Washington, D.C. 20549

                                    FORM 10-K

(Mark One)
[X] Annual Report Pursuant to Section 13 or 15(d) of the Securities Exchange Act
 of 1934

For the fiscal year ended December 31, 1997

[ ] Transition Report Pursuant to Section 13 or 15(d) of the Securities
 Exchange Act of 1934

For the transition period from                     to

Commission file number  0-13520

             (Exact name of registrant as specified in its charter)

             Massachusetts                              04-2828131
     (State or other jurisdiction of                (I.R.S. Employer
       incorporation or organization)                Identification No.)

 27 Christina Street, Suite 203, Newton, Massachusetts        02161
(Address of principal executive offices)                   (Zip Code)

Registrant's telephone number, including area code  (617) 244-2242

Securities registered pursuant to Section 12(b) of the Act:  None

Securities  registered  pursuant to Section  12(g) of the Act:  Units of Limited
Partnership Interest

Indicate by check mark whether the registrant (1) has filed all reports required
to be filed by  Sections  13 or 15(d)  of the  Securities  Exchange  Act of 1934
during the preceding 12 months (or for such shorter  period that the  registrant
was  required  to file such  reports),  and (2) has been  subject to such filing
requirements for the past 90 days. [X] Yes [ ] No

Indicate by check mark if disclosure of delinquent  filers  pursuant to Item 405
of regulation  S-K is not contained  herein,  and will not be contained,  to the
best of registrant's  knowledge,  in definitive proxy or information  statements
incorporated by reference in Part III of this Form 10-K or any amendment to this
Form 10-K. [ x ]

Aggregate market value of voting stock held by non-affiliates of the registrant:
Not applicable

                    Documents incorporated by reference: None

                        Exhibits Index on Pages: 103 -116

                                  Page 1 of 118

                                     PART I

Item 1.  Business

         The  Registrant,  Liberty Housing  Partners  Limited  Partnership  (the
"Partnership"),  is a limited partnership  organized under the provisions of the
Massachusetts  Uniform Limited Partnership Act on March 20, 1984. Until December
27,  1995,  the  partners in the  Partnership  consisted  of Liberty Real Estate
Corporation,   the  managing  general  partner  (the  "Former  Managing  General
Partner"),  LHP Associates  Limited  Partnership,  the associate general partner
(the "Former  Associate General Partner") and, together with the Former Managing
General Partner,  (the "Former General  Partners"),  and Limited Partners owning
21,576 units of Limited Partnership Interest ("Units").

         The Units were offered and sold commencing July 13, 1984, pursuant to a
Registration  Statement  on Form S-11  under  the  Securities  Act of 1933.  The
offering was completed on July 12, 1985.

        On December 27, 1995,  the Former  General  Partners  withdrew  from the
Partnership and TNG Properties, Inc., a Massachusetts corporation (the "Managing
General  Partner"),  was admitted to the  Partnership  as a  substitute  general
partner with an interest  equivalent  to the  aggregate  interests of the Former
General Partners.

        The  Partnership  will  terminate on December 31,  2020,  unless  sooner
dissolved or  terminated  as provided in Section 11 of the Amended  Agreement of
Limited  Partnership  dated  as of July  13,  1984,  as  amended  to  date  (the
"Partnership Agreement").

        The Partnership has no employees.  Under the Partnership Agreement,  the
Managing  General  Partner  is  solely  responsible  for  the  operation  of the
Partnership and its properties.

         The Partnership is engaged in only one industry  segment,  the business
of investing in,  operating,  owning,  leasing and  improving  interests in real
estate through ownership of interests in other limited  partnerships (the "Local
Limited Partnerships") which own and operate  government-assisted,  multi-family
rental housing complexes. As described in Item 2, the Partnership owns interests
in  13  Local  Limited   Partnerships,   each  of  which  owns  and  operates  a
government-assisted,  garden-style,  residential  multi-family  housing complex.
Each complex  consists of  one-to-three-story  buildings of wood frame and brick
construction  located on  landscaped  lots.  The  apartments  within each of the
complexes  contain fully  equipped  kitchens and some of the  complexes  include
swimming pools.

         The Partnership paid for two of the 13 limited partnership interests in
cash upon acquisition.  The Partnership paid for 11 of such limited  partnership
interests by delivery of cash,  short-term promissory notes (which have all been
paid in full) and non-recourse  promissory notes which bear interest at the rate
of 9% per annum  ("Purchase  Money  Notes").  Each  Purchase  Money Note permits
interest to accrue to the extent cash  distributions to the Partnership from the
applicable Local Limited  Partnership are insufficient to enable the Partnership
to pay the Purchase Money Note on a current  basis.  The Purchase Money Notes do
not require payment of any portion of the principal amount of the notes prior to
maturity  (except  that the  Purchase  Money  Notes  require  immediate  payment
following a default (as defined therein) by the Partnership thereunder).


Item 1. Business, continued

As a result of these  interest  accrual and payment  provisions,  each  Purchase
Money Note will require a substantial  balloon payment at maturity.  The payment
of each Purchase Money Note is secured by a pledge of the Partnership's interest
in the Local Limited  Partnership to which the note relates.  The Purchase Money
Notes had an  original  term of from 15 to 17 years and mature at varying  dates
during 1999, 2000 and 2001. Additional information concerning the Purchase Money
Notes  is set  forth  below  under  "Management's  Discussion  and  Analysis  of
Financial  Condition  and Results of  Operations."  One of the two Local Limited
Partnerships  in which the  Partnership  acquired  its  interest for cash issued
purchase  money notes in  connection  with the purchase of its housing  complex.
Such notes have terms which are substantially identical to those of the Purchase
Money  Notes,  and are secured by a pledge by all of the  partners in such Local
Limited Partnership  (including the Partnership) of their respective partnership
interests therein. See the table under Item 2 (Properties) below.

        The Partnership does not intend to make any additional investments.  The
Partnership's business is not seasonal.

        In  connection  with the  Partnership's  investment in the Local Limited
Partnerships,  Liberty  LGP  Limited  Partnership,  an  affiliate  of the Former
General Partners ("Liberty LGP") acquired  co-general  partnership  interests or
special limited partnership interests in each of the Local Limited Partnerships.
In some cases,  such  interests  entitle  Liberty  LGP to approve or  disapprove
certain actions proposed to be taken by the unaffiliated general partners of the
Local Limited Partnership (the "Local General Partners").  In all cases, Liberty
LGP, acting alone, is authorized to cause each Local Limited Partnership to sell
and/or  refinance  the  project  owned by such  Local  Limited  Partnership.  On
December 27, 1995, TNG  Properties,  Inc.  acquired a 19.8% limited  partnership
interest in Liberty LGP. Liberty Housing Corporation held an 80.2% interest as a
general  partner in Liberty LGP.  Michael A.  Stoller,  President and CEO of the
Managing  General  Partner  acquired  all of the  outstanding  stock of  Liberty
Housing Corporation from the Former Managing General Partner.

        The  Partnership's  investments  are and will  continue to be subject to
various risks, including the following:

(1) The risk  that  Partnership  funds  will not be  sufficient  to  enable  the
Partnership  to  pay  its  debts  and  obligations.   Among  the   Partnership's
liabilities  are the Purchase  Money Notes.  Such notes do not require  payments
during  their term,  except to the extent of cash  distributions  from the Local
Limited Partnerships, but will require substantial balloon payments at maturity.
The Partnership  may not have funds  sufficient to repay such notes at maturity.
See Item 7.

(2) Risk of  recapture  of  previously  claimed  tax  losses  as a result of the
Partnership's inability to pay at maturity the Purchase Money Notes. As a result
of such recapture,  the investors in the  Partnership  would have taxable income
from the  Partnership,  and the associated  income tax  liability,  without cash
distributions  from the  Partnership  with  which to  satisfy  such  income  tax

(3) The risks  associated  with an  investment in a  partnership,  including tax
risks as a result of  possible  adjustments  by the IRS to  federal  income  tax
returns filed by the Partnership and its Partners, and other tax risks.


Item 1. Business, continued

(4) Risks that the federal  government  will cease or reduce  funding of housing
subsidies,  including  subsidies  under the Section 8 and Section 236  programs,
both of  which  provide  substantial  operating  revenues  to many of the  Local
Limited Partnerships.

(5)  Possible  restrictions  imposed by Federal,  state or local  agencies  that
provide  government  assistance to the  projects,  which may limit the amount of
costs  which may be passed on to  tenants in the form of rent  increases,  limit
future direct government assistance to Local Limited  Partnerships,  or restrict
the  Partnership's  ability to sell or refinance its Local  Limited  Partnership

(6) The  risk  that  properties  owned by Local  Limited  Partnerships  will not
generate income sufficient to meet their operating  expenses and debt service or
to fund adequate reserves for capital expenditures.

(7)  Continuing  quality of on-site  management  of the local  properties.  Such
on-site management is subject to direct control by the Local General Partners of
the Local Limited Partnerships and not by the Partnership.

(8) Possible  adverse changes in general  economic  conditions and adverse local
conditions,  such as competitive  over-building,  a decrease in  employment,  or
adverse changes in real estate selling laws,  which may reduce the  desirability
of real estate in a particular area.

(9) Circumstances  over which the Local Limited  Partnerships may have little or
no control, such as fires, earthquakes, and floods.

(10) The risk that properties owned by Local Limited Partnerships will be unable
to replace the revenue  received under federal housing  assistance  contracts or
extend the current contract at the same terms upon their termination.

Item 2. Properties

        The Partnership owns limited  partnership  interests in 13 Local Limited
Partnerships,  each of which  owns  the fee  interest  in a  government-assisted
residential  multi-family rental housing complex.  The following table reflects:
(1) the name of each of the Local Limited Partnerships and the percentage of the
total   interests  in  the  Local  Limited   Partnership   represented   by  the
Partnership's  interest;  (2) the date on which the Partnership acquired each of
such  interests;  (3) the  consideration  paid  for  each  interest,  (including
purchase money notes);  (4) the original  principal amount, the aggregate amount
of the principal and accrued and unpaid interest  outstanding as of December 31,
1997,  and the  maturity  date of the  Purchase  Money  Notes  relating  to each
interest; (5) the Partnership's share of the mortgage indebtedness of each Local
Limited Partnership;  (6) the size and the location of the housing project owned
by each Local Limited  Partnership;  and (7) the government  program pursuant to
which the complex  receives  assistance  and the number of housing  units in the
project receiving such assistance.

         More detailed  information related to the properties owned by the Local
Limited   Partnerships,   including   their   respective   amounts  of  mortgage
indebtedness   is  included  in  Schedule  III,  Real  Estate  and   Accumulated
Depreciation,  included in Item 8, and is contained  in the  separate  financial
statements of the Local Limited Partnerships. It is unlikely that operating cash
flows from the Local Limited  Partnerships  will generate any  distributions  to
investors in the  Partnership,  because in nearly all cases,  the  Partnership's
share of operating  cash flows from the  properties  owned by the Local  Limited
Partnerships  must be applied to repayment of accrued  interest and principal on
the related Purchase Money Notes.


Item 2. Properties

                                                        Purchase Money Notes
                                                              Principal                     At Acquisition
                                      Total                      and                    -----------------------   
    Name/Percentage      Interest    Acquisi-     Original     Interest                  LHPLP         Total      
  Ownership of Local    Acquisiton    tion       Principal      as of       Maturity    Share of      Invested    
  Limited Partnership      Date       Cost       Amount(A)     12/31/96       Date      Local Debt    Assets (C)  
- ----------------------- ----------   --------    ---------    ---------     --------    ----------    ----------  
98% interests are owned
in the following Local
Limited Partnerships(B):
1 Glendale Manor         8/31/84     $810,000     $450,000      $587,984    8/29/2000     $929,000    $1,739,000
2 Surry Manor, Ltd.      8/31/84      740,000      360,000       666,106     7/9/2001    1,006,000     1,746,000
3 Oxford Homes           9/28/84    1,004,000      644,000       859,085    9/28/1999      653,000     1,657,000
  for the Elderly, Ltd.                                                                                         
4 Williamston            9/28/84    1,064,000      664,000       745,586    9/28/1999      649,000     1,713,000
  Homes for the                                                                                                 
  Elderly, Ltd.                                                                                                       
5 Fuquay-Varina          9/28/84    1,118,000      707,000       757,380    9/28/1999      822,000     1,940,000
  Homes for the                                                                                                    
  Elderly, Ltd.                                                                                                                 
6 Fiddlers Creek         9/28/84    2,876,000    1,750,000     2,816,909    9/28/1999    2,396,000     5,272,000
7 Austintown            10/30/84    3,081,000    1,600,000     3,346,140   10/30/1999    3,635,000     6,716,000
8 Osuna Apartments      11/30/84    2,042,000    1,300,000     2,711,536   11/27/1999    1,527,000     3,569,000
9 Linden Park           12/06/84    2,997,000    1,800,000     2,446,032   12/11/1999    3,359,000     6,356,000     
  Limited Partnership                                                                        
                                    Description of Apartment Complex   
    Name/Percentage         -----------------------------------------------   
  Ownership of Local                        Geographic       Government    
  Limited Partnership        Size           Location      Assistance (D)  
- -----------------------      -----         ----------     --------------  
98% interests are owned
in the following Local
Limited Partnerships(B):
1 Glendale Manor            50 Units      Clinton, SC    221(d)(4)                       
  Apartments                30,310 SF                    100% Section 8 (E)                      
                            5.5 Acres                                  
2 Surry Manor, Ltd.         44 Units      Dobson, NC     221(d)(4)                       
                            27,253 SF                    100% Section 8 (E)                          
                            5.0 Acres                                  
3 Oxford Homes              50 Units      Oxford, NC     221(d)(4)                       
  for the Elderly, Ltd.     26,672 SF                    100% Section 8 (E)                           
                            4.5 Acres                                
4 Williamston               50 Units      Williamstown,  221(d)(4)                       
  Homes for the             26,496 SF          NC        100% Section 8 (E)                         
  Elderly, Ltd.             7 Acres                                   
5 Fuquay-Varina             60 Units      Fuqyay-Varina, 221(d)(4)                       
  Homes for the             35,056 SF         NC         100% Section 8 (E)                   
  Elderly, Ltd.             6 Acres                                  

6 Fiddlers Creek            160 Units     Winston-Salem, 221(d)(4)                      
  Apartments                126,900 SF     NC                                      
                            15 Acres                                               
7 Austintown                200 Units     Austintown,    236 HUD                     
  Associates                189,200 SF       OH          100% Section 8  (E)
                            20 Acres                                               
8 Osuna Apartments          110 Units     Albuquerque,   236 HUD                    
  Company                   97,400 SF       NM           Section 8, (E) 
                            7.3 Acres                    22 Units                   
9 Linden Park               198 Units     Triangle,      221(d)(4)                  
  Associates                164,327 SF      VA           VA Housing                 
  Limited Partnership       10 Acres                     Development                                                         
                                                         Authority Interest                     



Item 2. Properties, continued

                                                        Purchase Money Notes
                                                              Principal                     At Acquisition
                                      Total                      and                    -----------------------   
    Name/Percentage      Interest    Acquisi-     Original     Interest                  LHPLP         Total      
  Ownership of Local    Acquisiton    tion       Principal      as of       Maturity    Share of      Invested    
  Limited Partnership      Date       Cost       Amount(A)     12/31/96       Date      Local Debt    Assets (C)  
- ----------------------- ----------   --------    ---------    ---------     --------    ----------    ----------  
94% interests are owned 
in the following Local 
Limited Partnerships(B):

10 Pine Forest          10/29/84      736,000      350,000       733,840   10/30/1999    1,190,000     1,926,000  
   Apartments, Ltd.                                                                                               

11 Brierwood, Ltd.      10/29/84      563,000      270,000       574,662   10/30/1999      838,000     1,401,000  

12 Meadowwood, Ltd.     10/29/84    1,001,000      610,000     1,316,085   10/30/1999    1,004,000     2,005,000  

13 Brierwood II, Ltd.   01/25/85      101,000                                              351,000       452,000  

                                  -----------  -----------   -----------               -----------   -----------  
   Total Acquisitions             $18,133,000  $10,505,000   $17,561,345               $18,359,000   $36,492,000  
                                  ===========  ===========   ===========               ===========   ===========  

                                    Description of Apartment Complex   
    Name/Percentage         -----------------------------------------------   
  Ownership of Local                        Geographic      Government    
  Limited Partnership        Size           Location      Assistance (D)  
- -----------------------      -----         ----------     --------------  
94% interests are owned 
in the following Local 
Limited Partnerships(B):
10 Pine Forest              64 Units      Cairo, GA      515 RHS             
   Apartments, Ltd.         53,344 SF                    521 RHS            
                            6 Acres                      29 Units           
11 Brierwood, Ltd.          56 Units      Bainbridge,    515 RHS             
                            42,840 SF         GA         521 RHS            
                            6 Acres                      33 Units           
12 Meadowwood, Ltd.         80 Units      Tifton,GA      515 RHS             
                            67,416 SF                                       
                            6.8 Acres                                       
13 Brierwood II, Ltd.       18 Units      Bainbridge,    515 RHS             
                            12,402 SF         GA                           
                            1.4 Acres                                      
  Total Acquisitions       1,140 units     


Item 2. Properties, continued
(A)      Purchase Money Notes bear interest at 9% per annum (See Note 6 to Financial  Statements).  Notes issued in conjuction  with
         the  acquisition  of Linden  Park were  issued  by the Local  Limited  Partnership;  all  other  notes  were  issued by the
         Partnership.  Each note requires no principal  payments prior to maturity.  Each note requires payment of interest prior to
         maturity solely to the extent of cash  distributions from the Local Limited  Partnership to which the note relates.  To the
         extent  interest  is not paid  currently,  it accrues and is payable at  maturity.  Accordingly,  each note will  require a
         substantial balloon payment at maturity.

         The total of principal and accrued and unpaid  interest  outstanding at December 31, 1997 on the Purchase Money Notes is as

                                     Principal        Interest          Total
                                    -----------     ------------     -----------
         Obligation of:
             The Partnership        $ 8,705,000      $ 6,410,313     $15,115,313
             Linden Park              1,800,000          646,032       2,446,032
                                    -----------      -----------     -----------
                                    $10,505,000      $ 7,056,345     $17,561,345
                                    ===========      ===========     ===========

(B)      Where the Partnership has acquired a 98% interest as investor partner,  the Local General Partner has retained a 1% general
         partner  interest and Liberty LGP has acquired a 1% general  partner  interest.  Where the  Partnership  has acquired a 94%
         interest as investor  partner,  the Local General  Partner has retained a 5% general  partner  interest and Liberty LGP has
         acquired a 1% Special Limited Partner interest.

(C)      The amount of any partnership management fee, as defined in the Partnership Agreement,  which may be accrued and unpaid for
         any year is limited to a specified percentage of Invested Assets, as defined in the Partnership Agreement.

    (D) Government Assistance:
         221 (d) (4):                Mortgage is insured by HUD
         Section 8:                  Rental Assistance from HUD for low income or elderly housing
         515 RHS:                    Mortgage financing and interest subsidies from RHS pursuant to Section 515 of the Housing Act 
                                     of 1949
         521 RHS:                    Rental assistance from RHS pursuant to Section 521 of the Housing Act of 1949
         236 HUD:                    Mortgage insurance and interest subsidies from HUD

    (E) Section 8 rental assistance contracts expire as follows:
         Glendale Manor Apartments                               05/2000
         Surry Manor, Ltd.                                       07/2000
         Oxford Homes for the Elderly, Ltd.                      07/1998
         Williamston Homes for the Elderly, Ltd.                 09/1998
         Fuquay-Varina Homes for the Elderly, Ltd.               05/1998
         Austintown Associates                                   11/1998
         Osuna Apartments Company                                08/1999


Item 3.  Legal Proceedings

        There are no material pending legal proceedings to which the Partnership
is a party or, to the knowledge of the Managing General Partner, of which any of
the properties owned by the Local Limited Partnerships is the subject.

         Osuna   Apartment   Company   ("Osuna"),   one  of  the  Local  Limited
Partnerships,  is party to a wrongful  death  action  brought by the estate of a
former tenant in the Second  Judicial  District of the State of New Mexico.  The
suit  arises  out of  the  murder  of the  tenant  by the  son of a  maintenance
contractor  periodically  engaged by Osuna. No specific amount has been claimed.
Osuna is vigorously contesting the allegations of its liability. The Partnership
presently  expects  that if Osuna  were  found to have  some  liability  in this
action,  substantially  all of the amount would be covered by Osuna's  liability

Item 4.  Submission of Matters to a Vote of Security Holders


                                     PART II

Item 5.  Market for the Partnership's Securities and Related Security
         Holder Matters

        (a)  Market Information

         The Partnership's  outstanding  securities  consist of units of limited
partnership interest ("Units").  There is no public market for the Units, and it
is not anticipated that such a public market will develop. Transfer of the Units
is subject to compliance with state and federal  securities laws, and in various
states is subject to  compliance  with the minimum  investment  and  suitability
standards imposed by the Partnership and applicable "blue sky" laws.

        (b)  Holders.

        As of March 18,  1998,  there were 1000  holders of record of the 21,576
Units outstanding.

        (c)  Dividends.

        The  Partnership   Agreement   requires  that  Distributable  Cash  from
Operations (as defined in the  Partnership  Agreement) be distributed 99% to the
Limited Partners and 1% to the General  Partners,  to the extent then available,
within 120 days after completion of the Partnership's fiscal year.

        The Partnership  Agreement provides that Cash from Sales or Refinancings
(as defined in the Partnership Agreement),  if any, received by the Partnership,
will be  distributed  (i) first,  until the Limited  Partners  have  received an
amount equal to their total invested capital, 100% to the Limited Partners,  and
(ii) the balance,  85% to the Limited Partners and 15% to the General  Partners;
provided  however that if the amount of Cash from Sales or Refinancings  exceeds
the amount of profits for tax purposes  arising  from such sale or  refinancing,
the amount of such excess is  distributed  to those  Partners,  if any, who have
positive  balances in their capital accounts  following any  distributions  made
pursuant  to  clause  (i) in  connection  with  such  sale  or  refinancing,  in
proportion  to and to the  extent of such  positive  balances,  and prior to any
distributions pursuant to clause (ii).


Item 6.  Selected Financial Data

         The following table sets forth selected financial information regarding
the Partnership's  financial  position and operating  results.  This information
should be read in  conjunction  with  Management's  Discussion  and  Analysis of
Financial  Condition and Results of Operations and the Financial  Statements and
Notes thereto,  which are included in Items 7 and 8 of this Report.  Amounts are
expressed in thousands with the exception of per Unit calculations.

                                       For the Years Ended December 31,

                               1997       1996       1995      1994       1993
                               ----       ----       ----      ----       ----
Interest income             $    46    $    61    $    32    $    36    $    34
Net loss                     (2,218)    (1,962)    (1,564)    (1,527)    (1,364)

Net loss per Unit(a)        (101.75)    (90.02)    (71.77)    (69.92)    (62.47)
Total assets at
  December 31                 2,229      2,587      2,964      3,174      3,833

Long-term debt
  current portion,
  net of discount)
  at December 31             11,544      9,684      8,152      6,864      5,869

Distributable Cash
  From Operations
  per Unit(a) (b)                --         --         --         --         --

(a)      Per Unit  calculations  as  presented  above are based on 21,576  Units
         outstanding  for the years ended  December  31, 1995  through  1997 and
         21,616  units  outstanding  for the years ended  December  31, 1993 and

(b)      Distributable  cash  is  calculated   pursuant  to  the  terms  of  the
         Partnership Agreement. See Note 11 to the Financial Statements.


Item 7.  Management's Discussion and Analysis of Financial Condition
             and Results of Operations

Liquidity and Capital Resources

The Partnership.

        The  Partnership  is liable for the amount of the  purchase  money notes
delivered  to purchase  its  interests  in the Local  Limited  Partnerships  (as
hereinafter described),  and for the Partnership's day-to-day administrative and
operating expenses.

         The   Partnership   acquired  its   interests  in  two  Local   Limited
Partnerships  for cash.  The  Partnership  acquired  its  interests in the other
eleven Local Limited  Partnerships  by delivery of cash,  short-term  promissory
notes (all of which have been paid in full) and purchase money  promissory notes
which bear interest at the rate of 9% per annum (the  "Purchase  Money  Notes").
The  payment  of  each  Purchase  Money  Note  is  secured  by a  pledge  of the
Partnership's  interest  in the  Local  Limited  Partnership  to which  the note
relates. Each note had an initial term of 15 to 17 years, and the Purchase Money
Notes mature at varying dates between  September 1999 and July 2001. None of the
Purchase  Money Notes is  cross-defaulted  to the others,  nor are the  Purchase
Money Notes cross-collateralized in any manner.

