PROXY STATEMENT PURSUANT TO SECTION 14(A)
                                      OF THE SECURITIES EXCHANGE ACT OF 1934

Filed by the Registrant                                                   [X]

Filed by a Party other than the Registrant                               [  ]

Check the Appropriate Box:

[ ]     Preliminary Proxy Statement

[ ]      Confidential, for Use of the Commission Only
           (as permitted by Rule 14a-6(e)(2))                             [  ]

[x]      Definitive Proxy Statement

[ ]      Definitive Additional Materials

[ ]      Soliciting Material Pursuant to Rule 14a-11(c) or Rule 14a-12

                                               Endeavor Series Trust
                         (Name of Registrant as Specified in Its Charter)

                                               Endeavor Series Trust
           (Name of Person Filing Proxy Statement, if Other Than the Registrant)

Payment of filing fee (check the appropriate box):

[X]     No fee required.

[ ]     Fee computed on table below per Exchange Act Rules 14a-6(i)(1) and 0-11.

        (1)      Title of each class of securities to which transaction applies:

         (2) Aggregate number of securities to which transaction applies:

         (3)      Per  unit  price  or other  underlying  value  of  transaction
                  computed  pursuant  to  Exchange  Act Rule 0-11 (set forth the
                  amount on which the filing fee is calculated  and state how it
                  was determined):

         (4) Proposed maximum aggregate value of transaction:

         (5)      Total fee paid:

[ ]      Fee paid previously with preliminary material

[        ] Check box if any part of the fee is offset as  provided  by  Exchange
         Act Rule 0- 11(a)(2) and  identify the filing for which the  offsetting
         fee was paid  previously.  Identify the previous filing by registration
         statement number, or the Form or Schedule and the date of its filing.

         (1)      Amount Previously Paid:

         (2)      Form, Schedule or Registration Statement No.:

         (3)      Filing Party:

         (4)      Date Filed:

2101 East Coast Highway
Suite 300
Corona del Mar, California  92625
January  16, 1998

Dear Shareholder:

         I am writing to  shareholders  of the Portfolios of the Endeavor Series
Trust (the "Trust") to let you know about a Special  Meeting of  Shareholders to
be held on February 23, 1998. Before that meeting, I would like your vote on the
important  proposal  described in the accompanying  Notice of Special Meeting of
Shareholders and Proxy Statement. Under the proposal, each Portfolio would adopt
a  Brokerage  Enhancement  Plan (the  "Plan")  pursuant  to Rule 12b-1 under the
Investment Company Act of 1940. Unlike most Rule 12b-1 plans, the Plan would not
impose any additional fees on the Portfolios or shareholders. Instead, under the
Plan,  the  Adviser  of  each  Portfolio  would  direct  part  of the  brokerage
commissions  incurred  by the  Portfolio  to  broker-dealers  who have agreed to
direct  a  portion  of  the   commissions   to  Endeavor   Group,  a  registered
broker-dealer and an affiliate of the Trust's manager.  Endeavor Group would use
the money to pay for expenses  designed to promote  sales of  Portfolio  shares.
Endeavor Group would not make a profit on the  expenditures  under the Plan, and
the Advisers  would continue to be obligated to seek best price and execution in
selecting  broker-dealers.  By promoting  sales of Portfolio  shares,  the Trust
seeks to increase the size of the Portfolios and make possible greater economies
of scale and lower per share  expenses.  The Plan is described in more detail in
the accompanying Proxy Statement.

         The Board of Trustees has unanimously  approved the Plan and recommends
that you vote FOR the proposal.

         You may think that your vote is not  important,  but it is. Please take
the time to  familiarize  yourself with the proposal and to sign and return your
proxy card(s) in the enclosed  postage-paid envelope today. You may receive more
than one proxy card if you own shares in more than one  Portfolio.  Please  sign
and return each card you receive.

         If we do not receive your completed  proxy card(s) after several weeks,
you may be contacted by  representatives of the Trust to remind you to vote your

         Thank you for taking the time to participate in this important matter.


                                                      Vincent J. McGuinness, Jr.

                                               ENDEAVOR SERIES TRUST
                                              2101 East Coast Highway
                                                     Suite 300
                                         Corona del Mar, California 92625

                                      TCW Managed Asset Allocation Portfolio
                                            TCW Money Market Portfolio
                                    T. Rowe Price International Stock Portfolio
                                              Value Equity Portfolio
                                         Dreyfus Small Cap Value Portfolio
                                   Dreyfus U.S. Government Securities Portfolio
                                       T. Rowe Price Equity Income Portfolio
                                       T. Rowe Price Growth Stock Portfolio
                                            Opportunity Value Portfolio
                                             Enhanced Index Portfolio

                                     NOTICE OF SPECIAL  MEETING OF  SHAREHOLDERS
                                          To Be Held on February 23, 1998

To the Shareholders of Endeavor Series Trust:

         NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT a Special  Meeting of the  Shareholders  of
all of the Portfolios of Endeavor  Series Trust (the "Trust"),  a  Massachusetts
business  trust,  will be held at the  offices  of the  Trust,  2101 East  Coast
Highway,  Suite 300,  Corona del Mar,  California  on February 23, 1998 at 10:00
a.m. Pacific Time (the "Special Meeting") for the following purposes:

1.       To approve or  disapprove  a Brokerage  Enhancement  Plan (the  "Plan")
         pursuant to Rule 12b-1 under the Investment Company Act of 1940.

