ASSIGNMENT AGREEMENT
     THIS ASSIGNMENT  AGREEMENT (this "Agreement")  is  made  and
entered  into as of the 16th day of December 1998 (the "Effective
Date"),  by and between Randy D. Sines, an individual, and  Irene
C.   Sines,   an  individual  (collectively,  "Assignors"),   and
Casinovations   Incorporated,  a  Washington   corporation   (the

     A.   Assignors are the owner of (i) certain Class A Warrants
to  purchase  shares of the Company's common stock at  $3.75  per
share  (the "Warrants"); (ii) certain royalty rights with respect
to the Random Ejection Shuffler, Fantasy 21 table game and Safety
Peek  Playing  Card (the "Royalties"); (iii) certain  options  to
purchase  20,000 shares of the Company's common  stock  from  the
Company (the "Company Options"); (iv) certain options to purchase
175,000  shares  of the Company's common stock  from  Huson  (the
"Huson  Options"); (v) that certain note payable from the Company
in  favor  of Randy D. Sines in the principal amount of  $150,000
subsequently   amended   by  that  certain   Second   Replacement
Promissory Note dated August 31, 1998 in the principal amount  of
$152,963.71 (the "Note"); and (vi) any and all interests,  rights
and claims, direct or indirect, in the foregoing (the "Residual",
collectively,  the Warrants, the Royalties, the Company  Options,
the Huson Options, the Note and the Residual shall be referred to
as the "Sines Assets").

     B.   Assignors  desire to transfer, assign, deliver,  cancel
and render void, satisfied, paid in full and of no further effect
the Sines Assets in favor of the Company.

     C.   Assignors  have   executed  on  even  date  herewith  a
Purchase  and  Sale  Agreement (the "Purchase  Agreement")  among
Assignors,  as Assignors, Richard Huson, an individual ("Huson"),
Ron  Keil,  an  individual  ("Keil"), Bob  Smith,  an  individual
("Smith"),   and   James   Crabbe,   an   individual   ("Crabbe,"
collectively  with Huson, Smith and Keil, "Purchasers")  for  the
purposes  of (i) selling, transferring, assigning and  delivering
885,560  shares of common stock, $.001 par value,  to  Purchasers
and  (ii)  to transferring, assigning, delivering, canceling  and
rendering void, satisfied, paid in full and of no further  effect
the Sines Assets in favor of the Company.

     NOW, THEREFORE, for and  in consideration of the several and
mutual    promises,   agreements,   covenants,    understandings,
undertakings,  representations  and  warranties  hereinafter  set
forth, and for other good and valuable consideration, the receipt
and  sufficiency  of  which is hereby acknowledged,  the  parties
agree  that  the  Recitals  are true  and  correct  and  by  this
reference  incorporated herein as if fully set forth and  further
covenant and agree as follows:

                            ARTICLE I


     Assignors  hereby  absolutely and unconditionally  transfer,
set  over  and  assign to the Company all of Assignors'  acquired
rights,  titles,  benefits  and  interests  currently  owned   or
hereinafter acquired, to the Sines Assets upon the closing of the
Purchase Agreement.


     Notwithstanding  the  transfer,  assignment,  delivery   and
cancellation  of  the Sines Assets in favor  of  the  Company  as
contemplated in this Agreement, upon the Closing (as provided for
in the Purchase Agreement), Assignors shall forever relinquish to
the  Company  any  and  all past, present and  future  interests,
rights or claims, direct or indirect, in the Sines Assets and  in
any  of their intellectual property rights in, including, without
limitation, any and all trademark and patent rights,  the  Random
Ejection Shuffler, the Fantasy 21 table game and the Safety  Peek
playing card.


