                        WHEREAS, there are now pending certain shareholder 

              actions in (a) the Supreme Court of the State of New York,  

              County of New York (the "Court") entitled EUGENIA GLADSTONE 


              96-602632 (the "New York Action"); and (b) the District 

              Court, County of Denver, State of Colorado, entitled EUGENIA 


              Case No. 96CV2277; and (c) the District Court, County of 

              Arapahoe, State of Colorado, entitled CHARLES MILLER V. ROGER 

              B. WARE, ET AL., Case No. 96CV1020 ((b) and (c) referred to 

              herein as the "Colorado Actions") (collectively, the 


                        WHEREAS, the Actions challenge certain actions 

              allegedly taken or not taken by Orion Capital Corporation 

              ("Orion"), Guaranty National Corporation ("Guaranty National" 

              or the "Company") and the Board of Directors of Guaranty 

              National, in connection with Orion's tender offer for up to 

              30% of the outstanding shares of Guaranty National (the 

              "Tender Offer");

                        WHEREAS, the Tender Offer was originally for the 

              purchase of up to 4,600,000 outstanding shares of Guaranty 

              National stock at $17.50 per share;


                        WHEREAS, pursuant to the agreed modifications to 

              the Tender Offer set forth in paragraph 1 below (the "Revised 

              Tender Offer"), including an increase to $18.50 per share in 

              the consideration to be received for each share tendered as 

              referred to in paragraph 1(a) below, Guaranty National's 

              common shareholders (other than Orion and its subsidiaries 

              (the "Orion Group")) will receive consideration in the 

              Revised Tender Offer which will produce greater value for 

              such shareholders than the consideration they would have 

              received absent the modification;

                        WHEREAS, counsel for the parties have reached a 

              Memorandum of Understanding, subject to the completion of 

              plaintiff's remaining discovery in the Actions, providing for 

              the settlement of the Actions (the "Settlement") by the 

              plaintiffs and by the putative class of persons on behalf of 

              whom plaintiffs have brought the Actions, and by Orion, 

              Guaranty National and the individual defendants to the 

              Actions, on the terms and subject to the conditions set forth 

              below; NOW THEREFORE,

                        IT IS HEREBY AGREED, between and among the parties 

              hereto that the following sets forth the terms of their 

              agreement to settle this matter:

                        1.  The Tender Offer has been modified as follows:


                        (a)  Guaranty National shareholders will receive 

              cash in the amount of $18.50 per share rather than $17.50 per 


                        (b)  a minimum of 3,776,000 shares of Guaranty 

              National common stock (i.e, a majority of the Company's 

              outstanding shares not held by the Orion Group) must be 

              validly tendered for the Revised Tender Offer to be 

              effective; and

                        (c)  if the Revised Tender Offer is consummated, 

              Orion has made additional undertakings which require, inter 
              alia that any purchase of the remaining outstanding shares 
              of Guaranty National within the next three years (i.e.
              through July 1, 1999) shall be for consideration not less 

              than that paid in the Revised Tender Offer.

                        2.  Guaranty National has obtained a written 

              opinion from its investment banker, Salomon Brothers Inc, 

              stating that the Revised Tender Offer is fair, from a 

              financial point of view, to the non-Orion stockholders of 

              Guaranty National and the Guaranty National Board of 

              Directors has recommended acceptance of the Revised Tender 

              Offer to the non-Orion holders of Guaranty National common 


                        3.  The parties acknowledge that plaintiffs' 

              litigation efforts and their communications with defendants 


              were significant and influential causal factors considered by 

              Orion, Guaranty National and the Guaranty National Board of 

              Directors in connection with the modifications to the Tender 

              Offer described in paragraph 1 above, and the steps taken by 

              or on behalf of the Guaranty National Board described in 

              paragraph 2 above.

                        4.  Plaintiffs may conduct such reasonable 

              additional discovery as the parties agree is appropriate and 

              necessary to confirm the fairness and reasonableness of the 

              terms of the Settlement.

