1933 Act Registration No. 333-41253

                             Washington, D.C. 20549

                                   Form N-14AE

                             SECURITIES ACT OF 1933

[X]      Pre-Effective                                      [ ] Post-Effective
         Amendment No.   2                                      Amendment No.

                          EVERGREEN MONEY MARKET TRUST
               (Exact Name of Registrant as Specified in Charter)

                 Area Code and Telephone Number: (617) 210-3200

                               200 Berkeley Street
                           Boston, Massachusetts 02116
                    (Address of Principal Executive Offices)

                          Rosemary D. Van Antwerp, Esq.
                     Keystone Investment Management Company
                               200 Berkeley Street
                           Boston, Massachusetts 02116
                     (Name and Address of Agent for Service)

                        Copies of All Correspondence to:
                             Robert N. Hickey, Esq.
                            Sullivan & Worcester LLP
                          1025 Connecticut Avenue, N.W.
                             Washington, D.C. 20036

         Approximate date of proposed public offering: As soon as possible after
the effective date of this Registration Statement.

         Pursuant  to  Rule  414  under  the  Securities  Act of  1933,  by this
amendment to  Registration  No.  333-41253 on Form N-14 of Evergreen  Investment
Trust,  a  Massachusetts  business  trust,  the  Registrant  hereby  adopts  the
Registration  Statement  of such trust with  respect to the  Evergreen  Treasury
Money Market Fund series thereof under

the Securities Act of 1933.

                          EVERGREEN MONEY MARKET TRUST

                              CROSS REFERENCE SHEET

            Pursuant to Rule 481(a) under the Securities Act of 1933

                                              Location in Prospectus/Proxy
Item of Part A of Form N-14                                           Statement

1.       Beginning of Registration            Cross Reference Sheet; Cover
         Statement and Outside                Page
         Front Cover Page of

2.       Beginning and Outside                Table of Contents
         Back Cover Page of

3.       Fee Table, Synopsis and              Comparison of Fees and
         Risk Factors                         Expenses; Summary; Comparison
                                              of Investment Objectives and
                                              Policies; Risks

4.       Information About the                Summary; Reasons for the
         Transaction                          Reorganization; Comparative
                                              Information on Shareholders'
                                              Rights; Exhibit A (Agreement
                                              and Plan of Reorganization)

5.       Information about the                Cover Page; Summary; Risks;
         Registrant                           Comparison of Investment
                                              Objectives and Policies;
                                              Comparative Information on
                                              Shareholders' Rights;
                                              Additional Information

6.       Information about the                Cover Page; Summary; Risks;
         Company Being Acquired               Comparison of Investment
                                              Objective and Policies;
                                              Comparative Information on
                                              Shareholders' Rights;
                                              Additional Information

7.       Voting Information
                                              Cover Page; Summary; Voting
                                              Information Concerning the

8.       Interest of Certain                  Financial Statements and
         Persons and Experts                  Experts; Legal Matters

9.       Additional Information               Inapplicable
         Required for Reoffering
         by Persons Deemed to be

Item of Part B of Form N-14

10.      Cover Page                           Cover Page

11.      Table of Contents                    Omitted

12.      Additional Information               Statement of Additional
         About the Registrant                 Information of 
                                              - Evergreen
                                              Treasury Money Market Fund
                                              dated  October
                                              31, 1996, as amended

13.      Additional Information               Statement of Additional
         about the Company Being              Information of The Virtus
         Acquired                             Funds - The Treasury Money
                                              Market Fund dated November 30,

14.      Financial Statements                 Financial Statements dated
                                              August 31, 1997 of Evergreen
                                              Treasury Money Market Fund;
                                              Financial Statements of    
                                                            The Treasury
                                              Money Market Fund dated
                                              September 30, 1997; Pro Forma
                                              Financial Statements


 Item of Part C of
Form N-14                                     Incorporated by Reference to
                                              Part A Caption - "Comparative
15.      Indemnification                      Information on Shareholders'
                                              Rights - Liability and
                                              Indemnification of Trustees"

16.      Exhibits                             Item 16.          Exhibits

17.      Undertakings                         Item 17.          Undertakings

                                THE VIRTUS FUNDS
                         THE TREASURY MONEY MARKET FUND
                            FEDERATED INVESTORS TOWER
                       PITTSBURGH, PENNSYLVANIA 15222-3779

January  20, 1998

Dear Shareholder,

As a  result  of the  merger  of  Signet  Banking  Corporation  with  and into a
wholly-owned  subsidiary of First Union Corporation effective November 28, 1997,
I am writing to shareholders of The Treasury Money Market Fund (the "Fund"),  to
inform you of a Special  Shareholders'  meeting to be held on February 20, 1998.
Before that meeting,  I would like your vote on the important  issues  affecting
your Fund as described in the attached Prospectus/Proxy Statement.

The  Prospectus/Proxy  Statement  includes  two  proposals.  The first  proposal
requests  that  shareholders  consider  and act  upon an  Agreement  and Plan of
Reorganization  whereby  all of the  assets  of the Fund  would be  acquired  by
Evergreen  Treasury  Money Market Fund in exchange for either Class A or Class Y
shares of Evergreen  Treasury  Money Market Fund and the assumption by Evergreen
Treasury Money Market Fund of certain  liabilities of the Fund. You will receive
shares of Evergreen  Treasury  Money  Market Fund having an aggregate  net asset
value equal to the aggregate net asset value of your Fund shares.  Details about
Evergreen   Treasury  Money  Market  Fund's  investment   objective,   portfolio
management   team,   performance,   etc.   are   contained   in   the   attached
Prospectus/Proxy   Statement.   The  transaction  is  a  non-taxable  event  for

The second proposal requests shareholder  consideration of an Interim Investment
Advisory Agreement between the Fund and Virtus
Capital Management, Inc.

Information  relating to the Interim Investment  Advisory Agreement is contained
in the attached Prospectus/Proxy Statement.

The Board of Trustees has approved the  proposals and  recommends  that you vote
FOR these proposals.

I realize that this  Prospectus/Proxy  Statement  will take time to review,  but
your vote is very important.  Please take the time to familiarize  yourself with
the  proposals  presented  and sign and return  your proxy card in the  enclosed
postage paid envelope today.

If you have any  questions  about this proxy,  please call our proxy  solicitor,
Shareholder  Communications  Corporation at 800-733-8481  ext. 437. You may also
FAX your completed and signed proxy card to  800-733-1885.  If we do not receive
your  completed  proxy  card  after  several  weeks,  you  may be  contacted  by
Shareholder Communications Corporation who will remind you to vote your shares.

Thank you for taking this matter  seriously and  participating in this important


 Edward C. Gonzales
The Virtus Funds

                                THE VIRTUS FUNDS
                         THE TREASURY MONEY MARKET FUND
                            FEDERATED INVESTORS TOWER
                       PITTSBURGH, PENNSYLVANIA 15222-3779

                         TO BE HELD ON FEBRUARY 20, 1998

         Notice is  hereby  given  that a Special  Meeting  (the  "Meeting")  of
Shareholders  of The  Treasury  Money  Market Fund, a series of The Virtus Funds
(the "Fund"),  will be held at the offices of the Evergreen  Funds, 200 Berkeley
Street,  26th Floor,  Boston,  Massachusetts  02116 on February 20, 1998 at 2:00
p.m. for the following purposes:

         1. To consider and act upon the  Agreement  and Plan of  Reorganization
(the "Plan") dated as of November 26, 1997, providing for the acquisition of all
of the assets of the Fund by Evergreen  Treasury  Money Market Fund, a series of
Evergreen Money Market Trust,  ("Evergreen  Treasury") in exchange for shares of
Evergreen   Treasury  and  the  assumption  by  Evergreen  Treasury  of  certain
identified  liabilities of the Fund. The Plan also provides for  distribution of
such shares of Evergreen Treasury to shareholders of the Fund in liquidation and
subsequent  termination  of the  Fund.  A vote in favor of the Plan is a vote in
favor of the liquidation and dissolution of the Fund.

         2. To consider and act upon the Interim  Investment  Advisory Agreement
between the Fund and Virtus Capital
Management, Inc.

         3. To transact any other  business  which may properly  come before the
Meeting or any adjournment or adjournments thereof.

         The  Trustees of The Virtus  Funds on behalf of the Fund have fixed the
close of business on December 26, 1997 as the record date for the  determination
of  shareholders of the Fund entitled to notice of and to vote at the Meeting or
any adjournment thereof.


                        By Order of the Board of Trustees

                                                              John W. McGonigle

January  20, 1998


         The  following  general  rules  for  signing  proxy  cards  may  be  of
assistance  to you and may  help to  avoid  the time  and  expense  involved  in
validating your vote if you fail to sign your proxy card(s) properly.

         1.       INDIVIDUAL ACCOUNTS:  Sign your name exactly as it
appears in the Registration on the proxy card(s).

         2.       JOINT ACCOUNTS:  Either party may sign, but the name of
the party signing should conform exactly to a name shown in the
Registration on the proxy card(s).

         3. ALL OTHER ACCOUNTS: The capacity of the individual signing the proxy
card(s) should be indicated  unless it is reflected in the form of Registration.
For example:

REGISTRATION                                     VALID SIGNATURE

(1)  ABC Corp.                                   ABC Corp.
(2)  ABC Corp.                                   John Doe, Treasurer
(3)  ABC Corp.
c/o John Doe, Treasurer                          John Doe, Treasurer
(4)  ABC Corp. Profit Sharing Plan               John Doe, Trustee
(1)  ABC Trust                                   Jane B. Doe, Trustee
(2)  Jane B. Doe, Trustee                        Jane B. Doe
u/t/d 12/28/78
(1)  John B. Smith, Cust.                        John B. Smith
f/b/o John B. Smith, Jr. UGMA
(2)  John B. Smith,    Sr.                       John B. Smith, Jr., Executor


                            Acquisition of Assets of

                         THE TREASURY MONEY MARKET FUND
                                   a series of
                                The Virtus Funds
                            Federated Investors Tower
                       Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania 15222-3779

                        By and in Exchange for Shares of

                                   a series of
                          Evergreen Money Market Trust
                               200 Berkeley Street
                           Boston, Massachusetts 02116

         This  Prospectus/Proxy  Statement is being furnished to shareholders of
The Treasury Money Market Fund ("Virtus Treasury") in connection with a proposed
Agreement  and  Plan  of   Reorganization   (the  "Plan")  to  be  submitted  to
shareholders  of Virtus  Treasury  for  consideration  at a Special  Meeting  of
Shareholders  to be held on February 20, 1998 at 2:00 p.m. at the offices of the
Evergreen  Funds,  200 Berkeley  Street,  Boston,  Massachusetts  02116, and any
adjournments thereof (the "Meeting"). The Plan provides for all of the assets of
Virtus  Treasury  to  be  acquired  by  Evergreen  Treasury  Money  Market  Fund
("Evergreen  Treasury")  in exchange  for shares of  Evergreen  Treasury and the
assumption by Evergreen  Treasury of certain  identified  liabilities  of Virtus
Treasury (hereinafter referred to as the  "Reorganization").  Evergreen Treasury
and Virtus  Treasury are sometimes  hereinafter  referred to individually as the
"Fund" and collectively as the "Funds." Following the Reorganization,  shares of
Evergreen  Treasury will be distributed to  shareholders  of Virtus  Treasury in
liquidation  of Virtus  Treasury  and such Fund will be  terminated.  Holders of
Investment  shares and Trust shares of Virtus  Treasury will receive Class A and
Class Y shares,  respectively,  of Evergreen Treasury. Each such class of shares
of Evergreen Treasury has substantially similar Rule 12b-1  distribution-related
fees, if any, as the shares of the class of Virtus Treasury held by such holders
prior  to the  Reorganization.  No  initial  sales  charge  will be  imposed  in
connection  with Class A shares of  Evergreen  Treasury  received  by holders of
Investment   shares  of   Virtus   Treasury.   As  a  result  of  the   proposed
Reorganization, shareholders of Virtus Treasury will receive that number of full
and fractional shares of Evergreen Treasury, having an aggregate net asset value
equal to the aggregate net asset value of such shareholder's shares of

Virtus Treasury.  The Reorganization is being structured as a
tax-free reorganization for federal income tax purposes.

         Evergreen  Treasury  is a separate  series of  Evergreen  Money  Market
Trust, an open-end management investment company registered under the Investment
Company Act of 1940, as amended (the "1940 Act").  The  investment  objective of
Evergreen  Treasury is to seek to maintain  stability of principal while earning
current income.  Such  investment  objective is  substantially  identical to the
investment  objective of Virtus  Treasury.  Each Fund seeks to maintain a stable
net asset value of $1.00 per share although no assurances can be given that such
a stable net asset value will be maintained.

         Shareholders  of Virtus  Treasury  are also being  asked to approve the
Interim Investment  Advisory Agreement with Virtus Capital  Management,  Inc., a
subsidiary  of  First  Union  Corporation   ("Virtus")  (the  "Interim  Advisory
Agreement"),  with the same terms and fees as the  previous  advisory  agreement
between Virtus Treasury and Virtus.  The Interim  Advisory  Agreement will be in
effect for the period of time between  November 28, 1997,  the date on which the
merger of Signet Banking Corporation with and into a wholly-owned  subsidiary of
First Union  Corporation  was  consummated,  and the date of the  Reorganization
(scheduled for on or about February 27, 1998).

         This  Prospectus/Proxy  Statement,  which should be retained for future
reference,  sets forth concisely the information  about Evergreen  Treasury that
shareholders of Virtus Treasury should know before voting on the Reorganization.
Certain  relevant  documents  listed  below,  which  have  been  filed  with the
Securities and Exchange Commission ("SEC"), are incorporated in whole or in part
by  reference.  A Statement of  Additional  Information  dated January 20, 1998,
relating  to  this  Prospectus/Proxy  Statement  and  the  Reorganization  which
includes the financial  statements of Evergreen  Treasury  dated August 31, 1997
and Virtus Treasury dated September 30, 1997, has been filed with the SEC and is
incorporated by reference in its entirety into this Prospectus/Proxy  Statement.
A copy of such Statement of Additional Information is available upon request and
without charge by writing to Evergreen Treasury at 200 Berkeley Street,  Boston,
Massachusetts 02116 or by calling toll-free 1-800-343- 2898.

         The two  Prospectuses of Evergreen  Treasury dated October 31, 1996, as
amended,  and its Annual  Report for the fiscal  year ended  August 31, 1997 are
incorporated  herein by reference in their  entirety,  insofar as they relate to
Evergreen  Treasury  only,  and not to any other funds  described  therein.  The
Prospectuses, which pertain (i) to Class Y shares and (ii) to

Class A shares,  differ only insofar as they describe the separate  distribution
and shareholder servicing arrangements  applicable to the classes.  Shareholders
of Virtus Treasury will receive, with this Prospectus/Proxy Statement, copies of
the Prospectus pertaining to the class of shares of Evergreen Treasury that they
will receive as a result of the consummation of the  Reorganization.  Additional
information about Evergreen Treasury is contained in its Statement of Additional
Information  which  has been  filed  with the SEC and  which is  available  upon
request and without  charge by writing to or calling  Evergreen  Treasury at the
address or telephone number listed in the preceding paragraph.

         The two  Prospectuses  of Virtus  Treasury  (which pertain to (i) Trust
shares and (ii)  Investment  shares)  dated  November 30, 1997,  insofar as they
relate to Virtus  Treasury only, and not to any other funds  described  therein,
are  incorporated  herein  in  their  entirety  by  reference.   Copies  of  the
Prospectuses  and related  Statements of Additional  Information  dated the same
date are available upon request  without charge by writing to Virtus Treasury at
the address  listed on the cover page of this  Prospectus/Proxy  Statement or by
calling toll-free 1-800-829- 3863.

         Included as Exhibits A and B to this  Prospectus/Proxy  Statement are a
copy of the Plan and the Interim Advisory Agreement, respectively.


         The shares offered by this Prospectus/Proxy  Statement are not deposits
or  obligations  of any bank and are not insured or  otherwise  protected by the
U.S. government, the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation,  the Federal Reserve
Board or any other  government  agency and involve  investment  risk,  including
loss of capital.

                                TABLE OF CONTENTS


COMPARISON OF FEES AND EXPENSES............................................6

SUMMARY  .................................................................10
         Proposed Plan of Reorganization..................................10
         Tax Consequences.................................................12
         Investment Objectives and Policies of the Funds..................12
         Comparative Performance Information for each Fund................13
         Management of the Funds..........................................15
         Investment Advisers..............................................15
         Administrators................................................   16
         Distribution of Shares...........................................16
         Purchase and Redemption Procedures...............................18
         Exchange Privileges..............................................18
         Dividend Policy...............................................   19
         Risks    ........................................................19

REASONS FOR THE REORGANIZATION............................................20
         Agreement and Plan of Reorganization.............................22
         Federal Income Tax Consequences..................................24
         Pro-forma Capitalization.........................................26
         Shareholder Information..........................................27


         Forms of Organization............................................30
         Shareholder Liability......................................... 31
         Shareholder Meetings and Voting Rights...........................31
         Liquidation or Dissolution.......................................32
         Liability and Indemnification of Trustees..................... 33

         Comparison of the Interim Advisory Agreement and the
                  Previous Advisory Agreement.............................35
         Information about Virtus Treasury's Investment

ADDITIONAL INFORMATION....................................................37

VOTING INFORMATION CONCERNING THE MEETING.............................. 38

FINANCIAL STATEMENTS AND EXPERTS..........................................40

LEGAL MATTERS.......................................................... 41

OTHER BUSINESS......................................................... 41

APPENDIX A................................................................42




                         COMPARISON OF FEES AND EXPENSES

         The amounts for Class Y and Class A shares of  Evergreen  Treasury  set
forth in the  following  tables and in the examples are based on the expenses of
Evergreen  Treasury for the fiscal year ended  August 31, 1997.  The amounts for
Trust shares and Investment shares of Virtus Treasury set forth in the following
tables and in the examples are based on the expenses for Virtus Treasury for the
fiscal year ended  September  30,  1997.  The pro forma  amounts for Class Y and
Class A shares of Evergreen  Treasury  are based on what the  combined  expenses
would have been for  Evergreen  Treasury  for the fiscal year ending  August 31,
1997. All amounts are adjusted for voluntary expense waivers.

         The following tables show for Evergreen  Treasury,  Virtus Treasury and
Evergreen Treasury pro forma, assuming  consummation of the Reorganization,  the
shareholder  transaction  expenses and annual fund operating expenses associated
with an investment in the Class Y, Class A, Trust and Investment  shares of each
Fund, as applicable.

                    Comparison of Class Y and Class A Shares
                      of Evergreen Treasury with Trust and
                      Investment Shares of Virtus Treasury

                                             Evergreen Treasury                      Virtus Treasury
Transaction Expenses                         Class Y              Class A            Trust           Investment
- --------------------                         -------              -------            -----           ----------

Maximum Sales Load                           None                 None               None            None
Imposed on Purchases
(as a percentage of
offering price)
Maximum Sales Load                           None                 None               None            None
Imposed on Reinvested
Dividends (as a
percentage of offering
Contingent Deferred                          None                 None               None            None (1)
Sales Charge (as a
percentage of original
purchase price or
redemption proceeds,
whichever is lower)

Exchange Fee                                 None                 None               None            None

Annual Fund Operating
Expenses (as a
percentage of average
daily net assets)
Management Fee (After                        0.35%                0.35%              0.50%           0.50%
12b-1 Fees    (3)                            None                 0.30%              None            0.25%
Other Expenses                               0.07%                0.07%              0.23%           0.23%
Annual Fund Operating                        0.42%                0.72%              0.73%           0.98%
Expenses (4)

                           Evergreen Treasury Pro Forma

Transaction                            Class Y              Class A
Expenses                               -------              -------

Maximum Sales Load                     None                 None
Imposed on
Purchases (as a
percentage of
offering price)

Maximum Sales Load                     None                 None
Imposed on
Dividends (as a
percentage of
offering price)

Contingent Deferred                    None                 None
Sales Charge (as a
percentage of
original purchase
price or redemption
proceeds, whichever
is lower)

Exchange Fee                           None                 None

Annual Fund
Operating Expenses
(as a percentage of
average daily net

Management Fee(2)                      0.35%                0.35%

12b-1                                  None                 0.30%

Other Expenses                         0.07%                0.07%
                                       ---------            ----------

Annual Fund
Operating Expenses                     0.42%                0.72%
                                       ---------            ----------
                                       ---------            ----------
- ---------------
(1)      A contingent deferred sales charge will be imposed on the
         shares of Virtus Treasury only in the limited circumstances
         in which shares being redeemed     were acquired in exchange
         for Investment shares in those Virtus Funds which charge a
         contingent deferred sales charge.  The contingent deferred
         sales charge is 2.00% of the lesser of the original purchase
         price or the net asset value of shares redeemed, within five
         years following the purchase date of such shares, and 0.00%

(2)      For the fiscal years ended August 31, 1997 and  September  30, 1997 for
         Evergreen  Treasury and Virtus Treasury,  respectively,  management fee
         waivers  were not  significant  enough to  reduce  the  management  fee
         expense ratio below the maximum. Currently, there are no management fee

(3)      Class A shares of  Evergreen  Treasury  can pay up to 0.75% of  average
         daily net assets as a 12b-1 fee. For the foreseeable  future, the Class
         A 12b-1 fees will be limited to 0.30% of average daily net assets.

(4)  Annual  Fund  Operating  Expenses  for the  Class Y and  Class A shares  of
     Evergreen  Treasury  would have been  0.42% and 0.72% for the  fiscal  year
     ended August 31, 1997 and Annual Fund Operating  Expenses for the Trust and
     Investment  shares of Virtus  Treasury  would have been 0.73% and 0.98% for
     the fiscal year ended September 30, 1997 absent fee waivers .

         Examples.  The following tables show for Evergreen  Treasury and Virtus
Treasury,  and for Evergreen  Treasury pro forma,  assuming  consummation of the
Reorganization,  examples of the cumulative  effect of  shareholder  transaction
expenses  and  annual  fund  operating  expenses  indicated  above  on a  $1,000
investment in each class of shares for the periods specified,  assuming (i) a 5%
annual return and (ii)  redemption  at the end of such period and,  additionally
for Investment shares, no redemption at the end of each period.

                                                     Evergreen Treasury

                                      One                  Three                 Five                Ten
                                      Year                 Years                 Years               Years
                                      ----                 -----                 -----               -----

Class Y                               $4                   $13                   $24                 $53

Class A                               $7                   $23                   $40                 $89

                                            Virtus Treasury

                                      One                  Three                 Five                Ten
                                      Year                 Years                 Years               Years
                                      ----                 -----                 -----               -----

Trust                                 $7                   $23                   $41                 $91

Investment                            $10                      $31               $54                 $120
redemption at end
of period)

Investment                            $10                      $31               $54                 $120
(Assuming no
redemption at end
of period)

                                    Evergreen Treasury Pro Forma

                                      One                  Three                 Five                Ten
                                      Year                 Years                 Years               Years
                                      -----                -----                 -----               -----

                                      $4                   $13                   $24                 $53
Class Y

Class A                               $7                   $23                   $40                 $89

         The  purpose of the  foregoing  examples is to assist  Virtus  Treasury
shareholders in understanding the various costs and expenses that an investor in
Evergreen  Treasury  would  bear  directly  and  indirectly  as a result  of the
Reorganization,  as  compared  with the  various  direct and  indirect  expenses
currently borne by a shareholder in Virtus  Treasury.  These examples should not
be  considered a  representation  of past or future  expenses or annual  return.
Actual expenses may be greater or less than those shown.


         This  summary  is  qualified  in  its  entirety  by  reference  to  the
additional  information contained elsewhere in this  Prospectus/Proxy  Statement
and,  to the extent  not  inconsistent  with such  additional  information,  the
Prospectuses of Evergreen  Treasury dated October 31, 1996, as amended,  and the
Prospectuses of Virtus Treasury dated November 30, 1997, (which are incorporated
herein by  reference),  the Plan and the Interim  Advisory  Agreement,  forms of
which are  attached  to this  Prospectus/Proxy  Statement  as  Exhibits A and B,

Proposed Plan of Reorganization

         The Plan  provides  for the  transfer  of all of the  assets  of Virtus
Treasury in exchange for shares of  Evergreen  Treasury  and the  assumption  by
Evergreen  Treasury of certain  identified  liabilities of Virtus Treasury.  The
identified liabilities consist only of those liabilities reflected on the Fund's
statement  of  assets  and  liabilities  determined  immediately  preceding  the
Reorganization.  The Plan also calls for the distribution of shares of Evergreen
Treasury to Virtus  Treasury  shareholders  in liquidation of Virtus Treasury as
part of the Reorganization.  As a result of the  Reorganization,  the holders of
Investment  and Trust shares of Virtus  Treasury  will become the owners of that
number of full and fractional Class A and Class Y

shares, respectively,  of Evergreen Treasury having an aggregate net asset value
equal to the  aggregate  net asset value of the  shareholders'  shares of Virtus
Treasury,  as of the close of business immediately prior to the date that Virtus
Treasury's assets are exchanged for shares of Evergreen  Treasury.  See "Reasons
for the Reorganization - Agreement and Plan of Reorganization."

         The Trustees of The Virtus  Funds,  including  the Trustees who are not
"interested  persons," as such term is defined in the 1940 Act (the "Independent
Trustees"),  have  concluded  that  the  Reorganization  would  be in  the  best
interests of  shareholders  of Virtus  Treasury,  and that the  interests of the
shareholders  of  Virtus  Treasury  will  not  be  diluted  as a  result  of the
transactions contemplated by the Reorganization.  Accordingly, the Trustees have
submitted the Plan for the approval of Virtus Treasury's shareholders.


     The  Trustees of Evergreen  Money Market Trust have also  approved the Plan
and, accordingly, Evergreen Treasury's participation in the Reorganization.

         Approval  of the  Reorganization  on the part of Virtus  Treasury  will
require the affirmative vote of a majority of Virtus Treasury's shares voted and
entitled  to vote,  with all  classes  voting  together  as a single  class at a
Meeting at which a quorum of the Fund's  shares is  present.  A majority  of the
outstanding  shares  entitled  to vote,  represented  in person or by proxy,  is
required  to  constitute  a  quorum  at the  Meeting.  See  "Voting  Information
Concerning the Meeting."

         The merger (the "Merger") of Signet Banking Corporation ("Signet") with
and into a wholly-owned  subsidiary of First Union  Corporation  ("First Union")
has  been  consummated  and,  as a  result,  by law the  Merger  terminated  the
investment  advisory  agreement  between  Virtus and Virtus  Treasury.  Prior to
consummation of the Merger, Virtus Treasury received an order from the SEC which
permitted the  implementation,  without formal  shareholder  approval,  of a new
investment  advisory  agreement  between the Fund and Virtus for a period of not
more  than 120 days  beginning  on the date of the  closing  of the  Merger  and
continuing  through the date the Interim  Advisory  Agreement is approved by the
Fund's  shareholders  (but in no event later than April 30,  1998).  The Interim
Advisory  Agreement  has the  same  terms  and fees as the  previous  investment
advisory agreement

between  Virtus  Treasury and Virtus.  The  Reorganization  is scheduled to take
place on or about February 27, 1998.

         Approval of the Interim  Advisory  Agreement  requires the  affirmative
vote of (i) 67% or more of the shares of Virtus Treasury present in person or by
proxy at the  Meeting,  if  holders  of more  than 50% of the  shares  of Virtus
Treasury  outstanding on the record date are present,  in person or by proxy, or
(ii) more than 50% of the outstanding  shares of Virtus  Treasury,  whichever is
less. See "Voting Information Concerning the Meeting."

         If the  shareholders  of Virtus  Treasury  do not vote to  approve  the
Reorganization,  the Trustees will consider other possible  courses of action in
the best interests of shareholders.

Tax Consequences

         Prior to or at the completion of the  Reorganization,  Virtus  Treasury
will  have   received  an  opinion  of   Sullivan  &  Worcester   LLP  that  the
Reorganization has been structured so that no gain or loss will be recognized by
the Fund or its  shareholders for federal income tax purposes as a result of the
receipt of shares of  Evergreen  Treasury  in the  Reorganization.  The  holding
period and aggregate tax basis of shares of Evergreen Treasury that are received
by Virtus  Treasury's  shareholders  will be the same as the holding  period and
aggregate tax basis of shares of the Fund previously held by such  shareholders,
provided that shares of the Fund are held as capital  assets.  In addition,  the
holding  period and tax basis of the assets of Virtus  Treasury  in the hands of
Evergreen Treasury as a result of the Reorganization  will be the same as in the
hands of the Fund immediately prior to the  Reorganization,  and no gain or loss
will be recognized  by Evergreen  Treasury upon the receipt of the assets of the
Fund in  exchange  for  shares  of  Evergreen  Treasury  and the  assumption  by
Evergreen Treasury of certain identified liabilities.

Investment Objectives and Policies of the Funds

         The investment objectives and policies of Evergreen Treasury and Virtus
Treasury are substantially identical.

         The investment  objective of Evergreen  Treasury is to seek to maintain
stability of principal  while earning  current  income.  The Fund will invest in
short-term U.S. Treasury obligations with an average dollar-weighted maturity of
90 days or less,  and  obligations,  the  principal  and interest of which,  are
backed by the full  faith and  credit of the  United  States  government.  Under
normal market conditions, at least 65% of the

Fund's total assets will be invested in obligations  issued directly by the U.S.
Treasury.  As a matter of investment  strategy,  the Fund's  adviser  intends to
maintain a dollar-weighted average maturity of 60 days or less.

         The  investment  objective  of Virtus  Treasury  is to seek to  provide
current income consistent with stability of principal by investing in short-term
U.S.  Treasury  obligations  which  are fully  guaranteed  as to  principal  and
interest by the U.S. government. The U.S. obligations mature in 397 days or less
from the date of  acquisition  unless  purchased  under a  repurchase  agreement
providing for the seller to repurchase the obligations  within one year from the
date of  acquisition.  The average  dollar-weighted  maturity will be 90 days or

     Each Fund seeks to  maintain  a stable net asset  value of $1.00 per share,
although no  assurances  can be given that such a stable net asset value will be

 See "Comparison of Investment Objectives
and Policies" below.

Comparative Performance Information for each Fund

Discussion of the manner of  calculation of yield and total return are contained
in the respective  Prospectuses and Statements of Additional  Information of the
Funds.  The following  tables set forth the current yield and effective yield of
the Class A and Class Y shares of  Evergreen  Treasury  and the Trust shares and
Investment  shares of the Virtus  Treasury for the 7 day period ended  September
30, 1997 and the total return of each such Class of the  Evergreen  Treasury and
Virtus  Treasury for the one and five year periods ended  September  30,1997 and
the period from inception  through  September 30, 1997. The calculation of total
return assumes the reinvestment of all dividends and capital gains distributions
on the reinvestment date and the deduction of all recurring expenses  (including
sales charges, if any) that were charged to shareholders' accounts.

                                        Current Yield                               Effective Yield
                                        7 Days Ended                                7 Days Ended
                                        September 30, 1997 (1)                      September 30, 1997 (1)
Evergreen Treasury

   Class Y shares                       5.27     %                                  5.41%
   Class A shares                       4.97     %                                  5.10%

                                        Current Yield                               Effective Yield
                                        7 Days Ended                                7 Days Ended
                                        September 30, 1997 (1)                      September 30, 1997 (1)

Virtus Treasury
   Trust shares                         4.79%                                       4.90%
   Investment shares                    4.54%                                       4.64%

                                 Average Annual
                                Total Return (1)

                       1 Year                                    From
                       Ended                5 Years              Inception
                       September            Ended                To
                       30,                  September            September            Inception
                       1997                 30, 1997             30, 1997             Date
                       -------              -------              ---------            ---------


Class Y                5.17%                4.51%                4.58%                3/6/91

Class A                                     4.19%                4.27%                3/6/91
shares                 4.86%

Trust                  4.84%                4.15%                4.34%                10/16/90

Investment             4.58%                3.93%                4.18%                10/16/90

- --------------
(1)      Reflects waiver of advisory fees and  reimbursements  and/or waivers of
         expenses.  Without such  reimbursements  and/or waivers,  the yield and
         average annual total return during the period would have been lower.

         Important information about Evergreen Treasury is also
contained in management's discussion of Evergreen Treasury's

performance,  attached  hereto as Exhibit C. This  information  also  appears in
Evergreen Treasury's most recent Annual Report.

Management of the Funds

         The overall  management of Evergreen Treasury and of Virtus Treasury is
the  responsibility of, and is supervised by, the Board of Trustees of Evergreen
Money Market Trust and The Virtus
Funds, respectively.

Investment Advisers

         The investment  adviser to Evergreen Treasury is the Capital Management
Group of First Union  National  Bank  ("FUNB").  FUNB is a  subsidiary  of First
Union,  the sixth  largest  bank holding  company in the United  States based on
total assets as of September 30, 1997. The Capital  Management Group of FUNB and
its  affiliates  manage the  Evergreen  family of mutual  funds  with  assets of
approximately  $40  billion as of November  30,  1997.  For further  information
regarding  FUNB and First  Union,  see  "Management  of the  Funds -  Investment
Advisers" in the Prospectuses of Evergreen Treasury.

         FUNB manages  investments and supervises the daily business  affairs of
Evergreen Treasury subject to the authority of the Trustees. FUNB is entitled to
receive from the Fund an annual fee equal to 0.35% of the Fund's  average  daily
net assets.

         Virtus  serves  as the  investment  adviser  for  Virtus  Treasury.  As
investment  adviser,   Virtus  continuously  conducts  investment  research  and
supervision on behalf of the Fund and is  responsible  for the purchase and sale
of portfolio securities. For its services as investment adviser, Virtus receives
a fee at an annual rate of 0.50% of the Fund's average daily net assets.

         Each investment adviser may, at its discretion, reduce or waive its fee
or  reimburse  a Fund for  certain of its other  expenses in order to reduce its
expense  ratios.  Each  investment  adviser may reduce or cease these  voluntary
waivers and reimbursements at any time.


     Evergreen  Investment  Services,  Inc.  ("EIS") serves as  administrator to
Evergreen Treasury.  As administrator,  EIS provides  facilities,  equipment and
personnel to Evergreen Treasury and is entitled to receive an administration fee
from the Fund based on the aggregate  average daily net assets of all the mutual
funds advised by FUNB and its  affiliates,  calculated  in  accordance  with the
following schedule: 0.050% on

the  first $7  billion,  0.035%  on the next $3  billion,  0.030% on the next $5
billion,  0.020%  on the next $10  billion,  0.015% on the next $5  billion  and
0.010% on assets in excess of $30 billion.

         Federated Administrative Services ("FAS") provides Virtus Treasury with
certain  administrative  personnel  and  services  including  certain  legal and
accounting  services.  FAS is entitled to receive a fee for such services at the
following  annual  rates:  0.15% on the first $250 million of average  daily net
assets of the combined assets of the funds in the  Blanchard/Virtus  mutual fund
family,  0.125% on the next $250 million of such assets,  0.10% on the next $250
million of such assets, and 0.075% on assets in excess of $750 million.

Distribution of Shares

         Evergreen  Distributor,  Inc.  ("EDI"),  an  affiliate  of  BISYS  Fund
Services,  acts as underwriter of Evergreen  Treasury's  shares. EDI distributes
the Fund's shares directly or through broker-dealers, banks (including FUNB), or
other financial intermediaries. Evergreen Treasury offers two classes of shares:
Class A and Class Y. Each class has  separate  distribution  arrangements.  (See
"Distribution  -Related  Expenses"  below.)  No  class  bears  the  distribution
expenses relating to the shares of any other class.

         In the proposed Reorganization, shareholders of Virtus Treasury who own
Trust  shares and  Investment  shares will  receive  Class Y and Class A shares,
respectively, of Evergreen Treasury. The Class Y and Class A shares of Evergreen
Treasury have substantially  similar arrangements with respect to the imposition
of  distribution  and service fees as the Trust and Investment  shares of Virtus
Treasury. Because the Reorganization will be effected at net asset value without
the  imposition  of a  sales  charge,  Evergreen  Treasury  shares  acquired  by
shareholders of Virtus Treasury  pursuant to the proposed  Reorganization  would
not be subject to any initial sales charge or contingent  deferred  sales charge
as a result of the Reorganization.

         The  following  is a summary  description  of charges  and fees for the
Class Y and Class A shares of  Evergreen  Treasury  which  will be  received  by
Virtus Treasury  shareholders in the Reorganization.  More detailed descriptions
of the  distribution  arrangements  applicable  to the  classes  of  shares  are
contained  in the  respective  Evergreen  Treasury  Prospectuses  and the Virtus
Treasury  Prospectuses  and in each Fund's  respective  Statements of Additional

         Class Y Shares.  Class Y shares are sold at net asset

value   without   any   initial   sales   charge   and   are  not   subject   to
distribution-related  fees. Class Y shares are only available to (i) persons who
at or prior to  December  31,  1994  owned  shares in a mutual  fund  advised by
Evergreen   Asset   Management   Corp.,   ("Evergreen   Asset"),   (ii)  certain
institutional investors and (iii) investment advisory clients of FUNB, Evergreen
Asset or their  affiliates.  Virtus Treasury  shareholders who receive Evergreen
Treasury  Class Y  shares  in the  Reorganization  who  wish to make  subsequent
purchases  of  Evergreen  Treasury's  shares  will be able to  purchase  Class Y

         Class A Shares.  Class A shares  are sold at net asset  value  and,  as
indicated below, are subject to distribution-related fees. Holders of Investment
shares of Virtus  Treasury who receive  Class A shares of Evergreen  Treasury in
the  Reorganization  will be able  to  purchase  additional  Class A  shares  of
Evergreen Treasury and of any other Evergreen fund at net asset value.

         Additional  information regarding the classes of shares of each Fund is
included  in  its   respective   Prospectuses   and   Statements  of  Additional

         Distribution-Related  Expenses.  Evergreen  Treasury has adopted a Rule
12b-1 plan with  respect to its Class A shares under which the Class may pay for
distribution-related  expenses at an annual  rate which may not exceed  0.75% of
average  daily net assets  attributable  to the Class.  Payments with respect to
Class A shares  are  currently  limited  to 0.30% of  average  daily net  assets
attributable  to the Class,  which amount may be increased to the full plan rate
for the Fund by the Trustees without shareholder approval.

         Virtus  Treasury  has  adopted a Rule  12b-1  plan with  respect to its
Investment  shares  under  which  the  Class  may pay  for  distribution-related
expenses at an annual rate of 0.25% of average daily net assets  attributable to
the Class. Virtus Treasury has not adopted a Rule 12b-1 plan with respect to its
Trust shares.

         Additional  information  regarding the Rule 12b-1 plans adopted by each
Fund is included in its  respective  Prospectuses  and  Statements of Additional

Purchase and Redemption Procedures

         Information     concerning     applicable     sales     charges     and
distribution-related  fees is provided  above.  Investments in the Funds are not
insured.  The  minimum  initial  purchase  requirement  for each  Fund is $1,000
($10,000 for Trust shares of Virtus

Treasury).  Except for the minimum subsequent investment requirement of $100 for
Investment  shares  of  Virtus  Treasury,  there is no  minimum  for  subsequent
purchases of shares of either Fund.  Each Fund provides for  telephone,  mail or
wire redemption of shares at net asset value,  as next determined  after receipt
of a redemption request on each day the New York Stock Exchange ("NYSE") is open
for trading.  Additional  information  concerning  purchases and  redemptions of
shares, including how each Fund's net asset value is determined, is contained in
the respective  Prospectuses for each Fund. Each Fund may  involuntarily  redeem
shareholders'  accounts that have less than $1,000 of invested funds.  All funds
invested in each Fund are  invested  in full and  fractional  shares.  The Funds
reserve the right to reject any purchase order.

Exchange Privileges

         Virtus  Treasury  currently  permits  holders of  Investment  shares to
exchange  such shares for  Investment  shares of other funds  managed by Virtus.
Exchanges  of Trust  shares are not  permitted.  Holders of shares of a class of
Evergreen  Treasury  generally may exchange  their shares for shares of the same
class  of any  other  Evergreen  fund.  Virtus  Treasury  shareholders  will  be
receiving Class Y and Class A shares of Evergreen Treasury in the Reorganization
and,  accordingly,  with  respect to shares of  Evergreen  Treasury  received by
Virtus Treasury  shareholders in the  Reorganization,  the exchange privilege is
limited to the Class Y and Class A shares,  as  applicable,  of other  Evergreen
funds. No sales charge is imposed on an exchange.  An exchange which  represents
an initial  investment  in  another  Evergreen  fund is  subject to the  minimum
investment  and  suitability  requirements  of each Fund.  The current  exchange
privileges,   and  the  requirements  and  limitations  attendant  thereto,  are
described in each Fund's  respective  Prospectuses  and Statements of Additional

Dividend Policy

         Each Fund declares  substantially  all of its net investment  income as
dividends  each  business  day and  distributes  its income  dividends  monthly.
Distributions  of any net  realized  gains  of a Fund  will  be  made  at  least
annually.  Shareholders  begin to earn dividends on the first business day after
shares are purchased  unless  shares were not paid for, in which case  dividends
are not earned until the next business day after payment is received.  Dividends
and  distributions  are reinvested in additional shares of the same class of the
respective  Fund,  or  paid in  cash,  as a  shareholder  has  elected.  See the
respective   Prospectuses  of  each  Fund  for  further  information  concerning
dividends and distributions.

         After the  Reorganization,  shareholders  of Virtus  Treasury  who have
elected  to have  their  dividends  and/or  distributions  reinvested  will have
dividends and/or  distributions  received from Evergreen Treasury  reinvested in
shares of Evergreen  Treasury.  Shareholders of Virtus Treasury who have elected
to receive dividends and/or  distributions in cash will receive dividends and/or
distributions from Evergreen Treasury in cash after the Reorganization, although
they  may,  after  the  Reorganization,  elect  to have  such  dividends  and/or
distributions reinvested in additional shares of Evergreen Treasury.

         Each of  Evergreen  Treasury  and Virtus  Treasury  has  qualified  and
intends to continue to qualify to be treated as a regulated  investment  company
under the Internal  Revenue  Code of 1986,  as amended  (the  "Code").  While so
qualified,  so long as  each  Fund  distributes  all of its  investment  company
taxable income and any net realized gains to shareholders, it is expected that a
Fund will not be  required  to pay any  federal  income  taxes on the amounts so
distributed.  A 4%  nondeductible  excise tax will be  imposed  on  amounts  not
distributed if a Fund does not meet certain distribution requirements by the end
of  each  calendar  year.  Each  Fund  anticipates   meeting  such  distribution


         Since  the  investment   objectives  and  policies  of  each  Fund  are
substantially  identical,  the risks involved in investing in each Fund's shares
are the same.  There is no assurance  that the Funds will meet their  investment
objectives  of  maintaining  a stable net asset value of $1.00 per share.  For a
discussion of each Fund's objectives and policies, see "Comparison of Investment
Objectives and Policies."

         The  ability  of  each  Fund  to  meet  its  investment   objective  is
necessarily  subject to the  ability of the issuers of  securities  in which the
Funds invest to meet their payment  obligations.  In addition,  the portfolio of
each Fund will be  affected  by general  changes in  interest  rates  which will
result in increases or  decreases in the values of the  obligations  held by the
Fund.  Investors should recognize that, in periods of declining  interest rates,
the yield of a Fund will  tend to be  somewhat  higher  than  prevailing  market
rates, and in periods of rising interest rates, the yield of a Fund will tend to
be somewhat lower. Also, when interest rates are falling,  the inflow of net new
money to a Fund from the continuous  sales of its shares will likely be invested
in portfolio  instruments  producing lower yields than the balance of the Fund's
portfolio,  thereby reducing the current yield of the Fund. In periods of rising
interest rates, the opposite can be expected to occur.

                         REASONS FOR THE REORGANIZATION

         On July 18, 1997,  First Union  entered  into an Agreement  and Plan of
Merger with Signet which provided,  among other things, for the Merger of Signet
with  and  into a  wholly-owned  subsidiary  of  First  Union.  The  Merger  was
consummated  on November 28, 1997. As a result of the Merger it is expected that
FUNB  and  its  affiliates   will  succeed  to  the   investment   advisory  and
administrative  functions  currently  performed  for Virtus  Treasury by various
units of Signet and  various  unaffiliated  parties.  It is also  expected  that
Signet  will no  longer,  upon  completion  of the  Reorganization  and  similar
reorganizations  of other  funds  in the  Signet  mutual  fund  family,  provide
investment advisory or administrative services to investment companies.

         At a meeting held on September  16, 1997,  the Board of Trustees of The
Virtus Funds considered and approved the Reorganization as in the best interests
of shareholders of Virtus Treasury and determined that the interests of existing
shareholders  of  Virtus  Treasury  will  not  be  diluted  as a  result  of the
transactions  contemplated  by the  Reorganization.  In  addition,  the Trustees
approved the Interim Advisory Agreement with respect to Virtus Treasury.

         As  noted  above,  Signet  has  merged  with  and  into a  wholly-owned
subsidiary of First Union.  Signet is the parent  company of Virtus,  investment
adviser to the mutual funds which comprise The Virtus Funds.  The Merger caused,
as a matter of law,  termination of the investment  advisory  agreement  between
each series of The Virtus Funds and Virtus with respect to the Fund.  The Virtus
Funds have  received an order from the SEC which  permits  Virtus to continue to
act as Virtus Treasury's investment adviser without shareholder approval,  for a
period  of not more  than 120 days  from  the date the  Merger  was  consummated
(November  28,  1997) to the date of  shareholder  approval of a new  investment
advisory agreement.  Accordingly, the Trustees considered the recommendations of
Signet in approving the proposed Reorganization.

         In approving the Plan, the Trustees  reviewed various factors about the
Funds  and the  proposed  Reorganization.  There  are  substantial  similarities
between Evergreen Treasury and Virtus Treasury. Specifically, Evergreen Treasury
and Virtus Treasury have substantially identical investment objectives, policies
and risk profiles. See "Comparison of Investment Objectives and Policies" below.
At the same time,  the Board of Trustees  evaluated the  potential  economies of
scale  associated  with  larger  mutual  funds and  concluded  that  operational
efficiencies may be achieved upon the combination of Virtus Treasury with an

Evergreen  fund  with a greater  level of  assets.  As of  September  30,  1997,
Evergreen  Treasury's  net assets were  approximately  $2,912 million and Virtus
Treasury's net assets were approximately $318 million.

         In addition,  assuming that an alternative to the Reorganization  would
be to propose that Virtus  Treasury  continue its  existence  and be  separately
managed  by FUNB or one of its  affiliates,  Virtus  Treasury  would be  offered
through common distribution channels with the substantially  identical Evergreen
Treasury.  Virtus  Treasury would also have to bear the cost of maintaining  its
separate  existence.  Signet and FUNB  believe that the prospect of dividing the
resources of the Evergreen mutual fund  organization  between two  substantially
identical  funds  could  result  in  each  Fund  being  disadvantaged  due to an
inability to achieve optimum size,  performance levels and the greatest possible
economies of scale.  Accordingly,  for the reasons  noted above and  recognizing
that there can be no assurance  that any  economies  of scale or other  benefits
will be realized, Signet and FUNB believe that the proposed Reorganization would
be in the best interests of each Fund and its shareholders.

         The  Board of  Trustees  of The  Virtus  Funds met and  considered  the
recommendation  of Signet and FUNB and,  in  addition,  considered  among  other
things,  (i) the terms and  conditions of the  Reorganization;  (ii) whether the
Reorganization  would result in the dilution of shareholders'  interests;  (iii)
expense  ratios,  fees and expenses of Evergreen  Treasury and Virtus  Treasury;
(iv) the comparative performance records of each of the Funds; (v) compatibility
of their  investment  objectives and policies;  (vi) the investment  experience,
expertise and resources of FUNB;  (vii) the service and  distribution  resources
available to the Evergreen funds and the broad array of investment  alternatives
available to  shareholders  of the  Evergreen  funds;  (viii) the  personnel and
financial  resources of First Union and its affiliates;  (ix) the fact that FUNB
will bear the  expenses  incurred  by Virtus  Treasury  in  connection  with the
Reorganization;  (x) the  fact  that  Evergreen  Treasury  will  assume  certain
identified  liabilities of Virtus Treasury; and (xi) the expected federal income
tax consequences of the Reorganization.

         The Trustees also considered the benefits to be derived by shareholders
of Virtus  Treasury from the sale of its assets to Evergreen  Treasury.  In this
regard, the Trustees  considered the potential benefits of being associated with
a larger  entity  and the  economies  of scale  that  could be  realized  by the
participation in such an entity by shareholders of Virtus Treasury.

         In  addition,  the  Trustees  considered  that  there are  alternatives
available to  shareholders of Virtus  Treasury,  including the ability to redeem
their shares, as well as the option to vote against the Reorganization.

         During their  consideration of the Reorganization the Trustees met with
Fund counsel and counsel to the Independent  Trustees regarding the legal issues
involved.  The  Trustees of Evergreen  Money  Market  Trust also  concluded at a
meeting on September 16, 1997 that the proposed  Reorganization  would be in the
best interests of shareholders  of Evergreen  Treasury and that the interests of
the  shareholders of Evergreen  Treasury would not be diluted as a result of the
transactions contemplated by the Reorganization.

                          THE PROPOSED REORGANIZATION.

Agreement and Plan of Reorganization

         The following  summary is qualified in its entirety by reference to the
Plan (Exhibit A hereto).

         The Plan  provides  that  Evergreen  Treasury  will  acquire all of the
assets of Virtus  Treasury in exchange for shares of Evergreen  Treasury and the
assumption by Evergreen  Treasury of certain  identified  liabilities  of Virtus
Treasury on or about  February 27, 1998 or such other date as may be agreed upon
by the parties (the "Closing Date").  Prior to the Closing Date, Virtus Treasury
will  endeavor  to  discharge  all of its  known  liabilities  and  obligations.
Evergreen  Treasury will not assume any  liabilities  or  obligations  of Virtus
Treasury  other than those  reflected  in an  unaudited  statement of assets and
liabilities of Virtus  Treasury  prepared as of the close of regular  trading on
the NYSE,  currently  4:00 p.m.  Eastern time,  on the business day  immediately
prior to the  Closing  Date.  The number of full and  fractional  shares of each
class of  Evergreen  Treasury  to be  received  by the  shareholders  of  Virtus
Treasury will be determined by multiplying the respective  outstanding  class of
shares of Virtus  Treasury by a factor  which shall be computed by dividing  the
net asset value per share of the respective  class of shares of Virtus  Treasury
by the net asset value per share of the respective  class of shares of Evergreen
Treasury.  Such  computations will take place as of the close of regular trading
on the NYSE on the business day  immediately  prior to the Closing Date. The net
asset value per share of each class will be determined by dividing assets,  less
liabilities,  in each case  attributable  to the respective  class, by the total
number of outstanding shares.

         State  Street  Bank and Trust  Company,  the  custodian  for  Evergreen
Treasury, will compute the value of each Fund's respective portfolio securities.
The method of valuation  employed will be  consistent  with the  procedures  set
forth in the Prospectuses  and Statement of Additional  Information of Evergreen
Treasury,  Rule 22c-1 under the 1940 Act, and with the  interpretations  of such
Rule by the SEC's Division of Investment Management.

         At or prior to the Closing Date,  Virtus  Treasury will have declared a
dividend or dividends and distribution or distributions which, together with all
previous dividends and  distributions,  shall have the effect of distributing to
the Fund's  shareholders  (in shares of the Fund, or in cash, as the shareholder
has previously  elected) all of the Fund's net investment company taxable income
for the taxable  period ending on the Closing Date  (computed  without regard to
any deduction for dividends  paid) and all of its net capital gains  realized in
all taxable periods ending on the Closing Date (after reductions for any capital
loss carryforward).

         As soon after the  Closing  Date as  conveniently  practicable,  Virtus
Treasury will liquidate and distribute pro rata to  shareholders of record as of
the close of  business  on the Closing  Date the full and  fractional  shares of
Evergreen   Treasury   received  by  Virtus   Treasury.   Such  liquidation  and
distribution  will be accomplished by the establishment of accounts in the names
of the Fund's shareholders on the share records of Evergreen Treasury's transfer
agent.  Each account will  represent the  respective pro rata number of full and
fractional  shares of  Evergreen  Treasury due to the Fund's  shareholders.  All
issued and outstanding shares of Virtus Treasury, including those represented by
certificates,  will be canceled.  The shares of Evergreen  Treasury to be issued
will have no preemptive or conversion  rights.  After such distributions and the
winding up of its affairs,  Virtus  Treasury will be  terminated.  In connection
with such  termination,  The Virtus Funds will file with the SEC an  application
for termination as a registered investment company.

         The consummation of the Reorganization is subject to the conditions set
forth  in the  Plan,  including  approval  by  Virtus  Treasury's  shareholders,
accuracy of various  representations  and  warranties and receipt of opinions of
counsel,  including  opinions  with  respect  to those  matters  referred  to in
"Federal  Income Tax  Consequences"  below.  Notwithstanding  approval of Virtus
Treasury's shareholders,  the Plan may be terminated (a) by the mutual agreement
of Virtus  Treasury and  Evergreen  Treasury;  or (b) at or prior to the Closing
Date by  either  party  (i)  because  of a  breach  by the  other  party  of any
representation, warranty,

or agreement  contained  therein to be performed at or prior to the Closing Date
if not cured within 30 days,  or (ii) because a condition to the  obligation  of
the terminating party has not been met and it reasonably  appears that it cannot
be met.

         The expenses of Virtus Treasury in connection  with the  Reorganization
(including the cost of any proxy soliciting agent) will be borne by FUNB whether
or not the  Reorganization  is consummated.  No portion of such expenses will be
borne directly or indirectly by Virtus Treasury or its  shareholders.  There are
not any liabilities or any expected  reimbursements in connection with the 12b-1
Plan of Virtus Treasury.  As a result,  no 12b-1  liabilities will be assumed by
Evergreen Treasury following the Reorganization.

         If the  Reorganization  is  not  approved  by  shareholders  of  Virtus
Treasury, the Board of Trustees of The Virtus Funds will consider other possible
courses of action in the best interests of shareholders.

Federal Income Tax Consequences

         The  Reorganization  is  intended  to qualify  for  federal  income tax
purposes as a tax-free  reorganization  under  section  368(a) of the Code. As a
condition to the closing of the Reorganization,  Virtus Treasury will receive an
opinion of  Sullivan &  Worcester  LLP to the effect  that,  on the basis of the
existing  provisions of the Code, U.S. Treasury  regulations  issued thereunder,
current  administrative rules,  pronouncements and court decisions,  for federal
income tax purposes, upon consummation of the Reorganization:

         (1) The  transfer  of all of the  assets of Virtus  Treasury  solely in
exchange  for shares of  Evergreen  Treasury  and the  assumption  by  Evergreen
Treasury of certain  identified  liabilities,  followed by the  distribution  of
Evergreen Treasury's shares by Virtus Treasury in dissolution and liquidation of
Virtus  Treasury,  will  constitute  a  "reorganization"  within the  meaning of
section  368(a)(1)(C)  of the Code, and Evergreen  Treasury and Virtus  Treasury
will each be a "party to a reorganization"  within the meaning of section 368(b)
of the Code;

         (2) No gain or  loss  will be  recognized  by  Virtus  Treasury  on the
transfer  of all of its assets to  Evergreen  Treasury  solely in  exchange  for
Evergreen  Treasury's shares and the assumption by Evergreen Treasury of certain
identified  liabilities of Virtus Treasury or upon the distribution of Evergreen
Treasury's shares to Virtus Treasury's shareholders in exchange for their shares
of Virtus Treasury;

         (3)  The tax  basis  of the  assets  transferred  will  be the  same to
Evergreen  Treasury  as  the  tax  basis  of  such  assets  to  Virtus  Treasury
immediately prior to the  Reorganization,  and the holding period of such assets
in the hands of  Evergreen  Treasury  will  include the period  during which the
assets were held by Virtus Treasury;

         (4) No gain or loss will be recognized  by Evergreen  Treasury upon the
receipt of the assets from the Virtus Treasury solely in exchange for the shares
of  Evergreen  Treasury  and the  assumption  by  Evergreen  Treasury of certain
identified liabilities of Virtus Treasury;

         (5)  No  gain  or  loss  will  be  recognized   by  Virtus   Treasury's
shareholders  upon the  issuance  of the shares of  Evergreen  Treasury to them,
provided  they  receive  solely such  shares  (including  fractional  shares) in
exchange for their shares of the Fund; and

         (6) The  aggregate  tax  basis of the  shares  of  Evergreen  Treasury,
including any fractional shares,  received by each of the shareholders of Virtus
Treasury  pursuant to the  Reorganization  will be the same as the aggregate tax
basis of the shares of the Fund held by such  shareholder  immediately  prior to
the Reorganization,  and the holding period of the shares of Evergreen Treasury,
including fractional shares,  received by each such shareholder will include the
period during which the shares of Virtus Treasury  exchanged  therefor were held
by such shareholder  (provided that the shares of Virtus Treasury were held as a
capital asset on the date of the Reorganization).

         Opinions of counsel are not binding upon the Internal  Revenue  Service
or the courts.  If the  Reorganization  is consummated but does not qualify as a
tax-free  reorganization  under the Code, a shareholder of Virtus Treasury would
recognize a taxable gain or loss equal to the difference  between his or her tax
basis in his or her Fund shares and the fair market value of Evergreen  Treasury
shares he or she received.  Shareholders of Virtus Treasury should consult their
tax advisers  regarding the effect,  if any, of the proposed  Reorganization  in
light  of  their  individual  circumstances.  It is  not  anticipated  that  the
securities  of the combined  portfolio  will be sold in  significant  amounts in
order  to  comply  with the  policies  and  investment  practices  of  Evergreen
Treasury.  Since the foregoing discussion relates only to the federal income tax
consequences of the Reorganization,  shareholders of Virtus Treasury should also
consult their tax advisers as to the state and local tax  consequences,  if any,
of the Reorganization.

Pro-forma Capitalization

         The  following  table  sets  forth  the  capitalizations  of  Evergreen
Treasury and Virtus Treasury as of September 30, 1997 and the  capitalization of
Evergreen  Treasury on a pro forma basis as of that date,  giving  effect to the
proposed  acquisition of assets at net asset value.  The pro forma data reflects
an  exchange  ratio of  approximately  1.00 and 1.00 Class Y and Class A shares,
respectively,  of Evergreen Treasury issued for each Trust and Investment share,
respectively, of Virtus Treasury.

                       Capitalization of Virtus Treasury,
                        Evergreen Treasury and Evergreen
                              Treasury (Pro Forma)

                                                                  Evergreen                     (After
                                       Virtus                     Treasury                      Reorgani-
                                       Treasury                   --------                      zation)
                                       ---------                                                ------------

Net Assets
   Trust..........................     $196,450,150               N/A                           N/A
   Investment.....................                                N/A                           N/A
   Class A........................     N/A                        $2,380,836,926                $2,502,136,044
   Class Y........................     N/A                        $531,131,587                  $727,581,737
                                       ------------               --------------                --------------
   Total Net                           $317,749,268               $2,911,968,513                $3,229,717,781
    Assets . . . .
Net Asset Value Per
   Trust..........................     $1.00                      N/A                           N/A
   Investment.....................     $1.00                      N/A                           N/A
   Class A........................     N/A                        $1.00                         $1.00
   Class Y........................     N/A                        $1.00                         $1.00
Shares Outstanding
   Trust..........................     196,450,150                N/A                           N/A
   Investment.....................     121,466,050                N/A                           N/A
   Class A........................     N/A                        2,380,810,488                 2,502,276,538
   Class Y........................     N/A                        531,124,936                   727,575,086
                                       ------------               --------------                -------------
   All Classes....................     317,916,200                2,911,935,424                 3,229,851,624

         The table set forth  above  should not be relied  upon to  reflect  the
number of shares to be  received  in the  Reorganization;  the actual  number of
shares to be received  will depend upon the net asset value and number of shares
outstanding of each Fund at the time of the Reorganization.

Shareholder Information

         As of December 26, 1997 (the "Record  Date"),  the following  number of
each Class of shares of beneficial interest of Virtus Treasury were outstanding:

Class of Shares
- ---------------

Trust..........................................           238,510,844
Investment.....................................           110,574,269
All Classes....................................           349,085,113

         As of November 30, 1997,  the officers and Trustees of The Virtus Funds
beneficially  owned as a group less than 1% of the outstanding  shares of Virtus
Treasury.   To  Virtus  Treasury's   knowledge,   the  following  persons  owned
beneficially or of record more than 5% of Virtus  Treasury's  total  outstanding
shares as of November 30, 1997:

                                                                                   tage of               Percentage of
                                                                                   Shares of             Shares of
                                                                                   Class                 Class After
                                                                                   Before                Reorgani-
                                                         No. of                    Reorgani-             zation
Name and Address                   Class                 Shares                    zation                ---------
- ----------------                   -----                 ------                    ---------

Stephens, Inc.                     Investment            17,961,159                15.17%                0.67% Class A
111 Center Street
Little Rock, AR

Bova & Co.                         Trust                 207,865,659               99.91%                28.37% Class Y
Signet Trust
P.O. Box 26311
Richmond, VA


         The following discussion is based upon and qualified in its entirety by
the  descriptions  of  the  respective  investment   objectives,   policies  and
restrictions  set  forth  in  the  respective  Prospectuses  and  Statements  of
Additional  Information  of the Funds.  The investment  objective,  policies and
restrictions of

Evergreen  Treasury can be found in the Prospectuses of Evergreen Treasury under
the  caption  "Investment   Objectives  and  Policies."   Evergreen   Treasury's
Prospectuses  also offer  additional  funds  advised by FUNB or its  affiliates.
These additional funds are not involved in the Reorganization,  their investment
objectives and policies are not discussed in this Prospectus/Proxy Statement and
their shares are not offered  hereby.  The  investment  objective,  policies and
restrictions of Virtus  Treasury can be found in the respective  Prospectuses of
the Fund under the caption  "Investment  Objective  and  Policies of each Fund."
Unlike the investment  objective of Virtus Treasury,  which is fundamental,  the
investment objective of Evergreen Treasury is non-fundamental and can be changed
by the Board of Trustees without shareholder approval.

         The investment objective of Evergreen Treasury is to maintain stability
of principal while earning  current  income.  The Fund will only attempt to seek
income to the extent  consistent  with  stability of principal  and,  therefore,
investments will be made in short-term U.S. Treasury obligations with an average
dollar-weighted  maturity of 90 days or less and  obligations  the principal and
interest  of  which  are  backed  by the  full  faith  and  credit  of the  U.S.
government, provided that the Fund shall, under normal market conditions, invest
at least 65% of its total  assets in  obligations  issued  directly  by the U.S.
Treasury.  As a matter of investment  strategy,  the Fund's  investment  adviser
intends to maintain a  dollar-weighted  average maturity for the Fund of 60 days
or less.

         The short-term U.S. Treasury  obligations in which the Fund invests are
issued by the U.S.  government  and are fully  guaranteed  as to  principal  and
interest by the United States. Such securities will have a maturity date that is
397 days or less from the date of acquisition unless they are purchased under an
agreement that provides for  repurchase of the  securities  from the Fund within
397 days from the date of  acquisition.  The Fund may also retain Fund assets in

         The  investment  objective  of Virtus  Treasury  is to provide  current
income  consistent with stability of principal.  The Fund pursues its investment
objective  by  investing  only  in  a  portfolio  of  short-term  U.S.  Treasury
obligations which are issued by the U.S.  government and are fully guaranteed as
to principal and interest by the United States.  The U.S.  obligations mature in
397 days or less from the date of acquisition  unless they are purchased under a
repurchase  agreement that provides for repurchase by the seller within one year
from the date of  acquisition.  The average  maturity of these U.S.  obligations
computed on a dollar-weighted basis will be 90 days or less.

         The  characteristics of each investment policy and the associated risks
are  described  in  each  Fund's  respective   Prospectuses  and  Statements  of
Additional   Information.   The  Funds  have  other   investment   policies  and
restrictions  which are also set forth in the  Prospectuses  and  Statements  of
Additional Information of each Fund.


Forms of Organization

         Evergreen  Money  Market  Trust  and  The  Virtus  Funds  are  open-end
management  investment  companies  registered  with the SEC  under the 1940 Act,
which continuously  offer shares to the public.  Evergreen Money Market Trust is
organized  as a Delaware  business  trust and The Virtus Funds is organized as a
Massachusetts  business trust. Each Trust is governed by a Declaration of Trust,
By-Laws  and a Board of  Trustees.  Each Trust is also  governed  by  applicable
Delaware,  Massachusetts  and  federal  law.  Evergreen  Treasury is a series of
Evergreen  Money  Market  Trust and  Virtus  Treasury  is a series of The Virtus

         As set forth in the  Supplement to Evergreen  Treasury's  Prospectuses,
effective  January 20, 1998,  Evergreen  Treasury Money Market Fund, a series of
Evergreen Investment Trust, a Massachusetts business trust, was reorganized (the
"Delaware  Reorganization")  into a corresponding series (Evergreen Treasury) of
Evergreen Money Market Trust.  In connection  with the Delaware  Reorganization,
the  Fund's  investment   objective  was  reclassified  from   "fundamental"  to
"non-fundamental" and thereofre may be changed without shareholder approval; the
Fund  adopted  certain  standardized  investment  restrictions;   and  the  Fund
eliminated or reclassified  from fundamental to  non-fundamental  certain of the
Fund's other currently fundamental investment restrictions.


         The beneficial  interests in Evergreen  Treasury are  represented by an
unlimited number of transferable shares of beneficial interest,  $.001 par value
per share.  The beneficial  interests in Virtus  Treasury are  represented by an
unlimited  number of  transferable  shares of  beneficial  interest  without par
value.  The  respective  Declaration  of Trust  under  which  each Fund has been
established  permits the Trustees to allocate shares into an unlimited number of
series, and classes thereof, with rights determined by the Trustees, all without
shareholder approval.

Fractional   shares  may  be  issued.   Each  Fund's  shares   represent   equal
proportionate  interests in the assets  belonging to the Funds.  Shareholders of
each Fund are entitled to receive  dividends  and other amounts as determined by
the  Trustees.  Shareholders  of each Fund  vote  separately,  by  class,  as to
matters,  such as approval of or  amendments to Rule 12b-1  distribution  plans,
that affect  only their  particular  class and by series as to matters,  such as
approval  of  or  amendments  to  investment  advisory  agreements  or  proposed
reorganizations, that affect only their particular series.

Shareholder Liability

         Under Massachusetts law,  shareholders of a business trust could, under
certain  circumstances,  be held  personally  liable for the  obligations of the
business  trust.  However,  the Declaration of Trust under which Virtus Treasury
was established  disclaims  shareholder liability for acts or obligations of the
series and requires that notice of such  disclaimer be given in each  agreement,
obligation or  instrument  entered into or executed by the Fund or the Trustees.
The Declaration of Trust provides for indemnification out of the series property
for all losses and expenses of any shareholder  held  personally  liable for the
obligations of the series.  Thus, the risk of a shareholder  incurring financial
loss on  account of  shareholder  liability  is  considered  remote  since it is
limited to  circumstances in which a disclaimer is inoperative and the series or
the trust itself would be unable to meet its obligations.

         Under  Delaware  law,  shareholders  of a Delaware  business  trust are
entitled to the same limitation of personal  liability  extended to stockholders
of Delaware  corporations.  No similar  statutory  or other  authority  limiting
business trust shareholder  liability exists in any other state. As a result, to
the extent that Evergreen  Money Market Trust or a shareholder is subject to the
jurisdiction  of courts in those states,  the courts may not apply Delaware law,
and may thereby subject shareholders of a Delaware trust to liability.  To guard
against this risk, the  Declaration of Trust of Evergreen Money Market Trust (a)
provides that any written  obligation of the Trust may contain a statement  that
such  obligation  may only be  enforced  against  the assets of the Trust or the
particular  series  in  question  and the  obligation  is not  binding  upon the
shareholders of the Trust;  however,  the omission of such a disclaimer will not
operate to create personal  liability for any shareholder;  and (b) provides for
indemnification  out of Trust property of any shareholder held personally liable
for the  obligations  of the Trust.  Accordingly,  the risk of a shareholder  of
Evergreen Money Market Trust incurring  financial loss beyond that shareholder's
investment because of shareholder liability is limited to circumstances in

which:  (i) the  court  refuses  to  apply  Delaware  law;  (ii) no  contractual
limitation  of  liability  was in effect;  and (iii) the Trust  itself  would be
unable to meet its  obligations.  In light of  Delaware  law,  the nature of the
Trust's business,  and the nature of its assets,  the risk of personal liability
to a shareholder of Evergreen Money Market Trust is remote.

Shareholder Meetings and Voting Rights

         Neither  Evergreen  Money Market Trust on behalf of Evergreen  Treasury
nor The Virtus  Funds on behalf of Virtus  Treasury  is  required to hold annual
meetings of shareholders.  However, a meeting of shareholders for the purpose of
voting upon the question of removal of a Trustee  must be called when  requested
in writing by the holders of at least 10% of the outstanding shares of Evergreen
Money Market Trust or The Virtus Funds. In addition,  each is required to call a
meeting of  shareholders  for the purpose of electing  Trustees if, at any time,
less than a  majority  of the  Trustees  then  holding  office  were  elected by
shareholders.  Each Trust currently does not intend to hold regular  shareholder
meetings.  Each Trust does not permit  cumulative  voting.  Except when a larger
quorum is  required by  applicable  law,  with  respect to  Evergreen  Treasury,
twenty-five  percent (25%) of the outstanding  shares entitled to vote, and with
respect to Virtus  Treasury,  a majority of the  outstanding  shares entitled to
vote  constitutes  a quorum for  consideration  of such  matter.  For  Evergreen
Treasury and Virtus Treasury,  a majority of the votes cast and entitled to vote
is sufficient to act on a matter (unless otherwise  specifically required by the
applicable governing documents or other law, including the 1940 Act).

         Under the  Declaration of Trust of Evergreen  Money Market Trust,  each
share of Evergreen  Treasury will be entitled to one vote for each dollar of net
asset value  applicable  to each share.  Under the voting  provisions  governing
Virtus  Treasury,  each share is entitled to one vote.  Over time, the net asset
values of the  mutual  funds  which are each a series of The  Virtus  Funds have
changed in relation to one another and are  expected to continue to do so in the
future. Because of the divergence in net asset values, a given dollar investment
in a fund which is a series of The Virtus  Funds and which has a lower net asset
value will purchase more shares and, under the current voting  provisions of The
Virtus Funds,  will have more votes,  than the same  investment in a fund with a
higher net asset value. Under the Declaration of Trust of Evergreen Money Market
Trust, voting power is related to the dollar value of a shareholder's investment
rather than to the number of shares held.

Liquidation or Dissolution

         In the  event of the  liquidation  of  Evergreen  Treasury  and  Virtus
Treasury the shareholders are entitled to receive,  when, and as declared by the
Trustees, the excess of the assets belonging to such Fund or attributable to the
class over the  liabilities  belonging to the Fund or attributable to the class.
In either case, the assets so  distributable to shareholders of the Fund will be
distributed  among the  shareholders  in proportion to the number of shares of a
class of the Fund held by them and recorded on the books of the Fund.

Liability and Indemnification of Trustees

         The  Declaration  of Trust of The Virtus Funds  provides that a Trustee
shall be liable only for his own willful defaults,  and that no Trustee shall be
protected against any liability to which he would otherwise be subject by reason
of willful misfeasance, bad faith, gross negligence or reckless disregard of the
duties involved in the conduct of his office.

         The  By-Laws  of The  Virtus  Funds  provide  that a present  or former
Trustee  or officer is  entitled  to  indemnification  against  liabilities  and
expenses  with respect to claims  related to his or her position with the Trust,
provided  that no  indemnification  shall be  provided  to a Trustee  or officer
against any liability to the Trust or any series thereof or the  shareholders of
any series by reasons of willful  misfeasance,  bad faith,  gross  negligence or
reckless disregard of the duties involved in the conduct of his office.

         Under the  Declaration  of Trust of  Evergreen  Money Market  Trust,  a
Trustee is liable to the Trust and its shareholders  only for such Trustee's own
willful misfeasance,  bad faith, gross negligence,  or reckless disregard of the
duties involved in the conduct of the office of Trustee or the discharge of such
Trustee's  functions.  As provided in the Declaration of Trust,  each Trustee of
the Trust is entitled to be indemnified  against all liabilities  against him or
her, including the costs of litigation, unless it is determined that the Trustee
(i) did not act in good  faith in the  reasonable  belief  that  such  Trustee's
action was in or not opposed to the best interests of the Trust;  (ii) had acted
with willful  misfeasance,  bad faith, gross negligence or reckless disregard of
such Trustee's duties; and (iii) in a criminal proceeding,  had reasonable cause
to believe that such Trustee's  conduct was unlawful  (collectively,  "disabling
conduct").  A determination that the Trustee did not engage in disabling conduct
and is, therefore,  entitled to indemnification may be based upon the outcome of
a court action or administrative proceeding or by (a) a vote of a majority of

those Trustees who are neither  "interested  persons"  within the meaning of the
1940 Act nor parties to the proceeding or (b) an independent  legal counsel in a
written opinion.  The Trust may also advance money for such litigation  expenses
provided that the Trustee undertakes to repay the Trust if his or her conduct is
later  determined to preclude  indemnification  and certain other conditions are

         The  foregoing  is only a summary  of  certain  characteristics  of the
operations of the Declarations of Trust, By-Laws, Delaware and Massachusetts law
and is not a complete description of those documents or law. Shareholders should
refer to the provisions of such  Declarations  of Trust,  By-Laws,  Delaware and
law directly for more complete information.



         In view of the Merger discussed above, and the factors discussed below,
the Board of Trustees of The Virtus Funds recommends that shareholders of Virtus
Treasury approve the Interim Advisory Agreement.  The Merger became effective on
November 28, 1997.  Pursuant to an order  received from the SEC all fees payable
under the Interim Advisory Agreement will be placed in escrow and paid to Virtus
if shareholders  approve the contract within 120 days of its effective date. The
Interim  Advisory  Agreement  will  remain in effect  until the  earlier  of the
Closing Date for the  Reorganization  or two years from its effective  date. The
terms of the Interim Advisory Agreement are essentially the same as the Previous
Advisory  Agreement (as defined below). The only difference between the Previous
Advisory  Agreement  and  the  Interim  Advisory   Agreement,   if  approved  by
shareholders,  is the length of time each Agreement is in effect.  A description
of the  Interim  Advisory  Agreement  pursuant  to  which  Virtus  continues  as
investment adviser to Virtus Treasury, as well as the services to be provided by
Virtus  pursuant  thereto,  is set forth below under  "Advisory  Services."  The
description of the Interim Advisory Agreement in this Prospectus/Proxy Statement
is qualified in its  entirety by  reference to the Interim  Advisory  Agreement,
attached hereto as Exhibit B.

         Virtus,  a  Maryland  corporation  formed  in  1995 to  succeed  to the
business of Signet  Asset  Management  (adviser to the Fund since  1990),  is an
indirect  wholly-owned  subsidiary of First Union.  Virtus'  address is 707 East
Main  Street,  Suite  1300,  Richmond,  Virginia  23219.  Virtus  has  served as
investment  adviser pursuant to an Investment  Advisory  Contract dated March 1,
1995, as amended on October 21, 1996. As used herein, the

Investment Advisory Agreement, as amended, for Virtus Treasury is referred to as
the "Previous Advisory  Agreement." At a meeting of the Board of Trustees of The
Virtus Funds held on September 16, 1997,  the Trustees,  including a majority of
the Independent Trustees, approved the Interim Advisory Agreement for Virtus

         The Trustees  have  authorized  The Virtus  Funds,  on behalf of Virtus
Treasury,  to enter  into the  Interim  Advisory  Agreement  with  Virtus.  Such
Agreement  became  effective  on November  28,  1997.  If the  Interim  Advisory
Agreement for Virtus Treasury is not approved by shareholders, the Trustees will
consider  appropriate  actions  to be taken with  respect  to Virtus  Treasury's
investment  advisory  arrangements at that time. The Previous Advisory Agreement
was last  approved by the  Trustees,  including  a majority  of the  Independent
Trustees, on February 24, 1997.

Comparison of the Interim Advisory Agreement and the Previous
Advisory Agreement

         Advisory Services.  The management and advisory services to be provided
by Virtus under the Interim Advisory  Agreement are identical to those currently
provided by Virtus under the  Previous  Advisory  Agreement.  Under the Previous
Advisory  Agreement  and  Interim  Advisory  Agreement,  Virtus  manages  Virtus
Treasury and continually  conducts  investment  research and supervision for the
Fund and is responsible for the purchase and sale of portfolio securities.

     FAS currently acts as administrator  of Virtus Treasury.  FAS will continue
during  the  term  of  the  Interim  Advisory  Agreement  as  Virtus  Treasury's
administrator for the same compensation as currently  received . An affiliate of
FAS currently performs tranfer agency services for Virtus
     Treasury's  shareholders.  Commencing  February 9, 1998  Evergreen  Service
Company will provide such transfer  agency services for the same fees charged by
Virtus Treasury's current transfer agent. See "Summary - Administrators."

     Fees and Expenses. The investment advisory fees and expense limitations for
Virtus Treasury under the Previous  Advisory  Agreement and the Interim Advisory
Agreement are identical. See "Summary - Investment Advisers."

     Expense Reimbursement. The Previous Advisory Agreement included a provision
which  provides  that  Virtus  may from time to time and for such  periods as it
deems appropriate reduce its

compensation  to the extent that the Fund's  expenses  exceed such lower expense
limitation as Virtus may, by notice to The Virtus Funds,  voluntarily declare to
be effective.  Furthermore, Virtus may, if it deems appropriate, assume expenses
of the Fund or a class to the extent that the Fund's or classes' expenses exceed
such lower  expense  limitation  as Virtus may,  by notice to The Virtus  Funds,
voluntarily declare to be effective.

         The Interim Advisory Agreement contains an identical provision.

         Payment  of  Expenses  and  Transaction  Charges.  Under  the  Previous
Advisory Agreement,  The Virtus Funds was required to pay or cause to be paid on
behalf of the Fund or each class, all of the Fund's or classes' expenses and the
Fund's or classes' allocable share of The Virtus Funds' expenses.

         The Interim Advisory Agreement contains an identical provision.

         Limitation of Liability.  The Previous Advisory Agreement provided that
in the absence of willful  misfeasance,  bad faith, gross negligence or reckless
disregard of  obligations  or duties under the  Agreement on the part of Virtus,
Virtus was not liable to The Virtus  Funds or to the Fund or to any  shareholder
for any act or omission in the course of or connected in any way with  rendering
services or for any losses that may be  sustained  in the  purchase,  holding or
sale of any security.

         The Interim Advisory Agreement contains an identical provision.

         Termination;  Assignment.  The Interim Advisory Agreement provides that
it may be terminated  without  penalty by vote of a majority of the  outstanding
voting  securities of Virtus  Treasury (as defined in the 1940 Act) or by a vote
of a majority of The Virtus  Funds' entire Board of Trustees on 60 days' written
notice to Virtus or by Virtus on 60 days'  written  notice to The Virtus  Funds.
Also, the Interim Advisory Agreement will  automatically  terminate in the event
of its assignment (as defined in the 1940 Act). The Previous Advisory  Agreement
contained identical provisions as to termination and assignment.

Information about Virtus Treasury's Investment Adviser

         Virtus, a registered  investment  adviser,  manages, in addition to the
Fund,  other funds of The Virtus Funds,  the Blanchard  Group of Funds and three
fixed  income trust funds.  The name and address of each  executive  officer and
director  of  Virtus  are set  forth  in  Appendix  A to  this  Prospectus/Proxy

         During the fiscal years ended September 30, 1997, 1996 and 1995, Virtus
received from Virtus  Treasury  management  fees of  $1,897,464,  $1,721,497 and
$2,347,424, respectively, of which $46,840, $209,248 and $469,485, respectively,
were  voluntarily  waived.  Signet acts as  custodian  for Virtus  Treasury  and
received $120,115 for the fiscal year ended September 30, 1997. Commencing on or
about January 20, 1998 FUNB will act as Virtus  Treasury's  custodian during the
term of the Interim Advisory Agreement.

         The Board of Trustees considered the Interim Advisory Agreement as part
of its overall  approval of the Plan.  The Board of Trustees  considered,  among
other things,  the factors set forth above in "Reasons for the  Reorganization."
The Board of  Trustees  also  considered  the fact that there  were no  material
differences between the terms of the Interim Advisory Agreement and the terms of
the Previous Advisory Agreement.


                             ADDITIONAL INFORMATION

         Evergreen Treasury. Information concerning the operation and management
of Evergreen Treasury is incorporated  herein by reference from the Prospectuses
dated October 31, 1996, as amended,  copies of which are enclosed, and Statement
of  Additional  Information  of the  same  date.  A copy  of such  Statement  of
Additional  Information  is available upon request and without charge by writing
to  Evergreen  Treasury  at  the  address  listed  on the  cover  page  of  this
Prospectus/Proxy Statement or by calling toll-free 1-800-343-2898.

         Virtus Treasury.  Information about the Fund is included in its current
Prospectuses  dated  November  30,  1997  and in the  Statements  of  Additional
Information  of the same date,  that have been filed with the SEC,  all of which
are incorporated herein by reference.  Copies of the Prospectuses and Statements
of  Additional  Information  are  available  upon request and without  charge by
writing  to Virtus  Treasury  at the  address  listed on the cover  page of this
Prospectus/Proxy Statement or by calling toll-free 1-800-829-3863.

         Evergreen  Treasury  and  Virtus  Treasury  are  each  subject  to  the
informational  requirements of the Securities  Exchange Act of 1934 and the 1940
Act, and in accordance  therewith file reports and other  information  including
proxy material, and charter documents with the SEC. These items can be inspected
and copies

obtained at the Public Reference  Facilities  maintained by the SEC at 450 Fifth
Street, N.W., Washington,  D.C. 20549, and at the SEC's Regional Offices located
at  Northwest  Atrium  Center,  500  West  Madison  Street,  Chicago,   Illinois
60661-2511 and Seven World Trade Center, Suite 1300, New York, New York 10048.


         This  Prospectus/Proxy  Statement  is furnished  in  connection  with a
solicitation  of proxies by the  Trustees of The Virtus  Funds to be used at the
Special Meeting of  Shareholders to be held at 2:00 p.m.,  February 20, 1998, at
the offices of the Evergreen Funds, 200 Berkeley Street,  Boston,  Massachusetts
02116, and at any adjournments thereof. This Prospectus/Proxy  Statement,  along
with a Notice  of the  meeting  and a proxy  card,  is  first  being  mailed  to
shareholders of Virtus Treasury on or about January 19, 1998. Only  shareholders
of record as of the close of  business  on the Record  Date will be  entitled to
notice of, and to vote at, the Meeting or any adjournment  thereof.  The holders
of a  majority  of the  outstanding  shares  entitled  to vote,  at the close of
business on the Record Date,  present in person or  represented  by proxy,  will
constitute a quorum for the Meeting.  If the enclosed  form of proxy is properly
executed  and  returned in time to be voted at the  Meeting,  the proxies  named
therein will vote the shares  represented  by the proxy in  accordance  with the
instructions  marked  thereon.  Unmarked  proxies will be voted FOR the proposed
Reorganization,  FOR the Interim  Advisory  Agreement  and FOR any other matters
deemed  appropriate.  Proxies that reflect  abstentions  and "broker  non-votes"
(i.e.,  shares held by brokers or nominees as to which (i) instructions have not
been received from the beneficial owners or the persons entitled to vote or (ii)
the broker or nominee does not have  discretionary  voting power on a particular
matter)  will be counted as shares  that are  present  and  entitled to vote for
purposes of  determining  the  presence of a quorum,  but will not be counted as
shares voted and will have no effect on the vote  regarding  the Plan.  However,
such "broker  non-votes"  will have the effect of being counted as votes against
the Interim  Advisory  Agreement  which must be approved by a percentage  of the
shares  present  at  the  Meeting  or  a  majority  of  the  outstanding  voting
securities.  A proxy may be  revoked  at any time on or before  the  Meeting  by
written notice to the Secretary of The Virtus Funds,  Federated Investors Tower,
Pittsburgh,  Pennsylvania 15222-3779.  Unless revoked, all valid proxies will be
voted in accordance with the  specifications  thereon or, in the absence of such
specifications,  FOR  approval of the Plan and the  Reorganization  contemplated
thereby and FOR approval of the Interim Advisory Agreement.

         Approval of the Plan will require the affirmative vote of a majority of
the shares voted and entitled to vote, with all

classes  voting  together as a single  class at the Meeting at which a quorum of
the Fund's shares is present.  Approval of the Interim  Advisory  Agreement will
require  the  affirmative  vote of (i) 67% or  more  of the  outstanding  voting
securities if holders of more than 50% of the outstanding  voting securities are
present,  in person or by proxy,  at the  Meeting,  or (ii) more than 50% of the
outstanding  voting  securities,  whichever  is less,  with all  classes  voting
together as one class.  Each full share  outstanding is entitled to one vote and
each fractional  share  outstanding is entitled to a proportionate  share of one

         Proxy   solicitations  will  be  made  primarily  by  mail,  but  proxy
solicitations may also be made by telephone, telegraph or personal solicitations
conducted by officers and employees of FUNB or Signet, their affiliates or other
representatives  of Virtus  Treasury (who will not be paid for their  soliciting
activities).  Shareholder  Communications Corporation has been engaged by Virtus
Treasury to assist in soliciting proxies.

         If you wish to  participate  in the  Meeting,  you may submit the proxy
card  included  with this  Prospectus/Proxy  Statement or attend in person.  Any
proxy given by you is revocable.

         In the event that sufficient  votes to approve the  Reorganization  are
not received by February 20, 1998,  the persons named as proxies may propose one
or more  adjournments of the Meeting to permit further  solicitation of proxies.
In  determining  whether to adjourn the Meeting,  the  following  factors may be
considered:  the  percentage of votes  actually cast, the percentage of negative
votes actually cast, the nature of any further  solicitation and the information
to be provided to shareholders with respect to the reasons for the solicitation.
Any such  adjournment  will  require  an  affirmative  vote by the  holders of a
majority of the shares present in person or by proxy and entitled to vote at the
Meeting.  The persons  named as proxies  will vote upon such  adjournment  after
consideration of all circumstances which may bear upon a decision to adjourn the

         A shareholder  who objects to the proposed  Reorganization  will not be
entitled  under  either  Massachusetts  law or the  Declaration  of Trust of The
Virtus  Funds to demand  payment  for,  or an  appraisal  of, his or her shares.
However, shareholders should be aware that the Reorganization as proposed is not
expected to result in  recognition of gain or loss to  shareholders  for federal
income tax purposes and that, if the Reorganization is consummated, shareholders
will be free to redeem the shares of  Evergreen  Treasury  which they receive in
the transaction at their then-current net asset value. Shares of Virtus Treasury
may be redeemed at any time prior to the consummation of the

Reorganization.  Shareholders  of Virtus  Treasury may wish to consult their tax
advisers as to any differing  consequences of redeeming Fund shares prior to the
Reorganization or exchanging such shares in the Reorganization.

         Virtus  Treasury  does not hold  annual  shareholder  meetings.  If the
Reorganization  is not approved,  shareholders  wishing to submit  proposals for
consideration  for inclusion in a proxy  statement for a subsequent  shareholder
meeting should send their written proposals to the Secretary of The Virtus Funds
at the address set forth on the cover of this  Prospectus/Proxy  Statement  such
that they will be received by the Fund in a  reasonable  period of time prior to
any such meeting.

         The  votes of the  shareholders  of  Evergreen  Treasury  are not being
solicited by this  Prospectus/Proxy  Statement and are not required to carry out
the Reorganization.

Please advise Virtus  Treasury  whether other persons are  beneficial  owners of
shares for which proxies are being solicited and, if so, the number of copies of
this Prospectus/Proxy Statement needed to supply copies to the beneficial owners
of the respective shares.


         The financial  statements of Evergreen  Treasury as of August 31, 1997,
and the financial  statements and financial highlights for the periods indicated
therein,  have been  incorporated  by reference  herein and in the  Registration
Statement  in reliance  upon the report of KPMG Peat  Marwick  LLP,  independent
certified public  accountants,  incorporated by reference  herein,  and upon the
authority of said firm as experts in accounting and auditing.

         The financial  statements and financial  highlights of Virtus  Treasury
incorporated  in this  Prospectus/Proxy  Statement by reference  from the Annual
Report of The  Virtus  Funds for the year  ended  September  30,  1997 have been
audited  by  Deloitte & Touche  LLP,  independent  auditors,  as stated in their
report, which is incorporated herein by reference, and have been so incorporated
in reliance  upon the report of such firm given upon their  authority as experts
in accounting and auditing.

                                  LEGAL MATTERS

         Certain  legal matters  concerning  the issuance of shares of Evergreen
Treasury will be passed upon by Sullivan & Worcester LLP, Washington, D.C.

                                 OTHER BUSINESS

         The  Trustees  of The Virtus  Funds do not intend to present  any other
business at the Meeting.  If,  however,  any other matters are properly  brought
before the Meeting,  the persons  named in the  accompanying  form of proxy will
vote thereon in accordance with their judgment.


January  20, 1998

                                   APPENDIX A

         The names and addresses of the principal executive officers
and directors of Virtus Capital Management, Inc. are as follows:

Name                                    Address
- ----                                    -------
David C. Francis, Chief                 First Union National Bank
Investment Officer                      201 South College Street
                                        Charlotte, North Carolina 28288-
Tanya Orr Bird, Vice                    Virtus Capital Management, Inc.
President                               707 East Main Street
                                        Suite 1300
                                        Richmond, Virginia 23219
               Josie                    Virtus Capital Management, Inc.
Clemons Rosson, Vice                    707 East Main Street
President, Assistant                    Suite 1300
Secretary                               Richmond, Virginia  23219
                                        First Union National Bank
           L.                           201 South College
Robert Cheshire, Vice                   Street
President                               Charlotte, North
                                        Carolina 28288-1195
John E. Gray, Vice                      First Union National Bank
President                               201
                                        South College Street
                                        Charlotte, North Carolina 28288-
Dillon S. Harris, Jr., Vice             First Union National Bank
President                               201 South College Street
                                        Charlotte, North Carolina 28288-

Name                                    Address
- ----                                    -------
J. Kellie Allen, Vice                   First Union National Bank
President                               201 South College Street
                                        Charlotte, North Carolina 28288-
Ethel B. Sutton, Vice                   Evergreen Asset Management Corp.
President                               2500 Westchester Avenue
                                        Purchase, New York 10577


 Name                                   -------
- ----
David C. Francis                        First Union National Bank
                                        201 South College Street
                                         Charlotte, North
                                        Carolina 28288-1195
Donald A. McMullen                      First Union National Bank
                                         201 South College
                                         Charlotte, North
                                        Carolina 28288-1195
William M. Ennis                        First Union National Bank
                                        South College Street
                                        Charlotte, North Carolina 28288-
Barbara J. Colvin                       First Union National Bank
                                        201 South College Street
                                        Charlotte, North Carolina 28288-

 Name                                   -------
- ----
William D. Munn                         First Union National Bank
                                        201 South College Street
                                        Charlotte, North Carolina 28288-

                                                                   EXHIBIT A


         THIS AGREEMENT AND PLAN OF REORGANIZATION  (the "Agreement") is made as
of this 26th day of November,  1997, by and between the  Evergreen  Money Market
Trust, a Delaware  business  trust,  with its principal place of business at 200
Berkeley Street, Boston,  Massachusetts 02116 (the "Trust"), with respect to its
Evergreen  Treasury  Money Market Fund series (the  "Acquiring  Fund"),  and The
Virtus Funds,  a  Massachusetts  business  trust,  with its  principal  place of
business at  Federated  Investors  Tower,  Pittsburgh,  Pennsylvania  15222-3779
("Virtus Funds"), with respect to its The Treasury Money Market Fund series (the
"Selling Fund").

