AMENDED AND RESTATED
                          CERTIFICATE OF INCORPORATION
                           IRON MOUNTAIN INCORPORATED
                      (as amended through January 12, 1998)

         Iron Mountain Incorporated, a Delaware corporation (the "Corporation"),
hereby certifies as follows:

         A. The name of the Corporation is Iron Mountain  Incorporated,  and the
name under which the Corporation was originally  incorporated  was Iron Mountain
Information Services, Inc.

         B. The date of  filing of the  Corporation's  original  Certificate  of
Incorporation with the Secretary of State was November 15, 1990; and the date of
filing of its first Restated  Certificate of Incorporation with the Secretary of
State was December 13, 1990.

         C. This Restated Certificate of Incorporation restates,  integrates and
further amends the provisions of the first Restated Certificate of Incorporation
of the Corporation, as heretofore amended.

         D. This  Restated  Certificate  of  Incorporation  was duly  adopted in
accordance with Sections 242 and 245 of the Delaware General Corporation Law.

         E. The first Restated  Certificate of Incorporation of the Corporation,
as heretofore  amended, is hereby amended and restated effective at 9:00 a.m. on
February 6, 1996 to read in its entirety as follows:

         FIRST:  The name of the Corporation is Iron Mountain Incorporated.

         SECOND: The address of the Corporation's registered office in the State
of Delaware is The  Prentice-Hall  Corporation  System,  Inc., 1013 Centre Road,
City  of  Wilmington,  County  of New  Castle.  The  name  of the  Corporation's
registered agent at such address is The Prentice-Hall Corporation System, Inc.

         THIRD:  The nature of the  business  or  purposes  to be  conducted  or
promoted  by the  Corporation  are to engage in any lawful act or  activity  for
which corporations may be organized under the Delaware General Corporation Law.


         FOURTH:  The total number  shares of all classes of capital  stock that
Corporation  shall  have  authority  to  issue  is  One  Hundred  Three  Million
(103,000,000)1 shares, of which:

           (i)    One Hundred Million  (100,000,000)  shall be Common Stock, par
                  value $.01 per share (the "Common Stock"),2

          (ii)    One Million  (1,000,000)  shall be Nonvoting Common Stock, par
                  value  $.01  per  share  (the  "Nonvoting  Common  Stock"  and
                  together with the Common Stock, the "Common Shares"), and

         (iii)    Two Million  (2,000,000)  shall be Preferred  Stock, par value
                  $.01 per share (the "Preferred Stock" ).

         A.        CERTAIN DEFINITIONS.

         For purposes of this Certificate of  Incorporation,  unless the context
otherwise  requires,  the  following  terms (or any variant in the form thereof)
have the following respective meanings. Terms defined in the singular shall have
a comparable  meaning when used in the plural, and vice versa, and the reference
to any gender shall be deemed to include all genders.

                  The term "Applicable Law" shall mean any Law of any Authority,
         whether domestic or foreign,  including without  limitation all federal
         and state Laws,  to which the Person in question is subject or by which
         it or  any of its  business  or  operations  is  subject  or any of its
         property is bound.

                  The  term   "Authority"   shall  mean  any   governmental   or
         quasi-governmental   authority,   whether  administrative,   executive,
         judicial,  legislative or other, or any combination thereof,  including
         without limitation any federal, state,  territorial,  county, municipal
         or other  government  or  governmental  or  quasi-governmental  agency,
         authority,  board,  body,  branch,  bureau,  central bank or comparable
         agency or Entity,  commission,  court,  department,  instrumentality or
         other  political  unit or  subdivision  or other  Entity  of any of the
         foregoing, whether domestic or foreign.

                  The term  "Certificate of  Incorporation"  means this Restated
         Certificate of  Incorporation of the Corporation and any other document
         which pursuant to the Delaware  General  Corporation  Law constitutes a
         part of the Corporation's  Certificate of Incorporation,  including any
         amendment to or restatement  hereof and any  certificate of designation
         in respect of any  particular  class or series of Preferred  Stock from
         time to time in effect.

                  The term "Entity" shall mean any  corporation,  firm,  limited
         liability   company,    unincorporated    organization,    association,
         partnership, trust, business trust, joint stock

- --------
1        Amended June 3, 1997 and further amended January 12, 1998.
2        Amended June 3, 1997 and further amended January 12, 1998.


         company,  joint  venture  or other  organization,  entity or  business,
         whether acting in an individual,  fiduciary or other  capacity,  or any
         governmental  or  quasi-governmental  authority,  whether  domestic  or
         foreign and whether administrative, executive, judicial, legislative or
         other, or any combination thereof.