        The terms of each Purchase  Money Note permit  interest to accrue to the
extent cash  distributions  to the Partnership from the applicable Local Limited
Partnership are insufficient to enable the Partnership to pay the Purchase Money
Note on a current basis.  Generally,  the amount of such cash distributions have
not been  sufficient in any year to pay the full amount of interest  accrued for
that year on the Purchase  Money Notes.  The Purchase Money Notes do not require
payment of any  portion of the  principal  amount of the note prior to  maturity
(except that the Purchase  Money Notes  require  immediate  payment  following a
default (as defined therein) by the Partnership thereunder).  Accordingly,  each
Purchase Money Note will require a substantial balloon payment at maturity.  The
aggregate outstanding principal amount of and accrued and unpaid interest on the
Purchase Money Note obligations of the Partnership,  as of December 31, 1997, as
set  forth  in  the  table  included  in  Item 2  above,  was  $15,115,313.  The
outstanding  obligations  are expected to increase  annually  until  maturity as
interest  continues  to accrue under the Purchase  Money  Notes.  The  aggregate
outstanding  principal  amount  of the  Purchase  Money  Notes  reported  on the
Partnership's  Balance  Sheet  ($11,544,195  at December 31,  1997),  reflects a
discount using an imputed interest rate of approximately  21%, which was applied
to the face amount of the notes on the respective  investment purchase dates and
which is used to  calculate  an  annual  interest  accrued  in  accordance  with
generally  accepted  accounting   principles  that  will  equate  to  the  legal
obligation (as presented in Item 2 and discussed  above) expected at maturity of
the notes.

         Linden  Park  Limited  Partnership,   one  of  the  two  Local  Limited
Partnerships in which the  Partnership  acquired its interest for cash ("LPLP"),
issued  purchase  money  notes in  connection  with the  purchase of its housing
complex.  The terms of such notes are  substantially  identical  to those of the
Partnership's  Purchase Money Notes,  requiring no payment of principal prior to
maturity  and  permitting  interest  to accrue  prior to  maturity to the extent
LPLP's cash flow is insufficient to pay such interest.


Item 7.  Management's Discussion and Analysis of Financial Condition
             and Results of Operations

Liquidity and Capital Resources, continued

        The Partnership acquired its interest in LPLP for cash, and accordingly,
no Purchase Money Notes were delivered in connection  therewith.  However,  LPLP
delivered purchase money notes in the original principal amount of $1,800,000 in
connection  with LPLP's  acquisition  of the housing  project which it owns (the
"LPLP  Notes").  The LPLP Notes are secured by a pledge of LPLP's cash flow, and
by a pledge by each of the partners in LPLP  (including the  Partnership) of its
respective  interest  in LPLP.  The LPLP Notes were  issued on December 6, 1984,
bear  interest at the rate of 9% per annum and mature on December 11, 1999.  The
LPLP Notes permit interest to accrue to the extent that cash flow of LPLP is not
sufficient to enable LPLP to pay interest on a current basis.  The LPLP Notes do
not require  payment of any portion of the  principal  amount  thereof  prior to
maturity (except that such notes require  immediate  payment following a default
(as defined therein) by LPLP  thereunder).  As a result of such interest accrual
and payment provisions, the LPLP Notes will require substantial balloon payments
at maturity.  As of December 31, 1997 the unpaid principal amount of and accrued
and unpaid interest on the LPLP Notes equaled  $2,446,032.  In order for LPLP to
pay at maturity  the LPLP  Notes,  LPLP would most likely be required to sell or
refinance its housing project in a transaction generating proceeds sufficient to
repay  the  notes.  There  can  be no  assurance  that  LPLP  will  be  able  to
successfully consummate any of such types of transactions. Accordingly, the LPLP
Notes,  while not  technically  Purchase Money Notes issued by the  Partnership,
will  present the same  issues to the  Partnership  as will the  maturity of the
Purchase Money Notes.

        In order to pay at maturity the Purchase Money Notes with respect to any
particular  Local  Limited  Partnership,  the  Partnership  will most  likely be
required to (a) sell its interest in the Local Limited  Partnership  for a price
equal to or greater than the amounts due under the  associated  notes (b) obtain
financing  in an  amount  sufficient  to repay  the notes or (c) cause the Local
Limited  Partnership  to sell or refinance its housing  project in a transaction
sufficient  to repay  indebtedness  encumbering  the  project and  generate  net
proceeds to the  Partnership  sufficient to enable the  Partnership to repay the
notes.  Alternatively,  the Partnership  could seek extension or modification of
the payment  terms of the  Purchase  Money Notes.  The process of exploring  and
negotiating any of the foregoing  alternatives  will require  substantial  time,
effort and resources.  Management is in the process of negotiating the potential
sale of the  Partnership's  Limited  Partnership  interest  in six of the  Local
Limited Partnerships that share common ownership and management. There can be no
assurance that the Partnership  will be able to  successfully  consummate any of
such types of transactions.

        If Partnership funds are insufficient to pay when due the Purchase Money
Notes,  the holders of the Purchase Money Notes will have the right to foreclose
on the Partnership's respective interests in the Local Limited Partnerships. The
sale or other  disposition  by the  Partnership  of its  interests  in the Local
Limited Partnerships, including in connection with such a foreclosure, is likely
to result in recapture of previously  claimed tax losses to the  Partnership and
may have other adverse tax  consequences  to the  Partnership and to the Limited
Partners.  Such recapture may cause some or all of the Limited  Partners to have
taxable  income  from  the  Partnership  without  cash  distributions  from  the
Partnership with which to satisfy the tax liability resulting therefrom.


Item 7.  Management's Discussion and Analysis of Financial Condition
             and Results of Operations

Liquidity and Capital Resources, continued

        The only sources of  Partnership  funds are (i)  distributions  from the
Local Limited Partnerships (substantially all of which are presently required to
be applied to payment of interest  accruing on the Purchase  Money Notes),  (ii)
payments  to the  Partnership  of amounts  due under  certain  promissory  notes
acquired  by the  Partnership  from one of the Local  Limited  Partnerships  (as
hereinafter described) and (iii) Partnership reserves. At December 31, 1997, the
Partnership's had reserves of $65,685 (in cash and cash  equivalents),  compared
with  $163,915 at December 31, 1996.  Such reserves  have  partially  funded the
Partnership  administrative  expenses,  including  expense  reimbursement to the
Former Managing  General  Partner.  Due to the assignment of the Former Managing
General  Partner's  interest  to  the  current  Managing  General  Partner,  the
Partnership  incurs  certain  administrative  costs,  including the  partnership
Management  Fee,  which are  earned by or  reimbursed  to the  current  Managing
General Partner. As discussed more fully in Note 6 to the financial  statements,
such  administrative   costs  were  $107,007  and  $98,240  in  1997  and  1996,

         In  connection  with the  assignment  of the Former  General  Partners'
interests to the current Managing  General Partner,  the Former Managing General
Partner refunded to the Partnership certain amounts previously received from the
Partnership  as  expense  reimbursements.  The  amount  refunded  in  respect of
expenses  accrued  prior  to  January  1,  1995 has  been  recorded  as a $3,202
contribution  to the  Partnership's  capital  by  the  Former  Managing  General

         During  1997,  1996 and  1995,  distributable  cash flow from the Local
Limited Partnerships  (LLP's) to which the Partnership  delivered purchase money
notes was  distributed  to the  partnership,  as  follows:  1997:  Seven LLP's -
$369,947;  1996: Seven LLP's - $288,577;  and 1995:  Eight LLP's - $316,819.  By
April 30, 1997, 1996, and 1995, the Partnership used such cash  distributions to
pay a portion of the accrued and unpaid  interest on the related  Purchase Money

        In 1989, the  Partnership  purchased  long-term  purchase money notes of
Linden  Park  Associates   Limited   Partnership,   one  of  the  Local  Limited
Partnerships ("Linden Park"). Such notes represent obligations of Linden Park to
former  partners  whose  partnership  interests were purchased for resale to the
Partnership (in connection with the Partnership's  acquisition of an interest in
Linden Park).  The  Partnership  purchased such notes,  which had an outstanding
principal amount of $173,803 plus accrued and unpaid interest of $49,692,  as of
the date of acquisition, for $58,000. The notes mature on December 11, 1999, and
bear interest at 9% per annum, payable only to the extent of available cash from
Linden Park's  operations.  During 1997,  the  Partnership  received  $23,803 of
interest  payments on such notes and accrued unpaid  interest of $73,290.  As of
December 31, 1997, the  outstanding  balance of principal and accrued and unpaid
interest  receivable  on  these  notes  amounted  to  $247,092,   prior  to  the
unamortized discount of $103,607.


Item 7.  Management's Discussion and Analysis of Financial Condition
             and Results of Operations

The Local Limited Partnerships.

          The  liquidity  of  the  Local  Limited   Partnerships  in  which  the
Partnership  has invested is dependent  on the ability of the  respective  Local
Limited  Partnerships,  which own and operate government  assisted  multi-family
rental housing  complexes,  to generate cash flow  sufficient to fund operations
and debt service and to maintain  working  capital  reserves.  Each of the Local
Limited  Partnerships is regulated by government  agencies which require monthly
funding  of  certain  operating  and  capital  improvements  reserves  and which
regulate  the amount of cash to be  distributed  to owners.  Each Local  Limited
Partnership's  source  of funds is  rental  income  received  from  tenants  and
government subsidies.  Certain of the Local Limited Partnership's receive rental
income pursuant to Section 8 rental assistance  contracts which expire beginning
in 1998 and continuing through 2000. With Congressional  passage in October 1997
of the Multifamily  Assisted Housing and Reform and  Affordability  Act, HUD has
been given budgetary  authority to approve requests for one year renewals on all
Section 8 contracts  through  September  30,  1998.  Three of the four  expiring
Section 8 contracts  expire before September 30, 1998, and thus will be eligible
for one year renewals.

         Each  of  the  Local  Limited   Partnerships   has  incurred   mortgage
indebtedness  as  reflected  in  Item  8 in  Schedule  III  -  Real  Estate  and
Accumulated Depreciation.  The mortgage loans provide for equal monthly payments
of principal and interest in amounts  which will reduce the principal  amount of
the loans to zero at  maturity.  Each of the  maturity  dates of the  respective
mortgages  is  substantially  beyond  the due date of the  Purchase  Money  Note
obligations.  Upon a sale of a  property  by a  Local  Limited  Partnership  the
mortgage  indebtedness  of such property must be satisfied prior to distribution
of any funds to the partners in the Local Limited Partnership.

Partnership Operations

         The  Partnership is engaged solely in the business of owning  interests
in the Local  Limited  Partnerships  rather  than the direct  ownership  of real
estate.  The Partnership's  interest income reflects interest earned on reserves
and interest  net of discount  amortization  on the long term notes  receivable.
Total interest  income  decreased to $45,607 in 1997 from $61,407 in 1996.  This
decrease was  attributable  to a decrease in interest  payments  received on the
long-term note receivable ($23,803 in 1997 versus $35,410 in 1996) and the lower
reserve balance maintained during the year. Interest income was $32,035 in 1995.
In 1995,  interest  payments  received on the  long-term  note  receivable  were

         The Partnership's interest expense increased to $2,214,122 in 1997 from
$1,904,536 in 1996 and $1,569,007 in 1995.  Such increases are  attributable  to
the accrual of interest under the Purchase  Money Notes.  Refer to Note 7 to the
Financial Statements.

         General and administrative expenses of the Partnership were $145,864 in
1997,  $143,556  in 1996 and  $121,353 in 1995.  In 1995,  the  Partnership  was
charged for less expense  reimbursements  by the Former Managing General Partner
due to the assignment of its interest in the Partnership.

         Average  occupancy  levels at the projects  owned by the Local  Limited
Partnerships  ranged from 88% to 100% in 1997,  and 94% to 100% in 1996, and 89%
to 100% in 1995.


Item 7.  Management's Discussion and Analysis of Financial Condition
             and Results of Operations

Partnership Operations, continued

        The Partnership's  equity in income from the Local Limited  Partnerships
was $96,766 in 1997,  $24,678 in 1996 and $94,133 in 1995.  The  recognition  of
income in 1997 is primarily  attributable  to the fact that the  partnership did
not  record  losses  totaling  approximately  $172,000  for five  Local  Limited
Partnerships because its related investment accounts had already been reduced to
zero and recognized investment income of $23,065 of cash distributions  received
from Glendale Manor as it would have reduced its investment  balance below zero.
In 1996, the Partnership did not record approximately $125,000 of net losses for
four  Local  Limited  Partnerships  but  was  able  to  apply  $55,714  of  loss
carry-forward  against  the  current  year  net  income  of  one  Local  Limited
Partnership.  In 1995,  approximately  $256,000 of net losses were not recorded.
The Partnership is not obligated to make  additional  capital  contributions  to
fund  the  deficit  in  its  capital  accounts  in  any  of  the  Local  Limited

        Because of the above discussed factors, net loss increased to $2,217,613
in 1997 from $1,962,007 and $1,564,192 in 1996 and 1995, respectively.

        The  operations  of the  Partnership  and of each of the  Local  Limited
Partnerships  are subject to numerous risks,  including  material tax risks. The
rents  of the  Properties,  many  of  which  receive  rental  subsidy  payments,
including  payments  under  Section 8 of Title II of the Housing  and  Community
Development Act of 1974 ("Section 8"), are subject to specific laws, regulations
and agreements with federal and state agencies. The subsidy agreements expire at
various times from May 1998 through July 2000.  The United States  Department of
Housing  and Urban  Development  ("HUD")  has  issued  notices  which  implement
provisions to renew certain  project based Section 8 contracts  expiring  during
HUD's fiscal year 1998 where  requested by an owner,  for an additional one year
term generally at or below current rent levels,  subject to certain  guidelines.
HUD has an additional  program  which,  in general,  provides for  restructuring
rents and/or mortgages where rents may be adjusted to market levels and mortgage
terms may be adjusted  based on the  reduction in rents,  although  there may be
instances  in  which  only  rents,  but not  mortgages,  are  restructured.  The
Partnership cannot reasonably predict  legislative  initiatives and governmental
budget  negotiations,  the outcome of which could result in a reduction in funds
available  for the  various  federal  and state  administered  housing  programs
including the Section 8 program.  Such changes could adversely affect the future
net operating income and debt structure of certain Local Partnerships  currently
receiving such subsidy or similar subsidies. See Item 1 above.

Recent Accounting Pronouncements

         The Partnership has adopted SFAS No. 128, "Earnings per Share" and SFAS
No. 129,  "Disclosure  of  Information  about Capital  Structure."  SFAS No. 128
provides  accounting  and  reporting  standards  for the amount of earnings  per
share.  SFAS No.  129  requires  the  disclosure,  in  summary  form  within the
financial  statements,  of the  pertinent  rights and  privileges of the various
securities outstanding. The implementation of these standards has not materially
affected the Registrant's financial statements.


Item 7.  Management's Discussion and Analysis of Financial Condition
             and Results of Operations

Recent Accounting Pronouncements, continued

         In June 1997, the Financial  Accounting Standards Board issued SFAS No.
130,  "Reporting  Comprehensive  Income"  and SFAS No. 131,  "Disclosures  about
Segments of an  Enterprise  and Related  Information."  In  February  1998,  the
Financial   Accounting   Standards  Board  issued  SFAS  No.  132,   "Employers'
Disclosures  about Pensions and Other  Postretirement  Benefits." The Registrant
does not have any  items of  other  comprehensive  income,  does not have  other
segments of its  business on which to report,  and does not have any pensions or
other postretirement benefits.  Consequently,  these pronouncements are expected
to have no effect on the financial statements.

Impact of the Year 2000 Issue

         Based on correspondence  with our software provider,  The Partnership's
software is year 2000  compliant.  Management  anticipates  no further issues or
incurring any future costs relating to this issue.


Item 8.  Financial Statements and Supplementary Data

                      (A Massachusetts Limited Partnership)



Financial Statements:

        Balance Sheets, December 31, 1997 and 1996                      17-18

        Statements of Operations for the Years
          Ended December 31, 1997, 1996 and 1995                           19

        Statements of Changes in Partners' Deficit
          for the Years Ended December 31, 1997, 1996 and 1995             20

        Statements of Cash Flows for the Years Ended
          December 31, 1997, 1996 and 1995                                 21

        Notes to Financial Statements                                   22-33

Independent Auditors' Report 34

Separate Financial Statements, including
  Reports of Independent Accountants, for
  Significant Subsidiaries:

        Austintown Associates                                           35-66
        Osuna Apartments Company                                        67-95

Financial Statement Schedules:

        Independent Auditors' Report                                       96

        Schedule III - Real Estate and Accumulated Depreciation            97

All schedules  other than those  indicated in the index have been omitted as the
required  information  is  inapplicable  or the  information is presented in the
financial statements or related notes.


                      (A Massachusetts Limited Partnership)

                                 BALANCE SHEETS

                                                             December 31,
                                                        1997             1996
                                                        ----             ----

Current assets:

    Cash and cash equivalents                        $   65,685       $  163,915

    Other current assets                                      0               31
                                                     ----------       ----------

        Total current assets                             65,685          163,946

Long-term notes and accrued interest
    receivable                                          143,485          127,668

Investments in local limited
    partnerships                                      2,019,775        2,295,189
                                                     ----------       ----------

Total Assets                                         $2,228,945       $2,586,803
                                                     ==========       ==========



                      (A Massachusetts Limited Partnership)

                           BALANCE SHEETS (continued)

                                                                    December 31,
                                                                1997           1996
                                                                ----           ----
Liabilities and Partners' Deficit             

Current liabilities:
    Accounts payable to affiliates                         $     75,271    $     58,271
    Accounts payable                                              1,410           1,000
    Accrued expense                                              16,000          15,600
    Accrued interest payable                                    370,165         385,901
                                                           ------------    ------------

        Total current liabilities                               462,846         460,772

Purchase money notes                                         11,544,195       9,684,281
                                                           ------------    ------------
        Total liabilities                                    12,007,041      10,145,053
                                                           ------------    ------------
Partners' deficit:
    General partners:
        Capital contributions                                     4,202           4,202
        Capital distributions                                       (22)              0
        Accumulated losses                                     (198,550)       (176,373)
                                                           ------------    ------------
                                                               (194,370)       (172,171)
                                                           ------------    ------------

    Limited partners (21,576 Units in 1997 and in 1996):
        Capital contributions (net of
          offering costs of $1,134,440)                       9,649,520       9,649,520
        Capital distributions                                    (2,211)              0
        Accumulated losses                                  (19,231,035)    (17,035,599)
                                                           ------------    ------------
                                                             (9,583,726)     (7,386,079)
                                                           ------------    ------------

        Total partners' deficit                              (9,778,096)     (7,558,250)
                                                           ------------    ------------

        Total liabilities and partners' deficit            $  2,228,945    $  2,586,803
                                                           ============    ============

   The accompanying notes are an integral part of these financial statements.


                      (A Massachusetts Limited Partnership)

                            STATEMENTS OF OPERATIONS

                                       For the Years Ended December 31,
                                     1997            1996           1995
                                     ----            ----           ----

Interest income                  $    45,607    $    61,407    $    32,035


  Interest expense                 2,214,122      1,904,536      1,569,007

  General and administrative
    expense                          145,864        143,556        121,353
                                 -----------    -----------    -----------

    Total expenses                 2,359,986      2,048,092      1,690,360
                                 -----------    -----------    -----------

Loss before equity in income
  of local limited partnership
  investments                     (2,314,379)    (1,986,685)    (1,658,325)

Equity in income of local
  limited partnership
  investments                         96,766         24,678         94,133
                                 -----------    -----------    -----------

Net loss                         $(2,217,613)   $(1,962,007)   $(1,564,192)
                                 ===========    ===========    ===========

Net loss per Limited
  Partnership Unit, based
  on 21,576 Units outstanding
  in 1995 through 1997           $   (101.75)   $    (90.02)   $    (71.77)
                                 ===========    ===========    ===========

   The accompanying notes are an integral part of these financial statements.


                      (A Massachusetts Limited Partnership)

              For the years ended December 31, 1997, 1996 and 1995

                             General        Limited
                             Partners       Partners        Total
                           -----------    -----------    -----------

Partners' deficit
  at December 31, 1994     $  (140,111)   $(3,895,142)   $(4,035,253)

    Net loss                   (15,642)    (1,548,550)    (1,564,192)

Capital Contributed              3,202           --            3,202
                           -----------    -----------    -----------

Partners' deficit
  at December 31, 1995     $  (152,551)   $(5,443,692)   $(5,596,243)

    Net loss                   (19,620)    (1,942,387)    (1,962,007)
                           -----------    -----------    -----------

Partners' deficit
  at December 31, 1996     $  (172,171)   $(7,386,079)   $(7,558,250)

    Net loss                   (22,177)    (2,195,436)    (2,217,613)

Capital Distributions              (22)        (2,211)        (2,233)
                           -----------    -----------    -----------

Partners' deficit
    at December 31, 1997   $  (194,370)   $(9,583,726)   $(9,778,096)
                           ===========    ===========    ===========

   The accompanying notes are an integral part of these financial statements.


                                           LIBERTY HOUSING PARTNERS LIMITED PARTNERSHIP
                                              (A Massachusetts Limited Partnership)

                                                     STATEMENTS OF CASH FLOWS

                                                                             For the Years Ended December 31
                                                                           1997            1996           1995
                                                                           ----            ----           ----

Cash flows from operating activities:
    Cash distributions from local limited
        partnerships                                                   $   372,180    $   288,577    $   316,819
    Interest payments on purchase money notes                             (369,947)      (290,554)      (316,109)
    Cash paid for Partnership administration
        expenses                                                          (128,051)      (173,106)       (23,136)
    Interest received                                                       29,821         45,667         19,300
                                                                       -----------    -----------    -----------
        Net cash used in operating activities                              (95,997)      (129,416)        (3,126)
                                                                       -----------    -----------    -----------

Cash flows from financing activity:
    Contributions from former general partners                                --             --            3,202
    Capital distributions                                                   (2,233)          --             --
                                                                       -----------    -----------    -----------
        Net cash provided by financing activity                             (2,233)          --            3,202
                                                                       -----------    -----------    -----------

Net increase (decrease) in cash and
     cash equivalents                                                      (98,230)      (129,416)            76

Cash and cash equivalents at:
    Beginning of period                                                    163,915        293,331        293,255
                                                                       -----------    -----------    -----------
    End of period                                                           65,685    $   163,915    $   293,331
                                                                       ===========    ===========    ===========

Reconciliation of net loss to net cash used in operating activities:

Net loss                                                               $(2,217,613)   $(1,962,007)   $(1,564,192)
Adjustments to reconcile net loss to net
    cash used in operating activities:
        Share of income of local limited
          partnership investments                                          (96,766)       (24,678)       (94,133)
        Cash distributions from local limited
          partnerships                                                     372,180        288,577        316,819
        Interest expense added to purchase money
          notes, net of discount amortization                            1,859,914      1,532,710      1,287,533
        Interest income added to long-term
          notes receivable, net of discount
          amortization, and interest received                              (15,817)       (15,818)       (14,607)
        Decrease in other current assets                                        31             77          1,870
        (Decrease) increase in:
          Accrued interest payable                                         (15,736)        81,273        (34,635)
          Accounts payable to affiliates                                    17,000        (30,500         82,569
          Accounts payable                                                     410          1,000           --
          Accrued expenses                                                     400            (50)        15,650
                                                                       -----------    -----------    -----------

        Net cash used in operating activities                              (95,997)   $  (129,416)   $    (3,126)
                                                                       ===========    ===========    ===========

   The accompanying notes are an integral part of these financial statements.


                      (A Massachusetts Limited Partnership)

                          NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS

1.      Organization of Partnership

        Liberty Housing Partners Limited  Partnership  (the  "Partnership")  was
formed under the Massachusetts Uniform Limited Partnership Act on March 20, 1984
for the primary purpose of investing in other limited partnerships which own and
operate government  assisted  multi-family  rental housing complexes (the "Local
Limited Partnerships").

         The General Partners of the Partnership  through December 27, 1995 were
Liberty Real Estate  Corporation,  which served as the Managing General Partner,
and LHP Associates  Limited  Partnership,  which served as the Associate General
Partner.  On  December  27,  1995,  Liberty  Real  Estate  Corporation  and  LHP
Associates  Limited  Partnership  withdrew from the Partnership and assigned and
transferred all of their  interests in the Partnership to the Successor  General
Partner, TNG Properties Inc., which was admitted to the Partnership as Successor
General Partner. TNG Properties Inc. serves as the Managing General Partner.

         The Partnership  Agreement authorized the sale of up to 30,010 units of
Limited  Partnership  Interest ("Units") of which 21,616 were subscribed for and
sold as of the completion of the offering on July 12, 1985.  During fiscal 1995,
the Partnership  recorded as cancelled and no longer  outstanding 40 units which
were formally abandoned by the holders of such units.

        Pursuant to terms of the  Partnership  Agreement,  Profits or Losses for
Tax Purposes (other than from sales or refinancings) and Distributable Cash From
Operations,  both as defined in the Partnership Agreement,  are allocated 99% to
the Limited Partners and 1% to the General  Partners.  Different  allocations of
profits  or losses  and cash  distributions  resulting  from  other  events  are
specified in the Partnership Agreement.

