Exhibit 3.7


                            (a Delaware corporation)


     Section 1.01 Place, Date, and Time of Meeting. Meetings of the stockholders
of the Corporation shall be held at such place, date and time as may be fixed by
the Board of Directors. If no place is so fixed they shall be held at the office
of the Corporation in Providence, Rhode Island.

     Section  1.02  Annual  and  Special   Meetings.   The  annual   meeting  of
stockholders  for the election of  directors  and the  transaction  of any other
business  which may be brought  before the  meeting  shall,  unless the Board of
Directors shall determine otherwise,  be held at 10:00 A.M. on the first Tuesday
in May in each year,  if not a legal holiday under the laws of Rhode Island and,
if a legal holiday, then on the next secular day following.

     Special Meetings of the  stockholders  for any purpose or purposes,  unless
otherwise  prescribed by statute or by the Certificate of Incorporation,  may be
called by the  President or Secretary at the request in writing of a majority of
the Board of Directors.  Any such request shall state the purpose or purposes of
the proposed meeting.

     Section  1.03 Notice of  Meeting.  Notice of all  meetings of  stockholders
shall be given to each  stockholder of record entitled to vote at the meeting at
least ten days prior to the day named for the meeting unless a greater period of
notice is by law required in a particular case.

     Section  1.04  Organization.  At  every  meeting  of the  stockholders  the
Chairman,  or in his absence the President,  or in his absence a Vice President,
or in the absence of the Chairman, the President, and all the Vice Presidents, a
chairman chosen by the stockholders,  shall act as chairman;  and the Secretary,
or in his absence a person appointed by the chairman, shall act as Secretary.

     Section 1.05 Quorum; Voting. Except as otherwise specified herein or in the
Certificate of  Incorporation  or provided by law, (a) a quorum shall consist of
the holders of a majority of the stock  issued and  outstanding  and entitled to
vote,  and (b) when a quorum is present all matters shall be decided by the vote
of the holders of a majority of the stock having  voting power present in person
or by proxy.

     In each election of directors,  the candidates receiving the highest number
of votes, up to the number of directors to be elected in such election, shall be

     Section 1.06 Procedure for  Nomination of Candidates  for Director.  (a) No
person shall be eligible for election as a director at a meeting of stockholders
unless he has been duly nominated in accordance with the procedure  specified in
paragraph (b) of this section.

          (b) The chairman  shall  announce at the meeting of  stockholders  the
number of  directors  to be  elected  at the  meeting,  shall  declare  that the
nominations  of candidates  for election as director are open and shall call for
nominations  from the floor.  Nominations  may be made by any stockholder of the
Corporation  or his proxy who is present at the  meeting in person.  Nominations
need not be seconded.  After  nominations  have been made the chairman shall, on
motion, declare the nominations closed and thereafter no further nominations may
be made.

     Section  1.07  Participation  in  Meetings.  One or more  stockholders  may
participate in a meeting of the stockholders by means of conference telephone or
similar  communications  equipment  by which all  persons  participating  in the
meeting can hear each other.

     Section 2. DIRECTORS

     Section  2.01  Number and Term of Office.  The number of  directors  of the
Corporation shall be two or such greater number, not to exceed nine, as shall be
designated  from time to time by standing  resolution of the Board of Directors.
Each director shall be elected for the term of one year or until the next annual
Stockholders  meeting  and  shall  serve  until his  successor  is  elected  and
qualified or until his earlier death, resignation or removal.

     Section  2.02  Resignations.  Any director may resign at any time by giving
written notice to the Board of Directors,  to the Chairman, the President, or to
the Secretary.  Such resignation shall take effect at the time of the receipt of
such  notice or at any later  time  specified  therein;  and,  unless  otherwise
specified therein,  the acceptance of such resignation shall not be necessary to
make it effective.

     Any vacancy in the Board of Directors  resulting  from death,  resignation,
increase in the authorized  number of directors in the office or otherwise,  may
be filled for the unexpired  term by a majority vote of the remaining  directors
in office, although less than a quorum.

     Section 2.03 Annual Meeting.  As promptly as practicable  after each annual
election  of  directors,  the Board of  Directors  shall meet for the purpose of
organization,  election of officers and the transaction of other business at the
place where such election of directors was held. Notice of such meeting need not
be given.  In the absence of a quorum at said  meeting,  the same may be held at
any  other  time and  place  which  shall  be  specified  in a  notice  given as
hereinafter provided for special meetings of the Board of Directors.