         This  Agreement  is  intended  to be,  and is  adopted  as,  a plan  of
reorganization and liquidation within the meaning of Section 368(a)(1)(C) of the
United  States  Internal  Revenue  Code of 1986,  as amended (the  "Code").  The
reorganization (the "Reorganization") will consist of (i) the transfer of all of
the assets of the Selling Fund in exchange solely for Class A and Class Y shares
of beneficial  interest,  $.001 par value per share,  of the Acquiring Fund (the
"Acquiring  Fund Shares");  (ii) the assumption by the Acquiring Fund of certain
identified  liabilities of the Selling Fund; and (iii) the  distribution,  after
the Closing Date  hereinafter  referred to, of the Acquiring  Fund Shares to the
shareholders  of the Selling Fund in liquidation of the Selling Fund as provided
herein,  all  upon  the  terms  and  conditions  hereinafter  set  forth in this

         WHEREAS,  the Selling Fund and the  Acquiring  Fund are each a separate
investment  series  of  an  open-end,   registered  investment  company  of  the
management  type and the Selling Fund owns  securities that generally are assets
of the character in which the Acquiring Fund is permitted to invest;

         WHEREAS, both Funds are authorized to issue their shares of
beneficial interest;

         WHEREAS, the Trustees of the Trust have determined that the exchange of
all of the  assets  of the  Selling  Fund  for  Acquiring  Fund  Shares  and the
assumption  of  certain  identified  liabilities  of  the  Selling  Fund  by the
Acquiring Fund on the terms and conditions hereinafter set forth are in the best
interests of the Acquiring Fund's shareholders;

         WHEREAS,  the Trustees of Virtus Funds have determined that the Selling
Fund should  exchange all of its assets and certain  identified  liabilities for
Acquiring Fund Shares and that the interests of the existing shareholders of the
Selling  Fund will not be diluted as a result of the  transactions  contemplated

         NOW,  THEREFORE,  in consideration of the premises and of the covenants
and agreements  hereinafter set forth,  the parties hereto covenant and agree as

                                    ARTICLE I


         1.1 THE EXCHANGE.  Subject to the terms and conditions herein set forth
and on the basis of the  representations  and warranties  contained herein,  the
Selling Fund agrees to transfer all of the Selling Fund's assets as set forth in
paragraph  1.2 to the  Acquiring  Fund.  The  Acquiring  Fund agrees in exchange
therefor (i) to deliver to the Selling Fund the number of Acquiring Fund Shares,
including fractional Acquiring Fund Shares, determined by multiplying the shares
outstanding  of each class of the Selling Fund by the ratio computed by dividing
the net asset value per share of each such class of the Selling  Fund by the net
asset  value per  share of the  corresponding  class of  Acquiring  Fund  Shares
computed in the manner and as of the time and date set forth in  paragraph  2.2;
and (ii) to assume  certain  identified  liabilities of the Selling Fund, as set
forth in  paragraph  1.3.  Such  transactions  shall take  place at the  closing
provided for in paragraph 3.1 (the "Closing Date").

         1.2  ASSETS  TO BE  ACQUIRED.  The  assets  of the  Selling  Fund to be
acquired by the Acquiring Fund shall consist of all property, including, without
limitation,  all cash,  securities,  commodities,  and  interests in futures and
dividends  or interest  receivables,  that is owned by the Selling  Fund and any
deferred or prepaid  expenses shown as an asset on the books of the Selling Fund
on the Closing Date.

         The Selling Fund has provided the  Acquiring  Fund with its most recent
audited  financial  statements,  which  contain a list of all of Selling  Fund's
assets as of the date thereof. The Selling Fund hereby represents that as of the
date of the  execution  of this  Agreement  there  have been no  changes  in its
financial  position as reflected in said financial  statements  other than those
occurring in the ordinary course of its business in

connection with the purchase and sale of securities and the
payment of its normal operating expenses.

         The Acquiring Fund will,  within a reasonable time prior to the Closing
Date,  furnish the Selling  Fund with a list of the  securities,  if any, on the
Selling Fund's list referred to in the second sentence of this paragraph that do
not  conform  to the  Acquiring  Fund's  investment  objectives,  policies,  and
restrictions. The Selling Fund will, within a reasonable period of time prior to
the  Closing  Date,  furnish  the  Acquiring  Fund with a list of its  portfolio
securities and other  investments.  In the event that the Selling Fund holds any
investments that the Acquiring Fund may not hold, the Selling Fund, if requested
by the  Acquiring  Fund,  will dispose of such  securities  prior to the Closing
Date. In addition,  if it is determined  that the Selling Fund and the Acquiring
Fund portfolios,  when aggregated,  would contain investments  exceeding certain
percentage  limitations  imposed  upon the  Acquiring  Fund with respect to such
investments, the Selling Fund if requested by the Acquiring Fund will dispose of
a sufficient  amount of such  investments as may be necessary to avoid violating
such limitations as of the Closing Date. Notwithstanding the foregoing,  nothing
herein will require the Selling Fund to dispose of any investments or securities
if, in the  reasonable  judgment of the Selling  Fund,  such  disposition  would
adversely affect the tax-free nature of the  Reorganization or would violate the
Selling Fund's fiduciary duty to its shareholders.

         1.3  LIABILITIES  TO BE  ASSUMED.  The  Selling  Fund will  endeavor to
discharge  all of its known  liabilities  and  obligations  prior to the Closing
Date. The Acquiring Fund shall assume only those liabilities,  expenses,  costs,
charges and reserves  reflected on a Statement of Assets and  Liabilities of the
Selling Fund prepared on behalf of the Selling  Fund,  as of the Valuation  Date
(as defined in paragraph 2.1), in accordance with generally accepted  accounting
principles  consistently  applied from the prior audited  period.  The Acquiring
Fund shall assume only those  liabilities  of the Selling Fund reflected in such
Statement of Assets and Liabilities and shall not assume any other  liabilities,
whether absolute or contingent,  known or unknown,  accrued or unaccrued, all of
which shall remain the obligation of the Selling Fund.

         In addition,  upon  completion of the  Reorganization,  for purposes of
calculating  the maximum  amount of sales charges  (including  asset based sales
charges)  permitted  to be imposed  by the  Acquiring  Fund  under the  National
Association  of Securities  Dealers,  Inc.  Conduct Rule 2830  ("Aggregate  NASD
Cap"),  the Acquiring Fund will add to its Aggregate NASD Cap immediately  prior
to the Reorganization the Aggregate NASD Cap of the Selling

Fund  immediately  prior  to the  Reorganization,  in each  case  calculated  in
accordance with such Rule 2830.

         1.4 LIQUIDATION AND DISTRIBUTION.  On or as soon after the Closing Date
as is conveniently  practicable (the "Liquidation  Date"),  (a) the Selling Fund
will liquidate and distribute  pro rata to the Selling  Fund's  shareholders  of
record,  determined  as of the  close of  business  on the  Valuation  Date (the
"Selling Fund Shareholders"),  the Acquiring Fund Shares received by the Selling
Fund pursuant to paragraph 1.1; and (b) the Selling Fund will thereupon  proceed
to  dissolve  as  set  forth  in  paragraph  1.8  below.  Such  liquidation  and
distribution  will be  accomplished by the transfer of the Acquiring Fund Shares
then  credited to the account of the Selling Fund on the books of the  Acquiring
Fund to open accounts on the share records of the Acquiring Fund in the names of
the Selling Fund Shareholders and representing the respective pro rata number of
the  Acquiring  Fund Shares due such  shareholders.  All issued and  outstanding
shares of the Selling Fund will  simultaneously  be canceled on the books of the
Selling Fund. The Acquiring Fund shall not issue  certificates  representing the
Acquiring Fund Shares in connection with such exchange.

         1.5  OWNERSHIP OF SHARES.  Ownership  of Acquiring  Fund Shares will be
shown  on the  books of the  Acquiring  Fund's  transfer  agent.  Shares  of the
Acquiring Fund will be issued in the manner described in the combined Prospectus
and  Proxy  Statement  on Form N-14 to be  distributed  to  shareholders  of the
Selling Fund as described in paragraph 5.7.

         1.6 TRANSFER  TAXES.  Any transfer  taxes  payable upon issuance of the
Acquiring Fund Shares in a name other than the registered  holder of the Selling
Fund  shares  on the  books of the  Selling  Fund as of that  time  shall,  as a
condition  of such  issuance  and  transfer,  be paid by the person to whom such
Acquiring Fund Shares are to be issued and transferred.

         1.7  REPORTING  RESPONSIBILITY.  Any  reporting  responsibility  of the
Selling  Fund is and shall remain the  responsibility  of the Selling Fund up to
and  including the Closing Date and such later date on which the Selling Fund is

         1.8  TERMINATION.   The  Selling  Fund  shall  be  terminated  promptly
following  the  Closing  Date and the making of all  distributions  pursuant  to
paragraph 1.4.

                                   ARTICLE II


         2.1 VALUATION OF ASSETS.  The value of the Selling  Fund's assets to be
acquired  by the  Acquiring  Fund  hereunder  shall be the value of such  assets
computed  as of the close of  business  on the New York  Stock  Exchange  on the
business  day next  preceding  the  Closing  Date  (such  time  and  date  being
hereinafter  called the "Valuation  Date"),  using the valuation  procedures set
forth in the Trust's  Declaration of Trust and the Acquiring Fund's then current
prospectuses  and statement of additional  information  or such other  valuation
procedures as shall be mutually agreed upon by the parties.

         2.2 VALUATION OF SHARES. The net asset value per share of the Acquiring
Fund Shares  shall be the net asset value per share  computed as of the close of
business  on the New York  Stock  Exchange  on the  Valuation  Date,  using  the
valuation  procedures  set  forth in the  Trust's  Declaration  of Trust and the
Acquiring   Fund's  then  current   prospectuses  and  statement  of  additional

         2.3 SHARES TO BE ISSUED.  The number of the  Acquiring  Fund  Shares of
each class to be issued  (including  fractional  shares, if any) in exchange for
the  Selling  Fund's  assets  shall be  determined  by  multiplying  the  shares
outstanding  of each class of the Selling Fund by the ratio computed by dividing
the net asset value per share of the Selling  Fund  attributable  to each of its
classes  by the net  asset  value  per share of the  respective  classes  of the
Acquiring  Fund  determined  in  accordance  with  paragraph  2.2.   Holders  of
Investment  shares and Trust shares of the Selling Fund will receive Class A and
Class Y shares, respectively, of the Acquiring Fund.

         2.4  DETERMINATION OF VALUE. All computations of value shall be made by
State Street Bank and Trust Company in accordance  with its regular  practice in
pricing the shares and assets of the Acquiring Fund.

                                   ARTICLE III

                            CLOSING AND CLOSING DATE

         3.1 CLOSING DATE.  The Closing (the  "Closing")  shall take place on or
about  February  27,  1998 or such  other  date as the  parties  may agree to in
writing (the  "Closing  Date").  All acts taking  place at the Closing  shall be
deemed to take place simultaneously immediately prior to the opening of business
on the Closing Date unless otherwise  provided.  The Closing shall be held as of
9:00 a.m. at the offices of the Evergreen Funds, 200 Berkeley Street, Boston, MA
02116, or at such other time and/or place as the parties may agree.

         3.2 CUSTODIAN'S CERTIFICATE. Signet Trust Company, as custodian for the
Selling Fund (the "Custodian"), shall deliver at the Closing a certificate of an
authorized  officer  stating that (a) the Selling Fund's  portfolio  securities,
cash,  and any other  assets  shall have been  delivered  in proper  form to the
Acquiring  Fund on the Closing Date; and (b) all necessary  taxes  including all
applicable  federal and state stock  transfer  stamps,  if any,  shall have been
paid, or provision for payment  shall have been made,  in  conjunction  with the
delivery of portfolio securities by the Selling Fund.

         3.3 EFFECT OF SUSPENSION IN TRADING. In the event that on the Valuation
Date (a) the New York Stock  Exchange  or  another  primary  trading  market for
portfolio  securities of the Acquiring  Fund or the Selling Fund shall be closed
to  trading  or  trading  thereon  shall be  restricted;  or (b)  trading or the
reporting of trading on said  Exchange or  elsewhere  shall be disrupted so that
accurate  appraisal of the value of the net assets of the Acquiring  Fund or the
Selling Fund is  impracticable,  the Valuation Date shall be postponed until the
first  business day after the day when trading shall have been fully resumed and
reporting shall have been restored.

         3.4  TRANSFER  AGENT'S  CERTIFICATE.   Evergreen  Service  Company,  as
transfer  agent for the Selling Fund as of the Closing Date shall deliver at the
Closing a certificate of an authorized  officer stating that its records contain
the names and  addresses  of the Selling  Fund  Shareholders  and the number and
percentage  ownership  of  outstanding  shares  owned by each  such  shareholder
immediately prior to the Closing.  The Acquiring Fund shall issue and deliver or
cause Evergreen  Service Company,  its transfer agent as of the Closing Date, to
issue and deliver a  confirmation  evidencing  the  Acquiring  Fund Shares to be
credited  on the  Closing  Date to the  Secretary  of  Virtus  Funds or  provide
evidence satisfactory to the Selling Fund that such Acquiring Fund Shares

have been credited to the Selling  Fund's  account on the books of the Acquiring
Fund. At the Closing,  each party shall deliver to the other such bills of sale,
checks, assignments, share certificates, if any, receipts and other documents as
such other party or its counsel may reasonably request.

                                   ARTICLE IV


         4.1      REPRESENTATIONS OF THE SELLING FUND.  The Selling Fund
represents and warrants to the Acquiring Fund as follows:

                  (a) The  Selling  Fund is a  separate  investment  series of a
Massachusetts  business  trust duly  organized,  validly  existing,  and in good
standing under the laws of The Commonwealth of Massachusetts.

                  (b) The  Selling  Fund is a  separate  investment  series of a
Massachusetts  business  trust  that  is  registered  as an  investment  company
classified as a management  company of the open-end type,  and its  registration
with the Securities and Exchange  Commission (the "Commission") as an investment
company under the  Investment  Company Act of 1940, as amended (the "1940 Act"),
is in full force and effect.

                  (c) The  current  prospectuses  and  statement  of  additional
information  of the  Selling  Fund  conform  in  all  material  respects  to the
applicable  requirements  of the  Securities  Act of 1933, as amended (the "1933
Act"),  and the  1940  Act and  the  rules  and  regulations  of the  Commission
thereunder and do not include any untrue statement of a material fact or omit to
state any material fact  required to be stated  therein or necessary to make the
statements  therein,  in light of the circumstances  under which they were made,
not misleading.

                  (d) The Selling Fund is not, and the execution,  delivery, and
performance of this Agreement (subject to shareholder approval) will not result,
in violation of any provision of Virtus Funds'  Declaration  of Trust or By-Laws
or of any material agreement, indenture,  instrument,  contract, lease, or other
undertaking to which the Selling Fund is a party or by which it is bound.

                  (e) The  Selling  Fund  has no  material  contracts  or  other
commitments  (other than this  Agreement) that will be terminated with liability
to it prior to the Closing Date except for liabilities, if any, to be discharged
or reflected on the Statement of Assets and Liabilities as provided in paragraph
1.3 hereof.

                  (f) Except as  otherwise  disclosed in writing to and accepted
by  the  Acquiring   Fund,  no   litigation,   administrative   proceeding,   or
investigation of or before any court or governmental  body is presently  pending
or to its knowledge threatened against the Selling Fund or any of its properties
or assets, which, if adversely determined, would materially and adversely affect
its  financial  condition,  the conduct of its  business,  or the ability of the
Selling Fund to carry out the transactions  contemplated by this Agreement.  The
Selling Fund knows of no facts that might form the basis for the  institution of
such  proceedings  and is not a party to or  subject  to the  provisions  of any
order, decree, or judgment of any court or governmental body that materially and
adversely  affects its business or its ability to  consummate  the  transactions
herein contemplated.

                  (g) The financial  statements of the Selling Fund at September
30,  1997  are in  accordance  with  generally  accepted  accounting  principles
consistently  applied,  and such statements (copies of which have been furnished
to the Acquiring  Fund) fairly  reflect the  financial  condition of the Selling
Fund as of such  date,  and there  are no known  contingent  liabilities  of the
Selling Fund as of such date not disclosed therein.

                  (h) Since  September  30, 1997 there has not been any material
adverse change in the Selling Fund's financial condition,  assets,  liabilities,
or business other than changes occurring in the ordinary course of business,  or
any incurrence by the Selling Fund of  indebtedness  maturing more than one year
from the date such indebtedness was incurred,  except as otherwise  disclosed to
and accepted by the Acquiring Fund. For the purposes of this subparagraph (h), a
decline  in the net asset  value of the  Selling  Fund  shall not  constitute  a
material adverse change.

                  (i) At the Closing Date, all federal and other tax returns and
reports of the  Selling  Fund  required  by law to have been filed by such dates
shall have been filed, and all federal and other taxes shown due on said returns
and  reports  shall have been paid,  or  provision  shall have been made for the
payment thereof. To the best of the Selling Fund's knowledge,  no such return is
currently under audit,  and no assessment has been asserted with respect to such

                  (j) For each fiscal year of its  operation,  the Selling  Fund
has met the  requirements  of  Subchapter  M of the Code for  qualification  and
treatment as a regulated  investment  company and has  distributed  in each such
year all net investment income and realized capital gains.

                  (k) All issued and outstanding shares of the Selling Fund are,
and at the Closing Date will be, duly and validly issued and outstanding,  fully
paid and  non-assessable  by the Selling Fund (except that, under  Massachusetts
law,  Selling  Fund  Shareholders  could  under  certain  circumstances  be held
personally  liable for  obligations of the Selling Fund).  All of the issued and
outstanding shares of the Selling Fund will, at the time of the Closing Date, be
held by the persons and in the amounts set forth in the records of the  transfer
agent as provided in paragraph  3.4. The Selling Fund does not have  outstanding
any options,  warrants,  or other rights to subscribe for or purchase any of the
Selling Fund shares, nor is there outstanding any security  convertible into any
of the Selling Fund shares.

                  (l) At the Closing  Date,  the Selling Fund will have good and
marketable title to the Selling Fund's assets to be transferred to the Acquiring
Fund  pursuant to paragraph  1.2 and full right,  power,  and authority to sell,
assign,  transfer,  and deliver such assets  hereunder,  and,  upon delivery and
payment for such assets,  the  Acquiring  Fund will acquire good and  marketable
title  thereto,  subject  to no  restrictions  on  the  full  transfer  thereof,
including  such  restrictions  as might arise under the 1933 Act,  other than as
disclosed to the Acquiring Fund and accepted by the Acquiring Fund.

                  (m) The execution, delivery, and performance of this Agreement
have been duly  authorized  by all  necessary  action on the part of the Selling
Fund and, subject to approval by the Selling Fund  Shareholders,  this Agreement
constitutes a valid and binding  obligation of the Selling Fund,  enforceable in
accordance with its terms, subject as to enforcement, to bankruptcy, insolvency,
reorganization,  moratorium,  and other laws relating to or affecting creditors'
rights and to general equity principles.

                  (n) The  information  to be  furnished by the Selling Fund for
use in no-action  letters,  applications  for orders,  registration  statements,
proxy  materials,  and other  documents that may be necessary in connection with
the  transactions  contemplated  hereby  shall be accurate  and  complete in all
material  respects  and  shall  comply in all  material  respects  with  federal
securities and other laws and regulations thereunder applicable thereto.

                  (o) The Proxy  Statement of the Selling Fund to be included in
the Registration  Statement (as defined in paragraph 5.7)(other than information
therein that relates to the Acquiring  Fund) will, on the effective  date of the
Registration Statement and on the Closing Date, not contain any untrue statement
of a  material  fact or omit to state a  material  fact  required  to be  stated
therein  or  necessary  to  make  the  statements   therein,  in  light  of  the
circumstances under which such statements were made, not misleading.

         4.2.1             REPRESENTATIONS OF THE ACQUIRING FUND. The
Acquiring Fund represents and warrants to the Selling Fund as

                  (a) The Acquiring  Fund is a separate  investment  series of a
Delaware  business trust duly organized,  validly  existing and in good standing
under the laws of the State of Delaware.

                  (b) The Acquiring  Fund is a separate  investment  series of a
Delaware business trust that is registered as an investment  company  classified
as a management  company of the open-end  type,  and its  registration  with the
Commission  as an  investment  company  under the 1940 Act is in full  force and

                  (c)  The  current   prospectus  and  statement  of  additional
information  of the  Acquiring  Fund  conform in all  material  respects  to the
applicable  requirements  of the 1933 Act and the  1940  Act and the  rules  and
regulations of the Commission thereunder and do not include any untrue statement
of a material  fact or omit to state any  material  fact  required  to be stated
therein  or  necessary  to  make  the  statements   therein,  in  light  of  the
circumstances under which they were made, not misleading.

                  (d) The Acquiring Fund is not, and the execution, delivery and
performance  of this  Agreement  will not result,  in  violation  of the Trust's
Declaration  of  Trust  or  By-Laws  or of any  material  agreement,  indenture,
instrument, contract, lease, or other undertaking to which the Acquiring Fund is
a party or by which it is bound.

                  (e) Except as  otherwise  disclosed  in writing to the Selling
Fund and accepted by the Selling Fund, no litigation,  administrative proceeding
or  investigation  of or before  any  court or  governmental  body is  presently
pending or to its knowledge  threatened against the Acquiring Fund or any of its
properties or assets,  which,  if adversely  determined,  would  materially  and
adversely affect its financial  condition and the conduct of its business or the
ability of the Acquiring Fund to

carry out the  transactions  contemplated by this Agreement.  The Acquiring Fund
knows  of no facts  that  might  form  the  basis  for the  institution  of such
proceedings  and is not a party to or  subject to the  provisions  of any order,
decree,  or  judgment  of any court or  governmental  body that  materially  and
adversely  affects its business or its ability to  consummate  the  transactions
contemplated herein.

                  (f) The financial  statements of the Acquiring  Fund at August
31,  1997  are in  accordance  with  generally  accepted  accounting  principles
consistently  applied,  and such statements (copies of which have been furnished
to the Selling  Fund) fairly  reflect the  financial  condition of the Acquiring
Fund as of such  date,  and there  are no known  contingent  liabilities  of the
Acquiring Fund as of such date not disclosed therein.

                  (g) Since  August 31,  1997,  there has not been any  material
adverse change in the Acquiring Fund's financial condition, assets, liabilities,
or business other than changes occurring in the ordinary course of business,  or
any incurrence by the Acquiring Fund of indebtedness maturing more than one year
from the date such indebtedness was incurred,  except as otherwise  disclosed to
and accepted by the Selling Fund. For the purposes of this  subparagraph  (g), a
decline in the net asset  value of the  Acquiring  Fund shall not  constitute  a
material adverse change.

                  (h) At the Closing Date, all federal and other tax returns and
reports of the  Acquiring  Fund  required  by law then to be filed by such dates
shall have been filed, and all federal and other taxes shown due on said returns
and  reports  shall  have been paid or  provision  shall  have been made for the
payment thereof.  To the best of the Acquiring Fund's knowledge,  no such return
is currently  under audit,  and no assessment  has been asserted with respect to
such returns.

                  (i) For each fiscal year of its operation,  the Acquiring Fund
has met the  requirements  of  Subchapter  M of the Code for  qualification  and
treatment as a regulated  investment  company and has  distributed  in each such
year all net investment income and realized capital gains.

                  (j) All issued and outstanding  Acquiring Fund Shares are, and
at the Closing Date will be, duly and validly issued and outstanding, fully paid
and  non-assessable.  The Acquiring Fund does not have  outstanding any options,
warrants,  or other  rights to  subscribe  for or purchase  any  Acquiring  Fund
Shares,  nor is there  outstanding any security  convertible  into any Acquiring
Fund Shares.

                  (k) The execution, delivery, and performance of this Agreement
have been duly  authorized by all necessary  action on the part of the Acquiring
Fund,  and this  Agreement  constitutes  a valid and binding  obligation  of the
Acquiring  Fund  enforceable  in  accordance  with  its  terms,  subject  as  to
enforcement, to bankruptcy,  insolvency,  reorganization,  moratorium, and other
laws  relating  to  or  affecting   creditors'  rights  and  to  general  equity

                  (l) The  Acquiring  Fund Shares to be issued and  delivered to
the Selling Fund, for the account of the Selling Fund Shareholders,  pursuant to
the terms of this Agreement will, at the Closing Date, have been duly authorized
and, when so issued and  delivered,  will be duly and validly  issued  Acquiring
Fund Shares, and will be fully paid and non-assessable.

                  (m) The  information to be furnished by the Acquiring Fund for
use in no-action  letters,  applications  for orders,  registration  statements,
proxy  materials,  and other  documents that may be necessary in connection with
the  transactions  contemplated  hereby  shall be accurate  and  complete in all
material  respects  and  shall  comply in all  material  respects  with  federal
securities and other laws and regulations applicable thereto.

                  (n)  The  Prospectus  and  Proxy   Statement  (as  defined  in
paragraph 5.7) to be included in the Registration  Statement (only insofar as it
relates to the Acquiring  Fund) will, on the effective date of the  Registration
Statement  and on the  Closing  Date,  not  contain  any untrue  statement  of a
material fact or omit to state a material fact required to be stated  therein or
necessary to make the statements  therein,  in light of the circumstances  under
which such statements were made, not misleading.

                  (o) The Acquiring Fund agrees to use all reasonable efforts to
obtain the approvals and authorizations  required by the 1933 Act, the 1940 Act,
and such of the state Blue Sky or securities laws as it may deem  appropriate in
order to continue its operations after the Closing Date.

         4.2.2  REPRESENTATIONS  OF PREDECESSOR  FUND. The  representations  and
warranties set forth in Section 4.2.1 shall be deemed to include,  to the extent
applicable,  representations  and warranties  made by and on behalf of Evergreen
Treasury  Money  Market Fund (the  "Predecessor  Fund"),  a series of  Evergreen
Investment  Trust, a Massachusetts  business  trust, as of the date hereof.  The
Acquiring  Fund  shall  deliver  to  the  Selling  Fund  a  certificate  of  the
Predecessor  Fund of even date making the  representations  set forth in Section
4.2.1 with respect to the

Predecessor Fund to the extent applicable to the Predecessor Fund as of the date

                                    ARTICLE V


         5.1 OPERATION IN ORDINARY  COURSE.  The Acquiring  Fund and the Selling
Fund each will  operate its  business in the  ordinary  course  between the date
hereof and the Closing Date, it being  understood  that such ordinary  course of
business will include customary dividends and distributions.

         5.2 APPROVAL OF  SHAREHOLDERS.  Virtus Funds will call a meeting of the
Selling Fund  Shareholders  to consider and act upon this  Agreement and to take
all other action necessary to obtain approval of the  transactions  contemplated

         5.3  INVESTMENT  REPRESENTATION.  The Selling Fund  covenants  that the
Acquiring  Fund Shares to be issued  hereunder  are not being  acquired  for the
purpose of making any  distribution  thereof other than in  accordance  with the
terms of this Agreement.

         5.4 ADDITIONAL INFORMATION.  The Selling Fund will assist the Acquiring
Fund in obtaining such  information as the Acquiring  Fund  reasonably  requests
concerning the beneficial ownership of the Selling Fund shares.

         5.5 FURTHER ACTION.  Subject to the provisions of this  Agreement,  the
Acquiring  Fund and the Selling Fund will each take,  or cause to be taken,  all
action, and do or cause to be done, all things reasonably  necessary,  proper or
advisable to consummate and make effective the transactions contemplated by this
Agreement, including any actions required to be taken after the Closing Date.

         5.6 STATEMENT OF EARNINGS AND PROFITS. As promptly as practicable,  but
in any case within  sixty days after the Closing  Date,  the Selling  Fund shall
furnish the Acquiring  Fund, in such form as is reasonably  satisfactory  to the
Acquiring  Fund, a statement of the earnings and profits of the Selling Fund for
federal income tax purposes that will be carried over by the Acquiring Fund as a
result of  Section  381 of the Code,  and which  will be  reviewed  by KPMG Peat
Marwick LLP and certified by Virtus Funds' President and Treasurer.

Selling Fund will provide the Acquiring Fund with information
reasonably necessary for the preparation of a prospectus, which

will  include  the  proxy  statement,  referred  to  in  paragraph  4.1(o)  (the
"Prospectus  and  Proxy  Statement"),  all  to  be  included  in a  Registration
Statement on Form N-14 of the Acquiring Fund (the "Registration Statement"),  in
compliance  with the 1933 Act, the  Securities  Exchange Act of 1934, as amended
(the "1934 Act"), and the 1940 Act in connection with the meeting of the Selling
Fund  Shareholders to consider  approval of this Agreement and the  transactions
contemplated herein.

         5.8 CAPITAL LOSS CARRYFORWARDS.  AS promptly as practicable, but in any
case  within  sixty days after the  Closing  Date,  the  Acquiring  Fund and the
Selling  Fund shall cause KPMG Peat  Marwick LLP to issue a letter  addressed to
the Acquiring Fund and the Selling Fund, in form and substance  satisfactory  to
the Funds, setting forth the federal income tax implications relating to capital
loss  carryforwards (if any) of the Selling Fund and the related impact, if any,
of the  proposed  transfer  of all of the  assets  of the  Selling  Fund  to the
Acquiring  Fund and the  ultimate  dissolution  of the  Selling  Fund,  upon the
shareholders of the Selling Fund.

                                   ARTICLE VI


         The  obligations  of the Selling Fund to  consummate  the  transactions
provided for herein shall be subject, at its election, to the performance by the
Acquiring  Fund of all the  obligations  to be  performed  by it hereunder on or
before the Closing  Date,  and,  in  addition  thereto,  the  following  further

         6.1 All  representations,  covenants,  and  warranties of the Acquiring
Fund contained in this Agreement shall be true and correct as of the date hereof
and as of the  Closing  Date with the same force and effect as if made on and as
of the Closing Date,  and the Acquiring Fund shall have delivered to the Selling
Fund a  certificate  executed  in its  name  by the  Trust's  President  or Vice
President  and its  Treasurer  or  Assistant  Treasurer,  in form and  substance
reasonably satisfactory to the Selling Fund and dated as of the Closing Date, to
such effect and as to such other  matters as the Selling  Fund shall  reasonably

         6.2 The Selling Fund shall have received on the Closing Date an opinion
from Sullivan & Worcester LLP,  counsel to the Acquiring  Fund,  dated as of the
Closing Date, in a form reasonably  satisfactory  to the Selling Fund,  covering
the following points:

                  (a) The Acquiring  Fund is a separate  investment  series of a
Delaware  business trust duly organized,  validly  existing and in good standing
under  the laws of the  State of  Delaware  and has the  power to own all of its
properties and assets and to carry on its business as presently conducted.

                  (b) The Acquiring  Fund is a separate  investment  series of a
Delaware business trust registered as an investment  company under the 1940 Act,
and, to such counsel's  knowledge,  such  registration with the Commission as an
investment company under the 1940 Act is in full force and effect.

                  (c) This  Agreement has been duly  authorized,  executed,  and
delivered by the Acquiring Fund and, assuming due  authorization,  execution and
delivery  of  this  Agreement  by the  Selling  Fund,  is a  valid  and  binding
obligation  of the Acquiring  Fund  enforceable  against the  Acquiring  Fund in
accordance with its terms, subject as to enforcement, to bankruptcy, insolvency,
reorganization,  moratorium,  and other laws relating to or affecting creditors'
rights generally and to general equity principles.

                  (d) Assuming that a  consideration  therefor not less than the
net asset value thereof has been paid,  the  Acquiring  Fund Shares to be issued
and delivered to the Selling Fund on behalf of the Selling Fund  Shareholders as
provided by this  Agreement are duly  authorized  and upon such delivery will be
legally  issued  and  outstanding  and  fully  paid and  non-assessable,  and no
shareholder of the Acquiring Fund has any preemptive rights in respect thereof.

                  (e) The Registration  Statement,  to such counsel's knowledge,
has been declared  effective by the  Commission and no stop order under the 1933
Act pertaining thereto has been issued, and to the knowledge of such counsel, no
consent, approval, authorization or order of any court or governmental authority
of the United  States or the State of Delaware is required for  consummation  by
the Acquiring Fund of the transactions  contemplated herein, except such as have
been  obtained  under the 1933 Act, the 1934 Act and the 1940 Act, and as may be
required under state securities laws.

                  (f) The execution and delivery of this  Agreement did not, and
the consummation of the transactions  contemplated  hereby will not, result in a
violation of the Trust's Declaration of Trust or By-Laws or any provision of any
material agreement, indenture,  instrument, contract, lease or other undertaking
(in each case known to such counsel) to which the  Acquiring  Fund is a party or
by which it or any of its  properties  may be bound or to the  knowledge of such
counsel, result in the acceleration of any

obligation or the imposition of any penalty,  under any agreement,  judgment, or
decree to which the Acquiring Fund is a party or by which it is bound.

                  (g) Only  insofar as they relate to the  Acquiring  Fund,  the
descriptions  in the  Prospectus  and Proxy  Statement  of  statutes,  legal and
governmental proceedings and material contracts, if any, are accurate and fairly
present the information required to be shown.

                  (h) Such  counsel  does not know of any legal or  governmental
proceedings,  only insofar as they relate to the Acquiring Fund,  existing on or
before the  effective  date of the  Registration  Statement  or the Closing Date
required  to be  described  in the  Registration  Statement  or to be  filed  as
exhibits  to the  Registration  Statement  which are not  described  or filed as

                  (i) To  the  knowledge  of  such  counsel,  no  litigation  or
administrative   proceeding  or   investigation   of  or  before  any  court  or
governmental body is presently pending or threatened as to the Acquiring Fund or
any of its  properties  or assets  and the  Acquiring  Fund is not a party to or
subject to the  provisions  of any  order,  decree or  judgment  of any court or
governmental  body, which materially and adversely  affects its business,  other
than as previously disclosed in the Registration Statement.

         Such  counsel  shall  also  state  that  they  have   participated   in
conferences  with officers and other  representatives  of the Acquiring  Fund at
which the contents of the  Prospectus  and Proxy  Statement and related  matters
were  discussed  and,  although  they are not passing upon and do not assume any
responsibility  for the  accuracy,  completeness  or fairness of the  statements
contained in the Prospectus and Proxy Statement  (except to the extent indicated
in paragraph (g) of their above opinion), on the basis of the foregoing (relying
as to  materiality  to a large extent upon the opinions of the Trust's  officers
and other  representatives  of the Acquiring  Fund), no facts have come to their
attention that lead them to believe that the  Prospectus and Proxy  Statement as
of its date, as of the date of the Selling Fund Shareholders' meeting, and as of
the Closing Date, contained an untrue statement of a material fact or omitted to
state a material fact required to be stated therein regarding the Acquiring Fund
or necessary,  in the light of the circumstances  under which they were made, to
make the statements  therein  regarding the Acquiring Fund not misleading.  Such
opinion may state that such counsel does not express any opinion or belief as to
the  financial  statements or any  financial or  statistical  data, or as to the
information  relating to the Selling Fund, contained in the Prospectus and Proxy
Statement or the Registration

Statement,  and that such  opinion is solely for the benefit of Virtus Funds and
the  Selling  Fund.  Such  opinion  shall  contain  such other  assumptions  and
limitations  as shall be in the opinion of Sullivan & Worcester LLP  appropriate
to render the opinions expressed therein.

         In this paragraph 6.2, references to the Prospectus and Proxy Statement
include and relate to only the text of such  Prospectus and Proxy  Statement and
not to any exhibits or attachments  thereto or to any documents  incorporated by
reference therein.

         6.3 The merger  between  First  Union  Corporation  and Signet  Banking
Corporation shall be completed prior to the Closing Date.

         6.4  The  acquisition  of the  assets  of the  Predecessor  Fund by the
Acquiring Fund shall have been completed prior to the Closing Date.

                                   ARTICLE VII


         The  obligations  of the  Acquiring  Fund to complete the  transactions
provided for herein shall be subject, at its election, to the performance by the
Selling Fund of all the obligations to be performed by it hereunder on or before
the Closing Date and, in addition thereto, the following conditions:

         7.1 All representations,  covenants, and warranties of the Selling Fund
contained in this Agreement  shall be true and correct as of the date hereof and
as of the  Closing  Date with the same  force and effect as if made on and as of
the Closing  Date,  and the Selling Fund shall have  delivered to the  Acquiring
Fund on the Closing  Date a  certificate  executed in its name by Virtus  Funds'
President or Vice  President and the Treasurer or Assistant  Treasurer,  in form
and substance  satisfactory  to the  Acquiring  Fund and dated as of the Closing
Date, to such effect and as to such other  matters as the  Acquiring  Fund shall
reasonably request.

         7.2 The  Selling  Fund shall have  delivered  to the  Acquiring  Fund a
statement of the Selling Fund's assets and liabilities,  together with a list of
the Selling Fund's portfolio securities showing the tax costs of such securities
by lot and the  holding  periods of such  securities,  as of the  Closing  Date,
certified by the Treasurer of Virtus Funds.

         7.3.1 The  Acquiring  Fund shall have  received on the Closing  Date an
opinion of Dickstein Shapiro Morin & Oshinsky LLP,

counsel to the  Selling  Fund,  in a form  satisfactory  to the  Acquiring  Fund
covering the following points:

                  (a) The  Selling  Fund is a  separate  investment  series of a
Massachusetts  business  trust  duly  organized,  validly  existing  and in good
standing under the laws of The Commonwealth of  Massachusetts  and has the power
to own  all of its  properties  and  assets  and to  carry  on its  business  as
presently conducted.

                  (b) The  Selling  Fund is a  separate  investment  series of a
Massachusetts  business trust registered as an investment company under the 1940
Act, and, to such counsel's knowledge,  such registration with the Commission as
an investment company under the 1940 Act is in full force and effect.

                  (c) This  Agreement  has been duly  authorized,  executed  and
delivered by the Selling Fund, and, assuming due authorization,  execution,  and
delivery  of this  Agreement  by the  Acquiring  Fund,  is a valid  and  binding
obligation  of  the  Selling  Fund  enforceable  against  the  Selling  Fund  in
accordance with its terms, subject as to enforcement, to bankruptcy, insolvency,
reorganization,  moratorium  and other laws relating to or affecting  creditors'
rights generally and to general equity principles.

                  (d) To the  knowledge of such counsel,  no consent,  approval,
authorization  or order of any court or  governmental  authority  of the  United
States or The  Commonwealth of Massachusetts is required for consummation by the
Selling Fund of the transactions  contemplated herein,  except such as have been
obtained  under  the 1933  Act,  the 1934  Act and the 1940  Act,  and as may be
required under state securities laws.

                  (e) The execution and delivery of this  Agreement did not, and
the consummation of the transactions  contemplated  hereby will not, result in a
violation of Virtus Funds' Declaration of Trust or By-laws,  or any provision of
any  material  agreement,  indenture,   instrument,  contract,  lease  or  other
undertaking  (in each case known to such counsel) to which the Selling Fund is a
party or by which it or any of its  properties may be bound or, to the knowledge
of such counsel,  result in the acceleration of any obligation or the imposition
of any penalty,  under any agreement,  judgment,  or decree to which the Selling
Fund is a party or by which it is bound.

                  (f) The  descriptions in the Prospectus and Proxy Statement of
this Agreement, as set forth under the caption "Reasons for the Reorganization -
Agreement and Plan of  Reorganization,"  the Interim Advisory  Agreement and the
Previous Advisory Agreement, as set forth under the caption "Information

Regarding  the  Interim  Advisory  Agreement,"  and the  description  of  voting
requirements  applicable to approval of the Interim Advisory  Agreement,  as set
forth under the caption "Voting Information  Concerning the Meeting," insofar as
the latter  constitutes a summary of applicable  voting  requirements  under the
Investment  Company Act of 1940,  as amended,  are, in each case,  accurate  and
fairly  present  the  information   required  to  be  shown  by  the  applicable
requirements of Form N-14.

                  (g) Such  counsel  does not know of any legal or  governmental
proceedings,  insofar as they relate to the Selling  Fund  existing on or before
the date of mailing of the Prospectus and Proxy  Statement and the Closing Date,
required to be described in the Prospectus and Proxy Statement or to be filed as
an exhibit to the  Registration  Statement  which are not  described or filed as

                  (h) To  the  knowledge  of  such  counsel,  no  litigation  or
administrative   proceeding  or   investigation   of  or  before  any  court  or
governmental  body is presently  pending or threatened as to the Selling Fund or
any of its  respective  properties  or assets and the Selling  Fund is neither a
party to nor subject to the  provisions of any order,  decree or judgment of any
court or governmental  body, which materially and adversely affects its business
other than as previously disclosed in the Prospectus and Proxy Statement.

                  7.3.2 The  Acquiring  Fund shall have  received on the Closing
Date an opinion of C. Grant Anderson, Esq., Assistant Secretary of Virtus Funds,
in  form  satisfactory  to  the  Acquiring  Fund  as  follows:  Assuming  that a
consideration  therefor  of not less than the net asset  value  thereof has been
paid, and assuming that such shares were issued in accordance  with the terms of
the Selling Fund's registration  statement,  or any amendment thereto, in effect
at the time of such issuance,  all issued and outstanding  shares of the Selling
Fund are legally issued and fully paid and  non-assessable  (except that,  under
Massachusetts law, Selling Fund Shareholders  could under certain  circumstances
be held personally liable for obligations of the Selling Fund).

         Mr. Anderson shall also state that he has reviewed and is familiar with
the  contents of the  Prospectus  and Proxy  Statement  and,  although he is not
passing  upon  and  does  not  assume  any   responsibility  for  the  accuracy,
completeness or fairness of the statements contained in the Prospectus and Proxy
Statement,  on the basis of the  foregoing,  no facts have come to his attention
that lead him to believe that the Prospectus and Proxy Statement as of its date,
as of the date of the Selling Fund Shareholders'  meeting, and as of the Closing
Date,  contained an untrue  statement  of a material  fact or omitted to state a
material fact

required to be stated  therein  regarding the Selling Fund or necessary,  in the
light of the  circumstances  under which they were made, to make the  statements
therein  regarding the Selling Fund not misleading.  Such opinion may state that
he does not express any opinion or belief as to the financial  statements or any
financial  or  statistical  data,  or as to  the  information  relating  to  the
Acquiring Fund,  contained in the Prospectus and Proxy Statement or Registration

         The  opinions  set forth in  paragraphs  7.3.1 and 7.3.2 may state that
such  opinions are solely for the benefit of the Acquiring  Fund.  Such opinions
shall contain such other  assumptions and limitations as shall be in the opinion
of Dickstein Shapiro Morin & Oshinsky LLP and C. Grant Anderson,  as applicable,
appropriate to render the opinions expressed therein,  and shall indicate,  with
respect to matters of  Massachusetts  law,  that as  Dickstein  Shapiro  Morin &
Oshinsky LLP and C. Grant Anderson are not admitted to the bar of Massachusetts,
such opinions are based either upon the review of published statutes,  cases and
rules and regulations of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts or upon an opinion of
Massachusetts counsel.

         In this paragraph 7.3, references to the Prospectus and Proxy Statement
include and relate to only the text of such  Prospectus and Proxy  Statement and
not to any exhibits or attachments  thereto or to any documents  incorporated by
reference therein.

         7.4 The merger  between  First  Union  Corporation  and Signet  Banking
corporation shall be completed prior to the Closing Date.

                                  ARTICLE VIII

                            FUND AND THE SELLING FUND

         If any of the  conditions set forth below do not exist on or before the
Closing Date with respect to the Selling Fund or the Acquiring  Fund,  the other
party to this Agreement shall, at its option,  not be required to consummate the
transactions contemplated by this Agreement:

         8.1 This Agreement and the transactions  contemplated herein shall have
been approved by the requisite vote of the holders of the outstanding  shares of
the Selling Fund in accordance with the provisions of Virtus Funds'  Declaration
of Trust and By-Laws and certified  copies of the  resolutions  evidencing  such
approval  shall  have been  delivered  to the  Acquiring  Fund.  Notwithstanding
anything herein to the contrary, neither the Acquiring Fund nor the Selling Fund
may waive the conditions set forth in this paragraph 8.1.

         8.2 On the  Closing  Date,  the  Commission  shall  not have  issued an
unfavorable  report  under  Section  25(b) of the 1940 Act, nor  instituted  any
proceeding  seeking to enjoin the consummation of the transactions  contemplated
by this  Agreement  under Section  25(c) of the 1940 Act and no action,  suit or
other proceeding

shall be threatened or pending before any court or governmental  agency in which
it is sought to  restrain  or  prohibit,  or obtain  damages or other  relief in
connection with, this Agreement or the transactions contemplated herein.

         8.3 All  required  consents of other  parties  and all other  consents,
orders,  and  permits  of  federal,   state  and  local  regulatory  authorities
(including those of the Commission and of state Blue Sky securities authorities,
including any necessary  "no-action" positions of and exemptive orders from such
federal  and state  authorities)  to  permit  consummation  of the  transactions
contemplated hereby shall have been obtained, except where failure to obtain any
such consent,  order,  or permit would not involve a risk of a material  adverse
effect on the assets or properties  of the  Acquiring  Fund or the Selling Fund,
provided that either party hereto may for itself waive any of such conditions.

         8.4 The  Registration  Statement shall have become  effective under the
1933 Act, and no stop orders  suspending  the  effectiveness  thereof shall have
been issued and, to the best knowledge of the parties hereto,  no  investigation
or  proceeding  for that  purpose  shall  have been  instituted  or be  pending,
threatened or contemplated under the 1933 Act.

         8.5 The Selling Fund shall have declared a dividend or dividends which,
together with all previous such dividends, shall have the effect of distributing
to the  Selling  Fund  Shareholders  all of the  Selling  Fund's net  investment
company taxable income for all taxable periods ending on or prior to the Closing
Date (computed  without  regard to any deduction for dividends  paid) and all of
its net capital gains realized in all taxable  periods ending on or prior to the
Closing Date (after reduction for any capital loss carryforward).

         8.6 The parties shall have  received a favorable  opinion of Sullivan &
Worcester   LLP,   addressed  to  the  Acquiring   Fund  and  the  Selling  Fund
substantially to the effect that for federal income tax purposes:

                  (a) The transfer of all of the Selling Fund assets in exchange
for the  Acquiring  Fund  Shares and the  assumption  by the  Acquiring  Fund of
certain stated  liabilities of the Selling Fund followed by the  distribution of
the Acquiring Fund Shares to the Selling Fund in dissolution  and liquidation of
the  Selling  Fund will  constitute  a  "reorganization"  within the  meaning of
Section  368(a)(1)(C)  of the Code and the  Acquiring  Fund and the Selling Fund
will each be a "party to a reorganization"  within the meaning of Section 368(b)
of the Code.

                  (b) No gain or loss will be recognized  by the Acquiring  Fund
upon the  receipt of the assets of the Selling  Fund solely in exchange  for the
Acquiring Fund Shares and the assumption by the Acquiring Fund of certain stated
liabilities of the Selling Fund.

                  (c) No gain or loss will be  recognized  by the  Selling  Fund
upon the transfer of the Selling Fund assets to the  Acquiring  Fund in exchange
for the  Acquiring  Fund  Shares and the  assumption  by the  Acquiring  Fund of
certain stated liabilities of the Selling Fund or upon the distribution (whether
actual  or   constructive)   of  the  Acquiring  Fund  Shares  to  Selling  Fund
Shareholders in exchange for their shares of the Selling Fund.

                  (d) No gain or loss will be  recognized  by the  Selling  Fund
Shareholders  upon the exchange of their  Selling Fund shares for the  Acquiring
Fund Shares in liquidation of the Selling Fund.

                  (e) The  aggregate  tax basis for the  Acquiring  Fund  Shares
received by each Selling Fund Shareholder pursuant to the Reorganization will be
the same as the  aggregate  tax basis of the  Selling  Fund  shares held by such
shareholder  immediately prior to the Reorganization,  and the holding period of
the Acquiring Fund Shares to be received by each Selling Fund  Shareholder  will
include the period during which the Selling Fund shares exchanged  therefor were
held by such shareholder  (provided the Selling Fund shares were held as capital
assets on the date of the Reorganization).

                  (f) The tax basis of the Selling  Fund assets  acquired by the
Acquiring  Fund will be the same as the tax basis of such  assets to the Selling
Fund  immediately  prior to the  Reorganization,  and the holding  period of the
assets of the Selling Fund in the hands of the  Acquiring  Fund will include the
period during which those assets were held by the Selling Fund.

         Notwithstanding anything herein to the contrary,  neither the Acquiring
Fund nor the Selling Fund may waive the  conditions  set forth in this paragraph

         8.7 The Acquiring Fund shall have received from KPMG Peat Marwick LLP a
letter  addressed to the Acquiring  Fund, in form and substance  satisfactory to
the Acquiring Fund, to the effect that:

                  (a) they are independent  certified  public  accountants  with
respect  to the  Selling  Fund  within  the  meaning  of the  1933  Act  and the
applicable published rules and regulations thereunder;

                  (b) on the  basis of  limited  procedures  agreed  upon by the
Acquiring  Fund  and  described  in  such  letter  (but  not an  examination  in
accordance with generally accepted auditing standards), the Capitalization Table
appearing in the  Registration  Statement and Prospectus and Proxy Statement has
been obtained from and is consistent with the accounting  records of the Selling

                  (c) on the  basis of  limited  procedures  agreed  upon by the
Acquiring  Fund  and  described  in  such  letter  (but  not an  examination  in
accordance with generally accepted auditing standards), the data utilized in the
calculations  of the  projected  expense  ratios  appearing in the  Registration
Statement and Prospectus and Proxy Statement  agree with  underlying  accounting
records  of the  Selling  Fund or  with  written  estimates  by  Selling  Fund's
management and were found to be mathematically correct.

         In addition,  the  Acquiring  Fund shall have  received  from KPMG Peat
Marwick LLP a letter  addressed to the Acquiring Fund dated on the Closing Date,
in form and substance satisfactory to the Acquiring Fund, to the effect, that on
the basis of limited  procedures  agreed upon by the Acquiring  Fund (but not an
examination  in accordance  with generally  accepted  auditing  standards),  the
calculation of net asset value per share of the Selling Fund as of the Valuation
Date was determined in accordance with generally accepted  accounting  practices
and the portfolio valuation practices of the Acquiring Fund.

         8.8 The Selling Fund shall have  received  from KPMG Peat Marwick LLP a
letter addressed to the Selling Fund, in form and substance  satisfactory to the
Selling Fund, to the effect that:

                  (a) they are independent  certified  public  accountants  with
respect  to the  Acquiring  Fund  within  the  meaning  of the  1933 Act and the
applicable published rules and regulations thereunder;

                  (b) on the  basis of  limited  procedures  agreed  upon by the
Selling Fund and described in such letter (but not an  examination in accordance
with generally accepted auditing standards),  the Capitalization Table appearing
in the  Registration  Statement  and  Prospectus  and Proxy  Statement  has been
obtained from and is  consistent  with the  accounting  records of the Acquiring
Fund; and

                  (c) on the  basis of  limited  procedures  agreed  upon by the
Selling Fund (but not an  examination  in  accordance  with  generally  accepted
auditing  standards),  the data  utilized in the  calculations  of the projected
expense ratio appearing in the

Registration  Statement and  Prospectus and Proxy  Statement  agree with written
estimates by each Fund's management and were found to be mathematically correct.

                                   ARTICLE IX


         9.1 Except as  otherwise  provided  for  herein,  all  expenses  of the
transactions contemplated by this Agreement incurred by the Selling Fund and the
Acquiring  Fund  will be borne by  First  Union  National  Bank.  Such  expenses
include,  without  limitation,  (a)  expenses  incurred in  connection  with the
entering  into and the carrying out of the  provisions  of this  Agreement;  (b)
expenses  associated  with  the  preparation  and  filing  of  the  Registration
Statement  under the 1933 Act  covering the  Acquiring  Fund Shares to be issued
pursuant to the provisions of this Agreement;  (c) registration or qualification
fees and  expenses of  preparing  and filing such forms as are  necessary  under
applicable  state  securities  laws to qualify the  Acquiring  Fund Shares to be
issued  in  connection  herewith  in  each  state  in  which  the  Selling  Fund
Shareholders  are resident as of the date of the mailing of the  Prospectus  and
Proxy Statement to such shareholders;  (d) postage; (e) printing; (f) accounting
fees;  (g)  legal  fees;  and  (h)   solicitation   costs  of  the  transaction.
Notwithstanding the foregoing,  the Acquiring Fund shall pay its own federal and
state registration fees.

                                    ARTICLE X


         10.1 The  Acquiring  Fund and the Selling Fund agree that neither party
has made any representation,  warranty or covenant not set forth herein and that
this Agreement constitutes the entire agreement between the parties.

         10.2 The representations,  warranties,  and covenants contained in this
Agreement or in any document delivered pursuant hereto or in connection herewith
shall not survive the consummation of the transactions contemplated hereunder.

                                   ARTICLE XI


         11.1 This  Agreement may be  terminated by the mutual  agreement of the
Acquiring  Fund and the Selling Fund. In addition,  either the Acquiring Fund or
the Selling Fund may at its option  terminate  this Agreement at or prior to the
Closing Date because:

                  (a) of a breach by the other of any representation,  warranty,
or agreement  contained  herein to be performed at or prior to the Closing Date,
if not cured within 30 days; or

                  (b) a  condition  herein  expressed  to be  precedent  to  the
obligations of the terminating party has not been met and it reasonably  appears
that it will not or cannot be met.

         11.2 In the event of any such  termination,  in the  absence of willful
default,  there  shall be no  liability  for  damages  on the part of either the
Acquiring  Fund,  the Selling  Fund,  the Trust,  Virtus Funds,  the  respective
Trustees or officers, to the other party or its Trustees or officers.

                                   ARTICLE XII


         12.1 This Agreement may be amended,  modified,  or supplemented in such
manner as may be mutually  agreed upon in writing by the authorized  officers of
the Selling Fund and the Acquiring Fund; provided,  however,  that following the
meeting of the Selling Fund Shareholders  called by the Selling Fund pursuant to
paragraph  5.2 of this  Agreement,  no such  amendment  may have the  effect  of
changing the provisions for  determining the number of the Acquiring Fund Shares
to be issued to the  Selling  Fund  Shareholders  under  this  Agreement  to the
detriment of such shareholders without their further approval.

                                  ARTICLE XIII

                             LIMITATION OF LIABILITY

         13.1 The Article and paragraph headings contained in this Agreement are
for  reference  purposes  only and shall not  affect in any way the  meaning  or
interpretation of this Agreement.

         13.2 This Agreement may be executed in any number of counterparts, each
of which shall be deemed an original.

         13.3 This  Agreement  shall be governed by and  construed in accordance
with the laws of the State of Delaware,  without  giving effect to the conflicts
of laws  provisions  thereof;  provided,  however,  that the due  authorization,
execution and delivery of this Agreement, in the case of the Selling Fund, shall
be governed and construed in  accordance  with the laws of The  Commonwealth  of
Massachusetts,  without  giving  effect  to the  conflicts  of  laws  provisions

         13.4 This Agreement  shall bind and inure to the benefit of the parties
hereto and their respective  successors and assigns,  but, except as provided in
this paragraph, no assignment or transfer hereof or of any rights or obligations
hereunder  shall be made by any party  without the written  consent of the other
party.  Nothing herein expressed or implied is intended or shall be construed to
confer upon or give any person,  firm,  or  corporation,  other than the parties
hereto and their respective successors and assigns, any rights or remedies under
or by reason of this Agreement.

         13.5 It is expressly  agreed that the  obligations  of the Selling Fund
and the Acquiring Fund hereunder  shall not be binding upon any of the Trustees,
shareholders,  nominees,  officers,  agents, or employees of Virtus Funds or the
Trust personally, but shall bind only the trust property of the Selling Fund and
the Acquiring Fund, as provided in the Declarations of Trust of Virtus Funds and
the Trust.  The execution and delivery of this Agreement have been authorized by
the  Trustees  of Virtus  Funds on behalf of the  Selling  Fund and the Trust on
behalf of the Acquiring  Fund and signed by authorized  officers of Virtus Funds
and the Trust,  acting as such, and neither such  authorization by such Trustees
nor such  execution and delivery by such  officers  shall be deemed to have been
made by any of them  individually  or to  impose  any  liability  on any of them
personally,  but shall bind only the trust  property of the Selling Fund and the
Acquiring Fund as provided in the  Declarations of Trust of Virtus Funds and the

         IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have duly executed this Agreement,  all
as of the date first written above.

                                                 EVERGREEN MONEY MARKET TRUST
                                                 ON BEHALF OF EVERGREEN
                                                 TREASURY MONEY MARKET FUND



                                                 THE VIRTUS FUNDS
                                                 ON BEHALF OF THE TREASURY
                                                 MONEY MARKET FUND



                                                                EXHIBIT B

                                THE VIRTUS FUNDS


         This  Agreement  is made between  Virtus  Capital  Management,  Inc., a
Maryland  corporation  having  its  principal  place of  business  in  Richmond,
Virginia (the "Adviser"),  and The Virtus Funds, a Massachusetts  business trust
having  its  principal  place  of  business  in  Pittsburgh,  Pennsylvania  (the

         WHEREAS, the Trust is an open-end management investment company as that
         term is defined in the  Investment  Company Act of 1940 (the "Act") and
         is registered as such with the Securities and Exchange Commission; and

         WHEREAS, the Adviser is engaged in the business of rendering investment
         advisory and management services.

         NOW,  THEREFORE,  the parties  hereto,  intending to be legally  bound,
         agree as follows:

         1. The Trust hereby appoints Adviser as Investment  Adviser for each of
the  portfolios  ("Funds")  of the  Trust,  which may be  offered in one or more
classes of shares ("Classes"),  on whose behalf the Trust executes an exhibit to
this Agreement,  and Adviser, by its execution of each such exhibit, accepts the
appointments.  Subject to the  direction of the  Trustees of the Trust,  Adviser
shall provide investment  research and supervision of the investments of each of
the Funds and  conduct a  continuous  program of  investment  evaluation  and of
appropriate sale or other disposition and reinvestment of each Fund's assets.

         2. Adviser, in its supervision of the investments of each of the Funds,
will be guided by each of the Fund's  fundamental  investment  policies  and the
provisions and restrictions contained in the Declaration of Trust and By-Laws of
the Trust and as set forth in the Registration  Statement and exhibits as may be
on file with the Securities and Exchange Commission.

         3. The  Trust  shall  pay or cause to be paid on behalf of each Fund or
Class,  all of the  Fund's or  Classes'  expenses  and the  Fund's  or  Classes'
allocable share of Trust expenses.

         4. The Trust,  on behalf of each of the Funds  shall pay to Adviser for
all services  rendered to such Fund by Adviser  hereunder  the fees set forth in
the exhibits attached hereto.

         5. The Adviser  may from time to time and for such  periods as it deems
appropriate  reduce  its  compensation  to the extent  that any Fund's  expenses
exceed such lower expense limitation as the Adviser may, by notice to the Trust,
voluntarily declare to be effective.  Furthermore,  the Adviser may, if it deems
appropriate, assume expenses of one or more Fund or Class to the extent that any
Fund's or Classes' expenses exceed such lower expense  limitation as the Adviser
may, by notice to the Trust, voluntarily declare to be effective.

         6. This Agreement  shall begin for each Fund on the date that the Trust
executes an exhibit to this Contract relating to such Fund. This Agreement shall
remain in effect for each Fund until the earlier of the Closing  Date defined in
the  Agreement  and Plan of  Reorganization  to be dated as of November 26, 1997
with  respect to each Fund or for two years from the date of its  execution  and
from year to year thereafter,  subject to the provisions for termination and all
of the other  terms and  conditions  hereof if: (a) such  continuation  shall be
specifically  approved  at  least  annually  by the  vote of a  majority  of the
Trustees of the Trust,  including a majority of the Trustees who are not parties
to this  Agreement  or  interested  persons  of any such  party  (other  than as
Trustees of the Trust) cast in person at a meeting called for that purpose;  and
(b)  Adviser  shall not have  notified  the Trust in writing at least sixty (60)
days prior to the anniversary date of this Agreement in any year thereafter that
it does not desire such continuation with respect to that Fund.

         7.  Notwithstanding  any  provision  in  this  Agreement,   it  may  be
terminated  at any time with  respect to any Fund,  without  the  payment of any
penalty,  by  the  Trustees  of the  Trust  or by a vote  of a  majority  of the
outstanding  voting  securities of that Fund, as defined in Section  2(a)(42) of
the Act on sixty (60) days' written notice to Adviser.

         8.  This   Agreement   may  not  be   assigned  by  Adviser  and  shall
automatically  terminate in the event of any  assignment.  Adviser may employ or
contract with such other person, persons, corporation or corporations at its own
cost and expense as it shall  determine  in order to assist it in  carrying  out
this Agreement.

         9. In the absence of willful  misfeasance,  bad faith, gross negligence
or reckless  disregard of obligations or duties under this Agreement on the part
of Adviser,  Adviser  shall not be liable to the Trust or to any of the Funds or
to any  shareholder for any act or omission in the course of or connected in any
way with  rendering  services  or for any losses  that may be  sustained  in the
purchase, holding or sale of any security.

         10.  This  Agreement  may be  amended at any time by  agreement  of the
parties provided that the amendment shall be approved both by vote of a majority
of the  Trustees of the Trust,  including a majority of the Trustees who are not
parties  to this  Agreement  or  interested  persons  of any such  party to this
Agreement  (other than as  Trustees  of the Trust),  cast in person at a meeting
called  for  that  purpose,  and  on  behalf  of a  Fund  by a  majority  of the
outstanding voting securities of such Fund as defined in Section 2(a)(42) of the

         11.  Adviser is hereby  expressly  put on notice of the  limitation  of
liability as set forth in Article XI of the Declaration of Trust and agrees that
the obligations pursuant to this Agreement of a particular Fund and of the Trust
with  respect to that  particular  Fund be limited  solely to the assets of that
particular Fund, and Adviser shall not seek  satisfaction of any such obligation
from the assets of any other Fund, the  shareholders  of any Fund, the Trustees,
officers, employees or agents of the Trust, or any of them.

         12. This Agreement  shall be construed in accordance  with and governed
by the laws of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania.

         13. This Agreement will become binding on the parties hereto upon their
execution of the attached exhibits to this Agreement.

                                    EXHIBIT A

                       THE U.S. GOVERNMENT SECURITIES FUND
                        THE VIRGINIA MUNICIPAL BOND FUND
                        THE MARYLAND MUNICIPAL BOND FUND
                         THE TREASURY MONEY MARKET FUND
                              THE MONEY MARKET FUND
                         THE TAX-FREE MONEY MARKET FUND
                             THE STYLE MANAGER FUND
                        THE STYLE MANAGER: LARGE CAP FUND

Name of Fund                                        Percentage of Net Assets
- ------------                                        ------------------------
The Treasury Money Market Fund                                  .50 of 1%
The Money Market Fund                                           .50 of 1%
The Tax-Free Money Market Fund                                  .50 of 1%
The U.S. Government Securities Fund                             .75 of 1%
The Virginia Municipal Bond Fund                                .75 of 1%
The Maryland Municipal Bond Fund                                .75 of 1%
The Style Manager: Large Cap Fund                               .75 of 1%
The Style Manager Fund                                         1.25 of 1%

         For all services rendered by Adviser hereunder,  the Trust shall pay to
Adviser  and  Adviser  agrees to accept as full  compensation  for all  services
rendered  hereunder,  an annual  investment  advisory fee equal to the following
percentage (the "applicable percentage") of the average daily net assets of each

         The fee shall be accrued daily at the rate of 1/365th of the applicable
percentage applied to the daily net assets of the Fund.

         The advisory fee so accrued shall be paid to Adviser daily.

         Witness the due execution hereof this 28th day of November, 1997.

Attest:                                  VIRTUS CAPITAL MANAGEMENT, INC.

Assistant Secretary                          President

Attest:                                  THE VIRTUS FUNDS

Assistant Secretary                          Vice President
C. Grant Anderson

                                                                 EXHIBIT C

                            TREASURY MONEY MARKET FUND  (Evergreen Graphic
                                                            Goes Here)

                                FUND AT A GLANCE
                             As of August 31, 1997


                                   AVERAGE ANNUALIZED TOTAL
                                           RETURNS                            YIELDS & DISTRIBUTIONS
                               --------------------------------           -------------------------------
SHARE     INCEPTION               3         5         SINCE        7-DAY YIELD     30-DAY YIELD       12-MONTH

  A        3/6/91     4.82%     4.98%     4.17%       4.27%           4.87%            4.89%           $0.05
  Y        3/6/91     5.14%     5.30%     4.48%       4.57%           5.18%            5.18%           $0.05


TOTAL NET ASSETS (ALL CLASSES):   $3,031,680,413

AVERAGE MATURITY:                 51 days

OBJECTIVE: Stability of principal and current income

STRATEGY: Invests in short-term U.S. Treasuries and
          repurchase agreements

                             PORTFOLIO COMPOSITION

(Pie chart appears here with the following plot points.)

Mutual Fund Shares      1.4%
U.S. Treasury Notes    27.6%
Repurchase Agreements    71%

              Kellie Allen has over 11 years of investment experience. She is
              Vice President and Fixed Income Portfolio Manager. She manages
              three money market and short-term funds as well as several
              separately managed accounts and has responsibility for a total of
              $2.4 billion in assets. Ms. Allen started at First Union as an
              equity trader in 1986. Prior to joining First Union, she worked as
              an equity trader for First Tennessee Bank in Memphis, TN.

 (Photo of
Kellie Allen
 Goes Here)




                          Acquisition of the Assets of

                         THE TREASURY MONEY MARKET FUND
                                   a Series of

                                THE VIRTUS FUNDS
                            Federated Investors Tower
                       Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania 15222-3779
                                 (800) 829-3863

                        By and In Exchange For Shares of


                                   a Series of

                          EVERGREEN MONEY MARKET TRUST
                               200 Berkeley Street
                           Boston, Massachusetts 02116
                                 (800) 343-2898

         This Statement of Additional Information,  relating specifically to the
proposed  transfer of the assets and  liabilities  of The Treasury  Money Market
Fund ("Virtus  Treasury"),  a series of The Virtus Funds, to Evergreen  Treasury
Money Market Fund ("Evergreen Treasury"), a series of the Evergreen Money Market
Trust,  in  exchange  for Class A shares (to be issued to holders of  Investment
shares of Virtus  Treasury) and Class Y shares (to be issued to holders of Trust
shares of Virtus Treasury) of beneficial interest, $.001 par value per share, of
Evergreen  Treasury,  consists  of this cover page and the  following  described
documents,  each of which is  attached  hereto  and  incorporated  by  reference

         (1)      The Statement of Additional  Information of Evergreen Treasury
                  dated October 31, 1996, as amended;

         (2)      The Statement of  Additional  Information  of Virtus  Treasury
                  dated November 30, 1997;

         (3)      Annual Report of Virtus  Treasury for the year ended September
                  30, 1997;

         (4)      Annual Report of Evergreen  Treasury for the year ended August
                  31, 1997; and

         (5)      Pro-Forma  Combining  Financial  Statements  (unaudited) dated
                  August 31, 1997.

         This  Statement of Additional  Information,  which is not a prospectus,
supplements,  and  should  be read in  conjunction  with,  the  Prospectus/Proxy
Statement of Evergreen  Treasury and Virtus  Treasury  dated January 20, 1998. A
copy of the Prospectus/Proxy Statement may be obtained without charge by calling
or writing to Evergreen  Treasury or Virtus Treasury at the telephone numbers or
addresses set forth above.

         The date of this  Statement of  Additional  Information  is January 20,


                                October 31, 1996
                            As Amended August 1, 1997

                        THE EVERGREEN MONEY MARKET FUNDS

                2500 Westchester Avenue, Purchase, New York 10577


Evergreen Money Market Fund ("Money Market")
Evergreen Tax Exempt Money Market Fund ("Tax Exempt")
Evergreen  Pennsylvania  Tax-Free Money Market Fund  (formerly FFB  Pennsylvania
Tax-Free Money Market Fund)("Pennsylvania") Evergreen Treasury Money Market Fund
(formerly  First Union  Treasury Money Market  Portfolio)("Treasury")  Evergreen
Institutional  Money  Market  Fund  ("Institutional   Money  Market")  Evergreen
Institutional  Tax  Exempt  Money  Market  Fund   ("Institutional  Tax  Exempt")
Evergreen Institutional Treasury Money Market Fund ("Institutional Treasury")

This  Statement of Additional  Information  pertains to all classes of shares of
the Funds listed above. It is not a prospectus and should be read in conjunction
with the  Prospectus  dated October 31, 1996, as amended August 1, 1997, for the
Fund in which you are making or contemplating an investment. The Evergreen Money
Market Funds are offered through seven separate prospectuses: one offering Class
A,  Class B and Class C shares of Money  Market and Class A shares of Tax Exempt
and Treasury,  one offering Class K shares of Money Market, one offering Class A
shares of Pennsylvania,  one offering Class Y shares of Money Market, Tax Exempt
and  Treasury,  one  offering  Class Y  shares  of  Pennsylvania,  one  offering
Institutional  Service shares of Institutional  Money Market,  Institutional Tax
Exempt and  Institutional  Treasury  and one  offering  Institutional  shares of
Institutional Money Market, Institutional Tax Exempt and Institutional Treasury.
Copies of each  Prospectus may be obtained  without charge by calling the number
listed above.

                                TABLE OF CONTENTS

Investment Objectives and Policies................................ 2
Investment Restrictions........................................... 4
Certain Risk Considerations....................................... 8
Management........................................................ 8
Investment Advisers............................................... 15
Distribution Plans................................................ 19
Allocation of Brokerage........................................... 21
Additional Tax Information........................................ 22
Net Asset Value................................................... 24
Purchase of Shares................................................ 25
General Information About the Funds............................... 29
Performance Information........................................... 30
Financial Statements.............................................. 33

Appendix A - Description of Bond, Municipal Note and Commercial Paper Ratings
Appendix B - Special Considerations Relating to Investment In Pennsylvania
                  Municipal Issuers

   (See also "Description of the Funds -Investment Objectives and Policies" in
                             each Fund's Prospectus)

The  investment  objective of each Fund and a description  of the  securities in
which  each  Fund may  invest  is set forth  under  "Description  of the Funds -
Investment  Objectives and Policies" in the relevant  Prospectus.  The following
expands upon the discussion in the Prospectuses regarding certain investments of
the following Funds:


Tax Exempt, Pennsylvania and Institutional Tax Exempt

To attain its objectives,  each Fund invests primarily in high quality Municipal
Obligations which have remaining  maturities not exceeding thirteen months. Each
Fund maintains a dollar-weighted  average portfolio maturity of 90 days or less.
For information  concerning the investment quality of Municipal Obligations that
may be purchased by the Fund,  see  "Investment  Objective  and Policies" in the
Prospectus. The tax-exempt status of a Municipal Obligation is determined by the
issuer's bond counsel at the time of the issuance of the security.

For the purpose of certain requirements under the Investment Company Act of 1940
(the "1940 Act") and each Fund's various investment restrictions, identification
of the "issuer" of a municipal  security  depends on the terms and conditions of
the  security.  When the assets and  revenues  of a  political  subdivision  are
separate  from those of the  government  which created the  subdivision  and the
security  is backed  only by the assets and  revenues  of the  subdivision,  the
subdivision would be deemed to be the sole issuer.  Similarly, in the case of an
industrial  development  bond,  if that bond is backed  only by the  assets  and
revenues of the non-governmental  user, then the non-governmental  user would be
deemed  to be the sole  issuer.  If,  however,  in  either  case,  the  creating
government or some other entity guarantees the security,  the guarantee would be
considered  a  separate  security  and  would  be  treated  as an  issue  of the
government or other agency.

Municipal bonds may be categorized as "general  obligation" or "revenue"  bonds.
General obligation bonds are secured by the issuer's pledge of its faith, credit
and taxing power for the payment of principal  and  interest.  Revenue bonds are
secured  by the net  revenue  derived  from a  particular  facility  or group of
facilities or, in some cases, the proceeds of a special excise or other specific
revenue  source,  but not by the general  taxing power.  Industrial  development
bonds are, in most cases, revenue bonds and do not generally carry the pledge of
the credit of the issuing municipality or public authority.

Municipal  Notes.   Municipal  notes  include,  but  are  not  limited  to,  tax
anticipation notes (TANs), bond anticipation notes (BANs),  revenue anticipation
notes (RANs),  construction loan notes and project notes.  Notes sold as interim
financing in  anticipation  of  collection  of taxes,  a bond sale or receipt of
other revenue are usually general  obligations of the issuer.  Project notes are
issued by local housing  authorities to finance urban renewal and public housing
projects and are secured by the full faith and credit of the U.S. Government.

Municipal  Commercial  Paper.  Municipal  commercial  paper is issued to finance
seasonal  working  capital needs or as short-term  financing in  anticipation of
longer-term  debt.  It is paid  from  the  general  revenues  of the  issuer  or
refinanced with additional issuances of commercial paper or long-term debt.

Municipal  Leases.  Municipal  leases,  which may take the form of a lease or an
installment purchase or conditional sale contract, are issued by state and local
governments  and  authorities  to  acquire  a  wide  variety  of  equipment  and
facilities such as fire and sanitation  vehicles,  telecommunications  equipment
and other capital  assets.  Municipal  leases  frequently have special risks not
normally  associated  with  general  obligation  or  revenue  bonds.  Leases and
installment  purchases or conditional sale contracts (which normally provide for
title to the leased  asset to pass  eventually  to the  government  issuer) have
evolved as a means for  governmental  issuers to acquire  property and equipment
without meeting the constitutional  and statutory  requirements for the issuance
of debt. The debt-issuance  limitations of many state constitutions and statutes
are  deemed  to be  inapplicable  because  of the  inclusion  in many  leases or
contracts of  "non-appropriation"  clauses  that  provide that the  governmental
issuer has no  obligation  to make future  payments  under the lease or contract
unless money is  appropriated  for such purpose by the  appropriate  legislative
body on a yearly or other periodic basis. These types of municipal leases may be
considered  illiquid and subject to the 10% limitation of investment in illiquid
securities set forth under "Investment Restrictions" contained herein. The Board
of Trustees of each Trust under which each Fund  operates  may adopt  guidelines
and delegate to the Adviser (as defined below) the daily function of determining
and monitoring the liquidity of municipal leases. In making such  determination,
the Board and the Adviser may consider  such factors as the  frequency of trades
for the  obligations,  the number of dealers  willing  to  purchase  or sell the
obligations  and the  number of other  potential  buyers  and the  nature of the
marketplace  for the  obligations,  including  the time needed to dispose of the
obligations and the method of soliciting  offers.  If the Board  determines that
any municipal leases are illiquid, such leases will be subject to the


10% limitation on investments in illiquid securities.

For purposes of  diversification  under the 1940 Act, the  identification of the
issuer of  Municipal  Obligations  depends  on the terms and  conditions  of the
obligation. If the assets and revenues of an agency, authority,  instrumentality
or other  political  subdivision  are  separate  from  those  of the  government
creating the  subdivision  and the  obligation  is backed only by the assets and
revenues  of the  subdivision,  such  subdivision  would be regarded as the sole
issuer. Similarly, in the case of an industrial development bond, if the bond is
backed  only by the  assets  and  revenues  of the  non-governmental  user,  the
non-governmental  user would be deemed to be the sole issuer.  If in either case
the  creating  government  or  another  entity  guarantees  an  obligation,  the
guarantee would be considered a separate  security and be treated as an issue of
such government or entity.

As  described  in  each  Fund's   Prospectus,   the  Fund  may,   under  limited
circumstances,  elect to invest in certain  taxable  securities  and  repurchase
agreements with respect to those  securities.  A Fund will enter into repurchase
agreements  only with  broker-dealers,  domestic  banks or recognized  financial
institutions which, in the opinion of the Fund's Adviser, present minimal credit
risks.  In the event of default by the seller  under a repurchase  agreement,  a
Fund may have problems in exercising its rights to the underlying securities and
may incur costs and experience time delays in connection with the disposition of
such  securities.  The Fund's  Adviser will monitor the value of the  underlying
security at the time the transaction is entered into and at all times during the
term of the repurchase agreement to ensure that the value of the security always
equals or exceeds the agreed upon repurchase price. Repurchase agreements may be
considered  to be loans  under the 1940 Act,  collateralized  by the  underlying

Each Fund may engage in the following investment activities:

         Securities  With Put Rights (or  "stand-by  commitments").  When a Fund
         purchases Municipal Obligations it may obtain the right to resell them,
         or "put"  them,  to the seller (a  broker-dealer  or bank) at an agreed
         upon price within a specific  period prior to their  maturity date. The
         Fund does not limit the  percentage  of its assets that may be invested
         in securities with put rights.

         The amount  payable to a Fund by the seller upon its  exercise of a put
         will  normally  be (i) the Fund's  acquisition  cost of the  securities
         (excluding   any  accrued   interest  which  the  Fund  paid  on  their
         acquisition),  less any  amortized  market  premium plus any  amortized
         market or original issue discount  during the period the Fund owned the
         securities,  plus (ii) all interest accrued on the securities since the
         last interest  payment date during the period the securities were owned
         by the  Fund.  Absent  unusual  circumstances,  each  Fund  values  the
         underlying securities at their amortized cost. Accordingly,  the amount
         payable by a broker-dealer or bank during the time a put is exercisable
         will  be  substantially  the  same  as  the  value  of  the  underlying

         A Fund's right to exercise a put is unconditional  and  unqualified.  A
         put is not  transferable  by the Fund,  although  the Fund may sell the
         underlying  securities to a third party at any time.  Each Fund expects
         that puts will generally be available  without any additional direct or
         indirect cost.  However,  if necessary and advisable,  the Fund may pay
         for certain puts either  separately in cash or by paying a higher price
         for portfolio securities which are acquired subject to such a put (thus
         reducing  the  yield  to  maturity  otherwise  available  to  the  same
         securities).  Thus, the aggregate  price paid for  securities  with put
         rights may be higher than the price that would otherwise be paid.

         The  acquisition  of a  put  will  not  affect  the  valuation  of  the
         underlying  security,  which will  continue to be valued in  accordance
         with the amortized  cost method.  The actual put will be valued at zero
         in  determining  net  asset  value.  Where  a  Fund  pays  directly  or
         indirectly for a put, its cost will be reflected as an unrealized  loss
         for the  period  during  which the put is held by that Fund and will be
         reflected  in  realized  gain or loss  when  the  put is  exercised  or
         expires.  If  the  value  of the  underlying  security  increases,  the
         potential for unrealized or realized gain is reduced by the cost of the


                             INVESTMENT RESTRICTIONS


 .........Except  as noted,  the  investment  restrictions  set  forth  below are
fundamental  and may not be  changed  with  respect  to each  Fund  without  the
affirmative vote of a majority of the outstanding voting securities of the Fund.
Where an asterisk  (*)  appears  after a Fund's  name,  the  relevant  policy is
non-fundamental  with  respect  to that Fund and may be  changed  by the  Fund's
Adviser  without  shareholder  approval,  subject to review and  approval by the
Trustees.  As  used in  this  Statement  of  Additional  Information  and in the
Prospectus,  "a majority of the outstanding voting securities of the Fund" means
the  lesser of (1) the  holders  of more than 50% of the  outstanding  shares of
beneficial  interest  of the Fund or (2) 67% of the shares  present if more than
50% of the shares are present at a meeting in person or by proxy.

1........Concentration of Assets in Any One Issuer

 .........Tax Exempt,  Pennsylvania,  Money Market,  Institutional Tax Exempt and
Institutional Money Market may not invest more than 5% of their total assets, at
the time of the  investment  in question,  in the  securities  of any one issuer
other than the U.S.  government  and its agencies or  instrumentalities,  except
that up to 25% of the value of Tax  Exempt's,  Institutional  Tax  Exempt's  and
Pennsylvania's   total  assets  may  be  invested  without  regard  to  such  5%
limitation.   For  this  purpose  each   political   subdivision,   agency,   or
instrumentality  and each multi-state  agency of which a state is a member,  and
each public authority which issues  industrial  development bonds on behalf of a
private  entity,  will be  regarded  as a separate  issuer for  determining  the
diversification of each Fund's portfolio.

2........Ten Percent Limitation on Securities of Any One Issuer

 .........Neither  Money Market,  Pennsylvania,  Tax Exempt,  Institutional Money
Market nor  Institutional  Tax Exempt may purchase more than 10% of any class of
securities of any one issuer other than the U.S.  government and its agencies or

3........Investment for Purposes of Control or Management

 .........Neither  Money Market,  Pennsylvania,  Tax Exempt,  Institutional Money
Market* nor Institutional Tax Exempt* may invest in companies for the purpose of
exercising control or management.

4........Purchase of Securities on Margin

 .........Neither Money Market, Pennsylvania, Tax Exempt, Treasury, Institutional
Money  Market*,  Institutional  Tax  Exempt*  nor  Institutional  Treasury*  may
purchase securities on margin,  except that each Fund may obtain such short-term
credits as may be  necessary  for the  clearance of  transactions.  A deposit or
payment by a Fund of initial or variation  margin in connection  with  financial
futures contracts or related options transactions is not considered the purchase
of a security on margin.

5........Unseasoned Issuers

 .........Money  Market and Institutional  Money Market* may not invest more than
5% of their total assets in securities  of unseasoned  issuers that have been in
continuous  operation for less than three years,  including operating periods of
their predecessors.

 .........Tax Exempt and Institutional Tax Exempt* may not invest more than 5% of
their total assets in taxable securities of unseasoned issuers that have been in
continuous  operation for less than three years,  including operating periods of
their  predecessors,  except that (i) each Fund may invest in obligations issued
or guaranteed by the U.S. government and its agencies or instrumentalities,  and
(ii) each Fund may invest in municipal securities.


 .........Money Market, Pennsylvania,  Tax Exempt, Institutional Money Market and
Institutional  Tax Exempt may not engage in the  business  of  underwriting  the
securities  of other  issuers;  provided  that the  purchase  by Tax  Exempt and
Institutional Tax Exempt of municipal securities or other permitted investments,
directly from the issuer thereof (or


from an underwriter for an issuer) and the later  disposition of such securities
in accordance  with the Fund's  investment  program shall not be deemed to be an

7........Interests  in Oil,  Gas or Other  Mineral  Exploration  or  Development

 .........Neither  Money Market,  Pennsylvania,  Tax Exempt,  Institutional Money
Market* nor Institutional Tax Exempt* may purchase,  sell or invest in interests
in oil, gas or other mineral exploration or development programs.

8........Concentration in Any One Industry

 .........Neither  Money Market,  Pennsylvania,  Tax Exempt,  Institutional Money
Market nor  Institutional  Tax Exempt may invest 25% or more of its total assets
in the securities of issuers conducting their principal  business  activities in
any one industry;  provided, that this limitation shall not apply to obligations
issued   or   guaranteed   by  the   U.S.   government   or  its   agencies   or
instrumentalities, or with respect to Pennsylvania, Tax Exempt and Institutional
Tax Exempt,  to municipal  securities and  certificates  of deposit and bankers'
acceptances issued by domestic branches of U.S. banks.


 .........Tax Exempt and Institutional Tax Exempt* may not invest more than 5% of
their total net assets in warrants,  and, of this amount, no more than 2% of the
Fund's  total net assets may be invested in warrants  that are listed on neither
the New York nor the American Stock Exchange.

10.......Ownership by Trustees/Officers

 .........Neither  Money  Market,  Tax  Exempt,  Treasury,   Institutional  Money
Market*,  Institutional Tax Exempt* nor Institutional  Treasury* may purchase or
retain the securities of any issuer if (i) one or more officers or Trustees of a
Fund or its  investment  adviser  individually  owns or would own,  directly  or
beneficially,  more than 1/2 of 1% of the securities of such issuer, and (ii) in
the aggregate,  such persons own or would own,  directly or  beneficially,  more
than 5% of such securities.

11.......Short Sales

 .........Neither  Money  Market,  Tax  Exempt,  Treasury,   Institutional  Money
Market*,  Institutional Tax Exempt* nor  Institutional  Treasury* may make short
sales of  securities or maintain a short  position;  except that, in the case of
Treasury,  Institutional  Treasury,  Institutional  Tax Exempt and Institutional
Money Market, at all times when a short position is open it owns an equal amount
of such  securities  or of  securities  which,  without  payment of any  further
consideration  are convertible  into or exchangeable  for securities of the same
issue as, and equal in amount to, the securities sold short.

12.......Lending of Funds and Securities

 .........Tax  Exempt and  Institutional  Tax Exempt may not lend their  funds to
other persons; however, they may purchase issues of debt securities,  enter into
repurchase  agreements and acquire privately  negotiated loans made to municipal

 .........Money Market and Institutional Money Market may not lend their funds to
other persons,  provided that they may purchase money market securities or enter
into repurchase agreements.

 .........Treasury and Institutional  Treasury will not lend any of their assets,
except  that they may  purchase  or hold U.S.  Treasury  obligations,  including
repurchase agreements.

 .........Neither  Money Market,  Pennsylvania,  Tax Exempt,  Institutional Money
Market nor  Institutional Tax Exempt may lend its portfolio  securities,  unless
the  borrower is a broker,  dealer or  financial  institution  that  pledges and
maintains  collateral  with the Fund  consisting  of cash,  letters of credit or
securities  issued or  guaranteed by the U.S.  government  having a value at all
times not less than 100% of the current  market value of the loaned  securities,
including  accrued  interest,  provided that the aggregate  amount of such loans
shall not exceed 30% of the Fund's total assets (5% in the case of




 .........  Money  Market,  Tax  Exempt,   Treasury*,   Institutional  Treasury*,
Institutional Money Market* and Institutional Tax Exempt* may not purchase, sell
or invest in commodities, commodity contracts or financial futures contracts.

14.......Real Estate

 .........The Funds may not purchase,  sell or invest in real estate or interests
in real  estate,  except that Money  Market and  Institutional  Money Market may
purchase,  sell or invest in  marketable  securities  of companies  holding real
estate or interests in real estate, including real estate investment trusts, Tax
Exempt and Institutional Tax Exempt may purchase municipal  securities and other
debt securities secured by real estate or interests therein and Pennsylvania may
purchase  securities secured by real estate or interests therein,  or securities
issued by companies which invest in real estate or interests therein.

15.......Borrowing, Senior Securities, Reverse Repurchase Agreements

 ......... Money Market, Tax Exempt, Institutional Money Market and Institutional
Tax Exempt may not borrow money,  issue senior  securities or enter into reverse
repurchase  agreements,  except for temporary or emergency purposes, and not for
leveraging,  and then in amounts not in excess of 10% of the value of the Fund's
total assets at the time of such borrowing;  or mortgage,  pledge or hypothecate
any assets  except in connection  with any such  borrowing and in amounts not in
excess of the lesser of the dollar  amounts  borrowed or 10% of the value of the
Fund's total assets at the time of such  borrowing,  provided that the Fund will
not purchase any  securities  at times when any  borrowings  (including  reverse
repurchase  agreements) are  outstanding.  The Funds will not enter into reverse
repurchase agreements exceeding 5% of the value of their total assets.

 .........Pennsylvania  shall not  borrow  money,  issue  senior  securities,  or
pledge, mortgage or hypothecate its assets, except that the Fund may borrow from
banks if immediately  after each  borrowing  there is asset coverage of at least

 .........Treasury  and  Institutional  Treasury will not issue senior securities
except that each Fund may borrow  money  directly,  as a  temporary  measure for
extraordinary or emergency purposes and then only in amounts not in excess of 5%
of the value of its total assets,  or in an amount up to one- third of the value
of its total assets,  including the amount borrowed, in order to meet redemption
requests without immediately selling portfolio instruments.  Any such borrowings
need not be  collateralized.  Each Fund will not purchase any  securities  while
borrowings  in  excess  of 5% of  the  total  value  of  its  total  assets  are
outstanding.  Each Fund will not borrow  money or engage in  reverse  repurchase
agreements for investment leverage purposes. Treasury and Institutional Treasury
will not mortgage,  pledge or hypothecate any assets except to secure  permitted
borrowings.  In these  cases,  Treasury  and  Institutional  Treasury may pledge
assets  having a market  value not  exceeding  the lesser of the dollar  amounts
borrowed or 15% of the value of total assets at the time of the pledge.


 .........Money Market, Tax Exempt, Institutional Money Market* and Institutional
Tax Exempt* may not write, purchase or sell put or call options, or combinations
thereof,  except  Money  Market  and  Institutional  Money  Market  may do so as
permitted under  "Description of the Funds - Investment  Objective and Policies"
in each  Fund's  Prospectus  and Tax  Exempt  and  Institutional  Tax Exempt may
purchase  securities  with rights to put  securities to the seller in accordance
with its investment program.

 .........Pennsylvania shall not write, purchase or sell puts, calls, warrants or
options or any combination thereof, except that the Fund may purchase securities
with put or demand rights.

17.......Investment in Municipal Securities

 .........Pennsylvania,  Tax Exempt and  Institutional  Tax Exempt may not invest
more than 20% of its total assets in securities other than municipal  securities
(as described under "Description of Funds - Investment  Objectives and Policies"
in each Fund's Prospectus),


unless extraordinary  circumstances  dictate a more defensive posture.

18.......Investment in Money Market Securities

 .........Money  Market may not purchase any  securities  other than money market
instruments(as described under "Description of Funds - Investment Objectives and
Policies" in the Fund's Prospectus).

19.......Investing in Securities of Other Investment Companies

 .........Treasury*,  Money Market*,  Pennsylvania*,  Tax Exempt*,  Institutional
Treasury*,  Institutional  Money  Market* and  Institutional  Tax  Exempt*  will
purchase  securities of investment  companies only in  open-market  transactions
involving  customary broker's  commissions.  However,  these limitations are not
applicable  if  the  securities  are  acquired  in a  merger,  consolidation  or
acquisition  of  assets.  It should be noted  that  investment  companies  incur
certain  expenses  such as management  fees and therefore any  investment by the
Funds in shares of another investment company would be subject to such duplicate

Except with respect to borrowing money, if a percentage limitation is adhered to
at the time of investment,  a later increase or decrease in percentage resulting
from any change in value or net assets  will not result in a  violation  of such

                           CERTAIN RISK CONSIDERATIONS

There can be no assurance that a Fund will achieve its investment  objective and
an  investment in the Fund  involves  certain  risks which are  described  under
"Description  of the Funds - Investment  Objectives and Policies" in each Fund's


The age, address and principal occupation of the Trustees and executive officers
of Evergreen  Investment  Trust  (formerly  First Union  Funds),  The  Evergreen
Municipal  Trust,  Evergreen  Tax Free  Trust  (formerly  FFB Funds  Trust)  and
Evergreen  Money Market Trust (each a "Trust" and  collectively  the  "Trusts"),
during the past five years are set forth below:

Laurence B. Ashkin (68),  180 East Pearson  Street,  Chicago,  IL-Trustee.  Real
estate  developer and construction  consultant since 1980;  President of Centrum
Equities since 1987 and Centrum Properties, Inc. since 1980.

Foster Bam (70), Greenwich Plaza, Greenwich, CT-Trustee. Partner in the law firm
of Cummings and Lockwood since 1968.

James S.  Howell  (72),  4124  Crossgate  Road,  Charlotte,  NC-Chairman  of the
Evergreen  Group of Mutual  Funds and Trustee.  Retired Vice  President of Lance
Inc. (food manufacturing); Chairman of the Distribution Comm. Foundation for the
Carolinas from 1989 to 1993.

Gerald M.  McDonnell  (57),  821 Regency  Drive,  Charlotte,  NC-Trustee.  Sales
Representative with Nucor-Yamoto Inc. (steel producer) since 1988.

Thomas L. McVerry (58), 4419 Parkview Drive, Charlotte,  NC-Trustee. Director of
Carolina Cooperative Federal Credit Union since 1990 and Rexham Corporation from
1988  to  1990;  Vice  President  of  Rexham   Industries,   Inc.   (diversified
manufacturer) from 1989 to 1990. Vice  President-Finance  and Resources,  Rexham
Corporation from 1979 to 1990.

William  Walt  Pettit*  (41),  Holcomb  and  Pettit,  P.A.,  227 West Trade St.,
Charlotte,  NC-Trustee.  Partner in the law firm Holcomb and Pettit,  P.A. since

Russell A. Salton,  III, M.D. (49), 205 Regency Executive Park,  Charlotte,  NC-
Trustee.  Medical Director,  U.S. Healthcare of Charlotte,  North Carolina since
1996; President, Primary Physician Care from 1990 to 1996.

Michael S. Scofield (53), 212 S. Tryon Street Suite 980, Charlotte,  NC-Trustee.
Attorney, Law Offices of Michael S. Scofield since 1969.

Robert J. Jeffries  (73),  2118 New Bedford Drive,  Sun City Center,  FL-Trustee


Corporate consultant since 1967.

John J. Pileggi (37),  230 Park Avenue,  Suite 910, New York,  NY-President  and
Treasurer.  Consultant  to BISYS  Fund  Services  since  1996.  Senior  Managing
Director, Furman Selz LLC since 1992, Managing Director from 1984 to 1992.

