
                              AMENDED AND RESTATED

                                    BY - LAWS


                           Iron Mountain Incorporated

                            (a Delaware corporation)

                       as amended through January 6, 1998

                                TABLE OF CONTENTS

ARTICLE I    OFFICES..............................................................................................1
                  SECTION 1.          Registered Office.  ........................................................1
                  SECTION 2.          Other Offices.  ............................................................1

ARTICLE II    MEETING OF STOCKHOLDERS.............................................................................1
                  SECTION 1.          Place of Meeting............................................................1
                  SECTION 2.          Annual Meetings.  ..........................................................1
                  SECTION 3.          Special Meetings............................................................1
                  SECTION 4.          Introduction of Business At a Meeting of Stockholders.......................1
                  SECTION 5.          Notice......................................................................2
                  SECTION 6.          Quorum and Adjournments.....................................................3
                  SECTION 7.          Votes; Proxies.  ...........................................................3
                  SECTION 8.          Organization.  .............................................................4

ARTICLE III    DIRECTORS..........................................................................................4
                  SECTION 1.          Number......................................................................4
                  SECTION 2.          Nomination of Directors.....................................................5
                  SECTION 3.          Removal.....................................................................6
                  SECTION 4.          Vacancies...................................................................6
                  SECTION 5.          Meetings....................................................................6
                  SECTION 6.          Votes.......................................................................7
                  SECTION 7.          Quorum and Adjournment......................................................7
                  SECTION 8.          Compensation................................................................7
                  SECTION 9.          Action By Consent of Directors..............................................7

ARTICLE IV    COMMITTEES OF DIRECTORS.............................................................................7
                  SECTION 1.          Executive Committee.........................................................7
                  SECTION 2.          Audit Committee.............................................................8
                  SECTION 3.          Other Committees............................................................9
                  SECTION 4.          Term of Office..............................................................9

ARTICLE V    OFFICERS.............................................................................................9
                  SECTION 1.          Officers....................................................................9
                  SECTION 2.          Vacancies..................................................................10
                  SECTION 3.          Chairman of the Board......................................................10
                  SECTION 4.          President..................................................................10
                  SECTION 5.          Executive Vice Presidents, Senior Vice Presidents and
                                      Vice Presidents............................................................10
                  SECTION 6.          Secretary..................................................................10
                  SECTION 7.          Assistant Secretaries......................................................10
                  SECTION 8.          Treasurer..................................................................11
                  SECTION 9.          Assistant Treasurers.......................................................11
                  SECTION 10.         Controller.................................................................11
                  SECTION 11.         Assistant Controllers......................................................11
                  SECTION 12.         Subordinate Officers.......................................................11
                  SECTION 13.         Compensation...............................................................11

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A Delaware Corporation
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                  SECTION 14.         Removal....................................................................11
                  SECTION 15.         Bonds......................................................................11

ARTICLE VI    CERTIFICATES OF STOCK..............................................................................12
                  SECTION 1.          Form and Execution of Certificates.........................................12
                  SECTION 2.          Transfer of Shares.........................................................12
                  SECTION 3.          Closing of Transfer Books..................................................13
                  SECTION 4.          Fixing Date for Determination of Stockholders of Record....................13
                  SECTION 5.          Lost or Destroyed Certificates.............................................13
                  SECTION 6.          Uncertificated Shares......................................................14
                  SECTION 7.          Transfer Agents and Registrars; Further Regulations.  .....................14

ARTICLE VII    EXECUTION OF DOCUMENTS............................................................................15
                  SECTION 1.          Execution of Checks, Notes, etc............................................15
                  SECTION 2.          Execution of Contracts, Assignments, etc...................................15
                  SECTION 3.          Execution of Proxies.......................................................15

ARTICLE VIII    INSPECTION OF BOOKS..............................................................................15

ARTICLE IX      FISCAL YEAR......................................................................................16

ARTICLE X       SEAL.............................................................................................16

ARTICLE XI      AMENDMENTS.......................................................................................16

                       OF CAPITAL STOCK OF THE CORPORATION.......................................................16
                  SECTION 1.         Restrictions on Transfer....................................................16
                  SECTION 2.         Legend on Stock Certificates................................................17
                  SECTION 3.         Termination of Restrictions on Transfers....................................17

                       OF CAPITAL STOCK OF THE CORPORATION.......................................................17
                  SECTION 1.         Restrictions on Transfer....................................................17
                  SECTION 2.         Legend on Stock Certificates................................................18

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A Delaware Corporation
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                           Iron Mountain Incorporated

                            (a Delaware corporation)


                                ARTICLE I OFFICE

         SECTION 1. Registered  Office. The registered office of the Corporation
shall be located in Dover,  County of Kent,  State of Delaware,  and the name of
the resident  agent in charge  thereof  shall be The  Prentice-Hall  Corporation
System, Inc.

         SECTION 2. Other Offices. The Corporation may also have offices at such
other places, within or without the State of Delaware, as the Board of Directors
may from time to time appoint or the business of the Corporation may require.


         SECTION 1. Place of Meeting. Meetings of the stockholders shall be held
either  within or without  the State of  Delaware  at such place as the Board of
Directors may fix from time to time.

         SECTION 2. Annual Meetings. The annual meeting of stockholders shall be
held for the election of directors on such date and at such time as the Board of
Directors may fix from time to time. Any other proper business may be transacted
at the annual meeting.

         SECTION 3. Special  Meetings.  Special meetings of the stockholders for
any purpose or purposes may be called only by the Chairman of the Board, if any,
or the Board of Directors pursuant to a resolution adopted by a majority vote of
the Board of Directors.

         SECTION 4. Introduction of Business At a Meeting of Stockholders. At an
annual  or  special  meeting  of  stockholders,  only  such  business  shall  be
conducted,  and only such  proposals  shall be acted  upon,  as shall  have been
properly  brought before such annual or special meeting of  stockholders.  To be
properly brought before an annual or special meeting of  stockholders,  business
must be (i) in the case of a special  meeting,  specified  in the  notice of the
special meeting (or any supplement  thereto) given by or at the direction of the
Board of Directors or otherwise properly brought before the meeting by the Board
of Directors, or (ii) in the case of an annual meeting,  properly brought before
the  meeting by or at the  direction  of the Board of  Directors,  or  otherwise
properly brought before the annual meeting by a stockholder.  For business to be
properly brought before an annual meeting of stockholders by a stockholder, the

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A Delaware Corporation
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stockholder must have given timely notice thereof in writing to the Secretary of
the Corporation.  To be timely,  a stockholder's  notice must be delivered to or
mailed and received at the principal  executive  offices of the  Corporation not
less than 45 days1 prior to the date of the annual meeting;  provided,  however,
that if less than 55 days' written notice or prior public disclosure of the date
of the annual  meeting is given or made to  stockholders  or to the  stockholder
proposing a matter,  notice by the stockholder to be timely must be so delivered
or received not later than the close of business on the 10th day  following  the
earlier  of (i) the day on which  such  notice  of the date of the  meeting  was
mailed to such  stockholder  or the  stockholders  generally  or (ii) the day on
which such public disclosure was made.

