WASHINGTON, DC 20549

                                    FORM 6-K

                        REPORT OF FOREIGN PRIVATE ISSUER
                      PURSUANT TO RULE 13a-16 OR 15d-16 OF
                       THE SECURITIES EXCHANGE ACT OF 1934

For the month of July 2001.

                                 CGI Group Inc.
                 (Translation of Registrant's Name Into English)

                           1130 Sherbrooke Street West
                                    5th Floor
                                Montreal, Quebec
                                 Canada H3A 2M8
                    (Address of Principal Executive Offices)

     (Indicate  by check mark whether the  registrant  files or will file annual
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(If "Yes" is marked,  indicate below the file number  assigned to the registrant
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Enclosure:  Third quarter report of fiscal 2001 - July 31, 2001

This Form 6-K shall be deemed  incorporated  by  reference  in the  Registrant's
Registration Statement on Form S-8, Reg. Nos. 333-9106 and 333-13350.

PRESS RELEASE                                        FOR IMMEDIATE PUBLICATION

                CGI reports strong revenue and earnings growth in
                          third quarter of fiscal 2001

Montreal,  July 31, 2001 - CGI Group Inc. (NYSE: GIB; TSE: GIB.A) today reported
unaudited results for the third quarter and nine months ended June 30, 2001. All
figures are in Canadian dollars unless otherwise indicated.

Highlights of Q3 fiscal 2001

  In millions of $      3 months ended June 30,               in CDN$
  except per share                         2001            3months ended
            amount            US$          CDN$        June 30,    March 31,
                                                          2000          2001
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------

Revenue                      262.2        404.1         330.7          374.0
EBITDA                        39.6         61.1          28.9           54.0
Cash net earnings             15.8         24.3          11.3           22.2
   Per share                  0.05         0.08          0.04           0.08
Order backlog                5,515        8,500         7,000          7,000

Note: US dollar  information in this chart is provided for  comparison  purposes
only and  represents  amounts  accounted  for  according to Canadian  GAAP.  The
average  exchange rate of 1.5411 was used for the three-month  period ended June
30, 2001. For a full review of Q3 and 9-month  results,  please see accompanying
MD&A and financial statements.

o    Year-over-year growth of 22.2% for revenue and 114.9% for cash net earnings
     (earnings before amortization of goodwill)
o    Sequential  growth of 8.1% for revenue (8.0% organic) and 9.5% for cash net
     earnings compared with Q2 2001
o    Earnings before interest, taxes, depreciation and amortization increased by
     111.8% over one year ago and 13.2% over Q2 2001
o    Announced   acquisitions   of  two  IT   consulting   firms,   specializing
     respectively in US credit union solutions and systems integration services
o    Announced  10 major  or  strategic  outsourcing,  systems  integration  and
     consulting  contracts,  as well as a contract renewal,  collectively  worth
     more than $1.9 billion over a period of up to 10 years

o    CGI's  backlog  of signed  contracts,  with a  weighted  average  remaining
     contract term of 7.2 years, totals $8.8 billion as at July 31, 2001.

"CGI's year-over-year and sequential growth in revenue,  cash net earnings,  and
margins in the third  quarter  primarily  reflects  our strength in Canada where
demand remains strong for our  outsourcing,  consulting and systems  integration
services," said Serge Godin, chairman, president and CEO."

Merger with IMRglobal will position CGI strongly going forward
On July 27, after the end of the quarter,  CGI received IMRglobal  shareholders'
approval for the merger with IMRglobal,  an established provider of IT solutions
to US  and  international  clients  with a  remote  delivery  capability  for IT
application maintenance and development through its operations in India.

The integration of IMRglobal positions CGI to become a major player in the US IT
outsourcing  services market, the largest and fastest growing outsourcing market
in the world.  The  strengths  of the  combined  CGI-IMRglobal  include a highly
competitive  model,  with  on-site  delivery  capabilities,   off-site  delivery
centers,  near-shore  data and  data  recovery  centers  in  Canada,  as well as
offshore  delivery  centers in India.  CGI has strongly  enhanced its ability to
support  customers  globally,  and has a consistent  track record of  delivering
high-quality, high value-added services on time and on budget, by leveraging its
ISO 9001 certification.

CGI and IMRglobal both share a similar  vertical market approach that focuses on
establishing a thorough  expertise of key industry  markets and on understanding
the strategic  needs of their clients.  IMRglobal has built a strong presence in
financial   services,   healthcare  and  government,   and  commercial  services
(including utilities, retail and  manufacturing/distribution).  The six vertical
sectors in which CGI will  concentrate  going forward are:  financial  services,
telecommunications,  government, healthcare,  manufacturing/retail/distribution,
and energy and utilities.

"IMRglobal's   complementary   operations  and  markets,  and  similar  business
development  strategy  will  contribute  to a  smooth  integration  process  and
represent an extraordinary opportunity to cross-sell services," said Mr. Godin.

"CGI  has  acquired  more  than 30 IT  services  companies  and  developed  well
structured  processes  for  successfully  integrating  companies  and  large  IT
outsourcing  operations.  We will extend these quality processes  throughout our
combined  operations  while  leveraging  the  strengths of both  organizations,"
continued Mr. Godin. "CGI expects to further enhance its competitiveness through
economies of scale,  focus on selected verticals and an expanded remote delivery

CGI creates Business Process Services unit
As announced on Friday, July 27, CGI has regrouped its Business Process Services
into  a  separate  unit  to  capitalize  on  this  high  growth  area  of the IT
outsourcing  market.  This  initiative was driven by a growing client demand for
increased  outsourcing  services  coupled  with an  opportunity  to leverage its
strong North  American  presence.  Business  Process  Services  encompasses  the
outsourced  processing  of a company's  business  processing  functions and is a
logical  extension  of  CGI's  full  IT  outsourcing  offering.  As part of this
adjustment to its organizational structure,  CGI's operations will be managed by
three  presidents,  Michael Roach,  president  Canada and Europe;  Satish Sanan,
former chairman and CEO of IMRglobal, becomes president US and Asia Pacific; and
Joseph  Saliba,  recently  head of  outsourcing  for The  Sabre


Group,  becomes  president  Business  Processing  Services.  All CGI  global and
corporate functions remain the same.