George O. Martinez (37), 3435 Stelzer Road, Columbus, OH-Secretary.  Senior Vice
President/Director  of  Administration  and  Regulatory  Services,   BISYS  Fund
Services since April 1995. Vice  President/Assistant  General Counsel,  Alliance
Capital Management from 1988 to 1995.

The officers  listed above hold the same  positions  with  forty-two  investment
companies  offering  a  total  of  seventy-three  investment  funds  within  the
Evergreen Keystone mutual fund complex.  Messrs. Howell, Salton and Scofield are
Trustees of all forty-two investment companies.  Messrs. McDonnell,  McVerry and
Pettit are  Trustees of  forty-one  of the  investment  companies  (excluded  is
Evergreen  Variable  Trust).  Messrs.  Ashkin,  Bam are Trustees of forty of the
investment  companies  (excluded  are  Evergreen  Variable  Trust and  Evergreen
Investment Trust.) Mr. Jeffries has been serving as a Trustee Emeritus of eleven
of the  investment  companies  since  January 1, 1996  (excluded  are  Evergreen
Variable  Trust,  Evergreen  Investment  Trust, as well as the Keystone group of
mutual funds).
- ----------

* Mr. Pettit may be deemed to be an  "interested  person"  within the meaning of
the 1940 Act.

The officers of the Trusts are all officers  and/or  employees of or consultants
to The BISYS Group  ("BISYS"),  except for Mr.  Pileggi,  who is a consultant to
BISYS.  BISYS is an affiliate of Evergreen Keystone  Distributor,  Inc. ("EKD"),
the distributor of each Class of shares of each Fund.

The Funds do not pay any direct remuneration to any officer or Trustee who is an
"affiliated  person"  of either  First  Union  National  Bank,  Evergreen  Asset
Management Corp.,  Keystone  Investment  Management Company or their affiliates.
See  "Investment  Adviser."  Currently,  none of the Trustees is an  "affiliated
person" as defined in the 1940 Act. Evergreen Investment Trust,  Evergreen Money
Market Trust and The  Evergreen  Municipal  Trust pay each Trustee who is not an
"affiliated  person" an annual  retainer  and a fee per meeting  attended,  plus
expenses.  The  Evergreen  Tax  Free  Trust  pays  each  Trustee  who  is not an
"affiliated person" a fee per meeting attended, plus expenses, as follows:

Name of Fund                    Annual Retainer             Meeting Fee
Evergreen Investment Trust -    $15,000*                    $2,000*
Evergreen Money Market Trust -        **
    Money Market                                            $100
Institutional Money Market                                  $100
Institutional Treasury                                      $100
The Evergreen Municipal Trust -       **
    Tax Exempt                                              $100
Institutional Tax Exempt                                    $100
Evergreen Tax Free Trust -      -0-
    Pennsylvania                                            $100
- ---------------------------

* The annual retainer and the per meeting fee paid by Evergreen Investment Trust
to each Trustee are allocated among its fourteen series.

** $4,000,  allocated among the Evergreen Money Market Trust (which offers three
investment  series)  and  The  Evergreen  Municipal  Trust  (which  offers  five
investment series).

In addition:

  (1)     Each  non-affiliated  Trustee  is paid a fee of $500 for each  special
          telephonic meeting in which he participates,  regardless of the number
          of Funds for which the meeting is called.

  (2)     The  Chairman of the Board of the  Evergreen  group of mutual funds is


          paid an annual  retainer  of  $5,000,  and the  Chairman  of the Audit
          Committee is paid an annual  retainer of $2,000.  These  retainers are
          allocated  among all the funds in the Evergreen group of mutual funds,
          based upon assets.

  (3)     Each member of the Audit Committee is paid an annual retainer of $500.

  (4)     Any individual who has been appointed as a Trustee  Emeritus of one or
          more funds in the Evergreen  group of mutual funds is paid one-half of
          the fees that are payable to regular Trustees.

     Set forth below for each of the Trustees is the aggregate compensation paid
to such Trustees by each of Evergreen  Investment Trust, The Evergreen Municipal
Trust,  Evergreen  Money Market  Trust and by  Evergreen  Tax Free Trust for the
one-year period ended February 28, 1997.


                     Evergreen   The                                   From Trusts
                     Money       Evergreen     Evergreen   Evergreen   & Fund
 Name of             Market      Municipal     Investment  Tax Free    Complex Paid
 Trustee             Trust       Trust         Trust       Trust       to Trustees
Laurence Ashkin      $4,853     $4,119        $     0     $1,017       $33,621

Foster Bam            4,553      3,719              0        817        30,921

James S. Howell       4,690      4,196         27,817      1,009        66,000

Gerald M.
McDonnell             3,845      3,417         23,927        806        53,300

Thomas L.
McVerry               4,377      3,941         26,637      1,006        59,500

William Walt
Pettit                3,993      3,724         25,459      1,009        57,000

Russell A.
Salton, III, M.D.     3,993      3,724         25,458      1,009        61,000

Michael S.
Scofield              4,070      3,750         25,458      1,009        61,102

Robert Jeffries*      1,867      1,523              0        411        13,305
- --------------------

*  Robert J. Jeffries has been serving as a Trustee Emeritus since January 1,

      As of the date of this Statement of Additional  Information,  the officers
and  Trustees  of  each  of the  Trusts  as a group  owned  less  than 1% of the
outstanding shares of any of the Funds.

     Set forth below is  information  with respect to each person,  who, to each
Fund's  knowledge,  owned  beneficially  or of record more than 5% of a class of
each Fund's total outstanding shares and their aggregate ownership of the Fund's
total outstanding  shares as of June 30, 1997 (for Money Market,  Tax Exempt and
Treasury)  and as of April  30,  1997  (for  Pennsylvania,  Institutional  Money
Market, Institutional Tax Exempt and Institutional


                                    Name of                            % of
Name and Address*                   Fund/Class       No. of Shares     Class
- ------------------                  ----------       -------------     ------
First Union National Bank             Money Market/A             643,789,855               27.02%
Attn: Cap Finance GL
230 S. Tryon St.
Charlotte, NC 28202-3215

First Union National Bank             Money Market/A             158,684,261               6.66%
Trust Accounts
Attn: Ginny Batten CMG 1151-2
401 Tryon Street 3rd Fl.
Charlotte, NC 28202-1911

FUNB                                  Money Market/A             303,558,794               12.74%
Attn: Cap Finance GL
230 S. Tryon St.
Charlotte, NC 28202-3215

FUNB                                  Money Market/A             250,842,296               10.53%
Attn: Cap Finance GL
230 S. Tryon St.
Charlotte, NC 28202-3215

FUNB                                  Money Market/A             126,683,997               5.32%
Attn: Cap Finance GL
230 S. Tryon St.
Charlotte, NC 28202-3215

First Union National Bank             Money Market/Y             218,527,368               37.47%
Trust Accounts
Attn: Ginny Batten
11th Floor CMG-1151-2
401 S Tryon Street
Charlotte, NC 28202-1911

Pitcairn Trust C.                     Money Market/Y             43,272,979                7.42%
One Pitcairn Place
Jenkintown, PA 19046

Evergreen "Y" Fund                    Money Market/Y             39,929,465                6.85%
Reinvest Account
C/O FUNB-NC For Customers
One First Union Center
301 South College St.
Charlotte, NC 28288-0601

FUNB                                  Tax-Exempt/A              202,940,580               30.57%
Attn: Cap Finance GL
230 S. Tryon St.
Charlotte, NC 28202-3215

FUNB                                  Tax-Exempt/A              144,582,220               21.78%
Attn: Cap Finance GL
230 S. Tryon St.
Charlotte, NC 28202-3215

FUNB                                  Tax-Exempt/A               41,969,118                6.32%
Attn: Cap Finance GL
230 S. Tryon St.
Charlotte, NC 28202-1164

First Union National Bank             Tax-Exempt/A               69,558,638                10.48%
Trust Accounts
Attn: Ginny Batten CMG 1151-2


301 S. Tryon Street, 3rd Floor
Charlotte, NC 28202-1911

FUNB                                       Tax-Exempt/A      35,610,682                5.36%
Attn: Cap Finance GL
230 S. Tryon St.
Charlotte, NC 28202-1164

First Union National Bank                  Tax-Exempt/Y      38,867,553                9.79%
Trust Accounts
Attn: Ginny Batten
401 S. Tryon Street, 3rd Floor
Charlotte, NC 28202-1911

Evergreen Tax-Exempt Money                 Tax Exempt/Y      45,351,226                11.43%
Market "Y" Shr Fund Cash A/C
C/O FUNB for Customers
One First Union Center
301 South College St.
Charlotte, NC 28288-0601

Evergreen Tax-Exempt Money                 Tax Exempt/Y      22,263,599                5.61%
Market "Y" Shr Fund Cash A/C
C/O FUNB for Customers
One First Union Center
301 South College St.
Charlotte, NC 28288-0601

First Union National Bank                 Treasury/A          660,907,180              27.23%
Trust Accounts
Attn: Ginny Batten
11th Floor CMG-1151
301 S. Tryon Street
Charlotte, NC 28202-1910

FUNB                                     Treasury/A                 471,137,573               19.41%
Attn: Cap Finance GL
230 S. Tryon St.
Charlotte, NC 28202-1164

FUNB                                     Treasury/A                 239,004,367               9.85%
Attn: Cap Finance GL
230 S. Tryon St.
Charlotte, NC 28202-3215

FUNB                                     Treasury/A                 205,832,508               8.48%
Attn: Cap Finance GL
230 S. Tryon St.
Charlotte, NC 28202-3215

FUNB                                     Treasury/A                 147,199,520               6.06%
Attn: Cap Finance GL
230 S. Tryon St.
Charlotte, NC 28202-3215

First Union National Bank                 Treasury/Y                 576,673,827              90.31%
Trust Accounts
Attn: Ginny Batten
11th Floor CMG-1151
301 S. Tryon Street
Charlotte, NC 28202-0002

Johnathan B. Detwiller                     Pennsylvania/Y             2,932,014          8.83%/4.65%
P.O. Box 69
Phoenixville, PA 19460-0069


First Union National Bank               Pennsylvania/Y           10,379,554                31.27%/16.46%
Trust Accounts
Attn: Ginny Batten CMG 11512
301 S. Tryon Street
Charlotte, NC 28202-0001

Agnes C. Kim                            Pennsylvania/Y             2,335,497                 7.04%/3.70%
760 Conshohocken State Rd.
Gladuyne, PA 19035-1416

FUNB                                    Pennsylvania/Y            21,890,603                73.32%/34.72%
Attn: Cap Finance GL
230 S. Tryon St.
Charlotte, NC 28202-3215

Hans P. Utsch                           Pennsylvania/A             3,648,793                 12.22%/5.79%
Susan Utsch JT WROS
819 Church Road
Wayne, PA 19087-4714

First Union National Bank                Inst MMkt/I             454,069,389               91.95%/29.21%
Trust Accounts
Attn: Ginny Batten CMG-1151-2
401 S. Tryon St. 3rd Floor
Charlotte, NC 28202-1911

First Union National Bank                Inst MMkt/IS            263,973,048               39.74%/22.79%
Trust Accounts
Attn: Ginny Batten CMG-1151-2
401 S. Tryon St. 3rd Floor
Charlotte, NC 28202-1911

Ivax Corporation                         Inst MMkt/IS            40,411,193                6.08%/3.49%
Attn: Jason White
4400 Biscayne Blvd. 7th Floor
Miami, FL 33137-3212

First Union National Bank               Inst Tx-Ex MM/I         155,276,582               100.00%/91.72%
Trust Accounts
Attn: Ginny Batten CMG-1151-2
401 S. Tryon St. 3rd Floor
Charlotte, NC 28202-1911

First Union National Bank               Inst Tx-Ex MM/IS           13,616,585               97.12%/8.04%
Trust Accounts
Attn: Ginny Batten CMG-1151-2
401 S. Tryon St. 3rd Floor
Charlotte, NC 28202-1911

First Union National Bank                Inst Treas MM/I         527,222,486               99.33%/59.21%
Trust Accounts
Attn: Ginny Batten CMG-1151-2
401 S. Tryon St. 3rd Floor
Charlotte, NC 28202-1911

First Union National Bank                Inst Treas MM/I        277,915,322               77.27%/31.21%
Trust Accounts
Attn: Ginny Batten CMG-1151-2
401 S. Tryon St. 3rd Floor
Charlotte, NC 28202-1911

         First Union National Bank and its affiliates act in various  capacities
for numerous accounts.  As a result of its ownership on June 30, 1997, 90.31% of
Class Y shares  and  71.03% of Class A shares of  Treasury  Money  Market  Fund,
44.32% of Class Y and 62.27% of Class A shares of Money  Market  Fund and 26.83%
of Class Y shares and 74.51% of Class A shares of Tax Exempt  Money  Market Fund
and on April 30, 1997 31.27% and  73.32%,  respectively,  of Class Y and Class A
shares of Pennsylvania Money Market Fund,, First Union National Bank may be


deemed to "control" those Funds as that term is defined in the 1940 Act.

                               INVESTMENT ADVISERS
         (See also "Management of the Funds" in each Fund's Prospectus)

The  investment  adviser  of Money  Market  and Tax  Exempt is  Evergreen  Asset
Management  Corp.,  a New York  corporation,  with  offices at 2500  Westchester
Avenue, Purchase, New York ("Evergreen Asset" or the "Adviser"). Evergreen Asset
is owned by First Union National Bank ("FUNB")  which,  in turn, is a subsidiary
of First Union Corporation ("First Union"), a bank holding company headquartered
in Charlotte, North Carolina. The investment adviser of Treasury,  Institutional
Treasury,  Institutional Money Market, Institutional Tax Exempt and Pennsylvania
is  FUNB  which  provides  investment  advisory  services  through  its  Capital
Management Group ("CMG").

The  Directors of Evergreen  Asset are Richard K. Wagoner and Barbara I. Colvin.
The executive  officers of Evergreen  Asset are Stephen A. Lieber,  Chairman and
Co-Chief  Executive  Officer,  Nola  Maddox  Falcone,   President  and  Co-Chief
Executive Officer, and Theodore J. Israel, Jr., Executive Vice President.

The partnership interests in Lieber, a New York general partnership,  were owned
by Lieber I Corp. and Lieber II Corp.,  which are both wholly owned subsidiaries
of FUNB.

Prior to January 1, 1996, First Fidelity Bank, N.A. acted as investment  adviser
to Pennsylvania.

Under its Investment  Advisory Agreement with each Fund, each Adviser has agreed
to furnish reports,  statistical and research services and recommendations  with
respect to each Fund's  portfolio  of  investments.  In  addition,  each Adviser
provides office facilities to the Funds and performs a variety of administrative
services.  Each Fund pays the cost of all of its other expenses and liabilities,
including expenses and liabilities incurred in connection with maintaining their
registration  under the  Securities  Act of 1933, as amended,  and the 1940 Act,
printing  prospectuses  (for existing  shareholders) as they are updated,  state
qualifications,  mailings,  brokerage,  custodian  and stock  transfer  charges,
printing,  legal and auditing  expenses,  expenses of  shareholder  meetings and
reports to shareholders.  Notwithstanding  the foregoing,  each Adviser will pay
the  costs of  printing  and  distributing  prospectuses  used  for  prospective

The method of computing the  investment  advisory fee for each Fund is described
in such Fund's  Prospectus.  The  advisory  fees paid by each Fund for the three
most recent fiscal periods reflected in its registration statement are set forth

TAX EXEMPT                 Year Ended          Year Ended      Year Ended
                           8/31/96             8/31/95         8/31/94
Advisory Fee               $5,540,924         $2,329,035      $2,126,246

Waiver                    (1,243,131)         (558,942)       (1,256,653)
                         -----------         ---------       -----------
Net Advisory Fee          $4,297,793         $1,770,093       $  869,593
                          ===========        ==========       ===========

MONEY MARKET        Six Months       Year Ended      Year Ended     Year Ended
                   Ended 2/28/97       8/31/96         8/31/95       8/31/94
Advisory Fee        $6,061,353        $8,346,173      $1,831,518    $1,245,513

Waiver               1,255,415       (2,427,423)     (732,723)      (974,438)
                     ---------        ---------     -----------    ----------
Net Advisory Fee     4,805,938       $5,918,750     $1,098,795     $  271,075
                     =========        ==========     ==========    ===========

PENNSYLVANIA               Six Months        Year Ended        Year Ended
                          Ended 8/31/96*      2/29/96          2/28/95
Advisory Fee               $148,591           $312,440         $ 85,049

Waiver                    (59,186)           (241,213)         (85,049)
                          --------           ---------        ---------
Net Advisory Fee           $89,405            $ 71,227                0
                          ========           =========        =========

TREASURY                   Year Ended        Eight Months      Year Ended
                           8/31/96           Ended             12/31/94
Advisory Fee               $8,857,503        $2,814,251        $2,549,955

Waiver                    (2,109,068)       (1,258,611)       (1,948,237)
                           ----------         ---------        ----------
Net Advisory Fee           $6,748,435        $1,555,640         $ 601,718
                           ==========        ==========        ==========

INSTITUTIONAL MONEY     Period From 11/19/96
 MARKET                    Through 2/28/97

Advisory Fee               $337,302

Waiver                     (337,302)
Net Advisory Fee               0

INSTITUTIONAL TAX       Period From 11/20/96
 EXEMPT                 Through 2/28/97

Advisory Fee               $ 77,430

Waiver                     (77,430)
Net Advisory Fee               0

                        Through 2/28/97

Advisory Fee               $199,136

Waiver                    (199,136)
Net Advisory Fee               0

* The Fund changed its fiscal year from February 28 to August 31.

** The Fund changed its fiscal year from December 31 to August 31.

Expense Limitations

Evergreen Asset as Adviser to Money Market and Tax Exempt has,  pursuant to each
Investment Advisory Agreement,  agreed to reimburse each Fund to the extent that
any of these Funds' aggregate  operating expenses  (including the Adviser's fee,
but  excluding  interest,   taxes,  brokerage  commissions,   and  extraordinary
expenses,  and for such Funds' Class A, Class B, Class C and Class K shares,  as
applicable, Rule 12b-1 distribution fees and shareholder servicing fees payable)
exceed 1.00% of their average net assets for any fiscal year. FUNB as Adviser to
Institutional Money Market,  Institutional Tax Exempt and Institutional Treasury
has  voluntarily  agreed to reimburse  each Fund to the extent that any of these
Funds' aggregate  operating expenses (including the Adviser's fee, but excluding
interest, taxes, brokerage commissions, and extraordinary expenses, and for such
Funds Institutional  Service shares Rule 12b-1 distribution fees and shareholder
servicing fees payable) exceed 0.20 of 1.00% of their average net assets for any
fiscal year for


Institutional shares and 0.45 of 1.00% for Institutional Service shares.

The Investment  Advisory  Agreements are terminable,  without the payment of any
penalty,  on sixty days' written notice,  by a vote of the holders of a majority
of each Fund's  outstanding  shares,  or by a vote of a majority of each Trust's
Trustees or by the respective  Adviser.  The Investment Advisory Agreements will
automatically  terminate  in the  event of  their  assignment.  Each  Investment
Advisory  Agreement  provides in substance  that the Adviser shall not be liable
for any action or failure to act in accordance with its duties thereunder in the
absence of willful misfeasance, bad faith or gross negligence on the part of the
Adviser or of reckless disregard of its obligations  thereunder.  The Investment
Advisory Agreements with respect to Money Market and Tax Exempt,  dated June 30,
1994,  were each last  approved by the  Trustees of each Trust on June 17, 1997,
and will continue from year to year provided that such  continuance  is approved
annually  by a vote of a majority  of the  Trustees  of each Trust  including  a
majority of those Trustees who are not parties  thereto or "interested  persons"
(as defined in the 1940 Act) of any such party, cast in person at a meeting duly
called  for  the  purpose  of  voting  on such  approval  or a  majority  of the
outstanding voting shares of each Fund. With respect to Treasury, the Investment
Advisory  Agreement  dated  February  28,  1985 and  amended  from  time to time
thereafter  was last  approved  by the  Trustees on June 17,  1997,  and it will
continue  from  year to year  with  respect  to each  Fund  provided  that  such
continuance  is  approved  annually  by a vote  of a  majority  of the  Trustees
including  a  majority  of  those  Trustees  who  are  not  parties  thereto  or
"interested  persons" of any such party cast in person at a meeting  duly called
for the  purpose of voting on such  approval  or by a vote of a majority  of the
outstanding  voting  securities of the Fund. With respect to  Pennsylvania,  the
Investment  Advisory  Agreement  dated January 1, 1996 was first approved by the
shareholders of the Fund on December 12, 1995 and will continue until January 1,
1998  and  from  year to year  with  respect  to the  Fund  provided  that  such
continuance  is  approved  annually  by a vote  of a  majority  of the  Trustees
including  a  majority  of  those  Trustees  who  are  not  parties  thereto  or
"interested  persons" of any such party cast in person at a meeting  duly called
for the  purpose of voting on such  approval  or by a vote of a majority  of the
outstanding  voting securities of the Fund. With respect to Institutional  Money
Market,  Institutional  Tax Exempt and  Institutional  Treasury,  the Investment
Advisory  Agreements  dated  September  30,  1996 were  approved  by each Fund's
initial  shareholder  on September  30, 1996,  and will continue in effect until
September  30,  1998,  and  thereafter  from year to year  provided  that  their
continuance is approved annually by a vote of a majority of the Trustees of each
Trust  including a majority  of those  Trustees  who are not parties  thereto or
"interested  persons" of any such party cast in person at a meeting  duly called
for the  purpose of voting on such  approval  or by a vote of a majority  of the
outstanding voting securities of each Fund.

Certain  other  clients  of each  Adviser  may have  investment  objectives  and
policies similar to those of the Funds. Each Adviser (including the sub-adviser)
may,  from time to time,  make  recommendations  which result in the purchase or
sale of a particular  security by its other clients  simultaneously with a Fund.
If  transactions  on behalf  of more  than one  client  during  the same  period
increase the demand for securities  being  purchased or the supply of securities
being  sold,  there may be an  adverse  effect on price or  quantity.  It is the
policy of each Adviser to allocate advisory  recommendations  and the placing of
orders in a manner  which is deemed  equitable  by the  Adviser to the  accounts
involved,  including  the Funds.  When two or more of the clients of the Adviser
(including one or more of the Funds) are purchasing or selling the same security
on a given day from the same broker-dealer, such transactions may be averaged as
to price.

Although  the  investment  objectives  of the Funds are not the same,  and their
investment  decisions are made  independently of each other,  they rely upon the
same  resources  for  investment  advice  and  recommendations.   Therefore,  on
occasion,  when a particular security meets the different investment  objectives
of the  various  Funds,  they  may  simultaneously  purchase  or sell  the  same
security.  This could have a detrimental effect on the price and quantity of the
security available to each Fund. If simultaneous transactions occur, the Adviser
attempts  to  allocate  the  securities,  both  as to  price  and  quantity,  in
accordance with a method deemed equitable to each Fund and consistent with their
different investment objectives.  In some cases, simultaneous purchases or sales
could have a beneficial  effect,  in that the ability of one Fund to participate
in volume transactions may produce better executions for that Fund.

Each Fund has  adopted  procedures  under  Rule  17a-7 of the 1940 Act to permit
purchase and sales  transactions to be effected  between each Fund and the other
registered investment


companies for which either Evergreen Asset or FUNB acts as investment adviser or
between the Fund and any advisory clients of Evergreen  Asset,  FUNB or Lieber &
Company ("Lieber").  Each Fund may from time to time engage in such transactions
but only in accordance  with these  procedures and if they are equitable to each
participant and consistent with each participant's investment objectives.

Prior to July 1,  1995,  Federated  Administrative  Services,  a  subsidiary  of
Federated  Investors,   provided  legal,  accounting  and  other  administrative
personnel and support services to each of the portfolios of Evergreen Investment
Trust. For the fiscal year ended August 31, 1996, the fiscal period ended August
31,  1995 and the  fiscal  year  ended  December  31,  1994,  Treasury  incurred
$1,255,724,  $601,034 and  $462,002,  respectively,  in  administrative  service

Prior  to  January  19,  1996,  Furman  Selz  LLC  acted  as  administrator  for
Pennsylvania.  For the fiscal period ended January 18, 1996 and the fiscal years
ended   February   28,   1995  and  1994  Furman  Selz  LLC  waived  its  entire
administrative fee.

Evergreen Keystone Investment Services, Inc. ("EKIS") serves as administrator to
the Funds and is entitled to receive a fee based on the average daily net assets
of each Fund at a rate based on the total  assets of the mutual  funds for which
any affiliate of FUNB serves as investment adviser, calculated daily and payable
monthly at the following annual rates:  .050% on the first $7 billion;  .035% on
the  next $3  billion;  .030%  on the  next $5  billion;  .020%  on the next $10
billion;  .015% on the next $5  billion;  and  .010% on  assets in excess of $30
billion.  BISYS,  an affiliate of EKD,  distributor  for the Evergreen  Keystone
group of mutual funds, serves as  sub-administrator to the Funds and is entitled
to receive a fee from EKIS  calculated  on the  average  daily net assets of the
Funds at a rate  based on the  total  assets of the  mutual  funds for which any
affiliate of FUNB serves as investment  adviser,  calculated in accordance  with
the following  schedule:  .0100% of the first $7 billion;  .0075% on the next $3
billion;  .0050%  on the next $15  billion;  .0040%  on  assets in excess of $25
billion. The total assets of the mutual funds for which FUNB affiliates serve as
investment adviser were approximately $30.5 billion as of June 30, 1997.

                               DISTRIBUTION PLANS

Reference  is  made  to  "Management  of the  Funds  -  Distribution  Plans  and
Agreements" in the Prospectus of each Fund for additional  disclosure  regarding
the Funds'  distribution  arrangements.  Distribution fees are accrued daily and
paid  monthly  on the  Class A shares of Money  Market,  Tax  Exempt,  Treasury,
Pennsylvania,   Institutional   Service   shares  of   Institutional   Treasury,
Institutional  Money Market and Institutional Tax Exempt,  and for Money Market,
its  Class B shares,  Class C shares  and Class K shares  are  charged  as class
expenses,  as accrued.  The distribution fees attributable to the Class B shares
and Class C shares are  designed to permit an  investor to purchase  such shares
through broker-dealers without the assessment of a front-end sales charge, while
at the same time  permitting  the  Distributor to compensate  broker-dealers  in
connection with the sale of such shares. In this regard the purpose and function
of the combined contingent  deferred sales charge and distribution  services fee
on the  Class B  shares  and the  Class C  shares,  are the same as those of the
front-end sales charge and  distribution  fee with respect to the Class A shares
in that in each case the sales charge  and/or  distribution  fee provide for the
financing of the distribution of the Fund's shares.

Under the Rule 12b-1 Distribution Plans that have been adopted by each Fund with
respect  to each of its Class A,  Institutional  Service,  Class B,  Class C and
Class K shares,  as  applicable,  (to the  extent  that each  Fund  offers  such
classes) (each a "Plan" and  collectively,  the "Plans"),  the Treasurer of each
Fund  reports the amounts  expended by the Fund under the Plan and the  purposes
for which such  expenditures  were made to the  Trustees of each Trust for their
review on a quarterly  basis.  Also,  each Plan  provides that the selection and
nomination of the  Independent  Trustees are committed to the discretion of such
Independent Trustees then in office.

Each  Adviser  may  from  time to time and  from  its own  funds  or such  other
resources as may be permitted by rules of the Securities and Exchange Commission
make payments for distribution  services to the  Distributor;  the latter may in
turn pay part or all of such  compensation to brokers or other persons for their
distribution assistance.

Each Plan  continues  in effect  from  year to year  only if  approved  at least
annually  by each  Trust's  Board of Trustees or by a vote of a majority of each
Fund's outstanding shares (as


defined  in the 1940 Act).  In either  case,  by the vote of a majority  of each
Trust's  Independent  Trustees who have no direct or indirect financial interest
in the  operation  of the  Plan  or any  agreement  related.  Each  Distribution
Agreement  will  continue in effect from year to year,  if the Board of Trustees
approves such continuance annually in the same manner as the Advisory Agreement.

On October 1, 1996  Institutional  Money  Market,  Institutional  Tax Exempt and
Institutional  Treasury  commenced  the  offering of each  Fund's  Institutional
Service shares.  Each Plan with respect to such Funds became effective on August
1,  1996 and was  initially  approved  by the sole  shareholder  of each Fund on
September  30,  1996 and by the  unanimous  vote of the  Trustees of each Trust,
including the disinterested Trustees voting separately,  at a meeting called for
that purpose and held on August 1, 1996.  The  Distribution  Agreements  between
each Fund and the  Distributor,  pursuant  to which  distribution  fees are paid
under the Plans by each Fund with respect to its  Institutional  Service  shares
were also  approved at the August 1, 1996 meeting by the  unanimous  vote of the
disinterested  Trustees voting separately.  Each Plan and Distribution Agreement
will continue in effect for successive  twelve-month periods provided,  however,
that such continuance is specifically approved at least annually by the Trustees
of each Trust or by vote of the holders of a majority of the outstanding  voting
securities  (as defined in the 1940 Act) of that Class and, in either case, by a
majority of the  Trustees  of the Trust who are not parties to the  Distribution
Agreement or interested  persons,  as defined in the 1940 Act, of any such party
(other  than as  Trustees  of the  Trust)  and who have no  direct  or  indirect
financial  interest  in the  operation  of the  Plan  or any  agreement  related

The Plans permit the payment of fees to brokers and others for  distribution and
shareholder-related  administrative  services and to broker-dealers,  depository
institutions,  financial  intermediaries  and  administrators for administrative
services as to each Fund's Class A, Institutional  Service, Class B, Class C and
Class K shares,  as applicable.  The Plans are designed to (i) stimulate brokers
to provide  distribution  and  administrative  support services to the Funds and
holders of each  Fund's  Class A,  Institutional  Service,  Class B, Class C and
Class K  shares  as  applicable  and (ii)  stimulate  administrators  to  render
administrative  support  services to the Funds and holders of such  shares.  The
administrative  services are provided by a  representative  who has knowledge of
the shareholder's  particular  circumstances and goals, and include, but are not
limited to providing office space, equipment,  telephone facilities, and various
personnel  including  clerical,  supervisory,  and  computer,  as  necessary  or
beneficial  to  establish  and  maintain   shareholder   accounts  and  records;
processing  purchase and redemption  transactions  and automatic  investments of
client account cash balances;  answering routine client inquiries regarding each
Fund's Class A,  Institutional  Service,  Class B, Class C and Class K shares as
applicable;   assisting   clients  in   changing   dividend   options,   account
designations,  and  addresses;  and  providing  such other  services as the Fund
reasonably requests for its Class A, Institutional Service, Class B, Class C and
Class K shares, as applicable.

In  the  event  that a Plan  or  Distribution  Agreement  is  terminated  or not
continued  with  respect  to one or more  Classes  of shares  of a Fund,  (i) no
distribution fees (other than current amounts accrued but not yet paid) would be
owed by the Fund to the  Distributor  with  respect  to that Class or Classes of
shares,  and (ii) the Fund would not be obligated to pay the Distributor for any
amounts  expended under the Distribution  Agreement not previously  recovered by
the  Distributor  from  distribution  services  fees in respect of such Class or
Classes of shares through deferred sales charges.  However, the Distributor will
ask  the  Trust's  Independent  Trustees  to  take  whatever  action  they  deem
appropriate under the circumstances with respect to payment of Advances.

Any  change  in  the  Distribution  Plan  that  would  materially  increase  the
distribution expenses of the Fund provided for in the Distribution Plan requires
shareholder approval.  Otherwise,  the Distribution Plan may be amended by votes
of each  Trust's  (1) Board of Trustees  and (2)  Independent  Trustees  cast in
person at a meeting called for the purpose of voting on such amendment.

Any Plan or  Distribution  Agreement  may be  terminated  (a) by a Fund  without
penalty at any time by a majority vote of the holders of the outstanding  voting
securities of the Fund,  voting separately by Class or by a majority vote of the
Independent Trustees,  or (b) by the Distributor.  To terminate any Distribution
Agreement,  any party must give the other  parties 60 days' written  notice;  to
terminate  a Plan  only,  the Fund need give no notice to the  Distributor.  Any
Distribution Agreement will terminate automatically in


the event of its assignment.

Fees Paid Pursuant to Distribution Plans. Treasury, Money Market, Tax Exempt and
Pennsylvania incurred the following distribution service fees:

Treasury.  For the fiscal year ended  August 31, 1996,  $6,381,827  on behalf of
Class A shares.

Money Market.  For the six months ended February 28, 1997,  $2,698,374 on behalf
of Class A shares and $39,539 on behalf of Class B shares.

Tax Exempt.  For the fiscal year ended August 31, 1996,  $1,898,665 on behalf of
Class A shares.

Pennsylvania.  For the  six  months  ended  August  31,  1996  (commencement  of
operations), $24,476 on behalf of Class A shares.

For the period from November 19, 1996 through  February 28, 1997,  Institutional
Money Market,  Institutional Tax Exempt and Institutional Treasury paid EKD, the
Distributor,  fees of $297,918,  $11,834 and $165,813,  respectively pursuant to
the Distribution Plans.

                             ALLOCATION OF BROKERAGE

Decisions  regarding each Fund's  portfolio are made by its Adviser,  subject to
the supervision and control of the Trustees. Orders for the purchase and sale of
securities and other investments are placed by employees of the Adviser,  all of
whom, in the case of Evergreen  Asset,  are associated with Lieber.  In general,
the same  individuals  perform the same functions for the other funds managed by
the Adviser.  A Fund will not effect any brokerage  transactions with any broker
or dealer  affiliated  directly  or  indirectly  with the  Adviser  unless  such
transactions  are fair and reasonable,  under the  circumstances,  to the Fund's
shareholders. Circumstances that may indicate that such transactions are fair or
reasonable include the frequency of such transactions, the selection process and
the commissions payable in connection with such transactions.

It is  anticipated  that most  purchase and sale  transactions  involving  fixed
income  securities  will be with the  issuer  or an  underwriter  or with  major
dealers in such securities acting as principals.  Such transactions are normally
on a net basis and  generally do not involve  payment of brokerage  commissions.
However, the cost of securities purchased from an underwriter usually includes a
commission  paid by the  issuer  to the  underwriter.  Purchases  or sales  from
dealers will normally reflect the spread between bid and ask prices.

In selecting firms to effect securities transactions,  the primary consideration
of each Fund shall be prompt  execution at the most favorable price. A Fund will
also  consider  such  factors  as the price of the  securities  and the size and
difficulty of execution of the order.  If these  objectives may be met with more
than one firm, the Fund will also consider the  availability  of statistical and
investment  data and  economic  facts and opinions  helpful to the Fund.  To the
extent that receipt of these  services  for which the Adviser or its  affiliates
might otherwise have paid, it would tend to reduce their expenses.

Under Section 11(a) of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as amended,  and the
rules adopted thereunder by the Securities and Exchange  Commission,  Lieber may
be compensated for effecting  transactions in portfolio securities for a Fund on
a national  securities  exchange  provided the  conditions of the rules are met.
Each Fund advised by Evergreen  Asset has entered into an agreement  with Lieber
authorizing Lieber to retain compensation for brokerage services.  In accordance
with such agreement,  it is contemplated  that Lieber,  a member of the New York
and American Stock Exchanges, will, to the extent practicable, provide brokerage
services to the Fund with respect to substantially  all securities  transactions
effected on the New York and American Stock Exchanges.  In such transactions,  a
Fund will seek the best  execution  at the most  favorable  price while paying a
commission  rate no higher than that offered to other  clients of Lieber or that
which can be reasonably expected to be offered by an unaffiliated  broker-dealer
having comparable  execution  capability in a similar  transaction.  However, no
Fund will engage in transactions in which Lieber would be a principal.  While no
Fund advised by Evergreen Asset contemplates any ongoing arrangements with other
brokerage  firms,  brokerage  business  may be given  from time to time to other
firms. In addition,  the Trustees have adopted procedures pursuant to Rule 17e-1
under the 1940 Act to ensure that all brokerage  transactions with Lieber, as an
affiliated broker-dealer, are fair and reasonable.


Any  profits  from  brokerage  commissions  accruing  to  Lieber  as a result of
portfolio  transactions  for the Fund will  accrue  to FUNB and to its  ultimate
parent,  First Union.  The Investment  Advisory  Agreements do not provide for a
reduction  of the  Adviser's  fee with  respect to any Fund by the amount of any
profits  earned by Lieber from  brokerage  commissions  generated  by  portfolio
transactions of the Fund.

                           ADDITIONAL TAX INFORMATION
                      (See also "Taxes" in the Prospectus)

Each Fund has  qualified  and intends to continue to qualify,  for and elect the
tax  treatment  applicable  to  regulated  investment  companies  ("RIC")  under
Subchapter M of the  Internal  Revenue  Code of 1986,  as amended (the  "Code").
(Such  qualification  does not involve  supervision  of management or investment
practices or policies by the Internal Revenue Service.) In order to qualify as a
regulated  investment  company,  a Fund must, among other things,  (a) derive at
least 90% of its gross income from dividends, interest, payments with respect to
proceeds from  securities  loans,  gains from the sale or other  disposition  of
securities or foreign currencies and other income (including gains from options,
futures or forward  foreign  contracts)  derived with respect to its business of
investing in such securities;  (b) derive less than 30% of its gross income from
the sale or  other  disposition  of  securities,  options,  futures  or  forward
contracts (other than those on foreign  currencies),  or foreign  currencies (or
options,  futures or forward contracts thereon) that are not directly related to
the RIC's principal  business of investing in securities (or options and futures
with respect  thereto)  held for less than three  months;  and (c) diversify its
holdings so that, at the end of each quarter of its taxable  year,  (i) at least
50% of the market value of the Fund's total assets is represented by cash,  U.S.
government securities and other securities limited in respect of any one issuer,
to an amount  not  greater  than 5% of the  Fund's  total  assets and 10% of the
outstanding  voting securities of such issuer, and (ii) not more than 25% of the
value of its total assets is invested in the securities of any one issuer (other
than U.S.  government  securities and securities of other  regulated  investment
companies).  By so qualifying, a Fund is not subject to Federal income tax if it
timely  distributes  its investment  company taxable income and any net realized
capital  gains. A 4%  nondeductible  excise tax will be imposed on a Fund to the
extent it does not meet  certain  distribution  requirements  by the end of each
calendar year. Each Fund anticipates meeting such distribution requirements.

Dividends paid by a Fund from investment  company taxable income  generally will
be taxed to the  shareholders  as ordinary  income.  Investment  company taxable
income  includes net  investment  income and net realized  short-term  gains (if
any).  Any  dividends  received  by  a  Fund  from  domestic  corporations  will
constitute a portion of the Fund's gross investment income.

Distributions  of the excess of net long-term  capital gain over net  short-term
capital  loss are  taxable  to  shareholders  (who are not  exempt  from tax) as
long-term  capital  gain,  regardless of the length of time the shares of a Fund
have been held by such shareholders.  Short-term capital gains distributions are
taxable to  shareholders  who are not exempt from tax as ordinary  income.  Such
distributions are not eligible for the  dividends-received  deduction.  Any loss
recognized  upon the sale of  shares  of a Fund  held by a  shareholder  for six
months or less will be treated as a  long-term  capital  loss to the extent that
the shareholder  received a long-term  capital gain distribution with respect to
such shares.

Distributions  of  investment  company  taxable  income  and any net  short-term
capital  gains  will be  taxable  as  ordinary  income  as  described  above  to
shareholders  (who are not exempt from tax),  whether made in shares or in cash.
Shareholders  electing to receive distributions in the form of additional shares
will have a cost basis for federal income tax purposes in each share so received
equal to the net asset value of a share of a Fund on the reinvestment date.

Distributions  by each Fund result in a reduction  in the net asset value of the
Fund's  shares.  Should  a  distribution  reduce  the net  asset  value  below a
shareholder's  cost basis,  such distribution  nevertheless  would be taxable as
ordinary income or capital gain as described above to shareholders  (who are not
exempt from tax), even though, from an investment standpoint,  it may constitute
a return of capital. In particular,  investors should be careful to consider the
tax  implications  of buying shares just prior to a  distribution.  The price of
shares   purchased  at  that  time  includes  the  amount  of  the   forthcoming
distribution. Those purchasing just prior to a distribution will then


receive what is in effect a return of capital upon the  distribution  which will
nevertheless be taxable to shareholders subject to taxes.

Upon a sale or exchange of its shares, a shareholder will realize a taxable gain
or loss  depending  on its basis in the  shares.  Such  gains or losses  will be
treated  as a  capital  gain or loss if the  shares  are  capital  assets in the
investor's hands and will be a long-term capital gain or loss if the shares have
been held for more  than one year.  Generally,  any loss  realized  on a sale or
exchange will be disallowed to the extent shares disposed of are replaced within
a period of sixty-one days  beginning  thirty days before and ending thirty days
after the shares are disposed of. Any loss realized by a shareholder on the sale
of  shares of the Fund held by the  shareholder  for six  months or less will be
disallowed  to the  extent of any  exempt  interest  dividends  received  by the
shareholder with respect to such shares, and will be treated for tax purposes as
a long-term capital loss to the extent of any distributions of net capital gains
received by the shareholder with respect to such shares.

All distributions,  whether received in shares or cash, must be reported by each
shareholder on his or her Federal  income tax return.  Each  shareholder  should
consult  his or her own tax  adviser  to  determine  the  state  and  local  tax
implications of Fund distributions.

Shareholders who fail to furnish their taxpayer identification numbers to a Fund
and to certify as to its  correctness  and  certain  other  shareholders  may be
subject to a 31% Federal income tax backup withholding requirement on dividends,
distributions of capital gains and redemption proceeds paid to them by the Fund.
If the withholding provisions are applicable, any such dividends or capital gain
distributions  to these  shareholders,  whether  taken in cash or  reinvested in
additional  shares,  and any redemption  proceeds will be reduced by the amounts
required to be withheld.  Investors  may wish to consult  their own tax advisers
about the applicability of the backup withholding provisions.

The  foregoing  discussion  relates  solely to U.S.  federal  income  tax law as
applicable to U.S. persons (i.e.,  U.S. citizens and residents and U.S. domestic
corporations, partnerships, trusts and estates). It does not reflect the special
tax consequences to certain taxpayers (e.g.,  banks,  insurance  companies,  tax
exempt  organizations  and foreign  persons).  Shareholders  are  encouraged  to
consult their own tax advisers regarding specific questions relating to Federal,
state  and local  tax  consequences  of  investing  in  shares  of a Fund.  Each
shareholder  who is not a U.S.  person  should  consult  his or her tax  adviser
regarding  the U.S.  and foreign tax  consequences  of  ownership of shares of a
Fund, including the possibility that such a shareholder may be subject to a U.S.
withholding  tax at a rate of 31% (or at a lower  rate  under a tax  treaty)  on
amounts treated as income from U.S. sources under the Code.

Special Tax  Considerations  for Tax Exempt,  Pennsylvania and Institutional Tax

To  the  extent  that  a  Fund  distributes   exempt  interest  dividends  to  a
shareholder,  interest on indebtedness incurred or continued by such shareholder
to purchase or carry shares of the Fund is not deductible. Furthermore, entities
or persons  who are  "substantial  users" (or  related  persons)  of  facilities
financed by "private activity" bonds (some of which were formerly referred to as
"industrial  development"  bonds)  should  consult  their  tax  advisers  before
purchasing  shares of the  Fund.  "Substantial  user" is  defined  generally  as
including a "non-exempt  person" who  regularly  uses in its trade or business a
part of a facility financed from the proceeds of industrial development bonds.

The percentage of the total dividends paid by a Fund with respect to any taxable
year  that  qualifies  as  exempt  interest  dividends  will be the same for all
shareholders  of the Fund  receiving  dividends  with respect to such year. If a
shareholder  receives an exempt interest  dividend with respect to any share and
such  share  has been  held  for six  months  or  less,  any loss on the sale or
exchange of such share will be disallowed  to the extent of the exempt  interest
dividend amount.

                                 NET ASSET VALUE

The following  information  supplements that set forth in each Fund's Prospectus
under the  subheading  "How to Buy Shares - How the Funds Value Their Shares" in
the Section entitled "Purchase and Redemption of Shares."

The public  offering  price of shares of a Fund is its net asset value.  On each
Fund business day on which a purchase or redemption  order is received by a Fund
and trading in


the types of  securities  in which a Fund invests  might  materially  affect the
value of Fund  shares,  the per  share  net  asset  value of each  such  Fund is
computed in accordance with the Declaration of Trust and By-Laws  governing each
Fund twice  daily,  at 12 noon  Eastern time and as of the next close of regular
trading on the New York Stock  Exchange (the  "Exchange")  (currently  4:00 p.m.
Eastern  time) by  dividing  the  value of the  Fund's  total  assets,  less its
liabilities, by the total number of its shares then outstanding. A Fund business
day is any  weekday,  exclusive  of national  holidays on which the  Exchange is
closed and Good Friday.  Each Fund's  securities  are valued at amortized  cost.
Under  this  method  of  valuation,  a  security  is  initially  valued  at  its
acquisition cost and,  thereafter,  a constant straight line amortization of any
discount or premium is assumed each day  regardless of the impact of fluctuating
interest rates on the market value of the security.  If accurate  quotations are
not available,  securities will be valued at fair value determined in good faith
by the Board of Trustees.

                               PURCHASE OF SHARES

The following  information  supplements that set forth in each Fund's Prospectus
under the heading "Purchase and Redemption of Shares - How To Buy Shares."


Shares of each Fund will be offered on a  continuous  basis at a price  equal to
their net asset value plus a front-end or contingent  deferred  sales charges or
with  a  contingent   deferred   sales  charge  (the   "deferred   sales  charge
alternative") as described  below.  Class Y and  Institutional  shares which, as
described  below, are not offered to the general public or which, in the case of
Institutional   shares,   are  only   available  to  investors   having  certain
relationships  with the  Adviser of its  affiliates,  are  offered  without  any
front-end or contingent deferred sales charges.  Shares of each Fund are offered
on a continuous  basis  through (i)  investment  dealers that are members of the
National Association of Securities Dealers,  Inc. and have entered into selected
dealer  agreements with the Distributor  ("selected  dealers"),  (ii) depository
institutions and other financial  intermediaries or their affiliates,  that have
entered into selected agent agreements with the Distributor ("selected agents"),
or (iii) the  Distributor.  For  Money  Market,  Tax  Exempt,  Pennsylvania  and
Treasury, the minimum for initial investments is $1,000; there is no minimum for
subsequent investments. For Institutional Money Market, Institutional Tax Exempt
and  Institutional  Treasury,  the  minimum  amount for initial  investments  is
$1,000,000;  there is no minimum for subsequent investments.  The subscriber may
use the Share Purchase Application available from the Distributor for his or her
initial investment.  Sales personnel of selected dealers and agents distributing
a  Fund's  shares  may  receive  differing  compensation  for  selling  Class A,
Institutional Service, Class B, Class C or Class K shares.

Investors  may purchase  shares of a Fund in the United  States  either  through
selected dealers or agents or directly through the Distributor.  A Fund reserves
the right to  suspend  the sale of its  shares  to the  public  in  response  to
conditions in the securities markets or for other reasons.

Each Fund will accept  unconditional orders for its shares to be executed at the
public offering price equal to the net asset value next determined, as described
below.  Orders received by the Distributor prior to the close of regular trading
on the  Exchange on each day the  Exchange is open for trading are priced at the
net asset value  computed as of the close of regular  trading on the Exchange on
that day. In the case of orders for purchase of shares placed  through  selected
dealers or agents,  the applicable  public  offering price will be the net asset
value as so  determined,  but only if the selected  dealer or agent receives the
order prior to the close of regular  trading on the Exchange and transmits it to
the Distributor prior to its close of business that same day (normally 5:00 p.m.
Eastern time). The selected dealer or agent is responsible for transmitting such
orders  by 5:00  p.m.  If the  selected  dealer  or agent  fails  to do so,  the
investor's  right to that  day's  closing  price  must be  settled  between  the
investor  and the  selected  dealer or agent.  If the  selected  dealer or agent
receives the order after the close of regular trading on the Exchange, the price
will be based on the net  asset  value  determined  as of the  close of  regular
trading on the Exchange on the next day it is open for trading.

Following  the initial  purchase of shares of a Fund,  a  shareholder  may place
orders  to  purchase  additional  shares by  telephone  if the  shareholder  has
completed  the  appropriate  portion  of the  Application.  Payment  for  shares
purchased by telephone can be made only by Electronic Funds Transfer from a bank
account maintained by the shareholder at a


bank that is a member  of the  National  Automated  Clearing  House  Association
("ACH").  If a shareholder's  telephone purchase request is received before 3:00
p.m.  New York time on a Fund  business  day,  the order to  purchase  shares is
automatically  placed the same Fund business day for non-money market funds, and
two days following the day the order is received for money market funds, and the
applicable public offering price will be the public offering price determined as
of the close of business on such business day.  Full and  fractional  shares are
credited to a subscriber's account in the amount of his or her subscription.  As
a convenience to the  subscriber,  and to avoid  unnecessary  expense to a Fund,
stock certificates are not issued for any class of shares of any Fund,  although
such shares remain in the  shareholder's  account on the records of a Fund. This
facilitates later redemption and relieves the shareholder of the  responsibility
for and inconvenience of lost or stolen certificates.

Alternative Purchase Arrangements

The Funds issue the following classes of shares:
Pennsylvania, Money Market, Tax Exempt, and Treasury: Class A shares;
Money Market: Class B and Class C shares;
Money Market: Class K shares;
Pennsylvania,  Money Market, Tax Exempt and Treasury:  Class Y shares, which are
offered only to (a) persons who at or prior to December  30, 1994,  owned shares
in a mutual fund advised by Evergreen  Asset,  (b) certain  investment  advisory
clients of the Advisers and its  affiliates,  and (c)  institutional  investors;
Institutional Money Market, Institutional Tax Exempt and Institutional Treasury:
Institutional Service shares; and Institutional Money Market,  Institutional Tax
Exempt and Institutional Treasury: Institutional shares.

The  classes of shares each  represent  an  interest  in the same  portfolio  of
investments of the Fund, have the same rights and are identical in all respects,
except  that (1) only  Class A,  Class  B,  Class C,  Class K and  Institutional
Service shares are subject to a Rule 12b-1 distribution fee, (II) Class B, Class
C and, under certain conditions, class K shares bear the expense of the deferred
sales charge, (III) Class B and Class C shares bear the expense of a higher Rule
12b-1  distribution  services fee than Class A shares and higher transfer agency
costs,  (IV) with the  exception of Class Y shares,  each Class of each Fund has
exclusive  voting  rights  with  respect  to  provisions  of the Rule 12b-1 Plan
pursuant  to which its  distribution  services  fee is paid  which  relates to a
specific  Class and other matters for which separate Class voting is appropriate
under applicable law,  provided that, if the Fund submits to a simultaneous vote
of Class A, Class B, Class C and Class K  shareholders  an amendment to the Rule
12b-1 Plan that would materially  increase the amount to be paid thereunder with
respect  to any  class  of  shares,  the  Class  A  shareholders,  the  Class  B
shareholders,  the Class C  shareholders  and the Class K shareholdes  will vote
separately  by  Class,  and  (VI)  only  the  Class B shares  are  subject  to a
conversion  feature.  Each Class has different  exchange  privileges and certain
different shareholder service options available.

The alternative purchase arrangements permit an investor to choose the method of
purchasing  shares  that is most  beneficial.  Class A and  Class K  shares  are
subject  to  a  lower   distribution   services   fee  and,   accordingly,   pay
correspondingly higher dividends per share than Class B and Class C shares.

The Trustees  have  determined  that  currently  no conflict of interest  exists
between  or among the Class A,  Class B,  Class C, Class K and Class Y shares of
Money Market,  Tax Exempt,  Pennsylvania  and Treasury,  as applicable,  and the
Institutional  Service and Institutional  shares of Institutional  Money Market,
Institutional  Tax Exempt and Institutional  Treasury.  On an ongoing basis, the
Trustees,  pursuant to their fiduciary duties under the 1940 Act and state laws,
will seek to ensure that no such conflict arises.


Class A shares of the Funds can be  purchased  at net  asset  value  without  an
initial sales charge. Certain broker-dealers or other financial institutions may
impose a fee in connection with purchases at net asset value.



Investors choosing the deferred sales charge alternative purchase Class B shares
at the public offering price equal to the net asset value per share of the Class
B shares on the date of purchase without the imposition of a sales charge at the
time of purchase.  The Class B shares are sold without a front-end  sales charge
so that the full amount of the  investor's  purchase  payment is invested in the
Fund initially.

Proceeds from the contingent  deferred sales charge are paid to the  Distributor
and are used by the  Distributor  to  defray  the  expenses  of the  Distributor
related to  providing  distribution-related  services to the Fund in  connection
with the sale of the Class B shares,  such as the  payment  of  compensation  to
selected dealers and agents for selling Class B shares.

The  combination  of the contingent  deferred sales charge and the  distribution
services fee enables the Fund to sell the Class B shares  without a sales charge
being  deducted at the time of purchase.  The higher  distribution  services fee
incurred by Class B shares will cause such shares to have a higher expense ratio
and to pay lower dividends than those related to Class A shares.

Contingent  Deferred Sales Charge.  Class B shares which are redeemed within six
years after the month of purchase will be subject to a contingent deferred sales
charge at the rates set forth in the  Prospectus  charged as a percentage of the
dollar amount subject thereto. The charge will be assessed on an amount equal to
the lesser of the cost of the shares being  redeemed or their net asset value at
the  time of  redemption.  Accordingly,  no  sales  charge  will be  imposed  on
increases in net asset value above the initial  purchase price. In addition,  no
contingent  deferred  sales  charge  will be  assessed  on shares  derived  from
reinvestment  of dividends  or capital  gains  distributions.  The amount of the
contingent  deferred sales charge,  if any, will vary depending on the number of
years from the time of payment for the purchase of Class B shares until the time
of redemption of such shares.

In determining the contingent  deferred sales charge applicable to a redemption,
it will be assumed,  that the  redemption  is first of any Class A shares in the
shareholder's Fund account,  second of Class B shares held for over six years or
Class B shares acquired  pursuant to reinvestment of dividends or  distributions
and third of Class B shares held longest during the six-year period.

To illustrate,  assume that an investor purchased 1,000 Class B shares at $1 per
share (at a cost of $1,000) and, during such time, the investor has acquired 100
additional  Class B  shares  upon  dividend  reinvestment.  If at such  time the
investor  makes his or her first  redemption of 500 Class B shares,  100 Class B
shares  will  not  be  subject  to  charge  because  of  dividend  reinvestment.
Therefore,  of the $500 of the shares  redeemed $400 of the redemption  proceeds
(400 shares x $1 original purchase price) will be charged at a rate of 4.0% (the
applicable  rate in the second year after  purchase  for a  contingent  deferred
sales charge of $16).

The  contingent  deferred  sales charge is waived on  redemptions  of shares (i)
following the death or disability, as defined in the Code, of a shareholder,  or
(ii)  to  the  extent  that  the  redemption   represents  a  minimum   required
distribution from an individual retirement account or other retirement plan to a
shareholder who has attained the age of 70-1/2.

Conversion Feature. At the end of the period ending seven years after the end of
the calendar month in which the shareholder's purchase order was accepted, Class
B shares  will  automatically  convert  to Class A shares  and will no longer be
subject to a higher  distribution  services fee imposed on Class B shares.  Such
conversion  will be on the basis of the  relative  net  asset  values of the two
classes,  without the  imposition of any sales load,  fee or other  charge.  The
purpose of the  conversion  feature is to reduce the  distribution  services fee
paid by holders of Class B shares that have been outstanding long enough for the
Distributor to have been  compensated for the expenses  associated with the sale
of such shares.

For  purposes of  conversion  to Class A, Class B shares  purchased  through the
reinvestment of dividends and distributions paid in respect of Class B shares in
a shareholder's account will be considered to be held in a separate sub-account.
Each time any Class B shares in the  shareholder's  account (other than those in
the  sub-account)  convert to Class A, an equal pro-rata  portion of the Class B
shares in the sub-account will also convert to Class A.


The  conversion of Class B shares to Class A shares is subject to the continuing
availability  of an opinion of counsel to the effect that (i) the  assessment of
the higher  distribution  services fee and transfer agency costs with respect to
Class B shares does not result in the  dividends or  distributions  payable with
respect  to  other  Classes  of  a  Fund's  shares  being  deemed  "preferential
dividends"  under the Code, and (ii) the conversion of Class B shares to Class A
shares does not  constitute a taxable  event under  Federal  income tax law. The
conversion  of Class B shares  to Class A  shares  may be  suspended  if such an
opinion is no longer  available at the time such conversion is to occur. In that
event,  no further  conversions of Class B shares would occur,  and shares might
continue to be subject to the higher distribution services fee for an indefinite
period  which may extend  beyond the period  ending seven years after the end of
the calendar month in which the shareholder's purchase order was accepted.


Investors  choosing the level load sales  charge  alternative  purchase  Class C
shares at the public  offering  price  equal to the net asset value per share of
the Class C shares on the date of purchase without the imposition of a front-end
sales charge.  However,  you will pay a 1.0% contingent deferred sales charge if
you redeem shares  during the first year after the month of purchase.  No charge
is imposed in connection with redemptions made more than one year from the month
of purchase.  Class C shares are sold  without a front-end  sales charge so that
the Fund will  receive the full amount of the  investor's  purchase  payment and
after the first year  without a  contingent  deferred  sales  charge so that the
investor will receive as proceeds upon  redemption the entire net asset value of
his or her Class C  shares.  Class C shares do not  convert  to any other  Class
shares of the Fund. Class C shares incur higher distribution  services fees than
Class  A  shares,   and  will  thus  have  a  higher   expense   ratio  and  pay
correspondingly lower dividends than Class A shares.


Class K shares of Money Market can be  purchased  at net asset value  without an
initial sales charge or contingent deferred sales charge.

 (See also "Other Information - General Information" in each Fund's Prospectus)

Capitalization and Organization

Evergreen  Money  Market  Fund,  Evergreen  Institutional  Money Market Fund and
Evergreen  Institutional  Treasury Money Market Fund are each separate series of
Evergreen  Money Market Trust, a  Massachusetts  business  trust.  Evergreen Tax
Exempt Money  Market Fund and  Evergreen  Institutional  Tax Exempt Money Market
Fund are each separate series of The Evergreen  Municipal Trust, a Massachusetts
business trust. The Evergreen Treasury Money Market Fund (which prior to July 7,
1995 was known as the First Union Treasury Money Market Portfolio) is a separate
series of Evergreen Investment Trust, a Massachusetts business trust. On July 7,
1995,  First Union Funds  changed its name to Evergreen  Investment  Trust.  The
Evergreen  Pennsylvania  Tax Free  Money  Market  Fund is a  separate  series of
Evergreen Tax Free Trust.  Evergreen Tax Free Trust (formerly known as FFB Funds
Trust) is a  Massachusetts  business  trust which was  organized  on December 4,
1985. Each Trust is governed by a board of trustees.  Unless  otherwise  stated,
references  to the  "Board of  Trustees"  or  "Trustees"  in this  Statement  of
Additional Information refer to the Trustees of all the Trusts.

Each Fund, other than Pennsylvania,  Institutional  Money Market,  Institutional
Tax Exempt and Institutional Treasury may issue an unlimited number of shares of
beneficial  interest  with a  $0.0001  par  value.  Pennsylvania,  may  issue an
unlimited  number of shares of beneficial  interest with a $.001 par value.  All
shares of these Funds have equal rights and  privileges.  Each share is entitled
to one vote, to participate  equally in dividends and distributions  declared by
the  Funds  and on  liquidation  to  their  proportionate  share  of the  assets
remaining after satisfaction of outstanding  liabilities.  Shares of these Funds
are fully paid,  nonassessable  and fully  transferable  when issued and have no
pre-emptive,   conversion   or   exchange   rights.   Fractional   shares   have
proportionally  the same rights,  including voting rights, as are provided for a
full share.

Institutional Money Market,  Institutional Tax Exempt and Institutional Treasury
may issue an unlimited  number of shares of beneficial  interest with $0.001 par
value. Each of these Funds


has two classes of shares, Institutional Service Shares and Institutional Shares
with identical voting,  dividend,  liquidation and other rights, except that the
Institutional  Service  Shares bear  distribution  expenses  and have  exclusive
voting rights with respect to their Distribution Plans.

Under each Trust's  Declaration  of Trust,  each Trustee will continue in office
until  the  termination  of the Fund or his or her  earlier  death,  incapacity,
resignation  or  removal.  Shareholders  can  remove  a  Trustee  upon a vote of
two-thirds  of the  outstanding  shares of  beneficial  interest  of the  Trust.
Vacancies will be filled by a majority of the remaining Trustees, subject to the
1940 Act. As a result,  normally no annual or regular  meetings of  shareholders
will be held,  unless  otherwise  required by the  Declaration  of Trust of each
Trust or the 1940 Act.

Shares have  noncumulative  voting rights,  which means that the holders of more
than 50% of the shares voting for the election of Trustees can elect 100% of the
Trustees if they choose to do so and in such event the holders of the  remaining
shares so voting will not be able to elect any Trustees.

The Trustees of each Trust are  authorized to reclassify  and issue any unissued
shares  to  any  number  of  additional  series  without  shareholder  approval.
Accordingly,  in the future,  for reasons such as the desire to establish one or
more  additional  portfolios of a Trust with  different  investment  objectives,
policies or restrictions,  additional  series of shares may be created by one or
more Funds.  Any issuance of shares of another series or class would be governed
by the 1940 Act and the law of the Commonwealth of  Massachusetts.  If shares of
another  series  of a Trust  were  issued in  connection  with the  creation  of
additional  investment  portfolios,  each share of the newly  created  portfolio
would  normally be entitled to one vote for all purposes.  Generally,  shares of
all portfolios would vote as a single series on matters, such as the election of
Trustees,  that affected all portfolios in substantially  the same manner. As to
matters affecting each portfolio differently, such as approval of the Investment
Advisory  Agreement and changes in investment  policy,  shares of each portfolio
would vote separately.

In addition  any Fund may, in the future,  create  additional  classes of shares
which  represent an interest in the same  investment  portfolio.  Except for the
different distribution related and other specific costs borne by such additional
classes,  they will have the same  voting  and other  rights  described  for the
existing classes of each Fund.

Procedures for calling a shareholders meeting for the removal of the Trustees of
each Trust, similar to those set forth in Section 16(c) of the 1940 Act, will be
available to shareholders of each Fund. The rights of the holders of shares of a
series of a Fund may not be  modified  except by the vote of a  majority  of the
outstanding shares of such series.


Evergreen Keystone  Distributor,  Inc. (the "Distributor"),  125 W. 55th Street,
New York, New York 10019,  serves as each Fund's principal  underwriter,  and as
such may  solicit  orders from the public to  purchase  shares of any Fund.  The
Distributor  is not  obligated  to sell any  specific  amount of shares and will
purchase  shares for resale only against orders for shares.  Under the agreement
between each Fund and the  Distributor,  each Fund has agreed to  indemnify  the
Distributor,  in the  absence  of its  willful  misfeasance,  bad  faith,  gross
negligence or reckless disregard of its obligations thereunder,  against certain
civil  liabilities,  including  liabilities under the Securities Act of 1933, as


Sullivan & Worcester LLP, Washington, D.C., serves as counsel to the Funds.

Independent Auditors

Price  Waterhouse LLP has been selected to be the independent  auditors of Money
Market,  Tax Exempt,  Institutional  Money  Market,  Institutional  Treasury and
Institutional Tax Exempt.

KPMG Peat  Marwick  LLP has been  selected  to be the  independent  auditors  of
Treasury and Pennsylvania.


                             PERFORMANCE INFORMATION


Each Fund may quote a "Current  Yield" or  "Effective  Yield" from time to time.
The Current Yield is an annualized  yield based on the actual total return for a
seven-day  period.  The  Effective  Yield  is an  annualized  yield  based  on a
compounding  of the  Current  Yield.  These  yields are each  computed  by first
determining the "Net Change in Account Value" for a hypothetical  account having
a share balance of one share at the beginning of a seven-day period  ("Beginning
Account Value"), excluding capital changes. The Net Change in Account Value will
generally equal the total dividends declared with respect to the account.
The yields are then computed as follows:

Current Yield = Beginning Account Value x 365/7
Effective Yield = (1 + Total Dividend for 7 days) 365/7-1 Tax Equivalent Yield =
Effective Yield
- ----------------------
1 - Fed Tax rate + [state Tax Rate - (state Tax Rate x Fed Tax Rate]

Yield  fluctuations may reflect changes in a Fund's net investment  income,  and
portfolio  changes resulting from net purchases or net redemptions of the Fund's
shares may affect the yield.  Accordingly,  a Fund's  yield may vary from day to
day,  and the yield  stated  for a  particular  past  period is not  necessarily
representative  of its  future  yield.  Since the Funds use the  amortized  cost
method of net asset  value  computation,  it does not  anticipate  any change in
yield resulting from any unrealized  gains or losses or unrealized  appreciation
or depreciation not reflected in the yield  computation,  or change in net asset
value during the period used for  computing  yield.  If any of these  conditions
should  occur,  yield  quotations  would be  suspended.  A  Fund's  yield is not
guaranteed, and the principal is not insured.

Yield  information  is useful in  reviewing  a Fund's  performance,  but because
yields  fluctuate,  such  information  cannot  necessarily be used to compare an
investment in a Fund's shares with bank deposits,  savings  accounts and similar
investment  alternatives which often provide an agreed or guaranteed fixed yield
for a stated  period  of time.  Shareholders  should  remember  that  yield is a
function of the kind and  quality of the  instruments  in the Funds'  investment
portfolios, portfolio maturity, operating expenses and market conditions.

It should be recognized  that in periods of declining  interest rates the yields
will tend to be somewhat higher than prevailing  market rates, and in periods of
rising  interest  rates the yields will tend to be somewhat  lower.  Also,  when
interest  rates  are  falling,  the  inflow  of net new money to a Fund from the
continuous  sale of its shares will likely be invested in instruments  producing
lower yields than the balance of the Fund's  investments,  thereby  reducing the
current yield of the Fund. In periods of rising interest rates, the opposite can
be expected to occur.

The  current  yield  and  effective  yield of each  Fund  (and  for Tax  Exempt,
Institutional  Tax Exempt and  Pennsylvania,  the tax equivalent  yield) for the
seven-day period ended February 28, 1997 for each Class of shares offered by the
Funds is set forth in the table below.  The table  assumes a Federal tax rate of
36% for Tax Exempt and  Institutional  Tax  Exempt,  and a combined  Federal and
state tax rate for Pennsylvania of 37.8%.


                             Current            Effective     Tax Equivalent
                               Yield               Yield           Yield
Money Market
  Class A                     4.86%               4.98%       N/A
  Class B                     4.16%               4.25%       N/A
  Class C                      N/A                 N/A        N/A
  Class Y                     5.16%               5.28%       N/A

Tax Exempt
  Class A                     2.97%               3.01%          4.70%
  Class Y                     3.27%               3.32%          5.19%

  Class A                     4.61%               4.72%       N/A
  Class Y                     4.91%               5.04%       N/A

  Class A                     2.89%               2.93%          4.71%
  Class Y                     3.03%               3.08%          4.95%

Institutional Tax Exempt
   Institutional              3.24%               3.34%          5.22%
   Institutional Service      2.99%               3.08%          4.81%

Institutional Money Market
   Institutional              5.36%               5.57%       N/A
   Institutional Service      5.10%               5.30%       N/A

Institutional Treasury
   Institutional              5.35%               5.38%       N/A
   Institutional Service      5.10%               5.12%       N/A


From time to time, a Fund may quote its  performance  in  advertising  and other
types of  literature  as compared to the  performance  of the Bank Rate  Monitor
National  Index which  publishes  weekly  average  rates of 50 leading  bank and
thrift institution money market deposit accounts.  A Fund's performance may also
be compared to those of other  mutual  funds  having  similar  objectives.  This
comparative  performance  would be  expressed  as a ranking  prepared  by Lipper
Analytical Services,  Inc.,  Donoghue's Money Fund Report or similar independent
services  monitoring  mutual  fund  performance.  A Fund's  performance  will be
calculated by assuming,  to the extent  applicable,  reinvestment of all capital
gains  distributions  and income  dividends  paid. Any such  comparisons  may be
useful to investors who wish to compare a Fund's past  performance  with that of
its competitors.  Of course,  past  performance  cannot be a guarantee of future

Additional Information

Any shareholder inquiries may be directed to the shareholder's broker or to each
Adviser at the  address or  telephone  number  shown on the front  cover of this
Statement of Additional  Information.  This Statement of Additional  Information
does not contain all the  information  set forth in the  Registration  Statement
filed by the  Trusts  with the  Securities  and  Exchange  Commission  under the
Securities Act of 1933. Copies of the Registration  Statement may be obtained at
a  reasonable  charge from the  Securities  and  Exchange  Commission  or may be
examined,  without  charge,  at the  offices  of  the  Securities  and  Exchange
Commission in Washington, D.C.

                              FINANCIAL STATEMENTS

The financial  statements of Money Market, Tax Exempt,  Treasury,  Pennsylvania,
Institutional Money Market,  Institutional Tax Exempt and Institutional Treasury
appearing in their most current  fiscal year Annual Report to  shareholders  and
the report thereon of the independent  auditors appearing therein,  namely Price
Waterhouse  LLP (in the case of Money Market,  Tax Exempt,  Institutional  Money
Market,  Institutional  Tax  Exempt  and  Institutional  Treasury)  or KPMG Peat
Marwick LLP (in the case of  Pennsylvania  and  Treasury)  are  incorporated  by
reference in this Statement of Additional Information. The Semi-Annual Report of


Market is also incorporated herein by reference.

You may obtain a copy of each Fund's Annual Report  without charge by writing to
EKSC, P.O. Box 2121, Boston,  Massachusetts  02106-2121, or by calling EKSC toll
free at 1-800-343-2898.


                                  APPENDIX "A"


Standard & Poor's  Ratings Group  ("S&P").  An S&P  corporate or municipal  bond
rating is a current  assessment  of the credit  worthiness  of an  obligor  with
respect to a specific obligation.  This assessment of credit worthiness may take
into consideration  obligors such as guarantors,  insurers or lessees.  The debt
rating is not a recommendation to purchase, sell or hold a security, inasmuch as
it does not comment as to market price or suitability for a particular investor.

The ratings are based on current information furnished to S&P's by the issuer or
obtained by S&P from other sources it considers  reliable.  S&P does not perform
any audit in connection with the ratings and may, on occasion, rely on unaudited
financial information.  The ratings may be changed,  suspended or withdrawn as a
result  of  changes  in,  unavailability  of  such  information,  or  for  other

The ratings are based, in varying degrees, on the following considerations:

1.  Likelihood  of  default-capacity  and  willingness  of the obligor as to the
timely  payment of interest and  repayment of principal in  accordance  with the
terms of the obligation.

2. Nature of and provisions of the obligation.

3. Protection afforded by, and relative position of, the obligation in the event
of bankruptcy,  reorganization or their arrangement under the laws of bankruptcy
and other laws affecting creditors' rights.

AAA - This is the  highest  rating  assigned  by  Standard  &  Poor's  to a debt
obligation and indicates an extremely  strong capacity to pay interest and repay
any principal.

AA - Debt rated AA also qualifies as high quality debt obligations.  Capacity to
pay interest and repay principal is very strong and in the majority of instances
they differ from AAA issues only in small degree.

A - Debt  rated A has a strong  capacity  to pay  interest  and repay  principal
although it is somewhat more  susceptible  to the adverse  effects of changes in
circumstances and economic conditions than debt in higher rated categories.

BBB - Debt rated BBB is regarded as having an adequate  capacity to pay interest
and repay  principal.  Whereas  they  normally  exhibit  protection  parameters,
adverse economic conditions or changing circumstances are more likely to lead to
a  weakened  capacity  to pay  interest  and  repay  principal  for debt in this
category than is higher rated categories.

BB, B, CCC, CC, C - Debt rated BB, B, CCC, CC and C is  regarded,  on a balance,
as predominantly  speculative with respect to capacity to pay interest and repay
principal in accordance with the terms of the obligation.

BB  indicates  the lowest  degree of  speculation  and C the  highest  degree of
speculation.  While  such debt will  likely  have some  quality  and  protective
characteristics,  these are  outweighed  by large  uncertainties  or major  risk
exposures to adverse conditions.

BB - Debt  rated BB has less  near-term  vulnerability  to  default  than  other
speculative issues. However, it faces major ongoing uncertainties or exposure to
adverse  business,  financial,  or  economic  conditions  which  could  lead  to
inadequate  capacity to meet timely  interest  and  principal  payments.  The BB
rating  category  is also  used for debt  subordinated  to  senior  debt that is
assigned an actual or implied BBB - rating.

B - Debt rated B has  greater  vulnerability  to default but  currently  has the
capacity to meet interest payments and principal  repayments.  Adverse business,
financial,  or economic conditions will likely impair capacity or willingness to
pay interest and repay  principal.  The B rating  category is also used for debt
subordinated  to senior  debt that is  assigned  an actual or  implied BB or BB-

CCC - Debt rated CCC has a currently  indefinable  vulnerability to default, and
is dependent upon favorable business,  financial and economic conditions to meet
timely payment of


interest and repayment of principal. In the event of adverse business, financial
or economic  conditions,  it is not likely to have the  capacity to pay interest
and repay principal.  The CCC rating category is also used for debt subordinated
to senior debt that is assigned an actual or implied B or B- rating.

CC - The rating CC is typically applied to debt subordinated to senior debt that
is assigned an actual or implied CCC rating.

C - The rating C is typically  applied to debt subordinated to senior debt which
is assigned an actual or implied CCC- debt  rating.  The C rating may be used to
cover a situation where a bankruptcy  petition has been filed,  but debt service
payments are continued.

C1 - The rating C1 is  reserved  for income  bonds on which no interest is being

D - Debt rated D is in payment  default.  It is used when  interest  payments or
principal  payments  are not made on a due  date  even if the  applicable  grace
period has not expired,  unless S&P's  believes  that such payments will be made
during such grace  periods;  it will also be used upon a filing of a  bankruptcy
petition if debt service  payments are  jeopardized.  Plus (+) or Minus (-) - To
provide more detailed  indications of credit quality, the ratings from AA to CCC
may be  modified  by the  addition  of a plus or  minus  sign  to show  relative
standing within the major rating categories.

NR -  indicates  that no  public  rating  has  been  requested,  that  there  is
insufficient  information on which to base a rating, or that S&P's does not rate
a particular  type of  obligation  as a matter of policy.  Debt  obligations  of
issuers  outside  the United  States and its  territories  are rated on the same
basis as domestic corporate and municipal issues. The ratings measure the credit
worthiness  of the obligor but do not take into  account  currency  exchange and
related uncertainties.

Bond Investment  Quality  Standards:  Under present  commercial bank regulations
issued  by the  Comptroller  of the  Currency,  bonds  rated  in  the  top  four
categories (AAA, AA, A, BBB,  commonly known as "Investment  Grade" ratings) are
generally  regarded as eligible  for bank  investment.  In  addition,  the Legal
Investment  Laws of various states may impose certain rating or other  standards
for  obligations  eligible for  investment by savings  banks,  trust  companies,
insurance companies and fiduciaries generally.

Moody's  Investors  Service  ("Moody's").  A brief description of the applicable
Moody's rating symbols and their meanings follows:

Aaa - Bonds which are rated Aaa are judged to be of the best quality. They carry
the smallest  degree of investment  risk and are generally  referred to as "gilt
edge".  Interest payments are protected by a large or by an exceptionally stable
margin and principal is secure. While the various protective elements are likely
to change  such  changes as can be  visualized  are most  unlikely to impair the
fundamentally strong position of such issues.

Aa - Bonds which are rated Aa are judged to be of high quality by all standards.
Together with the Aaa group they comprise what are generally known as high grade
bonds.  They are rated lower than the best bonds  because  margins of protection
may not be as large as in Aaa securities or fluctuations of protective  elements
may be of greater  amplitude or there may be other  elements  present which make
the long-term risks appear somewhat larger than in Aaa securities.

A - Bonds which are rated A possess many favorable investment attributes and are
to be considered as upper medium grade  obligations.  Factors giving security to
principal  and interest  are  considered  adequate,  but elements may be present
which suggest a susceptibility to impairment sometime in the future.

Baa - Bonds  which are rated Baa are  considered  as medium  grade  obligations,
i.e., they are neither highly  protected nor poorly secured.  Interest  payments
and principal  security appear  adequate for the present but certain  protective
elements may be lacking or may be  characteristically  unreliable over any great
length of time. Some bonds lack outstanding  investment  characteristics  and in
fact have  speculative  characteristics  as well.  NOTE:  Bonds within the above
categories which possess the strongest  investment  attributes are designated by
the symbol "1" following the rating.

Ba - Bonds  which are rated Ba are judged to have  speculative  elements;  their
future cannot be considered  as well assured.  Often the  protection of interest
and principal


payments may be very moderate and thereby not well  safeguarded  during good and
bad times over the future.  Uncertainty of position  characterizes bonds in this

B - Bonds  which are rated B generally  lack  characteristics  of the  desirable
investment.  Assurance of interest and principal  payments or of  maintenance of
other terms of the contract over any long period of time may be small.

Caa - Bonds  which are rated Caa are of poor  standing.  Such  issues  may be in
default or there may be present  elements of danger with respect to principal or

Ca - bonds which are rated Ca represent  obligations  which are speculative in a
high degree. Such issues are often in default or have other marked shortcomings.

C - bonds  which are rated C are the lowest  rated  class of bonds and issues so
rated can be regarded as having  extremely  poor prospects of ever attaining any
real investment standing.

Duff & Phelps, Inc.: AAA-- highest credit quality, with negligible risk factors;
AA -- high credit quality, with strong protection factors and modest risk, which
may vary  very  slightly  from  time to time  because  of  economic  conditions;
A--average credit quality with adequate protection factors, but with greater and
more variable risk factors in periods of economic stress. The indicators "+" and
"-" to the AA and A categories indicate the relative position of a credit within
those rating categories.

Fitch  Investors   Service  L.P.:  AAA  --  highest  credit  quality,   with  an
exceptionally  strong  ability to pay interest and repay  principal;  AA -- very
high  credit  quality,  with  very  strong  ability  to pay  interest  and repay
principal; A -- high credit quality,  considered strong as regards principal and
interest  protection,  but may be more vulnerable to adverse changes in economic
conditions  and  circumstances.  The indicators "+" and "-" to the AA, A and BBB
categories  indicate  the  relative  position  of  credit  within  those  rating


A Standard & Poor's note  rating  reflects  the  liquidity  concerns  and market
access  risks  unique to notes.  Notes  due in three  years or less will  likely
receive a note  rating.  Notes  maturing  beyond  three  years will most  likely
receive a long-term debt rating.  The following  criteria will be used in making
that assessment.

o  Amortization  schedule  (the  larger  the final  maturity  relative  to other
maturities the more likely it will be treated as a note).

o Source of  Payment  (the more  dependent  the issue is on the  market  for its
refinancing,  the more likely it will be treated as a note.) Note rating symbols
are as follows:

o SP-1 Very  strong or strong  capacity to pay  principal  and  interest.  Those
issues determined to possess overwhelming safety characteristics will be given a
plus (+) designation.

o SP-2 Satisfactory capacity to pay principal and interest.

o SP-3 Speculative capacity to pay principal and interest.

Moody's  Short-Term  Loan  Ratings -  Moody's  ratings  for state and  municipal
short-term  obligations will be designated  Moody's Investment Grade (MIG). This
distinction is in recognition of the differences  between short-term credit risk
and  long-term  risk.  Factors  affecting  the  liquidity  of the  borrower  are
uppermost in importance in short-term borrowing,  while various factors of major
importance  in bond risk are of lesser  importance  over the short  run.  Rating
symbols and their meanings follow:

o MIG 1 - This  designation  denotes  best  quality.  There  is  present  strong
protection by established cash flows, superior liquidity support or demonstrated
broad-based access to the market for refinancing.

o MIG 2 - This designation denotes high quality. Margins of protection are ample
although not so large as in the preceding group.


o MIG 3 - This designation denotes favorable quality.  All security elements are
accounted  for but this is lacking  the  undeniable  strength  of the  preceding
grades.  Liquidity and cash flow  protection may be narrow and market access for
refinancing is likely to be less well established.

o MIG  4 -  This  designation  denotes  adequate  quality.  Protection  commonly
regarded as  required of an  investment  security  is present and  although  not
distinctly or  predominantly  speculative,  there is specific  risk.  COMMERCIAL

Moody's:   Commercial  paper  rated  "Prime"  carries  the  smallest  degree  of
investment risk. The modifiers 1, 2, and 3 are used to denote relative  strength
within this highest classification.

S&P: "A" is the highest  commercial paper rating category utilized by Standard &
Poor's  Ratings  Group which uses the numbers 1+, 1, 2 and 3 to denote  relative
strength within its "A" classification.

Duff & Phelps,  Inc.:  Duff 1 is the highest  commercial  paper rating  category
utilized by Duff & Phelps which uses + or - to denote  relative  strength within
this  classification.  Duff 2 represents good certainty of timely payment,  with
minimal risk factors.  Duff 3 represents  satisfactory  protection factors, with
risk factors larger and subject to more variation.

Fitch  Investors  Service  L.P.:  F-1+ -- denotes  exceptionally  strong  credit
quality  given to issues  regarded as having  strongest  degree of assurance for
timely payment;  F-1 -- very strong, with only slightly less degree of assurance
for  timely  payment  than  F-1+;  F-2  --  good  credit  quality,   carrying  a
satisfactory degree of assurance for timely payment.


Special Considerations Relating to Investment In Pennsylvania Municipal Issuers


         The  Commonwealth  of  Pennsylvania,  the fifth  most  populous  state,
historically  has been  identified  as a heavy  industry  state,  although  that
reputation  has  changed  with the  decline  of the  coal,  steel  and  railroad
industries and the resulting  diversification of the  Commonwealth's  industrial
composition.  The  major  new  sources  of  growth  are in the  service  sector,
including  trade,  medical  and  health  services,   educational  and  financial
institutions. Manufacturing has fallen behind in both the service sector and the
trade sector as a source of employment in Pennsylvania.  The Commonwealth is the
headquarters   for  58  major   corporations.   Pennsylvania's   average  annual
unemployment  rate for the  years  1990 has  generally  not been  more  than one
percent  greater or lesser than the nation's annual average  unemployment  rate.
The seasonally  adjusted  unemployment rate for Pennsylvania for March, 1997 was
5.1% and for the United  States  for March,  1997 was 5.2%.  The  population  of
Pennsylvania,  12,056 million people in 1996 according to the U.S. Bureau of the
Census,  represents an increase from the 1987  estimate of 11,811  million.  Per
capita income in Pennsylvania for 1995 of $23,558 was higher than the per capita
income of the United States of $23,208. . The Commonwealth's General Fund, which
receives all tax receipts and most other revenues and through which debt service
on all general  obligations of the  Commonwealth  are made,  closed fiscal years
ended June 30, 1994, June 30, 1995 and June 30, 1996 with positive fund balances
of $892,940, $688,304 and $635,182, respectively.


         The  Commonwealth  may incur debt to  rehabilitate  areas  affected  by
disaster,  debt approved by the electorate,  debt for certain  capital  projects
(for projects such as highways, public improvements,  transportation assistance,
flood  control,   redevelopment  assistance,  site  development  and  industrial
development) and tax  anticipation  debt payable in the fiscal year of issuance.
The  Commonwealth had outstanding  general  obligation debt of $5,054 million at
June 30, 1996. The Commonwealth is not permitted to fund deficits between fiscal
years with any form of debt. All year-end deficit balances must be funded within
the succeeding fiscal year's budget. At March 11, 1996, all outstanding  general
obligation bonds of the


Commonwealth were rated AA- by Standard & Poor's  Corporation and A-1 by Moody's
Investors  Service,  Inc. (see Appendix A). There can be no assurance that these
ratings will remain in effect in the future.  Over the  five-year  period ending
June 30, 2001, the Commonwealth has projected that it will issue notes and bonds
totaling $2,325 million and retire bonded debt in the principal amount of $2,239

         Certain   agencies   created  by  the   Commonwealth   have   statutory
authorization to incur debt for which  Commonwealth  appropriations  to pay debt
service thereon are not required.  As of December 31, 1996,  total combined debt
outstanding for these agencies was $8,356 million. The debt of these agencies is
supported by assets of, or revenues derived from, the various projects  financed
and is not an obligation of the Commonwealth.  Some of these agencies,  however,
are indirectly dependent on Commonwealth appropriations. The only obligations of
agencies in the  Commonwealth  that bear a moral  obligation of the Commonwealth
are  those  issued  by the  Pennsylvania  Housing  Finance  Agency  ("PHFA"),  a
state-created  agency  which  provides  housing  for lower and  moderate  income
families,  and The  Hospitals  and  Higher  Education  Facilities  Authority  of
Philadelphia  (the  "Hospital  Authority"),  an  agency  created  by the City of
Philadelphia to acquire and prepare  various sites for use as intermediate  care
facilities for the mentally retarded.


         Numerous  local   government   units  in  Pennsylvania   issue  general
obligation  (i.e.,  backed by taxing power) debt,  including  counties,  cities,
boroughs,  townships  and school  districts.  School  district  obligations  are
supported indirectly by the Commonwealth.  The issuance of non-electoral general
obligation debt is limited by constitutional and statutory provisions. Electoral
debt,  i.e.,  that  approved by the voters,  is  unlimited.  In addition,  local
government  units  and  municipal  and  other   authorities  may  issue  revenue
obligations  that  are  supported  by the  revenues  generated  from  particular
projects or enterprises.  Examples  include  municipal  authorities  (frequently
operating  water  and  sewer  systems),  municipal  authorities  formed to issue
obligations benefitting hospitals and educational  institutions,  and industrial
development  authorities,  whose  obligations  benefit  industrial or commercial
occupants.  In some cases, sewer or water revenue  obligations are guaranteed by
taxing bodies and have the credit characteristics of general obligations debt.


         Pennsylvania is currently  involved in certain litigation where adverse
decisions  could have an adverse impact on its ability to pay debt service.  For
example, in BABY NEAL V. COMMONWEALTH,  the American Civil Liberties Union filed
a lawsuit  against  the  Commonwealth  seeking an order that would  require  the
Commonwealth to provide additional funding for child welfare services. COUNTY OF
ALLEGHENY V.  COMMONWEALTH OF  PENNSYLVANIA  involves  litigation  regarding the
state  constitutionality  of the  statutory  scheme  for  county  funding of the
CASEY, the  constitutionality of Pennsylvania's  system for funding local school
districts has been  challenged.  No estimates for the amount of these claims are


         The  performance  of the  obligations  held by the Fund  issued  by the
Commonwealth, its agencies,  subdivisions and instrumentalities are in part tied
to state-wide,  regional and local conditions within the Commonwealth and to the
creditworthiness of certain non- Commonwealth  related obligers,  depending upon
the Pennsylvania  Fund's portfolio mix at any given time. Adverse changes to the
state-wide,  regional or local  economies or changes in government may adversely
affect   the   creditworthiness   of  the   Commonwealth,   its   agencies   and
municipalities,   and  certain   other   non-government   related   obligers  of
Pennsylvania tax-free obligations (e.g., a university, a hospital or a corporate
obligor).  The City of Philadelphia,  for example,  experienced severe financial
problems which  impaired its ability to borrow money and adversely  affected the
ratings of its obligations and their marketability. Conversely, some obligations
held by the Fund will be almost exclusively dependent on the creditworthiness of
one  underlying  obligor,  such as a project  occupant  or provider of credit or
liquidity support.


     Evergreen Aggressive Growth Fund, Evergreen American Retirement Fund,
                    Evergreen Emerging Markets Growth Fund,
 Evergreen Florida High Income Municipal Bond Fund, Evergreen Foundation Fund,
             Evergreen Fund, Evergreen Georgia Municipal Bond Fund,
        Evergreen Global Leaders Fund, Evergreen Growth and Income Fund,
     Evergreen High Grade Tax Free Fund, Evergreen Income and Growth Fund,
            Evergreen Intermediate Term Government Securities Fund,
     Evergreen International Equity Fund, Evergreen Select Money MarketFund,
             Evergreen Institutional Tax Exempt Money Market Fund,
   Evergreen Select Treasury Money Market Fund, Evergreen Latin America Fund,
             Evergreen Micro Cap Fund, Evergreen Money Market Fund,
                   Evergreen New Jersey Tax Free Income Fund,
                 Evergreen North Carolina Municipal Bond Fund,
               Evergreen Pennsylvania Tax Free Money Market Fund,
                    Evergreen Short-Intermediate Bond Fund,
                  Evergreen Short-Intermediate Municipal Fund,
                    Evergreen Small Cap Equity Income Fund,
                 Evergreen South Carolina Municipal Bond Fund,
                    Evergreen Tax Exempt Money Market Fund,
 Evergreen Tax Strategic Foundation Fund, Evergreen Treasury Money Market Fund,
            Evergreen U.S. Government Fund, Evergreen Utility Fund,
         Evergreen Value Fund, Evergreen Virginia Municipal Bond Fund,
                Evergreen Capital Preservation and Income Fund,
     Evergreen Fund for Total Return, Evergreen Global Opportunities Fund,
            Evergreen Natural Resources Fund, Evergreen Omega Fund,
      Evergreen Strategic Income Fund, Evergreen California Tax Free Fund,
    Evergreen Massachusetts Tax Free Fund, Evergreen Missouri Tax Free Fund,
    Evergreen New York Tax Free Fund, Evergreen Pennsylvania Tax Free Fund,
           Evergreen Balanced Fund, Evergreen Diversified Bond Fund,
      Evergeen High Yield Bond Fund, Evergreen Small Company Growth Fund,
            Evergeen Strategic Growth Fund, Evergeen Blue Chip Fund,
 Evergreen Select Adjustable Rate Fund, Evergreen Select Small Cap Growth Fund,
    Evergreen International Growth Fund, Evergreen Precious Metals Fund, and
                            Evergreen Tax Free Fund
                 (each a "Fund" and, collectively, the "Funds")

     The  Statements of Additional  Information  of each of the Funds are hereby
supplemented as follows:

Standardized Fundamental Investment Restrictions

     Each  of  the  above  Funds  except  Evergreen  Balanced  Fund,   Evergreen
Diversified  Bond Fund,  Evergreen Small Company Growth Fund,  Evergreen Tax
Free Fund,  Evergreen Quality Bond Fund,  Evergreen  Latin  America  Fund,
Evergreen  New Jersey Tax Free Income  Fund,  Evergreen  Tax Exempt Money Market
Fund,  Evergreen  Pennsylvania  Tax Free Money  Market  Fund,  has  adopted  the
following    standardized    fundamental    investment    restrictions.    These
restrictionsmay be changed only by a vote of Fund shareholders.

     1. Diversification of Investments

     The  Fund  may  not  make  any  investment  inconsistent  with  the  Fund's
classification as a diversified  [non-diversified]  investment company under the
Investment Company Act of 1940.

     2. Concentration of a Fund's Assets in a Particular  Industry.  (All Funds
other than those listed below.)

     The Fund may not  concentrate  its investments in the securities of issuers
primarily  engaged in any particular  industry (other than securities  issued or
guaranteed by the U.S.  government or its agencies or  instrumentalities  [or in
the case of Money Market Funds domestic bank money instruments]).

     For Evergreen Utility Fund

     The Fund will concentrate its investments in the utilities industry.

     For Evergreen Precious Metals Fund

     The Fund will  concentrate  its  investments  in industries  related to the
mining, processing or dealing in gold or other precious metals and minerals.

     3. Issuance of Senior Securities

     Except as permitted under the Investment  Company Act of 1940, the Fund may
not issue senior securities.

     4. Borrowing

     The Fund may not borrow money, except to the extent permitted by applicable

     5. Underwriting

     The Fund may not underwrite securities of other issuers,  except insofar as
the Fund may be deemed an underwriter in connection  with the disposition of its
portfolio securities.

     6. Investment in Real Estate

     The Fund may not purchase or sell real estate,  except that,  to the extent
permitted by applicable  law, the Fund may invest in (a) securities  directly or
indirectly  secured by real estate,  or (b) securities  issued by companies that
invest in real estate.

     7. Commodities

     The Fund may not purchase or sell  commodities  or contracts on commodities
except to the extent that the Fund may engage in financial futures contracts and
related options and currency  contracts and related options and may otherwise do
so in accordance with applicable law and without registering as a commodity pool
operator under the Commodity Exchange Act.