         A  stockholder's  notice  to the  Secretary  shall set forth as to each
matter  the   stockholder   proposes  to  bring  before  an  annual  meeting  of
stockholders  (i) a brief  description  of the  business  desired  to be brought
before the annual  meeting and the reasons for  conducting  such business at the
annual meeting,  (ii) the name and address,  as they appear on the Corporation's
books,  of the  stockholder  proposing such business and any other  stockholders
known by such  stockholder to be supporting  such proposal,  (iii) the class and
number  of  shares  of the  Corporation  which  are  beneficially  owned by such
stockholder  on  the  date  of  such  stockholder's  notice  and  by  any  other
stockholders  known by such  stockholder  to be supporting  such proposal on the
date of such  stockholder's  notice,  and  (iv)  any  material  interest  of the
stockholder in such proposal.

         Notwithstanding  anything in these By-Laws to the contrary, no business
shall be conducted at a meeting of  stockholders  except in accordance  with the
procedures  set forth in this Section 4. The Chairman of the meeting  shall,  if
the facts  warrant,  determine  and declare to the meeting that the business was
not  properly  brought  before the  meeting in  accordance  with the  procedures
prescribed by these By-Laws, and if he should so determine,  he shall so declare
to the meeting and any such  business  not properly  brought  before the meeting
shall not be transacted.

         The  foregoing   requirements   shall  be  in  addition  to  any  other
requirements imposed by applicable law or regulation.

         SECTION  5.  Notice.  Written  or  printed  notice of every  meeting of
stockholders,  annual or special,  stating the hour, date and place thereof, and
the purpose or purposes in general  terms for which the meeting is called shall,
not less than ten (10) days,  or such longer period as shall be provided by law,
the Certificate of Incorporation, these By-Laws, or otherwise, and not more than
sixty  (60)  days  before  such  meeting,  be  served  upon  or  mailed  to each
stockholder  entitled to vote thereat,  at the address of such stockholder as it
appears upon the stock records of the Corporation or, if such stockholder  shall
have filed with the Secretary of the  Corporation a written request that notices
be mailed to some other address, then to the address designated in such request.

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1        Amended 5/1/96.

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         Notice  of  the  hour,  date,  place  and  purpose  of any  meeting  of
stockholders may be dispensed with if every stockholder entitled to vote thereat
shall attend either in person or by proxy and shall not, at the beginning of the
meeting,  object to the holding of such meeting because the meeting has not been
lawfully  called or convened,  or if every absent  stockholder  entitled to such
notice shall in writing, filed with the records of the meeting, either before or
after the holding thereof, waive such notice.

         SECTION 6. Quorum and Adjournments. Except as otherwise provided by law
or by the  Certificate of  Incorporation,  the presence in person or by proxy at
any meeting of  stockholders of the holders of a majority of the voting power of
the shares of the  capital  stock of the  Corporation  issued,  outstanding  and
entitled to vote thereat,  shall be requisite and shall constitute a quorum.  If
two or more classes of stock are  entitled to vote as separate  classes upon any
question,  then, in the case of each such class, a quorum for the  consideration
of  such  question  shall,  except  as  otherwise  provided  by  law  or by  the
Certificate of  Incorporation,  consist of a majority of the voting power of all
stock of that class issued,  outstanding  and entitled to vote. If a majority of
the  voting  power of shares of  capital  stock of the  Corporation  issued  and
outstanding  and entitled to vote thereat or, where a larger quorum is required,
such  quorum,  shall  not be  represented  at any  meeting  of the  stockholders
regularly  called,  the holders of a majority of the voting  power of the shares
present or represented by proxy and entitled to vote thereat shall have power to
adjourn  the  meeting to another  time,  or to another  time and place,  without
notice other than  announcement of adjournment at the meeting,  and there may be
successive  adjournments  for like cause and in like manner until the  requisite
amount  of  shares  entitled  to vote  at such  meeting  shall  be  represented;
provided,  however,  that if the  adjournment is for more than thirty (30) days,
notice of the hour,  date and place of the  adjourned  meeting shall be given to
each  stockholder  entitled to vote thereat.  Subject to the requirements of law
and the Certificate of Incorporation,  on any issue on which two or more classes
of stock are entitled to vote  separately,  no  adjournment  shall be taken with
respect to any class for which a quorum is present  unless the  Chairman  of the
meeting  otherwise  directs.  At any meeting held to consider matters which were
subject to  adjournment  for want of a quorum at which the  requisite  amount of
shares  entitled to vote  thereat  shall be  represented,  any  business  may be
transacted  which  might  have been  transacted  at the  meeting  as  originally

         SECTION  7.  Votes;  Proxies.  Except  as  otherwise  provided  in  the
Certificate of Incorporation, at each meeting of stockholders, every stockholder
of record at the closing of the transfer books, if closed, or on the date set by
the Board of Directors for the determination of stockholders entitled to vote at
such meeting, shall have one vote for each share of stock entitled to vote which
is registered in such stockholder's name on the books of the Corporation.

         At each  such  meeting  every  stockholder  entitled  to vote  shall be
entitled to do so in person,  or by proxy  appointed by an instrument in writing
or as otherwise  permitted by law subscribed by such  stockholder  and bearing a
date not more than three (3) years prior to the meeting in question, unless said
instrument provides for a longer period during which it is to remain in force. A
duly executed proxy shall be irrevocable if it states that it is irrevocable and
if, and only as long as, it is coupled  with an  interest  sufficient  in law to
support an  irrevocable  power.  A proxy may be made  irrevocable  regardless of
whether the interest with which it is

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A Delaware Corporation
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coupled is an interest in the stock  itself or any  interest in the  Corporation
generally.  A  stockholder  may revoke  any proxy  which is not  irrevocable  by
attending  the meeting and voting in person or by filing with the  Secretary  of
the  Corporation  an  instrument  in writing or as  otherwise  permitted  by law
revoking the proxy or another duly executed proxy bearing a later date.

