Exhibit 10(aq)

                      MERGER AGREEMENT AND
                     PLAN OF REORGANIZATION

"Agreement") dated as of March 26, 1999 is by and among ALPHA PEACH TREE
CORPORATION ("APT"), a Delaware corporation whose principal office is located at
12 East 49th Street, New York, New York 10017; ALPHA HOSPITALITY CORPORATION 
("AHC"), the parent of APT, which is a Delaware corporation whose principal 
office is located at 12 East 49th Street, New York, New York 10017; Carroll 
E. Sentz ("Sentz"), Samuel B. Knight ("Knight").
William H. Shaw ("Shaw"), Roger D. Watson ("Watson") and John Scarboro 
("Scarboro" and,collectively with Sentz, Knight, Shaw and Watson, the 
"Sunstate Shareholders") and SUNSTATE
corporation whose principal address is P.O. Box 615, Adel, Georgia 31620 

                        R E C I T A L S:

     A.   APT is a wholly-owned subsidiary of AHC and is authorized to issue 200
shares of Common Stock, no par value (the "APT Shares") of which 200 shares 
are issued and outstanding.

     B.   Sunstate is in the business of manufacturing and selling single family
mobile homes ("Sunstate's Business"), directly and through its two majority-
owned subsidiaries, Georgia Housing
Connection, Inc. ("GHC") and South Georgia Housing Connection, Inc. ("SGHC", and
with GHC, collectively, "Sunstate's Subsidiaries").

     C.   The respective Boards of Directors of Sunstate and APT deem it 
desirable and in the best interests of their respective corporations, and of 
their respective stockholders, that Sunstate
merge with and into APT in accordance with the Delaware General Corporation Law 
("DGCL") and the Georgia Business Corporation Code ("GBCC"), as a result of 
which APT, the surviving corporation, and the holders of the outstanding 
capital stock of Sunstate will receive the consideration hereinafter set forth.

     D.   The parties intend, by executing this Agreement, to adopt a plan of 
reorganization within the meaning of Section 368 of the Internal Revenue Code 
of 1986, as amended (the "Code"). 

     E.   AHC and South Georgia Frames, Inc. ("SGF"), an affiliate of Sunstate, 
have agreed to merge (the "SGF Merger") into APT as set forth in a separate 
Merger Agreement and Plan of
Reorganization (the "SGF Merger Agreement").  The simultaneous consummation of 
the mergers of Sunstate and SGF, respectively, into APT is a condition to the 
consummation  of both the SGF Merger and the Sunstate Merger.

     NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the terms, conditions, agreements and 
covenants contained herein, and in reliance upon the representations and 
warranties contained in this Agreement, the parties hereto agree as follows:



     1.1  The Merger; Survival of APT.  Upon the terms and subject to the 
conditions of this Agreement, at the Effective Time (as defined in Section 1.2 
below), Sunstate shall be merged with and into APT in accordance with the 
provisions of Section 252 of the DGCL and Section 14-2-1107 of the GBCC and with
the effect provided in Sections 259 and 261 of the DGCL and 14-2-1106 of
the GBCC, and the separate existence of Sunstate shall thereupon cease.  APT 
shall be the surviving corporation in the Merger (hereinafter sometimes 
referred to as "Surviving Corporation") and shall continue to be governed by 
the laws of the State of Delaware.  Without limiting the generality of the
foregoing, and subject thereto, at the Effective Time of the Merger, (a) 
Surviving Corporation shall possess all assets and property of every 
description, and every interest therein, wherever located, and
the rights, privileges, immunities, powers, franchises and authority, of a 
public as well as of a private nature, of Sunstate, (b) all obligations 
belonging to or due Sunstate shall be vested in, and become the obligations 
of, Surviving Corporation without further act or deed, (c) title to any real 
estate or any interest therein vested in Sunstate shall not revert or in any way
be impaired by reason of the Merger, (d) all rights of creditors and all liens 
upon any property of Sunstate shall be preserved
unimpaired, and (e) Surviving Corporation shall be liable for all of the 
obligations of Sunstate and any claim existing, or action or proceeding pending,
by or against Sunstate may be prosecuted to
judgment with right of appeal, as if the Merger had not taken place.

     1.2  Effective Time of the Merger.   The Merger shall become effective at 
such time (the "Effective Time") as a Certificate of Merger, in the form set 
forth as Exhibit 1.2 hereto, is filed with the Secretaries of State of the State
of Delaware and the State of Georgia (the "Merger Filings") or
such later date and time as may be specified in the Certificate of Merger, such 
filing shall be made simultaneously with or as soon as practicable after the 
closing of the transactions contemplated by this Agreement (the "Effective 

     1.3  Consideration for the Merger.  

          1.3.1     Merger Value.  As used herein, "Merger Value" shall be 
$8,560,625.  The Sunstate Shareholders hereby represent and warrant that such 
value represents five times the twelve month cash flow set forth in the 
September 26, 1998 audited consolidated cash flow adjusted for
fraudulent overpayments resulting from the actions of a former employee and for 
executive compensation, as calculated in accordance with Schedule 1.3.1 
hereof, that the data on Schedule 1.3.1 is true and accurate in all material 
aspects, and that Schedule 1.3.1 hereof is a true, complete
and correct calculation, accurate in all material respects of the Merger Value

          1.3.2     Merger Consideration.  As used herein the "Merger 
Consideration" shall consist of: 

               (i) Cash equal to $4,280,312, representing 50% of the Merger 
Value ("Cash Consideration"); plus 

               (ii) A number of shares of AHC common stock having a market value
equal to 25% of the Merger Value (the "Alpha Merger Stock").  The aggregate 
value, and number of shares, of the Alpha Merger Stock shall be based on a per
share valuation equal to the fourteen (14)
day average of the closing price of AHC Common Stock as reported on the Nasdaq 
Small Cap Market, for the fourteen (14) successive trading day period 
terminating two (2) days prior to the Closing Date (the "Alpha Merger Stock 
Valuation"); plus

               (iii) A number of  shares of AHC Series D Preferred Stock having 
an aggregate liquidation value of 25% of the Merger Value (the "Preferred S

     1.4  Conversion of the Sunstate Stock; Registration of AHC Merger Stock.  
The manner and basis of converting the shares of Sunstate Stock (as defined 
below) into shares of AHC Common Stock shall be as follows:

          1.4.1     Conversion Ratio.  

               (i)  Sunstate has issued and outstanding 400,000 shares of common
stock (the "Sunstate Stock").  Each share of Sunstate Stock shall, by virtue of 
the Merger and without any action on the part of the holder thereof, or any 
other action whatsoever, be converted into .00025% of the Merger Consideration. 

               (ii) Each issued share of APT common stock shall remain 

          1.4.2     No Fractional Shares.  No rights to receive fractional 
shares of or interests in fractional Alpha Merger Stock shall arise under 
this Agreement, and no certificates or scrip
representing fractional Alpha Merger Stock shall be issued hereunder.  Upon 
surrender of a certificate or certificates previously evidencing Sunstate Stock,
any fractional share interest or interests in Alpha Merger Stock that the holder
of such certificate or certificates would otherwise be
entitled to receive shall be paid by AHC to such holder by check in an amount 
based upon the Alpha Merger Stock Valuation multiplied by the fractional number 
of shares to which such holder would be entitled.

          1.4.3     Unregistered Stock.  Certificates evidencing the Alpha 
Merger Stock shall bear an appropriate legend to the effect that they have not 
been registered with the Securities and Exchange Commission or any other 
state securities authority.

          1.4.4     Registration Rights.  The Sunstate Shareholders shall 
collectively have certain "piggy back" rights with regard to the Alpha Merger 
Stock and also shall have the right to
make one request that AHC register all or a portion of the Alpha Merger Stock 
with the Securities and Exchange Commission ("SEC") pursuant to the requirements
of the Securities Act of 1933, as amended, and all Rules and Regulations 
promulgated thereunder (the "Act"), during the twelve (12)
month period following the Closing Date, subject to the terms and conditions of 
that certain Registration Rights Agreement of even date herewith between AHC 
and the Sunstate Shareholders, a copy of which is appended hereto as Exhibit 

          1.4.5     Valuation Protection.  For a period of eighteen months after
the effective date of the  registration of the Alpha Merger Stock, if any 
Sunstate Shareholder sells any of his or her Alpha Merger Stock in an open 
market brokered transaction for less than 80% of the Alpha
Merger Stock Valuation, APT shall pay such Sunstate Shareholder the negative 
difference, if any, between (x) the sales price on such Stock sale, (making 
no deduction or adjustment for fees or commissions paid in connection with 
such sale) (the "Gross Sales Price"), minus (y) 80% of the
Alpha Merger Stock Valuation.  The result of the application of the foregoing 
formula is referred to as the "Shortfall".   APT shall have the option to pay 
any Shortfall by (i) making a cash payment in the amount of the Shortfall; or
(ii) causing AHC to issue additional unregistered shares of AHC
Common Stock having a value equal to the Shortfall; or (iii) a combination of 
(i) and (ii). For purposes of valuing Alpha Common Stock used to pay all or a 
portion of a Shortfall, Alpha Common Stock shall be deemed to have a value equal
to the average closing bid price for AHC common stock
as reported by the Nasdaq Small Cap Market, or any other such national 
exchange, public market or over-the-counter market on which the AHC Common 
Stock is then trading (the "Primary Exchange"), for each of the ten (10) 
trading days preceding the Sunstate Shareholder's sale
triggering this obligation, and the ten (10) days succeeding such sale.  If, 
however, at any time during the eighteen month period following the effective 
date of the registration of the Alpha Merger Stock,
AHC's Common Stock's average closing price, as reported by the Primary Exchange,
for fourteen (14) consecutive days is at least 120% of the Alpha Merger Stock
Valuation, the provisions of this Section 1.4.5 will expire and terminate.

          1.4.6     Preferred Stock Designations.  The rights and designations 
of the Preferred Stock shall be as set forth in the Series D Preferred Stock 
Certificate of Designation in the form attached hereto as Exhibit 1.4.6.  
Such rights and designations shall include, without limitation, the
following provisions:

               (i)  Each share of Series D Preferred Stock to be entitled to an 
annual dividend of an amount equal to nine percent (9%) of the liquidation 
value of such share, which shall be payable, at AHC's election, in either 
cash or shares of AHC Common Stock.  For purposes of
valuing Alpha Common Stock used to pay all or a portion of a dividend, Alpha 
Common Stock shall be deemed to have a value equal to the average closing bid 
price as reported by the Primary Exchange for AHC common stock for each of 
the ten (10) days preceding such event of liquidation
and for each of the ten (10) days succeeding such event.  The aggregate 
liquidation value of the Preferred Stock shall be equal to 
twenty-five percent (25%) of the Merger Value.

               (ii) Each share of Series D Preferred Stock shall be convertible 
into shares of AHC Common Stock at a per-share price for such common stock 
equal to two times the Alpha Merger Stock Valuation.  AHC shall have the 
right, at any time during the five year period
immediately succeeding the Closing Date to redeem the Preferred Stock for a 
payment in cash equal to the liquidation value of the Preferred Stock, plus 
any accrued and unpaid dividends, upon fourteen (14) days' notice to the 
Sunstate Shareholders.  The Sunstate Shareholders shall have the option to
accept the cash redemption or to exercise their conversion option during such 
fourteen (14) day period.  On the fifth anniversary of the Closing Date the 
Preferred Stock shall automatically convert into AHC Common Stock at a price 
equal to two times the Alpha Merger Stock Valuation.

     1.5  Exchange at Closing.

          (a)  At the Closing, AHC and APT shall deliver to the Sunstate 
               (i)  certificates for the AHC Merger Stock and the Preferred 

               (ii) bank checks or wire transfers for the Cash Consideration.

          (b)  The Sunstate Shareholders shall deliver to AHC and APT 
certificates evidencing the Sunstate Shares.