2.      Significant Accounting Policies

        The  Partnership   records  are  maintained  on  the  accrual  basis  of

         Investments  in Local  Limited  Partnerships  are  accounted for by the
equity method  whereby costs to acquire the  investments,  including  cash paid,
notes  issued and other costs of  acquisition,  are  capitalized  as part of the
investment account.  The Partnership's  equity in the earnings or losses of each
of the Local Limited Partnerships is reflected as an addition to or reduction of
the respective  investment  account.  The Partnership  does not recognize losses
which reduce its investment account below zero.

         Cash  equivalents  at December 31,  1997,  consist of money market fund
investments with no stated maturity,  valued at cost, which approximates  market
value. At December 31, 1996, cash equivalents also included a 14 day certificate
of deposit with interest accruing at a rate of 4.5 percent.

         Discounts  on long-term  purchase  money notes are  amortized  over the
terms of the related notes using the  effective  interest  method.  Discounts on
long-term  notes  receivable  are amortized over the term of the notes using the
effective interest method.

        No  provision  or benefit  for income  taxes has been  included in these
financial  statements since taxable income or loss through to, and is reportable
bypass the partners individually.


                      (A Massachusetts Limited Partnership)

                          NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS

2.      Significant Accounting Policies, continued

        The  preparation  of financial  statements in conformity  with generally
accepted  accounting  principles  requires  management  to  make  estimates  and
assumptions  that  affect the  reported  amounts of assets and  liabilities  and
disclosure of  contingent  assets and  liabilities  at the date of the financial
statements and the reported amounts of revenue and expenses during the reporting
period. Actual results could differ from those estimates.

         Net loss per Limited  Partnership Unit is based on the weighted average
number  of  Units  outstanding  in the  applicable  year.  Refer  to  Note 1 for
information  regarding  profit and loss sharing ratios.  No provision for income
taxes has been made since the liability for such taxes is the  obligation of the
Partners rather than the Partnership.

         The Partnership has adopted SFAS No. 128, "Earnings per Share" and SFAS
No. 129,  "Disclosure  of  Information  about Capital  Structure."  SFAS No. 128
provides  accounting  and  reporting  standards  for the amount of earnings  per
share.  SFAS No.  129  requires  the  disclosure,  in  summary  form  within the
financial  statements,  of the  pertinent  rights and  privileges of the various
securities outstanding. The implementation of these standards has not materially
affected the Registrant's financial statements.

         In June 1997, the Financial  Accounting Standards Board issued SFAS No.
130,  "Reporting  Comprehensive  Income"  and SFAS No. 131,  "Disclosures  about
Segments of an  Enterprise  and Related  Information."  In  February  1998,  the
Financial   Accounting   Standards  Board  issued  SFAS  No.  132,   "Employers'
Disclosures  about Pensions and Other  Postretirement  Benefits." The Registrant
does not have any  items of  other  comprehensive  income,  does not have  other
segments of its  business on which to report,  and does not have any pensions or
other postretirement benefits.  Consequently,  these pronouncements are expected
to have no effect on the financial statements.

3.      Contingencies

        The  Partnership's  cash balances have decreased each year from December
31, 1995 through December 31, 1997. If the trend continues,  the Partnership may
not have  sufficient  cash  available  for  operating  expenses  during 1998. In
addition,  the  Purchase  Money Notes (PMN) have  maturity  dates  ranging  from
September  1999 through July 2001.  Sources of funds to satisfy the maturing PMN
will have to come from  either  the sale of the  Partnership's  interest  in the
Local Limited  Partnership or from  refinancing or sale proceeds of the property
of the  Local  Limited  Partnership  for a price  equal to or  greater  than the
amounts due under the associated PMN. The rents of the Properties, many of which
receive rental subsidy payments,  including payments under Section 8 of Title II
of the Housing and Community  Development Act of 1974 ("Section 8"), are subject
to specific laws,  regulations  and agreements  with federal and state agencies.
The subsidy  agreements expire at various times from May 1998 through July 2000.
The United States Department of Housing and Urban Development ("HUD") has issued
notices which  implement  provisions  to renew  certain  project based Section 8
contracts  expiring  during HUD's fiscal year 1998 where  requested by an owner,
for an  additional  one year term  generally  at or below  current  rent levels,
subject to certain guidelines.  HUD has an additional program which, in general,
provides for restructuring rents and/or mortgages where rents may be adjusted to
market  levels and  mortgage  terms may be adjusted  based on the  reduction  in
rents,  although there may be instances in which only rents,  but not mortgages,
are restructured.


                      (A Massachusetts Limited Partnership)

                          NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS

3.      Contingencies, continued

         The Partnership cannot reasonably predict  legislative  initiatives and
governmental  budget  negotiations,  the  outcome  of which  could  result  in a
reduction  in funds  available  for the various  federal and state  administered
housing programs  including the Section 8 program.  Such changes could adversely
affect the future net  operating  income  and debt  structure  of certain  Local
Limited Partnerships currently receiving such subsidy or similar subsidies.

         Management  of the  Partnership  is  presently  implementing  plans  to
address these  matters.  Management has decided that the  Partnership  may defer
payment of the  management  fee,  and defer  payment of the  reimbursements  for
general and administrative costs. In addition, management expects an increase in
distributions  from  one of the  lower  tiers  due to the  local  state  housing
authority removing the limited dividend restriction on distributions. Management
is in the process of negotiating the potential sale of the Partnership's Limited
Partnership  interest in six of the Local Limited Partnerships that share common
ownership  and  management.  Management is  recommending  that the Local Limited
Partnership  exercise their options to renew the Section 8 contracts pursuant to
the HUD guidelines described in the preceding paragraph.

4.      Investments in Local Limited Partnerships

         The  Partnership  acquired  Local  Limited  Partnership   interests  in
thirteen Local Limited  Partnerships which own and operate  government  assisted
multi-family  housing  complexes.  The Partnership,  as Investor Limited Partner
pursuant to Local Limited  Partnership  Agreements,  acquired  interests ranging
from 94% to 98% in the profit or losses from operations and cash from operations
of each of the Local Limited Partnerships.

        Twelve  Local   Limited   Partnership   interests   were  acquired  from
withdrawing  partners  of  existing  Local  Limited  Partnerships  and one Local
Limited  Partnership  interest  was acquired  from a newly formed Local  Limited
Partnership.  In conjunction with the acquisition of eleven of the Local Limited
Partnership  interests  from  withdrawing   partners,   the  Partnership  issued
long-term purchase money notes in the aggregate  principal amount of $8,705,000,
before  discount,   to  such  withdrawing  partners.  In  conjunction  with  the
acquisition of one of the Local Limited Partnership interests, the Local Limited
Partnership  issued  purchase money notes to withdrawing  partners  amounting to
$1,800,000  with the same  terms  as the  purchase  money  notes  issued  by the
Partnership  in  connection  with its  acquisition  of  interests in other Local
Limited  Partnerships.  All of the Purchase Money Notes carry simple interest at
9% per  annum.  Interest  is  payable  annually  but only to the  extent of cash
distributed from the respective Local Limited  Partnerships.  Both principal and
unpaid  interest are due at maturity.  Recourse on such purchase  money notes is
limited to the  Partnership's  respective  Local Limited  Partnership  interests
which are pledged as security on the notes.  See Note 7 for further  information
on Purchase Money Notes.

        The following is a summary of  cumulative  activity for  investments  in
Local Limited Partnerships since their dates of acquisition:


                      (A Massachusetts Limited Partnership)

                          NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS

4.  Investments in Local Limited Partnerships, continued

                                                      Years Ended December 31,
                                                       1997             1996
                                                       ----             ----

Total acquisition cost to the Partnership          $ 9,356,379      $ 9,356,379

Additional capital contributed by the
    Partnership                                         11,425           11,425

Partnership's share of losses of Local
    Limited Partnerships                            (3,744,473)      (3,818,174)

Cash distributions received from Local
    Limited Partnerships                            (3,603,556)      (3,254,441)
                                                   -----------      -----------

Investments in Local Limited Partnerships          $ 2,019,775      $ 2,295,189
                                                   ===========      ===========

        Summarized financial  information from the combined financial statements
of all Local Limited Partnerships is as follows:

                            Summarized Balance Sheets
                                                             December 31,
                                                       1997              1996
                                                       ----              ----

  Investment property, net
        of accumulated depreciation                $ 16,526,177    $ 17,379,631
  Current assets                                      2,376,801       2,637,472
  Other assets                                          294,284         307,297
                                                   ------------    ------------
    Total assets                                   $ 19,197,262    $ 20,324,400
                                                   ============    ============

Liabilities and Partners' Equity (Deficit):

  Current liabilities                              $  1,671,568    $  1,945,146
  Long-term debt, net of discounts                   16,839,912      17,217,990
                                                   ------------    ------------
    Total liabilities                                18,511,480      19,163,136

  Partnership's equity(deficit)                         878,863       1,344,630
  Other partners' equity(deficit)                      (193,081)       (183,366)
                                                   ------------    ------------
    Total liabilities and
      partners' equity(deficit)                    $ 19,197,262    $ 20,324,400
                                                   ============    ============


                      (A Massachusetts Limited Partnership)

                          NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS

4.  Investments in Local Limited Partnerships, continued

                                               Summarized Statements of Operations

                                                           For the Years Ended December 31,
                                                         1997           1996           1995
                                                        ----           ----           ----
Rental and other income                              $ 5,358,709    $ 5,199,572    $ 5,191,089
  Operating expenses                                   3,424,047      3,298,651      3,185,215
  Interest expense                                     1,041,432        954,170      1,242,398
  Depreciation and amortization                          993,415        991,323        922,690
                                                     -----------    -----------    -----------
    Total expenses                                     5,458,894      5,244,144      5,350,303
                                                     -----------    -----------    -----------

Net loss                                             $  (100,185)   $   (44,572)   $  (159,214)
                                                     ===========    ===========    ===========

Partnership's share of net loss                      $   (97,997)   $   (45,752)   $  (161,616)
                                                     ===========    ===========    ===========

Other partners' share
  of net income (loss)                               $    (2,188)   $     1,180    $     2,402
                                                     ===========    ===========    ===========

        The difference between the Partnership's share of income (loss) in Local
Limited Partnership investments in the Partnership's Statement of Operations for
the years  ended  December  31, 1997  through  1995 and the share of loss in the
above  Summarized   Statements  of  Operations  consists  of  the  Partnership's
unrecorded share of losses as follows:

                                                        1997           1996           1995
                                                        ----           ----           ----

Share of income in Local
Limited Partnership Investments in
the Partnership's Statement of Operations            $    96,766    $    24,678    $    94,133

Partnership's share of income in
the above summarized Statements of Operations            (97,997)       (44,572)      (161,616)
                                                     -----------    -----------    -----------
        Difference                                   $   194,763    $    69,250    $   255,749
                                                     ===========    ===========    ===========

Unrecorded Losses:
  Linden Park (Prior year loss
    carry forward applied against 1996 net income)   $    46,355    $   (55,714)   $   192,452
  Brierwood, Ltd.                                         35,037         36,982         16,115
  Brierwood II, Ltd.                                      11,530         20,189          4,458
  Pine Forest Apartments, Ltd.                            66,954         39,870         42,724
  Surry Manor                                             11,822         28,145           --
  Other                                                     --             (222)          --
                                                     -----------    -----------    -----------
        Subtotal Unrecorded Losses                       171,698         69,250        255,749

Cash distributions from Glendale Manor
  recorded as investment income                           23,065           --             --
                                                     -----------    -----------    -----------
Total                                                $   194,763    $    69,250    $   255,749
                                                     ===========    ===========    ===========


                      (A Massachusetts Limited Partnership)

                          NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS

4.  Investments in Local Limited Partnerships, continued

         The Partnership's  investment in Local Limited Partnerships reported in
its Balance  Sheets at December 31, 1997 and 1996 are  $1,140,912  and $950,559,
respectively,  greater than the Partnership's  equity reported in the Summarized
Balance Sheets above.  This is related to the share of unrecorded  losses of the
five Local Limited  Partnerships  and in 1997 from cash  distributions  received
from Glendale Manor which were recorded as investment  income. The investment of
these six Local Limited Partnerships has been reduced to zero.

         The Partnership  recorded its share of losses in Linden Park, Brierwood
Ltd., Brierwood II, Ltd. Pine Forest Apartments,  Ltd., Surry Manor and Glendale
Manor  until its related  investment  was  reduced to zero.  Subsequent  to that
point,  any cash  distributions  received  from these six  partnerships  will be
recognized  as  investment  income  rather than as a reduction in  Investment in
Local Limited Partnerships on the Partnership's  Balance Sheet. In 1997, $23,065
of cash distributions from Glendale Manor was recognized as investment income as
it would have reduced its investment  balance below zero. The Partnership is not
obligated to make additional  capital  contributions  to fund the deficit in its
capital accounts in these Local Limited Partnerships.

         Certain Local Limited  Partnerships have made payments on behalf of the
Partnership for non-resident  state  withholding  taxes in accordance with state
income tax regulations.  These amounts totaling $2,233 in 1997 have been treated
as distributions  from the Local Limited  Partnerships and a distribution to the
partners of Liberty Housing Partners Limited Partnership.

5. Long-term Notes and Interest Receivable

        During 1989, the Partnership purchased long-term purchase money notes of
Linden Park Associates  Limited  Partnership  ("Linden  Park"),  a Local Limited
Partnership.  The notes represent  obligations of Linden Park to former partners
whose  partnership  interests  were  purchased for resale to the  Partnership in
connection with the Partnership's acquisition of an interest in Linden Park. The
Partnership  purchased  such notes,  which carried a face value of $173,803 plus
accrued  and unpaid  interest  of  $49,692,  for  $58,000.  The notes  mature on
December 11, 1999 and bear interest at 9% per annum payable only from  available
cash from operations of Linden Park. During the year ended December 31, 1997 the
Partnership  received  $23,803 of interest on such notes.  Any interest  that is
unpaid prior to maturity is due at  maturity.  As of December 31, 1997 and 1996,
the  outstanding  balance of principal and accrued  interest net of  unamortized
discount is $143,485 and $127,668, respectively.


                          (A Massachusetts Partnership)


6. Transactions with Affiliates

        During the years ended December 31, 1997,  1996 and 1995 the Partnership
recognized  general  and   administrative   expenses  owed  to  the  current  or
predecessor Managing General Partner, as follows:

                                                 1997         1996        1995
                                                 ----         ----        ----
Reimbursement of Partnership
  administration expenses                       57,007      $48,240      $38,771
Partnership management fees                     50,000       50,000       50,000

        As of  December  31,  1997 and  1996,  accounts  payable  to  affiliates
totaling  $75,271  and  $58,271   respectively,   represent   amounts  owed  for
reimbursements  of  Partnership  administration  expenses of $20,000 and $7,771,
respectively,   and   partnership   management  fees  of  $55,271  and  $50,500,


                          (A Massachusetts Partnership)


7.      Long-term Purchase Money Notes

        Long-term purchase money notes consist of the following at
 December 31:
                                                          1997          1996
                                                          ----          ----
Purchase  Money  Notes,  due July 9,  2001,  
bearing  interest  at 9% per annum,
collateralized by the Partnership's 
Local Limited Partnership interest
in Surry Manor, Ltd.:
       Original principal balance                      $ 360,000     $  360,000
       Accrued and unpaid interest                       306,106        287,304

Purchase  Money Notes,  due August 29, 
2000, bearing  interest at 9% per annum,
collateralized by the Partnership's 
Local Limited Partnership interest in
Glendale Manor Apartments:
       Original principal balance                        450,000        450,000
       Accrued and unpaid interest                       137,984        134,981

Purchase Money Notes, due September 28, 
1999,  bearing interest at 9% per annum,
collateralized by the Partnership's 
Local Limited Partnership interest in 
Oxford Homes for the Elderly, Ltd.:
       Original principal balance                        643,600        643,600
       Accrued and unpaid interest                       215,485        182,165
Purchase Money Notes, due September 28, 
1999,  bearing interest at 9% per annum,
collateralized  by the  Partnership's  
Local  Limited  Partnership  interest in
Williamston Homes for the Elderly, Ltd.:
       Original principal balance                        664,100        664,100
       Accrued and unpaid interest                        81,486         44,295

                          (A Massachusetts Partnership)


7.     Long-term Purchase Money Notes (Continued)

                                                         1997            1996
                                                         ----            ----

Purchase Money Notes, due September 28, 
1999, bearing interest at 9% per annum,
collateralized by the  Partnership's  
Local Limited Partnership interest in
Fuquay-Varina Homes for the Elderly, Ltd.:
       Original principal balance                       $707,300       $707,300
       Accrued and unpaid interest                        50,080         45,907
Purchase Money Notes, due September 28, 
1999,  bearing interest at 9% per annum,
collateralized by the Partnership's 
Local Limited Partnership interest in
Fiddlers Creek Apartments:
       Original principal balance                      1,750,000      1,750,000
       Accrued and unpaid interest                     1,066,909      1,076,436

Purchase Money Notes,  due 
October 30, 1999, bearing interest at
9% per annum, collateralized by the 
Partnership's Local Limited Partnership  
interest  in Meadowwood, Ltd.:
       Original principal balance                        610,000        610,000
       Accrued and unpaid interest                       706,085        651,185

Purchase Money Notes,  due 
October 30, 1999, bearing interest at 
9% per annum, collateralized  by the  
Partnership's  Local Limited Partnership  
interest in Brierwood, Ltd.:
       Original principal balance                        270,000        270,000
       Accrued and unpaid interest                       304,662        280,362

Purchase Money Notes,  due 
October 30, 1999, bearing interest at 
9% per annum, collateralized by the 
Partnership's Local Limited Partnership 
interest in Pine Forest Apartments, Ltd.:
       Original principal balance                        350,000        350,000
       Accrued and unpaid interest                       383,840        352,340


                          (A Massachusetts Partnership)


7.     Long-term Purchase Money Notes (Continued)

                                                         1997            1996
                                                         ----            ----
Purchase Money Notes,  due 
October 30, 1999, bearing interest at 
9% per annum, collateralized by the 
Partnership's  Local Limited Partnership  
interest in Austintown Associates:
       Original principal balance                     $1,600,000     $1,600,000
       Accrued and unpaid interest                     1,746,140      1,622,822

Purchase Money Notes,  due 
November 27, 1999, bearing interest at 
9% per annum, collateralized by the 
Partnership's Local Limited Partnership  
interest in Osuna Apartments Company:
       Original principal balance                      1,300,000      1,300,000
       Accrued and unpaid interest                     1,411,536      1,303,637
                                                    ------------    -----------

  Total principal and accrued and unpaid
    interest at 9% at December 31                     15,115,313     14,686,434

Aggregate discount on the above purchase
money notes plus accrued interest (based
upon average imputed interest rates of 21%)           (3,571,118)    (5,002,153)
                                                    ------------    -----------

  Long-term purchase money note liability           $ 11,544,195    $ 9,684,281
                                                    ============    ===========

         The purchase money notes were  originally  discounted  using an imputed
interest  rate of  approximately  19% and assuming a certain  level of cash flow
from   distributions   from   the   underlying   Local   Limited    Partnerships
("distributions").  Since 1990, on an annual basis, the Partnership has reviewed
the estimated  annual level of  distributions  expected to be received  based on
historical and re-forecasted  future  distributions and adjusted accordingly the
future effective annual interest expense.  The effective annual interest rate as
of December 31, 1997 is approximately 21%.

         All of the  purchase  money notes and accrued  interest  thereon may be
repaid without penalty prior to maturity.  However,  it is not anticipated  that
any  principal  payments  will be made  prior  to  maturity  and  therefore  the
principal balances are classified as long-term.

       The  portion  of  interest  which is  expected  to be paid  currently  is
classified  as a current  liability  and the  portion of  interest  which is not
expected to be paid until  maturity  has been  reflected  as  interest  added to
purchase money note debt.


                      (A Massachusetts Limited Partnership)

                          NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS

8.     Reconciliation of Loss in Financial Statements to Loss for Federal
       Income Tax Purposes

       A reconciliation of the loss reported in the Statements of Operations for
the years ended  December  31,  1997,  1996 and 1995,  to the loss  reported for
Federal income tax purposes is as follows:

                                       1997           1996           1995
                                       ----           ----           ----
Net loss per Statements of
  Operations                      $(2,217,613)   $(1,962,007)   $(1,564,192)

Less: Excess of tax equity over
        book equity in loss of
        Local Limited
        Partnership                  (669,980)      (746,209)      (835,209)

Add:  Additional book basis
           interest                 1,292,826      1,033,449        728,881

         Expenses not deducted
         pursuant to I.R.C
         Section 267                   17,000        (30,500)        88,771
                                  -----------    -----------    -----------
Net loss for Federal income
  tax purposes                    $(1,577,767)   $(1,705,267)   $(1,581,749)
                                  ===========    ===========    ===========

9.     Disclosure About Fair Value of Financial Instruments

Long Term Notes Receivable

       Management does not believe it is practical to estimate the fair value of
the notes  receivable  because notes with similar terms and  provisions  are not
available to the partnership.

Purchase Money Mortgages Payable

       Management  does not believe it is practical to determine  the fair value
of the  Purchase  Money  Notes  payable  because  notes with  similar  terms and
provisions are not currently available to the partnership.

10.  Concentration of Credit Risk

         The  Partnership  maintains  its  cash  and  cash  equivalents  in  one
financial institution. The balances are insured by the Federal Deposit Insurance
Corporation up to $100,000 by this bank.


                      (A Massachusetts Limited Partnership)

                          NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS

11.  Statement of Distributable Cash from Operations (Unaudited)

       Distributable  Cash From Operations for the year ended December 31, 1997,
as defined in Section 17 of the Partnership Agreement, is as follows:

Interest income per Statement of Operations                             $45,607

Less:  Interest income added to long-term notes
         receivable, net of discount amortization                       (15,817)

Plus:  1997 cash distributions to be received from
         Local Limited Partnerships, net of non-resident
         state withholding taxes                                        353,038

Less:  1997 interest payments on purchase money
         notes to be paid out of 1997 cash
         distributions from Local Limited Partnerships                 (353,038)

       General and administrative expenses per
         Statement of Operations                                       (145,864)

Cash from Operations, as defined                                       (116,074)

Distributable Cash from Operations, as defined                         $      0


                           Reznick Fedder & Silverman
                         INDEPENDENT AUDITORS' REPORT

To the Partners
Liberty Housing Partners Limited Partnership

         We have  audited the  accompanying  balance  sheets of Liberty  Housing
Partners  Limited  Partnership  (a  Massachusetts  Limited  Partnership)  as  of
December 31, 1997 and 1996, and the related statements of operations, changes in
partners'  deficit,  and cash  flows for each of the three  years in the  period
ended December 31, 1997. These financial  statements are the  responsibility  of
the  Partnership's  management.  Our  responsibility is to express an opinion on
these financial  statements based on our audits.  We did not audit the financial
statements of certain  operating  partnerships in which Liberty Housing Partners
Limited  Partnership owns a limited  partnership  interest.  Investments in such
partnerships  comprise 45.3% and 41.7% of the assets as of December 31, 1997 and
1996, and losses from such  partnerships  comprise  1.5%,  6.6%, and 1.6% of the
partnership  loss for each of the three years in the period  ended  December 31,
1997, of Liberty Housing Partners Limited Partnership.  The financial statements
of these  partnerships  were audited by other auditors,  whose reports have been
furnished to us, and our opinion,  insofar as it relates to information relating
to these partnerships, is based solely on the reports of the other auditors.

         We conducted our audits in accordance with generally  accepted auditing
standards.  Those standards require that we plan and perform the audit to obtain
reasonable assurance about whether the financial statements are free of material
misstatement.  An audit includes examining, on a test basis, evidence supporting
the amounts and disclosures in the financial statements.  An audit also includes
assessing the  accounting  principles  used and  significant  estimates  made by
management,  as well as evaluating the overall financial statement presentation.
We believe that our audits provide a reasonable basis for our opinion.

