WASHINGTON, DC 20549

                            SCHEDULE 14C INFORMATION

                     OF THE SECURITIES EXCHANGE ACT OF 1934

Check the appropriate box:

[ ]  Preliminary Information Statement
[ ]  Confidential, for Use of the Commission Only (as permitted by Rule
[x]  Definitive Information Statement

                             USAA MUTUAL FUNDS TRUST
                (name of registrant as specified in the charter)

Payment of Filing Fee (Check the appropriate box):

[x] No fee required

[ ] Fee computed on table below per Exchange Act Rules 14c-5(g) and 0-11.

(1)    Title of each class of securities to which transaction applies:

(2)    Aggregate number of securities to which transaction applies:

(3)    Per unit  price  or other  underlying  value  of  transaction  computed
       pursuant to  Exchange  Act Rule 0-11 (Set forth the amount on which the
       filing fee is calculated and state how it was determined):

(4)    Proposed maximum aggregate value of transaction: $__________________

(5)    Total fee paid: $____________________

[  ]   Fee paid previously with preliminary materials.

[  ]   Check box if any part of the fee is offset as provided by Exchange Act
       Rule 0-11(a)(2) and identify the filing for which the offsetting fee was
       paid previously. Identify the previous filing by registration statement
       number, or the Form or Schedule and the date of its filing.

(1) Amount Previously Paid:
(2) Form, Schedule or Registration Statement No.:
(3) Filing Party:
(4) Date Filed:

LOGO (R)]                     INFORMATION STATEMENT
                          REGARDING A SUBADVISER CHANGE

The USAA  Total Return Strategy  Fund's Board of Trustees  (the Board)  approved
Credit Suisse Securities (USA) LLC (CSSU) for its Volaris Volatility  Management
Group (Volaris  Group) as an additional  new subadviser of the USAA Total Return
Strategy  Fund (the  Fund)  effective  on  October  1,  2007.  This  Information
Statement is being provided to you in lieu of a proxy statement  pursuant to the
terms of an exemptive  order that the Fund has received from the  Securities and
Exchange  Commission.  The exemptive  order permits USAA  Investment  Management
Company (IMCO) to change subadvisers of the Fund without first calling a special
shareholders  meeting  and  obtaining  shareholder  approval.  Pursuant  to  the
exemptive  order,  however,  the Fund has agreed to provide certain  information
about  new  subadvisers  and  new  subadvisory   agreements  to  its  investors.
Accordingly,  shareholders  are not being asked to vote on the hiring of the new
subadviser  or the  subadvisory  agreement  with  the  new  subadviser,  but are
encouraged to review this Information Statement.


This Information  Statement is first being delivered to shareholders on or about
December 29, 2007.

                              BETWEEN IMCO AND CSSU


     In an effort to reduce portfolio volatility over time, IMCO determined that
     it could be  beneficial  to implement an index  option-based  strategy in a
     portion of the Fund's  assets.  Therefore,  IMCO  solicited  proposals from
     firms in the business of managing such index  option-based  strategies that
     were  in-line  with the  objectives  of the  Fund.  After  reviewing  these
     proposals, IMCO believed that engaging CSSU was the best

     option for the Fund and asked the Fund's Board to approve  entering into an
     agreement with CSSU to provide  investment  advisory  services to the Fund.
     IMCO will continue to oversee the  management if the Fund as the investment


     Under the Investment Subadvisory  Agreement,  IMCO will employ CSSU for its
     Volaris  Volatility  Management  Group  (Volaris  Group) to manage an index
     option-based   risk  management   strategy  for  the  Fund.  CSSU  will  be
     responsible  for, among other things,  implementing  an index  option-based
     strategy by selling  index call options and buying index put options or put
     spread  options,  subject to the supervision and monitoring of IMCO and the
     oversight of the Fund's Board.  IMCO, and not the Fund, will be responsible
     for paying all fees  charged by CSSU for these  subadvisory  services.  Any
     description  of the  Investment  Subadvisory  Agreement set forth herein is
     qualified in its entirety by the actual Investment  Subadvisory  Agreement,
     which is attached as Exhibit A.


     The  Investment  Subadvisory  Agreement took effect on October 1, 2007, and
     will remain in effect for an initial  two-year  period  ending on September
     30, 2009.  Thereafter,  the Investment  Subadvisory Agreement will continue
     automatically  for  successive  years,  provided  that  it is  specifically
     approved at least annually by a vote of a majority of the Board members who
     are not "interested persons" as that term is defined in Section 2(a)(19) of
     the  Investment  Company Act of 1940  (Independent  Board Members) and by a
     majority  of all  Board  members.  The Fund may  terminate  the  Investment
     Subadvisory  Agreement,  without  penalty,  by a vote of a majority  of the
     Independent  Board  Members  or  by  vote  of  a  majority  of  the  Fund's
     outstanding  shares as defined  under the  Investment  Company Act of 1940,
     without  penalty,  on not more than 60 days' written  notice to IMCO and/or
     CSSU. IMCO may at any time terminate the Investment  Subadvisory Agreement,
     without penalty,


     by written notice to CSSU.  CSSU may terminate the  Investment  Subadvisory
     Agreement,  without  penalty,  by not less than 90 days' written  notice to
     IMCO. The Investment  Subadvisory  Agreement  automatically  will terminate
     without penalty in the event of its assignment.


     No, the Investment  Subadvisory  Agreement will not affect the Fund's total
     expense  ratio.  IMCO (not the Fund) pays a fee to CSSU for services  under
     the Investment Subadvisory Agreement.


     At a meeting of the Board held on September 24, 2007, the Board,  including
     the  Independent  Board  Members,  approved the adoption of the  Investment
     Subadvisory  Agreement  with CSSU.  In advance  of the  meeting,  the Board
     received and considered a variety of information relating to the Investment
     Subadvisory  Agreement  and  CSSU,  and was given  the  opportunity  to ask
     questions  and  request   additional   information  from  management.   The
     information  provided to the Board  included,  among other things:  (i) the
     qualifications  of the individuals at CSSU responsible for these investment
     activities;  (ii) the fees to be paid to CSSU; and (iii) the  complementary
     nature of the investment  strategies of CSSU with the existing  strategy of
     the Fund.  Prior to voting,  the  Independent  Board  Members  reviewed the
     proposed  Investment   Subadvisory   Agreement  with  management  and  with
     experienced  independent  counsel and received  materials from such counsel
     discussing  the legal  standards  for their  consideration  of the proposed
     Investment  Subadvisory  Agreement.  The  Independent  Board  Members  also
     reviewed the proposed Investment  Subadvisory Agreement in private sessions
     with their counsel at which no representatives of management were present.

