Washington, D.C. 20549

                                    FORM 10-Q

                         SECURITIES EXCHANGE ACT OF 1934

                  For the quarterly period ended April 3, 1998

                         SECURITIES EXCHANGE ACT OF 1934

                        Commission File Number: 0-220-20

             (Exact name of Registrant as specified in its charter)

           California                                   77-0164056
(State or other jurisdiction of              (IRS Employer Identification No.)
 incorporation or organization)

              3255-3 Scott Boulevard, Santa Clara, California 95054
          (Address of principal executive offices, including zip code)

                                 (408) 496-0474
              (Registrant's telephone number, including area code)

        Securities registered pursuant to Section 12(b) of the Act: NONE

 Securities registered pursuant to Section 12(g) of the Act: COMMON STOCK, 
                                                             NO PAR VALUE

Indicate by check mark whether the registrant (1) has filed all reports required
to be filed by Section 13 or 15(d) of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934 during
the  preceding 12 months (or for such  shorter  period that the  Registrant  was
required  to file  such  reports),  and  (2) has  been  subject  to such  filing
requirements for the past 90 days. Yes |X| No __

The  number  of  shares  of  Common  Stock  outstanding  as of May 14,  1998 was

                                    FORM 10-Q
                                TABLE OF CONTENTS


  Item 1.  Financial Statements:

           Consolidated Balance Sheets                                     2

           Consolidated Statements of Income                               3

           Consolidated Statements of Cash Flows                           4

           Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements                      5

  Item 2.  Management's Discussion and Analysis of Financial Condition
           and Results of Operations                                       8

  Item 1.  Legal Proceedings                                              12

  Item 2.  Changes in Securities                                          12

  Item 3.  Defaults Upon Senior Securities                                12

  Item 4.  Submission of Matters to a Vote of Security Holders            12

  Item 5.  Other Information                                              12

  Item 6.  Exhibits and Reports on Form 8-K                               12

           Signatures                                                     13

           Exhibit 27.1 - Financial Data Schedule                        E-1


                         PART I - FINANCIAL INFORMATION

Except for the historical  information  contained herein, the following contains
forward-looking  statements that involve risks and uncertainties.  The Company's
actual results could differ  materially from those discussed here.  Factors that
could cause or contribute to such differences  include,  but are not limited to,
those  discussed in this document,  as well as those  discussed in the Company's
Form SB-2 filed November 17, 1995, as amended,  and Form 10-K for the year-ended
December 31, 1997.


                            CASTELLE AND SUBSIDIARIES
                           CONSOLIDATED BALANCE SHEETS
                                 (in thousands)
                                             April 3, 1998     December 31, 1997
                                              (unaudited)          (audited)
                                           ----------------   ------------------
     Cash and cash equivalents                    $  6,848           $  6,204
     Restricted cash                                   125                125
     Accounts receivable, net of allowance
        for doubtful accounts of $485 in 1998
        and $490 in 1997                             3,981              3,273
     Inventories, net                                2,714              3,786
     Prepaid expense and other current assets          650                573
     Deferred income taxes                             874                874
                                           ----------------   ------------------
        Total current assets                        15,192             14,835
   Property, plant & equipment, net                    855                938
   Other non-current assets, net                       111                 93
   Deferred income taxes                             3,060              3,060
                                           ----------------   ------------------
        Total assets                               $19,218            $18,926
                                           ================   ==================

Liabilities & Shareholders' Equity:
   Current liabilities:
     Long-term debt, current                    $       87         $       87
     Accounts payable                                1,120              1,312
     Accrued liabilities                             2,794              2,620
                                           ----------------   ------------------
        Total current liabilities                    4,001              4,019
   Other long-term liabilities                         173                 52
                                           ----------------   ------------------
        Total liabilities                            4,174              4,071
                                           ----------------   ------------------

   Shareholders' equity:
     Common stock, no par value:
        Authorized:  25,000 shares
        Issued and outstanding:                     
          4,493 and 4,490 respectively              28,961             28,955
     Note receivable for purchase of                  
       common stock                                   (274)              (274)
     Accumulated deficit                           (13,643)           (13,826)
                                           ----------------   ------------------
        Total shareholders' equity                  15,044             14,855
                                           ----------------   ------------------
        Total liabilities &                        $19,218            $18,926
        shareholders' equity               ================   ==================