                  The  term  "Law"  shall  mean  any  administrative,  judicial,
         legislative  or  other  action,  code,  consent  decree,  constitution,
         decree,  directive,  enactment,  finding,  guideline,  law, injunction,
         interpretation,   judgment,   order,   ordinance,   policy   statement,
         proclamation, promulgation, regulation, requirement, rule, rule of law,
         rule of public policy,  settlement agreement,  statute, or writ, or the
         common law, or any particular  section,  part or provision thereof,  or
         any interpretation,  directive,  guideline or request (having the force
         of law), of any Authority.

                  The term  "Person"  shall mean any natural  individual  or any

         B.       GENERAL.

         Any and all  shares of any class or  series  issued  for which the full
consideration  has been paid or delivered,  shall be deemed fully paid stock and
the  holders  of  such  shares  shall  not be  liable  for any  further  call or
assessment or any other payment thereon.

         No holder of any of the shares of stock of the Corporation, whether now
or hereafter  authorized or issued, shall be entitled as of right to purchase or
subscribe for (i) any unissued stock of any class, or (ii) any additional shares
of any class to be issued by reason of any increase of the  authorized  stock of
the  Corporation of any class,  or (iii) bonds,  certificates  of  indebtedness,
debentures or other securities convertible into or exchangeable, or carrying any
right to purchase or otherwise acquire, stock of any class of the Corporation.

         The  Board  of  Directors  of the  Corporation  may  from  time to time
authorize  by  resolution  the issuance of any or all shares of the Common Stock
and the  Preferred  Stock  herein  authorized  or any class or series of capital
stock hereafter authorized,  together with any additional shares of any class or
series to be issued by reason of any  increase  of the  authorized  stock of the
Corporation  of any class or series,  or bonds,  certificates  of  indebtedness,
debentures or other securities convertible into or exchangeable for, or carrying
any right to purchase or otherwise acquire,  stock of any class or series of the
Corporation,  for such  purposes,  in such amounts,  to such  Persons,  for such
consideration  and, in the case of the Preferred Stock, in one or more series or
classes,  all as the Board of Directors in its sole and absolute  discretion may
from time to time  determine  and without any vote,  approval,  consent or other
action by the stockholders, except as otherwise required by Applicable Law.

         C.       COMMON SHARES.

         Subject  to all the  rights  which may be  granted  to  holders  of the
Preferred Stock and except as otherwise required by Applicable Law, the relative
voting, dividend,  liquidation and other rights,  preferences and limitations or
restrictions of the Common Stock and the Nonvoting Common Stock are as follows:


         1. The Common Stock and the Nonvoting Common Stock shall have identical
rights and  privileges  in every  respect,  except as expressly set forth in the
following paragraphs of this Section C.

         2. Voting  Rights.  Except as otherwise  required by Applicable  Law or
this Certificate of Incorporation, on all matters to be voted on by stockholders
of the  Corporation,  each holder of Common Stock shall have one vote in respect
of each share of Common  Stock held of record by such holder on the books of the
Corporation. The holders of Nonvoting Common Stock shall not be entitled to vote
on any  matters  submitted  to the  stockholders  of the  Corporation  except as
otherwise  required by Applicable  Law, in which case (and  irrespective  of any
class vote  relating to  increases  or  decreases  in the  authorized  shares of
Nonvoting Common Stock such holders would otherwise be entitled to under Section
242(b) of the Delaware  General  Corporation  Law)  holders of Nonvoting  Common
Stock  shall  vote (at the rate of one vote for each share of  Nonvoting  Common
Stock held of record by such  holder on the books of the  Corporation)  together
with holders of Common Stock and, if applicable,  Preferred  Stock,  as a single
class on such matter unless otherwise required by Applicable Law (other than any
class vote required by Section 242(b) of the Delaware General  Corporation Law).
Except as otherwise  required by Applicable Law or provided herein or determined
by the Board of Directors  pursuant to Section D below,  holders of Common Stock
shall vote together with holders of Preferred  Stock having voting rights,  as a
single class on all matters submitted to the stockholders for a vote,  including
any amendment to increase or decrease the number of authorized  shares of Common
Stock  (irrespective of Section 242(b) of the Delaware General Corporation Law),
subject to any special or preferential  voting rights of any series of Preferred
Stock from time to time outstanding.