     In approving the Fund's  Investment  Subadvisory  Agreement  with CSSU, the
     Board considered various factors,  among them: (i) the nature,  extent, and
     quality of  services  to be  provided  to the Fund by CSSU,  including  the
     personnel that will be providing services; (ii) CSSU's compensation and any
     other benefits that will be derived from the  subadvisory  relationship  by
     CSSU; (iii) comparisons, to


     the extent  available,  of subadvisory  fees and  performance to comparable
     investment  companies;  and (iv) the  terms of the  Investment  Subadvisory
     Agreement. The Board's analysis of these factors is set forth below.

     After full consideration of a variety of factors, the Board,  including the
     Independent  Board  Members,  voted to approve the  Investment  Subadvisory
     Agreement with CSSU. In approving the Investment Subadvisory Agreement, the
     Board  did  not  identify  any  single  factor  as  controlling,  and  each
     Independent Board Member  attributed  different weights to various factors.
     Throughout  their   deliberations,   the  Independent  Board  Members  were
     represented and assisted by independent counsel.

     Board  considered  information  provided to it regarding the services to be
     provided  by CSSU.  The Board  considered  CSSU's  level of  knowledge  and
     investment  style. The Board reviewed the experience and credentials of the
     investment  personnel who would be responsible  for managing the investment
     of  portfolio  securities  with  respect  to the Fund and  CSSU's  level of
     staffing.  The Board also noted CSSU's brokerage practices.  The Board also
     considered CSSU's regulatory and compliance  history.  The Board noted that
     IMCO's monitoring  processes of CSSU would include:  (i) regular telephonic
     meetings to discuss,  among other  matters,  investment  strategies  and to
     review portfolio performance;  (ii) monthly portfolio compliance checklists
     and quarterly  compliance  certifications  to the Board; and (iii) periodic
     due diligence reviews of CSSU.

     SUBADVISER  COMPENSATION.  The  Board  also  took  into  consideration  the
     financial  condition  of CSSU.  In  considering  the cost of services to be
     provided by CSSU and the profitability to CSSU of its relationship with the
     Fund,  the  Board  noted  that the fees  under the  Investment  Subadvisory
     Agreement  would be paid by IMCO.  The Board also  relied on the ability of
     IMCO to  negotiate  the  Investment  Subadvisory  Agreement  and  the  fees
     thereunder at arm's length. The Board also considered  information relating
     to the  cost  of  services  to be  provided  by  CSSU,  CSSU's  anticipated
     profitability  with  respect to the Fund,  and the  potential  economies of
     scale in CSSU's management of the Fund, to the extent  available.  However,
     this information was less


     significant  to the Board's  consideration  of the  Investment  Subadvisory
     Agreement than the other factors considered for the above reasons.

     SUBADVISORY FEES AND FUND PERFORMANCE. The Board considered the subadvisory
     fees for the Fund in comparison to the fees that CSSU charges to comparable
     clients,  as  applicable.  The  Board  considered  that  the  Fund  pays  a
     management fee to IMCO and that, in turn,  IMCO will pay a subadvisory  fee
     to CSSU.  The Board took into account  that the  advisory  fees paid by the
     Fund would not change.  The Board noted IMCO's  expertise  and resources in
     monitoring the performance, investment style, and risk-adjusted performance
     of CSSU. The Board also noted CSSU's long-term performance record for other

     CONCLUSION.  The Board  reached the  following  conclusions  regarding  the
     Investment  Subadvisory  Agreement,  among others: (i) CSSU is qualified to
     manage a portion of the Fund's  assets in  accordance  with its  investment
     objectives  and policies;  (ii) CSSU  maintains an  appropriate  compliance
     program;  (iii) and the Fund's advisory expenses are reasonable in relation
     to those of similar  funds and to the  services  to be provided by IMCO and
     CSSU. Based on its  conclusions,  the Board determined that approval of the
     Investment  Subadvisory  Agreement with CSSU would be in the best interests
     of the Fund and its shareholders.


     CSSU, located at Eleven Madison Avenue, New York, New York 10010, is an SEC
     registered broker-dealer and investment advisor. CSSU provides a variety of
     capital raising,  market making,  advisory,  and brokerage services for its
     government,   financial  institution,   high  net-worth  individuals,   and
     corporate clients and affiliates. CSSU also provides both discretionary and
     non-discretionary  investment  related  advisory  services to approximately
     2,500 clients.


     The names and principal  occupations of the current directors and principal
     executive officer of CSSU are set forth as follows:


      NAME                                PRINCIPAL OCCUPATION

      Brian D. Finn                       Managing Director
      Karlheinz Muhr                      Senior Registered Options
                                            Principal and Managing Director
      Stephen Van Besien                  Managing Director

     During  the last five  fiscal  years,  no  director  or officer of CSSU has
     engaged in any other  business,  profession,  vocation,  or employment of a
     substantial nature other than that of the business of investment management
     and, through affiliates, investment banking.




     IMCO (not the Fund) will pay CSSU a portfolio management fee as follows:

          TOTAL NOTIONAL AMOUNT                            ANNUAL
           OF ALL FUND ACCOUNTS                        SUBADVISORY FEE*

          First $0.00 - $50,000,000.00                      0.23%
          Next $50,000,000.01 - $250,000,000.00             0.20%
          Next $250,000,000.01 - $500,000,000.00            0.12%
          Next $500,000,000.01 - $2,000,000,000.00          0.10%
          Over $2,000,000,000.00                            0.08%

     * Credit  Suisse  agrees that it will not seek to increase  these fee rates
     during the period  ending  October 1, 2010 (the  Lock).  This Lock does not
     limit the rights of the Fund's  shareholders,  the Fund's Board, or IMCO as
     set forth in Section 6 of the Agreement  ("Duration and Termination of this


     To our  knowledge,  CSSU does not serve as adviser to any other  registered
     fund that has  a similar  objective  to the Fund. However, as of October 1,
     2007,  CSSU does serve as a subadviser to the USAA  Balanced  Strategy Fund
     (net assets of $661,146,259), USAA Cornerstone


     Strategy Fund (net assets of  $2,285,001,006),  and USAA First Start Growth
     Fund (net assets of $228,527,168) at the same fee rates as the Fund using a
     substantially similar investment strategy.

