(RULE 14a-101)
                            SCHEDULE 14A INFORMATION

               EXCHANGE ACT OF 1934 (AMENDMENT NO. __)

Filed by Registrant                                        (X)
Filed by a Party other than the Registrant                (   )

Check the appropriate box:

[X] Preliminary Proxy Statement
[   ] Confidential, for use of the Commission only (as permitted by
      Rule 14a-6(e)(2))
[   ] Definitive Proxy Statement
[   ] Definitive Additional Materials
[   ] Soliciting Material Pursuant to Rule 14a-12

                (Name of Registrant as Specified in Its Charter)

(Name of Person(s) Filing Proxy Statement, if other than the Registrant)

Payment of filing fee (Check the appropriate box):

     [X] No fee required.
     [   ] Fee computed on table below per Exchange Act Rules 14a-6(i)(4)
           and 0-11.

     1) Title of each class of securities to which transaction applies:

     2) Aggregate number of securities to which transaction applies:

     3) Per unit price or other  underlying value of transaction  computed
        pursuant to Exchange Act Rule 0-11 (Set forth the amount on
        which the filing fee is calculated and state how it was determined):

     4) Proposed maximum aggregate value of transaction:

     5) Total fee paid:

[  ] Fee paid with preliminary materials.
[ ]  Check box if any part of the fee is offset as  provided by  Exchange
     Act Rule  0-11(a)(2)  and  identify  the filing for which the
     offsetting fee was paid previously.  Identify the previous filing by
     registration  statement  number,  of the Form or Schedule and
     the date of its filing.

     1) Amount Previously Paid:

     2) Form, Schedule or Registration Statement No.:

     3) Filing Party:

     4) Date Filed:



                               QUESTIONS & ANSWERS

     We encourage you to read the attached voting information statement in full;
however, the following questions and answers represent some typical concerns you
might have regarding this document.

Q:   What is this document and why did we send it to you?

A:   This voting  information  statement is being furnished to you in connection
     with the solicitation of votes by MetLife  Investors USA Insurance  Company
     ("MetLife Investors USA") from owners of certain variable annuity contracts
     issued by MetLife Investors USA (the "Contracts").

     MetLife   Investors  USA  is  proposing  to  substitute  the  MFS  Research
International  Portfolio, a series of Met Investors Series Trust (referred to in
this document as "MFS Research  International" or the "Replacement  Portfolio"),
in place of the Scudder International  Portfolio, a current funding option under
your  Contract   (referred  to  as  "Scudder   International"  or  the  "Current

     Your Contract requires that MetLife Investors USA obtain:

     (a)  approval of the substitution by the Securities and Exchange Commission
          (Commission")  and (b)  approval of Contract  owners  investing in the
          Current  Portfolio  to allow the  substitution  of the  account  value
          invested in the Current Portfolio into the Replacement Portfolio.

     For each class of Contract,  the vote  required is an  affirmative  vote by
Contract owners representing a majority of outstanding accumulation units in the
subaccount  investing in the Current  Portfolio (the  "Subaccount")  in order to
carry out the proposed substitution for that Contract.

     It is  expected  that  Commission  approval  will be  received  on or about
     February 27, 2004.

Q:   How will this proposed substitution benefit me?

A:   The  substitution is expected to provide  significant  benefits to you as a
     Contract owner, including:

     o    Potential for Better Performance.  MetLife Investors USA believes that
          based  on  the  historical  performance  records  of  the  Replacement
          Portfolio  and of the  Current  Portfolio,  over  the  long  term  the
          performance of the Replacement Portfolio should (although no guarantee
          can be given) exceed that of the Current Portfolio. See page 19.

     o    Lower  Management Fee: The Replacement  Portfolio's  management fee at
          the   Portfolio   level   is   lower   than   that   of  the   Current

          Currently,  net annual operating expenses of the Class A shares of the
          Replacement Portfolio are higher than those of the corresponding class
          of the  Current  Portfolio  due to Class A's  relatively  small  size.
          MetLife  Investors  USA  believes  that  over  time as  Class A assets
          increase,  including  through  the  addition  of the assets  currently
          invested in the Current Portfolio,  net annual operating expenses over
          time should potentially be lower than those of the Current Portfolio.

     o    Operating  Efficiencies:  Upon  the  substitution  of the  Replacement
          Portfolio for the Current  Portfolio,  operating  efficiencies  may be
          achieved by the Replacement  Portfolio  because it will have a greater
          level of assets.  Economies  of scale  could be  achieved  through the
          spreading  of  certain  costs  over a  larger  base  of  shareholders,
          including  reduction  in  portfolio  general  expenses  such as legal,
          accounting, printing of prospectuses and trustees fees.

         Additional benefits include:

     o    Improved  selection  of  portfolio  managers.  MetLife  Investors  USA
          believes that the investment  adviser to the Replacement  Portfolio is
          better  positioned to  potentially  provide  consistent  above-average
          performance than the investment adviser to the Current Portfolio.

     o    Guaranteed cap on total  separate  account and  Replacement  Portfolio
          expenses:   As  a  condition  of  the  substitution,   total  combined
          annualized  subaccount and Replacement  Portfolio net expenses may not
          exceed the sum of the 2002 fiscal year  combined  net expenses for the
          Current   Portfolio  and  Subaccount  for  two  years   following  the

     o    No increase in Contract  fees and  expenses  for a period of two years
          following the substitution, including mortality and expenses risk fees
          and  administration  and distribution fees charged to Separate Account

     o    No tax liability to Contract owners from the substitution.

Q:   How will the substitution be carried out?

A:   MetLife Investors USA will purchase shares of MFS Research International to
     support  contract  values or fund  benefits  payable under your Contract in
     place of Scudder International.

     The  proposed  substitution  will not be treated as a transfer  of Contract
value or an exchange of annuity units for purposes of assessing transfer charges
or for determining the number of remaining  permissible transfers (or exchanges)
in a Contract year. In addition, you may make one transfer of Contract value (or
annuity exchange) out of MFS Research International within 30 days following the
proposed  substitution without the transfer (or exchange) counting as a transfer
of Contract  value (or an annuity  unit  exchange)  for  purposes  of  assessing
transfer  charges  or  for  determining  the  number  of  remaining  permissible
transfers (or exchanges) in a Contract year.

Q:   Why is MetLife Investors USA proposing this change?

A:   The  proposed  substitution  is  part of an  effort  by  Metropolitan  Life
     Insurance  Company and its affiliates,  including MetLife Investors USA, to
     make their variable contracts more efficient to administer and oversee, and
     therefore  more  attractive  to  their  customers.  MetLife  Investors  USA
     believes  that since the  Replacement  Portfolio's  prospects  for improved
     performance  and  potentially  lower  costs are better than for the Current
     Portfolio, the proposed substitution is in your best interest.

     As described later, the Replacement  Portfolio's  performance  generally is
better than that of the Current Portfolio.  Please note that past performance is
not an indication of future results.

Q:   What effect will the  substitution  have on fees and  expenses?

A:   Although the annual net expenses of the Replacement Portfolio are currently
     somewhat higher than those of the Current Portfolio,  MetLife Investors USA
     believes that the Replacement  Portfolio's expenses will decrease over time
     as the Portfolio's assets increase and operating efficiencies are achieved.
     Lower  expenses have the  potential  for  generating  greater  returns.  In
     addition,  the  management fee of the  Replacement  Portfolio is lower than
     that of the Current Portfolio.

Q:   Are there differences in the investment objectives of the Current Portfolio
     and the Replacement Portfolio?

A:   The Current  Portfolio and the  Replacement  Portfolio  have  substantially
     similar  investment  objectives.  MFS Research  International's  investment
     objective is capital  appreciation.  Scudder  International seeks long-term
     growth of capital  primarily  through  diversified  holdings of  marketable
     foreign equity investments.

Q:   What happens if the substitution is not approved by Contract owners?

A:   In the event that sufficient votes are not received to approve the proposed
     substitution, your Contract will remain invested in the Current Portfolio.

     For Imprint  Contract,  effective  May 1, 2004,  the Scudder  International
investment option will no longer be available under that Contract for allocation
of  additional  purchase  payments or transfers of Contract  value.  You will be
unable to increase your  accumulation  units  invested in the Current  Portfolio
after that date.

     For Flexible Bonus,  Ultimate  Annuity,  Flexible  Value,  and Smart Choice
Contracts,  effective June 30, 2004, the Scudder International investment option
will no longer be available  under those  Contracts for allocation of additional
purchase payments or transfers of Contract value. You will be unable to increase
your  accumulation  units invested in the Current Portfolio after that date. Any
additional  purchase  payments or transfers of contract  value  allocated to the
Current  Portfolio  after June 30, 2004 will be placed in the Fidelity VIP Money
Market Portfolio, a current investment option under such Contracts.