     Section 2.04 Regular  Meetings.  Regular meetings of the Board of Directors
may be held without  notice at such time and place as shall from time to time be
determined by the Board.

     Section 2.05 Special  Meetings.  Special meetings of the Board of Directors
may be called by the Chairman, the President,  by a Vice President, or by two or
more of the  directors,  and  shall be held at such  time and  place as shall be
designated in the call for the meeting.

     Notice of each special meeting shall be given by mail,  courier,  telegram,
telex,  telephone  or orally,  by or at the  direction  of the person or persons
authorized to call such meeting, to each director, prior to the meeting.

     Section 2.06 Organization. Every meeting of the Board of Directors shall be
presided  over by the  Chairman of the Board,  if one has been  selected  and is
present,  and, if not, the  President,  or in the absence of the Chairman of the
Board and the President, a Vice President,  or in the absence of the Chairman of
the Board, the President,  and all the Vice  Presidents,  a chairman chosen by a
majority of the directors  present.  The Secretary,  or in his absence, a person
appointed by the Chairman, shall act as secretary.

     Section  2.07  Participation  in  Meetings.   One  or  more  directors  may
participate  in a meeting of the Board of  Directors or a committee of the Board
by means of conference  telephone or similar  communications  equipment by which
all person participating in the meeting can hear each other.

     Section  2.08  Quorum;  Voting.  One-third of the total number of directors
shall  constitute  a quorum  for the  transaction  of  business  by the Board of
Directors, and one-third of the total number of directors who are members of any
committee designated under Section 2.09 hereof shall constitute a quorum for the
transaction  of  business  by said  Committee.  The  vote of a  majority  of the
directors  present at any meeting of the Board of Directors or of any  aforesaid
committee  at which there is a quorum shall be the act of the Board of Directors
or said committee,  as the case may be, except as may be otherwise  specifically
provided by statute or by the Certificate of Incorporation.  If quorum shall not
be present at any meeting of the Board of Directors or of a aforesaid committee,
the directors present thereat may adjourn the meeting from time to time, without
notice other than announcement at the meeting, until a quorum shall be present.

     Section 2.09 Committees.  The Board of Directors may, by resolution  passed
by the entire Board, designate one or more committees, each committee to consist
of one or  more  of the  directors  of the  Corporation,  which,  to the  extent
provided in the resolution and permitted by law, shall have and may exercise the
powers of the Board of Directors in the  management  of the business and affairs
of the  Corporation  and may authorize the seal of the Corporation to be affixed
to all papers which may require it. Such committee or committees shall have such
name or names as may be determined  from time to time by  resolution  adopted by
the Board of  Directors.  Each  committee  shall  keep  regular  minutes  of its
meetings and report the same to the Board of Directors when required.

     Section 2.10 Compensation of Directors.  Each director shall be entitled to
receive  such  compensation,  if any,  as may from  time to time be fixed by the
Board of Directors.  Directors may also be reimbursed by the Corporation for all
reasonable expenses incurred in attending meetings or the Board or any committee
thereof of which they are members or otherwise  incurred in the  performance  of
their duties as directors.

     Section 3. OFFICERS.

     Section 3.01 Number and  Qualifications.  The  officers of the  Corporation
shall be a Chairman  of the Board,  a  President,  one or more Vice  Presidents,
Secretary,  a Treasurer,  and such other officers as may be elected or appointed
in accordance  with the provisions of Section 3.02  herein.  One person may hold
more than one office. Officers shall be natural persons of full age.

     Section 3.02  Additional  Officers and Agents.  The Board of Directors may,
from time to time, elect such other officers and appoint such other agents as it
deems necessary,  who shall hold their offices for such terms and shall exercise
such powers and perform such duties as are provided in these Buy-Laws, or as the
Board may,  from time to time,  determine.  The Board also may  delegate  to any
officer the power to appoint and remove  subordinate  officers  and to,  retain,
appoint and remove other agents, and to prescribe the authority,  term of office
and duties of such subordinate officers and other agents.

