COMPANIA MINERA EL BRONCE


                        CDE CHILEAN MINING CORPORATION


                        COEUR D'ALENE MINES CORPORATION

IN  SANTIAGO,  CHILE,  on August 30, 1996,  before me,  MARIA  GLORIA  ACHARAN
TOLEDO, Chilean, lawyer, national identification card No. 5,575,365-2,  Notary
Public of the Forty Second Notary of this Municipality, with office at No. 257
Teatinos St., there appear: MR. MAXIMILIANO CALLEJAS, Chilean, married, mining
execution  engineer,  national  identification  card No. 3,172,853;  Mrs. EDDA
CALLEJAS MIRANDA, Chilean, unmarried, agronomist, national identification card
No.  4,317,082-1  and Mrs.  VERONICA ROJAS CALLEJAS,  Chilean,  married mining
industrialist,  national identification card No. 6,062,614-6, as directors and
on  behalf,  as will be  evidenced,  of  COMPANIA  MINERA  EL  BRONCE,  mining
contractual  company engaged in the business  indicated in its name,  Taxpayer
number  80,482,100-0,  all domiciled in this city, at No. 240 Carmencita  St.,
Las Condes, for the one part; and for the other ALFREDO CRUZAT OSSA,  married,
geologist,  identification  card  No.  4,184,190-7,  on  behalf,  as  will  be
Agency  in  Chile,   foreign  stock   corporation   and  COEUR  D'ALENE  MINES
CORPORATION,  hereinafter "COEUR", foreign stock corporation constituted under
the laws

of the  State  of  Idaho,  United  States  of  America,  both  of the  mining,
industrial  and commercial  business,  all domiciled for these purposes at No.
133 La Gloria St., Las Condes,  Santiago,  the appearing parties of legal age,
who evidenced their identity with the respective cards and state:

FIRST Compania Minera CDE El Bronce is a contractual mining company, organized
by public  deed  delivered  on October  11, 1994 before the Notary of Santiago
Mrs.  Maria  Gloria  Acharan  Toleda,  registered  on folio  205 No. 59 of the
Register  of Mining  Property  of 1994 and on folio 9, 119 folio No. 20 of the
Register  of Mine  Shareholders  of 1994,  both of the  Custodian  of Mines of
Santiago,  The corporate interest of CDE El Bronce is divided into one hundred
share,  divided  into two series,  A and B, of which 99 shares of the A series
belong to Compania Minera El Bronce, while the remaining share called Series B
or  preferred  share,  belongs to CDE,  as is  evidenced  by the  registration
referred  to on  folio  9,119,  No.  9 of the  Shareholders'  Register  of the
Custodian of Mines of Santiago of the year 1994.

SECOND Compania Minera El Bronce sells,  assigns and transfers to CDE, for who
Mr. Alfredo Cruzat Ossa buys and accepts,  ninety eight ordinary shares called
Series A of  Compania  Minera CDE El Bronce.  Also  Compania  Minera El Bronce
hereby sells, assigns and transfers to COEUR, for whom Mr. Alfredo Cruzat Ossa
buys and accept one ordinary  share called Series A of Compania  Minera CDE El
Bronce.  As a consequence  of this purchase  sale,  the corporate  interest of
Compania Minera CDE El Bronce will be divided into one hundred shares of which
98 ordinary  shares called Series A and one preferred share of Series B belong
to CDE, while the remaining share which is ordinary of the Series A belongs to


THIRD The price of the  purchase  sale  amounts  to the sum of US  $2,558,361,
currency  of the  United  States of  America,  which is paid in this  act,  in
national  currency,   according  to  the  equivalence  of  the  exchange  rate
corresponding to the observed dollar of the business day immediately preceding
that of actual  payment,  which is 411,91 pesos per dollar,  so that the price
expressed  in  national  currency  that  is  paid  at  this  time  amounts  to
1,053,814.480  pesos.  This price is  distributed as follows US $25,998.58 per
share, CDE paying a total of US $2,547,860.84  dollars of the United States of
America  for the ninety  eight  ordinary  shares of Series A, that it acquires
hereby, and COEUR paying US $10,500.12 dollars of the United States of America
for the remaining ordinary share of the Series A that it acquires in this same
act. The seller receives such sums in cash and to its full satisfaction.

FOURTH CDE and COEUR,  as only  shareholders  and on behalf of Compania Minera
CDE El Bronce,  binds  themselves,  since  January 1, 1997, to pay to Compania
Minera El Bronce a royalty  equivalent  to three per cent of the "Net  Smelter
Return",  also called  indistinctly "NRS" from the produce of the sale of gold
concentrate, methalic gold, minerals or any other product or subproduct or net
income arising from smelting,  refining or sale of mineral product coming from
the mining concessions  identified in the first clause of the purchase sale of
mining  concessions  and other assets entered into between  Compania Minera El
Bronce and Compania  Minera CDE El Bronce,  by public deed of October 24, 1994
before the attesting  Notary.  This payment  shall be made  quarterly no later
that the 30 days  following  the expire of each calendar  quarter,  this being
calculated on the basis of the total production of the corresponding  quarter.
If there are no final liquidations with respect of the total of production the
royalty should be