Q:   Who will bear the cost of any  expenses  associated  with  carrying out the
     proposed substitution?

A:   MetLife  Investors  USA  will  pay all of the  costs  associated  with  the
     proposed substitution. YOU WILL NOT BEAR ANY OF THESE COSTS.

Q:   Whom do I call for more information or to place my vote?

A:   You may  call  MetLife  Investors  USA at  1-800-283-4536,  if you have any
     questions or for more information.

         You can vote in one of four ways:

     1)   Use the enclosed Voting  Instruction  Card to record your vote of For,
          Against or  Abstain,  then  return the card in the  postpaid  envelope

     2)   Call  1-866-235-4258  and record your vote by  telephone.  Please have
          your  Voting  Instruction  Card at hand  when you call and  enter  the
          14-digit  control number found on the card,  then follow the simple in

     3)   Fax your completed and signed Voting  Instruction Card (both front and
          back sides) to our vote tabulator at 1-888-796-9932.


     4)   Visit our website at  and following the
          instructions for voting via Internet.

Q:   How does MetLife Investors USA Insurance Company recommend that I vote?

A:   MetLife   Investors  USA   recommends   that  you  vote  FOR  the  proposed

Q:   Will my vote make a difference?

A:   Yes,  your vote is very  important.  Your vote is needed to ensure that the
     substitution can be carried out for the Current  Portfolio.  Your immediate
     response on the enclosed Voting  Instruction  Card will help to save on the
     costs of any further solicitations for Contract owner votes.

     We urge you to vote FOR the  proposed  substitution.  Please  note  that an
abstaining vote is in effect a "no" vote since an affirmative  vote of more than
50% of  account  value  in a  Current  Portfolio  is  required  to  approve  the

Q:   What is the deadline for voting?

A:   In order for your vote to count, we will need to receive your vote no later
     than April 23, 2004.

Q:   How do I sign the Voting Instruction Card?

A:   Please see "Instructions for Signing Voting  Instruction Cards" on the next


The  following  general  rules for signing  Voting  Instruction  Cards may be of
assistance to you.

     1.   Individual  Accounts:  Sign your name  exactly  as it  appears  in the
          registration on the Voting Instruction Card form.

     2.   Joint  Accounts:  Either  party  may  sign,  but the name of the party
          signing should conform  exactly to the name shown in the  registration
          on the Voting Instruction Card.

     3.   All Other Accounts:  The capacity of the individual signing the Voting
          Instruction  Card should be  indicated  unless it is  reflected in the
          form of registration. For example:


         Registration                                                          Valid Signature

         Corporate Accounts

         (1)      ABC Corp. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ABC Corp.

         (2)      ABC Corp. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . John Doe, Treasurer

         (3)      ABC Corp.
                  c/o John Doe, Treasurer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .       John Doe

         (4)      ABC Corp. Profit Sharing Plan . . . . . . . . . .             John Doe, Trustee

         Trust Accounts

         (1)      ABC Trust . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Jane B. Doe, Trustee

         (2)      Jane B. Doe, Trustee
                  u/t/d 12/28/78 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Jane B. Doe

         Custodial or Estate Accounts

         (1)      John B. Smith, Cust.
                  f/b/o John B. Smith, Jr. UGMA . . . . . . . . . .             John B. Smith

         (2)      Estate of John B. Smith . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .       John B. Smith, Jr., Executor

                            22 Corporate Plaza Drive
                         Newport Beach, California 92660


                                                 IMMEDIATE ACTION REQUESTED

Dear Contract Owner:

     You are the owner of a variable annuity  contract (a "Contract")  issued by
MetLife Investors USA Insurance  Company  ("MetLife  Investors USA" or "we"). At
your previous  direction,  MetLife  Investors USA through its Separate Account A
purchased  Class A shares  of  Scudder  International  Portfolio  (the  "Current
Portfolio")  to support  contract  values or fund  benefits  payable  under your

     MetLife  Investors USA seeks your approval to substitute  Class A shares of
MFS Research  International  Portfolio,  a series of Met Investors Series Trust,
for the  shares  of the  Current  Portfolio  held to fund your  Contract  or the
benefits  payable under such Contract.  The proposed  substitution is part of an
effort by MetLife Investors USA to make its variable contracts more efficient to
administer and oversee, and therefore more attractive to its customers.

     In proposing to substitute  the MFS Research  International  Portfolio,  we
believe  that  this  exchange  will  potentially   result  in  better  long-term
performance,  allow Separate Account A's assets to be more  efficiently  managed
and potentially lead to improved returns due to economies of scale. Accordingly,
such a substitution would be beneficial to you and other Contract owners.

     Separate  Account A of MetLife  Investors  USA is the  record  owner of the
Current  Portfolio.  However,  as a Contract owner, you are entitled to vote the
number of  accumulation  units you own in the  subaccount of Separate  Account A
that invests in the Current Portfolio.

     MetLife   Investors  USA   recommends   that  you  vote  FOR  the  proposed

     We realize that this voting information statement will take time to review,
but your vote is very important. We ask that you cast your vote in order that we
may effect the proposed substitution.

     We have made every  effort to make the voting  process  easy.  You may cast
your vote by:

         (1) filling out the enclosed Voting Instruction Card and returning
             it to us;
         (2) using our toll-free telephone voting facility (1-866-235-4258); or

         (3) visiting our website; or

         (4) faxing your completed Voting Instruction Card to 1-888-796-9932.

     Please read the enclosed voting information statement carefully for details
about the proposed  substitution.  In order for your vote to be given effect, we
must receive a properly executed Voting Instruction Card or a telephone, fax, or
website vote no later than April 23, 2004 at 4:00 p.m. Pacific Time.

     Please  complete,  sign, and date the enclosed Voting  Instruction Card and
promptly  return  it in the  enclosed  postage-paid  envelope  or  complete  the
telephone  or  facsimile  voting or  website  voting  process by  following  the
instructions  available at each  facility.  If we do not receive your  completed
Voting  Instruction  Card after a few weeks,  you may be  contacted  by our vote
solicitor,  Alamo  Direct.  The vote  solicitor  will  remind  you to  vote.  We
apologize in advance for this potential disruption of your affairs but this vote
is important to future benefits under your Contract.

     Your vote and  participation  are very  important,  and we appreciate  your
return of the form as soon as possible.  You may call MetLife  Investors  USA at
1-800-283-4536, if you have any questions.

     Thank you for your  cooperation  and for  participating  in this  important

                                    Very truly yours,

                                    Richard C. Pearson
                                    MetLife Investors USA Insurance Company

          A Separate Account of MetLife Investors USA Insurance Company

                            22 Corporate Plaza Drive
                         Newport Beach, California 92660

                          VOTING INFORMATION STATEMENT

What is this document and why did we send it to you?

     MetLife Investors USA Insurance Company ("MetLife  Investors USA" or "we"),
on behalf of its MetLife  Investors  USA Separate  Account A ("Separate  Account
A"), is furnishing this Voting  Information  Statement to you in connection with
the solicitation of proxies from owners of certain  variable  annuity  contracts
(the  "Contracts")  issued by  MetLife  Investors  USA  having  contract  values
allocated to the subacccount of Separate Account A (the "Subaccount")  investing
in Class A shares  of  International  Portfolio,  a series of  Scudder  Variable
Series I ("Scudder  International" or the "Current Portfolio") as of January 30,
2004 (the "Record Date").

     This Voting  Information  Statement  contains  information  that you should
consider before voting on the proposal  before you relating to the  substitution
of Class A shares of the MFS Research  International  Portfolio, a series of Met
Investors  Series  Trust  ("MFS  Research  International"  or  the  "Replacement
Portfolio", and together with the Current Portfolio, the "Portfolios"),  for the
Current  Portfolio as an investment  option under your Contract.  Please read it

     This  Voting  Information  Statement  is being  mailed to you and the other
Contract  owners with  Contract  values  allocated to the  Subaccount  as of the
Record Date on or about __________, 2004.

What is the proposal that I am being asked to consider?

          MetLife  Investors  USA  requests  that  you  consider  the  following

     "To  approve  the  substitution  of  Class A  shares  of the  MFS  Research
International  Portfolio,  a series of Met Investors  Series Trust,  for Class A
shares of Scudder International  Portfolio, a portfolio currently included as an
investment option under certain variable insurance  contracts offered by MetLife
Investors USA Insurance Company."

Why is my vote being solicited?

     As a Contract owner having accumulation units representing an investment of
Contract value in the Subaccount as of the close of business on the Record Date,
you are entitled to vote such accumulation units on the proposed substitution.

     The Contracts  and the  prospectus  for such  Contracts  condition  MetLife
Investors USA's ability to carry out the proposed substitution for each Contract
on its  obtaining,  for each class of  Contract,  the  approval of the  Contract
owners  representing the majority of the outstanding  accumulation  units in the
Subaccount as of the Record Date, as well as the approval of the  Securities and
Exchange  Commission (the  "Commission").  It is anticipated that the Commission
will approve the substitution on or about February 27, 2004.

