Washington, D.C. 20549

                                    FORM 10-Q

                         SECURITIES EXCHANGE ACT OF 1934

                 For the quarterly period ended October 1, 1999

                         SECURITIES EXCHANGE ACT OF 1934

                        Commission File Number: 0-220-20

             (Exact name of Registrant as specified in its charter)

           California                                     77-0164056
(State or other jurisdiction of                (IRS Employer Identification No.)
 incorporation or organization)

              3255-3 Scott Boulevard, Santa Clara, California 95054
          (Address of principal executive offices, including zip code)

                                 (408) 496-0474
              (Registrant's telephone number, including area code)

        Securities registered pursuant to Section 12(b) of the Act: NONE

    Securities registered pursuant to Section 12(g) of the Act: COMMON STOCK,
                                                                NO PAR VALUE

Indicate by check mark whether the registrant (1) has filed all reports required
to be filed by Section 13 or 15(d) of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934 during
the  preceding 12 months (or for such  shorter  period that the  Registrant  was
required  to file  such  reports),  and  (2) has  been  subject  to such  filing
requirements for the past 90 days. Yes |X| No __

The number of shares of the Registrant's Common Stock outstanding as of November
8, 1999 was 4,635,435.

                                    FORM 10-Q
                                TABLE OF CONTENTS



     Item 1.    Consolidated Financial Statements:

                Consolidated Balance Sheets                                                     2

                Consolidated Statements of Operations                                           3

                Consolidated Statements of Cash Flows                                           4

                Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements                                      5

     Item 2.    Management's Discussion and Analysis of Financial Condition
                and Results of Operations                                                       8


     Item 4.    Exhibits and Reports on Form 8-K                                               14

                Signatures                                                                     15

                Exhibit 27.1 - Financial Data Schedule                                         E-1

                Exhibit 99.1 - Press Release dated November 10, 1999                           E-2


                         PART I - FINANCIAL INFORMATION


                            CASTELLE AND SUBSIDIARIES
                           CONSOLIDATED BALANCE SHEETS
                                 (in thousands)

                                                                       October 1, 1999       December 31, 1998
                                                                         (unaudited)             (audited)
                                                                   ----------------------  ---------------------
   Current assets:
     Cash and cash equivalents                                                $ 4,328                 $3,924
     Restricted cash                                                              125                    125
     Accounts receivable, net of allowances of $271 in 1999 and
         $720 in 1998                                                           1,811                  3,472
     Inventory                                                                  1,545                  3,739
     Prepaid expense and other current assets                                     204                    398
                                                                   ----------------------  ---------------------
        Total current assets                                                    8,013                 11,658
   Property, plant & equipment, net                                               463                    666
   Other  assets                                                                   89                    170
                                                                   ----------------------  ---------------------
                                                                                8,565                $12,494
                                                                   ======================  =====================

Liabilities & Shareholders' Equity:
   Current liabilities:
     Current portion of notes payable                                           $  96                  $  96
     Accounts payable                                                           1,557                  2,084
     Accrued liabilities                                                        3,002                  2,715
                                                                   ----------------------  ---------------------
        Total current liabilities                                               4,655                  4,895
     Notes payable                                                                 26                     98
                                                                   ----------------------  ---------------------
        Total liabilities                                                       4,681                  4,993
                                                                   ----------------------  ---------------------

   Shareholders' equity:
     Common stock, no par value; authorized:  25,000 shares;
        Issued and outstanding: 4,635 and 4,337, respectively                  28,993                 29,255
     Note receivable for purchase of common stock                                 -0-                   (274)
     Deferred compensation                                                       (80)                   (120)
     Accumulated deficit                                                     (25,029)                (21,360)
                                                                   ----------------------  ---------------------
        Total shareholders' equity                                             3,884                   7,501
                                                                   ----------------------  ---------------------
                                                                               8,565                 $12,494
                                                                   ======================  =====================

     See accompanying notes to condensed consolidated financial statements.