"Based on  contracts  announced  to date,  and two months of  contribution  from
IMRglobal,  we are  maintaining  our  guidance  for  fiscal  2001  revenues  and
narrowing the range to between $1.58 billion and $1.6  billion," said Mr. Godin.
"Additionally,  we  expect  to  generate  cash  net  earnings  (earnings  before
amortization of goodwill) of $0.29 to $0.30 for the year."

"Looking into fiscal 2002, we are very excited about the  prospects,"  added Mr.
Godin. "We expect that our unique value proposition of high quality,  end-to-end
IT services that meet the strategic  business needs of our clients will position
us as a highly  competitive  player  in the US and  enable  us to gain a growing
share of the large US and global IT outsourcing market."

Management's  Discussion  &  Analysis  (MD&A) of  Results  from  Operations  and
Financial Position For the third quarters ended June 30, 2001 and 2000

The following MD&A (1) should be read in conjunction  with financial  statements
for the third  quarter of fiscal  2001 and 2000,  with the MD&A and notes to the
financial statements in the fiscal 2000 annual report, and with the notes to the
financial statements for the nine months ended June 30, 2001. All amounts are in
Canadian dollars unless otherwise indicated.

The third  quarter  of fiscal  2001  marked  the third  consecutive  quarter  of
sequential  revenue  growth,  and a return  to  year-over-year  revenue  growth,
following the industry-wide slowdown that began in the first quarter of calendar
2000.  Revenue for the third quarter of fiscal 2001 totalled $404.1 million,  an
increase of 22.2% over the $330.7 million  reported in the third quarter of last
year and up 8.1%  sequentially  over the $374.0 million  reported in this year's
second fiscal quarter.  The significant  improvement in  year-over-year  revenue
growth was due primarily to a number of acquisitions completed in the past year.
On a sequential  basis,  revenue growth in the third quarter was a result of the
signing  of several  large  outsourcing  contracts,  notably  the $1.2  billion,
10-year outsourcing  partnership with La Confederation des Caisses Populaires et
d'Economie  Desjardins du Quebec  ("Desjardins")  effective May 1, 2001, and the
$300 million,  10-year  outsourcing  agreement  with  Laurentian  Bank of Canada
("Laurentian Bank") effective June 14, 2001. With these two contracts, financial
services  surpassed   telecommunications   as  CGI's  largest  economic  sector.
Geographically,  the mix was 83.6%  Canada,  12.6% US,  and 3.8%  International.
International  business was below a year ago,  reflecting  the  completion  of a
large contract in Brazil in fiscal 2000.

For the first nine months,  revenue was essentially even with the same period of
the prior  fiscal  year,  as solid  growth in the third  quarter  was  offset by
year-over-year declines in the first two quarters of fiscal 2001.


(1) The  financial  statements,  Annual  Report and MD&A  include  non-US GAAP
measures such as EBITDA, earnings before amortization of goodwill,  earnings per
share  before   amortization   of  goodwill  and  operating  cash  flow.   These
supplementary measures are permitted to be used in Canadian GAAP and in Canadian
securities filings.


Operating Earnings
Earnings before interest,  taxes,  depreciation and amortization (EBITDA) in the
third  quarter  of fiscal  2001 were  $61.1  million,  up 111.8%  over the $28.9
million  reported in the prior year quarter and up 13.2% over the $54.0  million
reported in this year's second fiscal quarter.  The  significant  improvement in
earnings was due primarily to the strong revenue growth and good cost controls.

For the nine  months of fiscal  2001,  EBITDA was $157.0  million,  up 6.9% from
$146.9 million in the same period last year. The strong  improvement in earnings
stemmed  primarily from the 1.4% reduction in operating costs, to $955.3 million
from a year earlier.  CGI continued to benefit from  provincial  refundable  tax
credits of $10,000 a year per eligible employee resulting from its participation
in the Quebec government's program to establish E-Commerce Place in Montreal.

Depreciation and Amortization
On a  year-over-year  basis,  the increase in depreciation  and  amortization of
fixed  assets  reflects  primarily  business   acquisitions.   The  increase  in
amortization  of contract  costs in the third  quarter and nine months  reflects
primarily the  Desjardins  and  Laurentian  Bank  contracts  signed in the third

Income Taxes
The income tax rate in the third  quarter was 44.4%,  compared with 32.1% in the
third  quarter  of  fiscal  2000.  The  change  reflects  the  impact  from  the
non-recognition  of tax benefits  resulting from US losses. The tax rate for the
nine  months was 44.2%,  compared  with 39.5% for the same  period the  previous

Earnings before Amortization of Goodwill
Earnings before amortization of goodwill (also referred to as cash net earnings)
increased  sequentially  for the third  consecutive  quarter in the three months
ended June 30, 2001,  and  returned to strong  year-over-year  growth.  Cash net
earnings  were $24.3  million,  up 114.9% over the same period in the prior year
and up 9.5%  over the  $22.2  million  reported  in this  year's  second  fiscal
quarter.  For the nine months,  cash earnings were $62.7 million,  compared with
$66.4 million reported in the same period of the prior year, reflecting a higher
tax rate.  The cash net  earnings  margin  was 6.0%,  compared  with 5.9% in the
second quarter, and 3.4% in the third quarter of fiscal 2000.

Amortization of Goodwill, Net of Income Taxes
Amortization of goodwill,  net of income taxes,  increased 57.2% to $7.0 million
in the third  quarter  and 49.1% to $19.7  million  for the first nine months of
fiscal 2001,  compared with year  earlier.  The increase  reflects  acquisitions
during the year as outlined in note 3 to the financial statements.