         Voting at meetings of  stockholders  need not be by written ballot and,
except as otherwise  provided by law,  need not be conducted  by  inspectors  of
election  unless so  determined by the Chairman of the meeting or by the holders
of shares of stock  having a majority  of the votes  which  could be cast by the
holders of all  outstanding  shares of stock  entitled to vote thereon which are
present in person or represented by proxy at such meeting.  If it is required or
determined that inspectors of election be appointed,  the Chairman shall appoint
two or more  inspectors of election,  who shall first take and subscribe an oath
or  affirmation  faithfully  to execute the duties of inspectors at such meeting
with  strict  impartiality  and  according  to the  best of their  ability.  The
inspectors so appointed shall take charge of the polls and, after the balloting,
shall  make a  certificate  of the  result of the vote  taken.  No  director  or
candidate for the office of director shall be appointed as such inspector.

         At any meeting at which a quorum is present,  a plurality  of the votes
properly  cast for election to fill any vacancy on the Board of Directors  shall
be sufficient  to elect a candidate to fill such vacancy,  and a majority of the
votes properly cast upon any other question shall decide the question, except in
any  case  where  a  larger  vote  is  required  by  law,  the   Certificate  of
Incorporation, these By-Laws, or otherwise.

         SECTION 8. Organization. The Chairman of the Board, if there be one, or
in his or her absence the Vice  Chairman,  or in the absence of a Vice Chairman,
the President, or in the absence of the President, a Vice President,  shall call
meetings of the  stockholders  to order and shall act as chairman  thereof.  The
Secretary of the Corporation, if present, shall act as secretary of all meetings
of stockholders, and, in his or her absence, the presiding officer may appoint a

                              ARTICLE III DIRECTORS

         SECTION 1. Number. The business and affairs of the Corporation shall be
conducted  and  managed  by a Board  of  Directors,  none of whom  needs to be a
stockholder.  The number of directors  for each year shall be fixed by the Board
of Directors (and not by the  stockholders)  from time to time, but shall not be
less than three nor more than  fifteen  persons.  If the number is not so fixed,
the number shall remain as it stood immediately prior to such meeting.

         The  directors,  other than those who may be elected by the  holders of
any class or series of stock  having a  preference  over the Common  Stock as to
dividends or upon  liquidation,  shall be divided,  with respect to the time for
which they severally hold office,  into three classes, as nearly equal in number
as  possible,  as  determined  by the Board of  Directors.  One class shall hold
office initially for a term expiring at the annual meeting of stockholders to be
held in 1996,  another class to hold office initially for a term expiring at the
annual  meeting  of  stockholders  in 1997,  and  another  class to hold  office
initially for a term expiring at the annual meeting of

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stockholders  to be held in 1998,  with each member of each class to hold office
until his or her successor is elected and qualified, or until his or her earlier
death,  resignation  or  removal.  At  each  succeeding  annual  meeting  of the
stockholders of the Corporation,  the successors of the class of directors whose
term expires at that meeting  shall be elected by plurality  vote to hold office
for a term  expiring at the annual  meeting for  stockholders  held in the third
year following the year of their election.

         At any time during any year,  except as otherwise  provided by law, the
Certificate of  Incorporation  or these By-Laws,  the number of directors may be
increased  or reduced,  in each case by vote of a majority of the  directors  in
office at the time of such  increase or  decrease,  regardless  of whether  such
majority  constitutes a quorum,  provided that no such decrease shall affect the
term of any director then in office.

         SECTION  2.  Nomination  of  Directors.   Only  persons   nominated  in
accordance with the procedures set forth in this Section 2 shall be eligible for
election  as  directors.  Nominations  of persons  for  election to the Board of
Directors may be made at a meeting of stockholders (i) by or at the direction of
the Board of Directors,  or (ii) by any stockholder of the Corporation  entitled
to vote for the election of  directors  at such  meeting who  complies  with the
notice  procedures  set forth in this  Section 2. Such  nominations,  other than
those made by or at the direction of the Board, shall be made pursuant to timely
notice  in  writing  to  the  Secretary  of the  Corporation.  To be  timely,  a
stockholder's  notice  must  be  delivered  to or  mailed  and  received  at the
principal  executive  offices of the Corporation not less than 45 days2 prior to
the date of a meeting;  provided,  however,  that if fewer than 55 days' written
notice or prior public disclosure of the date of the meeting is given or made to
stockholders  or to the  stockholder  proposing  a  director  or  directors  for
election,  notice  by the  stockholder  to be  timely  must be so  delivered  or
received  not later than the close of  business  on the 10th day  following  the
earlier  of (i) the day on which  such  notice of the date of such  meeting  was
mailed to such  stockholder or  stockholders  generally or (ii) the day on which
such public disclosure was made.

         A stockholder's  notice to the Secretary shall set forth (i) as to each
person whom the stockholder proposes to nominate for election or reelection as a
director  (a) the name,  age,  business  address and  residence  address of such
person, (b) the principal occupation or employment of such person, (c) the class
and number of shares of the  Corporation  which are  beneficially  owned by such
person on the date of such  stockholder's  notice and (d) any other  information
relating to such person that is required to be  disclosed  in  solicitations  of
proxies for  election  of  directors,  or is  otherwise  required,  in each case
pursuant to Regulation 14A under the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as amended
(including  without  limitation such person's  written consent to being named in
the proxy  statement as a nominee and to serving as a director if elected),  and
(ii) as to the stockholder giving the notice, (a) the name and address,  as they
appear  on  the   Corporation's   books,  of  such  stockholder  and  any  other
stockholders  known by such  stockholder to be supporting  such nominees and (b)
the class and number of shares of the Corporation  which are beneficially  owned
by such stockholder on the date of such stockholder's

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2        Amended 5/1/96.

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notice and by any other  stockholders known by such stockholder to be supporting
such nominees on the date of such stockholder's notice.

         No  person  shall  be  eligible  for  election  as a  director  of  the
Corporation unless nominated in accordance with the procedures set forth in this
Section 2. The Chairman of the meeting shall,  if the facts  warrant,  determine
and declare to the meeting that a nomination was not made in accordance with the
procedures prescribed by the By-Laws, and if he should so determine, he shall so
declare to the meeting and the defective nomination shall be disregarded.

         The  foregoing   requirements   shall  be  in  addition  to  any  other
requirements imposed by applicable law or regulation.

         SECTION 3.  Removal.  Subject to the rights of the holders of any class
or series of stock having a preference  over the Common Stock as to dividends or
upon  liquidation to elect additional  directors under specified  circumstances,
any  director  may be  removed  from  office by the  stockholders  in the manner
provided  in this  Section  3 of  Article  III.  At any  annual  meeting  of the
stockholders of the Corporation or at any special meeting of the stockholders of
the Corporation,  the notice of which shall state that the removal of a director
or directors is among the purposes of the meeting,  the affirmative  vote of the
holders of at least 80 percent of the combined  voting power of the  outstanding
shares of capital stock of the  Corporation  entitled to vote in the election of
directors generally, voting together as a single class, may remove such director
or directors only for cause.