     The  parties hereby acknowledge that the instruments  giving
rise  to the Royalties, the Company Options and the Huson Options
exist  as  parts of other documents, I.E. the Royalties  and  the
Company Options from that certain Funding Agreement dated January
15,  1996 by and between the Company, Huson, Randy Sines,  Cheryl
Forte, Steven Forte, Sharps International Limited Partnership and
Sines-Forte Partnership, and the Huson Options from that  certain
Third  Round  Funding Agreement dated September 10, 1996  by  and
between the Company, Huson, Randy Sines and Cheryl Forte.


     Assignors and the Company hereby acknowledge that they  will
use  their reasonable best efforts to take, or cause to be taken,
all  appropriate  action, and to do, or cause  to  be  done,  all
things  necessary, proper or advisable under applicable laws  and
regulations  to  consummate and make effective  the  transactions
contemplated  by this Agreement.  In case at any time  after  the
Closing any further action is necessary to carry out the purposes
of  this  Agreement or the Company with full title to  the  Sines
Assets, Assignors and the Company will use their reasonable  best
efforts to take all such necessary action.

                           ARTICLE II

     Assignors  hereby  make  the following  representations  and
warranties  to  the  Company,  and  Assignors  warrant  that  the
following  are true and accurate on the date hereof and  will  be
true and accurate on the Closing:

                              - 2 -


     Assignors are the lawful, beneficial and record owner of the
Sines  Assets.  Assignors own the Sines Assets free and clear  of
all   security   interests,  claims,  liens,  pledges,   options,
encumbrances,  charges, agreements, voting trusts,  proxies,  and
other     arrangements     and     restrictions     (collectively
"Encumbrances").   Assignors  have not  received  notice  of  any
adverse  claim or Encumbrance.  Upon the transfer  of  the  Sines
Assets  as  provided  for  in this Agreement,  the  Company  will
acquire  the beneficial, legal, valid and indefeasible  title  to
the Sines Assets, free and clear of all Encumbrances.


     To  Assignors best knowledge, Assignors have the full right,
power,  legal capacity and authority to enter into,  and  perform
its  obligations  under this Agreement, including  the  transfer,
assignment,  delivery and cancellation of  the  Sines  Assets  in
favor of the Company.


     Assignors  hereby  represent  and  warrant  that  they  have
conducted all necessary due diligence with respect to the subject
matter  of  this Agreement and that they have been provided  with
every  opportunity  to  inquire about  the  business  operations,
financial situation and presently known or contemplated  business
prospects and opportunities of the Company and to review any  and
all   documents,   records,  and  other  non-public   information
regarding the Company.  Confidential Information shall be defined
as  any  and  all non-public information regarding the  Company's
products,   including,  but  not  limited  to,  that  information
regarding the Random Ejection Shuffler, the Fantasy 21 table game
and  the  Safety  Peek  playing card, and  any  other  non-public
information   provided  by  the  Company  and/or  Purchasers   to
Assignors   in  conjunction  with  this  Agreement.     Assignors
acknowledge  and  understand that included among  Purchasers  are
directors  of  the Company who stand in a position  of  knowledge
with   respect   to  both  publicly  disclosed  and  non-publicly
disclosed   information   regarding  the   business   operations,
financial  condition and business prospects and opportunities  of
the Company.  Assignors represent and warrant that have been told
that  the value of the Shares may increase significantly  in  the
future  and have entered into this Agreement willingly and  fully
advised  of  the  economic consequences  thereby,  including  the
potential future economic benefits or detriments of ownership  of
the Shares and the Sines Assets.  Assignors represent and warrant
that they fully understand that the facts presently known to them
may  later  be  found to be different, and expressly  accept  and
assume the risk that the facts may be found to be different.  The
release  and indemnification contained herein shall be  effective
in  all  respects  and  shall not be subject  to  termination  or
rescission because of any such difference in facts.