The  accompanying  notes are an integral  part of these  consolidated  financial


                            CASTELLE AND SUBSIDIARIES
                    (in thousands, except per share amounts)

                                                 First Fiscal Quarter
                                                  Three months ended
                                            April 3, 1998      March 28, 1997
                                         ------------------  ------------------

   Net sales                                    $ 6,601             $ 6,419
   Cost of sales                                  3,101               2,578
                                         ------------------  ------------------
       Gross profit                               3,500               3,841
                                         ------------------  ------------------

   Operating expenses:
       Research and development                     650                 830
       Sales and marketing                        2,132               2,031
       General and administrative                   479                 429
       Amortization of intangible assets             --                 287
                                         ------------------  ------------------
          Total operating expense                 3,261               3,577
                                         ------------------  ------------------
   Income from operations                           239                 264

       Interest income, net                          57                  89
       Other income/(expense), net                    8                 (29)
                                         ------------------  ------------------
   Income before provision for income               304                 324
       Provision for income taxes                   121                 244
                                         ------------------  ------------------
   Net Income                                    $  183             $    80
                                         ==================  ==================

   Earning per share:
      Net income per common share - basic        $ 0.04              $ 0.02
      Shares used in per share calculation        4,493               4,425
         - basic

      Net income per common share -diluted       $ 0.04              $ 0.02
      Shares used in per share calculation        4,639               4,628
         - diluted

The  accompanying  notes are an integral  part of these  consolidated  financial


                            CASTELLE AND SUBSIDIARIES
                                 (in thousands)

                                                  First Fiscal Quarter
                                                   Three months ended
                                            April 3, 1998      March 28, 1997
                                         ------------------  ------------------
 Cash flows from operating activities:
   Net Income                                  $    183           $      80
   Adjustment to reconcile net income to 
       net cash provided by operating
     Depreciation and amortization                  127                 359
     Provision for doubtful accounts 
       and sales returns                             81                  --
     Provision for excess and obsolete
        inventory                                    35                  --          
     Changes in assets and liabilities:
       Accounts receivable                         (789)                366
       Inventories                                1,037                (882)
       Prepaid expenses and other
         current assets                             (95)               (161)
       Accounts payable                            (192)              1,277
       Accrued liabilities and other 
         long-term liabilities                      174                (491)
                                         ------------------  ------------------
         Net cash provided by    
          operating activities                      561                 548
                                         ------------------  ------------------

 Cash flows from investing activities:
                                         ------------------  ------------------
   Acquisition of property and equipment            (44)               (117)
                                         ------------------  ------------------

 Cash flows from financing activities:
   Proceeds from notes payable                      142                  --
   Repayment of notes payable                       (21)                 --
   Proceeds from issuance of
     common stock and warrants,  
     net of repurchases                               6                  93
                                         ------------------  ------------------
         Net cash provided by
         financing activities                       127                  93
                                         ------------------  ------------------

 Net increase in cash and cash equivalents          644                 524
 Cash and cash equivalents at beginning   
   of period                                      6,204               8,161
                                         ------------------  ------------------
 Cash and cash equivalents at end of 
   period                                       $ 6,848             $ 8,685
                                         ==================  ==================

The  accompanying  notes are an integral  part of these  consolidated  financial


                            CASTELLE AND SUBSIDIARIES

1.   Basis of Presentation:

     The accompanying  unaudited  consolidated  financial statements include the
     accounts of Castelle and its wholly owned subsidiaries in the United States
     and the  Netherlands,  and have been prepared in accordance  with generally
     accepted accounting principles.  All intercompany balances and transactions
     have  been  eliminated.  In the  opinion  of  management,  all  adjustments
     (consisting of normal recurring accruals)  considered  necessary for a fair
     presentation of the Company's financial position, results of operations and
     cash flows at the dates and for the periods  indicated  have been included.
     The  result  of  operations  for  the  interim  period   presented  is  not
     necessarily  indicative  of the results for the year  ending  December  31,
     1998.  Because  all of  the  disclosures  required  by  generally  accepted
     accounting  principles  are not included in the  accompanying  consolidated
     financial  statements and related notes, they should be read in conjunction
     with the  audited  consolidated  financial  statements  and  related  notes
     included in the Company's Form 10-K for the fiscal year-ended  December 31,