         SECTION 4.  Vacancies.  If any vacancy shall occur among the directors,
or if the number of directors shall at any time be increased, such vacancy shall
be filled only by the directors then in office,  although less than a quorum, by
a  majority  vote of the  directors  then in  office  or by the  sole  remaining
director,  or,  if  no  directors  then  remain,  by  the  stockholders  of  the

         SECTION 5. Meetings.  Meetings of the Board of Directors  shall be held
at such place, within or without the State of Delaware, as may from time to time
be fixed by  resolution  of the Board of  Directors  or by the  Chairman  of the
Board,  if there be one, or by the  President,  and as may be  specified  in the
notice or waiver of notice of any meeting. Meetings may be held at any time upon
the call of the Chairman of the Board,  if there be one, or the President or any
two (2) of the  directors  in office by oral,  telegraphic,  telex,  telecopy or
other form of electronic transmission, or written notice, duly served or sent or
mailed to each  director  not less  than  twenty-four  (24)  hours  before  such
meeting,  except that, if mailed,  not less than  seventy-two  (72) hours before
such meeting.

         Meetings  may be held at any time and place  without  notice if all the
directors  are present and do not object to the holding of such meeting for lack
of proper  notice or if those not  present  shall,  in writing  or by  telegram,
telex, telecopy or other form of electronic  transmission,  waive notice thereof
before or after the meeting.  A regular meeting of the Board may be held without
notice  immediately  following the annual meeting of  stockholders  at the place
where  such  meeting  is held.  Regular  meetings  of the Board may also be held
without notice at such time and place

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as shall from time to time be determined  by resolution of the Board.  Except as
otherwise  provided by law,  the  Certificate  of  Incorporation  or  otherwise,
neither  the  business to be  transacted  at, nor the purpose of, any regular or
special  meeting of the Board of  Directors  or any  committee  thereof  need be
specified in any written waiver of notice.

         Members  of the  Board  of  Directors  or  any  committee  thereof  may
participate  in a meeting  of such  Board or  committee  by means of  conference
telephone  or similar  communications  equipment  by means of which all  persons
participating in the meeting can hear each other and  participation in a meeting
pursuant to the foregoing  provisions shall constitute presence in person at the

         SECTION 6. Votes.  Except as otherwise provided by law, the Certificate
of  Incorporation  or these  By-Laws,  the vote of the majority of the directors
present at a meeting at which a quorum is present  shall be the act of the Board
of Directors.

         SECTION 7. Quorum and Adjournment. Except as otherwise provided by law,
the Certificate of Incorporation  or these By-Laws,  a majority of the directors
shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of business.  If at any meeting of
the Board there shall be less than a quorum present, a majority of those present
may adjourn the meeting from time to time without notice other than announcement
of the  adjournment  at the meeting,  and at such  adjourned  meeting at which a
quorum  is  present  any  business  may be  transacted  which  might  have  been
transacted at the meeting as originally noticed.

         SECTION 8. Compensation.  Directors may receive  compensation for their
services,  as such,  and for service on any committee of the Board of Directors,
as fixed by  resolution of the Board of Directors and for expenses of attendance
at each  regular  or  special  meeting  of the Board or any  Committee  thereof.
Nothing in this Section  shall be construed to preclude a director  from serving
the Corporation in any other capacity and receiving compensation therefor.

         SECTION 9.  Action By  Consent of  Directors.  Any action  required  or
permitted  to be taken  at any  meeting  of the  Board  of  Directors  or of any
committee  thereof may be taken without a meeting if all members of the Board or
committee,  as the case may be, consent  thereto in writing,  and the writing or
writings are filed with the minutes of  proceedings  of the Board or  committee.
Such consent  shall be treated as a vote adopted at a meeting for all  purposes.
Such consents may be executed in one or more counterparts and not every Director
or committee member need sign the same counterpart.


         SECTION  1.  Executive  Committee.  The  Board  of  Directors  may,  by
resolution  passed  by a  majority  of the whole  Board,  appoint  an  Executive
Committee of two (2) or more members, to serve during the pleasure of the Board,
to consist of such directors as the Board may from time to time  designate.  The
Board of Directors shall designate the Chairman of the Executive Committee.

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A Delaware Corporation
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         a.       Procedure.  The  Executive  Committee  shall,  by a vote  of a
                  majority  of its  members,  fix its own  times  and  places of
                  meeting,  determine the number of its members  constituting  a
                  quorum for the transaction of business,  and prescribe its own
                  rules of procedure, no change in which shall be made save by a
                  majority vote of its members.

         b.       Responsibilities. During the intervals between the meetings of
                  the Board of  Directors,  except as otherwise  provided by the
                  Board  of  Directors  in   establishing   such   Committee  or
                  otherwise,  the  Executive  Committee  shall  possess  and may
                  exercise  all the  powers of the Board in the  management  and
                  direction  of the  business  and  affairs of the  Corporation;
                  provided,  however,  that the Executive  Committee  shall not,
                  except to the extent otherwise  provided in the Certificate of
                  Incorporation  or a resolution  providing  for the issuance of
                  shares of stock  adopted by the Board of Directors as provided
                  in Section 151(a) of the Delaware General Business Corporation
                  Law, have the power:

                           (1)  to  amend  or  authorize  the  amendment  of the
                           Certificate of Incorporation or these By-Laws;

                           (2) to authorize the issuance of stock;

                           (3) to authorize the payment of any dividend;

                           (4) to adopt an agreement of merger or  consolidation
                           of   the   Corporation   or  to   recommend   to  the
                           stockholders  the sale,  lease or  exchange of all or
                           substantially  all the  property  and business of the

                           (5) to recommend to the  stockholders  a dissolution,
                           or a revocation of a dissolution, of the Corporation;

                           (6) to adopt a  certificate  of ownership  and merger
                           pursuant  to  Section  253 of the  Delaware  Business
                           Corporation Law.

         c.       Reports. The Executive Committee shall keep regular minutes of
                  its  proceedings,  and all action by the  Executive  Committee
                  shall be  reported  promptly to the Board of  Directors.  Such
                  action shall be subject to review, amendment and repeal by the
                  Board,  provided  that no  rights  of third  parties  shall be
                  adversely affected by such review, amendment or repeal.

