Div. 1    Title 1

                             GENERAL CORPORATION LAW

ss. 1300.           Corporate purchase of dissenting shares

     (a)  If  the  approval  of  the  outstanding  shares  (Section  152)  of  a
          corporation is required for a  reorganization  under  subdivisions (a)
          and (b) or subdivision (e) or (f) of Section 1201, each shareholder of
          the  corporation   entitled  to  vote  on  the  transaction  and  each
          shareholder of a subsidiary corporation in a short-form merger may, by
          complying  with this  chapter,  require the  corporation  in which the
          shareholder  holds  shares to  purchase  for cash at their fair market
          value the shares owned by the shareholder  which are dissenting shares
          as  defined  in  subdivision  (b).  The  fair  market  value  shall be
          determined as of the day before the first announcement of the terms of
          the  proposed  reorganization  or  short-form  merger,  excluding  any
          appreciation or  depreciation  in consequence of the proposed  action,
          but  adjusted  for any stock  split,  reverse  stock  split,  or share
          dividend which becomes effective thereafter.

     (b)  As used in this chapter,  "dissenting  shares" means shares which come
          within all of the following descriptions:

          (1)  Which  were  not  immediately  prior  to  the  reorganization  or
               short-form  merger  either (A) listed on any national  securities
               exchange  certified by the  Commissioner  of  Corporations  under
               subdivision (o) of Section 25100 or (B) listed on the list of OTC
               margin  stocks  issued by the Board of  Governors  of the Federal
               Reserve System,  and the notice of meeting of shareholders to act
               upon the  reorganization  summarizes  this  section and  Sections
               1301, 1302, 1303 and 1304; provided, however, that this provision
               does not apply to any shares with  respect to which there  exists
               any restriction on transfer  imposed by the corporation or by any
               law or  regulation;  and provided,  further,  that this provision
               does not apply to any class of shares  described in  subparagraph
               (A) or (B) if demands  for  payment  are filed with  respect to 5
               percent or more of the outstanding shares of that class.

          (2)  Which  were  outstanding  on the  date for the  determination  of
               shareholders  entitled to vote on the reorganization and (A) were
               not voted in favor of the  reorganization or, (B) if described in
               subparagraph  (A) or (B) of paragraph (1) (without  regard to the
               provisos   in   that   paragraph),   were   voted   against   the
               reorganization,  or which  were held of  record on the  effective
               date of a short-form merger; provided, however, that subparagraph
               (A) rather than subparagraph (B) of this paragraph applies in any
               case where the  approval  required  by Section  1201 is sought by
               written consent rather than at a meeting.

          (3)  Which  the   dissenting   shareholder   has  demanded   that  the
               corporation  purchase at their fair market  value,  in accordance
               with Section 1301.

          (4)  Which the dissenting  shareholder has submitted for  endorsement,
               in accordance with Section 1302.


Div. 1               Title 1

     (c)  As  used  in  this  chapter,   "dissenting   shareholder"   means  the
          recordholder of dissenting shares and includes a transferee of record.
          (Added by Stats.  1975,  c. 682 ss. 7 eff.  Jan.  1, 1977.  Amended by
          Stats.1976,  c. 641, ss. 21.3, eff. Jan. 1, 1977; Stats.  1982, c. 36,
          p. 69, ss. 3, eff. Feb. 17, 1982;  Stats.  1990, c. 1018 (A.B.  2259),
          ss. 2; Stats.1993, c. 543 (A.B. 2063), ss. 13.)

ss. 1301.       Notice to dissenting shareholders; demand for purchase of shares

     (a)  If, in the case of a reorganization, any shareholders of a corporation
          have a right under Section 1300, subject to compliance with paragraphs
          (3) and (4) of subdivision (b) thereof,  to require the corporation to
          purchase their shares for cash,  such  corporation  shall mail to each
          such shareholder a notice of the approval of the reorganization by its
          outstanding shares (Section 152) within 10 days after the date of such
          approval  accompanied by a copy of Sections 1300, 1302, 1303, 1304 and
          this section,  a statement of the price  determined by the corporation
          to represent  the fair market value of the  dissenting  shares,  and a
          brief  description of the procedure to be followed if the  shareholder
          desires to exercise the shareholder's  right under such sections.  The
          statement of price constitutes an offer by the corporation to purchase
          at the price stated any  dissenting  shares as defined in  subdivision
          (b) of  Section  1300,  unless  they lose their  status as  dissenting
          shares under Section 1309.

     (b)  Any shareholder who has a right to require the corporation to purchase
          the  shareholder's  shares for cash  under  Section  1300,  subject to
          compliance with paragraphs (3) and (4) of subdivision (b) thereof, and
          who desires the corporation to purchase such shares shall make written
          demand  upon the  corporation  for the  purchase  of such  shares  and
          payment to the  shareholder  in cash of their fair market  value.  The
          demand is not effective  for any purpose  unless it is received by the
          corporation  or any transfer  agent  thereof (1) in the case of shares
          described in clause (i) or (ii) of paragraph (1) of subdivision (b) of
          Section 1300 (without regard to the provisos in that  paragraph),  not
          later  than the date of the  shareholders'  meeting  to vote  upon the
          reorganization, or (2) in any other case within 30 days after the date
          on which the notice of the approval by the outstanding shares pursuant
          to  subdivision  (a) or the  notice  pursuant  to  subdivision  (i) of
          Section 1110 was mailed to the shareholder.

     (c)  The demand  shall  state the  number  and class of the shares  held of
          record by the  shareholder  which  the  shareholder  demands  that the
          corporation  purchase  and  shall  contain  a  statement  of what such
          shareholder  claims to be the fair market  value of those shares as of
          the day before the  announcement  of the  proposed  reorganization  or
          short-form  merger.  The statement of fair market value constitutes an
          offer by the  shareholder to sell the shares at such price.  (Added by
          Stats.1975, c. 682, ss. 7 eff. Jan. 1, 1977. Amended by Stats.1976, c.
          641, ss. 21.6, eff. Jan. 1, 1977; Stats.1980,  c. 501, p. 1052, ss. 5;
          Stats.1980, c. 1155, p. 3831, ss. 1.)


