WASHINGTON, D.C. 20549


                                   FORM 8-K/A

                                 CURRENT REPORT
                     PURSUANT TO SECTION 13 OR 15(d) OF THE
                         SECURITIES EXCHANGE ACT OF 1934

       Date of Report (Date of earliest event reported): October 25, 2002

                          FIVE STAR QUALITY CARE, INC.
               (Exact name of registrant as specified in charter)

         Maryland                      001-16817                04-3516029
State or other jurisdiction           (Commission            (I.R.S. employer
    of incorporation)                file number)         identification number)

                400 Centre Street, Newton, Massachusetts      02458
               (Address of principal executive offices)     (Zip code)

        Registrant's telephone number, including area code: 617-796-8387

This Current  Report on Form 8-K/A amends and  restates,  in its  entirety,  the
Current  Report on Form 8-K (dated  October 25, 2002),  which was filed with the
Securities and Exchange Commission on November 12, 2002.

Item 2. Acquisition or Disposition of Assets.

         On October 25, 2002,  Five Star Quality Care, Inc. ("we," "us" or "Five
Star," which term  includes  our  consolidated  subsidiaries  unless the context
requires  otherwise),   Senior  Housing  Properties  Trust  ("Senior  Housing"),
Constellation   Health   Services,   Inc.   and  certain  of  its   subsidiaries
(collectively "CHSI") completed the transactions  contemplated by a Purchase and
Sale  Agreement  dated  August 26, 2002,  between  Senior  Housing and CHSI,  as
amended by the First  Amendment to Purchase and Sale Agreement dated October 25,
2002,  among Five Star,  Senior  Housing  and CHSI (as  amended,  the  "Purchase
Agreement").  Under the Purchase  Agreement,  we and SNH acquired assets of CHSI
consisting  of 15 senior  living  communities  that have an  aggregate  of 1,016
units, as more fully described below.

         We  acquired  seven  senior  living  communities   directly  from  CHSI
(collectively, the "Five Star Communities"). Senior Housing acquired eight other
senior living  communities  (the "Leased  Communities")  and we acquired certain
operating  assets and  liabilities of the Leased  Communities and entered into a
lease with Senior Housing for the Leased Communities.

         We and  Senior  Housing  are  jointly  and  severally  liable  for  the
obligations and liabilities  under the Purchase  Agreement.  Except as otherwise
provided in our lease for the Leased  Communities,  we and Senior  Housing  have
agreed that we will each have all of the rights and remedies, perform all of the
obligations,  and assume the  liabilities,  each under the  Purchase  Agreement,
relating to the Five Star Communities and the Leased Communities, respectively.

         The purchase price paid to CHSI pursuant to the Purchase  Agreement was
$77.15  million,  comprised of cash and the  assumption  of certain  liabilities
relating  to the 15  senior  living  communities.  We paid  $27  million  of the
Purchase  Agreement's  total  purchase  price by assuming  $15.8  million of HUD
insured mortgage debt encumbering one of the Five Star Communities and by paying
CHSI the balance of $11.2 million in cash.

         Simultaneously  with the closing under the Purchase  Agreement:  (i) we
sold to Senior  Housing our senior living  community  located in Overland  Park,
Kansas, for approximately  $12.7 million in cash; and (ii) we leased from Senior
Housing  the Leased  Communities  and the  property  located in  Overland  Park,

         The  material  terms of our lease with  Senior  Housing  for the Leased
Communities and Overland Park are  substantially the same as our existing leases
with Senior Housing, except as follows: We are required to pay to Senior Housing
for the  Leased  Communities  and  Overland  Park  minimum  rent equal to $6.285
million  per  year.  In  addition,  starting  in 2005,  we are  required  to pay
additional  rent with  respect  to each  lease  year in an amount  equal to four
percent  (4%) of net patient  revenues at each leased  facility in excess of net
patient  revenues at such facility during 2004. The initial term of the lease is
for 17 years,  expiring December 31, 2019. We have the option to renew the lease
for all, but not less than all, of the Leased  Communities and Overland Park for
one renewal term of 15 years thereafter.


         We intend to continue to operate  the 15 CHSI  communities  acquired as
senior living communities.

         All of our  directors,  except for Dr.  Bruce M. Gans,  are trustees of
Senior  Housing.  Our  president  and  treasurer  are  also  employees  of  Reit
Management & Research LLC ("RMR"), the investment manager to Senior Housing. RMR
also provides certain administrative  services to us. Gerard M. Martin and Barry
M.  Portnoy,  our two managing  directors,  are directors and 50% owners of RMR.
Substantially  all of our  properties  are leased from Senior  Housing.  Messrs.
Martin and Portnoy also own the building in which our  headquarters are located,
and we lease the headquarters under a lease expiring in 2011. We have previously
disclosed other relationships  between us, Messrs. Martin and Portnoy and Senior
Housing in our Annual Report on Form 10-K for the year ended December 31, 2001.



Item 7.  Financial Statements, Pro Forma Financial Information and Exhibits.


     (a) Financial Statements.

     Constellation Health Services Facilities

        Report of Independent Accountants                                     4

        Combined Balance Sheets at November 30, 2001
        and August 31, 2002 (unaudited)                                       5

        Combined Statements of Operations for the twelve months ended
        November  30, 2001 and nine months ended August 31, 2001 and 2002
        (unaudited)                                                           6

        Combined Statement of Changes in Owner Equity for the
        year ended November 30, 2001 and for the nine months ended August
        31, 2002 (unaudited)                                                  7

        Combined Statements of Cash Flows for the twelve months ended
        November  30,  2001 and the nine  months  ended  August 31, 2001
        and  2002 (unaudited)                                                 8

        Notes to the Combined Financial Statements                          9-14


                        Report of Independent Accountants

To Constellation Health Services, Inc.

In our  opinion,  the  accompanying  combined  balance  sheets  and the  related
combined  statements  of  operations,  changes in owner   equity and cash flows,
present  fairly,   in  all  material   respects,   the  financial   position  of
Constellation  Health Services  Facilities (the "Company") at November 30, 2001,
and the results of its  operations and its cash flows for the twelve months then
ended in conformity with accounting  principles generally accepted in the United
States of America.  These  financial  statements are the  responsibility  of the
Company's  management;  our  responsibility  is to  express  an opinion on these
financial  statements  based  on our  audit.  We  conducted  our  audit of these
statements  in  accordance  with auditing  standards  generally  accepted in the
United  States of America,  which  require that we plan and perform the audit to
obtain reasonable  assurance about whether the financial  statements are free of
material  misstatement.  An audit includes examining,  on a test basis, evidence
supporting the amounts and  disclosures in the financial  statements,  assessing
the accounting principles used and significant estimates made by management, and
evaluating the overall  financial  statement  presentation.  We believe that our
audit provides a reasonable basis for our opinion.