                        5.  The parties to the New York Action will agree 

              upon, execute and present to the Court as soon as is 

              practicable an appropriate Stipulation of Settlement 

              ("Stipulation") and such other documentation as may be 

              required in order to obtain prompt approval by the Court of 

              the Settlement upon the terms set forth in this Memorandum of 

              Understanding.  The Stipulation will expressly provide, inter 
              alia: (a) for entry of a judgment in appropriate form barring
              claims (including any claims for violation of federal, state 

              or common law) that have been or might have been brought in 

              any court by any member of the putative class relating to any 

              matters that were or could have been asserted in the 

              complaints, in the Actions or in the Amended Complaint in the 

              New York Action; (b) for a release in an appropriate form 


              releasing all such claims that were or could have been 

              asserted against the individual defendants, Orion or Guaranty 

              National; and (c) for appropriate certification of the class 

              as described in paragraph 6.

                        6.  For the purposes of Settlement of the Actions 

              consistent with the terms of this Memorandum of 

              Understanding, the parties will jointly submit to the Court 

              in connection with the Stipulation a proposed order 

              providing, inter alia, for conditional certification of an 
                         ----- ----
              opt-out class (the "Class"), pursuant to the New York Civil 

              Practice Law and Rules, solely for the purpose of 

              consummating and effectuating the proposed Settlement, 

              consisting of Guaranty National shareholders (exclusive of 

              the Orion Group and the individual defendants named in any of 

              the Actions) who owned shares of the Company at any time 

              between May 7, 1995 and the consummation of the Revised 

              Tender Offer, and their successors in interest or 

              transferees, immediate and remote.

                        7.  The parties to the New York Action will present 

              the Settlement to the Court for hearing and approval as soon 

              as practicable following appropriate notice to the members of 

              the Class and will use their best efforts to obtain final 

              Court approval of the Settlement, and release and dismissal 

              of the New York Action with prejudice as against plaintiff 


              Eugenia Gladstone Vogel and the Class and without awarding 

              costs to any party (except as provided for in paragraph 10 

              below).  As used herein, "final Court approval" of the 

              Settlement means that the Court has entered an Order 

              approving the Settlement and that Order is finally affirmed 

              on appeal or is no longer subject to appeal.

                        8.  Promptly after final Court approval of the 

              Settlement, the parties to the Colorado Actions shall apply 

              for the entry of a judgment in appropriate form dismissing 

              and releasing the Colorado Actions with prejudice and without 

              costs or fees (except as provided in Paragraph 10 below) 

              based on the release and dismissal of the New York Action and 

              the res judicata effect of the Order entered therein 
                  --- --------
              approving the Settlement and dismissing that action.  

              Notwithstanding the foregoing, plaintiffs reserve the right 

              at any time prior to the issuance of an order by the Court 

              preliminarily approving the Settlement and directing the 

              dissemination of notice, to cause the Settlement to be 

              submitted for approval by one of the two Colorado courts 

              presiding over the Colorado actions.

                        9.  Plaintiff reserves the right to withdraw from 

              the terms of this Memorandum of Understanding and the 

              proposed Settlement in the event that remaining discovery 

              reveals facts which are inconsistent with the fairness of the 


              proposed Settlement to the Class.  Defendants reserve the 

              right to withdraw from the terms of this Memorandum of 

              Understanding and the proposed Settlement in the event that 

              there shall opt out of the Class shareholders whose aggregate 

              Guaranty National holdings equal or exceed 500,000 common 

              shares outstanding.  The parties will cooperate with 

              plaintiffs to schedule the discovery referred to herein in as 

              efficient a manner as possible.

