. (the "Company") has become
effective and was notarized before the Notary Public: Ms. Margaret M. Van Dyke.

Pursuant to the terms of the Deed of Transfer,  we hereby request that you amend
the Registry Book of Members of the Company to reflect NTL (Triangle) LLC as the
new Sole Member of the Company.



/s/ Gregg Gorelick
- ------------------
Gregg Gorelick
Vice President - Controller


/s/ George S. Blumenthal
- ------------------------
George S. Blumenthal
Signing as an authorized signatory on behalf of NTL
Group Limited

/s/ Margaret M. Van Dyke
- ------------------------
Notary Public