                                   /s/ PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP

January 6, 2003


Constellation Health Services Facilities
Combined Balance Sheets
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

                                                                       November 30,               August 31,
                                                                          2001                       2002
Current assets:
  Cash and cash equivalents                                             $ 2,290,257              $ 3,731,819
  Accounts receivable, (net of allowance of $15,000 and
   $18,116, respectively)                                                   686,176                  693,313
  Prepaid expenses                                                          872,752                  726,215
                                                                        -----------              -----------

                      Total current assets                                3,849,185                5,151,347
                                                                        -----------              -----------

Senior living facilities, net                                            73,500,000               74,325,433
Restricted cash                                                             731,481                  531,084
Other assets                                                              1,243,040                1,499,234
                                                                        -----------              -----------

                      Total assets                                      $79,323,706              $81,507,098
                                                                        -----------              -----------

Liabilities and Owner Equity
Current liabilities:
  Current portion of long-term debt                                     $20,146,174              $18,936,702
  Accounts payable                                                          588,309                1,311,171
  Accrued expenses                                                          662,740                  749,145
  Accrued interest                                                          274,995                  217,223
                                                                        -----------              -----------

                      Total current liabilities                          21,672,218               21,214,241
                                                                        -----------              -----------

Long-term debt, less current portion                                     20,912,059               20,582,840
Other liabilities                                                           181,667                  160,053
                                                                        -----------              -----------

                      Total liabilities                                  42,765,944               41,957,134
                                                                        -----------              -----------

Commitments and contingencies

Owner equity                                                             36,557,762               39,549,964
                                                                        -----------              -----------

                      Total liabilities and owner equity                $79,323,706              $81,507,098
                                                                        ===========              ===========

             The accompanying notes are an integral part of these combined financial statements.


Constellation Health Services Facilities
Combined Statements of Operations
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

                                                             Twelve Months            Nine Months
                                                                Ended                    Ended
                                                             November 30,              August 31,
                                                                 2001            2001             2002

  Rental and other                                           $ 32,551,096    $ 24,178,075    $ 25,316,974
  Interest                                                        216,936         106,022          80,463
                                                             ------------    ------------    ------------

                      Total revenue                            32,768,032      24,284,097      25,397,437

  Salaries and wages                                           16,500,512      12,312,597      12,838,150
  Facility operations                                           3,101,268       2,582,501       2,484,160
  Interest                                                      3,002,567       2,366,108       1,941,240
  Property management fees                                      1,660,175       1,234,027       1,272,068
  Utilities                                                     1,285,795         986,098         963,468
  General and administrative                                      969,221         731,219         855,456
  Marketing                                                       875,876         708,984         505,204
  Real estate tax                                                 807,533         659,093         588,524
  Insurance                                                       386,758         266,506         441,019
  Repairs and maintenance                                         430,980         326,113         339,823
  Ground lease                                                    131,405          97,658         105,561
  Professional fees                                               120,466          97,648          70,562
  Depreciation and amortization                                 3,912,926       2,830,608              --
  Provision for impairment on senior living facilities          9,598,698              --              --
                                                             ------------    ------------    ------------

                      Total expenses                           42,784,180      25,199,160      22,405,235
                                                             ------------    ------------    ------------

Income (loss) before income taxes                             (10,016,148)       (915,063)      2,992,202

Income tax benefit (expense)                                           --              --              --
                                                             ------------    ------------    ------------

Net income (loss)                                            $(10,016,148)   $   (915,063)   $  2,992,202
                                                             ============    ============    ============

             The accompanying notes are an integral part of these combined financial statements.


Constellation Health Services Facilities
Combined Statement of Changes in Owner Equity
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------


Balance at November 30, 2000                                       $ 44,878,910
Net loss for the twelve months ended November 30, 2001              (10,016,148)
Contributions                                                         1,695,000

Balance as of November 30, 2001                                    $ 36,557,762

Net income for the nine months ended August 31, 2002 (unaudited)      2,992,202

Balance at August 31, 2002 (unaudited)                             $ 39,549,964

The  accompanying  notes  are an  integral  part  of  these  combined  financial


Constellation Health Services Facilities
Combined Statements of Cash Flows
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

                                                                 Twelve Months            Nine Months
                                                                    Ended                   Ended
                                                                 November 30,             August 31,
                                                                    2001             2001            2002
Cash Flows from Operating Activities
Net income                                                      ($10,016,148)   $   (915,063)  $   2,992,202
Adjustments to reconcile net loss to net cash provided
 by operating activities:
  Depreciation and amortization                                    3,912,926       2,830,608              --
  Provision for impairment                                         9,598,698              --              --
  Changes in operating assets and liabilities:
     Accounts receivable                                             284,879          48,879          (7,137)
     Accounts payable/accrued expenses                              (896,662)       (540,124)        809,267
     Prepaid expenses                                               (331,523)       (442,811)        146,537
     Accrued interest                                                (30,046)        (42,191)        (57,772)
     Other assets                                                    340,479         225,452        (256,194)
     Other liabilities                                                15,646           2,866         (21,614)
                                                                ------------    ------------    ------------

Net cash provided by operating activities                          2,878,249       1,167,636       3,605,289
                                                                ------------    ------------    ------------

Cash Flows from Investing Activities
Purchases of senior living property and equipment                   (488,334)       (128,446)       (825,433)
Restricted cash                                                      (37,182)        (11,871)        200,397
                                                                ------------    ------------    ------------

Net cash used in investing activities                               (525,516)       (140,317)       (625,036)
                                                                ------------    ------------    ------------

Cash Flows from Financing Activities
Borrowings from/(payments to) affiliate                            6,384,673      (1,250,000)     (1,034,673)
Principal payments on debt                                        (8,396,065)       (623,298)       (504,018)
Contributions                                                      1,695,000       1,695,000              --
                                                                ------------    ------------    ------------

Net cash used in financing activities                               (316,392)       (178,298)     (1,538,691)
                                                                ------------    ------------    ------------

Increase in cash and cash equivalents                              2,036,341         849,021       1,441,562
Cash and cash equivalents, beginning of period                       253,916         253,916       2,290,257
                                                                ------------    ------------    ------------

Cash and cash equivalents, end of period                        $  2,290,257    $  1,102,937    $  3,731,819
                                                                ============    ============    ============

Supplemental Disclosures
Cash paid for interest                                          $  3,032,613    $  2,408,299    $  1,999,012

             The accompanying notes are an integral part of these combined financial statements.


Constellation Health Services Facilities
Notes to the Combined Financial Statements
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

1.       Basis of Presentation

         Constellation Health Service, Inc., ("Constellation") is a wholly owned
         subsidiary of Constellation Real Estate Group, Inc. ("CREG"),  which is
         a wholly owned subsidiary of Constellation  Holdings,  Inc., which is a
         wholly owned subsidiary of Constellation  Enterprises,  Inc. which is a
         wholly owned subsidiary of Constellation  Energy Group,  Inc.  ("CEG").