                               NAME AND ADDRESS OF
                         THE FUND'S INVESTMENT ADVISER,

IMCO,  located at 9800  Fredericksburg  Road, San Antonio,  Texas 78288,  is the
Fund's investment adviser, principal underwriter, and administrator.

                                  SHARES OWNED

As of November 30, 2007, there were 24,795,667  shares of the Fund  outstanding.
No shareholder held of record or owned beneficially 5% or more of the Fund.

                              FINANCIAL INFORMATION

78288 OR (800) 531-8181.


Each household will receive a single copy of this Information  Statement even if
you or a family  member own more than one account in the Fund.  For many of you,
this eliminates  duplicate copies and saves paper and postage costs to the Fund.
However,  if you would like to receive an  individual  copy of this  Information
Statement,  please  call us  toll free  at (800)  531-8181 or contact us at 9800
Fredericksburg Road, San Antonio, Texas 78288 and we will send you an individual


                                    EXHIBIT A


     AGREEMENT  made as of the 1st day of  October,  2007 (the  Effective  Date)
between USAA INVESTMENT  MANAGEMENT  COMPANY, a corporation  organized under the
laws of the State of Delaware and having its principal  place of business in San
Antonio,  Texas  (IMCO)  and  CREDIT  SUISSE  SECURITIES  (USA)  LLC,  a limited
liability  company  organized under the laws of the State of Delaware and having
its principal place of business in New York (Credit Suisse).

     WHEREAS,  IMCO serves as the investment adviser to USAA Mutual Funds Trust,
a statutory  trust organized under the laws of the State of Delaware (the Trust)
and registered as an open-end management investment company under the Investment
Company Act of 1940, as amended (the 1940 Act); and

     WHEREAS, under its Investment Advisory Agreement with the Trust (Investment
Advisory Agreement), IMCO is authorized to appoint subadvisers for series of the
Trust (each a Fund, or collectively Funds); and

     WHEREAS,  IMCO wishes to retain Credit Suisse to render investment advisory
services to such series (or  portions  thereof) of the Trust as now or hereafter
may be  identified  in Schedule A to this  Agreement,  as such Schedule A may be
amended  from time to time (each  such  series or portion  thereof  referred  to
herein as a Fund Account and collectively as Fund Accounts); and

     WHEREAS,  Credit  Suisse is willing to provide  such  services  to the Fund
Accounts and IMCO upon the terms and  conditions  and for the  compensation  set
forth below;

     NOW,  THEREFORE,  in  consideration  of the premises  and mutual  covenants
herein contained, and intending to be legally bound hereby, it is agreed between
the parties hereto as follows:

1. APPOINTMENT OF CREDIT SUISSE. IMCO hereby appoints Credit Suisse to act as an
investment  adviser  for each  Fund  Account  in  accordance  with the terms and
conditions of this  Agreement.  Credit Suisse will be an independent  contractor
and will have no authority to act for or represent  the Trust or IMCO


in any way or  otherwise  be  deemed  an agent of the  Trust or IMCO  except  as
expressly authorized in this Agreement or another writing by the Trust, IMCO and
Credit Suisse.  Credit Suisse accepts such  appointment and agrees to render the
services herein set forth for the compensation herein provided.


     (A) AUTHORITY TO INVEST. Subject to the control and supervision of IMCO and
the  Trust's  Board of  Trustees  (the  Board),  Credit  Suisse  shall have full
discretion to manage, supervise and direct the development and implementation of
an index options overlay strategy on the Fund Accounts for the purpose of acting
as a migrating collar on a portion of the Fund's equity exposure.  Other than as
provided  for  herein,  Credit  Suisse  will not have  discretionary  management
authority over the securities held in the Fund Account. IMCO shall designate the
maximum Total Value of options to be written for each Fund Account.  Total Value
shall be equal to, on a  cumulative  basis,  the fair market  value of the index
underlying the options at the time of execution of the options positions. Credit
Suisse shall adjust the options  strategy in accordance with written  guidelines
provided by IMCO from time to time.

     Credit  Suisse  shall  perform  its  duties  described  herein  in a manner
consistent with the investment objective, policies and restrictions set forth in
the then current  Prospectus and Statement of Additional  Information  (SAI) for
each Fund, as provided to Credit Suisse by IMCO from time to time. Should Credit
Suisse anticipate  materially  modifying its investment process, it must provide
written notice in advance to IMCO, and any affected Prospectus and SAI should be
amended accordingly.

     For each Fund set forth on  Schedule  A to this  Agreement,  Credit  Suisse
shall not consult with any other subadviser of such Fund concerning transactions
for the Fund in securities or other assets.

     In accordance  with  Subsection  (b) of this Section 2, Credit Suisse shall
arrange for the  execution of all orders for the purchase and sale of securities
and other  investments  for each Fund Account and will exercise full  discretion
and act for the Trust in the same  manner  and with the same force and effect as
the Trust  might or could do with  respect to such  purchases,  sales,  or other
transactions,  as  well  as  with  respect  to all  other  things  necessary  or
incidental to the  furtherance  or conduct of such  purchases,  sales,  or other


     In the  performance  of its  duties,  Credit  Suisse  will  act in the best
interests of each Fund and will comply with (i) applicable laws and regulations,
including,  but not limited to, the 1940 Act and the Investment  Advisers Act of
1940, as amended  (Advisers  Act),  and the rules under each,  (ii) the terms of
this Agreement, (iii) the stated investment objective, policies and restrictions
of each Fund, as stated in the then-current Registration Statement of each Fund,
(iv) the  Trust's  compliance  procedures  and  other  policies,  procedures  or
guidelines as the Board or IMCO  reasonably may establish from time to time, (v)
the  provisions  of the  Internal  Revenue  Code of  1986,  as  amended  (Code),
applicable to "regulated investment companies" (as defined in Section 851 of the
Code),  as from time to time in effect,  and (vi) the  written  instructions  of
IMCO. Credit Suisse shall establish compliance  procedures reasonably calculated
to ensure compliance with the foregoing. IMCO shall be responsible for providing
Credit  Suisse  with  the  Trust's  Master  Trust  Agreement,   as  amended  and
supplemented,  the Trust's By-Laws and amendments  thereto and current copies of
the materials specified in Subsections (a)(iii) and (iv) of this Section 2. IMCO
shall provide Credit Suisse with prior written notice of any material  change to
the Trust's Registration  Statement that would affect Credit Suisse's management
of a Fund Account.