         3. Dividends.  At any time shares of Common Stock are  outstanding,  as
and when dividends or other distributions  payable in either cash, capital stock
of the Corporation  (other than Common Stock or Nonvoting Common Stock) or other
property  of the  Corporation  may be declared  by the Board of  Directors,  the
amount of any such  dividend  payable on each share of Common Stock shall in all
cases be equal to the amount of such dividend payable on each share of Nonvoting
Common  Stock,  and the  amount of any such  dividend  payable  on each share of
Nonvoting Common Stock shall in all cases be equal to the amount of the dividend
payable on each share of Common Stock.  Dividends and  distributions  payable in
shares  of  Common  Stock  may not be made on or to  shares  of any class of the
Corporation's  capital stock other than the Common Stock, and dividends  payable
in shares of Nonvoting Common Stock may not be made on or to shares of any class
of the  Corporation's  capital stock other than the Nonvoting Common Stock. If a
dividend or distribution  payable in shares of Common Stock shall be made on the
shares  of  Common  Stock,  a  dividend  or  distribution  payable  in shares of
Nonvoting Common Stock shall be made  simultaneously  on the shares of Nonvoting
Common Stock, and the number of shares of Nonvoting Common Stock payable on each
share of Nonvoting Common Stock pursuant to such dividend or distribution  shall
be equal to the number of shares of Common Stock payable on each share of Common
Stock pursuant to such dividend or  distribution.  If a dividend or distribution
payable  in shares of  Nonvoting  Common  Stock  shall be made on the  shares of
Nonvoting  Common Stock, a dividend or distribution  payable in shares of Common
Stock shall be made simultaneously on the shares of Common Stock, and the number
of shares of Common Stock payable on each share of Common Stock pursuant to such
dividend or distribution shall be equal to the number of shares of Nonvoting


Common Stock  payable on each share of Nonvoting  Common Stock  pursuant to such
dividend or distribution.

         4. Consideration on Merger, Consolidation, etc.; Distribution of Assets
Upon  Liquidation.  In any merger,  consolidation or business  combination,  the
consideration  to be received per share by the holders of shares of Common Stock
and shares of Nonvoting Common Stock shall be distributed  ratably to each share
of Common  Stock and  Nonvoting  Common Stock in  accordance  with the number of
shares thereof and without regard to class,  except that in any such transaction
in which  shares of  capital  stock  and/or  other  securities  (including  debt
securities)  (including  without  limitation those of a surviving Entity, or the
direct or indirect parent Entity thereof,  whether or not such surviving  Entity
is the Corporation) are to be distributed, such shares (or other securities) may
differ  only as to voting  rights to the extent  that the  voting  rights of the
Common Stock and the  Nonvoting  Common Stock differ  immediately  prior to such
merger, consolidation or business combination.

         In the event the  Corporation  shall be liquidated,  dissolved or wound
up, whether  voluntarily or  involuntarily,  after there shall have been paid or
set aside for the holders of all shares of the Preferred Stock then  outstanding
the full preferential  amounts to which they may be entitled,  if any, under the
resolutions  authorizing the issuance of such Preferred Stock, the net assets of
the Corporation  remaining thereafter shall be distributed ratably to each share
of Common  Stock and  Nonvoting  Common Stock in  accordance  with the number of
shares thereof and without regard to class.  For the purposes of this paragraph,
neither the merger,  consolidation  or business  combination of the  Corporation
with or into any  other  Entity  in which the  stockholders  of the  Corporation
receive capital stock and/or other securities (including debt securities) of the
surviving Entity (or of the direct or indirect parent Entity  thereof),  nor the
sale,  lease or transfer by the  Corporation  of all or any part of its business
and assets, nor the reduction of the capital stock of the Corporation,  shall be
deemed to be a voluntary or involuntary  liquidation,  dissolution or winding up
of the Corporation.

         5.  Subdivision or  Combination of Common Shares.  The shares of Common
Stock or Nonvoting  Common  Stock,  as the case may be, shall not be split up or
subdivided  into a greater number of shares or combined into a smaller number of
shares,  whether by stock  distribution,  reclassification,  recapitalization or
otherwise,  unless  at the same time the  shares  of the  other  class of Common
Shares are split up, subdivided or combined so that the number of shares thereof
outstanding shall be proportionately adjusted.

         6.  Conversion  of  Nonvoting   Common  Stock  into  Common  Stock.  In
connection with any public offering or public sale of Common Stock  (including a
registered  offering  or a sale  pursuant  to Rule  144  promulgated  under  the
Securities  Act of 1933,  as amended,  or any similar rule then in force),  each
holder of Nonvoting Common Stock shall be entitled to convert any or all of such
holder's  shares of Nonvoting  Common Stock being  actually  distributed  to the
public or sold to an underwriter,  broker-dealer or market maker for actual sale
to the  public  into an equal  number  of shares of  Common  Stock  (subject  to
equitable   adjustment  to  reflect  stock  splits,   stock   dividends,   stock
combinations, recapitalizations and like occurrences).