         In our  opinion,  based on our  audits  and the  reports  of the  other
auditors referred to above, the financial  statements  referred to above present
fairly,  in all material  respects,  the financial  position of Liberty  Housing
Partners  Limited  Partnership as of December 31, 1997 and 1996, and the results
of its  operations  and its cash flows for each of the three years in the period
ended  December 31, 1997,  in  conformity  with  generally  accepted  accounting

                                         /s/ Reznick Fedder & Silverman

Boston, Massachusetts                   REZNICK FEDDER & SILVERMAN
March 12, 1998


                              AUSTINTOWN ASSOCIATES

                            FHA PROJECT NO. 042-44213

                              FINANCIAL STATEMENTS
                            SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION
                          INDEPENDENT AUDITOR'S REPORT

                 FOR THE YEARS ENDED DECEMBER 31, 1997 AND 1996



                           Mary Ann Gehringer
                           Audit Partner
                           Bicko Fredman & Co.
                           3912 Prospect Avenue
                           Cleveland, Ohio   44115

                           (216) 426-2100






                              AUSTINTOWN ASSOCIATES
                              PROJECT NO. 042-44213

                                TABLE OF CONTENTS


INDEPENDENT AUDITOR'S REPORT                                               1

       Balance sheets                                                      2
       Statement of operations                                             3
       Statement of partners' equity                                       4
       Statement of cash flows                                            5-6
       Notes to financial statements                                      7-10



       Statement of profit and loss (HUD Form 92410)                     12-13
       Computation of surplus cash, distributions and
         residual receipts (HUD Form 93486)                               14
       Changes in fixed asset accounts                                    15
       Other supporting data required by HUD                             16-18





       Schedule of findings and questioned costs                          24

       Auditor's comments on audit resolution matters                     25

MORTGAGOR'S CERTIFICATION                                                 26

MANAGING AGENT'S CERTIFICATION                                            27


                          Independent Auditor's Report

Austintown Associates                              HUD Field Office Director
Youngstown, Ohio                                   Cleveland, Ohio

       We have audited the accompanying balance sheets of Austintown Associates,
HUD Project No.  042-44213  as of  December  31, 1997 and 1996,  and the related
statements  of  operations,  changes in partners'  equity and cash flows for the
years then ended.  These  financial  statements  are the  responsibility  of the
Project's  management.  Our  responsibility  is to  express  an opinion on these
financial statements based on our audits.

       We conducted our audits in accordance  with generally  accepted  auditing
standards and Government Auditing  Standards,  issued by the Comptroller General
of the United States. Those standards require that we plan and perform the audit
to obtain reasonable  assurance about whether the financial  statements are free
of material misstatement. An audit includes examining, on a test basis, evidence
supporting  the amounts and  disclosures in the financial  statements.  An audit
also includes assessing the accounting principles used and significant estimates
made by  management,  as well as  evaluating  the  overall  financial  statement
presentation.  We believe  that our audits  provide a  reasonable  basis for our

       In our  opinion,  the  financial  statements  referred  to above  present
fairly,  in  all  material  respects,   the  financial  position  of  Austintown
Associates  as of December  31, 1997 and 1996 and the results of its  operations
and cash flows for the years then ended, in conformity  with generally  accepted
accounting principles.

       In accordance with  Government  Auditing  Standards and the  Consolidated
Audit Guide for Audits of HUD Programs issued by the U.S.  Department of Housing
and Urban Development, we have also issued a report dated January 9, 1998 on our
consideration  of  Austintown  Associates'  internal  control and reports  dated
January 9, 1998 on its compliance with specific requirements applicable to major
HUD  programs  and  specific   requirements   applicable  to  Fair  Housing  and
Non-Discrimination, and specific requirements applicable to nonmajor HUD program

                                             /s/ Bich Fredman & Co.

Cleveland, Ohio
January 9, 1998

                              AUSTINTOWN ASSOCIATES
                              PROJECT NO. 042-44213

                                 BALANCE SHEETS
                           DECEMBER 31, 1997 AND 1996


                                                                       1997                  1996
                                                                    ----------            ----------
    1120      Cash and cash equivalents                             $   38,985            $   87,531
    1130      Accounts receivable - tenants                              1,553                 2,158
    1144                          - HUD                                  1,855                   155
    1145                          - other                                2,500                   -
    1210      Inventory supplies                                         5,436                 5,381
    1280      Prepaid expense                                            5,100                   -
                                                                    ----------            ----------
                                                                        55,429                95,225
                                                                    ----------            ----------

    1191      Tenant security deposits                                  37,882                35,573
                                                                    ----------            ----------

    1320      Reserve for Replacements                                 196,232               181,814
    1310      Mortgage escrow deposits                                  43,238                49,116
                                                                    ----------            ----------
                                                                       239,470               230,930
                                                                    ----------            ----------

    1410      Land                                                     397,105               397,105
    1420      Buildings                                              5,004,422             4,999,696
    1440      Equipment                                                152,209               150,485
                                                                    ----------            ----------
                                                                     5,553,736             5,547,286
    4120      Less: accumulated depreciation                         2,312,953             2,145,754
                                                                    ----------            ----------
                                                                     3,240,783             3,401,532
                                                                    ----------            ----------

    1810      Unamortized loan costs - net                              14,036                14,693
    1900      Deposit                                                      433                   433
                                                                    ----------            ----------
                                                                        14,469                15,126
                                                                    ----------            ----------

              TOTAL ASSETS                                          $3,588,033            $3,778,386
                                                                    ==========            ==========


                        LIABILITIES AND PARTNERS' EQUITY

                                                                      1997                  1996
                                                                    ----------            ----------

    2110      Accounts payable - trade                              $   20,154            $   51,646
                           - insurance                                  14,546                14,957
    2210      Deferred rent                                                -                     117
    2140      Distribution payable - management fee                      7,500                 7,500
    2141      Distribution payable                                      21,104                33,308
    2150      Accrued real estate taxes                                 87,300                87,213
    2130      Accrued interest payable                                   1,915                 2,367
    2320      Current portion of long-term debt                         88,740                82,690
                                                                    ----------            ----------
                                                                       241,259               279,798
                                                                    ----------            ----------

    2191      Tenant security deposits                                  26,939                26,491
                                                                    ----------            ----------

    2320      Mortgage payable                                       2,869,654             2,954,665
    2390      Operating loss loan                                       15,779                19,507
                                                                    ----------            ----------
                                                                     2,885,433             2,974,172
                                                                    ----------            ----------

              TOTAL LIABILITIES                                      3,153,631             3,280,461
                                                                    ----------            ----------

                                PARTNERS' EQUITY

    3130      Partners' equity                                         434,402               497,925
                                                                    ----------            ----------

                PARTNERS' EQUITY                                    $3,588,033            $3,778,386
                                                                    ==========            ==========

   The accompanying notes are an integral part of these financial statements.


                              AUSTINTOWN ASSOCIATES
                              PROJECT NO. 042-44213

                             STATEMENT OF OPERATIONS
                 FOR THE YEARS ENDED DECEMBER 31, 1997 AND 1996

                                                        1997             1996
                                                     ---------        ---------
    Rental                                           $ 862,532        $ 806,224
    Interest                                            14,821           13,390
    Other                                               15,089           16,499
                                                     ---------        ---------
                                                       892,442          836,113
                                                     ---------        ---------

    Administrative                                     172,010          163,887
    Utilities                                          127,753          120,618
    Operating and maintenance                          260,298          243,485
    Taxes and insurance                                136,776          134,064
    Interest and mortgage insurance                     40,079           45,752
    Depreciation and amortization                      190,445          192,884
    Entity expense                                       7,500            7,500
                                                     ---------        ---------
                                                       934,861          908,190
                                                     ---------        ---------

NET (LOSS)                                           $ (42,419)       $ (72,077)
                                                     =========        =========

   The accompanying notes are an integral part of these financial statements.


                              AUSTINTOWN ASSOCIATES
                              PROJECT NO. 042-44213

                 FOR THE YEARS ENDED DECEMBER 31, 1997 AND 1996

                                           General       Limited
                                           Partners      Partner        Total
                                          ----------    ----------    ---------

Balance, December 31, 1995                $  (2,469)    $ 598,079     $ 595,610

Net loss                                       --         (72,077)      (72,077)

Return of prior year distribution             7,700          --           7,700

Earned distribution currently
   payable                                   (8,212)      (25,096)      (33,308)
                                          ---------     ---------     ---------

Balance, December 31, 1996                   (2,981)      500,906       497,925

Net loss                                       --         (42,419)      (42,419)

Earned distribution currently
   payable                                     (422)      (20,682)      (21,104)
                                          ---------     ---------     ---------

Balance, December 31, 1997                $  (3,403)    $ 437,805     $ 434,402
                                          =========     =========     =========

   The accompanying notes are an integral part of these financial statements.


                              AUSTINTOWN ASSOCIATES
                              PROJECT NO. 042-44213

                             STATEMENT OF CASH FLOWS
                 FOR THE YEARS ENDED DECEMBER 31, 1997 AND 1996

                                                               1997          1996
                                                          -----------    ------------

        Rental receipts                                   $   860,786    $   811,929
        Interest receipts                                      14,821         13,390
        Other receipts                                         13,616         19,639
        Insurance proceeds                                    398,887           --
                                                          -----------    -----------

                                                            1,288,110        844,958
                                                          -----------    -----------

        Administrative                                         48,784         35,047
        Management fees                                        83,200         76,800
        Utilities                                             139,312        120,356
        Payroll and related expenses                          191,889        173,415
        Operating and maintenance                             175,903        189,156
        Fire repairs                                          393,113           --
        Taxes - real estate                                    87,216         77,544
        Property insurance                                     13,377         12,369
        Miscellaneous taxes and insurance                         394            456
        Interest on mortgage                                   40,531         30,975
        Mortgage insurance                                       --              240
        Entity expense                                          7,500          7,500
                                                          -----------    -----------
                                                            1,181,219        723,858
                                                          -----------    -----------

              Net cash provided by operating activities       106,891        121,100
                                                          -----------    -----------

        (Increase) decrease in Reserve for Replacements       (14,418)        60,479
        Decrease (increase) in mortgage escrow deposits         5,878        (14,398)
        Fixed asset purchases                                 (29,038)       (27,247)
        Security deposits funded                               (2,309)        (2,221)
                                                          -----------    -----------

              Net cash (used) provided by investing
                activities                                    (39,887)        16,613
                                                          -----------    -----------

        Mortgage principal payments                           (82,690)       (77,052)
        Net security deposits collected                           448            471
        Partnership distributions                             (33,308)          (200)
        Return of partnership distribution                       --            7,700
                                                          -----------    -----------

              Net cash (used) by financing activities        (115,550)       (69,081)
                                                          -----------    -----------

(DECREASE) INCREASE IN CASH AND CASH EQUIVALENTS              (48,546)        68,632

CASH AND CASH EQUIVALENTS AT BEGINNING OF YEAR                 87,531         18,899
                                                          -----------    -----------

CASH AND CASH EQUIVALENTS AT END OF YEAR                  $    38,985    $    87,531
                                                          ===========    ===========

   The accompanying notes are an integral part of these financial statements.


                              AUSTINTOWN ASSOCIATES
                              PROJECT NO. 042-44213

                       STATEMENT OF CASH FLOWS (CONTINUED)
                 FOR THE YEARS ENDED DECEMBER 31, 1997 AND 1996

                                                            1997         1996
                                                         ---------    ---------

    Net loss                                             $ (42,419)   $ (72,077)
                                                         ---------    ---------
    Adjustments to reconcile net loss to net
      cash provided by operating activities:
            Depreciation and amortization                  190,445      192,884
            (Increase) decrease in accounts receivable      (3,595)       6,721
            Increase in prepaid expenses                    (5,100)        --
            Increase in inventory supplies                     (55)      (1,414)
            Decrease in accounts payable                   (31,903)     (14,380)
            (Decrease) increase in deferred rent              (117)         117
            Increase in accrued real estate taxes               87        9,669
            Decrease in accrued interest payable              (452)        (420)
                                                         ---------    ---------

              Total adjustments                            149,310      193,177
                                                         ---------    ---------

NET CASH PROVIDED BY OPERATING ACTIVITIES                $ 106,891    $ 121,100
                                                         =========    =========

   The accompanying notes are an integral part of these financial statements.


                              AUSTINTOWN ASSOCIATES
                              PROJECT NO. 042-44213

                          NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS
                           DECEMBER 31, 1997 AND 1996



        Austintown   Associates,   a  partnership,   was  formed  as  a  limited
        partnership  on February 15, 1973 pursuant to the provisions of the laws
        of the State of Ohio.  The  Partnership  operates  a 200 unit  apartment
        project,  Compass West, (the Project)  located in Youngstown,  Ohio. The
        Project is operated under the terms of a Federal Housing  Administration
        (FHA)  Regulatory  Agreement for Limited  Distribution  Mortgages  under
        Section  236 of the  National  Housing  Act  dated  February  22,  1973.
        Distributions  to partners are allowable  only from surplus cash and are
        limited in any one fiscal  year to six  percent  of the  initial  equity
        investment,  on a cumulative  basis.  The FHA,  under  commitment to the
        Partnership, makes interest subsidiary payments to the mortgage lender.

        On October 30, 1984,  ownership  interests for the partners amounting to
        99% of the interests of the existing  partners were  transferred  by the
        original  partners to new  partners.  As a result of the  transfer,  the
        Partnership  retained  one of the original  General  Partners as a Local
        General  Partner,  admitted a new General  Partner as Associate  General
        Partner,  and admitted a Sole  Investor  Limited  Partner.  During 1995,
        there was a substitution of the Associate General Partner.

        The  Partnership  accounted for this transfer of ownership  interests by
        the  goodwill  method  whereby  assets and  liabilities  are adjusted to
        reflect  the value of  Partnership  assets  based on the cost to the new
        partners of their interests in the Partnership.

        Profit of loss and cash distributions:

        Pursuant  to  Article  X of the  Amended  and  Restated  Certificate  of
        Formation and Agreement of Limited  Partnership,  profits and losses are
        allocated 1% to the Local General Partner,  1% to the Associate  General
        Partner and 98% to the Investor Limited  Partner,  provided all partners
        individually have only positive balances or only negative balances.  The
        agreement  requires that all losses be allocated to the Investor Limited
        Partner if any General Partner has a negative balance at a time when any
        Limited Partner has a positive capital balance.

        The agreement  also specifies the order of allocations in such instances
        as  gain  from a sale  or  refinancing  and  loss  from  a  sale.  These
        allocations may differ from those for operating profits and losses.


        The financial statements of the Project have been prepared in accordance
        with accounting  principles  applicable to a U.S.  Department of Housing
        and Urban  Development  (HUD)  project,  in  conformity  with  generally
        accepted  accounting  principles  and  the  disclosure  requirements  as
        outlined in HUD Handbook 4370.2 REV 1.



                   PART I - Funds of the Project:

        Under the  conditions of the  Regulatory  Agreement,  the  "borrower" is
        obligated  to create a Revenue  Fund  account  into which all  operating
        income of the Project is deposited  and a Reserve Fund for  Replacements
        for application toward the cost of unusual or extraordinary  maintenance
        or repairs, renewals or replacements with the prior permission of HUD.

                   PART II - Investment restrictions:

        The Regulatory  Agreement and Section 236 place certain  restrictions on
        the investment of funds set aside in the required  Reserve.  In essence,
        investment is restricted to direct  obligations  of, or obligations  the
        principal  of and the interest on which are  guaranteed  to include both
        securities issued by the United States Government and its agencies,  and
        those insured by the United  States  Government  and its  agencies,  and
        those  insured  under the  Federal  Deposit  Insurance  Corporation.  In
        addition,  any interest  earned on the  investment of such funds must be
        retained in the required Reserve.


        The following significant  accounting policies have been followed in the
        preparation of the financial statements:

        Use of estimates

        The  preparation  of financial  statements in conformity  with generally
        accepted accounting principles requires management to make estimates and
        assumptions  that  affect  certain  reported  amounts  and  disclosures.
        Accordingly, actual results could differ from those estimates.

        Cash equivalents

        For purposes of the statement of cash flows,  the Partnership  considers
        all highly-liquid,  debt instruments  purchased with a maturity of three
        months or less,  not invested in a Reserve  required  under the terms of
        its Regulatory Agreement, to be "cash equivalents."

        Property and equipment

        Property and equipment is recorded on the basis of cost. Depreciation is
        computed using the straight-line  method over the estimated useful lives
        of the assets.  The estimated useful lives of the assets range from 3 to
        30 years.  Management  continually  reviews  property  and  equipment to
        determine that the carrying values have not been impaired.


        Routine  maintenance  is charged to  maintenance  expense.  Expenditures
        which  materially  increase  the value or extend the useful lives of the
        assets are capitalized.

        Unamortized loan costs

        Loan costs are being  amortized  over the  appropriate  loan period on a
        straight-line basis.



        Inventory, supplies

        Supplies consist of various maintenance and cleaning products carried at

        Income taxes

        For income tax  purposes,  each partner is required to take into account
        his  share of the  Partnership's  income or loss  and,  accordingly,  no
        provision  or benefit  for income  taxes is  included  in the  financial


        The  mortgage  is insured by the FHA and  secured  by the  property  and
        equipment  of the  Project.  The  mortgagee's  recourse  on the  debt is
        limited to such security.

        The mortgage,  which bears  interest at 7% per annum,  requires  monthly
        principal and interest payments of $24,095 less monthly interest subsidy
        ($15,503  for 1997 and $15,538  for 1996) thru  December,  2015.  Annual
        principal  payments  for the next  five  years are as  follows:  1998 --
        $85,011;  1999 -- $91,157;  2000 -- $97,746;  2001 --  $104,812;  2002 -
        $112,389 and thereafter -- $2,463,550.

        Under Section 236 of the National  Housing Act,  developers are given an
        interest  reduction,  in that the interest rate to develop and build the
        Project is subsidized to an effective rate of 1%.

                                             1997                 1996
                                           --------             --------
                     Expense               $209,402             $214,778
                     Subsidy                186,002              186,417
                                           --------             --------
                     Net interest          $ 23,400             $ 28,361
                                           ========             ========

         Under  agreements  with the mortgage lender and the FHA, the Project is
         required to make escrow  deposits for taxes,  insurance and replacement
         of Project  assets.  The Project is also subject to  restrictions as to
         operating  policies,   rental  charges,   operating   expenditures  and
         distributions to partners.


         The operating loss loan is an FHA-secured note with interest payable at
         9%,  due in  monthly  installments  of $444,  including  principal  and
         interest through January,  2002. Annual principal payments for the next
         five years,  are as follows:  1998 -- $3,729;  1999 -- $4,079;  2000 --
         $4,462; 2001 -- $4,881; 2002 -- $2,357, and thereafter -- $-0-.


         During the year ended  December 31, 1997, the Project  experienced  two
         fires.  Insurance  proceeds of $363,109 and $35,778  were  received and
         used  to pay  the  contractor  for the  repairs.  Additional  insurance
         proceeds of $13,184 were received under a business  interruption  claim
         and recorded as an offset to the vacancy loss.

         The repairs  were  performed  by a party  related to one of the General
         Partners.  At December 31, 1997,  $5,000 is owed pending  completion of
         all repairs.



         Distribution  payable consists of administrative  fees to the Associate
         General  Partner  for  services in  overseeing  the  operations  of the
         Partnership.  The $7,500  per annum fee is payable  only out of surplus
         cash reserves. The fee owed at December 31, 1997 and 1996 was $7,500.

         Pursuant to a management agreement dated July 1, 1994,  management fees
         of 9.9% of gross rental  collections are payable to Federal  Management
         Company,  an affiliate  of the Local  General  Partner.  On October 12,
         1990, HUD approved a monthly management fee of $32 per unit. Management
         fees were  $76,800 per annum for the years ended  December 31, 1997 and

         Included in operating expenses are reimbursements to Federal Management
         Company for payroll, payroll taxes, medical insurance, accounting fees,
         and office supplies. Payments for such reimbursements were $202,002 and
         $169,630 for the years 1997 and 1996, respectively.

         Miscellaneous  revenue  includes  commissions  for  the  collection  of
         monthly fees for equipment provided by B & M Professional  Services, an
         affiliate of the Local General  Partner.  Receipts for the fiscal years
         ending December 31, 1997 and 1996 were $2,115 and $2,105, respectively.

         Included in operating  expenses are payments of $47,227 and $27,260 for
         1997 and 1996 respectively,  to B & M Professional  Services for window
         replacement, painting and drywall repairs.

         Payables to related parties as of December 31 are as follows:

                                                          1997          1996
                                                        --------      --------
                     Federal Management Company         $    -        $ 16,656
                     B & M Professional Services        $  3,274      $  9,809


         HUD has contracted with the partnership, under Section 8 of Title II of
         the Housing and  Community  Development  Act of 1974,  to make  housing
         assistance  payments to the partnership on behalf of qualified tenants.
         One agreement covering 120 units expires on November 30, 1998. A second
         agreement covering 80 units expires on May 31, 1999.

         With congressional  passage in October 1997 of the Multifamily Assisted
         Housing and Reform and  Affordability Act (the Act), HUD has been given
         budgetary  authority to approve  requests for one-year  renewals on all
         Section 8 contracts expiring through September 30, 1998.

         Under  provisions of the Act,  renewal of Section 8 contracts  expiring
         after September 30, 1998 are subject to evaluation and assessment under
         a complex set of  requirements  as prescribed by this  "mark-to-market"
         legislation.   Further,   implementing  regulations  by  HUD  affecting
         administration over the renewal process have not yet been finalized. As
         a result,  it is uncertain whether HUD will renew these contracts under
         terms that are consistent with the successful operation of the project.
         The project is  economically  dependent upon the rental income received
         from both of its agreements.  If HUD were not to extend either one, the
         project's operating cash flows would be adversely affected.


                           SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION


            Independent Auditor's Report on Supplementary Information

Austintown Associates                              HUD Field Office Director
Youngstown, Ohio                                   Cleveland, Ohio

         Our report on our audit of the basic financial statements of Austintown
Associates,  HUD Project No. 042-44213, for December 31, 1997 appears on page 1.
That audit was made for the  purpose  of  forming  an  opinion on the  financial
statements taken as a whole. The supplementary  information on pages 12 to 18 is
presented for the purpose of  additional  analysis and is not a required part of
the basic  financial  statements  of  Austintown  Associates,  HUD  Project  No.
042-44213.  Such  information  has been  subjected  to the  auditing  procedures
applied in the audit of the financial  statements and, in our opinion, is fairly
stated in all material respects in relation to the financial statements taken as
a whole.

                                        /s/ Bick Fredman & Co.

Cleveland, Ohio
January 9, 1998


Statement of Profit and Loss    U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development
                                Office of Housing
                                Federal Housing Commissioner
                                        OMB Approval No. 2502-0052(Exp. 1/31/95)
Public  Reporting  Burden for this collection of information is estimated to average 1.0 hours per response,  including the time for
reviewing instructions, searching existing data sources, gathering and maintaining the data needed, and completing and reviewing the
collection of  information.  Send comments  regarding this burden  estimate or any other aspect of this  collection of  information,
including suggestions for reducing this burden, to the Reports Management Officer,  Office of Information Policies and Systems, U.S.
Department of Housing and Urban  Development,  Washington,  D.C.  20410-3600 and to the Office of Management  and Budget,  Paperwork
Reduction Project (2502-0052), Washington, D.C. 20503. Do not send this completed form to either of these addresses.

For Month/Period  Ending:                  Project         Project Name:        
Beginning:                                 Number:         
January 1, 1997   December 31, 1997       042-44213        Austintown Associates      
          Part I                          Description of Account                Acct. No.      Amount*
Rental Income 5100         Apartments or Member Carrying Charges (Coops)          5120    $   175,419
                           Tenant Assistant Payments                              5121    $   700,101
                           Furniture and Equipment                                5130    $
                           Stores and Commercial                                  5140    $
                           Garage and Parking Spaces                              5170    $
                           Flexible Subsidy Income                                5180    $
                           Miscellaneous (specify)                                5190    $
                           Total Rent Revenues Potential at 100% Occupancy                                   $875,520
Vacancies 5200             Apartments                                             5220    $   (26,172)
                           Furniture and Equipment                                5230    
                           Stores and  Commercial                                 5240    
                           Garage and Parking Spaces                              5270   
                           Miscellaneous (specify) Business Interruption Proceeds 5290         13,184
                           Total Vacancies                                                                    (12,988)
                           Net Rental Revenue Rent Revenue Less Vacancies                                    $862,532
                           Elderly and Congregate Service Income --5300
                           Total Service Income (Schedule Attached)               5300                       $
Financial Revenue 5400     Interest Income--Project Operations                    5410    $     5,079
                           Income from Investments--Residual Receipts             5430    $     
                           Income from Investments--Reserve for Replacement       5440    $     9,041
                           Income from Investments--Miscellaneous                 5490    $       701
                           Total Financial Revenue                                                           $ 14,821
Other Revenue 5900         Laundry and Vending                                    5910    $     1,094
                           NSF and Late Charges                                   5920    $     1,851
                           Damages and Cleaning Fees                              5930    $     3,217
                           Forfeited Tenant Security Deposits                     5940    $       444
                           Other Revenue (specify)                                5990    $     8,483
                           Total Other Revenue                                                               $ 15,089
                           Total Revenue                                                                     $892,442
Administrative Expenses    Advertising                                            6210    $     2,171
6200/6300                  Other Administrative Expense                           6250    $       868
                           Office Salaries                                        6310    $    36,553
                           Office Supplies                                        6311    $    12,536
                           Office or Model Apartment Rent                         6312    $    
                           Management                                             6320    $    76,800
                           Manager or Superintendent Salaries                     6330    $    18,675
                           Manager or Superintendent Rent Free Unit               6331    $          
                           Legal Expenses (Project)                               6340    $       391
                           Auditing Expenses (Project)                            6350    $     9,800
                           Bookkeeping Fees/Accounting Services                   6351    $          
                           Telephone and Answering Service                        6360    $     5,456
                           Bad Debts                                              6370    $     1,840
                           Miscellaneous Administrative Expenses (specify)        6390    $     6,920
                           Total Administrative Expenses                                                     $172,010
Utilities Expense 6400     Fuel Oil/Coal                                          6420    $
                           Electricity (Light and Misc. Power)                    6450    $    51,851
                           Water                                                  6451    $    75,902
                           Gas                                                    6452    $          
                           Sewer                                                  6453    $          
                           Total Utilities Expense                                                           $127,753

*All amounts must be rounded to the nearest dollar; $.50 and over, round up--$.49 and below, round down.