                            CASTELLE AND SUBSIDIARIES
                    (in thousands, except per share amounts)

                                                              Three months ended                     Nine months ended
                                                     .....................................  .....................................
                                                      October 1, 1999     October 2, 1998    October 1, 1999     October 2, 1998
                                                     -----------------  ------------------  -----------------  ------------------
   Net sales                                               $ 4,017             $ 5,449           $ 12,224            $ 18,147
   Cost of sales                                             1,547               2,266              6,149               8,334
                                                     -----------------  ------------------  -----------------  ------------------
       Gross profit                                          2,470               3,183              6,075               9,813
                                                     -----------------  ------------------  -----------------  ------------------

   Operating expenses:
       Research and development                                586                 780              2,218               2,177
       Sales and marketing                                   1,607               2,396              5,466               6,426
       General and administrative                              622                 399              1,576               1,354
       Amortization of intangible assets                       -0-                  40                 40                  80
       Restructuring charges                                   522                 -0-                522                 -0-
       Acquisition of in-process research and
            development                                        -0-                 -0-                -0-               1,124
                                                     -----------------  ------------------  -----------------  ------------------
          Total operating expenses                           3,337               3,615              9,822              11,161
                                                     -----------------  ------------------  -----------------  ------------------
   Loss from operations                                       (867)               (432)            (3,747)             (1,348)

       Interest income, net                                     32                  57                 87                 177
       Other income (expense), net                              37                 (18)                (9)                (1)
                                                     -----------------  ------------------  -----------------  ------------------
   Loss before benefit from income taxes                      (798)               (393)            (3,669)             (1,172)
       Benefit from income taxes                               -0-                 -0-                -0-                  37
                                                     -----------------  ------------------  -----------------  ------------------
   Net loss                                                   (798)             $ (393)            (3,669)           $ (1,135)
                                                     =================  ==================  =================  ==================

   Net Loss  per share:
      Net loss per common share -
             basic and diluted                              $(0.17)             $(0.09)            $(0.80)             $(0.25)
      Shares used in per share calculation -
             basic and diluted                               4,684               4,594              4,560               4,563

     See accompanying notes to condensed consolidated financial statements.


                            CASTELLE AND SUBSIDIARIES
                                 (in thousands)

                                                                                Nine months ended
                                                                        October 1, 1999     October 2, 1998
                                                                      ------------------  ------------------
   Cash flows from operating activities:
      Net loss                                                              $ (3,669)           $ (1,135)
      Adjustment to reconcile net loss to net cash provided by
         operating activities:
        Loss on disposal of fixed assets                                          78                  --
        Depreciation and amortization                                            422                 500
        Provision for doubtful accounts and sales returns                     (1,483)               (307)
        Provision for excess and obsolete inventory                            1,376                 148
        Acquisition of in-process research and development                        --               1,124
        Changes in assets and liabilities:
         Accounts receivable                                                    3,144             (1,427)
         Inventory                                                                818                778
         Prepaid expenses and other current assets                                194                (79)
         Accounts payable                                                        (527)               658
         Accrued liabilities                                                      287               (267)
                                                                      ------------------  ------------------
           Net cash provided by operating activities                              640                 (7)
                                                                      ------------------  ------------------

   Cash flows from investing activities:
      Purchase of property and equipment                                        (200)               (180)
      Acquisition of Object-Fax product line                                      --                (784)
      Repurchase of common stock                                                  --                (384)
      Increase in other assets                                                    23                 (82)
                                                                      ------------------  ------------------
           Net cash (used in) investing activities                              (177)             (1,430)
                                                                      ------------------  ------------------

   Cash flows from financing activities:
      Proceeds from notes payable                                                 --                 142
      Repayment of notes payable                                                 (72)                (64)
      Proceeds from collection of note receivable for stock                       11                  --
      Proceeds from issuance of common stock and warrants, net
        of repurchases                                                             2                   9
                                                                      ------------------  ------------------
           Net cash provided by (used in) financing activities                   (59)                 87
                                                                      ------------------  ------------------

   Net increase in cash and cash equivalents                                     404             (1,350)

   Cash and cash equivalents at beginning of period                            3,924               6,204
                                                                      ------------------  ------------------
   Cash and cash equivalents at end of period                                  4,328             $ 4,854
                                                                      ==================  ==================

   Supplemental Information:
      Noncash financing activities:
        Issuance of common stock for acquisition of Object-Fax
          product line                                                          $ --               $ 500

     See accompanying notes to condensed consolidated financial statements.