         During the twelve  months  ended  November 30, 2001 and during the nine
         month  periods ended  August  31,  2002 and  2001,  the  activities  of
         Constellation  included the ownership and  management of fifteen senior
         living   communities  with  1,016  independent  living  apartments  and
         assisted  living  units  (the  "Communities").  The  majority  of these
         fifteen  communities  were  developed  between  1997  and  1999 and are
         located in the Baltimore-Washington corridor.

         On October 25, 2002,  Constellation  sold its entire ownership interest
         in its independent and assisted living portfolio. A group consisting of
         Senior  Housing   Properties  Trust,  a  publicly  traded  real  estate
         investment  trust and Five Star Quality Care,  Inc., a publicly  traded
         owner/operator  of health care facilities  purchased the  Constellation
         portfolio for an aggregate price of approximately $77,150,000.

         The accompanying combined financial statements present the "carved-out"
         financial  position,  results  of  operations  and  cash  flows  of the
         Communities   which  are  referred  to  in  these  combined   financial
         statements as Constellation Health Services Facilities (the "Company").
         The assets and liabilities contained herein are presented at historical
         cost. The combined financial statements presented may not be indicative
         of the results that would have been  achieved had the Company  operated
         as a non-affiliated entity.

         The  combined  financial  statements  as of August 31, 2002 and for the
         nine  months  ended  August  31,  2002 and 2001 are  unaudited.  In the
         opinion of  management,  all  adjustments,  consisting  only of normal,
         recurring  adjustments,  necessary  for a  fair  presentation  of  such
         combined  financial  statements  have been  included.  The  results  of
         operations   for  the  nine  months  ended  August  31,  2002  are  not
         necessarily  indicative of the Company's  future  results of operations
         for the full year ended November 30, 2002.

2.       Summary of Significant Accounting Policies

         Principles of Combination
         The  combined   financial   statements  include  the  accounts  of  the
         Communities extracted from the books and records of Constellation.

         Cash and Cash Equivalents
         The Company  considers all highly liquid  investments  with an original
         maturity of three months or less to be cash and cash  equivalents.  The
         majority of these  funds are  deposited  in  overnight  investments  at
         several  lending  institutions  and are  subject  to credit  risk.  The
         amounts  reflected in these financial  statements only reflect cash and
         cash equivalents that are in accounts dedicated to the Company.


Constellation Health Services Facilities
Notes to the Combined Financial Statements
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

         Senior Living Facilities
         Senior living  facilities  consist of  investments  in the ownership of
         fifteen senior living housing  communities.  Senior housing  facilities
         are stated at depreciated cost. Development costs and major renovations
         were capitalized as a component of costs,  and routine  maintenance and
         repairs were charged to expense as incurred.

         The  senior  living  facilities  are  subject  to the  requirements  of
         Statement of Financial  Accounting  Standards (FAS) No. 121 "Accounting
         for the Impairment of Long-Lived Assets and for Long-Lived Assets to Be
         Disposed  of," and are  evaluated  for  impairment  through a review of
         undiscounted expected future cash flows. If the sum of the undiscounted
         expected  future  cash  flows is less than the  carrying  amount of the
         asset, an impairment loss is recognized.

         In the fourth quarter of 2001,  the Company  decided to sell all of its
         senior  living  facilities  in 2002.  The  Constellation  recognized  a
         provision for  impairment in the twelve month period ended November 30,
         2001 related to the senior living facilities of $9,598,698,  which was
         determined  based  upon  the  excess  of  the  carrying  value  of  the
         Constellation senior living facilities over their fair value.

         Fair value was determined by various means,  including discussions with
         outside investment bankers and prospective  buyers, and the opinions of
         the Company's management.

         Depreciation is computed using the straight-line  method. The estimated
         useful lives are as follows:

         Senior living buildings                                      40 years
         Furniture, fixtures and equipment                            3-10 years

         Restricted Cash
         The  Company  has  restricted  funds,  consisting  of  tenant  security
         deposits,  an interest bearing reserve for capital replacements kept in
         accordance  with the terms of the  property  management  agreement  and
         mortgage escrow deposits.

         Revenue Recognition
         Individual  units in the Communities are leased under leases with terms
         of  generally  one year or less.  Rental  revenue  is  recognized  on a
         monthly basis under the terms of the lease when earned.

         Income Taxes
         Constellation  is taxable as a so called  "C"  corporation  and files a
         consolidated  federal  income tax return on a calendar  year basis with
         CEG. For purposes of these combined financial  statements,  the Company
         has  provided  for income  taxes on a  separate  return  basis  whereby
         current  income taxes are based upon the  Company's  estimated  taxable
         income or loss and deferred taxes are provided for the expected  future
         tax effects of  estimated  temporary  differences  between the carrying
         amounts and the tax bases of its assets and liabilities. As a result of
         tax  losses  in  current  or  prior  periods  there is no  current  tax
         provision  benefit  for the year ended  November  30,  2001 or the nine
         month  periods  ended August 31, 2000. A full  valuation  allowance has
         been  provided to  deferred  tax  balances as of November  30, 2001 and
         August 31, 2002 as it is more likely  than not that such  amounts  will
         not be realized.


Constellation Health Services Facilities
Notes to the Combined Financial Statements
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

         Use of Accounting Estimates
         The  preparation of financial  statements in conformity with accounting
         principles  generally accepted in the United States of America requires
         management to make estimates and  assumptions  that affect the reported
         amounts of assets and liabilities  and disclosure of contingent  assets
         and  liabilities  at the  date  of the  financial  statements  and  the
         reported  amounts of revenue and expenses during the reporting  period.
         These estimates  involve judgments with respect to, among other things,
         various future economic  factors which are difficult to predict and are
         beyond the control of the  Company.  Therefore,  actual  amounts  could
         differ from these estimates.

         Allocated Costs
         CEG provides various services to the Company including finance,  legal,
         planning  and  human   resources.   The  methods  of  allocating  these
         centralized  costs to the Company include revenues,  assets,  headcount
         and other bases.  The Company's  management  believes the allocation of
         these costs to be reasonable.

         Recent Accounting Pronouncements
         In October  2001,  the FASB  issued  SFAS No. 144  "Accounting  for the
         Impairment or Disposal of Long-Lived Assets". This Statement supersedes
         SFAS  No.  121 and  requires  that  long-lived  assets  that  are to be
         disposed  of by sale be  measured  at the  lower of book  value or fair
         value  less  costs  to sell.  SFAS  No.  144  retains  the  fundamental
         provisions  of SFAS  121 for (a)  recognition  and  measurement  of the
         impairment  of  long-lived   assets  to  be  held  and  used,  and  (b)
         measurement  of  long-lived  assets  to be  disposed  of by  sale,  but
         broadens the definition of what  constitutes a  discontinued  operation
         and how the results of a discontinued  operation are to be measured and
         presented.  This  Statement was effective at the beginning of 2002. The
         Company has reviewed the  provisions  of SFAS 144 and believes that the
         impact of  adoption  will not be material  to its  financial  position,
         results of operations and cash flows.