calculated  and paid on the basis of the  amount  indicated  in the  provisory
liquidations,  being the balance due within ten business  days  following  the
final liquidation. Net income will be understood to be that which results from
deducting from the gross income the following  charges:  smelting and refining
expenses,  fines,  assay costs,  arbitration,  freight and handling of mineral
products  from  the mine to the  smelter,  refining  plant  or  other  type of
establishment of the buyer of the products,  including insurance customs costs
and taxes applied to such product. In the case the smelting and/or refining is
made in  installations  owned or controlled by Compania  Minera CDE El Bronce,
CDE,  COEUR  or its  assignees,  the  charges  penalties,  and  costs  of said
operations  shall be the same as those that would have been  incurred  if said
operation  where  made  in  installations  of  third  parties,  doing  similar
processes for comparable  products,  in accordance to usual market terms.  For
these purposes the gross price of the gold minerals shall be the price of gold
according  to the  international  pricing  indicated  in the Metals Week - and
indicates  minerals that are not gold, the price  indicated in Metals Week for
said minerals-which average for the corresponding  quarter,  multiplied by the
total number of ounces of fine gold - or amount of fine or other minerals,  if
applicable - certify or acknowledge by the smelter  refiner or other purchaser
reliable of these minerals during the corresponding  quarter.  Compania Minera
El Bronce shall have the right to request and review the NRS liquidations, and
shall have access to the  documentation  on  production,  sales and accounting
which is necessary to verify the calculation of the amount referred to in this
clause. If Compania Minera El Bronce does not agree with the calculations,  or
if deems so necessary by whatever reasons,  it may request at any time, and in
its own  expense,  if auditing by  independent  auditors,


and any adjustment  derived from the  determination  of said auditors shall be
included in the liquidation  corresponding to the next payment period, without
prejudice to the right of the parties to request arbitration. If this value is
not paid in a timely  manner,  Compania  Minera El Bronce  will be entitled to
demand its  payment  before the  arbitrator  but will not give it the right to
demand the resolution of this  purchase-sale of shares. In cases of delay, the
owed amount  shall accrue the maximum  interest  applicable  to  non-indexated
operations, between the dates said amounts where due and the date of effective
payment.  In the event  Compania  Minera  CDE El Bronce  transfer  the  mining
concession specified hereinabove, it shall transfer the obligation to pay this
royalty together to said concession,  and the purchasers or assignees shall be
bound  to  Compania  Minera  El  Bronce  in  the  same  terms  and  conditions
established  before.  In all cases, the obligation to pay the royalty shall be
non  divisible.  CDE and  COEUR,  or  their  successors  or  assignees  in the
ownership of their shares in Compania Minera CDE El Bronce,  may not adopt any
resolution, either it means or not the transfer of said concessions, which may
affect or  prejudice  the right of Compania  Minera CDE El Bronce with respect
the royalty.

FIFTH  Compania  Minera  El  Bronce  states  that the  share  subject  of this
agreement,  that represent  ninety nine per cent of the corporate  interest of
Compania  Minera  CDE El Bronce,  as well as the  claims  and  mining  rights,
superficial lands and water rights owned by Compania Minera CDE El Bronce, are
not  liable  to  chattel  mortgages,  mortgages,  prohibitions,  lawsuits,  or
embargoes,  nor are there rights of third  parties  disposal.  The seller will
respond for the clearance of title and  redhibitory  defects  according to the


SIXTH The parties state that this  purchase  sale  agreement on all the shares
owned by Compania  Minera El Bronce in Compania  Minera CDE El Bronce,  covers
the shares included in the irrevocable  option agreement  entered into between
Compania Minera El Bronce an CDE, the latter as beneficiary of the option,  by
public  deed  delivered  before  the  attesting  Notary on October  24,  1994.
Consequently,  both  parties  agree to  resolve  or leave  completely  without
effect, by mutual agreement,  such irrevocable  option agreement,  giving each
other full,  total  reciprocal and final release of the rights and obligations
of that  agreement,  both parties  stating that they owe nothing to each other
nor do they have any claim to make or action to exercise in this connection.

SEVENTH  Minutes of  Shareholders  Meeting of  Compania  Minera CDE El Bronce.
Attached to this public deed.

EIGHT Any  difficulty,  discrepancy  or  conflict  that may arise  between the
parties  as  a  result  of  the  application,   interpretation,   performance,
nonperformance, validity, efficacy, nullity or any other reason in relation to
this  agreement,  will be solved  between  the  parties  directly,  within the
briefest  time  possible,  and in the event this does not occur within  thirty
days since the date on which either of the parties  gives notice in writing to
the other of its  intention to settle the  difficulties  that have arisen in a
friendly  manner,  the  discrepancies  will be subject to the  cognizance  and
resolution of an  arbitrator  ex aequo et bono,  for which purpose the parties
hereby appoint Mr. Sergio Urrejola  Monokeberg,  against whose resolutions and
award there will be no appeal,  including  annulment and complaint,  which the
parties waive in  anticipation,  and also waive all the casuals of implication
or  recusation,  present or future,  whether or


not the parties knew could be brought  against the  arbitrators.  In the event
the arbitrator  appointed cannot or does not with to perform the office,  this
will be  exercised  by Mr.  Pedro Doren  Swett,  with these same  authorities,
qualities  and  making  extensive  in this  respect  the  waiver of reasons of
implication  or  recusation  and  remedies  against  his  resolutions.  If the
arbitrators  appointed  cannot  or do not  wish to  perform  the  office,  the
arbitrator will be appointed by Ordinary Justice and will act as arbitrator at

NINTH  For all  purposes  derived  from this  agreement,  the  parties  set up
conventional  domicile  in  the  city  and  commune  of  Santiago  and  extend
competence before their Tribunals.

TENTH All the expenses,  taxes  notarial dues and other charges that may arise
as a result of the delivery of this agreement, and all those that are required
for the registration hereof, will be for account of the buyer.

ELEVENTH The bearer of a certified  coy of this public deed is  authorized  to
request  and  sign  all  the  registrations,   subregistratons   and  marginal
annotations that may be pertinent in the respective registers of the competent

Powers of Attorney are inserted
Signatures of appearing parties followed at the end of the public deed.
