SIS BANCORP, INC.

                         DIRECTOR RESTRICTED STOCK PLAN
                   (Amended and restated as of July 31, 1996)


         The purpose of the SIS Bancorp,  Inc.  Director  Restricted  Stock Plan
(the "Director  Plan") and  Management  Restricted  Stock Plan (the  "Management
Plan") (together,  the "Plans") is to attract directors and key employees of SIS
Bancorp,  Inc. (the "Company") and its Subsidiaries (as hereinafter defined) and
to encourage them to continue their  association with the Company,  by providing
favorable  opportunities for them to participate in the ownership of the Company
and in its future growth through the granting of shares of the Company's  stock.
The term  "Subsidiary"  as used in the  Plans  means a  corporation,  including,
without  limitation,  any  banking or thrift  institution,  of which the Company
owns,  directly or  indirectly  through an unbroken  chain of  ownership,  fifty
percent  (50%) or more of the total  combined  voting  power of all  classes  of
stock. The term "Grantee," as used in the Plans refers to any individual to whom
Restricted Stock has been granted.


         The Plans shall be  administered  by the  Compensation  Committee  (the
"Committee") composed of at least three members of the Board of Directors of the
Company (the  "Board"),  and may include those  members  serving at any time and
from time to time as the Compensation Committee of the Board; provided, however,
that  during  the  period of one year  immediately  preceding  any action by the
Committee  under the Plans,  no member of the Committee may have been granted an
option, or stock, or stock appreciation right or similar right under any plan of
the  Company  under  which any person  exercises  discretion  to  determine  the
recipients or terms or  conditions  of such grants.  In the event that a vacancy
occurs on account of the  resignation  of a member or the removal of a member by
vote of the Board, a successor member shall be appointed by vote of the Board.

         The Committee  shall from time to time determine to whom stock shall be
granted  under the  Management  Plan,  and the  number  of  shares  which may be
granted,  and the terms upon and  restrictions  under which such shares shall be
granted.  The Committee  shall report to the Board the names of  individuals  to
whom  shares of stock are to be  granted,  the number of shares  covered and the
terms and conditions of each grant.

         The  Committee  shall  select one of its members as Chairman  and shall
hold  meetings at such times and places as it may  determine.  A majority of the
Committee shall constitute a quorum, and acts of the Committee at which a quorum
is present,  or acts reduced to or approved in writing by all the members of the


Committee,  shall be the valid acts of the Committee.  The Committee  shall have
the authority to adopt, amend and rescind such rules and regulations,  as in its
opinion,  may be advisable in the  administration of the Plans. All questions of
interpretation  and application of such rules and regulations,  of the Plans and
of the  Common  Stock  transferred  subject  to  restrictions  under  the  Plans
("Restricted  Stock") shall be subject to the  determination  of the  Committee,
which shall be final and binding.  Notwithstanding the foregoing,  the Committee
shall have no discretionary or interpretative power or authority with respect to
any award under the Director Plan which would cause any non-employee director to
fail to be a  "disinterested  person" as defined in Rule 16b-3 of the Securities
Exchange  Commission,  as in effect prior to August 15, 1996.  All decisions and
determinations  by the Committee in the exercise of its power shall be final and
binding upon the Company and Grantees.


         (a)  Director  Plan.  The total  number of shares of stock which may be
subject to the grant under the  Director  Plan shall be 55,625 of the  Company's
common stock,  $.01 par value per share (the "Common Stock"),  provided that the
number of shares  stated in this  sentence  shall be  subject to  adjustment  in
accordance  with the  provisions of Section  10(a).  Shares of Restricted  Stock
granted under the Director  Plan that fail to vest shall again become  available
for grant under the terms of the Director Plan.

         (b)  Management  Plan. The total number of shares of stock which may be
subject  to grant  under the  Management  Plan  shall be  166,875  shares of the
Company's  Common Stock and the total number of shares that may be so granted to
any single  employee under the Management  Plan shall not exceed an aggregate of
fifty-percent  (50%) of the allocated shares of Common Stock,  provided that the
number of shares  stated in this  sentence  shall be  subject to  adjustment  in
accordance  with the  provisions of Section  10(a).  Shares of Restricted  Stock
granted under the Management Plan that fail to vest shall again become available
for grant under the terms of the Management Plan.

         The shares of Common  Stock  which may be subject to  Restricted  Stock
grants under the Plans may be authorized but unissued shares or treasury shares.


         Restricted  Stock  shall be  granted  under the  Director  Plan only to
members of the Board who are not officers or full-time  employees of the Company
or any of its Subsidiaries (each, an "Eligible Director").