     Assignors hereby represent and warrant that Assignors  shall
take   reasonable   precautions  to  safeguard   that   the   all
Confidential Information will be kept and maintained confidential
by  Assignors;  will not be disclosed to any third  person;  will
under  no  circumstances (and without in any manner limiting  the
preceding  clause)  be  disclosed to, or utilized  in  connection
with, any

                              - 3 -

supplier, customer or competitor (present and potential)  of  the
Company's  (including any such person now or hereafter controlled
by  Assignors); and will not in any way be used, or be  permitted
to  be used, in a manner detrimental to the business or prospects
of  the  Company.   Without  limiting  the  foregoing,  Assignors
further  represent  and  warrant that none  of  the  Confidential
Information or any other information provided by the  Company  to
Assignors  will be used by Assignors, or disclosed to others  for
use,  in  connection with purchasing, selling or trading  in  the
Company's securities in any manner that is in violation of  legal
or  regulatory  restrictions applicable from time  to  time,  and
Assignors  acknowledge a duty not to purchase, sell or  trade  in
securities on the basis of any material "inside" information that
is  not  publicly  known.  Notwithstanding  any  other  provision
contained  in this Agreement, the representations and  warranties
contained in this Section 3.5, will terminate on May 1, 2001.

     This  Agreement constitutes the valid and binding obligation
of  Assignors,  enforceable against Assignors in accordance  with
its terms.


     To  Assignors  best  knowledge, neither  the  execution  and
delivery  of this Agreement, the consummation of the transactions
contemplated hereby, nor the fulfillment of the terms  hereof  by
Assignors will conflict with, or result in a breach of or default
under,  any  of  the terms or provisions of: (i)  any  agreement,
note,  indenture,  mortgage, deed of trust, instrument  lease  or
franchise to which Assignors are a party or by which it or any of
its  assets  or properties are bound; or (ii) any law,  judgment,
order,  arbitration  award,  rule, regulation,  ordinance,  writ,
injunction   or   decree   of   any   governmental   agency    or
instrumentality  or  court applicable to or  having  jurisdiction
over Assignors or the Sines Assets.


     To   Assignors  best  knowledge,  no  consent,  approval  or
authorization of, or filing with, any governmental  authority  or
other person or entity (including, without limitation, any gaming
authorities)  is  required  in  connection  with  the  execution,
delivery and performance of this Agreement by Assignors.


     Assignors  have  not  dealt with any  broker  or  finder  in
connection  with  any  of the transactions contemplated  by  this
Agreement, and to the best of its knowledge, no broker  or  other
person  is  entitled  to  any  commission  or  finder's  fee   in
connection with such transactions.


     No  representation  made  by  Assignors  in  this  Agreement
contains or will contain any untrue statement of material fact or
omit  to state any material fact known to Assignors necessary  to
make any statement, warranty or representation not misleading  to
Purchasers.   Assignors know of no material facts  or  conditions
adversely affecting the value of the Sines Assets which have not

                              - 4 -

been  disclosed  to  the Company.  Except as set  forth  in  this
Agreement,   Assignors  do  not  make  any   representations   or
warranties to the Company.


     Assignors acknowledge that the Company has not made and does
not make any representations or warranties concerning the past or
future  performance  of  the Company.  In making  its  investment
decision, Assignors have relied upon its own examination  of  the
Company,  including the merits and the risks involved.  Assignors
have  consulted  its  own attorney, business advisor  and/or  tax
advisor  as  to  legal,  business and/or tax  advice.   Assignors
possess sufficient business probity and sophistication to  assess
the  merits and the risks of transferring and assigning the Sines
Assets and/or have consulted with persons of his own choosing who
possess  such  probity and sophistication to advise Assignors  of
the merits and the risks attendant to the transactions called for
under this Agreement.

                           ARTICLE III

     The  Company hereby makes the following representations  and
warranties to Assignors, and the Company hereby warrants that the
following  are true and accurate on the date hereof and  will  be
true and accurate as the Closing:


     The  Company  has the full right, power, legal capacity  and
authority  to enter into, and perform its obligations under  this


     This  Agreement constitutes the valid and binding obligation
of  the  Company, enforceable against the Company  in  accordance
with its terms.