Div. 1             Title 1

ss. 1302.          Shareholder certificates or notice; time limit for submission

     Within  30 days  after  the date on which  notice  of the  approval  by the
outstanding shares or the notice pursuant to subdivision (i) of Section 1110 was
mailed to shareholder,  the  shareholder  shall submit to the corporation at its
principal  office or at the office of any  transfer  agent  thereof,  (a) if the
shares are certificated securities,  the shareholder's certificates representing
any shares which the shareholder  demands that the corporation  purchase,  to be
stamped or endorsed with a statement that the shares are dissenting shares or to
be exchanged for certificates of appropriate denomination so stamped or endorsed
or (b) if the shares are uncertificated securities, written notice of the number
of shares which the  shareholder  demands that the  corporation  purchase.  Upon
subsequent  transfers of the dissenting  shares on the books of the corporation,
the  new  certificates,   initial  transaction  statement,   and  other  written
statements  issued therefor shall bear a like statement,  together with the name
of the original dissenting holder of the shares.  (Added by Stats.1975,  c. 682,
ss. 7, eff. Jan. 1, 1977. Amended by Stats.1986, c. 766, ss. 23.)

ss. 1303.           Agreed price; interest; filing agreements; time for payment

     (a)  If the  corporation  and the  shareholder  agree  that the  shares are
          dissenting  shares  and  agree  upon  the  price  of the  shares,  the
          dissenting  shareholder  is entitled to the agreed price with interest
          thereon at the legal rate on judgments from the date of the agreement.
          Any agreements  fixing the fair market value of any dissenting  shares
          as between the corporation and the holders thereof shall be filed with
          the secretary of the corporation.

     (b)  Subject to the provisions of Section 1306,  payment of the fair market
          value of  dissenting  shares  shall be made  within 30 days  after the
          amount  thereof has been agreed or within 30 days after any  statutory
          or  contractual   conditions  to  the  reorganization  are  satisfied,
          whichever  is  later,  and in the  case  of  certificated  securities,
          subject to surrender of the  certificates  therefor,  unless  provided
          otherwise by agreement. (Added by Stats.1975, c. 682, ss. 7, eff. Jan.
          1, 1977. Amended by Stats.1980, c. 501, p. 1053, ss. 6; Stats.1986, c.
          766, ss. 24.)

ss. 1304.      Action to determine whether shares are dissenting or to determine
               fair market value

     (a)  If the corporation  denies that the shares are dissenting  shares,  or
          the corporation and the shareholder fail to agree upon the fair market
          value of the shares,  then the shareholder  demanding purchase of such
          shares as dissenting shares or any interested corporation,  within six
          months  after  the  date  on  which  notice  of  the  approval  by the
          outstanding shares (Section 152) or notice pursuant to subdivision (i)
          of Section 1110 was mailed to the shareholder, but not thereafter, may
          file a complaint in the superior  court of the proper  county  praying


          the court to determine whether the shares are dissenting shares or the
          fair market value of the  dissenting  shares or both may  intervene in
          any action pending on such a complaint.

     (b)  Two or more  dissenting  shareholders  may  join as  plaintiffs  or be
          joined as  defendants  in any such action and two or more such actions
          may be consolidated.

     (c)  On the trial of the action,  the court shall determine the issues.  If
          the status of the shares as dissenting  shares is in issue,  the court
          shall  first  determine  that issue.  If the fair market  value of the
          dissenting  shares is in issue,  the court shall  determine,  or shall
          appoint one or more impartial appraisers to determine, the fair market
          value of the shares. (Added by Stats.1975, c. 682, ss. 7, eff. Jan. 1,

ss. 1305.           Appraiser's report

     (a)  If the court appoints an appraiser or  appraisers,  they shall proceed
          forthwith  to determine  the fair market  value per share.  Within the
          time fixed by the court, the appraisers,  or a majority of them, shall
          make  and file a  report  in the  office  of the  clerk of the  court.
          Thereupon,  on the motion of any party,  the report shall be submitted
          to the court and  considered on such  evidence as the court  considers
          relevant.  If the court  finds the  report  reasonable,  the court may
          confirm it.

     (b)  If a  majority  of the  appraisers  appointed  fail to make and file a
          report  within  10 days from the date of their  appointment  or within
          such  further time as may be allowed by the court or the report is not
          confirmed  by the court,  the court  shall  determine  the fair market
          value of the dissenting shares.

     (c)  Subject to the provisions of Section 1306,  judgment shall be rendered
          against the  corporation  for  payment of an amount  equal to the fair
          market  value of each  dissenting  share  multiplied  by the number of
          dissenting shares which any dissenting  shareholder who is a party, or
          who  has  intervened,  is  entitled  to  require  the  corporation  to
          purchase,  with  interest  thereon  at the legal rate from the date on
          which judgment was entered.

     (d)  Any  such  judgment  shall  be  payable   forthwith  with  respect  to
          uncertificated   securities   and,   with   respect  to   certificated
          securities,  only upon the endorsement and delivery to the corporation
          of the  certificates  for the shares  described in the  judgment.  Any
          party may appeal from the judgment.