          (c)  In the event the Merger cannot be consummated on the Closing 
Date, the deliveries made pursuant to (a) and (b) above shall be placed in 
escrow with Parker Duryee Rosoff & Haft, attorney for AHC, who, pursuant to a 
written escrow agreement, in form attached hereto as
Exhibit 1.5, shall be instructed to release the foregoing from escrow promptly 
upon notification of the effectiveness of the Merger on the Effective Date.  
All documents executed in connection herewith in anticipation of Closing, if 
any, shall likewise be held pursuant to such Escrow Agreement.

     1.6  Effect of Merger.  As of the Effective Date, all of the following 
shall occur:

          (a)  The separate existence and corporate organization of Sunstate 
(except insofar as it may be continued by statute) shall cease and APT, as 
the corporation surviving the Merger, shall possess the rights, privileges, 
powers and franchises, and be subject to all the restrictions, disabilities
and duties of, Sunstate in the manner specified in the corporate laws of the 
States of Georgia and Delaware.

          (b)  The Certificate of Incorporation of APT, as in effect on the 
Effective Date, shall continue in effect without change or amendment.

          (c)  The By-laws of APT, as in effect on the Effective Date, shall 
continue in effect without change or amendment.

          (d)  Upon the Effective Date, the Board of Directors of APT shall 

     1.7  Disclosure Schedules.  Simultaneously with the execution of this 
Agreement, (a) Sunstate and the Sunstate Shareholders shall deliver a schedule 
relating to Sunstate (including Sunstate's Subsidiaries) and the Sunstate 
Shareholders (the "Sunstate Disclosure Schedule"), and
(b) AHC shall deliver a schedule relating to AHC and APT (the "Alpha Disclosure 
Schedule" and, collectively, with the Sunstate Disclosure Schedule, the 
"Disclosure Schedules") setting forth the matters required to be set forth in 
the Disclosure Schedules as described elsewhere in this Agreement.  The 
Disclosure Schedules shall be deemed to be part of this Agreement.



     Sunstate (which for purposes of this Article 2 shall include Sunstate's 
Subsidiaries and the Sunstate Shareholders) and AHC (which for purposes of 
this Article II shall include APT) covenant that between the date hereof and 
the Closing Date (as hereinafter defined):

     2.1  General.  Each of the parties agrees to use his, her or its best 
efforts to take, or cause to be taken, all action to do, or cause to be done all
things necessary, proper or advisable to consummate and make effective the 
Merger and the SGF Merger.  

     2.2  Notices and Consents.  

          2.2.1     Sunstate shall give any notices to third parties, and use 
its best efforts to obtain any third party consents that AHC may request in 
connection with the matters pertaining to Sunstate and its Business, whether 
disclosed or required to be disclosed in the Disclosure Schedule. 
Each of Sunstate and AHC shall take any additional action that may be necessary,
proper or advisable in connection with any other notices to, filings with, and 
authorizations, consents and approvals of, governments, governmental agencies
 and third parties, that such party is required to give, make or obtain.

          2.2.2     Schedule 2.2 lists all of the obligations of Sunstate for 
which any of the Sunstate Shareholders have given personal guaranties or are 
otherwise personally obligated and the amounts of such obligations.  The 
Sunstate Shareholders shall be removed from such personal
obligations and guaranties, prior to the Closing.

     2.3  Access by AHC.  Sunstate shall afford to AHC and to AHC's counsel, 
accountants and other representatives full access, during normal business hours,
throughout the period prior to the Closing Date, (a) to all of the books, 
contracts and records of Sunstate and shall furnish AHC
during such period with all information concerning Sunstate that AHC may 
reasonably request and (b) to the properties of Sunstate in order to conduct 
inspections at AHC's expense to determine that Sunstate is operating in material
compliance with all applicable federal, state and local and foreign
statutes, rules and regulations, and that Sunstate's assets are substantially in
the condition and of the capacities represented and warranted in this Agreement.
Any such investigation or inspection by AHC shall not be deemed a waiver of, or 
otherwise limit, the representations, warranties and covenants contained 

     2.4  Conduct of Business.  During the period from the date hereof to the 
Closing Date, the business of Sunstate shall be operated by Sunstate in the 
usual and ordinary course of such business and in material compliance with the 
terms of this Agreement.  Without limiting the generality of the foregoing:

          2.4.1     Sunstate shall use its reasonable efforts to (i) keep 
available the services of the present employees and agents of Sunstate; (ii) 
complete or maintain all existing arrangements including but not limited to 
filings, licensing, affiliate arrangements, transferrals, leases and other
arrangements referred to in Section 3.6.1 in full force and effect in accordance
with their existing terms;  (iii) maintain the integrity of all confidential 
information of Sunstate; (iv) maintain in full force and effect the existing 
insurance policies (or policies providing substantially the same
coverage, copies of which shall be made available to AHC) insuring the business 
and properties of Sunstate; (v) comply in all material respects with all 
applicable laws; and (vi) preserve the goodwill of, and Sunstate's business and 
contractual relationship with, suppliers, customers and others having
business relations with Sunstate; and

          2.4.2     Sunstate shall not (i) sell or transfer any of its assets or
property; (ii) shall not make any distribution, whether by dividend or 
otherwise, to any of its stockholders or employees except for compensation to
employees and payments to associated companies for goods and services,
in the usual and ordinary course of business; (iii) not declare any dividend or 
other distribution; (iv) redeem or otherwise acquire any shares of its capital 
stock or other securities; (v) issue or grant rights to acquire shares of its 
capital stock or other securities; or (vi) agree to do any of the foregoing.

     2.5  Exclusivity to AHC.  Sunstate and its officers, directors, 
representatives and agents, from the date hereof until the Closing (unless this 
Agreement shall be earlier terminated as hereinafter provided), shall not (i)
solicit, initiate, or encourage the submission of any proposal or
offer from any person (including any of them) relating to (A) liquidation, 
dissolution or recapitalization; (B) merger or consolidation; (C) acquisition or
purchase of securities or assets; or (D) similar transactions, or (ii) hold 
discussions with any person other than AHC, negotiate or
entertain any inquiries, proposals or offers to purchase the business of 
Sunstate or the shares of capital stock of Sunstate, or, except in connection 
with the normal operation of Sunstate's business, disclose any confidential 
information concerning Sunstate to any person other than AHC and AHC's
representatives or agents.  Sunstate shall notify AHC immediately if any person 
makes any proposal, offer, inquiry or contact with respect to the foregoing.

     2.6  SGF Merger.  AHC and SGF shall in good faith use their best efforts to
consummate the SGF Merger in accordance with the terms of the SGF Merger 
Agreement so that the SGF Merger may close on the Closing Date simultaneously
with the Sunstate Merger.

     2.7  Negotiation of Financing.  The Board of Directors of AHC shall use its
reasonable efforts to locate a source of, and to negotiate appropriate financing
for, the Merger in amounts, and on terms and conditions, acceptable to the 
directors of AHC in the exercise of their sole discretion.

     2.8  Agreement to Vote for the Merger.  

          2.8.1     The Board of Directors of Sunstate has determined that the 
Merger is advisable and in the best interests of the stockholders of Sunstate 
and, subject to its fiduciary obligations as advised in writing by counsel, 
shall recommend that Sunstate's stockholders vote to
approve and adopt this Agreement and the Merger.  The Sunstate Shareholders 
hereby irrevocably agree to the Merger and hereby covenant to provide Sunstate 
with such approval and adoption either
(i) at a meeting of the Sunstate Shareholders or (ii) pursuant to the written 
consent of the Sunstate Shareholders in lieu of a meeting as soon as practicable
after the date of this Agreement.

          2.8.2     Subject to the completion to its satisfaction of all due 
diligence, and the securing of appropriate financing on terms it deems 
acceptable, if in the determination of AHC's Board of Directors (based on advice
from AHC's counsel) it shall be necessary to obtain shareholder
approval of the Merger from the AHC shareholders, AHC shall use its reasonable 
efforts to promptly prepare a Proxy Statement and file such document with the
Securities and Exchange Commission. Upon the approval of such Proxy, AHC will 
use its reasonable efforts to solicit and obtain shareholder approval for 
the Merger.



     As used in this Agreement, the following terms shall have the meanings 
indicated below:

     The term "Basis" as used in this Agreement means any past or present fact, 
situation, circumstance, status, condition, activity, practice, plan, 
occurrence, event, incident, action, failure to act or transaction that forms 
the basis for any specified consequence.

     The term "Knowledge" as used in this Agreement with respect to a party's 
awareness of the presence or absence of a fact, event or condition shall mean 
(a) actual knowledge plus, if different, (b) the knowledge that would be 
obtained if such party conducted itself faithfully and exercised a
sound discretion in the management of his own affairs.  

     The term "Liability" as used herein shall mean any liability (whether known
or unknown, whether absolute or contingent, whether liquidated or unliquidated 
and whether due or to become due).

     Except as set forth in the Sunstate Disclosure Schedule in each instance, 
each of the Sunstate Shareholders, jointly and severally, and Sunstate, 
hereby represents and warrants to AHC and APT as follows, with the knowledge 
and understanding that AHC and APT are relying upon such representations and 

     3.1  Organization and Standing.  

          3.1.1     Sunstate and each of Sunstate's Subsidiaries is a 
corporation duly organized, validly existing and in good standing under the laws
of the State of Georgia.  Each such corporation has all requisite corporate 
power to own its assets and to carry on its business as it is now being

          3.1.2     Sunstate and each of Sunstate's Subsidiaries is duly 
qualified to do business as a foreign corporation and is in good standing in all
jurisdictions set forth in Section 3.1.2 of the Sunstate Disclosure Schedule 
and, to the knowledge of the Sunstate Shareholders, in each
jurisdiction where such qualification is necessary under applicable law except 
where the failure to qualify (individually or in the aggregate) will not have 
any material adverse effect on the respective business or prospects of 
Sunstate or Sunstate's Subsidiaries.

          3.1.3     The copies of the Certificate of Incorporation, By-laws and 
minute books of Sunstate and each of Sunstate's Subsidiaries, as they may be 
amended to date, as has been delivered to AHC, are true and complete copies 
of these documents as now in effect.  The minute books of
each corporation are accurate in all material respects.

     3.2  Capitalization.

          3.2.1     The authorized capital stock of Sunstate and each of 
Sunstate's Subsidiaries, the number of shares of capital stock which are issued 
and outstanding for each such corporation, the par value thereof and the 
record and beneficial holders thereof are as set forth in Section 3.2.1
of the Sunstate Disclosure Schedule.  The Sunstate Shareholders own all of the 
issued and outstanding shares of common stock of Sunstate free and clear of all 
liens and encumbrances of any kind.  Sunstate owns the number of shares and 
percentage amounts of the issued and outstanding common stock of each of its 
Subsidiaries as set forth in Section 3.2.1 of the Sunstate Disclosure
Schedule, free and clear of all liens and encumbrances of any kind.  All of the 
shares of capital stock that are issued and outstanding of Sunstate and each of 
its Subsidiaries are duly authorized, validly issued and outstanding, fully paid
and nonassessable, and were not issued in violation of the
preemptive rights of any person.  Other than as set forth in Section 3.2.1 of 
the Sunstate Disclosure Schedule, there are no subscriptions, options, warrants,
rights or calls or other commitments or agreements to which Sunstate or either 
of Sunstate's Subsidiaries is a party or by which such entity
is bound, calling for any issuance, transfer, sale or other disposition of any 
class of securities of any of Sunstate, GHC or SGHC.  There are no 
outstanding rights, contracts or securities convertible or
exchangeable, actually or contingently, into common stock or any other 
securities of Sunstate or any of Sunstate's Subsidiaries.

          3.2.2     None of the issued and outstanding shares of common stock of
Sunstate or the Sunstate Subsidiaries is subject to any buy-sell agreements, 
shareholder agreements, pledge obligations or any other restrictive covenants
other than as set forth in Section 3.2.2 of the Sunstate
Disclosure Schedule.  Any such restrictions in effect as of the date hereof 
shall be cancelled and be of no further force and effect as of the Closing Date.