         (a) Amount of Award. An aggregate of 32,100 shares of Restricted  Stock
have been  granted by the  Company's  predecessor  in interest  under the Plans,
Springfield  Institution  for Savings  (the  "Bank") to eligible  members of the
Board of Directors of the Bank.  Each Eligible  Director who is first elected to
serve after June 21, 1996 shall be granted 2,200 shares of Restricted Stock


on the day following  his or her election to office.  In the event the aggregate
number of shares of Common Stock  authorized  to be awarded under this Section 4
is  insufficient  to make such awards in full,  each Eligible  Director shall be
awarded a pro-rata portion of the available shares as Restricted Stock.

         (b) Limitations on Awards.  Notwithstanding the foregoing provisions of
this Section 4, no Eligible  Director  shall be eligible to receive any grant of
Restricted  Stock under this  Section 4, if at the date of the grant such person
beneficially owns in excess of ten percent (10%) of the outstanding Common Stock
of the Company.  No Eligible  Director  shall  receive any award under the Plans
except as provided under this Section 4.

          (c) Vesting of Restricted  Stock. An Eligible Director shall be vested
in the shares of Restricted Stock awarded to him or her pursuant to the Director
Plan in accordance with the following schedule:

                  (i) Upon  Completion of the  following  period of service as a
         Director  of the  Company  and/or  the  Bank  from the date of grant of
         Restricted Stock:

                                                         Vested Portion
                                                  Incremental     Cumulative
Date                                                 Amount         Amount
- ----                                                --------       -------
On or after First Anniversary....................     20%            20%
On or after Second Anniversary...................     20%            40%
On or after Third Anniversary....................     20%            60%
On or after Fourth Anniversary...................     20%            80%
On or after Fifth Anniversary....................     20%           100%

         Notwithstanding  the  foregoing  schedule,  in the event of an Eligible
         Director's   retirement  on  account  of  attainment  of  maximum  age,
         permanent  disability or death,  all Restricted  Stock then outstanding
         shall become immediately fully vested.

                  (ii) In the event of a Change of  Control of the  Company  (as
         defined in Section 10(b) below), all Restricted Stock outstanding as of
         the date of such  Change in  Control  shall  become  immediately  fully


         The  individuals  who shall be eligible for grants of Restricted  Stock
under the Management Plan shall be key employees who have  contributed or may be
expected to contribute materially to the success of the Company or a Subsidiary.

         The Committee may grant or award shares of Restricted  Stock in respect
of such  number  of  shares  of  Common  Stock,  and  subject  to such  terms or
conditions (including, without  limitation,  conditioning  the vesting of the


Restricted Stock in the Grantee upon satisfaction of specified performance goals
or completion of a period of employment  with the Company or its  Subsidiaries),
as it shall determine and specify in a Restricted Stock Agreement.

         A holder of Restricted Stock shall have all the rights of a stockholder
of the Company,  including the right to vote the shares and the right to receive
any cash dividends, unless the Committee shall otherwise determine. Certificates
representing  Restricted  Stock shall be  imprinted  with a legend to the effect
that the shares represented may not be sold,  exchanged,  transferred,  pledged,
hypothecated or otherwise disposed of except in accordance with the terms of the
Restricted Stock Agreement, and if the Committee so determines,  the Grantee may
be required to deposit the  certificates  with an escrow agent designated by the
Committee,  together  with  the  stock  power or other  instrument  of  transfer
appropriately endorsed in blank.


         The grant of Restricted Stock shall be made by action of the Board at a
meeting at which a quorum of its members is  present,  or by  unanimous  written
consent of all its members;  provided,  however, that if an individual to whom a
grant has been made fails to execute and deliver to the  Committee a  Restricted
Stock  Agreement  within ten (10) days after it is  submitted to him or her, the
Restricted Stock granted under the agreement shall be voidable by the Company at
its election, without further notice to the Grantee.


         (a) The Company shall not be required to transfer any Restricted  Stock
if the  issuance of such shares will result in a violation by the Grantee or the
Company of any provisions of any law,  statute or regulation of any governmental
authority, and the obligation of the Company to issue Restricted Stock hereunder
shall be subject to the obtaining of all approvals by  governmental  agencies as
may be deemed  necessary  or  appropriate  by the  Committee.  Specifically,  in
connection with the Securities Act of 1933, as amended (the  "Securities  Act"),
upon the grant of a Restricted  Stock award the Company shall not be required to
issue shares unless the Board has received  evidence  satisfactory  to it to the
effect that the Grantee  will not  transfer  such  shares  except  pursuant to a
registration  statement in effect under the  Securities Act or unless an opinion
of counsel  satisfactory  to the Company has been received by the Company to the
effect  that  such  registration  is not  required.  Any  determination  in this
connection by the Board shall be conclusive.  The Company shall not be obligated
to take  any  other  affirmative  action  in  order to  cause  the  transfer  of
Restricted  Stock to  comply  with any law or  regulations  of any  governmental
authority, including, without limitation, the Securities Act or applicable state
securities laws.