                            CASTELLE AND SUBSIDIARIES

1.   Basis of Presentation:

     The accompanying  unaudited  consolidated  financial statements include the
     accounts  of  Castelle  and its  wholly  owned  subsidiaries  in the United
     Kingdom and the  Netherlands,  and have been  prepared in  accordance  with
     generally accepted  accounting  principles.  All intercompany  balances and
     transactions  have been  eliminated.  In the  opinion  of  management,  all
     adjustments   (consisting  of  normal  recurring  adjustments)   considered
     necessary  for a fair  presentation  of the Company's  financial  position,
     results  of  operations  and cash  flows at the dates  and for the  periods
     indicated  have been  included.  The result of  operations  for the interim
     period presented is not necessarily  indicative of the results for the year
     ending  December  31,  1999.  Because  all of the  disclosures  required by
     generally   accepted   accounting   principles  are  not  included  in  the
     accompanying  consolidated  financial  statements and related  notes,  they
     should  be read in  conjunction  with the  audited  consolidated  financial
     statements  and related notes  included in the Company's  Form 10-K for the
     fiscal year-ended December 31, 1998.

2.   Net Loss Per Share

     Basic net loss per share is  computed  by dividing  net loss  available  to
     common  shareholders  by the  weighted  average  number  of  common  shares
     outstanding for that period. Diluted net income loss per share reflects the
     potential dilution from the exercise or conversion of other securities into
     common  stock that were  outstanding  during the  period.  Shares  that are
     potentially  dilutive  consist of incremental  common shares  issuable upon
     exercise of stock options and warrants.

     Basic and  diluted  earnings  per share are  calculated  as follows for the
     third quarter and first nine months ending of 1999 and 1998:

                                                             (in thousands, except per share amounts)
                                                         Three months ended             Nine months ended
                                                    .............................  .............................
                                                     October 1,     October 2,      October 1,     October 2,
                                                        1999           1998            1999           1998
                                                    -------------- --------------  -------------- --------------
   Weighted average common shares outstanding            4,684          4,594           4,560          4,563
                                                    ============== ==============  ============== ==============
   Net loss                                              $(798)         $(393)        $(3,669)       $(1,135)
                                                    ============== ==============  ============== ==============
   Net loss per common share - basic                   $ (0.17)       $ (0.09)        $ (0.80)       $ (0.25)
                                                    ============== ==============  ============== ==============

   Weighted average common shares outstanding            4,684          4,594           4,560          4,563
   Common equivalent shares from stock options              --             --              --             --
                                                    ============== ==============  ============== ==============
   Shares used in per share calculation - diluted        4,684          4,594           4,560          4,563
                                                    ============== ==============  ============== ==============
   Net loss                                              $(798)         $(393)        $(3,669)       $(1,135)
                                                    ============== ==============  ============== ==============
   Net loss per common share - diluted                 $ (0.17)       $ (0.09)        $ (0.80)       $ (0.25)
                                                    ============== ==============  ============== ==============

The calculation of diluted shares outstanding for the three months ended October
1,  1999  and  October  2,  1998  excludes  36,739  and  34,966  stock  options,
respectively, as their effect was antidilutive in the period. The calculation of
diluted shares outstanding for the nine months ended October 1, 1999 and October
2, 1998 excludes 26,313 and 108,244 stock options, respectively, as their effect
was antidilutive in the period.


                            CASTELLE AND SUBSIDIARIES

3.   Inventory:

     Inventory is stated at the lower of standard cost (which  approximates cost
     on a first-in,  first-out  basis) or market and net of reserves  for excess
     and obsolete inventory. Inventory details are as follows (in thousands):

                                                 October 1,      December 31,
                                                    1999             1998
                                               --------------- -----------------
     Raw material                                  $  252         $ 1,282
     Work in process                                  271             130
     Finished good                                  1,022           2,327
                                               =============== =================
                                                  $ 1,545         $ 3,739
                                               =============== =================

4.   Restructuring:

     The Company recognized a one-time  restructuring  charge of $522,000 in the
     third quarter of fiscal 1999. The  restructuring  charge includes  expenses
     associated  with the  Company's  exit from  certain  lines of  business,  a
     reduction in the company's workforce, and expenses related to the write off
     of excess office space.

5.   Revenue Recognition:

     Product revenue is recognized  upon shipment if a signed  contract  exists,
     the fee is fixed and determinable,  collection of the resulting receivables
     is probable  and  product  returns are  reasonably  estimable.  The Company
     enters  into  agreements  with  certain of its  distributors  which  permit
     limited  stock  rotation  rights.  These stock  rotation  rights  allow the
     distributor  to return  products  for credit but  require  the  purchase of
     additional  products of equal  value.  Revenues  subject to stock  rotation
     rights are reduced by  management's  estimates  of  anticipated  exchanges.
     Provisions for estimated  warranty costs and anticipated  retroactive price
     adjustments  are recorded at the time  products  are  shipped.  The Company
     recognizes  revenue from the sale of extended  warranty  contracts  ratably
     over the period of the contracts.