     8. Lending

     The Fund may not make loans to other persons, except that the Fund may lend
its portfolio  securities in accordance  with applicable law. The acquisition of
investment instruments shall not be deemed to be the making of a loan.

     9. Investment in Federally Tax Exempt Securities

     The following Funds have also adopted a standardized fundamental investment
restriction in regard to investments in federally tax-exempt securities:

Evergreen Tax Exempt Money Market Fund                 Evergreen Institutional Tax Exempt Money Market Fund
Evergreen Pennsylvania Tax Free Money Market Fund      Evergreen Short-Intermediate Municipal
Evergreen Tax Strategic Foundation Fund                Evergreen High Grade Tax Free Fund
Evergreen Georgia Municipal Bond Fund                  Evergreen North Carolina Municipal Bond Fund
Evergreen South Carolina Municipal Bond Fund           Evergreen Virginia Municipal Bond Fund
Evergreen New Jersey Tax Free Income Fund              Evergreen Massachusetts Tax Free Fund
Evergreen New York Tax Free Fund                       Evergreen Pennsylvania Tax Free Fund
Evergreen California Tax Free Fund                     Evergreen Missouri Tax Free Fund

     The Fund will,  during  periods  of normal  market  conditions,  invest its
assets in accordance  with  applicable  guidelines  issued by the Securities and
Exchange Commission or its staff concerning  investment in tax-exempt securities
for Funds with the words tax exempt, tax free or municipal in their names.

Elimination of Certain Non-Fundamental Investment Restrictions

     The  nonfundamental  investment  restrictions  described  below  have  been
eliminated by each Fund listed under such restriction:

     1. Prohibition on Investment in Unseasoned Issuers

     Evergreen Fund,  Growth and Income Fund,  Income and Growth Fund,  American
Retirement   Fund,   Money   Market   Fund,   Tax  Exempt   Money  Market  Fund,
Short-Intermediate  Municipal  Fund,  Growth and Income Fund (S-1),  Omega Fund,
Precious  Metals  Fund,  Strategic  Growth Fund,  High Yield Bond Fund,  Capital
Preservation  and Income Fund,  Select  Adjustable Rate Fund,  Strategic  Income
Fund, Fund for Total Return,  Global  Opportunities Fund,  International  Growth

     2.  Prohibition  on  Investment  in Companies for the Purpose of Exercising
Control or Management

     Evergreen Fund, Growth and Income Fund, Income and Growth Fund, Value Fund,
Intermediate  Term  Government   Securities  Fund,   Foundation  Fund,  American
Retirement Fund, Emerging Markets Growth Fund, International Equity Fund, Global
Leaders Fund, Money Market Fund, Tax Exempt Money Market Fund,  Pennsylvania Tax
Free  Money   Market   Fund,   Florida   High   Income   Municipal   Bond  Fund,
Short-Intermediate  Municipal  Fund,  Blue  Chip  Fund,  Precious  Metals  Fund,
Strategic  Growth  Fund,  High Yield Bond Fund,  Fund for Total  Return,  Global
Opportunities Fund, International Growth Fund

     3.  Prohibition on Investment in Companies in which Trustees or Officers of
the Funds Also Hold Shares Above Certain Percentage Levels

     Evergreen Fund,  MicroCap Fund,  Growth and Income Fund,  Income and Growth
Fund,  Intermediate Term Government  Securities Fund,  Foundation Fund, American
Retirement Fund, Money Market Fund, Tax Exempt Money Market  Fund,Treasury Money
Market Fund, Short-Intermediate Municipal Fund, Precious Metals Fund

     4.  Prohibition  on  Investment  of More Than 5% of a Fund's  Net Assets in
Warrants, With No More Than 2% of Net Assets Being Invested in Warrants That Are
Listed on Neither the New York nor  American  Stock  Exchanges

     Evergreen Fund,  MicroCap Fund,  Growth and Income Fund,  Income and
Growth Fund,  Foundation Fund, American Retirement Fund, Tax Exempt Money Market
Fund, Short-Intermediate Municipal Fund

     5.  Prohibition  on Investment in Oil, Gas or Other Mineral  Exploration or
Development Programs

     Evergreen Fund,  MicroCap Fund,  Aggressive  Growth Fund, Growth and Income
Fund, Small Cap Equity Fund,  Income and Growth Fund,  Value Fund,  Intermediate
Term Government  Securities  Fund,  Foundation Fund,  American  Retirement Fund,
Money Market Fund,  Tax Exempt  Money Market Fund,  Pennsylvania  Tax Free Money
Market  Fund,  Florida  High  Income  Municipal  Bond  Fund,  Short-Intermediate
Municipal Fund, High Grade Tax Free Fund, Precious Metals Fund

     6.  Prohibition on Joint Trading  Accounts

     Evergreen Fund,  MicroCap Fund,  Growth and Income Fund,  Income and Growth
Fund,  Foundation Fund,  American Retirement Fund, Florida High Income Municipal
Bond Fund

     7.  Prohibition on Investment in Other  Investment  Companies.  [Note:  The
Funds may invest in such  companies to the extent  permitted  by the  Investment
Company Act of 1940 and the rules thereunder.]

     Growth and Income Fund,  Utility Fund, Small Cap Equity Income Fund, Income
and Growth Fund, Value Fund,  Short-Intermediate  Bond Fund,  Intermediate  Term
Government  Securities  Fund,  Foundation  Fund, Tax Strategic  Foundation Fund,
American  Retirement  Fund, New Jersey Tax Free Income Fund, High Grade Tax Free
Fund, Blue Chip Fund, Omega Fund,  Precious Metals Fund,  Strategic Growth Fund,
High Yield Bond Fund, Select  Adjustable Rate Fund,  Strategic Income Fund, Fund
for  Total  Return,  Global  Opportunities  Fund,   International  Growth  Fund,
Massachusetts Tax Free Fund, New York Tax Free Fund, Pennsylvania Tax Free Fund,
California Tax Free Fund and Missouri Tax Free Fund.

Reclassification of All Other Fundamental Investment Restrictions

     All investment restrictions other than those described above as having been
standardized  or  eliminated  have  been   reclassified   from   fundamental  to
nonfundamental and, as, such, may be changed by the Funds' Boards of Trustees at
any time without a shareholder vote.


     The Trustees and executive  officers of each Trust,  their ages,  and their
principal occupations during the last five years are shown below:

     JAMES S. HOWELL (72),  4124 Crossgate Road,  Charlotte,  NC-Chairman of the
Evergreen  Group of Mutual  Funds and Trustee.  Retired Vice  President of Lance
Inc. (food manufacturing); Chairman of the Distribution Comm. Foundation for the
Carolinas from 1989 to 1993.

     RUSSELL A. SALTON,  III, M.D. (49), 205 Regency Executive Park,  Charlotte,
NC- Trustee.  Medical  Director,  U.S.  Healthcare of Charlotte,  North Carolina
since 1996; President, Primary Physician Care from 1990 to 1996.

     MICHAEL S.  SCOFIELD  (53),  212 S.  Tryon  Street,  Suite 980,  Charlotte,
NC-Trustee. Attorney, Law Offices of Michael S. Scofield since 1969.

     GERALD M.  MCDONNELL  (57),  821 Regency  Drive,  Charlotte,  NC - Trustee.
SalesRepresentative with Nucor-Yamoto Inc. (steel producer) since 1988.

     THOMAS L. McVERRY  (58),  4419  Parkview  Drive,  Charlotte,  NC - Trustee.
Director  of Carolina  Cooperative  Federal  Credit  Union since 1990 and Rexham
Corporation  from  1988 to 1990;  Vice  President  of  Rexham  Industries,  Inc.
(diversified  manufacturer)  from 1989 to 1990;  Vice  President  - Finance  and
Resources, Rexham Corporation from 1979 to 1990.

     WILLIAM WALT PETTIT  (41),  Holcomb and Pettit,  P.A.,  227 West Trade St.,
Charlotte, NC - Trustee. Partner in the law firm William Walt Pettit, P.A. since

     LAURENCE B. ASHKIN (68), 180 East Pearson  Street,  Chicago,  IL - Trustee.
Real estate  developer  and  construction  consultant  since 1980;  President of
Centrum Equities since 1987 and Centrum Properties, Inc. since 1980.

     CHARLES A.  AUSTIN III (61),  Trustee.  Investment  counselor  to  Appleton
Partners,  Inc.;  former  Managing  Director,   Seaward  Management  Corporation
(investment  advice);   and  former  Director,   Executive  Vice  President  and
Treasurer, State Street Research & Management Company (investment advice).

     K. DUN GIFFORD (57) Trustee. Chairman of the Board, Director, and Executive
Vice President, The London Harness Company; Managing Partner,  Roscommon Capital
Corp.;  Trustee,  Cambridge  College;  Chairman Emeritus and Director,  American
Institute  of Food and Wine;  Chief  Executive  Officer,  Gifford  Gifts of Fine
Foods;  Chairman,  Gifford,  Drescher & Associates  (environmental  consulting);
President,  Oldways  Preservation  and Exchange  Trust  (education);  and former
Director, Keystone Investments, Inc. and Keystone Investment Management Company.

     LEROY KEITH,  JR. (57)  Trustee.  Director of Phoenix Total Return Fund and
Equifax, Inc.; Trustee of Phoenix Series Fund, Phoenix Multi-Portfolio Fund, and
The Phoenix Big Edge Series Fund; and former President, Morehouse College.

     DAVID  M.   RICHARDSON  (55)  Trustee.   Executive  Vice   President,   DMR
International,  Inc.  (executive  recruitment);  former  Senior Vice  President,
Boyden International Inc. (executive  recruitment);  and Director,  Commerce and
Industry  Association of New Jersey,  411  International,  Inc., and J&M Cumming
Paper Co.

     RICHARD J. SHIMA (57)  Trustee and Advisor to the Boards of Trustees of the
Evergreen Group of Mutual Funds.  Chairman,  Environmental  Warranty,  Inc., and
Consultant,  Drake  Beam  Morin,  Inc.  (executive  outplacement);  Director  of
Connecticut   Natural   Gas   Corporation,   Trust   Company   of   Connecticut,
HartfordHospital,  Old State House Association,  and Enhance Financial Services,
Inc.;  Chairman,  Board of Trustees,  Hartford YMCA; former Director;  Executive
Vice President, and Vice Chairman of The Travelers Corporation.

Executive Officers

     WILLIAM J. TOMKO (40),  3435 Stelzer  Road,  Columbus,  OH - President  and
Treasurer. Senior Vice President and Operations Executive, BISYS Fund Services.

     GEORGE O.  MARTINEZ  (37),  3435 Stelzer  Road,  Columbus,  OH - Secretary.
Senior Vice President/Director of Administration and Regulatory Services,  BISYS
Fund  Services  since  April 1995.  Vice  President/Assistant  General  Counsel,
Alliance Capital Management from 1988 to 1995.

     The  officers  of the Trusts are  officers  and/or  employees  of The BISYS
Group,  Inc.  ("BISYS  Group").  The BISYS Group is an  affiliate  of  Evergreen
Distributor, Inc. ("EDI"), the distributor of each class of shares of each Fund.

     No officer  or  Trustee of the Trusts  owned more than 1.0% of any Class of
shares of any of the Funds as of November 30, 1997.

Distribution Plans

     The following is added to the  disclosure  under the caption  "Distribution

     Class A and B shares are made available to employer-sponsored retirement or
savings plans ("Plans") without a sales charge if:

     (i) the Plan is recordkept on a daily valuation basis by Merrill Lynch and,
on  the  date  the  Plan   Sponsor   signs  the  Merrill   Lynch   Recordkeeping
ServiceAgreement,  the  Plan  has $3  million  or more  in  assets  invested  in
broker/dealerfunds  not advised or managed by Merrill  Lynch  Asset  Management,
L.P.  ("MLAM")that are made available  pursuant to a Services  Agreement between
Merrill  Lynchand the Fund's  principal  underwriter or distributor and in Funds
advised or managed by MLAM (collectively, the "Applicable Investments"); or

     (ii) the Plan is record kept on a daily  valuation  basis by an independent
recordkeeper  whose  services  are  provided  through  a  contract  or  alliance
arrangement  with  Merrill  Lynch,  and on the date the Plan  Sponsor  signs the
Merrill Lynch Recordkeeping  Service Agreement,  the Plan has $3 million or more
in assets, excluding money market funds, invested in Applicable Investments; or

     (iii) the Plan has 500 or more  eligible  employees,  as  determined by the
Merrill Lynch plan  conversion  manager,  on the date the Plan Sponsor signs the
Merrill Lynch Recordkeeping Service Agreement.

     Plans  recordkept  on a daily  basis by  Merrill  Lynch  or an  independent
recordkeeper under a contract with Merrill Lynch that are currently investing in
Class B shares  convert to Class A shares  once the Plan has  reached $5 million
invested in  Applicable  Investments.  The Plan will  receive a Plan level share

     The following is added to the Statement of Additional  Information  of each
of Evergreen  Balanced Fund,  Evergreen  Diversified  Bond Fund,  Evergreen High
Yield Bond Fund, Evergreen Small Company Growth Fund, Evergreen Strategic Growth
Fund,  Evergreen  Blue Chip Fund,  Evergreen  Precious  Metals  Fund,  Evergreen
International Growth Fund and Evergreen Tax Free Fund.


Distribution Plans and Agreements

     Distribution  fees are accrued  daily and paid  monthly on Class A, Class B
and  Class C  shares  and  are  charged  as  class  expenses,  as  accrued.  The
distribution  fees  attributable  to the Class B shares  and Class C shares  are
designed to permit an investor to purchase  such shares  through  broker-dealers
without the assessment of a front-end sales charge,  and, in the case of Class C
shares,  without the assessment of a contingent  deferred sales charge after the
first year  following the month of purchase,  while at the same time  permitting
the Distributor to compensate broker-dealers in connection with the sale of such
shares.  In this regard,  the purpose and  function of the  combined  contingent
deferred  sales charge and  distribution  services fee on the Class B shares and
the  Class C shares  are the same as those of the  front-end  sales  charge  and
distribution  fee with  respect  to the  Class A shares in that in each case the
sales  charge  and/or   distribution  fee  provide  for  the  financing  of  the
distribution of the Fund's shares.

     Under the Rule 12b-1 Distribution Plans that have been adopted by each Fund
with  respect to each of its Class A, Class B and Class C shares  (each a "Plan"
and collectively,  the "Plans"),  the Treasurer of each Fund reports the amounts
expended under the Plans and the purposes for which such  expenditures were made
to the Trustees of the Trust for their review on a quarterly  basis.  Also, each
Plan provides that the selection and  nomination of the  disinterested  Trustees
are committed to the discretion of such disinterested Trustees then in office.

     Each  Adviser  may from time to time and from its own  funds or such  other
resources as may be permitted by rules of the SEC make payments for distribution
services  to the  Distributor;  the  latter  may in turn pay part or all of such
compensation to brokers or other persons for their distribution assistance.

     Each Plan and Distribution Agreement will continue in effect for successive
twelve-month  periods provided,  however,  that such continuance is specifically
approved  at  least  annually  by the  Trustees  of the  Trust or by vote of the
holders of a majority of the outstanding voting securities of that Class and, in
either case, by a majority of the Independent  Trustees of the Trust who have no
direct  or  indirect  financial  interest  in the  operation  of the Plan or any
agreement related thereto.

     The Plans permit the payment of fees to brokers and others for distribution
and   shareholder-related   administrative   services  and  to   broker-dealers,
depository   institutions,   financial  intermediaries  and  administrators  for
administrative services as to Class A, Class B and Class C shares. The Plans are
designed to (i) stimulate  brokers to provide  distribution  and  administrative
support services to each Fund and holders of Class A, Class B and Class C shares
and (ii) stimulate  administrators to render administrative  support services to
the Fund and holders of Class A, Class B and Class C shares.  The administrative
services are provided by a representative who has knowledge of the shareholder's
particular  circumstances  and  goals,  and  include,  but  are not  limited  to
providing office space, equipment,  telephone facilities,  and various personnel
including  clerical,  supervisory,  and computer,  as necessary or beneficial to
establish and maintain shareholder accounts and records; processing purchase and
redemption  transactions  and  automatic  investments  of  client  account  cash
balances;  answering  routine client  inquiries  regarding  Class A, Class B and
Class  C  shares;  assisting  clients  in  changing  dividend  options,  account
designations,  and  addresses;  and  providing  such other  services as the Fund
reasonably requests for its Class A, Class B and Class C shares.

     In the event that a Plan or  Distribution  Agreement is  terminated  or not
continued  with  respect to one or more Classes of a Fund,  (i) no  distribution
fees (other than current  amounts accrued but not yet paid) would be owed by the
Fund to the Distributor with respect to that Class or Classes, and (ii) the Fund
would not be obligated to pay the Distributor for any amounts expended under the
Distribution   Agreement  not  previously  recovered  by  the  Distributor  from
distribution services fees in respect of shares of such Class or Classes through
deferred sales charges.

     All  material  amendments  to any Plan or  Distribution  Agreement  must be
approved  by a vote of the  Trustees  of the Trust or the  holders of the Fund's
outstanding voting  securities,  voting separately by Class, and in either case,
by a majority of the disinterested  Trustees, cast in person at a meeting called
for the  purpose  of  voting  on such  approval;  and any  Plan or  Distribution
Agreement  may not be amended in order to increase  materially  the costs that a
particular  Class  of  shares  of a  Fund  may  bear  pursuant  to the  Plan  or
Distribution  Agreement without the approval of a majority of the holders of the
outstanding voting shares of the Class affected.  Any Plan, Shareholder Services
Plan or  Distribution  Agreement may be terminated (i) by a Fund without penalty
at any  time  by a  majority  vote  of the  holders  of the  outstanding  voting
securities of the Fund,  voting separately by Class or by a majority vote of the
disinterested   Trustees,   or  (ii)  by  the  Distributor.   To  terminate  any
Distribution  Agreement,  any party must give the other parties 60 days' written
notice;  to  terminate  a Plan  only,  the  Fund  need  give  no  notice  to the
Distributor.  Any  Distribution  Agreement will terminate  automatically  in the
event of its assignment.


     You may buy shares of a Fund through the Funds' distributor, broker-dealers
that have entered into special agreements with the Funds' distributor or certain
other  financial  institutions.  Each Fund  offers  four  classes of shares that
differ primarily with respect to sales charges and distribution fees.  Depending
upon the class of shares,  you will pay an initial  sales  charge when you buy a
Fund's shares,  a contingent  deferred sales charge (a "CDSC") when you redeem a
Fund's shares or no sales charges at all.

Purchase Alternatives

     Class A Shares

     With certain  exceptions,  when you purchase  Class A shares you will pay a
maximum  sales charge of 4.75%.  (The  prospectus  contains a complete  table of
applicable sales charges and a discussion of sales charge  reductions or waivers
that may apply to purchases.) If you purchase Class A shares in the amount of $1
million or more,  without an initial sales charge,  the Funds will charge a CDSC
of 1.00% if you redeem during the month of your purchase and the 12-month period
following the month of your purchase.  See  "Calculation of Contingent  Deferred
Sales Charge" below.

     Class B Shares

     The Funds  offer  Class B shares at net asset  value  (without a  front-end
load). With certain exceptions,  however,  the Funds will charge a CDSC of 1.00%
on shares  you redeem  within 72 months  after the month of your  purchase.  The
Funds will charge CDSCs at the following rate:

 REDEMPTION TIMING                                                    CDSC RATE

 Month of purchase and the first twelve-month
 period following the month of purchase....................................5.00%
 Second twelve-month period following the month of purchase................4.00%
 Third twelve-month period following the month of purchase.................3.00%
 Fourth twelve-month period following the month of purchase................3.00%
 Fifth twelve-month period following the month of purchase.................2.00%
 Sixth twelve-month period following the month of purchase.................1.00%

     Class B shares that have been  outstanding  for seven years after the month
of purchase will automatically convert to Class A shares without imposition of a
front-end  sales  charge  or  exchange  fee.   (Conversion  of  Class  B  shares
represented  by  stock  certificates  will  require  the  return  of  the  stock
certificate to ESC.

     Class C Shares

     Class C shares are available only through  broker-dealers  who have entered
into special distribution agreements with the Underwriter. The Funds offer Class
C shares at net asset value  (without an initial  sales  charge).  With  certain
exceptions,  however, the Funds will charge a CDSC of 1.00% on shares you redeem
within  12-months  after the month of your purchase.  See  "Contingent  Deferred
Sales Charge" below.

     Class Y Shares

     No CDSC is imposed on the redemption of Class Y shares.  Class Y shares are
not offered to the general  public and are available  only to (1) persons who at
or prior to December 31, 1994 owned shares in a mutual fund advised by Evergreen
Asset Management Corp. ("Evergreen Asset"), (2) certain institutional  investors
and (3) investment  advisory  clients of the Capital  Management  Group of First
Union National Bank ("FUNB"),  Evergreen Asset,  Keystone Investment  Management
Company,  or their  affiliates.  Class Y shares are  offered at net asset  value
without a  front-end  or  back-end  sales  charge and do not bear any Rule 12b-1
distribution expenses.

Contingent Deferred Sales Charge

     The Funds  charge a CDSC as  reimbursement  for certain  expenses,  such as
commissions or shareholder  servicing  fees,  that it has incurred in connection
with the sale of its shares (see  "Distribution  Plan").  If imposed,  the Funds
deduct the CDSC from the redemption  proceeds you would otherwise  receive.  The
CDSC is a  percentage  of the lesser of (1) the net asset value of the shares at
the  time of  redemption  or (2) the  shareholder's  original  net cost for such
shares. Upon request for redemption,  to keep the CDSC a shareholder must pay as
low as possible, a Fund will first seek to redeem shares not subject to the CDSC
and/or shares held the longest, in that order. The CDSC on any redemption is, to
the extent  permitted by the National  Association of Securities  Dealers,  Inc.
("NASD"), paid to the Principal Underwriter or its predecessor.


Reducing Class a Front-end Loads

     With a larger  purchase,  there  are  several  ways  that  you can  combine
multiple  purchases of Class A shares in Evergreen  funds and take  advantage of
lower sales charges.

     Combined Purchases

     You can reduce your sales charge by  combining  purchases of Class A shares
of multiple Evergreen funds. For example, if you invested $75,000 in each of two
different  Evergreen  funds,  you would pay a sales  charge  based on a $150,000
purchase (i.e., 3.75% of the offering price, rather than 4.75%).

     Rights of Accumulation

     You can reduce  your sales  charge by adding the value of Class A shares of
Evergreen  funds you already own to the amount of your next Class A  investment.
For  example,  if you hold Class A shares  valued at  $99,999  and  purchase  an
additional $5,000, the sales charge for the $5,000 purchase would be at the next
lower sales charge of 3.75%, rather than 4.75%.

     Letter of Intent

     You can, by completing the "Letter of Intent"  section of the  application,
purchase Class A shares over a 13-month period and receive the same sales charge
as if you had invested all the money at once. All purchases of Class A shares of
an Evergreen fund during the period will qualify as Letter of Intent purchases.

Shares That Are Not Subject to a Sales Charge or CDSC

     Waiver of Sales Charges

     The Funds may sell their shares at net asset value without an initial sales
charge to:

     1. purchases of shares in the amount of $1 million or more;

     2.  a  corporate  or  certain  other   qualified   retirement   plan  or  a
non-qualified  deferred  compensation plan or a Title 1 tax sheltered annuity or
TSA plan sponsored by an organization  having 100 or more eligible  employees (a
"Qualifying Plan") or a TSA plan sponsored by a public educational entity having
5,000 or more eligible employees (an "Educational TSA Plan");

     3.  institutional  investors,  which may include bank trust departments and
registered investment advisers;

     4. investment advisers,  consultants or financial planners who place trades
for their own  accounts  or the  accounts  of their  clients and who charge such
clients a management, consulting, advisory or other fee;

     5. clients of  investment  advisers or financial  planners who place trades
for their own  accounts  if the  accounts  are linked to master  account of such
investment  advisers or  financial  planners  on the books of the  broker-dealer
through whom shares are purchased;

     6.  institutional  clients  of  broker-dealers,  including  retirement  and
deferred compensation plans and the trusts used to fund these plans, which place
trades through an omnibus account maintained with a Fund by the broker-dealer;

     7.  employees of FUNB, its  affiliates,  Evergreen  Distributor,  Inc., any
broker-dealer  with  whom  Evergreen  Distributor,  Inc.,  has  entered  into an
agreement to sell shares of the Funds, and members of the immediate  families of
such employees;

     8. certain  Directors,  Trustees,  officers and  employees of the Evergreen
Funds, the Distributor or their affiliates and to the immediate families of such
persons; or

     9. a bank or trust company in a single  account in the name of such bank or
trust company as trustee if the initial investment in or any Evergreen fund made
pursuant to this waiver is at least $500,000 and any commission paid at the time
of such purchase is not more than 1% of the amount invested.

     With  respect  to items 8 and 9 above,  each Fund will only sell  shares to
these parties upon the  purchasers  written  assurance  that the purchase is for
their  personal  investment  purposes only.  Such  purchasers may not resell the
securities except through  redemption by the Fund. The Funds will not charge any
CDSC on redemptions by such purchasers.

     Waiver of CDSCs

     The Funds do not impose a CDSC when the shares you are redeeming represent:

     1. an increase in the share value above the net cost of such shares;

     2. certain  shares for which the Fund did not pay a commission on issuance,
including  shares acquired  through  reinvestment of dividend income and capital
gains distributions;

     3. shares that are in the accounts of a shareholder  who has died or become

     4. a  lump-sum  distribution  from a  401(k)  plan or  other  benefit  plan
qualified under the Employee Retirement Income Security Act of 1974 ("ERISA");

     5. an automatic  withdrawal  from the ERISA plan of a shareholder  who is a
least 59 1/2 years old;

     6.  shares in an account  that we have  closed  because  the account has an
aggregate net asset value of less than $1,000;

     7. an automatic  withdrawals  under an Systematic Income Plan of up to 1.0%
per month of your initial account balance;

     8.  a  withdrawal   consisting  of  loan  proceeds  to  a  retirement  plan

     9. a financial hardship withdrawals made by a retirement plan participant;

     10. a withdrawal  consisting of returns of excess  contributions  or excess
deferral amounts made to a retirement plan; or

     11. a redemption by an  individual  participant  in a Qualifying  Plan that
purchased Class C shares (this waiver is not available in the event a Qualifying
Plan, as a whole, redeems substantially all of its assets).

     Distribution Plans

     The following is added to the  disclosure  under the caption  "Distribution

     Class A and B shares are made available to employer-sponsored retirement or
savings plans ("Plans") without a sales charge if:

     (i) the Plan is recordkept on a daily valuation basis by Merrill Lynch and,
on the date the Plan  Sponsor  signs the  Merrill  Lynch  Recordkeeping  Service
Agreement,  the Plan has $3 million or more in assets invested in  broker/dealer
funds not advised or managed by Merrill Lynch Asset  Management,  L.P.  ("MLAM")
that are made available  pursuant to a Services  Agreement between Merrill Lynch
and the Fund's  principal  underwriter  or  distributor  and in Funds advised or
managed by MLAM (collectively, the "Applicable Investments"); or

     (ii) the Plan is record kept on a daily  valuation  basis by an independent
recordkeeper  whose  services  are  provided  through  a  contract  or  alliance
arrangement  with  Merrill  Lynch,  and on the date the Plan  Sponsor  signs the
Merrill Lynch Recordkeeping  Service Agreement,  the Plan has $3 million or more
in assets, excluding money market funds, invested in Applicable Investments; or

     (iii) the Plan has 500 or more  eligible  employees,  as  determined by the
Merrill Lynch plan  conversion  manager,  on the date the Plan Sponsor signs the
Merrill Lynch Recordkeeping Service Agreement.

     Plans  recordkept  on a daily  basis by  Merrill  Lynch  or an  independent
recordkeeper under a contract with Merrill Lynch that are currently investing in
Class B shares  convert to Class A shares  once the Plan has  reached $5 million
invested in  Applicable  Investments.  The Plan will  receive a Plan level share


     Investors may exchange shares of a Fund for shares of the same class of any
other Evergreen fund, as described under the section  entitled  "Exchanges" in a
Fund's prospectus.  Before you make an exchange,  you should read the prospectus
of the  Evergreen  fund into which you want to  exchange.  The Trust's  Board of
Trustees  reserves  the  right  to  discontinue,  alter or  limit  the  exchange
privilege at any time.


How and When a Fund Calculates its Net Asset Value per Share ("NAV")

     Each  Fund  computes  its NAV  once  daily on  Monday  through  Friday,  as
described  in the  Prospectus.  A Fund will not  compute  its NAV on the day the
following  legal holidays are observed:  New Year's Day, Martin Luther King, Jr.
Day,  Presidents' Day, Good Friday,  Memorial Day,  Independence Day, Labor Day,
Thanksgiving Day and Christmas Day.

     The NAV of each Fund is  calculated  by dividing  the value of a Fund's net
assets attributable to that class by all of the shares issued for that class.

How a Fund Values the Securities it Owns

     Current values for a Fund's portfolio securities are determined as follows:

     (1)  Securities  that are traded on a national  securities  exchange or the
over-the-counter  National  Market System ("NMS") are valued on the basis of the
last sales price on the exchange where  primarily  traded or on the NMS prior to
the time of the valuation, provided that a sale has occurred.

     (2) Securities traded in the  over-the-counter  market,  other than on NMS,
are valued at the mean of the bid and asked prices at the time of valuation.

     (3)  Short-term  investments  maturing  in more than  sixty  days for which
market quotations are readily available, are valued at current market value.

     (4) Short-term  investments  maturing in sixty days or less  (including all
master demand  notes) are valued at amortized  cost  (original  purchase cost as
adjusted for  amortization  of premium or accretion of  discount),  which,  when
combined with accrued interest, approximates market.

     (5) short-term  investments maturing in more than sixty days when purchased
that are held on the sixtieth day prior to maturity are valued at amortized cost
(market  value on the  sixtieth  day  adjusted  for  amortization  of premium or
accretion of discount), which, when combined with accrued interest, approximates

     (6)  Securities,   including  restricted  securities,  for  which  complete
quotations are not readily  available;  listed securities or those on NMS if, in
the Fund's opinion, the last sales price does not reflect a current market value
or if no sale  occurred;  and other  assets are valued at prices  deemed in good
faith to be fair under procedures established by the Board of Trustees.


     As described in the  prospectus,  a shareholder  may elect to receive their
dividends and capital grains  distributions in cash instead of shares.  However,
ESC will automatically  convert a shareholder's  distribution option so that the
shareholder  reinvests all dividends and distributions in additional shares when
it learns that the postal or other delivery  service is unable to deliver checks
or transaction  confirmations to the shareholder's  address of record. The Funds
will  hold  the  returned   distribution   or  redemption   proceeds  in  a  non
interest-bearing account in the shareholder's name until the shareholder updates
their  address.  No  interest  will  accrue on amounts  represented  by uncashed
distribution or redemption checks.

January 16, 1998

                                THE VIRTUS FUNDS
                                INVESTMENT SHARES
                          CONSISTS OF EIGHT PORTFOLIOS:
                      THE U.S. GOVERNMENT SECURITIES FUND;
                       THE STYLE MANAGER: LARGE CAP FUND;
                             THE STYLE MANAGER FUND;
                        THE VIRGINIA MUNICIPAL BOND FUND;
                        THE MARYLAND MUNICIPAL BOND FUND;
                         THE TREASURY MONEY MARKET FUND;
                           THE MONEY MARKET FUND; AND
                         THE TAX-FREE MONEY MARKET FUND.


This Statement of Additional  Information should be read with the Prospectus for
the Investment Shares  ("Investment  Shares") of The Virtus Funds (the "Trust"),
dated  November 30, 1997.  This  Statement is not a prospectus  itself.  You may
request a copy of a prospectus  or a paper copy of this  Statement of Additional
Information,  if you have received it electronically,  free of charge by writing
to the Trust or calling toll-free 1-800-723-9512.

Federated Investors Tower
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania 15222-3779

                        Statement dated November 30, 1997

        CUSIP  927913202  CUSIP  927913848 CUSIP 927913400 CUSIP 927913871 CUSIP
        927913509 CUSIP  927913889  CUSIP  927913707 CUSIP 927913806  2102608B-R

Table of Contents
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------


General Information About the Trust                       1
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Investment Objective and Policies of the Funds            1
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------

The U.S. Government Securities Fund                       1
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
   Types of Investments                                   1

The Style Manager: Large Cap Fund and The Style Manager Fund                  2
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
   Commercial Paper                                       4
   Bank Instruments                                       4

The Virginia Municipal Bond Fund and The Maryland Municipal Bond Fund         5
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
   Acceptable Investments                                 5
   Types of Acceptable Investments                        5

The Treasury Money Market Fund                            5
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
   Types of Investments                                   5

The Money Market Fund                                     6
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
   Types of Investments                                   6

The Tax-Free Money Market Fund                            6
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Portfolio Investments and Strategies                      6
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
   Repurchase Agreements                                  6
   Reverse Repurchase Agreements                          6
   When-Issued and Delayed Delivery Transactions          6
   Lending of Portfolio Securities                        7
   Restricted and Illiquid Securities                     7
   Participation Interests                                7
   Variable Rate Municipal Securities                     8
   Municipal Leases                                       8
   Temporary Investments                                  8
   Adjustable Rate Mortgage Securities                    8
   Portfolio Turnover                                     9

Investment Limitations                                    9
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Virtus Funds Management                                  12
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
   Fund Ownership                                        16
   Officers and Trustees Compensation                    17
   Trustee Liability                                     17

Investment Advisory Services                             17
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
   Adviser to the Trust                                  17
   Advisory Fees                                         18
   Sub-Adviser to The Style Manager: Large Cap Fund 
   and The Style Manager Fund                            18
   Sub-Advisory Fees                                     18

Other Services                                           18
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
   Administrative Services                               18
   Custodian                                             19
   Transfer Agent                                        19
   Independent Auditors                                  19

Brokerage Transactions                                   19
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Purchasing Shares                                        20
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
   Distribution Plan                                     20
   Conversion to Federal Funds                           20

Determining Net Asset Value                              21
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
   Determining Market Value of Securities                21
   Use of the Amortized Cost Method                      21
   Valuing Municipal Securities                          22
   Use of Amortized Cost                                 23

Redeeming Shares                                         23
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
   Redemption in Kind                                    23

Massachusetts Partnership Law                            23
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Tax Status                                               23
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
   The Funds' Tax Status                                 23
   Shareholders' Tax Status                              24

Total Return                                             24
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Yield                                                    25
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Effective Yield                                          26

Tax-Equivalent Yield                                     26

Performance Comparisons                                  29
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
   The U.S. Government Securities Fund                   30
   The Style Manager: Large Cap Fund and The Style Manager Fund               31
   The Virginia Municipal Bond Fund and The Maryland Municipal Bond Fund      31
   The Treasury Money Market Fund                        31
   The Money Market Fund                                 31
   The Tax-Free Money Market Fund                        32

Financial Statements                                     32
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Appendix                                                 33

- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------


General Information About the Trust
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------

The Trust was established as a Massachusetts  business trust under a Declaration
of Trust  dated  June 20,  1990.  As of the date of this  Statement,  the  Trust
consists of eight separate portfolios of securities (collectively,  the "Funds",
individually,  a "Fund") which are as follows:  The U. S. Government  Securities
Fund,  The Style  Manager:  Large Cap Fund, The Style Manager Fund, The Virginia
Municipal Bond Fund, The Maryland Municipal Bond Fund, The Treasury Money Market
Fund,  The Money Market Fund,  and The Tax-Free Money Market Fund. On October 1,
1992,  the name of the Trust was changed from "The SBK Select Series" to "Signet
Select  Funds."  On August  15,  1994,  the name of the Trust was  changed  from
"Signet Select Funds" to "The Medalist Funds." On February 15, 1995, the name of
the Trust was changed from "The Medalist Funds" to "The Virtus Funds."

With the exception of The Tax-Free Money Market Fund and The Style Manager Fund,
which  offer a single  class of shares,  the Funds are  offered in two  classes,
Investment  Shares and Trust  Shares.  This  Combined  Statement  of  Additional
Information  relates  only to the  Investment  Shares  of those  Funds  offering
classes and to shares of The Tax-Free  Money  Market Fund and The Style  Manager

Investment Objective and Policies of the Funds
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

The prospectus  discusses the objective of each Fund and the policies it employs
to  achieve  those  objectives.   The  following   discussion   supplements  the
description of the Funds' investment policies in the combined prospectus.

The Funds' respective  investment  objectives cannot be changed without approval
of shareholders.  The investment  policies described below may be changed by the
Trustees without shareholder approval.  Shareholders will be notified before any
material change in these policies becomes effective.

Additional information about investment limitations, strategies that one or more
Funds may employ, and certain investment  policies mentioned below appear in the
prospectus section "Portfolio Investments and Strategies."

The U.S. Government Securities Fund
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Types of Investments

The Fund invests primarily in securities which are guaranteed as to payment of 
principal and interest by the U.S. government or its instrumentalities.

      U.S. Government Obligations

         The types of U.S.  government  obligations in which the Fund may invest
         generally include direct obligations of the U.S. Treasury (such as U.S.
         Treasury bills,  notes, and bonds) and obligations issued or guaranteed
         by U.S. government agencies or instrumentalities.  These securities are
         backed by: the full faith and credit of the U.S. Treasury; the issuer's
         right to borrow from the U.S. Treasury; the discretionary  authority of
         the U.S.  government  to purchase  certain  obligations  of agencies or
         instrumentalities;  or the  credit  of the  agency  or  instrumentality
         issuing the obligations.

         Examples of agencies and instrumentalities which may not always receive
         financial support from the U.S. government are: the Farm Credit System;
         Federal  Home Loan  Banks;  Farmers  Home  Administration;  and Federal
         National Mortgage Association.

      Collateralized Mortgage Obligations (CMOs)

         Privately  issued CMOs  generally  represent an  ownership  interest in
         federal agency mortgage pass-through securities such as those issued by
         the   Government   National   Mortgage   Association.   The  terms  and
         characteristics of the mortgage instruments may vary among pass-through
         mortgage loan pools.

         The market for such CMOs has expanded considerably since its inception.
         The size of the primary issuance market and the active participation in
         the secondary  market by securities  dealers and other  investors  make
         government-related pools highly liquid.

The Style Manager: Large Cap Fund and The Style Manager Fund
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

The Funds invest  primarily in corporate  securities,  including  common stocks,
preferred stocks, corporate bonds, notes, warrants and convertible securities.

      Convertible Securities

         Convertible  securities  are  fixed  income  securities  which  may  be
         exchanged  or  converted  into a  predetermined  number of the issuer's
         underlying  common stock at the option of the holder during a specified
         time period.  Convertible  securities  may take the form of convertible
         preferred stock,  convertible bonds or debentures,  units consisting of
         "usable" bonds and warrants or a combination of the features of several
         of these securities. The investment characteristics of each convertible
         security  vary  widely,  which  allows  convertible  securities  to  be
         employed for different investment objectives.

         A Fund will exchange or convert the convertible  securities held in its
         portfolio  into shares of the  underlying  common stock in instances in
         which,   in  the   investment   adviser's   opinion,   the   investment
         characteristics of the underlying common shares will assist the Fund in
         achieving its investment  objectives.  Otherwise,  the Fund may hold or
         trade convertible securities. In selecting convertible securities for a
         Fund, the Fund's adviser  evaluates the investment  characteristics  of
         the  convertible  security  as  a  fixed  income  instrument,  and  the
         investment  potential  of the  underlying  equity  security for capital
         appreciation.  In evaluating these matters with respect to a particular
         convertible  security,  a Fund's adviser  considers  numerous  factors,
         including the economic and political outlook, the value of the security
         relative to other investment  alternatives,  trends in the determinants
         of the issuer's  profits,  and the issuer's  management  capability and


         Warrants are basically  options to purchase  common stock at a specific
         price  (usually  at a premium  above the market  value of the  optioned
         common stock at issuance) valid for a specific period of time. Warrants
         may have a life ranging from less than a year to twenty years or may be
         perpetual.  However,  most warrants have  expiration  dates after which
         they are  worthless.  In  addition,  if the market  price of the common
         stock does not exceed the warrant's  exercise  price during the life of
         the warrant,  the warrant will expire as  worthless.  Warrants  have no
         voting rights, pay no dividends, and have no rights with respect to the
         assets of the  corporation  issuing them.  The  percentage  increase or
         decrease in the market price of the warrant may tend to be greater than
         the percentage increase or decrease in the market price of the optioned
         common stock.

      Futures And Options Transactions

         As a means of reducing fluctuations in the net asset value of shares of
         a Fund, the Fund may attempt to hedge all or a portion of its portfolio
         by buying and selling financial futures  contracts,  buying put options
         on portfolio  securities  and listed put options on futures  contracts,
         and writing  call options on futures  contracts.  A Fund may also write
         covered call options on portfolio securities to attempt to increase its
         current  income.  The Fund will maintain its  positions in  securities,
         option rights,  and segregated cash subject to puts and calls until the
         options are exercised,  closed, or have expired.  An option position on
         financial futures contracts may be closed out only on an exchange which
         provides a secondary market from options of the same series.

      Financial Futures Contracts

         A futures contract is a firm commitment by two parties: the seller, who
         agrees to make delivery of the specific type of security  called for in
         the contract ("going short") and the buyer, who agrees to take delivery
         of the  security  ("going  long")  at a  certain  time  in the  future.
         Financial  futures  contracts call for the delivery of shares of common
         stocks represented in a particular index.

      Put Options on Financial Futures Contracts

         A Fund may purchase listed put options on financial futures  contracts.
         Unlike entering  directly into a futures  contract,  which requires the
         purchaser  to buy a financial  instrument  on a set date at a specified
         price, the purchase of a put option on a futures contract entitles (but
         does not  obligate)  its purchaser to decide on or before a future date
         whether to assume a short position at the specified price.

         Generally,  if the hedged portfolio securities decrease in value during
         the term of an option, the related futures contracts will also decrease
         in value and the option  will  increase in value.  In such an event,  a
         Fund will normally close out its option by selling an identical option.
         If the hedge is  successful,  the proceeds  received by a Fund upon the
         sale of the  second  option  will be large  enough to  offset  both the
         premium paid by the Fund for the  original  option plus the decrease in
         value of the hedged securities.

         Alternatively,  the Fund may  exercise  its put option to close out the
         position.  To do so,  it  would  simultaneously  enter  into a  futures
         contract of the type  underlying  the option (for a price less than the
         strike  price of the option) and  exercise  the option.  The Fund would
         then  deliver the futures  contract in return for payment of the strike
         price.  If the Fund neither  closes out nor  exercises  an option,  the
         option will expire on the date  provided  in the option  contract,  and
         only the premium paid for the contract will be lost.

      Call Options on Financial Futures Contracts

         In addition  to  purchasing  put  options on futures,  a Fund may write
         listed call options on futures contracts to hedge its portfolio. When a
         Fund writes a call option on a futures contract,  it is undertaking the
         obligation  of  assuming a short  futures  position  (selling a futures
         contract)  at the fixed strike price at any time during the life of the
         option if the option is  exercised.  As stock prices fall,  causing the
         prices of futures to go down, the Fund's obligation under a call option
         on a future (to sell a futures contract) costs less to fulfill, causing
         the value of the Fund's call option position to increase.

         In other words,  as the  underlying  futures  price goes down below the
         strike  price,  the buyer of the option has no reason to  exercise  the
         call, so that the Fund keeps the premium received for the option.  This
         premium can substantially  offset the drop in value of the Fund's fixed
         income or indexed portfolio which is occurring as interest rates rise.

         Prior to the  expiration of a call written by a Fund, or exercise of it
         by the buyer,  the Fund may close out the option by buying an identical
         option. If the hedge is successful,  the cost of the second option will
         be less than the premium  received by the Fund for the initial  option.
         The net premium income of the Fund will then  substantially  offset the
         decrease in value of the hedged securities.

         A Fund will not maintain  open  positions  in futures  contracts it has
         sold or call  options it has  written on futures  contracts  if, in the
         aggregate,  the value of the open positions  (marked to market) exceeds
         the current market value of its securities  portfolio plus or minus the
         unrealized  gain or loss on  those  open  positions,  adjusted  for the
         correlation of volatility between the hedged securities and the futures
         contracts.  If this  limitation is exceeded at any time,  the Fund will
         take prompt action to close out a sufficient  number of open  contracts
         to bring its open futures and options positions within this limitation.

      "Margin" in Futures Transactions

         Unlike  the  purchase  or sale of a  security,  a Fund  does not pay or
         receive money upon the purchase or sale of a futures contract.  Rather,
         the Fund is required  to deposit an amount of "initial  margin" in cash
         or U.S.  Treasury  bills with its custodian (or the broker,  if legally
         permitted).  The nature of initial  margin in futures  transactions  is
         different  from  that of  margin  in  securities  transactions  in that
         futures contract initial margin does not involve the borrowing of funds
         by the Fund to  finance  the  transactions.  Initial  margin  is in the
         nature of a  performance  bond or good faith  deposit  on the  contract
         which is returned to the Fund upon termination of the futures contract,
         assuming all contractual obligations have been satisfied.

         A  futures  contract  held by a Fund is  valued  daily at the  official
         settlement  price of the  exchange on which it is traded.  Each day the
         Fund pays or receives  cash,  called  "variation  margin," equal to the
         daily change in value of the futures contract. This process is known as
         "marking to market." Variation margin does not represent a borrowing or
         loan by the Fund but is  instead  settlement  between  the Fund and the
         broker of the  amount one would owe the other if the  futures  contract
         expired.  In computing its daily net asset value, the Fund will mark to
         market its open futures positions.

         The Fund is also required to deposit and maintain margin when it writes
call options on futures contracts.

      Purchasing Put Options on Portfolio Securities

         A Fund may  purchase  put options on  portfolio  securities  to protect
         against price  movements in particular  securities in its portfolio.  A
         put option gives the Fund,  in return for a premium,  the right to sell
         the  underlying  security to the writer  (seller) at a specified  price
         during the term of the option.

      Writing Covered Call Options On Portfolio Securities

         A Fund may also write  covered  call  options to  generate  income.  As
         writer of a call option,  the Fund has the obligation  upon exercise of
         the option during the option period to deliver the underlying  security
         upon payment of the exercise price. The Fund may only sell call options
         either on securities  held in its  portfolio or on securities  which it
         has the right to obtain without  payment of further  consideration  (or
         has segregated cash in the amount of any additional consideration).

      Over-the-Counter Options

         A Fund may  purchase  and write  over-the-counter  options on portfolio
         securities in negotiated transactions with the buyers or writers of the
         options for those options on portfolio  securities held by the Fund and
         not traded on an exchange.

         Over-the-counter  options are two party  contracts with price and terms
         negotiated  between  buyer and  seller.  In  contrast,  exchange-traded
         options are third party contracts with  standardized  strike prices and
         expiration  dates  and  are  purchased  from  a  clearing  corporation.
         Exchange-traded   options  have  a  continuous   liquid   market  while
         over-the-counter options may not.

      U.S. Government Obligations

         The types of U.S.  government  obligations in which the Fund may invest
         are those set forth  under "The U.S.  Government  Securities  Fund-U.S.
         Government Obligations."

Commercial Paper

A Fund may invest in  commercial  paper  rated at least A-1 by Standard & Poor's
Ratings Group ("S&P"),  Prime-1 by Moody's Investors Service,  Inc. ("Moody's"),
or F-1 by  Fitch  Investors  Service  ("Fitch")  and  money  market  instruments
(including  commercial  paper)  which are  unrated  but of  comparable  quality,
including  Canadian  Commercial Paper ("CCPs") and Europaper.  In the case where
commercial  paper,  CCPs or  Europaper  have  received  different  ratings  from
different  rating  services,  such  commercial  paper,  CCPs or  Europaper is an
acceptable  investment  so long as at least one  rating is one of the  preceding
high quality  ratings and provided the investment  adviser has  determined  that
such investment presents minimal credit risks.

Bank Instruments

A Fund may invest in the  instruments  of banks and savings  associations  whose
deposits are insured by the Bank Insurance Fund ("BIF"),  which is  administered
by  the  Federal  Deposit  Insurance   Corporation   ("FDIC"),  or  the  Savings
Association Insurance Fund ("SAIF"),  which is administered by the FDIC, such as
certificates of deposit, demand and time deposits,  savings shares, and bankers'
acceptances.   These  instruments  are  not  necessarily   guaranteed  by  those

In addition to domestic bank obligations such as certificates of deposit, demand
and time deposits, savings shares, and bankers' acceptances, the Fund may invest

         o  Eurodollar Certificates of Deposit ("ECDs") issued by foreign 
            branches of U.S. or foreign banks;

         o  Eurodollar Time Deposits ("ETDs"), which are U.S. dollar-denominated
            deposits in foreign branches of U.S. or foreign banks;

         o  Canadian Time Deposits, which are U.S. dollar-denominated deposits
            issued by branches of major Canadian banks located in the United
            States; and

         o  Yankee Certificates of Deposit ("Yankee CDs"), which are U.S. 
            dollar-denominated certificates of deposit issued by U.S. branches 
            of foreign banks and held in the United States.

The Virginia Municipal Bond Fund and The Maryland Municipal Bond Fund
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Acceptable Investments

The Virginia  Municipal  Bond Fund and The Maryland  Municipal  Bond Fund pursue
their investment objectives by investing in professionally managed portfolios of
securities  at least 65% of which are  comprised of Virginia (in the case of The
Virginia Municipal Bond Fund) or Maryland (in the case of The Maryland Municipal
Bond Fund)  municipal  securities.  The Funds will invest  their assets so that,
under  normal  circumstances,  at least 80% of their annual  interest  income is
exempt from federal regular and Virginia (in the case of The Virginia  Municipal
Bond Fund) or Maryland (in the case of The Maryland  Municipal  Bond Fund) state
income  taxes or that at  least  80% of  their  total  assets  are  invested  in
obligations,  the interest  income from which is exempt from federal regular and
Virginia (in the case of The Virginia  Municipal  Bond Fund) or Maryland (in the
case of The Maryland Municipal Bond Fund) state income taxes.


         The   municipal   securities   in  which  the  Funds  invest  have  the
         characteristics  set  forth in the  prospectus.  An  unrated  municipal
         security  will be  determined  by a Fund's  adviser to meet the quality
         standards  established  by the  Fund's  Board of  Trustees  if it is of
         comparable  quality to the rated  municipal  securities  which the Fund
         purchases.  The Trustees consider the creditworthiness of the issuer of
         a municipal  security,  the issuer of a  participation  interest if the
         Fund has the right to demand payment from the issuer of the interest or
         the guarantor of payment by either of those issuers.

         If  Moody's  or  S&P's  ratings  change  because  of  changes  in those
         organizations  or in  their  rating  systems,  a Fund  will  try to use
         comparable  ratings as  standards  in  accordance  with the  investment
         policies described in the Fund's prospectus.

Types of Acceptable Investments

Examples of Virginia and Maryland municipal securities are:

         o  municipal notes and tax-exempt commercial paper;

         o  serial bonds sold with a series of maturity dates;

         o  tax  anticipation  notes sold to finance  working  capital  needs of
            municipalities in anticipation of receiving taxes at a later date;

         o  bond anticipation notes sold in anticipation of the issuance of 
            longer-term bonds in the future;

         o  revenue anticipation notes sold in expectation of receipt of federal
            income available under the Federal Revenue Sharing Program;

         o  prerefunded municipal bonds refundable at a later date (payment of 
            principal and interest on prerefunded bonds is assured through the 
            first call date by the deposit in escrow of U.S. government
            securities); or

         o  general obligation bonds secured by a municipality's pledge of 

The Treasury Money Market Fund
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Types of Investments

The Fund invests only in short-term U.S. Treasury  obligations.  Short-term U.S.
Treasury  obligations as used herein refers to evidences of indebtedness  issued
by the United States,  or issued by an agency or  instrumentality  thereof,  and
fully guaranteed as to principal and interest by the United States,  maturing in
397 days or less from the date of acquisition  unless they are purchased under a
repurchase  agreement that provides for repurchase by the seller within one year
from the date of acquisition.
The Fund may also retain Fund assets in cash.

The Money Market Fund
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Types of Investments

The Fund invests primarily in money market  instruments  maturing in 397 days or
less and which  include,  but are not  limited to,  commercial  paper and demand
master  notes,   domestic  and  foreign  bank   instruments,   U.S.   government
obligations, and corporate debt obligations.

      Bank Instruments

         The types of bank instruments in which the Fund invests are those set 
         forth under "The Style Manager: Large Cap Fund-Bank Instruments."

      U.S. Government Obligations

         The types of U.S. government obligations in which the Fund may invest 
         are those set forth under "The U.S. Government Securities Fund-U.S. 
         Government Obligations."

The Tax-Free Money Market Fund
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

The Fund invests in a portfolio of municipal securities maturing in 13 months or
less.  As a matter  of  investment  policy,  which  cannot  be  changed  without
shareholder  approval, at least 80% of the Fund's annual interest income will be
exempt from federal income tax (including  alternative minimum tax). The average
maturity   of  the   securities   in  the  Fund's   portfolio,   computed  on  a
dollar-weighted basis, will be 90 days or less.

Portfolio Investments and Strategies
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Repurchase Agreements

The Funds or their custodian will take  possession of the securities  subject to
repurchase  agreements and these  securities  will be marked to market daily. In
the event that a defaulting  seller filed for  bankruptcy  or became  insolvent,
disposition of such  securities by a Fund might be delayed pending court action.
The Funds  believe  that under the  regular  procedures  normally  in effect for
custody of a Fund's portfolio  securities  subject to repurchase  agreements,  a
court  of  competent  jurisdiction  would  rule in  favor  of a Fund  and  allow
retention  or  disposition  of such  securities.  The Funds will only enter into
repurchase  agreements with banks and other  recognized  financial  institutions
such as  broker/dealers  which are  deemed  by the  adviser  to be  creditworthy
pursuant to guidelines established by the Trustees.

Reverse Repurchase Agreements

The Funds may also enter into reverse repurchase agreements.  These transactions
are  similar  to  borrowing  cash.  In a  reverse  repurchase  agreement  a Fund
transfers  possession  of a portfolio  instrument to another  person,  such as a
financial  institution,  broker,  or dealer,  in return for a percentage  of the
instrument's  market value in cash, and agrees that on a stipulated  date in the
future the Fund will  repurchase  the  portfolio  instrument  by  remitting  the
original  consideration plus interest at an agreed upon rate. The use of reverse
repurchase  agreements may enable a Fund to avoid selling portfolio  instruments
at a time when a sale may be deemed to be  disadvantageous,  but the  ability to
enter into  reverse  repurchase  agreements  does not ensure that a Fund will be
able to avoid selling portfolio instruments at a disadvantageous time.

When  effecting  reverse  repurchase  agreements,  liquid assets of a Fund, in a
dollar amount  sufficient to make payment for the  obligations  to be purchased,
are  segregated at the trade date.  These  securities are marked to market daily
and are maintained until the transaction is settled.

When-Issued and Delayed Delivery Transactions

These  transactions  are made to secure what is considered to be an advantageous
price  or  yield  for a Fund.  No fees or  other  expenses,  other  than  normal
transaction costs, are incurred.  However, liquid assets of a Fund sufficient to
make payment for the  securities  to be  purchased  are  segregated  on a Fund's
records at the trade  date.  These  assets  are  marked to market  daily and are
maintained until the transaction has been settled. The Funds may engage in these
transactions  to an extent that would cause the  segregation  of an amount up to
20% of the total  value of their  assets.  The Funds do not  intend to engage in
when-issued and delayed delivery  transactions to an extent that would cause the
segregation of more than 20% of the total value of their respective assets.

Lending of Portfolio Securities

The  collateral  received when The U.S.  Government  Securities  Fund, The Style
Manager:  Large Cap Fund, The Style Manager Fund, and The Money Market Fund lend
portfolio  securities  must be valued daily and,  should the market value of the
loaned securities increase,  the borrower must furnish additional  collateral to
the  particular  Fund.  During the time  portfolio  securities  are on loan, the
borrower pays a Fund any dividends or interest  paid on such  securities.  Loans
are subject to termination  at the option of a Fund or the borrower.  A Fund may
pay reasonable  administrative  and custodial fees in connection with a loan and
may pay a negotiated  portion of the interest  earned on the cash or  equivalent
collateral to the borrower or placing  broker.  The U.S.  Government  Securities
Fund and The  Style  Manager:  Large  Cap  Fund do not  have  the  right to vote
securities on loan, but would terminate the loan and regain the right to vote if
that were considered important with respect to the investment.

Restricted and Illiquid Securities

The Funds may invest in restricted  securities.  Restricted  securities  are any
securities  in which a Fund may  otherwise  invest  pursuant  to its  investment
objective  and  policies  but which are subject to  restriction  on resale under
federal securities law. However, The U.S. Government  Securities Fund, The Style
Manager:  Large Cap Fund,  The Style Manager Fund,  The Virginia  Municipal Bond
Fund and The Maryland  Municipal  Bond Fund will limit  investments  in illiquid
securities,  including certain restricted  securities determined by the Trustees
not to be liquid,  and  repurchase  agreements  providing for settlement in more
than seven  days  after  notice,  to 15% of its net  assets.  In the case of The
Virginia  Municpal  Bond Fund and The  Maryland  Municipal  Bond Fund,  illiquid
securities  will include  participation  interests and variable  rate  municipal
securities  without a demand  feature or with a demand  feature  of longer  than
seven days and which the adviser  believes cannot be sold within seven days. The
Treasury Money Market Fund, The Money Market Fund, and The Tax-Free Money Market
Fund will limit investments in illiquid securities, including certain securities
determined by the Trustees not to be liquid, and repurchase agreements providing
for  settlement  in more than seven days  after  notice,  and in the case of The
Money  Market  Fund,  specifically  including  non-negotiable  fixed income time
deposits with maturities over seven days, to 10% of their net assets.

The U.S.  Government  Securities  Fund, The Style  Manager:  Large Cap Fund, The
Style  Manager Fund,  and The Money Market Fund may invest in  commercial  paper
issued in reliance on the exemption from  registration  afforded by Section 4(2)
of the Securities Act of 1933. Section 4(2) commercial paper is restricted as to
disposition under federal  securities law and is generally sold to institutional
investors,  such as the Fund,  who agree that they are  purchasing the paper for
investment  purposes and not with a view to public  distribution.  Any resale by
the purchaser must be in an exempt transaction. Section 4(2) commercial paper is
normally resold to other  institutional  investors like the Fund through or with
the assistance of the issuer or investment  dealers who make a market in Section
4(2) commercial paper, thus providing liquidity.  The Funds believe that Section
4(2) commercial  paper and possibly  certain other  restricted  securities which
meet the criteria for liquidity  established  by the Board of Trustees are quite
liquid. The Funds intend,  therefore,  to treat the restricted  securities which
meet the criteria for liquidity  established by the Trustees,  including Section
4(2) commercial paper, as determined by a Fund's investment  adviser,  as liquid
and not subject to the investment  limitation applicable to illiquid securities.
In addition,  because Section 4(2) commercial paper is liquid,  the Funds intend
to not subject such paper to the limitation applicable to restricted securities.

Participation Interests

The financial  institutions  from which The Virginia  Municipal  Bond Fund,  The
Maryland  Municipal  Bond Fund,  and The  Tax-Free  Money  Market Fund  purchase
participation  interests  frequently  provide  or secure  from  other  financial
institutions  irrevocable  letters of credit or  guarantees  and give a Fund the
right to demand payment on specified notice (normally within thirty days for The
Virginia Municipal Bond Fund and The Maryland Municipal Bond Fund and seven days
for The  Tax-Free  Money Market Fund) from the issuer of the letter of credit or
guarantee.  These financial  institutions  may charge certain fees in connection
with their  repurchase  commitments,  including a fee equal to the excess of the
interest paid on the municipal securities over the negotiated yield at which the
participation  interests were  purchased by a Fund. By purchasing  participation
interests,  a Fund is  buying  a  security  meeting  the  maturity  and  quality
requirements  of a Fund  and is also  receiving  the  tax-free  benefits  of the
underlying securities.

In the acquisition of participation  interests, a Fund's investment adviser will
consider the following quality factors:

         o  the quality of the underlying municipal security (of which a Fund 
            takes possession);

         o  the quality of the issuer of the participation interest; and

         o  a guarantee  or  letter  of  credit  from a  high-quality  financial
            institution supporting the participation interest.

Variable Rate Municipal Securities

The Virginia  Municipal  Bond Fund,  The Maryland  Municipal  Bond Fund, and The
Tax-Free  Money Market Fund invest in variable  municipal  securities.  Variable
interest  rates  generally  reduce  changes  in the  market  value of  municipal
securities from their original purchase prices.  Accordingly,  as interest rates
decrease or increase,  the potential for capital appreciation or depreciation is
less for variable rate municipal securities than for fixed income obligations.

Many municipal  securities  with variable  interest  rates  purchased by the The
Tax-Free Money Market Fund are subject to repayment of principal (usually within
seven days) on the The Tax-Free  Money  Market  Fund's  demand.  For purposes of
determining the Fund's average  maturity,  the maturities of these variable rate
demand municipal securities (including  participation  interests) are the longer
of the periods  remaining until the next readjustment of their interest rates or
the  periods  remaining  until  their  principal  amounts  can be  recovered  by
exercising the right to demand payment.  The terms of these variable rate demand
instruments require payment of principal and accrued interest from the issuer of
the  municipal  obligations,  the  issuer of the  participation  interests  or a
guarantor of either issuer.

Municipal Leases

The Virginia  Municipal  Bond Fund,  The Maryland  Municipal  Bond Fund, and The
Tax-Free  Money Market Fund may  purchase  municipal  securities  in the form of
participation  interests which  represent  undivided  proportional  interests in
lease payments by a  governmental  or nonprofit  entity.  The lease payments and
other  rights  under  the lease  provide  for and  secure  the  payments  on the
certificates.  Lease  obligations  may be  limited by  municipal  charter or the
nature of the appropriation for the lease. In particular,  lease obligations may
be subject to periodic  appropriation.  If the entity does not appropriate funds
for future lease payments, the entity cannot be compelled to make such payments.
Furthermore,  a lease may provide that the certificate trustee cannot accelerate
lease obligations upon default.  The trustee would only be able to enforce lease
payments  as  they  became  due.  In  the  event  of a  default  or  failure  of
appropriation,  it is  unlikely  that the  trustee  would be able to  obtain  an
acceptable substitute source of payment.

In determining the liquidity of municipal lease securities,  the adviser,  under
the authority delegated by the Board of Trustees, will base its determination on
the  following  factors:  (a) whether the lease can be terminated by the lessee;
(b) the  potential  recovery,  if any,  from a sale of the leased  property upon
termination of the lease;  (c) the lessee's  general credit strength (e.g.,  its
debts, administrative,  economic and financial characteristics,  and prospects);
(d) the likelihood that the lessee will  discontinue  appropriating  funding for
the leased  property  because the property is no longer deemed  essential to its
operations (e.g., the potential for an "event of nonappropriation"); and (e) any
credit enhancement of legal recourse provided upon an event of  nonappropriation
or other termination of the lease.

Temporary Investments

The  Virginia  Municipal  Bond Fund,  The Maryland  Municipal  Bond Fund and The
Tax-Free Money Market Fund may also invest in temporary investments during times
of unusual market conditions for defensive purposes and to maintain liquidity.

From time to time,  such as when  suitable  securities  are not available to the
respective  Fund, a Fund may invest a portion of its assets in cash. Any portion
of a Fund's  assets  maintained  in cash  will  reduce  the  amount of assets in
securities held in the respective Fund, and could thereby reduce a Fund's yield.

Adjustable Rate Mortgage Securities

The  U.S.  Government  Securities  Fund  invests  in  adjustable  rate  mortgage
securities  ("ARMS").  Not unlike other U.S. government  securities,  the market
value of ARMS will  generally  vary  inversely  with changes in market  interest
rates.  Thus,  the market value of ARMS  generally  declines when interest rates
rise and generally rises when interest rates decline.

While ARMS  generally  entail less risk of a decline  during  periods of rapidly
rising rates,  ARMS may also have less potential for capital  appreciation  than
other similar investments (e.g.  investments with comparable maturities) because
as interest  rates  decline,  the  likelihood  increases  that mortgages will be
prepaid.  Furthermore, if ARMS are purchased at a premium, mortgage foreclosures
and  unscheduled  principal  payment  may  result  in some  loss  of a  holder's
principal investment to the extent of the premium paid. Conversely,  if ARMS are
purchased  at  a  discount,  both  a  scheduled  payment  of  principal  and  an
unscheduled prepayment of principal would increase current and total returns and
would  accelerate the  recognition  of income,  which would be taxed as ordinary
income when distributed to shareholders.

Portfolio Turnover

The Funds will not  attempt to set or meet a portfolio  turnover  rate since any
turnover would be incidental to transactions undertaken in an attempt to achieve
a Fund's investment objective.  The Style Manager:  Large Cap Fund and The Style
Manager Fund may experience  greater  portfolio  turnover than would be expected
with a portfolio of  higher-rated  securities.  A high  portfolio  turnover will
result in increased  transaction  costs to the Fund.  For the fiscal years ended
September  30, 1997 and 1996,  the portfolio  turnover  rates were 80% and 118%,
respectively,   for  The  U.S.   Government   Securities  Fund;  56%  and  151%,
respectively, for The Style Manager: Large Cap Fund; 19% and 129%, respectively,
for The  Virginia  Municipal  Bond  Fund;  13% and 138%,  respectively,  for The
Maryland  Municipal  Bond Fund;  and 94% and 112%,  respectively,  for The Style
Manager Fund.

Investment Limitations
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

      Issuing Senior Securities and Borrowing Money

         The  Funds  will not issue  senior  securities  except  that a Fund may
         borrow  money  directly or through  reverse  repurchase  agreements  in
         amounts up to one-third of the value of its net assets,  including  the
         amount  borrowed.  The Funds will not borrow money or engage in reverse
         repurchase  agreements  for  investment  leverage,   but  rather  as  a
         temporary,   extraordinary,  or  emergency  measure  or  to  facilitate
         management  of the  portfolio  by  enabling  a Fund to meet  redemption
         requests when the  liquidation of portfolio  securities is deemed to be
         inconvenient  or   disadvantageous.   A  Fund  will  not  purchase  any
         securities while any borrowings in excess of 5% of its total assets are
         outstanding.  With respect to The U.S. Government  Securities Fund, The
         Style  Manager:  Large Cap Fund,  The Style Manager Fund,  The Virginia
         Municipal  Bond Fund,  The Maryland  Municipal  Bond Fund, The Treasury
         Money  Market Fund,  and The Money  Market Fund,  during the period any
         reverse repurchase agreements are outstanding,  the Funds will restrict
         the  purchase  of  portfolio  securities  to money  market  instruments
         maturing on or before the  expiration  date of the  reverse  repurchase
         agreements,  but only to the extent  necessary to assure  completion of
         the reverse repurchase agreements.

      Selling Short and Buying on Margin

         The Funds  will not  purchase  any  securities  on margin  but they may
         obtain such  short-term  credits as may be necessary  for  clearance of
         transactions.  With respect to The U.S. Government Securities Fund, The
         Style Manager:  Large Cap Fund, and The Style Manager Fund, the deposit
         or payment by the Fund of initial  or  variation  margin in  connection
         with financial futures contracts or related options transactions is not
         considered the purchase of a security on margin. The Virginia Municipal
         Bond Fund, The Maryland  Municipal Bond Fund, The Treasury Money Market
         Fund, The Money Market Fund, and The Tax-Free Money Market Fund may not
         sell any securities short.

      Pledging Assets

         The Funds will not mortgage,  pledge,  or hypothecate any assets except
         to secure permitted  borrowings.  In these cases the Funds,  except The
         Tax-Free Money Market Fund, may pledge assets having a market value not
         exceeding the lesser of the dollar amounts borrowed or 15% of the value
         of total  assets of a Fund at the time of the pledge.  Margin  deposits
         for the purchase and sale of financial  futures  contracts  and related
         options are not deemed to be a pledge.

      Lending Cash or Securities

         The U.S. Government Securities Fund, The Style Manager: Large Cap Fund,
         The Style  Manager Fund,  The Treasury  Money Market Fund and The Money
         Market  Fund,  will  not lend any of  their  assets,  except  portfolio
         securities  up to  one-third of the value of their total  assets.  This
         shall not prevent a Fund from purchasing or holding bonds,  debentures,
         notes, certificates of indebtedness, or other debt securities, entering
         into repurchase  agreements,  or engaging in other  transactions  where
         permitted by a Fund's investment objective,  policies,  and limitations
         or the Trust's Declaration of Trust.

         The Virginia  Municipal Bond Fund and The Maryland  Municipal Bond Fund
         will not  lend  any of  their  assets,  except  that  they may  acquire
         publicly  or  nonpublicly  issued  municipal  securities  or  temporary
         investments  or enter into  repurchase  agreements  as  permitted  by a
         Fund's investment objective,  policies,  limitations and Declaration of

         The Tax-Free  Money Market Fund will not lend any of its assets  except
         that it may  purchase or hold  portfolio  securities  permitted  by its
         investment  objective,  policies and  limitations,  or  Declaration  of

      Investing in Restricted Securities

         Except for The Tax-Free  Money  Market Fund,  the Funds will not invest
         more than 10% of their net assets in securities subject to restrictions
         on resale under the Securities Act of 1933 (except  certain  restricted
         securities  which meet the criteria for liquidity as established by the
         Board of Trustees. With respect to The U.S. Government Securities Fund,
         The Style Manager: Large Cap Fund, The Style Manager Fund and The Money
         Market Fund, this exception  specifically  extends to commercial  paper
         issued  under  Section 4(2) of the  Securities  Act of 1933 and certain
         other  restricted  securities  which meet the criteria for liquidity as
         established by the Board of Trustees).

         The  Tax-Free  Money  Market  Fund will not invest more than 10% of its
         total  assets in  securities  subject to  restrictions  on resale under
         federal securities law, except for restricted  securities determined to
         be liquid under criteria established by the Trustees.

      Investing in Commodities

         The Funds will not purchase or sell commodities, commodity contracts or
         commodity  futures  contracts except for financial futures contracts in
         the case of The Style  Manager:  Large  Cap Fund and The Style  Manager

      Investing in Real Estate

         The Funds will not  purchase  or sell real  estate,  including  limited
         partnership  interests with respect to The Style Manager Fund, although
         The U.S. Government Securities Fund, The Style Manager:  Large Cap Fund
         and The Style  Manager  Fund may invest in  securities  secured by real
         estate or  interests in real estate or issued by  companies,  including
         real estate investment trusts, which invest in real estate or interests
         therein.  The Virginia Municipal Bond Fund, The Maryland Municipal Bond
         Fund,  The Money  Market Fund,  and The Tax-Free  Money Market Fund may
         invest in securities of issuers whose business involves the purchase or
         sale of real estate or in  securities  which are secured by real estate
         or interests in real estate.

      Diversification of Investments

         With  respect  to 75% of  the  value  of its  total  assets,  The  U.S.
         Government  Securities  Fund,  The Style  Manager:  Large Cap Fund, The
         Style  Manager  Fund  and The  Money  Market  Fund  will  not  purchase
         securities  issued by any one issuer  (other  than cash,  cash items or
         securities  issued or guaranteed by the government of the United States
         or  its  agencies  or  instrumentalities   and  repurchase   agreements
         collateralized by such securities),  if as a result more than 5% of the
         value of its total assets would be invested in the  securities  of that
         issuer. The U.S. Government Fund and The Style Manager:  Large Cap Fund
         will not acquire more than 10% of the outstanding  voting securities of
         any one issuer.

      Concentration of Investments

         The U.S. Government Securities Fund, The Style Manager: Large Cap Fund,
         The Style Manager Fund and The Money Market Fund will not invest 25% or
         more of the  value of their  total  assets  in any one  industry.  With
         respect to The Money Market Fund,  investing in bank instruments  (such
         as  time  and  demand  deposits  and  certificates  of  deposit),  U.S.
         government  obligations,  or instruments  secured by these money market
         instruments,   such  as  repurchase   agreements  for  U.S.  government
         obligations, shall not be considered investments in any one industry.

         The Virginia  Municipal Bond Fund and The Maryland  Municipal Bond Fund
         will not purchase  securities if, as a result of such purchase,  25% or
         more of the  value of its total  assets  would be  invested  in any one
         industry or in industrial  development bonds or other  securities,  the
         interest on which is paid from  revenues of similar  types of projects.
         However,  these Funds may invest as temporary investments more than 25%
         of the value of its assets in cash or cash items,  securities issued or
         guaranteed by the U.S. government,  its agencies, or instrumentalities,
         or  instruments  secured by these  money  market  instruments,  such as
         repurchase agreements.

         The Tax-Free Money Market Fund will not invest 25% or more of the value
         of its total assets in any one industry, except that it may invest more
         than 25% of its total assets in securities  issued or guaranteed by the
         U.S.  government,  its  agencies or  instrumentalities  and  industrial
         development  bonds as long as they are not  from the same  facility  or
         similar types of  facilities.  The Tax-Free  Money Market Fund does not
         intend to purchase securities that would increase the percentage of its
         assets invested in the securities of governmental  subdivisions located
         in any one state, territory, or U.S. possession to 25% or more.


         The Funds will not underwrite any issue of securities, except as a Fund
         may be deemed to be an underwriter  under the Securities Act of 1933 in
         connection   with  the  sale  of  securities  in  accordance  with  its
         investment objective, policies, and limitations.

The above limitations  cannot be changed with respect to a Fund without approval
of a majority of that Fund's Shares. The following limitations may be changed by
the Trustees without shareholder approval.  Shareholders will be notified before
any material change in these limitations becomes effective.

      Investing in Illiquid Securities

         The U.S. Government Securities Fund, The Style Manager: Large Cap Fund,
         The Style  Manager  Fund,  The Virginia  Municipal  Bond Fund,  and The
         Maryland Municipal Bond Fund will not invest more than 15% of the value
         of their  net  assets  in  illiquid  securities,  including  repurchase
         agreements  providing  for  settlement  in more than  seven  days after
         notice,  and certain restricted  securities  determined by the Trustees
         not to be liquid;  and, in the case of The Virginia Municipal Bond Fund
         and  The  Maryland   Municipal   Bond  Fund,   specifically   including
         participation  interests and variable rate municipal securities without
         a demand feature or with a demand feature of longer than seven days and
         which the  adviser  believes  cannot be sold  within  seven  days.  The
         Treasury  Money  Market Fund,  The Money Market Fund,  and The Tax-Free
         Money  Market  Fund will not invest more than 10% of the value of their
         net assets in  illiquid  securities,  including  repurchase  agreements
         providing for settlement  more than seven days after notice and certain
         securities  determined  by the Trustees  not to be liquid;  and, in the
         case of The Money Market Fund,  specifically  including  non-negotiable
         fixed income time deposits with maturities over seven days.

      Investing in Securities of Other Investment Companies

         The Funds will limit their  respective  investment in other  investment
         companies to no more than 3% of the total  outstanding  voting stock of
         any investment  company,  invest no more than 5% of total assets in any
         one  investment  company,  or invest  more than 10% of total  assets in
         investment companies in general , unless permitted to do so by order of
         the SEC. The U.S. Government Securities Fund, The Style Manager:  Large
         Cap Fund,  The Style Manager Fund,  The Treasury  Money Market Fund and
         The Money Market Fund will purchase securities of closed-end investment
         companies  only in open market  transactions  involving  only customary
         broker's commissions.  However, these limitations are not applicable if
         the securities are acquired in a merger, consolidation, reorganization,
         or  acquisition  of assets.  With respect to The Treasury  Money Market
         Fund and The Money Market Fund, the Funds will limit their  investments
         and the securities of other investment  companies to those of The Money
         Market Funds having investment objectives and policies similar to their
         own. The Virginia  Municipal Bond Fund and The Maryland  Municipal Bond
         Fund  will  invest  in other  investment  companies  primarily  for the
         purposes of investing  short-term  cash which has not yet been invested
         in other portfolio  instruments.  The adviser will waive its investment
         advisory fee on assets  invested in securities  of open-end  investment

      Purchasing Securities to Exercise Control

         A Fund will not  purchase  securities  of a company  for the purpose of
         exercising control or management.

      Selling Short

         Neither The U.S. Government  Securities Fund, The Style Manager:  Large
         Cap Fund, nor The Style Manager Fund will sell securities  short unless
         (1) it  owns,  or has a right  to  acquire,  an  equal  amount  of such
         securities,  or (2) it has  segregated  an amount  of its other  assets
         equal to the lesser of the market value of the securities sold short or
         the amount required to acquire such securities.  The segregated  amount
         will not exceed 10% of The U.S.  Government  Securities  Fund's nor The
         Style Manager: Large Cap Fund's net assets.

         With respect to The Style Manager Fund, the segregated  amount will not
         exceed 5% of the Fund's net assets. The dollar amount of short sales at
         any one time shall not exceed 5% of the Fund's net assets and the value
         of  securities  of any one  issuer  in which  the Fund is short may not
         exceed  the lesser of 2% of the value of the Fund's net assets or 2% of
         the securities of any class of any issuer.

         While in a short position, the Fund will retain the securities,  rights
or segregated assets.

Except with  respect to the Funds'  policy of borrowing  money,  if a percentage
limitation is adhered to at the time of investment, a later increase or decrease
in percentage  resulting  from any change in value or net assets will not result
in a violation of such restriction.

The U.S. Government  Securities Fund, The Style Manager:  Large Cap Fund and The
Style Manager Fund have no present  intent to borrow money,  pledge  securities,
sell securities short, or invest in restricted or illiquid  securities in excess
of 5% of the value of their respective net assets in the coming fiscal year.

The Virginia  Municipal  Bond Fund and The Maryland  Municipal Bond Fund have no
present intent to issue senior  securities or borrow money,  pledge  securities,
invest in restricted or illiquid securities, sell securities short, or engage in
when-issued  and delayed  delivery  transactions in excess of 5% of the value of
its net assets during the fiscal period.

The Treasury  Money Market Fund and The Money Market Fund do not expect to issue
senior  securities or borrow money,  pledge  securities,  sell securities short,
engage in when-issued and delayed  delivery  transactions or reverse  repurchase
agreements,  for The Money  Market  Fund  only,  in excess of 5% of the value of
their net assets during the coming fiscal year.

The Tax-Free Money Market Fund does not intend to borrow money,  sell securities
short,  or pledge  securities  in  excess  of 5% of the value of its net  assets
during the coming fiscal year.

Virtus Funds Management
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Officers  and  Trustees  are listed with their  addresses,  birthdates,  present
positions with Virtus Funds, and principal occupations.

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
John F. Donahue@*
Federated Investors Tower
Pittsburgh, PA
Birthdate:  July 28, 1924

Chairman and Trustee

Chairman  and  Trustee,  Federated  Investors,   Federated  Advisers,  Federated
Management,  and Federated Research;  Chairman and Director,  Federated Research
Corp. and Federated Global Research Corp.;  Chairman,  Passport Research,  Ltd.;
Chief Executive Officer and Director or Trustee of the Funds.Mr.  Donahue is the
father of J. Christopher Donahue, Executive Vice President of the Company.

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Thomas G. Bigley
15 Old Timber Trail
Pittsburgh, PA
Birthdate:  February 3, 1934


Chairman of the Board,  Children's  Hospital  of  Pittsburgh;  formerly,  Senior
Partner, Ernst & Young LLP; Director, MED 3000 Group, Inc.; Director,  Member of
Executive Committee, University of Pittsburgh; Director or Trustee of the Funds.

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
John T. Conroy, Jr.
Wood/IPC Commercial Department
John R. Wood and Associates, Inc., Realtors
3255 Tamiami Trail North
Naples, FL
Birthdate:  June 23, 1937


President,  Investment Properties  Corporation;  Senior Vice-President,  John R.
Wood and Associates,  Inc., Realtors;  Partner or Trustee in private real estate
ventures in Southwest Florida; formerly,  President, Naples Property Management,
Inc. and Northgate Village Development  Corporation;  Director or Trustee of the

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

William J. Copeland
One PNC Plaza - 23rd Floor
Pittsburgh, PA
Birthdate:  July 4, 1918


Director and Member of the Executive  Committee,  Michael Baker, Inc.; formerly,
Vice Chairman and Director, PNC Bank, N.A., and PNC Bank Corp.;  Director,  Ryan
Homes, Inc.; Director or Trustee of the Funds.

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
James E. Dowd
571 Hayward Mill Road
Concord, MA
Birthdate:  May 18, 1922


Attorney-at-law;  Director, The Emerging Germany Fund, Inc.; Director or Trustee
of the Funds.

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Lawrence D. Ellis, M.D.*
3471 Fifth Avenue, Suite 1111
Pittsburgh, PA
Birthdate:  October 11, 1932


Professor of Medicine, University of Pittsburgh; Medical Director, University of
Pittsburgh Medical Center - Downtown; Member, Board of Directors,  University of
Pittsburgh Medical Center; formerly,  Hematologist,  Oncologist,  and Internist,
Presbyterian and Montefiore Hospitals; Director or Trustee of the Funds.

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Edward L. Flaherty, Jr.@
Miller, Ament, Henny & Kochuba
205 Ross Street
Pittsburgh, PA
Birthdate:  June 18, 1924


Attorney  of  Counsel,  Miller,  Ament,  Henny & Kochuba;  Director,  Eat'N Park
Restaurants,  Inc.; formerly,  Counsel, Horizon Financial, F.A., Western Region;
Director or Trustee of the Funds.

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Edward C. Gonzales *
Federated Investors Tower
Pittsburgh, PA
Birthdate:  October 22, 1930

President, Treasurer and Trustee

Vice Chairman,  Treasurer,  and Trustee,  Federated  Investors;  Vice President,
Federated Advisers, Federated Management, Federated Research, Federated Research
Corp.,  Federated Global Research Corp. and Passport Research,  Ltd.;  Executive
Vice President and Director,  Federated  Securities  Corp.;  Trustee,  Federated
Shareholder  Services  Company;  Trustee  or  Director  of  some  of the  Funds;
President, Executive Vice President and Treasurer of some of the Funds.

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Peter E. Madden
One Royal Palm Way
100 Royal Palm Way
Palm Beach, FL
Birthdate:  March 16, 1942


Consultant;   Former  State   Representative,   Commonwealth  of  Massachusetts;
formerly, President, State Street Bank and Trust Company and State Street Boston
Corporation; Director or Trustee of the Funds.

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
John E. Murray, Jr., J.D., S.J.D.
President, Duquesne University
Pittsburgh, PA
Birthdate:  December 20, 1932


President,  Law Professor,  Duquesne University;  Consulting Partner,  Mollica &
Murray; Director or Trustee of the Funds.

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Wesley W. Posvar
1202 Cathedral of Learning
University of Pittsburgh
Pittsburgh, PA
Birthdate:  September 14, 1925


Professor,  International  Politics;  Management Consultant;  Trustee,  Carnegie
Endowment for International  Peace,  RAND  Corporation,  Online Computer Library
Center,  Inc., National Defense University and U.S. Space Foundation;  President
Emeritus, University of Pittsburgh; Founding Chairman, National Advisory Council
for Environmental  Policy and Technology,  Federal Emergency Management Advisory
Board and Czech Management Center, Prague; Director or Trustee of the Funds.

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Marjorie P. Smuts
4905 Bayard Street
Pittsburgh, PA
Birthdate:  June 21, 1935


Public relations/Marketing/Conference Planning; Director or Trustee of the Funds

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

J. Christopher Donahue
Federated Investors Tower
Pittsburgh, PA
Birthdate:  April 11, 1949

Executive Vice President

President  and  Trustee,  Federated  Investors,  Federated  Advisers,  Federated
Management, and Federated Research;  President and Director,  Federated Research
Corp. and Federated Global Research Corp.; President,  Passport Research,  Ltd.;
Trustee,  Federated  Shareholder  Services  Company,  and Federated  Shareholder
Services;  Director,  Federated  Services  Company;  President or Executive Vice
President of the Funds; Director or Trustee of some of the Funds. Mr. Donahue is
the son of John F. Donahue, Chairman and Trustee of the Company.

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
John W. McGonigle
Federated Investors Tower
Pittsburgh, PA
Birthdate:  October 26, 1938

Executive Vice President and Secretary

Executive Vice President,  Secretary, and Trustee, Federated Investors; Trustee,
Federated Advisers,  Federated  Management,  and Federated  Research;  Director,
Federated Research Corp. and Federated Global Research Corp.; Trustee, Federated
Shareholder Services Company;  Director,  Federated Services Company;  President
and Trustee,  Federated  Shareholder  Services;  Director,  Federated Securities
Corp.; Executive Vice President and Secretary of the Funds; Treasurer of some of
the Funds.

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Richard B. Fisher
Federated Investors Tower
Pittsburgh, PA
Birthdate:  May 17, 1923

Vice President

Executive  Vice  President  and  Trustee,  Federated  Investors;   Chairman  and
Director, Federated Securities Corp.; President or Vice President of some of the
Funds; Director or Trustee of some of the Funds.

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Joseph S. Machi
Federated Investors Tower
Pittsburgh, PA

Birthdate:  May 22, 1962

Vice President and Assistant Treasurer

Vice President and Assistant Treasurer of some of the Funds.

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
         * This Trustee is deemed to be an "interested person" as defined in the
Investment Company Act of 1940.

         @  Member of the Executive  Committee.  The Executive  Committee of the
            Board of Trustees handles the  responsibilities of the Board between
            meetings of the Board.

As used  in the  table  above,  "The  Funds"  and  "Funds"  mean  the  following
investment  companies:  111 Corcoran Funds;  Arrow Funds;  Automated  Government
Money Trust;  Blanchard Funds;  Blanchard Precious Metals Fund, Inc.; Cash Trust
Series II; Cash Trust Series,  Inc. ; DG Investor Series;  Edward D. Jones & Co.
Daily Passport Cash Trust; Federated Adjustable Rate U.S. Government Fund, Inc.;
Federated  American  Leaders Fund, Inc.;  Federated ARMs Fund;  Federated Equity
Funds;  Federated Equity Income Fund, Inc.;  Federated Fund for U.S.  Government
Securities,  Inc.; Federated GNMA Trust; Federated Government Income Securities,
Inc.;  Federated  Government  Trust;  Federated  High  Income  Bond Fund,  Inc.;
Federated High Yield Trust;  Federated Income Securities Trust; Federated Income
Trust; Federated Index Trust; Federated Institutional Trust; Federated Insurance
Series;  Federated Investment Portfolios;  Federated Investment Trust; Federated
Master Trust; Federated Municipal  Opportunities Fund, Inc.; Federated Municipal
Securities Fund, Inc.; Federated Municipal Trust; Federated Short-Term Municipal
Trust;  Federated  Short-Term U.S.  Government  Trust;  Federated Stock and Bond
Fund, Inc.;  Federated Stock Trust;  Federated  Tax-Free Trust;  Federated Total
Return  Series,  Inc.;  Federated  U.S.  Government  Bond Fund;  Federated  U.S.
Government  Securities  Fund: 1-3 Years;  Federated U.S.  Government  Securities
Fund:  2-5  Years;  Federated  U.S.  Government  Securities  Fund:  5-10  Years;
Federated  Utility Fund,  Inc.; First Priority Funds;  Fixed Income  Securities,
Inc.; High Yield Cash Trust; Intermediate Municipal Trust; International Series,
Inc.;  Investment  Series Funds,  Inc.;  Investment  Series Trust;  Liberty Term
Trust,  Inc. - 1999;  Liberty U.S.  Government  Money Market Trust;  Liquid Cash
Trust;  Managed  Series  Trust;  Money  Market  Management,  Inc.;  Money Market
Obligations  Trust;  Money Market  Obligations  Trust II;  Money  Market  Trust;
Municipal  Securities  Income  Trust;  Newpoint  Funds;  RIMCO  Monument  Funds;
Targeted  Duration Trust;  Tax-Free  Instruments  Trust; The Planters Funds; The
Virtus  Funds;  Trust for  Financial  Institutions;  Trust for  Government  Cash
Reserves; Trust for Short-Term U.S. Government Securities; Trust for U.S.
Treasury Obligations; Wesmark Funds; and World Investment Series, Inc.

Fund Ownership

Officers and Trustees own less than 1% of the outstanding shares of each Fund.

As of October 31, 1997, the following shareholders of record owned 5% or more of
the  outstanding  shares of the Funds:  Stephens Inc.,  Little Rock, AR, for the
exclusive benefit of their customers owned  approximately  4,204,370 (40.26%) of
the Investment Shares of U.S. Government  Securities Fund; 1,208,630 (24.63%) of
the Investment Shares of The Style Manager:  Large Cap Fund;  1,742,805 (34.81%)
of the Shares of The Style Manager Fund;  1,758,994  (33.10%) of the  Investment
Shares of The Virginia  Municipal Bond Fund;  629,671 (25.07%) of the Investment
Shares  of  The  Maryland  Municipal  Bond  Fund;  18,064,663  (15.34%)  of  the
Investment  Shares of Treasury  Money  Market Fund;  21,024,493  (27.80%) of the
Investment  Shares of Money Market Fund; and 3,716,118  (6.60%) of the Shares of
The Tax-Free  Money Market Fund. As of October 31, 1997,  Bova & Co.,  Richmond,
VA, acting in various  capacities  for numerous  accounts,  owned  approximately
5,165,113  (100%) of the Trust Shares of The U.S.  Government  Securities  Fund;
1,613,118  (99%) of the  Trust  Shares  of The  Style  Manager:  Large Cap Fund;
1,693,162  (33.82%) of the Shares of The Style Manager Fund;  1,802,105 (99.78%)
of the Trust Shares of The Virginia  Municipal Bond Fund;  434,681 (100%) of the
Trust Shares of The Maryland  Municipal Bond Fund;  206,814,801  (99.92%) of the
Trust Shares of Treasury  Money Market Fund;  177,645,283  (96.43%) of the Trust
Shares of The Money Market Fund;  and  42,583,759  (75.60%) of the Shares of The
Tax-Free Money Market Fund.

Officers and Trustees Compensation

- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
NAME ,                                  AGGREGATE                      TOTAL COMPENSATION
POSITION WITH                           COMPENSATION FROM              PAID TO TRUSTEES FROM
TRUST                                   TRUST+                         TRUST AND FUND COMPLEX

- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
John F. Donahue,                            $0                             $-0- for the Trust and
Chairman and Trustee                                                       2 investment companies
Thomas G. Bigley                            $2,001                         $3,217 for the Trust and
Trustee                                                                    2 investment companies
John T. Conroy, Jr.,                        $2,198                         $3,538 for the Trust and
Trustee                                                                    2 investment companies
William J. Copeland,                        $2,198                         $3,538 for the Trust and
Trustee                                                                    2 investment companies
James E. Dowd                               $2,198                         $3,538 for the Trust and
Trustee                                                                    2 investment companies
Lawrence D. Ellis, M.D.,                    $2,001                         $3,217 for the Trust and
Trustee                                                                    2 investment companies
Edward L. Flaherty, Jr.,                    $2,198                         $3,538 for the Trust and
Trustee                                                                    2 investment companies
Edward C. Gonzales,                         $0                             $-0- for the Trust and
President, Treasurer and Trustee                                           2 investment companies
Peter E. Madden,                            $2,001                         $3,217 for the Trust and
Trustee                                                                    2 investment companies
Wesley W. Posvar,                           $2,001                         $3,217 for the Trust and
Trustee                                                                    2 investment companies
Marjorie P. Smuts,                          $2,001                         $3,217 for the Trust and
Trustee                                                                    2 investment companies

+The  aggregate  compensation  is provided  for the Trust which is  comprised of
eight portfolios.

Trustee Liability

The Trust's  Declaration  of Trust provides that the Trustees will not be liable
for  errors  of  judgment  or  mistakes  of fact or law.  However,  they are not
protected  against any  liability  to which they would  otherwise  be subject by
reason  of  willful  misfeasance,  bad  faith,  gross  negligence,  or  reckless
disregard of the duties involved in the conduct of their office.

Investment Advisory Services
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Adviser to the Trust

The  Trust's   investment  adviser  is  Virtus  Capital   Management,   Inc.,  a
wholly-owned  subsidiary of Signet Banking Corporation.  Because of the internal
controls   maintained  by  Signet  Bank  to  restrict  the  flow  of  non-public
information, Fund investments are typically made without any knowledge of Signet
Bank's or its affiliates' lending relationships with an issuer.