     (e)  The costs of the  action,  including  reasonable  compensation  to the
          appraisers to be fixed by the court,  shall be assessed or apportioned
          as the court considers  equitable,  but, if the appraisal  exceeds the
          price offered by the corporation,  the corporation shall pay the costs
          (including in the  discretion of the court  attorneys'  fees,  fees of
          expert  witnesses and interest at the legal rate on judgments from the
          date of compliance with Sections 1300, 1301 and 1302 if


Div. 1               Title 1

the value  awarded by the court for the  shares is more than 125  percent of the
price offered by the corporation under subdivision (a) of Section 1301).  (Added
by Stats.1975,  c. 682, ss. 7, eff. Jan. 1, 1977. Amended by Stats.1976, c. 641,
ss. 22, eff. Jan. 1, 1977; Stats.1976, c. 235, p.
1068, ss. 16; Stats.1986, c. 766, ss. 25.)

ss. 1306.           Holders of dissenting shares as creditors

     To the extent that the  provisions  of Chapter 5 prevent the payment to any
holders of  dissenting  shares of their fair  market  value,  they shall  become
creditors of the  corporation  for the amount thereof  together with interest at
the legal rate on judgments  until the date of payment,  but  subordinate to all
other  creditors  in any  liquidation  proceeding,  such debt to be payable when
permissible under the provisions of Chapter 5. (Added by Stats.1975, c. 682, ss.
7, eff. Jan. 1, 1977)

ss. 1307.           Dividends on dissenting shares after approval date

     Cash  dividends  declared and paid by the  corporation  upon the dissenting
shares  after the date of  approval  of the  reorganization  by the  outstanding
shares  (Section  152) and prior to payment  for the  shares by the  corporation
shall  be  credited  against  the  total  amount  to be paid by the  corporation
therefor. (Added by Stats.1975, c. 682, ss. 7, eff. Jan. 1, 1977.)

ss. 1308.           Rights in dissenting  shares prior to determination  of fair
                    market value

     Except as expressly  limited in this chapter,  holders of dissenting shares
continue to have all the rights and privileges  incident to their shares,  until
the fair market value of their shares is agreed upon or determined. A dissenting
shareholder  may not  withdraw  a demand  for  payment  unless  the  corporation
consents thereto. (Added by Stats.1975, c. 682, ss. 7, eff. Jan. 1, 1977.)

ss. 1309.           Termination of dissenting shareholder status

     Dissenting  shares lose their status as  dissenting  shares and the holders
thereof cease to be dissenting  shareholders and cease to be entitled to require
the  corporation  to  purchase  their  shares upon the  happening  of any of the

     (a)  The corporation  abandons the reorganization.  Upon abandonment of the
          reorganization,  the corporation shall pay on demand to any dissenting
          shareholder  who has  initiated  proceedings  in good faith under this
          chapter  all  necessary  expenses  incurred  in such  proceedings  and
          reasonable attorneys' fees.


Div. 1               Title 1

     (b)  The shares are transferred  prior to their  submission for endorsement
          in accordance with Section 1302 or are surrendered for conversion into
          shares of another class in accordance with articles.

     (c)  The dissenting  shareholder  and the corporation do not agree upon the
          status of the shares as dissenting  shares or upon the purchase  price
          of the  shares,  and  neither  files a complaint  or  intervenes  in a
          pending  action as provided in Section  1304,  within six months after
          the date on which notice of the approval by the outstanding  shares or
          notice  pursuant to  subdivision  (i) of Section 110 was mailed to the

     (d)  The  dissenting  shareholder,  with the  consent  of the  corporation,
          withdraws  the  shareholder's  demand for  purchase of the  dissenting
          shares. (Added by Stats.1975, c. 682, ss. 7, eff. Jan. 1, 1977.)

ss. 1310.           Litigation; suspension of proceedings

     If litigation is  instituted to test the  sufficiency  or regularity of the
votes of the shareholders in authorizing a reorganization, any proceedings under
Sections  1304 and 1305 shall be  suspended  until final  determination  of such
litigation. (Added by Stats.1975, c. 682, ss. 7, eff. Jan. 1, 1977.)

ss. 1311.          Shares specifying amount in event of merger or reorganization

     This  chapter,  except  Section  1312,  does not apply to classes of shares
whose  terms and  provisions  specifically  set  forth the  amount to be paid in
respect to such  shares in the event of a  reorganization  or merger.  (Added by
Stats. 1975, c. 682, ss. 7 eff. Jan. 1, 1977. Amended by Stats.1988, c. 919, ss.

ss. 1312.          Attack on validity of merger or reorganization

     (a)  No shareholder of a corporation  who has a right under this chapter to
          demand  payment of cash for the shares held by the  shareholder  shall
          have any  right at law or in  equity to  attack  the  validity  of the
          reorganization or short-form  merger, or to have the reorganization or
          short-form merger set aside or rescinded,  except in an action to test
          whether  the number of shares  required  to  authorize  or approve the
          reorganization  have  been  legally  voted in favor  thereof;  but any
          holder of shares of a class  whose terms and  provisions  specifically
          set forth the  amount to be paid in  respect to them in the event of a
          reorganization   or  short-form  merger  is  entitled  to  payment  in
          accordance  with those terms and provisions or, if the principal terms
          of the  reorganization  are approved  pursuant to  subdivision  (b) of
          Section 1202, is entitled to payment in accordance  with the terms and
          provisions of the approved reorganization.


Div. 1            Title 1

     (b)  If one of the  parties to a  reorganization  or  short-form  merger is
          directly or indirectly  controlled  by, or under common  control with,
          another party to the reorganization or short-form merger,  subdivision
          (a)  shall  not  apply to any  shareholder  of such  party who has not
          demanded  payment of cash for such  shareholder's  shares  pursuant to
          this chapter;  but if the shareholder  institutes any action to attack
          the validity of the reorganization or short-form merger or to have the
          reorganization  or  short-form  merger  set  aside or  rescinded,  the
          shareholder  shall not thereafter  have any right to demand payment of
          cash for the shareholder's  shares pursuant to this chapter. The court
          in any action attacking the validity of the  reorganization  or short-
          form merger or to have the  reorganization  or  short-form  merger set
          aside or rescinded  shall not restrain or enjoin the  consummation  of
          the  transaction  except upon 10 days' prior notice to the corporation
          and upon a  determination  by the court that  clearly no other  remedy
          will adequately  protect the  complaining  shareholder or the class of
          shareholders of which such shareholder is a member.