         Each share of  Nonvoting  Common  Stock shall be  convertible  into one
share of  Common  Stock,  at any time and from time to time,  (i) if the  holder
thereof is not a "bank holding company"


or an affiliate of a "bank holding  company" under the Bank Holding  Company Act
of 1956, as amended (the "BHC Act"),  then at the option of the holder  thereof,
or (ii) if the holder  thereof is a "bank holding  company" or an affiliate of a
"bank holding  company" under the BHC Act, then upon delivery to the Corporation
of a certificate  signed by or on behalf of such holder or holders to the effect
that such holder and its affiliates  would hold less than 5% of the  outstanding
Common Stock (or such greater  amount as shall be permitted by  Applicable  Law,
including,  without  limitation,  the  BHC  Act)  after  giving  effect  to such
conversion,  assuming the  conversion  by such holder and its  affiliates of all
securities  convertible  into Common Stock owned by them and the exercise by the
holder and its affiliates of all warrants,  options and rights to acquire Common
Stock and without giving effect to the exercise of such convertible  securities,
options, warrants or rights by any other party, in form and substance reasonably
acceptable to the Corporation.

         Such  conversion  right may be exercised as to any portion of Nonvoting
Common Stock held by a holder by delivering to the  Corporation  during  regular
business  hours,  at the office of the  Corporation or any transfer agent of the
Corporation for the Common Shares as may be designated by the  Corporation,  the
certificate  or  certificates  for the shares to be converted,  duly endorsed or
assigned in blank or to the  Corporation  (if  required by it),  accompanied  by
written  notice  stating  that such  holder  elects to convert  such shares into
Common Stock,  specifying  the number of shares of Common Stock to be issued and
stating  the  name  or  names  (with  address)  in  which  the   certificate  or
certificates for such shares of Common Stock are to be issued.  Conversion shall
be deemed to have been effected on the date when the aforesaid delivery is made.
As  promptly  as is  practicable  thereafter,  the  Corporation  shall issue and
deliver to such  holder,  or upon the written  order of such holder to the place
designated  by such holder,  a certificate  or  certificates  representing  that
number of shares of Common  Stock to which such  holder is  entitled;  provided,
however,  that, upon reasonable  request by the  Corporation,  as a condition to
such  issuance  and  delivery of shares of Common Stock to any person other than
such  holder,  such  holder  shall have  provided  to the  Corporation  evidence
reasonably  satisfactory to the  Corporation  that such transfer shall have been
consummated  in  accordance  with  Applicable  Law. The person in whose name the
certificate or certificates  representing Common Stock are to be issued shall be
deemed  to have  become  a Common  Stock  holder  of  record  on the  applicable
conversion  date unless the transfer books of the Corporation are closed on that
date,  in which event such holder  shall be deemed to have become a Common Stock
holder of record on the next  succeeding  date on which the  transfer  books are
open.  Upon  conversion  of only a portion of the number of shares  covered by a
certificate  representing  shares of  Nonvoting  Common  Stock  surrendered  for
conversion,  the  Corporation  shall  issue and deliver to such  holder,  at the
expense of the Corporation,  a new certificate  covering the number of shares of
the  Nonvoting  Common  Stock  representing  the  unconverted   portion  of  the
certificate so surrendered.

         D.        PREFERRED STOCK.

         Authority is hereby  expressly  granted to the Board of Directors  from
time to time to issue the Preferred  Stock in one or more classes or series and,
in  connection  with the  creation  of any such class or  series,  to fix by the
resolution  or  resolutions  providing  for the  issue  of  shares  thereof  the
designation, voting powers, preferences, and relative, participating,  optional,
or other  special  rights  of such  class  or  series,  and the  qualifications,
limitations,  or restrictions  thereof. Such authority of the Board of Directors
with respect to each such class or series shall include,  but not be limited to,
the determination of the following:


                  (a) The  distinctive  designation of, and the number of shares
         comprising, such class or series, which number may be increased (except
         where  otherwise  provided by the Board of Directors  in creating  such
         class or  series)  or  decreased  (but not below  the  number of shares
         thereof then outstanding) from time to time by like action of the Board
         of Directors  without  stockholder  approval  (including the holders of
         such class or series of Preferred Stock);

                  (b) The dividend rate or amount for such class or series,  the
         conditions  and dates upon which such dividends  shall be payable,  the
         form in which such dividends shall be payable,  the relation which such
         dividends  shall bear to the  dividends  payable on any other  class or
         classes or any other  series of the same or any other  class or classes
         of stock, and whether or not such dividends shall be cumulative, and if
         so, from which date or dates for such class or series;

                  (c) Whether or not the shares of such class or series shall be
         subject to redemption by the Corporation or the holders thereof and the
         times, prices, and other terms and conditions of such redemption;