2.       To transact such other business as may properly come before the Special
         Meeting or any adjournment thereof.

         The Board of  Trustees  has fixed the close of  business  on January 9,
1998 as the record date for the determination of shareholders entitled to notice
of and to vote at the Special Meeting.

                                              By order of the Board of Trustees

                                                       Pamela Shelton
January  16, 1998



                                       INSTRUCTIONS FOR SIGNING PROXY CARDS

         The  following  general  rules  for  signing  proxy  cards  may  be  of
assistance  to you and  avoid the time and  expense  to the  Trust  involved  in
validating your vote if you fail to sign your proxy card properly.

1. Individual Accounts: Sign your name exactly as it appears in the registration
on the proxy card.

2. Joint  Accounts:  Either  party may sign,  but the name of the party  signing
should conform exactly to the name shown in the registration on the proxy card.

3. All Other  Accounts:  The capacity of the  individual  signing the proxy card
should be  indicated  unless it is reflected  in the form of  registration.  For

         Registration                                           Valid Signature

         Corporate Accounts

         (1)      ABC Corp. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .ABC Corp.
         (2)      ABC Corp. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .John Doe, Treasurer
         (3)      ABC Corp.
                  c/o John Doe, Treasurer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .John Doe
         (4)      ABC Corp. Profit Sharing Plan .  . . . .    John Doe, Trustee

         Trust Accounts

         (1)      ABC Trust . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Jane B. Doe, Trustee
         (2)      Jane B. Doe, Trustee
                  u/t/d 12/28/78 . . . . . . . . . . .  . . . . . Jane B. Doe

         Custodial or Estate Accounts

         (1)      John B. Smith, Cust.
                  f/b/o John B. Smith, Jr. UGMA . . .. . . . .    John B. Smith
         (2)      Estate of John B. Smith . .       John B. Smith, Jr., Executor

                                               ENDEAVOR SERIES TRUST

                                      TCW Managed Asset Allocation Portfolio
                                            TCW Money Market Portfolio
                                    T. Rowe Price International Stock Portfolio
                                              Value Equity Portfolio
                                         Dreyfus Small Cap Value Portfolio
                                   Dreyfus U.S. Government Securities Portfolio
                                       T. Rowe Price Equity Income Portfolio
                                       T. Rowe Price Growth Stock Portfolio
                                            Opportunity Value Portfolio
                                             Enhanced Index Portfolio

                                        2101 East Coast Highway, Suite 300
                                         Corona del Mar, California 92625

                                          SPECIAL MEETING OF SHAREHOLDERS
                                                 February 23, 1998

                                                  PROXY STATEMENT

         This Proxy Statement is furnished in connection  with the  solicitation
of proxies by the Board of Trustees of Endeavor  Series Trust (the  "Trust") for
each of the ten Portfolios (the "Portfolios") of the Trust, for use at a Special
Meeting of Shareholders of the Portfolios to be held at 10:00 a.m.  Pacific Time
on February 23, 1998 at the offices of the Trust, 2101 East Coast Highway, Suite
300,  Corona  del  Mar,   California   92625,  and  any   adjournments   thereof
(collectively,  the "Special  Meeting").  A notice of the Special  Meeting and a
proxy  card  accompany  this  Proxy  Statement.  This  Proxy  Statement  and the
accompanying  Notice of Special Meeting and proxy card(s) are first being mailed
to  shareholders on or about January 16, 1998. In addition to  solicitations  of
proxies by mail, beginning on or about February 9, 1998, proxy solicitations may
also be  made by  telephone,  telegraph  or  personal  interviews  conducted  by
officers  of the Trust;  regular  employees  of  Endeavor  Management  Co.,  the
managing  partner of Endeavor  Investment  Advisers,  the Trust's  manager  (the
"Manager"); First Data Investor Services Group, Inc. ("FDISG"), 53 State Street,
Boston, MA 02109, a subsidiary of First Data  Corporation,  the Trust's transfer
agent; or other  representatives of the Trust. The costs of solicitation and the
expenses  incurred in connection  with  preparing  this Proxy  Statement and its
enclosures  will be paid by the Trust.  The Trust's most recent annual report is
available  upon request  without  charge by writing or calling the Trust at 2101
East Coast Highway, Suite 300, Corona del Mar, CA 92625 or 1-800-854-8393.

         If the enclosed  proxy is properly  executed and returned in time to be
voted at the  Special  Meeting,  the shares of  beneficial  interest  ("Shares")
represented  by the  proxy  will be voted in  accordance  with the  instructions
marked therein.  Unless instructions to the contrary are marked on the proxy, it
will be voted FOR the  matters  listed  in the  accompanying  Notice of  Special
Meeting of Shareholders.  Any shareholder who has given a proxy has the right to
revoke it at any time prior to its  exercise  either by  attending  the  Special
Meeting and voting his


or  her  Shares  in  person,  or by  submitting  a  letter  of  revocation  or a
later-dated  proxy to the  Trust at the above  address  prior to the date of the
Special Meeting.