          3.2.3     Neither Sunstate nor any Sunstate Subsidiary is a party to 
any management agreement or an agreement which in effect places a restriction 
upon the management of such an entity.

     3.3  Subsidiaries.  Except as set forth in Section 3.3 of the Sunstate 
Disclosure Schedule, GHC and SGHC are the only subsidiaries of Sunstate and 
Sunstate does not own or have an interest in any other corporation, 
partnership, joint venture or other entity.  None of Sunstate's Subsidiaries
owns any interest in any other corporation, partnership, joint venture or 

     3.4  Authority.  

          3.4.1     Sunstate's Board of Directors has determined that the Merger
is fair to, and in the best interests of, Sunstate's stockholders and has 
approved and adopted this Agreement and the Merger and has adopted a resolution 
recommending approval and adoption of this Agreement and the Merger by 
Sunstate's stockholders.  The Sunstate Shareholders, being the holders of all of
the issued and outstanding shares of Sunstate's common stock, irrevocably 
consent to the merger and shall deliver evidence of such approval and resolution
adoption at Closing.  Assuming the delivery of Sunstate Shareholder consent, 
this Agreement constitutes, and all other agreements contemplated hereby will 
constitute, when executed and delivered by Sunstate and the Sunstate
Shareholders in accordance herewith, the valid and binding obligations of 
Sunstate and the Sunstate Shareholders, enforceable in accordance with their 
respective terms.

          3.4.2     The execution and delivery of this Agreement by Sunstate and
the Sunstate Shareholders does not, and the consummation by Sunstate and the 
Sunstate Shareholders of the transactions contemplated hereby will not, 
violate, conflict with or result in a breach of any provision
of, or constitute a default (or in an event which, with notice or lapse of time 
or both, would constitute a default) under, or result in the termination of, or 
accelerate the performance required by, or result in a right of termination or 
acceleration under, or result in the creation of any lien, security interest,
charge or encumbrance upon any of the properties or assets of Sunstate or either
of Sunstate's Subsidiaries under any of the terms, conditions or provisions 
of (i) the Certificate of Incorporation or By-laws of Sunstate, (ii) any 
statute, law, ordinance, rule, regulation, judgment, decree, order, injunction, 
writ, permit or license of any court or governmental authority applicable to 
Sunstate or any of its properties or assets, or (iii) except as set forth in 
Section 3.4.2 of the Sunstate Disclosure Schedule, any note, bond, mortgage, 
indenture, deed of trust, license, franchise, permit, concession,
contract, lease or other instrument, obligation or agreement of any kind to 
which Sunstate or either of Sunstate's Subsidiaries is now a party or by which 
Sunstate or any of Sunstate's Subsidiaries or any of its or their properties or 
assets may be bound or affected, excluding from the foregoing
clauses (ii) and (iii), such violations, conflicts, breaches, defaults, 
terminations, accelerations or creations of liens, security interests, charges 
or encumbrances that would not, in the aggregate, have a material adverse 
effect on the business, operations, properties, assets, condition (financial or 
other), results of operations or prospects of Sunstate.

     3.5  Assets.  Sunstate and each of Sunstate's Subsidiaries have good and 
marketable title to or licenses to all of the assets and properties which each 
purports to own as reflected on the most recent balance sheet comprising a 
portion the Sunstate Financial Statements (as defined below), or
thereafter acquired.  Sunstate and each of Sunstate's Subsidiaries has a valid 
leasehold interest in all material properties of which it is the lessee and each
such lease is valid, binding and enforceable against Sunstate and each of 
Sunstate's Subsidiaries, as applicable, and, to the knowledge of the
Sunstate Shareholders, the other parties thereto in accordance with its terms.  
Sunstate and each of Sunstate's Subsidiaries is not, nor, to the knowledge of 
the Sunstate Shareholders, is any other party, in default in the performance 
of any material provision thereunder.  No material portion of the assets
of Sunstate, or either of Sunstate's Subsidiaries, is subject to any 
governmental decree or order to be sold or is being condemned, expropriated or 
otherwise taken by any public authority with or without payment of compensation 
therefor, nor, to their knowledge, has any such condemnation, expropriation 
or taking been proposed.  None of the material assets of Sunstate, or either of
Sunstate's Subsidiaries, is subject to any restriction which would prevent 
continuation of the use currently made thereof or materially adversely affect 
the value thereof.

     3.6  Contracts, Etc.  

          3.6.1     Section 3.6.1 of the Sunstate Disclosure Schedule consists 
of a true and complete list of all contracts, agreements, purchase orders, 
commitments and other instruments (whether oral or written) to which Sunstate 
or a Sunstate Subsidiary is a party that (i) involve a receipt or an 
expenditure by Sunstate or require the performance of services or delivery of 
goods to, by, through, on behalf of or for the benefit of Sunstate, which in 
each case, relates to a contract, agreement, commitment or instrument that 
either (A) requires payments or receipts in excess of $10,000 per year or (B) 
is not terminable by Sunstate on notice of thirty (30) days or less without
penalty or Sunstate being liable for damages, or (ii) involve an obligation for 
the performance of services or delivery of goods by Sunstate that cannot, or 
in reasonable probability will not, be performed within thirty (30) days from 
the dates as of which these representations are made.

          3.6.2     All of the contracts and other instruments described on 
Schedule 3.6.1 are valid and binding upon Sunstate, or any of its 
Subsidiaries, as applicable, and, to the knowledge of the Sunstate 
Shareholders, the other parties thereto, and are in full force and effect and 
enforceable in accordance with their terms, even after giving effect to the 
Merger, and neither Sunstate, Sunstate's Subsidiaries, nor to the knowledge of 
the Sunstate Shareholders, any other party to any such contract, agreement, 
commitment or other instrument has breached any provision of, and, to
the knowledge of the Sunstate Shareholders, no event has occurred which, with 
the lapse of time or action by a third party, could result in a default under 
the terms thereof which, alone or in the aggregate, would provide the Basis for 
a claim against Sunstate, or its Subsidiaries in excess of $50,000, and, 
there are no existing facts or circumstances which would prevent Sunstate's, or 
its Subsidiaries' contracts and agreements, respectively, from maturing in 
due course into fully collectible accounts receivable.  Except for terms 
specifically described in Section 3.6.1 of Sunstate's Disclosure Schedule, 
neither Sunstate, any of Sunstate's Subsidiaries nor any Sunstate
Shareholder has received any payment from any contracting party in connection 
with, or as an inducement for, entering into any contract, agreement, 
commitment or instrument except for payment for actual services rendered or 
to be rendered by Sunstate, GHC or SGHC consistent with amounts historically 
charged for such service.

     3.7  Litigation.  Except as described on Section 3.7 of the Sunstate 
Disclosure Schedule, there is no claim, suit, action, proceeding, or 
investigation (a "Litigation") pending or, to the knowledge of the Sunstate 
Shareholders, threatened against or affecting Sunstate or any of Sunstate's
Subsidiaries before or by any court, arbitrator or governmental agency or 
authority which, alone or in the aggregate, could or will have a material 
adverse effect on the operations or prospects of Sunstate or any of Sunstate's 
Subsidiaries.  There is no current or past policy, action, failure to act,
or other omission which could form the Basis for any such Litigation.  There is 
no strike or unresolved labor dispute relating to Sunstate's or any of 
Sunstate's Subsidiaries' employees which, in the judgment of the Sunstate 
Shareholders, could have a material adverse effect on the business or 
prospects of Sunstate or any of Sunstate's Subsidiaries.  There are no decrees, 
injunctions or orders of any court, governmental department, agency or 
arbitration outstanding against Sunstate or any of Sunstate's Subsidiaries. 

     3.8  Taxes.  Except as described on Section 3.8 of the Sunstate Disclosure 

          3.8.1     Sunstate, and each of Sunstate's Subsidiaries, respectively,
has (i) duly and timely filed with the appropriate governmental authorities all 
Tax returns (as defined in subsection 3 below) required to be filed by it, and 
they each have not filed for an extension to file any Tax
Returns and such Tax Returns are true, correct and complete in all material 
respects, and (ii) duly paid in full or made adequate provision for the 
payment of all Taxes (as defined in subsection (b) below) shown to be due on 
such Tax Returns, except for the payment of state and local sales taxes
which, alone or in the aggregate, would not have a material adverse effect on 
the business, operations, properties, assets, condition (financial or other), 
result of operations or prospects of such company.  The Tax Returns referred 
to in clause (i) hereinabove either have been examined by the
United States Internal Revenue Service (the "IRS") or the appropriate 
governmental authority, or the period of assessment of the Taxes in respect 
of which such Tax Returns were required to be filed has expired.  All 
deficiencies asserted or assessments made as a result of such examinations have 
been paid in full and no issues that have been raised by the relevant 
governmental authority in connection with the examination of any of the Tax 
Returns referred to in clause (i) hereinabove are currently
pending.  No claim has been made by any authority in a jurisdiction where 
Sunstate or, as applicable, either of Sunstate's Subsidiaries, does not file 
a Tax Return that such activity is or may be subject to Tax in such 
jurisdiction.  No waiver of statutes of limitation have been given by or 
requested with respect to any Taxes of Sunstate, or, as applicable, either of
Sunstate's Subsidiaries.  Sunstate or, as applicable, either of Sunstate's 
Subsidiaries has not agreed to any extension of time with respect to
any Tax deficiency.  The Liabilities and reserves for Taxes reflected in 
Sunstate's Consolidated Balance Sheet as of September 26, 1998 will be 
adequate to cover all Taxes for all periods ending on or prior to such 
respective dates, and there are no liens for Taxes upon any property or asset of
the respective company's, except for liens for Taxes not yet due.  There are no 
unresolved issues of law or fact arising out of a notice of deficiency, proposed
deficiency or assessment from the IRS or any other governmental taxing 
authority with respect to Taxes of Sunstate or, as applicable, either
of Sunstate's Subsidiaries which, if decided adversely, singly or in the 
aggregate, would have a material adverse effect on the business, operations, 
properties, assets, condition (financial or other), results of operations or 
prospects of Sunstate, or, as applicable, either of Sunstate's Subsidiaries. 
Neither Sunstate nor any of Sunstate's Subsidiaries, is a party to any agreement
providing for the allocation or sharing of Taxes with any entity.  Sunstate 
and each of Sunstate's Subsidiaries has not, with regard to any assets or 
property held, acquired or to be acquired by it, filed a consent to the
application of Section 341(f) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended 
(the "Code"). Sunstate and each of Sunstate's Subsidiaries have, as applicable 
respectively withheld and paid all Taxes required to have been withheld and paid
in connection with amounts paid or owing to any employee, independent 
contractor, creditor, stockholder, or other third party.  No Tax is required to
be withheld pursuant to Section 1445 of the Code as a result of the transfer 
contemplated by this Agreement.  As a result of the Merger, Sunstate will not
 be obligated to make a payment to an individual that would be a "parachute 
payment" to a "disqualified individual" as those terms are defined in Section
280G of the Code without regard to whether such payment is reasonable
compensation for personal services performed or to be performed in the future.

          3.8.2     For purposes of this Agreement, the term "Taxes" shall mean 
all taxes, charges, fees, levies or other assessments, including, without 
limitation, income, gross receipts, excise, property, sales, withholdings, 
social security, occupation, use, service, service use, license,
payroll, franchise, transfer and recording taxes, fees and charges, imposed by 
the United States, or any state, local or foreign government or subdivision or 
agency thereof whether computed on a separate, consolidated, unitary, combined 
or any other basis; and such term shall include any interest, fines, penalties 
or additional amounts attributable or imposed or with respect to any such taxes,
charges, fees, levies or other assessments.

          3.8.3     For purposes of this Agreement, the term "Tax Return" shall 
mean any return, report or other document or information required to be supplied
to a taxing authority in connection with Taxes.