         In April 2002,  the FASB issued SFAS No. 145  "Rescission of FAS No. 4,
         44, and 64,  Amendment  of FAS 13,  and  Technical  Corrections".  This
         Statement  rescinds  FASB No.  4,  "Reporting  Gains  and  Losses  from
         Extinguishment  of Debt", and an amendment of that Statement,  FASB No.
         64,   "Extinguishments   of   Debt   Made   to   Satisfy   Sinking-Fund
         Requirements".  This  Statement  amends  FASB No. 13,  "Accounting  for
         Leases".  This  Statement  also  amends  other  existing  authoritative
         pronouncements to make various technical corrections,  clarify meanings
         or  describe  their  applicability   under  changed  conditions.   This
         statement will be effective for the Company's  fiscal year ending 2003.
         The Company has  reviewed the  provision of FASB 145 and believes  that
         the impact of adoption will not be material to its financial  position,
         results of operations and cash flow.


Constellation Health Services Facilities
Notes to the Combined Financial Statements
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

3.       Senior Living Facilities, Net

         Senior living facilities,  net of accumulated depreciation and adjusted
         for impairment, consists of the following:

                                         November 30,           August 31,
                                             2001                  2002

Land                                    $  4,956,559          $  4,956,559
Buildings and improvements                84,149,757            84,870,225
Furniture and equipment                    8,763,891             8,868,856
                                        ------------          ------------

                                          97,870,207            98,695,640

Less:  accumulated depreciation          (14,771,509)          (14,771,509)

Less:  provision for impairment           (9,598,698)           (9,598,698)
                                        ------------          ------------

Senior living facilities, net           $ 73,500,000          $ 74,325,433
                                        ------------          ------------


Constellation Health Services Facilities
Notes to the Combined Financial Statements
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

4.       Debt Obligations

         Debt obligations consisted of the following:

                                                                    November 30,           August 31,
                                                                       2001                  2002
Note payable - lending institution; collateralized by
related land and buildings; interest payable monthly
at LIBOR plus 2.25%; matures May 2003.                              $  1,025,703          $  1,011,597

Note payable - lending institution; collateralized by
related land and buildings; interest payable monthly
at LIBOR plus 2.0%; matures August 2004.                               5,618,293             5,533,556

Note payable - lending institution; collateralized by
related land and buildings; interest payable monthly
at LIBOR plus 1.75%; matures June 1, 2003.                             6,464,324             6,153,994

Note payable - lending institution; collateralized by
buildings; interest payable monthly at 9.65%;
matures February 2028.                                                 9,431,873             9,387,740

Note payable - lending institution; collateralized by
buildings; interest payable monthly at 8.0%; matures
November 2033.                                                         6,483,367             6,432,255

Related party  borrowings - CEG; these unsecured
borrowings are payable on the date CEG retires the
debt and bear interest at CEG's weighted average
interest rate which was 5.78% in 2001.                                12,034,673            11,000,000
                                                                    ------------          ------------

                   Total debt obligations                           $ 41,058,233          $ 39,519,142
                                                                    ============          ============

                   Less current portion                              (20,146,174)          (18,936,702)
                                                                    ------------          ------------

                   Total long-term debt, less current portion       $ 20,912,059          $ 20,582,840
                                                                    ============          ============

         The  aggregate  maturities  of debt  during  the  years  subsequent  to
         November 30, 2001 are as follows:

         Year ended
         November 30,

         2002                                            $ 20,146,174
         2003                                                 252,191
         2004                                               5,549,136
         2005                                                 168,552
         2006                                                 184,488
         Thereafter                                       14,757,692
                                                         $ 41,058,233


Constellation Health Services Facilities
Notes to the Combined Financial Statements
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

         The  Company  is liable for the  payment  and  performance  of all debt
         obligations.  Certain  notes  payable  require  the  Company  to  be in
         compliance with certain debt covenants.  The more restrictive covenants
         include the  requirements to maintain:  1) interest  coverage ratios of
         not less than  1.25 to 1; and 2) loan to value  ratios of not more than
         75%. At  November  30,  2001,  the  Company  was in  violation  of debt
         covenants on two of the notes payable and  accordingly  the outstanding
         balances  of  $1,025,703  and  $6,464,324,   respectively,   have  been
         classified as current liabilities in the combined financial statements.

         The  weighted  average  interest  rate on external  variable  rate debt
         obligations  was 6.34% for the twelve  months ended  November 30, 2001.
         The weighted  average interest rate on total debt obligations was 7.02%
         for the twelve months ended November 30, 2001. The LIBOR rate was 2.15%
         at November 30, 2001.

5.       Fair Value of Financial Statements

         SFAS No. 107, "Disclosures about Fair Value of Financial  Instruments,"
         requires  disclosing  fair  value of  financial  instruments  which are
         recognized or unrecognized in the balance sheet.  The fair value of the
         financial    instruments    disclosed   herein   is   not   necessarily
         representative  of the amount that could be  realized  or settled,  nor
         does the fair value amount consider the tax consequences of realization
         or settlement.

         For certain financial instruments, including cash and cash equivalents,
         receivables,  accounts  payable,  accrued expenses and other assets and
         liabilities,  it was assumed that the carrying amount approximated fair
         value because of the near term maturities of such obligations. The fair
         value of long-term debt was determined  based on current rates at which
         the Company could borrow funds with similar remaining maturities, which
         approximates its carrying value.

6.       Transactions with Affiliates

         The Company  incurred  costs of  $564,192,  $431,230  and  $619,319 for
         certain  services  provided or overhead  costs  incurred by CEG for the
         twelve months ended  November 30, 2001 and the nine months ended August
         31, 2001 and 2002, respectively.

7.       Commitments and Contingencies

         The  Company  is party to  various  legal  actions  and  administrative
         proceedings  and subject to various claims arising in the normal course
         of business. The Company believes that the disposition of these matters
         will not have a material  adverse  effect on the  financial  condition,
         results of operations or liquidity of the Company.

         The Company has entered  into  ground  lease  agreements  on two of the
         senior  living  facilities.  Ground lease expense for the twelve months
         ended  November  30, 2001 and the nine months ended August 31, 2001 and
         2002 was $131,405, $97,658 and $105,561, respectively.


     (b) Pro Forma Financial Information.