         SECTION 2. Audit  Committee.  The Board of Directors may, by resolution
passed by a majority of the whole Board,  appoint an Audit  Committee of two (2)
or more  members  who shall not be officers  (the  Chairman of the Board and the
Vice Chairman of the Board,  if any, not being deemed officers for this purpose)
or employees of the Corporation to serve during the

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A Delaware Corporation
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pleasure of the Board.  The Board of Directors  shall  designate the Chairman of
the Audit Committee.

         a.       Procedure. The Audit Committee, by a vote of a majority of its
                  members,  shall fix its own times and places of meeting, shall
                  determine the number of its members  constituting a quorum for
                  the transaction of business, and shall prescribe its own rules
                  of  procedure,  no  change  in which  shall be made  save by a
                  majority vote of its members.

         b.       Responsibilities.  The Audit Committee shall review the annual
                  financial   statements  of  the  Corporation  prior  to  their
                  submission to the Board of  Directors,  shall consult with the
                  Corporation's   independent  auditors,  and  may  examine  and
                  consider  such other  matters in relation to the  internal and
                  external audit of the  Corporation's  accounts and in relation
                  to the financial  affairs of the Corporation and its accounts,
                  including the selection and retention of independent auditors,
                  as the Audit Committee may, in its discretion, determine to be

         c.       Reports. The Audit Committee shall keep regular minutes of its
                  proceedings, and all action by the Audit Committee shall, from
                  time to time,  be  reported  to the Board of  Directors  as it
                  shall  direct.   Such  action  shall  be  subject  to  review,
                  amendment and repeal by the Board,  provided that no rights of
                  third  parties  shall be  adversely  affected by such  review,
                  amendment or repeal.

         SECTION 3. Other Committees.  The Board of Directors may, by resolution
passed by a majority of the whole  Board,  at any time appoint one or more other
committees  from its own number.  Every such committee must include at least one
member of the Board of Directors.  The Board may from time to time  designate or
alter,  within the limits permitted by law, the Certificate of Incorporation and
this Article,  if applicable,  the duties,  powers and number of members of such
other  committees or change their  membership,  and may at any time abolish such
other committees or any of them.

         a.       Procedure.  Each committee  appointed pursuant to this Section
                  shall,  by a vote of a majority  of its  members,  fix its own
                  times  and  places of  meeting,  determine  the  number of its
                  members constituting a quorum for the transaction of business,
                  and prescribe  its own rules of procedure,  no change in which
                  shall be made save by a majority vote of its members.

         b.       Responsibilities.  Each committee  appointed  pursuant to this
                  Section shall exercise the powers  assigned to it by the Board
                  of Directors in its discretion.

         c.       Reports.  Each  committee  appointed  pursuant to this Section
                  shall keep regular minutes of  proceedings,  and all action by
                  each such committee  shall,  from time to time, be reported to
                  the Board of Directors as it shall  direct.  Such action shall
                  be  subject  to  review,  amendment  and  repeal by the Board,
                  provided  that no rights of third  parties  shall be adversely
                  affected by such review, amendment or repeal.

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         SECTION 4. Term of Office. Each member of a committee shall hold office
until the first meeting of the Board of Directors  following the annual  meeting
of  stockholders  (or  until  such  other  time as the  Board of  Directors  may
determine,  either in the vote  establishing the committee or at the election of
such  member or  otherwise)  and  until  his or her  successor  is  elected  and
qualified,  or until he or she sooner dies,  resigns, is removed, is replaced by
change of membership or becomes  disqualified by ceasing to be a director (where
membership on the Board is required), or until the committee is sooner abolished
by the Board of Directors.

                               ARTICLE V OFFICERS

         SECTION 1. Officers.  The Board of Directors shall elect a President, a
Secretary and a Treasurer, and, in their discretion, may elect a Chairman of the
Board,  a Vice Chairman of the Board,  a Controller,  and one or more  Executive
Vice Presidents, Senior Vice Presidents, Vice Presidents, Assistant Secretaries,
Assistant Treasurers and Assistant Controllers and such other officers as deemed
necessary or appropriate.  Such officers shall be elected  annually by the Board
of Directors at its first meeting  following the annual meeting of  stockholders
(or at such other meeting as the Board of Directors determines),  and each shall
hold  office for the term  provided  by the vote of the Board,  except that each
will be  subject  to  removal  from  office  in the  discretion  of the Board as
provided herein.  The powers and duties of more than one office may be exercised
and performed by the same person.

         SECTION 2.  Vacancies.  Any vacancy in any office may be filled for the
unexpired  portion  of the term by the  Board of  Directors  at any  regular  or
special meeting.

         SECTION  3.  Chairman  of the  Board.  The  Chairman  of the  Board  of
Directors, if any, shall be the chief executive officer of the Corporation, and,
subject to the direction of the Board of Directors, shall have general charge of
the  management  and  direction  of the  business,  affairs and  property of the
Corporation,  and general  supervision over its other officers and agents,  and,
when present, shall preside at all meetings of the stockholders and the Board of
Directors.  The  Chairman of the Board of  Directors  shall  perform  such other
duties and have such other powers as the Board of Directors shall designate from
time to time.

         SECTION  4.  President.  The  President  shall be the  chief  operating
officer of the Corporation.  In general, he shall perform all duties incident to
the  office of  President  and chief  operating  officer  and shall see that all
orders and  resolutions  of the Board of  Directors  are carried into effect and
shall perform such other  executive,  supervisory  and management  functions and
duties as may be assigned to him from time to time by the Board of  Directors or
the Chairman of the Board.

         SECTION 5. Executive Vice  Presidents,  Senior Vice Presidents and Vice
Presidents.  Each  Executive  Vice  President,  Senior Vice  President  and Vice
President  shall have and exercise  such powers and shall perform such duties as
from time to time may be assigned to him or to her by the Board of  Directors or
the President.

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A Delaware Corporation
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         SECTION 6.  Secretary.  The  Secretary  shall  keep the  minutes of all
meetings of the stockholders and of the Board of Directors in books provided for
the purpose;  shall see that all notices are duly given in  accordance  with the
provisions of law and these  By-Laws;  the  Secretary  shall be custodian of the
records and of the corporate  seal or seals of the  Corporation;  shall see that
the corporate seal is affixed to all documents the execution of which, on behalf
of the Corporation under its seal, is duly authorized,  and, when the seal is so
affixed,  he or she may attest the same;  and, in general,  the Secretary  shall
perform all duties  incident to the office of  secretary of a  corporation,  and
such  other  duties  as from time to time may be  assigned  to him or her by the
Board of Directors.

         SECTION 7. Assistant Secretaries. The Assistant Secretaries in order of
their seniority  shall,  in the absence or disability of the Secretary,  perform
the duties and exercise the powers of the Secretary and shall perform such other
duties as the Board of Directors  shall prescribe or as from time to time may be
assigned by the Secretary.