                          SUMMARY OF PROPOSED SUBSTITUTION

     This  section  summarizes  the primary  features  and  consequences  of the
substitution.  It may not contain all of the  information  that is  important to
you.  To  understand  the  substitution,  you  should  read this  entire  Voting
Information Statement.

     This summary is  qualified  in its entirety by reference to the  additional
information contained elsewhere in this Voting Information Statement.

Why is MetLife Investors USA proposing the substitution?

     MetLife  Investors  USA  believes  that  the  proposed   substitution  will
potentially result in better long-term  performance,  allow Separate Account A's
assets to be more  efficiently  managed and  potentially  could lead to improved
returns due to economies of scale.

     The  substitution  is part of a  restructuring  designed to  eliminate  the
offering of  overlapping  funds with similar  investment  objectives and similar
investment  strategies  that serve as funding  vehicles for insurance  contracts
issued by Metropolitan  Life Insurance  Company  ("MetLife") and its affiliates.
The proposed  substitution  is part of an effort by MetLife and its  affiliates,
including  MetLife  Investors  USA, to  standardize  investment  options  across
similar  products  thereby  making its  variable  contracts  more  efficient  to
administer and oversee, and therefore more attractive to its customers.  MetLife
Investors USA believes that because the  Replacement  Portfolio's  prospects for
improved  performance and in the future  potentially lower costs are better than
for the Current Portfolio,  the proposed  substitution is in your best interests
as a Contract owner.

     MFS Research  International's  Class A commenced operations on May 1, 2001.
As a result, it only has a limited  performance  history.  MetLife Investors USA
considered  the  fact  that MFS  Research  International's  performance  for the
one-year period ended December 31, 2003 exceeded that of Scudder  International.
Please note that past performance is not an indication of future results.

     Although the annual net expenses of the Replacement Portfolio are currently
somewhat  higher  than those of the Current  Portfolio,  MetLife  Investors  USA
believes that the  Replacement  Portfolio's  expenses will decrease over time as
the Portfolio's  assets  increase and operating  efficiencies  are achieved.  In
addition,  MetLife  Investors USA considered the fact that the management fee of
the Replacement Portfolio is lower than that of the Current Portfolio.

     MetLife  Investors USA also  considered the future growth  prospects of the
Replacement Portfolio.  At the current time, various variable life insurance and
variable annuity contracts being actively marketed by MetLife and its affiliates
offer  the  Replacement  Portfolio.  Similarly,  as part of the  standardization
process,  the Replacement  Portfolio is also being substituted for various other
mutual  funds  invested in by  subaccounts  of other  MetLife  affiliates.  This
should, along with the proposed  substitution,  further increase the Replacement
Portfolio's net assets,  which are currently at approximately  $259.5 million as
of December 31, 2003. Economies of scale could be achieved through the spreading
of certain  costs over a larger base of  shareholders,  including  reduction  in
portfolio general expenses such as legal,  accounting,  printing of prospectuses
and trustees fees.

     In contrast, MetLife Investors USA believes that there is little likelihood
that  significant  additional  assets,  if any, will be allocated to the Current
Portfolio under the Contracts. Because of the cost of maintaining this Portfolio
as an investment option under the Contracts,  it is therefore in the interest of
Contract owners to substitute the  Replacement  Portfolio with its potential for
economies of scale.  Further,  in the event that the proposed  substitution does
not occur (because  either Contract owners or the Commission does not approve it
or for another  reason),  the Subaccount  will no longer be available under that
Contract for  allocation of purchase  payments or transfers of Contract value as
of May 1, 2004 (in the case of the Imprint Contract) and as of June 30, 2004 (in
the case of Flexible Bonus,  Ultimate Annuity,  Flexible Value, and Smart Choice
Contracts). Therefore, you will be unable to increase your accumulation units in
the Subaccount investing in the Current Portfolio after the date indicated above
for your Contract.

     Though  not  a  principal  reason  for  the  proposed   substitution,   the
substitution  would  have the  effect  of  transferring  Contract  values  to an
investment  portfolio  managed by an affiliated person of MetLife Investors USA,
thereby increasing the management fees received by that affiliated person.

How will the substitution be accomplished?

     The substitution will take place at relative net asset value with no change
in the amount of your  Contract's  value,  cash value or death benefit or in the
dollar value of your investment in Separate Account A. The Class A shares of the
Current Portfolio will be either redeemed for cash or for portfolio  securities,
which  will be used to  purchase  Class A shares of the  Replacement  Portfolio.
MetLife   Investors  USA  will  pay  all  of  the  costs   associated  with  the
substitution,  including the costs of  solicitation  such as the preparation and
mailing of this Voting  Information  Statement and the Voting  Information Card,
the solicitation of votes,  and legal and other expenses.  YOU WILL NOT BEAR ANY

     The substitution is expected to be completed on or about April 30, 2004.

How will the substitution affect me?

     It is anticipated  that the  substitution  will provide certain benefits to

     The most significant of these benefits are as follows:

     o    POTENTIAL FOR Better Performance:  MetLife Investors USA believes that
          based on the historical  performance  records of the Portfolios,  over
          the long term the  performance  of the  Replacement  Portfolio  should
          (although  no  guarantee  can be  given)  exceed  that of the  Current

     o    Lower  Management Fee: The Replacement  Portfolio's  management fee at
          the Portfolio level is lower than that of the Current Portfolio.

          Currently,  net annual operating expenses of the Class A shares of the
          Replacement Portfolio are higher than those of the corresponding class
          of the  Current  Portfolio  due to Class A's  relatively  small  size.
          MetLife  Investors  USA  believes  that  over  time as  Class A assets
          increase,  including  through  the  addition  of the assets  currently
          invested in the Current Portfolio,  net annual operating expenses over
          time should potentially be lower than those of the Current Portfolio.

     o    OPERATING  EFFICIENCIES:  Upon  the  substitution  of the  Replacement
          Portfolio for the Current  Portfolio,  operating  efficiencies  may be
          achieved by the Replacement  Portfolio  because it will have a greater
          level of assets. As of December 31, 2003, the Replacement  Portfolio's
          total net assets were approximately $259.5 million.

          Economies  of scale may be achieved  through the  spreading of certain
          costs  over a larger  base of  shareholders,  including  reduction  in
          portfolio  general  expenses  such as legal,  accounting,  printing of
          prospectuses and trustees fees.

         Other benefits resulting from the substitution include:

     o    You  will  not  incur  any  fees  or   charges  as  a  result  of  the

     o    You will have no tax liability resulting from the substitution.

     o    The  substitution  will result in an improved  selection  of portfolio
          managers.  MetLife Investors USA believes that the investment  adviser
          to the  Replacement  Portfolio  is better  positioned  to  potentially
          provide  consistent  above-average  performance  than  the  investment
          adviser to the Current Portfolio.

     o    As a condition of the substitution,  combined  annualized net expenses
          of  Separate  Account  A  (or  the  subaccount)  and  the  Replacement
          Portfolio  may not  exceed the total  combined  2002  fiscal  year net
          expenses for the Current  Portfolio and the Separate Account A (or the
          Subaccount) for two years following the substitution.

     o    No increase in Contract  fees and  expenses  for a period of two years
          following the substitution, including mortality and expenses risk fees
          and  administration  and distribution fees charged to Separate Account

     The substitution  will not cause your Contract rights or MetLife  Investors
USA's  responsibilities  under the Contracts to be altered in any way. The value
of your Contract,  the amount of your death benefit and the dollar value of your
investments in any of the subaccounts of Separate Account A will remain the same
immediately  following  the  substitution.  Your  Contract  values  will  remain
allocated to Separate Account A, which will invest in the Replacement  Portfolio
after the substitution.  After the substitution your Contract values will depend
on the performance of the Replacement  Portfolio rather than that of the Current

     Like the Current Portfolio,  the Replacement Portfolio will declare and pay
dividends from net investment  income and will  distribute net realized  capital
gains, if any, to Separate  Account A (not to you) once a year.  These dividends
and  distributions  will continue to be  reinvested by MetLife  Investors USA in
additional Class A shares of the Replacement Portfolio.

What will be the primary federal tax consequences of the substitution?

     We believe that you will not be subjected to any federal tax liabilities as
a result of the substitution.


     The  following  discussion  is primarily a summary of certain  parts of the
prospectuses  for the Current  Portfolio  and the  Replacement  Portfolio.  As a
Contract  owner  invested in the Current  Portfolio,  you should  already have a
current  prospectus  for the  Current  Portfolio.  You may  request  the current
prospectus for the  Replacement  Portfolio,  free of charge,  by calling MetLife
Investors USA at  1-800-283-4536,  or by writing to MetLife  Investors USA at 22
Corporate Plaza Drive, Newport Beach, California 92660. Information contained in
this Voting Information  Statement is qualified by more complete information set
forth in such prospectuses, which are incorporated by reference herein.