                  (d) Whether or not the shares of such series  shall be subject
         to the  operation of a sinking  fund or purchase  fund to be applied to
         the  redemption  or  purchase  of  such  shares  and if  such a fund be
         established,  the amount thereof and the terms and provisions  relative
         to the application thereof;

                  (e)  Whether  or not  the  shares  of  such  series  shall  be
         convertible  into or  exchangeable  for  shares of any  other  class or
         classes,  or of any other  series of any class or classes,  of stock of
         the  Corporation  or any  other  Entity  and if  provision  be made for
         conversion or exchange,  the times,  prices,  rates,  adjustments,  and
         other terms and conditions of such conversion or exchange;

                  (f)  Whether or not the  shares of such class or series  shall
         have voting rights,  in addition to the voting rights  provided by Law,
         and if they are to have  such  additional  voting  rights,  the  extent

                  (g) The  rights of the  shares of such  class or series in the
         event of any  voluntary or  involuntary  liquidation,  dissolution,  or
         winding up of the  Corporation or upon any  distribution of its assets,
         and the relative rights of priority, if any, of payment of such shares;

                  (h)   Any   other   powers,    preferences,    and   relative,
         participating,  optional, or other special rights of the shares of such
         class or series, and the qualifications,  limitations,  or restrictions
         thereof,  to the full extent now or hereafter  permitted by  Applicable
         Law and not  inconsistent  with the rights or  provisions  of any other
         class or series of Common Shares or Preferred Stock of the Corporation.


         FIFTH:  For the  management  of the business and for the conduct of the
affairs of the Corporation, and in further definition, limitation and regulation
of the powers of the  Corporation and of its directors and  stockholders,  it is
further provided that:

         1. Powers of the Board of  Directors.  The  business and affairs of the
Corporation  shall  be  managed  by or  under  the  direction  of the  Board  of
Directors.  In  addition  to the  powers  and  authorities  herein or by statute
expressly conferred upon it, the Board of Directors may exercise all such powers
and do all such acts and things as may be exercised or done by the  Corporation,
subject,  nevertheless,  to the provisions of the laws of the State of Delaware,
this Certificate of Incorporation and the By-Laws of the Corporation.  Except as
otherwise provided by the Delaware General Corporation Law, any committee of the
Board of Directors  shall have and may exercise,  to the extent  provided in the
By-Laws of the Corporation or by the resolutions of the Board of Directors,  all
of the powers and authority of the Board of Directors of the  Corporation in the
management of the business and affairs of the Corporation.

         2. Number and Terms of Directors.  Subject to the rights of the holders
of  shares  of any  class or  series  of  Preferred  Stock  to elect  additional
Directors  under  specified  circumstances,  the  number  of  Directors  of  the
Corporation  shall be fixed by the Board of Directors of the Corporation and may
be  increased  or  decreased  from  time  to time  in  such a  manner  as may be
prescribed by the By-Laws.

                  The Directors  shall be divided into three classes,  as nearly
equal in number as possible.  One class of Directors has been initially  elected
for a term expiring at the annual  meeting of  stockholders  to be held in 1996,
another  class has been  initially  elected  for a term  expiring  at the annual
meeting of stockholders to be held in 1997, and another class has been initially
elected for a term expiring at the annual meeting of  stockholders to be held in
1998,  with  members of each class to hold  office  until their  successors  are
elected and qualified.  At each succeeding annual meeting of the stockholders of
the Corporation,  the successors of the class of Directors whose term expires at
that  meeting  shall be  elected  by  plurality  vote of all votes  cast at such
meeting to hold office for a term expiring at the annual meeting of stockholders
held in the third year following the year of their election.

         3.  Newly   Created   Directorships   and   Vacancies.   Newly  created
directorships  resulting from any increase in the authorized number of directors
or any vacancy in the Board of  Directors  resulting  from  death,  resignation,
retirement,  disqualification,  removal from office or otherwise shall be filled
only by a majority  vote of the  directors  then in office,  though  less than a
quorum, or by a sole remaining director, or, if no directors remain, then by the
stockholders of the Corporation, and directors so chosen shall hold office for a
term expiring at the next election of the class for which such Director has been
chosen. No decrease in the authorized number of directors shall shorten the term
of any incumbent director.