         In the event that a quorum is not present at the Special Meeting, or in
the event that a quorum is present but sufficient  votes to approve the proposal
are not received,  the persons  named as proxies on the enclosed  proxy card may
propose  one or more  adjournments  of the  Special  Meeting  to permit  further
solicitation of proxies.  In determining whether to adjourn the Special Meeting,
the following  factors may be  considered:  the nature of the proposals that are
the subject of the Special  Meeting,  the percentage of votes actually cast, the
percentage  of  negative   votes  actually  cast,  the  nature  of  any  further
solicitation and the information to be provided to shareholders  with respect to
the reasons for the  solicitation.  Any adjournment will require the affirmative
vote of a majority of those Shares  represented at the Special Meeting in person
or by proxy. A shareholder  vote may be taken on one or more of the proposals in
this Proxy Statement prior to any such adjournment if sufficient votes have been
received for  approval.  Under the Trust's  Agreement and  Declaration  of Trust
dated November 18, 1988 (the  "Declaration of Trust"),  a quorum of shareholders
is  constituted  by the  presence  in  person  or by proxy of the  holders  of a
majority of the outstanding  Shares of the Trust entitled to vote at the Special

         The Board of  Trustees  has fixed the close of  business  on January 9,
1998  as  the  record  date  (the  "Record  Date")  for  the   determination  of
shareholders of the Portfolios  entitled to notice of and to vote at the Special
Meeting.  The number of shares of each Portfolio  outstanding on the Record Date
is set forth in Exhibit A.

         PFL Life Insurance  Company ("PFL Life") and its affiliates,  AUSA Life
Insurance  Company,  Inc. ("AUSA Life") and Providian Life and Health  Insurance
Company  ("Providian") are the owners of all of the Shares of each Portfolio and
as such have the right to vote upon  certain  matters  that are  required by the
Investment  Company Act of 1940, as amended (the "1940 Act"),  to be approved or
ratified by the shareholders and to vote upon any other matter that may be voted
upon at a shareholders' meeting. Each of PFL Life, AUSA Life, and Providian will
vote the Shares of each Portfolio for the owners of the variable  annuity issued
by it (the "Contracts") in accordance with instructions received from the policy
owners.  Interests in Contracts  for which no timely  instructions  are received
will be voted in  proportion to the  instructions  which are received from other
Contract owners. PFL Life, AUSA Life, and Providian will also vote any shares in
separate  accounts that they own and which are not  attributable to Contracts in
the same proportion.  Each full Share is entitled to one vote and any fractional
Share is entitled to a fractional vote.

         As of January 9, 1998,  the officers and the Trustees of the Trust as a
group beneficially owned less than 1% of the Shares of each Portfolio.

         In order that your Shares may be  represented  at the Special  Meeting,
you are requested to:

         --       indicate your instructions on the enclosed proxy card;

         --       date and sign the proxy card;


- -- mail the proxy card  promptly in the  enclosed  envelope,  which  requires no
postage if mailed in the United States; and

- -- allow  sufficient  time for the proxy card to be received on or before  10:00
a.m. Pacific Time on February 23, 1998.



                                              SUMMARY OF THE PROPOSAL

         At the meeting, shareholders of each Portfolio will be asked to approve
the Plan with  respect to that  Portfolio.  At a meeting of the  Trustees of the
Trust held on August 4, 1997,  the Trustees,  including all Trustees who are not
"interested  persons" (the "Disinterested  Trustees") of the Trust, its manager,
Endeavor   Investment   Advisers  (the   "Manager"),   or  Endeavor  Group  (the
"Distributor"),  unanimously voted to approve the Plan and to recommend that the
shareholders  of each Portfolio also approve the Plan. A copy of the Plan may be
found at Exhibit B.

         Under the Plan, neither the Trust nor any Portfolio would incur any new
fees or charges. Instead, the Manager would be authorized to direct the Advisers
of the various  Portfolios to employ as brokers  certain  broker-dealers.  These
broker-dealers have agreed to direct part of their brokerage  commissions to the
Distributor,  a broker-dealer affiliate of the Trust, for the Distributor to use
to pay for  distribution-related  expenses.  These expenses include advertising;
printing of sales  materials;  training  programs for  broker-dealers  and their
representatives; and payments to selling broker-dealers.


         The Trust is a  series-type  mutual  fund that is  registered  with the
Securities  and  Exchange  Commission  as an  open-end,  diversified  management
investment  company.  The Trust  currently has ten  portfolios:  the TCW Managed
Asset Allocation  Portfolio,  the TCW Money Market Portfolio,  the T. Rowe Price
International Stock Portfolio, the Value Equity Portfolio, the Dreyfus Small Cap
Value Portfolio,  the Dreyfus U.S. Government Securities Portfolio,  the T. Rowe
Price  Equity  Income  Portfolio,  the  T.  Rowe  Price  Growth  Portfolio,  the
Opportunity  Value Portfolio,  and the Enhanced Index  Portfolio.  The assets of
each  Portfolio are held separate from the assets of the other  Portfolios,  and
each Portfolio has its own distinct  investment  objectives  and policies.  Each
Portfolio  operates as a separate  investment fund, and the income,  losses,  or
expenses of one Portfolio generally have no effect on the investment performance
of any other Portfolio.