How do the Portfolios'  investment  objectives,  principal investment strategies
and risks compare?

     The  investment  objective of the  Replacement  Portfolio is  substantially
similar to that of the Current  Portfolio,  and the  investment  strategies  and
risks of each Portfolio are similar.

     The investment objective of each Portfolio is non-fundamental,  which means
that it may be  changed  by vote of its  respective  Board of  Trustees  without
shareholder approval.

     The following tables summarize a comparison of the Replacement Portfolio to
the Current Portfolio with respect to their investment  objectives and principal
investment strategies, as set forth in each Portfolio's prospectus and statement
of additional information.

   ----------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------
                                 MFS Research International (the Replacement Portfolio)
   ----------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------
   ----------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------

   Investment Objective          The Portfolio's investment objective is capital appreciation.
   ----------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------
   ----------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------
   Principal Investment          Invests, under normal market conditions, at least 65% of its net assets
   Strategies                    in common stocks and related securities, such as preferred stocks,
                                 convertible securities and depositary receipts of foreign companies.

                                 The Portfolio focuses on foreign companies (including up to 25% of its
                                 net assets in emerging market issues) that the Portfolio's Adviser
                                 believes have favorable growth prospects and attractive valuations based
                                 on current and expected earnings or cash flow.

                                 The Portfolio may invest in companies of any size.  The Portfolio does
                                 not emphasize any particular country and, under normal market
                                 conditions, will be invested in at least five countries.  Equity
                                 securities may be listed on a securities exchange or traded in the
                                 over-the-counter markets.

   ----------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------

   ----------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------
                                 Scudder International
   ----------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------
   ----------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------
   Investment Objective          Seeks long-term growth of capital primarily through diversified holdings
                                 of marketable foreign equity investments.

   ----------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------
   ----------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------
   Principal Investment          Invests primarily in common stocks of established companies, listed on
   Strategies                    foreign exchanges, which are believed to have favorable growth

                                 The Portfolio typically will invest in companies in at least three
                                 different countries, excluding the United States.
   ----------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------

     The principal risks of investing in the  Replacement  Portfolio are similar
to those of investing in the Current Portfolio. They include:

     o    Market risk - a  Portfolio's  share price can fall because of weakness
          in the broad market, a particular industry, or specific holdings

     o    Foreign  investment risk--  investments in foreign  securities involve
          risks relating to political,  social and economic developments abroad,
          as well as risks resulting from differences between the regulations to
          which U.S. and foreign issuers and markets are subject

     o    Market  capitalization risk - investments  primarily in issuers in one
          market capitalization category (large, medium or small) carry the risk
          that due to current  market  conditions  that  category  may be out of
          favor;  larger,  more  established  companies may be unable to respond
          quickly to new  competitive  challenges  such as changes in technology
          and consumer tastes and may not be able to obtain the high growth rate
          of  successful  smaller  companies;  investments  in medium  and small
          capitalization  companies  may be subject to special risks which cause
          them to be subject to greater price  volatility  and more  significant
          declines in market  downturns  than  securities  of larger  companies,
          including a more limited trading market for their stocks

     o    Investment style risk - different  investment styles such as growth or
          value investing tend to shift in or our of favor,  depending on market
          and economic conditions as well as investor  sentiment;  growth stocks
          may be more  volatile  than other stocks and may lack the dividends of
          value stocks that can cushion stock prices in a falling market;  value
          stocks carry the risk that the market will not  recognize a security's
          inherent  value  for a  long  time,  or  that  a  stock  judged  to be
          undervalued may actually be appropriately priced or overvalued

     MFS  Research  International  may  invest  up to 25% of its net  assets  in
emerging market issues.  All of the risks of investing in foreign securities are
heightened by investing in emerging markets countries.

     MFS Research International may invest a substantial amount of its assets in
issuers  located in a single  country or a limited  number of countries.  If the
Portfolio  focuses  its  investments  in this  manner,  it assumes the risk that
economic,  political  and  social  conditions  in those  countries  will  have a
significant impact on its investment performance.

     The Current Portfolio and the Replacement  Portfolio may invest some or all
of  their  assets  in money  market  instruments  or  utilize  other  investment
strategies as a temporary  defensive  measure  during,  or in  anticipation  of,
adverse  market  conditions.  This  strategy,  which would be  employed  only in
seeking  to  avoid  losses,  is  inconsistent  with  the  Portfolios'  principal
investment objectives and strategies, and could result in lower returns and loss
of market opportunities. For a detailed discussion of the Portfolios' risks, see
the section entitled "Risks of the Portfolios" below.

     The Portfolios have other investment  policies,  practices and restrictions
which, together with their related risks, are also set forth in each Portfolio's
prospectus and statement of additional information.

How do the Portfolios' fees and expenses compare?

     Scudder  International  has a lower net  expense  ratio  than MFS  Research
International. MFS Research International has a lower management fee.

     You will not incur any fees or charges as a result of the substitution.

     The  following  tables  allow you to compare the various  fees and expenses
that you would pay as a result of Separate Account A
buying and holding shares of each of the Portfolios.

     The amounts  for the shares of the  Portfolios  set forth in the  following
tables and in the examples are based on the expenses for the  Portfolios for the
fiscal year ended December 31, 2002 as adjusted,  in the case of the Replacement
Portfolio,  to reflect current expense limitations and waivers and are expressed
as a percentage of each Portfolio's average daily net assets.

     The Class A shares of the Current  Portfolio  and the Class A shares of the
Replacement  Portfolio are not charged any initial or deferred sales charge,  or
any other  transaction  fees. The Portfolios'  Class A shares are not subject to
Rule 12b-1 fees.


         Fees and Expenses (as a percentage of average daily net assets)

    ----------------------------------------------- --------------------- --------------------
                                                          Scudder            MFS Research
                                                       International         International

                                                      (Class A shares)     (Class A shares)
    ----------------------------------------------- --------------------- --------------------
    ----------------------------------------------- --------------------- --------------------

    Management Fees                                         0.87%                0.80%
    ----------------------------------------------- --------------------- --------------------
    ----------------------------------------------- --------------------- --------------------
    12b-1 Fees                                              ----                 ----
    ----------------------------------------------- --------------------- --------------------
    ----------------------------------------------- --------------------- --------------------
    Other Expenses                                          0.16%                1.06%
    ----------------------------------------------- --------------------- --------------------
    ----------------------------------------------- --------------------- --------------------
    Total Annual Portfolio Operating Expenses                1.03%               1.86%*
    Before Expense Waiver / Reimbursement
    ----------------------------------------------- --------------------- --------------------
    ----------------------------------------------- --------------------- --------------------
    Expense Waiver / Reimbursement                           ---                 0.76%
    ----------------------------------------------- --------------------- --------------------
    ----------------------------------------------- --------------------- --------------------
    Total Net Annual Portfolio Operating Expenses           1.03%                1.10%
    After Expense Waiver / Reimbursement
    ----------------------------------------------- --------------------- --------------------

* MFS  Research  International's  Manager and Met  Investors  Series  Trust have
entered into an Expense Limitation  Agreement whereby the total Annual Portfolio
Operating Expenses for the Class A shares of the Portfolio will not exceed 1.10%
through  April 30,  2004 and in any year in which the  Agreement  is in  effect.
Under  certain  circumstances,  any fees  waived or expenses  reimbursed  by the
Manager  may,  with  the  approval  of Met  Investors  Series  Trust's  Board of
Trustees, be repaid to the Manager.

     The tables  below show  examples of the total  expenses  you would pay on a
$10,000 investment over one-, three-,  five- and ten-year periods.  The examples
are intended to help you compare the cost of investing in the Current  Portfolio
versus the  Replacement  Portfolio.  The  examples  assume a 5%  average  annual
return,  that you redeem all of your  shares at the end of each time  period and
that you reinvest all of your dividends.  The following  tables also assume that
total  annual  operating   expenses  remain  the  same.  The  examples  are  for
illustration only, and your actual costs may be higher or lower.


         Examples of Portfolio Expenses

          ----------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------

                                                     MFS Research International
                                 One Year           Three Years          Five Years           Ten Years
          Class A                  $113                 $515                $942                $2,132
          ----------------- -------------------- ------------------- -------------------- -------------------
         *Assumes that expense limitation remains in effect only through April 30, 2004.

          ----------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                                                         Scudder International
                                 One Year           Three Years          Five Years           Ten Years
          Class A shares           $105                 $328                $569                $1,259
          ----------------- -------------------- ------------------- -------------------- -------------------

How do the Portfolios' performance records compare?