         4.  Election and  Nominations  of  Directors.  Unless and except to the
extent  that the ByLaws of the  Corporation  shall so require,  the  election of
directors of the Corporation  need not be by written ballot.  Directors need not
be stockholders.  Advance notice of stockholder  nominations for the election of
Directors and advance notice of business to be brought by stockholders before an
annual  meeting  shall be given in the  manner  provided  in the  By-Laws of the


         5. Removal of Directors. Subject to the rights of the holders of shares
of any class or series of  Preferred  Stock,  any  Director  may be removed from
office by the  stockholders  in the manner provided in this Section 5 of Article
FIFTH.  At any annual meeting of the  stockholders  of the Corporation or at any
special  meeting of the  stockholders  of the  Corporation,  the notice of which
shall state that the removal of a Director or Directors is among the purposes of
the meeting,  the affirmative  vote of the holders of at least 80 percent of the
combined  voting power of the stock of the  Corporation  entitled to vote in the
election of Directors  generally,  voting together as a single class, may remove
such Director or Directors only for cause.

         6. No Action By Written Consent of Stockholders.  Subject to the rights
of the holders of shares of any class or series of Preferred Stock in respect of
actions  to be taken by the  holders of such  shares,  any  action  required  or
permitted to be taken by the stockholders of the Corporation must be effected at
a duly called annual or special  meeting of  stockholders of the Corporation and
may not be effected by any consent in writing by the stockholders.

         7.  Stockholders'  Meetings.  Subject to the  rights of the  holders of
shares of any class or series of  Preferred  Stock in respect of meetings of the
holders of such  shares,  meetings of  stockholders  of the  Corporation  may be
called only by the Chairman of the Board of  Directors,  if any, or the Board of
Directors  pursuant to a  resolution  adopted by  majority  vote of the Board of

         8. Rights of Preferred Stock.  Notwithstanding the foregoing,  whenever
the  holders  of any class or series of  Preferred  Stock  shall have the right,
voting separately by class or series, to elect directors at an annual or special
meeting of stockholders,  the election, term of office, filling of vacancies and
other  features  of such  directorships  shall be  governed by the terms of this
Certificate of Incorporation specifically applicable thereto.

         Notwithstanding anything contained in this Certificate of Incorporation
to the contrary, the affirmative vote of at least 80 percent of the voting power
of the stock of the  Corporation  entitled to vote in the  election of Directors
generally, voting together as a single class, shall be required to amend, repeal
or adopt any provision inconsistent with this Article FIFTH.


         1.  Indemnification   Other  than  Actions  by  or  on  Behalf  of  the
Corporation.  The  Corporation  shall indemnify and hold harmless to the fullest
extent  permitted by Applicable Law, as it presently  exists or may hereafter be
amended, any person who was or is a party or is threatened to be made a party to
any threatened,  pending or completed action, suit or proceeding, whether civil,
criminal,  administrative  or  investigative  (other than an action by or in the
right of the  Corporation),  by  reason  of the fact  that he or she is or was a
director,  trustee, officer, employee or agent of the Corporation,  or is or was
serving at the  request of the  Corporation  as a  director,  partner,  trustee,
officer,  employee or agent of another  Entity  against all  liability,  losses,
expenses  (including  attorneys'  fees),  judgments,  fines and amounts  paid in
settlement  actually and  reasonably  incurred by him or her in connection  with
such action, suit or proceeding if he or she acted in good faith and in a manner
he or she  reasonably  believed to be in or not opposed to the best interests of


Corporation,  and,  with respect to any criminal  action or  proceeding,  had no
reasonable cause to believe his or her conduct was unlawful.  The termination of
any action,  suit or proceeding by judgment,  order,  settlement,  conviction or
upon a plea of nolo contendere or its equivalent, shall not, of itself, create a
presumption  that the person did not act in good faith and in a manner  which he
or she  reasonably  believed to be in or not opposed to the best interest of the
Corporation,  and,  with  respect  to any  criminal  action or  proceeding,  had
reasonable cause to believe that his or her conduct was unlawful.

         2.  Indemnification in Actions by or on Behalf of the Corporation.  The
Corporation shall indemnify any person who was or is a party or is threatened to
be made a party to any threatened,  pending or completed action or suit by or in
the right of the Corporation to procure a judgment in its favor by reason of the
fact that he or she is or was a director, trustee, officer, employee or agent of
the  Corporation,  or is or was serving at the request of the  Corporation  as a
director, partner, trustee, officer, employee or agent of another Entity against
expenses (including  attorneys' fees) actually and reasonably incurred by him or
her in connection with the defense or settlement of such action or suit if he or
she acted in good faith and in a manner he or she  reasonably  believed to be in
or not  opposed to the best  interests  of the  Corporation  and except  that no
indemnification  shall be made in respect  of any  claim,  issue or matter as to
which such  person  shall  have been  adjudged  to be liable to the  Corporation
unless  and only to the  extent  that  the  Court of  Chancery  of the  State of
Delaware or the court in which such action or suit was brought  shall  determine
upon application that,  despite the adjudication of liability but in view of all
the circumstances of the case, such person is fairly and reasonably  entitled to
indemnity for such expenses which the Court of Chancery of the State of Delaware
or such other court shall deem proper.