6.   Segments Disclosure:

     The Company has adopted SFAS No. 131,  "Disclosure  about Segments of an
     Enterprise and Related  Information,"  which is effective for fiscal years
     beginning after December 31, 1997.  SFAS No. 131 supersedes SFAS No. 14,
     "Financial  Reporting for Segments of a Business  Enterprise." SFAS No. 131
     changes current  practice under SFAS No. 14 by establishing a new framework
     on which to base segment  reporting and introduces requirements for interim
     reporting of segment  information.  The Company has determined that it uses
     one measurement of profitability of its business for internal reporting.


                            CASTELLE AND SUBSIDIARIES

7.   Comprehensive Income:

     Castelle has adopted the  provisions  of Statement of Financial  Accounting
     Standards No. 130, "Reporting  Comprehensive  Income," effective January 1,
     1998. This statement  requires the disclosure of  comprehensive  income and
     its  components  in a full  set of  general-purpose  financial  statements.
     Comprehensive  income is the change in equity from  transactions  and other
     events and  circumstances  other than those  resulting from  investments by
     owners and distributions to owners. There are no significant  components of
     comprehensive  income  excluded  from net  income,  therefore,  no separate
     statement of comprehensive income has been presented.

8. New accounting pronouncements:

     In  June of  1998,  the  FASB  issued  Statement  of  Financial  Accounting
     Standards  No. 133,  "Accounting  for  Derivative  Instruments  and Hedging
     Activities,"  which  establishes  accounting  and  reporting  standards for
     derivative  instruments,  and for hedging  activities.  It requires that an
     entity  recognize all  derivatives  as either assets or  liabilities in the
     statement of financial  position and  measures  those  instruments  at fair
     value. There is no effect of this change on the Company's operations.

     In December 1998, the Accounting  Standards  Executive  Committee ("AcSEC")
     released Statement of Position 98-9 ("SOP 98-9"), Modification of SOP 97-2,
     "Software Revenue Recognition," with Respect to Certain  Transactions.  SOP
     98-9  amends  SOP 97-2 to  require  that an entity  recognize  revenue  for
     multiple  element  arrangements by means of the "residual  method" when (1)
     there is vendor-specific  objective evidence ("VSOE") of the fair values of
     all the  undelivered  elements  that  are not  accounted  for by  means  of
     long-term  contract  accounting,  (2) VSOE of fair value does not exist for
     one or more of the  delivered  elements,  and (3) all  revenue  recognition
     criteria of SOP 97-2 (other than the requirement for VSOE of the fair value
     of each delivered element) are satisfied.

     The  provisions of SOP 98-9 that extend the deferral of certain  paragraphs
     of SOP 97-2 became  effective  December 15, 1998.  These  paragraphs of SOP
     97-2 and SOP 98-9 will be effective for transactions  that are entered into
     in fiscal years beginning after March 15, 1999. Retroactive  application is
     prohibited.  This  pronouncement  will not have an impact on the  Company's
     current revenue recognition policies.



This Management's  Discussion and Analysis contains  forward-looking  statements
that involve risks and  uncertainties.  Such  forward-looking  statements may be
deemed to the  adequacy  of  anticipated  sources of cash to fund the  Company's
future  capital  requirements  through  March  31,  2000,  and the  costs of the
Company's Year 2000 compliance  efforts and dates by which the Company  believes
it  will  complete  such  efforts.  Words  such  as  "believes,"  "anticipates,"
"expects,"   "intends"  and  similar   expressions   are  intended  to  identify
forward-looking  statements, but are not the exclusive means of identifying such
statements.  Readers are cautioned that the  forward-looking  statements reflect
management's  analysis  only as of the date hereof,  and the Company  assumes no
obligation  to update  these  statements.  Actual  events or results  may differ
materially from the results discussed in the forward-looking statements. Factors
that might cause such a difference include, but are not limited to the risks and
uncertainties  discussed  herein,  as well as other  risks set  forth  under the
caption  "Risk  Factors"  in the  Company's  Annual  Report on Form 10-K for the
fiscal year ended December 31, 1998.