     Section 3.03 Election and Term of Office.  The officers of the Corporation,
except those appointed by delegated  authority pursuant to Section 3.02  herein,
shall be elected by the Board of Directors at its annual meeting,  but the Board
may elect  officers or fill  vacancies  among the officers at any other meeting.
Subject to earlier termination of office, each elected officer shall hold office
for one year and until his successor shall have been elected and qualified.

     Section  3.04  Resignations.  Any  officer may resign at any time by giving
written  notice  to the  Board  of  Directors,  or to the  President,  or to the
Secretary of the Corporation. Any such resignation shall take effect at the time
of receipt of such notice or at any later time specified  therein;  and,  unless
otherwise  specified  therein,  the acceptance of such resignation  shall not be
necessary to make it effective.

     Section 3.05 Removal.  Any officer may be removed at any time,  either with
or without cause, by the vote of a majority of the Board of Directors.

     Section 3.06 Chairman of the Board. The Chairman of the Board shall preside
at the meetings of the Board of Directors.  The Chairman also shall perform such
other  duties as may be  specified  by the Board from time to time and as do not
conflict with the duties of the President.

     Section 3.07 The President.  The President shall be chief executive officer
of the  Corporation  and shall have  general  supervision  over the business and
operations of the Corporation,  subject, however, to the control of the Board of
Directors.  He  shall  sign,  execute,  and  acknowledge,  in  the  name  of the
Corporation,   deeds,  mortgages,   bonds,  contracts,   and  other  instruments
authorized by the Board, except in cases where the signing and execution thereof
shall  be  delegated  by the  Board  to  some  other  officer  or  agent  of the
Corporation; and, in general, he shall perform all duties incident to the office
of President,  and such other duties as from time to time may be assigned to him
by the Board.

     Section 3.08 Vice  Presidents.  The Vice  Presidents  in the order of their
seniority,  unless otherwise determined by the Board of Directors, shall, in the
absence or  disability  of the  President,  perform the duties and  exercise the
powers of the  President  and such other  duties as,  from time to time,  may be
assigned to them by the Board, the Chairman, or the President.

     Section 3.09 The Secretary. The Secretary shall record all the votes of the
stockholders  and of the  directors  and  the  minutes  of the  meetings  of the
stockholders  and of the  directors  in a book  or  books  to be kept  for  that
purpose; he shall see that notices of meetings of the stockholders and the Board
are given and that all records and  reports are  properly  kept and filed by the
Corporation  as required by law;  he shall be the  custodian  of the seal of the
Corporation  and shall see that it is affixed to all documents to be executed on
behalf of the Corporation under its seal, and, in general,  he shall perform all
duties  incident to the office of  Secretary,  and such other duties as may from
time to time be assigned to him by the Board of  Directors,  the Chairman or the

     Section 3.10  Assistant  Secretaries.  In the absence or  disability of the
Secretary or when so directed by the  Secretary,  any  Assistant  Secretary  may
perform all the duties of the Secretary, and, when so acting, shall have all the
powers of,  and be subject to all the  restrictions  upon,  the  Secretary.  The
Assistant  Secretaries  shall perform such other duties as from time to time may
be assigned to them  respectively by the Board of Directors,  the Chairman,  the
President, or the Secretary.

     Section 3.11 The Treasurer. The Treasurer shall have charge of all receipts
and  disbursements  of the Corporation and shall have or provide for the custody
of its funds and  securities;  he shall have full  authority to receive and give
receipts  for all money  due and  payable  to the  Corporation,  and to  endorse
checks,  drafts,  and  warrants  in its name and on its  behalf and to give full
discharge for the same; he shall  deposit all funds of the  Corporation,  except
such as may be  required  for  current  use,  in such  banks or other  places of
deposit  as the Board of  Directors  may from time to time  designate;  and,  in
general,  he shall  perform all duties  incident to the office of Treasurer  and
such other  duties as may from time to time be  assigned  to him by the Board of
Directors, the Chairman or the President.

     Section 3.12  Assistant  Treasurers.  In the absence or  disability  of the
Treasurer or when so directed by the  Treasurer,  any  Assistant  Treasurer  may
perform all the duties of the Treasurer, and, when so acting, shall have all the
powers of,  and be subject to all the  restrictions  upon,  the  Treasurer.  The
Assistant Treasurers shall perform such other duties as from time to time may be
assigned to them  respectively  by the Board of  Directors,  the  Chairman,  the
President or the Treasurer.