         The Manager selects and contracts with advisers for investment services
for each of the  Portfolios,  reviews the  advisers'  activities,  and otherwise
performs  administerial and managerial functions for the Trust.  Currently,  six
advisers  (the  "Advisers")  each  perform  investment   advisory  services  for
particular  Portfolios  of the Trust.  The  Manager  pays each  Adviser  for its
services a portion of the  management  fee the Manager  receives with respect to
the  Portfolio.  None of the  Advisers  is an  affiliate  of the  Manager or the

         Each  of  the  Advisers  makes  investment  decisions  on  behalf  of a
Portfolio and places all orders for the purchase and sale of investments for the
Portfolio's  account with brokers or dealers.  In selecting  brokers or dealers,
each Adviser is required to seek best price and execution for each  transaction.
An  Adviser  may also  take  into  consideration  the  provision  by a broker of
research services,  viewed either in terms of the particular  transaction or the
Adviser's overall  responsibilities  with respect to all accounts managed by it.
Under  applicable  law,  an Adviser  may also,  in  selecting  brokers to effect
transactions  for a Portfolio,  take into  account  whether  those  brokers also
distribute shares of a Portfolio.

         Shares of the Portfolios are sold exclusively to the separate  accounts
of PFL Life,  AUSA  Life,  and  Providian  that serve as  underlying  investment
vehicles  for  the  Contracts.  Until  now,  neither  the  Trust  nor any of the
Portfolios has had a "principal  underwriter."  AEGON USA  Securities,  Inc., an
affiliate  of PFL  Life,  is the  principal  underwriter  of the  Contracts.  As
principal underwriter of the Contracts,  AEGON USA Securities,  Inc. has entered
into a wholesale marketing agreement with the Distributor. Under this agreement,
the   Distributor   recruits,   trains  and   supports   regional  and  national
broker-dealers  with respect to sales of the Contracts.  As compensation for its
services, the Distributor receives payments from AEGON USA Securities, Inc., PFL
Life,  and  affiliates of the Manager.  These payments are financed from various
Contract fee revenues of PFL Life and its affiliates.

         In  connection  with the  wholesale  marketing  of the  Contracts,  the
Distributor pays for various sales related costs, including some of the costs of
preparing and printing brochures and  advertisements;  fees and costs charged by
broker-dealers  in order to participate  in broker-  sponsored  sales  seminars;
costs   associated   with  holding   educational   and  training   programs  for
broker-dealers  and their  registered  representatives;  and other  payments  to
selling broker-dealers.

The Plan

         The Trustees of the Trust, including all of the Disinterested Trustees,
have  voted  to  approve  the  Plan  and to  recommend  to  shareholders  of the
Portfolios  that they vote to approve the Plan.  As part of the Plan,  the Trust
and the  Distributor  would  enter  into a  Distribution  Agreement.  Under  the
Distribution  Agreement,  the Distributor would become the principal underwriter
of the  Trust,  with  responsibility  for  promoting  sales  of  shares  of each

         The Distributor, however, would not receive any additional compensation
from the  Trust for  performing  this  function.  Instead,  under the Plan,  the
Manager would be authorized to direct that the Adviser of each Portfolio  effect
brokerage  transactions in portfolio securities through certain  broker-dealers,
consistent with each Adviser's  obligations to achieve best price and execution.
These  broker-dealers  will agree that a percentage of the  commissions  will be
directed to the Distributor. The Distributor will use a part of these


directed  commissions to defray legal and  administrative  costs associated with
implementation  of the Plan.  These  expenses  are  expected to be minimal.  The
remainder of the commissions received by the Distributor will be used to finance
activities  principally  intended  to  result  in  the  sale  of  shares  of the
Portfolios. It is anticipated that these activities will include:

o Printing and mailing Trust prospectuses, statements of additional information,
and shareholder reports for existing and prospective Contract holders.

o Creating and mailing advertisements and sales literature.

o Holding or  participating  in seminars and sales meetings  designed to promote
the sale of Trust shares.

o Paying marketing fees requested by broker-dealers who sell Contracts.

o Training sales personnel.

o  Compensating   broker-dealers  and/or  their  registered  representatives  in
connection  with the  allocation of cash values and premiums of the Contracts to
the Trust.

Although  many  of  these  costs  are  currently  paid by the  Distributor  on a
voluntary basis, it is not required to do so. The  Distributor's  ability to pay
the costs  associated with a higher level of sales  activities is limited by its
available resources.  In addition,  the Distributor will be obligated to use all
of the funds directed to it for distribution expenses, except for a small amount
to be used to defray the incidental costs associated with becoming and acting as
an introducing  broker-dealer under the Plan. Accordingly,  the Distributor will
not make any profit from the operation of the Plan.

Trustees' Consideration of the Plan

         The Trustees have determined that there is a reasonable likelihood that
the adoption of the Plan will benefit each  Portfolio and its  shareholders,  as
well as the owners of Contracts that invest in the Portfolios,  at no additional
cost to the Trust or the Portfolios. In making this determination,  the Trustees
considered a number of factors. The Trustees were informed by representatives of
the  Distributor  that  providing  a  source  of  funds  for   reimbursement  of
distribution-related  expenses  under the Plan would enable the  Distributor  to
establish and maintain an improved  distribution  system designed to attract new
investments in the Portfolios.  The Trustees believe that improved  promotion of
the  Portfolios  should  result  in  increased  sale of  Portfolio  shares.  The
resulting  increase in the  Portfolios'  assets should enable the  Portfolios to
achieve greater  economies of scale and thereby lower their per-share  operating
expenses.  In  addition,  higher net asset levels  could  improve the  Advisers'
ability to manage the Portfolios because positive cash flows into the Portfolios
would eliminate the need to sell existing  investments  either to take advantage
of new, attractive investment opportunities or to meet redemption requests.