         SECTION  8.  Treasurer.  The  Treasurer  shall  have  charge  of and be
responsible  for  all  funds,  securities,  receipts  and  disbursements  of the
Corporation,  and shall  deposit,  or cause to be deposited,  in the name of the
Corporation, all monies or other valuable effects in such banks, trust companies
or other  depositaries as shall,  from time to time, be selected by the Board of
Directors; may endorse for collection on behalf of the Corporation checks, notes
and other  obligations;  may sign receipts and vouchers for payments made to the
Corporation; may sign checks of the Corporation,  singly or jointly with another
person as the Board of Directors may  authorize,  and pay out and dispose of the
proceeds  under the direction of the Board;  the  Treasurer  shall render to the
President and to the Board of Directors,  whenever requested,  an account of the
financial  condition of the Corporation;  and in general,  shall perform all the
duties  incident to the office of  treasurer  of a  corporation,  and such other
duties as from time to time may be assigned by the Board of Directors.

         SECTION 9. Assistant  Treasurers.  The Assistant Treasurers in order of
their seniority  shall,  in the absence or disability of the Treasurer,  perform
the duties and exercise the powers of the Treasurer and shall perform such other
duties as the Board of Directors  shall prescribe or as from time to time may be
assigned by the Treasurer.

         SECTION 10. Controller.  The Controller, if elected, shall be the chief
accounting  officer of the  Corporation and shall perform all duties incident to
the  office  of a  controller  of a  corporation,  and,  in  the  absence  of or
disability of the Treasurer or any Assistant  Treasurer,  perform the duties and
exercise the powers of the  Treasurer and shall perform such other duties as the
Board of  Directors  shall  prescribe or as from time to time may be assigned by
the Chairman of the Board, if any, the President or the Treasurer.

         SECTION 11. Assistant  Controllers.  The Assistant Controllers in order
of their  seniority  shall,  in the  absence or  disability  of the  Controller,
perform the duties and exercise the powers of the  Controller  and shall perform
such other duties as the Board of Directors  shall  prescribe or as from time to
time may be assigned by the Controller.

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         SECTION 12.  Subordinate  Officers.  The Board of Directors may appoint
such subordinate officers as it may deem desirable. Each such officer shall hold
office for such period, have such authority and perform such duties as the Board
of  Directors  may  prescribe.  The Board of Directors  may,  from time to time,
authorize  any  officer  to  appoint  and  remove  subordinate  officers  and to
prescribe the powers and duties thereof.

         SECTION  13.  Compensation.  The  Board  of  Directors  shall  fix  the
compensation of all officers of the  Corporation.  It may authorize any officer,
upon whom the power of appointing  subordinate officers may have been conferred,
to fix the compensation of such subordinate officers.

         SECTION 14.  Removal.  Any officer of the  Corporation  may be removed,
with or without cause, by action of the Board of Directors.

         SECTION 15.  Bonds.  The Board of Directors  may require any officer of
the Corporation to give a bond to the Corporation, conditional upon the faithful
performance  of his or her duties,  with one or more sureties and in such amount
as may be satisfactory to the Board of Directors.

                        ARTICLE VI CERTIFICATES OF STOCK

         SECTION 1. Form and  Execution  of  Certificates.  The interest of each
stockholder  of  the  Corporation   shall  be  evidenced  by  a  certificate  or
certificates for shares of stock in such form as the Board of Directors may from
time to time  prescribe.  The  certificates  of  stock  of each  class  shall be
consecutively numbered and signed by the Chairman or Vice Chairman of the Board,
if any, the President,  an Executive Vice President,  Senior Vice President or a
Vice President and by the Secretary, an Assistant Secretary, the Treasurer or an
Assistant Treasurer of the Corporation,  and may be countersigned and registered
in such manner as the Board of Directors may by resolution prescribe,  and shall
bear the corporate seal or a printed or engraved  facsimile  thereof.  Where any
such  certificate  is signed by a transfer  agent or  transfer  clerk  acting on
behalf of the Corporation,  the signatures of any such Chairman,  Vice Chairman,
President,  Executive Vice  President,  Senior Vice  President,  Vice President,
Treasurer,   Assistant  Treasurer,  Secretary  or  Assistant  Secretary  may  be
facsimiles, engraved or printed. In case any officer or officers, who shall have
signed, or whose facsimile  signature or signatures shall have been used on, any
such  certificate or  certificates,  shall cease to be such officer or officers,
whether because of death,  resignation or otherwise,  before such certificate or
certificates  shall have been delivered by the Corporation,  such certificate or
certificates  may  nevertheless  be issued and delivered by the  Corporation  as
though the person or persons  who signed such  certificate  or  certificates  or
whose  facsimile  signature or  signatures  shall have been used thereon had not
ceased to be such officer or officers.

         In case the corporate seal which has been affixed to,  impressed on, or
reproduced in any such certificate or certificates shall cease to be the seal of
the Corporation before such certificate

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A Delaware Corporation
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or  certificates  have been delivered by the  Corporation,  such  certificate or
certificates  may  nevertheless  be issued and delivered by the  Corporation  as
though the seal affixed thereto, impressed thereon or reproduced therein had not
ceased to be the seal of the Corporation.

         Every  certificate  for  shares  of  stock  which  are  subject  to any
restriction on transfer pursuant to law, the Certificate of Incorporation, these
By-Laws,  or any agreement to which the  Corporation is a party,  shall have the
restriction noted conspicuously on the certificate, and shall also set forth, on
the face or back,  either the full text of the restriction or a statement of the
existence of such restriction and (except if such restriction is imposed by law)
a statement  that the  Corporation  will furnish a copy thereof to the holder of
such certificate upon written request and without charge.

         Every  certificate  issued when the  Corporation is authorized to issue
more  than one  class or  series  of stock  shall  set forth on its face or back
either the full text of the  preferences,  voting  powers,  qualifications,  and
special and relative rights of the shares of each class and series authorized to
be  issued,  or a  statement  of the  existence  of  such  preferences,  powers,
qualifications  and rights,  and a statement that the Corporation will furnish a
copy thereof to the holder of such  certificate upon written request and without

         SECTION  2.  Transfer  of  Shares.  The  shares  of  the  stock  of the
Corporation  shall be transferred on the books of the  Corporation by the holder
thereof in person or by his or her attorney lawfully constituted, upon surrender
for  cancellation  of  certificates  for the  same  number  of  shares,  with an
assignment  and power of transfer  endorsed  thereon or attached  thereto,  duly
executed,  with such proof or guaranty of the  authenticity  of the signature as
the Corporation or its agents may reasonably  require.  The Corporation shall be
entitled  to treat  the  holder of record of any share or shares of stock as the
holder in fact  thereof  and  accordingly  shall not be bound to  recognize  any
equitable  or other  claim to or interest in such share or shares on the part of
any other person  whether or not it shall have express or other notice  thereof,
save as expressly  provided by law, by the Certificate of Incorporation or these
By-Laws.  It shall be the duty of each  stockholder to notify the Corporation of
his or her post office address.