     MFS Research  International's  performance  for the  one-year  period ended
December 31, 2003 exceeded that of Scudder International.

     The  following  table  shows  how the  Class A  shares  of the  Replacement
Portfolio and the Class A shares of the Current  Portfolio have performed in the
past. Past performance is not an indication of future results.


The table lists the  average  annual  total  return of the Class A shares of MFS
Research  International  for the  past  one year  and  since  inception  through
December 31, 2003 and the Class A shares of Scudder  International  for the past
one,  three,  five and ten years.  This table  includes the effects of portfolio
expenses  and is intended to provide  you with some  indication  of the risks of
investing in each Portfolio by comparing its performance with the Morgan Stanley
Capital  International  Europe,  Australia and Far East Index ("MSCI  EAFE"),  a
widely recognized unmanaged index which is an aggregate of 15 individual country
indices that  collectively  represent many of the major markets of the world. An
index does not reflect fees or expenses.  It is not possible to invest  directly
in an index.

         Average Annual Total Return (for the period ended 12/31/2003)

       ------------------------- ------------- ------------- ------------ --------------- ---------------- -------------
                                    1 Year       3 Years       5 Years       10 Years     From Inception    Inception
                                    Ended         Ended         Ended     Ended 12/31/03    to 12/31/03        Date
                                                                                --------    -----------        ----
                                   12/31/03      12/31/03     12/31/03
       ------------------------- ------------- ------------- ------------ --------------- ---------------- -------------
       ------------------------- ------------- ------------- ------------ --------------- ---------------- -------------

       MFS Research                 32.20%         n/a           n/a           n/a             1.50%         05/01/01
       International-- Class A
       ------------------------- ------------- ------------- ------------ --------------- ---------------- -------------
       ------------------------- ------------- ------------- ------------ --------------- ---------------- -------------
       MSCI EAFE Index              39.16%         ---           ---           ---             0.04%(1)
       ------------------------- ------------- ------------- ------------ --------------- ---------------- -------------
       ------------------------- ------------- ------------- ------------ --------------- ---------------- -------------

       ------------------------- ------------- ------------- ------------ --------------- ---------------- -------------
       ------------------------- ------------- ------------- ------------ --------------- ---------------- -------------
       Scudder                      27.75%        10.33%       -2.69%         3.61%             ---
       International--Class A
       ------------------------- ------------- ------------- ------------ --------------- ---------------- -------------
       ------------------------- ------------- ------------- ------------ --------------- ---------------- -------------
       MSCI EAFE Index              39.16%        -2.57%        0.26%         4.78%             ---
       ------------------------- ------------- ------------- ------------ --------------- ---------------- -------------

(1)      Date of Index performance is from 5/01/01.


     For a detailed discussion of the manner of calculating total return, please
see  each  Portfolio's  statement  of  additional  information.  Generally,  the
calculations  of total  return  assume the  reinvestment  of all  dividends  and
capital gain  distributions  on the  reinvestment  date and the deduction of all
recurring expenses that were charged to shareholders' accounts.

Will I be able to purchase  and redeem  shares,  change my  investment  options,
annuitize and receive distributions the same way?

     The substitution  will not affect your right to purchase and redeem shares,
to change among MetLife Investors USA's subaccount options, to annuitize, and to
receive distributions as permitted by your Contract. After the substitution, you
will be able under your current  Contract to purchase  additional Class A shares
of the Replacement Portfolio.

     MetLife  Investors  USA will not  exercise  any right it may have under the
Contracts to impose restrictions or additional  restrictions on, or charges for,
Contract value  transfers or annuity unit exchanges made under the Contracts for
a period of at least 30 days  following  the proposed  substitution  (other than
with respect to market timing activity).

         In addition, you will:

     o    before  the  proposed  substitution  occurs,  be  permitted  to make a
          transfer  of  Contract  value  (or  annuity  unit  exchange)  from the
          Subaccount  to any other  subaccount  without  charge and without that
          transfer (or exchange)  counting  towards the number  permitted or the
          number permitted without charge under your Contract; and

     o    during the 30 days after the  proposed  substitution,  be permitted to
          make a transfer of Contract  value (or annuity unit exchange) from the
          subaccount  investing  in  the  Replacement  Portfolio  to  any  other
          subaccount  without  charge and without that  transfer  (or  exchange)
          counting towards the number permitted or the number permitted  without
          charge under your Contract.

     For the Imprint  Contract,  effective May 1, 2004, the Alger American Small
Capitalization investment option will no longer be available under that Contract
for allocation of additional  purchase  payments or transfers of Contract value.
You will be unable to increase your  accumulation  units invested in the Current
Portfolio after that date.

     For  Flexible  Bonus,  Ultimate  Annuity,  Flexible  Value and Smart Choice
Contracts,  effective June 30, 2004,  the Alger  American  Small  Capitalization
investment  option  will no  longer  be  available  under  those  Contracts  for
allocation of additional  purchase  payments or transfers of Contract value. You
will be unable to  increase  your  accumulation  units  invested  in the Current
Portfolio  after that date.  Any  additional  purchase  payments or transfers of
contract value  allocated to the Current  Portfolio  after June 30, 2004 will be
placed in the Fidelity VIP Money Market Portfolio,  a current  investment option
under such Contracts.

Who  will be the  Adviser  and  Portfolio  Manager  of my  Portfolio  after  the
substitution?   What  will  the  management  and  advisory  fees  be  after  the

     The types of investment  advisory and  administrative  services provided to
the Replacement Portfolio are comparable to the types of investment advisory and
administrative services provided to the Current Portfolio.

         Management of the Portfolios

     The overall  management of the Replacement  Portfolio is the responsibility
of, and is supervised by, the Board of Trustees of Met Investors Series Trust.


     Met Investors  Advisory LLC (the  "Manager") is the investment  manager for
the   Replacement   Portfolio.   The  Manager  selects  and  pays  the  fees  of
Massachusetts   Financial   Services   Company  (MFS  Research   International's
investment adviser) and monitors its investment program.

         Facts about the Manager:


          The Manager is an affiliate of MetLife.

          The Manager manages a family of investment portfolios sold to separate
          accounts of MetLife and its affiliates to fund variable life insurance
          contracts and variable annuity certificates and contracts, with assets
          of approximately $22.6 billion as of December 31, 2003.

          The Manager is located at 22  Corporate  Plaza Drive,  Newport  Beach,
          California  92660.

     The Manager and Met Investors Series Trust have received an exemptive order
from the Commission that permits the Manager, subject to certain conditions, and
without  the  approval  of  shareholders  to:  (a)  employ  a  new  unaffiliated
investment  adviser for a portfolio of Met Investors Series Trust (including the
Replacement  Portfolio)  pursuant  to the  terms  of a new  investment  advisory
agreement,  in each case  either as a  replacement  for an  existing  investment
adviser  or as an  additional  investment  adviser;  (b) change the terms of any
investment  advisory  agreement;  and (c) continue the employment of an existing
investment adviser on the same advisory contract terms where a contract has been
assigned  because  of a change in  control of the  investment  adviser.  In such
circumstances,  Contract  owners would receive notice of such action,  including
the information  concerning the new investment adviser that normally is provided
in a proxy statement.

     The  substitution  will permit the Manager,  under this exemptive order, to
hire, monitor and replace  sub-advisers as necessary to seek optimal performance
and to ensure a consistent investment style.


     Massachusetts  Financial Services Company (the "Adviser") is the investment
adviser to MFS Research  International.  Pursuant to an Advisory  Agreement with
the Manager,  the Adviser  continuously  furnishes an investment program for MFS
Research  International,  makes day-to-day investment decisions on behalf of the
Portfolio, and arranges for the execution of Portfolio transactions.

         Facts about the Adviser:


          The Adviser is America's  oldest  mutual fund  organization  and has a
          history of money management dating from 1924.

          The Adviser had assets under management of approximately  $___ billion
          as of December 31, 2003.

          The Adviser is located at 500 Boylston Street,  Boston,  Massachusetts
          Portfolio Management

         The Portfolio is managed by a team of equity research analysts.

         Management Fees

     For its  management and  supervision  of the daily business  affairs of MFS
Research International,  the Manager is entitled to receive a monthly fee at the
annual rate of 0.80% of the first $200 million of the Portfolio's  average daily
assets  plus 0.75% of such  assets over $200  million up to $500  million,  plus
0.70% of such  assets  over $500  million up to $1  billion,  plus 0.65% of such
assets over $1 billion.

         Expense Limitation Agreement

     In the interest of limiting  expenses of the  Replacement  Portfolio  until
April 30,  2004,  the Manager has entered into an expense  limitation  agreement
with Met Investors Series Trust ("Expense  Limitation  Agreement").  Pursuant to
that Expense Limitation Agreement,  the Manager has agreed to waive or limit its
fees and to assume other expenses so that the total annual operating expenses of
the Replacement  Portfolio other than interest,  taxes,  brokerage  commissions,
other  expenditures  which are capitalized in accordance with generally accepted
accounting principles, other extraordinary expenses not incurred in the ordinary
course of each  Portfolio's  business  and  amounts  payable  pursuant to a plan
adopted in accordance with Rule 12b-1 under the 1940 Act are limited to 1.10% of
daily net assets.