                                  Page 1 of 2

Austintown Associates                               042-44213

Operating and              Janitor and Cleaning Payroll                           6510    $    30,796
Maintenance Expenses       Janitor and Cleaning Supplies                          6515    $     6,486
6500                       Janitor and Cleaning Contract                          6517    $     2,137
                           Exterminating Payroll/Contract                         6519    $       206
                           Exterminating Supplies                                 6520    $       713
                           Garbage and Trash Removal                              6525    $    17,880
                           Security Payroll/Contract                              6530    $     1,818
                           Grounds Payroll                                        6535    $    11,997
                           Grounds Supplies                                       6536    $     3,765
                           Grounds Contract                                       6537    $       674
                           Repairs Payroll                                        6540    $    48,205
                           Repairs Material                                       6541    $    97,705
                           Repairs Contract                                       6542    $          
                           Elevator Maintenance/Contract                          6545    $          
                           Heating/Cooling Repairs and Maintenance                6546    $       445
                           Swimming Pool Maintenance/Contract                     6547    $     2,990
                           Snow Removal                                           6548    $     1,300
                           Decorating Payroll/Contract                            6560    $    21,565
                           Decorating supplies                                    6561    $     6,508
                           Other                                                  6570    $     3,514
                           Miscellaneous Operating and Maintenance Expenses       6590    $     1,594
                           Total Operating and Maintenance Expenses                                          $260,298
Taxes and Insurance 6700   Real Estate Taxes                                      6710    $    87,303
                           Payroll Taxes (FICA)                                   6711    $    23,846
                           Miscellaneous Taxes, Licenses and Permits              6719    $       394
                           Property and Liability Insurance (Hazard)              6720    $    12,595
                           Fidelity Bond Insurance                                6721    $       371
                           Workmen's Compensation                                 6722    $       996
                           Health Insurance and Other Employee Benefits           6723    $    11,271
                           Other Insurance (specify)                              6729    $
                           Total Taxes and Insurance                                                         $136,776
Financial Expenses 6800    Interest on Bonds Payable                              6810    $    23,374
                           Interest on Mortgage Payable                           6820    $     1,924
                           Interest on Notes Payable (Long-Term)                  6830    $
                           Interest on Notes Payable (Short-Term)                 6840    $    14,781
                           Mortgage Insurance Premium/Service Charge              6850    $          
                           Miscellaneous Financial Expenses                       6890    $          
                           Total Financial Expenses                                                          $ 40,079
Elderly & Congregate       Total Service Expenses--Schedule Attached              6900                       $
Service Expenses 6900      Total Cost of Operations Before Depreciation                                      $739,916
                           Profit (Loss) Before Depreciation                                                 $155,526
                           Depreciation (Total)--6600 (specify)                   6600                       $190,445
                           Operating Profit or (Loss)                                                        $(34,919)
Corporate or Mortgagor     Office Salaries                                        7110    $
Entity Expenses 7100       Legal Expenses (Entity)                                7120    $
                           Taxes (Federal-State-Entity)                          7130-32  $
                           Other Expenses (Entity) Admin. Fee - 4,000             7190    $     7,500
                           Total Corporate Expenses Amortization 982                                         $  7,500
                           Net Profit or (Loss)                                                              $(42,419)

Warning: HUD will prosecute false claims and statements.  Conviction may result in criminal and/or civil penalties. (18 U.S.C. 1001,
1010, 1012; 31 U.S.C.  3729, 3802)  Miscellaneous or other Income and Expense  Sub-account  Groups. If miscellaneous or other income
and/or expense sub- accounts (5190, 5290, 5490, 5990, 6390, 6590, 6729, 6890, and 7190) exceed the Account Groupings by 10% or more,
attach a separate schedule describing or explaining the miscellaneous income or expense.

Part II
1.       Total principal payments required under the mortgage, even if payments under a
         Workout Agreement are less or more than those required under t he mortgage.                         $ 79,280
2.       Replacement Reserve deposits required by the Regulatory Agreement or
         Amendments thereto, even if payments may be temporarily suspended or waived.                        $ 54,000
3.       Replacement or Painting Reserve releases which are included as expense items on
         this Profit and Loss statement                                                                      $ 48,623
4.       Project Improvement Reserve Releases under the Flexible Subsidy Program that
         are included as expense items on this Profit and Loss Statement.                                    $    

                                  Page 2 of 2

                                         U.S. DEPARTMENT OF HOUSING AND URBAN DEVELOPMENT
                                              HOUSING - FEDERAL HOUSING COMMISSIONER

                                          COMPUTATION OF SURPLUS CASH, DISTRIBUTIONS AND                          
                                                         RESIDUAL RECEIPTS

PROJECT NAME                                 FISCAL PERIOD ENDED:       PROJECT NUMBER                                     
Austintown Associates                        December 31, 1997          042-44213

                                                   PART A - COMPUTE SURPLUS CASH
       1.  Cash (Accounts 1110, 1120, 1191)                                    $76,867

       2.  Tenant subsidiary vouchers due for period covered                          
             by financial statement                                            $ 1,815

       3.  Other (describe)  other accounts receivable                         $ 2,500

                                      (a) Total Cash (Add Lines 1, 2, and 3)                                  $81,222
       4.  Accrued mortgage interest payable                                   $ 1,915

       5.  Delinquent mortgage principal payments                              $     

       6.  Delinquent deposits to reserve for replacements                     $     

       7.  Accounts payable (due within 30 days)                               $15,154

       8.  Loans and notes payable                                                    
           (due within 30 days)                                                $      

       9.  Deficient Tax Insurance or MIP Escrow Deposits                      $ 7,755

       10. Accrued expenses (not escrowed)                                     $     

       11. Prepaid Rents (Account 2210)                                        $     

       12. Tenant security deposits liability (Account 2191)                   $26,939

       13. Other (Describe)  payable to HUD                                    $   855

                                               (b) Less Total Current Obligations (Add Lines 4 through 13)    $52,618

                                               (c) Surplus Cash (Deficiency) (Line (a) minus Line (b))        $28,604

  1.   Surplus Cash                                                                                           $28,604

       2a. Distribution Earned During Fiscal Period                                
             Covered by the Statement                                          $25,850

       2b. Distribution Accrued and Unpaid as of the                     
             End of the Prior Fiscal Period                                   $153,796

       2c. Distributions Paid During Fiscal Period Covered by Statement        $40,808

       3. Distributions Earned but Unpaid as of the End of                   
          the Fiscal Period Under Review (Line 2a + 2b - 2c)                  $138,838

  4.   Amount Available for Distribution During Next Fiscal Period                                            $28,604

  5.   Deposit Due Residual Receipts                                                           
       (Must be deposited with Mortgagee within 60 days after Fiscal Period ends)                             $      

    PREPARED BY                                       REVIEWED BY

 LOAN TECHNICIAN                                    LOAN SERVICERIAN

 DATE                                               DATE

                                                               HUD-93486 (12-80)

                                                           AUSTINTOWN ASSOCIATES
                                                           PROJECT NO. 042-44213

                                                      CHANGES IN FIXED ASSET ACCOUNTS
                                                   FOR THE YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 1997

                                                  ASSETS                                   ACCUMULATED DEPRECIATION             
                           ------------------------------------------------   --------------------------------------------------  
                             Balance                               Balance      Balance                                Balance   
  Fixed Assets               1/1/97      Additions   Disposals    12/31/97      1/1/97     Expenses      Disposals     12/31/97  
- -----------------          ----------    ---------   ---------   ----------   ----------   ---------    -----------   ---------- 
Land                      $  397,105   $     --     $     --     $  397,105   $     --     $     --     $     --     $     --    

Building                   4,999,696       27,314       22,588    5,004,422    2,004,842      185,887       22,588    2,168,141  

  Furniture & fixtures       120,618        1,724         --        122,342      113,144        3,034         --        116,178  
  Maintenance equipment       29,867         --           --         29,867       27,768          866         --         28,634  
                          ----------   ----------   ----------   ----------   ----------   ----------   ----------   ----------  

   TOTAL                  $5,547,286   $   29,038   $   22,588   $5,553,736   $2,145,754      189,787   $   22,588   $2,312,953  
                          ==========   ==========   ==========   ==========   ==========                ==========   ==========  
                                                                            Amortization          657
                                                                                   Total     $190,444

Fixed asset additions/disposals:   

   Refrigerators                          $ 9,003     $  8,830
   Carpeting                               14,811       13,758
   Porch                                    3,500          --
   Computer                                 1,724          --
                                          -------     --------
                                          $29,038     $ 22,588
                                          =======     ========

  Fixed Assets                       12/31/97  
- -----------------                    ---------                    
Land                                $  397,105 
Building                             2,836,281 
  Furniture & fixtures                   6,164 
  Maintenance equipment                  1,233 
   TOTAL                            $3,240,783 


                              AUSTINTOWN ASSOCIATES
                              PROJECT NO. 042-44213

                                DECEMBER 31, 1997


         Duplicate payment to vendor.                                 $ 2,500

                                          # of Tenants          Amount Past Due
              0 to 30 days                      10                    $   304
              31 to 60 days                     15                        277
              61 to 90 days                      6                        138
              Over 90 days                      19                      1,689
                                                                      $ 2,408


         Manchi Realty Co. - retention not currently payable          $ 5,000
         B & M Professional Services                                    3,274
                                                                      $ 8,274


         9% operating  loss loan dated March 24, 1978 in the original  amount of
         $57,300. Balance at December 31, 1997:

                   Current                                           $  3,729
                   Long-term                                           15,779

                                                                     $ 19,508





                   Company                    Description               Paid
         ---------------------------    -----------------------       --------
         Liberty LGP                    Administrative fee            $  7,500
         Federal Management Co.         Management fee                $ 83,200
         Manchi Realty Co.              Insurance repairs             $390,546
         James P. Manchi                Maintenance supplies          $  2,390
         B & M Professional Services    Maintenance and repairs       $ 47,227




         March 3, 1997                                               $ 40,808

                              AUSTINTOWN ASSOCIATES
                              PROJECT NO. 042-44213

                                DECEMBER 31, 1996


         Estimated  amount  required as of December 31, 1997 for future  payment

              Mortgage insurance premium                              $ 14,546
              Property insurance                                         7,347
              Real estate taxes                                         29,100
              Amount on deposit deficient
                of estimated requirements                               (7,755)

              Total confirmed                                         $ 43,238

         Description      Basis for        Period          Date        Amount
           of tax          Accrual         Covered          Due        Accrued
         -----------   ---------------   -----------    -----------   --------
         Real Estate   1997 effective    01/01/97 to    Semi-Annual
                          tax rate         12/31/97        1998       $ 87,300

         In  accordance  with  the  provisions  of  the  Regulatory   Agreement,
         restricted cash is held by the mortgage servicing agent,  Manufacturers
         and Traders  Trust,  and is used for  replacement  of property with the
         approval of HUD.

              Balance at January 1, 1997                             $ 181,814
              Monthly deposits ($4,500 x 12 mos.)                       54,000
              Authorized releases:
                 October 28, 1997                                      (48,623)
              Interest income                                            9,041

              Balance at December 31, 1997, confirmed by mortgagee   $ 196,232

              Invested in:
                Money Market                                         $  62,370
                Treasury Bill, due March 5, 1998                       133,862

              Balance at December 31, 1997                           $ 196,232

         The  following   information   pertains  to  Reserve  for   Replacement
         Reimbursement requests approved during December 31, 1997:

           Amount                                   Purpose                            Account
         of Request                               of Request                           Charged
         ----------                               ----------                           -------
          $  4,286                  Parking Lot                                         6541
             6,872                  Kitchen cabinetry                                   6541, 6542
             7,676                  Refrigerators                                       Building
             1,400                  Exterior walk and steps                             6561
            14,811                  Carpeting                                           Building
               770                  Windows                                             6542
            11,325                  Waterproofing and foundation repairs                6541, 6542
               298                  Disposals                                           6541
             1,185                  Hot water tanks                                     6541

          $ 48,623                  Form HUD 9250 approved October 28, 1997


                              AUSTINTOWN ASSOCIATES
                              PROJECT NO. 042-44213

                                DECEMBER 31, 1997


         Tenant  security  deposits  in the total  amount of  $37,882,  which is
         sufficient  to fund the related  liability,  are held in the  following
         bank accounts at December 31, 1997:

              Metropolitan Savings       Certificate of Deposit
                                           (5.1% due 12/30/98)      $ 32,577
              Mahoning National Bank     Savings                       5,305
                                                                    $ 37,882


         Account 5990 Other Revenue
         Community room/office rentals                              $    882
         Air conditioning fee                                          2,115
         Cable                                                         4,216
         Pool                                                            487
         Miscellaneous                                                   783
                                                                    $  8,483

         Account 6390 Miscellaneous Administration Expenses
         Computer services                                          $  1,497
         Seminars                                                      1,248
         Miscellaneous                                                 1,275
         Comprehensive Needs Assessment                                2,900
                                                                    $  6,920




            Independent Auditor's Report on Compliance with Specific
                  Requirements Applicable to Major HUD Programs

Austintown Associates                           HUD Field Office Director
Youngstown, Ohio                                Cleveland, Ohio

          We have audited the financial  statements of Austintown  Associates as
of and for the year ended  December 31, 1997 and have issued our report  thereon
dated  January 9, 1998.  In  addition,  we have audited  Austintown  Associates'
compliance with the following specific program requirements:

Specific Compliance Requirements 
o Federal Financial Reports 
o Mortgage Status 
o Replacement  Reserve 
o Residual Receipts 
o Security Deposits 
o Cash Receipts and Disbursements 
o Distributions to Owners
o Tenant Application, Eligibility and Recertification
o Management Functions

that are  applicable to each of its major  HUD-assisted  programs,  for the year
ended December 31, 1997. The management of Austintown  Associates is responsible
for compliance  with those  requirements.  Our  responsibility  is to express an
opinion on compliance with those requirements based on our audit.

          We conducted  our audit of compliance  in  accordance  with  generally
accepted auditing standards,  and Government  Auditing Standards,  issued by the
Comptroller  General of the United States,  and the Consolidated Audit Guide for
Audits of HUD Programs (the "Guide"),  issued by the U.S.  Department of Housing
and Urban  Development,  Office of Inspector  General.  Those  standards and The
Guide require that we plan and perform the audit to obtain reasonable  assurance
about whether material  noncompliance  with the  requirements  referred to above
occurred.  An  audit  includes  examining,  on  a  test  basis,  evidence  about
Austintown Associates'  compliance with those requirements.  We believe that our
audit provides a reasonable basis for our opinion.

          In our  opinion,  Austintown  Associates  complied,  in  all  material
respects,  with the requirements described above, that are applicable to each of
its major HUD-assisted program for the year ended December 31, 1997.

          This  report  is  intended  for  the   information  of  the  partners,
management,  and the Department of Housing and Urban Development.  However, this
report is a matter of public record and its distribution is not limited.

                                        /s/ Bick Fredman & Co.

Cleveland, Ohio
January 9, 1998

            Independent Auditor's Report on Compliance with Specific
          Requirements Applicable to Nonmajor HUD Program Transactions

Austintown Associates                           HUD Field Office Director
Youngstown, Ohio                                Cleveland, Ohio

          We have audited the financial  statements of Austintown  Associates as
of and for the year ended  December 31, 1997, and have issued our report thereon
dated January 9, 1998.

          In  connection  with our  audit of the 1997  financial  statements  of
Austintown  Associates  and with our  consideration  of the  Project's  internal
control  structure  used  to  administer  HUD  programs,   as  required  by  the
Consolidated Audit Guide for Audits of HUD Programs (the "Guide"), issued by the
U.S.  Department of Housing and Urban Development,  Office of Inspector General,
we selected certain transactions  applicable to a certain nonmajor  HUD-assisted
program for the year ended December 31, 1997.

          As required by the Guide,  we performed  auditing  procedures  to test
compliance  with the  requirements  governing  cash  expenditures  and  matching
requirements  that are applicable to those  transactions.  Our  procedures  were
substantially  less in  scope  than an  audit,  the  objective  of  which is the
expression of an opinion on the Project's  compliance  with those  requirements.
Accordingly, we do not express such an opinion.

          The results of our tests disclosed no instances of noncompliance  that
are required to be reported herein under the Guide.

          This  report  is  intended  for  the   information  of  the  Partners,
management,  and the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development.  However,
this report is a matter of public record and its distribution is not limited.

                                        /s/ Bick Fredman & Co.

Cleveland, Ohio
January 9, 1998


            Independent Auditor's Report on Compliance with Specific
         Requirements Applicable to Fair Housing and Non-Discrimination

Austintown Associates                           HUD Field Office Director
Youngstown, Ohio                                Cleveland, Ohio

          We have audited the financial  statements of Austintown  Associates as
of and for the year ended  December 31, 1997, and have issued our report thereon
dated January 9, 1998.

          We have applied procedures to test the Project's  compliance with Fair
Housing  and  Non-Discrimination  requirements  applicable  to its  HUD-assisted
programs, for the year ended December 31, 1997.

          Our procedures were limited to the applicable  compliance  requirement
described  in the  Consolidated  Audit  Guide for  Audits of HUD  Programs  (the
"Guide") issued by the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development,  Office
of Inspector  General.  Our procedures were  substantially less in scope than an
audit,  the objective of which is the  expression of an opinion on the Project's
compliance   with  the  Fair   Housing  and   Non-Discrimination   requirements.
Accordingly, we do not express such an opinion.

          The  results  of  those   procedures   disclosed   no   instances   of
noncompliance that are required to be reported herein under the Guide.

          This  report  is  intended  for  the   information  of  the  Partners,
management,  and the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development.  However,
this report is a matter of public record and its distribution is not limited.

                                        /s/ Bick Fredman & Co.

Cleveland, Ohio
January 9, 1998

                Independent Auditor's Report on Internal Controls

Austintown Associates                         HUD Field Office Director
Youngstown, Ohio                              Cleveland, Ohio

          We have audited the financial  statements of Austintown  Associates as
of and for the year ended  December 31, 1997, and have issued our report thereon
dated  January 9, 1998.  We have also  audited  the  Project's  compliance  with
requirements  applicable  to  HUD-assisted  programs and have issued our reports
thereon dated January 9, 1998.

          We conducted our audits in accordance with generally accepted auditing
standards,  Government Auditing Standards,  issued by the Comptroller General of
the United States,  and the Consolidated  Audit Guide for Audits of HUD Programs
(the "Guide"),  issued by the U.S.  Department of Housing and Urban Development,
Office of the Inspector  General.  Those standards and the Guide require that we
plan and  perform the audit to obtain  reasonable  assurance  about  whether the
financial  statements  are free of material  misstatement  and about whether the
Project  complied with laws and regulations,  noncompliance  with which would be
material to a HUD- assisted program.

          The   management  of  Austintown   Associates   is   responsible   for
establishing   and   maintaining   internal   controls.   In   fulfilling   this
responsibility, estimates and judgments by management are required to assess the
expected  benefits and related  costs of internal  controls.  The  objectives of
internal controls are to provide  management with reasonable,  but not absolute,
assurance  that assets are  safeguarded  against loss from  unauthorized  use or
disposition,  that  transactions  are executed in accordance  with  management's
authorization  and  recorded  properly to permit the  preparation  of  financial
statements in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles, and that
HUD-assisted  programs  are  managed  in  compliance  with  applicable  laws and
regulations.  Because of inherent limitations in any internal control structure,
errors, irregularities, or instances of noncompliance may nevertheless occur and
not be detected.  Also,  projection of any evaluation of the structure to future
periods is subject to the risk that procedures may become inadequate  because of
changes in conditions or that the  effectiveness  of the design and operation of
policies and procedures may deteriorate.


          In planning and  performing our audits for the year ended December 31,
1997,  we obtained an  understanding  of the internal  control  structure.  With
respect to the internal control  structure,  we obtained an understanding of the
design of relevant policies and procedures and determined whether they have been
placed in  operation,  and we assessed  control risk in order to  determine  our
auditing  procedures for the purpose of expressing our opinions on the Project's
financial statements and its compliance with specific requirements applicable to
its major HUD-assisted  programs and to report on the internal control structure
in accordance  with the provisions of the Guide and not to provide any assurance
on the internal control structure.

          We performed tests of controls,  as required by the Guide, to evaluate
the  effectiveness  of the design and  operation of internal  control  structure
policies and procedures  that we considered  relevant to preventing or detecting
material  noncompliance with specific  requirements  applicable to the Project's
major  HUD-assisted  programs.  Our procedures  were less in scope than would be
necessary  to render an opinion  on  internal  control  structure  policies  and
procedures. Accordingly, we do not express such an opinion.

          Our   consideration  of  the  internal  control  structure  would  not
necessarily disclose all matters in the internal control structure that might be
material  weaknesses  under standards  established by the American  Institute of
Certified Public Accountants.  A material weakness is a reportable  condition in
which the design or operation of one or more of the  specific  internal  control
structure  elements  does not  reduce  to a  relatively  low level the risk that
errors or  irregularities  in amounts  that would be material in relation to the
financial   statements  being  audited  or  that  noncompliance  with  laws  and
regulations  that would be material to a HUD-assisted  program may occur and not
be  detected  within a timely  period  by  employees  in the  normal  course  of
performing their assigned functions.  We noted no matters involving the internal
control  structure and its operation that we consider to be material  weaknesses
as defined above.

          This  report  is  intended  for  the   information  of  the  Partners,
management,  and the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development.  However,
this report is a matter of public record and its distribution is not limited.

                                        /s/ Bick Fredman & Co.

Cleveland, Ohio
January 9, 1998


                              AUSTINTOWN ASSOCIATES
                              PROJECT NO. 042-44213

                                DECEMBER 31, 1997



                              AUSTINTOWN ASSOCIATES
                              PROJECT NO. 042-44213

                            AUDIT RESOLUTION MATTERS
                                DECEMBER 31, 1997

The findings  noted on the prior year's audit report and their  depositions  are
reported below:


          At  December  31,  1996,  the  Reserve  for  Taxes and  Insurance  was
          deficient by $1,830.

          Action taken

          Escrow payment was not increased until November of 1997 resulting in a
          continuation  of the deficiency in the balance that exists at December
          31, 1997.


          On November 22, 1996,  HUD informed the Project owner that the surplus
          cash  calculation  as of December 31, 1995 was in error in that Line 3
          included a pending release from the Reserve for Replacements which was
          not authorized  until 1996. As a consequence of eliminating this item,
          the Project had no surplus  cash at December 31,  1995.  In 1996,  the
          Project  distributed  $7,700  to the  partners  based on the  original
          surplus cash calculation.  In order to comply with HUD's instructions,
          on December 6, 1996, one of the general  partners  returned the entire
          distribution of $7,700. This amount is repayable to him out of surplus
          cash that exists as of December 31, 1996.

          Action taken

          No additional action is needed.


                            MORTGAGOR'S CERTIFICATION

          We hereby  certify that we have  examined the  accompanying  financial
statements and  supplemental  data of Austintown  Associates and, to the best of
our knowledge and belief, the same is complete and accurate.

                                          /s/ James Manchi


                                          EIN: 74-2343727


                         MANAGING AGENT'S CERTIFICATION

       We hereby certify that we have examined the  accompanying  1997 financial
statements and  supplemental  data of Austintown  Associates and, to the best of
our knowledge and belief, the same is complete and accurate.

                                             Federal Management Company, Inc.

                                             By /s/ James Manchi
                                                        James Manchi


                                             Federal I.D. #34-1527725


                            OSUNA APARTMENTS COMPANY
                          HUD Project No. 116-44052-LDP
                             (A Limited Partnership)

                              Financial Statements
                                Supplemental Data
                      For the Year Ended December 31, 1997


                            OSUNA APARTMENTS COMPANY
                          HUD Project No. 116-44052-LDP
                             (A Limited Partnership)

                                Table of Contents

Independent Auditor's Report

Financial Statements:

  Balance Sheet                                                   Exhibit A

  Statement of Profit and Loss                                    Exhibit B

  Statement of Changes in Partners' Equity                        Exhibit C

  Statement of Cash Flows                                         Exhibit D

  Notes to Financial Statements

Supplemental Data:

  Supporting Data Required by HUD                                 Schedule   1

Independent Auditor's Report on Compliance with Specific
   Requirements Applicable to Major HUD Programs                  Schedule   2

Independent Auditor's Report on Compliance with Specific
   Requirements Applicable to Nonmajor HUD Transactions           Schedule   3

Independent Auditor's Report on Internal Control                  Schedule   4

Independent Auditor's Report on Compliance with Specific
  Requirements Applicable to Fair Housing and Non-Discrimination  Schedule   5

Schedule of Findings and Questioned Costs                         Schedule   6

Auditor's Comments on Audit Resolution Matters                    Schedule   7

Auditee's Corrective Action Plan                                  Schedule   8

Partners' Certification                                           Schedule   9

Managing Agent's Certification                                    Schedule  10


                      [Letterhead of James M. Klein, P.C.]