         In addition,  the Trustees  considered that,  unlike virtually all Rule
12b-1 plans adopted by other investment companies,  which provide for payment of
distribution   expenses   directly  out  of  an  investment   company's  assets,
implementation  of the  Plan  would  not  result  in  the  Trust  incurring  any
additional  expenses.  The  brokerage  commissions  that  would  be  used to pay
distribution  expenses  under the Plan  would  continue  to be  incurred  by the
Portfolios whether or not the Plan were adopted. The brokerage expenses incurred
by the Portfolios  currently do not directly  benefit the Portfolios,  except to
the extent that executing  brokers provide research  services to an Adviser that
may be used by an Adviser in managing a  Portfolio's  investments.  The Trustees
considered  whether it would be  possible  for the  Portfolios  to  recapture  a
portion of these commissions.  Based on information provided by the Manager, the
Trustees  determined that direct  recapture by the Trust was not possible.  Most
brokerage  transactions  for the  Portfolios  are  executed at a cost of about 5
cents or 6 cents per share.  Based on information  provided by the Manager,  the
Trustees believe that broker-dealers  would not agree to charge commission rates
below that level or to rebate any of their  commissions to the Trust,  but would
be willing to "give up" part of their commissions to an introducing broker, such
as the Distributor,  to be used to pay Trust expenses.  The Trustees  considered
whether the money should be used to defray various direct  expenses of the Trust
and determined that it was in the best interest of shareholders to use the money
for distribution expenses.

         The Trustees  also  considered  the benefits of the Plan to the Manager
and the Distributor.  In particular, the Trustees considered that an increase in
the  Portfolios'  assets would increase the management  fees paid to the Manager
and that payment of  distribution  expenses out of brokerage  commissions  could
reduce  the  need for the  Distributor  to pay such  expenses  out of  resources
otherwise available to it.

         The Plan is governed by Rule 12b-1,  which  requires  that (1) the Plan
must be approved with respect to a Portfolio by a vote of at least a majority of
the  outstanding  voting  securities  of that  Portfolio;  (2) the  Plan and the
Distribution Agreement between the Trust and the Distributor must be approved by
a vote of the Trustees, and by a majority of the Disinterested  Directors,  cast
in person  at a meeting  called  for the  purpose  of voting on the Plan and the
Distribution  Agreement;  (3) both the Plan and the Distribution  Agreement must
provide in  substance  (A) that they will be subject to annual  approval  by the
Trustees and the Disinterested  Trustees; (B) that any person authorized to make
payments under the Plan or the Distribution  Agreement must provide the Trustees
a quarterly written report of payments made and the purpose of the payments; (C)
that the Plan may be  terminated  at any time by the vote of a  majority  of the
Disinterested  Trustees;  (D) that the Distribution  Agreement may be terminated
without  penalty  at any  time  by a vote  of a  majority  of the  Disinterested
Trustees  or,  as to a  Portfolio,  by vote  of a  majority  of the  outstanding
securities of a Portfolio on not more than 60 days' written notice; and (E) that
the Distribution Agreement terminates if it is assigned; (4) the Plan may not be
amended to increase  materially the amount to be spent for distribution  without
shareholder  approval,  and all material Plan  amendments  must be approved by a
vote of the  Disinterested  Trustees;  (5) the selection  and  nomination of the
Disinterested Trustees must be committed to the Disinterested  Trustees; and (6)
in implementing or continuing the Plan, the Trustees must conclude that there is
a  reasonable  likelihood  that the Plan will  benefit  each  Portfolio  and its



         Approval of the Plan with  respect to a  Portfolio  requires a Majority
Vote of the shareholders of that Portfolio.



                                        SUBMISSION OF SHAREHOLDER PROPOSALS

         The Trust is not generally  required to hold annual or special meetings
of  shareholders.  Shareholders  wishing to submit  proposals for inclusion in a
proxy statement for a subsequent shareholders' meeting should send their written
proposals to the Assistant  Secretary of the Endeavor  Series  Trust,  c/o First
Data Investor Services Group,  Inc., Mail Zone BOS865, 53 State Street,  Boston,
MA 02109.

                                     SHAREHOLDERS' REQUEST FOR SPECIAL MEETING

         Shareholders  holding at least 10% of the  Trust's  outstanding  voting
securities  (as defined in the 1940 Act) may require the calling of a meeting of
the Trust's  shareholders  for the purpose of voting on the removal of any Board
member.  Meetings of the Trust's shareholders for any other purpose will also be
called by the Board when requested in writing by  shareholders  holding at least
10% of the Shares then  outstanding  or, if the Board members shall fail to call
or give notice of any meeting of shareholders for a period of 30 days after such
application,  shareholders  holding at least 10% of the Shares then  outstanding
may call and give notice of such meeting.