     The Replacement  Portfolio may at a later date reimburse to the Manager the
management  fees  waived or limited and other  expenses  assumed and paid by the
Manager pursuant to the Expense  Limitation  Agreement  provided the Replacement
Portfolio has reached a sufficient asset size to permit such reimbursement to be
made without  causing the total annual  expense ratio of the Portfolio to exceed
the 1.10% percentage  limit.  Consequently,  no reimbursement by the Replacement
Portfolio will be made unless: (i) the Portfolio's total annual expense ratio is
less than 1.10%; and (ii) the payment of such reimbursement has been approved by
Met Investors Series Trust's Board of Trustees.

     The total amount of reimbursement to which the Manager may be entitled will
equal,  at any time, the sum of (i) all investment  management  fees  previously
waived or reduced by the Manager and (ii) all other payments previously remitted
by the Manager to the  Replacement  Portfolio  during any of the  previous  five
fiscal years, less any  reimbursement  that the Portfolio has previously paid to
the Manager  with  respect to (a) such  investment  management  fees  previously
waived or reduced and (b) such other payments previously remitted by the Manager
to the Portfolio.

         Advisory Fees

     Under the  terms of the  Advisory  Agreement,  the  Adviser  is paid by the
Manager for  providing  advisory  services  to the  Replacement  Portfolio.  The
Portfolio does not pay a fee to the Adviser.


How will the substitution be carried out?

     MetLife  Investors USA and Separate Account A have submitted an application
to the Commission  requesting  approval of the proposed  substitution of Class A
shares  of  MFS   Research   International   for  Class  A  shares  of   Scudder
International.  If completed,  the proposed  substitution will result in MetLife
Investors  USA's  redemption,  in cash or  "in-kind",  of shares of the  Current
Portfolio.  MetLife  Investors  USA will then use the  proceeds  (either cash or
portfolio  securities) of such  redemption to purchase shares of the Replacement
Portfolio. We anticipate that the Commission will approve the substitution on or
about February 27, 2004.

     If  approved,  the  proposed  substitution  will take place at relative net
asset value with no change in the amount of your Contract value or death benefit
or in the dollar value of your  investment in the  Subaccount  that is presently
invested in the Current  Portfolio.  You will not incur any fees or charges as a
result of the proposed  substitution and your rights and MetLife Investors USA's
obligations  under the Contract  will not be altered in any way. All  applicable
expenses  incurred in connection with the proposed  substitution will be paid by
MetLife Investors USA. In addition,  the proposed  substitution will not subject
you to any federal income tax liability.

     The fees and charges that you pay under your  Contract will not increase as
a result  of the  proposed  substitution.  To the  extent  that  the  annualized
expenses of the Replacement  Portfolio  during the twenty-four  months following
the substitution  exceeds, for each fiscal period, the 2002 net expense level of
the Current Portfolio,  MetLife Investors USA will reduce Separate Account A (or
subaccount) expenses under the Contract.  Therefore, for two years following the
proposed  substitution,  combined net expenses for the Replacement Portfolio and
Separate  Account A (or the  subaccount  invested in the  Portfolio)  will be no
greater  than  the sum of the  net  expenses  of the  Current  Portfolio  and of
Separate  Account A (or the Subaccount)  for the 2002 fiscal year.  Nonetheless,
after two years following the proposed substitution,  the net expense levels for
the Replacement Portfolio could be but are not anticipated to be higher than the
2002 net expense level for the Current  Portfolio,  but would not be offset by a
reduction  in  subaccount  expenses.  In such an  event,  you may  bear  greater
expenses than you would had the proposed substitution not occurred.

     You are entitled to approve or disapprove  the proposed  substitution.  The
proposed  substitution  will not take place for a class of Contract  without the
approval of Contract owners representing a majority of the accumulation units of
the Subaccount for that class of Contract as of the Record Date.

     MetLife  Investors  USA intends to effect the proposed  substitution  on or
about  April 30,  2004,  following  the  issuance of an order of approval by the
Commission,  the approval of the proposed  substitution by Contract owners,  and
any approval required by state insurance regulators.

                            RISKS OF THE PORTFOLIOS

Are the risk factors for the Portfolios similar?

     Yes.  The  risk  factors  are  similar  due  to the  substantially  similar
investment  objectives and similar investment  policies of the Current Portfolio
and the  Replacement  Portfolio.  The  risks of the  Replacement  Portfolio  are
described in greater detail in the Portfolio's Prospectus.

What are the primary risks of investing in each Portfolio?

     An investment in each  Portfolio is subject to certain  risks.  There is no
assurance that  investment  performance of either  Portfolio will be positive or
that the Portfolios will meet their investment objectives.  The following tables
and discussions  highlight the primary risks  associated with investment in each
of the Portfolios.

- ------------------------------------------------ ---------------------------------------------------------------------
                                                 Each of the Portfolios is subject to Market Risk.

- ------------------------------------------------ ---------------------------------------------------------------------
- ------------------------------------------------ ---------------------------------------------------------------------

MFS Research International                       Invests, under normal market conditions, at least 65% of its net
                                                 assets in common stocks and related securities, such as preferred
                                                 stocks, convertible securities and depositary receipts of foreign
- ------------------------------------------------ ---------------------------------------------------------------------
- ------------------------------------------------ ---------------------------------------------------------------------
Scudder International                            Invests primarily in common stocks of established companies, listed
                                                 on foreign exchanges.
- ------------------------------------------------ ---------------------------------------------------------------------

     A Portfolio's share price can fall because of weakness in the broad market,
a particular industry,  or specific holdings.  The market as a whole can decline
for many reasons,  including disappointing corporate earnings, adverse political
or economic  developments  here or abroad,  changes in investor  psychology,  or
heavy  institutional  selling.  The  prospects  for an industry or a company may
deteriorate.  In addition, an assessment by a Portfolio's  investment adviser of
particular   companies  may  prove  incorrect,   resulting  in  losses  or  poor
performance by those holdings,  even in a rising market.  A Portfolio could also
miss attractive investment  opportunities if its investment adviser underweights
fixed income  markets or industries  where there are  significant  returns,  and
could lose value if the investment  adviser  overweights fixed income markets or
industries where there are significant declines.

- ---------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
                                         Each of the Portfolios is subject to Foreign Investment Risk.

- ---------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
- ---------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------

MFS Research International               Invests, under normal market conditions, at least 65% of its net
                                         assets in common stocks and related securities of foreign companies
                                         (including up to 25% of its net assets in emerging market issues). The
                                         Portfolio does not emphasize any particular country and, under normal
                                         market conditions, will be invested in at least five countries.
- ---------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
- ---------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
Scudder International                    Invests primarily in common stocks of established companies, listed on
                                         foreign exchanges.

                                         The Portfolio typically will invest in companies in at least three
                                         different countries, excluding the United States.
- ---------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------

     Investments  in foreign  securities  involve  risks  relating to political,
social and economic  developments  abroad,  as well as risks  resulting from the
differences  between  the  regulations  to which U.S.  and  foreign  issuers and
markets are subject.  These risks may include the seizure by the  government  of
company assets, excessive taxation, withholding taxes on dividends and interest,
limitations on the use or transfer of portfolio assets,  and political or social
instability. Enforcing legal rights may be difficult, costly and slow in foreign
countries,  and there may be special  problems  enforcing claims against foreign
governments.  Foreign  companies may not be subject to  accounting  standards or
governmental  supervision  comparable to U.S.  companies,  and there may be less
public  information about their  operations.  Foreign markets may be less liquid
and  more  volatile  than  U.S.  markets.  Foreign  securities  often  trade  in
currencies other than the U.S. dollar, and a Portfolio may directly hold foreign
currencies  and  purchase  and sell  foreign  currencies.  Changes  in  currency
exchange rates will affect a Portfolio's net asset value, the value of dividends
and  interest  earned,  and gains and  losses  realized  on the sale of  foreign
securities.  An increase in the  strength of the U.S.  dollar  relative to these
other currencies may cause the value of a Portfolio to decline.  Certain foreign
currencies may be particularly  volatile,  and foreign governments may intervene
in  the  currency  markets,  causing  a  decline  in  value  or  liquidity  of a
Portfolio's foreign currency or securities  holdings.  Costs of buying,  selling
and holding foreign securities,  including brokerage, tax and custody costs, may
be higher than those involved in domestic transactions.