                          INDEPENDENT AUDITOR'S REPORT

To the Partners of
Osuna Apartments Company

I have audited the  accompanying  balance sheet of Osuna  Apartments  Company (a
limited partnership),  HUD Project No.  116-44052-LDP,  as of December 31, 1997,
and the related  statements of profit and loss,  changes in partners' equity and
cash  flows  for  the  year  then  ended.  These  financial  statements  are the
responsibility of the Partnership's  management. My responsibility is to express
an opinion on these financial statements based on my audit.

I conducted my audit in accordance with generally  accepted  auditing  standards
and  Government  Auditing  Standards  issued by the  Comptroller  General of the
United  States.  Those  standards  require  that I plan and perform the audit to
obtain reasonable  assurance about whether the financial  statements are free of
material  misstatement.  An audit includes examining,  on a test basis, evidence
supporting  the amounts and  disclosures in the financial  statements.  An audit
also includes assessing the accounting principles used and significant estimates
made by  management,  as well as  evaluating  the  overall  financial  statement
presentation.  I  believe  that my audit  provides  a  reasonable  basis  for my

In my opinion, the financial statements referred to above present fairly, in all
material respects, the financial position of Osuna Apartments Company (a limited
partnership),  HUD Project No.  116-44052-LDP  as of December 31, 1997,  and the
results  of its  operations  and its  cash  flows  for the  year  then  ended in
conformity with generally accepted accounting principles.

In accordance  with Government  Auditing  Standards and the  Consolidated  Audit
Guide for Audits of HUD Programs  issued by the U.S.  Department  of Housing and
Urban  Development,  I have also issued a report dated  January 28, 1998,  on my
consideration of Osuna Apartments  Company's internal control, and reports dated
January 28, 1998, on its  compliance  with specific  requirements  applicable to
major  HUD  programs,  specific  requirements  applicable  to  Affirmative  Fair
Housing,   and  specific   requirements   applicable  to  nonmajor  HUD  program

My audit was  conducted  for the  purpose  of  forming  an  opinion on the basic
financial  statements taken as a whole.  The  supplemental  data required by HUD
included in Schedule 1 provides additional analysis which is not a required part
of the basic financial  statements of the  Partnership.  The information in such
schedule has been subjected to the auditing  procedures  applied in the audit of
the basic  financial  statements  and,  in my opinion,  is fairly  stated in all
material  respects  in  relation to the basic  financial  statements  taken as a

/s/ James M. Klein, P.C.

January 28, 1998


                            OSUNA APARTMENTS COMPANY
                            (A Limited Partnership)
                                                                       Exhibit A

                                 Balance Sheet
                               December 31, 1997

Current assets:
    1110 Petty cash                                                                               $         100
    1120 Cash in bank - operations (Note 1) (Schedules 1 and 2)                                          47,658
    1130 Accounts receivable - tenants (Schedule 1)                                                       1,233
    1143 Accounts receivable - HUD (Schedule 1)                                                             121
    1144 Accounts receivable - other (Schedule 1)                                                           374
    Prepaid expenses:
        1240 Property insurance                                                      4,593
        1250 Mortgage insurance                                                      3,442                8,035
                                                                              -------------       --------------
            Total current assets                                                                         57,521

Deposits held in trust - funded:
    1191 Tenant security deposits (contra) (Schedules 1 and 2)                                           10,900

Restricted deposits and funded reserves:
    1310 Mortgage escrow deposits (Schedules 1 and 2)                               17,509
    1320 Reserve for replacements                                                  151,260
          (Note 2 and Schedules 1 and 2)
    1330 Reserve for exterior painting (Schedules 1 and 2)                          35,276
    1340 Reserve for residual receipts
          (Note 2 and Schedules 1 and 2)                                           253,300              457,345
Fixed assets (at cost) (Notes 1 and 3) (Schedule 1):
    1410 Land                                                                      255,230
    1420 Buildings                                                               1,854,035
    1430 Building equipment                                                          7,487
    1460 Furnishings                                                               159,337
       Less accumulated depreciation                                               964,348            1,311,741
Other asset:
    1900 Unamortized deferred expenses (Note 1)                                                          18,614
                                                                                                $     1,856,121

                        Liabilities and Partners' Equity
Current liabilities:
    2110 Accounts payable - trade (Schedule 1)                        $         8,733
    2115 Accounts payable - HUD (Schedule 1)                                    3,147
    2120 Accrued taxes (Schedule 1)                                            22,252
    2130 Accrued interest payable                                                 678
    2140 Other accrued expenses (Note 4 and Schedule 1)                         2,500
    2210 Prepaid rent                                                              38
    2320 Current maturities of long-term debt (Note 3)                         37,272
                  Total current liabilities                                    74,620

Deposit liabilities:
    2191 Tenant security deposits (contra) (Schedules 1 and 2)                 10,900

Long-term debt (Note 3):
    2320 Mortgage payable, 7 percent, less
        current maturities of $37,272                                       1,211,614

Contingency (Note 8)

3130 Partners' equity (Notes 1 and 5)                                         558,987
                                                                      $     1,856,121
The accompanying notes are an integral part of the financial statements.


Statement of Profit and Loss    U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development                       Exhibit B
                                Office of Housing
                                Federal Housing Commissioner
                                        OMB Approval No. 2502-0052(Exp. 1/31/95)
Public  Reporting  Burden for this collection of information is estimated to average 1.0 hours per response,  including the time for
reviewing instructions, searching existing data sources, gathering and maintaining the data needed, and completing and reviewing the
collection of  information.  Send comments  regarding this burden  estimate or any other aspect of this  collection of  information,
including suggestions for reducing this burden, to the Reports Management Officer, Paperwork Reduction Project (25020-0052),  Office
of Information  Technology,  U.S.  Department of Housing and Urban Development,  Washington,  D.C.  20410-3600.  This agency may not
collect this  information,  and you are not required to complete this form, unless it displays a currently valid OMB control number.
Do not send this form to the above address.

For Month/Period  Ending:                  Project         Project Name:        
Beginning                                  Number:          OSUNA APARTMENTS    
        1/97               12/97       116-44052-LDP                            
          Part I                          Description of Account                Acct. No.      Amount*
Rental Income 5100         Apartments or Member Carrying Charges (Coops)          5120    $   376,353
                           Tenant Assistant Payments                              5121    $    37,095
                           Furniture and Equipment                                5130    $
                           Stores and Commercial                                  5140    $
                           Garage and Parking Spaces                              5170    $
                           Flexible Subsidy Income                                5180    $
                           Miscellaneous (specify)                                5190    $
                           Total Rent Revenues Potential at 100% Occupancy                                   $413,448
Vacancies 5200             Apartments                                             5220    $    (4,469)
                           Furniture and Equipment                                5230    
                           Stores and  Commercial                                 5240    
                           Garage and Parking Spaces                              5270   
                           Miscellaneous (specify)                                5290    
                           Total Vacancies                                                                     (4,469)
                           Net Rental Revenue Rent Revenue Less Vacancies                                    $408,979
                           Elderly and Congregate Service Income --5300
                           Total Service Income (Schedule Attached)               5300                       $
Financial Revenue 5400     Interest Income--Project Operations                    5410    $     1,935
                           Income from Investments--Residual Receipts             5430    $     7,676
                           Income from Investments--Reserve for Replacement       5440    $     4,652
                           Income from Investments--Miscellaneous                 5490
                           Total Financial Revenue                                                           $ 14,263
Other Revenue 5900         Laundry and Vending                                    5910    $     4,485
                           NSF and Late Charges                                   5920    $     1,802
                           Damages and Cleaning Fees                              5930    $       694
                           Forfeited Tenant Security Deposits                     5940    $     1,842
                           Other Revenue (specify)                                5990    $       626
                           Total Other Revenue                                                               $  9,449
                           Total Revenue                                                                     $432,691
Administrative Expenses    Advertising                                            6210    $
6200/6300                  Other Administrative Expense                           6250    $        41
                           Office Salaries                                        6310    $     6,452
                           Office Supplies                                        6311    $     4,619
                           Office or Model Apartment Rent                         6312    $    
                           Management                                             6320    $    39,119
                           Manager or Superintendent Salaries                     6330    $    16,530
                           Manager or Superintendent Rent Free Unit               6331    $     3,336
                           Legal Expenses (Project)                               6340    $       932
                           Auditing Expenses (Project)                            6350    $     5,884
                           Bookkeeping Fees/Accounting Services                   6351    $     5,280
                           Telephone and Answering Service                        6360    $     1,524
                           Bad Debts                                              6370        
                           Miscellaneous Administrative Expenses (specify)        6390    $     1,260
                           Total Administrative Expenses                                                     $ 84,977
Utilities Expense 6400     Fuel Oil/Coal                                          6420    $
                           Electricity (Light and Misc. Power)                    6450    $    46,934
                           Water                                                  6451    $    14,465
                           Gas                                                    6452    $    29,029
                           Sewer                                                  6453    $     7,336
                           Total Utilities Expense                                                           $ 97,764

*All amounts must be rounded to the nearest dollar; $.50 and over, round up--$.49 and below, round down.
                                  Page 1 of 2
     The accompanying notes are an integral part of the finacial statements.


OSUNA APARTMENTS                                    116-44052-LDP

Operating and              Janitor and Cleaning Payroll                           6510    $
Maintenance Expenses       Janitor and Cleaning Supplies                          6515    $        68
6500                       Janitor and Cleaning Contract                          6517    $     2,350
                           Exterminating Payroll/Contract                         6519    $     2,640
                           Exterminating Supplies                                 6520    $
                           Garbage and Trash Removal                              6525    $     7,638
                           Security Payroll/Contract                              6530    $
                           Grounds Payroll                                        6535    $
                           Grounds Supplies                                       6536    $       407
                           Grounds Contract                                       6537    $    18,569
                           Repairs Payroll                                        6540    $    20,563
                           Repairs Material                                       6541    $    14,589
                           Repairs Contract                                       6542    $    10,782
                           Elevator Maintenance/Contract                          6545    $
                           Heating/Cooling Repairs and Maintenance                6546    $       196
                           Swimming Pool Maintenance/Contract                     6547    $
                           Snow Removal                                           6548    $
                           Decorating Payroll/Contract                            6560    $    14,724
                           Decorating supplies                                    6561    $     3,997
                           Other                                                  6570    $       347
                           Miscellaneous Operating and Maintenance Expenses       6590    $
                           Total Operating and Maintenance Expenses                                          $ 96,870
Taxes and Insurance 6700   Real Estate Taxes                                      6710    $    42,753
                           Payroll Taxes (FICA)                                   6711    $     4,073
                           Miscellaneous Taxes, Licenses and Permits              6719    $
                           Property and Liability Insurance (Hazard)              6720    $    10,199
                           Fidelity Bond Insurance                                6721    $       533
                           Workmen's Compensation                                 6722    $     1,047
                           Health Insurance and Other Employee Benefits           6723    $       115
                           Other Insurance (specify)                              6729    $
                           Total Taxes and Insurance                                                         $ 58,720
Financial Expenses 6800    Interest on Bonds Payable                              6810    $
                           Interest on Mortgage Payable                           6820    $     9,158
                           Interest on Notes Payable (Long-Term)                  6830    $
                           Interest on Notes Payable (Short-Term)                 6840    $
                           Mortgage Insurance Premium/Service Charge              6850    $     6,418
                           Miscellaneous Financial Expenses                       6890    $     1,054
                           Total Financial Expenses                                                          $ 16,630
Elderly & Congregate       Total Service Expenses--Schedule Attached              6900                       $
Service Expenses 6900      Total Cost of Operations Before Depreciation                                      $354,961
                           Profit (Loss) Before Depreciation                                                 $ 77,730
                           Depreciation (Total)--6600 (specify)                   6600         64,519        $ 64,519
                           Operating Profit or (Loss)                                                        $ 13,211
Corporate or Mortgagor     Office Salaries                                        7110    $
Entity Expenses 7100       Legal Expenses (Entity)                                7120    $
                           Taxes (Federal-State-Entity)                          7130-32  $
                           Other Expenses (Entity) Admin. Fee - 4,000             7190    $     2,500
                           Total Corporate Expenses Amortization 982                                         $  2,500
                           Net Profit or (Loss)                                                              $ 10,711

Warning: HUD will prosecute false claims and statements.  Conviction may result in criminal and/or civil penalties. (18 U.S.C. 1001,
1010, 1012; 31 U.S.C.  3729, 3802)  Miscellaneous or other Income and Expense  Sub-account  Groups. If miscellaneous or other income
and/or expense sub- accounts (5190, 5290, 5490, 5990, 6390, 6590, 6729, 6890, and 7190) exceed the Account Groupings by 10% or more,
attach a separate schedule describing or explaining the miscellaneous income or expense.

Part II
1.       Total principal payments required under the mortgage, even if payments under a
         Workout Agreement are less or more than those required under t he mortgage.                         $ 34,759
2.       Replacement Reserve deposits required by the Regulatory Agreement or
         Amendments thereto, even if payments may be temporarily suspended or waived.                        $  6,068
3.       Replacement or Painting Reserve releases which are included as expense items on
         this Profit and Loss statement                                                                      $    -
4.       Project Improvement Reserve Releases under the Flexible Subsidy Program that
         are included as expense items on this Profit and Loss Statement.                                    $    -  

                                  Page 2 of 2
    The accompanying notes are an integral part of the financial statements.


                            OSUNA APARTMENTS COMPANY
                            (A Limited Partnership)
                                                                       Exhibit C

                    Statement of Changes in Partners' Equity
                      For the Year Ended December 31, 1997

                                                            Associate       Local
                                                            General        General          Limited
                                             Total          Partner        Partner          Partner
                                          ------------     ----------     -----------     ------------

Balance, January 1, 1997                $     557,588    $     2,940   $       3,055    $     551,593

Distributions to partners                      (9,312)           (93)           (118)          (9,101)

Net income (loss) for the year                 10,711            557             557            9,597
                                          ------------     ----------     -----------     ------------

Balance, December 31, 1997              $     558,987    $     3,404   $       3,494    $     552,089
                                          ============     ==========     ===========     ============

The accompanying notes are an integral part of the financial statements.


                                                                       Exhibit D
                            OSUNA APARTMENTS COMPANY
                            (A Limited Partnership)

                            Statement of Cash Flows
                      For the Year Ended December 31, 1997

Cash flows from operating activities:
    Rental receipts                                    $       402,449
    Interest receipts                                            1,934
    Other receipts                                               9,449    $       413,832

    Administrative expenses                                     28,492
    Management fees                                             39,119
    Utilities                                                  102,215
    Salaries and wages                                          34,482
    Maintenance expenses                                        82,087
    Real estate taxes and escrow deposits                       27,914
    Taxes - other                                                3,846
    Insurance                                                   11,856
    Mortgage interest                                            9,346
    Mortgage insurance premium                                   6,206            345,563
                                                          -------------      -------------

        Net cash provided by operating activities                                  68,269

Cash flows from investing activities:
    Deposit to residual receipts                               (24,725)
    Deposits to reserve for replacements                        (6,068)
    Deposits to reserve for exterior painting                   (3,600)
    Purchase of fixed assets                                    (2,061)

        Net cash used in investing activities                                     (36,454)

Cash flows from financing activities:
    Mortgage principal payments                                (34,759)
    Distribution to partners                                    (9,312)

        Net cash used in financing activities                                     (44,071)

Decrease in cash                                                                  (12,256)

Cash, beginning of year                                                            60,014

Cash, end of year                                                         $        47,758

The accompanying notes are an integral part of the financial statements.


                                                                       Exhibit D
                            OSUNA APARTMENTS COMPANY
                            (A Limited Partnership)

                      Statement of Cash Flows (Continued)
                      For the Year Ended December 31, 1997

Cash flows from operating activities:
    Net income                                                              $      10,711
    Adjustments to reconcile net income to net cash
        provided by operating activities:
            Depreciation and amortization                  $      65,573
            Increase in accounts receivable - tenants               (276)
            Increase in accounts receivable - HUD                    (10)
            Increase in accounts receivable - other                 (374)
            Decrease in prepaid expenses                             250
            Increase in mortgage escrow account                   (6,536)
            Decrease in accounts payable - trade                 (10,231)
            Increase in accounts payable - HUD                        40
            Decrease in accrued interest payable                    (187)
            Decrease in prepaid rent                                (337)
            Increase in accrued taxes                             21,975
            Interest earned on reserve accounts                  (12,329)          57,558
                                                              -----------     ------------

                Net cash used in by operating activities                    $      68,269

Supplemental disclosures of cash flow information:
    Cash paid during the year for interest                                  $       9,346

Interest earned on restricted reserve accounts and
   maintained in the respective reserve accounts                            $       12,329

The accompanying notes are an integral part of the financial statements.


                            OSUNA APARTMENTS COMPANY
                             (A Limited Partnership)

                          Notes to Financial Statements
                                December 31, 1997

Note 1  Organization and Summary of Significant Accounting Policies

The Partnership was organized as a limited  partnership on February 25, 1974, to
acquire an interest in real property  located in Albuquerque,  New Mexico and to
construct and operate thereon an apartment  complex of 110 units,  under Section
236 of the National  Housing Act.  Such projects are regulated by HUD as to rent
charges and operating methods.  Lower rental charges to tenants are recovered by
the  Partnership  through rent  subsidies  provided by HUD. The project's  major
program is its insured loan under  Section 236. The project's  nonmajor  program
results from its participation in the Section 8 housing assistance program.

During the year ended December 31, 1997, rental revenue from HUD totaled $37,095
representing  nine percent of total revenue.  The rent subsidy contract with HUD
expires August 31, 1999.

The  Certificate  of Limited  Partnership  provides that profits and losses from
operations  be allocated 1% to the local  general  partner,  1% to the associate
general partner and 98% to the investor limited partner. However, the allocation
of  deductions  in  respect  to  depreciation  on  property  contributed  to the
Partnership is to be allocated  according to the basis contributed by respective
partners.  In the case of  certain  other  events  which  are  specified  in the
Partnership  Agreement (for example,  a sale or refinancing of the property) the
allocation may be different than as described  above for profits and losses from

The partnership does business under the assumed name of "Osuna Apartments ".

The regulatory  agreement limits annual  distributions of net operating receipts
to "surplus cash"  available at the end of the year.  The maximum  distributable
amount for the year ended  December  31,  1997 was $11,812  and  "surplus  cash"
amounted to $34,405. Undistributed amounts are cumulative and may be distributed
in subsequent  years if future  operations  provide  "surplus cash" in excess of
current  requirements.  The cumulative amount distributable at December 31, 1997
was $11,812.

The  following  significant  accounting  policies  have  been  followed  in  the
preparation of the financial statements:

Basis of accounting

The Partnership's  policy is to prepare its financial statements on the basis of
accounting   practices  prescribed  by  the  Department  of  Housing  and  Urban
Development.  Assets and  liabilities  are  classified  as current  based on the
instructions  provided  in  the  Consolidated  Audit  Guide  for  Audits  of HUD
Programs.  For purposes of the  statement  of cash flows,  cash does not include
tenant security deposits or restricted deposits.


                            OSUNA APARTMENTS COMPANY
                             (A Limited Partnership)

                          Notes to Financial Statements
                                December 31, 1997

Note 1  Organization and Summary of Significant Accounting Policies (Continued)


Depreciation is provided using the accelerated  and  straight-line  methods over
the estimated useful lives of the assets which range from five to 40 years.

Deferred expenses

Unamortized  deferred  expenses  consist of fees for  obtaining  the HUD insured
mortgage  loan which are being  amortized on the  straight-line  method over the
life of the mortgage loan.

Income taxes

No income tax  provision has been  included in the  financial  statements  since
income or loss of the  partnership  is required to be reported by the respective
partners on their income tax returns.


The preparation of financial  statements in conformity  with generally  accepted
accounting principles requires management to make estimates and assumptions that
affect certain  reported  amounts and  disclosures.  Actual results could differ
from those estimates.

Rental revenue

Gross rental revenue  earned  (accounts 5120 and 5121) was based on the approved
rental rate  structure  (revenue  and  non-revenue  units) of the  project.  Two
non-revenue  apartments (a 1BR and a 2BR) were occupied by the resident  manager
and maintenance person during the year.

Concentration of credit risk

The  Partnership  maintains its cash in various  insured bank accounts which, at
times, may exceed Federally insured limits.  The partnership has not experienced
any losses in such  accounts and  believes it is not exposed to any  significant
risk on cash. Management is aware of the limitation and attempts to minimize any


                            OSUNA APARTMENTS COMPANY
                             (A Limited Partnership)

                          Notes to Financial Statements
                                December 31, 1997

Note 2 - Replacement Reserves and Residual Receipts

Replacement  reserve funds are held in cash  ($56,372) and U.S.  Treasury  bills
($94,888) due April 1998.  Residual receipts are held in cash ($96,735) and U.S.
Treasury  bills  ($156,565)  due April 1998. The Treasury bills bear interest at
approximately  5.64% per annum. The amounts reported  approximate fair value and
are based on quoted market prices.

Note 3  Longterm Debt

The seven  percent  mortgage  note  payable  is insured by HUD and is payable in
monthly installments of $10,293 (before any interest supplement) through August,
2015.  A portion  of the  interest  is paid by HUD under  its 236  Program.  The
apartment project is pledged as collateral for the note.

Current maturities of longterm debt over the next five years ending December 31,
are as follows:
                         1998                       $37,272
                         1999                       $39,966
                         2000                       $42,856
                         2001                       $45,954
                         2002                       $49,275
It is  impractical  to  estimate,  with any  precision,  the  fair  value of the
outstanding debt without incurring excessive cost.

Note 4 Related Party Transactions

During  1997,  the  general   partners   earned  $2,500  in  local   partnership
administrative  fees. This amount is reflected as an accrued expense at December
31, 1997.  These fees are treated as a portion of the limited  dividend  payable
and can only be paid as part of the allowable distribution from surplus cash.

Note 5 - Restricted Equity

Under the terms of the Regulatory Agreement,  the Partnership is required to set
aside  specified  amounts  for the  replacement  of property  and other  project
expenditures as approved by HUD. Restricted funds, which approximate $404,560 at
December 31, 1997, are held in separate accounts and generally are not available
for operating purposes without HUD's prior written approval.


                            OSUNA APARTMENTS COMPANY
                             (A Limited Partnership)

                          Notes to Financial Statements
                                December 31, 1997

Note 6 - Rent Increases

Under the regulatory  agreement,  the partnership may not increase rents charged
to tenants without HUD approval.

Note 7 - Management Fees

Management  fees of $39,119  were earned under a HUD  approved  9.4%  management
contract.  Management  fees are  based on  collections  of  rentals,  commercial
(laundry and vending),  late and NSF fees and forfeited  security  deposits.  In
addition,  accounting fees of four dollars per unit per month ($5,280) were paid
to the management company.

Note 8 - Contingency

The Partnership has been named in a lawsuit  stemming from the alleged  wrongful
death of a tenant.  The Partnership's  insurance carrier has retained counsel to
represent the  Partnership in this action.  The  allegations  are denied and are
being vigorously contested.  However, the ultimate outcome of this litigation is
unknown at the present  time.  Accordingly,  no provision  for any liability (if
any) that might result has been made in the accompanying financial statements.

Note 9 - Current Vulnerability Due to Certain Concentrations

The Partnership's sole asset is Osuna Apartments.  The Partnership's  operations
are  concentrated  in the  mutifamily  real  estate  market.  In  addition,  the
Partnership  receives  rental  subsidies  from  HUD and  operates  in a  heavily
regulated  environment.  The  operations of the  Partnership  are subject to the
administrative  directives,  rules and  regulations of federal,  state and local
regulatory  agencies,  including,  but not limited to, HUD. Such  administrative
directives, rules and regulations are subject to change by an act of congress or
an  administrative  change  mandated by HUD.  Such changes may occur with little
notice  or  inadequate  funding  to pay  for the  related  cost,  including  the
additional administrative burden, to comply with a change.


                            OSUNA APARTMENTS COMPANY
                             (A Limited Partnership)
                                                                      Schedule 1
                         Supporting Data Required by HUD

Accounts and Notes Receivable (Other Than Tenants)

Accounts  receivable - HUD  represents an adjustment of Section 8 funds received
in January 1998.  Accounts receivable - other represents an overpayment of state
withholding taxes.