Net Earnings
Net earnings in the third quarter of fiscal 2001 were $17.3  million,  up 152.2%
over the same period in the prior year, and up 14.0% sequentially over the $15.2
million reported in this year's second fiscal quarter.  The net margin was 4.3%,
compared with 4.1% in the second quarter and 2.1% in the third quarter of fiscal
2000. For the nine months, net earnings were $43.0 million,  down 19.3% compared
with the same period of the prior year,  reflecting  lower cash net earnings and
increased amortization of goodwill net of income taxes.

Liquidity and Financial Resources
CGI maintains a strong balance sheet and cash position, which together with bank
lines are sufficient to support the Company's growth strategy. The Company has a
$250 million credit


facility with four Canadian  chartered  banks  available  for  acquisitions  and
general working capital purposes. As at June 30, 2001, the total credit facility
available amounted to approximately $193 million.

The  company,  as at June 30,  2001,  had cash  and  cash  equivalents  of $53.3
million,  compared  with  $49.3  million  as at  September  30,  2000.  Accounts
receivable  amounted to $236.0  million  compared with $211.2  million as at the
most recent fiscal year end, and  day-sales  outstanding  (DSOs)  improved to 63
days, from 75 days as at September 30, 2000.

Within current  liabilities,  the increase in deferred revenue to $121.1 million
from $25.5  million  reflects  primarily  the  addition  of the  Desjardins  and
Laurentian Bank contracts.

The  increase  in  long-term  debt,  which  remains at a low level  relative  to
shareholders'  equity,  reflects the financing of certain  assets related to the
Desjardins  contract.  Long-term  debt  increased to $67.7  million,  from $43.4
million as at September 30, 2000.

Shareholders'  equity  includes  warrants  issued  as  part  of the  outsourcing
agreements  with  Desjardins  and  Laurentian  Bank.  CGI  issued a  warrant  to
Desjardins,  which is  entitled  to  subscribe,  until  April  30,  2006,  up to
4,000,000 Class A Subordinate Shares of CGI at a price of $6.55 per share. CGI's
majority  individual  shareholders (Serge Godin, Andre Imbeau and Jean Brassard)
have decided to exercise  their  preemptive  rights  pursuant to the articles of
incorporation of CGI in respect of the issue of the warrant in order to maintain
their Class B voting  interests at current levels.  BCE Inc. ("BCE") has decided
to exercise  its  preemptive  right in order to  maintain  its voting and equity
interests at current levels. Pursuant to such exercise of preemptive rights, CGI
will issue  warrants  with  substantially  similar  terms and  conditions.  Such
warrants  may be  exercised  only to the extent that  Desjardins  exercises  its
warrant  and that BCE and the  majority  shareholders  elect to  exercise  their

Regarding the outsourcing  agreement with Laurentian  Bank, CGI issued a warrant
to Laurentian Bank,  which is entitled to subscribe,  until June 12, 2006, up to
1,118,210 Class A Subordinate  Shares of CGI at a price of $8.877 a share. CGI's
majority  individual  shareholders  have  decided to exercise  their  preemptive
rights pursuant to the articles of  incorporation of CGI in respect of the issue
of the warrant in order to maintain  their Class B voting  interests  at current
levels.  BCE has decided to exercise its  preemptive  right in order to maintain
its voting and equity interests at current levels.  Pursuant to such exercise of
preemptive rights, CGI will issue warrants with substantially  similar terms and
conditions.  Such  warrants  may  be  exercised  only  and to  the  extent  that
Laurentian Bank exercises its warrant and that BCE and the majority shareholders
elect to exercise their warrants.

Operating cash flows in the third quarter and in the first nine months of fiscal
2001 were higher than in the third quarter and first nine months of fiscal 2000,
respectively.  The increase in operating  cash flow,  despite a reduction in net
earnings in the nine-month period, reflects higher depreciation and amortization
amounts  related to various  fixed  assets,  contract  costs,  and goodwill from
recent  transactions.  Additionally,  there was a foreign  exchange loss of $4.6
million in the latest nine-month period.

Operating  cash flow in the third quarter  amounted to $52.7  million,  compared
with $23.1  million in the third  quarter a year ago. The variation in operating
cash flow reflects mostly the variation in net earnings and future income taxes.
As in the nine-month  period,  it also reflects  increases in  amortization  and
depreciation, and a foreign exchange loss. Cash provided by operating activities


amounted to $101.9  million,  a  significant  increase over $19.0 million in the
third quarter a year ago, primarily reflecting improved cash management.

During the quarter, the Company invested $61.7 million in acquisitions and $25.9
million in new business contracts.  Cash used for investing  activities totalled
$98.0  million,  compared  with $7.1 million in the same quarter a year ago. For
the nine months,  investments in business  acquisitions totalled $108.8 million,
compared  with $2.9 million in the same period a year ago,  and  contract  costs
totalled $36.3 million, compared with $14.7 million the previous year.

The Company  concluded the nine-month period with $53.3 million in cash and cash
equivalents, compared with $33.3 million at June 30, 2000.

Subsequent  to the  end of the  third  quarter,  CGI  acquired  IMRglobal  Corp.
("IMRglobal") following majority approval by IMRglobal shareholders at a special
meeting  held July 27, 2001.  CGI is acquiring  IMRglobal on the basis of 1.5974
CGI Class A Subordinate  Share for each share of IMRglobal Common Stock. A total
of approximately  70.8 million CGI Class A Subordinate  Shares are being issued.
In addition,  outstanding  IMRglobal stock options will become approximately 8.4
million options to acquire CGI Class A Subordinate Shares.