     Neither  the  execution and delivery of this Agreement,  the
consummation  of  the transactions contemplated hereby,  nor  the
fulfillment  of  the  terms hereof by the Company  will  conflict
with, or result in a breach of or default under, any of the terms
or  provisions of:  (i) any agreement, note, indenture, mortgage,
deed  of  trust,  instrument, lease or  franchise  to  which  the
Company  is  a  party  or by which it or any  of  its  assets  or
properties   are  bound;  or  (ii)  any  law,  judgment,   order,
arbitration award, rule, regulation, ordinance, writ,  injunction
or  decree of any governmental agency or instrumentality or court
applicable to or having jurisdiction over Purchasers  or  any  of
its assets or properties.

                              - 5 -


     Purchasers  have  not  dealt with any broker  or  finder  in
connection  with  any  of the transactions contemplated  by  this
Agreement, and to the best of its knowledge, no broker  or  other
person  is  entitled  to  any  commission  or  finder's  fee   in
connection with such transactions.


     No  representation  made by the Company  in  this  Agreement
contains or will contain any untrue statement of material fact or
omit to state any material fact known to the Company necessary to
make any statement, warranty or representation not misleading  to
Assignors.   Except as set forth in this Agreement,  the  Company
does not make any representations or warranties to Assignors.


     The  Company hereby acknowledges that Randy D. Sines  is  in
the gaming business.

                           ARTICLE IV

     The  Company  and  Assignors shall each pay  all  costs  and
expenses  incurred or to be incurred by each of them respectively
in  negotiating  and  preparing  this  Agreement  and  in  taking
whatever  actions may be necessary or appropriate  to  consummate
the  transactions contemplated by this Agreement,  including  the
costs of obtaining any consents or approvals.

                            ARTICLE V


     For  valuable  consideration, the sufficiency  of  which  is
hereby  acknowledged,  Assignors and the  Company,  each  jointly
and/or  individually, on behalf of themselves,  their  respective
insurers,   principals,   successors,   predecessors,    parents,
affiliates,   subsidiaries,   divisions,   officers,   directors,
shareholders,   employees,  attorneys,   heirs,   executors   and
administrators,  hereby remise, acquit and  forever  release  the
other  party,  and  their  respective  successors,  predecessors,
parents, affiliates, subsidiaries, divisions, including, but  not
limited  to  their respective officers, directors,  shareholders,
managers,  employees, advisors, consultants, insurers, attorneys,
heirs,  executors, administrators and authorized  representatives
from  any  and  all claims, demands, damages, debts, liabilities,
actions, causes of action or suits of whatsoever kind or  nature,
presently  known  or unknown, actual or contingent,  asserted  or
unasserted,   foreseeable  or  unforeseeable,  unanticipated   or
unsuspected,  which any of them has or may have  now  or  in  the
future,  arising directly or indirectly out of or  involving  the
Sines  Assets and/or this Agreement and any other matter  related
thereto,  save and except for the representations and  warranties
contained in Article II and Article III, those matters for  which
indemnification is granted pursuant to

                              - 6 -

Article  VI hereof, and that certain Agreement dated May 6,  1998
by and between Randy D. Sines and the Company.


     Except as provided for in Article VII hereof, Assignors  and
the  Company, jointly and/or individually, covenant and agree  to
forever  refrain  from instituting, prosecuting, maintaining,  or
assisting with any claims, suits and actions, which arise out of,
or  is or may be, in whole or in part, based upon, related to  or
connected  with  this  Agreement and  any  other  matter  related
thereto  or any way to or with respect to the subject  matter  of
the  Sines  Assets and/or this Agreement as they  relate  to  the