Accounts Receivable - Tenants

Tenant  accounts  receivable  at December 31, 1997 were  comprised  primarily of
unpaid rents.

                Number of
                Tenants                Aging                      Amount Due

                   5                0 - 30 Days                    $   1,233

Mortgage Escrow Deposits

Estimated amount required for future payment of:
    City, state and county taxes                                     $ 7,125
    Property insurance                                                 6,095
    Mortgage insurance                                                 2,006
    Amount in excess of estimated requirements                         2,283
        Total held by mortgagee                                      $17,509

This supporting data is presented for purposes of additional analysis and is not
a required part of the basic financial statements.


                            OSUNA APARTMENTS COMPANY
                             (A Limited Partnership)
                                                                      Schedule 1
                   Supporting Data Required by HUD (Continued)

Reserve for Replacements

In accordance with the provisions of the regulatory  agreement,  restricted cash
and securities are held by GMAC  Commercial  Mortgage at December 31, 1997 to be
used for replacement of property with the approval of HUD as follows:

    Balance, January 1, 1997                                        $140,540
    Monthly deposits ($506 x 12)                                       6,068
    Interest earned                                                    4,652

    Balance, December 31, 1997                                      $151,260

Reserve for Residual Receipts

In accordance with the provisions of the regulatory agreement, residual receipts
cash and securities are held by GMAC Commercial Mortgage.  Use of these funds is
contingent  upon HUD's prior written  approval.  The following is an analysis of
1997 transactions.

    Balance, January 1, 1997                                        $220,898
    Interest earned                                                    7,677
    1996 residual receipts transferred                                24,725

    Balance, December 31, 1997                                      $253,300

Reserve for Exterior Painting

Restricted cash is held by a bank to be used for exterior painting as follows:

    Balance, January 1, 1997                                         $31,676
    Deposits for 1997 ($300 x 12)                                      3,600
    Interest earned                                                    1,017
    Interest transferred to operating                                 (1,017)

    Balance, December 31, 1997                                       $35,276

This supporting data is presented for purposes of additional analysis and is not
a required part of the basic financial statements.


                            OSUNA APARTMENTS COMPANY
                             (A Limited Partnership)
                                                                      Schedule 1
                   Supporting Data Required by HUD (Continued)

Accounts Payable (Other Than Trade Creditors)


Accounts Payable - Trade

Accounts payable trade represent  current  obligations of the Partnership due in
30 days.

Accounts Payable - HUD

Accounts payable HUD represents  excess income collected and remitted in January

Accrued Taxes
                        Basis                                        Amount
Description of Tax    of Accrual    Period Covered      Date Due     Accrued

Payroll               Monthly       December 1997       January
                                                        1997         $   878

Ad valorem            Annual        1997                May 1998      21,374


Tenant Security Deposits

Tenant  security  deposits are fully funded and are held in a separate  interest
bearing  account in the name of the project in an account insured by the Federal
government at Norwest Bank Texas, Waco, N.A. Interest earned on the account does
not inure to the tenants  and is  transferred  into the  operating  account.  At
December 31, 1997 the account consisted of $10,900 in cash.

Partnership Changes

There were no changes in the partners' ownership during 1997.

Distributions to Partners

In March 1997,  $11,812 in limited  dividends,  earned in 1996, were paid to the
partners.  At December  31,  1997 an equal  amount  ($11,812)  was earned and is
expected to be paid in 1998.

This supporting data is presented for purposes of additional analysis and is not
a required part of the basic financial statements.


                            OSUNA APARTMENTS COMPANY
                             (A Limited Partnership)
                                                                      Schedule 1
                   Supporting Data Required by HUD (Continued)

Unauthorized Distributions to Partners

There were no unauthorized distributions to partners during 1997.

Compensation of Partners

There was no compensation paid to partners.

Identity of Interest Companies

During  1997,  the  general   partners   earned  $2,500  in  local   partnership
administrative  fees. These fees are treated as part of the limited dividend and
are only paid out of surplus cash.

Loans (Other Than Insured Mortgages) and Notes Payable


Comments on Other Balance Sheet Items


Miscellaneous Information

The lead auditor of the  engagement was James M. Klein,  the  shareholder in the
firm of James M. Klein,  P.C.  (EIN:  75-2465724),  located at 4901 LBJ Freeway,
Suite 120, Dallas, Texas 75244.

This supporting data is presented for purposes of additional analysis and is not
a required part of the basic financial statements.


                            OSUNA APARTMENTS COMPANY
                             (A Limited Partnership)
                                                                      Schedule 1

                   Supporting Data Required By HUD (Continued)
                                December 31, 1997

Changes in the Apartment Project

                                                    Assets                            Accumulated Depreciation               Net
                                 ------------------------------------------   -----------------------------------------    Carrying
                                     Balance                      Balance,      Balance,                       Balance,     Amount
                                     Jan. 1,              Deduc-  Dec. 31,      Jan. 1,                Deduc-  Dec. 31,    Dec. 31,
                                      1997     Additions  tions     1997         1997        Provision tions     1997        1997

Land                             $   255,230   $     --    $ -   $  255,230   $     --     $     --    $ -    $    --     $  255,230

Buildings                          1,854,035         --      -    1,854,035      743,049       61,848    -      804,897    1,049,138

Building equipment
    fixed                              7,487         --      -        7,487        3,665        1,070    -        4,735        2,752

Furnishings                          157,276        2,061    -      159,337      153,115        1,601    -      154,716        4,621
                                   ---------    ---------    -    ---------    ---------    ---------    -    ---------    ---------

    Totals                       $ 2,274,028   $    2,061  $ -   $2,276,089   $  899,829   $   64,519  $ -   $  964,348   $1,311,741
                                   =========    =========    =    =========    =========    =========    =    =========    =========

This supporting data is presented for purposes of additional analysis and is not
a required part of the financial statements.


                                         U.S. DEPARTMENT OF HOUSING AND URBAN DEVELOPMENT
                                              HOUSING - FEDERAL HOUSING COMMISSIONER

                                          COMPUTATION OF SURPLUS CASH, DISTRIBUTIONS AND                              SCHEDULE 1
                                                         RESIDUAL RECEIPTS

PROJECT NAME                                 FISCAL PERIOD ENDED:       PROJECT NUMBER                                     
OSUNA APARTMENTS                                   12/31/97             116-44052-LDP

                                                   PART A - COMPUTE SURPLUS CASH
       1.  Cash (Accounts 1110, 1120, 1191, 1192)                              $58,658

       2.  Tenant subsidiary vouchers due for period covered                        
             by financial statement                                            $   121

       3.  Other (describe)                                                           
                                      (a) Total Cash (Add Lines 1, 2, and 3)                                  $58,779
       4.  Accrued mortgage interest payable                                   $   678

       5.  Delinquent mortgage principal payments                              $     -

       6.  Delinquent deposits to reserve for replacements                     $     -

       7.  Accounts payable (due within 30 days)                               $ 8,733

       8.  Loans and notes payable                                                    
           (due within 30 days)                                                $

       9.  Deficient Tax Insurance or MIP Escrow Deposits                      $

       10. Accrued expenses (not escrowed)                                     $   878

       11. Prepaid Rents (Account 2210)                                        $    38

       12. Tenant security deposits liability (Account 2191)                   $10,900

       13. Other (Describe)    Excess Income                                   $ 3,147

                                               (b) Less Total Current Obligations (Add Lines 4 through 13)    $24,374

                                               (c) Surplus Cash (Deficiency) (Line (a) minus Line (b))        $34,405

  1.   Surplus Cash                                                                                           $34,405

  Limited Dividend Projects

       2a. Distribution Earned During Fiscal Period                                
             Covered by the Statement                                          $11,812

       2b. Distribution Accrued and Unpaid as of the                     
             End of the Prior Fiscal Period                                    $11,812

       2c. Distributions Paid During Fiscal Period Covered by Statement        $11,812

       3. Distributions Earned but Unpaid as of the End of                   
          the Fiscal Period Under Review (Line 2a + 2b - 2c)                   $11,812

  4.   Amount Available for Distribution During Next Fiscal Period                                            $11,812

  5.   Deposit Due Residual Receipts                                                           
       (Must be deposited with Mortgagee within 60 days after Fiscal Period ends)                             $22,593

    PREPARED BY                                       REVIEWED BY

 LOAN TECHNICIAN                                    LOAN SERVICERIAN

 DATE                                               DATE

                     See Reverse for Instructions)                     HUD-93486
This supporting data is presented for additional  analysis and is not a required
part of the basic financial statements.


                                                                      Schedule 2

                         INDEPENDENT AUDITOR'S REPORT ON
                            COMPLIANCE WITH SPECIFIC

To the Partners of
Osuna Apartments Company

I have audited the financial  statements of Osuna Apartments  Company (a limited
partnership),  Project No. 116-44052-LDP,  as of and for the year ended December
31, 1997, and have issued my report thereon dated January 28, 1998.

I have also audited  Osuna  Apartments  Company's  compliance  with the specific
program requirements  governing federal financial reports,  mortgage status, the
replacement  reserve,  the residual  receipts,  tenant security  deposits,  cash
receipts and disbursements,  distributions to owners, tenant application, tenant
eligibility,   tenant  recertification,   and  management  functions,  that  are
applicable  to its major  HUD-assisted  program for the year ended  December 31,
1997. The management of the Partnership is responsible for compliance with those
requirements.  My  responsibility  is to express an opinion on  compliance  with
those requirements based on my audit.

I conducted my audit of compliance  with those  requirements  in accordance with
generally accepted auditing standards,  Government Auditing Standards, issued by
the Comptroller  General of the United States and the  Consolidated  Audit Guide
for  Audits of HUD  Programs  (the  "Guide")  issued by the U.S.  Department  of
Housing and Urban Development,  Office of Inspector General. Those standards and
the  Guide  require  that I plan and  perform  the  audit to  obtain  reasonable
assurance about whether material noncompliance with the requirements referred to
above occurred. An audit includes examining, on a test basis, evidence about the
Partnership's  compliance  with  those  requirements.  I  believe  that my audit
provides a reasonable basis for my opinion.

In my opinion, Osuna Apartments Company complied, in all material respects, with
the requirements  described above that are applicable to its major  HUD-assisted
program for the year ended December 31, 1997.

This report is intended for the  information of management and the Department of
Housing and Urban Development. However, this report is a matter of public record
and its distribution is not limited.

/s/ James M. Klein, P.C.

Dallas, Texas
January 28, 1998


                                                                      Schedule 3

                          INDEPENDENT AUDITOR'S REPORT
                           ON COMPLIANCE WITH SPECIFIC
                           REQUIREMENTS APPLICABLE TO
                            NONMAJOR HUD TRANSACTIONS

To the Partners of
Osuna Apartments Company

I have audited the financial  statements of Osuna Apartments  Company (a limited
partnership),  HUD  Project  No.  116-44052-LDP  as of and  for the  year  ended
December 31, 1997, and have issued my report thereon dated January 28, 1998.

In connection with my audit of the 1997 financial statements of Osuna Apartments
Company and with my consideration of the Partnership's  internal control used to
administer HUD programs,  as required by the Consolidated Audit Guide for Audits
of HUD Programs  (the  "Guide"),  issued by the U.S.  Department  of Housing and
Urban Development,  Office of Inspector General. I selected certain transactions
applicable to certain nonmajor HUD-assisted programs for the year ended December
31, 1997.  As required by the Guide,  I performed  auditing  procedures  to test
compliance with the requirements governing fair housing and  non-discrimination,
management,  maintenance,  the replacement  reserve,  federal financial reports,
tenant  application,  tenant  eligibility,  tenant  recertification,  and tenant
security deposits that are applicable to those transactions.  My procedures were
substantially  less in  scope  than an  audit,  the  objective  of  which is the
expression   of  an  opinion  on  the   Partnership's   compliance   with  those
requirements. Accordingly, I do not express such an opinion.

The  results  of my tests  disclosed  no  instances  of  noncompliance  that are
required to be reported herein under the Guide.

This report is intended for the  information of management and the Department of
Housing and Urban Development. However, this report is a matter of public record
and its distribution is not limited.

/s/ James M. Klein, P.C.

Dallas, Texas
January 28, 1998


                                                                      Schedule 4

                          INDEPENDENT AUDITOR'S REPORT
                               ON INTERNAL CONTROL

To the Partners of
Osuna Apartments Company

I have audited the financial  statements of Osuna Apartments  Company (a limited
partnership),  HUD  Project  No.  116-44052-LDP  as of and  for the  year  ended
December 31, 1997,  and have issued my report  thereon dated January 28, 1998. I
have also audited the Partnership's  compliance with requirements  applicable to
its major  HUD-assisted  program and have issued my report thereon dated January
28, 1998.

I conducted my audits in accordance with generally accepted auditing  standards,
Government Auditing  Standards,  issued by the Comptroller General of the United
States,  and the  Consolidated  Audit  Guide  for  Audits of HUD  Programs  (the
"Guide"), issued by the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development, Office
of the Inspector General.  Those standards and the Guide require that I plan and
perform the audits to obtain  reasonable  assurance  about whether the financial
statements are free of material  misstatement  and about whether the Partnership
complied with laws and regulations,  noncompliance  with which would be material
to a major HUD-assisted program.

The management of Osuna  Apartments  Company is responsible for establishing and
maintaining internal control. In fulfilling this  responsibility,  estimates and
judgments by management are required to assess the expected benefits and related
costs of controls.  The objectives of internal control are to provide management
with reasonable, but not absolute, assurance that assets are safeguarded against
loss from  unauthorized  use or disposition,  that  transactions are executed in
accordance with  management's  authorization and recorded properly to permit the
preparation  of financial  statements  in  accordance  with  generally  accepted
accounting principles,  and that HUD-assisted programs are managed in compliance
with applicable  laws and  regulations.  Because of inherent  limitations in any
internal  control,  errors,  irregularities  or instances of  noncompliance  may
nevertheless  occur and not be detected.  Also,  projection of any evaluation of
internal  control to future  periods is subject to the risk that  procedures may
become inadequate  because of changes in conditions or that the effectiveness of
the design and operation of controls may deteriorate.

In planning and performing my audits,  I obtained an understanding of the design
of relevant  controls and determined  whether they had been placed in operation,
and I assessed control risk in order to determine my auditing procedures for the
purpose of  expressing  my  opinions  on Osuna  Apartments  Company's  financial
statements and on its compliance  with specific  requirements  applicable to its
major HUD-assisted  program and to report on internal control in accordance with
the  provisions  of the Guide  and not to  provide  any  assurance  on  internal


I  performed  tests of  controls,  as required  by the Guide,  to  evaluate  the
effectiveness of the design and operation of controls that I considered relevant
to preventing or detecting  material  noncompliance  with specific  requirements
applicable to the Partnership's  major HUD-assisted  program. My procedures were
less in scope than would be necessary to render an opinion on internal  control.
Accordingly, I do not express such an opinion.

My consideration of internal  control  structure would not necessarily  disclose
all  matters  in  internal  control  that  might be  material  weaknesses  under
standards established by the American Institute of Certified Public Accountants.
A material  weakness is a condition  in which the design or  operation of one or
more of the internal  control  components  does not reduce to a  relatively  low
level the risk that errors or  irregularities  in amounts that would be material
in relation to the  financial  statements  or that  noncompliance  with laws and
regulations  that would be material to a HUD-assisted  program may occur and not
be  detected  within a timely  period  by  employees  in the  normal  course  of
performing  their  assigned  functions.  I noted no matters  involving  internal
control and its operation  that I consider to be material  weaknesses as defined

This report is intended for the  information of management and the Department of
Housing and Urban Development. However, this report is a matter of public record
and its distribution is not limited.

/s/ James M. Klein, P.C.

Dallas, Texas
January 28, 1998


                                                                      Schedule 5

                          INDEPENDENT AUDITOR'S REPORT

To the Partners of
Osuna Apartments Company

I have audited the financial  statements of Osuna  Apartments  Company as of and
for the year ended  December 31, 1997,  and have issued my report  thereon dated
January 28, 1998.

I have also applied  procedures to test Osuna  Apartments  Company's  compliance
with the Fair  Housing and  Non-Discrimination  requirements  applicable  to its
HUD-assisted program for the year ended December 31, 1997.

My procedures were limited to the applicable compliance requirement described by
the Consolidated  Audit Guide for Audits of HUD Programs (the "Guide") issued by
the U.S.  Department  of  Housing  and Urban  Development,  Office of  Inspector
General.  My  procedures  were  substantially  less in scope than an audit,  the
objective of which is the expression of an opinion on Osuna Apartments Company's
compliance with the Fair Housing and Non-Discrimination requirements.
Accordingly, I do not express such an opinion.

The  results  of my tests  disclosed  no  instances  of  noncompliance  that are
required to be reported herein under the Guide.

This report is intended for the  information of management and the Department of
Housing and Urban Development. However, this report is a matter of public record
and its distribution is not limited.

/s/ James M. Klein, P.C.

Dallas, Texas
January 28, 1998


                                                                      Schedule 6

                            OSUNA APARTMENTS COMPANY
                             (A Limited Partnership)

                    Schedule of Findings and Questioned Costs
                                December 31, 1997

There were no findings,  including  material  questioned costs, noted during the


                                                                      Schedule 7

                              AUDITOR'S COMMENTS ON
                            AUDIT RESOLUTION MATTERS
                            RELATING TO HUD PROGRAMS

To the Partners of
Osuna Apartments Company

I have audited the financial  statements of Osuna Apartments  Company (a limited
partnership)  as of and for the year ended December 31, 1997, and have issued my
report thereon dated January 28, 1998.

During the 1996 audit, no material  matters  involving  internal control and its
operation or compliance with specific  requirements  applicable to its major HUD
program were noted.  Accordingly corrective action was not required during 1997.
Further,  based on the auditor's discussions with management,  there were no HUD
OIG audits,  physical  inspections or program reviews during 1997.  Furthermore,
there were no mortgagee physical inspections during 1997.

/s/ James M. Klein, P.C.

Dallas, Texas
January 28, 1998


                                                                      Schedule 8

                            OSUNA APARTMENTS COMPANY
                             (A Limited Partnership)

                        Auditee's Corrective Action Plan
                                December 31, 1997

Section I - Internal Control Review

There were no findings or recommendations which require comment.

Section II - Compliance Review

There were no instances of noncompliance with laws and regulations which require
comment.  Further,  as noted in Schedule 7, there were no HUD audits or physical
inspections on which to comment.

NOTE:    As a result of the  above,  there is no need for a  separate  mortgagor
         letter proposing a corrective action plan.


                                                                      Schedule 9

                            OSUNA APARTMENTS COMPANY
                             (A Limited Partnership)

                             Partners' Certification

We hereby certify that we have examined the  accompanying  financial  statements
and supplemental  data of Osuna  Apartments  Company for the year ended December
31, 1997, and, to the best of our knowledge and belief, the same is complete and

                                      By:  /s/ Michael A. Stoller

        2/19/98                            President Liberty LGP LP.
DATE                                       GENERAL PARTNER  (Printed Name)

                                      By:  /s/ Samuel R. Campbell, Pres.

        2/18/98                            Personal Economics Development, Corp.
DATE                                       GENERAL PARTNER  (Printed Name)

                                                         Employer Identification
                                                         No. 74-2347236


                                                                     Schedule 10
                            OSUNA APARTMENTS COMPANY
                             (A Limited Partnership)

                         Managing Agent's Certification

I hereby certify that I have examined the accompanying  financial statements and
supplemental  data of Osuna  Apartments  Company for the year ended December 31,
1997,  and, to the best of my  knowledge  and belief,  the same is complete  and

                                       The Sovereign Management Corporation
DATE                                   MANAGING AGENT

                                       BY: /s/ Joyce Brow

                                          Joyce Brow
                                       (Printed Name)

                                       TITLE: Director of Management


                           Reznick Fedder & Silverman

                          INDEPENDENT AUDITORS' REPORT

To the Partners
Liberty Housing Partners Limited Partnership

         Our report on the 1997 and 1996 financial statements of Liberty Housing
Partners  Limited  Partnership  is  included  on page 34 of this Form  10-K.  In
connection  with our audits of such financial  statements,  we have also audited
the related financial  statement schedule listed in the index on page 15 of this
Form 10-K. In our opinion,  the financial  statement schedule referred to above,
when considered in relation to the basic financial  statements taken as a whole,
presents  fairly,  in all  material  respects,  the  information  required to be
included therein.

                                           /s/ Reznick Fedder & Silverman

Boston, Massachusetts                      REZNICK FEDDER & SILVERMAN
March 12, 1998


                      (A Massachusetts Limited Partnership)

                                                         At December 31,1997
                                            Cost at Interest      Net         Gross Amount At Which Carried            Date  Life on
                                            Acquisition Date   Improvements         At December 31, 1997                  B   Which
                                         ---------------------- Capitalized ---------------------------------  Accumu-    u Depreci-
                      Number    Total               Buildings   Subsequent            Buildings                 lated     i ation is
                        Of     Encum-                  And          to                   And                    Depre-    l Computed
Property               Units   brances      Land   Improvements Acquisition   Land   Improvements    Total      ciation   t  (Years)
- ---------------------- ----- ----------- ---------- ----------- ---------- ---------- ----------- ----------- ----------- ----- ----
Garden Apartment Complexes - Elderly Housing:
Surry Manor Apartments,   44 $   934,598 $   50,239 $ 1,259,177 $   23,067 $   50,239 $ 1,282,244 $ 1,332,483 $   596,321 1981  3-30
   Dobson, NC
Glendale Manor            50     855,216     53,652   1,187,181     10,090     53,652   1,197,271   1,250,923     557,869 1980  3-30
   Clinton, SC             
Fuquay-Varina Homes,      60     743,122     72,396   1,401,073     22,123     72,396   1,423,196   1,495,592     650,806 1977  3-30
   Fuquay, NC
Williamston Homes,        50     586,767     60,967   1,096,520     14,692     60,967   1,111,212   1,172,179     513,983 1978  3-30
   Williamston, NC
Oxford Homes, Oxford, NC  50     590,460     64,360   1,085,939     25,772     64,360   1,111,711   1,176,071     510,287 1978  3-30

Garden Apartment Complexes - Low and Moderate Income Housing:
Compass West             200   3,110,997    397,105   4,822,593    334,038    397,105   5,156,631   5,553,736   2,312,953 1974  7-30
   Austintown, OH
Meadowwood Apartments,    80     788,895     90,146   1,337,358     39,379     90,146   1,376,737   1,466,883     746,723 1977 10-25
   Tifton, GA
Brierwood Apartments,     56     856,358     76,325   1,024,970    (26,931)    76,325     998,039   1,074,364     516,382 1979 10-25
   Bainbridge, GA
Pine Forest Apartments,   64   1,229,691     44,588   1,491,921      1,380     44,588   1,493,301   1,537,889     806,605 1980 10-25
   Cairo, GA
Osuna Apartments,        110   1,316,060    255,230   1,987,767     33,092    255,230   2,020,859   2,276,089     964,348 1975  5-30
   Albuquerque, NM
Linden Park Apartments   198   4,261,517    357,236   4,544,514  1,639,713    456,828   6,084,635   6,541,463   2,373,003 1975  5-30
   Triangle, VA
Brierwood II Apartments   18     369,139     27,288     423,387      --        27,288     423,387     450,675     232,479 1984 10-25
   Bainbridge, GA

Garden Apartment Complexes - Other Assisted Housing:
Fiddlers Creek           160   2,178,611    275,147   3,156,533     42,875    275,147   3,199,408   3,474,555   1,494,966 1977  5-30
   Winston Salem, NC   ----- ----------- ---------- ----------- ---------- ---------- ----------- ----------- -----------
Total Local Limited
     Partnership Real
     Estate            1,140 $17,821,431 $1,824,679 $24,818,933 $2,159,290 $1,924,271 $26,878,631 $28,802,902 $12,276,725
                       ===== =========== ========== =========== ========== ========== =========== =========== ===========

The aggregate cost of the above properties for Federal income tax purposes at December 31, 1997 is $35,803,153.