The  following  discussion  should  be read in  conjunction  with the  Financial
Statements and the Notes thereto  included in Item 1 of this Quarterly Report on
Form 10-Q and in the Company's  Form 10-K for the fiscal year ended December 31,

      Consolidated Statements of Operations - As a Percentage of Net Sales

                                                              Three months ended                     Nine months ended
                                                      ....................................  .....................................
                                                        October 1, 1999    October 2, 1998   October 1, 1999     October 2, 1998
                                                      -----------------  -----------------  -----------------  ------------------
   Net sales                                                   100%               100%               100%                100%
   Cost of sales                                                39%                42%                50%                 46%
                                                      -----------------  -----------------  -----------------  ------------------
       Gross profit                                             61%                58%                50%                 54%
                                                      -----------------  -----------------  -----------------  ------------------

   Operating expenses:
       Research and development                                 15%                14%                18%                 12%
       Sales and marketing                                      40%                44%                45%                 35%
       General and administrative                               15%                 7%                13%                  8%
       Amortization of intangible assets                        --                  1%                 *                   *
       Restructuring charges                                    13%                --                  5%                 --
       Acquisition of in-process research and
            development                                         --                 --                 --                   6%
                                                      -----------------  -----------------  -----------------  ------------------
          Total operating expenses                              83%                66%                81%                 61%
                                                      -----------------  -----------------  -----------------  ------------------
   Loss from operations                                        (22%)               (8%)              (31%)                (7%)

       Interest income, net                                      2%                 1%                 1%                  1%

       Other income (expense), net                               *                  *                  *                   *
                                                      -----------------  -----------------  -----------------  ------------------
   Loss before benefit from income taxes
                                                               (20%)               (7%)              (30%)                (6%)
       Benefit from income taxes                                --                 --                 --                   *
                                                      -----------------  -----------------  -----------------  ------------------
   Net loss                                                    (20%)               (7%)              (30%)                (6%)
                                                      =================  =================  =================  ==================

* Less than 1%

Results of Operations

     Net Sales

              Net sales for the third  quarter of 1999  decreased  to $4 million
     from  $5.4 for the same  period  in 1998.  The  reduction  in net sales was
     primarily  the result of a $0.4  million  (33%)  decrease  in print  server
     product  sales,  as well as, $1.0  million  (24%)  decrease in sales of the
     Company's  fax server  products  to  distributors  to  maintain  manageable
     inventory levels in the channel.

              Net sales were $12.2  million and $18.1 million for the first nine
     months of 1999 and 1998, respectively.  The lower net sales were the result
     of a 56% reduction in print server product sales,  primarily due to reduced
     demand for the Company's  print server products in Asia and a 22% reduction
     in fax server  products,  primarily due to decreased sales of the Company's
     fax server products to distributors to maintain manageable inventory levels
     in the channel.

              International sales in the third quarter of 1999 decreased to $1.2
     million from $1.9 million for the same period in 1998, representing 30% and
     35%,  respectively,  of total net sales.  This 35% decline in international
     sales was mainly the result of the decrease in fax server  product sales to
     United Kingdom  distributors to maintain manageable inventory levels in the
     European channel.

              International  sales were $3.9  million  and $6.9  million for the
     first nine months of 1999 and 1998, respectively, representing 32% and 38%,
     respectively,  of total net sales. The 43% decrease in international  sales
     was the result of lower demand for the Company's  print server  products in
     Asia and the decrease in the Company's  fax server  product sales to United
     Kingdom  distributors  to  maintain  manageable  inventory  levels  in  the
     European channel.

     Gross Profit

              Gross profit of 61% for the third quarter of fiscal 1999 increased
     compared to gross  profit of 58% for the same period in 1998.  The increase
     in the third  quarter 1999 gross profit is  primarily  attributable  to the
     increase in the gross margin of print server products.

              Gross  profit  for the nine  months  of 1999 and 1998 were 50% and
     54%, respectively.  The reduction in gross profit is primarily attributable
     to an additional  $1,248,000  excess  inventory  provision  recorded in the
     first nine months of 1999.  This  provision  is primarily  associated  with
     excess print server  products  targeted for the Asian market and fax server
     products expected to be replaced by newly introduced FaxPress models.

     Research & Development

              Research and product development expenses decreased to $586,000 or
     15% of net sales for the third  quarter of 1999 as  compared to $780,000 or
     14% of net sales for the same  period in 1998.  The  decrease is due to the
     lower personnel-related expenses. Research and product development expenses
     for the first nine  months was $2.2  million or 18% of net sales in 1999 as
     compared to $2.2 million or 12% of net sales for the same period in 1998.