2.   Net Income Per Share

     The Company has adopted Statement of Financial  Accounting Standards No.128
     (SFAS 128),  "Earnings per Share," which supersedes APB Opinion No. 15 (APB
     No.  15),  "Earnings  per Share,"  and which is  effective  for all periods
     ending after  December 15, 1997.  SFAS 128 requires  dual  presentation  of
     basic and diluted  earnings per share (EPS) for complex capital  structures
     on the face of the  Statements  of  Operations.  Basic EPS is  computed  by
     dividing  net  income  by the  weighted-average  number  of  common  shares
     outstanding  for the period.  Diluted EPS reflects the  potential  dilution
     from the exercise or conversion of other securities into common stock.

     Basic and diluted  earnings per share are  calculated  as follows for first
     quarters of 1998 and 1997:

                                                           (in thousands,
                                                     except per share amounts)
                                                     April 3,        March 28,
                                                       1998            1997
                                                    -----------     ----------
   Weighted average common shares outstanding           4,493          4,425
                                                    ===========     ==========
   Net income                                          $  183        $    80
                                                    ===========     ==========
   Net income per common share - basic                 $ 0.04         $ 0.02
                                                    ===========     ==========

   Weighted average common shares outstanding           4,493          4,425
   Common equivalent shares from stock options            146            203
                                                    -----------     ----------
   Shares used in per share calculation - diluted       4,639          4,628
                                                    ===========     ==========
   Net income                                          $  183        $    80
                                                    ===========     ==========
   Net income per common share - diluted               $ 0.04         $ 0.02
                                                    ===========     ==========


3.   Inventories:

     Inventories  are stated at the lower of standard  cost (which  approximates
     cost on a first-in,  first-out basis) or market.  Inventory  details are as

                                                  (in thousands)
                                            April 3,       December 31,
                                              1998             1997
                                         --------------  --------------
     Raw material                         $     1,050     $     1,544
     Work in process                               71             486
     Finished goods                             1,593           1,756
                                         --------------  --------------
                  Total Inventory         $     2,714     $     3,786
                                         ==============  ==============

4.   Revenue Recognition:

     Product revenue is recognized upon shipment provided no significant  vendor
     obligations  remain and  collection of the  resulting  receivable is deemed
     probable by management.  The Company enters into agreements with certain of
     its distributors  which permit limited stock rotation  rights.  These stock
     rotation  rights allow the  distributor  to return  products for credit but
     require  the  purchase of  additional  products  of equal  value.  Revenues
     subject to stock rotation rights are reduced by  management's  estimates of
     anticipated   exchanges.   Provisions   for   estimated   warranty   costs,
     insignificant   vendor   obligations  and  anticipated   retroactive  price
     adjustments are recorded at the time products are shipped.

5.   Segments Disclosure:

     In June 1997, the Financial  Accounting Standards Board issued Statement of
     Financial  Accounting  Standard No. 131 - "Disclosure  About Segments of an
     Enterprise  and Related  Information"  ("SFAS  131").  Although the Company
     adopted  SFAS 131  beginning  January 1, 1998,  Castelle has elected not to
     report  segment  information in interim  financial  statements in the first
     year of application consistent with the provisions of the statement.

6.   Comprehensive Income:

     As  of  January  1,  1998,  the  Company  adopted  Statement  of  Financial
     Accounting  Standards  No. 130 - "Reporting  Comprehensive  Income"  ("SFAS
     130").  SFAS 130  establishes  new rules for the  reporting  and display of
     comprehensive income and its components;  however, the adoption of SFAS 130
     had no  impact  on the  Company,  as there is no  comprehensive  income  to

7.   Software Revenue:

     In October  1997,  the  Accounting  Standards  Executive  Committee  issued
     Statement  of Position  97-2 (SOP 97-2),  "Software  Revenue  Recognition,"
     which  delineates  the  accounting  for  software  product and  maintenance
     revenues.  SOP 97-2 supersedes the Accounting Standards Executive Committee
     Statement  of  Position  91-1,  "Software  Revenue   Recognition,"  and  is
     effective  for the  Company  beginning  in fiscal  1998.  The  Company  has
     recognized  revenue for the first quarter of 1998 in  accordance  with this
     new SOP. Based on its reading and  interpretation  of SOP 97-2, the Company
     believes it is currently in compliance  with the final  standard.  However,
     detailed  implementation  guidelines  for this  standard  have not yet been
     issued.  Once issued, such detailed  implementation  guidance could lead to
     unanticipated   changes  in  the  Company's   current  revenue   accounting
     practices,  and such changes could be material to the Company's revenue and