                           ARTICLE VI


     Assignors  covenant and agree to indemnify,  save  and  hold
harmless  the Company and its respective successors, assigns  and
affiliates from and against the following:

          a.   all  liabilities  of   Assignors  of  any  nature,
     whether  accrued, absolute, contingent or otherwise  related
     to the Sines Assets;
          b.   any damage by reason of liability or deficiency in
     assets  resulting  from  any  misrepresentation,  breach  of
     warranty or nonfulfillment of any agreement on the  part  of
     Assignors  under this Agreement, or to be furnished  to  the
     Company in connection herewith;
          c.   all liabilities arising from or connected with any
     property,  right or matter in any way related to  the  Sines
     Assets  prior  to  the  mutual execution  hereof  including,
     without  limitations, any liability for breach of  contract,
     personal  injury or property damage, except  to  the  extent
     heretofore  disclosed by the Assignors  to  the  Company  in
     writing; and
          d.   all actions, suits, proceedings, demands, damages,
     assessments, judgments, costs and expenses incident  to  any
     of  the foregoing, including, without limitation, attorneys'

     The Company covenants and agrees to indemnify, save and hold
harmless Assignors from and against the following:

          a.   any damage by reason of liability or deficiency in
     assets  resulting  from  any  misrepresentation,  breach  of
     warranty or nonfulfillment of any agreement on the part of
                              - 7 -

     the  Company under this Agreement, or to be furnished to the
     Assignors in connection herewith; and
          b.   all actions, suits, proceedings, demands, damages,
     assessments, judgments, costs and expenses incident  to  any
     of  the foregoing, including, without limitation, attorneys'
                           ARTICLE VII

                       GENERAL PROVISIONS

     The  subject  headings  or  captions  of  the  sections  and
subsections  of this Agreement are included only for purposes  of
convenience   and   shall   not  affect   the   construction   or
interpretation of any provisions contained herein.


     This  Agreement  (together  with  all  exhibits,  documents,
agreements  and instruments executed or furnished  in  connection
herewith)  constitutes the entire agreement between  the  parties
pertaining to the subject matter hereof, and supersedes  any  and
all  prior  or  contemporaneous  written  or  oral  negotiations,
agreements,  representations, and understandings of  the  parties
with respect to such subject matter.


     If  any  legal action or any arbitration or other proceeding
is  brought for the enforcement of this Agreement, or because  of
an  alleged  dispute,  breach, default, or  misrepresentation  in
connection  with  any  of the provisions of this  Agreement,  the
successful  or prevailing party or parties shall be  entitled  to
recover  reasonable attorneys' fees and other costs  incurred  in
that  action  or proceeding, in addition to any other  relief  to
which it may be entitled.


     Any  and all notices required under this Agreement shall  be
in  writing and shall be either (i) hand-delivered; (ii)  mailed,
first-class  postage  prepaid,  certified  mail,  return  receipt
requested;   or  (iii)  delivered  via  a  nationally  recognized
overnight courier service, addressed to:

        SELLERS:         Randy Sines
                         4056 Madelia Street
                         Spokane, Washington 99203
        THE COMPANY:     5240 South Eastern Avenue
                         First Floor
                         Las Vegas, Nevada 89109
                         Attention:  President
                              - 8 -

     All   notices  hand-delivered  or  delivered  via  overnight
courier  shall  be  deemed  delivered as  of  the  date  actually
delivered.   All notices mailed shall be deemed delivered  as  of
three  (3) business days after the date postmarked.  Any  changes
in  any of the addresses listed herein shall be made by notice as
provided in this Section 7.4.


     This Agreement may not be amended, supplemented or otherwise
modified,  and  none  of  its terms may be  waived,  unless  such
amendment,  supplement, modification or waiver is in  an  express
writing and executed by the party or parties to be bound thereby.
The  failure  of  any  party  at any time  or  times  to  require
performance of any provision hereof shall not affect the right of
such party at a later time to enforce the same, and no waiver  of
any  term or provision hereof on any one occasion shall be deemed
to  be a waiver of the same or any other provision hereof at  any
subsequent time or times.