     (c)  If one of the  parties to a  reorganization  or  short-form  merger is
          directly or indirectly  controlled  by, or under common  control with,
          another  party to the  reorganization  or  short-form  merger,  in any
          action to attack the  validity  of the  reorganization  or  short-form
          merger or to have the reorganization or short-form merger set aside or
          rescinded,  (1) a party to a reorganization or short-form merger which
          controls  another  party to the  reorganization  or short- form merger
          shall  have the  burden of proving  that the  transaction  is just and
          reasonable as to the  shareholders of the controlled  party, and (2) a
          person who controls two or more parties to a reorganization shall have
          the burden of proving that the  transaction  is just and reasonable as
          to the share-holders of any party so controlled. (Added by Stats.1975,
          c. 682,  ss. 7, eff.  Jan. 1, 1977.  Amended  Stats.1976,  c. 641, ss.
          22.5, eff. Jan. 1, 1977; Stats.1988, c. 919, ss. 9.)


                                   APPENDIX D

                             IBEX TECHNOLOGIES, INC.

                             1992 STOCK OPTION PLAN

     1. Purposes of the Plan.
     The  purposes of this Stock  Option Plan are to attract and retain the best
available  personnel for  positions of  substantial  responsibility,  to provide
additional  incentives to Employees,  Non-Employee  Directors and Consultants of
the Company and its  Subsidiaries,  and to promote the success of the  Company's
business.  Options  granted  hereunder may be either  Incentive Stock Options or
Nonstatutory Stock Options at the discretion of the Committee.  This is intended
to be a stock option plan for purposes of Section 408 of the California  General
Corporation Law.

     2. Definitions.

     As  used  herein,  and in  any  Option  granted  hereunder,  the  following
definitions shall apply:

     (a)  "Board" shall mean the Board of Directors of the Company.

     (b)  "Code" shall mean the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended.

     (c)  "Common Stock" shall mean the Common Stock of the Company.

     (d)  "Company"   shall  mean  Ibex   Technologies,   Inc.,   a   California

     (e)  "Committee"  shall  mean  the  Committee  appointed  by the  Board  in
          accordance  with  paragraph (a) of Section 4 of the Plan. If the Board
          does  not  appoint  or  ceases  to  maintain  a  Committee,  the  term
          "Committee" shall refer to the Board.

     (f)  "Consultant" shall mean any independent contractor retained to perform
          services for the Company or any Subsidiary.

     (g)  "Continuous  Employment" shall mean the absence of any interruption or
          termination of service as an Employee or Non-Employee  Director by the
          Company  or  any  Subsidiary.   Continuous  Employment  shall  not  be
          considered interrupted during any period of sick leave, military leave
          or any other leave of absence  approved by the Board or in the case of
          transfers  between locations of the Company or between the Company and
          any Parent, Subsidiary or successor of the Company.

     (h)  "Disinterested  Person"  shall  mean a person  who has not at any time
          within  one year prior to  service  as a member of the  Committee  (or
          during such service)  been granted or awarded  Options or other equity
          securities  pursuant  to the Plan or any other plan of the  Company or
          any Parent or Subsidiary.  Notwithstanding the foregoing,  a member of
          the  Committee  shall  not fail to be a  Disinterested  Person  merely
          because he or she  participates in a plan meeting the  requirements of
          Rule 16b-3(c)(2)(i)(A) or (B) promulgated under the Exchange Act.

     (i)  "Employee" shall mean any person,  including  officers (whether or not
          they are directors), employed by the Company or any Subsidiary.

     (j)  "Exchange  Act" shall mean the  Securities  Exchange  Act of 1934,  as

     (k)  "Incentive Stock Option" shall mean any option granted under this Plan
          and any other  option  granted to an Employee in  accordance  with the
          provisions of Section 422 of the Code, and the regulations promulgated

     (l)  "Non-Employee  Director" shall mean any director of the Company or any
          Subsidiary who is not employed by the Company or such Subsidiary.

     (m)  "Nonstatutory  Stock  Option"  shall mean an Option  granted under the
          Plan  that is  subject  to the  provisions  of  Section  1.83-7 of the
          Treasury Regulations promulgated under Section 83 of the Code.

     (n)  "Option" shall mean a stock option granted pursuant to the Plan.

     (o)  "Option  Agreement" shall mean a written agreement between the Company
          and the  Optionee  regarding  the grant and  exercise  of  Options  to
          purchase Shares and the terms and conditions  thereof as determined by
          the Committee pursuant to the Plan.

     (p)  "Optioned Shares" shall mean the Common Stock subject to an Option.

     (q)  "Optionee"  shall  mean  an  Employee,   Non-  Employee   Director  or
          Consultant who receives an Option.

     (r)  "Parent" shall mean a "parent  corporation,"  whether now or hereafter
          existing, as defined by Section 424(e) of the Code.

     (s)  "Plan" shall mean this 1992 Stock Option Plan.


     (t)  "Registration  Date"  shall  mean  the  effective  date  of the  first
          registration  statement filed by the Company pursuant to Section 12(g)
          of the Exchange Act with respect to any class of the Company's  equity

     (u)  "Securities Act" shall mean the Securities Act of 1933, as amended.

     (v)  "Share"  shall mean a share of the Common Stock  subject to an Option,
          as adjusted in accordance with Section 11 of the Plan.

     (w)  "Subsidiary"  shall mean a  "subsidiary  corporation,"  whether now or
          hereafter existing, as defined in Section 424(f) of the Code.

     (x)  "Transfer  Agreement"  shall  have the  meaning  ascribed  thereto  in
          Section 9(b) hereof.

     3. Stock Subject to the Plan.

     Subject to the provisions of Section 11 of the Plan, the maximum  aggregate
number  of  Shares  which  may be  optioned  and sold  under  the Plan is twenty
thousand  (20,000)  Shares.  The  Shares  may  be  authorized  but  unissued  or
reacquired shares of Common Stock. If an Option expires or becomes unexercisable
for any reason  without  having been  exercised  in full,  the Shares which were
subject to the Option but as to which the Option was not exercised shall, unless
the Plan shall have been  terminated,  become  available for other Option grants
under the Plan.