     MFS Research  International  may invest in foreign  securities  of emerging
markets. Investments in emerging markets include all of the risks of investments
in foreign securities and are subject to severe price declines. The economic and
political  structures  of  developing  nations,  in most  cases,  do not compare
favorably  with the U.S.  or other  developed  countries  in terms of wealth and
stability, and their financial markets often lack liquidity.  Such countries may
have relatively unstable  governments,  immature economic  structures,  national
policies restricting investments by foreigners and economies based on only a few
industries.  For  these  reasons,  all of the  risks  of  investing  in  foreign
securities  are  heightened  by investing  in emerging  markets  countries.  The
markets of  developing  countries  have been more  volatile  than the markets of
developed  countries  with more  mature  economies.  These  markets  often  have
provided  significantly  higher or lower rates of return than developed markets,
and significantly greater risks, to investors.

- ------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                                      Each of the Portfolios is subject to Market Capitalization Risk.

- ------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- ------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

MFS Research International            May invest in companies of any size. Equity securities may be listed on a
                                      securities exchange or traded in the over-the-counter markets.

- ------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- ------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Scudder International                 Invests primarily in common stocks of established companies listed on foreign
- ------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

     Stocks  fall into  three  broad  market  capitalization  categories--large,
medium and small.  Investing primarily in one category carries the risk that due
to current market conditions that category may be out of favor. If valuations of
large  capitalization  companies  appear to be greatly out of  proportion to the
valuations of small or medium capitalization companies, investors may migrate to
the stocks of small and mid-sized  companies causing a Portfolio that invests in
these  companies to increase in value more rapidly than a Portfolio that invests
in larger,  fully-valued companies.  Larger, more established companies may also
be unable to respond  quickly to new  competitive  challenges such as changes in
technology and consumer  tastes.  Many larger  companies also may not be able to
attain the high growth rate of successful smaller  companies,  especially during
extended  periods  of  economic   expansion.   Investing  in  medium  and  small
capitalization  companies  may be  subject  to  special  risks  associated  with
narrower product lines, more limited  financial  resources,  smaller  management
groups,  and a more limited  trading  market for their  stocks as compared  with
larger companies.  Securities of smaller capitalization issuers may therefore be
subject to greater price volatility and may decline more significantly in market
downturns than securities of larger  companies.  In some cases,  these companies
may be relatively new issuers (i.e., those having continuous operation histories
of less than three years) which  carries other risks in addition to the risks of
other  medium  and  small  capitalization  companies.  New  issuers  may be more
speculative  because such companies are relatively  unseasoned.  These companies
will often be involved in the  development or marketing of a new product with no
established market, which could lead to significant losses.

- ------------------------------------------------------------ ---------------------------------------------------------

                                                            Each of the Portfolios is subject to Investment Style
- ------------------------------------------------------------ ---------------------------------------------------------
- ------------------------------------------------------------ ---------------------------------------------------------
MFS Research International                                   The Portfolio focuses on foreign companies (including
                                                             up to 25% of its net assets in emerging market issues)
                                                             that the Portfolio's Adviser believes have favorable
                                                             growth prospects and attractive valuations based on
                                                             current and expected earnings or cash flow.

- ------------------------------------------------------------ ---------------------------------------------------------
- ------------------------------------------------------------ ---------------------------------------------------------
Scudder International                                        Invests primarily in common stocks of established
                                                             companies, which are believed to have favorable growth
- ------------------------------------------------------------ ---------------------------------------------------------

     Different  investment  styles  tend to shift in and out of favor  depending
upon market and economic conditions as well as investor  sentiment.  A Portfolio
may outperform or  underperform  other funds that employ a different  investment
style.  A Portfolio may also employ a combination of styles that impact its risk
characteristics.  Examples of different  investment  styles  include  growth and
value  investing.  Growth stocks may be more volatile than other stocks  because
they are more sensitive to investor  perceptions of the issuing company's growth
of earnings  potential.  Also,  since  growth  companies  usually  invest a high
portion of earnings in their  business,  growth stocks may lack the dividends of
value stocks that can cushion stock prices in a falling market.  Growth oriented
funds will typically underperform when value investing is in favor. Value stocks
are those  which are  undervalued  in  comparison  to their peers due to adverse
business  developments or other factors.  Value investing  carries the risk that
the market will not  recognize a security's  inherent  value for a long time, or
that a stock judged to be undervalued  may actually be  appropriately  priced or
overvalued.  Value  oriented  funds  will  typically  underperform  when  growth
investing is in favor.

Are there any other risks of investing in each Portfolio?

     MFS Research International may invest a substantial amount of its assets in
issuers  located in a single  country or a limited  number of countries.  If the
Portfolio  focuses  its  investments  in this  manner,  it assumes the risk that
economic,  political  and  social  conditions  in those  countries  will  have a
significant impact on its investment performance.

     Portfolio  Turnover.  The  Portfolios'  investment  advisers  will  sell  a
security when they believe it is appropriate to do so,  regardless of how long a
Portfolio  has owned that  security.  Buying and  selling  securities  generally
involves some expense to a Portfolio,  such as  commissions  paid to brokers and
other transaction  costs.  Generally  speaking,  the higher a Portfolio's annual
portfolio  turnover rate, the greater its brokerage costs.  Increased  brokerage
costs may adversely  affect a Portfolio's  performance.  Annual turnover rate of
100% or more is  considered  high  and  will  result  in  increased  costs  to a
Portfolio. The Portfolios generally will have an annual turnover rate of 100% or

     The Portfolios have other investment  policies,  practices and restrictions
which, together with their related risks, are also set forth in the Prospectuses
and Statements of Additional Information of the Portfolios.

                              GENERAL VOTING INFORMATION

Who is eligible to vote?

     A Contract  owner is entitled to one vote for each  accumulation  unit that
the owner owns in the Subaccount.

     As of the Record Date, the total number of  accumulation  units held in the
Subaccount for each class of Contract and entitled to vote was:

- ---------------------------------------- --------------------------------------
Contract                                 Number of Subaccount Units
- ---------------------------------------- --------------------------------------
- ---------------------------------------- --------------------------------------
- ---------------------------------------- --------------------------------------
- ---------------------------------------- --------------------------------------
Flexible Bonus
- ---------------------------------------- --------------------------------------
- ---------------------------------------- --------------------------------------
Ultimate Annuity
- ---------------------------------------- --------------------------------------
- ---------------------------------------- --------------------------------------
Flexible Value
- ---------------------------------------- --------------------------------------
- ---------------------------------------- --------------------------------------
Smart Choice
- ---------------------------------------- --------------------------------------

     For each class of Contract,  approval of the proposed substitution requires
the affirmative vote of a majority of the Subaccount's  outstanding accumulation
units held by owners of that Contract on the Record Date.

     To the knowledge of MetLife  Investors  USA, no owner  beneficially  owned,
directly or indirectly,  Contracts representing more than 5% of the accumulation
units in the Subaccount as of the Record Date.

     To the  knowledge  of  MetLife  Investors  USA,  none of the  directors  or
officers of MetLife Investors USA, individually or as a group, beneficially own,
directly or indirectly,  over 1% of the  outstanding  accumulation  units of the
Subaccount as of the Record Date. Any beneficial financial interest that MetLife
Investors  USA may have in the  Subaccount  is  immaterial  in  relation  to the
interests of owners and MetLife Investors USA will not cast any votes.

How do I vote on the substitution proposal?

     If you properly execute and return the enclosed Voting  Instruction Card to
MetLife  Investors USA at 22 Corporate  Plaza Drive,  Newport Beach,  California
92660 by April 23,  2004 at 4:00 p.m.  Pacific  Time  (the  "Voting  Deadline"),
MetLife  Investors USA will count your vote when  calculating the results of the
solicitation.  MetLife Investors USA may disregard any Voting  Instruction Cards
received after the Voting  Deadline.  Votes  attributable to Voting  Instruction
Cards that are  properly  executed  and  returned  but are not  marked  "For" or
"Against"  the  proposed  substitution,  will be  counted  as  "For."  A vote to
"Abstain" will have the effect of a vote "Against" the proposed substitution.

     You also may vote by telephone by calling  1-866-235-4258 and following the
instructions,  faxing  your  Voting  Instruction  Card (both  front and back) to
1-888-796-9932,     or    by    visiting    our    voting    agent's     website  and following the instructions.  If you cast your
telephone,  facsimile or website vote by the Voting Deadline,  MetLife Investors
USA will  count your vote when  calculating  the  results  of the  solicitation.
MetLife  Investors USA may disregard any votes cast by telephone or facsimile or
at the  website  after the  Voting  Deadline  (or any  extension  of the  Voting
Deadline).  MetLife  Investors  USA or its  voting  agent  will  use  reasonable
procedures  to (such as  requiring  an  identification  number)  to  verify  the
authenticity  of  voters  using  the  telephone,  facsimile  or  website  voting
facilities.  Your  voting  authentication  number  is found on the  accompanying
Voting Instruction Card.