                                     OTHER MATTERS TO COME BEFORE THE MEETING

         The Board does not intend to present any other  business at the Special
Meeting other than as described in this Proxy Statement,  nor is the Board aware
that any  shareholder  intends  to do so. If,  however,  any other  matters  are
properly  brought  before  the  Special  Meeting,   the  persons  named  in  the
accompanying proxy card will vote thereon in accordance with their judgment.



January  16, 1998


                                                                 EXHIBIT A

                                           INFORMATION CONCERNING SHARES
                                OUTSTANDING AS OF  JANUARY 9, 1998

Name of Series                                    Number of Shares Outstanding

TCW Managed Asset Allocation  Portfolio                         13,570,576.336

TCW Money Market Portfolio                                      51,843,030.820

T. Rowe Price International Stock Portfolio                     11,568,066.735

Value Equity Portfolio                                           10,444,307.921

 Dreyfus Small Cap Value Portfolio                                8,873,724.761

Dreyfus U.S. Government Securities          Portfolio             3,983,852.573

T. Rowe Price Equity Income Portfolio                             10,222,749.545

T. Rowe Price Growth Stock Portfolio                               5,934,551.278

Opportunity Value Portfolio                                        2,312,363.836

Enhanced Index Portfolio                                          1,631,720.627


                                                                    EXHIBIT B

                                            BROKERAGE ENHANCEMENT PLAN


                                               ENDEAVOR SERIES TRUST

Section  1.  Endeavor  Series  Trust (the  "Trust")  is an  open-end  management
investment  company formed under the laws of the Commonwealth of  Massachusetts,
the shares of beneficial interest ("Shares") of the portfolios of which may from
time to time be offered to life insurance companies (each, a "Life Company") for
allocation to certain of their separate accounts  established for the purpose of
funding  variable  annuity  contracts and variable  life policies  (collectively
referred  to herein as  "Variable  Contracts").  Section 2. The Trust  currently
offers shares of beneficial  interest in eleven portfolio series,  the TCW Money
Market Portfolio,  the TCW Managed Asset Allocation Portfolio,  the Value Equity
Portfolio,  the  Opportunity  Value  Portfolio,  the  Dreyfus  Small  Cap  Value
Portfolio,  the Dreyfus U.S. Government Securities Portfolio,  the T. Rowe Price
International Stock Portfolio,  the T. Rowe Price Growth Stock Portfolio, the T.
Rowe Price  Equity  Income  Portfolio,  the  Enhanced  Index  Portfolio  and the
Montgomery  Select 50 Portfolio  (the "Existing  Funds" - such series,  together
with all other series  subsequently  established by the Trust, being referred to
herein  collectively  as the  "Funds").  Section 3. In order to provide  for the
implementation   of  the  payments  provided  for  pursuant  to  this  Brokerage
Enhancement Plan (the "Plan"), the Trust may enter into a Distribution Agreement
(the  "Agreement")  with Endeavor  Group  pursuant to which  Endeavor Group will
serve as the distributor of the Trust's Shares,  and pursuant to which each Fund
participating  in this  Plan will  authorize  payments  to  Endeavor  Group,  as
provided  in Section 4 hereof,  for various  costs  incurred or paid by Endeavor
Group  in  connection  with  the  distribution  of  Shares  of that  Fund.  Such
Agreement,  or any modification thereof,  shall become effective with respect to
the  Shares  of any Fund in  compliance  with  Section  12(b) of the  Investment
Company Act of 1940, as amended (the "1940 Act"),  and Rule 12b-1  thereunder as
the same may be amended from time to time.


Section 4. The Trust may expend  amounts  consisting  solely of that  portion of
brokerage  commissions  paid by the Funds in  connection  with  their  portfolio
transactions and made available to Endeavor Group or other  introducing  brokers
by broker-dealers  executing such portfolio  transactions for the benefit of the
Funds to finance activities principally intended to result in the sale of Shares
of the Funds. Expenses permitted to be paid pursuant to this Plan shall include,
but not necessarily be limited to, the following costs:
 A.  printing and mailing of Trust prospectuses, statements of additional
information, any supplements thereto and shareholder reports for existing and
prospective Variable Contract owners;
 B.   development,   preparation,   printing   and   mailing   of  Trust
advertisements,  sale  literature  and other  promotional  materials  describing
and/or relating to the Funds and including materials intended for use within the
Life Company, or for broker-dealer only use or retail use;
 C.  holding or participating in seminars and sales meetings designed to promote
the distribution of Trust Shares;
 D.  marketing fees requested by broker-dealers who sell Variable Contracts;
 E.  obtaining information and providing explanations to Variable Contract
 owners regarding Trust investment objectives and policies and other information
 about the Trust and the Funds, including the performance of the Funds;
F. training sales personnel regarding sales of Variable Contracts and underlying
Shares of the Trust;
    G.  compensating broker-dealers and/or their registered representatives in
connection with the allocation of cash values and premiums of the Variable
 Contracts to the Trust;
   H.  personal service and/or maintenance of Variable Contract owner accounts
with respect to Trust Shares attributable to such accounts; and
         I.  financing  any other  activity  that the Trust's  Board of Trustees
determines  is  primarily  intended to result in the sale of Shares.  Section 5.
This Plan shall not take effect with respect to any  Existing  Fund until it has
been approved by votes of a majority of (a) the outstanding Shares of such Fund,
(b) the Trustees of the Trust,  and (c) those  Trustees of the Trust who are not