The adviser shall not be liable to the Trust, a Fund, or any  shareholder of any
of the Funds for any losses that may be sustained in the purchase,  holding,  or
sale of any  security  or for  anything  done or omitted by it,  except  acts or
omissions  involving  willful  misfeasance,  bad  faith,  gross  negligence,  or
reckless disregard of the duties imposed upon it by its contract with the Trust.

Advisory Fees

For its advisory services,  Virtus Capital  Management,  Inc. receives an annual
investment advisory fee as described in the prospectus.  During the fiscal years
ended September 30, 1997, 1996, and 1995, the adviser earned fees from: The U.S.
Government   Securities   Fund  of  $1,325,841,   $1,612,364,   and  $1,581,364,
respectively,  of which  $37,709,  $276,121,  and $589,885,  respectively,  were
voluntarily waived; The Style Manager: Large Cap Fund of $749,609, $704,007, and
$678,512,  respectively,  of which $0,  $0,  and  $189,983,  respectively,  were
voluntarily waived; The Virginia Municipal Bond Fund of $650,276,  $762,051, and
$775,247,  respectively, of which $0, $20,993, and $227,301,  respectively, were
voluntarily waived; The Maryland Municipal Bond Fund of $273,851,  $315,941, and
$316,194,  respectively, of which $0, $106,102, and $187,476, respectively, were
voluntarily  waived;  The Treasury Money Market Fund of $1,897,464,  $1,721,497,
and  $2,347,424,   respectively,  of  which  $46,840,  $209,248,  and  $469,485,
respectively,  were  voluntarily  waived;  The Money Market Fund of  $1,250,019,
$1,249,811,  and  $868,490,   respectively,  of  which  $57,472,  $299,129,  and
$336,697,  respectively,  were voluntarily waived; and The Tax Free Money Market
Fund of  $302,027,  $462,900  and  $262,792,  respectively,  of  which  $94,455,
$184,473, and $262,792, respectively, were voluntarily waived. During the fiscal
years ended September 30, 1997, 1996 and for the period from March 7, 1995 (date
of initial  public  investment)  to September 30, 1996,  the adviser earned fees
from The Style Manager Fund of $830,673, $657,611 and $374,393, respectively, of
which $326,846, $290,966 and $374,393, respectively, were voluntarily waived.

Sub-Adviser to The Style Manager: Large Cap Fund and The Style Manager Fund

Trend Capital  Management,  Inc. is the sub-adviser to The Style Manager:  Large
Cap Fund and The Style Manager Fund.

Sub-Advisory Fees

For its sub-advisory  services,  the Sub-Adviser receives an annual sub-advisory
fee as described in the  prospectus.  For the fiscal years ended  September  30,
1997, 1996, and 1995, the sub-adviser earned fees from The Style Manager;  Large
Cap Fund of  $144,886,  $0,  and $0,  respectively,  of which  $0,  $0,  and $0,
respectively,  were voluntarily waived. For the fiscal years ended September 30,
1997,  1996,  and for the period  from  March 7, 1995  (date of  initial  public
investment)  to September 30, 1995, the  sub-adviser  earned fees from The Style
Manager  Fund of  $74,119,  $0, and $0,  respectively,  of which $0, $0, and $0,
respectively, were voluntarily waived.

Other Services
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Administrative Services

Federated Administrative Services, which is a subsidiary of Federated Investors,
provides  administrative  personnel  and  services to the Funds for the fees set
forth in the prospectus.  For the fiscal years ended  September 30, 1997,  1996,
and 1995, the Funds incurred  administrative  services fees as follows: The U.S.
Government   Securities  Fund  incurred   $172,113,   $211,649,   and  $226,246,
respectively, none of which was voluntarily waived; The Style Manager: Large Cap
Fund incurred $97,360,  $92,298,  and $97,229,  respectively,  none of which was
voluntarily waived; The Virginia Municipal Bond Fund incurred $84,421, $100,059,
and $110,908,  respectively,  none of which was voluntarily waived; The Maryland
Municipal Bond Fund incurred $75,000, $67,667, and $45,246,  respectively,  none
of which was  voluntarily  waived;  The  Treasury  Money  Market  Fund  incurred
$369,581,  $336,951, and $500,283,  respectively,  none of which was voluntarily
waived;  The Money  Market  Fund  incurred  $243,450,  $254,134,  and  $185,586,
respectively,  none of which was  voluntarily  waived;  and The  Tax-Free  Money
Market Fund incurred $75,171, $95,363, and $58,355, respectively,  none of which
was voluntarily  waived. For the fiscal years ended September 30, 1997, 1996 and
for the  period  from  March 7, 1995  (date of  initial  public  investment)  to
September  30,  1995,  The Style  Manager  Fund  incurred  $75,125,  $93,863 and
$85,069,  respectively,  in  administrative  services  fees,  none of which  was
voluntarily waived.


Signet Trust Company,  Richmond,  Virginia,  is custodian for the securities and
cash of the Funds. Under the Custodian Agreement, Signet Trust Company holds the
Funds' portfolio  securities in safekeeping and keeps all necessary  records and
documents relating to its duties.

Transfer Agent

Federated Shareholder Services Company, Boston, Massachusetts, is transfer agent
for the Shares of the Funds and dividend disbursing agent for the Funds.

Independent Auditors

The  independent  auditors for the Funds are Deloitte & Touche LLP,  Pittsburgh,

Brokerage Transactions
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

When selecting  brokers and dealers to handle the purchase and sale of portfolio
instruments,  the adviser looks for prompt execution of the order at a favorable
price.  In working with  dealers,  the adviser will  generally use those who are
recognized dealers in specific portfolio instruments, except when a better price
and  execution  of the  order  can be  obtained  elsewhere.  The  adviser  makes
decisions on portfolio  transactions  and selects brokers and dealers subject to
guidelines established by the Board of Trustees.

The adviser may select  brokers and  dealers who offer  brokerage  and  research
services.  These  services  may be  furnished  directly  to the  Funds or to the
adviser and may include:

         o  advice as to the advisability of investing in securities;

         o  security analysis and reports;

         o  economic studies;

         o  industry studies;

         o  receipt of quotations for portfolio evaluations; and

         o  similar services.

The  adviser  and  its  affiliates  exercise  reasonable  business  judgment  in
selecting   brokers  who  offer  brokerage  and  research  services  to  execute
securities  transactions.  They determine in good faith that commissions charged
by such persons are reasonable in relationship to the value of the brokerage and
research services provided.

Research services provided by brokers may be used by the adviser in advising the
Funds and other  accounts.  To the extent  that  receipt of these  services  may
supplant  services for which the adviser or its affiliates  might otherwise have
paid, it would tend to reduce their expenses.

For the fiscal years ended September 30, 1997, 1996 and 1995, The Style Manager:
Large  Cap  Fund  paid  $140,842,  $403,888  and  $562,493,   respectively,   in
commissions on brokerage transactions.  For the fiscal years ended September 30,
1997,  1996 and for the  period  from  March 7,  1995  (date of  initial  public
investment)  to  September  30,  1995,  The Style  Manager  Fund paid  $215,622,
$311,323, and $0, respectively, in commissions on brokerage transactions.

Purchasing Shares
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Shares of the Funds are sold at their net asset value  without a sales charge on
days  the New York  Stock  Exchange  is open for  business.  The  procedure  for
purchasing  Shares of the Funds is explained in the prospectus  under "Investing
in Shares."

Distribution Plan

The Trust has adopted a Plan for  Investment  Shares of the The U.S.  Government
Securities Fund, The Style Manager:  Large Cap Fund, The Virginia Municipal Bond
Fund,  The Maryland  Municipal Bond Fund, The Treasury Money Market Fund and The
Money Market Fund and Shares of The Style  Manager  Fund and The Tax-Free  Money
Market Fund pursuant to Rule 12b-1 which was  promulgated  by the Securities and
Exchange  Commission  pursuant to the  Investment  Company Act of 1940. The Plan
provides that the Funds' distributor,  Federated  Securities Corp., shall act as
the  distributor  of Shares,  and it permits  the payment of fees to brokers and
dealers for distribution and  administrative  services and to administrators for
administrative  services.  The Plan is  designed  to (i)  stimulate  brokers and
dealers to provide distribution and administrative support services to the Funds
and  their  holders  of  Shares  and (ii)  stimulate  administrators  to  render
administrative  support services to the Funds and their holders of Shares. These
services are to be provided by a representative  who has knowledge of the holder
of Shares' particular  circumstances and goals, and include, but are not limited
to:  providing  office  space,  equipment,  telephone  facilities,  and  various
personnel  including  clerical,  supervisory,  and  computer,  as  necessary  or
beneficial  to  establish  and  maintain   shareholder   accounts  and  records;
processing  purchase and redemption  transactions  and automatic  investments of
client account cash balances;  answering routine client inquiries  regarding the
Funds; assisting clients in changing dividend options, account designations, and
addresses; and providing such other services as the Trust reasonably requests.

Other benefits which the Funds hope to achieve through the Plan include, but are
not limited to the  following:  (1) an efficient  and  effective  administrative
system;  (2) a more  efficient use of assets of holders of Shares by having them
rapidly invested in the Funds with a minimum of delay and administrative detail;
and (3) an  efficient  and  reliable  records  system for  holders of Shares and
prompt  responses  to  shareholder   requests  and  inquiries  concerning  their

By adopting the Plan, the Board of Trustees  expects that the Funds will be able
to achieve a more predictable  flow of cash for investment  purposes and to meet
redemptions. This will facilitate more efficient portfolio management and assist
the Funds in seeking to  achieve  their  respective  investment  objectives.  By
identifying potential investors in Shares whose needs are served by a particular
Fund's objective,  and properly servicing these accounts,  the Funds may be able
to curb sharp fluctuations in rates of redemptions and sales.

For the fiscal years ended  September 30, 1997,  1996,  and 1995, the Funds paid
fees to brokers and administrators (financial institutions) pursuant to the Plan
as  follows:  The  U.S.  Government  Securities  Fund  $279,386,  $297,511,  and
$268,621,  respectively;  The Style Manager: Large Cap Fund $175,775,  $128,090,
and $80,046, respectively; The Virginia Municipal Bond Fund, $158,225, $174,114,
and $174,523,  respectively; The Maryland Municipal Bond Fund, $73,620, $82,278,
and $80,136,  respectively;  The Treasury Money Market Fund, $331,053, $270,001,
and $80,097,  respectively;  and The Money Market Fund, $206,038,  $198,913, and
$79,316,  respectively.  For the fiscal years ended September 30, 1997, 1996 and
1995,  the Tax-Free Money Market Fund paid no fees pursuant to the Plan. For the
fiscal years ended  September  30,  1997,  1996 and for the period from March 7,
1995 (date of initial  public  investment)  to  September  30,  1995,  The Style
Manager Fund paid no fees pursuant to the Plan.

Conversion to Federal Funds

It is the policy of The Treasury  Money Market Fund,  The Money Market Fund, and
The  Tax-Free  Money  Market  Fund to be as fully  invested  as possible so that
maximum interest may be earned. To this end, all payments from shareholders must
be in federal  funds or be converted  into  federal  funds.  Federated  Services
Company acts as the shareholder's agent in depositing checks and converting them
to federal funds.

Determining Net Asset Value
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Net asset values of The U.S.  Government  Securities  Fund,  The Style  Manager:
Large Cap Fund, The Style Manager Fund, The Virginia Municipal Bond Fund and The
Maryland  Municipal  Bond Fund  generally  change each day. The  Treasury  Money
Market Fund,  The Money Market Fund,  and The Tax-Free Money Market Fund attempt
to stabilize the value of their Shares at $1.00. The days on which the net asset
value is calculated by these Funds are described in the prospectus.

Determining Market Value of Securities

The market value of The U.S. Government  Securities Fund's portfolio  securities
is determined as follows:

         o  according  to the mean  between the  over-the-counter  bid and asked
            prices provided by an independent pricing service, if available,  or
            at fair value as  determined  in good  faith by the Fund's  Board of
            Trustees; or

         o  for short-term  obligations with remaining  maturities of 60 days or
            less at the time of purchase at  amortized  cost unless the Board of
            Trustees  determines that particular  circumstances  of the security
            indicate otherwise.

Prices  provided by  independent  pricing  services  may be  determined  without
relying exclusively on quoted prices and may reflect:  institutional  trading in
similar groups of securities,  yield,  quality,  coupon rate, maturity,  type of
issue, trading characteristics, and other market data.

The market value of portfolio  securities of The Style  Manager:  Large Cap Fund
and The Style Manager Fund is determined as follows:

         o  for equity securities, according to the last sale price on a 
            national securities exchange, if available;

         o  in the  absence  of  recorded  sales for listed  equity  securities,
            according to the mean between the last closing bid and asked prices;

         o  for unlisted equity securities, the latest bid prices;

         o  for bonds and other fixed income securities, as determined by an
            independent pricing service;

         o  for  short-term  obligations,  according to the mean between bid and
            asked prices as furnished by an independent  pricing  service or for
            short-term  obligations with remaining maturities of 60 days or less
            at the time of purchase at amortized cost; or

         o  for all other  securities, at fair value as determined in good faith
            by the Board of Trustees.

The U.S. Government Securities Fund, The Style Manager:  Large Cap Fund, and The
Style Manager Fund will value  futures  contracts,  options,  and put options on
futures and at their market values  established by the exchanges at the close of
option trading on such exchanges unless the Board of Trustees  determine in good
faith that another method of valuing  option  positions is necessary to appraise
their  fair  value.  Over-the-counter  put  options  will be  valued at the mean
between the bid and the asked prices.

Use of the Amortized Cost Method

With respect to The Treasury  Money Market Fund,  The Money Market Fund, and The
Tax-Free  Money Market Fund,  the Trustees have decided that the best method for
determining  the value of portfolio  instruments is amortized  cost.  Under this
method, portfolio instruments are valued at the acquisition cost as adjusted for
amortization  of premium or  accumulation  of  discount  rather  than at current
market value.

A Fund's  use of the  amortized  cost  method of valuing  portfolio  instruments
depends on its  compliance  with  certain  conditions  in Rule 2a-7 (the "Rule")
promulgated  by the  Securities  and Exchange  Commission  under the  Investment
Company Act of 1940.  Under the Rule,  the Trustees  must  establish  procedures
reasonably  designed to stabilize the net asset value per share, as computed for
purposes of distribution and redemption, at $1.00 per Share, taking into account
current market conditions and a Fund's investment objective.

Under the Rule, a Fund is permitted to purchase instruments which are subject to
demand features or standby commitments. As defined by the Rule, a demand feature
entitles a Fund to  receive  the  principal  amount of the  instrument  from the
issuer or a third party on (1) no more than 30 days'  notice or (2) at specified
intervals  not  exceeding  one year on no more than 30 days'  notice.  A standby
commitment  entitles a Fund to  achieve  same day  settlement  and to receive an
exercise  price equal to the amortized cost of the  underlying  instrument  plus
accrued interest at the time of exercise.

The Funds acquire instruments subject to demand features and standby commitments
to enhance the  instrument's  liquidity.  The Funds treat  demand  features  and
standby commitments as a part of the underlying  instruments,  because the Funds
do not acquire them for speculative purposes and cannot transfer them separately
from the  underlying  instruments.  Therefore,  although the Rule defines demand
features and standby  commitments as "puts",  the Fund does not consider them to
be separate investments for purposes of its investment policies.

      Monitoring Procedures

         The Trustees'  procedures include  monitoring the relationship  between
         the  amortized  cost value per share and the net asset  value per share
         based upon  available  indications  of market value.  The Trustees will
         decide what, if any,  steps should be taken if there is a difference of
         more than .50% between the two.  The Trustees  will take any steps they
         consider  appropriate  (such as redemption  in kind or  shortening  the
         average portfolio  maturity) to minimize any material dilution or other
         unfair  results  arising  from  differences  between the two methods of
         determining net asset value.

      Investment Restrictions

         The Rule  requires  that a Fund limit its  investments  to  instruments
         that, in the opinion of the Trustees,  present minimal credit risks and
         have  received  the  requisite  rating  from  one  or  more  nationally
         recognized statistical rating organizations. If the instruments are not
         rated, the Trustees must determine that they are of comparable quality.
         The Rule also  requires a Fund to  maintain a  dollar-weighted  average
         portfolio maturity (not more than 90 days) appropriate to the objective
         of  maintaining  a  stable  net  asset  value of $1.00  per  Share.  In
         addition, no instrument with a remaining maturity of more than 397 days
         can be purchased by a Fund.

         Should  the   disposition   of  a  portfolio   security   result  in  a
         dollar-weighted average portfolio maturity of more than 90 days, a Fund
         will invest its  available  cash to reduce the  average  maturity to 90
         days or less as soon as possible.

A Fund may attempt to increase  yield by trading  portfolio  securities  to take
advantage of short-term  market  variations.  Under the amortized cost method of
valuation,  neither  the  amount  of daily  income  nor the net  asset  value is
affected by any unrealized appreciation or depreciation of the portfolio.

In periods of declining  interest  rates,  the indicated  daily yield on Shares,
computed by dividing the  annualized  daily income on a Fund's  portfolio by the
net  asset  value  computed  as  above,  may tend to be  higher  than a  similar
computation  made by using a method of  valuation  based upon market  prices and

In  periods  of rising  interest  rates,  the  indicated  daily  yield on Shares
computed  the same way may tend to be lower than a similar  computation  made by
using a method of calculation based upon market prices and estimates.

Valuing Municipal Securities

With respect to The Virginia  Municipal Bond Fund,  The Maryland  Municipal Bond
Fund,  and The  Tax-Free  Money  Market  Fund,  the  Board of  Trustees  uses an
independent  pricing  service to value  municipal  securities.  The  independent
pricing  service takes into  consideration:  yield;  stability;  risk;  quality;
coupon  rate;  maturity;  type  of  issue;  trading   characteristics;   special
circumstances  of a security or trading market;  and any other factors or market
data it considers  relevant in determining  valuations for normal  institutional
size trading units of debt  securities  and does not rely  exclusively on quoted

Use of Amortized Cost

With respect to The Virginia Municipal Bond Fund and The Maryland Municipal Bond
Fund,  the Board of Trustees has decided that the fair value of debt  securities
purchased by a Fund with remaining  maturities of 60 days or less at the time of
purchase   shall  be  their   amortized   cost  value,   unless  the  particular
circumstances of the security indicate otherwise.  Under this method,  portfolio
instruments  and assets  are  valued at the  acquisition  cost as  adjusted  for
amortization  of premium or  accumulation  of  discount  rather  than at current
market  value.  The  Executive  Committee  continually  assesses  this method of
valuation  and  recommends  changes  where  necessary  to assure that the Fund's
portfolio instruments are valued at their fair value as determined in good faith
by the Trustees.

Redeeming Shares
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Each Fund  redeems  Shares at the next  computed  net asset  value  after a Fund
receives the redemption  request,  less a contingent  deferred sales charge,  if
applicable.   Redemption  procedures  are  explained  in  the  prospectus  under
"Redeeming Investment Shares."

Redemption in Kind

Although the Trust intends to redeem Shares in cash, it reserves the right under
certain  circumstances  to pay the  redemption  price  in  whole or in part by a
distribution of securities from a Fund's portfolio.

Redemption in kind will be made in conformity  with  applicable  Securities  and
Exchange  Commission rules, taking such securities at the same value employed in
determining  net asset value and selecting the  securities in a manner the Board
of Trustees determine to be fair and equitable.

The Trust has elected to be governed by Rule 18f-1 of the Investment Company Act
of 1940 under which a Fund is obligated to redeem Shares for any one shareholder
in cash only up to the lesser of  $250,000  or 1% of any class' net asset  value
during any 90-day period. Although a Fund reserves the right to redeem Shares in
kind,  it will  activate  this  right only after  providing  60 days'  notice to

Massachusetts Partnership Law
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Under  certain  circumstances,  shareholders  may be held  personally  liable as
partners  under  Massachusetts  law for acts or  obligations  of the  Trust.  To
protect  shareholders,  the Trust has filed legal  documents with  Massachusetts
that  expressly  disclaim  the  liability  of  shareholders  for  such  acts  or
obligations of the Trust.  These documents  require notice of this disclaimer to
be given in each agreement,  obligation, or instrument the Trust or its Trustees
enter into or sign.

In the unlikely event a shareholder is held personally liable for obligations of
the Trust,  the Trust is required to use its  property to protect or  compensate
the  shareholder.  On request,  the Trust will defend any claim made and pay any
judgment  against  a  shareholder  for  any  act or  obligation  of  the  Trust.
Therefore,  financial loss resulting from liability as a shareholder  will occur
only if the Trust cannot meet its obligations to indemnify  shareholders and pay
judgments against them from its assets.

Tax Status
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

The Funds' Tax Status

The  Funds  will pay no  federal  income  tax  because  they  expect to meet the
requirements  of  Subchapter  M of  the  Internal  Revenue  Code  applicable  to
regulated investment companies and to receive the special tax treatment afforded
to such companies.  To qualify for this treatment,  each Fund must,  among other

         o  derive at least 90% of its gross income from dividends, interest, 
            and gains from the sale of securities;

         o  invest in securities within certain statutory limits; and

         o  distribute to its shareholders at least 90% of its net income earned
            during the year.

Shareholders' Tax Status

With respect to The U.S.  Government  Securities Fund, The Style Manager:  Large
Cap Fund,  The Style Manager Fund,  The Treasury Money Market Fund and The Money
Market  Fund,  shareholders  are  subject  to federal  income  tax on  dividends
received as cash or additional shares. No portion of any income dividend paid by
a  Fund  is  eligible  for  the  dividends  received   deduction   available  to
corporations.  These dividends, and any short-term capital gains, are taxable as
ordinary income.

With respect to The Virginia  Municipal Bond Fund,  The Maryland  Municipal Bond
Fund, and The Tax-Free Money Market Fund, no portion of any income dividend paid
by a Fund  is  eligible  for  the  dividends  received  deduction  available  to

      Capital Gains

         Capital  gains  experienced  by The Treasury  Money Market Fund and The
         Money  Market Fund could  result in an increase in  dividends.  Capital
         losses  could  result  in  a  decrease  in  dividends.   If,  for  some
         extraordinary  reason, these Funds realize net long-term capital gains,
         such net  long-term  capital  gains will be  distributed  at least once
         every 12 months.

With respect to The U.S.  Government  Securities Fund, The Style Manager:  Large
Cap Fund and The Style Manager Fund,  long-term  capital  gains  distributed  to
shareholders  will be treated as long-term  capital gains regardless of how long
shareholders have held Shares.

With respect to The Maryland  Municipal Bond Fund,  The Virginia  Municipal Bond
Fund,  and The  Tax-Free  Money  Market  Fund,  capital  gains or losses  may be
realized  by a Fund on the  sale of  portfolio  securities  and as a  result  of
discounts from par value on securities  held to maturity.  Sales would generally
be made because of:

         o  the availability of higher relative yields;

         o  differentials in market values;

         o  new investment opportunities;

         o  changes in creditworthiness of an issuer; or

         o  an attempt to preserve gains or limit losses.

Distribution  of  long-term  capital  gains are taxed as such,  whether they are
taken  in  cash  or  reinvested,  and  regardless  of the  length  of  time  the
shareholder has owned the Shares.

Total Return
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

The average annual total returns for  Investment  Shares and Trust Shares of The
U.S.  Government  Securities  Fund for the one-year and five-year  periods ended
September  30,  1997 and for the period  from  October 16, 1990 (date of initial
public  investment)  to September 30, 1997 were 4.75%,  4.70%,  7.10% and 7.16%,
4.93%, 7.27%, respectively.

The average annual total returns for  Investment  Shares and Trust Shares of The
Style  Manager:  Large Cap Fund for the one-year  and  five-year  periods  ended
September  30,  1997 and for the period  from  October 16, 1990 (date of initial
public investment) to September 30, 1997 were 37.02%, 13.84%, 14.03% and 37.37%,
14.09%, 14.21%, respectively.

The average  annual  total  returns for The Style  Manager Fund for the one-year
period ended  September  30, 1997 and for the period from March 7, 1995 (date of
initial  public  investment)  to  September  30,  1997 were  41.85% and  28.04%,

The average annual total returns for  Investment  Shares and Trust Shares of The
Virginia  Municipal  Bond Fund for the  one-year  and  five-year  periods  ended
September  30,  1997 and for the period  from  October 16, 1990 (date of initial
public  investment)  to September 30, 1997 were 7.74%,  5.73%,  6.45% and 8.00%,
5.96%, 6.62%, respectively.

The average annual total returns for  Investment  Shares and Trust Shares of The
Maryland  Municipal  Bond Fund for the  one-year  and  five-year  periods  ended
September  30,  1997 and for the period  from  October 16, 1990 (date of initial
public  investment)  to September 30, 1997 were 6.92%,  5.33%,  6.01% and 7.19%,
5.56%, 6.18%, respectively.

The average annual total returns for  Investment  Shares and Trust Shares of The
Treasury  Money  Market  Fund  for the  one-year  and  five-year  periods  ended
September  30,  1997 and for the period  from  October 16, 1990 (date of initial
public  investment)  to September 30, 1997 were 4.58%,  3.93%,  4.18% and 4.84%,
4.15%, 4.34%, respectively.

The average annual total returns for  Investment  Shares and Trust Shares of The
Money Market Fund for the one-year and  five-year  periods  ended  September 30,
1997  and for  the  period  from  October  16,  1990  (date  of  initial  public
investment)  to September 30, 1997 were 4.67%,  4.11%,  4.36% and 4.93%,  4.31%,
4.50%, respectively.

The average  annual  total  returns for The  Tax-Free  Money Market Fund for the
one-year  period ended  September 30, 1997 and for the period from July 27, 1994
(date of initial public  investment) to September 30, 1997 were 2.83% and 3.09%,

The  average  annual  total  return  for  Shares  of each  Fund  is the  average
compounded  rate of return for a given period that would equate a $1,000 initial
investment  to the  ending  redeemable  value  of that  investment.  The  ending
redeemable  value is computed by  multiplying  the number of shares owned at the
end of the period by the net asset value per share at the end of the period. The
number if shares owned at the end of the period is based on the number of shares
purchased at the  beginning of the period with $1,000,  adjusted over the period
by any additional  shares,  assuming the  monthly/quarterly  reinvestment of all
dividends and distributions.

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

The yield for the  seven-day  period ended  September  30, 1997 for The Treasury
Money Market Fund and The Money Market Fund were 4.54% and 4.59%,  respectively,
for Investment Shares and 4.79% and 4.84%,  respectively,  for Trust Shares. The
yield for the seven-day  period ended  September 30, 1997 for The Tax-Free Money
Market Fund was 3.06%.

The U.S.  Government  Securities  Fund, The Style  Manager:  Large Cap Fund, The
Virginia  Municipal  Bond Fund and The Maryland  Municipal Bond Fund's yield for
the thirty-day period ended September 30, 1997 was 5.27%, 0.36%, 3.72% and 3.10%
for Investment Shares and 5.52%,  0.61%,  3.97% and 3.35% for Trust Shares.  The
yield for the thirty-day  period ended  September 30, 1997 for The Style Manager
Fund was 0.23%.

The Treasury  Money Market Fund,  The Money Market Fund,  and The Tax-Free Money
Market Fund calculate  yield daily,  based upon the seven days ending on the day
of the calculation, called the "base period." This yield is computed by:

         o  determining  the net change in the value of a  hypothetical  account
            with a balance  of one share at the  beginning  of the base  period,
            with the net change  excluding  capital  changes but  including  the
            value of any additional  Shares purchased with dividends earned from
            the  original one share and all  dividends  declared on the original
            and any purchased Shares;

         o  dividing the net change in the  account's  value by the value of the
            account at the  beginning of the base period to  determine  the base
            period return; and

         o  multiplying the base period return by 365/7.

The yield for Shares of The U.S. Government  Securities Fund, The Style Manager:
Large Cap Fund, The Style Manager Fund, The Virginia Municipal Bond Fund and The
Maryland Municipal Bond Fund is determined by dividing the net investment income
per share (as defined by the Securities and Exchange  Commission)  earned by the
class of shares over a thirty-day period by the maximum offering price per share
of the  class  of  shares  on the  last  day of the  period.  The  yield  of the
Investment  Shares  of the  Fund is  determined  each  day by  dividing  the net
investment  income  per  share  (as  defined  by  the  Securities  and  Exchange
Commission)  earned  by the  class of  shares  over a  thirty-day  period by the
maximum  offering  price per share of the class of shares on the last day of the
period. This value is then annualized using semiannual  compounding.  This means
that the amount of income generated  during the thirty-day  period is assumed to
be  generated  each  month over a 12-month  period and is  reinvested  every six
months.  The yield does not  necessarily  reflect income  actually earned by the
Fund  because of certain  adjustments  required by the  Securities  and Exchange
Commission  and,  therefore,  may  not  correlate  to  the  dividends  or  other
distributions paid to shareholders.

With respect to The U.S. Government Securities Fund and The Style Manager: Large
Cap Fund,  the yield will be calculated  separately  for  Investment  Shares and
Trust  Shares.  Because  Investment  Shares are subject to a 12b-1 fee,  the net
yield for Trust  Shares  for the same  period  will  exceed  that of  Investment

To the extent that  financial  institutions  and  broker/dealers  charge fees in
connection with services  provided in conjunction  with an investment in a Fund,
the performance will be reduced for those shareholders paying those fees.

Effective Yield
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

The effective  yields for the seven-day  period ended September 30, 1997 for The
Treasury  Money  Market  Fund and The Money  Market  Fund were  4.64% and 4.70%,
respectively, for Investment Shares and 4.90% and 4.96%, respectively, for Trust
Shares.  The  effective  yield for the period ended  September  30, 1997 for The
Tax-Free Money Market Fund was 3.11%.

The effective  yield of The Treasury  Money Market Fund,  The Money Market Fund,
and The Tax-Free Money Market Fund is computed by compounding  the  unannualized
base period return by:

         o  adding 1 to the base period return;

         o  raising the sum to the 365/7th power; and

         o  subtracting 1 from the result.

Tax-Equivalent Yield
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

The  tax-equivalent  yield for both classes of shares for The Virginia Municipal
Bond Fund and The  Maryland  Municipal  Bond Fund,  and for The  Tax-Free  Money
Market Fund is calculated similarly to the yield, but is adjusted to reflect the
taxable  yield  that  either  class  would  have had to earn to equal its actual
yield,  assuming a 28% tax rate and also assuming that income earned by the Fund
is 100% tax-exempt.

The  tax-equivalent  yield for the Investment  Shares for the thirty-day  period
ended  September 30, 1997,  was 5.17% for The Virginia  Municipal  Bond Fund and
4.31% for The Maryland  Municipal  Bond Fund. The  tax-equivalent  yield for the
Trust  Shares was 5.51% for The Virginia  Municipal  Bond Fund and 4.65% for The
Maryland Municipal Bond Fund for the same period.  The tax-equivalent  yield for
The Tax-Free  Money Market Fund for the  seven-day  period ended  September  30,
1997, was 4.25%.

      Tax-Equivalency Tables

         Both  classes  of  shares  may  also  use a  tax-equivalency  table  in
         advertising and sales literature.  The interest earned by the municipal
         bonds in the  Fund's  portfolio  generally  remains  free from  federal
         regular  income  tax,  and is often free from state and local  taxes as
         well.  As the tables  below  indicate,  a "tax-free"  investment  is an
         attractive  choice  for  investors,  particularly  in times  of  narrow
         spreads between tax-free and taxable yields.

                                                    TAXABLE YIELD EQUIVALENT FOR 1997
                                                         MULTISTATE MUNICIPAL FUNDS
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                              15.00%        28.00%             31.00%               36.00%              39.60%

- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
        JOINT                   $1-      $41,201-           $99,601-             $151,751-             OVER
        RETURN              41,200        99,600             151,750              271,050            $271,050

        SINGLE                  $1-      $24,651-           $59,751-             $124,651-             OVER
        RETURN              24,650        59,750             124,650              271,050            $271,050

- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Yield                                       Taxable Yield Equivalent

- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
           1.00%            1.18%          1.39%             1.45%               1.56%               1.66%
           1.50%            1.76%          2.08%             2.17%               2.34%               2.48%
           2.00%            2.35%          2.78%             2.90%               3.13%               3.31%
           2.50%            2.94%          3.47%             3.62%               3.91%               4.14%
           3.00%            3.53%          4.17%             4.35%               4.69%               4.97%
           3.50%            4.12%          4.86%             5.07%               5.47%               5.79%
           4.00%            4.71%          5.56%             5.80%               6.25%               6.62%
           4.50%            5.29%          6.25%             6.52%               7.03%               7.45%
           5.00%            5.88%          6.94%             7.25%               7.81%               8.28%
           5.50%            6.47%          7.64%             7.97%               8.59%               9.11%
           6.00%            7.06%          8.33%             8.70%               9.38%               9.93%
           6.50%            7.65%          9.03%             9.42%              10.16%              10.76%
           7.00%            8.24%          9.72%            10.14%              10.94%              11.59%
           7.50%            8.82%         10.42%            10.87%              11.72%              12.42%
           8.00%            9.41%         11.11%            11.59%              12.50%              13.25%

         Note:  The  maximum  marginal  tax rate for  each  bracket  was used in
         calculating the taxable yield equivalent. Furthermore, additional state
         and local taxes paid on comparable taxable investments were not used to
         increase federal deductions.

         The  chart  above  is  for  illustrative  purposes  only.  It is not an
         indicator of past or future performance of Fund shares.

         * Some  portion  of the Fund's  income  may be  subject to the  federal
         alternative minimum tax and state and local income taxes.

                                                    TAXABLE YIELD EQUIVALENT FOR 1997

                                      STATE OF VIRGINIA
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                            20.75%        33.75%             36.75%               41.75%              45.35%

- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
        JOINT                   $1-      $41,201-           $99,601-             $151,751-             OVER
        RETURN              41,200        99,600             151,750              271,050            $271,050

        SINGLE                  $1-      $24,651-           $59,751-             $124,651-             OVER
        RETURN              24,650        59,750             124,650              271,050            $271,050

- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Yield                                       Taxable Yield Equivalent

- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
           1.50%            1.89%          2.26%             2.37%               2.58%               2.74%
           2.00%            2.52%          3.02%             3.16%               3.43%               3.66%
           2.50%            3.15%          3.77%             3.95%               4.29%               4.57%
           3.00%            3.79%          4.53%             4.74%               5.15%               5.49%
           3.50%            4.42%          5.28%             5.53%               6.01%               6.40%
           4.00%            5.05%          6.04%             6.32%               6.87%               7.32%
           4.50%            5.68%          6.79%             7.11%               7.73%               8.23%
           5.00%            6.31%          7.55%             7.91%               8.58%               9.15%
           5.50%            6.94%          8.30%             8.70%               9.44%              10.06%
           6.00%            7.57%          9.06%             9.49%              10.30%              10.98%

        Note:  The  maximum  marginal  tax  rate for  each  bracket  was used in
        calculating the taxable yield equivalent.  Furthermore, additional state
        and local taxes paid on comparable taxable  investments were not used to
        increase federal deductions.

                                                    TAXABLE YIELD EQUIVALENT FOR 1997
                                                            STATE OF MARYLAND
                                      INCLUDING LOCAL INCOME TAX
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                            22.50%        35.50%             38.50%               43.50%              47.10%

- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
        JOINT                   $1-      $41,201-           $99,601-             $151,751-             OVER
        RETURN:             41,200        99,600             151,750              271,050            $271,050

        SINGLE                  $1-      $24,651-           $59,751-             $124,651-             OVER
        RETURN:             24,650        59,750             124,650              271,050            $271,050

- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
YIELD                                       TAXABLE YIELD EQUIVALENT

- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
           2.00%            2.58%          3.10%             3.25%               3.54%               3.78%
           2.50%            3.23%          3.88%             4.07%               4.42%               4.73%
           3.00%            3.87%          4.65%             4.88%               5.31%               5.67%
           3.50%            4.52%          5.43%             5.69%               6.19%               6.62%
           4.00%            5.16%          6.20%             6.50%               7.08%               7.56%
           4.50%            5.81%          6.98%             7.32%               7.96%               8.51%
           5.00%            6.45%          7.75%             8.13%               8.85%               9.45%
           5.50%            7.10%          8.53%             8.94%               9.73%              10.40%
           6.00%            7.74%          9.30%             9.76%              10.62%              11.34%
           6.50%            8.39%         10.08%            10.57%              11.50%              12.29%


Performance Comparisons
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Each Fund's  performance  of both classes of shares  depends upon such variables

         o  portfolio quality;

         o  average portfolio maturity;

         o  type of instruments in which the portfolio is invested;

         o  changes in interest rates on money market  instruments,  in the case
            of The Treasury  Money  Market Fund and The Money  Market  Fund,  or
            changes in interest  rates and market value of portfolio  securities
            in the case of U.S. Government Income Fund, The Style Manager: Large
            Cap Fund, The Style Manager Fund,  The Virginia  Municipal Bond Fund
            and Maryland Municipal Bond Fund;

         o  changes in each Fund's or each class of Shares' expenses;

         o  the  relative  amount of The Treasury  Money  Market  Fund's and The
            Money Market Fund's cash flow; and

         o  various other factors.

In the case of The U.S. Government Securities Fund, The Style Manager: Large Cap
Fund, The Style Manager Fund, The Virginia  Municipal Bond Fund and The Maryland
Municipal Bond Fund, either class of shares'  performance  fluctuates on a daily
basis largely because net earnings and offering price per Share fluctuate daily.
Both net earnings and offering price per Share are factors in the computation of
yield and total return.  The Style Manager Fund and The Style Manger:  Large Cap
Fund may also from time to time provide  information on, or use quotations from,
studies of investment  analysts dealing with the management of equity portfolios
on the basis of "style"  selection  (i.e.,  value vs.  growth) and stock  "size"
(i.e.,  large cap vs. small cap) and may also use historical data  demonstrating
the performance records of the value, growth, large cap and small cap components
of the equity market, and combinations thereof.

From time to time,  the Funds may  provide  information  on  certain  markets or
countries and specific equity securities and quote published  editorial comments
and/or information from newspapers,  magazines, investment newsletters and other
publications such as The Wall Street Journal, Money Magazine,  Forbes, Barron's,
USA Today and Mutual Fund Investors.  We may also compare the historical returns
on various  investments,  performance  indexes of those  investments or economic
indicators.  In  addition,  the Funds may reprint  articles  about the Funds and
provide  them to  prospective  shareholders.  The  Broker/Dealer  may also  make
available  economic,  financial  and  investment  reports  to  shareholders  and
prospective  shareholders.  In order to describe  these  reports,  the Funds may
include descriptive information on the reports in advertising literature sent to
the public prior to the mailing of a prospectus.  Performance information may be
quoted  numerically  or may be  represented  in a table,  graph,  chart or other
illustration.  It should be noted that such  performance  ratings and comparison
may be made  with  funds  which  may  have  different  investment  restrictions,
objectives,  policies or techniques than the Funds, and that such other funds or
market indicators may be comprised of securities that differ  significantly from
the Funds' investments.

The financial publications and/or indices which the Funds use in advertising may
include, but are not limited to:

The U.S. Government Securities Fund

         o  MERRILL  LYNCH  COMPOSITE  1-5 YEAR  TREASURY  INDEX is comprised of
            approximately 66 issues of U.S. Treasury securities maturing between
            1 and 4.99 years,  with coupon  rates of 4.25% or more.  These total
            return figures are calculated for one, three,  six, and twelve month
            periods  and  year-to-date  and  include  the value of the bond plus
            income and any price appreciation or depreciation.

         o  SALOMON BROTHERS 3-5 YEARS GOVERNMENT INDEX quotes total returns for
            U.S.  Treasury issues (excluding flower bonds) which have maturities
            of three to five years. These total returns are year-to-date figures
            which are calculated each month following January 1.

         o  LIPPER  ANALYTICAL  SERVICES,  INC.  ranks  funds  in  various  fund
            categories by making  comparative  calculations  using total return.
            Total  return  assumes  the   reinvestment   of  all  capital  gains
            distributions and income dividends and takes income into account any
            change in net asset value over a specific  period of time. From time
            to time,  the  Trust  will  quote  its  Lipper  ranking  in the U.S.
            Government funds category in advertising and sales literature.

         o  MERRILL LYNCH 3-5 YEAR TREASURY INDEX is comprised of  approximately
            24 issues of  intermediate-term  U.S.  government and U.S.  Treasury
            securities with maturities between 3 and 4.99 years and coupon rates
            above  4.25%.  Index  returns are  calculated  as total  returns for
            periods  of  one,   three,   six  and  twelve   months  as  well  as

         o  MERRILL  LYNCH  3-YEAR  TREASURY  YIELD CURVE INDEX is an  unmanaged
            index  comprised of the most recently  issued  3-year U.S.  Treasury
            notes.  Index returns are calculated as total returns for periods of
            one, three, six, and twelve months as well as year-to-date.

            comprised of all publicly issued,  non-convertible  domestic debt of
            the U.S.  government,  or any agency thereof,  or any  quasi-federal
            corporation and of corporate debt guaranteed by the U.S. government.
            Only  notes and bonds  with a minimum  outstanding  principal  of $1
            million and maturities of 1-10 years.

         o  3  YEAR  TREASURY  NOTES  Source:  Wall  Street  Journal,  Bloomberg
            Financial Markets, and Telerate.

         o  MORNINGSTAR,  INC., an independent rating service,  is the publisher
            of the bi-weekly  Mutual Fund Values.  Mutual Fund Values rates more
            than 1,000  NASDAQ-listed  mutual  funds of all types,  according to
            their risk-adjusted  returns.  The maximum rating is five stars, and
            ratings are effective for two weeks.

The Style Manager: Large Cap Fund and The Style Manager Fund

         o  LIPPER  ANALYTICAL  SERVICES,  INC.  ranks  funds  in  various  fund
            categories by making  comparative  calculations  using total return.
            Total  return  assumes  the   reinvestment   of  all  capital  gains
            distributions and income dividends and takes into account any change
            in net asset  value  over a  specific  period of time.  From time to
            time,  the Fund will quote its Lipper  ranking  in the  "growth  and
            income funds" category in advertising and sales literature.

         o  DOW JONES  INDUSTRIAL  AVERAGE  ("DJIA")  represents share prices of
            selected blue-chip industrial corporations as well as public utility
            and  transportation  companies.  The DJIA indicates daily changes in
            the  average  price  of  stocks  in any of its  categories.  It also
            reports  total  sales  for each  group  of  industries.  Because  it
            represents  the top  corporations  of  America,  the DJIA index is a
            leading economic indicator for the stock market as a whole.

            composite  index of common stocks in industry,  transportation,  and
            financial and public  utility  companies,  compares total returns of
            funds whose portfolios are invested  primarily in common stocks.  In
            addition,  the Standard & Poor's index assumes  reinvestment  of all
            dividends  paid by stocks  listed on the index.  Taxes due on any of
            these  distributions  are not  included,  nor are brokerage or other
            fees calculated in the Standard & Poor's figures.

         o  MORNINGSTAR,  INC., an independent rating service,  is the publisher
            of the bi-weekly  Mutual Fund Values.  Mutual Fund Values rates more
            than 1,000  NASDAQ-listed  mutual  funds of all types,  according to
            their risk-adjusted  returns.  The maximum rating is five stars, and
            ratings are effective for two weeks.

The Virginia Municipal Bond Fund and The Maryland Municipal Bond Fund

         o  LIPPER  ANALYTICAL  SERVICES,  INC.  ranks  funds  in  various  fund
            categories by making  comparative  calculations  using total return.
            Total  return  assumes  the   reinvestment   of  all  capital  gains
            distributions and income dividends and takes into account any change
            in net asset  value  over a  specific  period of time.  From time to
            time,  the Fund  will  quote  its  Lipper  ranking  in the  "general
            municipal bond funds" category in advertising and sales literature.

         o  MORNINGSTAR,  INC., an independent rating service,  is the publisher
            of the bi-weekly  Mutual Fund Values.  Mutual Fund Values rates more
            than 1,000  NASDAQ-listed  mutual  funds of all types,  according to
            their risk-adjusted returns.
            The maximum rating is five stars,  and ratings are effective for two

The Treasury Money Market Fund

         o  LIPPER  ANALYTICAL  SERVICES,  INC.,  ranks  funds in  various  fund
            categories by making  comparative  calculations  using total return.
            Total return assumes the  reinvestment  of all income  dividends and
            capital gains  distributions,  if any.  From time to time,  the Fund
            will quote its Lipper  ranking in the  "short-term  U.S.  government
            funds" category in advertising and sales literature.

         o  SALOMON  30-DAY  TREASURY  BILL INDEX is a weekly  quote of the most
            representative  yields for selected  securities,  issued by the U.S.
            Treasury, maturing in 30 days.

The Money Market Fund

         o  LIPPER  ANALYTICAL  SERVICES,  INC.,  ranks  funds in  various  fund
            categories by making  comparative  calculations  using total return.
            Total return assumes the  reinvestment  of all income  dividends and
            capital gains  distributions,  if any.  From time to time,  the Fund
            will quote its Lipper ranking in the "money market instruments fund"
            category in advertising and sales literature.

         o  BANK RATE MONITOR  NATIONAL INDEX,  Miami,  Florida,  is a financial
            reporting service which publishes weekly average rates of 50 leading
            bank and thrift institution money market deposit accounts. The rates
            published in the index are an average of the personal  account rates
            offered on the Wednesday  prior to the date of publication by ten of
            the largest banks and thrifts in each of the five largest Standard

         Metropolitan  Statistical  Areas.  Account  minimums  range upward from
            $2,500 in each  institution  and  compounding  methods vary. If more
            than one rate is offered, the lowest rate is used. Rates are subject
            to change at any time  specified by the  institution.  Investors may
            use such indices or  reporting  services in addition to either class
            of shares'  prospectus to obtain a more complete view of the Share's
            performance before investing.  Of course, when comparing performance
            of either  class of shares to any index,  factors  such as portfolio
            composition and prevailing market conditions should be considered in
            assessing the significance of such comparisons.

The Tax-Free Money Market Fund

         o  LIPPER  ANALYTICAL  SERVICES,  INC.  ranks  funds  in  various  fund
            categories by making  comparative  calculations  using total return.
            Total return assumes the  reinvestment  of all income  dividends and
            capital gains  distributions,  if any.  From time to time,  the Fund
            will quote its Lipper  ranking in the "Tax-Free  Money Market Funds"
            category in advertising and sales literature.

         o  IBC/DONOGHUE'S  MONEY FUND  REPORT  publishes  annualized  yields of
            hundreds of money  market funds on a weekly  basis,  and through its
            Money   Market   Insight    publication,    reports    monthly   and
            12-month-to-date investment results for the same money funds.

         o  MONEY,  A MONTHLY  MAGAZINE,  regularly  ranks money market funds in
            various categories based on the latest available  seven-day compound
            effective  yield.  From time to time,  the Fund will quote its Money
            ranking in advertising and sales literature.

         o  SALOMON BROTHERS  SIX-MONTH PRIME MUNI NOTES is an index of selected
            municipal notes,  maturing in six months, whose yields are chosen as
            representative  of this  market.  Calculations  are made  weekly and

            of selected  tax-exempt  commercial  paper  issues,  maturing in one
            month,  whose yields are chosen as representative of this particular
            market. It is a weekly quote of the most  representative  yields for
            selected  securities,  issued by the U.S.  Treasury,  maturing in 30
            days. Calculations are made weekly and monthly. Ehrlich-Bober & Co.,
            Inc. also tracks this Salomon Brothers Index.

Advertisements  and other sales  literature for both classes of shares may quote
total returns which are calculated on non-standardized base periods. These total
returns also  represent  the historic  change in the value of an  investment  in
either  class of  shares  based on  monthly  reinvestment  of  dividends  over a
specified period of time.

Economic and Market Information

Advertising  and  sales  literature  for the Trust may  include  discussions  of
economic,   financial  and  political  developments  and  their  effect  on  the
securities  market.  Such  discussions  may take the form of commentary on these
developments by the Trust's  portfolio  managers and their views and analysis on
how such developments could affect the Funds. In addition, advertising and sales
literature may quote  statistics and give general  information  about the mutual
fund  industry,  including the growth of the industry,  from sources such as the
Investment  Company  Institute  ("ICI").  For  example,  according  to the  ICI,
thirty-seven  percent of American  households are pursuing their financial goals
through mutual funds.  These investors,  as well as businesses and institutions,
have entrusted over $3.5 trillion t the more than 6,000 funds available.

Financial Statements
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

The financial  statements  for the fiscal period ended  September 30, 1997,  are
incorporated  herein by reference from the Funds' Annual Report dated  September
30, 1997. A copy of the Annual Report for a Fund may be obtained  without charge
by contacting  Signet Trust Company at the address  located on the back cover of
the combined prospectus or by calling 804-771-7470.

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Standard and Poor's Ratings Group Municipal Bond Rating Definitions

AAA                 Debt rated AAA has the highest rating assigned by Standard &
                    Poor's. Capacity to pay interest and repay principal is 
                    extremely strong.

AA                  Debt rated AA has a very strong capacity to pay interest and
                    repay principal and differs from the higher rated issues 
                    only in small degree.

A                   Debt rated A has a strong capacity to pay interest and repay
                    principal  although it is somewhat more  susceptible  to the
                    adverse  effect of changes  in  circumstances  and  economic
                    conditions than debt in higher rated categories.

BBB                 Debt rated BBB is regarded as having an adequate capacity to
                    pay  interest  and  repay  principal.  Whereas  it  normally
                    exhibits adequate  protection  parameters,  adverse economic
                    conditions or changing circumstances are more likely to lead
                    to a weakened  capacity to pay interest and repay  principal
                    for debt in this category than in higher rated categories.

BB,                 B, CCC,  CC Debt  rated BB,  B, CCC and CC is  regarded,  on
                    balance,  as  predominantly   speculative  with  respect  to
                    capacity to pay interest and repay  principal in  accordance
                    with the terms of the  obligation.  BB indicates  the lowest
                    degree  of   speculation   and  CC  the  highest  degree  of
                    speculation.  While such debt will likely have some  quality
                    and  protective  characteristics,  these are  outweighed  by
                    large  uncertainties  of major  risk  exposures  to  adverse

CI                  The rating CI is reserved for income bonds on which no 
                    interest is being paid.

D                   Debt rated D is in default, and payment of interest and/or 
                    repayment of principal is in arrears.

Moody's Investors Service, Inc. Municipal Bond Rating Definitions

Aaa      Bonds  which are rated Aaa are judged to be of the best  quality.  They
         carry the smallest degree of investment risk and are generally referred
         to as "gilt edge." Interest  payments are protected by a large or by an
         exceptionally  stable margin and principal is secure. While the various
         protective  elements  are  likely to  change,  such  changes  as can be
         visualized  are  most  unlikely  to  impair  the  fundamentally  strong
         position of such issues.

Aa       Bonds  which  are  rated Aa are  judged  to be of high  quality  by all
         standards.  Together  with  the  Aaa  group,  they  comprise  what  are
         generally known as high grade bonds. They are rated lower than the best
         bonds  because  margins  of  protection  may not be as  large as in Aaa
         securities  or  fluctuation  of  protective  elements may be of greater
         amplitude or there may be other  elements  present  which make the long
         term risks appear somewhat larger than in Aaa securities.

A        Bonds which are rated A possess many  favorable  investment  attributes
         and are to be  considered  as upper medium grade  obligations.  Factors
         giving  security to principal and interest are considered  adequate but
         elements may be present  which suggest a  susceptibility  to impairment
         some time in the future.

Baa      Bonds which are rated Baa are  considered as medium grade  obligations,
         i.e., they are neither highly  protected nor poorly  secured.  Interest
         payments and  principal  security  appear  adequate for the present but
         certain protective elements may be lacking or may be characteristically
         unreliable over any great length of time.  Such bonds lack  outstanding
         investment characteristics and in fact have speculative characteristics
         as well.

Ba       Bonds  which are Ba are  judged  to have  speculative  elements;  their
         future cannot be considered  as well assured.  Often the  protection of
         interest and  principal  payments may be very  moderate and thereby not
         well  safeguarded  during  both  good and bad  times  over the  future.
         Uncertainty of position characterizes bonds in this class.

B        Bonds which are rated B generally lack characteristics of the desirable
         investment.   Assurance  of  interest  and  principal  payments  or  of
         maintenance of other terms of the contract over any long period of time
         may be small. Caa-Bonds which are rated Caa are of poor standing.  Such
         issues may be in default  or there may be  present  elements  of danger
         with respect to principal or interest.

Ca       Bonds which are rated Ca represent obligations which are speculative in
         a high  degree.  Such issues are often in default or have other  marked

C        Bonds which are rated C are the lowest  rated class of bonds and issues
         so rated can be regarded as having  extremely  poor  prospects  of ever
         attaining any real investment standing.

Fitch Investors Service, Inc., Long-Term Debt Ratings

AAA      Bonds  considered  to be  investment  grade and of the  highest  credit
         quality.  The  obligor  has  an  exceptionally  strong  ability  to pay
         interest  and repay  principal,  which is  unlikely  to be  affected by
         reasonably foreseeable events.

AA       Bonds considered to be investment  grade and of very high quality.  The
         obligor's  ability to pay interest and repay  principal is very strong,
         although not quite as strong as bonds rated AAA. Because bonds rated in
         the  AAA  and  AA  categories  are  not  significantly   vulnerable  to
         foreseeable  future  developments,  short-term debt of these issuers is
         generally rated F-1+.

NR NR indicates that Fitch does not the specific issue.

Plus (+) or Minus  (-):  Plus and minus  signs are used with a rating  symbol to
indicate the relative position of a credit within the rating category.  Plus and
minus signs, however, are not used in AAA category.

Standard & Poor's Corporation, Municipal Note Ratings

SP-1     Very strong or strong  capacity to pay principal  and  interest.  Those
         issues determined to possess  overwhelming safety  characteristics will
         be given a plus (+) designation.

SP-2     Satisfactory capacity to pay principal and interest.

Moody's Investors Service, Short-Term Loan Ratings

MIG1/VMIG1        This designation denotes best quality. There is present strong
                  protection  by  established  cash  flows,  superior  liquidity
                  support or demonstrated  broad-based  access to the market for

MIG2/VMIG2        This designation  denotes high quality.  Margins of protection
                  are ample although not so large as in the preceding group.


September 30, 1997

 . The U.S. Government Securities Fund

 . The Style Manager: Large Cap Fund

 . The Style Manager Fund

 . The Virginia Municipal Bond Fund

 . The Maryland Municipal Bond Fund

 . The Treasury Money Market Fund

 . The Money Market Fund

 . The Tax-Free Money Market Fund

Funds Managed by


The Investment Adviser to The Virtus Funds is Virtus Capital Management, Inc., a
subsidiary of Signet Banking corporation. The Virtus Funds are administered by
subsidiaries of Federated Investors, independent of Signet.

Investment products are not deposits, obligations of, or guaranteed by any bank.
They are not insured by FDIC. They involve risk, including the possible loss of
principal invested.

Virtus Capital Management, Inc. is the investment adviser for The Virtus
Funds. Federated Securities Corp. is the distributor of The Funds.

Federated Securities Corp., Distributor, is independent of Signet Bank.


- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Dear Investor:

Here is your Annual Report for The Virtus Funds, which covers the 12-month
period from October 1, 1996 through September 30, 1997.

On the following pages, you will find complete financial information for every
fund in the Virtus family. The sections for The U.S. Government Securities Fund,
The Style Manager: Large Cap Fund, The Style Manager Fund, The Virginia
Municipal Bond Fund and The Maryland Municipal Bond Fund begin with a management
discussion and analysis by the portfolio manager, followed by a long-term
performance graph. Each fund also contains a complete list of holdings, and the
financial statements.

As the following fund-by-fund summary indicates, the reporting period was very
strong for stocks and improved for bonds:

 . THE U.S. GOVERNMENT SECURITIES FUND paid a dividend stream totaling $0.60 per
  share for Investment Shares ($0.63 for Trust Shares). These dividends helped
  the fund produce a total return of 6.89% for Investment Shares (7.16% for
  Trust Shares) in an improved bond market.* The net asset value of both share
  classes increased slightly from $9.89 on the first day of the period to $9.95
  on the last day of the period. At the end of the reporting period, net assets
  amounted to more than $157 million.

 . THE STYLE MANAGER: LARGE CAP FUND produced a strong total return of 37.02% for
  Investment Shares (37.37% for Trust Shares) in a highly favorable environment
  for stocks.* The fund's high-quality stock portfolio paid dividends of $0.14
  per share and capital gains of $1.83 per share for Investment Shares (and
  dividends of $0.18 per share and capital gains of $1.83 per share for Trust
  Shares). The net asset value of each share class rose 19% from the first day
  of the period to the last day of the period. At the end of the reporting
  period, net assets amounted to more than $106 million.

 . THE STYLE MANAGER FUND produced an extremely strong total return of 44.01%*
  through dividends totaling $0.24 per share and capital gains totaling $0.63
  per share. In a highly favorable stock market environment, the fund's net
  asset value soared from $11.47 on the first day of the period to $15.37 on the
  last day. Net assets exceeded $76 million on the last day of the reporting

 . THE VIRGINIA MUNICIPAL BOND FUND paid double-tax-free dividends** of $0.42 per
  share for Investment Shares ($0.45 for Trust Shares) through a portfolio that
  included 29 Virginia municipal bonds. This income stream helped the fund
  produce a total return of 7.74% for Investment Shares (8.00% for Trust Shares)
  in a difficult bond market.* The net asset value for both share classes
  increased from $10.68 on the first day of the period to $11.07 on the last day
  of the period. Net assets totaled more than $78 million on the last day of the
  reporting period.

 . THE MARYLAND MUNICIPAL BOND FUND paid double-tax-free dividends** totaling
  $0.37 per share for Investment Shares ($0.40 for Trust Shares). This income
  stream helped the fund produce a total return of 6.92% for Investment Shares
  (7.19% for Trust Shares) in a difficult bond market.* The net asset value for
  both share classes increased from $10.56 on the first day of the period to
  $10.91 on the last day of the period. At the end of the reporting period, net
  assets totaled more than $33 million.

 . THE TREASURY MONEY MARKET FUND, a portfolio of U.S. Treasury money market
  securities, paid dividends totaling $0.05 per share for both Trust Shares
  and Investment Shares. Assets totaled more than $317 million on the last day
  of the reporting period.+

 . THE MONEY MARKET FUND paid dividends totaling $0.05 per share for both Trust
  Shares and Investment Shares through its portfolio of high-quality money
  market securities. The fund ended the reporting period with more than $241
  million in net assets.+

 . THE TAX-FREE MONEY MARKET FUND, a portfolio of municipal money market
  securities, paid tax-free dividends totaling $0.03 per share.++ At the end of
  the reporting period, net assets reached more than $57 million.+

Thank you for pursuing your financial goals through The Virtus Funds. We hope
you are pleased with your progress.

/s/ John S. Hall
John S. Hall
Chief Investment Officer
Virtus Capital Management, Inc.
Investment Adviser to The Virtus Funds

November 15, 1997
- --------
 * Performance quoted reflects past performance and is not indicative of
  future results. Investment return and principal value will fluctuate so
  that an investor's shares, when redeemed, may be worth more or less than
  their original cost. Reflecting the fund's contingent deferred sales
  charge, the total returns of The Virtus Funds were as follows: The U.S.
  Government Securities Fund (Investment Shares): 4.75%; The Style Manager
  Fund: 41.85%; The Style Manager: Large Cap Fund (Investment Shares):
  34.75%; The Virginia Municipal Bond Fund (Investment Shares): 5.70%; and
  The Maryland Municipal Bond Fund (Investment Shares): 4.87%.
**Income may be subject to the federal alternative minimum tax.
 +Although money market funds seek to maintain a stable net asset value of
  $1.00 a share, there is no guarantee that they will be able to do so. An
  investment in the fund is neither insured nor guaranteed by the U.S.
++Income may be subject to the federal alternative minimum tax and state and
  local taxes.

- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Overall, during the last year, we have experienced a relatively calm U.S. fixed
income market. While interest rates on maturities longer than two years declined
by roughly .50% during the year, that was reasonably mild compared to yield
changes observed over the last 20 years. Even the extreme yields observed on
five-year Treasuries remained in a fairly narrow range by historical standards.
The five-year Treasury saw a low yield of about 5.80% and a high yield of about
6.80% during the 12-month period ended September 30, 1997. One recent study
indicated that a year in which interest rates moved by less than 2.00% is
reasonably uncommon.

Our overall average maturity position has remained neutral since November 1996.
We felt that interest rates would not move by large amounts, and shifted our
investment focus from direct Treasuries to mortgage-backed securities and a few
callable agencies, which seek to provide a better total return through a higher
income component during periods when interest rates are reasonably quiet. Thus,
we were able to provide a good total return despite not actively making changes
to the average maturity of the portfolio in anticipation of changes in interest
rates. For the fiscal year ended September 30, 1997, the fund produced average
annual total returns of 6.89% and 7.16% for Investment Shares and Trust Shares,

Most of the additional mortgage-backed securities were purchased in the
earlier part of the year. After the first quarter of 1997, the yield advantage
of buying mortgage-backed securities fell to near historical lows and
subsequent additional investments have been postponed. Only recently have
yields become slightly more attractive on mortgage-backed securities. For the
time being, the fund will maintain an average maturity similar to that of the
Lehman Brothers Intermediate Government Bond Index**, and will consider buying
additional mortgage-backed securities to help improve the income and total
return characteristics when we believe the additional yield received will
compensate us for the additional risk of pre-payments associated with
mortgage-backed securities.
- --------
 * Performance quoted represents past performance and is not indicative of
   future results. Investment return and principal value will fluctuate so that
   an investor's shares, when redeemed, may be worth more or less than their
   original cost.
** Lehman Brothers Intermediate Government Bond Index is comprised of all
   publicly issued, non-convertible domestic debt of the U.S. government or
   any agency thereof, or any quasi-federal corporation and of corporate debt
   guaranteed by the U.S. government. This index is unmanaged and investments
   cannot be made in an index.

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------


  The graph below illustrates the hypothetical investment of $10,000** in The
U.S. Government Securities Fund (the "Fund") from October 16, 1990 (start of
performance) to September 30, 1997, compared to the Lehman Brothers Intermediate
Government Bond Index ("LBIGB").+


1 Year                                                     4.75%
5 Year                                                     4.70%
Start of Performance (10/16/90)                            7.10%


 *Reflects operations of the Fund from the start of performance 10/16/90 through
  9/30/97 on a cumulative basis.

**Represents a hypothetical investment of $10,000 in the Fund. Certain investors
  are subject to a 2.00% contingent deferred sales charge on shares redeemed
  within five years of purchase date. The Fund's performance assumes the
  reinvestment of all dividends and distributions.

***Total return quoted reflects all applicable contingent deferred sales

 +The LBIGB is not adjusted to reflect sales charges, expenses, or other fees
  that the SEC requires to be reflected in the Fund's performance. The LBIGB has
  been adjusted to reflect reinvestment of dividends on securities in the index.
  This index is unmanaged.

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------


  The graph below illustrates the hypothetical investment of $10,000** in The
U.S. Government Securities Fund (the "Fund") from October 16, 1990 (start of
performance) to September 30, 1997, compared to the Lehman Brothers Intermediate
Government Bond Index ("LBIGB").+


1 Year                                                     7.16%
5 Year                                                     4.93%
Start of Performance (10/16/90)                            7.27%


*Reflects operations of the Fund from the start of performance 10/16/90 through
 9/30/97 on a cumulative basis.

**Represents a hypothetical investment of $10,000 in the Fund. The Fund's
  performance assumes the reinvestment of all dividends and distributions.

+The LBIGB is not adjusted to reflect sales charges, expenses, or other fees
 that the SEC requires to be reflected in the Fund's performance. The LBIGB has
 been adjusted to reflect reinvestment of dividends on securities in the index.
 This index is unmanaged.

SEPTEMBER 30, 1997
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

   AMOUNT                                                             VALUE
 ----------- ---------------------------------------------------   ------------
             U.S. TREASURY BONDS--12.9%
 $ 4,500,000 United States Treasury Bond, 11.75%, 11/15/2014       $  6,534,225
  13,000,000 United States Treasury Bond, 7.50%, 5/15/2002           13,785,590
             ---------------------------------------------------   ------------
              Total U.S. Treasury Bonds                              20,319,815
             ---------------------------------------------------   ------------
             U.S. TREASURY NOTES--30.3%
  22,000,000 United States Treasury Note, 7.125%, 2/29/2000          22,623,920
   2,000,000 United States Treasury Note, 7.50%, 11/15/2001           2,109,080
  22,000,000 United States Treasury Note, 8.875%, 2/15/1999          22,902,220
             ---------------------------------------------------   ------------
              Total U.S. Treasury Notes                              47,635,220
             ---------------------------------------------------   ------------
             GOVERNMENT OBLIGATIONS--55.7%
     993,000 Federal Agricultural Mortgage Association, 7.37%,
             8/1/2006                                                 1,036,771
  11,350,428 Federal Home Loan Bank, 6.50%, 9/1/2008                 11,330,667
   7,801,431 Federal Home Loan Bank, 6.50%, 11/1/2009                 7,818,516
      81,255 Federal Home Loan Bank, 7.968%, 8/1/2019                    85,404
      29,676 Federal Home Loan Bank, 8.342%, 12/1/2020                   30,979
   8,500,000 Federal Home Loan Mortgage Corp., 7.36%, 6/5/2007        8,825,525
     541,561 Federal Home Loan Mortgage Corp., REMIC, 7.80%,
             5/15/2012                                                  542,514
   5,000,000 Federal Home Loan Mortgage Corp., 7.974%, 4/20/2005      5,062,750
   4,480,000 Federal National Mortgage Association, 6.16%,
             4/3/2001                                                 4,496,486
   4,500,547 Federal National Mortgage Association, 7.00%,
             12/1/1999                                                4,543,933
   3,705,860 Federal National Mortgage Association, 7.00%,
             8/1/2001                                                 3,756,816
  15,418,905 Federal National Mortgage Association, 7.00%,
             4/1/2011                                                15,597,148
  23,204,872 Federal National Mortgage Association, 7.50%,
             8/1/2026                                                23,618,151
     341,912 Federal National Mortgage Association, 8.50%,
             12/1/2001                                                  354,200
      64,350 Federal National Mortgage Association, 8.83%,
             6/1/2019                                                    66,987
     167,619 Government National Mortgage Association, 8.00%,
             3/15/2017                                                  175,948
     320,648 Government National Mortgage Association, 9.00%,
             9/15/2021                                                  345,196
             ---------------------------------------------------   ------------
              Total Government Obligations                           87,687,991
             ---------------------------------------------------   ------------
             $154,447,718)                                          155,643,026
             ---------------------------------------------------   ------------

- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------

   AMOUNT                                                            VALUE
 ----------- --------------------------------------------------   ------------
 $   460,430 CS First Boston Corp., 6.05%, dated 9/30/1997, due
             (AT AMORTIZED COST)                                  $    460,430
             --------------------------------------------------   ------------
             $154,908,148)(B)                                     $156,103,456
             --------------------------------------------------   ------------

(a) The repurchase agreement is fully collateralized by U.S. government and/or
    agency obligations based on market prices at the date of the portfolio.

(b) The cost of investments for federal tax purposes amounts to $154,908,148.
    The net unrealized appreciation of investments on a federal tax basis
    amounts to $1,195,308 which is comprised of $1,747,639 appreciation and
    $552,331 depreciation at September 30, 1997.

Note: The categories of investments are shown as a percentage of net assets
      ($157,425,080) at September 30, 1997.

The following acronym is used throughout this portfolio:

REMIC--Real Estate Mortgage Investment Conduit

(See Notes which are an integral part of the Financial Statements)

- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------

While small cap value stocks had a very successful year relative to small cap
growth stocks*, large cap growth and value stocks remained neck and neck. In
August 1997, we transitioned the fund to a more neutral position and now are
roughly 50% value and 50% growth oriented.

Virtus Capital Management, Inc. continues to implement the "Style" approach to
managing the fund. We seek to capture the predominant investment style to take
greater advantage of market trends. This involves opportunistic positioning
defined by investment style. "Style" refers to two widely accepted
descriptions of stocks known as growth and value. Growth stocks are those
companies with above-average earnings expectations. Value stocks are those
companies selling at a low price relative to the actual value of their
underlying assets. During the 12-month period ended September 30, 1997, the
Standard & Poor's ("S&P") 500 Value Index+ produced a total return of 39.22%,
and the S&P 500 Growth Index+ returned 41.48%, again neck and neck performance
in a very strong year. During the same period, S&P 500 Index+ returned 40.7%.
For the 12-month period ended September 30, 1997, the fund produced average
annual total returns of 37.02% and 37.37% for Investment Shares and Trust
Shares, respectively.++
- --------
  * Small cap stocks have historically experienced greater volatility than
  + The S&P 500 is an unmanaged index comprised of common stocks in industry,
    transportation and financial and public utility companies. The S&P 500 Value
    Index and the S&P 500 Growth Index are sub-indices of the S&P 500 Index.
    Investments cannot be made in an index.
 ++ Performance quoted represents past performance and is not indicative of
    future results. Investment return and principal value will fluctuate so that
    an investor's shares, when redeemed, may be worth more or less than their
    original cost.

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------


  The graph below illustrates the hypothetical investment of $10,000** in The
Style Manager: Large Cap Fund (the "Fund") from October 16, 1990 (start of
performance) to September 30, 1997, compared to the Standard & Poor's 500 Index
("S&P 500").+


1 Year                                                     34.75%
5 Year                                                     13.84%
Start of Performance (10/16/90)                            14.03%


*Reflects operations of the Fund from the start of performance 10/16/90 through
 9/30/97 on a cumulative basis.

**Represents a hypothetical investment of $10,000 in the Fund. Certain investors
  are subject to a 2.00% contingent deferred sales charge on shares redeemed
  within five years of purchase date. The Fund's performance assumes the
  reinvestment of all dividends and distributions.

***Total return quoted reflects all applicable contingent deferred sales

 +The S&P 500 is not adjusted to reflect sales charges, expenses, or other fees
  that the SEC requires to be reflected in the Fund's performance. The S&P 500
  has been adjusted to reflect reinvestment of dividends on securities in the
  index. This index is unmanaged.

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------


  The graph below illustrates the hypothetical investment of $10,000** in The
Style Manager: Large Cap Fund (the "Fund") from October 16, 1990 (start of
performance) to September 30, 1997, compared to the Standard & Poor's 500 Index
("S&P 500").+


1 Year                                                     37.37%
5 Year                                                     14.09%
Start of Performance (10/16/90)                            14.21%


*Reflects operations of the Fund from the start of performance 10/16/90 through
 9/30/97 on a cumulative basis.

**Represents a hypothetical investment of $10,000 in the Fund. The Fund's
  performance assumes the reinvestment of all dividends and distributions.

+The S&P 500 is not adjusted to reflect sales charges, expenses, or other fees
 that the SEC requires to be reflected in the Fund's performance. The S&P has
 been adjusted to reflect reinvestment of dividends on securities in the index.
 This index is unmanaged.

SEPTEMBER 30, 1997
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

  SHARES                                     VALUE
 --------- ----------------------------   ------------
           AEROSPACE & DEFENSE--1.7%
    25,600 Boeing Co.                     $  1,393,600
     3,600 Lockheed Martin Corp.               383,850
           ----------------------------   ------------
            Total                            1,777,450
           ----------------------------   ------------
     1,500 (a)AMR Corp.                        166,031
     2,400 Delta Air Lines, Inc.               226,050
           ----------------------------   ------------
            Total                              392,081
           ----------------------------   ------------
    17,000 Alcan Aluminum, Ltd.                590,750
           ----------------------------   ------------
           AUTO PARTS & EQUIPMENT--0.5%
     5,200 Goodyear Tire & Rubber Co.          357,500
     3,100 TRW, Inc.                           170,113
           ----------------------------   ------------
            Total                              527,613
           ----------------------------   ------------
    22,600 Chrysler Corp.                      831,962
    23,400 Ford Motor Co.                    1,058,850
           ----------------------------   ------------
            Total                            1,890,812
           ----------------------------   ------------
           BANKS MAJOR REGIONAL--7.0%
    16,400 Banc One Corp.                      915,325
    18,100 Bank of New York Co., Inc.          868,800
     8,300 Barnett Banks, Inc.                 587,225
    19,800 First Union Corp.                   991,237
     4,100 Fleet Financial Group, Inc.         268,806
     4,300 KeyCorp                             273,588
    10,600 Mellon Bank Corp.                   580,350
     5,500 National City Corp.                 338,594
    16,200 NationsBank Corp.                 1,002,375
    10,900 Norwest Corp.                       667,625
    12,600 PNC Financial Corp.                 615,038
     5,200 SunTrust Banks, Inc.                353,275
           ----------------------------   ------------
            Total                            7,462,238
           ----------------------------   ------------
           BANKS-MONEY CENTER--2.3%
    15,600 BankAmerica Corp.                 1,143,675
     6,600 Citicorp                            883,987
     6,000 First Chicago NBD Corp.             451,500
           ----------------------------   ------------
            Total                            2,479,162
           ----------------------------   ------------

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

  SHARES                                              VALUE
 --------- -------------------------------------   ------------
    15,000 Seagram Co. Ltd.                        $    528,750
           -------------------------------------   ------------
           BEVERAGE-SOFT DRINK--2.2%
    38,700 Coca-Cola Co.                              2,358,281
           -------------------------------------   ------------
     2,900 (a)Amgen, Inc.                               139,019
           -------------------------------------   ------------
           BROADCAST MEDIA--1.1%
    27,900 (a)Tele-Communications, Inc., Class A        571,950
    28,900 (a)U.S. West Media Group                     644,831
           -------------------------------------   ------------
            Total                                     1,216,781
           -------------------------------------   ------------
           BUILDING MATERIALS--0.4%
     9,500 Masco Corp.                                  435,219
           -------------------------------------   ------------
           BUILDING SUPPLIES--0.5%
     4,400 Home Depot, Inc.                             229,350
    10,800 Sherwin-Williams Co.                         317,925
           -------------------------------------   ------------
            Total                                       547,275
           -------------------------------------   ------------
     7,200 Air Products & Chemicals, Inc.               597,150
     7,600 Dow Chemical Co.                             689,225
     8,700 Union Carbide Corp.                          423,581
           -------------------------------------   ------------
            Total                                     1,709,956
           -------------------------------------   ------------
     6,100 Du Pont (E.I.) de Nemours & Co.              375,531
     8,600 Morton International, Inc.                   305,300
           -------------------------------------   ------------
            Total                                       680,831
           -------------------------------------   ------------
     5,900 Grace (W.R.) & Co.                           434,388
     7,000 Great Lakes Chemical Corp.                   345,188
           -------------------------------------   ------------
            Total                                       779,576
           -------------------------------------   ------------
     6,400 Harris Corp.                                 292,800
           -------------------------------------   ------------
           COMPUTER HARDWARE--4.7%
    11,900 (a)Compaq Computer Corp.                     889,525
     6,700 (a)Dell Computer Corp.                       649,062
     9,800 (a)Digital Equipment Corp.                   424,462
     3,700 (a)EMC Corp. Mass                            215,987
    22,700 International Business Machines Corp.      2,404,781
     4,700 (a)Seagate Technology, Inc.                  169,788
    11,300 (a)Silicon Graphics, Inc.                    296,625
           -------------------------------------   ------------
            Total                                     5,050,230
           -------------------------------------   ------------

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

  SHARES                                                VALUE
 --------- ---------------------------------------   ------------
           COMPUTER SERVICES--2.3%
     5,300 (a)3Com Corp.                             $    271,625
    12,200 (a)Cisco Systems, Inc.                         891,362
     8,800 Computer Associates International, Inc.        631,950
    18,600 (a)Oracle Corp.                                677,738
           ---------------------------------------   ------------
            Total                                       2,472,675
           ---------------------------------------   ------------
           COMPUTER SOFTWARE--0.2%
     4,300 (a)Parametric Technology Corp.                 189,738
           ---------------------------------------   ------------
           CONTAINERS & PACKAGING--0.1%
     1,700 Union Camp Corp.                               104,869
           ---------------------------------------   ------------
           COSMETICS & TOILETRIES--2.5%
     1,800 Colgate-Palmolive Co.                          125,437
     9,100 Gillette Co.                                   785,444
    24,800 Procter & Gamble Co.                         1,712,750
           ---------------------------------------   ------------
            Total                                       2,623,631
           ---------------------------------------   ------------
           ELECTRIC COMPANIES--3.6%
     6,800 Carolina Power & Light Co.                     244,375
    10,800 Consolidated Edison Co.                        367,200
    11,600 Duke Power Co.                                 573,475
    29,700 Edison International                           749,925
    13,600 Entergy Corp.                                  354,450
    28,400 P G & E Corp.                                  658,525
    15,500 Peco Energy Co.                                363,281
    24,200 Southern Co.                                   546,013
           ---------------------------------------   ------------
            Total                                       3,857,244
           ---------------------------------------   ------------
    13,100 AMP, Inc.                                      701,669
    41,400 General Electric Co.                         2,817,788
           ---------------------------------------   ------------
            Total                                       3,519,457
           ---------------------------------------   ------------
     7,000 Raytheon Co.                                   413,875
           ---------------------------------------   ------------
     3,900 (W.W.) Grainger Inc.                           347,100
           ---------------------------------------   ------------
     3,400 (a)Applied Materials, Inc.                     323,850
    26,200 Intel Corp.                                  2,418,588
    10,200 (a)LSI Logic Corp.                             327,675
     4,900 Micron Technology, Inc.                        169,969
     3,800 Texas Instruments, Inc.                        513,475
           ---------------------------------------   ------------
            Total                                       3,753,557
           ---------------------------------------   ------------

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

  SHARES                                                    VALUE
 --------- -------------------------------------------   ------------
    17,200 (a)Viacom, Inc., Class B                      $    543,950
    10,200 Disney (Walt) Co.                                  822,375
           -------------------------------------------   ------------
            Total                                           1,366,325
           -------------------------------------------   ------------
     5,500 American Express Co.                               450,312
    13,100 American General Corp.                             679,562
    30,200 Federal Home Loan Mortgage Corp.                 1,064,550
    21,200 Morgan Stanley, Dean Witter, Discover & Co.      1,146,125
     9,300 Washington Mutual, Inc.                            648,675
           -------------------------------------------   ------------
            Total                                           3,989,224
           -------------------------------------------   ------------
     4,400 Kellogg Co.                                        185,350
           -------------------------------------------   ------------
           GOLD & PRECIOUS METAL MINES--0.4%
    15,100 Barrick Gold Corp.                                 373,725
           -------------------------------------------   ------------
    10,000 Abbott Laboratories                                639,375
    10,600 American Home Products Corp.                       773,800
    18,000 Bristol-Myers Squibb Co.                         1,489,500
           -------------------------------------------   ------------
            Total                                           2,902,675
           -------------------------------------------   ------------
    12,900 Eli Lilly & Co.                                  1,553,644
    21,100 Pfizer, Inc.                                     1,267,319
    19,500 Pharmacia & Upjohn, Inc.                           711,750
    11,400 Schering Plough Corp.                              587,100
           -------------------------------------------   ------------
            Total                                           4,119,813
           -------------------------------------------   ------------
    27,700 Columbia/HCA Healthcare Corp.                      796,375
           -------------------------------------------   ------------
    14,400 Baxter International, Inc.                         752,400
     3,800 (a)Boston Scientific Corp.                         209,712
     2,800 Guidant Corp.                                      156,800
    18,200 Johnson & Johnson                                1,048,775
    10,600 Medtronic, Inc.                                    498,200
           -------------------------------------------   ------------
            Total                                           2,665,887
           -------------------------------------------   ------------
     2,100 Whirlpool Corp.                                    139,256
           -------------------------------------------   ------------
     9,300 AON Corp.                                          491,737
           -------------------------------------------   ------------

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

  SHARES                                             VALUE
 --------- ------------------------------------   ------------
     3,900 Aetna Services, Inc.                   $    317,606
     8,200 Conseco, Inc.                               400,262
     3,000 Jefferson-Pilot Corp.                       237,000
           ------------------------------------   ------------
            Total                                      954,868
           ------------------------------------   ------------
     6,200 American International Group, Inc.          639,762
     2,600 Lincoln National Corp.                      181,025
    20,100 Travelers Group, Inc.                     1,371,825
           ------------------------------------   ------------
            Total                                    2,192,612
           ------------------------------------   ------------
     8,000 Chubb Corp.                                 568,500
     7,800 SAFECO Corp.                                413,400
           ------------------------------------   ------------
            Total                                      981,900
           ------------------------------------   ------------
    10,600 Merrill Lynch & Co., Inc.                   786,388
           ------------------------------------   ------------
           IRON & STEEL--0.1%
     3,000 USX-U.S. Steel Group, Inc.                  104,250
           ------------------------------------   ------------
     5,600 (a)ITT Corp.                                379,400
           ------------------------------------   ------------
     9,800 Cooper Industries, Inc.                     529,812
    11,700 Ingersoll-Rand Co.                          503,831
           ------------------------------------   ------------
            Total                                    1,033,643
           ------------------------------------   ------------
     9,600 Parker-Hannifin Corp.                       432,000
           ------------------------------------   ------------
     7,800 Allied-Signal, Inc.                         331,500
     2,000 Minnesota Mining & Manufacturing Co.        185,000
     8,000 Tenneco, Inc.                               383,000
     4,200 Textron, Inc.                               273,000
     3,300 Unilever N.V., ADR                          701,663
     4,600 United Technologies Corp.                   372,600
           ------------------------------------   ------------
            Total                                    2,246,763
           ------------------------------------   ------------
           METALS & MINING--0.3%
    11,900 Inco Ltd.                                   298,244
           ------------------------------------   ------------
           NATURAL GAS--0.3%
     6,900 Williams Cos., Inc. (The)                   323,006
           ------------------------------------   ------------

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

  SHARES                                             VALUE
 --------- ------------------------------------   ------------
           OIL & GAS-DRILL & EQUIPMENT--0.7%
     8,800 Baker Hughes, Inc.                     $    385,000
     3,800 Schlumberger Ltd.                           319,913
           ------------------------------------   ------------
            Total                                      704,913
           ------------------------------------   ------------
     8,900 Phillips Petroleum Co.                      459,463
    19,200 USX Corp.                                   714,000
           ------------------------------------   ------------
            Total                                    1,173,463
           ------------------------------------   ------------
     6,300 Amoco Corp.                                 607,162
     9,900 Chevron Corp.                               823,556
    46,700 Exxon Corp.                               2,991,719
    12,600 Mobil Corp.                                 932,400
    45,700 Royal Dutch Petroleum Co., ADR            2,536,350
           ------------------------------------   ------------
            Total                                    7,891,187
           ------------------------------------   ------------
           PAPER & FOREST PRODUCTS--1.3%
     3,300 Champion International Corp.                201,094
    13,100 International Paper Co.                     721,319
     8,600 Weyerhaeuser Co.                            510,625
           ------------------------------------   ------------
            Total                                    1,433,038
           ------------------------------------   ------------
    11,600 Xerox Corp.                                 976,575
           ------------------------------------   ------------
     2,800 Burlington Northern Santa Fe                270,550
     7,900 CSX Corp.                                   462,150
     1,100 Norfolk Southern Corp.                      113,575
     5,500 Union Pacific Corp.                         344,438
           ------------------------------------   ------------
            Total                                    1,190,713
           ------------------------------------   ------------
    13,600 (a)Federated Department Stores, Inc.        586,500
    11,200 May Department Stores Co.                   610,400
     7,700 Nordstrom, Inc.                             490,875
    11,400 J.C. Penney Co., Inc.                       664,050
           ------------------------------------   ------------
            Total                                    2,351,825
           ------------------------------------   ------------
           RETAIL-DRUG STORES--0.5%
     9,500 CVS Corp.                                   540,312
           ------------------------------------   ------------
    10,100 (a)Costco Cos., Inc.                        380,012
    16,800 Sears, Roebuck & Co.                        956,550

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

   SHARES                                               VALUE
 ---------- --------------------------------------   ------------
      8,800 Wal-Mart Stores, Inc.                    $    322,300
            --------------------------------------   ------------
             Total                                      1,658,862
            --------------------------------------   ------------
     15,100 (a)Toys 'R' Us, Inc.                          536,050
            --------------------------------------   ------------
     12,800 Service Corp. International                   412,000
            --------------------------------------   ------------
      8,120 First Data Corp., Class                       305,007
            --------------------------------------   ------------
            SPECIALTY PRINTING--0.4%
     10,900 Donnelley (R.R.) & Sons Co.                   388,994
            --------------------------------------   ------------
     20,900 (a)Airtouch Communications, Inc.              740,644
            --------------------------------------   ------------
     10,600 Lucent Technologies, Inc.                     862,575
      3,500 Northern Telecom Ltd.                         363,781
      3,000 (a)Tellabs, Inc.                              154,500
            --------------------------------------   ------------
             Total                                      1,380,856
            --------------------------------------   ------------
     40,800 AT&T Corp.                                  1,807,950
     25,500 MCI Communications Corp.                      749,063
     13,700 Sprint Corp.                                  685,000
      7,000 (a)WorldCom, Inc.                             247,625
            --------------------------------------   ------------
             Total                                      3,489,638
            --------------------------------------   ------------
     10,398 Bell Atlantic Corp.                           836,421
     30,300 BellSouth Corp.                             1,401,375
     20,200 U.S. West, Inc.                               777,700
            --------------------------------------   ------------
             Total                                      3,015,496
            --------------------------------------   ------------
      5,100 V.F. Corp.                                    472,388
            --------------------------------------   ------------
      9,200 Fortune Brands, Inc.                          309,925
      9,200 (a)Gallaher Group PLC, ADR                    176,525
     23,600 Philip Morris Cos., Inc.                      980,875
            --------------------------------------   ------------
             Total                                      1,467,325
            --------------------------------------   ------------
            TRUCKS & PARTS--0.1%
      1,900 Cummins Engine Co., Inc.                      148,319
            --------------------------------------   ------------

- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------

   AMOUNT                                                            VALUE
 ---------- ---------------------------------------------------   ------------
            WASTE MANAGEMENT--0.9%
     24,300 Browning-Ferris Industries, Inc.                      $    924,919
            ---------------------------------------------------   ------------
             TOTAL COMMON STOCKS (IDENTIFIED COST $83,618,762)     104,106,935
            ---------------------------------------------------   ------------
 $2,576,249 Credit Suisse First Boston, 6.05%, dated 9/30/1997,
            due 10/1/1997 (AT AMORTIZED COST)                        2,576,249
            ---------------------------------------------------   ------------
             TOTAL INVESTMENTS (IDENTIFIED COST $86,195,011)(C)   $106,683,184
            ---------------------------------------------------   ------------

(a) Non-income producing security.

(b) The repurchase agreement is fully collateralized by U.S. government and/or
    agency obligations based on market prices at the date of the portfolio.

(c) The cost of investments for federal tax purposes amounts to $86,195,011. The
    net unrealized appreciation of investments on a federal tax basis amounts to
    $20,488,173 which is comprised of $22,202,146 appreciation and $1,713,973
    depreciation at September 30, 1997.

Note: The categories of investments are shown as a percentage of net assets
     ($106,684,527) at September 30, 1997.

The following acronyms are used throughout this portfolio:

ADR--American Depository Receipt
PLC--Public Limited Company

(See Notes which are an integral part of the Financial Statements)

- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------

The 12-month period ended September 30, 1997 was highlighted by significant
growth in small cap stocks*. Feeling that small cap growth stocks were
particularly overvalued, the fund focused on small cap value stocks for the
majority of 1997. During the 12-month period ended September 30, 1997, small cap
value stocks recorded a total return of 48.9% as measured by the S&P 600 Value
Index**, whereas small cap growth stocks returned only 25.2% as measured by the
S&P 600 Growth Index**. The S&P 600 Index** recorded a total return 37.0% and
the S&P 500 Index returned 40.7% for the 12-month period ended September 30,
1997. During the 12-month period ended September 30, 1997, the fund produced an
average annual total return of 44.01%.***

We continue to focus on small cap value stocks which have demonstrated greater
stability in an investment environment characterized by excessive risk
measures. In general, we believe that small cap value stocks will remain less
volatile than small cap growth stocks over time. Due to our value orientation,
the fund remains positioned in a defensive mode.
- --------
  * Small capitalization stocks have historically experienced greater volatility
    than average.
 ** The S&P 600 Index is an unmanaged capitalization weighted index representing
    all major industries in the mid-range of the U.S. stock market. The S&P 600
    Growth Index and the S&P 600 Value Index are sub- indices of the S&P 600
    Index. Investments cannot be made in an index.
*** Performance quoted represents past performance and is not indicative of
    future results. Investment return and principal value will fluctuate so that
    an investor's shares, when redeemed, may be worth more or less than their
    original cost.

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------


  The graph below illustrates the hypothetical investment of $10,000** in The
Style Manager Fund (the "Fund") from March 7, 1995 (start of performance) to
September 30, 1997, compared to the Standard & Poor's 500 Index ("S&P 500").+


1 Year                                                     41.85%
Start of Performance (3/7/95)                            28.04


*Reflects operations of the Fund from the start of performance 3/7/95 through
 9/30/97 on a cumulative basis.

**Represents a hypothetical investment of $10,000 in the Fund. The ending value
  of the Fund reflects a 2.00% contingent deferred sales charge on any
  redemption less than five years from the purchase date. The Fund's performance
  assumes the reinvestment of all dividends and distributions.

***Total return quoted reflects all applicable contingent deferred sales

 +The S&P 500 is not adjusted to reflect sales charges, expenses, or other fees
  that the SEC requires to be reflected in the Fund's performance. The S&P 500
  has been adjusted to reflect reinvestment of dividends on securities in the
  index. The index is unmanaged.