     3.9  Employee Benefit Plans; ERISA.

          3.9.1     At the date hereof, except as set forth in Section 3.9.1 of 
Sunstate's Disclosure Schedule, neither Sunstate nor either of Sunstate's 
Subsidiaries maintains or contributes to any employee benefit plans, programs, 
arrangements and practices (such plans, programs, arrangements
and practices of an entity being referred to as "Company Plans"), including 
employee benefit plans within the meaning set forth in Section 3(3) of the 
Employee Retirement Income Security Act of 1974, as amended, and all regulations
promulgated thereunder, as in effect from time to time ("ERISA"), or any 
written employment contracts providing for an annual base salary in excess of
$100,000 and having a term in excess of one year, which contracts are not 
immediately terminable without penalty or further ability, or other similar 
arrangements for the provision of benefits (excluding any "Multiemployer 
Plan" within the meaning of Section 3(37) of ERISA or a "Multiple
Employer Plan" within the meaning of Section 413(c) of the Code, and all 
regulations promulgated thereunder, as in effect from time to time).  
Section 3.9.1 of Sunstate's Disclosure Schedule lists all
Multiemployer Plans and Multiple Employer Plans which Sunstate maintains or to 
which it makes contributions.  Neither Sunstate nor either of Sunstate's 
Subsidiaries has any obligation to create any
additional such plan or to amend any such plan so as to increase benefits 
thereunder, except as required under the terms of the Company Plans, under 
existing collective bargaining agreements or to comply with applicable law.

          3.9.2     Except as set forth in Section 3.9.2 of the Sunstate 
Disclosure Schedule, (i) there have been no prohibited transactions within 
the meaning of Section 406 or 407 of ERISA or Section 4975 of the Code with 
respect to any Company Plans that could result in penalties, taxes or
liabilities which, singly or in the aggregate, could have a material adverse 
effect on the business, operations, properties, assets, condition (financial 
or other) results of operations or prospects of
Sunstate or either of Sunstate's Subsidiaries, (ii) except for premiums due, 
there is no outstanding liability in excess of $50,000, whether measured 
alone or in the aggregate, under Title IV of ERISA with respect to any of the
Company Plans, (iii) neither the Pension Benefit Guaranty Corporation
nor any plan administrator has instituted proceedings to terminate any of the 
Company Plans subject to Title IV of ERISA other than in a "standard 
termination" described in Section 4041(b) of ERISA, (iv) none of the Company 
Plans have incurred any "accumulated funding deficiency" (as defined in
Section 302 of ERISA and Section 412 of the Code), whether or not waived, as of 
the last day of the most recent fiscal year of each of the Company Plans 
ended prior to the date of this Agreement, (v) each of the Company Plans has 
been operated and administered in all material respects in accordance
with applicable laws during the period of time covered by the applicable statute
of limitations, (vi) each of the Company Plans which is intended to be 
"qualified" within the meaning of Section 401(a) of the Code has been determined
by the IRS to be so qualified and such determination has not been
modified, revoked or limited by failure to satisfy any condition thereof or by a
subsequent amendment thereto or a failure to amend, except that it may be 
necessary to make additional amendments retroactively to maintain the 
"qualified" status of such Company Plan, and the period
for making any such necessary retroactive amendments has not expired, (vii) 
with respect to Multiemployer Plans, neither Sunstate nor either of 
Sunstate's Subsidiaries has made or suffered a "complete withdrawal" or a 
"partial withdrawal," as such terms are respectively defined in Sections
4203, 4204 and 4205 of ERISA and, to the best knowledge of the Sunstate 
Shareholders, no event has occurred or is expected to occur which presents a 
material risk of a complete or partial withdrawal under said Sections 4203, 
4204 and 4205, (viii) there are no pending or, to the best
knowledge of the Sunstate Shareholders, threatened or anticipated claims 
involving any of the Company Plans other than claims for benefits in the 
ordinary course, and (ix) Sunstate has no current liability in excess of 
$50,000, whether measured alone or in the aggregate, for plan termination or
withdrawal (complete or partial) under Title IV of ERISA based on any plan to 
which any entity that would be deemed one employer with Sunstate nor either 
of Sunstate's Subsidiaries under Section 4001 of ERISA or Section 414 of the 
Code contributed during the period of time covered by the applicable statute 
of limitations (the "Company Controlled Group Plans"), and Sunstate does not
reasonably anticipate that any such liability will be asserted against the 
Company, none of the Company Controlled Group Plans has an 
"accumulated funding deficiency" (as defined in Section 302 of ERISA and 412 
of the Code), and no Company Controlled Group Plan has an outstanding
funding waiver which could result in the imposition of liens, excise taxes or 
liability at Sunstate in excess of $50,000 whether measured alone or in the 

     3.10 Compliance with Laws and Regulations.  

          3.10.1    Sunstate and each of Sunstate's Subsidiaries has complied 
and is presently complying, in all material respects, with all laws, rules, 
regulations, orders and requirements (federal, state and local and foreign) 
applicable to it in all jurisdictions where the business of each such entity
is conducted or to which each such entity is subject, including, without 
limitation, all applicable federal and state laws regulating the production, 
sale and delivery of mobile homes and other products manufactured and 
marketed by Sunstate, civil rights and equal opportunity employment
laws and regulations, HUD regulations and all federal, antitrust, antimonopolies
and fair trade practice laws ("Laws") and the Sunstate Shareholders know of 
no pending or anticipated changes to such Laws that could cause Sunstate's 
current business practices to fall out of compliance with
such Laws.  The Sunstate Shareholders do not know of any assertion by any party 
that Sunstate or any of Sunstate's Subsidiaries is in violation in any 
material respect of any such laws, rules, regulations, orders, restrictions 
or requirements with respect to its operations and no notice in that
regard has been received by Sunstate or any of Sunstate's Subsidiaries.  
Sunstate and the Sunstate Subsidiaries have complied and currently comply 
with all applicable laws (including rules and regulations thereunder) 
relating to employment of labor, employee civil rights and equal
employment opportunities.

          3.10.2    Sunstate and each of Sunstate's Subsidiaries, has not:  
(i) violated in any respect or received a notice or charge asserting 
any violation of the Sherman Act, the Clayton Act, the Robinson-Patman Act or 
the Federal Trade Commission Act, each as amended; (ii) made or
agreed to make any contribution payment or gift of funds or property to any 
governmental official, employee or agent where either the contribution, 
payment or gift or the purpose thereof was illegal under the laws of any 
federal, state or local jurisdiction; or (iii) established or maintained any
unrecorded fund or asset account for any purpose.

     3.11 Certain Agreements.

          3.11.1    Except as described on Section 3.11.1 of the Sunstate 
Disclosure Schedule, As of the date hereof, neither Sunstate nor either of 
Sunstate's Subsidiaries is a party to any oral or written (i) 
consulting or similar agreement with any present or former director, officer or 
employee or any entity controlled by any such person not terminable on thirty
days' or less notice involving the payment of not more than $25,000 per 
annum; (ii) agreement with any director, executive officer
or other key employee the benefits of which are contingent, or the terms of 
which are materially altered, upon the occurrence of a transaction 
involving any such company of the nature contemplated
by this Agreement; (iii) agreement with respect to any director, executive 
officer or other key employee providing any term of employment or 
compensation guarantee extending for a period
longer than one year and for the payment in excess of $100,000 per annum; or 
(iv) agreement or plan, including any stock option plan, stock appreciation 
right plan, restricted stock plan or stock purchase plan, any of the 
benefits of which will be increased, or the vesting of the benefits of which
will be accelerated, by the occurrence of any of the transactions contemplated 
by this Agreement or the value of any of the benefits of which will be 
calculated on the basis of the transactions contemplated by this Agreement, 
except as set forth in Section 3.11.1 of the Disclosure Schedule.

          3.11.2    Except as set forth in Section 3.11.2 of the Sunstate 
Disclosure Schedule, neither Sunstate nor either of Sunstate's Subsidiaries 
is indebted for money borrowed, either directly or indirectly, from any of 
its officers, directors, or any Affiliate (as defined below), in any amount
whatsoever, nor are any of its officers, directors, or Affiliates indebted for 
money borrowed from such entity; nor are there any transactions of a 
continuing nature between such entity and any of its officers, directors, or 
Affiliates (other than by or through the regular employment thereof) not subject
to cancellation which will continue beyond the Closing Date, including, without 
limitation, use of Sunstate's, GHC's or SGHC's, respectively, assets for 
personal benefit with or without adequate compensation.  For purposes of this
Agreement, the term "Affiliate" shall mean any person that,
directly or indirectly, through one or more intermediaries, controls or is 
controlled by, or is under common control with, the person specified.  As 
used in the foregoing definition, the term (i) "control" shall mean the power
through the ownership of voting securities, contract or otherwise to
direct the affairs of another person and (ii) "person" shall mean an individual,
firm, trust, association, corporation, partnership, government (whether federal,
state, local or other subdivision, or any agency or bureau of any of them) or 
other entity. 

     3.12 Environment, Health and Safety.  Prior to the Closing Date, each of 
Sunstate, Sunstate's Subsidiaries and, to the knowledge of the Sunstate 
Shareholders, Sunstate's predecessors and Affiliates, has complied with all 
applicable laws (including rules and regulations thereunder) of
federal, state, and local governments (and all agencies thereof) concerning the 
environment, public health and safety and employee health and safety, and no 
charge, complaint, action, suit, proceeding, hearing, investigation, claim, 
demand or notice has been filed or commenced against any of them
alleging any failure to comply with, or Liabilities, arising under any such law 
or regulation.  Without limiting the foregoing:

          3.12.1    Sunstate, Sunstate's Subsidiaries and the Sunstate 
Shareholders have not either jointly or severally received any notification 
of potential responsibility (and there is no Basis related to the past or 
present operations, facilities or properties of Sunstate or Sunstate's 
Subsidiaries and, to the knowledge of the Sunstate Shareholders, the 
predecessors of such entities, for any present or future charge, complaint, 
action, suit, proceeding, hearing, investigation, claim or demand against
Sunstate or Sunstate's Subsidiaries giving rise to any Liability) under, the 
Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation and Liability Act of 1980; 
the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act of 1976; the Federal Water 
Pollution Control Act of 1972; the Clean Air Act of 1970;
the Safe Drinking Water Act of 1974; the Toxic Substances Control Act of 1976; 
the Refuse Act of 1988; the Emergency Planning and Community Right-to-Know Act 
of 1986; the Georgia Hazardous Site Reuse and Redevelopment Act; the Georgia 
Comprehensive Solid Waste and Management Act; the Georgia Hazardous Waste 
Management Act; the Georgia Hazardous Site Response Act; the
Southeast Interstate Low-level Radioactive Waste Management Compact; the Georgia
Underground Storage Tank Act; the Georgia Sewage Holding Tank Act and the 
Georgia Environmental Policy Act (each as amended), without limitation, or 
any other law (or rule or regulation thereunder) of any federal, state or 
local government (or agency thereof) concerning the release or threatened 
release of hazardous substances, public health and safety or pollution or 
protection of the environment;

          3.12.2    Sunstate and Sunstate's Subsidiaries have no Liability (and,
to the knowledge of the Sunstate Shareholders, no predecessors of such 
entities has handled or disposed of any substance, arranged for the disposal 
of any substance or owned or operated any property or facility in any manner 
that could form the Basis of any present or future charge, complaint, action, 
suit, proceeding, hearing, investigation, claim or demand against Sunstate or 
either of Sunstate's Subsidiaries giving rise to any Liability) for damage to
 any site, location or body of water (surface or subsurface) or for illness 
or personal injury;

          3.12.3    Sunstate and Sunstate's Subsidiaries have each obtained and 
been in compliance with all of the terms and conditions of all permits, licenses
and other authorizations which are required under, and have complied with all 
other limitations, restrictions, conditions, standards, prohibitions, 
requirements, obligations, schedules and timetables which are contained in
all federal, state, local, and foreign laws (including rules, regulations, 
codes, plans, judgments, orders, decrees stipulations, injunctions and 
charges thereunder) relating to public health and safety, worker health and 
safety and pollution or protection of the environment, including laws relating 
to emissions, discharges, releases or threatened releases of pollutants, 
contaminants or chemical, industrial, hazardous or toxic materials or wastes 
into ambient air, surface water, ground water or lands or otherwise relating to 
the manufacture, processing, distribution, use, treatment, storage,
disposal, transport or handling of pollutants, contaminants or chemical, 
industrial, hazardous or toxic materials or wastes;

          3.12.4    All properties and equipment used in Sunstate's Business and
the business of Sunstate's Subsidiaries have been free of asbestos, PCB's, 
dioxins, dibenzofurans and Extremely Hazardous Substances (as such term is 
defined in the Emergency Planning and Community Right to Know Act of 1986, 
as amended); 

          3.12.5    All product labeling has been in conformity with applicable 
laws (including regulations thereunder); and 

          3.12.6    No pollutant, contaminant or chemical, industrial, hazardous
or toxic material or waste ever has been buried, stored, spilled, leaked, 
discharged, emitted or released on any real property that Sunstate or Sunstate's
Subsidiaries has ever owned, leases or has leased.