     Unaudited Pro Forma Consolidated Balance Sheet at
     September 30, 2002                                                    16

     Unaudited Pro Forma Consolidated Statement of Operations for
     the year ended December 31, 2001                                      17

     Unaudited Pro Forma Consolidated Statement of Operations for
     the nine months ended September 30, 2002                              18

     Notes to Unaudited Pro Forma Consolidated Financial Statements      19-25


         The unaudited  pro forma balance sheet at September 30, 2002,  presents
the financial  position of Five Star Quality Care,  Inc. ("Five Star") as if (1)
its acquisition of seven  facilities (the "Acquired  Constellation  Facilities")
from  Constellation  Health  Services,  Inc.  and  certain  of its  subsidiaries
(collectively   "Constellation  Health  Services"),   (2)  its  lease  of  eight
facilities (the "Leased Constellation Facilities" and together with the Acquired
Constellation  Facilities,  the "Constellation  Facilities") from Senior Housing
Properties   Trust  ("Senior   Housing")  that  Senior  Housing   acquired  from
Constellation Health Services and (3) the sale/leaseback of Five Star's facility
located in Overland  Park,  Kansas with Senior  Housing had been completed as of
September 30, 2002, as described in the notes  thereto.  The unaudited pro forma
statement of operations for the nine months ended  September 30, 2002,  presents
the results of operations of Five Star as if the  transactions  described  above
involving the  Constellation  Facilities,  the Overland  Park,  Kansas  facility
transaction  and  Five  Star's  April  1,  2002  acquisition  of  senior  living
facilities  had been  completed as of January 1, 2001, as described in the notes
thereto.  The  unaudited pro forma  statement of  operations  for the year ended
December 31, 2001,  presents  the results of  operations  of Five Star as if the
events  described in the immediately  preceding  sentence,  its merger with FSQ,
Inc., the commencement of Five Star's lease of 31 facilities from Senior Housing
managed by Marriott  Senior  Living  Services,  Inc.,  its offering of 3,823,300
shares of its common  stock,  and its  spin-off  from  Senior  Housing  had been
completed as of January 1, 2001, as described in the notes thereto.

         These  unaudited pro forma  financial  statements do not represent Five
Star's  financial  condition  or results of  operations  for any future  date or
period. Actual future results will likely be materially different from these pro
forma results.  Differences  could arise from many factors,  including,  but not
limited  to,  those  related to our  operations  as a separate  public  company,
competition  in our business,  the impact of changes to rates under Medicare and
Medicaid  reimbursement  programs, our ability to successfully attract residents
to our  facilities,  our  financing,  acquisition  or disposition of facilities,
percentage  rent under our  various  leases,  our  ability to control  operating
expenses and changes to our capital structure and other changes. These unaudited
pro forma financial  statements  should be read in conjunction  with our audited
financial  statements  and the related  management's  discussion and analysis of
financial  condition and results of operations  included in our Annual Report on
Form  10-K  for the year  ended  December  31,  2001,  as well as our  unaudited
financial  statements  and the related  management's  discussion and analysis of
financial  condition and results of operations included in our Quarterly Reports
on Form 10-Q for the quarters ended March 31, June 30 and September 30, 2002. In
addition,  in conjunction  with these unaudited pro forma financial  statements,
you should read the financial  statements of the  Constellation  Health Services
Facilities, contained elsewhere in this Form 8-K/A, and the financial statements
of CSL  Group,  Inc.  and  Subsidiaries  as  Partitioned  For  Sale  to  SNH/CSL
Properties Trust, ILM II Senior Living, Inc. and ILM II Lease Corporation,  each
included in our Registration Statement on Form S-1, File No. 333-83648.


                                                 Five Star Quality Care, Inc.
                                        Unaudited Pro Forma Consolidated Balance Sheet
                                                    At September 30, 2002
                                       (amounts in thousands, except per share amounts)

                                                                          Park           Constellation
                                                   Historical             Sale            Acquisition           Pro Forma
                                                   ----------             ----            -----------           ---------
                                                                           (A)                (B)

Current assets:
Cash                                                $  12,005           $  12,700           $ (13,049)          $  11,656
Accounts receivable, net                               37,972                --                   499              38,471
Due from Marriott Senior Living Services                4,620                --                  --                 4,620
Prepaid expenses and other current assets               4,370                --                   505               4,875
                                                    ---------           ---------           ---------           ---------
Total current assets                                   58,967              12,700             (12,045)             59,622

Restricted cash                                         4,378                --                  --                 4,378
Fixed assets, net                                      53,083             (12,663)             28,699              69,119
                                                    ---------           ---------           ---------           ---------
Total assets                                        $ 116,428           $      37           $  16,654           $ 133,119
                                                    =========           =========           =========           =========


Current liabilities:
Accounts payable and accrued expenses               $  23,170           $    --             $     190           $  23,360
Accrued compensation                                    5,465                --                   266               5,731
Accrued real estate taxes                               6,202                --                  --                 6,202
Due to affilates, net                                     747                --                  --                   747
Other liabilities                                         880                --                   220               1,100
                                                    ---------           ---------           ---------           ---------
Total current liabilities                              36,464                --                   676              37,140

Long term liabilities                                  14,948                  37                --                14,985
Mortgages payable                                        --                  --                15,978              15,978

Shareholders' equity:
   Common stock, par value $0.01 per share                 85                --                  --                    85
   Additonal paid in capital                           78,926                --                  --                78,926
   Accumulated deficit                                (13,995)               --                  --               (13,995)
                                                    ---------           ---------           ---------           ---------
Total shareholders' equity                             65,016                --                  --                65,016
                                                    ---------           ---------           ---------           ---------

Total liabilities and shareholders' equity          $ 116,428           $      37           $  16,654           $ 133,119
                                                    =========           =========           =========           =========


                                                    Five Star Quality Care, Inc.
                                      Unaudited Pro Forma Consolidated Statement of Operations
                                                For the Year ended December 31, 2001
                                          (amounts in thousands, except per share amounts)

                                                            Spin-Off            Lease of 31 Marriott Facilities
                                                             and FSQ            -------------------------------       Offering
                                        Historical         Adjustments          Historical          Adjustments      Adjustments
                                        ----------         -----------          ----------          -----------      -----------
Revenues                                $ 229,235           $    --             $ 277,499         $    --                $  --

Property level operating costs and
   expenses                               211,850                --               185,042              --                   --
Depreciation and amortization               1,274                (868)(C)          24,155           (24,155) (I)            --
General and administrative                 15,627              (3,298)(D)          20,115              (307) (J)            --
Rent                                         --                 7,000 (E)            --              63,000  (K)            --
Impairment                                   --                  --                  --                --                   --
FF&E rent                                    --                  --                  --               7,354  (L)            --
Interest, net                                 (43)                 43 (F)          19,335           (19,335) (M)            --
                                        ---------           ---------           ---------         ---------              -------
Total expenses                            228,708               2,877             248,647            26,557                 --