     (B)  PORTFOLIO  TRANSACTIONS.  In  connection  with the  management  of the
investment and  reinvestment  of the Fund Accounts'  assets,  Credit Suisse will
select the brokers or dealers that will execute  purchase and sale  transactions
for the Fund  Accounts,  subject to the conditions  herein.  In the selection of
broker-dealers  and the  placement  of  orders  for  the  purchase  and  sale of
portfolio  investments  for the Fund Accounts,  Credit Suisse shall use its best
efforts to seek to obtain for the Fund  Accounts  the most  favorable  price and
execution  available,  except to the  extent it may be  permitted  to pay higher
brokerage commissions for brokerage and research services as described below. In
using its best efforts to seek to obtain the most favorable  price and execution
available,  Credit  Suisse,  bearing in mind each Fund's best  interests  at all
times,  shall  consider  all  factors  it deems  relevant,  including  by way of
illustration,  price, the size of the transaction,  the nature of the market for
the security,  the amount of the commission and dealer's spread or mark-up,  the
timing of the  transaction  taking into account  market  prices and trends,  the
reputation,  experience and financial  stability of the broker-dealer  involved,
the general  execution and operational  facilities of the  broker-dealer and the
quality of service rendered by the broker-dealer in other transactions.


     Subject  to such  policies  as the Board may  determine  and to the  extent
authorized by Section  28(e) of the  Securities  Exchange Act of 1934  (Exchange
Act),  Credit  Suisse  shall not be deemed to have acted  unlawfully  or to have
breached any duty created by this Agreement or otherwise solely by reason of its
having caused a Fund Account to pay a broker-dealer  that provides brokerage and
research  services  to Credit  Suisse an amount of  commission  for  effecting a
portfolio  investment  transaction in excess of the amount of commission another
broker-dealer  offering  equally  good  execution  capability  in the  portfolio
investment  would have charged for effecting  that  transaction if Credit Suisse
determines  in good faith  that such  amount of  commission  was  reasonable  in
relation to the value of the  brokerage and research  services  provided by such
broker-dealer,  viewed in terms of either that particular  transaction or Credit
Suisse's overall  responsibilities with respect to the Fund and to other clients
of Credit Suisse as to which Credit Suisse exercises investment discretion.  The
Board or IMCO may  direct  Credit  Suisse to effect  transactions  in  portfolio
securities through  broker-dealers in a manner that will help generate resources
to pay the cost of certain  expenses  that the Trust is  required  to pay or for
which the Trust is required to arrange payment.

     On occasions when Credit Suisse deems the purchase or sale of a security to
be in the best  interest  of a Fund as well as other  clients of Credit  Suisse,
Credit Suisse,  to the extent permitted by applicable laws and regulations,  may
aggregate  the  securities  to be  purchased or sold to attempt to obtain a more
favorable price or lower brokerage commissions and efficient execution.  In such
event,  allocation  of the  securities  so  purchased  or  sold,  as well as the
expenses  incurred  in the  transaction,  will be made by  Credit  Suisse in the
manner it considers to be the most equitable and  consistent  with its fiduciary
obligations to the Fund and to its other clients over time.

     Credit Suisse may buy  securities for a Fund Account at the same time it is
selling such securities for another client account and may sell securities for a
Fund  Account  at the time it is  buying  such  securities  for  another  client
account. In such cases, subject to applicable legal and regulatory requirements,
and in  compliance  with such  procedures  of the Trust as may be in effect from
time to time,  Credit Suisse may effectuate  cross  transactions  between a Fund
Account and such other account if it deems this to be advantageous.

     Credit Suisse will advise the Funds' custodian or such depository or agents
as may be  designated  by the  custodian  and IMCO promptly of each


purchase and sale of a portfolio  security,  specifying  the name of the issuer,
the  description and amount or number of shares of the security  purchased,  the
market  price,  the  commission  and  gross or net  price,  the  trade  date and
settlement  date,  the identity of the effecting  broker or dealer and any other
pertinent  data  that  the  Funds'  custodian  may need to  settle a  security's
purchase or sale.  Credit  Suisse  shall not have  possession  or custody of any
Fund's investments.  The Trust shall be responsible for all custodial agreements
and the payment of all custodial charges and fees and, upon Credit Suisse giving
proper instructions to the custodian, Credit Suisse shall have no responsibility
or  liability  for the  acts,  omissions  or  other  conduct  of the  custodian,
depository, or other agent designated by the custodian and IMCO.

     Notwithstanding  the  foregoing,  Credit Suisse agrees that IMCO shall have
the right by written notice to identify  securities that may not be purchased on
behalf  of  any  Fund  and/or  brokers  and  dealers   through  which  portfolio
transaction  on  behalf  of the Fund  may not be  effected,  including,  without
limitation, brokers or dealers affiliated with IMCO. Credit Suisse shall refrain
from  purchasing  such  securities for a Fund Account or directing any portfolio
transaction to any such broker or dealer on behalf of a Fund Account, unless and
until the written  approval of IMCO to do so is obtained.  In  addition,  Credit
Suisse  agrees  that it shall not  direct  portfolio  transactions  for the Fund
Accounts  through any broker or dealer that is an  "affiliated  person" (as that
term is  defined  in the 1940 Act or  interpreted  under  applicable  rules  and
regulations of the  Commission) of Credit Suisse,  except as permitted under the
1940 Act. IMCO agrees that it will provide  Credit Suisse with a list of brokers
and dealers that are affiliated  persons of the Funds, or affiliated  persons of
such persons,  and shall timely  update that list as the need arises.  The Funds
agree that any entity or person  associated with IMCO or Credit Suisse that is a
member of a national securities exchange is authorized to effect any transaction
on such exchange for the account of the Funds that is permitted by Section 11(a)
of the Exchange Act, and the Funds consent to the retention of compensation  for
such transactions.