                        10.  Provided that a Stipulation of Settlement has 

              been executed and final Court approval of the Settlement 

              (including class release) and dismissal of the Action by the 

              Court with prejudice has been obtained, plaintiffs' counsel 

              of record in the Actions will jointly apply to the Court for 

              an award of attorneys' fees and expenses not to exceed in the 

              aggregate $600,000.  The attorneys for plaintiffs in the 

              Actions shall make no other fee application in any of the 

              Actions.  Defendants will not oppose such application for 

              attorneys' fees and expenses.  Subject to the conditions set 

              forth in this paragraph, any attorneys' fees and expenses 

              awarded by the Court to plaintiffs' counsel shall be paid by 

              Orion, on behalf of defendants, to the order of Milberg Weiss 

              Bershad Hynes & Lerach LLP, as receiving agent for 

              plaintiffs' counsel, or as the Court may otherwise direct, 

              within ten days after final Court approval of the Settlement 


              and dismissal with prejudice and without costs or fees 

              (except as otherwise set forth in this paragraph), of the 

              Colorado Actions.  Defendants shall also pay the costs and 

              expenses incurred in the New York Action and, if necessary, 

              in the Colorado or in any other litigated matter which 

              requires such notice, in providing notice of the Settlement 

              to the Class up to a maximum of $10,000.00.

                        11.  Guaranty National and certain individual 

              defendants, having filed a motion to dismiss the Amended 

              Complaint in the New York Action, agree to toll the time 

              within which the New York plaintiff must respond to that 

              motion until the Settlement receives final Court approval, 

              at which time the motion will be withdrawn.

                        12.  This Memorandum of Understanding and the 

              proposed Settlement described herein shall not be legally 

              binding on any party unless and until the Stipulation is 

              executed.  Should a Stipulation not be executed or not be 

              judicially approved by the Court, or should the Revised 

              Tender Offer not be consummated in accordance with the 

              modified terms described therein, the proposed Settlement 

              shall be null and void and of no force and effect, and shall 

              not be deemed to prejudice in any way the position of any 

              party with respect to the Actions.  In such event, neither 

              the existence of this Memorandum of Understanding nor its 


              contents shall be admissible in evidence or shall be referred 

              to for any purpose in this litigation or in any other 

              litigation or proceeding.

                        13.  This Memorandum of Understanding may be 

              executed in counterpart by any of the signatories hereto, and 

              as so executed shall constitute one agreement.

                        14.  This Memorandum of Understanding and the 

              Settlement contemplated by it shall be governed by, and 

              construed in accordance with the laws of the State of New 


                        15.  This Memorandum of Understanding may be 

              modified or amended only by a writing signed by the 

              signatories hereto.

                        16.  This Memorandum of Understanding shall be 

              binding and inure to the benefit of the parties and their 

              respective agents, executors, heirs, successors and assigns.

              Dated:  July 2, 1996    MILBERG WEISS BERSHAD HYNES &
                                        LERACH LLP
                                      By: /s/ Steven G. Schulman             
                                         Steven G. Schulman
                                         One Penn Plaza, 49th Floor
                                         New York, New York  10119
                                         (212)  594-5300
                                         Attorneys for Plaintiff
                                         Eugenia Gladstone Vogel
                                         (N.Y. and Colo. 96CV2277)


                                      WECHSLER HARWOOD HALEBIAN &
                                        FEFFER LLP
                                      By: /s/ Robert I. Harwood        
                                         Robert I. Harwood
                                         805 Third Avenue
                                         New York, New York  10022
                                         Attorneys for Plaintiff
                                         Charles Miller (Colo.
                                      DONOVAN LEISURE NEWTON &
                                      By: /s/ David R. Jewell      
                                         David R. Jewell
                                         30 Rockefeller Plaza
                                         New York, New York  10112
                                         (212)  632-3000
                                         Attorneys for defendants for
                                         Orion Capital Corporation,
                                         Alan R. Gruber, Larry D.
                                         Hollen, Robert B. Sanborn
                                         and William J. Shepherd
                                      IRELAND STAPLETON & PRYOR
                                      By: /s/ Hardin Holmes    
                                         Hardin Holmes
                                         1675 Broadway
                                         Denver, Colorado  80202
                                         (303)  623-2700
                                         Attorneys for defendants
                                         Guaranty National Corporation,
                                         Tucker Hart Adams,  Dennis J.
                                         Lacey, M. Ann Padilla, Carroll
                                         D. Speckman, Richard R. Thomas
                                         and Roger B. Ware