persons"  of the  Trust (as  defined  in the 1940 Act) and who have no direct or
indirect  financial  interest in the operation of this Plan or any agreements of
the  Trust   related   hereto  or  any  other   person   related  to  this  Plan
("Disinterested  Trustees"),  cast in person at a meeting called for the purpose
of voting on this Plan. As additional series of the Trust are established,  this
Plan shall  become  effective  with  respect to each such Fund upon the  initial
public offering of such new Fund's shares,  provided that this Plan with respect
to such Fund has been  approved by votes of a majority of both (a) the  Trustees
of the  Trust  and (b) the  Disinterested  Trustees  cast in person at a meeting
called for the purpose of voting on such approval and by the initial shareholder
of the Fund so long as such initial shareholder's approval is required under the
1940 Act and the rules  thereunder.  In addition,  any agreement related to this
Plan and entered into by any Fund in connection  therewith shall not take effect
until it has been  approved  by votes of a majority of (a) the Board of Trustees
of the Trust, and (b) the Disinterested Trustees of the Trust. Section 6. Unless
sooner terminated  pursuant to Section 8, this Plan shall continue in effect for
a period of one year from the date it takes effect and thereafter shall continue
in effect so long as such continuance is specifically approved annually by votes
of a  majority  of both  (a) the  Board of  Trustees  of the  Trust  and (b) the
Disinterested  Trustees of the Trust, cast in person at a meeting called for the
purpose of voting on this Plan.  Section 7. Any person  authorized to direct the
disposition  of monies  paid or  payable  pursuant  to this Plan or any  related
agreement  shall  provide to the Trust's  Board of Trustees  and the Board shall
review at least  quarterly a written  report of the amounts so expended  and the
purposes  for which such  expenditures  were  made.  Section 8. This Plan may be
terminated  at any time with  respect to any Fund by vote of a  majority  of the
Disinterested  Trustees,  or by vote of a  majority  of the  Shares of the Fund.
Section 9. Any agreement of the Trust, with respect to any Fund, related to this
Plan shall be in writing and shall provide:
         A. That such agreement may be terminated  with respect to a Fund at any
time without payment of any penalty,  by vote of a majority of the Disinterested
Trustees  or by a vote of a majority of the  outstanding  Shares of such Fund on
not more than sixty days'  written  notice to any other party to the  agreement;


         B. That such agreement  shall terminate  automatically  in the event of
its  assignment.  Section  10.  This  Plan may not be  amended  in any  material
respect,  including,  but not  limited to,  changing  the sources of monies from
which distribution expenses are paid provided for in Section 3 with respect to a
Fund unless  such  amendment  is  approved by a vote of at least a majority  (as
defined in the 1940 Act) of the outstanding Shares of such Fund, and no material
amendment  to this Plan shall be made unless  approved by votes of a majority of
(a) the Board of Trustees of the Trust, and (b) the Disinterested Trustees, cast
in person at a  meeting  called  for the  purpose  of voting on such  amendment.
Section 11. While this Plan is in effect with respect to any Fund, the selection
and nomination of the Disinterested  Trustees of the Trust shall be committed to
the discretion of the existing Disinterested Trustees of the Trust.



TCW Managed Asset Allocation Portfolio
TCW Money Market Portfolio
T. Rowe Price International Stock Portfolio
Value Equity Portfolio
Dreyfus Small Cap Value Portfolio
Dreyfus U.S. Government Securities Portfolio
T. Rowe Price Equity Income Portfolio
T. Rowe Price Growth Stock Portfolio
Opportunity Value Portfolio
Enhanced Index Portfolio


The  undersigned  contract owner,  annuitant or participant,  by completing this
form does hereby appoint Providian Life and Health Insurance Company,  attorneys
and  proxies  for  the  undersigned,   with  full  powers  of  substitution  and
revocation,  to  represent  the  undersigned  and  to  vote  on  behalf  of  the
undersigned all shares of Beneficial  Interest which the undersigned is entitled
to vote at a Special Meeting of  Shareholders  to be held at 10:00 a.m.  Pacific
time on February 23, 1998 at the offices of the Trust,  2101 East Coast Highway,
Suite 300, Corona del Mar, CA 92625 and at any adjournments thereof.

The interest represented by this proxy will be voted as directed below, or if no
direction is indicated,  will be voted FOR the proposal below. If a proxy is not
received from a particular contract owner, participant or annuitant,  then votes
attributable  to his  interest  will be allocated in the same ratio as votes for
which instructions have been received.


Please vote by checking your response.

To approve a new  Brokerage  Enhancement  Plan pursuant to Rule 12b- 1 under the
Investment Company Act of 1940.

 FUND                              UNITS                      FOR      AGAINST

The undersigned,  by completing this form, does hereby request that the proxy be
authorized to exercise its  discretion in voting upon such other business as may
properly come before the meeting.



NOTE:  The  undersigned  hereby  acknowledges  receipt  of the Notice of Special
Meeting and Proxy Statement, and revokes any proxy heretofore given with respect
to the votes covered by this proxy.