     (C) EXPENSES.  Credit  Suisse,  at its expense,  will furnish all necessary
facilities and personnel, including salaries, expenses and fees of any personnel
required for Credit Suisse to faithfully perform its duties under this Agreement
and  administrative  facilities,  including  bookkeeping,  and all equipment and
services  necessary for the efficient  conduct of Credit  Suisse's  duties under
this  Agreement.  However,  Credit  Suisse  shall  not be  obligated  to pay any
expenses of IMCO, the Trust or the Funds, including without limitation, interest


taxes,  brokerage commissions and other costs in connection with the purchase or
sale of securities or other  investment  instruments for the Funds and custodian
fees and expenses.

     (D) VALUATION.  Securities traded on a national  securities exchange or the
NASDAQ market for which market  quotes are readily  available are valued on each
day the New York Stock Exchange is open for business.  For those  securities for
which market quotes are not readily  available,  Credit Suisse,  at its expense,
will provide reasonable assistance to IMCO regarding the valuation of securities
that are the subject of a significant event, not registered for public sale, not
traded on any securities  markets,  or otherwise deemed illiquid for purposes of
the 1940 Act. The parties acknowledge that IMCO is responsible for final pricing
determinations and calculations,  and that Credit Suisse will take such steps as
necessary  to assist  IMCO in  reaching  such  pricing  determinations  for Fund
Account  securities.  Credit Suisse also shall monitor for "significant  events"
that occur  after the closing of a market but before the Funds  calculate  their
net  asset  values  and that may  affect  the  valuation  of any Fund  Account's
portfolio  securities and shall notify IMCO immediately of the occurrence of any
such events.

     (E) REPORTS AND AVAILABILITY OF PERSONNEL.  Credit Suisse,  at its expense,
shall  render to the Board and IMCO such  periodic  and  special  reports as the
Board and IMCO may  reasonably  request with respect to matters  relating to the
duties of Credit Suisse set forth herein.  Credit Suisse,  at its expense,  will
make available to the Board and IMCO at reasonable times its portfolio  managers
and other appropriate  personnel in order to review  investment  policies of the
Funds and to consult with the Board and IMCO regarding the investment affairs of
the Funds,  including  economic,  statistical and investment matters relevant to
Credit Suisse's duties hereunder.

     (F) COMPLIANCE  MATTERS.  Credit Suisse, at its expense,  will provide IMCO
with such compliance  reports relating to its duties under this Agreement as may
be agreed  upon by such  parties  from time to time.  Credit  Suisse  also shall
cooperate  with  and  provide   reasonable   assistance  to  IMCO,  the  Trust's
administrator,  the  Trust's  custodian  and  foreign  custodians,  the  Trust's
transfer  agent and pricing agents and all other agents and  representatives  of
the Trust and IMCO,  keep all such persons fully  informed as to such matters as
they may reasonably  deem necessary to the  performance of their  obligations to
the Trust and IMCO, provide prompt responses to reasonable requests made by such
persons and maintain any  appropriate  interfaces with each so as to promote the
efficient exchange of information.


     (G) BOOKS AND RECORDS.  Credit Suisse will maintain for the Funds all books
and records  required to be maintained by the Funds pursuant to the 1940 Act and
the rules and regulations  promulgated thereunder insofar as such records relate
to the investment affairs of the Fund Accounts. Pursuant to Rule 31a-3 under the
1940 Act,  Credit  Suisse  agrees that:  (i) all records it maintains for a Fund
Account are the property of the Fund; (ii) it will surrender  promptly to a Fund
or IMCO any such records (or copies of such  records)  upon the Fund's or IMCO's
request;  and (iii) it will  preserve for the periods  prescribed  by Rule 31a-2
under  the  1940  Act  the   records  it   maintains   for  any  Fund   Account.
Notwithstanding subsection (ii) above, Credit Suisse may maintain copies of such
records to comply with its recordkeeping obligations.

     (H) PROXIES.  Unless and until Credit Suisse is otherwise  directed by IMCO
or the Board, IMCO will vote proxies with respect to a Fund Account's securities
and exercise rights in corporate  actions or otherwise in accordance with IMCO's
proxy voting guidelines.

3.  ADVISORY FEE.  IMCO shall pay to Credit  Suisse as  compensation  for Credit
Suisse's  services  rendered pursuant to this Agreement a fee based on the total
Notional  Amount for each Fund Account at the annual rates set forth in Schedule
B, which schedule can be modified from time to time,  subject to any appropriate
approvals  required  by the 1940 Act.  Such fees shall be  calculated  daily and
payable  monthly in arrears within 15 business days after the end of such month.
IMCO (and not the Funds) shall pay such fees.  If Credit  Suisse shall serve for
less than the whole of a month,  the compensation as specified shall be prorated
based upon the number of calendar days during which this  Agreement is in effect
during such month.  "Notional Amount" is equal to the daily closing price of the
index  underlying  options  strategies  written for each Fund Account  using the
closing price listed on an agreed upon exchange.


     (A) CREDIT SUISSE.  Credit Suisse  represents and warrants to IMCO that (i)
the  retention of Credit  Suisse by IMCO as  contemplated  by this  Agreement is
authorized by Credit Suisse's governing documents; (ii) the execution,  delivery
and  performance  of this  Agreement  does not violate any  obligation  by which
Credit Suisse or its property is bound,  whether arising by contract,  operation
of  law  or  otherwise;  (iii)  this  Agreement  has  been  duly  authorized  by
appropriate  action of Credit  Suisse and when  executed and delivered by Credit
Suisse  will  be a  legal,  valid  and  binding  obligation  of  Credit  Suisse,