The  Company  will  account  for the  merger in  accordance  with  Statement  of
Financial  Accounting  Standards  (SFAS) No.  141,  Business  Combinations,  the
conclusions of which are substantially similar to the new recommendations of the
Canadian  Institute of Chartered  Accountants  ("CICA")  Handbook  Section 1581,
Business Combinations. As a result of adopting this standard, the purchase price
will be determined  using the weighted  average trading price of the CGI Class A
Subordinate Shares on the Toronto Stock Exchange for the  twenty-one-day  period
starting  ten days  before and ending  ten days after the  announcement  date of
February 21, 2001 representing $7.58 per share. Under prior Canadian  standards,
the purchase price would have been determined based on a  twenty-one-day  period
around  the  closing  date  rather  than  a  twenty-one-day  period  around  the
announcement date.

Estimated  professional  fees and  integration  costs of $74.0  million  will be
included  in the  total  purchase  consideration,  as  well as a fair  value  of
approximately $55.0 million for IMRglobal options.

Additionally,  CGI's  majority  individual  shareholders  (Serge Godin and Andre
Imbeau)  are  exercising  their  preemptive  rights to  maintain  their  Class B
multiple  voting  interests at current levels and have committed up to a maximum
aggregate of $60 million to acquire additional Class B Multiple Voting Shares at
the weighted  average  trading price of CGI's Class A Subordinate  Shares in the
twenty-one-day period from July 13 through August 10, inclusively.

On a pro forma basis,  reflecting the combined revenue of CGI and IMRglobal on a
run-rate basis, the mix of revenue is as follows:

o    by type of services, 61.0% IT outsourcing, and 39.0% consulting and systems
o    by geographic  location of clients,  70.3% in Canada,  21.5% in the US, and
     8.2% international;
o    by economic sector, 44.9% financial services, 26.6% telecommunications, 15%
     manufacturing/retail/distribution  chain, 9.4% government, 2.5% healthcare,
     and 1.6% energy and utilities.


Risks and Uncertainties
CGI  reports  its  financial  statements  in  Canadian  dollars.  Following  the
acquisition  of  IMRglobal  and  resulting  increase  in  US  and  International
business,  the  Company may incur  additional  foreign  exchange  risks which it
intends  to  mitigate  by  implementing  hedging  and other  capital  management

Accounting Changes
Effective the first quarter of fiscal 2001, the Company adopted  recommendations
of the CICA Handbook sections 1751, regarding interim financial statements,  and
3500, regarding earnings per share.

Section  1751  establishes  standards  for  interim  financial  statements.   In
accordance  with this  section,  CGI has provided  disclosure  on new or changed
accounting  policies or methods (i.e.  the adoption of section  3500);  included
disclosure   required  in  annual  financial   statements   concerning  business
combinations  (mostly  C.U.  Processing  Inc.,  Star  Data  Systems  Inc.,  AGTI
Consulting  Services Inc. and  Desjardins);  and provided a comparative  balance
sheet as at the end of the immediately preceding fiscal year instead of the same
period of the previous year.

Section 3500 brings Canadian  requirements  in line with U.S. and  international
standards   FASB  Statement  128  and  IAS  33.   Presentation   and  disclosure
requirements  are aligned with those of FASB  Statement  128.  Under the revised
standard,  the  treasury  stock  method is used  instead of the current  imputed
earnings  approach  for  determining  the  dilutive  effect of  options  issued.
Reconciliation  of the numerator and  denominator  of both basic and diluted per
share data is disclosed.

Quarterly Conference Call Notification
A conference call for the investment community will be held on Tuesday, July 31,
2001 at 11:00 am (Eastern  Daylight Time).  Participants  may access the call by
dialling  (888)  209-3775.  A live audio webcast of the  conference  call,  with
accompanying slides, will be available at CGI's website,  For those
unable to  participate,  a replay will be  available  until August 7 by dialling
(800) 558-5253 and quoting the access number 19 33 85 78.

About CGI
Founded in 1976, CGI is the fourth largest  independent  information  technology
services  firm in North  America,  based on its  headcount  of more than  13,000
professionals.  CGI's annualized revenue run-rate totals US$1.3 billion (CDN$2.0
billion). CGI's order backlog currently totals US$5.7 billion (CDN$8.8 billion).
CGI provides  end-to-end  IT services and business  solutions to more than 3,000
clients in the United States, Canada, the United Kingdom,  France, India, Japan,
and Australia from more than 60 offices in more than 20 countries.  CGI's shares
are listed on the NYSE (GIB) and the TSE  (GIB.A).  They are included in the TSE
300 Composite Index as well as the S&P/TSE Canadian  Information  Technology and
Canadian MidCap Indices. Website:

Forward-Looking Statements
All  statements  in  this  press  release  and  MD&A  that do not  directly  and
exclusively relate to historical facts constitute  "forward-looking  statements"
within the  meaning of the  Private  Securities  Litigation  Reform Act of 1995.
These statements represent CGI Group Inc.'s intentions, plans, expectations, and
beliefs,  and are subject to risks,  uncertainties,  and other factors, of which
many are beyond the control of the  Company.  These  factors  could cause actual
results to differ materially from such forward-looking statements.

These  factors  include  and  are  not  restricted  to the  timing  and  size of
contracts, acquisitions and other corporate developments; the ability to attract
and retain  qualified  employees;  market  competition  in the


rapidly-evolving  information technology industry; general economic and business
conditions,  foreign  exchange and other risks  identified  in the  Management's
Discussion  and Analysis  (MD&A) in CGI Group Inc.'s  Annual  Report or Form 40F
filed  with the SEC,  the  Company's  Annual  Information  Form  filed  with the
Canadian securities commissions, on the Registration Statement on Form F-4 filed
with the SEC in connection  with the acquisition of IMRglobal and with the Forms
10-K and 10-Q of IMRglobal filed with the SEC for the periods ended December 31,
2000 and March 31, 2001 respectively.  All of the risk factors included in these
filed  documents are included here by reference.  CGI disclaims any intention or
obligation  to update or revise  any  forward-looking  statements,  whether as a
result of new information, future events or otherwise.