Income (loss) before income taxes             527              (2,877)             28,852           (26,557)                --

Provision (benefit) for income taxes         --                  (823)             10,098            (9,295)                --
                                        ---------           ---------           ---------         ---------              -------

Net Income                                  $ 527           $  (2,054)          $  18,754         $ (17,262)             $  --
                                        =========           =========           =========         =========              =======

Weighted Average Shares Outstanding         4,374                 250 (G)                                                 3,823 (N)

Earnings per Share                         $ 0.12

                                              April 1, 2002,                                 October 25, 2002,
                                                Acquisition             Overland               Acquisition
                                         -----------------------          Park           ------------------------
                                         Historical  Adjustments     Sale / Leaseback    Historical   Adjustments     Pro Forma
                                         ----------  -----------     ----------------    ----------   -----------     ---------
                                            (O)                                             (U)
Revenues                                 $ 14,217      $  --                $ --         $ 32,768     $   --          $ 553,719

Property level operating costs and
   expenses                                 8,505         --                  --           24,360         --            429,757
Depreciation and amortization                 313          722 (P)           (360)(S)       3,912       (3,015) (V)       1,978
General and administrative                  1,462       (1,377)(Q)            --            1,780         (864) (W)      33,138
Rent                                        4,579       (4,579)(R)          1,268 (T)         131        4,938  (X)      76,337
Impairment                                   --           --                  --            9,599       (9,599) (Y)        --
FF&E rent                                    --           --                  --             --           --              7,354
Interest, net                                --           --                  --            3,003       (1,924) (Z)       1,079
                                         --------      -------             ------        --------     --------        ---------
Total expenses                             14,859       (5,234)               908          42,785      (10,465)         549,642

Income (loss) before income taxes            (642)       5,234               (908)        (10,017)      10,465            4,077

Provision (benefit) for income taxes         (225)       1,832               (318)         (3,506)       3,663            1,426 (AA)
                                         --------      -------             ------        --------     --------        ---------

Net Income                               $   (417)     $ 3,402             $ (590)       $ (6,511)    $  6,802        $   2,651
                                         ========      =======             ======        ========     ========        =========

Weighted Average Shares Outstanding                                                                                       8,447

Earnings per Share                                                                                                    $    0.31


                                                    Five Star Quality Care, Inc.
                                      Unaudited Pro Forma Consolidated Statement of Operations
                                            For the nine months ended September 30, 2002
                                          (amounts in thousands, except per share amounts)

                                                                      April 1, 2002,            October 25, 2002,
                                                                     Acquisition and           Acquisition / Lease
                                                                      Overland Park         ----------------------------
                                                      Historical     Sale / Leaseback       Historical      Adjustments    Pro Forma
                                                      ----------     ----------------       ----------      -----------    ---------

   Revenues from residents                            $ 382,315        $  3,627 (AB)        $ 25,397      $     --        $ 411,339

  Property level operating expenses                     307,491           2,316 (AB)          19,015            --          328,822
  Management fee to Marriott                             12,354            --                   --              --           12,354
  Rent expense                                           56,596             951 (AC)             106          3,074 (AG)     60,727
  General and administrative                             11,248              22 (AD)           1,343           (650)(AH)     11,963
  Depreciation                                            1,240            (180)(AE)            --               61 (AI)      1,671
  Impairment of assets                                      150            --                   --              --              150
  Restructuring costs                                       122            --                   --              --              122
  Interest expense                                         --              --                  1,941         (1,132)(AJ)        809
  Spin off and merger expense, non recurring              2,829            --                   --              --            2,829
                                                      ---------        --------             --------      ---------       ---------
Total expenses                                          392,030           3,109               22,405          1,903        419,447

Loss from continuing operations before income taxes      (9,715)            518                2,992         (1,903)         (8,108)

Provision for income taxes                                 --              --                   --              --             --
                                                      ---------        --------             --------      ---------       ---------

Loss from contiuing operations                           (9,715)            518                2,992         (1,903)         (8,108)

Loss from discontinued operations                        (3,491)           --                   --              --           (3,491)
                                                      ---------        --------             --------      ---------       ---------

Net loss                                              $ (13,206)       $    518             $  2,992      $  (1,903)      $ (11,599)
                                                      =========        ========             ========      =========       =========

Weighted Average Shares Outstanding                       7,254                                                               8,447

Basic and diluted loss per share from:
  Continuing operations                               $   (1.34)                                                          $   (0.96)
  Discontinued operations                                 (0.48)                                                              (0.41)
                                                      ---------                                                           ---------

Net loss per share                                    $   (1.82)                                                          $   (1.37)
                                                      =========                                                           =========


                          Five Star Quality Care, Inc.

           (amounts in thousands, except share and per share amounts)

Pro Forma Consolidated Balance Sheet Adjustments

A.       Represents  the sale of our Overland  Park,  Kansas  facility to Senior
         Housing for cash on October 25, 2002.  The  adjustments  represent cash
         received  and  elimination  of the  book  value of the  facility  as of
         October 25, 2002. Simultaneously with the sale, we leased this facility
         back from Senior Housing and used cash to purchase other  facilities in
         a related  transaction  (see note B).  Adjustments  are  calculated  as

             Cash received                                        $      12,700
             Book value as of October 25, 2002                           12,663
             Deferred gain on sale of asset                       $          37

B.       On October 25, 2002, we acquired the Acquired Constellation  Facilities
         along with  certain of their  operating  assets  and  liabilities  from
         Constellation  Health  Services.  In addition to this  acquisition,  on
         October 25, 2002,  we entered into a lease with Senior  Housing for the
         Leased  Constellation  Facilities that were purchased by Senior Housing
         from Constellation  Health Services.  In connection with this lease, we
         acquired  certain  operating  assets  and  liabilities  of  the  Leased
         Constellation  Facilities.  To finance this  transaction we assumed two
         HUD  insured  mortgages  and paid the  balance in cash,  calculated  as

             Fixed assets                                              $28,699
             Accounts receivable acquired                                  499
             Other assets acquired                                         505
             Accounts payable and accrued
                expenses assumed                                          (190)
             Accrued compensation assumed                                 (266)
             Other liabilities assumed                                    (220)
             Mortgages payable assumed                                 (15,978)
             Cash paid                                                 $13,049

Pro Forma  Consolidated  Statement of Operations for the year ended December 31,
2001 Adjustments

C.       As part of our spin-off from Senior  Housing,  we transferred  real and
         personal property to Senior Housing, and then leased that property from
         Senior Housing. In addition, certain ancillary property was transferred
         by Senior Housing to us. This adjustment  represents the elimination of
         historical  depreciation  expense from the real and  personal  property
         transferred  by us to Senior  Housing net of the  depreciation  expense
         from the  ancillary  property  transferred  to us, and the  addition of
         depreciation expense related to fixed assets acquired by us in the FSQ,
         Inc. merger, calculated as follows:


              Elimination of historical depreciation expense on
                assets transferred from us, net of depreciation
                expense on assets transferred to us.................. $(1,096)
              Addition of FSQ, Inc. depreciation.....................     228
              Total adjustment.......................................   $(868)

D.       In connection  with the  stabilization  of our  facilities'  operations
         which we assumed  from former  tenants of Senior  Housing,  we incurred
         certain  costs which are not  expected to recur.  Also,  as required by
         real estate  investment  trust ("REIT") tax rules  applicable to Senior
         Housing  and us during  2001,  we  engaged  FSQ,  Inc.  to  manage  our
         facilities,   and  FSQ,  Inc.  purchased  certain  services  from  Reit
         Management & Research LLC ("Reit Management"). Since our acquisition of
         FSQ,  Inc. we manage our  facilities  directly  and have entered into a
         shared services agreement with Reit Management to purchase the services
         previously  provided by Reit Management to FSQ, Inc. The net adjustment
         to our general and  administrative  costs is intended to reflect  these
         charges and is calculated as follows:

             Elimination of costs related to Senior
               Housing's repossession of certain
               facilities and our stabilization of
               operations which are not expected to
               recur (1)..............................                 $(4,167)
             Elimination of management fees paid to
               FSQ, Inc. during 2001..................                 (11,460)
             Addition of FSQ, Inc. expenses...........                  10,954
             Shared services fee:
             Pro forma revenues.......................   $229,235
             Contract rate............................       0.6%        1,375
             Total adjustment.........................                 $(3,298)

         (1)      These costs represent  primarily  payments to third parties to
                  convert  financial  and patient  data  maintained  by previous
                  operators to our systems.

E.       Our lease for 56  facilities  requires  minimum rent payments of $7,000
         per year to Senior  Housing.  In  addition  to minimum  rent under this
         lease,  beginning in 2004 we must pay percentage rent payments equal to
         three percent (3%) of net patient  revenues at each leased  facility in
         excess of net patient revenues at such facility during 2003.

F.       Represents  elimination of interest,  net on mortgage debts and related
         compensating cash balances on properties transferred to Senior Housing,
         which debts Senior Housing assumed as part of the spin-off.


G.       Represents shares issued as consideration in the FSQ, Inc. merger.

H.       Represents  the  2001  historical   operating   revenues  and  facility
         operating  expenses  for the 31 Marriott  facilities  which we began to
         lease on January  11,  2002.  The 31 Marriott  facilities'  results are
         accounted  for on the basis of 13  four-week  periods per fiscal  year.
         Amounts presented as 2001 and related adjustments  represent the period
         from  December  30,  2000,  through  December  28,  2001.  General  and
         administrative  expenses include management fees paid to Marriott under
         the terms of its management agreements.

I.       Represents the elimination of historical  depreciation and amortization
         expense related to the 31 Marriott  facilities.  These  facilities were
         acquired by Senior Housing and leased to us. Accordingly,  depreciation
         and amortization expense will be incurred by Senior Housing.

J.       Represents  the  elimination  of  historical  expenses  incurred by the
         former  owner of the 31 Marriott  facilities,  and the  addition of our
         shared services agreement fee applicable to the operations:

             Elimination of corporate expenses of seller...             $(1,972)
             Shared services fee:
                  Pro forma revenues.......................  $277,499
                  Contract rate............................      0.6%     1,665
             Total adjustment..............................               $(307)

K.       Our lease for the 31 Marriott facilities requires minimum rent payments
         of $63,000 per annum.  In  addition  to minimum  rent under this lease,
         beginning  in 2003 we must  make  percentage  rent  payments  to Senior
         Housing in an amount equal to five percent (5%) of net patient revenues
         at each  leased  facility  in excess of net  patient  revenues  at such
         facility during 2002.

L.       Represents  deposits  made into  reserves for capital  improvements  in
         accordance   with  the  management   agreements  for  the  31  Marriott
         facilities and which, under our lease with Senior Housing, were paid to
         Senior  Housing as  additional  rent.  Pursuant to an  amendment to our
         lease with Senior Housing effective October 1, 2002, these deposits are
         retained  by us and not  paid to  Senior  Housing  and as such  are not
         recorded by us as rent expense.

M.       Represents the  elimination of historical  interest  expense related to
         the 31  Marriott  facilities.  Incident  to its  acquisition  of the 31
         Marriott  facilities,  Senior Housing  prepaid or assumed this debt and
         the obligation for this expense.


N.       Represents  our  issuance of  3,823,300  shares in March and April 2002
         pursuant to an underwritten public offering.

O.       Represents   historical   operating  revenues  and  facility  operating
         expenses of the five  facilities we acquired on April 1, 2002.  Amounts
         presented are for the seller's fiscal year ended November 30, 2001.

P.       Represents  elimination  of  historical  depreciation  expense  and the
         addition of our estimated  depreciation expense for the five facilities
         we acquired on April 1, 2002, calculated as follows:

             Elimination of historical depreciation expense on five
               facilities acquired....................................  $(313)
             Addition of estimated depreciation expense based on
               purchase price for five facilities.....................  1,035
             Total adjustment.........................................   $722

Q.       Represents the  elimination of  historically  incurred  corporate level
         general and  administrative  costs of the seller of the five facilities
         we acquired on April 1, 2002,  and the addition of our shared  services
         agreement fee applicable to the operations:

             Elimination of seller's corporate level general
               and administrative expenses....................         $(1,462)
             Shared services fee:
               Pro forma revenues............................. 14,217
               Contract rate..................................   0.6%        85
             Total adjustment.................................          $(1,377)

R.       Represents the  elimination of  historically  incurred  rental expense.
         These five facilities were purchased by us without a lease obligation.

S.       Represents elimination of annual pro forma depreciation expense related
         to our Overland Park,  Kansas  facility sold October 25, 2002 (see note

T.       The Leased  Constellation  Facilities  and the  Overland  Park,  Kansas
         facility   are  leased  from  Senior   Housing  for  minimum   rent  of
         approximately   $6,300  per  year.  For  purposes  of  this  pro  forma
         presentation,  we have  allocated  $1,268 of rent to the Overland Park,
         Kansas facility and the remaining $5,105 is reflected in note X, below.
         In addition to minimum rent under this lease, beginning in 2005 we must
         make  percentage  rent payments to Senior Housing in an amount equal to
         four percent  (4%) of net  resident  revenues in excess of net resident
         revenues during 2004.


U.       Represents   historical   operating  revenues  and  facility  operating
         expenses of the Constellation Facilities. Amounts presented are for the
         seller's fiscal year ended November 30, 2001.