     Sales & Marketing

              Sales and marketing expenses were $1.6 million or 40% of net sales
     for the third  quarter of 1999,  as compared to $2.4  million or 44% of net
     sales for the same  period in 1998.  The  decrease  in sales and  marketing
     expenses is associated with lower advertising  expenses in the distribution
     channel and personnel-related expenses during the third quarter of 1999.

              Sales and marketing  expenses  decreased to $5.5 million or 45% of
     net sales for the first nine months of 1999 from $6.4 million or 35% of net
     sales for the same period in 1998.  This decrease is  attributable to lower
     personnel-related expenses.

     General & Administrative

              General and administrative  expenses were $622,000 and $399,000 or
     15% and  7%,  of net  sales  for  the  third  quarter  of  1999  and  1998,
     respectively. General and administrative expenses for the first nine months
     of fiscal  1999  increased  to $1.6  million or 13% of net sales in 1999 as
     compared  to $1.4  million or 8% of net sales for the same  period in 1998.
     The increase in the interim periods of 1999 compared to the interim periods
     of 1998 is primarily due to higher personnel-related and legal expenses.


              The Company recognized a one-time restructuring charge of $522,000
      in the third quarter of fiscal 1999.  The  restructuring  charge  includes
      expenses  associated  with  the  Company's  exit  from  certain  lines  of
      business, a reduction in the company's workforce,  and expenses related to
      the write off of excess office space.

     Amortization of intangible assets & Acquisition of in-process research and

              The intangible assets were fully amortized in the first quarter of
     1999.  The  expense  was  $40,000 or 1% of net sales for the same period in
     1998. It reflects the amortization of intangible assets for the acquisition
     of the Object-Fax NT product line in April 1998.

              In April  1998,  the  Company  completed  its  acquisition  of the
     Object-Fax NT product line, a facsimile software  application  designed for
     LAN's,  WAN's  and  Internet-based  networks,  from  Tolvusamskipti  HF, an
     Icelandic corporation.  The purchase, valued at approximately $1.4 million,
     included  the  exchange  of $300,000  in cash,  100,000  shares of Castelle
     common stock, and the right to receive either additional cash or the number
     of  shares  of  Castelle  common  stock on the date six  months  after  the
     acquisition necessary to make the fair market value of the common stock and
     additional cash received in the  transaction not less than $500,000.  Since
     the value of the Castelle common stock received in the transaction was less
     than $500,000 on the date six months after the  acquisition,  an additional
     339,560 shares of Castelle common stock were issued to Tolvusamskipti HF on
     April 9, 1999. A portion of the purchase  price was allocated to in-process
     research and development, and, accordingly, the Company recorded a one-time
     charge  against  earnings  in the second  quarter of 1998 of $1.1  million.
     Further,  the Company  recorded  intangible  assets of $160,000,  which are
     being amortized over 12 months, resulting in a $40,000 charge in the second
     quarter of 1998.

     Interest & Other income (expense), net

              Interest  and other income  (expense),  net,  comprised  income of
     $69,000 or 1.7% of net sales for the third  quarter of 1999, as compared to
     income of  $39,000 or 0.7% of net sales for the same  period in 1998.  This
     increase  in  income  is  the  result  of an  exchange  gains  from  the UK
     subsidiary and increase in miscellaneous income.

              Interest  income and other  income  (expenses)  for the first nine
     months of 1999  decreased to $78,000,  as compared to $176,000 or 1% of net
     sales for the same period in 1998.  This  reduction  in income is primarily
     the result of lower interest earned on the Company's investments.


Liquidity and Capital Resources

         Since  its  inception  in 1987,  Castelle  has  funded  its  operations
primarily  through  the sale of capital  stock and bank  debt.  As of October 1,
1999, the Company had  approximately  $4.3 million of cash and cash equivalents,
up from $3.9  million  at  December  31,  1998.  The  increase  is due to faster
collection of account receivables.  Working capital decreased to $3.4 million at
October 1, 1999 from $6.8 million at December 31, 1998.  The decrease in working
capital is primarily  due to the Company's net loss for the first nine months of

         In April 1998, the Company  completed its acquisition of the Object-Fax
NT product line, a facsimile software  application designed for LAN's, WAN's and
Internet-based  networks,  from Tolvusamskipti HF, an Icelandic corporation,  in
exchange for $300,000 in cash,  100,000 shares of Castelle  common stock and the
right to receive  either  additional  cash or the  number of shares of  Castelle
common stock on the date six months after the acquisition  necessary to make the
fair  market  value of the common  stock and  additional  cash  received  in the
transaction not less than $500,000. Since the value of the Castelle common stock
received in the  transaction was less than $500,000 on the date six months after
the  acquisition,  an additional  339,560  shares of Castelle  common stock were
issued to Tolvusamskipti HF on April 9, 1999.