         SECTION 3. Closing of Transfer  Books.  The stock transfer books of the
Corporation may, if deemed appropriate by the Board of Directors,  be closed for
such length of time not exceeding fifty (50) days as the Board of Directors (but
not the  stockholders)  may  determine,  preceding  the date of any  meeting  of
stockholders  or the date for the  payment of any  dividend  or the date for the
allotment  of  rights  or the date  when any  issuance,  change,  conversion  or
exchange of capital stock shall go into effect, during which time no transfer of
stock on the books of the Corporation may be made.

         SECTION 4. Fixing Date for  Determination of Stockholders of Record. In
order that the Corporation may determine the stockholders  entitled to notice of
or to vote  at any  meeting  of  stockholders  or any  adjournment  thereof,  or
entitled to receive  payment of any dividend or other  distribution or allotment
of any rights,  or  entitled  to  exercise  any rights in respect of any change,
conversion  or exchange of stock or for the purpose of any other lawful  action,
the Board of Directors (but not the  stockholders)  may fix a record date, which
record date shall not

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A Delaware Corporation
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precede the date upon which the resolution  fixing the record date is adopted by
the Board of Directors and which record date:  (a) in the case of  determination
of  stockholders  entitled to vote at any meeting of stockholders or adjournment
thereof,   shall,   unless  otherwise   required  by  law,  the  Certificate  of
Incorporation  or these  By-Laws,  not be more than sixty (60) nor less than ten
(10)  days  before  the date of such  meeting;  and (b) in the case of any other
action, shall not be more than sixty (60) days prior to such other action. If no
record date is fixed: (a) the record date for determining  stockholders entitled
to notice of or to vote at a meeting  of  stockholders  shall be at the close of
business  on the day next  preceding  the day on which  notice is given,  or, if
notice is waived,  at the close of business on the day next preceding the day on
which the meeting is held; and (b) the record date for determining  stockholders
for any other  purpose shall be at the close of business on the day on which the
Board of Directors adopts the resolution  relating  thereto.  A determination of
stockholders  of  record  entitled  to  notice  of or to  vote at a  meeting  of
stockholders shall apply to any adjournment of the meeting;  provided,  however,
that the Board of Directors (but not the stockholders) may fix a new record date
for the adjourned meeting.

         SECTION  5.  Lost or  Destroyed  Certificates.  In case of the  loss or
destruction of any  certificate of stock, a new  certificate may be issued under
the following conditions:

         a.       The owner of said certificate shall file with the Secretary or
                  any Assistant Secretary of the Corporation an affidavit giving
                  the facts in relation to the ownership, and in relation to the
                  loss or  destruction of said  certificate,  stating its number
                  and the number of shares represented  thereby;  such affidavit
                  shall be in such form and  contain  such  statements  as shall
                  satisfy the  Chairman or Vice  Chairman of the Board,  if any,
                  the President,  any Executive Vice President,  any Senior Vice
                  President,  any Vice President,  the Secretary,  any Assistant
                  Secretary, the Treasurer or any Assistant Treasurer, that said
                  certificate has been accidentally  destroyed or lost, and that
                  a new  certificate  ought to be issued in lieu  thereof.  Upon
                  being so satisfied, any such officer may require such owner to
                  furnish the Corporation a bond in such sum and in such form as
                  he or she may deem  advisable,  and with a surety or  sureties
                  approved by him or her, to  indemnify  and save  harmless  the
                  Corporation  from any claim,  loss,  damage or liability which
                  may be occasioned by the issuance of a new certificate in lieu
                  thereof.  Upon such bond being so filed, if so required, a new
                  certificate  for the same number of shares  shall be issued to
                  the owner of the  certificate  so lost or  destroyed;  and the
                  transfer  agent  and   registrar,   if  any,  of  stock  shall
                  countersign and register such new certificate  upon receipt of
                  a written order signed by any such officer,  and thereupon the
                  Corporation   may  save  harmless  said  transfer   agent  and
                  registrar  in the  premises.  In case of the  surrender of the
                  original  certificate,  in lieu of which a new certificate has
                  been issued,  or the  surrender of such new  certificate,  for
                  cancellation,  the bond of  indemnity  given as a condition of
                  the issue of such new certificate may be surrendered; or

         b.       The Board of Directors of the  Corporation  may by  resolution
                  authorize and direct any transfer  agent or registrar of stock
                  of the Corporation to issue and register

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                  respectively  from  time to time  without  further  action  or
                  approval by or on behalf of the Corporation  new  certificates
                  of stock to  replace  certificates  reported  lost,  stolen or
                  destroyed  upon  receipt of an  affidavit  of loss and bond of
                  indemnity in form and amount and with surety  satisfactory  to
                  such transfer agent or registrar in each instance or upon such
                  terms and conditions as the Board of Directors may determine.

         SECTION  6.  Uncertificated  Shares.  The  Board  of  Directors  of the
Corporation may by resolution  provide that one or more of any or all classes or
series of the stock of the Corporation shall be uncertificated  shares,  subject
to the provisions of Section 158 of the Delaware General Corporation Law.

         SECTION 7. Transfer Agents and  Registrars;  Further  Regulations.  The
Board  of  Directors  may  appoint  one  or  more  banks,   trust  companies  or
corporations  doing a corporate trust business,  in good standing under the laws
of the United States or any state therein, to act as the Corporation's  transfer
agent and/or registrar for shares of one or more classes or series of its stock,
and the Board may make such other and further regulations, not inconsistent with
applicable  law, as it may deem  expedient  concerning  the issue,  transfer and
registration of the Corporation's stock and stock certificates.


         SECTION 1.  Execution of Checks,  Notes,  etc. All checks and drafts on
the Corporation's  bank accounts and all bills of exchange and promissory notes,
and all acceptances, obligations and other instruments for the payment of money,
shall be signed by such  officer or  officers,  or agent or agents,  as shall be
thereunto  authorized from time to time by the Board of Directors,  which may in
its discretion authorize any such signatures to be facsimile.

         SECTION 2. Execution of Contracts,  Assignments,  etc. Unless the Board
of Directors shall have otherwise  provided generally or in a specific instance,
all contracts, agreements,  endorsements,  assignments, transfers, stock powers,
or other  instruments  shall be signed by the  Chairman or Vice  Chairman of the
Board,  if any, the  President,  any Executive Vice  President,  any Senior Vice
President,  any Vice  President,  the Secretary,  any Assistant  Secretary,  the
Treasurer or any Assistant  Treasurer.  The Board of Directors may, however,  in
its discretion,  require any or all such  instruments to be signed by any two or
more of such officers, or may permit any or all of such instruments to be signed
by such  other  officer or  officers,  agent or  agents,  as it shall  thereunto
authorize from time to time.

