Sullivan & Worcester LLP                     T 202 775 1200
1666 K Street, NW                            F 202 293 2275
Washington, DC 20006               

                                             March 30, 2009


EDGAR Operations Branch
Division of Investment Management
Securities and Exchange Commission
100 F Street, N.E.
Washington, DC 20549

                  Re:      Met Investors Series Trust
                           File No. 333-48456

Ladies and Gentlemen:

     This letter is in response to comments by e-mail  dated March 19, 2009 from
Mr.  Mark  Cowan of the Staff  with  respect  to the Rule  485(a)  filing of Met
Investors  Series Trust's  Post-Effective  Amendment No. 31 to its  Registration
Statement on Form N-1A.

1.       Principal Investment Strategy (p. 6)


     a.   Please state whether the portfolio will also purchase "unrated" bonds.

          Response:  Disclosure  has been added that the  Portfolio may purchase
          unrated bonds considered by the investment adviser to be of equivalent
          quality to rated bonds.


     b.   Please disclose that bonds that are rated below  investment  grade are
          commonly referred to as "junk bonds."

         Response:  The requested disclosure has been added.


     c.   Please  consider  explaining  "currency  forwards,,"  "cross  currency
          forwards,"  "currency futures  contracts," and "currency swaps." Also,
          consider explaining "financial futures contract," "swap agreements."

          Response:  These terms are  discussed  in general in the  Statement of
          Additional Information and discussion in the Prospectus is not needed.

2.       Past Performance (p. 9)

          Comment:   Please   remove  the  cross   reference  to  the  adviser's
          performance from Item 2. See General Instruction C.3(b).

          Response:  This  cross-reference  has been used for portfolios with no
          significant  performance  history  since the Trust began in 2001.  The
          cross-reference  provides  the  reader  a means  to  find  out how the
          subadviser has performed with comparable funds.

3.       Fees and Expenses (p. 10)

          Comment:  Please  revise  the fee  table  disclosure  for  shareholder
          transaction expenses to reflect "N/A" rather than "None."

          Response:  The staff  last year  requested  the  change  from "N/A" to
          "None." This applies to all 48 Trust  portfolios.  It is believed that
          "None" has more meaning to a reader than "N/A".

4.       Prior Experience with Comparable Fund (p.13)

          Comment:  Please disclose that the  performance  includes all accounts
          that are substantially  similar to the fund (i.e.,  there are no other
          funds/private  accounts  with  similar  objectives/policies/strategies
          managed by the adviser).

          Response: As we discussed, the presentation of performance information
          for the comparable  fund only is not  misleading  because there are no
          material variances in performance of the comparable fund and any other
          mutual  fund or private  account  managed by the  adviser.  Additional
          disclosure in the Prospectus is not required.

5.       Valuation of Shares (p. 19)


          a.   The  disclosure  states that the  portfolio's  NAV is "ordinarily
               determined  once daily." Please clarify the  circumstances  under
               which the NAV will be determined more (or less) than once daily.

         Response:  The word "ordinarily" has been deleted.


          b.   Please disclose any special  considerations with the valuation of
               foreign  securities (e.g.,  computation of U.S.  equivalent value
               and potential impact of time zones and market holidays).

          Response:  All of the  Portfolio's  securities  are fair valued  every
          business day. This fair valuation takes into consideration the factors
          that affect the price of a security.  As we discussed,  I believe that
          additional disclosure is not required.

6.       SAI

          Comment:  Please update the information  regarding the Trust's auditor
          and the portfolio managers.

          Response:  The information  will be updated in the trust's Rule 485(b)
          filing on or about May 1, 2009.

          7. Comment:  We urge all persons who are  responsible for the accuracy
          and adequacy of the disclosure in the filings reviewed by the staff to
          be certain that they have provided all information  investors require.
          Since  the fund and its  management  are in  possession  of all  facts
          relating  to the  fund's  disclosure,  they  are  responsible  for the
          accuracy and adequacy of the disclosures they have made. In connection
          with  responding  to our  comments,  please  provide,  in  writing,  a
          statement from the company acknowledging that: the fund is responsible
          for the adequacy and accuracy of the disclosure in the filings;  Staff
          comments or changes to disclosure in response to staff comments in the
          filings  reviewed by the staff do not  foreclose the  Commission  from
          taking any action  with  respect to the  filing;  and the fund may not
          assert  this  action as defense  in any  proceeding  initiated  by the
          Commission  or any person  under the  federal  securities  laws of the
          United States.

          Response: In connection with this filing, the Trust acknowledges that:
          (1) the Trust is  responsible  for the  adequacy  and  accuracy of the
          disclosure in the filings; (2) staff comments or changes to disclosure
          in response to staff comments in the filings  reviewed by the staff do
          not  foreclose the  Commission  from taking any action with respect to
          the filing;  (3) the Trust may not assert staff  comments as a defense
          in any proceeding  initiated by the Commission or any person under the
          federal securities laws of the United States.

     The Trust  will  file a Rule  485(b)  amendment  on or about May 1, 2009 to
reflect  the  changes  described  in this  letter  and to  annually  update  the
information regarding the Trust's other Portfolios.

     If you have any questions, please feel free to call me at (202) 775-1205.

                                          Very truly yours,

                                          /s/ Robert N. Hickey
                                          Robert N. Hickey

cc:      Liz Forget
         Paul Cellupica
         Mike Lawlor
         Jeff Bernier
         Bryan Andersen