SEPTEMBER 30, 1997
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

   SHARES                                      VALUE
 ---------- -----------------------------   -----------
            AEROSPACE & DEFENSE--1.2%
     22,200 Orbital Sciences Corp.          $   543,900
     20,100 Trimble Navigation Ltd.             394,463
            -----------------------------   -----------
             Total                              938,363
            -----------------------------   -----------
            AIR FREIGHT--0.5%
     27,500 Fritz Companies, Inc.               405,625
            -----------------------------   -----------
     15,500 Kellwood Co.                        549,281
            -----------------------------   -----------
            AUTO PARTS & EQUIPMENT--1.3%
      6,700 SPX Corp.                           392,788
     15,400 Smith (A.O.) Corp.                  610,225
            -----------------------------   -----------
             Total                            1,003,013
            -----------------------------   -----------
            BANKING-MAJOR REGIONAL--13.3%
      7,920 Associated Banc Corp.               356,895
     10,043 Bankers Trust New York Corp.      1,230,267
      6,400 CCB Financial Corp.                 516,000
     11,900 Central Fidelity Banks, Inc.        526,575
     14,300 Centura Banks, Inc.                 787,394
      9,812 Commerce Bancorp, Inc.              381,441
      9,600 Commercial Federal Corp.            452,400
     10,600 Cullen Frost Bankers, Inc.          502,175
     27,200 Deposit Guaranty Corp.              906,100
     11,100 First Commercial Corp.              532,800
     15,500 First Michigan Bank Corp.           641,312
     23,600 Firstmerit Corp.                    637,200
     22,650 Keystone Financial, Inc.            855,038
     13,200 Magna Group, Inc.                   520,575
     15,400 Riggs National Corp.                362,863
     15,975 Summit Bancorp                      709,889
     11,100 Susquehanna Bankshares, Inc.        341,325
            -----------------------------   -----------
             Total                           10,260,249
            -----------------------------   -----------
            BUILDING MATERIALS--1.5%
     14,700 Lone Star Industries, Inc.          793,800
     13,400 TJ International, Inc.              342,538
            -----------------------------   -----------
             Total                            1,136,338
            -----------------------------   -----------
     10,000 Cambrex Corp.                       466,250
     12,800 ChemFirst, Inc.                     321,600
     14,600 Dexter Corp.                        584,912

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

   SHARES                                             VALUE
 ---------- ------------------------------------   -----------
     15,400 Mississippi Chemical Corp.             $   300,300
            ------------------------------------   -----------
             Total                                   1,673,062
            ------------------------------------   -----------
            COMMERCIAL SERVICES--0.4%
      9,300 Primark Corp.                              274,931
            ------------------------------------   -----------
     18,800 Allen Telecom, Inc.                        535,800
            ------------------------------------   -----------
            COMPUTER SOFTWARE--1.0%
     34,700 Platinum Technology, Inc.                  746,050
            ------------------------------------   -----------
     31,000 Komag, Inc.                                631,625
     17,700 Telxon Corp.                               433,650
            ------------------------------------   -----------
             Total                                   1,065,275
            ------------------------------------   -----------
     28,700 Network Equipment Technologies, Inc.       500,456
            ------------------------------------   -----------
            DEPARTMENT STORES--2.4%
     14,000 Carson Pirie Scott & Co.                   552,125
     13,400 Proffitts, Inc.                            793,950
     20,400 Shopko Stores, Inc.                        530,400
            ------------------------------------   -----------
             Total                                   1,876,475
            ------------------------------------   -----------
            DISTRIBUTORS-FOOD & HEALTH--0.7%
     20,100 Rykoff Sexton, Inc.                        520,088
            ------------------------------------   -----------
            DRUG STORES--0.8%
     22,600 Longs Drug Stores Corp.                    603,138
            ------------------------------------   -----------
            ELECTRIC COMPANIES--2.8%
     33,500 Atlantic Energy, Inc. NJ                   600,906
     37,179 MidAmerican Energy Holdings Co.            641,338
     13,500 United Illuminating Co.                    491,906
     20,500 United Water Resources, Inc.               381,813
            ------------------------------------   -----------
             Total                                   2,115,963
            ------------------------------------   -----------
            ELECTRICAL EQUIPMENT--0.7%
     29,700 Anixter International, Inc.                510,469
            ------------------------------------   -----------
     23,100 Kent Electronics Corp.                     912,450
     13,900 Marshall Industries                        538,625
            ------------------------------------   -----------
             Total                                   1,451,075
            ------------------------------------   -----------
      7,600 John Fluke Manufacturing, Co.              410,400
            ------------------------------------   -----------
     17,500 Cyrix Corp.                                586,250
     14,500 Dallas Semiconductor Corp.                 648,875

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

   SHARES                                              VALUE
 ---------- -------------------------------------   -----------
     11,300 Photronic Labs, Inc.                    $   684,356
     16,700 Zilog, Inc.                                 364,269
            -------------------------------------   -----------
             Total                                    2,283,750
            -------------------------------------   -----------
      9,900 Carmike Cinemas, Inc., Class A              297,000
      9,800 GC Cos., Inc.                               421,400
            -------------------------------------   -----------
             Total                                      718,400
            -------------------------------------   -----------
            FOOD CHAINS--0.6%
     26,400 Ruddick Corp.                               425,700
            -------------------------------------   -----------
     33,400 Chiquita Brands International               538,575
     16,400 Smithfield Foods, Inc.                      492,000
            -------------------------------------   -----------
             Total                                    1,030,575
            -------------------------------------   -----------
      8,200 Timberland Co., Class A                     653,950
            -------------------------------------   -----------
            GAMING & LOTTERY--1.0%
     28,100 Grand Casinos, Inc.                         430,281
     16,800 Showboat, Inc.                              342,300
            -------------------------------------   -----------
             Total                                      772,581
            -------------------------------------   -----------
            GOLD & PRECIOUS METAL MINES--1.1%
     32,100 Coeur d'Alene Mines Corp.                   523,631
     16,300 Stillwater Mining Co.                       347,394
            -------------------------------------   -----------
             Total                                      871,025
            -------------------------------------   -----------
            HARDWARE & TOOLS--0.5%
      9,800 Toro Co.                                    388,325
            -------------------------------------   -----------
     12,700 Sierra Health Services, Inc.                465,138
            -------------------------------------   -----------
     18,800 Genesis Health Ventures, Inc.               732,025
     14,200 Integrated Health Services, Inc.            474,812
     13,600 Living Centers of America, Inc.             554,200
     20,700 Mariner Health Group, Inc.                  326,025
            -------------------------------------   -----------
             Total                                    2,087,062
            -------------------------------------   -----------
     19,500 Coventry Corp.                              321,750
            -------------------------------------   -----------
     15,093 Fleetwood Enterprises, Inc.                 506,559
     14,800 U.S. Home Corp.                             571,650
            -------------------------------------   -----------
             Total                                    1,078,209
            -------------------------------------   -----------

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

   SHARES                                                 VALUE
 ---------- ----------------------------------------   -----------
     18,800 Fieldcrest Cannon, Inc.                    $   648,600
      8,300 Springs Industries, Inc., Class A              435,750
            ----------------------------------------   -----------
             Total                                       1,084,350
            ----------------------------------------   -----------
            HOSPITAL MANAGEMENT--1.0%
     17,000 Universal Health Services, Inc., Class B       735,250
            ----------------------------------------   -----------
     22,700 Prime Hospitality Corp.                        512,169
     19,300 Marcus Corp.                                   562,113
            ----------------------------------------   -----------
             Total                                       1,074,282
            ----------------------------------------   -----------
     12,900 Bassett Furniture Industries, Inc.             367,650
     21,400 Ethan Allen Interiors, Inc.                    663,400
     11,100 Kimball International, Inc., Class B           466,200
            ----------------------------------------   -----------
             Total                                       1,497,250
            ----------------------------------------   -----------
      9,100 Life Re Corp.                                  480,025
     12,500 Protective Life Corp.                          631,250
            ----------------------------------------   -----------
             Total                                       1,111,275
            ----------------------------------------   -----------
     17,800 American Bankers Insurance Group, Inc.         649,700
            ----------------------------------------   -----------
      9,000 Allied Group, Inc.                             457,312
      7,900 Capital Re Corp.                               481,900
      9,200 Enhance Financial Services Group, Inc.         503,700
      9,500 First American Financial Corp.                 570,000
     13,400 Frontier Insurance Group, Inc.                 509,200
     10,000 Orion Capital Corp.                            453,125
            ----------------------------------------   -----------
             Total                                       2,975,237
            ----------------------------------------   -----------
      7,100 Interra Financial, Inc.                        426,444
     13,467 Legg Mason, Inc.                               710,367
     14,100 Piper Jaffray Cos., Inc.                       430,931
     17,300 Quick & Reilly Group, Inc.                     647,669
     14,800 Raymond James Financial, Inc.                  532,800
            ----------------------------------------   -----------
             Total                                       2,748,211
            ----------------------------------------   -----------
            IRON & STEEL--0.6%
     12,500 Quanex Corp.                                   438,281
            ----------------------------------------   -----------
            LEISURE TIME--0.5%
     14,700 K2, Inc.                                       369,337
            ----------------------------------------   -----------

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

  SHARES                                                     VALUE
 --------- --------------------------------------------   -----------
           MACHINERY & EQUIPMENT--0.4%
    16,700 Global Industrial Technologies, Inc.           $   345,481
           --------------------------------------------   -----------
    21,000 Figgie International Holdings, Inc., Class A       309,750
    28,200 Premark International, Inc.                        902,400
           --------------------------------------------   -----------
            Total                                           1,212,150
           --------------------------------------------   -----------
    11,100 Aptargroup, Inc.                                   620,906
    11,218 Flowserve Corp.                                    335,138
    13,000 Greenfield Industries, Inc.                        373,750
    14,600 Halter Marine Group, Inc.                          706,275
    12,300 Ionics, Inc.                                       545,044
    13,300 Regal Beloit Corp.                                 408,975
           --------------------------------------------   -----------
            Total                                           2,990,088
           --------------------------------------------   -----------
           NATURAL GAS--2.7%
     9,800 Eastern Enterprises                                365,662
    17,300 K N Energy, Inc.                                   791,475
    16,400 Northwest Natural Gas Co.                          422,300
    18,300 Piedmont Natural Gas, Inc.                         532,988
           --------------------------------------------   -----------
            Total                                           2,112,425
           --------------------------------------------   -----------
    11,300 Standard Register                                  376,431
           --------------------------------------------   -----------
           OIL & GAS--2.8%
    22,300 Camco International, Inc.                        1,555,425
    25,400 Snyder Oil Corp.                                   576,263
           --------------------------------------------   -----------
            Total                                           2,131,688
           --------------------------------------------   -----------
           PAPER & FOREST PRODUCTS--1.4%
    28,600 Longview Fibre Co.                                 568,425
    10,700 Rayonier, Inc.                                     517,613
           --------------------------------------------   -----------
            Total                                           1,086,038
           --------------------------------------------   -----------
    16,900 Alpharma, Inc., Class A                            378,137
     2,817 Alpharma, Inc., Rights                              15,844
           --------------------------------------------   -----------
            Total                                             393,981
           --------------------------------------------   -----------
           PRINTING & PUBLISHING--0.5%
    11,700 Bowne & Co., Inc.                                  410,962
           --------------------------------------------   -----------
    10,600 Fremont General Corp.                              506,150
     9,100 Selective Insurance Group, Inc.                    468,650
    11,300 Zenith National Insurance Corp.                    322,756
           --------------------------------------------   -----------
            Total                                           1,297,556
           --------------------------------------------   -----------

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

   SHARES                                                           VALUE
 ---------- --------------------------------------------------   -----------
     11,900 IHOP Corp.                                           $   425,425
     20,300 Landrys Seafood Restaurants, Inc.                        596,313
     13,800 Ruby Tuesday, Inc.                                       351,900
     13,300 ShowBiz Pizza Time, Inc.                                 305,900
            --------------------------------------------------   -----------
             Total                                                 1,679,538
            --------------------------------------------------   -----------
     13,100 Fabri-Centers of America, Class A                        302,937
     12,750 Hughes Supply, Inc.                                      384,891
            --------------------------------------------------   -----------
             Total                                                   687,828
            --------------------------------------------------   -----------
     14,600 Michaels Stores, Inc.                                    446,213
     22,200 O'Reilly Automotive, Inc.                                505,050
     31,050 Pier 1 Imports, Inc.                                     556,959
     17,000 Sports Authority, Inc.                                   316,625
            --------------------------------------------------   -----------
             Total                                                 1,824,847
            --------------------------------------------------   -----------
            SAVINGS & LOAN--5.6%
     15,600 Astoria Financial Corp.                                  784,875
     18,100 Charter One Financial, Inc.                            1,070,162
     18,600 Downey Financial Corp.                                   453,375
     15,100 JSB Financial, Inc.                                      738,956
     10,900 RCSB Financial, Inc.                                     594,050
     27,900 St. Paul Bancorp, Inc.                                   697,500
            --------------------------------------------------   -----------
             Total                                                 4,338,918
            --------------------------------------------------   -----------
     21,700 Cerner Corp.                                             519,444
     17,000 Franklin Covey Co.                                       474,937
     14,247 Ogden Corp.                                              336,585
            --------------------------------------------------   -----------
             Total                                                 1,330,966
            --------------------------------------------------   -----------
     13,600 BancTec, Inc.                                            362,100
            --------------------------------------------------   -----------
     22,900 Alexander and Baldwin, Inc.                              592,537
     18,100 American Freightways Corp.                               343,900
     16,700 Werner Enterprises, Inc.                                 404,975
     24,000 Yellow Corp.                                             781,500
            --------------------------------------------------   -----------
             Total                                                 2,122,912
            --------------------------------------------------   -----------
            TRUCKS & PARTS--0.6%
     15,600 Wabash National Corp.                                    451,425
            --------------------------------------------------   -----------
             TOTAL COMMON STOCKS (IDENTIFIED COST $60,491,069)    75,511,023
            --------------------------------------------------   -----------

- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------

   AMOUNT                                                            VALUE
 ---------- ---------------------------------------------------   -----------
 $1,219,266 C.S. First Boston, 6.05%, dated 9/30/1997, due
            (AT AMORTIZED COST)                                   $ 1,219,266
            ---------------------------------------------------   -----------
             TOTAL INVESTMENTS (IDENTIFIED COST $61,710,335)(B)   $76,730,289
            ---------------------------------------------------   -----------

(a) The repurchase agreement is fully collateralized by U.S. government and/or
    agency obligations based on market prices at the date of the portfolio.

(b) The cost of investments for federal tax purposes amounts to $61,750,880. The
    net unrealized appreciation of investments on a federal tax basis amounts to
    $14,979,409 which is comprised of $15,597,054 appreciation and $617,645
    depreciation at September 30, 1997.

Note: The categories of investments are shown as a percentage of net assets
      ($76,873,948) at September 30, 1997.

(See Notes which are an integral part of the Financial Statements)

- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------

During the last year, interest rates have been relatively calm, but the year
ended with lower yields than were seen at the beginning of the year. Municipal
bonds, in general, outperformed Treasuries during the same period as a lack of
supply and a quieting of tax reform allowed the municipal bond market to gain

Towards the end of the year, yields on municipal bonds were at their most
attractive level relative to Treasuries at any time in the last three months.
This shift created a buying opportunity especially in the 10 to 15 year maturity
range desirable for this fund. We expect that the supply of municipal bonds will
remain relatively weak through the end of this calendar year and we would expect
municipal bonds to continue to outperform Treasuries during the same period.

Going forward, we expect overall interest rates to remain relatively calm with a
gradual bias toward lower interest rates. We will continue to maintain an
average maturity of about 15 years in an attempt to maximize yield while keeping
risk to changes in interest rates somewhat lower than the average fund.

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------


  The graph below illustrates the hypothetical investment of $10,000** in The
Virginia Municipal Bond Fund (the "Fund") from October 24, 1990 (start of
performance) to September 30, 1997, compared to the Lehman Brothers 10 Year
Municipal Bond Index ("LBMBI").+


1 Year                                                     5.70%
5 Year                                                     5.73%
Start of Performance (10/24/90)                            6.45%


*Reflects operations of the Fund from the start of performance 10/24/90 through
 9/30/97 on a cumulative basis.

**Represents a hypothetical investment of $10,000 in the Fund. Certain investors
  are subject to a 2.00% contingent deferred sales charge on shares redeemed
  within five years of purchase date. The Fund's performance assumes the
  reinvestment of all dividends and distributions.

***Total return quoted reflects all applicable contingent deferred sales

+The LBMBI is not adjusted to reflect sales charges, expenses, or other fees
 that the SEC requires to be reflected in the Fund's performance. The LBMBI has
 been adjusted to reflect reinvestment of dividends on securities in the index.
 This index is unmanaged.

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------


  The graph below illustrates the hypothetical investment of $10,000** in The
Virginia Municipal Bond Fund (the "Fund") from October 24, 1990 (start of
performance) to September 30, 1997, compared to the Lehman Brothers 10 Year
Municipal Bond Index ("LBMBI").+


1 Year                                                     8.00%
5 Year                                                     5.96%
Start of Performance (10/24/90)                            6.62%


*Reflects operations of the Fund from the start of performance 10/24/90 through
 9/30/97 on a cumulative basis.

**Represents a hypothetical investment of $10,000 in the Fund. The Fund's
  performance assumes the reinvestment of all dividends and distributions.

+The LBMBI is not adjusted to reflect sales charges, expenses, or other fees
 that the SEC requires to be reflected in the Fund's performance. The LBMBI has
 been adjusted to reflect reinvestment of dividends on securities in the index.
 This index is unmanaged.

SEPTEMBER 30, 1997
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

 PRINCIPAL                                                  CREDIT
   AMOUNT                                                   RATING*    VALUE
 ---------- ---------------------------------------------   ------- -----------
 $1,000,000 Albemarle County, VA IDA, Hospital Revenue
            Refunding Bonds, 5.75% (Martha Jefferson
            Hospital), 10/1/2008                               A    $ 1,056,730
  1,000,000 Arlington County, VA, GO UT Bonds, 5.30%
            (Original Issue Yield: 5.40%), 6/1/2011           AAA     1,030,440
  3,175,000 Big Stone Gap, VA Redevelopment & Housing
            Authority, Correctional Facility Lease
            Revenue Bonds, 6.00% (Wallens Ridge
            Development Project), 9/1/2007                    AA      3,500,247
  2,890,000 Chesapeake Bay Bridge & Tunnel District, VA,
            Revenue Bonds, 5.875% (FGIC INS)/(Original
            Issue Yield: 5.95%), 7/1/2010                     AAA     3,116,605
  3,500,000 Chesapeake, VA, GO UT Bonds, 5.375% (Commonwealth of Virginia
            Issue Yield: 5.45%), 5/1/2010                     AA      3,635,870
  2,980,000 Chesterfield County, VA, GO UT Bonds, 5.25%,
            3/1/2010                                          AA+     3,051,550
  2,860,000 Commonwealth of Virginia, GO UT Bonds,
            5.375%, 6/1/2009                                  AAA     2,993,905
  4,000,000 Commonwealth of Virginia, GO UT Public
            Facilities Bonds (Series A), 5.70% (Original
            Issue Yield: 5.75%), 6/1/2008                     AAA     4,289,720
  2,545,000 Danville, VA IDA, Hospital Refunding Revenue Bonds, 6.20% (Danville
            Regional Medical Center)/(FGIC INS)/(Original Issue Yield:
            6.30%), 10/1/2009                                 AAA     2,779,395
  2,605,000 Fairfax County, VA Sewer Revenue, Revenue
            Bonds, 5.625%, 7/15/2011                          AA      2,748,197
  1,140,000 Fairfax County, VA Sewer Revenue, Sewer
            Refunding Revenue Bonds, 5.30% (AMBAC INS),
            11/15/2006                                        AAA     1,197,467
  1,505,000 Fairfax County, VA Sewer Revenue, Sewer
            Refunding Revenue Bonds, 5.40% (AMBAC INS),
            11/15/2007                                        AAA     1,583,681
            Fairfax County, VA Water Authority, 6.00%,
  2,000,000 4/1/2022                                          AA      2,167,290
  1,000,000 Fairfax County, VA Water Authority, Revenue
            Refunding Bonds, 4.65% (Original Issue Yield:
            4.85%), 4/1/2010                                  AA        977,750
  3,500,000 Fairfax County, VA, (Series A), 5.25% (State Aid Withholding
            LOC)/(Original Issue Yield:
            5.35%), 6/1/2009                                  AAA     3,627,960
  2,000,000 Henrico County, VA IDA, Refunding Revenue Bonds, 5.60% (Bon Secours
            Health System)/(MBIA INS)/(Original Issue Yield:
            5.65%), 8/15/2010                                 AAA     2,090,720
    600,000 Loudoun County, VA IDA, Lease Revenue Bonds,
            5.50% (Northern Virginia Criminal
            Justice)/(Original Issue Yield: 5.829%),
            6/1/2008                                          AA-       623,910
  1,000,000 Loudoun County, VA, GO UT Refunding Bonds
            (Series A), 5.50% (Commonwealth of Virginia
            GTD)/(Original Issue Yield: 5.649%),
            10/1/2007                                         AA-     1,061,750
  4,440,000 Newport News, VA, GO UT, 5.75%, 1/15/2017         AA-     4,607,743
  3,000,000 Norfolk, VA, GO UT Bonds, 5.25% (Commonwealth of Virginia
            GTD)/(Original Issue Yield:
            5.55%), 6/1/2011                                  AA      3,052,140

- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------

   AMOUNT                                                  CREDIT
 OR SHARES                                                 RATING*    VALUE
 ---------- --------------------------------------------   ------- -----------
 $2,000,000 Norfolk, VA, GO UT Bonds, 5.70% (MBIA INS),      AAA
            6/1/2008                                               $ 2,152,380
  2,535,000 Portsmouth, VA, GO UT Bonds, 5.00% (FGIC
            INS), 8/1/2011                                   AAA     2,532,313
  3,375,000 Riverside, VA Regional Jail Authority, Jail
            Facility Revenue Bonds, 5.625% (MBIA
            INS)/(Original Issue Yield: 5.75%), 7/1/2007     AAA     3,638,655
  1,185,000 Roanoke, VA IDA, Hospital Revenue Refunding
            Bonds (Series B), 6.00% (Roanoke Memorial
            Hospital)/(Original Issue Yield: 6.10%),
            7/1/2007                                         AA-     1,260,212
  3,510,000 Virginia College Building Authority, Revenue
            Bonds, 5.40% (21ST Century College Program),
            8/1/2015                                         AA      3,555,700
  7,255,000 Virginia State Public Building Authority,
            Revenue Bonds, 5.20% (Original Issue Yield:
            5.40%), 8/1/2010                                 AA      7,366,146
  2,030,000 Virginia State Transportation Board, Revenue
            Bonds, 6.00% (Northern Virginia
            Transportation District)/(Original Issue
            Yield: 6.10%), 5/15/2008                         AA      2,198,348
  1,000,000 Virginia State Transportation Board,
            Transportation Contract Revenue Refunding
            Bonds, 5.375% (U.S. Route 58 Corridor
            PG-A), 5/15/2007                                 AA      1,048,000
  2,325,000 Virginia State University-Virginia
            Commonwealth, Revenue Bonds, 5.75% (Original
            Issue Yield: 5.827%), 5/1/2021                   AA-     2,386,055
            --------------------------------------------           -----------
              (IDENTIFIED COST $72,293,301)                         75,330,879
            --------------------------------------------           -----------
    928,302 Goldman Sachs & Co. ILA Tax Exempt                         928,302
  1,793,570 Municipal Fund for Temporary Investment                  1,793,570
            --------------------------------------------           -----------
              VALUE)                                                 2,721,872
            --------------------------------------------           -----------
              $75,015,173)(A)                                      $78,052,751
            --------------------------------------------           -----------

(a) The cost of investments for federal tax purposes amounts to $75,015,173. The
    net unrealized appreciation of investments on a federal tax basis amounts to
    $3,037,578 which is comprised of $3,041,196 appreciation and $3,618
    depreciation at September 30, 1997.

*  Please refer to the Appendix of the Statement of Additional Information for
   an explanation of the credit ratings. Current credit ratings are unaudited.

Note: The categories of investments are shown as a percentage of net assets
     ($78,772,564) at September 30, 1997.

The following acronyms are used throughout this portfolio:

AMBAC--American Municipal Bond Assurance Corporation FGIC--Financial Guaranty
Insurance Company GO--General Obligation GTD--Guaranty IDA--Industrial
Development Authority INS--Insured LOC--Letter of Credit MBIA--Municipal Bond
Investors Assurance UT--Unlimited Tax

(See Notes which are an integral part of the Financial Statements)

- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------

During the last year, interest rates have been relatively calm, but the year
ended with lower yields than were seen at the beginning of the year. Municipal
bonds, in general, outperformed Treasuries during the same period as a lack of
supply and a quieting of tax reform allowed the municipal bond market to gain

Towards the end of the year, yields on municipal bonds were at their most
attractive level relative to Treasuries at any time in the last three months.
This shift created a buying opportunity especially in the 10 to 15 year maturity
range desirable for this fund. We expect that the supply of municipal bonds will
remain relatively weak through the end of this calendar year and we would expect
municipal bonds to continue to outperform Treasuries during the same period.
Bonds for the Maryland area continue to enjoy good demand, and typically yield 5
to 10 basis points less than similar bonds nationwide.

Going forward, we expect overall interest rates to remain relatively calm with a
gradual bias toward lower interest rates. We will continue to maintain an
average maturity of about 15 years in an attempt to maximize yield while keeping
risk to changes in interest rates somewhat lower than the average fund.

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------


  The graph below illustrates the hypothetical investment of $10,000** in The
Maryland Municipal Bond Fund (the "Fund") from October 30, 1990 (start of
performance) to September 30, 1997, compared to the Lehman Brothers 10 Year
Municipal Bond Index ("LBMBI").+


1 Year                                                     4.87%
5 Year                                                     5.33%
Start of Performance (10/30/90)                            6.01%


*Reflects operations of the Fund from the start of performance 10/30/90 through
 9/30/97 on a cumulative basis.

**Represents a hypothetical investment of $10,000 in the Fund. Certain investors
  are subject to a 2.00% contingent deferred sales charge on shares redeemed
  within five years of purchase date. The Fund's performance assumes the
  reinvestment of all dividends and distributions.

***Total return quoted reflects all applicable contingent deferred sales

+The LBMBI is not adjusted to reflect sales charges, expenses, or other fees
 that the SEC requires to be reflected in the Fund's performance. The LBMBI has
 been adjusted to reflect reinvestment of dividends on securities in the index.
 This index is unmanaged.

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------


  The graph below illustrates the hypothetical investment of $10,000** in The
Maryland Municipal Bond Fund (the "Fund") from October 30, 1990 (start of
performance) to September 30, 1997, compared to the Lehman Brothers 10 Year
Municipal Bond Index ("LBMBI").+


1 Year                                                     7.19%
5 Year                                                     5.56%
Start of Performance (10/30/90)                            6.18%


*Reflects operations of the Fund from the start of performance 10/30/90 through
 9/30/97 on a cumulative basis.

**Represents a hypothetical investment of $10,000 in the Fund. The Fund's
  performance assumes the reinvestment of all dividends and distributions.

+The LBMBI is not adjusted to reflect sales charges, expenses, or other fees
 that the SEC requires to be reflected in the Fund's performance. The LBMBI has
 been adjusted to reflect reinvestment of dividends on securities in the index.
 This index is unmanaged.

SEPTEMBER 30, 1997
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

 PRINCIPAL                                                  CREDIT
   AMOUNT                                                   RATING*    VALUE
 ---------- ---------------------------------------------   ------- -----------
 $1,000,000 Baltimore County, MD Revenue Authority,
            Revenue Refunding Bonds, 5.25% (Original
            Issue Yield: 5.40%), 7/1/2008                      A    $ 1,038,610
  1,000,000 Baltimore, MD, GO UT Bonds (Series A), 5.375%
            (AMBAC INS), 10/15/2008                           AAA     1,035,650
  1,500,000 Calvert County, MD, Pollution Control Revenue
            Bonds, 5.55% (Baltimore Gas & Electric
            Co.)/(Original Issue Yield: 5.601%),
            7/15/2014                                          A      1,528,065
  1,400,000 Carroll County, MD, GO UT, 5.35%, 12/1/2016       AA      1,411,144
  1,000,000 Harford County, MD, GO UT, 4.65%, 12/1/2006       AA-     1,012,150
  1,430,000 Howard County, MD, GO Refunding Bonds (Series
            A), 5.25% (Original Issue Yield: 5.60%),
            8/15/2011                                         AA+     1,460,416
  1,000,000 Maryland Health & Higher Educational Facilities Authority, Refunding
            Revenue Bonds, 5.30% (Francis Scott Key Medical Center)/(FGIC
            INS)/(Original Issue Yield:
            5.40%), 7/1/2008                                  AAA     1,037,220
  1,500,000 Maryland Health & Higher Educational
            Facilities Authority, Revenue Bonds, 5.20%
            (Frederick Memorial Hospital)/(FGIC
            INS)/(Original Issue Yield: 5.30%), 7/1/2008      AAA     1,565,205
  1,740,000 Maryland National Capital Park & Planning
            Commission, GO UT Bonds, 5.125% (Park
            Aquisition & Development-S-2)/
            (Original Issue Yield: 5.25%), 7/1/2010           AA      1,773,982
  1,470,000 Maryland State Community Development
            Administration, Revenue Bonds (Single Family
            Program-Fifth Series), 5.40%, 4/1/2008            Aa      1,508,279
  1,800,000 Maryland State Stadium Authority, Revenue
            Bonds, 5.875% (AMBAC INS), 12/15/2011             AAA     1,927,980
    850,000 Maryland State Transportation Authority,
            Refunding Revenue Bonds, 5.80% (Original
            Issue Yield: 5.90%), 7/1/2006                     A+        927,223
  1,000,000 Maryland State, GO UT Bonds, 5.25%, 6/15/2007     AAA     1,054,210
  2,500,000 Maryland State, GO UT Bonds, 5.70% (Original
            Issue Yield: 5.75%), 3/15/2010                    AAA     2,682,875
    820,000 Montgomery County, MD, GO UT Refunding Bonds (Series A), 5.75%
            (Original Issue Yield:
            5.85%), 7/1/2006                                  AAA       897,146
  1,000,000 Ocean City, MD, GO UT Refunding Bonds, 5.50%
            (MBIA Insurance Corporation INS), 3/15/2009       AAA     1,046,760
    500,000 Prince Georges County, MD, GO UT Bonds, 5.50% (Stormwater
            Management)/(Original Issue
            Yield: 5.55%), 3/15/2008                          AA        524,910
  1,435,000 Prince Georges County, MD IDA, Lease Revenue
            Bonds, 6.00% (Hyattsville District Court
            Facility)/(Original Issue Yield: 6.10%),
            7/1/2009                                          AA      1,590,941
  1,425,000 Rockville, MD, GO UT Revenue Refunding Bonds,
            4.90% (Original Issue Yield: 5.00%),
            4/15/2007                                         AA+     1,449,995

- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------

 AMOUNT OR                                                 CREDIT
   SHARES                                                  RATING*    VALUE
 ---------- --------------------------------------------   ------- -----------
 $1,500,000 University of Maryland, System Auxiliary
            Facilities & Tuition Revenue Bonds (Series
            A), 5.40% (Original Issue Yield: 5.45%),
            4/1/2009                                         AA+   $ 1,573,170
  1,600,000 Washington Suburban Sanitation District, MD,
            GO UT Bonds, 5.375%, 6/1/2011                    AA      1,627,520
  1,700,000 Washington Suburban Sanitation District, MD,
            GO UT Bonds, 5.50%, 6/1/2010                     AA      1,768,781
            --------------------------------------------           -----------
             (IDENTIFIED COST $29,252,821)                          30,442,232
            --------------------------------------------           -----------
  1,430,264 Goldman Sachs & Co.                                      1,430,264
  1,243,349 Municipal Fund for Temporary Investment                  1,243,349
            --------------------------------------------           -----------
             TOTAL MUTUAL FUND ISSUES (AT NET ASSET                  2,673,613
            VALUE)                                                 -----------
             TOTAL INVESTMENTS (IDENTIFIED COST                    $33,115,845
            $31,926,434)(A)                                        -----------

At September 30, 1997, 4.7% of the total investments at market value were
subject to alternative minimum tax.

(a) The cost of investments for federal tax purposes amounts to $31,926,434. The
    unrealized appreciation of investments on a federal tax basis amounts to
    $1,189,411 at September 30, 1997.

*  Please refer to the Appendix of the Statement of Additional Information for
   an explanation of the credit ratings. Current credit ratings are unaudited.

Note: The categories of investments are shown as a percentage of net assets
     ($33,468,781) at September 30, 1997.

The following acronym(s) are used throughout this portfolio:

AMBAC--American Municipal Bond Assurance Corporation
FGIC--Financial Guaranty Insurance Company
GO--General Obligation
IDA--Industrial Development Authority
MBIA--Municipal Bond Investors Assurance
UT--Unlimited Tax

(See Notes which are an integral part of the Financial Statements)

SEPTEMBER 30, 1997
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------

   AMOUNT                                                          VALUE
 ----------- ------------------------------------------------   ------------
             U.S. TREASURY BILL--15.7%
 $50,000,000 10/16/1997                                         $ 49,906,604
             U.S. TREASURY NOTES--36.9%
  12,000,000 5/125%, 4/30/1998                                    11,935,655
  31,000,000 5.625% - 5.750%, 10/31/1997                          31,002,067
  15,000,000 6.125%, 5/15/1998                                    15,031,852
   8,000,000 6.125%, 8/31/1998                                     8,024,535
   3,000,000 6.250%, 7/31/1998                                     3,014,931
  27,000,000 7.875%, 1/15/1998                                    27,168,155
   7,000,000 8.250%, 7/15/1998                                     7,135,850
  14,000,000 8.750%, 10/15/1997                                   14,016,352
              Total                                              117,329,397
              TOTAL U.S. TREASURY OBLIGATIONS                    167,236,001
             ------------------------------------------------   ------------
  40,000,000 CS First Boston, 6.050%, dated 9/30/1997, due
             10/1/1997                                            40,000,000
  40,000,000 Merrill Lynch, Pierce, Fenner and Smith, 6.050%,
             9/30/1997, due 10/1/1997                             40,000,000
  29,310,947 Prudential Securities, Inc., 6.050%, dated
             9/30/1997, due 10/1/1997                             29,310,947
  40,000,000 Smith Barney, Inc., 6.000%, dated 9/30/1997, due
             10/1/1997                                            40,000,000
              TOTAL REPURCHASE AGREEMENTS                        149,310,947
             ------------------------------------------------   ------------
              TOTAL INVESTMENTS (AT AMORTIZED COST)(B)          $316,546,948
             ------------------------------------------------   ------------

(a) The repurchase agreements are fully collateralized by U.S. Treasury and/or
    agency obligations based on market prices at the date of the portfolio.

(b) Also represents cost for federal tax purposes.

Note: The categories of investments are shown as a percentage of net assets
     ($317,749,268) at September 30, 1997.

(See Notes which are an integral part of the Financial Statements)

SEPTEMBER 30, 1997
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

   AMOUNT                                                             VALUE
 ----------- ---------------------------------------------------   ------------
             ASSET BACKED--12.7%
 $ 7,000,000 Ascot Capital Corp., 5.621%, 12/5/1997                $  6,929,981
  10,000,000 Centre Square Funding, 5.574%, 10/20/1997                9,970,708
             Fleet Funding Corp., 5.557%-5.578%, 10/6/1997-
   6,000,000 10/10/1997                                               5,994,168
   8,000,000 Sigma Finance, 5.697%-5.716%, 2/2/1998-2/27/1998         7,827,485
             ---------------------------------------------------   ------------
              Total                                                  30,722,342
             ---------------------------------------------------   ------------
   3,000,000 Banc One Funding Corp., 5.605%, 12/12/1997               2,966,820
   3,000,000 Credit Suisse First Boston, 5.691%, 1/16/1998            2,950,691
             ---------------------------------------------------   ------------
              Total                                                   5,917,511
             ---------------------------------------------------   ------------
             COMMERCIAL SERVICES--1.5%
   3,600,000 McGraw-Hill Cos., Inc., 5.565%, 10/7/1997                3,596,700
             ---------------------------------------------------   ------------
             CONSUMER NON-DURABLES--2.9%
             Campbell Soup Co., 5.476%-5.688%, 11/18/1997-
   7,000,000 4/17/1998                                                6,904,653
             ---------------------------------------------------   ------------
             Ford Motor Credit Corp., 5.725%-5.857%, 10/27/1997-
   3,000,000 4/13/1998                                                2,962,196
             ---------------------------------------------------   ------------
   7,000,000 Xerox Credit Corp., 5.493%-5.495%, 11/5/1997             6,964,067
             ---------------------------------------------------   ------------
             Pitney Bowes Credit Corp., 5.679%-5.837%,
   8,000,000 10/2/1997-1/9/1998                                       7,922,860
             ---------------------------------------------------   ------------
             FINANCIAL SERVICES--14.8%
   2,000,000 American General Finance Corp., 5.780%, 6/9/1998         1,922,748
             General Electric Capital Corp., 5.761%-5.813%,
   8,000,000 5/6/1998-6/9/1998                                        7,700,036
   2,000,000 Marsh & McLennan Cos., Inc., 5.597%, 12/18/1997          1,976,167
             Merrill Lynch & Co., Inc., 5.741%-5.981%, 1/5/1998-
  11,640,000 4/13/1998                                               11,379,917
   5,000,000 Republic New York Corp., 5.654%, 3/27/1998               4,864,792
             Smith Barney, Inc., 5.560%-5.564%, 10/10/1997-
   8,000,000 11/17/1997                                               7,960,030
             ---------------------------------------------------   ------------
              Total                                                  35,803,690
             ---------------------------------------------------   ------------
             HEALTH SERVICES--4.1%
  10,000,000 Schering Corp., 5.813%-5.822%, 10/7/1997-12/2/1997       9,946,639
             ---------------------------------------------------   ------------
             PROCESS INDUSTRIES--2.5%
             Du Pont (E.I.) de Nemours & Co., 5.847%-5.890%,
   6,000,000 10/28/1997                                               5,974,350
             ---------------------------------------------------   ------------
   3,000,000 Xerox Corp., 5.579%, 10/15/1997                          2,993,583
             ---------------------------------------------------   ------------

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

  OR SHARES                                                           VALUE
 ----------- ---------------------------------------------------   ------------
             Southern California Edison Co., 5.604%-5.665%,
 $ 8,000,000 10/17/1997-11/14/1997                                 $  7,967,456
   5,000,000 Virginia Electric Power Co., 9.375%, 6/1/1998            5,105,256
             ---------------------------------------------------   ------------
              Total                                                  13,072,712
             ---------------------------------------------------   ------------
              TOTAL COMMERCIAL PAPER                                132,781,303
             ---------------------------------------------------   ------------
             Associates Corp. of North America, 8.375%,
   4,000,000 1/15/1998                                                4,026,490
     900,000 CIT Group Holdings, Inc., 6.750%, 4/30/1998                901,848
   4,000,000 NationsBank Corp., 6.625%, 1/15/1998                     4,007,304
   2,000,000 Norwest Financial, Inc., 8.500%, 8/15/1998               2,042,512
             ---------------------------------------------------   ------------
              Total                                                  10,978,154
             ---------------------------------------------------   ------------
   3,000,000 International Lease Finance Corp., 5.609%, 1/5/1998      2,956,160
             International Lease Finance Corp., 8.125%,
   4,760,000 1/15/1998                                                4,789,290
             ---------------------------------------------------   ------------
              Total                                                   7,745,450
             ---------------------------------------------------   ------------
             FINANCIAL SERVICES--2.1%
   5,000,000 American General Finance Corp., 8.250%, 1/15/1998        5,032,656
             ---------------------------------------------------   ------------
     500,000 Texaco Capital, Inc., 9.000%, 11/15/1997                   501,886
             ---------------------------------------------------   ------------
             PROCESS INDUSTRIES--0.8%
   1,925,000 Du Pont (E.I.) de Nemours & Co., 8.650%, 12/1/1997       1,933,167
             ---------------------------------------------------   ------------
             RESTAURANT/FOOD SERVICE--1.4%
   3,238,000 PepsiCo, Inc., 6.125%, 1/15/1998                         3,241,451
             ---------------------------------------------------   ------------
              TOTAL CORPORATE BONDS                                  29,432,764
             ---------------------------------------------------   ------------
   3,000,000 CIT Group Holdings, Inc., 6.500%, 7/13/1998              3,016,257
             ---------------------------------------------------   ------------
             ELECTRONIC TECHNOLOGY--0.9%
   2,250,000 Rockwell International Corp., 7.625%, 2/17/1998          2,264,006
             ---------------------------------------------------   ------------
              TOTAL CORPORATE NOTES                                   5,280,263
             ---------------------------------------------------   ------------
             (b)Federal National Mortgage Association, 5.360%,
   2,000,000 12/14/1998                                               2,000,382
  55,250,000 (b)Student Loan Marketing Association, 5.220%-
               5.410%, 10/30/1997-3/7/2001                           55,262,286
             ---------------------------------------------------   ------------
              TOTAL GOVERNMENT AGENCIES                              57,262,668
             ---------------------------------------------------   ------------

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

   AMOUNT                                                    VALUE
 ----------- ------------------------------------------   ------------
             Prudential Securities, Inc., 6.050%, dated
 $16,490,289 9/30/1997, due 10/1/1997                     $ 16,490,289
             ------------------------------------------   ------------
              TOTAL INVESTMENTS (AT AMORTIZED COST)(D)    $241,247,287
             ------------------------------------------   ------------

(a) Each issue shows the rate of discount at the time of purchase for discount
    issues, or the coupon for interest bearing issues.

(b) Current rate and next reset date shown.

(c) The repurchase agreement is fully collateralized by U.S. government and/or
    agency obligations based on market prices at the date of the portfolio.

(d) Also represents cost for federal tax purposes.

Note: The categories of investments are shown as a percentage of net assets
      ($241,510,750) at September 30, 1997.

(See Notes which are an integral part of the Financial Statements)

SEPTEMBER 30, 1997
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

 PRINCIPAL                                                  CREDIT
   AMOUNT                                                   RATING*    VALUE
 ---------- ---------------------------------------------   ------- -----------
 $2,500,000 Columbia, AL IDB , PCR (Series C) Daily VRDNs
            (Alabama Power Co.)                                A    $ 2,500,000
            ---------------------------------------------           -----------
  3,000,000 Alaska State Housing Finance Corp., Revenue
            Bonds (Series 1991C) Weekly VRDNs (Swiss Bank
            Capital Markets SPA)                              AAA     3,000,000
            ---------------------------------------------           -----------
  2,000,000 Arizona Health Facilities Authority, Pooled
            Loan Program Revenue Bonds (Series 1985B)
            Weekly VRDNs (FGIC INS)/(Chase Manhattan Bank
            N.A., New York LIQ)                               AAA     2,000,000
            ---------------------------------------------           -----------
  3,290,000 Putnam County, FL Development Authority, PCR Bonds (Series 1984H)
            Weekly VRDNs (Seminole Electric Cooperative, Inc (FL))/(National
            Rural Utilities Cooperative Finance Corp.
            LOC)                                              AA-     3,290,000
            ---------------------------------------------           -----------
  2,000,000 Burke County, GA Development Authority, PCR
            Bonds Daily VRDNs (Georgia Power Company
            Plant Vogtle)                                     A+      2,000,000
  2,700,000 Gwinnett County, GA School District, GO UT
            Refunding Bonds, 4.40% Bonds, 2/1/1998            AA+     2,707,489
  1,500,000 Monroe County, GA Development Authority IDRB,
            PCR Refunding Bonds (Series 2) Daily VRDNs
            (Gulf Power Co.)                                  A+      1,500,000
  1,000,000 Putnam County, GA Development Authority Daily
            VRDNs (Georgia Power Co.)                         A+      1,000,000
            ---------------------------------------------           -----------
             Total                                                    7,207,489
            ---------------------------------------------           -----------
  1,000,000 Anne Arundel County, MD, GO UT, 4.00% Bonds,
            4/1/1998                                          AA+     1,001,229
  1,750,000 Baltimore County, MD Metropolitan District,
            GO UT (65th Series), 5.00% Bonds, 6/1/1998        AAA     1,764,110
  2,000,000 Maryland Health & Higher Educational
            Facilities Authority, Revenue Bonds Weekly
            VRDNs (Greater Baltimore Medical
            Center)/(First National Bank of Maryland,
            Baltimore LOC)                                    A1      2,000,000
            ---------------------------------------------           -----------
             Total                                                    4,765,339
            ---------------------------------------------           -----------
  2,500,000 Massachusetts IFA, (Series 1992A) Weekly
            VRDNs (Ogden Haverhill)/(Union Bank of
            Switzerland, Zurich LOC)                          AA+     2,500,000
            ---------------------------------------------           -----------
    400,000 Beltrami County, MN, Environmental Control
            Authority Daily VRDNs (Northwood Panelboard
            Co.)/(Union Bank of Switzerland, Zurich LOC)      AA+       400,000
            ---------------------------------------------           -----------

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

 PRINCIPAL                                                  CREDIT
   AMOUNT                                                   RATING*    VALUE
 ---------- ---------------------------------------------   ------- -----------
            NEW YORK--10.3%
 $1,000,000 New York City Municipal Water Finance
            Authority, Water and Sewer System Revenue
            Bonds (Series 1995 A) Daily VRDNs (FGIC
            INS)/(FGIC Securities Purchase, Inc. LIQ)         AAA   $ 1,000,000
  1,000,000 New York City, NY Daily VRDNs (AMBAC INS)         AAA     1,000,000
    900,000 New York City, NY Daily VRDNs (Morgan
            Guaranty Trust Co., New York LOC)                 AAA       900,000
    100,000 New York City, NY, (Subseries B-4) Daily
            VRDNs                                             AA+       100,000
    400,000 New York City, NY, GO Bonds Series-B Daily
            VRDNs (FGIC INS)/(FGIC Securities Purchase,
            Inc. LIQ)                                         AAA       400,000
    500,000 New York City, NY, Series B Daily VRDNs (FGIC
            INS)/(FGIC Securities Purchase, Inc. LIQ)         AAA       500,000
  2,000,000 New York City, NY, Subseries A-10 Daily VRDNs     AAA     2,000,000
            ---------------------------------------------           -----------
             Total                                                    5,900,000
            ---------------------------------------------           -----------
  1,900,000 Clermont County, OH , Revenue Bonds (Series
            B) Weekly VRDNs (Mercy Health Systems)            AA-     1,900,000
  2,000,000 Ohio State Air Quality Development Authority, Revenue Bonds (Series
            B) Daily VRDNs (Cincinnati Gas and Electric Co.)/(J.P.
            Morgan Delaware, Wilmington LOC)                  AAA     2,000,000
            ---------------------------------------------           -----------
             Total                                                    3,900,000
            ---------------------------------------------           -----------
  2,000,000 Allegheny County, PA HDA, (Series 1990 A)
            Daily VRDNs (Presbyterian University
            Hospital)/(MBIA Insurance Corporation
            INS)/(PNC Bank, N.A. LIQ)                         AAA     2,000,000
            ---------------------------------------------           -----------
  1,500,000 Lower Neches Valley, TX, Refunding Revenue Bonds, 3.75% TOBs
            (Chevron U.S.A., Inc.)
            2/16/1998                                         AA      1,500,000
  2,000,000 Sabine River Authority, TX , PCR Bonds
            (Series B) Daily VRDNs (Texas Utilities
            Electric Co.)/(Union Bank of Switzerland,
            Zurich LOC)                                       AA+     2,000,000
            ---------------------------------------------           -----------
             Total                                                    3,500,000
            ---------------------------------------------           -----------
  2,200,000 Fairfax County, VA IDA, Refunding Revenue
            Bonds (Series A) Weekly VRDNs (Fairfax
            Hospital System)                                  AA      2,200,000
  2,000,000 Fairfax County, VA, GO UT (Series A), 5.50%
            Bonds, 6/1/1998                                   AAA     2,022,729
  2,215,000 Loudoun County, VA, GO UT (Series A), 4.375%
            Bonds, 8/1/1998                                   AA-     2,226,345
    965,000 Richmond, VA Public Utility, Series A, 8.00%
            Bonds (United States Treasury PRF), 1/15/1998
            (@102)                                            AAA       996,204
  1,400,000 Virginia College Building Authority Weekly
            VRDNs (University of Richmond)/(Crestar Bank
            of Virginia, Richmond SA)                         Aa2     1,400,000

- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------

   AMOUNT                                                   CREDIT
 OR SHARES                                                  RATING*    VALUE
 ---------- ---------------------------------------------   ------- -----------
 $2,000,000 Virginia State Housing Development Authority,
            (Series C), 3.80% TOBs, Mandatory Tender
            6/10/1998                                         AA+   $ 1,999,173
    500,000 Virginia State Public Building Authority,
            (Series A), 3.90% Bonds, 8/1/1998                 AA        500,192
  1,500,000 Virginia State Public School Authority,
            Series A, 6.00% Bonds, 1/1/1998                   AA      1,508,956
  2,000,000 Virginia State Transportation Board, 7.70%
            Bonds (Route 28 Project)/(United States
            Treasury PRF), 3/1/1998 (@102)                    AAA     2,072,480
            ---------------------------------------------           -----------
             Total                                                   14,926,079
            ---------------------------------------------           -----------
  1,000,000 Lincoln County, WY, Revenue Bonds Daily VRDNs
            (Exxon Corp.)                                     AA      1,000,000
            ---------------------------------------------           -----------
             TOTAL SHORT-TERM MUNICIPAL SECURITIES                   56,888,907
            ---------------------------------------------           -----------
    247,772 Goldman Sachs & Co. (AT NET ASSET VALUE)                    247,772
            ---------------------------------------------           -----------
            ASSET VALUE)(A)                                         $57,136,679
            ---------------------------------------------           -----------

(a) Also represents cost for federal tax purposes.

*  Please refer to the Appendix of the Statement of Additional Information for
   an explanation of the credit ratings. Current credit ratings are unaudited.

Note: The categories of investments are shown as a percentage of net assets
      ($57,369,580) at September 30, 1997.

The following acronyms are used throughout this portfolio:

AMBAC--American Municipal Bond Assurance Corporation FGIC--Financial Guaranty
Insurance Company GO--General Obligation HDA--Hospital Development Authority
IDA--Industrial Development Authority IDB--Industrial Development Bond
IDRB--Industrial Development Revenue Bond IFA--Industrial Finance Authority
INS--Insured LIQ--Liquidity Agreement LOC--Letter of Credit MBIA--Municipal Bond
Investors Assurance PCR--Pollution Control Revenue PRF--Prerefunded SA--Support
Agreement SPA--Standby Purchase Agreement TOBs--Tender Option Bonds
UT--Unlimited Tax VRDNs--Variable Rate Demand Notes

(See Notes which are an integral part of the Financial Statements)

SEPTEMBER 30, 1997
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

                            THE U.S.     THE STYLE                   THE          THE
                           GOVERNMENT     MANAGER:    THE STYLE   VIRGINIA     MARYLAND
                           SECURITIES    LARGE CAP     MANAGER    MUNICIPAL    MUNICIPAL
                              FUND          FUND        FUND      BOND FUND    BOND FUND
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Investments in
repurchase agreements     $    460,430  $  2,576,249 $ 1,219,266 $        --  $        --
Investments in
securities                 155,643,026   104,106,935  75,511,023  78,052,751   33,115,845
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  Total investments in
  securities, at value    $156,103,456  $106,683,184 $76,730,289 $78,052,751  $33,115,845
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Cash                                --           446          --          --           --
Income receivable            1,935,302       128,141      96,421   1,121,169      438,320
Receivable for shares
sold                           117,229        57,067     275,041      37,019          200
Deferred expenses                   --            --       9,103          --           --
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  Total assets             158,155,987   106,868,838  77,110,854  79,210,939   33,554,365
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Payable for shares
redeemed                       249,193        87,484     187,792     238,933       13,519
Income distribution
payable                        362,543            --          --     105,709       33,929
Payable to Bank                  3,989            --          --          --           --
Accrued expenses               115,182        96,827      49,114      93,733       38,136
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  Total liabilities            730,907       184,311     236,906     438,375       85,584
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  TOTAL NET ASSETS        $157,425,080  $106,684,527 $76,873,948 $78,772,564  $33,468,781
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Paid in capital           $174,339,274  $ 69,922,418 $48,156,564 $75,912,084  $32,631,102
Net unrealized
 appreciation of
 investments                 1,195,308    20,488,173  15,019,954   3,037,578    1,189,411
Accumulated net realized
 gain (loss) on
 investments               (18,155,068)   16,158,724  13,635,635    (177,098)    (351,732)
 undistributed net
 investment income              45,566       115,212      61,795          --           --
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  TOTAL NET ASSETS        $157,425,080  $106,684,527 $76,873,948 $78,772,564  $33,468,781
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
 Trust Shares             $ 52,177,289  $ 26,611,481 $        -- $19,891,348  $ 5,682,750
 Investment Shares         105,247,791    80,073,046  76,873,948  58,881,216   27,786,031
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  Total                   $157,425,080  $106,684,527 $76,873,948 $78,772,564  $33,468,781
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
 Trust Shares                    $9.95        $16.31          --      $11.07       $10.91
 Investment Shares               $9.95        $16.31      $15.37      $11.07       $10.91
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
 Trust Shares                    $9.95        $16.31          --      $11.07       $10.91
 Investment Shares**             $9.75        $15.98      $15.06      $10.85       $10.69
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
 Trust Shares                5,246,259     1,632,012          --   1,797,148      521,087
 Investment Shares          10,582,280     4,910,713   5,002,112   5,319,803    2,547,851
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Total Shares Outstanding    15,828,539     6,542,725   5,002,112   7,116,951    3,068,938
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Investments, at
identified cost           $154,908,148  $ 86,195,011 $61,710,335 $75,015,173  $31,926,434
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Investments, at tax cost  $154,908,148  $ 86,195,011 $61,750,880 $75,015,173  $31,926,434
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

*See "Redeeming Shares" in the Prospectus.
**Computation of redemption proceeds per share: 98/100 of net asset value.

(See Notes which are an integral part of the Financial Statements)

SEPTEMBER 30, 1997
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

                                         THE TREASURY              THE TAX-FREE
                                            MONEY      THE MONEY      MONEY
                                         MARKET FUND  MARKET FUND  MARKET FUND
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Investments in repurchase agreements     $149,310,947 $ 16,490,289 $        --
Investments in securities                 167,236,001  224,756,998  57,136,679
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  Total investments in securities, at
  value                                   316,546,948  241,247,287  57,136,679
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Income receivable                           2,578,221    1,133,016     371,750
Receivable for shares sold                      3,106       11,582      69,301
Deferred expenses                                  --           --       4,692
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  Total assets                            319,128,275  242,391,885  57,582,422
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Payable for shares redeemed                   206,703       66,719       6,000
Income distribution payable                   930,196      602,201     135,472
Payable to Bank                                    --       67,897          --
Accrued expenses                              242,108      144,318      71,370
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  Total liabilities                         1,379,007      881,135     212,842
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  TOTAL NET ASSETS                       $317,749,268 $241,510,750 $57,369,580
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
 Trust Shares                            $196,450,150 $164,290,280 $        --
 Investment Shares                        121,299,118   77,220,470  57,369,580
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  TOTAL NET ASSETS                       $317,749,268 $241,510,750 $57,369,580
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
 Trust Shares                                   $1.00        $1.00          --
 Investment Shares                              $1.00        $1.00       $1.00
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
 Trust Shares                             196,450,150  164,290,280          --
 Investment Shares                        121,466,050   77,220,470  57,369,580
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Total Shares Outstanding                  317,916,200  241,510,750  57,369,580
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Investments, at amortized cost and net
asset value                              $316,546,948 $241,247,287 $57,136,679
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Investments, at tax cost                 $316,546,948 $241,247,287 $57,136,679
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------

(See Notes which are an integral part of the Financial Statements)

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

                           THE U.S.     THE STYLE                              THE
                             FUND         FUND        FUND      BOND FUND   BOND FUND
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Dividends                 $        --  $ 2,280,851 $ 1,853,994 $        --  $       --
Interest                   12,930,324      109,465     110,776   4,537,516   1,875,016
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  Total income             12,930,324    2,390,316   1,964,770   4,537,516   1,875,016
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Investment advisory fee     1,325,841      749,609     830,673     650,276     273,851
Administrative personnel
and  services fee             172,113       97,360      75,125      84,421      75,000
Custodian fees                 46,191       47,362      31,329      28,448      12,079
Transfer and dividend
disbursing  agent fees
and expenses                  132,824      198,044      64,733      80,614      60,084
fees                            3,071        3,593       2,496       2,754       2,202
Auditing fees                  15,412       18,571      12,506      14,195      14,018
Legal fees                      2,633       12,728       1,920       2,436          19
Portfolio accounting
fees                           58,744       59,472      38,520      62,576      55,277
Distribution services
 Investment Shares            279,386      175,775          --     158,225      73,620
Share registration costs       15,210       26,705      11,764      15,011       9,626
Printing and postage           14,918       15,397      26,489      12,992      20,995
Insurance premiums              4,006        6,951       2,903       2,092       2,368
Miscellaneous                   5,441        7,121      11,563       3,681          14
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  Total expenses            2,075,790    1,418,688   1,110,021   1,117,721     599,153
 Waiver of investment
  advisory fee                 37,709           --     326,846          --          --
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
 Net expenses               2,038,081    1,418,688     783,175   1,117,721     599,153
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  Net investment income    10,892,243      971,628   1,181,595   3,419,795   1,275,863
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Net realized gain (loss)
on  investments            (3,831,048)  16,227,730  13,831,352     579,805     163,436
Change in unrealized
 of investments             4,711,022   14,347,096   9,985,998   2,442,760     982,703
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
 Net realized and
unrealized gain   (loss)
on investments                879,974   30,574,826  23,817,350   3,022,565   1,146,139
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  Change in net assets
resulting    from
operations                $11,772,217  $31,546,454 $24,998,945 $ 6,442,360  $2,422,002
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

(See Notes which are an integral part of the Financial Statements)

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

                                    THE TAX-
                                        THE TREASURY                  FREE
                                           MONEY       THE MONEY      MONEY
                                        MARKET FUND   MARKET FUND  MARKET FUND
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Interest                                $20,757,671   $13,828,345  $2,158,617
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  Total income                           20,757,671    13,828,345   2,158,617
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Investment advisory fee                   1,897,464     1,250,019     302,027
Administrative personnel and services
fee                                         369,581       243,450      75,171
Custodian fees                              120,115        74,934      34,273
Transfer and dividend disbursing agent
fees and expenses                           240,905       123,295      44,277
Directors'/Trustees' fees                     5,057         3,656       3,408
Auditing fees                                20,051        16,000      16,613
Legal fees                                      412         4,687       2,434
Portfolio accounting fees                   109,149        75,599      46,105
Distribution services fee--Investment
Shares                                      331,053       206,038          --
Share registration costs                     18,320        24,568      12,242
Printing and postage                         26,923        28,499      23,513
Insurance premiums                            4,988         6,662       2,870
Miscellaneous                                 2,993         8,156       6,815
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  Total expenses                          3,147,011     2,065,563     569,748
Waivers and Reimbursements--
 Waiver of investment advisory fee          (46,840)      (57,472)    (94,455)
 Reimbursements of other operating
expenses                                     (4,897)           --          --
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  Total waivers and reimbursements          (51,737)      (57,472)    (94,455)
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    Net expenses                          3,095,274     2,008,091     475,293
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
      Net investment income              17,662,397    11,820,254   1,683,324
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
        Change in net assets resulting
             from operations            $17,662,397   $11,820,254  $1,683,324
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------

(See Notes which are an integral part of the Financial Statements)

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

                               THE U.S. GOVERNMENT           THE STYLE MANAGER:
                                 SECURITIES FUND               LARGE CAP FUND
                           ----------------------------  ----------------------------
                            YEAR ENDED     YEAR ENDED     YEAR ENDED     YEAR ENDED
                           SEPTEMBER 30,  SEPTEMBER 30,  SEPTEMBER 30,  SEPTEMBER 30,
                               1997           1996           1997           1996
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
 Net investment income     $ 10,892,243   $ 13,381,466   $    971,628   $  1,995,250
 Net realized gain (loss)
 on investments              (3,831,048)    (3,219,621)    16,227,730     12,982,465
 Net change in unrealized
  (depreciation) of
  investments                 4,711,022     (2,011,452)    14,347,096     (2,926,184)
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
   Change in net assets
  resulting from operations  11,772,217      8,150,393     31,546,454     12,051,531
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
 SHAREHOLDERS-- Distributions from net investment income:
   Trust Shares              (4,109,350)    (6,107,288)      (350,276)      (926,390)
   Investment Shares         (6,782,893)    (7,274,178)      (656,481)    (1,026,148)
 Distributions from net realized gains:
   Trust Shares                      --             --     (4,272,531)    (3,898,915)
   Investment Shares                 --             --     (7,971,845)    (3,989,082)
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
   Change in net assets
  resulting from
    distributions to
  shareholders              (10,892,243)   (13,381,466)   (13,251,133)    (9,840,535)
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
 Proceeds from sale of
 shares                      22,960,997     46,455,480     17,201,667     18,263,662
 Shares issued in
  connection with the
  acquisition                        --             --      1,509,197      9,245,450
 Net asset value of
  shares issued to
  shareholders in payment
  distributions declared      5,396,173      6,142,681      9,353,220      5,478,249
 Cost of shares redeemed    (67,228,310)   (68,163,717)   (33,248,877)   (31,477,651)
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
   Change in net assets
  resulting from share
  transactions              (38,871,140)   (15,565,556)    (5,184,793)     1,509,710
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    Change in net assets    (37,991,166)   (20,796,629)    13,110,528      3,720,706
 Beginning of period        195,416,246    216,212,875     93,573,999     89,853,293
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
 End of period             $157,425,080   $195,416,246   $106,684,527   $ 93,573,999
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
 Undistributed net
  investment income
  included in net assets
  at end of period         $     45,566   $     45,566   $    115,212   $    150,341
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

(See Notes which are an integral part of the Financial Statements)

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

                             THE VIRGINIA MUNICIPAL
                             THE STYLE MANAGER FUND               BOND FUND
                           ----------------------------  ----------------------------
                            YEAR ENDED     YEAR ENDED     YEAR ENDED     YEAR ENDED
                           SEPTEMBER 30,  SEPTEMBER 30,  SEPTEMBER 30,  SEPTEMBER 30,
                               1997           1996           1997           1996
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
 Net investment income     $  1,181,595   $  1,728,218   $  3,419,795   $  3,919,914
 Net realized gain (loss)
 on investments              13,831,352      4,542,510        579,805        780,289
 Net change in unrealized
  (depreciation) of
  investments                 9,985,998       (119,759)     2,442,760     (2,101,082)
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
   Change in net assets
    from operations          24,998,945      6,150,969      6,442,360      2,599,121
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
 SHAREHOLDERS-- Distributions from net investment income:
   Trust Shares                      --             --       (965,706)    (1,287,834)
   Investment Shares         (1,233,260)    (1,638,472)    (2,454,089)    (2,632,080)
 Distributions from net realized gains:
   Trust Shares                      --             --             --             --
   Investment Shares         (3,328,990)    (8,143,290)            --             --
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
   Change in net assets
  resulting from
    distributions to
  shareholders               (4,562,250)    (9,781,762)    (3,419,795)    (3,919,914)
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
 Proceeds from sale of
 shares                      40,136,505     16,506,045      6,840,095     16,125,700
 Net asset value of
  shares issued to
  shareholders in payment
  distributions declared      4,503,897      9,243,789      1,888,518      1,997,026
 Cost of shares redeemed    (50,985,728)   (37,724,499)   (26,788,539)   (27,234,673)
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
   Change in net assets
    from share
  transactions               (6,345,326)   (11,974,665)   (18,059,926)    (9,111,947)
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    Change in net assets     14,091,369    (15,605,458)   (15,037,361)   (10,432,740)
 Beginning of period         62,782,579     78,388,037     93,809,925    104,242,665
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
 End of period             $ 76,873,948   $ 62,782,579   $ 78,772,564   $ 93,809,925
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
 Undistributed net
  investment income
  included in net assets
  at end of period         $     61,795   $    113,460   $         --   $         --
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

(See Notes which are an integral part of the Financial Statements)

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

                             THE MARYLAND MUNICIPAL             THE TREASURY
                                    BOND FUND                 MONEY MARKET FUND
                           ----------------------------  ----------------------------
                            YEAR ENDED     YEAR ENDED     YEAR ENDED     YEAR ENDED
                           SEPTEMBER 30,  SEPTEMBER 30,  SEPTEMBER 30,  SEPTEMBER 30,
                               1997           1996           1997           1996
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
 Net investment income     $  1,275,863   $  1,527,863   $  17,662,397  $  16,209,478
 Net realized gain
  (loss) on investments         163,436        186,173              --             --
 Net change in
  (depreciation) of
  investments                   982,703       (739,639)             --             --
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
   Change in net assets
    from operations           2,422,002        974,397      17,662,397     16,209,478
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
 Distributions from net investment income:
   Trust Shares                (261,815)      (352,284)    (11,714,695)   (11,356,506)
   Investment Shares         (1,015,074)    (1,175,552)     (5,947,702)    (4,852,972)
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
   Change in net assets
    resulting from
    distributions to
    shareholders             (1,276,889)    (1,527,836)    (17,662,397)   (16,209,478)
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
 Proceeds from sale of
  shares                      2,708,043      8,364,014     723,861,521    659,743,838
 Shares issued in
  connection with the
  acquisition                        --             --              --    122,108,127
 Net asset value of
  shares issued to
  shareholders in
  payment of
  distributions declared        770,265        989,879       5,621,031      4,898,441
 Cost of shares redeemed    (11,327,459)   (10,247,633)   (784,872,329)  (661,630,604)
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
   Change in net assets
    from share
    transactions             (7,849,151)      (893,740)    (55,389,777)   125,119,802
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    Change in net assets     (6,704,038)    (1,447,179)    (55,389,777)   125,119,802
 Beginning of period         40,172,819     41,619,998     373,139,045    248,019,243
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
 End of period             $ 33,468,781   $ 40,172,819   $ 317,749,268  $ 373,139,045
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
 Undistributed net
  investment income
  included in net assets
  at end of period         $         --   $      1,026   $          --  $          --
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

(See Notes which are an integral part of the Financial Statements)

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

                               THE TAX-FREE MONEY
                              THE MONEY MARKET FUND              MARKET FUND
                           ----------------------------  ----------------------------
                            YEAR ENDED     YEAR ENDED     YEAR ENDED     YEAR ENDED
                           SEPTEMBER 30,  SEPTEMBER 30,  SEPTEMBER 30,  SEPTEMBER 30,
                               1997           1996           1997           1996
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
 Net investment income     $  11,820,254  $  12,191,680  $   1,683,324  $   2,734,120
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
   Change in net assets
    from operations           11,820,254     12,191,680      1,683,324      2,734,120
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
 Distributions from net investment income:
   Trust Shares               (8,056,642)    (8,395,610)            --             --
   Investment Shares          (3,763,612)    (3,796,070)    (1,683,324)    (2,734,120)
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
   Change in net assets
    resulting from
    distributions to
    shareholders             (11,820,254)   (12,191,680)    (1,683,324)    (2,734,120)
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
 Proceeds from sale of
  shares                     618,631,500    576,928,235    315,423,874    389,800,080
 Net asset value of
  shares issued to
  shareholders in
  payment of
  distributions declared       3,617,170      3,626,658        417,624        459,305
 Cost of shares redeemed    (624,937,753)  (551,929,373)  (310,970,825)  (419,737,938)
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
   Change in net assets
    from share
    transactions              (2,689,083)    28,625,520      4,870,673    (29,478,553)
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    Change in net assets      (2,689,083)    28,625,520      4,870,673    (29,478,553)
 Beginning of period         244,199,833    215,574,313     52,498,907     81,977,460
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
 End of period             $ 241,510,750  $ 244,199,833  $  57,369,580  $  52,498,907
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

(See Notes which are an integral part of the Financial Statements)

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

                                       YEAR ENDED SEPTEMBER 30,
INVESTMENT SHARES              1997      1996      1995      1994       1993
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
OF PERIOD                      $ 9.89    $10.13    $ 9.83    $10.90     $10.95
 Net investment income           0.60      0.62      0.64      0.61       0.66
 Net realized and
 unrealized gain (loss) on
 investments                     0.06     (0.24)     0.30     (0.94)      0.03
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Total from investment
operations                       0.66      0.38      0.94     (0.33)      0.69
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
 Distributions from net
 investment income              (0.60)    (0.62)    (0.64)    (0.61)     (0.66)
 Distributions from net
 realized gain on
 investments                      --        --        --        --       (0.08)
 Distributions in excess of
 net realized gain on
 investments (a)                  --        --        --      (0.13)       --
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Total distributions             (0.60)    (0.62)    (0.64)    (0.74)     (0.74)
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
PERIOD                         $ 9.95    $ 9.89    $10.13    $ 9.83     $10.90
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
TOTAL RETURN (B)                 6.89%     3.79%     9.84%    (3.36)%     6.82%
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
 Expenses                        1.25%     1.14%     1.01%     0.99%      0.77%
 Net investment income           6.07%     6.11%     6.41%     5.94%      5.91%
 waiver/reimbursement (c)        0.02%     0.13%     0.28%     0.32%      0.43%
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
 Net assets, end of period
 (000 omitted)               $105,248  $116,418  $114,803  $112,439   $119,187
 Portfolio turnover                80%      118%       82%      227%       154%
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------

                                       YEAR ENDED SEPTEMBER 30,
TRUST SHARES                   1997      1996      1995      1994       1993
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
OF PERIOD                      $ 9.89    $10.13    $ 9.83    $10.90     $10.95
 Net investment income           0.63      0.64      0.66      0.63       0.67
 Net realized and
 unrealized gain (loss) on
 investments                     0.06     (0.24)     0.30     (0.94)      0.03
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Total from investment
operations                       0.69      0.40      0.96     (0.31)      0.70
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Less distributions
 Distributions from net
 investment income              (0.63)    (0.64)    (0.66)    (0.63)     (0.67)
 Distributions from net
 realized gain on
 investments                      --        --        --        --       (0.08)
 Distributions in excess of
 net realized gain on
 investments (a)                  --        --        --      (0.13)       --
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Total distributions             (0.63)    (0.64)    (0.66)    (0.76)     (0.75)
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
PERIOD                         $ 9.95    $ 9.89    $10.13    $ 9.83     $10.90
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
TOTAL RETURN (B)                 7.16%     4.05%    10.11%    (3.12)%     6.94%
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
 Expenses                        1.00%     0.89%     0.76%     0.74%      0.63%
 Net investment income           6.32%     6.36%     6.66%     6.19%      6.17%
 waiver/reimbursement (c)        0.02%     0.13%     0.28%     0.32%      0.43%
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
 Net assets, end of period
 (000 omitted)                $52,177   $78,998  $101,410  $107,103   $112,334
 Portfolio turnover                80%      118%       82%      227%       154%
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------

(a) Distributions are determined in accordance with income tax regulations which
    may differ from generally accepted accounting principals. These
    distributions do not represent a return of capital for federal income tax
(b) Based on net asset value, which does not reflect the sales charge or
    contingent deferred sales charge, if applicable.
(c) This voluntary expense decrease is reflected in both the expense and net
    investment income ratios shown above.

(See Notes which are an integral part of the Financial Statements)

- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------

                                         YEAR ENDED SEPTEMBER 30,
INVESTMENT SHARES                 1997(C)   1996    1995(C)   1994      1993
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
PERIOD                             $13.68   $13.70   $11.80   $12.39    $12.02
 Net investment income               0.13     0.27     0.09     0.17      0.24
 Net realized and unrealized
 gain (loss) on investments          4.47     1.18     2.20    (0.39)     0.54
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Total from investment operations     4.60     1.45     2.29    (0.22)     0.78
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
 Distributions from net
 investment income                  (0.14)   (0.27)   (0.09)   (0.17)    (0.25)
 Distributions from net realized
 gain on investments                (1.83)   (1.20)   (0.30)   (0.20)    (0.16)
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Total distributions                 (1.97)   (1.47)   (0.39)   (0.37)    (0.41)
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
NET ASSET VALUE, END OF PERIOD     $16.31   $13.68   $13.70   $11.80    $12.39
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
TOTAL RETURN (A)                    37.02%   11.28%   20.02%   (1.72%)    6.31%
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
 Expenses                            1.49%    1.36%    1.21%    1.20%     0.87%
 Net investment income               0.88%    2.01%    0.67%    1.40%     1.81%
 Expense waiver/reimbursement
 (b)                                  --       --      0.21%    0.23%     0.55%
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
 Net assets, end of period (000
 omitted)                         $80,073  $59,891  $44,509  $26,739   $18,691
 Average commission rate paid
 (d)                              $0.0783  $0.0616      --       --        --
 Portfolio turnover                    56%     151%     208%     205%       67%
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------

                                         YEAR ENDED SEPTEMBER 30,
TRUST SHARES                      1997(C)   1996    1995(C)   1994      1993
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
PERIOD                             $13.68   $13.70   $11.80   $12.39    $12.02
 Net investment income               0.18     0.33     0.12     0.20      0.28
 Net realized and unrealized
 gain (loss) on investments          4.46     1.15     2.20    (0.40)     0.51
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Total from investment operations     4.64     1.48     2.32    (0.20)     0.79
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
 Distributions from net
 investment income                  (0.18)   (0.30)   (0.12)   (0.19)    (0.26)
 Distributions from net realized
 gain on investments                (1.83)   (1.20)   (0.30)   (0.20)    (0.16)
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Total distributions                 (2.01)   (1.50)   (0.42)   (0.39)    (0.42)
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
NET ASSET VALUE, END OF PERIOD     $16.31   $13.68   $13.70   $11.80    $12.39
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
TOTAL RETURN (A)                    37.37%   11.55%   20.33%   (1.50%)    6.42%
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
 Expenses                            1.24%    1.11%    0.96%    0.95%     0.66%
 Net investment income               1.17%    2.26%    0.92%    1.68%     2.09%
 Expense waiver/reimbursement
 (b)                                  --       --      0.21%    0.23%     0.55%
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
 Net assets, end of period (000
 omitted)                         $26,611  $33,683  $45,345  $70,374   $65,841
 Average commission rate paid
 (d)                              $0.0783  $0.0616      --       --        --
 Portfolio turnover                    56%     151%     208%     205%       67%
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------

(a) Based on net asset value, which does not reflect the sales charge or
    contingent deferred sales charge, if applicable.
(b) This voluntary expense decrease is reflected in both the expense and net
    investment income ratios shown above.
(c) Per share information presented is based on the monthly number of shares
    outstanding due to large fluctuations in the number of shares outstanding
    during the period.
(d) Represents total commissions paid on portfolio securities divided by total
    portfolio shares purchased or sold on which commissions were charged. This
    disclosure is required for fiscal years beginning on or after September 1,

(See Notes which are an integral part of the Financial Statements)

- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------

                                             YEAR ENDED         PERIOD
                                            SEPTEMBER 30,        ENDED
                                           ----------------  SEPTEMBER 30,
INVESTMENT SHARES                           1997     1996       1995(A)
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------
NET ASSET VALUE, BEGINNING OF PERIOD        $11.47   $12.03      $10.00
 Net investment income                        0.23     0.31        0.03
 Net realized and unrealized gain on
 investments                                  4.54     0.77        2.03
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------
Total from investment operations              4.77     1.08        2.06
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------
 Distributions from net investment income    (0.24)   (0.29)      (0.03)
 Distributions from net realized gain on
 investments                                 (0.63)   (1.35)        --
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------
Total distributions                          (0.87)   (1.64)      (0.03)
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------
NET ASSET VALUE, END OF PERIOD              $15.37   $11.47      $12.03
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------
TOTAL RETURN (B)                             44.01%   10.19%      20.59%
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------
 Expenses                                     1.17%    0.99%       0.44%*
 Net investment income                        1.76%    2.63%       0.46%*
 Expense waiver/reimbursement (c)             0.50%    0.44%       1.03%*
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------
 Net assets, end of period (000 omitted)   $76,874  $62,783     $78,388
 Average commission rate paid (d)          $0.0789  $0.0514         --
 Portfolio turnover                             94%     112%         92%
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------

* Computed on an annualized basis.

(a) Reflects operations for the period from March 7, 1995 (date of initial
    public investment) to September 30, 1995.

(b) Based on net asset value, which does not reflect the sales charge or
    contingent deferred sales charge, if applicable.

(c) This voluntary expense decrease is reflected in both the expense and net
    investment income ratios shown above.

(d) Represents total commissions paid on portfolio securities divided by total
    portfolio shares purchased or sold on which commissions were charged. This
    disclosure is required for fiscal years beginning on or after September 1,

(See Notes which are an integral part of the Financial Statements)

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

                                       YEAR ENDED SEPTEMBER 30,
INVESTMENT SHARES                1997     1996     1995     1994        1993
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
PERIOD                           $10.68   $10.81   $10.26   $11.26      $10.46
 Net investment income             0.42     0.41     0.45     0.45        0.51
 Net realized and unrealized
 gain (loss) on investments        0.39    (0.13)    0.55    (0.92)       0.89
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Total from investment
operations                         0.81     0.28     1.00    (0.47)       1.40
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
 Distributions from net
 investment income                (0.42)   (0.41)   (0.45)   (0.45)(e)   (0.51)
 Distributions from net
 realized gain on
 investments                        --       --       --     (0.06)      (0.09)
 Distributions in excess of
 net realized gain on
 investments (a)                    --       --       --     (0.02)        --
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Total distributions               (0.42)   (0.41)   (0.45)   (0.53)      (0.60)
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
NET ASSET VALUE, END OF PERIOD   $11.07   $10.68   $10.81   $10.26      $11.26
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
TOTAL RETURN (B)                   7.74%    2.60%   10.00%   (4.25)%     13.49%
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
 Expenses                          1.36%    1.32%    1.17%    1.15%       0.90%
 Net investment income             3.87%    3.78%    4.32%    4.22%       4.68%
 Expense waiver/reimbursement
 (c)                                --      0.02%    0.22%    0.27%       0.50%
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
 Net assets, end of period
 (000 omitted)                  $58,881  $65,700  $70,572  $74,706     $63,492
 Portfolio turnover                  19%     129%      26%      29%         17%
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------

                                       YEAR ENDED SEPTEMBER 30,
TRUST SHARES                     1997     1996     1995     1994        1993
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
PERIOD                           $10.68   $10.81   $10.26   $11.26      $10.46
 Net investment income             0.45     0.44     0.48     0.48        0.53
 Net realized and unrealized
 gain (loss) on investments        0.39    (0.13)    0.55    (0.92)       0.89
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Total from investment
operations                         0.84     0.31     1.03    (0.44)       1.42
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
 Distributions from net
 investment income                (0.45)   (0.44)   (0.48)   (0.48)(d)   (0.53)
 Distributions from net
 realized gain on
 investments                        --       --       --     (0.06)      (0.09)
 Distributions in excess of
 net realized gain on
 investments (a)                    --       --       --     (0.02)        --
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Total distributions               (0.45)   (0.44)   (0.48)   (0.56)      (0.62)
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
NET ASSET VALUE, END OF PERIOD   $11.07   $10.68   $10.81   $10.26      $11.26
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
TOTAL RETURN (B)                   8.00%    2.86%   10.27%   (4.01%)     13.62%
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
 Expenses                          1.11%    1.06%    0.92%    0.90%       0.75%
 Net investment income             4.12%    4.03%    4.57%    4.47%       4.85%
 Expense waiver/reimbursement
 (c)                                --      0.02%    0.22%    0.27%       0.50%
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
 Net assets, end of period
 (000 omitted)                  $19,891  $28,110  $33,670  $34,165     $41,204
 Portfolio turnover                  19%     129%      26%      29%         17%
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------

(a) Distributions are determined in accordance with income tax regulations which
    may differ from generally accepted accounting principles. These
    distributions do not represent a return of capital for federal income tax
(b) Based on net asset value, which does not reflect the sales charge or
    contingent deferred sales charge, if applicable.
(c) This voluntary expense decrease is reflected in both the expense and net
    investment income ratios shown above.
(d) Amount includes distributions to shareholders in excess of net investment
    income of $0.0002 per share.
(e) Amount includes distributions to shareholders in excess of net investment
    income of $0.0001 per share.
(See Notes which are an integral part of the Financial Statements)

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

                                         YEAR ENDED SEPTEMBER 30,
INVESTMENT SHARES                  1997     1996     1995     1994      1993
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
PERIOD                             $10.56   $10.69   $10.17   $11.24    $10.39
 Net investment income               0.37     0.38     0.40     0.45      0.49
 Net realized and unrealized
 gain (loss) on investments          0.35    (0.13)    0.54    (0.97)     0.85
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Total from investment operations     0.72     0.25     0.94    (0.52)     1.34
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
 Distributions from net
 investment income                  (0.37)   (0.38)   (0.40)   (0.45)    (0.49)
 Distributions from net realized
 gain on investments                  --       --     (0.02)   (0.10)      --
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Total distributions                 (0.37)   (0.38)   (0.42)   (0.55)    (0.49)
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
NET ASSET VALUE, END OF PERIOD     $10.91   $10.56   $10.69   $10.17    $11.24
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
TOTAL RETURN (A)                     6.92%    2.36%    9.81%   (4.74%)   13.24%
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
 Expenses                            1.69%    1.43%    1.24%    1.17%     1.00%
 Net investment income               3.45%    3.57%    4.24%    4.22%     4.50%
 Expense waiver/reimbursement
 (b)                                  --      0.25%    0.44%    0.51%     0.77%
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
 Net assets, end of period (000
 omitted)                         $27,786  $31,284  $32,172  $34,580   $33,907
 Portfolio turnover                    13%     138%      21%      27%       23%
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------

                                         YEAR ENDED SEPTEMBER 30,
TRUST SHARES                       1997     1996     1995     1994      1993
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
PERIOD                             $10.56   $10.69   $10.17   $11.24    $10.39
 Net investment income               0.40     0.41     0.42     0.48      0.50
 Net realized and unrealized
 gain (loss)
 on investments                      0.35    (0.13)    0.54    (0.97)     0.85
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Total from investment operations     0.75     0.28     0.96    (0.49)     1.35
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
 Distributions from net
 investment income                  (0.40)   (0.41)   (0.42)   (0.48)    (0.50)
 Distributions from net realized
 gain on investments                  --       --     (0.02)   (0.10)      --
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Total distributions                 (0.40)   (0.41)   (0.44)   (0.58)    (0.50)
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
NET ASSET VALUE, END OF PERIOD     $10.91   $10.56   $10.69   $10.17    $11.24
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
TOTAL RETURN (A)                     7.19%    2.61%   10.09%   (4.50%)   13.37%
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
 Expenses                            1.44%    1.18%    0.99%    0.92%     0.86%
 Net investment income               3.70%    3.82%    4.49%    4.46%     4.64%
 Expense waiver/reimbursement
 (b)                                  --      0.25%    0.44%    0.51%     0.77%
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
 Net assets, end of period (000
 omitted)                          $5,683   $8,889   $9,447  $11,301   $12,014
 Portfolio turnover                    13%     138%      21%      27%       23%
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------

(a) Based on net asset value, which does not reflect the sales charge or
    contingent deferred sales charge, if applicable.

(b) This voluntary expense decrease is reflected in both the expense and net
    investment income ratios shown above.

(See Notes which are an integral part of the Financial Statements)

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

                                        YEAR ENDED SEPTEMBER 30,
INVESTMENT SHARES               1997      1996      1995      1994      1993
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
OF PERIOD                       $ 1.00    $ 1.00    $ 1.00    $ 1.00    $ 1.00
 Net investment income            0.05      0.05      0.05      0.03      0.02
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
 Distributions from net
 investment income               (0.05)    (0.05)    (0.05)    (0.03)    (0.02)
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
PERIOD                          $ 1.00    $ 1.00    $ 1.00    $ 1.00    $ 1.00
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
TOTAL RETURN (A)                  4.58%     4.67%     4.98%     2.90%     2.52%
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
 Expenses                         0.98%     0.90%     0.85%     0.84%     0.70%
 Net investment income            4.49%     4.49%     4.92%     3.05%     2.47%
 waiver/reimbursement (b)         0.01%     0.09%     0.10%     0.18%     0.20%
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
 Net assets, end of period
 (000 omitted)                $121,299  $146,161   $39,363   $21,883   $20,382
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------

                                        YEAR ENDED SEPTEMBER 30,
TRUST SHARES                    1997      1996      1995      1994      1993
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
OF PERIOD                       $ 1.00    $ 1.00    $ 1.00    $ 1.00    $ 1.00
 Net investment income            0.05      0.05      0.05      0.03      0.03
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
 Distributions from net
 investment income               (0.05)    (0.05)    (0.05)    (0.03)    (0.03)
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
PERIOD                          $ 1.00    $ 1.00    $ 1.00    $ 1.00    $ 1.00
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
TOTAL RETURN (A)                  4.84%     4.89%     5.24%     3.16%     2.64%
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
 Expenses                         0.73%     0.65%     0.60%     0.59%     0.58%
 Net investment income            4.74%     4.81%     5.17%     3.30%     2.60%
 waiver/reimbursement (b)         0.01%     0.06%     0.10%     0.18%     0.20%
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
 Net assets, end of period
 (000 omitted)                $196,450  $226,978  $208,656  $304,285  $152,921
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------

(a) Based on net asset value, which does not reflect the sales charge or
    contingent deferred sales charge, if applicable.
(b) This voluntary expense decrease is reflected in both the expense and net
    investment income ratios shown above.

(See Notes which are an integral part of the Financial Statements)

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

                                        YEAR ENDED SEPTEMBER 30,
INVESTMENT SHARES               1997      1996      1995      1994      1993
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
OF PERIOD                       $ 1.00    $ 1.00    $ 1.00    $ 1.00    $ 1.00
 Net investment income            0.05      0.05      0.05      0.03      0.03
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
 Distributions from net
 investment income               (0.05)    (0.05)    (0.05)    (0.03)    (0.03)
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
PERIOD                          $ 1.00    $ 1.00    $ 1.00    $ 1.00    $ 1.00
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
TOTAL RETURN (A)                  4.67%     4.91%     5.11%     3.10%     2.77%
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
 Expenses                         0.97%     0.73%     0.80%     0.80%     0.64%
 Net investment income            4.57%     4.77%     5.04%     3.07%     2.68%
 waiver/reimbursement (b)         0.02%     0.23%     0.21%     0.25%     0.30%
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
 Net assets, end of period
 (000 omitted)                 $77,220   $83,525   $41,813   $15,236    $9,905
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------

                                        YEAR ENDED SEPTEMBER 30,
TRUST SHARES                    1997      1996      1995      1994      1993
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
OF PERIOD                       $ 1.00    $ 1.00    $ 1.00    $ 1.00    $ 1.00
 Net investment income            0.05      0.05      0.05      0.03      0.03
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
 Distributions from net
 investment income               (0.05)    (0.05)    (0.05)    (0.03)    (0.03)
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
PERIOD                          $ 1.00    $ 1.00    $ 1.00    $ 1.00    $ 1.00
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
TOTAL RETURN (A)                  4.93%     5.04%     5.36%     3.35%     2.89%
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
 Expenses                         0.72%     0.60%     0.57%     0.55%     0.50%
 Net investment income            4.81%     4.93%     5.27%     3.25%     2.83%
 waiver/reimbursement (b)         0.02%     0.12%     0.19%     0.25%     0.30%
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
 Net assets, end of period
 (000 omitted)                $164,290  $160,675  $173,761  $132,445  $134,397
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------

(a) Based on net asset value, which does not reflect the sales charge or
    contingent deferred sales charge, if applicable.
(b) This voluntary expense decrease is reflected in both the expense and net
    investment income ratios shown above.

(See Notes which are an integral part of the Financial Statements)

- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------

                                         YEAR ENDED SEPTEMBER 30,
INVESTMENT SHARES                      1997     1996     1995    1994(A)
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
NET ASSET VALUE, BEGINNING OF PERIOD   $ 1.00   $ 1.00   $ 1.00   $ 1.00
 Net investment income                   0.03     0.03     0.03     0.01
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
 Distributions from net investment
 income                                 (0.03)   (0.03)   (0.03)   (0.01)
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
NET ASSET VALUE, END OF PERIOD         $ 1.00   $ 1.00   $ 1.00   $ 1.00
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
TOTAL RETURN (B)                         2.83%    3.01%    3.53%    0.45%
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
 Expenses                                0.79%    0.56%    0.39%    0.36%(c)
 Net investment income                   2.79%    2.95%    3.55%    2.65%(c)
 Expense waiver/reimbursement (d)        0.16%    0.20%    0.56%    0.70%(c)
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
 Net assets, end of period (000
 omitted)                             $57,370  $52,499  $81,977  $21,967
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------

(a) Reflects operations for the period from July 27, 1994 (date of initial
    public investment) to September 30, 1994.

(b) Based on net asset value, which does not reflect the sales charge or
    contingent deferred sales charge, if applicable.

(c) Computed on an annualized basis.

(d) This voluntary expense decrease is reflected in both the expense and net
    investment income ratios shown above.

(See Notes which are an integral part of the Financial Statements)

SEPTEMBER 30, 1997
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------


The Virtus Funds (the "Trust") is registered under the Investment Company Act of
1940, as amended (the "Act"), as an open-end management investment company. The
Trust consists of eight portfolios (individually referred to as the "Fund", or
collectively as the "Funds"). All Funds, except The Style Manager Fund and The
Tax-Free Money Market Fund are offered in two classes of shares: Trust Shares
and Investment Shares. The Style Manager Fund and The Tax-Free Money Market Fund
are presented as Investment Shares for financial statement purposes. The
following portfolios comprise the Trust:

              PORTFOLIO NAME                           INVESTMENT OBJECTIVE
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  The U.S. Government Securities Fund       Current Income
  ("Government Securities Fund") (d)
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  The Style Manager: Large Cap Fund         Growth of capital and income
  (" Large Cap Fund") (d)
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  The Style Manager Fund ("Style Manager    Growth of capital
  Fund") (d)
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  The Virginia Municipal Bond Fund Current income exempt from federal regular
  ("Virginia Municipal Bond Fund") (n) income tax and the personal income tax
                                            by the Commonwealth of Virginia
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  The Maryland Municipal Bond Fund Current income exempt from federal regular
  ("Maryland Municipal Bond Fund") (n) income tax and the personal income tax
                                            by the State of Maryland
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  The Treasury Money Market Fund            Current income consistent with stability of
  ("Treasury Money Market Fund") (d)        principal
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  The Money Market Fund                     Current income consistent with stability of
  ("Money Market Fund") (d)                 principal
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  The Tax-Free Money Market Fund Current income exempt from federal income tax
  ("Tax-Free Money Market Fund") (d) consistent with stability of principal

(d) Diversified
(n) Non-diversified

The assets of each portfolio are segregated and a shareholder's interest is
limited to the portfolio in which shares are held.

On June 24, 1996, the Large Cap Fund acquired all the net assets of the
Blanchard American Equity Fund ("Acquired Fund") pursuant to a plan of
reorganization approved by the Acquired Fund's shareholders. The acquisition was
accomplished by a tax-free exchange of 695,476 shares of the Large Cap Fund
(valued at $9,245,652) for the 845,351 shares of the Acquired Fund outstanding
on June 21, 1996. The Acquired Fund's net assets of $9,245,652, which consisted
of $7,444,690 of Paid in Capital and $2,066,228 of unrealized appreciation, were
combined at that date with those of the Large Cap Fund. The aggregate net assets
of the Large Cap Fund and the Acquired Fund immediately before the acquisition
were $92,855,251 and $9,245,652, respectively.

On April 21, 1997, the Large Cap Fund acquired all the net assets of the
Blanchard Capital Growth Fund ("Acquired Fund") pursuant to a plan of
reorganization approved by the Acquired Fund's shareholders. The acquisition was
accomplished by a tax-free exchange of 113,473 shares of the Large Cap Fund
(valued at $1,509,197) for the 202,789 shares of the Acquired Fund outstanding
on April 18, 1997. The Acquired Fund's net assets of $1,509,197, which consisted
of $1,319,703 of Paid in Capital and $271,223 of unrealized appreciation, were
combined at that date with those of the Large Cap Fund. The aggregate net assets
of the Large Cap Fund and the Acquired Fund immediately before the acquisition
were $91,970,866 and $1,509,197, respectively.

- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------


The following is a summary of significant accounting policies consistently
followed by the Funds in the preparation of their financial statements. These
policies are in conformity with generally accepted accounting principles.

   INVESTMENT VALUATIONS--Municipal bonds are valued by an independent pricing
   service, taking into consideration yield, liquidity, risk, credit quality,
   coupon, maturity, type of issue, and any other factors or market data the
   pricing service deems relevant. U.S. government securities, listed corporate
   bonds, other fixed income and asset-backed securities, and unlisted
   securities and private placement securities are generally valued at the mean
   of the latest bid and asked price as furnished by an independent pricing
   service. Listed equity securities are valued at the last sale price reported
   on a national securities exchange. The Funds use the amortized cost method to
   value portfolio securities in accordance with Rule 2a-7 under the Act. For
   fluctuating net asset value Funds within the Trust, short-term securities are
   valued at the prices provided by an independent pricing service. However,
   short-term securities purchased with remaining maturities of sixty days or
   less may be valued at amortized cost, which approximates fair market value.
   Investments in other open-end investment companies are valued at net asset

  REPURCHASE AGREEMENTS--It is the policy of the Funds to require a custodian
  bank to take possession, to have legally segregated in the Federal Reserve
  Book Entry System, or to have segregated within the custodian bank's vault,
  all securities held as collateral under repurchase agreement transactions.
  Additionally, procedures have been established by the Funds to monitor, on a
  daily basis, the market value of each repurchase agreement's collateral to
  ensure that the value of collateral at least equals the repurchase price to be
  paid under the repurchase agreement transaction.

  The Funds will only enter into repurchase agreements with banks and other
  recognized financial institutions, such as broker/dealers, which are deemed by
  the Funds' adviser to be creditworthy pursuant to guidelines and/or standards
  reviewed or established by the Board of Trustees (the "Trustees"). Risks may
  arise from the potential inability of counterparties to honor the terms of the
  repurchase agreement. Accordingly, the Funds could receive less than the
  repurchase price on the sale of collateral securities.

  distributions to shareholders are recorded on the ex-dividend date. Interest
  income and expenses are accrued daily. Bond premium and discount, if
  applicable, are amortized as required by the Internal Revenue Code, as amended
  (the "Code").

  FEDERAL TAXES--It is the Funds' policy to comply with the provisions of the
  Code applicable to regulated investment companies and to distribute to
  shareholders each year substantially all of their income. Accordingly, no
  provisions for federal tax are necessary.

  At September 30, 1997, Government Securities Fund, Virginia Municipal Bond
  Fund, and Maryland Municipal Bond Fund, for federal tax purposes, each had a
  capital loss carryforward, as noted below. These capital loss carryforwards
  will reduce the Fund's taxable income arising from future net realized gain on
  investments, if any, to the extent permitted by the Code, and thus will reduce
  the amount of the distributions to shareholders which would otherwise be
  necessary to relieve the Funds of any liability for federal tax.

