AND PROHIBITIONS

                           COMPANIA MINERA EL BRONCE

IN  SANTIAGO,  CHILE,  on August 30, 1996,  before me,  MARIA  GLORIA  ACHARAN
TOLEDO, Chilean, lawyer, national identification card No. 5,575,365-2,  Notary
Public of the forty  second  Notary of this  Municipality,  with office at No.
259, Teatinos St., there appear Mr. HOMERO CALLEJAS MOLINA,  Chilean,  maried,
mining industrial,  identification card No.  3,172,848-7,  and Mr. MAXIMILIANO
CALLEJAS CALLEJAS,  Chilean,  married, mining industrial,  identification card
No. 3,172,853-3,  and Mr. PAULINO NOEMI CALLEJAS< Chilean,  maried,  commercil
engineer,  identification  card No.  3,173,026-0,  all on behalf  of  COMPANIA
MINERA EL BRONCE,  all domiciled at No. 240  Carmencita  St. of this city, the
appearing parties of legal age; and Mr. HECTOR ARAYA MUNOZ, Chilean,  married,
civil engineer,  identification  card No.  4,060,514-2,  on behalf of COMPANIA
MINERA CDE EL BRONCE,  both  domiciled at No. 133, La Gloria of this city, the
appearing  parties of legal age, who have  evidenced  their  identity with the
aforementioned cards and state:

FIRST:  By public deed delivered in this Notary on October 24, 1994,  Compania
Minera El Bronce and  Compania  Minera CDE El Bronce  entered  into a Purchase
Sale Agreement for Mining claims, concessions,  manifestations,  petitions and
mining shares, and of property, installations, machinery,


equipment and assets that form part of the  Mine-Plant  Complex El Bronce,  of
Petorca.  According to the fourth clause of such deed,  Compania Minera CDE El
Bronce  must pay to  Compania  Minera El Bronce  the price  stipulated  in the
purchase sale agreement in five installments,  indicated in letters a), b), c)
d) and e).

SECOND:  Mr. Hector Araya Munoz,  on behalf of Compania  Minera CDE El Bronce,
and the representatives of Compania Minera El Bronce identified hereinabove in
this public deed, state that on this same date and before the same Notary they
have executed a purchase and sale contract by means of which  Compania  Minera
El Bronce has sold and  transferred  all its shares in Compania  Minera CDE El
Bronce  to  CDE  Chilean  Mining   Corporation  and  to  Coeur  d'Alene  Mines
Corporation,  and in such same  instrument  they have stated that they deem as
fulfilled  the  contract of  irrevocable  option to purchase  shares  executed
between Compania Minera El Bronce and CDE Chilean Mining  Corporation by means
of public  deed of October 24,  1994  before  this same  Notary  Public.  As a
consequence  of the above,  the  parties  agree to modify  clause  four of the
purchase and sale  contract  identified  in clause  first of this  instrument,
amending  the form of  payment  of the fifth  installment  of payment of price
established  in paragraph 3) of said clause four as its payment was to be made
in the form  established in the irrevocable  option  contract,  which form the
parties agree to leave without effect,  and,  instead the parties hereby agree
that the payment of the fifth  installment shall be made in this act, in cash.
Consequently,  the parties agree to replace the entire text of said  paragraph
3) of clause four by the following: "e)


With the amount of  US$6,991,639,  which  shall be paid no later than July 25,

THIRD:  Compania Mineral El Bronce states that on this date it has received to
its full satisfaction  from the attesting Notary,  who in turn has received it
from Compania Minera CDE El Bronce,  the full and actual payment of the fourth
and fifth  installments  of price  indicated  under  letters  d) and e) in the
fourth  clause of the  purchase-sale  agreement  identified  in the  preceding
clause,  installment  which amounts to the equivalent in national  currency of
three million eight  hundred and sixty six thousand  seven hundred  dollars of
the United  States of America,  and the  equivalent  in  national  currency of
US$6,991,639  through the delivery of a sight bank draft. This sum corresponds
to the  equivalent in legal  national  currency of the  aforementioned  amount
according to the "observed  dollar"  exchange rate  established by the Central
Bank of Chile in effect on the business day prior to the date of payment.

FOURTH:  Compania  Minera El  Bronce,  states  that  prior to this date it has
received,  to his full satisfaction the first three  installments of the price
of the purchase-sale  identified in the first clause above, that it is to say,
the  installments  corresponding  to letters a,b and c of the fourth clause of
the aforementioned purchase sale deed.

FIFTH:  Compania Minera El Bronce,  states that having received the payment of
the five  installments  of the price of the purchase  sale  identified  in the
first clause hereof,  the null price of such purchase sale is considered paid,
stating that nothing is owed to Compania  Minera El Bronce


and that the latter has no claim to make or action to take with respect to the
same purchase sale or any other reason.

SIXTH:  Compania Minera El Bronce,  having received the payment referred to in
this  instrument,  hereby releases the mortgage,  chattel  mortgages,  without
conveyance and  prohibitions  set up to Compania Minera CDE El Bronce in favor
of Compania  Minera El Bronce to guarantee to the latter of the payment of all
and each one of the  installments  of the balance of the price of the purchase
sale  and of the  rest of the  obligations  contracted  in the  purchase  sale
agreement  to which  reference is made in the first  clause  hereof,  mortgage
chattel  mortgages  without  conveyance and  prohibitions  that were set up by
public deed  delivered  on October 24,  1994 before the  attesting  Notary and
where the assets given in this act. (Identification of released assets follows
in the Spanish version of this clause).

SEVENTH:  The bearer of a certified copy of this deed is authorized to request
the publications and  registrations,  subregistrations  and annotations in the
registers and publications that my be pertinent.  In witness whereof and after
reading, the appearing parties sign. Copy is given. Attest.






         Hector Araya Munoz