          Notwithstanding anything contained herein or in the Sunstate 
Disclosure Schedule to the contrary, the disclosure in the Sunstate Disclosure 
Schedule pursuant to, or relating in any way to, this Section 3.12 shall not 
detract from or diminish in any manner or to any extent any Liability of 
Sunstate and the Sunstate Shareholders, jointly and severally pursuant to 
Section 8.2 hereof.

     3.13      Insurance.  

          3.13.1    Section 3.13 of the Sunstate Disclosure Schedule sets forth 
the name of each insurer, the name and telephone number of each insurance 
broker, the name of each policyholder, policy number, period of coverage, 
scope and amount, and a description of any retroactive premium
adjustments or other loss-sharing arrangements for each insurance policy to 
which Sunstate and/or each Sunstate Subsidiary has been a party, a named insured
or otherwise the beneficiary of coverage at any time within the past five years.
          3.13.2    With respect to each such insurance policy, except as 
otherwise specifically identified in Section 3.13 of the Sunstate Disclosure 
Schedule: (A) the policy is legal, valid, binding and enforceable and in full 
force and effect; (B) the policy will continue to be legal, valid, binding
and enforceable and in full force and effect on identical terms following the 
Closing Date; (C) neither Sunstate nor any of its Subsidiaries nor, to the 
Sunstate Shareholders' knowledge, any other party to the policy is in breach 
or default (including with respect to payment of premiums or the
giving of notices), and no event has occurred which, with notice or the lapse of
time, would constitute such a breach or default or permit termination, 
modification or acceleration, under the policy; and (D) neither Sunstate nor 
its Subsidiaries nor, to the knowledge of the Sunstate Shareholders, any 
other party to the policy has repudiated any provision thereof.  Sunstate and 
its Subsidiaries are now covered, and have been covered during the past five 
years (dating back from the date of this Agreement), by insurance in scope 
and amount customary and reasonable for the business in which it has engaged 
during the aforementioned period and in which it currently engages. During 
the past five years neither Sunstate nor any of its Subsidiaries has maintained 
any self-insurance arrangements.
     3.14      Title and Use of Real and Other Property. 

          3.14.1    Sunstate and all of its Subsidiaries has, and immediately 
prior to the Closing will have good, valid and marketable title in fee simple 
to all real property and structures ("Real Property") and all personal 
property reflected on Sunstate's Balance Sheet as owned by Sunstate and
all Real Property and personal property acquired by Sunstate or a Sunstate 
Subsidiary since September 26, 1998, in each case free and clear of liens 
except (i) as set forth in Section 3.14.1 of the Sunstate Disclosure 
Schedule, or (ii) for sales and other dispositions of inventory in the ordinary
course of business since September 26, 1998 which, in the aggregate, have not 
been materially different from prior periods.

          3.14.2    Section 3.14.2 contains a true and complete list and legal 
description of each parcel of Real Property owned by Sunstate and its 
Subsidiaries ("Owned Real Property") and a general description of each 
structure thereon.  The Sunstate Shareholders have heretofore furnished
to AHC true and complete copies of all deeds, other instruments of title and 
policies of title insurance indicating and describing Sunstate's or its 
Subsidiaries' ownership of such Owned Real Property, as well as copies of any
survey or environmental reports relating to such Owned Real Property.

          3.14.3    Section 3.14.3 of the Sunstate Disclosure Schedule contains 
a list of all tangible personal property having, in the aggregate, a cost or 
fair market value in excess of $3,404,440, owned by Sunstate and its 

          3.14.4    Section 3.14.4 of the Sunstate Disclosure Schedule contains 
a list of all Real Property leases, licenses and personal property leases 
under which Sunstate or its Subsidiaries is the lessee or licensee ("Leased 
Property"), together with (i) the location and nature of each of the Leased
Properties (including a legal description of all leased Real Property); (ii) the
termination date of each such lease or license; (iii) the name of the lessor 
or licensor; and (iv) all rental and other payments made or required to be 
made.  All leases and licenses, pursuant to which Sunstate or its Subsidiaries
leases or licenses Leased Property from others are valid, subsisting and in full
force and effect in accordance with their respective terms, and there is not 
under any Leased Property lease or license, any existing default or event of 
default (or event that, with notice or passage of time, or both, would
constitute a default).  True and complete copies of all Leased Property and 
licenses listed in Section 3.14.4 have been delivered to AHC heretofore, as 
well as any copies of title reports, surveys or environmental reports or 
audits relating to any Leased Property.  Except as set forth in Section
3.14.4, no such lease or license will require the consent of the lessor or 
licensor to or as a result of the consummation of the transactions 
contemplated by this Agreement.

          3.14.5    All personal property owned by Sunstate and Sunstate's 
Subsidiaries and all personal property held by such entities pursuant to 
leases is in good operating condition and repair, subject only to ordinary 
wear and tear, has been operated, serviced and maintained properly within
the recommendation and requirements of the manufacturer thereof (if any) and is 
suitable and appropriate for the use thereof made and proposed to be made by 
Sunstate and its Subsidiaries in their respective businesses and operations. 
The Real Property and personal property scheduled pursuant to this Section 
3.14 comprise all of the Real Property and personal property used in, or
necessary for the conduct of Sunstate's Business and the businesses of its 

          3.14.6    Except as set forth in Section 3.14.6 of the Sunstate 
Disclosure Schedule:

               (i)  Sunstate and its Subsidiaries are not in violation of, or 
default under any statute, law, ordinance, rule, regulation, permit, order, 
writ, judgment, injunction, decree or award ("Legal Requirement") pertaining 
to any of the Real Property.  No notice of violation of any Legal 
Requirement, or of any covenant, condition, restriction or easement affecting 
any Real Property or with respect to the use or occupancy thereof, has been 
given to any Sunstate Shareholder, Sunstate or any of its Subsidiaries;

               (ii) All structures on the Real Property are (A) in good 
operating condition and repair,(B) are adequate and suitable for the purpose for
which they are currently and proposed to be used, and (C) are supplied with 
utilities and other services necessary for the operation of such structures 
and the business conducted by Sunstate or its Subsidiaries therein, including 
gas, water, electricity, telephone, sanitary sewer and storm sewer, all of 
which services are maintained in accordance with all Legal Requirements and 
are provided via permanent, irrevocable, appurtenant easements in favor of 
Sunstate or its Subsidiaries, as appropriate;

               (iii)     No condemnation proceeding is pending or, to the 
knowledge of the Sunstate Shareholders, threatened which would impair the 
occupancy, use or value of any Real Property;

               (iv) No structure, nor the operations of Sunstate or its 
Subsidiaries therein or thereon (A) is located outside of the boundary lines 
of the described parcel of land on which it is located, (B) is in violation 
of applicable setback requirements, zoning laws, or ordinances, (C) is
subject to "permitted non-conforming use" or "permitted non-conforming 
structure" classification, or (D) encroaches any property owned by or 
easement granted in favor of a third party;

               (v)  There are no (i) leases, subleases, licences, concessions or
other agreements, written or oral, granting to any person the right to 
acquire, use, or occupy any portion of any, Real Property, (ii) outstanding 
options or rights of first refusal to purchase all or any portion of the Real 
Property, and (iii) persons other than Sunstate or its Subsidiaries in 
possession of any Real Property; and

               (vi) Each parcel of Owned Real Property and, as applicable Leased
Real Property (A) is fully and adequately described in the legal description 
therefor contained in the deed or other applicable instrument of conveyance 
thereof, (B) abuts a paved public right-of-way, (C) does not serve any 
adjoining property for any purpose inconsistent with the use of the land, and 
(D)is not located within any flood plain or subject to any similar type 
restriction for which any permits or licenses necessary to the use thereof 
have not been obtained.

     3.15      Condition of Assets.  The equipment, real property, fixtures and 
other personal property of Sunstate and each of Sunstate's Subsidiaries are 
in good operating condition and repair (ordinary wear and tear excepted) for 
the conduct of their respective businesses as presently being conducted.  
Title to all such assets was acquired through arms-length transactions.  
All assets necessary for the conduct of Sunstate's and its Subsidiaries' 
businesses are owned by Sunstate or its Subsidiaries, as appropriate.

     3.16 Inventories.  The inventories of raw materials and other consumable 
items reflected in the Financial Statements do not include any items in any 
material amount that are below standard quality or are damaged, obsolete, slow-
moving or of a quantity or quality not usable or suitable in the ordinary 
course of business.  The Financial Statements reflect adequate reserves in 
accordance with GAAP, consistently applied, with respect to inventories and raw 
materials.  The entire inventory was acquired in the ordinary course of 
business, on an arms-length basis.

     3.17      Employees.  Except as set forth in Section 3.17 of the Sunstate 
Disclosure Schedule, none of the employees of Sunstate is represented by any 
labor union or collective bargaining unit and Sunstate nor the Sunstate 
Shareholders are not aware of any organizational efforts taking place
with respect to such representation.

     3.18 Financial Statements.  The Sunstate Disclosure Schedule contains 
audited Consolidated Balance Sheets of Sunstate and Sunstate's 
Subsidiaries as at September 26, 1998 and September 27, 1997 and related 
unaudited consolidated statements of operations, cash flows and stockholders' 
equity of Sunstate and Sunstate's Subsidiaries for the periods ended at such 
dates (collectively the "Financial Statements").  The Financial Statements 
present fairly, in all material respects, the financial position on the dates 
thereof and results of operations of Sunstate and Sunstate's Subsidiaries for
the periods indicated, prepared in accordance with generally accepted 
accounting principles consistently applied ("GAAP").  The Financial Statements 
are capable of being audited in accordance with Regulation S-X, promulgated 
by the Securities and Exchange Commission.  There are no assets of Sunstate 
or Sunstate's Subsidiaries, the value of which is materially overstated in 
said balance sheets. 

     3.19 Undisclosed Liabilities.  Sunstate has no Liability (and there is no 
Basis for any present or future charge, complaint, action, suit, proceeding, 
hearing, investigation, claim or demand against Sunstate giving raise to a 
Liability) except for (i) Liabilities set forth on the face of Sunstate's 
latest Balance Sheet (as opposed to the footnotes); (ii) Liabilities which have 
arisen after the date of the last balance sheet in the ordinary course of 
business; and (iii) Liabilities set forth as such in the Sunstate 
Disclosure Schedule.

     3.20 Absence of Certain Changes or Events.  Except as set forth in the 
Sunstate Disclosure Schedule, since September 26, 1998 (the "Balance Sheet 
Date"), there has not been:

          3.20.1    any material adverse change in the financial condition, 
properties, assets, liabilities or business of Sunstate or Sunstate's 

          3.20.2    any material damage, destruction or loss of any material 
properties of Sunstate or Sunstate's Subsidiaries, whether or not covered by 

          3.20.3    any material adverse change in the manner in which the 
business of Sunstate or Sunstate's Subsidiaries has been conducted;

          3.20.4    any material adverse change in the treatment and protection 
of trade secrets or other confidential information of Sunstate or Sunstate's 
Subsidiaries; and

          3.20.5    any occurrence not included in sub-paragraphs 1 through 4 of
this Section 3.20 which has resulted, or which the Sunstate Shareholders have 
reason to believe, might be expected to result in a material adverse change in 
the business or prospects of Sunstate or Sunstate's Subsidiaries.