         (b) The Plans  shall be governed by  Massachusetts  law,  except to the
extent that such law is preempted by federal law.



         (a) No Guarantee of Continuation in Office or Employment.  The Director
Plan shall not give any  Eligible  Director the right to continue in office as a
director or to be nominated for reelection to office as a director,  or give the
Company the right to require an Eligible Director to continue in office. Neither
the Management  Plan nor any Restricted  Stock  Agreement shall give an employee
the  right  to  continue  in  the  employment  of  the  Company  or  any  of its
Subsidiaries,  or give the  Company  or its  Subsidiary  the right to require an
employee to continue in employment.

         (b) Tax Withholding.  To the extent required by law, the Company or its
Subsidiary  shall  withhold or cause to be withheld  income and other taxes with
respect to any income  recognized by a Grantee by reason of the grant or vesting
of Restricted  Stock,  and as a condition to the receipt of any Restricted Stock
the Grantee shall agree that if the amount  payable to him or her by the Company
and its  Subsidiary in the ordinary  course is  insufficient  to pay such taxes,
then he or she shall upon the  request of the  Company pay to the Company or its
Subsidiary an amount sufficient to satisfy its tax withholding obligations.

         Without  limiting the  foregoing,  the Committee may in its  discretion
permit any  Grantee's  withholding  obligation to be paid in whole or in part in
the form of shares of Common Stock, by withholding  from the shares to be issued
or by accepting  delivery  from the Grantee of shares  already owned by him. The
fair market value of the shares for such  purposes  shall be  determined  as set
forth in Section  10(c).  A Grantee may not make any such payment in the form of
shares of Common Stock  acquired upon the exercise of an incentive  stock option
(an "ISO")  within the meaning of Section 422 of the  Internal  Revenue  Code of
1986,  as amended (the "Code") until the shares have been held by him or her for
at least two (2) years  after the date the ISO was  granted and at least one (1)
year after the date the ISO was exercised.  If payment of the withholding  taxes
is made in whole or in part in shares of Common Stock, the Grantee shall deliver
to the Company certificates registered in his or her name representing shares of
Common Stock legally and beneficially owned by him, fully vested and free of all
liens,  claims and  encumbrances  of every kind, duly endorsed or accompanied by
stock powers duly  endorsed by the record  holder of the shares  represented  by
such certificates.


         The Committee may grant Restricted Stock under the Management Plan from
time to time  until the  close of  business  on the day  prior to June 1,  2005.
Unless earlier  terminated by action of the Board of Directors,  the Plans shall
expire on the day prior to June 1, 2005.

         The Board of Directors  may amend the Plans at any time,  and from time
to time, subject to any required  regulatory approval and to the limitation that
no  amendment  shall be effective  unless  approved by the  stockholders  of the


Company  in  accordance  with  applicable  law and  regulations  at an annual or
special  meeting held within  twelve months before or after the date of adoption
of such amendment, where such amendment will:

         (a)  increase  the  number  of  shares  of  Common  Stock  as to  which
Restricted Stock grants may be made under the Plans;

         (b) change in  substance  any  provision  relating  to  eligibility  to
participate in, or price, amount, timing or vesting of awards under the Director
Plan; or

         (c) change in substance  Section 5 hereof  relating to  eligibility  to
participate in awards under the Management Plan.

         Except as required to comply with the  requirements  of the Code or the
Employee Retirement Income Security Act of 1974, as amended, no amendment to the
provisions  of the  Director  Plan  relating to the amount,  price and timing of
awards  under the  Director  Plan shall be made  unless at least six months have
elapsed  since the adoption of the  Director  Plan or any  subsequent  amendment
affecting such provisions.

         The Plans may be  amended  or  terminated  at any time by action of the
Board,  but  any  such  amendment  or  termination  will  not  adversely  affect
Restricted Stock then outstanding, without the consent of the Grantee.


         (a) In the  event  that the  outstanding  shares  of  Common  Stock are
hereafter  changed into or exchanged for a different number or kind of shares or
other securities of the Company, by reason of reorganization,  recapitalization,
exchange of shares,  stock split,  combination of shares or dividend  payable in
shares or other  securities,  a  corresponding  adjustment  shall be made by the
Committee in the number and kind of shares of outstanding  Restricted  Stock and
for which  Restricted  Stock may be granted under the Plans. Any such adjustment
made by the Committee shall be conclusive and binding upon all affected persons,
including the Company and all Grantees.