8.   Subsequent Events:

     In April 1998, the Company  completed its  acquisition of the Object-Fax NT
     product line, a facsimile  software  application  designed for LAN's, WAN's
     and  Internet-based   networks,   from   Tolvusamskipti  HF,  an  Icelandic
     corporation,  in  exchange  for  $300,000  in cash and  100,000  shares  of
     Castelle  common  stock and the right to receive  the number of  additional
     shares  of  Castelle  common  stock  on  the  date  six  months  after  the
     acquisition  necessary  to make the fair market  value of the common  stock
     received in the transaction not less than $500,000 (the "Acquisition").  In
     connection  with  the   Acquisition,   Castelle  also  entered  into  asset
     acquisition  agreements  with Traffic USA,  Inc. and Traffic  Software USA,
     Inc. in which  Castelle  acquired  fixed assets and  intellectual  property
     rights  associated with the marketing,  sales,  distribution and support of
     the  Object-Fax  NT software.  In exchange for these assets  Castelle  paid
     $135,000  and  agreed  to pay a  royalty  on  sales  of the  Object-Fax  NT
     software,  neither to exceed  $75,000 nor to be paid beyond 24 months after
     the  Acquisition.   Additionally,  Castelle  entered  into  consulting  and
     non-competition  agreements  with key  employees of Traffic  USA,  Inc. and
     Traffic  Software USA,  Inc. The  Acquisition  is being  accounted for as a
     purchase of assets and is valued at  approximately  $1.1 million  including
     acquisition-related  expenses.  A portion  of the  purchase  price  will be
     allocated to  in-process  research and  development,  and  accordingly  the
     Company  will  record a  one-time  charge  against  earnings  in the second
     quarter  of 1998  estimated  to be in the  range  of  between  $600,000  to
     $900,000 upon completion of a purchase price valuation report.



Except for the historical information contained herein, the following discussion
contains  forward-looking  statements that involve risks and uncertainties.  The
Company's  actual results could differ  materially  from those  discussed  here.
Factors that could cause or contribute to such differences  include, but are not
limited to, those  discussed in this section,  as well as those discussed in the
Company's Form SB-2 filed  November 17, 1995, as amended,  and Form 10-K for the
year-ended December 31, 1997.

        Consolidated Statements of Income - As a Percentage of Net Sales

                                                  FIRST FISCAL QUARTER
                                                   THREE MONTHS ENDED
                                            April 3, 1998      March 28, 1997
                                         ------------------  ------------------

   Net sales                                       100%                100%
   Cost of sales                                    47%                 40%
                                         ------------------  ------------------
       Gross profit                                 53%                 60%
                                         ------------------  ------------------

   Operating expenses:
       Research and development                     10%                 13%
       Sales and marketing                          32%                 32%
       General and administrative                    7%                  7%
       Amortization of intangible assets             --                  4%
                                         ------------------  ------------------
          Total operating expense                   49%                 56%
                                         ------------------  ------------------
   Income from operations                            4%                  4%

       Interest income, net                          1%                  1%
       Other income/(expense), net                   0%                  0%
                                         ------------------  ------------------
   Income before provision for income
        taxes                                        5%                  5%
       Provision for income taxes                    2%                  4%
                                         ------------------  ------------------
   Net Income                                        3%                  1%
                                         ==================  ==================

Results of Operations

     Net Sales

              Net sales for the first  quarter  1998 grew to $6.6  million  from
     $6.4 for the same period in 1997. The growth in net sales was the result of
     higher  service  and  warranty  revenues  and a 26%  increase in fax server
     product sales,  this was partially  off-set by lower sales of the Company's
     fax-on-demand and print server products.

              International  sales  were $2.8  million  and $3.1  million in the
     first  quarter of 1998 and 1997,  respectively,  representing  42% and 48%,
     respectively,  of total net sales. This 10% decline in international  sales
     was mainly the result of reduced demand for the Company's products in Asia.