     3.21 Government Licenses, Permits, Etc.  Sunstate, and as applicable, each 
of Sunstate's Subsidiaries has all material governmental licenses, permits, 
authorizations and approvals necessary for the conduct of its business as 
currently conducted ("Licenses and Permits").  Section 3.21 of the Sunstate 
Disclosure Schedule includes a list of all Licenses and Permits.  All Licenses 
and Permits are in full force and effect, and no proceedings for the suspension 
or cancellation of any thereof is pending or, to their knowledge, threatened.
 The Sunstate Shareholders know of no action, omission
or policy which could form a reasonable Basis for the loss of any such 

     3.22 Business Locations.  Neither Sunstate nor Sunstate's Subsidiaries owns
or leases any real or personal property in any state or country except as set 
forth on the Sunstate Disclosure Schedule.  Such entities have no executive 
offices or places of business except as otherwise set forth on the Sunstate 
Disclosure Schedule.

     3.23 Intellectual Property.  Section 3.23 of the Sunstate Disclosure 
Schedule sets forth a complete and correct list and summary description of 
all trademarks, trade names, service marks, service names, brand names, 
copyrights and patents, registrations thereof and applications therefore,
applicable to or used in the business of Sunstate, GHC and SGHC, together with a
complete list of all licenses granted by or to such entities with respect to 
any of the above.  Except as otherwise set forth in Section 3.23, all such 
trademarks, trade names, service marks, service names, brand names,
copyrights and patents are owned by Sunstate and/or Sunstate's Subsidiaries as 
applicable, free and clear of all liens, claims, security interests and 
encumbrances of any nature whatsoever.  Neither Sunstate nor Sunstate's 
Subsidiaries is currently in receipt of any notice of any violation or
infringements of, and such entities are not knowingly violating or infringing, 
the rights of others in any trademark, trade name, service mark, copyright, 
patent, trade secret, know-how or other intangible asset.

     3.24 Continuity of Existing Arrangements.  Except as set forth in Section 
3.24 of the Sunstate Disclosure Schedule, the Sunstate Shareholders have no 
knowledge of, or the Basis for a belief that, either as a result of the 
transactions contemplated hereby or for any other reason (exclusive of 
expiration of a contract upon the passage of time), (i) any material distributor
or supplier of Sunstate or its Subsidiaries intends to discontinue, 
materially alter, or substantially diminish its relationship with such 
entity, or with APT, after the Closing Date or (ii) any key
employee of Sunstate or its Subsidiaries intends to terminate such employment.

     3.25 Governmental Approvals.  Except as set forth in Section 1.2 as to the 
Merger Filing, no authorization, license, permit, franchise, approval, order or 
consent of, and no registration, declaration or filing by Sunstate or Sunstate's
Subsidiaries with, any governmental authority, domestic or foreign, federal, 
state or local, is required in connection with Sunstate's execution, delivery 
and performance of this Agreement.  

     3.26 Accounts Receivable.  Except as set forth in Section 3.26 of the 
Sunstate Disclosure Schedule, all of the accounts receivable of Sunstate or 
Sunstate's Subsidiaries included in the Financial Statements or otherwise 
reflect actual transactions, have arisen in the ordinary course of
business, will not, to the knowledge of the Sunstate Shareholders, be subject to
offset or deduction and, except as noted, will be collectible at the 
aggregate recorded amounts thereof net of any reserves
established in a manner consistent with past practices of all as reflected in 
the financial statements.

     3.27 Liabilities.  Neither Sunstate nor any of the Sunstate Subsidiaries 
have any material Liabilities, whether or not of a kind required by generally
accepted accounting principles to be set forth on a financial statement, 
other than (i) Liabilities fully and adequately reflected or reserved
against on the Balance Sheets, (ii) Liabilities incurred since the Balance Sheet
Date in the ordinary course of the business of Sunstate or Sunstate's 
Subsidiaries, or (iii) Liabilities otherwise disclosed in this Agreement, 
including the Exhibits hereto and Disclosure Schedule.

     3.28 OSHA.  Except as otherwise provided in Section 3.28 of the Sunstate 
Disclosure Schedule, during the three (3) years immediately prior to the date
of this Agreement, neither Sunstate nor either of the Sunstate Subsidiaries 
have been cited for any violations of the Occupational Safety and Health Act 
of 1970, as amended, nor to the knowledge of the Sunstate Shareholders, are 
there any citations pending as a result of inspections of the Company or for non
- -compliance with such Act.  Except as otherwise indicated in Section 3.28 of 
the Sunstate Disclosure Schedule, each of the conditions which resulted in 
the issuance of a citation have been abated or otherwise corrected to the
satisfaction of the Occupational Safety and Health Administration as of the 
Closing Date.

     3.29 Product Warranties.  Each product manufactured, sold, leased or 
delivered by Sunstate or Sunstate's Subsidiaries has been in substantial 
conformity with all applicable HUD specifications, contractual commitments and 
all express and implied warranties, and, except for normal returns or 
allowances in the ordinary course of business, not in excess of warranty 
reserves. Neither Sunstate nor its Subsidiaries has any Liability (and there 
is no Basis for any present or future charge, complaint, action, suit, 
proceeding, hearing, investigation, claim or demand against it giving
rise to any Liability) for replacement or repair thereof or for other damages in
connection therewith.  No product manufactured by Sunstate or Sunstate's 
Subsidiaries is subject to any guaranty, warranty or other indemnity beyond 
the applicable standard terms and conditions of sale or lease as set forth
in purchase orders delivered pursuant to Section 3.6.1.

     3.30 Immigration Matters.  Except as set forth in Section 3.30 of the 
Sunstate Disclosure Schedule, Sunstate and each of Sunstate's Subsidiaries 
has properly completed and maintained Forms I-9 on all persons who became 
employed by such entity for the past three (3) years, and each
alien employee of such entity is employed pursuant to a valid temporary work 
authorization.  Section 3.30 of the Disclosure Schedule lists the names of 
all alien employees who are required to have temporary work authorizations, 
the date of their employment and their job titles and responsibilities,
and copies of each Form I-9 for each such person.

     3.31 Investment Representations.  The Sunstate Shareholders acknowledge 
that the Alpha Merger Stock is not registered under the Act, or any state 
securities laws and are being offered and issued in reliance upon federal and 
state exemptions for transactions not involving any public offering.  The 
Sunstate Shareholders are each acquiring the Alpha Merger Stock solely for their
own respective accounts for investment purposes and not with a view to the 
sale or other disposition thereof within the meaning of the Act, except as 
may be permitted by such Act and the rules and regulations promulgated under 
the Act.  Each Sunstate Shareholder has experience investing in
unregistered securities and is fully cognizant of the risks inherent in the 
ownership thereof and each is capable of withstanding substantial losses as a
result of such ownership.

     3.32 Reserves Adequate.  Section 3.32 of the Sunstate Disclosure Schedule 
sets forth a list of all the reserves established by Sunstate and its 
Subsidiaries for all Liabilities, and the amounts for each such reserve.  All
the reserves which have been established are adequate to cover 100% of
the costs, expenses, losses and Liabilities that will be incurred in connection 
with all such matters.  There will be no material change in the amounts of such 
reserves prior to the Closing Date.

     3.33 No Omissions or Untrue Statements.  No representation or warranty 
made by Sunstate, GHC, SGHC or the Stockholders to AHC and APT anywhere in 
this Agreement, the Sunstate Disclosure Schedule or in any certificate of a 
Sunstate officer required to be delivered to AHC pursuant to the terms of 
this Agreement contains or will contain any untrue statement of a
material fact, or omits or will omit to state a material fact necessary to make 
the statements contained herein or therein not misleading as of the date 
hereof and as of the Closing Date.



     Except as set forth in the Alpha Disclosure Schedule in each instance, and 
AHC's Annual Report on Form 10-K for the year ended December 31, 1998, 
including the Exhibits thereto (the "10-K") filed with the SEC, pursuant to the 
Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as amended (the "Exchange Act"), AHC and 
APT, jointly and severally, represent and warrant to, and agree with, the
Sunstate Shareholders and Sunstate as follows, as of the date hereof and as of 
the Closing Date:

     4.1  Organization and Standing of AHC and APT.  AHC and APT are 
corporations duly organized, validly existing and in good standing under the 
laws of the State of Delaware, and have the corporate power to carry on their 
business as now conducted and to own their assets and
are duly qualified to transact business as foreign corporations in each state 
where such qualification is necessary except where the failure to qualify 
(individually or in the aggregate) will not have a
material adverse effect on the business or prospects of AHC or APT on a combined
basis.  The copies of the Certificate of Incorporation and By-laws of AHC and 
APT, as amended to date, and delivered to Sunstate, are true and complete 
copies of those documents as now in effect.

     4.2  Authority.  The approval of the Merger by the respective Boards of 
Directors of AHC and APT, once given, shall be binding on AHC and APT, 
subject to the approval of their respective stockholders as mandated by the 
DGCL and, with regard to AHC, the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as 
amended, and all Rules and Regulations promulgated thereunder and all applicable
NASDAQ listing agreements and requirements.  This Agreement will constitute, and
all other agreements contemplated hereby will constitute, when executed and 
delivered by AHC and APT, the valid and binding obligations of each 
corporation, enforceable in accordance with their respective terms.

     4.3  No Conflict.  The making and performance of this Agreement will not 
(i) conflict with the Certificate of Incorporation or the By-laws of AHC or APT,
(ii) violate any laws, ordinances, rules, or regulations, or any order, writ,
injunction or decree to which AHC or APT is a party or by which AHC or APT or
any of its material assets, business, or operations may be bound or affected 
or (iii) result in any breach or termination of, or constitute a default under, 
or constitutean event which, with notice or lapse of time, or both, would become
a default under, or result in the creation of any encumbrance upon any 
material asset of AHC or APT under, or create any rights of
termination, cancellation, or acceleration in any person under, any material 
agreement, arrangement, or commitment, or violate any provisions of any laws, 
ordinances, rules or regulations or any order, writ, injunction, or decree to
which AHC or APT is a party or by which AHC or APT, or any of their
material assets may be bound.

     4.4  Capitalization.  The Authorized capital stock of AHC consists of
25,000,000 shares of Common Stock, par value $.01 and 1,000,000 shares of 
Preferred Stock, par value $.01.  As of January 12, 1998, 16,788,228 shares 
of Common Stock, 821,496 shares of Series B Preferred Stock and 135,162 shares
of Series C Preferred Stock were issued and outstanding.  Such outstanding
shares of Common Stock are duly authorized, validly issued, fully paid, and 
non-assessable.  The AHC Merger Stock and the Series D Preferred Stock to be 
issued pursuant to this Agreement, when issued in accordance with the terms 
of this Agreement, will be duly authorized, validly issued, fully
paid and non-assessable.  As of December 31, 1998 there were outstanding 
options, warrants or rights of conversion or other rights, agreements, 
arrangements or commitments relating to the capital stock of AHC or 
obligating AHC to issue or sell an aggregate of 1,796,500 shares of Common Stock
as set forth in the Disclosure Schedule.

     4.5  AHC Financial Statements.  The financial statements of AHC 
(collectively the "AHC Financial Statements") included in AHC's SEC Reports 
(as hereinafter defined) present fairly, in all material respects, the 
financial position of AHC as of the respective dates and the results of its
operations and other information for the periods covered in accordance with 
GAAP and in accordance with Regulation S-X of the SEC (subject, in the case of 
unaudited interim period financial statements, to normal and recurring 
year-end adjustments which, individually or collectively, are not material). 