     This  Agreement  shall  be binding upon  and  inure  to  the
benefit   of   the  parties  and  their  respective   successors,
predecessors,   parents,  affiliates,  subsidiaries,   divisions,
officers,    directors,   shareholders,   employees,    advisors,
consultants,     insurers,    attorneys,    heirs,     executors,
administrators  and any persons claiming rights  by,  through  or
under  them; provided, however, that no assignment of any  rights
or  delegation of any obligations provided for herein may be made
by  either  party  to this Agreement without  the  prior  written
consent of the other party.


     This  Agreement  shall be construed in accordance  with  its
intent  and  without regard to any presumption or any other  rule
requiring construction against the party causing the same  to  be


     This  Agreement  shall  be  governed  by  and  construed  in
accordance with the laws of the State of Washington in effect  on
the date of this Agreement without resort to any conflict of laws
principles, and the courts of the State of Washington shall  have
sole and exclusive jurisdiction over any matter brought under, or
by reason of, this Agreement.


     This  Agreement may be executed at different  times  and  in
multiple counterparts, each of which shall be deemed an original,
but  all  of  which together shall constitute one  and  the  same
instrument.  Any signature page of this Agreement may be detached
from  any counterpart without impairing the legal effect  to  any
signatures  thereon, and may be attached to another  counterpart,
identical in form thereto, but having attached to it one or  more
additional signature pages.  Delivery by any party of telecopied,
counterpart signature pages shall be as binding an execution  and
delivery  of  this Agreement by such party as if  the  party  had
delivered an actual physical

                              - 9 -

original of this Agreement with an ink signature from such party.
Any  party  delivering this Agreement by telecopy shall  promptly
thereafter deliver an executed counterpart original hereof to the
other party.


     This  Agreement  is  made  and entered  into  for  the  sole
protection  and  benefit  of  Purchasers  and  Assignors,   their
successors and assigns, and no other person or persons shall have
any right of action hereon.


     If  any  term,  provision, covenant  or  condition  of  this
Agreement, or any application thereof, should be held by a  court
of  competent  jurisdiction to be invalid, void or unenforceable,
all   terms,  provisions,  covenants  and  conditions   of   this
Agreement,  and all applications thereof, not held invalid,  void
or  unenforceable, shall continue in full force  and  effect  and
shall  in  no  way be affected, impaired or invalidated  thereby,
provided that the invalidity, voidness or enforceability of  such
term, provision, covenant or condition does not materially impair
the  ability  of  the  parties  to  consummate  the  transactions
contemplated hereby.


     At all times stated herein, time shall be of the essence.


     The  captions appearing at the commencement of the  sections
hereof  are descriptive only and for convenience in reference  to
this Agreement and in no way whatsoever define, limit or describe
the  scope or intent of this Agreement nor in any way affect this


     Each  party  to  this  Agreement agrees  that  masculine  or
feminine  pronouns shall be substituted for the neuter  form  and
vice  versa and the plural shall be substituted for the  singular
form  and  vice versa in any place or places herein in which  the
context requires such substitution or substitutions.


     The  provisions contained herein shall not be  construed  in
favor  of or against any party because that party or its  counsel
drafted  this Agreement, but shall be construed as if all parties
prepared  this  Agreement, and any rules of construction  to  the
contrary  are  hereby specifically waived.   The  terms  of  this
Agreement were negotiated at arm's length by the parties hereto.


     The representations, warranties, covenants and agreements in
this  Agreement or in any instrument delivered pursuant  to  this
Agreement shall survive the Closing.
                             - 10 -

     IN  WITNESS  WHEREOF, the parties hereto have duly  executed
this Agreement on the date first set forth above.

        "ASSIGNORS"                       "THE COMPANY"

                                          a Nevada corporation

/s/ Randy D. Sines                 /s/ Steven J. Blad
- -----------------------------      ------------------------------
Randy D. Sines                     Steven J. Blad

Irene C. Sines, an individual      
/s/ Irene C. Sines
- -----------------------------
Irene C. Sines

                             - 11 -