     The  Company  intends  that as long as it is not  subject to the  reporting
requirements of Section 13 or 15(d) of the Exchange Act and is not an investment
company registered or required to be registered under the Investment Company Act
of 1940,  all offers and sales of Options and Shares  issuable  upon exercise of
any Option shall be exempt from  registration  under the provisions of Section 5
of the Securities Act, and the Plan shall be administered in such a manner so as
to preserve such exemption. The Company intends that the Plan shall constitute a
written  compensatory  benefit  plan within the meaning of Rule 701(b) of 17 CFR
Section 230.701  promulgated by the Securities and Exchange  Commission pursuant
to such Act. The Committee  shall designate which Options granted under the Plan
by the Company are intended to be granted in reliance on Rule 701.

     4. Administration of the Plan.

     (a)  Procedure.  The Plan shall be administered by the Board. The Board may
          appoint a Committee  consisting  of not less than three (3) members of
          the Board to administer the Plan, subject to such terms and conditions
          as the  Board may  prescribe.  Once  appointed,  the  Committee  shall
          continue to serve until otherwise  directed by the Board. From time to


          time,  the Board may  increase the size of the  Committee  and appoint
          additional members thereof, remove members (with or without cause) and
          appoint new members in substitution therefor, fill vacancies,  however
          caused,  and remove  all  members of the  Committee  and,  thereafter,
          directly administer the Plan.

          Members of the Board or Committee who are either  eligible for Options
          or have been  granted  Options may vote on any matters  affecting  the
          administration  of the Plan or the grant of  Options  pursuant  to the
          Plan,  except  that no such member  shall act upon the  granting of an
          Option to himself,  but any such member may be counted in  determining
          the existence of a quorum at any meeting of the Board or the Committee
          during which action is taken with respect to the granting of an Option
          to him or her.

          The Committee shall meet at such times and places and upon such notice
          as the  Chairperson  determines.  A majority  of the  Committee  shall
          constitute  a quorum.  Any acts by the  Committee  may be taken at any
          meeting at which a quorum is present and shall be by majority  vote of
          those  members  entitled to vote.  Additionally,  any acts  reduced to
          writing or approved in writing by all of the members of the  Committee
          shall be valid acts of the Committee.

     (b)  Procedure  After  Registration  Date.  Notwithstanding  subsection (a)
          above, after the date of registration of the Company's Common Stock on
          a national  securities  exchange or the  Registration  Date,  the Plan
          shall be administered either by: (i) the full Board, provided that all
          members of the Board are Disinterested Persons; or (ii) a Committee of
          three (3) or more directors,  each of whom is a Disinterested  Person.
          After  such  date,  the  Board  shall  take all  action  necessary  to
          administer the Plan in accordance  with the then effective  provisions
          of Rule 16b-3  promulgated  under the Exchange Act,  provided that any
          amendment to the Plan  required for  compliance  with such  provisions
          shall be made  consistent  with the  provisions  of  Section 13 of the
          Plan, and said regulations.

     (c)  Powers of the  Committee.  Subject to the  provisions of the Plan, the
          Committee shall have the authority:  (i) to determine,  upon review of
          relevant information,  the fair market value of the Common Stock; (ii)
          to  determine  the  exercise  price  of  Options  to be  granted,  the
          Employees,  Directors or  consultants to whom and the time or times at
          which  Options  shall be  granted,  and the  number  of  Shares  to be
          represented  by each  Option;  (iii) to  interpret  the Plan;  (iv) to
          prescribe,  amend and rescind  rules and  regulations  relating to the
          Plan; (v) to determine the terms and provisions of each Option granted


          under the Plan (which need not be identical)  and, with the consent of
          the holder thereof,  to modify or amend any Option;  (vi) to authorize
          any person to execute on behalf of the Company any instrument required
          to  effectuate  the  grant  of an  Option  previously  granted  by the
          Committee;  (vii)  defer an  exercise  date of any  Option  (with  the
          consent of the Optionee), subject to the provisions of Section 9(a) of
          the Plan;  (viii) to determine  whether Options granted under the Plan
          will be Incentive Stock Options or Nonstatutory Stock Options; (ix) to
          make all other  determinations  deemed  necessary or advisable for the
          administration of the Plan; and (x) to designate which Options granted
          under the Plan will be issued in reliance on Rule 701.

     (d)  Effect of  Committee's  Decision.  All decisions,  determinations  and
          interpretations  of the  Committee  shall be final and  binding on all
          potential or actual Optionees,  any other holder of an Option or other
          equity security of the Company and all other persons.

     5. Eligibility.

     (a)  Persons  Eligible for Options.  Options  under the Plan may be granted
          only to  Employees,  Non-Employee  Directors or  Consultants  whom the
          Committee,  in its sole  discretion,  may designate from time to time.
          Incentive Stock Options may be granted only to Employees.  An Employee
          who has been granted an Option,  if he or she is  otherwise  eligible,
          may be granted an additional Option or Options. However, the aggregate
          fair market value  (determined  in accordance  with the  provisions of
          Section  8(a)  of the  Plan)  of the  Shares  subject  to one or  more
          Incentive Stock Options grants that are exercisable for the first time
          by an Optionee  during any calendar year (under all stock option plans
          of the  Company and its  Parents  and  Subsidiaries)  shall not exceed
          $100,000 (determined as of the grant date).

     (b)  No Right to Continuing  Employment.  Neither the establishment nor the
          operation  of the Plan shall  confer  upon any  Optionee  or any other
          person any right with respect to  continuation  of employment or other
          service  with  the  Company  or any  Subsidiary,  nor  shall  the Plan
          interfere  in any way with the right of the  Optionee  or the right of
          the Company (or any Parent or Subsidiary) to terminate such employment
          or service at any time.