     Section 3.13  Compensation of Officers and Others.  The compensation of all
officers  shall be  determined  by the Board of  Directors,  or any committee or
officer  authorized  by the Board to do so. No officer  shall be precluded  from
receiving such  compensation  by reason of the fact he is also a director of the

     Additional  compensation,  determined as above provided, may be paid to any
officers  or  employees  for any year or years,  based  upon the  success of the
operations of the Corporation during such period.


     Section 4.01 Right to Indemnification.  The Corporation shall indemnify, to
the full extent provided by the Delaware General Corporation law, any person who
was or is a party or is threatened to be made a party to any threatened, pending
or completed action, suit or proceeding, whether civil, criminal, administrative
or investigative,  by reason of the fact that he is or was a director or officer
of the Corporation,  or is or was serving at the request of the Corporation as a
director or officer of another corporation, partnership, joint venture, trust or
other enterprise.

     Section 4.02 Payment of Expenses in Advance. Expenses incurred in defending
an action,  suit or proceeding  referred to in  Section 4.01  may be paid by the
Corporation  in  advance  of the  final  disposition  of  such  action,  suit or
proceeding as authorized by the Board of Directors, by the stockholders, or by a
court,  upon  receipt  of an  undertaking  by or on  behalf of the  director  or
officer,  to repay such amount unless it shall  ultimately be determined that he
is entitled to be indemnified by the Corporation as authorized in this section.

     Section  4.03   Procedure.   On  the  request  of  any  person   requesting
indemnification  under Section 4.01 or an advance under Section 4.02,  the Board
of Directors or a Committee thereof shall determine whether such indemnification
or advance is  permissible  or such  determination  shall be made by independent
legal  counsel if the Board or committee so directs or if the Board or committee
is not empowered by statute to make such determination.

     Section 4.04 Other Rights.  The  indemnification  provided by these By-Laws
shall not be deemed  exclusive  of any  other  rights to which a person  seeking
indemnification  may  be  entitled  under  any  statute,   agreement,   vote  of
stockholders or disinterested  directors,  or otherwise both as to action in his
official  capacity  and as to action in  another  capacity  while  holding  such
office,  and shall  continue  as to a person who has ceased to be a director  or
officer  and  shall  inure  to  the   benefit  of  the  heirs,   executors   and
administrators of such a person.

     Section 4.05 Insurance.  The  Corporation  shall have power to purchase and
maintain  insurance  on behalf of any person who is or was a director or officer
of the  Corporation or is or was serving at the request of the  Corporation as a
director, officer, employee or agent of another corporation,  partnership, joint
venture,  trust or other enterprise,  against any liability asserted against him
and incurred by him in any such capacity,  or arising out of his status as such,
whether or not the  Corporation  would have the power to  indemnify  him against
such liability under the provisions of these By-Laws.

     Section 4.06  Indemnification  of Fiduciaries under Employee Benefit Plans.
For purposes only of Section 4.01 through 4.05 of these By-Laws, (a) each person
who is or was a director,  officer or employee of the  corporation or any of its
subsidiaries  and is or was a "fiduciary"  with regard to any "employee  benefit
plan" of the Corporation or any of its  subsidiaries  (as such terms are defined
in Sections  3(21) and 3(3),  respectively,  of the Employee  Retirement  Income
Security Act of 1974) shall be deemed,  with respect to such service and status,
to be an officer of the corporation  serving as an officer of another enterprise
at the request of the  Corporation,  (b) excise taxes  assessed on such a person
with  respect to any employee  benefit plan  pursuant to said Act of Congress be
deemed  "fines",  (c) action taken or committed by such a person with respect to
an  employee  benefit  plan in the  performance  of such  person's  duties for a
purpose  reasonably  believed  by  such  person  to be in  the  interest  of the
participants  and  beneficiaries of the plan shall be deemed to be for a purpose
which is not  opposed  to the best  interests  of the  Corporation,  and (d) the
rights of such persons to  indemnification  by the Corporation  will be governed
by, and  administered in accordance  with,  Sections 4.01  through 4.05 of these


     Section 5.01 Stock  Certificates.  Every stockholder shall be entitled to a
stock  certificate or  certificates in such form as the Board of Directors shall
prescribe  certifying  the number of shares of capital stock of the  Corporation
owned by such stockholder.  Stock  certificates shall be signed by the Chairman,
the  President or Vice  President  and by the  Secretary or the  Treasurer or an
Assistant  Secretary or an Assistant  Treasurer of the Corporation,  but, to the
extent permitted by law, such signatures may be facsimiles, engraved or printed.