     5.1  Stockholder Approvals.  Subject to the satisfactory completion of all 
undertakings contemplated by this Agreement including all due diligence reviews 
and investigations by AHC which are deemed to be necessary by the Board of 
Directors of AHC, and the other  provisions of this Agreement, the parties shall
hold a closing (the "Closing") on the next business day (or such later date 
as the parties hereto may agree) following the business day on which the last of
the conditions set forth in Articles 6 and 7 hereof is fulfilled or waived (such
later date, the "Closing Date"), at 10:00 A.M. at the offices of Parker Duryee
Rosoff & Haft, 529 Fifth Avenue, New York, New York 10017, or at such other 
time or place as the parties may agree upon.  

     5.2  Closing Deliveries to APT and AHC.  At the Closing, in addition to 
documents referred elsewhere, Sunstate and the Sunstate Shareholders shall 
deliver, or cause to be delivered, to AHC:

          5.2.1     a certificate, dated as of the Closing Date, executed by the
Secretary of Sunstate and each of the Sunstate Shareholders, to the effect that 
representations and warranties contained in this Agreement are true and 
correct in all material respects at and as of the Closing Date
and that Sunstate and the Sunstate Shareholders have complied with or performed 
in all material respects all terms, covenants and conditions to be complied with
or performed by them on or prior to the Closing Date;

          5.2.2     an opinion of Sunstate's counsel, substantially in the form 
of Exhibit 5.2.2 attached;

          5.2.3     certificates representing Sunstate Stock owned by all of the
Sunstate Shareholders; and

          5.2.4     such other documents as AHC or its counsel may reasonably 
require to evidence compliance with Article 7 hereof.

     5.3  Closing Deliveries to Sunstate.  At the Closing, in addition to 
documents referred to elsewhere, AHC shall deliver to Sunstate:

          5.3.1     a cashier's check or evidence of compliance with the wiring 
instructions of Sunstate with regard to the cash component of the Merger 

          5.3.2     certificates representing the AHC Merger Stock and the 
Series D Preferred Stock issued to the Sunstate Shareholders in accordance 
with the instructions delivered to AHC by the Sunstate Shareholders; 

          5.3.3     a certificate of AHC, dated as of the Closing Date, executed
by the President or an Executive Vice President of AHC to the effect that the
representations and warranties of AHC and APT contained in this Agreement are
 true and correct in all material respects and that AHC and APT have each 
complied with or performed in all material respects all terms, covenants, and
conditions to be complied with or performed by AHC and APT on or prior to the 
Closing Date;

          5.3.4     an opinion of AHC's counsel, Parker Duryee Rosoff & Haft, 
substantially in the form of Exhibit 5.3.4 attached; and

          5.3.5     such other documents as Sunstate or it's counsel may 
reasonably require to evidence compliance with Article 6 hereof.



     The obligation of the Sunstate Shareholders and Sunstate to consummate the 
Closing is subject to the following conditions, any of which may be waived by
 it in their sole discretion:

     6.1  Compliance by AHC and APT.  AHC and APT shall have performed and 
complied in all material respects with all agreements and conditions 
required by this Agreement including without limitation the obligations set 
forth in Section 2.2 to be performed or complied with by AHC
or APT prior to or on the Closing Date;

     6.2  Accuracy of AHC's and APT's Representations.  AHC's and APT's 
representations and warranties contained in this Agreement (including the AHC
Disclosure Schedule) or any schedule, certificate, or other instrument 
delivered pursuant to the provisions hereof or in connection with the 
transactions contemplated hereby shall be true and correct in all material 
respects at and as of the Closing Date (except for such changes permitted by 
this Agreement) and shall be deemed to be made again as of the Closing Date. 

     6.3  Documents.  All documents and instruments required hereunder to be 
delivered by AHC to Sunstate at the Closing shall be delivered in form and 
substance reasonably satisfactory to Sunstate and its counsel, including, 
without limitation, resolutions of the Board of Directors of AHC
to increase the number of directors on AHC's Board of Directors by two persons 
and appointing Roger D. Watson and William H. Shaw to serve on the Board of 
Directors until their successors are duly elected, and evidence of the filing 
of the Certificate of Designation for the Series D Preferred Stock.

     6.4  Agreements.  AHC shall have entered into the following binding 
agreements with: 

          6.4.1     Employment Agreement between APT and Shaw in the form of 
Exhibit 6.4.1 hereto; 

          6.4.2     Employment Agreement between APT and Watson in the form of 
Exhibit 6.4.2 hereto; and

          6.4.3     Registration Rights Agreement in the form of Exhibit 1.4.4 

     6.5  Litigation.  No action, suit or proceeding shall be pending or 
threatened before any court or quasi-judicial or administrative agency of any 
federal, state, local or foreign jurisdiction wherein an unfavorable judgment, 
order, decree, stipulation, injunction or charge would (i) prevent
the consummation of any of the transactions contemplated by this Agreement; 
(ii) would cause any of the transaction contemplated by this Agreement to be 
rescinded following consummation; or (iii) materially affect adversely APT's 
right to operate or control the business of Sunstate or Sunstate's

     6.6  SGF Merger.  The SGF Merger is closed subject only to the filing of 
such documents with the Secretaries of State of the States of Delaware and 
Georgia as are required by the respective corporate laws of such jurisdictions.



     AHC's and APT's obligation to consummate the Closing is subject to the 
following conditions, any of which may be waived by AHC or APT in their sole 

     7.1  Compliance by Sunstate.  Sunstate and the Sunstate Shareholders shall 
have performed and complied in all material respects with all agreements and 
conditions required by this Agreement to be performed or complied with by them 
prior to or on the Closing Date. 

     7.2  Accuracy of Representations of Sunstate.  The representations and 
warranties of Sunstate and the Sunstate Shareholders contained in this Agreement
(including the exhibits hereto and the Sunstate Disclosure Schedule) or any 
schedule, certificate, or other instrument delivered pursuant to the provisions 
hereof or in connection with the transactions contemplated hereby shall be 
true and correct in all material respects at and as of the Closing Date (except 
for changes permitted by this Agreement) and shall be deemed to be made again as
of the Closing Date.

     7.3  Third Party Consents.  Sunstate and the Sunstate Shareholders shall 
have procured and delivered all third party consents deemed necessary by APT 
and AHC.

     7.4  Material Adverse Change.  AHC shall be satisfied that nothing, which 
in the exercise of its discretion constitutes a material adverse change, shall 
have occurred subsequent to September 26, 1998 in the financial position, 
results of operations, assets, liabilities, or prospects of
Sunstate and/or the Sunstate Subsidiaries.

     7.5  Litigation.  No action, suit or proceeding shall be pending or 
threatened before any court or quasi-judicial or administrative agency of any 
federal, state, local or foreign jurisdiction wherein an unfavorable judgment, 
order, decree, stipulation, injunction or charge would (i) prevent
the consummation of any of the transactions contemplated by this Agreement, 
(ii) would cause any of the transaction contemplated by this Agreement to be 
rescinded following consummation, or (iii) materially affect adversely APT's 
right to operate or control the business of Sunstate or Sunstate's

     7.6  Collateral Agreements.

          7.6.1     The Agreements referred to in paragraph 6.4 hereof shall be 
executed; and

          7.6.2     Sentz, Knight, and Scarboro shall have entered into a 
Non-Competition Agreement in the form of Exhibit 7.6 hereof with APT and AHC.

     7.7  Documents.  All documents, instruments and actions required hereunder 
to be performed or delivered by Sunstate and/or the Sunstate Shareholders or 
each of them to AHC at the Closing shall be delivered in form and substance 
reasonably satisfactory to AHC and its counsel.

     7.8  SGF Merger. The SGF Merger is closed subject only to the filing of 
such documents with the Secretaries of State of the States of Delaware and 
Georgia as are required by the respective corporate laws of such jurisdictions.

     7.9  Acceptable Financing.  AHC shall have secured appropriate financing on
terms and conditions acceptable to AHC's Board of Directors.
     7.10 Due Diligence. The completion, to AHC's satisfaction of all due 
diligence review with respect to the business, assets, financial condition, 
prospects and otherwise of Sunstate and its Subsidaries that is deemed necessary
by AHC's Board of Directors, including without limitation, all tests, studies 
analyses, legal and regulatory audits or reviews.
     7.11 Shareholder Approval.  Approval of the Merger by the Shareholders of 
AHC as determined by the vote of such shareholders at an annual meeting duly 
held and organized in accordance with the terms of the Exchange Act and the DGCL
shall have been obtained by the Board of Directors of AHC.



     8.1  Survival.  All representations, warranties, covenants and agreements 
contained in this Agreement, and any financial statements, deeds, certificates 
(including closing certificates), instruments, schedules or other documents 
delivered pursuant hereto or otherwise in connection herewith will survive the 
execution and delivery of this Agreement, regardless of any investigation 
made by APT, AHC, or on behalf of either, for a period of five years from the 
Closing Date, except for (i) those representations and warranties contained in 
Section 3.8 which shall survive until the expiration of all applicable statutes 
of limitation with respect thereto and (ii) those representations and 
warranties contained in Sections 3.1, 3.2, 3.4 and 3.12 which shall continue in 
full force and effect forever.

     8.2  Indemnification.  The Sunstate Shareholders jointly and severally 
agree to indemnify AHC and APT or their respective officers, directors, Sunstate
Shareholders, employees, agents or affiliates (each an "Alpha Indemnitee") and 
each of them, from and against all losses, liabilities, obligations, costs, 
expenses, damages, judgments of any kind or nature whatsoever (including
reasonable attorneys', accountants' and experts' fees, disbursements of counsel,
and other costs and expenses) incurred by any of them ("Losses"), from, arising 
out of, relating to, in the nature of or caused by any breach of any 
representation or warranty contained in Section 3 hereof and of the SGF
Merger Agreement or in any certificate delivered by Sunstate, the Sunstate 
Shareholders, or the Shareholders of SGF or any of them in connection herewith 
or any breach or failure to perform or comply with any obligation, agreement or 
covenant made in this Agreement and the SGF Merger Agreement or in connection 
herewith or therewith.

     8.3  Third Party Claims.  

          8.3.1     If any party entitled to be indemnified pursuant to this 
Article 8 receives notice of the assertion by any third party of a claim or the 
commencement by such third person of any action (an "Indemnifiable Claim") with 
respect to which another party hereto (an "Indemnifying Party") is or may be 
obligated to provide indemnification, the Indemnified Party shall promptly 
notify the Indemnifying Party in writing (the "Claim Notice") of the 
Indemnifiable Claim; provided that the failure to provide such notice shall not 
relieve or otherwise affect the obligation of the Indemnifying Party to provide 
indemnification hereunder, except to the extent that any damages
directly resulted from, or were caused by, such failure.

          8.3.2     The Indemnifying Party shall have thirty days after receipt 
of the Claim Notice to undertake, conduct and control, through counsel of its 
own choosing, and at its expense, the settlement or defense thereof, and the 
Indemnified Party shall cooperate with the Indemnifying
Party in connection therewith; provided, that (i) the Indemnifying Party shall 
permit the Indemnified Party to participate in such settlement or defense 
through counsel chosen by the Indemnified Party (subject to the consent of 
the Indemnifying Party, which consent shall not be unreasonably withheld), 
provided that the fees and expenses of such counsel shall not be borne by the
Indemnifying Party, and (ii) the Indemnifying Party shall not settle any 
Indemnifiable Claim without the Indemnified Party's consent.  So long as the 
Indemnifying Party is vigorously contesting any such Indemnifiable Claim in 
good faith, the Indemnified Party shall not pay or settle such claim
without the Indemnifying Party's consent, which consent shall not be 
unreasonably withheld.

          8.3.3     If the Indemnifying Party does not notify the Indemnified 
Party within thirty days after receipt of the Claim Notice that it elects to 
undertake the defense of the Indemnifiable Claim described therein, the 
Indemnified Party shall have the right to contest, settle or compromise
the Indemnifiable Claim in the exercise of its reasonable discretion; provided 
that the Indemnified Party shall notify the Indemnifying Party of any compromise
or settlement of such Indemnifiable Claim.