For more information:

Investor Relations
Julie Creed - USA
Vice-president, investor relations
(312) 543-2942

Ronald White - Canada
Director, investor relations
(514) 841-3230

Media Relations
Eileen Murphy
Director, media relations
(514) 841-3430


                      Consolidated financial statements of
                                 CGI GROUP INC.
                     For the nine months ended June 30, 2001

Consolidated statements of earnings
(in thousands of Canadian dollars, except per share amounts) (unaudited)

- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                                                                           Three months ended June 30,   Nine months ended June 30,
                                                                              2001              2000         2001           2000
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                                                                                   $              $               $               $

Revenue                                                                      404,136        330,701       1,112,297       1,115,907
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Operating expenses
     Costs of services, selling and administrative expenses                  339,656        299,538         946,426         961,321
     Research and development                                                  3,362          2,300           8,881           7,710
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                                                                             343,018        301,838         955,307         969,031
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Operating earnings before:                                                    61,118         28,863         156,990         146,876
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

     Depreciation and amortization of fixed assets                             8,239          6,895          23,013          20,689
     Amortization of contract costs                                            9,009          5,102          20,823          16,598
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                                                                              17,248         11,997          43,836          37,287
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Earnings before the following items                                           43,870         16,866         113,154         109,589
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

     Long-term debt                                                           (1,114)          (799)         (2,948)         (2,678)
     Other                                                                        53             --            (102)           (182)
     Income                                                                      922            585           2,199           3,088
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                                                                                (139)          (214)           (851)            228
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Earnings before income taxes, entity subject to significant influence
     and amortization of goodwill                                             43,731         16,652         112,303         109,817

Income taxes                                                                  19,419          5,353          49,658          43,432
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Earnings before entity subject to significant influence
     and amortization of goodwill                                             24,312         11,299          62,645          66,385

Entity subject to significant influence                                           --             13               7              64
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Earnings before amortization of goodwill                                      24,312         11,312          62,652          66,449

Amortization of goodwill, net of income taxes                                  6,972          4,436          19,684          13,202
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Net earnings                                                                  17,340          6,876          42,968          53,247

Weighted average number of outstanding Class A
     subordinate shares and Class B shares                               290,069,819    270,300,026     284,618,900     269,905,421

Basic earnings per share before amortization of goodwill                        0.08           0.04            0.22            0.25

Diluted earnings per share before amortization of goodwill (Note 1)             0.08           0.04            0.22            0.24

Basic and diluted earnings per share (Note 1)                                   0.06           0.03            0.15            0.20


Consolidated statements of retained earnings
(in thousands of Canadian dollars) (unaudited)
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                                                                       Three months ended June 30,      Nine months ended June 30,
                                                                          2001              2000           2001           2000
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

                                                                                 $             $                $             $

Retained earnings, beginning of period, as previously reported             208,784       173,861          183,156       139,080

Adjustment for change in accounting policy                                      --            --               --       (11,590)
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Retained earnings, beginning of period, as restated                        208,784       173,861          183,156       127,490

Net earnings                                                                17,340         6,876           42,968        53,247
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Retained earnings, end of period                                           226,124       180,737          226,124       180,737


Consolidated balance sheets
(in thousands of Canadian dollars) (unaudited)

- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                                                              As at June 30,     As at September 30,
                                                                  2001                 2000
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                                                                      $                     $

Current assets
     Cash and cash equivalents                                   53,314                49,341
     Accounts receivable                                        236,048               211,188
     Income taxes                                                12,695                10,483
     Work in progress                                            44,857                49,117
     Prepaid expenses and other current assets                   47,437                19,442
     Future income taxes                                         10,308                 7,052
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                                                                404,659               346,623

Investment in an entity subject to significant influence             --                 1,261
Fixed assets                                                     96,465                58,900
Contract costs                                                  251,546                93,716
Future income taxes                                              24,077                24,470
Goodwill                                                        529,076               395,903
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                                                              1,305,823               920,873

Current liabilities
     Accounts payable and accrued liabilities                   200,996               142,754
     Deferred revenue                                           121,138                25,512
     Future income taxes                                          6,401                 7,963
     Current portion of long-term debt                            5,704                 5,770
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                                                                334,239               181,999

Future income taxes                                              27,209                23,929
Long-term debt                                                   61,979                37,644
Deferred revenue and other                                       32,781                    --
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                                                                456,208               243,572
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Shareholders' equity
     Capital stock (Note 2)                                     600,150               491,807
     Contributed surplus                                            211                   211
     Warrants (Note 2)                                           19,655                    --
     Retained earnings                                          226,124               183,156
     Foreign currency translation adjustment                      3,475                 2,127
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                                                                849,615               677,301
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                                                              1,305,823               920,873


Consolidated statements of cash flows
(in thousands of Canadian dollars) (unaudited)
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                                                                 Three months ended June 30,         Nine months ended June 30,
                                                                    2001              2000               2001           2000
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                                                                         $               $                   $               $