  FUNDS                        TOTAL TAX LOSS CARRYFORWARD
  Government Securities Fund           $14,431,018
  Virginia Municipal Bond Fund         $   178,797
  Maryland Municipal Bond Fund         $   351,799

- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------

  Pursuant to the Code, such capital loss carryforwards will expire as follows:

   -------------------------------------  ------------------------------------
   ---------------    -----------------   ---------------   -----------------
        2003              9,742,636            2004              178,797
        2004              1,378,030
        2005              3,310,352

   ---------------             -----------------

        2004                        351,799

  Additionally, net capital losses, as noted below, attributable to security
  transactions incurred after September 30, 1996 are treated as arising on
  October 1, 1997 the first day of the Funds' next taxable year.

    FUND                                            TOTAL TAX LOSS PUSHFORWARD
    --------------------------                      --------------------------
    Government Securities Fund                              $3,736,134

  when-issued or delayed delivery transactions. The Funds record when-issued
  securities on the trade date and maintain security positions such that
  sufficient liquid assets will be available to make payment for the securities
  purchased. Securities purchased on a when-issued or delayed delivery basis are
  marked to market daily and begin earning interest on the settlement date.

  DEFERRED EXPENSES--The costs incurred by each Fund with respect to
  registration of its shares in its first fiscal year, excluding the initial
  expense of registering its shares, have been deferred and are being amortized
  over a period not to exceed five years from each Fund's commencement date.

  USE OF ESTIMATES--The preparation of financial statements in conformity with
  generally accepted accounting principles requires management to make estimates
  and assumptions that affect the amounts of assets, liabilities, expenses and
  revenues reported in the financial statements. Actual results could differ
  from those estimated.

  OTHER--Investment transactions are accounted for on the trade date.

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------


The Declaration of Trust permits the Trustees to issue an unlimited number of
full and fractional shares of beneficial interest (without par value). At
September 30, 1997, Treasury Money Market Fund, Money Market Fund, and Tax-Free
Money Market Fund, capital paid-in aggregated $317,749,268, $241,510,750, and
$57,369,580, respectively. Transactions in shares were as follows:

                                SECURITIES FUND           LARGE CAP FUND
                            ------------------------  ------------------------
SEPTEMBER 30, 1997:           SHARES      DOLLARS       SHARES      DOLLARS
- --------------------------  ----------  ------------  ----------  ------------
- --------------------------
Shares sold                  1,348,256  $ 13,371,271     878,296  $ 12,745,846
- --------------------------
Shares issued in
connection with the
acquisition                         --            --     113,473     1,509,197
- --------------------------
Shares issued to
shareholders in payment of
distributions declared         544,149     5,396,169     640,836     8,496,790
- --------------------------
Shares redeemed             (3,077,778)  (30,479,752) (1,098,303)  (16,038,717)
- --------------------------  ----------  ------------  ----------  ------------
Net change resulting from
Investment Share
transactions                (1,185,373) $(11,712,312)    534,302  $  6,713,116
- --------------------------  ----------  ------------  ----------  ------------
- --------------------------
Shares sold                    966,507  $  9,589,726      64,549  $  4,455,821
- --------------------------
Shares issued to
shareholders in payment of
distributions declared              --             4     324,411       856,430
- --------------------------
Shares redeemed             (3,705,430)  (36,748,558) (1,219,486)  (17,210,160)
- --------------------------  ----------  ------------  ----------  ------------
Net change resulting from
Trust Share transactions    (2,738,923)  (27,158,828)   (830,526)  (11,897,909)
- --------------------------  ----------  ------------  ----------  ------------
Net change resulting from
Fund Share transactions     (3,924,296) $(38,871,140)   (296,224) $ (5,184,793)
- --------------------------  ----------  ------------  ----------  ------------

                                SECURITIES FUND           LARGE CAP FUND
                            ------------------------  ------------------------
SEPTEMBER 30, 1996:           SHARES      DOLLARS       SHARES      DOLLARS
- --------------------------  ----------  ------------  ----------  ------------
- --------------------------
Shares sold                  2,763,200  $ 27,838,858     965,024  $ 12,986,255
- --------------------------
Shares issued in
connection with the
acquisition                         --            --     695,147     9,245,450
- --------------------------
Shares issued to
shareholders in payment of
distributions declared         611,870     6,142,678     379,876     4,969,161
- --------------------------
Shares redeemed             (2,935,461)  (29,411,819)   (913,112)  (13,464,743)
- --------------------------  ----------  ------------  ----------  ------------
Net change resulting from
Investment Share
transactions                   439,609  $  4,569,717   1,126,935  $ 13,736,123
- --------------------------  ----------  ------------  ----------  ------------
- --------------------------
Shares sold                  1,853,668  $ 18,616,622     395,754  $  5,277,407
- --------------------------
Shares issued to
shareholders in payment of
distributions declared               1             3      38,987       509,088
- --------------------------
Shares redeemed             (3,875,084)  (38,751,898) (1,282,606)  (18,012,908)
- --------------------------  ----------  ------------  ----------  ------------
Net change resulting from
Trust Share transactions    (2,021,415)  (20,135,273)   (847,865)  (12,226,413)
- --------------------------  ----------  ------------  ----------  ------------
Net change resulting from
Fund Share transactions     (1,581,806) $(15,565,556)    279,070  $ (1,509,710)
- --------------------------  ----------  ------------  ----------  ------------

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

                                                     STYLE MANAGER FUND
- -------------------------------------------------  ----------  ------------
- -------------------------------------------------
Shares sold                                         3,251,568  $ 40,136,505
- -------------------------------------------------
Shares issued to shareholders in payment of
distributions declared                                383,514     4,503,897
- -------------------------------------------------
Shares redeemed                                    (4,107,368)  (50,985,728)
- -------------------------------------------------  ----------  ------------
Net change resulting from Fund Share transactions    (472,286) $ (6,345,326)
- -------------------------------------------------  ----------  ------------

- -------------------------------------------------  ----------  ------------
- -------------------------------------------------
Shares sold                                         1,489,971   $16,506,045
- -------------------------------------------------
Shares issued to shareholders in payment of
distributions declared                                863,431     9,243,789
- -------------------------------------------------
Shares redeemed                                    (3,397,734)  (37,724,499)
- -------------------------------------------------  ----------  ------------
Net change resulting from Fund Share transactions  (1,044,332) $(11,974,665)
- -------------------------------------------------  ----------  ------------

                                 VIRGINIA MUNICIPAL       MARYLAND MUNICIPAL
                                      BOND FUND               BOND FUND
                               ------------------------  ---------------------
30, 1997:                      ----------  ------------  --------  -----------
- -----------------------------
- -----------------------------
Shares sold                       509,188  $  5,533,656   192,865  $ 2,067,713
- -----------------------------
Shares issued to shareholders
in payment of distributions
declared                          173,844     1,888,518    71,862      770,265
- -----------------------------
Shares redeemed                (1,515,555)  (16,472,000) (679,110)  (7,269,728)
- -----------------------------  ----------  ------------  --------  -----------
Net change resulting from
Investment Share transactions    (832,523) $ (9,049,826) (414,383) $(4,431,750)
- -----------------------------  ----------  ------------  --------  -----------
- -----------------------------
Shares sold                       120,060  $  1,306,439    59,419  $   640,330
- -----------------------------
Shares issued to shareholders
in payment of distributions
declared                               --            --        --           --
- -----------------------------
Shares redeemed                  (955,166)  (10,316,539) (380,036)  (4,057,731)
- -----------------------------  ----------  ------------  --------  -----------
Net change resulting from
Trust Share transactions         (835,106)   (9,010,100) (320,617)  (3,417,401)
- -----------------------------  ----------  ------------  --------  -----------
Net change resulting from
Fund Share transactions        (1,667,629) $(18,059,926) (735,000) $(7,849,151)
- -----------------------------  ----------  ------------  --------  -----------

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

                                 VIRGINIA MUNICIPAL       MARYLAND MUNICIPAL
                                      BOND FUND               BOND FUND
                               ------------------------  ---------------------
SEPTEMBER 30, 1996:            ----------  ------------  --------  -----------
- -----------------------------
- -----------------------------
Shares sold                     1,022,563  $ 11,073,171   574,103  $ 6,142,806
- -----------------------------
Shares issued to shareholders
in payment of distributions
declared                          184,796     1,997,026    92,527      989,879
- -----------------------------
Shares redeemed                (1,580,634)  (17,022,733) (712,478)  (7,557,624)
- -----------------------------  ----------  ------------  --------  -----------
Net change resulting from
Investment Share transactions    (373,275) $ (3,952,536)  (45,848)   $(424,939)
- -----------------------------  ----------  ------------  --------  -----------
- -----------------------------
Shares sold                       468,285  $  5,052,529   209,103  $ 2,221,208
- -----------------------------
Shares issued to shareholders
in payment of distributions
declared                               --            --        --           --
- -----------------------------
Shares redeemed                  (950,703)  (10,211,940) (252,990)  (2,690,009)
- -----------------------------  ----------  ------------  --------  -----------
Net change resulting from
Trust Share transactions         (482,418)   (5,159,411)  (43,887)    (468,801)
- -----------------------------  ----------  ------------  --------  -----------
Net change resulting from
Fund Share transactions          (855,693) $ (9,111,947)  (89,735) $  (893,740)
- -----------------------------  ----------  ------------  --------  -----------

                               TREASURY MONEY
                                 MARKET FUND                MONEY MARKET FUND
                         ----------------------------  ----------------------------
                          YEAR ENDED     YEAR ENDED     YEAR ENDED     YEAR ENDED
                         SEPTEMBER 30,  SEPTEMBER 30,  SEPTEMBER 30,  SEPTEMBER 30,
                             1997           1996           1997           1996
                         -------------  -------------  -------------  -------------
- -----------------------
Shares sold                67,174,914     92,237,108     92,778,441    144,072,045
- -----------------------
Shares issued in
connection with the
Acquisition                        --    122,108,127             --             --
- -----------------------
Shares issued to
shareholders in payment
of distributions
declared                    5,621,028      4,898,438      3,617,167      3,626,655
- -----------------------
Shares redeemed           (97,657,884)  (112,278,779)  (102,699,797)  (105,987,535)
- -----------------------  ------------   ------------   ------------   ------------
Net change resulting
from Investment Share
transactions              (24,861,942)   106,964,894     (6,304,189)    41,711,165
- -----------------------  ------------   ------------   ------------   ------------
- -----------------------
Shares sold               656,686,607    567,506,731    525,853,059    432,856,190
- -----------------------
Shares issued to
shareholders in payment
of distributions
declared                            3              3              3              3
- -----------------------
Shares redeemed          (687,214,445)  (549,184,891)  (522,237,956)  (445,941,838)
- -----------------------  ------------   ------------   ------------   ------------
Net change resulting
from Trust Share
transactions              (30,527,835)    18,321,843      3,615,106    (13,085,645)
- -----------------------  ------------   ------------   ------------   ------------
Net change resulting
from Fund Share
transactions              (55,389,777)   125,286,737     (2,689,083)    28,625,520
- -----------------------  ------------   ------------   ------------   ------------

- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------

                                                   TAX-FREE MONEY MARKET FUND
                                                    YEAR ENDED     YEAR ENDED
                                                   SEPTEMBER 30,  SEPTEMBER 30,
                                                       1997           1996
                                                   -------------  -------------
- -------------------------------------------------
Shares sold                                         315,423,874    389,800,080
- -------------------------------------------------
Shares issued to shareholders in payment of
distributions declared                                  417,624        459,305
- -------------------------------------------------
Shares redeemed                                    (310,970,825)  (419,737,938)
- -------------------------------------------------  ------------   ------------
Net change resulting from Fund Share transactions     4,870,673    (29,478,553)
- -------------------------------------------------  ------------   ------------


INVESTMENT ADVISORY FEE--Virtus Capital Management, Inc., the Trust's investment
adviser (the "Adviser"), receives for its services an annual investment advisory
fee based on a percentage of each Fund's average daily net assets (see below).

 FUND                          ANNUAL RATE
 ----------------------------  -----------
 Government Securities Fund         0.75%
 Large Cap Fund                     0.75%
 Style Manager Fund                 1.25%
 Virginia Municipal Bond Fund       0.75%
 Maryland Municipal Bond Fund       0.75%
 Treasury Money Market Fund         0.50%
 Money Market Fund                  0.50%
 Tax-Free Money Market Fund         0.50%

The Adviser may voluntarily choose to waive a portion of its fee. The Adviser
can modify or terminate this voluntary waiver at any time at its sole

Effective October 22, 1996 the Adviser increased its annual fee to 1.25% on the
Style Manager Fund.

Effective October 22, 1996 the Adviser entered into a sub-advisory agreement
with Trend Capital Management ("Trend") on behalf of the Style Manager Fund and
Large Cap Fund. Under the terms of a sub-advisory agreement between the Adviser
and Trend, with respect to the Style Manager Fund, the Adviser will pay Trend an
annual fee as follows: (a) an amount equal to .10% of the first $60 million of
the Fund's average daily net assets; and (b) with respect to average daily net
assets of the Fund in excess of $60 million, an amount equal to (i) one-third of
the Adviser's advisory fee to the extent that such advisory fee is less than or
equals 1% of the Fund's average daily net assets (but not to exceed .25% of the
Fund's average daily net assets); plus (ii) to the extent that the annual
advisory fee exceeds 1% of the Fund's average daily net assets, an additional
amount equal to two-thirds of such excess. With respect to the Large Cap Fund,
the Adviser will pay Trend an amount equal to .15% of the first $100 million of
the Fund's average daily net assets; and .33 1/3% of the Fund's average daily
net assets in excess of $100 million. Trend may voluntarily choose to reduce its
compensation. Trend can modify of terminate this voluntary reduction at any time
at its sole discretion.

ADMINISTRATIVE FEE--Federated Administrative Services ("FAS"), under the
Administrative Services Agreement, provides the Funds with administrative
personnel and services. The fee paid to FAS is based on the level of average
aggregate daily net assets of the Trust, the Blanchard Precious Metals Fund,
Inc., and the Blanchard Funds, all of which are advised by the Adviser. The
administrative fee received during any fiscal year shall be at least $50,000 per
Fund. With respect to the Style Manager Fund and the Tax-Free Money Market Fund,
the fee shall be at least $75,000.

DISTRIBUTION SERVICES FEE--The Trust has adopted a Distribution Plan (the
"Plan") pursuant to Rule 12b-1 under the Act. Under the terms of the Plan, each
Fund will reimburse Federated Securities Corp. ("FSC"), the principal
distributor, from the net assets of the Funds to finance activities intended to
result in the sale of the Funds' Investment Shares. The Plan provides that the
Funds may incur distribution expenses up to 0.25 % of the average daily net
assets of the Investment Shares, annually, to reimburse FSC. The Tax-Free Money
Market Fund and the Style Manager Fund will not accrue or pay any distribution
expenses pursuant to the Plan until a second class of shares has been created
for certain institutional investors.

Company ("FServ"), through its subsidiary, Federated Shareholder Services
Company ("FSSC") serves as transfer and dividend disbursing agent for the Funds.
The fee paid to FSSC is based on the size, type, and number of accounts
and transactions made by shareholders.

PORTFOLIO ACCOUNTING FEES--FServ also maintains the Funds' accounting records
for which it receives a fee. The fee is based on the level of each Fund's
average net assets for the period, plus out-of-pocket expenses.

CUSTODIAN FEES--Signet Trust Company is the Funds' custodian for which it
receives a fee. The fee is based on the level of each Fund's average net assets
for the period, plus out-of-pocket expenses.

ORGANIZATIONAL EXPENSES--Organizational expenses were borne initially by FAS.
The Funds have agreed to reimburse FAS for the organizational expenses during
the five year period following each Fund's effective date. For the year ended
September 30, 1997, the following amounts were paid pursuant to this agreement:

                                                                  AMOUNT REIMBURSED
                                                                    TO FAS FOR THE
                                      EXPENSES OF                     YEAR ENDED
 FUND                             ORGANIZING THE FUND             SEPTEMBER 30, 1997
 --------------------------       -------------------             ------------------
 Style Manager Fund                     $28,773                         $4,620
 Tax-Free Money Market Fund             $17,883                         $2,933

GENERAL--Certain of the Officers and Trustees of the Trust are Officers and
Directors or Trustees of the above companies.


Purchases and sales of investments, excluding short-term securities, for the
year ended September 30, 1997, were as follows:

FUND                           PURCHASES      SALES
                              ------------ ------------
Government Securities Fund    $138,698,434 $175,501,963
Large Cap Fund                  55,144,492   73,658,378
Style Manager Fund              61,085,310   70,071,792
Virginia Municipal Bond Fund    15,978,372   33,799,963
Maryland Municipal Bond Fund     4,638,966   13,686,700


Since Virginia Municipal Bond Fund and Maryland Municipal Bond Fund invest a
substantial portion of their assets in issuers located in one state, they will
be more susceptible to factors adversely affecting issuers of those states than
would be a comparable general tax-exempt mutual fund. In order to reduce the
credit risk associated with such factors, at September 30, 1997, 39% of the
securities in Virginia Municipal Bond Fund's portfolio of investments were
backed by letters of credit or bond insurance of various financial institutions
and financial guaranty assurance agencies. The value of investments insured by
or supported (backed) by a letter of credit from any one institution or agency
did not exceed 11% of total investments. At September 30, 1997, 20% of the
securities in Maryland Municipal Bond Fund's portfolio of investments were
backed by letters of credit or bond insurance of various financial institutions
and financial guaranty assurance agencies. The value of investments insured by
or supported (backed) by a letter of credit from any one institution or agency
did not exceed 9% of total investments.

- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------


On July 18, 1997, Signet Banking Corporation ("Signet") entered into a
definitive Agreement and Plan of Reorganization whereby Signet was acquired by
First Union Corporation ("First Union"). It is anticipated that the merger will
be consummated on or about November 28, 1997.

As a result of this merger, First Union will succeed to the investment advisory
and functions formerly performed for the funds by various units of Signet and
various unaffiliated parties.

The Board of Trustees of the Trust has approved an Agreement and Plan of
Reorganization pursuant to which, on or about February 27, 1998, all of the
assets, and certain liabilities of the Funds would be acquired in exchange for
shares of a similarly managed fund (the "Acquiring Fund") that is advised by
affiliates of First Union. The reorganizations would result in the liquidation
and termination of the Funds. Pursuant to the reorganizations, shareholders of
the Funds will receive, tax-free, the number of shares of the acquiring fund
having a value equal to the value of their shares immediately prior to the
reorganizations. Consummation of the reorganizations is subject to approval of
the shareholders of the Funds.

- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------

To the Board of Trustees and Shareholders of
 The Virtus Funds:

We have audited the accompanying statement of assets and liabilities, including
the portfolio of investments, of The Virtus Funds (comprising the following
portfolios: The U.S. Government Securities Fund, The Style Manager: Large Cap
Fund, The Style Manager Fund, The Virginia Municipal Bond Fund, The Maryland
Municipal Bond Fund, The Treasury Money Market Fund, The Money Market Fund, and
The Tax-Free Money Market Fund) as of September 30, 1997, and the related
statements of operations for the year then ended, the statements of changes in
net assets for the years ended September 30, 1997 and 1996, and the financial
highlights for the periods presented. These financial statements and financial
highlights are the responsibility of the Fund's management. Our responsibility
is to express an opinion on these financial statements and financial highlights
based on our audits.

We conducted our audits in accordance with generally accepted auditing
standards. Those standards require that we plan and perform the audit to obtain
reasonable assurance about whether the financial statements and financial
highlights are free of material misstatement. An audit includes examining, on a
test basis, evidence supporting the amounts and disclosures in the financial
statements. Our procedures included confirmation of the securities owned at
September 30, 1997 by correspondence with the custodian and brokers; where
replies were not received from brokers, we performed other auditing procedures.
An audit also includes assessing the accounting principles used and significant
estimates made by management, as well as evaluating the overall financial
statement presentation. We believe that our audits provide a reasonable basis
for our opinion.

In our opinion, such financial statements and financial highlights present
fairly, in all material respects, the financial position of The Virtus Funds as
of September 30, 1997, the results of its operations, the changes in its net
assets and its financial highlights for the respective stated periods in
conformity with generally accepted accounting principles.

As more fully described in Note 7, in November, 1997 the Funds are expected to
enter into an Agreement and Plan of Reorganization, pursuant to which (subject
to Fund shareholder approval) on or about February 27, 1998, all of the assets,
and certain liabilities of the Funds would be acquired in exchange for shares of
similarly managed funds that are advised by affiliates of First Union
Corporation. The reorganization would result in the liquidation and termination
of the Funds.

Deloitte & Touche LLP
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
November 7, 1997

TRUSTEES                              OFFICERS
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

John F. Donahue                       John F. Donahue
Thomas G. Bigley                         Chairman
John T. Conroy, Jr.                   Edward C. Gonzales
William J. Copeland                      President and Treasurer
James E. Dowd                         J. Christopher Donahue
Lawrence D. Ellis, M.D.                  Executive Vice President
Edward L. Flaherty, Jr.               John W. McGonigle
Edward C. Gonzales                       Executive Vice President and
Peter E. Madden                          Secretary
John E. Murray, Jr.                   Joseph S. Machi
Wesley W. Posvar                         Vice President and Assistant
Marjorie P. Smuts                        Treasurer
                                      Richard B. Fisher
                                         Vice President
                                      C. Grant Anderson
                                         Assistant Secretary

This report is authorized for distribution to prospective investors only when
preceded or accompanied by the Funds' prospectus which contains facts concerning
their objective and policies, management fees, expenses and other information.

                          Cusip 927913608     Cusip 927913855  Cusip 927913400
                          Cusip 927913707     Cusip 927913848  Cusip 927913301
                          Cusip 927913863     Cusip 927913830  Cusip 927913889
                          Cusip 927913871     Cusip 927913509  Cusip 927913103
                          Cusip 927913806                      Cusip 927913202

                                                             G00716-01 (11/97)


A. The graphic presentation here displayed consists of a line graph titled
"Growth of $10,000 Invested in The U.S. Government Securities Fund-Investment
Shares (the "Fund"). The corresponding components of the line graph are listed
underneath. The Fund is represented by a broken line. The Lehman Brothers
Intermediate Government Bond Index is represented by a solid line. The line
graph is a visual representation of a comparison of change in value of a
hypothetical $10,000 purchase in the Fund and The Lehman Brothers Intermediate
Government Bond Index. The "y" axis reflects the cost of the investment. The "x"
axis reflects computation periods from the Fund's start of performance, 10/16/90
through 9/30/97. The right margin reflects the ending value of the hypothetical
investment in the Fund as compared to The Lehman Brothers Intermediate
Government Bond Index; the ending values are $16,120 and $16,983, respectively.

B. The graphic presentation here displayed consists of a line graph titled
"Growth of $10,000 Invested in The U.S. Government Securities Fund-Trust Shares
(the "Fund"). The corresponding components of the line graph are listed
underneath. The Fund is represented by a broken line. The Lehman Brothers
Intermediate Government Bond Index is represented by a solid line. The line
graph is a visual representation of a comparison of change in value of a
hypothetical $10,000 purchase in the Fund and The Lehman Brothers Intermediate
Government Bond Index. The "y" axis reflects the cost of the investment. The "x"
axis reflects computation periods from the Fund's start of performance, 10/16/90
through 9/30/97. The right margin reflects the ending value of the hypothetical
investment in the Fund as compared to The Lehman Brothers Intermediate
Government Bond Index; the ending values are $16,301 and $16,983, respectively.

C. The graphic presentation here displayed consists of a line graph titled
"Growth of $10,000 Invested in The Style Manager: Large Cap Fund-Investment
Shares (the "Fund"). The corresponding components of the line graph are listed
underneath. The Fund is represented by a broken line. The Standard & Poor's 500
Index is represented by a solid line. The line graph is a visual representation
of a comparison of change in value of a hypothetical $10,000 purchase in the
Fund and The Standard & Poor's 500 Index. The "y" axis reflects the cost of the
investment. The "x" axis reflects computation periods from the Fund's start of
performance, 10/16/90 through 9/30/97. The right margin reflects the ending
value of the hypothetical investment in the Fund as compared to the Standard &
Poor's 500 Index; the ending values are $24,937 and $37,387, respectively.

D. The graphic presentation here displayed consists of a line graph titled
"Growth of $10,000 Invested in The Style Manager: Large Cap Fund-Trust Shares
(the "Fund"). The corresponding components of the line graph are listed
underneath. The Fund is represented by a broken line. The Standard & Poor's 500
Index is represented by a solid line. The line graph is a visual representation
of a comparison of change in value of a hypothetical $10,000 purchase in the
Fund and The Standard & Poor's 500 Index. The "y" axis reflects the cost of the
investment. The "x" axis reflects computation periods from the Fund's start of
performance, 10/16/90 through 9/30/97. The right margin reflects the ending
value of the hypothetical investment in the Fund as compared to the Standard &
Poor's 500 Index; the ending values are $25,208 and $37,387, respectively.

E. The graphic presentation here displayed consists of a line graph titled
"Growth of $10,000 Invested in The Style Manager Fund (the "Fund"). The
corresponding components of the line graph are listed underneath. The Fund is
represented by a broken line. The Standard & Poor's 500 Index is represented by
a solid line. The line graph is a visual representation of a comparison of
change in value of a hypothetical $10,000 purchase in the Fund and The Standard
& Poor's 500 Index. The "y" axis reflects the cost of the investment. The "x"
axis reflects computation periods from the Fund's start of performance, 3/7/95
through 9/30/97. The right margin reflects the ending value of the hypothetical
investment in the Fund as compared to the Standard & Poor's 500 Index; the
ending values are $18,536 and $20,576, respectively.

F. The graphic presentation here displayed consists of a line graph titled
"Growth of $10,000 Invested in The Virginia Municipal Bond Fund-Investment
Shares (the "Fund"). The corresponding components of the line graph are listed
underneath. The Fund is represented by a broken line. The Lehman Brothers 10
Year Municipal Bond Index is represented by a solid line. The line graph is a
visual representation of a comparison of change in value of a hypothetical
$10,000 purchase in the Fund and The Lehman Brothers 10 Year Municipal Bond
Index. The "y" axis reflects the cost of the investment. The "x" axis reflects
computation periods from the Fund's start of performance, 10/24/90 through
9/30/97. The right margin reflects the ending value of the hypothetical
investment in the Fund as compared to the Lehman Brothers 10 Year Municipal Bond
Index; the ending values are $15,433 and $17,493, respectively.

G. The graphic presentation here displayed consists of a line graph titled
"Growth of $10,000 Invested in The Virginia Municipal Bond Fund-Trust Shares
(the "Fund"). The corresponding components of the line graph are listed
underneath. The Fund is represented by a broken line. The Lehman Brothers 10
Year Municipal Bond Index is represented by a solid line. The line graph is a
visual representation of a comparison of change in value of a hypothetical
$10,000 purchase in the Fund and The Lehman Brothers 10 Year Municipal Bond
Index. The "y" axis reflects the cost of the investment. The "x" axis reflects
computation periods from the Fund's start of performance, 10/24/90 through
9/30/97. The right margin reflects the ending value of the hypothetical
investment in the Fund as compared to the Lehman Brothers 10 Year Municipal Bond
Index; the ending values are $15,605 and $17,493, respectively.

H. The graphic presentation here displayed consists of a line graph titled
"Growth of $10,000 Invested in The Maryland Municipal Bond Fund-Investment
Shares (the "Fund"). The corresponding components of the line graph are listed
underneath. The Fund is represented by a broken line. The Lehman Brothers 10
Year Municipal Bond Index is represented by a solid line. The line graph is a
visual representation of a comparison of change in value of a hypothetical
$10,000 purchase in the Fund and The Lehman Brothers 10 Year Municipal Bond
Index. The "y" axis reflects the cost of the investment. The "x" axis reflects
computation periods from the Fund's start of performance, 10/30/90 through
9/30/97. The right margin reflects the ending value of the hypothetical
investment in the Fund as compared to the Lehman Brothers 10 Year Municipal Bond
Index; the ending values are $14,974 and $17,493, respectively.

I. The graphic presentation here displayed consists of a line graph titled
"Growth of $10,000 Invested in The Maryland Municipal Bond Fund-Trust Shares
(the "Fund"). The corresponding components of the line graph are listed
underneath. The Fund is represented by a broken line. The Lehman Brothers 10
Year Municipal Bond Index is represented by a solid line. The line graph is a
visual representation of a comparison of change in value of a hypothetical
$10,000 purchase in the Fund and The Lehman Brothers 10 Year Municipal Bond
Index. The "y" axis reflects the cost of the investment. The "x" axis reflects
computation periods from the Fund's start of performance, 10/30/90 through
9/30/97. The right margin reflects the ending value of the hypothetical
investment in the Fund as compared to the Lehman Brothers 10 Year Municipal Bond
Index; the ending values are $15,142 and $17,493, respectively.

                                  Money Market

                    (Photo of mountains, stream, and trees)

                               1997 Annual Report

                       (Evergreen Tree Symbol Goes Here)
                              Evergreen Funds (sm)
                                   Since 1932

(Evergreen Graphic
  Goes Here)

                               TABLE OF CONTENTS

Letter to Shareholders...............................      1
  Evergreen Money Market Fund........................      2
  Evergreen Pennsylvania Tax-Free Money Market
     Fund............................................      3
  Evergreen Tax Exempt Money Market
     Fund............................................      4
  Evergreen Treasury Money Market Fund...............      5
  Evergreen Money Market Fund........................      6
  Evergreen Pennsylvania Tax-Free Money Market
     Fund............................................      9
  Evergreen Tax Exempt Money Market
     Fund............................................     10
  Evergreen Treasury Money Market Fund...............     11
  Evergreen Money Market Fund........................     12
  Evergreen Pennsylvania Tax-Free Money Market
     Fund............................................     17
  Evergreen Tax Exempt Money Market
     Fund............................................     20
  Evergreen Treasury Money Market Fund...............     29
Statements of Assets and Liabilities.................     31
Statements of Operations.............................     32
Statements of Changes in Net Assets..................     33
Combined Notes to Financial Statements...............     35
Report of Independent Accountants--
  Price Waterhouse LLP...............................     41
Independent Auditors' Report--
  KPMG Peat Marwick LLP..............................     42
Federal Income Tax Status of Distributions...........     43

                            ABOUT EVERGREEN KEYSTONE

Since 1971, the Evergreen Funds have been providing investors with a proven,
value-driven approach to equity investment management. For over 60 years of
changing economic conditions, Keystone has taken pride in helping investors meet
their financial goals through a broad range of financial products and services.
Combined, Evergreen Keystone offers over 70 funds designed to meet a broad range
of objectives, including fixed-income, balanced, growth and income, and
aggressive growth. Assets under management total more than $30 billion.


                             LETTER TO SHAREHOLDERS       (Evergreen Graphic
                                  October 1997                Goes Here)

                     (Photo of William M Ennis Goes Here)

                                WILLIAM M. ENNIS

Dear Shareholders:

Money market funds did their job during the past year.

During a period when both the stock and bond markets delivered generous returns,
although with some short-term instability, money market funds provided investors
with an opportunity to receive competitive current income, to maintain
liquidity, and to have a safe harbor from the fluctuations of riskier parts of
the capital markets.

During the year, the U.S. economy continued its extraordinary performance.
Unemployment neared 24-year lows, the Gross Domestic Product grew strongly, and
consumer confidence soared. Through it all, inflation remained benign, despite
the exceptional growth and low unemployment.

This near-perfect environment was interrupted briefly in March when Federal
Reserve Board Chairman Alan Greenspan, in an appearance before Congress,
suggested that it was necessary that the Federal Reserve Board raise short-term
rates to curb potential inflation. On March 25, the board did just that, raising
the Fed Funds rate by one-quarter of one-percent. Subsequently, the economy
continued its healthy, non-inflationary pace of growth, and the board did not
change rates again for the remainder of your fund's fiscal year, which ended on
August 31, 1997.

In the bond market, after the rates jumped up in March, they started a gradual
decline during the following two months. As measured by the three-month Treasury
Bill, interest rates bottomed out at 4.84% on June 2, then climbed steadily
before closing at 5.22% on the final business day of August.

Throughout this period, your Evergreen money market funds retained their $1.00
net asset values, while income tended to move with changes in market rates.
These funds proved to be an excellent place for assets of those investors who
wanted a relatively safe place for their money, either because they wanted
liquidity or because they were concerned about volatility in the markets.

I am delighted to inform you that Evergreen Keystone has successfully integrated
all service functions of Evergreen and Keystone Funds. This means that you now
have full exchange privileges among all Evergreen and Keystone America funds. In
addition, you will be receiving the top-flight service that earned Evergreen
Keystone the 1996 Dalbar Quality Tested Service Seal, the highest award for
mutual fund service presented by Dalbar, an independent mutual fund survey and
rating firm.

In the following pages, we provide specific information about each Evergreen
money market fund. We present this information in a new format that makes
information easily accessible. We are very interested in hearing your thoughts
on this new format, and we welcome your suggestions.


                                         /s/ Bill Ennis

                                         WILLIAM M. ENNIS
                                         MANAGING DIRECTOR


                                MONEY MARKET FUND

(Evergreen Graphic
  Goes Here)

                                FUND AT A GLANCE
                             As of August 31, 1997

                                              AVERAGE ANNUALIZED TOTAL
                                                      RETURNS                            YIELDS & DISTRIBUTIONS
                                             --------------------------                  -----------------------
SHARE     INCEPTION                          3         5         SINCE        7-DAY YIELD     30-DAY YIELD       12-MONTH

  A        1/4/95     4.95%       --         --        --        5.10%           4.91%            4.90%           $0.05
  B       1/26/95     4.22%     -0.78%       --        --        4.36%1          4.20%            4.20%           $0.04

  C        8/1/97       --        --         --        --          --            4.20%            4.20%           $0.0042

  K        8/1/97       --        --         --        --          --            4.90%             --             $0.0042

  Y       11/2/87     5.27%       --       5.34%     4.54%       5.91%           5.20%            5.20%           $0.05



TOTAL NET ASSETS (ALL CLASSES):   $3,465,323,866

AVERAGE MATURITY:                 80 days

OBJECTIVE: Stability of principal and competitive income

STRATEGY: Invests in high quality
            money market instruments

                             PORTFOLIO COMPOSITION

(Pie chart appears here with the following plot points.)

U.S. Gov't and other Agency      0.5%
Bankers' Acceptance              3.7%
Corp. Notes/Bonds                5.5%
Certificates of Deposit         12.9%
Commercial Paper                77.4%

                  Ethel B. Sutton joined Lieber & Co. in 1985 and has fifteen
                  years experience managing portfolios of money market
                  instruments. At Lieber & Co., she is Vice President-
                  Investments of Evergreen Money Market Trust, which she has
(Photo of         managed since its inception in 1987. Prior to joining Lieber &
Ethel B.          Co., Mrs. Sutton was Money Market Manager from 1980-1985 for
Sutton            Avco Corporation's Paul Revere Life Insurance Company and its
Appears           U.S. and Canadian subsidiaries, as well as for the credit life
Here)             and casualty companies of Avco Financial Services. Mrs. Sutton
                  is a graduate of Mount Holyoke College where she received a
                  B.A. degree in English.



                   PENNSYLVANIA TAX-FREE MONEY MARKET FUND    (Evergreen Graphic
                                                                 Goes Here)

                                FUND AT A GLANCE
                             As of August 31, 1997

                                   AVERAGE ANNUALIZED TOTAL
                                           RETURNS                            YIELDS & DISTRIBUTIONS
                                 ------------------------------             ---------------------------
SHARE     INCEPTION               3         5         SINCE        7-DAY YIELD     30-DAY YIELD       12-MONTH

  A       8/22/95     3.05%       --        --        3.10%           2.89%            2.87%           $0.03
  Y       8/15/91     3.15%     3.31%     2.87%       2.98%           2.99%            2.97%           $0.03


AVERAGE MATURITY:                 40 days

OBJECTIVE: Stability of principal and tax-free income

STRATEGY: Invests in short-term tax-free securities issued
          in Pennsylvania

                             PORTFOLIO COMPOSITION

(Pie chart appears here with the following plot points.)

General Market Notes          4.5%
Put or Option Tender Bonds    8.0%
Cash Equivalents              8.5%
Revenue & General
 Obligation Bonds            22.5%
Variable Rate Notes          56.5%

              Diane Beaver joined First Union in 1992. Ms. Beaver has over 14
              years of investment experience. She currently manages the
              Pennsylvania Tax-Free Money Market Fund, co-manages the Evergreen
              Institutional Tax-Free Money Market Fund, and is responsible for
              purchasing municipal bonds for individual trust accounts. Ms.
              Beaver is an active participant in the Carolina Women in
              Investments organization. She graduated from Lenoir Ryhne College
              in 1973 with a B.A. in History and Sociology.
 (Photo of
Diane Beaver
 Goes Here)



                           TAX EXEMPT MONEY MARKET FUND
(Evergreen Graphic
  Goes Here)

                                FUND AT A GLANCE
                             As of August 31, 1997

                                   AVERAGE ANNUALIZED TOTAL
                                           RETURNS                            YIELDS & DISTRIBUTIONS
                                 ----------------------------              -----------------------------
SHARE     INCEPTION               3         5         SINCE        7-DAY YIELD     30-DAY YIELD       12-MONTH
  A        1/5/95     3.13%       --        --        3.24%           2.89%            2.93%           $0.03
  Y       11/2/88     3.44%     3.52%     3.13%       4.13%           3.19%            3.23%           $0.03


TOTAL NET ASSETS (ALL CLASSES):   $1,044,426,214

AVERAGE MATURITY:                 36 days

OBJECTIVE: Stability of principal and tax-free income

STRATEGY: Invests in short-term municipal securities

                             PORTFOLIO COMPOSITION

(Pie chart appears here with the following plot points.)

Anticipation Notes           4.2%
Commercial Paper and Bonds   7.0%
Put Bonds                   15.5%
Variable Rate Demand Notes  73.3%

              Steven C. Shachat joined Lieber & Co. in 1988 and has been
              managing short-term tax-exempt investments. He is Portfolio
              Manager of Evergreen Tax-Exempt Money Market Fund and Evergreen
              Short-Intermediate Municipal Fund. Prior to joining Lieber & Co.,
              Mr. Shachat was employed by Mitchell Hutchings Asset Management
              Inc., a subsidiary of Paine Webber Inc., as a Portfolio Manager of
              the Paine Webber Resource Management Account Tax-Free Fund. His
              previous experience was with Donald Sheldon & Co., a firm
              specializing in tax-exempt securities. Mr. Shachat earned a B.S.
              degree from Boston University.

   (Photo of
Steven C. Shachat
   Goes Here)



                            TREASURY MONEY MARKET FUND  (Evergreen Graphic
                                                            Goes Here)

                                FUND AT A GLANCE
                             As of August 31, 1997


                                   AVERAGE ANNUALIZED TOTAL
                                           RETURNS                            YIELDS & DISTRIBUTIONS
                               --------------------------------           -------------------------------
SHARE     INCEPTION               3         5         SINCE        7-DAY YIELD     30-DAY YIELD       12-MONTH

  A        3/6/91     4.82%     4.98%     4.17%       4.27%           4.87%            4.89%           $0.05
  Y        3/6/91     5.14%     5.30%     4.48%       4.57%           5.18%            5.18%           $0.05


TOTAL NET ASSETS (ALL CLASSES):   $3,031,680,413

AVERAGE MATURITY:                 51 days

OBJECTIVE: Stability of principal and current income

STRATEGY: Invests in short-term U.S. Treasuries and
          repurchase agreements

                             PORTFOLIO COMPOSITION

(Pie chart appears here with the following plot points.)

Mutual Fund Shares      1.4%
U.S. Treasury Notes    27.6%
Repurchase Agreements    71%

              Kellie Allen has over 11 years of investment experience. She is
              Vice President and Fixed Income Portfolio Manager. She manages
              three money market and short-term funds as well as several
              separately managed accounts and has responsibility for a total of
              $2.4 billion in assets. Ms. Allen started at First Union as an
              equity trader in 1986. Prior to joining First Union, she worked as
              an equity trader for First Tennessee Bank in Memphis, TN.

 (Photo of
Kellie Allen
 Goes Here)



                                MONEY MARKET FUND

(Evergreen Graphic
  Goes Here)

                              FINANCIAL HIGHLIGHTS

                                                                                                                 JANUARY 4, 1995
                                                                                         YEAR ENDED              (COMMENCEMENT OF
                                                                                         AUGUST 31,            CLASS OPERATIONS) TO
                                                                                      1997         1996          AUGUST 31, 1995
NET ASSET VALUE BEGINNING OF YEAR.................................................   $ 1.00       $ 1.00              $ 1.00
Net investment income.............................................................     0.05         0.05                0.03
Less distributions to shareholders from net investment income.....................    (0.05)       (0.05)              (0.03)
NET ASSET VALUE END OF YEAR.......................................................   $ 1.00       $ 1.00              $ 1.00
Total return......................................................................     4.95%        5.05%               3.53%
  Total expenses..................................................................     0.79%        0.75%               0.81%(a)
  Total expenses excluding indirectly paid expenses...............................     0.79%          --                  --
  Total expenses excluding waivers and/or reimbursements..........................     0.88%        0.89%               1.02%(a)
  Net investment income...........................................................     4.87%        4.86%               5.26%(a)
NET ASSETS END OF YEAR (MILLIONS).................................................   $2,803       $1,755              $  685

(a) Annualized.

                                                                                                                  JANUARY 26, 1995
                                                                                          YEAR ENDED              (COMMENCEMENT OF
                                                                                          AUGUST 31,            CLASS OPERATIONS) TO
                                                                                       1997         1996          AUGUST 31, 1995
NET ASSET VALUE BEGINNING OF YEAR..................................................   $ 1.00       $ 1.00              $ 1.00
Net investment income..............................................................     0.04         0.04                0.03
Less distributions to shareholders from net investment income......................    (0.04)       (0.04)              (0.03)
NET ASSET VALUE END OF YEAR........................................................   $ 1.00       $ 1.00              $ 1.00
Total return (a)...................................................................     4.22%        4.31%               2.78%
  Total expenses...................................................................     1.49%        1.45%               1.51%(b)
  Total expenses excluding indirectly paid expenses................................     1.49%          --                  --
  Total expenses excluding waivers and/or reimbursements...........................     1.55%        1.59%               2.39%(b)
  Net investment income............................................................     4.16%        4.18%               4.54%(b)
NET ASSETS END OF YEAR (MILLIONS)..................................................   $   23       $   10              $    8

(a) Excluding applicable sales charges.
(b) Annualized.



                                MONEY MARKET FUND          (Evergreen Graphic
                                                                Goes Here)
                         FINANCIAL HIGHLIGHTS (CONTINUED)

                                                                                                               AUGUST 1, 1997
                                                                                                              (COMMENCEMENT OF
                                                                                                            CLASS OPERATIONS) TO
                                                                                                              AUGUST 31, 1997
NET ASSET VALUE BEGINNING OF PERIOD......................................................................          $ 1.00
Net investment income....................................................................................            0.00(c)
Less distributions to shareholders from net investment income............................................           (0.00)(c)
NET ASSET VALUE END OF PERIOD............................................................................          $ 1.00
Total return (a).........................................................................................            0.37%
  Total expenses.........................................................................................            1.67%(b)
  Total expenses excluding indirectly paid expenses......................................................            1.66%(b)
  Total expenses excluding waivers and/or reimbursements.................................................            1.69%(b)
  Net investment income..................................................................................            4.42%(b)
NET ASSETS END OF PERIOD (MILLIONS)......................................................................          $    5

(a) Excluding applicable sales charges.
(b) Annualized.
(c) Represents an amount less than $0.01 per share.

                                                                                                               AUGUST 1, 1997
                                                                                                              (COMMENCEMENT OF
                                                                                                            CLASS OPERATIONS) TO
                                                                                                              AUGUST 31, 1997
NET ASSET VALUE BEGINNING OF PERIOD......................................................................         $   1.00
Net investment income....................................................................................             0.00(c)
Less distributions to shareholders from net investment income............................................            (0.00)(c)
NET ASSET VALUE END OF PERIOD............................................................................         $   1.00
Total return (a).........................................................................................             0.38%
  Total expenses.........................................................................................             0.88%(b)
  Total expenses excluding indirectly paid expenses......................................................             0.87%(b)
  Total expenses excluding waivers and/or reimbursements.................................................             0.91%(b)
  Net investment income..................................................................................             4.90%(b)
NET ASSETS END OF PERIOD (THOUSANDS).....................................................................         $    105

(a) Excluding applicable sales charges.
(b) Annualized.
(c) Represents an amount less than $0.01 per share.



                                MONEY MARKET FUND
(Evergreen Graphic
    Goes Here)
                        FINANCIAL HIGHLIGHTS (CONTINUED)

                                                                                     YEAR ENDED AUGUST 31,
                                                                                   1997       1996       1995
NET ASSET VALUE BEGINNING OF YEAR..............................................   $ 1.00     $ 1.00     $ 1.00
                                                                                  =======    =======    =======
Net investment income..........................................................     0.05       0.05       0.05
Less distributions to shareholders from net investment income..................    (0.05)     (0.05)     (0.05)
                                                                                  -------    -------    -------
NET ASSET VALUE END OF YEAR....................................................   $ 1.00     $ 1.00     $ 1.00
                                                                                  =======    =======    =======
Total return...................................................................     5.27%      5.36%      5.38%
  Total expenses...............................................................     0.48%      0.45%      0.53%
  Total expenses excluding indirectly paid expenses............................     0.48%        --         --
  Total expenses excluding waivers and/or reimbursements.......................     0.54%      0.59%      0.73%
  Net investment income........................................................     5.13%      5.16%      5.26%
NET ASSETS END OF YEAR (MILLIONS)..............................................   $  635     $  671     $  283

                                                                                     TEN MONTHS
                                                                                 AUGUST 31, 1994(B)
NET ASSET VALUE BEGINNING OF YEAR..............................................        $ 1.00
Net investment income..........................................................          0.03
Less distributions to shareholders from net investment income..................         (0.03)
NET ASSET VALUE END OF YEAR....................................................        $ 1.00
Total return...................................................................          2.92%
  Total expenses...............................................................          0.32%(a)
  Total expenses excluding indirectly paid expenses............................            --
  Total expenses excluding waivers and/or reimbursements.......................          0.71%(a)
  Net investment income........................................................          3.46%(a)
NET ASSETS END OF YEAR (MILLIONS)..............................................        $  273

                                                                             YEAR ENDED OCTOBER 31,
                                                                1993       1992       1991       1990       1989
CLASS Y SHARES (continued)
NET ASSET VALUE BEGINNING OF YEAR...........................   $ 1.00     $ 1.00     $ 1.00     $ 1.00     $ 1.00
                                                               =======    =======    =======    =======    =======
Net investment income.......................................     0.03       0.04       0.07       0.08       0.09
Less distributions to shareholders from net investment
  income....................................................    (0.03)     (0.04)     (0.07)     (0.08)     (0.09)
                                                                -------   --------   --------   --------   --------
NET ASSET VALUE END OF YEAR.................................   $ 1.00     $ 1.00     $ 1.00     $ 1.00     $ 1.00
                                                                =======   ========   ========   ========
Total return................................................     3.23%      4.23%      6.73%      8.40%      9.39%
  Total expenses............................................     0.39%      0.36%      0.30%      0.35%      0.38%
  Total expenses excluding indirectly paid expenses.........       --         --         --         --         --
  Total expenses excluding waivers and/or reimbursements....     0.71%      0.72%      0.70%      0.69%      0.75%
  Net investment income.....................................     3.19%      4.18%      6.53%      8.08%      9.42%
NET ASSETS END OF YEAR (MILLIONS)...........................   $  299     $  358     $  438     $  458     $  408

                                                                NOVEMBER 2, 1987
                                                                (COMMENCEMENT OF
                                                                CLASS OPERATIONS)
                                                                TO OCTOBER 31,

CLASS Y SHARES (continued)
NET ASSET VALUE BEGINNING OF YEAR...........................         $ 1.00
Net investment income.......................................           0.07
Less distributions to shareholders from net investment
  income....................................................          (0.07)
NET ASSET VALUE END OF YEAR.................................         $ 1.00
Total return................................................           7.37%
  Total expenses............................................           0.43%(a)
  Total expenses excluding indirectly paid expenses.........             --
  Total expenses excluding waivers and/or reimbursements....           0.93%(a)
  Net investment income.....................................           7.26%(a)
NET ASSETS END OF YEAR (MILLIONS)...........................         $  161

(a)  Annualized.
(b) The Fund changed its fiscal year end from October 31 to August 31.



                                                            (Evergreen Graphic
                                                                 Goes Here)
                              FINANCIAL HIGHLIGHTS

                                                                                                                 AUGUST 22, 1995
                                                                                            SIX MONTHS           (COMMENCEMENT OF
                                                                       YEAR ENDED              ENDED           CLASS OPERATIONS) TO
                                                                     AUGUST 31, 1997    AUGUST 31, 1996 (B)     FEBRUARY 29, 1996
NET ASSET VALUE BEGINNING OF YEAR.................................       $  1.00              $  1.00                 $ 1.00
                                                                         ========             ========                =======
Net investment income.............................................          0.03                 0.01                   0.02
Less distributions to shareholders from net investment income.....         (0.03)               (0.01)                 (0.02)
                                                                          -------             --------                -------
NET ASSET VALUE END OF YEAR.......................................       $  1.00              $  1.00                 $ 1.00
                                                                         ========             ========                =======
Total return......................................................          3.05%                1.49%                  1.72%
  Total expenses..................................................          0.60%                0.55%(a)               0.47%(a)
  Total expenses excluding indirectly paid expenses...............          0.60%                  --                     --
  Total expenses excluding waivers and/or reimbursements..........          0.89%                0.96%(a)               1.08%(a)
Net investment income.............................................          3.01%                2.97%(a)               3.14%(a)
NET ASSETS END OF YEAR (MILLIONS).................................       $    36              $    22                 $    4

(a) Annualized.
(b) The Fund changed its fiscal year end from February 28 to August 31.

                                                   SIX MONTHS          YEAR ENDED
                              YEAR ENDED              ENDED           FEBRUARY 29,      YEAR ENDED FEBRUARY 28,
                            AUGUST 31, 1997    AUGUST 31, 1996 (B)        1996         1995       1994       1993
  OF YEAR................       $  1.00              $  1.00             $ 1.00       $ 1.00     $ 1.00     $ 1.00
                                ========             ========            =======      =======    =======    =======
Net investment income....          0.03                 0.01               0.03         0.03       0.02       0.03
Less distributions to
  shareholders from net
  investment income......         (0.03)               (0.01)             (0.03)       (0.03)     (0.02)     (0.03)
                                --------              -------            -------      --------   -------     -------
  END OF YEAR............       $  1.00              $  1.00             $ 1.00       $ 1.00     $ 1.00     $ 1.00
                                =========            ========            =======      ========   =======    ========
Total return.............          3.15%                1.51%              3.55%        2.81%      2.10%      2.68%
  Total expenses.........          0.50%                0.50%(a)           0.37%        0.33%      0.47%      0.35%
  Total expenses
    excluding indirectly
    expenses.............          0.50%                  --                 --           --         --         --
  Total expenses
    excluding waivers
    reimbursements.......          0.60%                0.66%(a)           0.73%        1.05%      1.26%      1.07%
  Net investment
    income...............          3.10%                2.92%(a)           3.42%        3.09%      2.10%      2.62%
  (MILLIONS).............       $    32              $    48             $   83       $   44     $   14     $   16

                             AUGUST 15, 1991
                            (COMMENCEMENT OF
                           CLASS OPERATIONS) TO
                            FEBRUARY 29, 1992
  OF YEAR................         $ 1.00
Net investment income....           0.02
Less distributions to
  shareholders from net
  investment income......          (0.02)
  END OF YEAR............         $ 1.00
Total return.............           2.20%
  Total expenses.........           0.19%(a)
  Total expenses
    excluding indirectly
    expenses.............             --
  Total expenses
    excluding waivers
    reimbursements.......           0.77%(a)
  Net investment
    income...............           3.90%(a)
  (MILLIONS).............         $   21

(a) Annualized.
(b) The Fund changed its fiscal year end from February 28 to August 31.



                               TAX EXEMPT MONEY MARKET FUND
(Evergreen Graphic
  Goes Here)
                              FINANCIAL HIGHLIGHTS

                                                                                         YEAR ENDED               JANUARY 5, 1995
                                                                                         AUGUST 31,               (COMMENCEMENT OF
                                                                                     -----------------          CLASS OPERATIONS) TO
                                                                                     1997          1996           AUGUST 31, 1995
NET ASSET VALUE BEGINNING OF YEAR................................................   $ 1.00        $ 1.00               $ 1.00
                                                                                    =======       =======              =======
Net investment income............................................................     0.03          0.03                 0.02
Less distributions to shareholders from net investment income....................    (0.03)        (0.03)               (0.02)
                                                                                    --------      -------              -------
NET ASSET VALUE END OF YEAR......................................................   $ 1.00        $ 1.00               $ 1.00
                                                                                    ========      =======              =======
Total return.....................................................................     3.13%         3.22%                2.24%
  Total expenses.................................................................     0.83%         0.79%                0.78%(a)
  Total expenses excluding indirectly paid expenses..............................     0.83%           --                   --
  Total expenses excluding waivers and/or reimbursements.........................     0.86%         0.90%                0.90%(a)
  Net investment income..........................................................     3.09%         3.14%                3.28%(a)
NET ASSETS END OF YEAR (MILLIONS)................................................   $  667        $  661               $  555

(a) Annualized.

                                                                             YEAR ENDED AUGUST 31,
                                                      1997     1996     1995     1994     1993     1992     1991     1990
NET ASSET VALUE BEGINNING OF YEAR..................  $ 1.00   $ 1.00   $ 1.00   $ 1.00   $ 1.00   $ 1.00   $ 1.00   $ 1.00
Net investment income..............................    0.03     0.03     0.04     0.02     0.03     0.04     0.05     0.06
Less distributions to shareholders from net
  investment income................................   (0.03)   (0.03)   (0.04)   (0.02)   (0.03)   (0.04)   (0.05)   (0.06)
NET ASSET VALUE END OF YEAR........................  $ 1.00   $ 1.00   $ 1.00   $ 1.00   $ 1.00   $ 1.00   $ 1.00   $ 1.00
Total return.......................................    3.44%    3.53%    3.59%    2.50%    2.61%    3.73%    5.46%    6.15%
  Total expenses...................................    0.53%    0.49%    0.50%    0.34%    0.34%    0.32%    0.28%    0.31%
  Total expenses excluding indirectly paid
    expenses.......................................    0.53%      --       --       --       --       --       --       --
  Total expenses excluding waivers and/or
    reimbursements.................................    0.55%    0.60%    0.63%    0.64%    0.63%    0.63%    0.66%    0.71%
  Net investment income............................    3.37%    3.44%    3.53%    2.47%    2.58%    3.72%    5.23%    5.94%
NET ASSETS END OF YEAR (MILLIONS)..................  $  378   $  617   $  421   $  402   $  401   $  417   $  510   $  311

                                                      NOVEMBER 2,
                                                       OF CLASS
                                                     TO AUGUST 31,
NET ASSET VALUE BEGINNING OF YEAR..................     $  1.00
Net investment income..............................        0.05
Less distributions to shareholders from net
  investment income................................       (0.05)
NET ASSET VALUE END OF YEAR........................     $  1.00
Total return.......................................        5.51%
  Total expenses...................................        0.24%(a)
  Total expenses excluding indirectly paid
    expenses.......................................          --
  Total expenses excluding waivers and/or
    reimbursements.................................        0.79%(a)
  Net investment income............................        6.77%(a)
NET ASSETS END OF YEAR (MILLIONS)..................     $   109

(a) Annualized.



                            TREASURY MONEY MARKET FUND

                                                    (Evergreen Graphic
                                                          Goes Here)

                              FINANCIAL HIGHLIGHTS

                                                                          EIGHT MONTHS
                                                          YEAR ENDED         ENDED                YEAR ENDED
                                                          AUGUST 31,       AUGUST 31,            DECEMBER 31,
                                                        1997      1996      1995 (B)       1994      1993      1992
NET ASSET VALUE BEGINNING OF YEAR....................  $ 1.00    $ 1.00      $ 1.00       $ 1.00    $ 1.00    $ 1.00
Net investment income................................    0.05      0.05        0.03         0.04      0.03      0.03
Less distributions to shareholders from net
  investment income..................................   (0.05)    (0.05)      (0.03)       (0.04)    (0.03)    (0.03)
NET ASSET VALUE END OF YEAR..........................  $ 1.00    $ 1.00      $ 1.00       $ 1.00    $ 1.00    $ 1.00
Total return.........................................    4.82%     4.98%       3.58%        3.75%     2.73%     3.36%
  Total expenses.....................................    0.72%     0.69%       0.63%(a)     0.50%     0.48%     0.48%
  Total expenses excluding indirectly paid
    expenses.........................................    0.72%       --          --           --        --        --
  Total expenses excluding waivers and/or
    reimbursements...................................    0.72%     0.77%       0.79%(a)     0.78%     0.82%     0.82%
  Net investment income..............................    4.73%     4.76%       5.30%(a)     3.91%     2.70%     3.22%
NET ASSETS END OF YEAR (MILLIONS)....................  $2,485    $2,608      $1,178       $  755    $  261    $  209

                                                          MARCH 6, 1991
                                                         (COMMENCEMENT OF
                                                       CLASS OPERATIONS) TO
                                                        DECEMBER 31, 1991
NET ASSET VALUE BEGINNING OF YEAR....................         $ 1.00
Net investment income................................           0.04
Less distributions to shareholders from net
  investment income..................................          (0.04)
NET ASSET VALUE END OF YEAR..........................         $ 1.00
Total return.........................................           4.46%
  Total expenses.....................................           0.47%(a)
  Total expenses excluding indirectly paid
    expenses.........................................             --
  Total expenses excluding waivers and/or
    reimbursements...................................           1.08%(a)
  Net investment income..............................           4.95%(a)
NET ASSETS END OF YEAR (MILLIONS)....................         $  100

(a) Annualized.
(b) The Fund changed its fiscal year end from December 31 to August 31.

                                                                          EIGHT MONTHS
                                                          YEAR ENDED         ENDED                YEAR ENDED
                                                          AUGUST 31,       AUGUST 31,            DECEMBER 31,
                                                        1997      1996      1995 (B)       1994      1993      1992
NET ASSET VALUE BEGINNING OF YEAR....................  $ 1.00    $ 1.00      $ 1.00       $ 1.00    $ 1.00    $ 1.00
Net investment income................................    0.05      0.05        0.04         0.04      0.03      0.04
Less distributions to shareholders from net
  investment income..................................   (0.05)    (0.05)      (0.04)       (0.04)    (0.03)    (0.04)
NET ASSET VALUE END OF YEAR..........................  $ 1.00    $ 1.00      $ 1.00       $ 1.00    $ 1.00    $ 1.00
Total return.........................................    5.14%     5.29%       3.78%        4.06%     3.04%     3.67%
  Total expenses.....................................    0.42%     0.39%       0.33%(a)     0.20%     0.18%     0.17%
  Total expenses excluding indirectly paid
    expenses.........................................    0.42%       --          --           --        --        --
  Total expenses excluding waivers and/or
    reimbursements...................................    0.43%     0.47%       0.49%(a)     0.48%     0.52%     0.52%
  Net investment income..............................    5.02%     5.12%       5.60%(a)     3.78%     3.00%     3.61%
NET ASSETS END OF YEAR (MILLIONS)....................  $  547    $  760      $  277       $  163    $  366    $  286

                                                          MARCH 6, 1991
                                                         (COMMENCEMENT OF
                                                       CLASS OPERATIONS) TO
                                                        DECEMBER 31, 1991
NET ASSET VALUE BEGINNING OF YEAR....................         $ 1.00
Net investment income................................           0.05
Less distributions to shareholders from net
  investment income..................................          (0.05)
NET ASSET VALUE END OF YEAR..........................         $ 1.00
Total return.........................................           4.66%
  Total expenses.....................................           0.20%(a)
  Total expenses excluding indirectly paid
    expenses.........................................             --
  Total expenses excluding waivers and/or
    reimbursements...................................           0.52%(a)
  Net investment income..............................           5.53%(a)
NET ASSETS END OF YEAR (MILLIONS)....................         $  265

(a) Annualized.
(b) The Fund changed its fiscal year end from December 31 to August 31.



                                MONEY MARKET FUND
 (Evergreen Graphic
  Goes Here)
                            SCHEDULE OF INVESTMENTS
                                August 31, 1997

  AMOUNT                                            VALUE
  (cost $3,995,621)
$ 4,000,000   Bank Of Hawaii Nassau,
                5.63%, 9/8/97................... $    3,995,621

 30,000,000   Bank Of Tokyo Mitsubishi
                5.70%, 12/31/97.................     29,425,250
 14,200,000   Dai-Ichi Kangyo Bank,
                5.70%, 12/9/97..................     13,977,415
              Fuji Bank Limited New York:
 10,000,000   5.62%, 2/2/98.....................      9,759,589
 13,000,000   5.70%, 1/5/98.....................     12,740,650
 10,000,000   5.77%, 1/5/98.....................      9,798,050
              Fuji Bank Limited:
 10,000,000   5.68%, 9/10/97....................      9,985,800
 16,000,000   5.74%, 10/6/97....................     15,910,711
  8,000,000   5.86%, 10/28/97...................      7,925,773
              Sanwa Bank Limited:
  5,700,000   5.63%, 12/2/97....................      5,617,990
  8,100,000   5.66%, 9/16/97....................      8,080,897
                YANKEE & EURO DOLLAR
                (COST $123,222,125).............    123,222,125

 25,000,000   Bank Brussels Lambert America
                5.85%, 1/9/98...................     25,000,000
  5,000,000   Bank of New York,
                5.93%, 9/3/97...................      4,999,970
 50,000,000   Bank Of Nova Scotia,
                5.81%, 8/5/98...................     49,986,704
 25,000,000   Banque National De Paris,
                5.86%, 1/23/98..................     25,000,000
 25,000,000   Bayerische Vereinsbank AG,
                5.76%, 12/19/97.................     25,000,000
 25,000,000   Bayerische Vereinsbank AG, New
                6.15%, 5/11/98..................     25,000,000
 25,000,000   Canadian Imperial Bank of
                5.70%, 1/2/98...................     25,000,000
  5,000,000   Commerzbank AG, New York
                5.67%, 9/18/97..................      4,999,704
              Deutsche Bank AG:
  5,000,000   5.91%, 3/17/98....................      4,999,226
 25,000,000   6.00%, 9/23/97....................     25,000,000
 25,000,000   National Bank of Canada,
                5.50%, 11/14/97.................     25,000,000

  AMOUNT                                            VALUE
$50,000,000   National Bank Of Canada, New
                6.00%, 6/26/98.................. $   50,000,000
              Rabobank Nederland N.V.:
  5,000,000   5.78%, 12/8/97....................      5,002,961
  1,000,000   5.99%, 3/24/98....................        998,835
              Societe Generale:
 25,000,000   5.70%, 12/16/97...................     25,000,000
 25,000,000   5.70%, 1/2/98.....................     25,000,000
 25,000,000   5.80%, 1/9/98.....................     25,000,000
 25,000,000   Societe Generale (New York),
                5.66%, 2/23/98..................     25,000,000
 50,000,000   Svenska Handlesbanken Inc.,
                5.96%, 8/13/98..................     49,981,880
                (COST $445,969,280).............    445,969,280

                MANUFACTURING-- 0.6%
 22,500,000   BMW U.S. Capital Corp.,
                5.53%, 11/10/97.................     22,258,063
              BANK HOLDING COMPANIES-- 16.4%
  5,000,000   ABN Amro North America,
                5.52%, 11/10/97.................      4,946,333
 25,000,000   Bankers Trust Company,
                6.145%, 5/28/98.................     24,998,242
              Bankers Trust New York Corp.:
 25,000,000   5.48%, 10/20/97...................     24,813,528
 25,000,000   5.51%, 10/10/97...................     24,850,771
              Chiao Tung Bank:
 20,000,000   5.55%, 12/11/97...................     19,688,583
 24,900,000   5.57%, 11/3/97....................     24,657,287
 25,000,000   5.70%, 12/11/97...................     24,600,209
 50,000,000   5.75%, 10/9/97....................     49,696,528
              Export Import Bank Korea:
 46,500,000   5.63%, 10/10/97...................     46,216,389
 50,000,000   5.67%, 10/7/97....................     49,716,500
              Industrial Bank Korea:
 10,000,000   5.70%, 9/15/97....................      9,977,833
 10,000,000   5.70%, 10/7/97....................      9,943,000
 15,000,000   5.72%, 9/26/97....................     14,940,417
  9,700,000   5.78%, 11/4/97....................      9,600,327
 25,000,000   5.85%, 9/26/97....................     24,898,438
              Korea Development Bank:
 11,000,000   5.63%, 9/22/97....................     10,963,874
 40,000,000   5.65%, 9/3/97.....................     39,987,444
 25,000,000   5.70%, 10/7/97....................     24,857,500
 20,000,000   5.75%, 10/23/97...................     19,833,889
              Sumitomo Bank Capital Mkts., Inc.:
 26,223,000   5.70%, 10/6/97....................     26,077,681
 33,000,000   5.73%, 9/18/97....................     32,910,707



                                MONEY MARKET FUND
                                                    (Evergreen Graphic
                                                         Goes Here)

                                August 31, 1997

  AMOUNT                                            VALUE

             Unifunding, Inc.:
 $30,400,000  5.51%, 10/21/97..................   $  30,167,355
  20,000,000  5.53%, 11/12/97..................      19,778,800

    CHEMICALS-- 0.4%
 15,000,000   Arco Chemical Company,
                5.55%, 11/7/97.................      14,845,063
 50,000,000   Duke Capital Corp.,
                5.55%, 10/6/97.................      49,730,208
 12,000,000   First Brands Commercial Inc. (a),
                5.54%, 9/5/97..................      11,992,613
 23,150,000   Mitsui & Co. (USA), Inc.,
                5.55%, 10/14/97................      22,996,535
              ELECTRONICS-- 3.5%

 10,000,000   Avnet, Inc.,
                5.53%, 9/29/97.................       9,956,989
     Orix America, Inc.,
     (LOC: Norinchukin Bank) (a):

 26,000,000   5.60%, 11/5/97...................      25,737,111
 44,675,000   5.62%, 11/6/97...................      44,214,699
  6,500,000   5.63%, 11/3/97...................       6,435,959
  9,300,000   5.70%, 9/15/97...................       9,279,385
              Seiko Corp,
                (LOC: Sumitomo Bank):
 10,000,000    5.66%, 9/16/97...................      9,976,417
 15,000,000    5.68%, 10/6/97...................     14,917,166

       ENERGY-- 2.1%
       CSW Credit Inc.:

 15,100,000    5.50%, 9/11/97..................      15,076,931
 15,300,000    5.50%, 9/16/97...................     15,264,937
 16,393,000    5.53%, 11/7/97...................     16,224,284

               Oglethorpe Power Company:

 11,799,000   5.55%, 9/18/97...................       11,768,077
 13,000,000   5.56%, 9/11/97...................       12,979,922

              FINANCE & INSURANCE-- 29.2%
 5,000,000    American Express Credit Corp.,
                5.53%, 9/12/97.................       4,991,551
              Aristar, Inc.:
 30,000,000   5.59%, 10/17/97..................      29,785,717
 22,000,000   5.60%, 9/2/97....................      21,996,578
 16,000,000   5.60%, 9/5/97....................      15,990,044
    750,000   Associates Corp. North America,
                6.63%, 11/15/97................         751,930

  AMOUNT                                            VALUE
              Astro Capital Corp.,
                (LOC: Industrial Bank of
                Japan Ltd.):
$30,000,000   5.61%, 12/30/97..................    $ 29,439,000
 10,000,000   5.63%, 10/31/97..................       9,906,167
              Banner Receivables Corp.,
                (LOC: Republic Bank) (a):

 21,840,000   5.58%, 10/24/97.................      21,660,584
 32,000,000   5.60%, 10/14/97..................     31,785,956
 22,000,000   Crown International Finance,
                (LOC: Credit Suisse) (a)
                5.56%, 9/5/97..................     21,986,409
 10,000,000   Dynamic Funding Corp.,
                (LOC: Sumitomo Bank)
                 5.70%, 9/29/97...............       9,955,667
              Finova Capital Corp.:
 25,000,000   5.54%, 10/31/97..................     24,769,167
 15,000,000   5.55%, 10/10/97..................     14,909,812
 10,000,000   5.55%, 10/17/97..................      9,929,083
 15,000,000   5.55%, 11/12/97..................     14,833,500
 27,015,000   5.56%, 9/15/97...................     26,956,588
  2,000,000   Ford Motor Credit Company,
                5.54%, 10/28/97.................     1,982,457
  5,142,000   Fountain Square Commerce
                (LOC: Fifth Third Bank) (a)
                5.55%, 9/9/97..................      5,135,658
 40,000,000   FP Funding Corp.,
                (LOC: The Bank of
                Tokyo-Mitsubishi Ltd.) (a)
                5.57%, 9/30/97.................     39,820,522
  5,000,000  General Electric Capital Corp.,
               5.55%, 9/25/97.................       4,981,500
 16,076,000  Gotham  Funding Corp.,
               (LOC: Republic Bank)
               5.58%, 10/27/97................      15,936,460
             Green Tree Financial Corp.:
40,000,000   5.63%, 9/5/97....................      39,974,978
25,000,000   5.70%, 10/14/97..................      24,829,792
30,000,000   5.70%, 10/24/97..................      29,748,250
20,000,000   5.70%, 10/27/97..................      19,822,666
20,000,000   5.71%, 10/31/97..................      19,809,667
10,000,000   5.72%, 10/20/97..................       9,922,144
             Jet Funding Corp.,
               (LOC: Sanwa Bank):
15,000,000   5.63%, 9/30/97...................      14,931,971
40,300,000   5.70%, 9/30/97...................      40,114,956
15,000,000   5.72%, 9/30/97...................      14,930,883
10,000,000   KFW International Finance Inc.,
               5.49%, 10/20/97................       9,925,275


(Evergreen Graphic
     Goes Here)
                                MONEY MARKET FUND

                                August 31, 1997

  AMOUNT                                            VALUE

$25,000,000   Lehman Brothers Holdings, Inc.,
                5.82%, 11/26/97................    $24,652,417
 24,000,000   Market Street Funding Corp.,
                (LOC: Royal Bank of Canada) (a)
                5.53%, 10/14/97................     23,841,473
              Merrill Lynch & Company Inc.:
 50,000,000     5.52%, 9/29/97...................   49,785,333
  5,000,000     5.63%, 10/15/97..................    4,965,595
  5,000,000   Motorola Inc.,
                5.46%, 9/9/97..................      4,993,933
              Old Line Funding Corp.,
                (LOC: Dai-Ichi Kangyo Bank,

  50,000,000     5.53%, 10/3/97...................  49,754,222
  20,000,000     5.55%, 9/2/97 (a)................  19,996,917
              Progress Funding Corp.,
  30,000,000     5.64%, 10/22/97 (a)..............  29,760,300
                (LOC: Sumitomo Bank):
  20,000,000     5.63%, 9/12/97...................  19,965,594
   6,500,000     5.65%, 9/26/97...................   6,474,497
  22,750,000  Sanwa Business Credit Corp.,
                (LOC: Fuji Bank Ltd.)
                5.70%, 9/3/97..................     22,742,796

   5,000,000  Sara Lee Corp.,
                5.48%, 9/25/97.................      4,981,733
              Sigma Finance Inc. (a):
  50,000,000  5.53%, 9/22/97...................     49,838,708
  12,450,000  5.55%, 9/29/97...................     12,396,258
              Strait Capital Corp.,
                (LOC: The Bank of
                Tokyo-Mitsubishi Ltd.):
   9,924,000    5.62%, 10/15/97.................     9,855,833
  17,083,000    5.62%, 12/1/97..................    16,840,317
  25,668,000  Strategic Asset Funding Corp.,
                (LOC: Fuji Bank Ltd.)
                5.80%, 9/30/97.................     25,548,074
              Tri-Lateral Capital (USA), Inc.,
                (LOC: Industrial Bank of
                Japan Ltd.):
  34,270,000    5.65%, 10/6/97..................    34,081,753
   8,749,000    5.68%, 12/10/97.................     8,610,960
  11,800,000  Wood Street Funding Corp.,
                (LOC: Royal Bank of Canada)
                5.54%, 11/13/97................    11,667,440

  AMOUNT                                            VALUE
              FOOD & BEVERAGE PRODUCTS-- 0.6%
   Cargill Financial Services Corp:
$10,000,000   5.40%, 10/10/97..................    $  9,941,500
 12,000,000   5.60%, 12/5/97...................      11,822,667

  8,000,000   Holy Cross Health System Corp.,
                5.55%, 10/16/97................       7,944,500

              INSURANCE-- 3.4%
              Equitable of Iowa:
 23,000,000   5.56%, 9/26/97...................     22,911,194
 23,000,000   5.56%, 9/29/97...................     22,900,538
            Safeco Credit Company Inc.:
 13,000,000   5.58%, 11/13/97..................     12,852,905
 35,000,000   5.62%, 11/7/97...................     34,633,920
 16,000,000   5.63%, 10/29/97..................     15,854,871
  8,000,000   5.63%, 10/31/97..................      7,924,933

              MACHINERY-- DIVERSIFIED-- 2.7%
 27,500,000   American Honda Finance Corp.,
               5.56%, 10/21/97................      27,287,639
              General Motors Acceptance Corp.:
 25,000,000    5.82%, 11/12/97..................    24,709,000
 25,000,000    5.84%, 10/14/97..................    24,825,760
 17,000,000   Mitsubishi Motors Credit of
              America, Inc.,
                (LOC: Republic Bank)
                5.68%, 9/15/97.................     16,962,449
              OIL-- 1.6%
 10,000,000   Fina Oil & Chemical Company,
                5.52%, 10/27/97................      9,914,133
 45,625,000   Koch Industries,
                5.51%, 10/2/97.................     45,408,522

              PHARMACEUTICALS-- 1.0%
              AC Acquisition Holding Co.:
 17,000,000     5.50%, 9/26/97 (a)...............   16,935,069
 14,000,000     5.50%, 10/7/97...................   13,923,000
  5,200,000     5.52%, 9/22/97 (a)...............    5,183,256

                  ENTERTAINMENT-- 4.3%
              Dun & Bradstreet Corp:
 14,000,000   5.65%, 9/17/97...................     13,964,844
 30,000,000   5.65%, 9/23/97...................     29,896,417



                                MONEY MARKET FUND

                                                    (Evergreen Graphic
                                                         Goes Here)

                                August 31, 1997

  AMOUNT                                    VALUE

 $22,700,000 Knight Ridder Inc.,
              5.58%, 10/3/97..............       $ 22,587,408
              Tribune Company (a):
  5,900,000   5.55%, 9/24/97................        5,879,080
 44,100,000   5.60%, 9/24/97................       43,942,220
 32,000,000   5.63%, 12/19/97...............       31,454,515
             REAL ESTATE-- 3.1%
 11,588,000  Four Embarcadero,
              (LOC: Sanwa Bank)
              5.62%, 11/13/97................     11,455,942
            MEC Finance USA, Inc. (a):

 20,000,000   5.53%, 10/17/97..................   19,858,678
 11,000,000   5.68%, 9/18/97...................   10,970,495
            Twin Towers, Inc.
 32,443,000   5.52%, 11/21/97..................   32,040,058
              (LOC: NatWest Bank):
 11,153,000   5.52%, 10/16/97..................   11,076,045
 17,325,000   5.54%, 9/24/97 (a)...............   17,263,679
  6,000,000   5.55%, 10/21/97..................    5,953,750
              RETAIL-- 2.3%
              Avon Capital Corp. (a):
 20,000,000   5.62%, 9/16/97...................   19,953,167
 30,000,000   5.62%, 9/17/97...................   29,925,066
 21,000,000   5.64%, 9/15/97...................   20,953,940
  7,000,000   Sothebys Inc.,
                5.58%, 9/22/97.................    6,977,215

              TELECOMMUNICATIONS-- 1.0%
  8,000,000   Ameritech Corp.,
                5.58%, 10/6/97.................    7,956,600
 25,000,000    GTE Corp.,
                5.54%, 9/26/97.................   24,903,819

              TEXTILE & APPAREL-- 0.2%
              Calcot Ltd.:
  3,000,000     5.58%, 9/11/97.................    2,995,350
  2,000,000     5.58%, 9/12/97.................    1,996,590
  3,000,000     5.60%, 9/12/97.................    2,994,867

               TRANSPORTATION-- 0.1%
  5,000,000   Harper Group, Inc. (The),
                5.64%, 10/14/97................    4,966,317

              CONTAINERS & PACKAGES-- 0.5%
              B.I. Funding, Inc.:
  6,200,000    5.52%, 10/8/97..................    6,164,825
  5,000,000    5.54%, 9/10/97..................    4,993,075
  6,200,000    5.55%, 10/16/97.................    6,156,988

  AMOUNT                                                   VALUE

              LEASING-- 1.8%
$13,000,000   JLUS Funding Corp.,
               (LOC: Norinchukin Bank)
               5.67%, 9/17/97.................       $   12,967,240
              Shimizu International Finance,
               (LOC: Sanwa Bank):
 19,000,000     5.62%, 11/13/97..................        18,783,474
 14,000,000     5.67%, 9/12/97...................        13,975,745
 15,000,000     5.72%, 9/12/97...................        14,973,783

                (COST $2,683,962,127).....            2,683,962,127
 25,000,000   Abbey National Treasury
               Services PLC,
               Medium Term Note,
               6.19%, 4/7/98..................           24,990,444
             BankBoston, Senior Medium
              Term Notes,

 25,000,000   5.74%, 4/21/98...................          25,000,000
 25,000,000   5.90%, 8/7/98....................          25,000,000
 50,000,000   6.05%, 7/17/98...................          50,000,000
  5,000,000  Federal Home Loan Bank,
              5.88%, 2/26/98.................             5,000,000
  5,000,000  Federal National Mortgage
                Association, Notes
              5.53%, 2/13/98...................           5,000,000
 25,000,000  Morgan Guaranty Trust Company
               New York,
                5.93%, 8/31/98.................          24,990,469
  5,000,000   Northern Trust Company Bank,
                Medium Term Note,
                5.96%, 6/17/98.................           5,001,062

 25,000,000   Student Loan Corp.,
                5.76%, 1/14/98.................          25,000,000
                (COST $189,981,975)............         189,981,975
  5,000,000  Federal Home Loan Mortgage
             Discount Notes,
                5.55%, 9/2/97..................           4,999,241
  5,000,000  Federal National Mortgage
                Association, Discount Notes,
              5.56%, 10/2/97...................           4,976,061
                (COST $14,975,302).............           9,975,302

  (COST $5,900,000)
  5,900,000   Brittany Acres,                             5,900,000
                5.90%, VRDN....................



                                MONEY MARKET FUND

(Evergreen Graphic
     Goes Here)

                                August 31, 1997

  SHARES                                                   VALUE
  (COST $1,432,838)
  1,432,838   Federated Prime Value
                Obligation Fund................  $    1,432,838
              TOTAL INVESTMENTS--
                (COST $3,464,439,268)...  100.0%  3,464,439,268
              OTHER ASSETS AND
                LIABILITIES-- NET......     0.0         884,598
              NET ASSETS--..............  100.0% $3,465,323,866

(a) Securities may be sold to "qualified institutional buyers" under Rule 144A
    or securities offered pursuant to Section 4(2) of the Securities Act of
    1933, as amended. These securities have been determined to be liquid under
    guidelines established by the Board of Trustees.

LOC    Line of Credit
VRDN  Variable Rate Demand Notes

Variable Rate Demand Notes are payable on demand on no more than seven calendar
days notice given by the Fund to the issuer or other parties not affiliated with
the issuer. Interest rates are determined and reset by the issuer daily, weekly,
or monthly depending upon the terms of the security. Interest rates presented
for these securities are those in effect at August 31, 1997.




                                                     (EVERGREEN GRAPHIC
                                                         GOES HERE)

                            SCHEDULE OF INVESTMENTS
                                August 31, 1997

  AMOUNT                                        VALUE
             PENNSYLVANIA-- 98.0%
$1,500,000   Allegheny Cnty. Higher Ed. Bldg.
               Auth. RB, Allegheny Cnty. Cmnty.
               College, Prerefunded @ 100,
               (Ins. by MBIA),
               6.65%, 11/1/97................... $ 1,507,446
             Allegheny Cnty. Hosp. Dev. Auth.
 1,000,000   Allegheny Gen. Hosp., Ser.
               (LOC: Morgan Gty. Tr. Co. of NY),
               3.25%, VRDN......................   1,000,000
   800,000   Allegheny Health Ed. & Resh.
               Corp., Ser. A-ACES,
               (LOC: PNC Bk., Pittsburgh),
               3.40%, VRDN......................     800,000
 1,100,000   Allegheny Health Ed. & Resh.
               Corp., Ser. C-ACES,
               (LOC: PNC Bk., Pittsburgh),
               3.40%, VRDN......................   1,100,000
             Allegheny Cnty. Hospital
               Development Revenue:
   405,000   7.75%, 10/1/97.....................     414,394
 1,000,000   Prerefunded @ 102,
               (COLL: US Govt. Sec.),
               7.60%, 10/1/97...................   1,023,145
 3,750,000   Allegheny Cnty. IDR,
               3.70%, VRDN......................   3,750,000
             Beaver Cnty. IDA-PCR:
   300,000   Duquesne Light Co., Beaver
               Vly., Ser. A,
               (LOC: Barclays Bk. PLC),
               3.25%, VRDN......................     300,000
 2,000,000   The Toledo Edison Co.
               Mansfield, Ser. 1992E-TECP,
               (LOC: Toronto Dominion Bk.),
               3.70%, 12/4/97...................   2,000,000
   500,000   Berks Cnty. Municipal Auth. RB,
               Pooled Fin. Prog., Prerefunded
               (COLL: US Govt. Sec.),
               7.00%, 9/1/97....................     500,000
 1,000,000   Bucks Cnty. IDA, USX Corp.
               Project, ARB,
               (LOC: Wachovia Bk., NC),
               3.75%, 1/15/98...................   1,000,000

 AMOUNT                                         VALUE
$  100,000   Bucks Cnty. IDA-RRB, SHV Real
               Estate, Inc., Ser. 1984,
               (LOC: ABN-Amro Bk.),
               3.40%, VRDN...................... $   100,000
 1,000,000   Chester Cnty. Hlth. & Ed. Fac.
               Auth. RB, Barclays Friends, Ser.
               (LOC: Bk. of Ireland),
               3.30%, VRDN......................   1,000,000
   435,000   Coudersport School Dist. GO Bds.,
               (Ins. by FSA),
               3.75%, 9/1/97....................     435,000
             Delaware Cnty. IDA Solid Waste RB,
               Scott Paper Co., 1984:
   700,000   Ser. C,
               3.25%, VRDN......................     700,000
   400,000   Ser. D,
               3.25%, VRDN......................     400,000
 2,000,000   Delaware Vly., Registered Financing
               (LOC: Credit Suisse),
               3.25%, VRDN......................   2,000,000
 1,000,000   Delaware Vly. Regl. Fin. Auth.
               Local Govt. RB, Ser. 1985A,
               (LOC: Midland Bk. PLC),
               3.25%, VRDN......................   1,000,000
   445,000   East Hempfield Township GO Bds.,
               (Ins. by AMBAC),
               4.25%, 11/1/97...................     445,357
             Emmaus Gen. Auth. Local Govt. RB,
               Ser. 1989:
 1,000,000   (LOC: Midland Bk. PLC)
               3.35%, VRDN......................   1,000,000
 3,300,000   (GIC: Goldman Sachs)
             3.35%, VRDN........................   3,300,000
 1,400,000   Bd. Pool Program, Subsrs. D-11,
               (LOC: Midland Bk. PLC),
               3.40%, VRDN......................   1,400,000
   400,000   Bd. Pool Program, Subsrs. E-8,
               (LOC: Canadian Imperial Bk.
               of Commerce),
               3.35%, VRDN......................     400,000
   425,000   Bd. Pool Program, Subsrs. E-9,
               (LOC: Midland Bk. PLC),
               3.40%, VRDN......................     425,000
 1,400,000   Geisinger Auth. Hlth. Systems
               (SPA: Morgan Gty. Tr. Co. of NY),
               3.70%, VRDN......................   1,400,000




(Evergreen Graphic Goes Here)
                                August 31, 1997

  AMOUNT                                            VALUE

$1,600,000  Harrisburg Auth. Lease Revenue,
              Green County Prison Project,
              (COLL: US Govt. Sec),
              5.90%, 6/1/98....................  $ 1,622,656
 2,000,000  Indiana Cnty. Pennsylvania IDA,
              (LOC: UBS),
              3.35%, VRDN......................    2,000,000
   500,000  Lancaster School Dist. GO Bds.,
              (Ins. by FGIC),
              4.00%, 2/15/98...................      500,324
   200,000  Lehigh Cnty. IDA-PCRB, Ser. 1985A,
              (LOC: Rabobank Nederland),
              3.40%, VRDN......................      200,000
   470,000  Lehigh Cnty. Water Auth. RB, Ser.
             (SPA: ABN-Amro Bk.),
             3.25%, VRDN......................       470,000
1,960,000  New Castle Area Hosp. Auth. RB,
             Jameson Mem. Hosp.,
             (SPA: PNC Bk.),
             3.40%, VRDN......................     1,960,000
           North Penn Water Auth. RB,
             (Ins. by FGIC)
  500,000    6.75%, 11/1/97.....................     512,233
1,000,000  Prerefunded @ 102,
             6.90%, 11/1/97...................     1,010,104
1,000,000  Northeastern Hosp. & Ed. Auth.
             Rev., Health Care Rev. Wyoming
             Vly., Ser. A,
             (SPA: Kredeitbank N.V.),
             3.30%, VRDN......................     1,000,000
  400,000  Penns Manor Area School Dist.,
             (Ins. by MBIA),
             6.20%, 9/15/97...................       400,327
2,000,000  Pennsylvania HFA,
             4.00%, VRDN*.....................     2,000,000
1,000,000  Pennsylvania Higher Ed. Fac. Auth.
             RB, Allegheny Delaware Vly., Ser.
             (LOC: PNC Bk., Pittsburgh),
             3.30%, VRDN......................     1,000,000
           Pennsylvania Higher Ed. Facs. Auth.
 3,000,000 Allegheny College,
             (LOC: Mellon Bk. PLC),
              3.30%, VRDN......................    3,000,000
   500,000 The Univ. of Pennsylvania
           Health Svs., Ser. 1994B-ACES,
           3.20%, VRDN......................         500,000

  AMOUNT                                            VALUE

$2,000,000     Pennsylvania St. Higher Education
               Standard Loan,
               (LOC: SLMA),
               3.55%, VRDN......................  $2,000,000
             Pennsylvania St. Higher Educational
 3,000,000   4.50%, 11/15/97....................   3,004,989
 1,445,000   5.75%, 6/15/98.....................   1,466,857
 2,000,000   Philadelphia Pennsylvania Airport
               3.55%, VRDN*.....................   2,000,000
 2,170,000   Philadelphia Pennsylvania School
               (LIQ: Merrill Lynch),
               3.35%, VRDN*.....................   2,170,000
 2,000,000   Philadelphia TANS, Ser. A,
               4.50%, 6/30/98...................   2,007,953
 1,500,000   Floating Rate Receipts,
               (LOC: Societe Generale),
               3.45%, VRDN*.....................   1,500,000
   500,000   GO Refunding Bds.,
               Prerefunded @ 102,
               (Ins. by AMBAC),
               6.80%, 9/1/97....................     510,000
   665,000   Pottstown Borough Sewer Auth. RB,
               4.00%, 11/1/97...................     665,374
   400,000   Sayre Health Care Facs. Auth. RB,
               VHA of Pennsylvania, Inc.,
               Asset Fin. Prog., Ser. A,
               (SPA: Mellon Bk. PLC),
               3.30%, VRDN......................     400,000
 2,200,000   Schuylkill Cnty. IDA, Northeastern
               Power Co.,
               (LOC: Credit Local de France),
               3.75%, VRDN......................    2,200,000
 3,200,000   Schuylkill Cnty. IDA Res. Recovery
               RB, Gilberton Pwr.,
               (LOC: Mellon Bk. PLC),
               3.30%, VRDN......................    3,200,000
   500,000   State Public School Bldg. Auth. RB,
               (Ins. by AMBAC),
               7.25%, 10/1/97...................      506,382
 1,000,000   Temple University Of Commonwealth
               of Pennsylvania System,
               4.75%, 5/18/98...................    1,005,799
   160,000   Upper Merion Township GO Bds.,
               3.80%, 11/1/97...................      160,000




                                                              (Evergreen Graphic
                                                                  Goes Here)

                             August 31, 1997

  AMOUNT                                            VALUE
             PUERTO RICO-- 1.3%
$  875,000   Puerto Rico Indl. Med. &
               Environmental Pollution Control
               Facs. Fin. Auth. RB,
               4.00%, 12/1/97*..................  $   875,000
               (COST $67,248,340)...............   67,248,340

  SHARES                                            VALUE
  (COST-- $140,000)
   140,000   Federated Pennsylvania Municipal
               Cash Trust (Institutional Service
               Shares)..........................        $   140,000
                   TOTAL INVESTMENTS--
                     (COST $67,388,340)........  99.5%   67,388,340
                   OTHER ASSETS AND
                     LIABILITIES-- NET.........   0.5       316,042
                   NET ASSETS--................ 100.0%  $67,704,382

ACES         Adjustable Convertible Extendable Securities
AMBAC        American Municipal Bond Assurance Corp.
ARB          Adjustable Rate Bonds
COLL         Collateral
FGIC         Financial Guaranty Insurance Co.
FSA          Financial Security Assurance Inc.
GIC          Guaranteed Investment Contract
GO           General Obligations
HFA          Housing Finance Authority
IDA          Industrial Development Authority
IDR          Industrial Development Revenue
LIQ          Liquidity Provider
LOC          Letter of Credit
MBIA         Municipal Bond Investors Assurance Corp.
PCR          Pollution Control Revenue
PCRB         Pollution Control Revenue Bond
RB           Revenue Bonds
RRB          Refunding Revenue Bonds
SLMA         Student Loan Marketing Association
SPA          Securities Purchase Agreement
TANS         Tax Anticipation Notes
TECP         Tax Exempt Commercial Paper
VHA          Veterans' Health Administration
VRDN         Variable Rate Demand Notes

Adjustable Rate Bonds are putable back to the issuer or other parties not
affiliated with the issuer at par on the interest reset dates. Interest rates
are determined and set by the issuer quarterly, semi-annually or annually
depending upon the terms of the security. Interest rates presented for these
securities are those in effect at August 31, 1997.

Variable Rate Demand Notes are payable on demand on no more than seven calendar
days notice given by the Fund to the issuer or other parties not affiliated with
the issuer. Interest rates are determined and reset by the issuer daily, weekly,
or monthly depending upon the terms of the security. Interest rates presented
for these securities are those in effect at August 31, 1997.

Certain obligations held in the portfolio have credit enhancements or liquidity
features that may, under certain circumstances, provide for repayment of
principal and interest on the obligation upon demand date, interest rate reset
date or final maturity. These enhancements include: letters of credit; liquidity
guarantees; standby bond purchase agreements; tender option purchase agreements;
and third party insurance (i.e. AMBAC, FGIC and MBIA). Adjustable rate bonds and
variable rate demand notes held in the portfolio may be considered derivative
securities within the standards imposed by the Securities and Exchange
Commission under Rule 2a-7 which were designed to minimize both credit and
market risk.

* Securities may be sold to "qualified institutional buyers" under Rule 144A or
  securities offered pursuant to Section 4(2) of the Securities Act of 1933, as
  amended. These securities have been determined to be liquid under guidelines
  established by the Board of Trustees.