     8.4  Indemnification Non-Exclusive.  The foregoing indemnification 
provisions are in addition to, and not in derogation of, any statutory, 
equitable or common-law remedy any party may have for breach of 
representation, warranty, covenant or agreement.

     8.5  Pending Indemnity Claims.  The proceeds from the sale of any Alpha 
Merger Stock by a Sunstate Shareholder, in accordance with the terms of Article 
1 hereof and the Registration Rights Agreement, during a period in which an 
Indemnifiable Claim is outstanding or pending shall be placed into an escrow 
account acceptable to AHC pending the resolution of such Indemnifiable



     9.1  Termination of Agreement.  This Agreement and the transactions 
contemplated hereby may be terminated at any time prior to the Closing as 

          9.1.1     by mutual consent of the parties; 

          9.1.2     by either Sunstate or AHC following the insolvency or 
bankruptcy of a party hereto, or if any one or more of the conditions to Closing
set forth in Article 6 or Article 7 shall become incapable of fulfillment and 
such condition or breach shall not have been waived by the party for whose 
benefit the condition was established; and 

          9.1.3     by AHC or APT if either determines the representations and 
warranties made by the Sunstate Shareholders in this Agreement were not true and
correct at and as of the date of this Agreement.

          9.1.4     by AHC or APT if the results, determinations, indications or
findings of any of the due diligence review undertaken by them prior to 
Closing, regarding the business, assets, financial condition, prospects and 
otherwise of Sunstate and its Subsidiaries (including, without limitation, 
all tests, analyses, legal and regulatory audits and reviews, including Phase I
environmental analyses of the Real Property) is, in the opinion of AHC's Board 
of Directors, unacceptable.
          9.1.5     by AHC or APT if AHC fails to obtain adequate financing for 
the Merger on terms and conditions acceptable to the Board of Directors of AHC.

     9.2  Effect of Termination.  If any party terminates this Agreement 
pursuant to Section 9.1 above, all obligations of the parties hereunder shall 
terminate without any liability to the other  party (except for any liability of
the party then in breach); provided, however, that the confidentiality
provisions contained herein shall survive termination.


                       ADDITIONAL COVENANTS

     10.1 Mutual Cooperation.  The parties hereto will cooperate with each 
other, and will use all reasonable efforts to cause the fulfillment of the 
conditions to the parties' obligations hereunder and to obtain as promptly as 
possible all consents, authorizations, orders or approvals from each and every 
third party, whether private or governmental, required in connection with the
transactions contemplated by this Agreement.  

     10.2 Changes in Representations and Warranties of a Party.  Between the 
date of this Agreement and the Closing Date, no party shall directly or 
indirectly, enter into any transaction, take any action, or by inaction permit 
an event to occur, which would result in any of the representations
and warranties of any party herein contained not being true and correct at and 
as of (a) the time immediately following the occurrence of such transaction or 
event or (b) the Closing Date.  A party shall promptly give written notice to 
the other parties upon becoming aware of (A) any fact which, if known on the 
date hereof, would have been required to be set forth or disclosed pursuant to 
this Agreement and (B) any impending or threatened breach in any material 
respect of any of the representations and warranties contained in this 
Agreement and with respect to the latter shall use all reasonable efforts to 
remedy same.



     11.1 Brokers.  AHC and APT represent to Sunstate and the Sunstate 
Shareholders, and Sunstate and the Sunstate Shareholders represent to AHC and 
APT, that, other than as set forth on Schedule 11.1, hereto,  there is no other 
broker or finder entitled to a fee or other compensation for bringing the 
parties together to effect the Merger, and that the payment of such fees or 
other compensation as described on Schedule 11.1 is true and accurate in all 
respects and such amounts are to be paid in the manner, and by the parties, set 
forth thereon.



     12.1 Expenses.  Except as otherwise provided herein, each of the Sunstate 
Shareholders and AHC shall pay their own expenses incident to the negotiation, 
preparation, and carrying out of this Agreement, including all fees and expenses
of its counsel and accountants for all activities of such counsel and 
accountants undertaken pursuant to this Agreement, irrespective
of whether or not the transactions contemplated hereby are consummated.  It is 
agreed that expenses associated with this transaction attributable to 
Sunstate shall not exceed $50,000.

     12.2 Survival of Representations, Warranties and Covenants.  All statements
contained in this Agreement or in any certificate delivered by or on behalf of 
Sunstate, Sunstate's Subsidiaries, the Sunstate Shareholders, AHC or APT 
pursuant hereto, or in connection with the transactions contemplated hereby 
shall be deemed representations, warranties and covenants by the Sunstate
Shareholders, AHC or APT, as the case may be, hereunder.  All representations, 
warranties, and covenants made by the Sunstate Shareholders, Sunstate, AHC or 
APT in this Agreement, or pursuant hereto, shall survive the Closing in 
accordance with the terms of Section 8.1 hereof.

     12.3 Publicity.  The parties hereto shall not issue any press release or 
make any other public statement, in each case, relating to, connection with or 
arising out of this Agreement or the transactions contemplated hereby, without 
obtaining the prior approval of the other, which shall not be unreasonably 
withheld or delayed, except that prior approval shall not be required if, in the
reasonable judgment of AHC, prior approval by Sunstate or the Sunstate 
Shareholders would prevent the timely dissemination of such release or statement
in violation of applicable Federal securities laws, rules or regulations or 
policies of the Nasdaq Small Cap Market.

     12.4 Nondisclosure.  The Sunstate Shareholders will not at any time after 
the date of this Agreement, without AHC's consent, divulge, furnish to or make 
accessible to anyone any knowledge or information with respect to confidential 
or secret processes, inventions, discoveries, improvements, formulae, plans, 
material, devices or ideas or know-how, whether patentable or not, with respect 
to any confidential or secret aspects of APT (including, without limitation, 
customer lists, supplier lists and pricing arrangements with customers or 
suppliers) ("Confidential Information"). AHC will not at any time after the date
of this Agreement use, divulge, furnish to or make accessible to anyone any 
Confidential Information (other than to its representatives as part of
its due diligence or corporate investigation).  Any information, which (i) at
or prior to the time of disclosure by either Sunstate or AHC was generally 
available to the public through no breach of this covenant, (ii) was available 
to the public on a nonconfidential basis prior to its disclosure by either
Sunstate, the Sunstate Shareholders or AHC or (iii) was made available to the 
public from a third party provided that such third party did not obtain or 
disseminate such information in breach of any legal obligation of Sunstate or 
AHC, shall not be deemed Confidential Information for purposes
hereof, and the undertakings in this covenant with respect to Confidential 
Information shall not apply thereto.  If this Agreement is terminated pursuant 
to the provisions of Article 8 or any other express right of termination set 
forth in this Agreement, AHC shall return to Sunstate all copies of all
Confidential Information previously furnished to it by Sunstate.

     12.5 Succession and Assignments; Third Party Beneficiaries.  This Agreement
may not be assigned (either voluntarily or involuntarily) by any party hereto 
without the express written consent of the other party.  Any attempted 
assignment in violation of this Section shall be void and ineffective for all 
purposes.  In the event of an assignment permitted by this Section, this 
Agreement shall be binding upon the heirs, successors and assigns of the parties
hereto.  There shall be no third party beneficiaries of this Agreement.  

     12.6 Notices.  All notices, requests, demands, or other communications with
respect to this Agreement shall be in writing and shall be (i) sent by facsimile
transmission, (ii) sent by the United States Postal Service, registered or 
certified mail, return receipt requested, or (iii) personally
delivered by a nationally recognized express overnight courier service, charges 
prepaid, to the following addresses (or such other addresses as the parties may 
specify from time to time in accordance with this Section).

          12.6.1    To AHC and APT:

               Alpha Hospitality Corporation
               12 East 49th Street
               New York, New York  10017
               Attn:  Thomas W. Aro
               Fax No.:  (212) 750-5171
               With a copy to:

               Parker Duryee Rosoff & Haft
               529 Fifth Avenue
               New York, New York 10017
               Attn:  Herbert F. Kozlov, Esq.
               Fax No.: (212) 972-9488

                12.7 To Sunstate and the Sunstate Shareholders:

               Sunstate Manufactured Homes of Georgia
               d/b/a Peach State Homes
               P.O. Box 615
               Adel, Georgia  31620
               Fax No: 

               Carroll E. Sentz
               32 E. Arch Dr.
               Lake Worth, Florida 33467

               Samuel B. Knight
               3975 N. Oak St. Exit, Apt. 613
               Valdosta, Georgia 31603

               William H. Shaw
               2808 Bud McKey
               Valdosta, Georgia 31602

               Roger D. Watson
               4603 Ridgeview Circle
               Valdosta, Georgia 31602

               John Scarboro
               605 Newton Drive
               Adel, Georgia 31620

               With a copy to:

               C. George Newbern
               Coleman, Talley, Newbern, Kurrie, Prescott & Holland
               P.O. Box 5437
               Valdosta, Georgia 31603-5437

Any such notice shall, when sent in accordance with the preceding sentence, be 
deemed to have been given and received on the earliest of (i) the day delivered 
to such address or sent by facsimile transmission, (ii) the fifth business day 
following the date deposited with the United States Postal Service, or (iii) 
24 hours after shipment by such courier service. 

     12.8 Construction; Selection of Forum.  

          (a)  This Agreement shall be construed and enforced in accordance with
the internal laws of the State of New York without giving effect to the 
principles of conflicts of law thereof. 

          (b)  The parties hereby agree that the state and federal courts 
located in the State of New York, County of New York shall be the exclusive 
forum for the resolution of any disputes arising hereunder.  The parties 
irrevocably consent to the jurisdiction and venue of such federal and state 
courts for such purposes and hereby waive any defenses as to improper venue, 
forum non conveniens and improper jurisdiction in connection herewith.

     12.9 Counterparts.  This Agreement may be executed in two or more 
counterparts, each of which shall be deemed an original, but all of which shall 
together constitute one and the same Agreement. 

     12.10     No Implied Waiver; Remedies.  No failure or delay on the part of 
the parties hereto to exercise any right, power, or privilege hereunder or under
any instrument executed pursuant hereto shall operate as a waiver nor shall any 
single or partial exercise of any right, power, or privilege preclude any 
other or further exercise thereof or the exercise of any other right, power, 
or privilege.  All rights, powers, and privileges granted herein shall be in 
addition to other rights and remedies to which the parties may be entitled at
law or in equity. 

     12.11     Entire Agreement.  This Agreement, including the Exhibits and 
Disclosure Schedules attached hereto, sets forth the entire understandings of 
the parties with respect to the subject matter hereof, and it incorporates and 
merges any and all previous communications, understandings, oral or written as 
to the subject matter hereof, and cannot be amended or changed except in 
writing, signed by the parties. 

     12.12     Headings.  The headings of the Sections of this Agreement, where 
employed, are for the convenience of reference only and do not form a part 
hereof and in no way modify, interpret or construe the meanings of the parties. 

     12.13     Severability.  To the extent that any provision of this Agreement
shall be invalid or unenforceable, it shall be considered deleted hereof and the
remainder of such provision and of this Agreement shall be unaffected and 
shall continue in full force and effect.

    IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have executed this Agreement the day 
and year first above written. 

ATTEST:                            SUNSTATE MANUFACTURED HOMES
                                   OF GEORGIA, INC. d/b/a Peachstate
                                   Manufactured Homes of Georgia

Name:                                    Name:    
Title:                                   Title:   

ATTEST:                            ALPHA HOSPITALITY CORP.

Name:                                    Name:  
Title:                                   Title: 

ATTEST:                            ALPHA PEACH TREE CORPORATION

Name:                                    Name:  
Title:                                   Title:

                                        Carroll E. Sentz

                                        William H. Shaw

                                        Samuel B. Knight

                                        Roger D. Watson

                                        John Scarboro