         3.  Additional  Indemnification  as to Expenses.  Without  intending to
limit the  generality  of the  indemnification  provided  in Sections 1 and 2 of
Article SIXTH and in addition thereto, to the extent that any person referred to
in Sections 1 and 2 of this Article  SIXTH has been  successful on the merits or
otherwise in defense of any action,  suit or proceeding  referred to therein, or
in defense of any claim, issue or matter therein, he or she shall be indemnified
against expenses (including attorneys' fees) actually and reasonably incurred by
him or her in connection therewith.

         4. Authorization.  Any  indemnification  under Sections 1 and 2 of this
Article SIXTH (unless ordered by a court) shall be made by the Corporation  only
as authorized in the specific case upon a determination that  indemnification of
the  director,  trustee,  partner,  officer,  employee or agent is proper in the
circumstances  because he or she has met the applicable  standard of conduct set
forth in such Sections 1 and 2 of this Article SIXTH. Such  determination  shall
be made (i) by a  majority  vote of the  directors  who are not  parties to such
action, suit or proceeding, even though less than a quorum, (ii) if there are no
such directors,  or if such directors so direct, by independent legal counsel in
a written opinion, or (iii) by the stockholders.

         5. Expense Advance. Expenses (including attorneys' fees) incurred by an
officer or  director  of the  Corporation  in  defending  any  civil,  criminal,
administrative or investigative  action, suit or proceeding shall be paid by the
Corporation  in  advance  of the  final  disposition  of  such  action,  suit or
proceeding  upon receipt of an  undertaking  by or on behalf of such director or
officer to repay such amount if it shall ultimately be determined that he or she
is not entitled to be  indemnified  by the  Corporation  as  authorized  in this
Article SIXTH. Such expenses (including attorneys' fees)


incurred by other persons  referred to in Sections 1 and 2 of this Article SIXTH
may be so paid upon such terms and conditions, if any, as the Board of Directors
deems appropriate.

         6.  Nonexclusivity.  The  indemnification  and  advancement of expenses
provided by, or granted  pursuant to, the other paragraphs of this Article SIXTH
shall  not be  deemed  exclusive  of any other  rights  to which  those  seeking
indemnification  or  advancement  of expenses may be entitled under any statute,
by-law, agreement, vote of stockholders or disinterested directors or otherwise,
both as to action in his or her  official  capacity  and as to action in another
capacity while holding such office.

         7.  Insurance.  The  Corporation  shall have the power to purchase  and
maintain  insurance  on behalf of any person who is or was a director,  trustee,
officer,  employee  or agent of the  Corporation,  or is or was  serving  at the
request of the Corporation as a director, trustee, partner, officer, employee or
agent of another  corporation,  partnership,  limited liability  company,  joint
venture, trust or other enterprise against any liability asserted against him or
her and  incurred by him or her in any such  capacity,  or arising out of his or
her  status as such,  whether  or not the  Corporation  would  have the power to
indemnify  such person  against  such  liability  under the  provisions  of this
Article SIXTH.

         8. "The Corporation". For purposes of this Article SIXTH, references to
"the  Corporation"  include,  in  addition  to the  resulting  Corporation,  any
constituent corporation (including any constituent of a constituent) absorbed in
a consolidation or merger which, if its separate existence had continued,  would
have had power and authority to indemnify  its  directors,  officers,  trustees,
employees  or  agents  so that any  person  who is or was a  director,  officer,
trustee, employee or agent of such constituent corporation, or is or was serving
at the request of such constituent corporation as a director,  trustee, partner,
officer,  employee or agent of another  Entity shall stand in the same  position
under the  provisions  of this Article  SIXTH with  respect to the  resulting or
surviving  corporation as he or she would have with respect to such  constituent
corporation if its separate existence had continued.

         9. "Other Enterprises".  For purposes of this Article SIXTH, references
to "other  enterprises"  or "entities"  shall include  employee  benefit  plans;
references to "fines"  shall include any excise taxes  assessed on a person with
respect to an employee  benefit plan;  and references to "serving at the request
of the Corporation" shall include any service as a director,  trustee,  officer,
employee  or agent of the  Corporation  which  imposes  duties  on, or  involves
services by, such director, trustee, officer, employee, or agent with respect to
an employee benefit plan, its participants,  or beneficiaries;  and a person who
acted in good faith and in a manner he or she  reasonably  believed to be in the
interest of the participants and beneficiaries of an employee benefit plan shall
be deemed to have acted in a manner "not  opposed to the best  interests  of the
Corporation" as referred to in this Article SIXTH.