Operating activities
     Net earnings                                                   17,340           6,876              42,968          53,247
     Adjustments for:
        Depreciation and amortization of fixed assets                8,239           6,895              23,013          20,689
        Loss on disposal of fixed assets                                --             814                  --             945
        Amortization of contract costs                               9,009           5,102              20,823          16,598
        Amortization of goodwill                                     7,335           4,727              20,779          14,160
        Future income taxes                                          8,295            (834)              6,423             698
        Foreign exchange loss (gain)                                 2,511            (484)              4,609            (583)
        Entity subject to significant influence                         --             (13)                 (7)            (64)
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Operating cash flow                                                 52,729          23,083             118,608         105,690
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
     Changes in non-cash operating working capital items:
        Accounts receivable                                         (8,306)         13,774              (4,610)         11,586
        Work in progress                                             3,898          19,744                (963)          8,160
        Prepaid expenses and other current assets                       11           2,642             (12,003)        (12,170)
        Accounts payable and accrued liabilities                    30,892         (39,227)             19,631         (76,481)
        Income taxes                                                 9,727          (8,783)             (3,070)         (6,672)
        Deferred revenue                                            12,912           7,763              40,775             400
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                                                                    49,134          (4,087)             39,760         (75,177)
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Cash provided by operating activities                              101,863          18,996             158,368          30,513
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Financing activities
     Addition of long-term debt                                     35,000              --              55,000              --
     Reduction of long-term debt                                   (12,240)        (17,575)            (43,934)        (20,960)
     Issuance of shares                                                  5             349                 490          10,497
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Cash provided by (used for) financing activities                    22,765         (17,226)             11,556         (10,463)
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Investing activities
     Business acquisitions (net of cash) (Note 3)                  (61,669)             --            (108,792)         (2,892)
     Entity subject to significant influence                            --              --                  --            (514)
     Purchase of fixed assets                                      (10,450)         (3,349)            (21,027)        (12,440)
     Proceeds from sale of fixed assets                                 --             537                  --             834
     Contract costs                                                (25,885)         (4,247)            (36,260)        (14,693)
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Cash used for investing activities                                 (98,004)         (7,059)           (166,079)        (29,705)
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Foreign exchange (loss) gain on cash held in foreign currencies     (1,500)          1,184                 128             717
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Net increase (decrease) in cash and cash equivalents                25,124          (4,105)              3,973          (8,938)
Cash and cash equivalents, beginning of period                      28,190          37,396              49,341          42,229
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Cash and cash equivalents, end of period                            53,314          33,291              53,314          33,291

Interest paid                                                        1,291             799               4,040           2,860
Income taxes paid and received                                         897          14,678              31,515          53,525


Notes to the consolidated financial statements
(tabular amounts only are in thousands of Canadian dollars)(unaudited)

Note 1 - Summary of significant accounting policies
These  interim  financial  statements  should  be read in  conjunction  with the
consolidated  financial statements of the Company and notes thereto for the year
ended September 30, 2000.

On October 1, 2000, the Company adopted the new  recommendations of the Canadian
Institute of Chartered Accountants ("CICA") Handbook section 3500 - Earnings per
share. Under the revised section 3500, the treasury stock method is used instead
of the current imputed earnings  approach for determining the dilutive effect of
options  and  warrants  issued.  In  addition,   the  section  requires  that  a
reconciliation of the numerator and denominator be disclosed.

                                                                             Three months ended June 30,
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                                                                   2001                                       2000
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                                                                   Number                                     Number
                                                Net earnings     of shares     Per share    Net earnings      of shares    Per share
                                                 (numerator)    (denominator)   amount       (numerator)    (denominator)    amount
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                                                          $                          $                $                            $
Net earnings available to common shareholders        17,340      290,069,819      0.06            6,876      270,300,026        0.03
Dilutive options                                         --          969,315                         --        1,882,861
Dilutive warrants                                        --          518,130                         --               --
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Net earnings available to common shareholders
and assumed conversions                              17,340      291,557,264      0.06            6,876      272,182,887        0.03

                                                                             Nine months ended June 30,
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                                                                   2001                                       2000
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                                                                   Number                                     Number
                                                Net earnings     of shares     Per share    Net earnings      of shares    Per share
                                                 (numerator)    (denominator)   amount       (numerator)    (denominator)    amount
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                                                          $                          $                $                            $
Net earnings available to common shareholders        42,968      284,618,900      0.15           53,247      269,905,421        0.20
Dilutive options                                         --          881,941                         --        3,011,295
Dilutive warrants                                        --          151,453                         --               --
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Net earnings available to common shareholders
and assumed conversions                              42,968      285,652,294      0.15           53,247      272,916,716        0.20

Note 2 - Capital Stock and Warrants

Capital Stock

Class A subordinate  shares carrying one vote per share,  participating  equally
with Class B shares with  respect to the payment of  dividends  and  convertible
into Class B shares under certain  conditions  in the event of certain  takeover
bids on Class B shares.

Class B shares, carrying ten votes per share, participating equally with Class A
subordinate  shares with respect to the payment of dividends and  convertible at
any time at the option of the holder into Class A subordinate shares.


Under a stock option plan for certain employees and directors of the Company and
its subsidiaries,  the Board of Directors may grant, at its discretion,  options
to purchase company stock to certain  employees and directors of the Company and
of its subsidiaries. The exercise price is established by the Board of Directors
but may not be lower  than the  average  closing  price for Class A  subordinate
shares over the five business  days  preceeding  the date of grant.  Each option
must be exercised within a ten-year  period,  except in the event of retirement,
termination of employment or death.


In connection with the signing of strategic  outsourcing  contracts and business
acquisitions, the Company issued to the other parties warrants to purchase Class
A subordinate  shares.  The exercise  prices were  determined  using the average
closing price for Class A subordinate  shares at a date and for a number of days
agreed upon by the parties. The warrants vest upon signature of the contracts or
date of business  acquisitions  and have an exercise period of five years. As at
June 30, 2001, there were 5,118,210  warrants issued and  outstanding.  The fair
value of the  warrants is  estimated  at the grant date using the  Black-Scholes
option pricing model with the following assumptions : risk-free interest rate of
4.9%, dividend yield of 0.0%,  volatility factor of 57.7% and expected life of 5


Notes to the consolidated financial statements
(tabular amounts only are in thousands of Canadian dollars)(unaudited)

Note 2 - Capital Stock and Warrants (Continued)
The following  table presents  information  concerning  capital stock issued and
paid and all stock options and warrants as at June 30, 2001 :