against Credit Suisse in accordance with its terms,  subject, as to enforcement,
to  applicable  bankruptcy,  insolvency  and similar laws  affecting  creditors'
rights  generally and to general  equitable  principles  (regardless  of whether
enforcement  is sought in a proceeding in equity or law);  (iv) Credit Suisse is
registered  as an  investment  adviser under the Advisers Act; (v) Credit Suisse
has adopted a written code of ethics  complying  with the  requirements  of Rule
17j-1  under the 1940 Act and that Credit  Suisse and certain of its  employees,
officers,   partners  and  directors  are  subject  to  reporting   requirements
thereunder and, accordingly,  agrees that it shall, on a timely basis, furnish a
copy of such code of ethics to IMCO,  and, with respect to such persons,  Credit
Suisse shall  furnish to IMCO all reports and  information  provided  under Rule
17j-1(c)(2);  (vi) Credit Suisse is not prohibited by the 1940 Act, the Advisers
Act or other law, regulation or order from performing the services  contemplated
by  this  Agreement;  (vii)  Credit  Suisse  will  promptly  notify  IMCO of the
occurrence  of any event that would  disqualify  Credit  Suisse from  serving as
investment manager of an investment company pursuant to Section 9(a) of the 1940
Act or otherwise; (viii) Credit Suisse has provided IMCO with a copy of its Form
ADV,  which as of the date of this  Agreement  is its Form ADV as most  recently
filed with the SEC, and promptly  will furnish a copy of all  amendments to IMCO
at least annually;  (ix) Credit Suisse will notify IMCO of any  "assignment" (as
defined  in the 1940  Act) of this  Agreement  or change  of  control  of Credit
Suisse,  as applicable,  and any changes in the key personnel who are either the
portfolio  manager(s) of any Fund Account or senior management of Credit Suisse,
in each case prior to or promptly after, such change;  and (x) Credit Suisse has
adequate  disaster  recovery  and  interruption  prevention  measures  to ensure
business  resumption  in  accordance  with  applicable  law and within  industry
standards.  Credit  Suisse  makes no  representation  or  warranty,  express  or
implied, that any level of performance or investment results will be achieved by
the Fund, whether on a relative or absolute basis.

     (B) IMCO.  IMCO  represents  and  warrants  to Credit  Suisse  that (i) the
retention  of  Credit  Suisse  by IMCO as  contemplated  by  this  Agreement  is
authorized by the respective governing documents of the Trust and IMCO; (ii) the
execution, delivery and performance of each of this Agreement and the Investment
Advisory Agreement does not violate any obligation by which the Trust or IMCO or
their respective  property is bound,  whether arising by contract,  operation of
law or  otherwise;  (iii) each of this  Agreement  and the  Investment  Advisory
Agreement has been duly  authorized by appropriate  action of the Trust and IMCO
and when  executed  and  delivered  by IMCO will be a legal,  valid and  binding
obligation of the Trust and IMCO, enforceable against


the Trust and IMCO in accordance with its terms, subject, as to enforcement,  to
applicable  bankruptcy,  insolvency and similar laws affecting creditors' rights
generally and to general equitable principles (regardless of whether enforcement
is sought in a  proceeding  in equity  or law);  (iv) IMCO is  registered  as an
investment  adviser  under the Advisers Act; (v) IMCO has adopted a written code
of ethics  complying with the  requirements of Rule 17j-1 under the 1940 Act and
that IMCO and certain of its  employees,  officers and  directors are subject to
reporting requirements thereunder;  (vi) IMCO is not prohibited by the 1940 Act,
the Advisers Act or other law,  regulation or order from performing the services
contemplated by this Agreement; (vii) IMCO will promptly notify Credit Suisse of
the  occurrence  of any  event  that  would  disqualify  IMCO  from  serving  as
investment manager of an investment company pursuant to Section 9(a) of the 1940
Act or  otherwise;  and (viii) IMCO and/or its  affiliates  have adopted and use
their best efforts to enforce their  policies to identify and prevent  investors
in the Fund from market  timing the  purchase  and sale of the Fund's  shares or
engaging in arbitrage  activity to the  detriment of long-term  investors in the


     (A) CREDIT  SUISSE.  Credit  Suisse shall be liable for any and all losses,
claims, damages, liabilities or litigation (including reasonable legal and other
expenses) to which the Trust,  a Fund,  IMCO,  any  affiliated  persons  thereof
(within the  meaning of the 1940 Act) and any  controlling  persons  thereof (as
described  in Section 15 of the  Securities  Act of 1933,  as amended  (the 1933
Act))  (collectively,  IMCO  Indemnities) may become subject under the 1933 Act,
the 1940 Act, the  Advisers  Act, or under any other  statute,  at common law or
otherwise arising out of (i) any negligence,  willful  misconduct,  bad faith or
reckless  disregard of Credit Suisse in the  performance of any of its duties or
obligations  hereunder or (ii) any untrue statement of a material fact contained
in the Prospectus  and SAI,  proxy  materials,  reports,  advertisements,  sales
literature,  or other materials pertaining to the Funds or the omission to state
therein a material  fact known to Credit  Suisse which was required to be stated
therein or  necessary to make the  statements  therein not  misleading,  if such
statement or omission was made in reliance upon information furnished in writing
to IMCO or the Trust by Credit  Suisse  Indemnities  (as defined  below) for use
therein.  Credit Suisse shall  indemnify and hold harmless the IMCO  Indemnities
for any  and  all  such  losses,  claims,  damages,  liabilities  or  litigation
(including reasonable legal and other expenses);  provided,  however, that in no
case is Credit Suisse's  indemnity  hereunder deemed to protect a person against
any  liability to


which  any  such  person  would  otherwise  be  subject  by  reason  of  willful
misconduct,  bad faith or gross  negligence in  performance  of its duties under
this Agreement or the Investment Advisory Agreement with the Trust.

     (B) IMCO.  IMCO shall be liable for any and all  losses,  claims,  damages,
liabilities or litigation  (including  reasonable  legal and other  expenses) to
which Credit Suisse,  any affiliated  persons thereof (within the meaning of the
1940 Act) and any controlling persons thereof (as described in Section 15 of the
1933 Act) (collectively, Credit Suisse Indemnities) may become subject under the
1933 Act, the 1940 Act, the Advisers Act, or under any other statute,  at common
law or otherwise  arising out of (i) any  negligence,  willful  misconduct,  bad
faith or reckless  disregard by IMCO in the  performance of any of its duties or
obligations  hereunder or (ii) any untrue statement of a material fact contained
in the Prospectus  and SAI,  proxy  materials,  reports,  advertisements,  sales
literature,  or other materials pertaining to the Funds or the omission to state
therein a material fact known to IMCO which was required to be stated therein or
necessary to make the statements  therein not misleading,  unless such statement
or omission was made in reliance upon  information  furnished in writing to IMCO
or the Trust.  IMCO shall indemnify and hold harmless Credit Suisse  Indemnities
for any  and  all  such  losses,  claims,  damages,  liabilities  or  litigation
(including reasonable legal and other expenses);  provided,  however, that in no
case shall IMCO's indemnity  hereunder be deemed to protect a person against any
liability  to which any such  person  would  otherwise  be  subject by reason of
willful  misconduct,  bad faith or gross  negligence in the  performance  of its
duties under this Agreement.