(Evergreen Graphic         TAX EXEMPT MONEY MARKET FUND
   Goes Here)
                            SCHEDULE OF INVESTMENTS
                                August 31, 1997

  AMOUNT                                            VALUE

              ALABAMA-- 2.4%
              Alabama IDA-IDRB:
$ 2,290,000   Air-Dro Cylinders, Inc.,
                (LOC: Southtrust Bank of
                Alabama, N.A.),
                3.75%, VRDN.................... $    2,290,000
  3,590,000   Automation Technologies Ind.,
                Inc., (LOC: Columbus Bank &
                Trust Co.),
                3.75%, VRDN....................      3,590,000
              Coml. Dev. Auth. of the City of
                Birmingham RB:
  1,090,000   Avondale Comm. Park, Phase II,
                (LOC: Amsouth Bank, N.A.),
                3.70%, VRDN....................      1,090,000
    645,000   Southside Business Ctr.,
                (LOC: Amsouth Bank, N.A),
                3.70%, VRDN....................        645,000
  2,955,000   IDB of Mobile County RB, Sherman
                Intl. Corp., Ser. 1994A, (LOC:
                Columbus Bank & Trust Co.),
                3.75%, VRDN....................      2,955,000
 14,590,000   Mobile Alabama IDB-PCRB,
                International Paper Project,
                (Gtd. by International Paper),
                4.00%, 10/15/97................     14,590,000
              ALASKA-- 2.0%
 19,620,000   Alaska State Dept. Admin. COP,
                Ser. PT-94, (LIQ: Credit Suisse
                First Boston & Ins. by Capital
                Mkt. Assuran),
                3.50%, VRDN....................     19,620,000
    785,000   Anchorage Alaska Hospital RB,
                6.50%, 10/1/97.................        786,457
    750,000   Kenai Peninsula Borough Alaska,
                GO, (Ins. by AMBAC),
                8.20%, 1/1/98..................        759,937
              ARIZONA-- 0.7%
  7,500,000   IDA of the City of Glendale RB,
                Thunderbird Gardens,
                (LOC: Sumitomo Bank, Ltd.),
                3.70%, VRDN....................      7,500,000
    200,000   Maricopa County IDA,
                McLane Co., Inc., Ser. 1984,
                (LOC: Wachovia Bank of
                3.80%, VRDN....................        200,000

  AMOUNT                                            VALUE
              CALIFORNIA-- 8.3%
$ 2,535,000   California Statewide Community
                Development MHRB, Argis
                Pleasant Hill Project,
                (LOC: Banque Paribas),
                3.65%, VRDN.................... $    2,535,000
  4,250,000   City of Paramount MHRB, Century
                Place Apt., Ser. 1989A,
                (LOC: Heller Finl. Inc.),
                3.99%, VRDN....................      4,250,000
  2,500,000   City of Simi Valley
                IDA-IDRB, Wambold Furniture,
                Ser. 1984, (LOC: Wells Fargo
                Bank, N.A.),
                3.90%, VRDN....................      2,500,000
  1,900,000   Glenn County IDA-PCRB,
                Land O'Lakes, Inc., Ser. 1995,
                (LOC: Sanwa Bank, Ltd.),
                3.75%, VRDN....................      1,900,000
  5,000,000   Los Angeles, California MHRB,
                Channel Gateway Apts.,
                (LOC: Fuji Bank, Ltd.),
                3.90%, VRDN....................      5,000,000
  1,100,000   Ontario California IDA, Erenberg
                Bros. Project,
                (LOC: Tokai Bank, Ltd.),
                3.95%, VRDN....................      1,100,000
 12,200,000   Orange County California
                Apartment Development ARB,
                (Villas De La Paz), Issue O,
                (LOC: Tokai Bank, Ltd.),
                4.35%, 8/15/98.................     12,200,000
  5,000,000   Orange County California
                Apartment Development ARB,
                (Villas Aliento Project), Issue
                (LOC: Tokai Bank, Ltd.),
                4.35%, 8/15/98.................      5,000,000
              Pitney Bowes Corp. Leasetops
 23,670,645   Bart Telesystem Lease, (LOC:
                ABN-Amro Bank, N.V.),
                3.65%, VRDN*...................     23,670,645
 12,930,099   San Diego Regl. Comm. Sys.
                Lease, Ser. 1996A,
                (LOC: Landesbank Hessen & Ins.
                by Pitney Bowes),
                3.65%, VRDN*...................     12,930,099
 15,375,000   San Bernardino County COP Medical
                Center Financing Project, Ser.
                1995, (LIQ: Merrill Lynch &
                Ins. by MBIA),
                3.60%, VRDN....................     15,375,000



                           TAX EXEMPT MONEY MARKET FUND      (Evergreen Graphic
                                                                  Goes Here)
                                August 31, 1997

  AMOUNT                                            VALUE
              COLORADO-- 1.3%
$ 2,500,000   Adams County IDRB, Yellow Freight
                Sys., Inc., Ser. 1983, (LOC:
                Union Bank of Switzerland),
                3.70%, VRDN.................... $    2,500,000
  1,100,000   Arapahoe County MHRB,
                Stratford Sta., Ser. 1994,
                (LOC: Heller Finl., Inc.),
                4.15%, VRDN....................      1,100,000
  4,760,000   Colorado HFA RB MERLOTS, Ser.
                C-ARB, (LIQ: Corestates Bank,
                4.15%, 11/1/97.................      4,760,000
  3,000,000   Dove Valley Metropolitan District
                Arapahoe County GO, Ser.
                1996C-ARB, (LOC: Dai-Ichi
                Kangyo Bank, Ltd.),
                4.15%, 11/1/97.................      3,000,000
  2,680,000   Parkview Met. District Arapahoe
                County GO, Ser. 1993,
                (LIQ: Colorado National Bank),
                3.60%, VRDN....................      2,680,000
              DELAWARE-- 0.7%
  3,000,000   Delaware EDA-IDRB, Arlon, Inc.,
                Ser. 1989, (LOC: Bank of
                America, IL),
                3.85%, VRDN....................      3,000,000
  1,640,000   Delaware Hsg. Auth. RB MERLOTS,
                Ser. G ARB,
                (LIQ: Corestates Bank, N.A. &
                Ins. by FGIC),
                4.20%, 9/1/97..................      1,640,000
  2,480,000   New Castle County EDRB,
                Toys R Us, (LOC: Bankers Trust
                Co., NY),
                3.60%, VRDN....................      2,480,000
              DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA-- 1.4%
    500,000   District of Columbia, GO Series
                (Ins. by AMBAC),
                7.25%, 6/1/98..................        511,799
  5,120,000   District of Columbia GO Ref.,
                Puttable Floating Opt. Tax-
                Exempt Rcpt., Ser. PA-64, Ser.
                1993C, (LIQ: Merrill Lynch &
                Ins. by FGIC),
                3.60%, VRDN....................      5,120,000

  AMOUNT                                            VALUE
$ 4,500,000   District of Columbia Hsg. Fin.
                Agy. Single Family Mortgage RB,
                Series 1997C-ARB,
                (COLL: GNMA),
                4.05%, 9/1/98.................. $    4,500,000
  5,000,000   District of Columbia Hsg. Fin.
                Agy., Single Family Mortgage
                RB, Ser. 1996 C-ARB,
                (Invest. Agreement: Trinity
                Funding Corp.),
                3.90%, 12/1/97.................      5,000,000
              FLORIDA-- 1.9%
  2,800,000   Orange County HFA MHRB, Oakwood
                Project, Ser. E,
                (LOC: Fleet Bank, N.A.),
                4.15%, 10/1/97.................      2,800,000
    955,000   Palm Beach County Hsg. RB,
                Meridian Hsg., Ser. 1985,
                (LOC: Union Bank of California,
                4.33%, VRDN....................        955,000
  5,875,000   Palm Beach County School Board,
                MSTR Ser. 1996B,
                (LIQ: Norwest Bank, MN
                & Ins. by AMBAC),
                3.55%, VRDN....................      5,875,000
  9,900,000   Tampa Florida Capital Improvement
                Program RB Puttable Floating
                Trust Rcpt. PT-96, (LOC:
                Rabobank Nederland N.V.; LIQ:
                Bayerische Hypotheken-und and
                Wechsel-Bank AG),
                3.60%, 9/4/97..................      9,900,000
              GEORGIA-- 1.4%
  1,000,000   Albany Dougherty County Hosp. RB,
                Ser. 1984A,
                (Gtd. by Merck & Co.),
                3.85%, VRDN....................      1,000,000
  5,000,000   Albany Dougherty Payroll Series
                1982A, (Gtd. by Merck & Co.),
                3.60%, VRDN....................      5,000,000
  6,000,000   Polk County Dev. Auth. RB, Kimoto
                Tech. Inc., Ser. 1985,
                (LOC: Indl. Bank of Japan,
                3.85%, VRDN....................      6,000,000


(Evergreen Graphic         TAX EXEMPT MONEY MARKET FUND
   Goes Here)
                                August 31, 1997

  AMOUNT                                            VALUE

              GEORGIA-- CONTINUED
$ 2,200,000   Columbus Hsg. Auth. MHRB Ref.,
                Quail Ridge Project, Ser. 1988,
                (LOC: Columbus Bank & Trust
                3.75%, VRDN.................... $    2,200,000
              ILLINOIS-- 13.7%
  2,820,000   Arlington Heights Illinois MHRB,
                (LOC: Heller Finl., Inc.),
                3.90%, VRDN....................      2,820,000
 14,850,000   Chicago Illinois Board of
                Education Return Bonds, MERLOTS
                (LIQ: Corestates Bank, N.A. &
                Ins. by AMBAC),
                3.61%, VRDN....................     15,323,574
  1,700,000   Chicago IDR,
                Federal Marine Terminal
                (LOC: Canadian Imperial Bank of
                3.70%, VRDN....................      1,700,000
  9,670,000   City of Aurora MHRB, Fox Vly Vlg.
                Apts, Ser. 1993,
                (LOC: Sumitomo Bank, Ltd.),
                3.65%, VRDN....................      9,670,000
  2,900,000   City of Chicago GO, MSTR SAK-13,
                Series 1995A-2,
                (LIQ: Credit Suisse First
                Boston & Ins. by AMBAC),
                3.55%, VRDN....................      2,900,000
 29,000,000   City of Oakbrook Terrace MHRB,
                Renaissance, Ser. 1985A-ARB,
                (LOC: Bayerische Landesbank,
                4.90%, VRDN....................     29,000,000
  4,000,000   City of Peoria Solid Waste
                Disposal RB, PMP Fermentation
                Inc., Ser. 1996, (LOC: Sanwa
                Bank, Ltd.),
                3.80%, VRDN....................      4,000,000
  5,900,000   City of West Chicago IDRB, Acme
                Printing Inc., Ser. 1989,
                (LOC: Bank of Tokyo-Mitsubishi,
                3.975%, VRDN...................      5,900,000
  4,500,000   Crawford County Illinois
                Manufacturing Facilities RB,
                Fair-Rite Prdts. Corp., (LOC:
                Corestates Bank, N.A.),
                3.65%, VRDN....................      4,500,000

  AMOUNT                                            VALUE
              ILLINOIS-- CONTINUED
$ 3,500,000   Illinois Dev. Fin. Auth. EDRB,
                MTI Corp.,
                (LOC: Indl. Bank of Japan,
                4.10%, VRDN.................... $    3,500,000
  6,800,000   Illinois Dev. Fin. Auth. RB, Gen.
                Accident Ins. Co., Ser. 1985-
                ARB, (Gtd. by Gen. Accident
                Ins. Co. of Amer.),
                3.70%, 9/1/97..................      6,800,000
  3,500,000   Illinois Dev. Fin. Auth. RB,
                Decatur Mental Health Ctr.
                (LOC: First of America, IL),
                3.50%, VRDN....................      3,500,000
  3,500,000   Illinois Ed. Fac. Auth. RB,
                Cultural Pooled Financing
                (LOC: First National Bank of
                Chicago, Inc.)
                3.35%, VRDN....................      3,500,000
  6,566,021   Lasalle Natl. Bank Leasetops
                Ser. 1995A,
                (LIQ: LaSalle National Bank),
                3.65%, VRDN*...................      6,566,021
 16,640,000   Village of Hazel Crest Retirement
                Ctr. RB, Waterford Estates,
                Ser. 1992A,
                (LOC: Sumitomo Bank, Ltd.),
                3.65%, VRDN....................     16,640,000
 10,000,000   Village of Schaumburg MHRB,
                Treehouse II Apt., Ser. 1989,
                (LOC: Sumitomo Bank, Ltd.),
                3.65%, VRDN....................     10,000,000
  2,000,000   Village of Skokie EDRB, Skokie
                Fashion Square Assn., Ser.
                1984, (LOC: LaSalle National
                3.725%, VRDN...................      2,000,000
 15,210,000   Village of Vernon Hills MHRB,
                Hawthorn Lakes, Ser. 1991,
                (LIQ: Fuji Bank, Ltd. & Ins. by
                3.80%, VRDN....................     15,210,000
              INDIANA-- 1.6%
  6,500,000   Avilla EDRB, Pent Assemblies
                Inc., Ser. 1996-ARB, (LOC: Fort
                Wayne National Bank),
                4.35%, 2/1/98..................      6,500,000
  7,600,000   City of Fort Wayne PCRB, Gen.
                Mtrs. Corp.,
                (Gtd. by Gen. Mtrs. Corp.),
                3.55%, VRDN....................      7,600,000


                           TAX EXEMPT MONEY MARKET FUND       (Evergreen Graphic
                                                                   Goes Here)
                                August 31, 1997

  AMOUNT                                            VALUE
              INDIANA-- CONTINUED
$ 2,000,000   City of South Bend MHRB, Maple
                Lane Assn., Ser. 1987,
                (LOC: FHLB of Indianapolis),
                3.60%, VRDN.................... $    2,000,000
    925,000   Decatur Indl. EDA-RB, Silberline
                Mfg. Co. Inc., (LOC: Corestates
                Bank, N.A.),
                4.30%, 12/1/97.................        925,000
              IOWA-- 1.3%
  3,800,000   Algona IDR, George A.
                Hormel & Co.,
                (LOC: Sumitomo Bank Ltd.),
                3.75%, VRDN....................      3,800,000
              City of Council Bluffs RB,
                Hlth. Corp.:
  2,240,000   Mercy Hospital Project
                4.00%, 10/1/97.................      2,240,000
  7,025,000   Ser. 1985, Mercy Hospital Project
                (LOC: Fuji Bank, Ltd.),
                4.00%, 10/1/97.................      7,025,000
              KANSAS-- 0.4%
    540,000   City of Manhattan Tax Increment
                RRB, Central Business Dist. Tax
                Increment Redev., Ser. 1996A,
                (Ins. by Asset Guaranty),
                4.10%, 12/1/97.................        540,000
  1,800,000   City of Prairie Village MHRB,
                Nichol's Co., Ser. 1985,
                (Gtd. by Principal Mutual Life
                Ins. Co.),
                4.00%, VRDN....................      1,800,000
              City of Salina RB (Salina Central
                Mall L.P.), Ser. 1984, (LOC:
                National Bank of St. Louis):
  1,200,000   Dillard's,
                3.60%, VRDN....................      1,200,000
  1,105,000   Penny's,
                3.60%, VRDN....................      1,105,000
              KENTUCKY-- 1.9%
 20,300,000   County of Ohio PCRB, Big Rivers
                Elec. Corp., Ser. 1985,
                (LOC: Chemical Bank),
                3.95%, VRDN....................     20,300,000
              LOUISIANA-- 0.6%
  3,400,000   Bastrop IDB-PCRB,
                International Paper Project,
                (Gtd. by International Paper),
                4.00%, 10/15/97................      3,400,000

  AMOUNT                                            VALUE
$ 3,050,000   IDB of the Parish of Bossier,
                Inc., H. J. Wilson Co., Inc.,
                Ser. 1982-ARB,
                (LIQ: Canadian
                Imperial Bank of Commerce),
                4.00%, 12/1/97................. $    3,050,000
              MAINE-- 0.4%
  3,685,000   Jay Solid Waste Disposal RB,
                International Paper Project
                (Gtd. by International Paper),
                4.20%, 6/1/98..................      3,685,000
              MASSACHUSETTS-- 0.2%
    400,000   Massachusetts Indl. Finl. Agy.,
                Copley Pharmacy,
                (LOC: First National Bank of
                4.58%, VRDN....................        400,000
    600,000   Massachusetts Indl. Finl. Auth.
                IDRB, Leavy Realty & Jen-coat
                Metal, Ser. 1994, (LOC: First
                National Bank of Boston),
                4.33%, VRDN....................        600,000
    700,000   Massachusetts Indl. Finl. Auth.
                IDRB, Portland Causeway Rlty.,
                Ser. 1988,
                (LOC: Citibank, N.A.),
                4.33%, VRDN....................        700,000
              MICHIGAN-- 0.4%
4,315,000..   Sault Ste. Marie Tribe Bldg.
              Auth. RB, Ser. 1996A ARB, (LOC:
                First of America Bank, N.A.),
                4.42%, 12/1/97.................      4,315,000
              MINNESOTA-- 8.0%
 27,135,000   Capital Investors Tax Exempt Fund
                Ltd., Partnership, Ser. 1996-5,
                (LOC: Swiss Bank Corp.),
                3.60%, VRDN....................     27,135,000
 14,905,000   City of Eden Prairie MHRB, Park
                at City West Apt., Ser. 1990,
                (LOC: Sumitomo Bank, Ltd.),
                3.65%, VRDN....................     14,905,000
  2,300,000   City of Robbinsdale IDR, Unicare
                Homes, Inc., Ser. 1984,
                (LOC: Banque Paribas),
                3.60%, VRDN....................      2,300,000
  4,420,000   Dakota & Washington Counties Hsg.
                & Redev. Auth., ARB MERLOTS,
                Ser. J,
                (LOC: Corestates Bank, N.A.),
                4.20%, 9/1/97..................      4,420,000


(Evergreen Graphic         TAX EXEMPT MONEY MARKET FUND
    Goes Here)
                                August 31, 1997

  AMOUNT                                            VALUE
$ 4,220,000   Minneapolis GO Sports Arena, MSTR
                Ser. 1996A,
                (LIQ: Norwest Bank, MN),
                3.55%, VRDN.................... $    4,220,000
    765,000   Minneapolis/St. Paul Hsg. Fin.
                Bd. RB, Minneapolis/Saint Paul
                Fam. Hsg. Prog., Phase VI, ARB,
                (COLL: GNMA),
                4.00%, 11/1/97.................        765,000
  1,960,000   Plymouth, Minnesota MHRB, At-
                the-Lakes Apts., (LOC: FNMA),
                3.70%, VRDN....................      1,960,000
  1,510,000   Richfield Independent School
                District #280, MSTR Ser. 1994P,
                (LIQ: First Bank, N.A. & Ins.
                by FGIC),
                3.55%, VRDN....................      1,510,000
    750,000   Southern Minnesota Muni. Pwr.
                Agy. Supply Sys., MSTR Ser.
                1996I, (LIQ: Norwest Bank, MN &
                Ins. by FGIC),
                3.55%, VRDN....................        750,000
  1,000,000   Spring Lake Park ISD No. 16, MSTR
                Ser. 1996G,
                (LIQ: Norwest Bank, MN & Ins.
                by MBIA),
                3.55%, VRDN....................      1,000,000
 24,200,000   St. Louis Park Hlth. Care Fac. RB
                Fltg. Tr. Cert., (LIQ: Norwest
                Bank, MN & Ins. by AMBAC),
                3.55%, VRDN....................     24,200,000
              MISSOURI-- 0.4%
  4,330,000   Missouri Dev. Fin. Bd. IDRB,
                Cook Composites & Polymers
                Co., Ser. 1994,
                (LOC: Societe Generale),
                3.80%, VRDN....................      4,330,000
              MONTANA-- 0.1%
    710,000   Butte Silver Bow City & County,
                Copper City Assn., Ser. 1988,
                (LOC: Bank of America, N.T. &
                3.55%, VRDN....................        710,000
              NEBRASKA-- 0.4%
  4,200,000   Lancaster County IDRB, Mid-
                America, Inc., Ser. 1994,
                (LOC: Heller Finl., Inc.),
                3.90%, VRDN....................      4,200,000

  AMOUNT                                            VALUE
              NEW JERSEY-- 4.1%
              County of Essex, BAN,
$ 5,000,000   Ser. 1997A 4.25%, 8/7/98......... $    5,013,880
 15,000,000   Ser. 1996A 4.50%, 9/17/97........     15,002,836
  4,220,000   Jersey City, Refunding Notes,
                Real Property Tax Appeals,
                4.13%, 1/16/98.................      4,221,880
 10,000,000   Jersey City, BAN,
                4.75%, 9/26/97.................     10,004,601
  8,140,000   Jersey City, Refunding Notes,
                4.30%, 9/26/97.................      8,139,181
              NEW MEXICO-- 0.5%
  4,855,000   County of Sandoval MHRB,
                Arrowhead Ridge Apts., Ser.
                1996-ARB, (FGIC),
                4.65%, 12/31/97................      4,855,000
              NEW YORK-- 9.0%
              Battery Park City Auth. Hsg. RB,
                Marina Towers Tender Corp.,
                (LOC: Sumitomo Bank Ltd.):
  8,560,000   Ser. A,
                3.85%, VRDN....................      8,560,000
  7,765,000   Ser. B,
                3.85%, VRDN....................      7,765,000
 26,200,000   New York City Municipal Wtr. Fin.
                Auth., Wtr. & Swr. RB (LOC:
                Societe General & Ins. by
                3.45%, VRDN....................     26,200,000
 32,600,000   New York City GO, Series L,
                (LIQ: Merrill Lynch),
                3.50%, VRDN....................     32,600,000
 10,100,000   New York State Med. Care Fac.
                Finance Agency RB, Fltg-Rate
                Rcpts. PT-100, (LIQ: Credit
                Suisse & Ins. by FHA),
                4.00%, VRDN....................     10,100,000
  8,305,000   New York State Thruway Auth.
                General RB, MSTR-SG119, (LIQ:
                Societe Generale),
                3.80%, VRDN....................      8,305,000
              NORTH CAROLINA-- 0.7%
  3,600,000   Cabarrus County Indl. Fac. PCRB,
                Oiles America Corp., Ser. 1989,
                (LOC: Indl. Bank of Japan,
                Ltd., NY),
                4.00%, VRDN....................      3,600,000



                           TAX EXEMPT MONEY MARKET FUND       (Evergreen Graphic
                                                                   Goes Here)
                                August 31, 1997

  AMOUNT                                            VALUE
$ 3,000,000   Guilford County Indl. Fac.
                PCRB Sewage Disp., High Pt.
                Chem., Ser. 1994, (LOC:
                Sumitomo Bank, Ltd., NY),
                3.70%, VRDN.................... $    3,000,000
    470,000   NCNB Pooled Tax-Exempt Tr. COP,
                Ser. 1990A,
                (LOC: NationsBank, N.A.),
                4.25%, VRDN....................        470,000
              OHIO-- 0.4%
              Ohio Hsg. Fin. Agy. MHRB:
                Pine Crossing Project, (LOC:
                Sumitomo Bank, Ltd.),
  1,130,000   3.85%, VRDN......................      1,130,000
  3,000,000   10 Wilmington Place, Ser. 1991B,
                (LIQ: Fuji Bank, Ltd. & Ins. by
                3.80%, VRDN....................      3,000,000
              OREGON-- 0.4%
              Oregon EDRB Series CLVI:
                (LOC: Union Bank of California,
  1,830,000   Pacific Coast Seafoods Co.,
                3.75%, VRDN....................      1,830,000
  1,130,000   Pacific Oyster Co.,
                3.75%, VRDN....................      1,130,000
  1,200,000   Oregon State EDRB; Georgia-
                Pacific Corp., 95A Project,
                (LOC: Deutsche Genossen-
                3.65%, VRDN....................      1,200,000
              PENNSYLVANIA-- 5.2%
  2,400,000   Chartiers Valley Industrial and
                Commercial Dev. Auth., William
                Penn Place Project,
                (LOC: Corestates Bank, N.A.),
                4.10%, VRDN....................      2,400,000
  2,855,000   Chester County IDA Mfg. Fac. RB,
                Devault Packing Co., Inc.,
                Ser. 1995,
                (LOC: Corestates Bank, N.A.),
                3.65%, VRDN....................      2,855,000
  8,100,000   City of Philadelphia GO,
                Ser. 1990 TECP,
                (LOC: Fuji Bank, Ltd. NY),
                3.90%, 9/15/97.................      8,100,000

  AMOUNT                                            VALUE
$10,000,000   City of Philadelphia Water and
                Waste Water Rev., MSTR
                #11 ARB,
                (LIQ: Bear Stearns Capital
                Markets & Ins. by FGIC),
                4.15%, 6/4/98*................. $   10,000,000
    500,000   Elk County IDA-IDRB Ref.,
                Stackpole Corp. Project,
                Ser. 1989,
                (LOC: Fleet Bank, N.A.),
                4.33%, VRDN....................        500,000
    650,000   Lawrence County IDA-PCRB, Calgon
                Carbon, Ser. 1983A,
                (Gtd. by Merck & Co.),
                3.85%, VRDN....................        650,000
  1,990,000   Monroe County IDA-RB, United
                Steel, Ser. A,
                (LOC: Corestates Bank, N.A.),
                3.65%, VRDN....................      1,990,000
  1,200,000   Montgomery County IDA-RB, Laneko
                Engineering Co.,
                Ser. 1995,
                (LOC: Corestates Bank, N.A.),
                3.65%, VRDN....................      1,200,000
 13,250,000   Montgomery County PA Higher Ed.
                and Hlth Auth. RB, Higher
                Education on Health Loan, (LOC:
                Dauphin Deposit Bank & Trust),
                3.50%, VRDN....................     13,250,000
  1,000,000   Montgomery County Series A
                IDA-RB, Noesc Tech. Inc.,
                (LOC: Corestates Bank, N.A.),
                3.65%, VRDN....................      1,000,000
  1,235,000   Pennsylvania Econ. Dev. Fin.
                Auth. RB, C.F. Martin & Co.,
                Inc., Ser. H, (LOC: Corestates
                Bank, N.A.),
                3.65%, VRDN....................      1,235,000
  3,460,000   Pennsylvania Hsg. Fin. Agy.
                MERLOTS, Ser. I-ARB,
                (LOC: Corestates Bank, N.A.),
                4.125%, 10/1/97................      3,460,000
    920,000   Reading School District GO,
                Ser. 1997,
                3.95%, 1/15/98.................        920,315
  2,000,000   Schuylkill County IDA-RB, Craftex
                Mills, Inc.,
                (LOC: Corestates Bank, N.A.),
                3.65%, VRDN....................      2,000,000
  1,945,000   West Cornwall Twp. Muni. Auth.
                RB, Lebanon Valley Brethren
                Home, Ser. 1995,
                (LOC: Corestates Bank, N.A.),
                3.60%, VRDN....................      1,945,000


(Evergreen Graphic          TAX EXEMPT MONEY MARKET FUND
    Goes Here)
                                August 31, 1997

  AMOUNT                                            VALUE
$ 3,065,000   Westmoreland County IDA-IDRB,
                White Consolidated Ind., Inc.,
                (LOC: Bank of Nova Scotia),
                4.35%, 12/1/97................. $    3,067,957
              SOUTH CAROLINA-- 2.3%
  3,500,000   Darlington County IDA-IDRB,
                Hobert Corp., Ser. 1995,
                (LOC: Fuji Bank, Ltd.),
                3.85%, VRDN....................      3,500,000
              Georgetown County SC, PCRB,
                International Paper Project,
                (Gtd. by International Paper):
  4,780,000   4.00%, 9/1/97....................      4,780,000
 11,250,000   4.00%, 9/1/98....................     11,250,000
    950,000   South Carolina Jobs EDA Hosp.
                Facs. RB, Beloit Corp.,
                (LOC: Cr. Coml. de France),
                3.85%, VRDN....................        950,000
              South Carolina Jobs EDA-EDRB:
    600,000   Ridge Pallets, Ser. B,
                (LOC: Cr. Coml. de France),
                3.85%, VRDN....................        600,000
  2,700,000   Roller Bearing Co., Ser. 1994A,
                (LOC: Heller Finl. Inc.),
                4.10%, VRDN....................      2,700,000
    750,000   Tuttle Co., Inc., Ser. A,
                (LOC: NationsBank, N.A.),
                3.85%, VRDN....................        750,000
              SOUTH DAKOTA-- 0.5%
  5,285,000   Rapid City EDRB, Civic Center
                (LOC: CitiBank, N.A.),
                3.65%, VRDN....................      5,285,000
    400,000   South Dakota EDA-RB, Lumar
                Development Co.,
                (LOC: First Bank, N.A.),
                3.65%, VRDN....................        400,000
              TENNESSEE-- 6.1%
  2,600,000   Bristol IDB, Robinette Co., (LOC:
                First American Nat'l Bank),
                3.80%, VRDN....................      2,600,000

  AMOUNT                                            VALUE
              IDB of Met. Govt. of Nashville &
                Davidson County, Ser. 1989:
                (LOC: Sumitomo Bank Ltd.),
$ 8,995,000   Beechwood Terrace Apts.,
                3.65%, VRDN.................... $    8,995,000
  4,680,000   Belle Valley,
                3.65%, VRDN....................      4,680,000
  6,710,000   Graybrook Apts.,
                3.65%, VRDN....................      6,710,000
  3,200,000   IDB of the City Chattanooga RRB,
                Radisson Read House, Ser. 1995,
                (LOC: Heller Finl. Inc.),
                4.20%, VRDN....................      3,200,000
  5,000,000   IDB of the City of Morristown
                IDRB, Camvac Intl., Inc., Ser.
                1983, (LOC: ABN Amro Bank),
                3.725%, VRDN...................      5,000,000
  4,400,000   Jackson Tennessee Hlth. and Ed.
                Hsg. Fac. RB, Union University,
                (LOC: First American Nat'l
                3.65%, VRDN....................      4,400,000
 10,000,000   Johnson City Sales Tax RB, MSTR-
                SGAYS, (LOC: Societe Generale &
                Ins. by FGIC),
                3.50%, VRDN....................     10,000,000
  5,000,000   Maryville IDB of Ed., RB,
                Maryville College (LOC: First
                Nat'l Bank),
                3.65%, VRDN....................      5,000,000
    700,000   Metro Government Nashville &
                Davidson County IDRB,
                (LOC: First Bank, N.A.),
                3.75%, VRDN....................        700,000
    500,000   Shelby County Tennessee Hlth.,
                Ed. and Hsg., MHRB, 99 Tower
                Place, (LOC: Boatman's Bank,
                St. Louis, MO),
                4.05%, VRDN....................        500,000
  4,285,000   Smyrna Hsg. Assn. MHRB,
                Imperial Gardens Apts., Ser.
                (LOC: Sumitomo Bank, Ltd.),
                3.65%, VRDN....................      4,285,000
  8,000,000   Wilson County, Knight Leasing
                Co., IDRB, (LOC: First American
                Nat'l Bank),
                3.80%, VRDN....................      8,000,000


                           TAX EXEMPT MONEY MARKET FUND       (Evergreen Graphic
                                                                   Goes Here)
                                August 31, 1997

  AMOUNT                                            VALUE
              TEXAS-- 7.1%
$10,890,000   Aldine Independent School
                District, MSTR SGB30
                (LOC: Societe Gen'l & Gtd. by
                Permanent School Fund),
                3.40%, VRDN.................... $   10,890,000
  2,900,000   Dallas Indl. Dev. Corp. RB, Crane
                Plumbing Project,
                3.85%, VRDN....................      2,900,000
  4,000,000   Dallas Independent School
                District, MSTR#6, Class A-ARB,
                (LIQ: Credit Suisse & Gtd. by
                Permanent School Fund),
                4.00%, 12/8/97*................      4,000,000
  5,985,000   Galveston Hsg. Fin. Corp. MHRB
                Ref., Village by the Sea Apt.,
                Ser. 1993, (LIQ: Sumitomo Bank,
                Ltd. & Ins. by FHA),
                3.60%, VRDN....................      5,985,000
  7,005,000   NCNB Pooled Tax-Exempt Tr. COP,
                Ser. 1990B,
                (LOC: NationsBank of Texas),
                4.25%, VRDN....................      7,005,000
  4,000,000   Port of Corpus Christi Auth.
                Nueces County RRB, Union
                Pacific Corp., Ser. 1989 TECP,
                (Gtd. by Union Pacific Corp.),
                4.00%, 12/19/97................      4,000,000
 34,825,000   San Antonio Electric and Gas RB,
                MSTR SG104
                (LIQ: Societe Generale),
                3.55%, VRDN....................     34,825,000
  4,380,000   Tarrant County Hsg. Fin. Corp.
                MHRB Ref., Lincoln Meadows
                Project, Ser. 1988 ARB, (Surety
                Bond: Continental Casualty
                4.10%, 12/1/97.................      4,379,879
              UTAH-- 5.4%
  2,700,000   Summit County IDRB, Hornes'
                Kimball Junction L.P.,
                Ser. 1985,
                (LOC: West One Bank, Idaho),
                3.85%, VRDN....................      2,700,000
              Tooele County Hazardous Waste
                Treatment RB, Union Pacific
                Corp., Ser. A, TECP,
                (Gtd. by Union Pacific Corp.):
 10,000,000   4.00%, 11/24/97..................     10,000,000
 10,000,000   4.00%, 11/25/97..................     10,000,000
 17,500,000   4.10%, 10/23/97..................     17,500,000
 10,000,000   4.15%, 9/10/97...................     10,000,000
  6,290,000   4.15%, 9/15/97...................      6,290,000

  AMOUNT                                            VALUE
              VERMONT-- 0.2%
$ 2,000,000   Burlington Wastewater Revenue
                5.60%, 1/30/98................. $    2,012,867
              VIRGINIA-- 0.9%
  2,900,000   Henrico County IDA RB, San-J,
                (LOC: Tokai Bank, Ltd.),
                3.85%, VRDN....................      2,900,000
  5,000,000   Richmond County Indl. Fac. PCRB,
                Cogentrix of Richmond,
                (LOC: Banque Paribas),
                4.10%, VRDN....................      5,000,000
  1,000,000   Rockingham County IDA-PCRB, Merck
                & Co., Inc., Ser. 1983A, (Gtd.
                by Merck & Co.),
                3.60%, VRDN....................      1,000,000
              WASHINGTON-- 1.5%
  2,200,000   Klickitat County Pub. Corp. RB,
                Mercer Ranches, Ser. 1996,
                (LOC: U.S. Bank of Washington,
                3.90%, VRDN....................      2,200,000
  2,000,000   Pierce County Econ. Dev. Corp.,
                McFarland Cascade, (LOC: U.S.
                Bank of Washington, N.A.),
                3.90%, VRDN....................      2,000,000
              Pilchuck Dev. Pub. Corp. IDRB,
                (LOC: U.S. Bank of Washington,
  1,318,000   Canyon Park Assn., -Lot 12,
                3.80%, VRDN....................      1,318,000
    966,000   Hillside Assn., -Lot 6,
                3.80%, VRDN....................        966,000
  1,218,000   Omni Assn., -Lot 7,
                3.80%, VRDN....................      1,218,000
  7,950,000   Romac Industries, Inc.,
                Ser. 1995,
                (LOC: Union Bank of California,
                3.60%, VRDN....................      7,950,000
              OTHER-- 5.8%
 14,900,000   Capital Investors Tax Exempt
                Ltd. Partnership, Series
                1996-Z, (LOC: Swiss Bank
                3.60%, VRDN....................     14,900,000
  4,500,000   Puttable Floating Option Tax
                Exempt Receipts, PPT-6,
                (LOC: Credit Suisse),
                3.95%, VRDN....................      4,500,000


(Evergreen Graphic        TAX EXEMPT MONEY MARKET FUND
    Goes Here)
                            SCHEDULE OF INVESTMENTS
                                August 31, 1997

  AMOUNT                                            VALUE
              OTHER-- CONTINUED
$19,790,000   Puttable Floating Option Tax
                Exempt Receipts, PPT-7,
                (LOC: Credit Suisse),
                3.95%, VRDN.................... $   19,790,000
  2,395,000   Puttable Floating Option Tax
                Exempt Receipts, PPT-4,
                (Ins. by AMBAC),
                3.90%, VRDN....................      2,395,000
  9,210,000   Puttable Floating Option Tax
                Exempt Receipts, Koch Financial
                (LIQ: Credit Suisse & Ins. by
                3.50%, VRDN....................      9,210,000
  5,035,000   Puttable Floating Option Tax
                Exempt Receipts, PPT-5, (LIQ:
                Credit Suisse & Ins. by FHA),
                3.50%, VRDN....................      5,035,000
  4,554,855   Tax Exempt Private Municipal
                Trust, Koch Financial Corp.,
                Series 1997-1 Tax-Exempt Lease
                Certificate Traunche A,
                4.10%, 5/6/98*.................      4,554,855
                   TOTAL INVESTMENTS--
                     (COST $1,040,038,783)..   99.6%  1,040,038,783
                   OTHER ASSETS AND
                     LIABILITIES-- NET......     0.4      4,387,431
                   NET ASSETS--.............  100.0% $1,044,426,214

AMBAC           American Municipal Bond Assurance Corp.
ARB             Adjustable Rate Bonds
BAN             Bond Anticipation Note
COLL            Collateral
COP             Certificates of Participation
EDA             Economic Development Authority
EDRB            Economic Development Revenue Bond
FGIC            Financial Guaranty Insurance Co.
FHA             Federal Housing Authority
FHLB            Federal Home Loan Bank
FNMA            Federal National Mortgage Association
FSA             Financial Security Assurance Inc.
GIC             Guaranteed Investment Contract
GNMA            Government National Mortgage Association
GO              General Obligations
HFA             Housing Finance Authority
IDA             Industrial Development Authority
IDB             Industrial Development Board
IDR             Industrial Development Revenue
IDRB            Industrial Development Revenue Bond
ISD             Independent School District
LIQ             Liquidity Provider
LOC             Letter of Credit
MBIA            Municipal Bond Investors Assurance Corp.
MERLOTS         Municipal Exempt Receipts Liquidity Option
MHRB            Multifamily Housing Revenue Bond
MSTR            Municipal Securities Trust Receipt
PCRB            Pollution Control Revenue Bond
RB              Revenue Bonds
RRB             Refunding Revenue Bonds
TECP            Tax Exempt Commercial Paper
TRANS           Tax Revenue Anticipation Notes
VRDN            Variable Rate Demand Notes

* Securities may be sold to "qualified institutional buyers" under Rule 144A or
  securities offered pursuant to Section 4(2) of the Securities Act of 1933, as
  amended. These securities have been determined to be liquid under guidelines
  established by the Board of Trustees.

Adjustable Rate Bonds are puttable back to the issuer or other parties not
affiliated with the issuer at par on the interest reset dates. Interest rates
are determined and set by the issuer quarterly, semi-annually or annually
depending upon the terms of the security. Interest rates and reset dates
presented for these securities are those in effect at August 31, 1997.

Variable Rate Demand Notes are payable on demand on no more than seven calendar
days notice given by the Fund to the issuer or other parties not affiliated with
the issuer. Interest rates are determined and reset by the issuer daily, weekly,
or monthly depending upon the terms of the security. Interest rates presented
for these securities are those in effect at August 31, 1997.

Certain obligations held in the portfolio have credit enhancements or liquidity
features that may, under certain circumstances, provide for repayment of
principal and interest on the obligation upon demand date, interest rate reset
date or final maturity. These enhancements include: letters of credit, liquidity
guarantees, standby bond purchase agreements, tender option purchase agreements,
and third party insurance (i.e. AMBAC, FGIC and MBIA). Adjustable rate bonds and
variable rate demand notes held in the portfolio may be considered derivative
securities within the standards imposed by the Securities and Exchange
Commission under Rule 2a-7 which were designed to minimize both credit and
market risk.



                            TREASURY MONEY MARKET FUND        (Evergreen Graphic
                                                                   Goes Here)
                            SCHEDULE OF INVESTMENTS
                                August 31, 1997

   AMOUNT                                         VALUE
$110,000,000   6.00%, 9/2/97***.............. $  110,000,000
 185,000,000   5.75%, 9/30/97***.............    185,024,352
  50,000,000   5.75%, 10/31/97...............     50,009,276
  75,000,000   6.00%, 11/30/97...............     75,023,570
 175,000,000   5.25%, 12/31/97***............    174,828,048
  75,000,000   6.125%, 3/31/98...............     75,140,658
  50,000,000   5.875%, 4/30/98...............     49,994,621
 135,000,000   6.25%, 6/30/98................    135,548,782
 110,000,000   4.75%-- 6.125%, 8/31/98.......    109,666,028
                 (COST $965,235,335).........    965,235,335

  19,136,406   Aubrey G. Lanston,
                 5.55%, dated 8/29/97, due
                 9/2/97 (1)..................     19,136,406
  90,000,000   Barclays Bank, PLC,
                 5.56%, dated 8/29/97,
                 due 9/2/97 (2)..............     90,000,000
 100,000,000   Dean Witter Reynolds, Inc.,
                 5.53%, dated 8/29/97, due
                 9/2/97 (3)..................    100,000,000
 140,000,000   Deutsche Bank GC,
                 5.57%, dated 8/29/97,
                 due 9/2/97 (4)..............    140,000,000
 140,000,000   Donaldson, Lufkin & Jenrette
                 Securities Corp., 5.53%,
                 dated 8/29/97, due 9/2/97
                 (5).........................    140,000,000
 100,000,000   Dresdner Bank AG,
                 5.64%, dated 8/29/97,
                 due 9/2/97 (6)..............    100,000,000
 111,237,500   Dresdner Bank AG,
                 5.64%, dated 8/29/97,
                 due 9/2/97 (7)**............    111,237,500
  40,200,000   Dresdner Bank AG, 5.7%,
                 dated 8/29/97, due
                 9/2/97 (8)**................     40,200,000
 177,843,750   Dresdner Bank AG, 5.85%, dated
                 8/29/97, due
                 9/2/97 (9)**................    177,843,750

   AMOUNT                                         VALUE
$140,000,000   First Boston Corp., 5.53%,
                 dated 8/29/97, due 9/2/97
                 (10)........................ $  140,000,000
 140,000,000   HSBC, 5.57%, dated 8/29/97,
                 due 9/2/97 (11).............    140,000,000
 300,000,000   Lehman Brothers, Inc.,
                 5.50%, dated 8/29/97, due
                 9/2/97 (12).................    300,000,000
 140,000,000   Merrill Lynch, Pierce, Fenner
                 & Smith, 5.55%, dated
                 8/29/97, due 9/2/97 (13)....    140,000,000
 140,000,000   Morgan Guaranty Trust Co. of
                 New York, 5.56%, dated
                 8/29/97, due 9/2/97 (14)....    140,000,000
  50,000,000   NationsBank, Charlotte, NC,
                 5.53%, dated 8/29/97, due
                 9/2/97 (15).................     50,000,000
 210,000,000   Smith Barney Shearson, Inc.,
                 5.57%, dated 8/29/97, due
                 9/2/97 (16).................    210,000,000
 145,725,000   Smith Barney Shearson, Inc.,
                 5.75%, dated 8/29/97, due
                 9/2/97 (17)**...............    145,725,000
 300,000,000   Union Bank Switzerland,
                 5.59%, dated 8/29/97, due
                 9/2/97 (18).................    300,000,000
                 (COST $2,484,142,656).......  2,484,142,656

  (COST $49,315,922)
  49,315,922   Fidelity U.S. Treasury, Inc.
                 Portfolio...................     49,315,922
              $3,498,693,913).......  115.4%   3,498,693,913
              OTHER ASSETS AND
                LIABILITIES-- NET...  (15.4)    (467,013,500)
              NET ASSETS............  100.0%  $3,031,680,413



(Evergreen Graphic          TREASURY MONEY MARKET FUND
    Goes Here)
                                August 31, 1997

*   Collateralized by:
(1)  $15,934,000 U.S. Treasury Notes, 5.625% to 8.875%, 1/15/00 to 11/30/00;
     value including accrued interest-- $16,388,876, $3,120,000 U.S. Treasury
     Bonds, 6.50% to 6.625%, 11/15/26 to 2/15/27; value including accrued
     interest-- $3,132,341.
(2)  $27,102,000 U.S. Treasury Bills, 11/13/97 to 8/20/98; value including
     accrued interest-- $26,192,415, $51,225,000 U.S. Treasury Bonds, 9.25%,
     2/15/16; value including accrued interest-- $65,608,213.
(3)  $357,182,000 U.S. Treasury Strips, 11/15/97 to 8/15/25; value including
     accrued interest-- $102,000,016.
(4)  $13,821,000 U.S. Treasury Bills, 11/13/97; value including accrued
     interest-- $13,671,982, $52,198,000 U.S. Treasury Notes, 6.625%, 7/31/01;
     value including accrued interest-- $53,339,142, $26,899,000 U.S. Treasury
     Bonds, 14.25%, 2/15/02; value including accrued interest-- $34,226,067 and
     $59,973,000 GNMA, 5.50% to 9.50%, 1/1/00 to 4/15/29; value including
     accrued interest-- $40,063,252.
(5)  $22,982,000 U.S. Treasury Notes, 8.00% to 8.875%, 11/15/98 to 5/15/01;
     value including accrued interest-- $24,047,930 and $55,561,000 U.S.
     Treasury Bonds, 6.00%, 2/15/26; value including accrued
     interest-- $50,678,667, $177,031,000 U.S. Treasury Strips, 11/15/97 to
     8/15/21; value including accrued interest-- $68,073,977.
(6)  $90,180,000 U.S. Treasury Bonds, 6.50% to 9.25%, 2/15/16 to 11/15/26; value
     including accrued interest-- $102,004,192.
(7)  $116,526,310 GNMA, 7.50% to 8.50%; value including accrued
     interest-- $114,416,627.
(8)  $2,600,000 U.S. Treasury Notes, 6.125%, 7/31/00; value including accrued
     interest-- $2,618,244, $40,200,757 GNMA, 6.50% to 7.50%; value including
     accrued interest-- $38,819,048.
(9)  $50,000,000 U.S. Treasury Notes, 6.50%, 8/15/05; value including accrued
     interest-- $50,608,142, $128,400,000 U.S. Treasury Bonds, 6.00% to 11.25%,
     2/15/15 to 2/15/26; value including accrued interest-- $130,945,206 and
     $2,300,000 GNMA, 8.50%; value including accrued interest-- $1,499,795.
(10) $137,932,000 U.S. Treasury Notes, 6.75% to 7.75%, 2/15/98 to 2/15/05; value
     including accrued interest-- $144,179,245.
(11) $143,930,000 U.S. Treasury Bills, 10/23/97; value including accrued
     interest-- $142,804,471.
(12) $486,244,112 GNMA, 5.50% to 11.25%, 5/20/99 to 8/20/27; value including
     accrued interest-- $305,965,182.
(13) $110,393,000 U.S. Treasury Bonds, 7.625% to 14.00%, 2/15/07 to 11/15/11;
     value including accrued interest-- $142,804,948.
(14) $135,815,000 U.S. Treasury Notes, 5.875% to 7.75%, 8/15/98 to 11/30/99;
     value including accrued interest-- $137,374,570, $5,510,000 U.S. Treasury
     Bills, 12/18/97; value including accrued interest-- $5,426,072.
(15) $49,625,000 U.S. Treasury Notes, 6.375%, 4/30/99; value including accrued
     interest-- $49,660,151.
(16) & (17) $9,177,000 U.S. Treasury Bills, 2/19/98; value including accrued
     interest-- $8,948,025, $29,338,000 U.S. Treasury Notes, 5.25% to 6.875%,
     9/30/98 to 5/15/06; value including accrued interest-- $29,858,352,
     $8,254,000 REMIC, 7.00% to 8.00%, 6/15/06 to 5/20/24; value including
     accrued interest-- $5,965,419, $90,830,000 U.S. Treasury Strips, 8/15/03 to
     11/15/18; value including accrued interest-- $37,628,410 and $409,435,458
     GNMA, 5.00% to 17.00%, 11/15/97 to 8/20/27; value including accrued
     interest-- $278,397,905.
(18) $377,414,341 GNMA, 6.00% to 9.50%; value including accrued
     interest-- $306,004,521.
**  Represents investment of cash collateral received for securities on loan.
***  Securities on loan (See Note 3).



                                                              (Evergreen Graphic
                      STATEMENTS OF ASSETS AND LIABILITIES         Goes Here)
                                August 31, 1997

                                                               (Logo)            (Logo)            (Logo)             (Logo)
                                                               MONEY          PENNSYLVANIA       TAX EXEMPT         TREASURY
                                                                MARKET        TAX-FREE MONEY     MONEY MARKET      MONEY MARKET
                                                                 FUND          MARKET FUND           FUND              FUND

  Investments in securities..............................  $3,464,439,268      $ 67,388,340    $1,040,038,783    $1,014,551,257
  Investments in repurchase agreements...................               0                 0                 0     2,484,142,656
    Investments at market value (identified cost-
      $3,464,439,268, $67,388,340, $1,040,038,783 and
      $3,498,693,913, respectively)......................   3,464,439,268        67,388,340     1,040,038,783     3,498,693,913
  Cash...................................................          67,134                 0         2,703,051                 0
  Interest receivable....................................      13,537,719           525,390         7,232,591        28,945,172
  Receivable for investments sold........................               0                 0        11,488,005                 0
  Receivable for Fund shares sold........................       6,471,028                 0         1,342,565         1,798,592
  Prepaid expenses and other assets......................         161,476             3,819            44,994            71,884
      Total assets.......................................   3,484,676,625        67,917,549     1,062,849,989     3,529,509,561
  Payable for securities on loan.........................               0                 0                 0       483,676,736
  Payable for investments purchased......................               0                 0        15,750,000                 0
  Payable for Fund shares redeemed.......................       6,322,523                 0                 0           549,886
  Dividends payable......................................       9,949,004            85,439         1,703,837        10,996,800
  Due to custodian.......................................               0            29,154                 0                 0
  Distribution fee payable...............................       1,390,333             8,492           360,161         1,266,292
  Due to related parties.................................       1,316,976            54,127           452,256           994,434
  Accrued Trustees' fees and expenses....................          45,487             5,102            25,000           132,000
  Accrued professional fees..............................          26,700            17,900            24,500             6,432
  Accrued expenses and other liabilities.................         301,736            12,953           108,021           206,568
      Total liabilities..................................      19,352,759           213,167        18,423,775       497,829,148
NET ASSETS...............................................  $3,465,323,866      $ 67,704,382    $1,044,426,214    $3,031,680,413
  Paid-in capital........................................  $3,465,958,299      $ 67,714,599    $1,044,687,001    $3,031,630,773
  Undistributed net investment income....................           2,555                 0                 0            49,640
  Accumulated net realized gain (loss) on investments....        (636,988)          (10,217)         (260,787)                0
      TOTAL NET ASSETS...................................  $3,465,323,866      $ 67,704,382    $1,044,426,214    $3,031,680,413
  Class A................................................  $2,802,600,125      $ 35,728,195     $ 666,745,832    $2,484,759,269
  Class B................................................      22,872,405                --                --                --
  Class C................................................       5,086,778                --                --                --
  Class K................................................         105,412                --                --                --
  Class Y................................................     634,659,146        31,976,187       377,680,382       546,921,144
                                                           $3,465,323,866      $ 67,704,382    $1,044,426,214    $3,031,680,413
  Class A................................................   2,802,742,607        35,729,874       666,866,419     2,484,732,831
  Class B................................................      22,875,453                --                --                --
  Class C................................................       5,088,082                --                --                --
  Class K................................................         105,412                --                --                --
  Class Y................................................     635,220,110        31,984,725       377,781,716       546,914,493
  Class A................................................   $        1.00      $       1.00     $        1.00     $        1.00
  Class B................................................   $        1.00                --                --                --
  Class C................................................   $        1.00                --                --                --
  Class K................................................   $        1.00                --                --                --
  Class Y................................................   $        1.00      $       1.00     $        1.00     $        1.00


(Evergreen Graphic
    Goes Here)              STATEMENTS OF OPERATIONS
                           Year Ended August 31, 1997

                                                                (Logo)            (Logo)            (Logo)            (Logo)
                                                                MONEY          PENNSYLVANIA       TAX EXEMPT         TREASURY
                                                                MARKET        TAX-FREE MONEY     MONEY MARKET      MONEY MARKET
                                                                 FUND          MARKET FUND           FUND              FUND

  Interest...............................................    $159,154,235       $2,481,018       $ 45,162,514      $168,500,697
  Management fee.........................................      13,092,396          275,516          5,695,367        10,831,288
  Distribution Plan expenses.............................       6,359,402           90,259          1,988,796         7,263,329
  Transfer agent fees....................................         923,159           20,100            213,468           184,287
  Custodian fees.........................................         545,241           39,336            266,070           580,475
  Administrative services fees...........................               0           27,793                  0         1,241,466
  Professional fees......................................          32,998           15,890             37,267            28,199
  Trustees' fees and expenses............................          53,364            5,512             25,813            65,862
  Other..................................................         595,807           24,404            123,733           203,935
  Fee waivers and/or expense reimbursements..............      (1,482,584)        (123,088)          (183,559)         (132,244)
      Total expenses.....................................      20,119,783          375,722          8,166,955        20,266,597
  Less: Indirectly paid expenses.........................         (21,867)             (88)           (27,673)           (9,969)
      Net expenses.......................................      20,097,916          375,634          8,139,282        20,256,628
  NET INVESTMENT INCOME..................................     139,056,319        2,105,384         37,023,232       148,244,069
  Net realized loss on investments.......................         (85,308)               0             (2,907)                0
NET INCREASE IN NET ASSETS RESULTING FROM OPERATIONS.....    $138,971,011       $2,105,384       $ 37,020,325      $148,244,069


                                                              (Evergreen Graphic
                      STATEMENTS OF CHANGES IN NET ASSETS          Goes Here)
                           Year Ended August 31, 1997

                                                                (Logo)            (Logo)            (Logo)            (Logo)
                                                                MONEY          PENNSYLVANIA       TAX EXEMPT         TREASURY
                                                                MARKET        TAX-FREE MONEY     MONEY MARKET      MONEY MARKET
                                                                 FUND          MARKET FUND           FUND              FUND

  Net investment income..................................   $ 139,056,319     $   2,105,384     $  37,023,232     $ 148,244,069
  Net realized loss on investments.......................         (85,308)                0            (2,907)                0
      Net increase in net assets resulting from
        operations.......................................     138,971,011         2,105,384        37,020,325       148,244,069
  Class A................................................    (101,255,910)         (905,311)      (20,900,359)     (114,457,775)
  Class B................................................        (509,494)                0                 0                 0
  Class C................................................         (17,908)                0                 0                 0
  Class K................................................          (2,220)                0                 0                 0
  Class Y................................................     (37,268,232)       (1,203,873)      (16,122,873)      (33,786,294)
      Total distributions to shareholders................    (139,053,764)       (2,109,184)      (37,023,232)     (148,244,069)
  Proceeds from shares sold..............................   8,940,579,510       127,715,297     2,604,375,798     6,954,597,959
  Proceeds from shares issued in acquisition of Keystone
    Liquid Trust.........................................     163,579,564                 0                 0                 0
  Proceeds from reinvestment of distributions............      38,314,180         1,021,288        14,787,888        19,627,202
  Payment for shares redeemed............................  (8,113,736,002)     (131,543,821)   (2,852,083,788)   (7,310,208,436)
      Net increase (decrease) in net assets resulting
        from capital share transactions..................   1,028,737,252        (2,807,236)     (232,920,102)     (335,983,275)
      Total increase (decrease) in net assets............   1,028,654,499        (2,811,036)     (232,923,009)     (335,983,275)
  Beginning of year......................................   2,436,669,367        70,515,418     1,277,349,223     3,367,663,688
  END OF YEAR............................................  $3,465,323,866     $  67,704,382    $1,044,426,214    $3,031,680,413
Undistributed net investment income......................   $       2,555     $           0     $           0     $      49,640



(Evergreen Graphic
                              Prior Fiscal Periods

                                        (Logo)                      (Logo)                          (Logo)              (Logo)
                                        MONEY                 PENNSYLVANIA TAX-FREE               TAX EXEMPT           TREASURY
                                        MARKET                  MONEY MARKET FUND                MONEY MARKET        MONEY MARKET
                                         FUND                                 YEAR ENDED             FUND                FUND
                                      YEAR ENDED       SIX MONTHS ENDED      FEBRUARY 29,         YEAR ENDED          YEAR ENDED
                                   AUGUST 31, 1996     AUGUST 31, 1996*          1996          AUGUST 31, 1996     AUGUST 31, 1996

  Net investment income.........    $   85,949,891       $  1,091,227        $  2,665,986       $   36,638,019      $  121,967,383
  Net realized gain (loss) on
    investments.................           (26,141)              (378)               (189)              (6,227)            161,674
    Net increase in net assets
      resulting from
      operations................        85,923,750          1,090,849           2,665,797           36,631,792         122,129,057
  Class A.......................       (63,327,347)          (242,309)             (9,466)         (19,837,670)       (101,441,299)
  Class B.......................          (382,116)                 0                   0                    0                   0
  Class Y.......................       (22,240,428)          (848,918)         (2,656,520)         (16,800,349)        (20,526,084)
    Total distributions to
      shareholders..............       (85,949,891)        (1,091,227)         (2,665,986)         (36,638,019)       (121,967,383)
  Proceeds from shares sold.....     6,275,701,649         61,460,030         179,632,522        2,572,408,736       6,442,829,718
  Proceeds from shares issued in
    acquisition of:
    FFB Cash Management Fund....       592,358,361                  0                   0                    0                   0
    FFB Lexicon Cash Management
      Fund......................        95,834,929                  0                   0                    0                   0
    FFB Tax-Free Money Market
      Fund......................                 0                  0                   0          103,129,021                   0
    FFB U.S. Treasury Fund......                 0                  0                   0                    0       1,070,672,333
    FFB U.S. Government Fund....                 0                  0                   0                    0         327,532,054
    FFB 100% U.S. Treasury
      Fund......................                 0                  0                   0                    0          28,227,573
  Proceeds from reinvestment of
    distributions...............        28,242,023            621,908           1,766,790           16,202,992          17,972,077
  Payment for shares redeemed...    (5,531,191,681)       (79,296,671)       (137,207,686)      (2,390,799,129)     (5,974,992,600)
    Net increase (decrease) in
      net assets resulting from
      capital share
      transactions..............     1,460,945,281        (17,214,733)         44,191,626          300,941,620       1,912,241,155
      Total increase (decrease)
        in net assets...........     1,460,919,140        (17,215,111)         44,191,437          300,935,393       1,912,402,829
  Beginning of period...........       975,750,227         87,730,529          43,539,092          976,413,830       1,455,260,859
  END OF PERIOD.................    $2,436,669,367       $ 70,515,418        $ 87,730,529       $1,277,349,223      $3,367,663,688
Undistributed net investment
  income........................    $            0       $      3,800        $      3,800       $            0      $            0

* The Fund changed its fiscal year end from February 29 to August 31.
                                                              (Evergreen Graphic
                     COMBINED NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS        Goes Here)
The Evergreen Money Market Funds (the "Funds") consist of the Evergreen Money
Market Fund ("Money Market Fund"), Evergreen Pennsylvania Tax-Free Money Market
Fund ("Pennsylvania Tax-Free Money Market Fund"), Evergreen Tax Exempt Money
Market Fund ("Tax Exempt Money Market Fund") and Evergreen Treasury Money Market
Fund ("Treasury Money Market Fund"), known collectively as the "Funds". The
Funds are all registered under the Investment Company Act of 1940, as amended
(the "1940 Act"), as diversified, open-end management investment companies.
Money Market Fund is a series of Evergreen Money Market Trust, Pennsylvania
Tax-Free Money Market Fund is a series of Evergreen Tax-Free Trust, Tax Exempt
Money Market Fund is a series of Evergreen Municipal Trust and Treasury Money
Market Fund is a series of Evergreen Investment Trust.
Each Fund offers Class A and Class Y shares. In addition, the Money Market Fund
offers Class B, Class C and Class K shares. Class A shares are sold at net asset
value without a front-end sales charge. Class B and Class C shares pay a higher
ongoing distribution fee than Class A shares. Class B shares are sold subject to
a contingent deferred sales charge that is payable upon redemption and decreases
depending on how long the shares have been held. Class C shares are sold subject
to a contingent deferred sales charge payable on shares redeemed within one year
after the month of purchase. Class K shares are available for exchange by
shareholders of any Keystone Classic Fund. The contingent deferred sales charge
applicable to shares of the Keystone Classic Fund exchanged for Class K shares
will carry over to the Class K shares received in the exchange. Class Y shares
are not subject to any sales charges or distribution fees. Class Y shares are
sold only to investment advisory clients of First Union Corporation ("First
Union") and its affiliates, certain institutional investors or Class Y
shareholders of record of certain other funds managed by First Union and its
affiliates as of December 30, 1994.
The following is a summary of significant accounting policies consistently
followed by the Funds in the preparation of their financial statements. The
policies are in conformity with generally accepted accounting principles, which
require management to make estimates and assumptions that affect amounts
reported herein. Actual results could differ from these estimates.
Portfolio securities are valued at amortized cost which approximates market
value. The amortized cost method involves valuing a security at cost on the date
of purchase and thereafter assuming a straight-line amortization of any discount
or premium.
Each Fund may invest in repurchase agreements. Securities pledged as collateral
for repurchase agreements are held by the custodian on the Fund's behalf. Each
Fund monitors the adequacy of the collateral daily and will require the seller
to provide additional collateral in the event the market value of the securities
pledged falls below the carrying value of the repurchase agreement, including
accrued interest. Each Fund will only enter into repurchase agreements with
banks and other financial institutions which are deemed by the investment
adviser to be creditworthy pursuant to guidelines established by the Board of
In order to generate income and to offset expenses, the Funds may lend portfolio
securities to brokers, dealers and other financial organizations. The Funds'
investment adviser will monitor the creditworthiness of such borrowers. Loans of
securities may not exceed 30% of a Fund's total assets and will be
collateralized by cash, letters of credit or United States Government securities
that are maintained at all times in an amount equal to at least 100% of the
current market value of the loaned securities, including accrued interest. While
such securities are on loan, the borrower will pay a Fund any income accruing
thereon, and the Fund may invest the collateral in portfolio securities, thereby
increasing its return. A Fund will have the right to call any such loan and
obtain the securities loaned at any time on five days' notice. Any gain or loss
in the market price of the loaned securities which occurs during the term of the
loan would affect a Fund and its investors. A Fund may pay reasonable fees in
connection with such loans.
Securities transactions are accounted for no later than one business day after
the trade date. Realized gains and losses are computed on the identified cost
basis. Interest income is recorded on the accrual basis and includes accretion
of discounts and amortization of premiums.
The Funds have qualified and intend to continue to qualify as regulated
investment companies under the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended (the
"Code"). Thus, the Funds will not incur any federal income tax liability since
they are expected to distribute all of their net investment company taxable
income, net tax-exempt income and net capital gains, if any, to their
shareholders. The Funds also intend to avoid any excise tax liability by making
the required distributions under the Code. Accordingly, no provision for federal
income taxes is required. To the extent that realized capital gains can be
offset by capital loss carryforwards, it is each Fund's policy not to distribute
such gains.
Distributions from net investment income for each Fund are declared daily and
paid monthly. Distributions from net realized capital gains, if any, are paid at
least annually. Distributions to shareholders are recorded at the close of
business on the ex-dividend date.
Income and capital gains distributions to shareholders are determined in
accordance with income tax regulations, which may differ from generally accepted
accounting principles. To the extent these differences are permanent in nature,
such amounts are reclassified within the components of net assets.

(Evergreen Graphic
Income, expenses (other than class specific expenses) and realized and
unrealized gains and losses are prorated among the classes based on the relative
net assets of each class. Currently, class specific expenses are limited to
expenses incurred under the Distribution Plans for each class.
The Money Market and Tax Exempt Money Market Funds have an unlimited number of
$0.0001 par value shares of beneficial interest authorized. The Pennsylvania
Tax-Free Money Market and Treasury Money Market Funds have an unlimited number
of $.001 par value shares of beneficial interest authorized. The shares are
divided into classes which are designated Class A and Class Y shares. In
addition, the Money Market Fund offers Class B, Class C and Class K shares.
Transactions in shares of beneficial interest (valued at $1.00 per share) of the
Funds were as follows:

                                                                            YEAR ENDED AUGUST 31,
MONEY MARKET FUND                                                        1997                  1996
Shares sold.....................................................       4,913,816,942        3,360,065,151
Shares issued in acquisition of:
  FFB Cash Management Fund......................................                   0          592,362,245
  Keystone Liquid Trust.........................................         151,861,145                    0
Shares issued in reinvestment of distributions..................          19,783,898           13,630,468
Shares redeemed.................................................      (4,037,993,646)      (2,895,924,591)
Net increase....................................................       1,047,468,339        1,070,133,273
Shares sold.....................................................          22,383,686           13,107,126
Shares issued in acquisition of Keystone Liquid Trust...........           7,303,582                    0
Shares issued in reinvestment of distributions..................             442,030              307,330
Shares redeemed.................................................         (17,471,935)         (11,123,113)
Net increase....................................................          12,657,363            2,291,343


                                                                      AUGUST 1, 1997
                                                                     (COMMENCEMENT OF
                                                                   CLASS OPERATIONS) TO
                                                                     AUGUST 31, 1997
Shares sold.....................................................           1,309,779
Shares issued in acquisition of Keystone Liquid Trust...........           4,493,120
Shares issued in reinvestment of distributions..................              16,706
Shares redeemed.................................................            (731,523)
Net increase....................................................           5,088,082
Shares sold.....................................................             156,690
Shares issued in reinvestment of distributions..................                 208
Shares redeemed.................................................             (51,486)
Net increase....................................................             105,412


                                                                            YEAR ENDED AUGUST 31,
                                                                           1997                 1996
Shares sold.....................................................       4,002,912,413        2,902,529,372
Shares issued in acquisition of FFB Lexicon Cash Management
  Fund..........................................................                   0           95,834,876
Shares issued in reinvestment of distributions..................          18,071,338           14,304,225
Shares redeemed.................................................      (4,057,487,412)      (2,624,143,977)
Net increase (decrease).........................................         (36,503,661)         388,524,496


                                                              (Evergreen Graphic

                                                                                                               AUGUST 22, 1995
                                                                                             SIX MONTHS        (COMMENCEMENT OF
                                                                        YEAR ENDED             ENDED         CLASS OPERATIONS) TO
PENNSYLVANIA TAX-FREE MONEY MARKET FUND                              AUGUST 31, 1997      AUGUST 31, 1996     FEBRUARY 29, 1996
Shares sold.....................................................          84,061,251           40,205,338           4,636,845
Shares issued in reinvestment of distributions..................             196,984               35,417               3,934
Shares redeemed.................................................         (70,724,545)         (22,377,383)           (307,967)
Net increase....................................................          13,533,690           17,863,372           4,332,812

                                                                                             SIX MONTHS
                                                                        YEAR ENDED             ENDED              YEAR ENDED
                                                                     AUGUST 31, 1997      AUGUST 31, 1996     FEBRUARY 29, 1996
Shares sold.....................................................          43,654,046           21,254,692         174,995,677
Shares issued in reinvestment of distributions..................             824,304              586,491           1,762,856
Shares redeemed.................................................         (60,819,276)         (56,919,288)       (136,899,719)
Net increase (decrease).........................................         (16,340,926)         (35,078,105)         39,858,814


                                                                            YEAR ENDED AUGUST 31,
TAX EXEMPT MONEY MARKET FUND                                               1997                 1996
Shares sold.....................................................       1,491,746,339        1,329,098,871
Shares issued in acquisition of FFB Tax-Free Money Market
  Fund..........................................................                   0          103,102,728
Shares issued in reinvestment of distributions..................           3,081,550            3,435,421
Shares redeemed.................................................      (1,488,596,189)      (1,330,067,450)
Net increase....................................................           6,231,700          105,569,570
Shares sold.....................................................       1,112,629,458        1,243,309,865
Shares issued in reinvestment of distributions..................          11,706,339           12,767,571
Shares redeemed.................................................      (1,363,487,668)      (1,060,731,679)
Net increase (decrease).........................................        (239,151,871)         195,345,757


                                                                            YEAR ENDED AUGUST 31,
TREASURY MONEY MARKET FUND                                                 1997                 1996
Shares sold.....................................................       4,767,671,119        4,828,856,886
Shares issued in acquisition of:
  FFB U.S. Treasury Fund........................................                   0        1,070,688,429
  FFB U.S. Government Fund......................................                   0          327,554,031
  FFB 100% U.S. Treasury Fund...................................                   0           28,227,628
Shares issued in reinvestment of distributions..................          16,715,941           16,836,594
Shares redeemed.................................................      (4,907,328,690)      (4,842,442,130)
Net increase (decrease).........................................        (122,941,630)       1,429,721,438
Shares sold.....................................................       2,186,926,840        1,613,972,832
Shares issued in reinvestment of distributions..................           2,911,261            1,135,483
Shares redeemed.................................................      (2,402,879,746)      (1,132,550,470)
Net increase (decrease).........................................        (213,041,645)         482,557,845

The Treasury Money Market Fund loaned securities during the year ended August
31, 1997 to certain brokers who paid the Fund a negotiated lenders' fee. These
fees are included in interest income. The Fund received cash as collateral
against the loaned securities in an amount at least equal to 100% of the market
value of the loaned securities at the inception of each loan. The Fund monitors
the adequacy of the collateral daily and will require the broker to provide
additional collateral in the event the value of the collateral falls below 100%
of the market value of the securities on loan. At August 31, 1997, the value of
securities on loan and the value of collateral amounted to $469,852,400 and
$475,006,250, respectively. During the year ended August 31, 1997, the Fund
earned $499,529 in income from securities lending transactions.

(Evergreen Graphic
On August 31, 1997, the cost of investments for federal income tax purposes of
each Fund was the same as for financial reporting purposes.
As of August 31, 1997, the Funds had capital loss carryovers for federal income
tax purposes as follows:

                                                                     2001       2002       2003       2004       2005
Money Market Fund...............................................         --        --    $517,000         --    $33,000
Pennsylvania Tax-Free Money Market Fund.........................         --    $4,000       6,000         --         --
Tax Exempt Money Market Fund....................................   $177,000        --      16,000    $65,000         --

Evergreen Keystone Distributor, Inc. ("EKD"), a wholly-owned subsidiary of The
BISYS Group Inc. ("BISYS"), serves as the principal underwriter to the Funds.
The Funds have adopted Distribution Plans (the "Plans") for their Class A
shares, Class B shares, Class C shares and Class K shares pursuant to Rule 12b-1
under the 1940 Act. The Plans permit each Fund to reimburse its principal
underwriter for costs related to selling shares of the Fund and for various
other services. These costs, which consist primarily of commissions and services
fees to broker-dealers who sell shares of each Fund, are paid by the Fund and
classified as "Distribution Plan expenses". Distribution Plan expenses are
calculated daily and paid monthly.
Under the terms of the Plans, the Funds may incur distribution-related and
shareholder servicing expenses which may not exceed 0.75% of average daily net
assets for Class A Shares of Money Market and Tax Exempt Money Market Funds and
0.35% for Class A Shares of the Pennsylvania Tax-Exempt Money Market and
Treasury Money Market Funds. The payments for Class A Shares of the Funds are
voluntarily limited to 0.30% of average daily net assets.
The Money Market Fund may incur distribution-related and shareholder servicing
expenses which may not exceed an annual fee of 1.00% of average daily net assets
of its Class B and Class C shares and up to 0.30% of its average daily net
assets of its Class K shares.
During the year ended August 31, 1997, amounts paid to EKD pursuant to each
Fund's Class A, Class B, Class C and Class K Distribution Plans were as follows:

                                                                       AMOUNTS PAID                    AMOUNTS WAIVED
                                                        CLASS A      CLASS B     CLASS C    CLASS K       CLASS A
Money Market Fund...................................   $6,232,581    $122,419    $4,266      $ 136              --
Pennsylvania Tax-Free Money Market Fund.............       90,259          --        --         --        $ 61,039
Tax Exempt Money Market Fund........................    1,988,796          --        --         --              --
Treasury Money Market Fund..........................    7,263,329          --        --         --              --

EKD has entered into a Shareholder Services Agreement with First Union Brokerage
Services ("FUBS"), an affiliate of First Union, whereby EKD will compensate FUBS
for certain services provided to shareholders and/or maintenance of shareholder
accounts relating to Money Market Fund's Class B shares.
EKD intends, but is not obligated, to continue to pay distribution costs that
exceed the current annual payments from the Money Market Fund. EKD intends to
seek full payment of such distribution costs from the Money Market Fund at such
time in the future as, and to the extent that, payment thereof by the Class B,
Class C or Class K shares would be within permitted limits.
For the Money Market Fund's Class B, Class C and Class K shares, contingent
deferred sales charges paid by redeeming shareholders are paid to EKD.
Evergreen Asset Management Corp. ("EAM"), a wholly-owned subsidiary of First
Union, is the investment adviser for the Money Market and Tax Exempt Money
Market Funds. In return for providing investment management and administrative
services to the Funds, the Funds pay EAM a management fee that is calculated
daily and paid monthly. The management fee is computed by applying percentage
rates starting at 0.50% and declining to 0.45% per annum as net assets increase,
to the average daily net asset value of each Fund.
The Capital Management Group ("CMG") of First Union National Bank of North
Carolina ("FUNB"), a subsidiary of First Union, serves as the investment adviser
to the Pennsylvania Tax-Free Money Market and Treasury Money Market Funds. In
return for providing investment management and administrative services to the
Funds, the Funds pay CMG a management fee that is calculated daily and paid
monthly. For the Pennsylvania Tax-Free Money Market Fund, the management fee is
calculated by applying percentage rates starting at 0.40% and declining to 0.28%
per annum as net assets increase, to the average daily net asset value of the
Pennsylvania Tax-Free Money Market Fund. CMG is entitled to an annual fee of
0.35% of the average daily net asset value of the Treasury Money Market Fund.

                                                              (Evergreen Graphic
Evergreen Keystone Investment Services, Inc. ("EKIS"), a subsidiary of First
Union, serves as the administrator for each Fund. Prior to March 11, 1997, EAM
was the administrator. Furman Selz LLC ("Furman Selz") was the sub-administrator
through December 31, 1996. Effective January 1, 1997, BISYS acquired Furman
Selz' mutual fund unit and accordingly BISYS Fund Services became
The administrator and sub-administrator for the Pennsylvania Tax-Free Money
Market and Treasury Money Market Funds are entitled to an annual fee based on
the average daily net assets of the funds administered by EKIS for which First
Union or its investment advisory subsidiaries are also the investment advisers.
The administration fee is calculated by applying percentage rates, which start
at 0.05% and decline to 0.01% per annum as net assets increase, to the average
daily net asset value of the Pennsylvania Tax-Free Money Market and Treasury
Money Market Funds. The sub-administration fee is calculated by applying
percentage rates, which start at 0.01% and decline to .004% per annum as net
assets increase, to the average daily net asset value of the Pennsylvania
Tax-Free Money Market and Treasury Money Market Funds.
During the year ended August 31, 1997, the Pennsylvania Tax-Free Money Market
and Treasury Money Market Funds paid or accrued to EKIS $23,109 and $1,030,140,
respectively, for certain administrative services.
For the Money Market and Tax Exempt Money Market Funds the administration and
sub-administration fees are paid by EAM and are not fund expenses.
Lieber & Company, an affiliate of First Union, is the investment sub-adviser to
the Money Market and Tax Exempt Money Market Funds. Lieber & Company is
reimbursed by EAM, at no additional expense to the Money Market and Tax Exempt
Money Market Funds, for its cost of providing sub-investment advisory services.
During the year ended August 31, 1997, the Funds' fees were waived as follows:

                                                            FEE WAIVER
Money Market Fund........................................  $1,482,584
Pennsylvania Tax-Free Money Market Fund..................      62,049
Tax Exempt Money Market Fund.............................     183,559
Treasury Money Market Fund...............................     132,244

The investment manager can modify or discontinue these voluntary waivers at any
Effective May 5, 1997, Evergreen Keystone Service Company ("EKSC"), a
wholly-owned subsidiary of FUNB, provides transfer and dividend disbursing agent
services for the Funds. These services were formerly provided by State Street
Bank and Trust Company ("State Street").
As of August 31, 1997, the Funds' accrued or paid to EKSC the following amounts
for these services:

Money Market Fund............................................   $482,639
Pennsylvania Tax-Free Money Market Fund......................      3,203
Tax Exempt Money Market Fund.................................     99,662
Treasury Money Market Fund...................................     71,754

For certain accounts of the Money Market and the Treasury Money Market Funds,
First Union had been sub-contracted by State Street to maintain shareholder
sub-account records, take fund purchase and redemption orders and answer
inquiries. For each account of the Funds, First Union earned a fee which
aggregated as follows for the year ended August 31, 1997:

Money Market Fund........................................    $ 32,890
Treasury Money Market Fund...............................      93,455

Officers of the Funds and affiliated Trustees receive no compensation directly
from the Funds. As sub-administrator, BYSIS compensates the officers of the
The Funds have entered into an expense offset arrangement with their custodian.
The assets deposited with the custodian under this expense offset arrangement
could have been invested in income-producing assets.

(Evergreen Graphic
Each Independent Trustee of the Funds may defer any or all compensation related
to performance of their duties as a Trustee. Each Trustee's deferred balance is
allocated to deferral accounts which are included in the accrued expenses for
each Fund. The investment performance of the deferral accounts is based on the
investment performance of certain Evergreen Keystone Funds. Any gains earned or
losses incurred in the deferral accounts are reported in the Fund's Trustees'
fees and expenses. Trustees will be paid either in one lump sum or in quarterly
installments for up to ten years at their election, not earlier than either the
year in which the Trustee ceases to be a member of the Board of Trustees or
January 1, 2000. As of August 31, 1997, the value of the Trustees' deferral
accounts was as follows:

Money Market Fund........................................    $ 45,487
Pennsylvania Tax-Free Money Market Fund..................       5,102
Tax Exempt Money Market Fund.............................      18,639
Treasury Money Market Fund...............................     111,635

Effective August 1, 1997, the Money Market Fund acquired substantially all the
assets and assumed the liabilities of Keystone Liquid Trust in exchange for
Class A, Class B and Class C shares of the Money Market Fund. The acquisition
was accomplished by a tax-free exchange of the respective shares of the Money
Market Fund for the net assets of Keystone Liquid Trust. The net assets
acquired, valued at $1 per share, amounted to $163,579,564. The aggregate net
assets of the Money Market Fund immediately after the acquisition was
Effective January 1, 1996, First Union merged with First Fidelity
Bancorporation. Effective on the close of business January 19, 1996, the Funds
noted below acquired substantially all of the net assets of the following
management investment companies, previously advised by a subsidiary of First
Fidelity Bancorporation, through non-taxable exchanges. The net assets acquired,
valued at $1 per share, and class of shares exchanged are as follows:

                                                                               CLASS OF
ACQUIRED FUND                                          ACQUIRING FUND          SHARES EXCHANGED           NET ASSETS
FFB Cash Management Fund                             Money Market Fund         Class A                  $  592,358,361
FFB Lexicon Cash Management Fund                     Money Market Fund         Class Y                      95,834,929
FFB Tax-Free Money Market Fund                       Tax Exempt Money          Class A                     103,129,021
                                                     Market Fund
FFB U.S. Treasury Fund                               Treasury Money            Class A                   1,070,672,333
                                                     Market Fund
FFB U.S. Government Fund                             Treasury Money            Class A                     327,532,054
                                                     Market Fund
FFB 100% U.S. Treasury Fund                          Treasury Money            Class A                      28,227,573
                                                     Market Fund

The aggregate net assets of the Money Market, Tax Exempt Money Market and
Treasury Money Market Funds immediately after the acquisitions were
$1,865,328,722, $1,141,961,188 and $3,053,739,559, respectively.
On October 31, 1996, a financing agreement between all of the Evergreen Funds
and State Street, Societe Generale and ABN Amro Bank N.V. (collectively, the
"Banks") became effective. Under this agreement, the Banks provide an unsecured
credit facility in the aggregate amount of $225 million ($112.5 million
committed and $112.5 million uncommitted) allocated evenly between the Banks.
Borrowings under this facility bear interest at 0.75% per annum above the
Federal Funds rate. A commitment fee of 0.10% per annum will be incurred on the
unused portion of the committed facility which will be allocated to all
participating funds. State Street acts as agent for the Banks, and as agent is
entitled to a fee of $15,000 which is allocated to all of the Evergreen Funds.
During the year ended August 31, 1997, the Tax Exempt Money Market Fund had
borrowings outstanding for 3 days under the line of credit and incurred $28,513
in interest charges related to these borrowings. The Tax Exempt Money Market
Fund's average amount of debt outstanding during the year ended August 31, 1997
aggregated $47,400,000 at a weighted average interest rate of 7.218%. The
maximum amount outstanding under the line of credit during the year ended August
31, 1997 was $67,212,367 (including accrued interest). The Funds had no
outstanding borrowings under this agreement at August 31, 1997.
The Pennsylvania Tax-Free Money Market Fund invests a substantial portion of its
assets in issuers located in a single state, therefore, it may be more affected
by economic and political developments in that state or region than would be a
comparable general tax-exempt money market fund.

                                                              (Evergreen Graphic
                       REPORT OF INDEPENDENT ACCOUNTANTS           Goes Here)
In our opinion, the accompanying statement of assets and liabilities, including
the schedule of investments, and the related statements of operations and of
changes in net assets and the financial highlights present fairly, in all
material respects, the financial position of the Evergreen Money Market Fund,
(the "Fund"), a series of the Evergreen Money Market Trust, at August 31, 1997,
the results of its operations for the year then ended, the changes in its net
assets for each of the two years in the period then ended, and the financial
highlights for each of the periods indicated and the financial position of the
Evergreen Tax Exempt Money Market Fund (the "Fund"), one of the Evergreen
Municipal Trust Portfolios, at August 31, 1997, the results of its operations
for the year then ended, the changes in its net assets for each of the two years
in the period then ended, and the financial highlights for each of the periods
indicated, in conformity with generally accepted accounting principles. These
financial statements and financial highlights (hereafter referred to as
"financial statements") are the responsibility of the Funds' management; our
responsibility is to express an opinion on these financial statements based on
our audits. We conducted our audits of these financial statements in accordance
with generally accepted auditing standards which require that we plan and
perform the audit to obtain reasonable assurance about whether the financial
statements are free of material misstatement. An audit includes examining, on a
test basis, evidence supporting the amounts and disclosures in the financial
statements, assessing the accounting principles used and significant estimates
made by management, and evaluating the overall financial statement presentation.
We believe that our audits, which included confirmation of securities at August
31, 1997 by correspondence with the custodian and the application of alternative
auditing procedures where securities purchased were not received, provide a
reasonable basis for the opinion expressed above.
Price Waterhouse LLP
1177 Avenue of the Americas
New York, New York
October 14, 1997

(Evergreen Graphic
     Goes Here)           INDEPENDENT AUDITORS' REPORT
The Trustees and Shareholders
  Evergreen Tax-Free Trust
  Evergreen Investment Trust
We have audited the accompanying statements of assets and liabilities, including
the schedules of investments of the Evergreen Money Market Funds listed below as
of August 31, 1997, and the related statements of operations, statements of
changes in net assets, and financial highlights for each of the years or periods
listed below:
    CONSTITUTING EVERGREEN TAX-FREE TRUST)-- statement of operations for the
    year ended August 31, 1997, statements of changes in nets assets for the
    year ended August 31, 1997, the six-months ended August 31, 1996 and the
    year ended February 29, 1996, and financial highlights for the periods
    presented on page 9.
    EVERGREEN INVESTMENT TRUST)-- statement of operations for the year ended
    August 31, 1997, statements of changes in net assets for each of the years
    in the two-year period then ended, and the financial highlights for the
    periods presented on page 11.
These financial statements and financial highlights are the responsibility of
the Funds' management. Our responsibility is to express an opinion on these
financial statements and financial highlights based on our audits.
We conducted our audits in accordance with generally accepted auditing
standards. These standards require that we plan and perform our audit to obtain
reasonable assurance about whether the financial statements and financial
highlights are free of material misstatement. An audit includes examining, on a
test basis, evidence supporting the amounts and disclosures in the financial
statements. Our procedures included confirmation of securities owned as of
August 31, 1997 by correspondence with the custodian. An audit also includes
assessing the accounting principles used and significant estimates made by
management, as well as evaluating the overall financial statement presentation.
We believe that our audits provide a reasonable basis for our opinion.
In our opinion, the financial statements and financial highlights referred to
above present fairly, in all material respects, the financial position of
Evergreen Pennsylvania Tax-Free Money Market Fund and Evergreen Treasury Money
Market Fund as of August 31, 1997, the results of their operations for the year
then ended, and the changes in their net assets and financial highlights for
each of the years or periods specified in the first paragraph above in
conformity with generally accepted accounting principles.
                                         KPMG Peat Marwick LLP
Boston, Massachusetts
October 10, 1997

                                                              (Evergreen Graphic
                                                                   Goes Here)
100% of the dividends distributed by the Pennsylvania Tax-Exempt Money Market
Fund and the Tax-Exempt Money Market Fund for the year ended August 31, 1997 are
exempt from federal income tax, other than alternative minimum tax.

This brochure must be preceded or accompanied by a prospectus of an Evergreen
fund contained herein. The prospectus contains more complete information,
including fees and expenses, and should be read carefully before investing
or sending money.

                          NOT            May lose value
                          INSURED        No bank guarantee

                       Evergreen Funds Distributor, Inc.

62545                                                            540710 Rev. 01

                                 EVERGREEN FUNDS
                               200 Berkeley Street
                              Boston, MA 02116-5034

Securities and Exchange Commission
Judiciary Plaza
450 Fifth Street, NW
Washington, D.C.

Attn: File Room

Re:    The Evergreen Tax Free Trust
       Evergreen Pennsylvania Tax Free Money Market Fund
       CCC # jwt7mcw$
       CIK # 0000784975
       File No. 811-4510

       The Evergreen Municipal Trust
       Evergreen Tax Exempt Money Market Fund
       CCC # 4#95fcsi
       CIK # 0000836375
       File No. 811-5579

       The Evergreen Investment Trust
       Evergreen Treasury Money Market Fund
       CCC # 4apyfsr*
       CIK # 0000757440
       File No. 811-4154


Please be advised that the 8/31/97 Annual Report for the above referenced
Trust(s) were submitted to your office on October 31, 1997, via electronic
transmission (EDGAR).

Any questions or comments about this document should be directed to the
undersigned at (617) 210-3258.

                                                      Very Truly Yours,

                                                      /s/ Laura Yong
                                                      Laura Yong
                                                      Assistant Vice President

                          EVERGREEN MONEY MARKET TRUST

                                     PART C

                                OTHER INFORMATION

Item 15.          Indemnification.

         The response to this item is  incorporated  by reference to  "Liability
and Indemnification of Trustees" under the caption  "Comparative  Information on
Shareholders' Rights" in Part A of this Registration Statement.

Item 16.          Exhibits:

1(a). Declaration of Trust . Incorporated by reference to Evergreen Money Market
Trust's  Registration  Statement  on Form  N-1A  filed on  December  12,  1997 -
Registration No. 333-42181 ("Form N- 1A Registration Statement").

 2.   Bylaws. Incorporated by reference to the Form N-1A Registration Statement.

3. Not applicable.

4. Agreement and Plan of  Reorganization.  Exhibit A to Prospectus  contained in
Part A of this Registration Statement.

5. Declaration of Trust of Evergreen Money Market Trust Articles II.,  III.6(c),
IV.(3), IV.(8), V., VI., VII., and VIII and By-Laws Articles II., III. and VIII.

6(a). Form of Investment  Advisory  Agreement  between First Union National Bank
and  Evergreen  Money Market Trust.  Incorporated  by reference to the Form N-1A
Registration Statement.

6(b).           Form of Interim Investment Advisory Agreement.  Exhibit
B to Prospectus contained in Part A of this Registration

7(a).           Distribution Agreement between Evergreen Distributor,
Inc. and Evergreen Money Market Trust.  
Incorporated by reference to the Form N-1A Registration

7(b). Form of Dealer Agreement for Class A shares used by Evergreen Distributor,
Inc. Incorporated by reference to the Form N-1A Registration Statement.

8.              Deferred Compensation Plan.  
Incorporated by reference to the Form N-1A Registration

9. Custody  Agreement  between State Street Bank and Trust Company and Evergreen
Money Market  Trust.  Incorporated  by  reference to the Form N-1A  Registration

10.             Rule 12b-1 Distribution Plan.  
Incorporated by reference to the Form N-1A Registration

11. Opinion and consent of Sullivan & Worcester LLP. Filed herewith.

12. Tax opinion and consent of Sullivan & Worcester LLP. Filed herewith.

13. Not applicable.

14(a). Consent of KPMG Peat Marwick LLP. Filed herewith.

14(b). Consent of Deloitte & Touche LLP. Filed herewith.

15. Not applicable.

16. Powers of Attorney. Previously filed.

      17.                  Form of Proxy Card.  Filed herewith.

Item 17.          Undertakings.

         (1)  The  undersigned  Registrant  agrees  that  prior  to  any  public
reoffering of the securities  registered through the use of a prospectus that is
a part of this Registration Statement by any person or party who is deemed to be
an underwriter  within the meaning of Rule 145(c) of the Securities Act of 1933,
the reoffering prospectus will contain the information called for by

the applicable  registration  form for  reofferings by persons who may be deemed
underwriters,  in addition to the  information  called for by the other items of
the applicable form.

         (2) The  undersigned  Registrant  agrees that every  prospectus that is
filed under  paragraph  (1) above will be filed as a part of an amendment to the
Registration  Statement  and will not be used until the  amendment is effective,
and that, in determining  any liability  under the Securities Act of 1933,  each
post-effective  amendment shall be deemed to be a new Registration Statement for
the securities offered therein,  and the offering of the securities at that time
shall be deemed to be the initial bona fide offering of them.

         (3) The  undersigned  Registrant  agrees  to  file,  by  post-effective
amendment,  an opinion of counsel or copy of an Internal  Revenue Service ruling
supporting  the  tax  consequences  of  the  proposed  Reorganization  within  a
reasonable time after receipt of such opinion or ruling.


         As  required  by  the  Securities  Act of  1933,  this  Pre-  Effective
Amendment No. 2 to the  Registration  Statement has been signed on behalf of the
Registrant,  in the City of  Columbus  and  State  of  Ohio,  on the 14th day of
January, 1998.

                                       EVERGREEN  MONEY MARKET

                                       By:      /s/  William J. Tomko
                                                Name:   William J. Tomko
                                                Title: President

         As required by the Securities  Act of 1933, the following  persons have
signed this Pre-Effective  Amendment No. 2 to the Registration  Statement in the
capacities indicated on the 14th day of January, 1998.

Signatures                                                    Title
- ----------                                                    -----

/s/William J.  Tomko                                          President and
- -------------------                                           Treasurer
 William J.  Tomko

/s/Laurence B. Ashkin*                                        Trustee
- ---------------------
Laurence B. Ashkin

/s/Charles A. Austin III*                                     Trustee
- -------------------------
Charles A. Austin III

/s/K. Dun Gifford*                                            Trustee
- -----------------
K. Dun Gifford

/s/James S. Howell*                                           Trustee
- ------------------
James S. Howell

/s/Leroy Keith, Jr.*                                          Trustee
- -------------------
Leroy Keith, Jr.

/s/Gerald M. McDonnell*                                       Trustee
- ----------------------
Gerald M. McDonnell

/s/Thomas L. McVerry*                                         Trustee
- --------------------
Thomas L. McVerry

/s/William Walt Pettit*                                       Trustee
- ---------------------
William Walt Pettit

/s/David M. Richardson*                                       Trustee
- ----------------------
David M. Richardson

/s/Russell A. Salton III*                                     Trustee
- -------------------------
Russell A. Salton III

/s/Michael S. Scofield*                                       Trustee
- ----------------------
Michael S. Scofield

/s/Richard J. Shima*                                          Trustee
- -------------------
Richard J. Shima

* By:             /s/Martin J. Wolin
                  Martin J. Wolin

         Martin J.  Wolin,  by signing  his name  hereto,  does hereby sign this
document on behalf of each of the above-named  individuals pursuant to powers of
attorney  duly  executed  by such  persons  and  included  as Exhibit 16 to this
Registration Statement.

                                INDEX TO EXHIBITS


11                Opinion and Consent of Sullivan & Worcester LLP
12                Tax Opinion and Consent of Sullivan & Worcester LLP
14(a)             Consent of KPMG Peat Marwick LLP
14(b)             Consent of Deloitte & Touche LLP
17                Form of Proxy
- --------------------