         SECTION 3.  Execution of Proxies.  The Chairman or Vice Chairman of the
Board,  if any, the  President,  any Executive Vice  President,  any Senior Vice
President or any Vice President, and the Secretary, the Treasurer, any Assistant
Secretary or any Assistant  Treasurer,  or any other  officer  designated by the
Board of Directors,  may sign on behalf of the Corporation  proxies to vote upon
shares of stock of other companies standing in the name of the Corporation.

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                        ARTICLE VIII INSPECTION OF BOOKS

         The Board of Directors shall  determine from time to time whether,  and
if allowed, to what extent and at what time and places and under what conditions
and regulations,  the accounts and books of the Corporation  (except such as may
by law be specifically  open to inspection) or any of them, shall be open to the
inspection  of the  stockholders,  and no  stockholder  shall  have any right to
inspect any account or book or document of the Corporation,  except as conferred
by the laws of the State of Delaware,  unless and until  authorized  so to do by
resolution of the Board of Directors or of the stockholders of the Corporation.

                             ARTICLE IX FISCAL YEAR

         The fiscal year of the  Corporation  shall be  determined  from time to
time by vote of the Board of Directors.

                                 ARTICLE X SEAL

         The seal of the Corporation  shall,  subject to alteration by the Board
of  Directors,  consist of a flat-faced  circular die with the word  "Delaware",
together with the name of the Corporation and the year of incorporation,  cut or
engraved thereon.

                              ARTICLE XI AMENDMENTS

         These  By-Laws may be  altered,  amended,  changed or repealed  and new
By-Laws  adopted by the  stockholders or by the Board of Directors in accordance
with the provisions set forth in the  Certificate  of  Incorporation,  in either
case at any meeting  called for that purpose at which a quorum shall be present.
Any  By-Law,  whether  made,  altered,  amended,  changed  or  repealed  by  the
stockholders  or the  Board of  Directors  may be  repealed,  amended,  changed,
further amended,  changed, repealed or reinstated, as the case may be, either by
the stockholders or by the Board of Directors as above provided.


         SECTION 1. Restrictions on Transfer. Any Person who receives any shares
of Common Stock of the Corporation (the "Merger  Securities") issued pursuant to
the  Agreement  and Plan of Merger,  dated as of February 19, 1997, by and among
the Corporation, IM-1 Acquisition

- --------
3 Adopted June 12, 1997.

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Corp.  and  Safesite  Records  Management  Corporation,  as amended (the "Merger
Agreement"),  shall not Transfer (as defined herein),  and the Corporation shall
not be required  to  register  the  Transfer  of, the number of shares,  rounded
upward  to the  nearest  whole  share  (the  "Subject  Shares"),  of the  Merger
Securities equal to the product of (1) the quotient obtained by dividing (x) the
"Lock-up  Value" by (y) the product of (A) the Common  Stock  Amount and (B) the
lesser of the Closing Price and the  Determination  Price  multiplied by (2) the
Stock  Merger  Consideration  received  by such  Person in  connection  with the
Merger,  until the first  anniversary  date of the effective  date of the Merger
Agreement (the "Effective  Time"),  except as otherwise  allowed by the Board of
Directors of the Corporation in its sole  discretion.  The "Lock-up Value" shall
mean one half (1/2) of the sum of (x) the product of the Common Stock Amount and
the lesser of the Closing  Price and the  Determination  Price plus (y) the Cash
Amount.  The "Closing  Price" shall mean the closing price per share of Acquiror
Stock for the trading day  immediately  prior to the Effective Time. The closing
price for such  trading  day shall be the last  quoted  sale price or, if not so
quoted,  the average of the low bid and high asked prices on the Nasdaq National
Market  System.  Capitalized  terms used herein and not otherwise  defined shall
have  the  meanings  prescribed  therefor  in the  Merger  Agreement.  The  term
"Transfer"  means  any  indirect  or  direct  transfer,  offer  to  sell,  sale,
assignment, grant of an option to acquire, pledge, or other disposition.

         SECTION 2. Legend on Stock Certificates.  The Corporation shall note on
the  certificates  for the  Subject  Shares of  Merger  Securities  issued  upon
transfer that the shares  represented  by such  certificates  are subject to the
restrictions on transfer and  registration  of transfer  imposed in this Article

         SECTION 3. Termination of Restrictions on Transfers.  The provisions of
this Article XII shall  terminate in their entirety on the first  anniversary of
the Effective Time.


         SECTION 1. Restrictions on Transfer. Except as otherwise allowed by the
Board of Directors of the Corporation in its sole discretion,  until the earlier
of (i) the first  anniversary of the effective date (the "Effective Time") under
the Agreement  and Plan of Merger,  dated as of September 26, 1997, by and among
the Corporation,  Arcus Group, Inc. ("AGI"),  United Acquisition Company ("UAC")
and Arcus Technology  Services,  Inc. ("ATSI, and together with AGI and UAC, the
"Arcus Parties") (as amended, the "Merger Agreement"), or (ii) the date on which
a Transfer (as such term is  hereinafter  defined in this  Article  XIII) may be
effected  in a  manner  that  the  Corporation  reasonably  determines  does not
adversely  affect the tax-free  nature of the Merger (as such term is defined in
the Merger Agreement) under Section 368(a) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986,
as amended, any Person who receives any shares of

- --------
4 Adopted January 6, 1998.

By-Laws of Iron Mountain Incorporated
A Delaware Corporation
Page 18

Common Stock of the  Corporation  issued  pursuant to the Merger  Agreement (the
"Merger  Securities")  shall  not  Transfer,  and the  Corporation  shall not be
required  to  register  the  Transfer  of,  such  Merger  Securities.  The  term
"Transfer"  means  any  indirect  or  direct  transfer,  offer  to  sell,  sale,
assignment,  grant of an  option  to  acquire,  pledge,  or  other  disposition;
provided,  however,  that a Transfer  by a  partnership  or a limited  liability
company to its partners or members, which Transfer is to all partners or members
in  proportion  to their  interests  in such  partnership  or limited  liability
company,  shall be permissible  except that the Merger Securities so Transferred
shall continue to be subject to the  restrictions  on transfer set forth in this
Article  XIII;  provided  further that the  provisions of this section shall not
apply to Merger  Securities to the extent such Merger  Securities were issued in
exchange  for  shares of common  stock of AGI of any Person  who  received  such
shares  pursuant to the exercise of an option as a result of the  application of
Section 5.10 of the Merger Agreement.

         SECTION 2. Legend on Stock Certificates.  The Corporation shall note on
the  certificates for the Merger  Securities  issued upon the Merger or upon any
Transfer thereof that the shares represented by such certificates are subject to
the  restrictions  on transfer  and  registration  of  transfer  imposed in this
Article XIII.