     6. Term of Plan.  The Plan shall become  effective upon its adoption by the
Board or its  approval by vote of the holders of the  outstanding  shares of the
Company  entitled to vote on the  adoption of the Plan (in  accordance  with the
provisions  of Section 18 hereof),  whichever is earlier.  It shall  continue in
effect for a term of ten (10) years unless sooner terminated under Section 13 of
the Plan.


     7. Term of Option. Unless the Committee determines  otherwise,  the term of
each  Option  granted  under the Plan  shall be ten (10)  years from the date of
grant.  The term of the Option  shall be set forth in the Option  Agreement.  No
Incentive  Stock Option shall be  exercisable  after the  expiration of ten (10)
years from the date such Option is granted;  provided  that, no Incentive  Stock
Option  granted to any  Employee  who, at the date such Option is granted,  owns
(within the meaning of Section  425(d) of the Code) more than ten percent  (10%)
of the total combined voting power of all classes of stock of the Company or any
Parent or Subsidiary shall be exercisable after the expiration of five (5) years
from the date such Option is granted.

     8. Exercise Price and Consideration.

     (a)  Exercise  Price.  Except as  provided  in  subsection  (b) below,  the
          exercise  price for the  Shares to be issued  pursuant  to any  Option
          shall be such price as is determined by the Committee,  which shall in
          no event be less than: (i) in the case of Incentive Stock Options, the
          fair market value of such Shares on the date the Option is granted; or
          (ii) in the  case of  Nonstatutory  Stock  Options,  85% of such  fair
          market value;  provided that, in the case of any Optionee owning stock
          possessing  more than ten percent (10%) of the total  combined  voting
          power  of all  classes  of  stock  of the  Company  or any  Parent  or
          Subsidiary  of the Company,  the exercise  price shall be 110% of fair
          market  value on the date the Option is granted.  Fair market value of
          the Common  Stock shall be  determined  by the  Committee,  using such
          criteria as it deems relevant;  provided,  however, that if there is a
          public  market for the Common  Stock,  the fair market value per Share
          shall be the average of the last  reported bid and asked prices of the
          Common  Stock on the date of grant,  as  reported  in The Wall  Street
          Journal (or, if not so reported, as otherwise reported by the National
          Association of Securities Dealers Automated Quotation (NASDAQ) System)
          or, in the event the Common  Stock is listed on a national  securities
          exchange  (within the meaning of Section 6 of the Exchange  Act) or on
          the NASDAQ  National  Market System (or any successor  national market
          system), the fair market value per Share shall be the closing price on
          such  exchange on the date of grant of the Option,  as reported in The
          Wall Street Journal.

     (b)  Ten Percent  Shareholders.  No Option shall be granted to any Employee
          who, at the date such Option is granted,  owns  (within the meaning of
          Section  424(d) of the Code) more than ten percent  (10%) of the total
          combined  voting  power of all  classes of stock of the Company or any
          Parent or  Subsidiary,  unless the exercise price for the Shares to be
          issued pursuant to such Option is at least equal to 110 percent (110%)
          of the fair market  value of such Shares on the grant date  determined
          by the Committee in the manner set forth in subsection (a) above.


     (c)  Consideration.  The  consideration  to be paid for the Optioned Shares
          shall be  payment  in cash or by check  unless  payment  in some other
          manner,  including by promissory  note,  other shares of the Company's
          Common Stock or such other consideration and method of payment for the
          issuance of Optioned Shares as may be permitted under Sections 408 and
          409 of the California  General  Corporation  Law, is authorized by the
          Committee  at the time of the grant of the  Option.  Any cash or other
          property  received by the Company from the sale of Shares  pursuant to
          the Plan shall constitute part of the general assets of the Company.

     9. Exercise of Option.

     (a)  Vesting Period.  Any Option granted  hereunder shall be exercisable at
          such times and under such  conditions  as  determined by the Committee
          and as shall be permissible  under the terms of the Plan,  which shall
          be specified in the Option  Agreement  evidencing the Option.  Options
          granted under the Plan shall vest at a rate of at least twenty percent
          (20%) per year.

     (b)  Exercise  Procedures.  An Option shall be deemed to be exercised  when
          written  notice of such  exercise  has been  given to the  Company  in
          accordance  with the  terms of the  option  agreement  evidencing  the
          Option,  and full  payment  for the Shares  with  respect to which the
          Option is exercised has been received by the Company.

          Pursuant  to the terms of the  Option  Agreement,  the  Committee  may
          require that any Option may be exercised  only upon the execution of a
          Restricted Stock Transfer  Agreement (the "Transfer  Agreement") which
          gives the Company a right of first refusal in the Option Shares at the
          per  share  price  at which  the  Option  Shares  are  proposed  to be
          transferred.  The  right  of  first  refusal  shall  terminate  on the
          effective date of a firm commitment  public  offering  pursuant to the
          Securities Act of 1933, as amended, covering the offer and sale of the
          Company's  Common Stock for the account of the  Company.  The Transfer
          Agreement  shall contain such  provisions as the Committee may approve
          in its sole discretion.

          An Option  may not be  exercised  for  fractional  shares.  As soon as
          practicable  following  the  exercise  of an Option in the  manner set
          forth above,  the Company  shall issue or cause its transfer  agent to
          issue stock certificates representing the Shares purchased.  Until the
          issuance of such stock  certificates  (as evidenced by the appropriate
          entry on the books of the  Company  or of a duly  authorized  transfer
          agent of the  Company),  no right to vote or receive  dividends or any
          other rights as a stockholder shall exist with respect to the Optioned
          Shares  notwithstanding the exercise of the Option. No adjustment will
          be made for a dividend  or other  rights for which the record  date is


          prior to the date of the transfer by the Optionee of the consideration
          for the  purchase of the  Shares,  except as provided in Section 11 of
          the Plan.  After the  Registration  Date, the exercise of an Option by
          any person  subject to  short-swing  trading  liability  under Section
          16(b) of the  Exchange  Act shall be  subject to  compliance  with all
          applicable  requirements of Rule 16b-3(d) or (e) promulgated under the
          Exchange Act.