V.       Represents the elimination of historical  depreciation and amortization
         expense related to the Constellation  Facilities.  The amount is offset
         by   depreciation   that  we  will  incur   related  to  the   Acquired
         Constellation Facilities. Adjustment is calculated as follows:

             Elimination of historical depreciation and
               amortization.........................................   $(3,830)
             Deprecation of Acquired Constellation Facilities
               based upon our purchase price of $28,699 (see note
               B) and our estimated useful lives of 7-40 years......       815
             Total adjustment.......................................   $(3,015)

W.       Represents the  elimination of historical  third party  management fees
         related to the Constellation Facilities which we will not incur because
         of the termination of the related management contract as of the time we
         assumed  operation of these  facilities,  October 25, 2002, for our own
         account.  The amount is offset by known  additional  costs that we will
         incur as a result of our  operation  of the  Constellation  Facilities,
         primarily related to our addition of certain management  personnel as a
         result of this  transaction  and the  addition  of our shared  services
         agreement fee applicable to the operations:

             Elimination of historical fees incurred on
               terminated contract.................................    $(1,782)
             Shared services fee:
             Pro forma revenues..........................  $32,768
             Contract rate...............................     0.6%         197
             Other known increases in home office costs............        721
             Total adjustment......................................    $  (864)

X.       As described  in note T, the Leased  Constellation  Facilities  and the
         Overland  Park,  Kansas  facility  are leased from  Senior  Housing for
         minimum  rent  of  approximately  $6,300  per  year.  As  part  of  our
         transaction for the Acquired Constellation  Facilities,  a ground lease
         for which the seller was  historically  obligated was  terminated.  Pro
         forma adjustment is calculated as follows:


             Rent expense for the Leased Constellation Facilities and
               Overland Park, Kansas facility.........................  $ 6,285
             Less Overland Park, Kansas facility rent (see note T)....   (1,268)
             Less terminated ground lease rent incurred by seller ....      (79)
             Total....................................................  $ 4,938

Y.       Represents the elimination of impairment charges incurred by the seller
         of the Constellation Facilities for debts not assumed by us.

Z.       Represents  the  elimination  of certain  historical  interest  expense
         related to the Constellation Facilities for debts not assumed by us.

AA.      The pro forma tax  provision  is based on a blended  federal  and state
         income tax rate of 35%.

Pro  Forma  Consolidated  Statement  of  Operations  for the nine  months  ended
September 30, 2002 Adjustments

AB.      Adjustment  represents the historical  operating  revenues and facility
         operating  expenses of the  acquired  assets for the period  January 1,
         2002 to March 31, 2002.  These  properties were acquired by us on April
         1, 2002.

AC.      See note T. The corresponding  amount of rent allocated for purposes of
         this presentation to the Overland Park, Kansas facility is $951.

AD.      Represents  our  shared  services   agreement  fee  applicable  to  the
         operations, calculated as 0.6% of revenue adjustment (note AB).

AE.      Represents  elimination of depreciation expense related to our Overland
         Park,   Kansas  facility  for  the  period  from  our  April  1,  2002,
         acquisition date to our October 25, 2002, sale/leaseback date.

AF.      Represents   historical   operating  revenues  and  facility  operating
         expenses of the Constellation Facilities. Amounts presented are for the
         nine  months  ended  August  31,  2002,  the first  nine  months of the
         seller's fiscal year.

AG.      As described  in note T, the Leased  Constellation  Facilities  and the
         Overland  Park,  Kansas  facility  are leased from  Senior  Housing for
         minimum  rent of  approximately  $6,300  per year or $4,714  for a nine
         month period. As part of our transaction for the Acquired Constellation
         Facilities,  a ground  lease  for  which the  seller  was  historically
         obligated was terminated. Proforma adjustment is calculated as follows:


             Rent expense for the Leased Constellation Facilities
               and Overland Park, Kansas facility....................  $ 4,714
             Less Overland Park, Kansas facility rent (see note AC)..     (951)
             Less terminated ground lease rent incurred by seller....      (59)
             Total...................................................  $ 3,074

AH.      Represents the  elimination of historical  third party  management fees
         related to the Constellation Facilities which we will not incur because
         of the termination of the related management contract as of the time we
         assumed  operation of these  facilities,  October 25, 2002, for our own
         account.  The amount is offset by known  additional  costs that we will
         incur as a result of our  operation  of the  Constellation  Facilities,
         primarily related to our addition of certain management  personnel as a
         result of this  transaction  and the  addition  of our shared  services
         agreement fee applicable to the operations:

             Elimination of historical fees incurred on
               terminated contract..................................    $(1,343)
             Shared services fee:
             Pro forma revenues.........................   $25,397
             Contract rate..............................      0.6%          152
             Other known increases in
               home office costs....................................        541
             Total adjustment.......................................    $  (650)

AI.      Represents the depreciation of Acquired Constellation  Facilities based
         upon our  purchase  price of  $28,699  (see  note B) and our  estimated
         useful lives of 7-40 years.

AJ.      Represents  the  elimination  of certain  historical  interest  expense
         related to the Constellation Facilities for debts not assumed by us.


     (c) Exhibits.

2.1      Purchase and Sale Agreement,  dated as of August 26, 2002, by and among
         Constellation Health Services, Inc. and certain of its subsidiaries, as
         Seller, and Constellation  Real Estate Group,  Inc., as Guarantor,  and
         Senior Housing  Properties Trust, as Buyer.  (Incorporated by reference
         to Exhibit 2.1 to Five Star Quality Care, Inc.'s Current Report on Form
         8-K, dated October 25, 2002).

2.2      First Amendment to Purchase and Sale Agreement, dated as of October 25,
         2002, by and among Constellation  Health Services,  Inc. and certain of
         its subsidiaries,  as Seller,  and Senior Housing  Properties Trust and
         Five Star Quality Care, Inc.,  collectively as Buyer.  (Incorporated by
         reference  to Exhibit 2.2 to Five Star  Quality  Care,  Inc.'s  Current
         Report on Form 8-K, dated October 25, 2002).

2.3      Lease  Agreement,  dated as of October 25, 2002, by and between SNH CHS
         Properties   Trust,   as   Landlord,   and  FVE-CHS   LLC,  as  Tenant.
         (Incorporated  by reference  to Exhibit 2.3 to Five Star Quality  Care,
         Inc.'s Current Report on Form 8-K, dated October 25, 2002).

23       Consent of PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP.



         Pursuant to the  requirements  of the Securities  Exchange Act of 1934,
the  registrant  has duly  caused  this report to be signed on its behalf by the
undersigned hereunto duly authorized.

                                      FIVE STAR QUALITY CARE, INC.

                                      By: /s/ Bruce J. Mackey Jr.
                                         Name:   Bruce J. Mackey Jr.
                                         Title:  Treasurer and Chief Financial

Date:  January 8, 2003