     Section 5.02  Transfer of Stocks.  Transfer of stock  certificates  and the
shares represented  thereby shall be made only upon surrender to the Corporation
or a transfer  agent of the  Corporation  of a  certificate  for the shares duly
endorsed  or  accompanied  by  proper  evidence  of  succession,  assignment  or
authority to transfer.

     Section 5.03 Fixing Date for  Determination of Stockholders of Record.  The
Board of Directors may fix in advance a date, which shall not be more than sixty
or less than ten days before the date of any meeting of  stockholders,  nor more
that  sixty  days  prior  to  any  other  action,  as  a  record  date  for  the
determination  of the  stockholders  entitled  to notice of, and to vote at, any
such meeting, and any adjournment thereof, or entitled to receive payment of any
dividend or other  distribution,  or any allotment of rights, or to exercise the
rights in respect of any change or conversion or exchange of capital  stock,  or
to give any  consent  of  stockholders  for any  purpose,  and in such case such
stockholders  and only such  stockholders  as shall be stockholders of record on
the date so fixed  shall be  entitled  to such  notice of, and to vote at,  such
meeting and any adjournment  thereof,  or to receive payment of such dividend or
other distribution,  or to receive such allotment of rights, or to exercise such
rights,  or to give such  consent,  as the case  may,  be,  notwithstanding  any
transfer of any stock on the books of the Corporation after any such record date
fixed as aforesaid.

     Section 5.04. Registered Stockholders. The Corporation shall be entitled to
recognize the exclusive  right of a person  registered on its books as the owner
of stock to receive  dividends  and to vote as such owner and shall not be bound
to  recognize  any  equitable or other claim to or interest in such stock on the
part of any other  person,  whether or not it shall have express or other notice
thereof, except as otherwise provided by the laws of Delaware.

     Section 5.05 Transfer Agent and  Registrar;  Regulations.  The  corporation
may, if and  whenever the Board of Directors  so  determines,  maintain,  in the
State of Delaware, or any other state of the United States, one or more transfer
offices or agencies, each in charge of a Transfer Agent designated by the Board,
where the stock of the  Corporation  shall be  transferable.  If the Corporation
maintains  one or more such  transfer  offices or agencies,  it also may, if and
whenever  the Board of Directors so  determines,  maintain one or more  registry
offices each in charge of a Registrar  designated by the Board, where such stock
shall be registered.  No certificates for stock of the Corporation in respect of
which a  Transfer  Agent  shall  have  been  designated  shall be  valid  unless
countersigned  by such  Transfer  Agent,  and no  certificates  for stock of the
Corporation in respect of which both a Transfer Agent and a Registrar shall have
been designated  shall be valid unless  countersigned by such Transfer Agent and
registered by such  Registrar.  To the extent  permitted by law, such signatures
may be facsimiles,  engraved or printed. The Board may also make such additional
rules and  regulations as it may deem expedient  concerning the issue,  transfer
and registration of stock certificates.

     Section  5.06 Lost,  Destroyed  and  Mutilated  Certificates.  The Board of
Directors,  by standing  resolution or by resolutions with respect to particular
cases,  may  authorize the issuance of new stock  certificates  in lieu of stock
certificates  allegedly  lost,  destroyed  or  mutilated,  upon  such  terms and
conditions as the Board may direct.

     Section 6. AMENDMENTS

     Section 6.01 By Stockholders or Directors.  Any or all of the provisions of
these  By-Laws,  whether  contractual  in  nature or  merely  regulatory  of the
internal  affairs of the  Corporation,  may be amended  or  repealed,  except as
otherwise  provided  by law or by the  Certificate  of  Incorporation:  (a) by a
majority vote of the total number of directors;  (b) by vote of the stockholders
entitled  to cast at lease a majority of the votes  which all  stockholders  are
entitled to cast  thereon,  in either case at any regular  meeting duly convened
after notice of such purpose to the directors or  stockholders,  as the case may
be; or (c) by the consent of the directors or stockholders,  as the case may be,
as and to the extent permitted by the Delaware General Corporation Law.