         The Company has a $3.0 million secured  revolving line of credit with a
bank,  which expires in March 17, 2000.  At October 1, 1999,  the Company had no
borrowings under the line of credit.

         In  December  1997,  the  Company  entered  into  a loan  and  security
agreement with a finance company for an amount of $288,000. The amounts borrowed
are subject to interest  of 10.11%,  are  repayable  by December  2000,  and are
partially  collateralized  by a  certificate  of deposit of  $125,000,  which is
classified as restricted  cash on the Company's  balance sheet. As of October 1,
1999, the outstanding balance of the loan under the agreement was $122,000.

         As of October 1, 1999, net accounts receivable were $1.8 million,  down
from $3.5 million at December 31, 1998. The decrease in net accounts  receivable
is  attributed  to a  decrease  in net  sales  and the  improved  collection  of
outstanding  balances  in the  third  quarter  of  1999,  which  resulted  in an
improvement in days sales  outstanding  from 87 at the end of 1998 to 41 days at
October 1, 1999.

         Net  inventory as of October 1, 1999 was $1.5  million,  down from $3.7
million at December 31, 1998.  The decrease  was  primarily  attributable  to an
additional  $1,248,000  inventory provision recorded in the first nine months of
1999.  This  provision is mainly  associated  with excess print server  products
targeted for the Asian market and fax server products expected to be replaced by
newly introduced FaxPress models.

         The Company had not made any material  capital  commitments  during the
first nine months ended October 1, 1999.

         Although  the Company  believes  that its existing  capital  resources,
anticipated  cash flows from  operations  and available  lines of credit will be
sufficient to meet its capital requirements at least through the next 12 months,
the Company may be required to seek  additional  equity or debt  financing.  The
timing and amount of such capital requirements cannot be determined at this time
and will  depend on a number of  factors,  including  demand  for the  Company's
existing and new products and the pace of technological change in the networking
industry.  There can be no  assurance  that such  additional  financing  will be
available on satisfactory terms when needed, if at all.

          Management believes that, for the periods presented, inflation has not
had a material effect on the Company's operations.


Year 2000 Compliance

         The  Company  has  completed  a  comprehensive  review of its  business
applications,  computer systems and  infrastructure  and products.  In addition,
Castelle  is in the  process of  conducting  a  comprehensive  review of its key
business partners to identify those that could be adversely affected by the Year
2000  issue  and is  developing  and  implementing  a  plan  to  resolve  issues
identified.  The  Company  anticipates  that its  review  will be  completed  by
December 10, 1999.  The Year 2000 issue refers to the inability of many computer
systems to process  accurately dates later than December 31, 1999. Date codes in
many programs are  abbreviated to allow only two digits for the year,  e.g. "98"
for the year 1998. Unless these programs are modified to handle the century date
change, they will likely interpret the year "00", that is, the year 2000, as the
year 1900.  The Year 2000 issue  creates  risk for the Company  from  unforeseen
problems in its own  computer  systems as well as in  computer  systems of third
parties  with whom the Company  does  business  worldwide,  including  banks and
credit processing entities, factories, customers and others.

         Business Applications, Computer Systems and Infrastructure

         Castelle  has  completed a  comprehensive  review and  inventory of its
business  applications  and  computer  systems,  including  servers  and network
infrastructure,  to  insure  that  they are Year 2000  compliant.  To date,  the
Company has  installed  and/or  upgraded all  computer  network file servers and
infrastructure  (hubs,  switches,  modems and access  devices) to  hardware  and
software  that is  certified  to be  Year  2000  compliant  by its  vendors.  In
addition,   Castelle's  main  business   application  from  Computer  Associates
International,  Inc.  (Computer  Associates)  has been  upgraded  to a Year 2000
compliant  version  as  certified  by  Computer  Associates.   The  Company  has
substantially  completed an upgrade of all desktop  (including laptop) computers
to  Microsoft  NT  software  certified  by  Microsoft  Corporation  as Year 2000
compliant.  All of the Company's  engineering,  manufacturing,  final test,  and
repair computer  systems have been upgraded and tested for Y2k  compliance.  The
Company  presently  believes that the Year 2000 issue will not pose  significant
operational  problems for the Company due to planned  modifications  to existing
software,  and  conversions to new software  which have been  implemented or are
being implemented by the Company during the year.