Dated______________,1998                      _______________________________



TCW Managed Asset Allocation Portfolio
TCW Money Market Portfolio
T. Rowe Price International Stock Portfolio
Value Equity Portfolio
Dreyfus Small Cap Value Portfolio
Dreyfus U.S. Government Securities Portfolio
T. Rowe Price Equity Income Portfolio
T. Rowe Price Growth Stock Portfolio
Opportunity Value Portfolio
Enhanced Index Portfolio


The  undersigned  contract owner,  annuitant or participant,  by completing this
form does hereby  appoint  AUSA Life  Insurance  Company,  Inc.,  attorneys  and
proxies for the undersigned, with full powers of substitution and revocation, to
represent the undersigned and to vote on behalf of the undersigned all shares of
Beneficial  Interest  which the  undersigned  is  entitled  to vote at a Special
Meeting of  Shareholders  to be held at 10:00 a.m.  Pacific time on February 23,
1998 at the offices of the Trust, 2101 East Coast Highway, Suite 300, Corona del
Mar, CA 92625 and at any adjournments thereof.

The interest represented by this proxy will be voted as directed below, or if no
direction is indicated,  will be voted FOR the proposal below. If a proxy is not
received from a particular contract owner, participant or annuitant,  then votes
attributable  to his  interest  will be allocated in the same ratio as votes for
which instructions have been received.

Please vote by checking your response.


To approve a new  Brokerage  Enhancement  Plan pursuant to Rule 12b- 1 under the
Investment Company Act of 1940.

 FUND                              UNITS                      FOR      AGAINST

The undersigned,  by completing this form, does hereby request that the proxy be
authorized to exercise its  discretion in voting upon such other business as may
properly come before the meeting.



NOTE:  The  undersigned  hereby  acknowledges  receipt  of the Notice of Special
Meeting and Proxy Statement, and revokes any proxy heretofore given with respect
to the votes covered by this proxy.

Dated______________,1998           _______________________________



TCW Managed Asset Allocation Portfolio
TCW Money Market Portfolio
T. Rowe Price International Stock Portfolio
Value Equity Portfolio
Dreyfus Small Cap Value Portfolio
Dreyfus U.S. Government Securities Portfolio
T. Rowe Price Equity Income Portfolio
T. Rowe Price Growth Stock Portfolio
Opportunity Value Portfolio
Enhanced Index Portfolio


The  undersigned  contract owner,  annuitant or participant,  by completing this
form does hereby  appoint  AUSA Life  Insurance  Company,  Inc.,  attorneys  and
proxies for the undersigned, with full powers of substitution and revocation, to
represent the undersigned and to vote on behalf of the undersigned all shares of
Beneficial  Interest  which the  undersigned  is  entitled  to vote at a Special
Meeting of  Shareholders  to be held at 10:00 a.m.  Pacific time on February 23,
1998 at the offices of the Trust, 2101 East Coast Highway, Suite 300, Corona del
Mar, CA 92625 and at any adjournments thereof.

The interest represented by this proxy will be voted as directed below, or if no
direction is indicated,  will be voted FOR the proposal below. If a proxy is not
received from a particular contract owner, participant or annuitant,  then votes
attributable  to his  interest  will be allocated in the same ratio as votes for
which instructions have been received.

Please vote by checking your response.


To approve a new  Brokerage  Enhancement  Plan pursuant to Rule 12b- 1 under the
Investment Company Act of 1940.

 FUND                               UNITS                      FOR      AGAINST

The undersigned,  by completing this form, does hereby request that the proxy be
authorized to exercise its  discretion in voting upon such other business as may
properly come before the meeting.



NOTE:  The  undersigned  hereby  acknowledges  receipt  of the Notice of Special
Meeting and Proxy Statement, and revokes any proxy heretofore given with respect
to the votes covered by this proxy.

Dated______________,1998             _______________________________


TELEPHONE:  202-775-8190
FACSIMILE:  202-293-2275

767 THIRD AVENUE                                       ONE POST OFFICE SQUARE
NEW YORK, NEW WORK  10017                           BOSTON, MASSACHUSETTS  02109
TELEPHONE:  212-486-8200                               TELEPHONE:  617-338-2800
FACSIMILE:  212-758-2151                               FACSIMILE:  617-338-2880

                                                              January 21, 1998


EDGAR Operations Branch
Division of Investment Management
Securities and Exchange Commission
450 Fifth Street, N.W.
Washington, D.C.  20549

                           Endeavor Series Trust
                           Definitive Proxy Materials
                           File Nos.  33-27352/811-5780

Ladies and Gentlemen:

         Pursuant to Rule 14a-6(b) under the Securities  Exchange Act of 1934, I
have enclosed for filing on behalf of Endeavor Series Trust (the "Trust") a copy
of the  definitive  Notice of Meeting,  Proxy  Statement and Form of Proxy for a
Special Meeting of Shareholders  scheduled for February 23, 1998. The purpose of
the Special  Meeting is to approve or  disapprove a Brokerage  Enhancement  Plan
pursuant to Rule 12b-1 under the Investment Company Act of 1940.


         Please direct any comments to me at 202-775-1207.

                                                     Very truly yours
                                                     /s/David C. Mahaffey
                                                     David C. Mahaffey