     Gross Profit

              Gross profit of 53% for the first quarter of fiscal 1998 decreased
     compared to gross  profit of 60% for the same period in 1997.  The decrease
     in gross  profit is primarily  attributable  to  unfavorable  manufacturing
     variances,  a  decline  in  sales  of  fax-on-demand  software  which  have
     historically  enjoyed high gross  profit  margins and lower gross profit in
     print server products in Asia.

     Research & Development

              Research and product development expenses declined 22% to $650,000
     or 10% of net sales for the first  quarter  1998 as compared to $830,000 or
     13% of net sales for the same period in 1997.  This reduction is the result
     of lower personnel-related expenses.

     Sales & Marketing

              Sales and marketing expenses were $2.1 million or 32% of net sales
     for the first  quarter of 1998,  as compared to $2.0  million or 32% of net
     sales for the same period in 1997.

     General & Administrative

              General and  administrative  expenses  were  $479,000 or 7% of net
     sales for the first  quarter of 1997,  as compared to $429,000 or 7% of net
     sales for the same period in 1997.  The increase is primarily due to higher
     legal expenses.

     Interest & Other income/expense, net

              Interest  and  other  income/expenses,  net,  comprised  income of
     $65,000 or 1% of net sales for the first  quarter of 1998,  as  compared to
     income of $60,000 or 1% of net sales for the same period in 1997.

Liquidity and Capital Resources

         Since  its  inception  in 1987,  Castelle  has  funded  its  operations
primarily  through the sale of capital stock and bank debt. As of April 3, 1998,
the Company had $6.8 million of cash and cash equivalents,  up from $6.2 million
at December 31, 1997.  Working  capital  increased to $11.2  million at April 3,
1998 from $10.8  million at  December  31,  1997.  The  increase  in cash,  cash
equivalents and working capital is primarily due to cash derived from net income
and a reduction in inventory on hand,  partially  off-set by increased  accounts
receivable associated with the higher revenues in the first quarter of 1998.

         The Company has a $3.0 million secured  revolving line of credit with a
bank,  which expires in July 1998, and at April 3, 1998 had no borrowings  under
the line of credit.

         In December 1997, as a source of capital asset  financing,  the Company
entered into a loan and security agreement with a finance company, which allowed
loans to the  Company of up to  $288,000.  As of April 3, 1998,  the Company had
drawn down the entire  $288,000.  The loan is repayable by December  2000 and is
collateralized  by a certificate of deposit of $125,000,  which is classified as
restricted cash on the Company's balance sheet.


         As of April 3, 1998, net accounts receivable were $4.0 million, up from
$3.3  million at December  31,  1997.  The  increase in accounts  receivable  is
attributed to higher sales in the first quarter of 1998, partially off-set by an
improvement in days sales  outstanding  from 55 at the end of 1997 to 54 days at
April 3, 1998.

         Net  inventories as of April 3, 1998 were $2.7 million,  down from $3.8
million at December  31, 1997.  The  decrease  was the result of increased  unit
shipments,  which significantly  improved the level of inventory turnover in the
quarter compared to the end of 1997.

         The Company had not made any material  capital  commitments  during the
first quarter ended April 3, 1998.

         Although  the Company  believes  that its existing  capital  resources,
anticipated  cash flows from  operations  and available  lines of credit will be
sufficient to meet its capital requirements at least through the next 12 months,
the Company may be required to seek  additional  equity or debt  financing.  The
timing and amount of such capital requirements cannot be determined at this time
and will  depend on a number of  factors,  including  demand  for the  Company's
existing and new products and the pace of technological change in the networking
industry.  There can be no  assurance  that such  additional  financing  will be
available on satisfactory terms when needed, if at all.

         Management believes that, for the periods presented,  inflation has not
had a material effect on the Company's operations.