     (c)  Death of Optionee.  In the event of the death during the Option period
          of an  Optionee  who is at the time of his  death,  or was  within the
          ninety  (90)-day  period  immediately  prior  thereto,  an Employee or
          Non-Employee  Director,  and who was in Continuous  Employment as such
          from the date of the  grant of the  Option  until the date of death or
          termination,  the  Option may be  exercised,  at any time prior to the
          expiration  of the Option  period,  by the  Optionee's  estate or by a
          person who  acquired  the right to  exercise  the Option by bequest or
          inheritance,  but only to the extent of the accrued  right to exercise
          at the time of the termination or death, whichever comes first.

     (d)  Disability  of  Optionee.  In the event of the  disability  during the
          Option period of an Optionee who is at the time of such disability, or
          was within the ninety  (90)-day  period prior thereto,  an Employee or
          Non-Employee  Director,  and who was in Continuous  Employment as such
          from the date of the grant of the Option until the date of  disability
          or termination, the Option may be exercised at any time within one (1)
          year following the date of  disability,  but only to the extent of the
          accrued  right  to  exercise  at  the  time  of  the   termination  or
          disability,  whichever  comes first,  subject to the condition that no
          option shall be exercised after the expiration of the Option period.

     (e)  Termination  of  Status  as  Employee,   Non-  Employee   Director  or
          Consultant.   If  an  Optionee  shall  cease  to  be  an  Employee  or
          Non-Employee  Director for any reason other than  disability or death,
          or if an Optionee  shall cease to be  Consultant  for any reason,  the
          Optionee  may, but only within  ninety (90) days (or such other period
          of time as is  determined by the  Committee)  after the date he or she
          ceases to be an Employee or Non-Employee Director, exercise his or her
          Option to the extent that he or she was entitled to exercise it at the
          date of such  termination,  subject  to the  condition  that no option
          shall be exercisable after the expiration of the Option period.

     (f)  Exercise  of Option  With Stock  After  Registration  Date.  After the
          Registration Date, the Committee may permit an Optionee to exercise an
          Option by  delivering  shares of the Company's  Common  Stock.  If the
          Optionee is so permitted,  the option  agreement  covering such Option
          may include  provisions  authorizing  the  Optionee  to  exercise  the
          Option,  in whole or in part, by: (i)  delivering  whole shares of the
          Company's Common Stock  previously owned by such Optionee  (whether or


          not acquired  through the prior  exercise of a stock option)  having a
          fair  market  value  equal to the  aggregate  exercise  price  for the
          Optioned  Shares  issuable  on  exercise  of the  Option;  and/or (ii)
          directing the Company to withhold from the Shares that would otherwise
          be issued upon  exercise  of the Option  that  number of whole  Shares
          having a fair market value equal to the aggregate  exercise  price for
          the Optioned Shares issuable on exercise of the Option.  Shares of the
          Company's  Common Stock so  delivered  or withheld  shall be valued at
          their  fair  market  value  at the  close  of the  last  business  day
          immediately   preceding  the  date  of  exercise  of  the  Option,  as
          determined  by the  Committee,  in accordance  with the  provisions of
          Section 8(a) of the Plan.  Any balance of the exercise  price shall be
          paid in cash. Any shares delivered or withheld in accordance with this
          provision  shall not again become  available  for purposes of the Plan
          and for Options subsequently granted thereunder.

     (g)  Tax  Withholding.  After the  Registration  Date,  when an Optionee is
          required  to  pay  to  the  Company  an  amount  with  respect  to tax
          withholding  obligations in connection  with the exercise of an Option
          granted  under the Plan,  the Optionee may elect prior to the date the
          amount of such  withholding tax is determined (the "Tax Date") to make
          such payment, or such increased payment as the Optionee elects to make
          up to the  maximum  federal,  state  and  local  marginal  tax  rates,
          including any related FICA obligation,  applicable to the Optionee and
          the particular  transaction,  by: (i) delivering cash; (ii) delivering
          part or all of the payment in previously  owned shares of Common Stock
          (whether or not  acquired  through  the prior  exercise of an Option);
          and/or (iii)  irrevocably  directing  the Company to withhold from the
          Shares that would otherwise be issued upon exercise of the Option that
          number of whole Shares  having a fair market value equal to the amount
          of tax required or elected to be withheld (a "Withholding  Election").
          If an Optionee's Tax Date is deferred  beyond the date of exercise and
          the Optionee makes a Withholding Election, the Optionee will initially
          receive the full amount of Optioned  Shares  otherwise  issuable  upon
          exercise  of the  Option,  but will be  unconditionally  obligated  to
          surrender  to the  Company  on the  Tax  Date  the  number  of  Shares
          necessary to satisfy his or her minimum withholding  requirements,  or
          such  higher  payment  as he or she may have  elected  to  make,  with
          adjustments to be made in cash after the Tax Date.

          Any  withholding  of Optioned  Shares with respect to taxes arising in
          connection  with the  exercise  of an Option by any person  subject to
          short-swing  trading liability under Section 16(b) of the Exchange Act
          shall satisfy the following conditions:


          (i)  An advance election to withhold  Optioned Shares in settlement of
               a  tax   liability   must  satisfy  the   requirements   of  Rule
               16b-3(d)(1)(i), regarding participant- directed transactions;

          (ii) Absent such an election,  the  withholding of Optioned  Shares to
               settle a tax liability may occur only during the quarterly window
               period described in Rule 16b-3(e);

          (iii)Absent an advance  election or window-  period  withholding,  the
               Optionee  may deliver  shares of Common  Stock owned prior to the
               exercise  of an  Option to settle a tax  liability  arising  upon
               exercise of the Option, in accordance with Rule 16b-3(f); or

          (iv) The delivery of previously  acquired  shares of Common Stock (but
               not the  withholding  of newly  acquired  Shares) will be allowed
               where an election under Section 83(b) of the Code accelerates the
               Tax Date to a day that occurs less than six (6) months  after the
               advance  election and is not within the  quarterly  window period
               described in Rule 16b-3(e).