         Key business partners

         The Company is in the process of conducting a  comprehensive  review of
its key business  partners,  including  customers,  suppliers  and  vendors,  to
identify those critical to the success of the Company's operations that may have
Year 2000 issues which could adversely affect the operations of the Company. The
Company  anticipates that its review will be completed by November 30, 1999. The
Company  presently  believes that the Year 2000 issue will not pose  significant
operational  problems  for the Company due to planned  modifications  by our key
business  partners to their  existing  systems and  conversions  to new software
which  have been  implemented  or are being  implemented  by the  Company's  key
business  partners  over the  next  year.  However,  if such  modifications  and
conversions are not completed in a timely manner, the Year 2000 issue may have a
material  adverse  impact on the  operations of the Company.  The Company cannot
give  assurance  the third  parties with whom it does  business will address any
Year 2000 issues in their own systems on a timely basis.



         The total cost  associated with required  modifications  to become Year
2000  compliant  is not  expected  to be  material  to the  Company's  financial
position.  At the present time, all costs  associated with the  installation and
upgrading of equipment and software have been related to routine upgrades of the
Company's business systems, which to date have been approximately  $110,000. The
Company  estimates the  remaining  cost  associated  with the  installation  and
upgrading of the equipment will be approximately  $25,000.  However, the Company
cannot give any assurance that  significant  costs  associated  with  unforeseen
circumstances will not significantly affect the future results of the Company.


         The Company has completed a comprehensive review of its products,  both
firmware and software, to insure that its products are Year 2000 compliant. This
was done to insure that the Company's  products are free of any Year 2000 issues
discussed  above.  The Company  believes  that the more  recent  versions of its
products are Year 2000  compliant,  meaning the products will perform  functions
correctly when processing  dates later than December 31, 1999. In order to avoid
difficulties, users will need to install the Year 2000 compliant versions of the
Company's  software or apply appropriate  patches to prior versions of software.
Full details on Year 2000 compliance of the Company's  various product lines and
software  version  releases are available on the  Company's web site.  Necessary
patches  are  available  on the web site to allow  customers  to  install  these
versions.  The Company's  products work in  conjunction  with network  operating
systems such as Novell NetWare and Microsoft Windows  95/98/NT,  and while these
products  appear  to  be  Year  2000   compliant,   the  Company  cannot  accept
responsibility  for Year 2000 compliance of any network  operating system or any
other  third  party  software  with  which  Castelle  software  interfaces.   If
modifications  or  upgrades  to  these  systems  are not  completed  in a timely
fashion, the Year 2000 issue may have a material adverse impact on the Company's
business, operating results and financial condition.

         Contingency Plans

         The  Company  has  developed  contingency  plans in the event  that the
Company's  systems or products prove to not be Year 2000 compliant.  The Company
has contingency plans in place for all specific client,  server,  hardware,  and
general network  infrastructure Year 2000 issues. Company has currently reviewed
its key business  activities  and developed  plans to support  ongoing  business
operations in the event of a disruption.  Based on its  assessment to date,  the
Company  presently  believes that the Year 2000 issue will not pose  significant
operational  problems  for  the  Company.  Although  the  Company  has  detailed
contingency  plans,  ongoing  evaluating  and testing of the  Company's  network
infrastructure  will  continue  up to and past the year  2000 to ensure a smooth
transition to the new millennium.


                           PART II - OTHER INFORMATION


(a)      Exhibits:

           27.1     Financial Data Schedule

           99.1     Press Release dated November 10, 1999

(b)      Reports on Form 8-K




         Pursuant to the  requirements  of the Securities  Exchange Act of 1934,
the  Registrant  has duly  caused  this report to be signed on its behalf by the
undersigned, thereunto duly authorized.


By:   /s/ Donald L. Rich                                 Date: November 12, 1999
      Donald L. Rich
      President, Chief Executive Officer and Director

By:   /s/ Laurie Gee                                     Date: November 12, 1999
      Laurie Gee
      Vice President of Finance and Administration
      (Principal Financial and Accounting Officer)