         10.   Continuation  of   Indemnification.   The   indemnification   and
advancement of expenses  provided by, or granted pursuant to, this Article SIXTH
shall,  unless otherwise provided when authorized or ratified,  continue as to a
person who has ceased to be a director,  officer,  partner, trustee, employee or
agent and shall inure to the benefit of the heirs,  executors and administrators
of such a person.


         11. Other  Indemnification.  The Corporation's  obligation,  if any, to
indemnify  any  person  who was or is  serving  at its  request  as a  director,
trustee,  partner, officer, employee or agent of another Entity shall be reduced
by  any  amount  such  person  collects  as  indemnification   from  such  other
corporation,  partnership,  limited liability company,  joint venture,  trust or
other enterprise or from insurance.

         12. No  Amendment.  No  amendment or repeal of the  provisions  of this
Article SIXTH shall  adversely  affect any right or protection  hereunder of any
person in respect  of any act or  omission  occurring  prior to the time of such
amendment or repeal.

         SEVENTH:  A  director  of the  Corporation  shall  not be liable to the
Corporation  or its  stockholders  for monetary  damages for breach of fiduciary
duty as a director,  except to the extent that exculpation from liability is not
permitted  under the General  Corporation Law of Delaware as in effect when such
breach occurred.  Neither the amendment or repeal of this Article  SEVENTH,  nor
the adoption of any provision of this Certificate of Incorporation  inconsistent
with this Article  SEVENTH,  shall  eliminate,  reduce or  adversely  affect the
effect of this Article SEVENTH in respect of any act or omission  occurring,  or
any cause of action,  suit or claim that,  but for this Article  SEVENTH,  would
accrue or arise, prior to such amendment,  repeal or adoption of an inconsistent

         EIGHTH: In furtherance and not in limitation of the powers conferred by
the  Laws of the  State  of  Delaware,  the  Board  of  Directors  is  expressly
authorized  and empowered to amend,  alter,  change and repeal the By-Laws.  The
By-Laws of the Corporation may be amended,  altered,  changed or repealed, and a
provision or provisions  inconsistent with the provisions of the By-Laws as they
exist from time to time may be adopted, only by the majority of the entire Board
of Directors or with the approval of the holders of not less than  sixty-six and
two-thirds  percent  (662/3%) of the voting power of all  outstanding  shares of
capital stock of the  Corporation  entitled to vote generally in the election of
directors  (except that the affirmative vote of at least 80% of the voting power
of the capital  stock of the  Corporation  entitled  to vote in the  election of
Directors  generally,  voting  together as a single class,  shall be required to
amend,  repeal or adopt any provision  inconsistent  with the  provisions of the
By-Laws  establishing   classes  of  directors,   limiting  the  rights  of  the
stockholders  to remove or nominate  directors or bring  business  before annual
meetings  of  stockholders,  filling  vacancies  of the Board of  Directors  and
providing for limitations on calling special meetings of the stockholders).

         NINTH:  Except for the provisions in Articles FOURTH,  SIXTH,  SEVENTH,
AND EIGHTH,  and this Article NINTH,  none of which  provisions or authorization
shall be amended,  altered,  changed or repealed except with the approval of the
holders of not less than sixty-six and two-thirds percent (662/3%) of the voting
power of all outstanding shares of capital stock of the Corporation  entitled to
vote generally in the election of directors,  voting together as a single class,
and any other provisions  contained in this Certificate of Incorporation that by
their terms  require a higher vote,  the  Corporation  reserves the right at any
time and from time to time to amend,  alter,  change  or  repeal  any  provision
contained in this  Certificate  of  Incorporation  (including  provisions as may
hereafter  be  added  or  inserted  in  this  Certificate  of  Incorporation  as
authorized  by the Laws of the State of Delaware) in the manner now or hereafter
prescribed by Delaware General


Corporation  Law. All rights,  preferences  and privileges of whatsoever  nature
conferred  upon  stockholders,  directors or any other person  whomsoever by and
pursuant  to  this  Certificate  of  Incorporation  in its  present  form  or as
hereafter  amended are granted  subject to the rights  reserved in this  Article

         IN WITNESS  WHEREOF,  the Corporation has caused this Certificate to be
executed by its Chairman of the Board and Chief  Executive  Officer and attested
by its Assistant Secretary this 2nd day of February, 1996.

                                      IRON MOUNTAIN INCORPORATED

                                      By:   /s/ C. Richard Reese
                                            Name:  C. Richard  Reese
                                            Title: Chairman of the Board and
                                                       Chief Executive Officer

By:  /s/ Garry B. Watzke
      Name:  Garry B. Watzke
      Title: Assistant Secretary