         (b)      "Change in Control" means

                  (i) a change in control of the  Company of a nature that would
         be required to be reported in response to Item 1 of the current  report
         Form 8-K as in effect on the date  hereof,  pursuant  to  Section 13 or
         15(d) of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as amended (the "Exchange

                  (ii) any  acquisition of control of the Company by any company
         within  the  meaning  of 12 U.S.C.  ss.  1841(a)(2),  the Bank  Holding
         Company Act of 1956, as amended, or by any person within the meaning of
         12 U.S.C.  ss.  1817(j),  the Change in Bank  Control  Act of 1978,  as



                  (iii) individuals who constitute the Board as of June 21, 1996
         (the  "Incumbent  Board") cease for any reason to constitute at least a
         majority  thereof,   provided  that  any  person  becoming  a  director
         subsequent to June 21, 1996 whose election was approved by a vote of at
         least  three-quarters  of the directors  then  comprising the Incumbent
         Board, or whose  nomination for election by the Company's  shareholders
         was approved by the Company's  Nominating  Committee then serving under
         the Board,  shall be, for purposes of this clause (iii),  considered as
         though he or she was a member of the Incumbent Board but excluding, for
         this purpose,  any such individual  whose initial  assumption of office
         occurs as a result of either an actual or threatened  election  contest
         (as such terms are used in Rule 14a-11 of  Regulation  14A  promulgated
         under the Exchange Act) or other actual or threatened  solicitation  of
         proxies or consents;

                  (iv)  approval  by  the  shareholders  of  the  Company  of  a
         reorganization,  merger or  consolidation,  or the  consummation of any
         such   reorganization,   merger   or   consolidation,   other   than  a
         reorganization,  merger or  consolidation  with respect to which all or
         substantially  all  of  the  individuals  and  entities  who  were  the
         beneficial owners, immediately prior to such reorganization,  merger or
         consolidation,  of the Voting Interest in the Company beneficially own,
         directly or indirectly,  immediately after such reorganization,  merger
         or consolidation  more than eighty percent (80%) of the Voting Interest
         of the  Company or other  entity  resulting  from such  reorganization,
         merger or consolidation in substantially  the same proportions as their
         respective ownership, immediately prior to such reorganization,  merger
         or consolidation, of the Voting Interest in the Company;

                  (v)  approval  by the  shareholders  of the  Company  of (1) a
         complete  liquidation or dissolution of the Company, or (2) the sale or
         other  disposition  of all or  substantially  all of the  assets of the
         Company, or the occurrence of any such liquidation,  dissolution,  sale
         or  other  disposition,  other  than,  in any  case,  to a  Subsidiary,
         directly or indirectly, of the Company, or any affiliate; and/or

                  (vi) the  solicitation  of proxies  from  shareholders  of the
         Company,  by someone  other than the current  Management of the Company
         and without the approval of the Board,  seeking shareholder approval of
         a plan of  reorganization,  merger or consolidation of the Company with
         one or  more  corporations  as a  result  of  which  the  shareholders'
         interest in the Company are actually  exchanged  for or converted  into
         securities  not  issued  by  the  Company.   "Voting   Interest"  means
         securities of any class or classes or other ownership  interests having
         general voting power under ordinary  circumstances  to elect members of
         the board of directors or trustees of any entity.


         (c) For purposes of the Plans,  except as may be  otherwise  explicitly
provided in the Plans or in any Restricted Stock Agreement or similar  document,
the "fair market value" of a share of Common Stock at any particular  date shall
be determined according to the following rules:

                  (i) if the Common  Stock is at the time  listed or admitted to
         trading on any stock  exchange or NASDAQ,  then the fair  market  value
         shall be the reported closing price of the Common Stock on such date on
         the principal exchange or NASDAQ, as the case may be; or

                  (ii) if the Common Stock is not at the time listed or admitted
         to trading on a stock  exchange or NASDAQ,  the fair market value shall
         be the closing price of the Common Stock on the date in question in the
         over-the-counter  market, as such price is reported in a publication of
         general  circulation  selected by the Board and regularly reporting the
         price of the Common Stock in such market;  provided,  however,  that if
         the price of the Common Stock is not so reported, the fair market value
         shall be  determined  in good faith by the  Board,  which may take into
         consideration  (1) the  price  paid  for the  Common  Stock in the most
         recent  trade of a  substantial  number of shares known to the Board to
         have  occurred  at  arm's  length  between  willing  and  knowledgeable
         investors,  or (2) an appraisal  by an  independent  party,  or (3) any
         other method of  valuation  undertaken  in good faith by the Board,  or
         some or all of the above as the Board shall in its discretion elect.


         The Plans became  effective,  as Plans of the Bank, on June 1, 1995 and
were approved by the Bank's stockholders on May 31, 1995. The Plans were assumed
by the  Company  upon  consummation  of the  reorganization  contemplated  by an
Agreement  and Plan of  Reorganization  between the Company and the Bank on June
21, 1996.  No  Restricted  Stock may be granted  under the Plans on or after the
tenth anniversary of the effective date of the Plans.