6. DURATION AND  TERMINATION  OF THIS  AGREEMENT.  This  Agreement  shall become
effective with respect to a Fund upon its  execution;  provided,  however,  that
this Agreement  shall not become  effective with respect to a Fund unless it has
first been approved in the manner required by the 1940 Act and rules  thereunder
or in accordance with exemptive or other relief granted by the SEC or its staff.
This Agreement  shall remain in full force and effect  continuously  thereafter,
except as follows:

     (a) By vote of a majority of (i) the Board members who are not  "interested
persons"  (as  defined in the 1940 Act) of the  Funds,  IMCO,  or Credit  Suisse
(Independent  Board  Members) or (ii) the  outstanding  voting shares of a Fund,
such Fund may at any time terminate this  Agreement,  without the payment of any
penalty,  by providing not more than 60 days' written notice delivered or mailed
by registered mail, postage prepaid, to IMCO and Credit Suisse.


     (b) This  Agreement will  terminate  automatically  with respect to a Fund,
without the payment of any  penalty,  unless  within two years after its initial
effectiveness and at least annually thereafter, the continuance of the Agreement
is specifically approved by (i) the Board or the shareholders of the Fund by the
affirmative vote of a majority of the outstanding shares of the Fund, and (ii) a
majority of the Independent  Board Members,  by vote cast in person at a meeting
called for the purpose of voting on such  approval.  If the  continuance of this
Agreement is submitted to the  shareholders  of the Fund for their  approval and
such  shareholders  fail to approve such continuance as provided herein,  Credit
Suisse may continue to serve hereunder in a manner  consistent with the 1940 Act
and the rules thereunder.

     (c) IMCO may at any time  terminate  this Agreement with respect to a Fund,
without the payment of any penalty,  by written notice delivered in person or by
facsimile,  or mailed by registered  mail,  postage  prepaid,  to Credit Suisse.
Credit  Suisse may at any time,  without the payment of any  penalty,  terminate
this  Agreement  with respect to a Fund by not less than 90 days' written notice
delivered or mailed by registered mail, postage prepaid, to IMCO.

     (d) This  Agreement  automatically  and  immediately  shall  terminate with
respect to the Funds,  without the payment of any  penalty,  in the event of its
assignment  (as  that  term is  defined  in the 1940  Act or  interpreted  under
applicable  rules  and  regulations  of the  Commission)  or if  the  Investment
Advisory Agreement shall terminate for any reason.

     (e) Any  notice of  termination  served on Credit  Suisse by IMCO  shall be
without  prejudice to the  obligation of Credit Suisse to complete  transactions
already initiated or acted upon with respect to a Fund.

     Upon termination of this Agreement,  the duties of IMCO delegated to Credit
Suisse under this Agreement automatically shall revert to IMCO.  Notwithstanding
any  termination of this  Agreement  with respect to a Fund,  Sections 5, 10(a),
10(e),  11(a), and 11(c) of this Agreement shall remain in effect after any such

7.    AMENDMENT OF AGREEMENT.  No provision  of this  Agreement  may be changed,
waived,  discharged or terminated  orally,  but only by an instrument in writing
signed by the party against whom enforcement of the change, waiver, discharge or
termination  is  sought.  No  material  amendment  of this  Agreement  shall  be
effective until approved in the manner required by the 1940 Act, any


rules  thereunder  or any  exemptive or other  relief  granted by the SEC or its
staff (Applicable Law).

amendment,  or termination of this Agreement by the holders of a majority of the
outstanding  voting securities (as defined in the 1940 Act) of any Fund shall be
effective to continue,  amend or terminate  this  Agreement  with respect to any
such Fund  notwithstanding  (i) that such  action has not been  approved  by the
holders of a majority of the  outstanding  voting  securities  of any other Fund
affected thereby, and/or (ii) that such action has not been approved by the vote
of a majority of the  outstanding  voting  securities of the Trust,  unless such
action shall be required by any applicable law or otherwise.

9. SERVICES NOT  EXCLUSIVE.  The services of Credit Suisse to IMCO in connection
with the Funds hereunder are not to be deemed exclusive, and Credit Suisse shall
be free to render investment advisory services to others so long as its services
hereunder are not impaired  thereby.  It is understood that the persons employed
by Credit Suisse to assist in the  performance of its duties  hereunder will not
devote their full time to such  services and nothing  contained  herein shall be
deemed to limit or restrict in any manner  whatsoever the right of Credit Suisse
to engage in or  devote  time and  attention  to other  businesses  or to render
services of whatever kind or nature.  It is understood  that IMCO may appoint at
any time in accordance with Applicable Law one or more subadvisers,  in addition
to Credit Suisse, or IMCO itself, to perform investment advisory services to any
portion of the Funds.


     (A) ACCESS TO INFORMATION.  Credit Suisse shall,  upon  reasonable  notice,
afford  IMCO  at all  reasonable  times  access  to  Credit  Suisse's  officers,
employees,  agents and  offices  and to all its  relevant  books and records and
shall furnish IMCO with all relevant financial and other data and information as
requested;  provided,  however,  that nothing  contained  herein shall  obligate
Credit  Suisse to provide  IMCO with  access to the books and  records of Credit
Suisse relating to any other accounts other than the Funds.