Can I change my vote after I have submitted it?

     Any  Contract  owner who has  submitted a Voting  Instruction  Card has the
right to change  his or her vote at any time  prior to the  Voting  Deadline  by
submitting a letter  requesting the change or a later-dated  Voting  Instruction
Card that MetLife  Investors  USA receives at the above address on or before the
Voting Deadline.  If MetLife Investors USA does not receive  sufficient votes to
approve the  proposal,  it may extend the Voting  Deadline and conduct a further
solicitation of votes.

     MetLife  Investors  USA will  solicit  votes  primarily  by  mail,  but may
supplement  this  effort  by  telephone  calls,  telegrams,   e-mails,  personal
interviews,  and other  communications  by  officers,  employees,  and agents of
MetLife  Investors  USA or its  affiliates.  In addition,  Alamo Direct has been
retained to assist in the solicitation of votes. It is expected that the cost of
retaining Alamo Direct for such solicitation will be approximately  $__________.
The costs for  solicitation of votes,  like the other costs  associated with the
substitution, will be borne by MetLife Investors USA.


                                 GENERAL INFORMATION

MetLife Investors USA Insurance Company

     MetLife  Investors USA is a stock life insurance  company  organized  under
Delaware  Law in 1960.  MetLife  Investors  USA is  authorized  to transact  the
business of life insurance, including annuities, in the District of Columbia and
all states except New York.  Its principal  executive  offices are located at 22
Corporate Plaza Drive, Newport Beach, California 92660.

     MetLife  Investors USA is a  wholly-owned  subsidiary of MetLife  Investors
Group, Inc. MetLife Investors Group, Inc., in turn, is an indirect  wholly-owned
subsidiary of MetLife,  Inc., the parent of MetLife.  MetLife, Inc. is listed on
the New York Stock Exchange and,  through its affiliates,  is a leading provider
of  insurance  and other  financial  products and  services to  individuals  and

MetLife Investors USA Separate Account A

     Separate Account A is a separate  investment  account of MetLife  Investors
USA established under Delaware law on May 29, 1980. Each subaccount invests in a
corresponding  portfolio  of an  open-end  management  investment  company.  The
variable annuity contracts that invest in the Current Portfolio,  including your
Contract,  have been issued through Separate Account A and interests in Separate
Account A offered through such variable  annuity  contracts have been registered
under the Securities Act of 1933, as amended (the "1933 Act").  Separate Account
A is registered  the  Commission  under the  Investment  Company Act of 1940, as
amended (the "1940 Act") as a unit investment trust type of investment company.

Met Investors Series Trust

     Shares of Met  Investors  Series  Trust are sold  exclusively  to insurance
company separate  accounts to fund benefits under variable annuity contracts and
variable  life  insurance  policies  sponsored by MetLife  Investors USA and its
affiliates,  or employer  pension and profit sharing plans. Met Investors Series
Trust is a Delaware  statutory  trust  organized on July 27, 2000. Met Investors
Series Trust is registered under the 1940 Act as open-end management  investment
companies of the series type, and its  securities are registered  under the 1933
Act. Met Investors Series Trust currently offers 21 series.

Service Providers

     MetLife Investors Distribution Company, an indirect wholly-owned subsidiary
of MetLife  Investors Group,  Inc. located at 22 Corporate Plaza Drive,  Newport
Beach, California 92660, is the principal underwriter for Separate Account A and
for Met Investors Series Trust.

Owner Proposals

     Contract owners have no rights under the Contracts to put voting  proposals
before the owners.

Prospectuses and Annual Reports

     Upon request, MetLife Investors USA will furnish, without charge, a copy of
the  most  recent  annual  and  semi-annual   shareholder  reports  and  current
prospectuses  and  statements  of  additional  information  for the  Replacement
Portfolio and for the Current Portfolio,  respectively. To request any of these,
please  call  MetLife  Investors  USA at  1-800-283-4536,  or write  to  MetLife
Investors USA at 22 Corporate Plaza Drive, Newport Beach, California 92660. Each
of these documents is  incorporated  by reference in this document.  (This means
that  it  is  legally  considered  to  be a  part  of  this  Voting  Information

     You can also obtain copies of any of these documents  without charge on the
EDGAR database on the Commission's Internet site at  Copies
are available for a fee by electronic  request at the following  email  address:,  or from the Public  Reference  Branch,  Office of  Consumer
Affairs  and   Information   Services,   Securities  and  Exchange   Commission,
Washington, D.C. 20549.

Dissenter's Rights of Appraisal

     Taken  together,  Delaware  Insurance law and the terms of the Contracts do
not appear to provide  appraisal  rights to investors,  such as Contract owners,
beyond their right to receipt of the cash  surrender  value of their  Contracts.
MetLife  Investors  USA believes  that,  for  transactions  such as the proposed
substitution,  this requires,  in effect,  that accumulation  units have a value
equal to their net asset  value  determined  as of 4:00 p.m.  on the date of the
proposed substitution.

     Interpretations  of the 1940 Act by the SEC staff limit appraisal rights of
investors in a registered unit investment  trust,  such as Contract  owners,  to
those provided by Rule 22c-1 under the 1940 Act. Rule 22c-1, in effect, requires
for transactions such as the proposed substitution, that accumulation units have
a value equal to their net asset value per share  determined  as of 4:00 p.m. on
the date of the proposed substitution.

     You should note,  however,  that before the proposed  substitution  occurs,
Contract  owners will be  permitted  to make a transfer  of  Contract  value (or
annuity unit  exchange)  from the  Subaccount  to any other  subaccount  without
charge and without  that  transfer  (or  exchange)  counting  towards the number
permitted or the number  permitted  without charge under their Contract.  During
the 30 days after the proposed  substitution,  Contract owners will be permitted
to make a  transfer  of  Contract  value (or  annuity  unit  exchange)  from the
subaccount  investing  in the  Replacement  Portfolio  to any  other  subaccount
without  charge and without that  transfer (or  exchange)  counting  towards the
number permitted or the number permitted without charge under their Contract.


     Owners may make inquiries by contacting their registered  representative or
by writing  MetLife  Investors USA at 22 Corporate  Plaza Drive,  Newport Beach,
California 92660, or by calling 1-800-283-4536.


                                     FORM OF
                             VOTING INSTRUCTION CARD

                     MetLife Investors USA Insurance Company
                            22 Corporate Plaza Drive
                         Newport Beach, California 92660

                          YOUR VOTE IS VERY IMPORTANT!


Name of Contract Owner                      Voting Control Number:
City, ST     00000

I, the  undersigned,  hereby instruct  MetLife  Investors USA Insurance  Company
("MetLife Investors USA") to count all of the accumulation units that I owned as
of January 30, 2004,  in the  subaccount(s)  of MetLife  Investors  USA Separate
Account A listed on the reverse  side as being voted as indicated on this Voting
Instruction Card.


         You may also vote by:

         o        Telephone:

                  1.  Call toll free 1-866-235-4258.
                  2.   Enter your voting control number (found above).
                  3.   Follow the simple instructions.

         o        Fax:

                   After completing and signing this Card, fax it (both front
                   and back sides) to 1-888-796-9932.

         o        Internet:

                   Visit our website at and
                   follow the instructions for voting via Internet.


attorney,  executor,  administrator,  trustee,  guardian,  or as custodian for a
minor,  please  sign your name and give your full  title as such.  If signing on
behalf of a  corporation,  please sign the full corporate name and your name and
indicate your title. If you are a partner signing for a partnership, please sign
the  partnership  name,  your name and indicate your title.  Joint owners should
each sign these instructions. Please sign, date and return.


                                                    Signature (if held jointly)


                               (Please see reverse side to vote.)


If this Voting  Instruction  Card is signed and returned and no specification is
made,  MetLife  Investors USA will count the vote as "FOR" all of the Proposals.
Please note that a vote to "ABSTAIN" will have the same effect as a "NO" vote.

To be counted,  Voting  Instruction  Cards must be received by MetLife Investors
USA no later than Friday, April 23, 2004 at 4:00 p.m. Pacific Time.


SUBACCOUNT(s)                                        UNITS
[Current Subaccount Name]


     To  approve  the   substitution  of  Class  A  shares  of  the  Replacement
     Portfolio(s)  listed  below  for the  shares of the  corresponding  Current
     Portfolio(s)  listed  below that is  currently  included  as an  investment
     option  under  certain  variable  insurance  contracts  offered  by MetLife
     Investors USA Insurance Company.

                  Replacement Portfolio                         Current Portfolio

           1.     [Name of Replacement Portfolio], a series     [Class of shares] shares of [Name of
                  of [Name of Trust]                            Current Portfolio]

            Mark         |_| To Vote FOR      |_| To Vote AGAINST        |_| To ABSTAIN From Voting.