Number of shares issued and paid                                                       Number
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Class A subordinate shares                                                           255,224,941
Class B shares                                                                        34,846,526
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Total Capital stock                                                                  290,071,467
Number of stock options (convertible into Class A subordinate shares)                  9,278,480
Number of warrants (convertible into Class A subordinate shares)                       5,118,210
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Number of shares reflecting the potential exercise of stock options and warrants     304,468,157

As at June 30, 2001, and September 30, 2000, (after giving retroactive effect of
the  subdivision  of the  Company's  shares  that  occured on August  12,  1997,
December 15, 1997,  May 21, 1998 and January 7, 2000),  the Class A  subordinate
shares and the Class B shares changed as follows :

                                                                                     June 30, 2001
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                                                               Class A subordinate shares           Class B shares
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                                                            Number           Amount            Number          Amount
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                                                                                    $                                   $

Balance, beginning of period                            240,755,667           490,645        34,846,526             1,162
Issued for cash                                                  --                --                --                --
Issued as consideration for business acquisitions        14,299,441           107,853                --                --
Options exercised                                           169,833               490                --                --
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Balance, end of period                                  255,224,941           598,988        34,846,526             1,162

                                                                                   September 30, 2000
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                                                               Class A subordinate shares           Class B shares
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                                                            Number           Amount            Number          Amount
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                                                                                    $                                   $

Balance, beginning of period                            233,887,974           423,616        34,773,652               148
Issued for cash                                             287,914             4,003                --                --
Issued as consideration for business acquisitions         5,626,369            57,112                --                --
Options exercised                                           953,410             5,914            72,874             1,014
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Balance, end of period                                  240,755,667           490,645        34,846,526             1,162

The following table presents information concerning all stock options granted to
certain  employees  and  directors  by the  Company  as at June  30,  2001,  and
September 30, 2000:

                                           June 30, 2001      September 30, 2000
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Number of options
Outstanding, beginning of period            6,413,181              4,996,414
Granted                                     3,678,022              2,565,594
Exercised, forfeited and expired             (812,723)            (1,148,827)
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Outstanding, end of period                  9,278,480              6,413,181


Notes to the consolidated financial statements
(tabular amounts only are in thousands of Canadian dollars)(unaudited)

Note 3 - Business acquisitions
During the nine  months  ended  June 30,  2001,  the  Company  acquired  all the
outstanding  shares of C.U.  Processing Inc. and RSI Realtime Inc. on October 4,
2000,  and on December  12,  2000,  respectively,  and  acquired  49% of all the
outstanding  shares of AGTI  Consulting  Services Inc.  ("AGTI") on November 27,
2000. On January 4, 2001,  the Company  acquired all the  outstanding  shares of
Groupe-conseil CDL Inc. and, on January 9, 2001, acquired all of the outstanding
Star Data Systems Inc. ("Star Data") common shares on the basis of 0.737 Class A
subordinate  shares of the Company for each Star Data common  share.  On January
12, 2001,  the Company  increased its interest in  Conseillers  en  informatique
d'affaires  from 35% to 49% and  began  using  the  proportionate  consolidation
method to account for this  investment;  prior to January 12, 2001,  the Company
used the equity method to account for this investment.  A contingent  payment of
$1,640,000  for AGTI was made in the three  months ended March 31, 2001 based on
the  accomplishment  of specified  financial  goals as at December 31, 2000. The
contingent  payment  resulted in a corresponding  increase of the purchase price
and the resulting goodwill.

On May 1, 2001,  the Company  signed a strategic  alliance for the management of
data and micro-computing of Mouvement Desjardins  operations.  In the context of
this agreement,  the Company acquired the related assets,  certain  intellectual
property  rights  and  assumed  liabilities  of  La  Confederation  des  Caisses
Populaires et d'Economie  Desjardins du Quebec  ("Desjardins")  used in data and
micro-computing of Mouvement Desjardins operations.  In addition,  approximately
450 Desjardins  employees were transferred to the Company.  On May 31, 2001, the
Company acquired  CyberBranch,  a subsidiary of Stanford Federal Credit Union of
Palo Alto,  California,  and, on June 12, 2001, made its initial contribution of
$5,000,000 in NTER Technologies,  Limited  Partnership  ("NTER"),  a partnership
created on February, 1, 2001. The Company accounts for its 49.9% interest
 in NTER using the proportionate consolidation method.

These acquisitions were accounted for using the purchase method, as follows:

                                                              Desjardins    Star Data     AGTI    Processing   Other        Total
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                                                                     $           $           $          $           $           $

Non-cash working capital items                                  11,625     (16,153)      2,216     (9,811)      1,653     (10,470)
Fixed assets                                                    13,368      21,211         448      3,296       1,076      39,399
Contract costs                                                 111,986       7,613          --        447         184     120,230
Future income taxes                                             (6,685)     12,616          10      4,228         428      10,597
Goodwill                                                         9,549      75,512      14,602     39,351      14,114     153,128
Current liabilities                                            (34,846)         --          --         --          --     (34,846)
Long-term debt                                                      --     (10,799)         --       (812)     (1,462)    (13,073)
Other non-current liabilities                                  (32,781)         --          --         --          --     (32,781)
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                                                                72,216      90,000      17,276     36,699      15,993     232,184
Cash position at acquisition                                        --      12,820       7,639      1,837       3,136      25,432
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                                                                72,216     102,820      24,915     38,536      19,129     257,616

      Cash                                                      57,945          --      24,915     38,536      12,828     134,224
      Issuance of 14,299,441 Class A subordinate shares             --     102,820          --         --       5,033     107,853
      4,000,000 warrants at fair value                          14,271          --          --         --          --      14,271
      Equity value of CIA investment at acquisition date            --          --          --         --       1,268       1,268
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                                                                72,216     102,820      24,915     38,536      19,129     257,616

Note 4 - Segmented information
The Company provides  information  technology  services.  The following presents
information on the Company's operations based on its organizational structure.

- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
As at and for the three months              Canada          US       International  Corporate   Intersegment     Total
ended June 30, 2001                                                               expenses and   elimination
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                                                    $              $            $             $             $            $
Revenue                                       342,411         51,321       15,593            --        (5,189)     404,136
Operating expenses                            269,248         52,628       17,233         9,098        (5,189)     343,018
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Operating earnings before:                     73,163         (1,307)      (1,640)       (9,098)           --       61,118
Depreciation and amortization                  15,480            866          345           557            --       17,248
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Earnings before interest, income taxes,
entity subject to significant influence
and amortization of goodwill                   57,683         (2,173)      (1,985)       (9,655)           --       43,870
Total assets                                  954,643        197,039       70,600        83,541            --    1,305,823


Notes to the consolidated financial statements
(tabular amounts only are in thousands of Canadian dollars)(unaudited)

Note 4 - Segmented information (Continued)

- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
As at and for the three months              Canada          US       International  Corporate   Intersegment     Total
ended June 30, 2000                                                               expenses and   elimination
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                                                    $              $            $             $             $            $
Revenue                                       255,367         56,914       39,221            --       (20,801)     330,701
Operating expenses                            220,631         55,539       37,819         8,650       (20,801)     301,838
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Operating earnings before:                     34,736          1,375        1,402        (8,650)           --       28,863
Depreciation and amortization                  10,214            907          552           324            --       11,997
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Earnings before interest, income taxes,
entity subject to significant influence
and amortization of goodwill                   24,522            468          850        (8,974)           --       16,866
Total assets                                  496,645        171,203      124,667        58,316            --      850,831

As at and for the nine months
ended June 30, 2001
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Revenue                                       932,676        152,201       54,421            --       (27,001)   1,112,297
Operating expenses                            742,632        156,874       56,561        26,241       (27,001)     955,307
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Operating earnings before:                    190,044         (4,673)      (2,140)      (26,241)           --      156,990
Depreciation and amortization                  39,072          2,468        1,182         1,114            --       43,836
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Earnings before interest, income taxes,
entity subject to significant influence
and amortization of goodwill                  150,972         (7,141)      (3,322)      (27,355)           --      113,154
Total assets                                  954,643        197,039       70,600        83,541            --    1,305,823

As at and for the nine months
ended June 30, 2000
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Revenue                                       858,543        162,904      158,432            --       (63,972)   1,115,907
Operating expenses                            719,187        151,755      140,842        21,219       (63,972)     969,031
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Operating earnings before:                    139,356         11,149       17,590       (21,219)           --      146,876
Depreciation and amortization                  31,577          3,289        1,434           987            --       37,287
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Earnings before interest, income taxes,
entity subject to significant influence
and amortization of goodwill                  107,779          7,860       16,156       (22,206)           --      109,589
Total assets                                  496,645        171,203      124,667        58,316            --      850,831

Note 5 - Commitment
On June 28,  2001,  the  Company  signed a letter of intent to  acquire  all the
outstanding shares of Larochelle Gratton, a Quebec-based IT consulting firm, for
a total  consideration  of approximately  $9,200,000  payable in cash and by the
issuance of 517,000 Class A subordinate  shares of the Company.  The transaction
will be effective July 1, 2001.

Note 6 - Subsequent event
On July 27, 2001, the shareholders of IMRglobal Corp.  ("IMR") approved a merger
agreement providing for the acquisition by the Company of all outstanding shares
of common stock of IMR, on the basis of 1.5974 Class A subordinate  share of the
Company for each share of IMR common stock. As a result of the merger,  based on
the  number of  outstanding  shares of IMR  common  stock and IMR stock  options
outstanding  as at July 27,  2001,  the Company  will issue  approximately  70.8
million Class A subordinate shares and outstanding IMR stock options will become
up to approximately 8.4 million options to acquire Class A subordinate shares.


Notes to the consolidated financial statements
(tabular amounts only are in thousands of Canadian dollars)(unaudited)

Note 6 - Subsequent event (Continued)

The  Company  will  account  for the  merger in  accordance  with  Statement  of
Financial Accounting Standards No. 141, Business  Combinations,  the conclusions
of which are substantially  similar to the  recommendations of the CICA Handbook
Section 1581, Business Combinations.  As a result of adopting this standard, the
purchase price will be determined  using the weighted  average  trading price of
the Class A  subordinate  share on the Toronto  Stock  Exchange  ("TSE") for the
twenty-one-day  period  starting  ten days  before and ending ten days after the
announcement  date of  February  21,  2001 of $7.58 per  share.  Under the prior
Canadian  standards,  the  purchase  price  would  have  been  determined  on  a
twenty-one-day  period  around the closing  date  rather  than a  twenty-one-day
period around the announcement date. Estimated professional fees and integration
costs related to the  acquisition of  $74,000,000  will be included in the total
purchase consideration, as well as a fair value of approximately $55,000,000 for
the IMR options.

Certain  holders of Class B shares have committed to exercise  their  preemptive
rights in connection with the merger pursuant to which approximately 6.0 million
Class B shares will be issued,  up to a maximum aggregate amount of $60,000,000.
BCE Inc., a shareholder, has determined not to exercice its preemptive rights to
acquire  additional Class A subordinate  shares and Class B shares. The exercise
price of the preemptive  rights will be determined using the Class A subordinate
share weighted  average trading price on the TSE for the  twenty-one-day  period
starting ten days before and ending ten days after July 27, 2001.

Note 7 - Comparative figures
Certain  comparative  figures have been  reclassified in order to conform to the
presentation adopted in 2001.



     Pursuant to the  requirements  of the Securities  Exchange Act of 1934, the
registrant  has duly  caused  this  report  to be  signed  on its  behalf by the
undersigned, thereunto duly authorized.

                                    CGI GROUP INC.

Date:   July 31, 2001               By /s/ Paule Dore
                                       Name:  Paule Dore
                                       Title: Executive Vice President
                                              and Chief Corporate Officer
                                              and Secretary