          Any adverse  consequences  incurred by an Optionee with respect to the
          use of shares of Common Stock to pay any part of the exercise price or
          of any tax in  connection  with the  exercise of an Option,  including
          without limitation any adverse tax consequences arising as a result of
          a disqualifying  disposition  within the meaning of Section 422 of the
          Code shall be the sole responsibility of the Optionee. Shares withheld
          in accordance with this provision shall not again become available for
          purposes of the Plan and for Options subsequently granted thereunder.

     10.  Non-Transferability  of Options.  An Option may not be sold,  pledged,
assigned,  hypothecated,  transferred or disposed of in any manner other than by
will or by the laws of descent and distribution and may be exercised, during the
lifetime of the Optionee, only by the Optionee.

     11.  Adjustments  Upon Changes in  Capitalization.  Subject to any required
action by the shareholders of the Company, the number of Optioned Shares covered
by each  outstanding  Option,  and the per  share  exercise  price of each  such
Option,  shall be  proportionately  adjusted for any increase or decrease in the
number of issued shares of Common Stock  resulting  from a stock split,  reverse
stock split, recapitalization,  combination,  reclassification, the payment of a
stock  dividend  on the Common  Stock or any other  increase  or decrease in the
number of such shares of Common Stock effected  without receipt of consideration
by the Company; provided, however, that conversion of any convertible securities
of the Company  shall not be deemed to have been  "effected  without  receipt of
consideration".  Such adjustment shall be made by the Board, whose determination


in that  respect  shall be final,  binding and  conclusive.  Except as expressly
provided  herein,  no issue by the  Company of shares of stock of any class,  or
securities  convertible into shares of stock of any class,  shall affect, and no
adjustment by reason  thereof shall be made with respect to, the number or price
of shares of Common Stock subject to an Option.

     The  Committee  may,  if it so  determines  in the  exercise  of  its  sole
discretion,  also make provision for adjusting the number or class of securities
covered by any Option,  as well as the price to be paid  therefor,  in the event
that the Company effects one or more reorganizations,  recapitalizations, rights
offerings,  or other increases or reductions of shares of its outstanding Common
Stock,  and in the event of the Company being  consolidated  with or merged into
any other corporation.

     Unless  otherwise   determined  by  the  Board,  upon  the  dissolution  or
liquidation  of the Company the Options  granted under the Plan shall  terminate
and thereupon  become null and void.  The Optionee  shall be given not less than
ten (10)  days  notice  of such  event  and the  opportunity  to  exercise  each
outstanding option before such event is effected.

     Upon any  merger or  consolidation,  if the  Company  is not the  surviving
corporation,  the Options  granted under the Plan shall either be assumed by the
new entity or shall terminate in accordance with the provisions of the preceding

     12. Time of Granting Options.  Unless otherwise specified by the Committee,
the date of grant of an  Option  under  the Plan  shall be the date on which the
Committee  makes  the  determination   granting  such  Option.   Notice  of  the
determination  shall be given to each  Optionee  to whom an Option is so granted
within a reasonable time after the date of such grant.

     13. Amendment and Termination of the Plan.

     The  Board  may  amend  or  terminate  the Plan  from  time to time in such
respects as the Board may deem advisable,  except that,  without approval of the
holders of a majority  of the  outstanding  capital  stock no such  revision  or
amendment  shall  change  the number of Shares  subject to the Plan,  change the
designation  of the class of  employees  eligible to receive  Options or add any
material  benefit to Optionees under the Plan. Any such amendment or termination
of the Plan shall not affect  Options  already  granted,  and such Options shall
remain  in full  force  and  effect  as if the  Plan  had not  been  amended  or


     14.  Conditions  Upon  Issuance of Shares.  Shares shall not be issued with
respect to an Option  granted  under the Plan unless the exercise of such Option
and the issuance and delivery of such Shares pursuant  thereto shall comply with
all relevant  provisions of law, including,  without limitation,  the Securities
Act, the Exchange Act, the rules and regulations promulgated thereunder, and the
requirements of any stock exchange upon which the Shares may then be listed, and
shall be further subject to the approval of counsel for the Company with respect
to such compliance. As a condition to the exercise of an Option, the Company may
require the person  exercising  such Option to represent and warrant at the time
of any such exercise that the Shares are being purchased only for investment and
without  any  present  intention  to sell or  distribute  such Shares if, in the
opinion of counsel for the Company,  such a representation is required by any of
the aforementioned relevant provisions of law.

     15. Reservation of Shares. During the term of this Plan the Company will at
all times reserve and keep available the number of Shares as shall be sufficient
to satisfy the requirements of the Plan. Inability of the Company to obtain from
any regulatory body having  jurisdiction  and authority  deemed by the Company's
counsel to be necessary to the lawful issuance and sale of any Shares  hereunder
shall relieve the Company of any liability in respect of the nonissuance or sale
of such  Shares  as to which  such  requisite  authority  shall  not  have  been

     16.  Information  to Optionee.  During the term of any Option granted under
the Plan, the Company shall provide or otherwise make available to each Optionee
a copy of its financial statements at least annually.

     17. Option Agreement.  Options granted under the Plan shall be evidenced by
Option Agreements.

     18.  Shareholder  Approval.  The Plan shall be subject to  approval  by the
affirmative  vote of the holders of a majority of the outstanding  capital stock
of the Company  entitled to vote within  twelve (12) months  before or after the
Plan is adopted.  Any option exercised before  shareholder  approval is obtained
must be rescinded if  shareholder  approval is not obtained  within  twelve (12)
months  before or after the Plan is adopted.  Shares issued upon the exercise of
such  options  shall not be counted in  determining  whether  such  approval  is
obtained. Any amendments to the Plan which require shareholder approval shall be
by the affirmative vote of the holders of a majority of the outstanding  capital
stock of the Company entitled to vote.