Subsequent Events - Acquisition

         In April 1998, the Company  announced and completed its  acquisition of
the Object-Fax NT product line from Tolvusamskipti HF, an Icelandic corporation.
The purchase,  valued at  approximately  $1.1 million,  included the exchange of
$300,000  in cash and  100,000  shares of  Castelle  common  stock,  as well as,
entering into various agreements in support of the acquisition. A portion of the
purchase  price will be allocated to in-process  research and  development,  and
accordingly  the Company will record a one-time  charge against  earnings in the
second  quarter  of 1998  estimated  to be in the range of between  $600,000  to
$900,000 upon  completion of a purchase price  valuation  report.  See "Notes to
Consolidated  Financial  Statements - Note 8" thereto included elsewhere in this

Year 2000 Issue

         The Company is in the process of conducting a  comprehensive  review of
its computer  systems to identify those that could be adversely  affected by the
Year 2000 issue and is developing an implementation plan to resolve any problem.
The Year 2000 issue refers to the inability of many computer  systems to process
accurately  dates later than December 31, 1999.  Date codes in many programs are
abbreviated to allow only two digits for the year,  e.g. "98" for the year 1998.
Unless these programs are modified to handle the century date change,  they will
likely  interpret the year "00",  that is, the year 2000, as the year 1900.  The
Year 2000 issue creates risk for the Company from unforeseen problems in its own
computer  systems as well as in computer  systems of third parties with whom the
Company does business worldwide, including banks and credit processing entities,
factories and others. The Company presently believes that, with modifications to
existing  software and  conversions  to new software  that the Company  plans to
implement  over the next year,  the Year 2000  issue  will not pose  significant
operational  problems for the Company's own computer  systems as so modified and
converted.  However,  if such  modifications  and  conversions are not completed
timely, the Year 2000 issue may have a material adverse impact on the operations
of the Company. In addition, the Company cannot give assurance the third parties
with  whom it does  business  will  address  any Year  2000  issues in their own
systems  on a timely  basis.  Their  failure to do so could also have a material
adverse impact on the Company.

         The Company has completed a comprehensive review of its products,  both
firmware and  software,  to insure that they are Year 2000  compliant.  This was
done to insure  that the  Company's  products  are free of any Year 2000  issues
discussed  above.  The Company  believes  that the more  recent  versions of its
products are Year 2000 compliant,  meaning that users of its products should not
experience  performance  difficulties  as a result of the need to process  dates
later than December 31, 1999. In order to avoid difficulties, users will need to
install the versions of the Company's  software  which are Year 2000  compliant.
For example,  FaxPress  systems  require a software  and firmware  release of at
least  version  3.7.3  and  InfoPress  requires  that at  least  version  2.0 be
installed  for  compliance  with Year 2000  requirements.  The Company  provides
upgrade  kits to allow  customers  to  install  these  versions.  The  Company's
products  work in  conjunction  with  network  operating  systems such as Novell
NetWare and Microsoft  Windows 95/NT, and while these products appear to be Year
2000  compliant,  the  Company  does not  accept  responsibility  for Year  2000
compliance of any network  operating  system.  If modifications  and upgrades to
these network operating  systems are not completed  timely,  the Year 2000 issue
may have a material adverse impact on the Company's business,  operating results
and financial condition.


                           PART II - OTHER INFORMATION








         The Company held an Annual Meeting of Shareholders on April 29, 1998.

         The shareholders elected the Board's nominees as directors by the votes

             Nominee                        Votes in Favor      Votes Withheld
               Arthur H. Bruno                3,500,377             39,010
               John Freidenrich               3,501,405             37,982
               Robert Hambrecht               3,501,405             37,982
               Alan Kessman                   3,501,405             37,982

         The Company's  1988 Incentive  Stock Plan, as amended,  to increase the
aggregate  number of shares of Common Stock  authorized  for issuance under such
plan by 981,935  and to add  provisions  with  respect to Section  162(m) of the
Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended,  was approved with 2,654,084 votes in
favor, 95,905 against, 3,350 abstentions and 786,048 broker non-votes.

         The  selection  of Coopers & Lybrand LLP as the  Company's  independent
auditors was ratified  with  3,537,122  votes in favor,  1,115 against and 1,150




                (a)   Exhibits:

                           27.1  Financial Data Schedule

                (b)   Reports on Form 8-K




         Pursuant to the  requirements  of the Securities  Exchange Act of 1934,
the  Registrant  has duly  caused  this report to be signed on its behalf by the
undersigned, thereunto duly authorized.


By:   /s/ Arthur H. Bruno                                 Date: May 15, 1998
      Arthur H. Bruno
      Chairman of the Board,
      Chief Executive Officer and Director

By:   /s/ Randall I. Bambrough                            Date: May 15, 1998
      Randall I. Bambrough
      Vice President of Finance and Administration
      Chief Financial Officer
      (Principal Financial and Accounting Officer)