     (B)  CONFIDENTIALITY.  All information and advice furnished by one party to
the other party (including their respective  officers,  employees and authorized
representatives) shall be treated confidentially and as proprietary information.
Each party will not use such records and information for any purpose other


than  performance of its  responsibilities  and duties  hereunder,  except after
prior notification to and approval in writing by the other party, which approval
shall not be unreasonably  withheld and may not be withheld where a party may be
exposed to civil or criminal  contempt  proceedings for failure to comply,  when
requested to divulge such information by duly constituted  authorities,  when so
requested by the other  party,  or as otherwise  required by  applicable  law or

     (C) PRIVACY  POLICY.  Credit Suisse  acknowledges  that nonpublic  customer
information (as defined in Regulation S-P, including any amendments  thereto) of
customers  of the Funds  received  from IMCO is  subject to the  limitations  on
redisclosure  and reuse  set forth in  Section  248.11 of such  Regulation,  and
agrees such  information  (i) shall not be  disclosed to any third party for any
purpose without the written  consent of IMCO unless  permitted by exceptions set
forth in  Sections  248.14  or  248.15  of such  Regulation  and  (ii)  shall be
safeguarded  pursuant  to  procedures  adopted  under  Section  248.30  of  such
Regulation if so required.

     (D)  PUBLIC  ANNOUNCEMENTS.  No party  shall  issue  any press  release  or
otherwise make any public statements with respect to the matters covered by this
Agreement  without the prior written consent of the other parties hereto,  which
consent shall not be  unreasonably  withheld;  provided,  however,  that consent
shall not be required if, in the opinion of counsel, such disclosure is required
by law; provided further,  however,  that the party making such disclosure shall
provide  the other  parties  hereto  with as much prior  written  notice of such
disclosure as is practical under the circumstances.

     (E)  NOTIFICATIONS.  Credit Suisse agrees that it will promptly notify IMCO
in the event that: (i) Credit Suisse becomes or reasonably expects to become the
subject of an administrative  proceeding or enforcement action by the Commission
or other  regulatory  body with  applicable  jurisdiction or (ii) to the best of
Credit Suisse's knowledge,  any affiliate of Credit Suisse becomes or reasonably
expects to become the subject of an  administrative  proceeding  or  enforcement
action by the Commission or other  regulatory body with applicable  jurisdiction
that could  reasonably  be expected to have a material  adverse  effect upon the
ability of Credit Suisse to perform its duties under this Agreement.

     (F)  INSURANCE.  Credit Suisse  agrees to maintain  errors and omissions or
professional  liability  insurance  coverage in an amount that is  reasonable in
light of the nature and scope of Credit Suisse's business activities.


     (G)  SHAREHOLDER  MEETING AND OTHER  EXPENSES.  In the event that the Trust
shall be  required  to call a meeting  of  shareholders  or send an  information
statement  or  prospectus  supplement  to  shareholders  solely  due to  actions
involving Credit Suisse,  including,  without limitation, a change of control of
Credit  Suisse or a  portfolio  manager  change,  Credit  Suisse  shall bear all
reasonable  expenses  associated  with  such  shareholder  meeting,  information
statement, or prospectus supplement.


     (A) NOTICES. All notices or other communications given under this Agreement
shall be made by  guaranteed  overnight  delivery,  telecopy or certified  mail;
notice is effective when  received.  Notice shall be given to the parties at the
following addresses:

IMCO:                      USAA Investment Management Company
                           9800 Fredericksburg Road, A-O3-W
                           San Antonio, Texas 78288
                           Facsimile No.: (210) 498-4022
                           Attention: Securities Counsel

Credit Suisse:             Credit Suisse Securities (USA) LLC
                           Eleven Madison Avenue
                           New York, New York 10010
                           Facsimile No.: (212) 743-3032
                           Attention: General Counsel

     (B) SEVERABILITY.  If any provision of this Agreement shall be held or made
invalid by a court decision,  statute, rule or otherwise,  the remainder of this
Agreement  shall not be affected  thereby.  This Agreement shall be binding upon
and shall  inure to the  benefit  of the  parties  hereto  and their  respective

     (C) GOVERNING LAW. This Agreement shall be construed in accordance with the
laws of the State of Texas,  without  giving  effect  to the  conflicts  of laws
principles thereof,  and in accordance with the 1940 Act. To the extent that the
applicable laws of the State of Texas conflict with the applicable provisions of
the 1940 Act, the latter shall control.


     (D) COUNTERPARTS.  This Agreement may be executed  simultaneously in two or
more counterparts,  each of which shall be deemed an original,  but all of which
together shall constitute one and the same instrument.

     (E) HEADINGS.  The captions in this Agreement are included for  convenience
of reference only and in no way define or delimit any of the  provisions  hereof
or otherwise affect their construction or effect.

     (F) ENTIRE  AGREEMENT.  This Agreement  states the entire  agreement of the
parties  hereto,  and is intended to be the complete and exclusive  statement of
the  terms  hereof.  It may not be added to or  changed  orally,  and may not be
modified or rescinded  except by a writing  signed by the parties  hereto and in
accordance with the 1940 Act.

     IN WITNESS WHEREOF, IMCO and Credit Suisse have caused this Agreement to be
executed as of the date first set forth above.

Attest:                                 USAA INVESTMENT MANAGEMENT

By:  /S/ CLIFF GLADSON                  By:  /S/ RONALD SWEET
     ----------------------                  -------------------------------
Name:  Cliff Gladson                    Name:  Ronald B. Sweet
Title: Senior Vice President            Title: Vice President

                                        By:  /S/ JAMES P. GRADLESS
                                        Name:  James P. Gradeless
                                        Title: Authorized Signatory

Attest:                                 CREDIT SUISSE SECURITIES (USA) LLC

By:  /S/ KATHY CHEN                     By:  /S/ KARLHEINZ MUHR
     ----------------                        ----------------------
Name:  Kathy Chen                       Name:  Karlheinz Muhr
Title: Director                         Title: Managing Director

                                        By:  ________________________________


                                  SCHEDULE A

First Start Growth Fund

Total Return Strategy Fund

Balanced Strategy Fund

Cornerstone Strategy Fund

                                   SCHEDULE B


First $0.00 - $50,000,000.00                                    0.23%
Next $50,000,000.01 - $250,000,000.00                           0.20%
Next $250,000,000.01 - $500,000,000.00                          0.12%
Next $500,000,000.01 - $2,000,000,000.00                        0.10%
Over $2,000,000,000.00                                          0.08%

- --------------------
     *   Credit Suisse agrees that it will not seek to increase  these fee rates
during the period  ending  October 1, 2010 (the Lock).  This Lock does not limit
the rights of the Fund's shareholders, the Fund's Board, or IMCO as set forth in
Section 6 of the Agreement ("Duration and Termination of this Agreement").