A  reconciliation  of summarized  carrying value of the above  properties for the years ended December 31, 1997,  1996 and 1995 is a
follows :
                                                                             1997               1996                1995
            Balance at beginning of year                                  $28,708,988        $27,292,762        $27,237,957
            Additions during the period - Improvements subse-
                equent to acquisition, net of dispositions                     93,914          1,416,226             54,805
                                                                      ----------------  -----------------    ---------------
            Balance at end of year                                        $28,802,902        $28,708,988        $27,292,762
                                                                      ================  =================    ===============

A reconciliation of summarized accumulated depreciation on the above properties for the years ended December 31, 1997, 1996 and 1995
is as follows :
                                                                             1997               1996                1995
            Balance at beginning of year                                 ($11,329,357)      ($10,381,105)       ($9,492,160)
            Current provision for depreciation                               (947,368)          (948,252)          (888,945)
                                                                      ================  =================    ===============
            Balance at end of year                                       ($12,276,725)      ($11,329,357)      ($10,381,105)
                                                                      ================  =================    ===============


Item 9.  Changes in and Disagreements with Accountants on Accounting and
    Financial Disclosure


                                    PART III

Item 10.  Directors and Executive Officers of the Partnership

       (a-b)  Identification of Directors and Executive Officers

         The Partnership has no directors or officers. As indicated in Item 1 of
this report, the Managing General Partner of the Partnership, as of December 27,
1996, is TNG Properties Inc., a Massachusetts corporation. Under the Partnership
Agreement,  the Managing General Partner is solely responsible for the operation
of the  Partnership's  properties,  and the  Limited  Partners  have no right to
participate  in the  control  of such  operations.  The  names  and  ages of the
directors and executive officers of the Managing General Partner, TNG Properties
Inc., are as follows as of March 18, 1998:

Name                                    Title                                                       Age
- ----                                    -----                                                       ---

Michael A. Stoller                      President, Chief Executive Officer and Director              41

Wilma R. Brooks                         Vice President, Treasurer and Director                       40

Barbara A. Gilman                       Vice President and Director of Management                    48

Stephen D. Puliafico                    Director                                                     42

James C. Coughlin                       Director                                                     33

         The directors of the Managing General Partner  generally are elected at
the annual meeting of stockholders  of the Managing  General  Partner,  to serve
until the next such annual meeting,  and until their successors are duly elected
and  qualified,  or until their  earlier  death,  resignation  or  removal.  The
executive  officers the Managing  General  Partner  generally are elected at the
annual meeting of directors of the Managing General Partner,  to serve until the
next such  annual  meeting,  and until  their  successors  are duly  elected and
qualified, or until their earlier death, resignation or removal.

        (c)  Identification of certain significant persons.


        (d)  Family relationship

        Mr. Stoller and Ms. Brooks are husband and wife.


Item 10.  Directors and Executive Officers of the Partnership, continued

        (e)  Business experience

         Michael A.  Stoller is  President,  CEO, and a Director of the Managing
General  Partner and The Newton Group,  LLC. From 1992 to 1994,  Mr. Stoller was
President and Director of MBMC, Inc. of Boston, and the Managing General Partner
of MB Management Company Limited  Partnership,  of Boston, a property management
company.  From 1983 to 1992, Mr.  Stoller was employed by REMAS,  Inc. and was a
Partner and Chief Operating Officer of MB Associates, which companies engaged in
the development and management of government  assisted housing  properties.  Mr.
Stoller holds a B.S. from Babson College and is a Certified Public Accountant.

         Stephen D. Puliafico is Director of the Managing General Partner. Since
August 1995 Mr. Puliafico has been Executive Vice President of The Newton Group,
LLC. From 1994 to 1995 Mr. Puliafico was a Regional Sales Manager for Staples, a
seller  of  office  supplies.  From 1982 to 1994,  Mr.  Puliafico  was a General
Manager for Lechmere,  a discount  department store chain. Mr. Puliafico holds a
B.S. from Southeastern Massachusetts University.

         James C. Coughlin is a Director of the Managing General Partner.  Since
September,  1997 Mr.  Coughlin has been Vice  President of  Acquisitions  of The
Newton Group,  LLC. Mr. Coughlin is responsible for corporate  finance,  project
finance, project acquisitions,  site selection and strategic planning. From 1995
to 1997,  Mr.  Coughlin  was a principal  of Peacock  Associates,  a real estate
consulting and financial  advisory firm.  From 1992 to 1995, Mr.  Coughlin was a
real estate finance  specialist for The Berkshire Group.  Mr. Coughlin  received
his B.A. from  Stonehill  College and his M.B.A.  from Suffolk  University.  Mr.
Coughlin  is a licensed  Massachusetts  real estate  broker and a  candidate  at
Boston University's Real Estate Finance Certificate Program.

         Wilma R.  Brooks is Vice  President,  Treasurer  and a Director  of the
Managing  General  Partner and Vice President and Treasurer of The Newton Group,
LLC. From 1987 to 1993, Ms. Brooks was Chief Financial  Officer and Treasurer of
Congress Group Ventures,  Inc., of Cambridge,  Massachusetts,  a commercial real
estate developer.  Ms. Brooks holds a B.S. from the University of Vermont and is
a Certified Public Accountant.

         Barbara A. Gilman is Vice  President  and Director of Management of the
Managing  General  Partner.  For the seven years  prior to joining the  Managing
General  Partner  in 1994,  Ms.  Gilman was  Director  of  Management  of Beacon
Management Company, of Boston, Massachusetts, a property management company. Ms.
Gilman holds a B.S. from Stonehill College.

(f-g)  Involvement in certain legal proceedings

        The  Partnership is not aware of any legal  proceedings  during the past
five years which may be material to the  evaluation of the ability and integrity
of any director or executive officer of the Managing General Partner.

Compliance with Section 16(a) of the Exchange Act

        Section  16(a)  of the  Securities  Exchange  Act of 1934,  as  amended,
requires the Partnership's officers and directors, and persons who own more than
ten percent of a registered class of the  Partnership's  equity  securities,  to
file reports of ownership on Form 3 and changes in ownership on Form 4 or 5 with
the Securities and Exchange Commission.


Item 10.  Directors and Executive Officers of the Partnership, continued

Such officers,  directors and ten-percent  security holders are also required by
applicable  rules to furnish the  Partnership  with copies of all Section  16(a)
reports they file.  Although the Partnership  has no directors or officers,  the
rules promulgated under ss. 16(a) provide that, for purposes of ss. 16, officers
of  the  Managing   General  Partner  are  considered  to  be  officers  of  the
Partnership.  Based solely on its review of the copies of such forms received by
it, or written  representation from certain reporting persons that no Forms 3, 4
or 5 were required for such persons.  The Partnership  believes that, during the
fiscal year ended  December  31, 1997,  its  officers  and ten percent  security
holders complied with all Section 16(a) filing  requirements  applicable to such

Item 11.  Executive Compensation

         (a), (b), (c), (d), and (e): The officers and directors of the Managing
General  Partner are compensated as employees of the Managing  General  Partner,
but receive no compensation  from the Partnership.  The Managing General Partner
and its  affiliates  receive  compensation  and expense  reimbursement  from the
Partnership,  as more  fully  described  in  Note 6 of the  Notes  to  Financial
Statements of the Partnership included in Item 8 of this report.

Item 12.  Security Ownership of Certain Beneficial Owners and

        (a) Security ownership of certain beneficial owners and management.

         Because it is organized as a limited  partnership,  the Partnership has
issued  no  securities  possessing  traditional  voting  rights.   However,  the
Partnership  Agreement  provides that certain  matters require the approval of a
majority in interest of the Limited Partners. Such matters include:

(1)    Amendment of the Limited Partnership Agreement;

(2)    Termination of the Partnership;

(3)    Removal of any General Partner; and

(4)    Sale of substantially all the assets of the Partnership.

Under  the  Partnership  Agreement,  the  Managing  General  Partner  is  solely
responsible for the operation of the Partnership's  properties,  and the Limited
Partners  have no right to  participate  in the control of such  operations.  On
December 27, 1995,  the Former  Managing  General  Partner and Former  Associate
General  Partner  withdrew  from the  Partnership  and TNG  Properties  Inc. was
admitted in their place as Successor General Partner and became Managing General
Partner of the Partnership.

       No  person  or  group is known by the  Managing  General  Partner  to own
beneficially  more than 5% of the  Partnership's  21,576 Units outstanding as of
December 31, 1997.

       (b) Security ownership of management.


Item 12.  Security Ownership of Certain Beneficial Owners and
          Management, continued

By virtue of its organization as a limited  partnership,  the Partnership has no
officers or directors. The Former Associate General Partner owned 10 Units which
have been be assigned,  as of January 1, 1997, to the current  Managing  General

       (c) Changes in Control.


Item 13.  Certain Relationships and Related Transactions

       (a), (b), and (c): The managing general partner of the Partnership is TNG
Properties,  Inc.,  a  Massachusetts  corporation.  See Note 6 to the  Financial
Statements  of  the  Partnership  contained  in  Item  8 of  this  report  for a
description of the fees and expense reimbursement paid by the Partnership to the
current or former Managing  General  Partner and its  affiliates.  Directors and
executive  officers of TNG  Properties,  Inc. are  identified in Item 10 of this
report.  During  1997,  the  Partnership  was not  involved  in any  transaction
involving any of these directors or officers of the Corporation or any member of
the immediate family of these individuals,  nor did any of these persons provide
services  to  the  Partnership  for  which  they  received  direct  or  indirect
remuneration.  Similarly,  there  exists no  business  relationship  between the
Partnership  and  any of the  directors  or  officers  of the  Managing  General
Partner,  nor were any of the individuals  indebted to the Partnership.  Liberty
LGP,  formerly an  affiliate  of the  predecessor  general  partners  and now an
affiliate  of the  Managing  General  Partner is  entitled  to  receive  certain
administrative fees from the Local Limited  Partnerships.  At January 1, 1997 an
aggregate  of  $113,917 in accrued  and unpaid  administrative  fees were due to
Liberty  LGP from the Local  Limited  Partnerships.  During  1997,  Liberty  LGP
accrued $68,500 in  administrative  fees due from the Local Limited  Partnership
and  received  payment  aggregating  $60,738.  At December  31, 1997 accrued and
unpaid  administrative fees aggregated $121,679.  Liberty LGP is not entitled to
interest on the accrued and unpaid amount.

                                     PART IV

Item 14.  Exhibits, Financial Statement Schedules and Reports on
          Form 8-K

(a)  1. Financial Statements

              See Index included in Item 8, on page 15 of this Report.

        2.    Financial Statement Schedules

See Index included in Item 8 on page 15 of this Report for schedules  applicable
to registrant.

        3.    Exhibits


Item 14.  Exhibits, Financial Statement Schedules and Reports on
          Form 8-K (continued)

              See (c) below

(b)  Reports on Form 8-K


(c)  Index to Exhibits

Except as set forth below,  all Exhibits to Form 10-K,  as set forth in Item 601
of Regulation S-K, are not applicable.


Exhibit                                                                                      Page Number or Filing from 
Numbers                             Description                                              which Incorporated by Reference
- -------                             -----------                                              -------------------------------
4.                     Instruments defining the rights of
                       security holders:

4.1                    The Amended and Restated Certificate                                  Exhibit 4.1 to the registrants Annual
                       of Limited Partnership                                                Report  on Form  10-K,  for the 
                                                                                             periode nded December 31, 1995.

4.2                    First Amendment to Second Amended and                                 Exhibit 4.2 to the
                       Restated Certificate of Limited                                       registrants Annual
                       Partnership                                                           Report on Form 10-K, for the
                                                                                             period ended December 31, 1995.
*4.39                  Amended Agreement of Limited                                          Exhibit A to the
                       Partnership                                                           prospectus contained
                                                                                             in Form S-11Registration Statement
                                                                                             (File 2-90617)

4.4                    Amendment to the Amended Agreement of                                 Exhibit 4.4 to the
                       Limited Partnership (withdrawal of                                    registrants Annual
                       Liberty Real Estate Corporation and                                   Report on Form
                       Admission of TNG Properties Inc.                                      10-K, for the period
                                                                                             ended December 31,  1995.

4.5                    Amendment to the Amended Agreement of                                 Exhibit 4.5 to the registrants
                       Limited Partnership (withdrawal of LHP                                Annual Report on Form
                       Associates Limited Partnership)                                       10-K, for the period 
                                                                                             ended December 31, 1995.
10.                    Material Contracts and Other Documents

10.4                   Documents Relating to Partnership
                       Interest in Surry Manor, Ltd.

*10.4 (a)              Escrow Agreement dated August 31, 1984                                Exhibit 10.4 (a)
                       between Billy P. Shadrick, Bobby Ray                                  Effective to
                       Badgett, Housing Projects, Inc. and                                   Post-Amendment No. 1
                       Liberty Housing Partners Limited                                      to Form S-11
                       Partnership.                                                          Registration Statement
                                                                                             (File 2-90617)

*10.4 (b)              Amended and Restated Certificate and                                  Exhibit 10.4 (b) to
                       Agreement of Limited Partnership of                                   Post- Effective
                       Surry Manor, Ltd.                                                     Amendment No. 1 to
                                                                                             Form S-11 Registration
                                                                                             Statement (File 2-90617)


Exhibit                                                                                      Page Number or Filing from 
Numbers                             Description                                              which Incorporated by Reference
- -------                             -----------                                              -------------------------------
*10.4 (c)              Promissory Notes dated August 31, 1984                                Exhibit 10.4 (c) to
                       from Liberty Housing Partners Limited                                 Post-Effective
                       Partnership to Billy P. Shadrick and                                  Amendment No. 1 to
                       from Liberty Housing Partners Limited                                 Form S-11 Registration
                       Partnership to Bobby Joe Davis.                                       Statement (File 2-90617)

*10.4 (d)              Purchase Money Notes dated August 31,                                 Exhibit 10.4 (d) to
                       1984 from Liberty Housing Partners to                                 Post-Effective
                       Billy P. Shadrick and from Liberty                                    Amendment No. 1 to
                       Housing Partners Limited Partnership                                  Form S-11 Registration
                       to Bobby Joe Davis.                                                   Statement (File 2-90617)

*10.4 (e)              Pledge Agreements dated August 31,                                    Exhibit 10.4 (e) to
                       1984 between Billy P. Shadrick and                                    Post-Effective
                       Liberty Housing Partners Limited                                      Amendment No. 1 to
                       Partnership and between Bobby Joe                                     Form S-11 Registration
                       Davis and Liberty Housing Partners                                    Statement (File
                       Limited Partnership.                                                  2-90617)

*10.4 (f)              Deed of Trust Note dated July 11, 1980                                Exhibit 10.4 (f) to
                       from Surry Manor, Ltd. to Highland                                    Post-Effective
                       Mortgage Company and related Deed of                                  Amendment No. 1 to
                       Trust dated July 11, 1980 among Surry                                 Form S-11 Registration
                       Manor, Ltd., James M. Tanner, and                                     Statement (File
                       Highland Mortgage Company.                                            2-90617)

*10.4 (g)              Regulatory Agreement dated July 11,                                   Exhibit 10.4 (g) to
                       1980 between Surry Manor, Ltd. and the                                Post-Effective
                       Secretary of Housing and Urban                                        Amendment No. 1 to
                       Development.                                                          Form S-11 Registration
                                                                                             Statement (File 2-90617)

*10.4 (h)              Housing Assistance Payments Contract                                  Exhibit 10.4 (h) to
                       dated April 9, 1981 between Surry                                     Post-Effective
                       Manor, Ltd. and the Secretary of                                      Amendment No. 1 to
                       Housing and Urban Development.                                        Form S-11 Registration
                                                                                             Statement (File 2-90617)
10.5                   Documents Relating to Partnership
                       Interest in Glendale Manor Apartments

*10.5 (a)              Escrow Agreement dated August 31, 1984                                Exhibit 10.5 (a) to
                       between Billy P. Shadrick, Bobby Ray                                  Post-Effective
                       Badgett, Housing Projects, Inc. and                                   Amendment No. 1 to
                       Liberty Housing Partners Limited                                      Form S-11 Registration
                       Partnership.                                                          Statement (File 2-90617)

*10.5 (b)              Amended and Restated Certificate and                                  Exhibit 10.5 (b) to
                       Agreement of Limited Partnership of                                   Post-Effective
                       Glendale Manor Apartments.                                            Amendment No. 1 to Form S-11
                                                                                             Registration Statement
                                                                                             (File 2-90617)

Exhibit                                                                                      Page Number or Filing from 
Numbers                             Description                                              which Incorporated by Reference
- -------                             -----------                                              -------------------------------
*10.5 (c)              Promissory Notes dated August 31, 1984                                Exhibit 10.5 (c) to
                       from Liberty Housing Partners Limited                                 Post-Effective
                       Partnership to Billy P. Shadrick, from                                Amendment No. 1 to
                       Liberty Housing Partners Limited                                      Form S-11
                       Partnership to Bobby Joe Davis and                                    Regis-tration
                       from Liberty Housing Partners Limited                                 Statement (File
                       Partnership to Bobby R. Badgett.                                      2-90617)

*10.5 (d)              Purchase Money Notes dated August 31,                                 Exhibit 10.5 (d) to
                       1984 from Liberty Housing Partners                                    Post-Effective
                       Limited Partnership to Billy P.                                       Amendment No. 1 to
                       Shadrick and from Liberty Housing                                     Form S-11
                       Partners Limited Partnership to Bobby                                 Registration
                       Joe Davis.                                                            Statement (File 2-90617)

*10.5 (e)              Pledge Agreements dated August 31,                                    Exhibit 10.5 (e) to
                       1984 between Billy P. Shadrick and                                    Post-Effective
                       Liberty Housing Partners Limited                                      Amendment No. 1 to
                       Partnership, between Bobby Joe Davis                                  Form S-11
                       and Liberty Housing Partners Limited                                  Regis-tration
                       Partnership and between Bobby R.                                      Statement (File
                       Badgett and Liberty Housing Partners                                  2-90617)
                       Limited Partnership.

*10.5 (f)              Mortgage Note dated April 11, 1979                                    Exhibit 10.5 (f) to
                       from Glendale Manor Apartments to                                     Post-Effective
                       Cincinnati Mortgage Corporation and                                   Amendment No. 1 to
                       related Mortgage dated April 11, 1979                                 Form S-11
                       between Glendale Manor Apartments and                                 Registration
                       Cincinnati Mortgage Corporation.                                      Statement (File  2-90617)

*10.5 (g)              Regulatory Agreement dated April 11,                                  Exhibit 10.5 (g) to
                       1979 between Glendale Manor Apartments                                Post-Effective
                       and the Secretary of Housing and Urban                                Amendment No. 1 to
                       Development.                                                          Form S-11

*10.5 (h)              Housing Assistance Payments Contract                                  Exhibit 10.5 (h) to
                       dated May 30, 1980 between Glendale                                   Post-Effective
                       Manor Apartments and the Secretary of                                 Amendment No. 1 to
                       Housing and Urban Development                                         Form S-11

10.6                   Documents Relating to Partnership
                       Interest in Fiddlers Creek Apartments

*10.6 (a)              Escrow Agreement dated September 28,                                  Exhibit 10.6 (a) To
                       1984 between Billy P. Shadrick, Bobby                                 Post-Effective
                       Ray Badgett, J. Thomas Dotson and                                     Amendment No. 1 to
                       Liberty Housing Partners Limited                                      Form S-11 Registration 
                       Partnership.                                                          Statement (File 2-90617)


Exhibit                                                                                      Page Number or Filing from 
Numbers                             Description                                              which Incorporated by Reference
- -------                             -----------                                              -------------------------------
*10.6 (b)             Amended and Restated Certificate and                                    Exhibit 10.6 (b) to Post-Effective
                      Agreement of Limited Partnership of                                     Amendment No. 1 to Form S-11
                      Fiddlers Creek Apartments.                                              Registration Statement 
                                                                                              (File  2-90617)

*10.6 (c)             Promissory Note form dated September                                    Exhibit 10.6 (c) to
                      28, 1984, Purchase Money Note form                                      Post Effective
                      dated September 28, 1984, Pledge                                        Amendment No. 1 to
                      Agreement form dated September 28,                                      Form S-11 Registration
                      1984 and Schedule of Promissory Notes,                                  Statement (File
                      Purchase Money Notes and Pledge                                         2-90617)
                      Agreements between Liberty Housing
                      Partners Limited Partnership and the
                      partners of Fiddlers Creek Apartments.

*10.6 (d)             Deed of Trust Note dated September 1,                                   Exhibit 10.6 (d) to
                      1975 from Fiddlers Creek Apartments to                                  Post-Effective
                      Guaranty Mortgage Company of Nashville                                  Amendment No. 1 to
                      and related Deed of Trust dated                                         Form S-11
                      September 1, 1975 between Fiddlers                                      Registration
                      Creek Apartments and Guaranty Mortgage                                  Statement (File
                      Company of Nashville.                                                   2-90617)

*10.6 (e)             Regulatory Agreement dated September                                    Exhibit 10.6 (e) to Post-Effective
                      1, 1975 between Fiddlers Creek                                          Amendment No. 1 to Form S-11
                      Apartments and the Secretary of                                         Registration Statement 
                      Housing and Urban Development.                                          (File  2-90617)
10.7                  Documents Relating to Partnership
                      Interest Fuquay-Varina Homes for the
                      Elderly, Ltd.

*10.7 (a)             Escrow Agreement dated September 28,                                    Exhibit 10.7 (a) to Post-Effective
                      1984 between Billy P. Shadrick, Bobby                                   Amendment No. 1 to Form S-11
                      Ray Badgett and Liberty Housing                                         Registration Statement
                      Partners Limited  Partnership.                                          (File  2-90617)

Exhibit                                                                                      Page Number or Filing from 
Numbers                             Description                                              which Incorporated by Reference
- -------                             -----------                                              -------------------------------
*10.7 (b)             Amended and Restated Certificate and                                    Exhibit 10.7 (b) to
                      Agreement of Limited Partnership of                                     Post-Effective
                      Fuquay-Varina Homes for the Elderly,                                    Amendment No. 1 to
                      Ltd.                                                                    Form S-11 Registration
                                                                                              Statement (File 2-90617)

*10.7 (c)             Promissory Note form dated September                                    Exhibit 10.7 (c) to
                      28, 1984, Purchase Money Note form                                      Post-Effective
                      dated September 28, 1984, Pledge                                        Amendment No. 1 to
                      Agreement form dated September 28,                                      Form S-11 Registration
                      1984 and Schedule of Promissory Notes,                                  Statement (File
                      Purchase Money Notes and Pledge                                         2-90617)
                      Agreements between Liberty Housing
                      Partners Limited Partnership and the
                      partners of Fuquay-Varina Apartments.

*10.7 (d)             Deed of Trust Note dated May 23, 1977                                   Exhibit 10.7 (d) to
                      from Fuquay-Varina Homes for Elderly,                                   Post-Effective
                      Ltd. to Cincinnati Mortgage                                             Amendment No. 1 to
                      Corporation and related Deed of Trust                                   Form S-11 Registration
                      dated May 23, 1977 between                                              Statement (File
                      Fuquay-Varina Homes for the Elderly,                                    2-90617)
                      Ltd. and Cincinnati Mortgage

*10.7 (e)             Regulatory Agreement dated May 23,                                      Exhibit 10.7 (e) to Post-Effective
                      1977 between Fuquay-Varina Homes for                                    Amendment No. 1 to Form S-11
                      the Elderly, Ltd. and the Secretary of                                  Registration Statement
                      Housing and Urban Development.                                          (File 2-90617)

*10.7 (f)             Housing Assistance Payments Contract                                    Exhibit 10.7 to
                      dated May 3, 1978 between                                               Post-Effective
                      Fuquay-Varina Homes for the Elderly,                                    Amendment No. 1 to
                      Ltd. and the Secretary of Housing and                                   Form S-11 Registration
                      Urban Development.                                                      (File 2-90617)

10.8                  Documents Relating to Partnership
                      Interest in Oxford Homes for the
                      Elderly, Ltd.


Exhibit                                                                                      Page Number or Filing from 
Numbers                             Description                                              which Incorporated by Reference
- -------                             -----------                                              -------------------------------
*10.8 (a)             Escrow Agreement dated September 28,                                    Exhibit 10.8 (a) to Post-Effective
                      1984 between Billy P. Shadrick, Bobby                                   Amendment No. 1 to Form S-11
                      Ray Badgett and Liberty Housing                                         Registration Statement 
                      Partners Limited Partnership.                                           (File 2-90617)

*10.8 (b)             Amended and Restated Certificate and                                    Exhibit 10.8 (b) to Post-Effective
                      Agreement of Limited Partnership of                                     Amendment No. 1 to Form S-11
                      Oxford Homes for the Elderly, Ltd.                                      Registration Statement (File

*10.8 (c)             Promissory Note form dated September                                    Exhibit 10.8 (c) to
                      28, 1984, Purchase Money Note form                                      Post-Effective
                      dated September 28, 1984, Pledge                                        Amendment No. 1 to
                      Agreement form dated September 28,                                      Form S-11 Registration
                      1984 and Schedule of Promissory Notes,                                  Statement (File
                      Purchase Money Notes and Pledge                                         2-90617)
                      Agreements between Liberty Housing
                      Partners Limited Partnership and the
                      partners of Oxford Homes for the Elderly, Ltd.
*10.8 (d)             Mortgage Note dated May 23, 1977 from                                   Exhibit 10.8 (d) to
                      Oxford Homes for the Elderly, Ltd. to                                   Post-Effective
                      Cincinnati Mortgage Corporation and                                     Amendment No. 1 to
                      related Mortgage dated May 23, 1977                                     Form S-11 Registration
                      between Oxford Homes for the Elderly,                                   Statement (File
                      Ltd. and Cincinnati Mortgage Corporation.                               2-90617)
*10.8 (e)             Regulatory Agreement dated May 23,                                      Exhibit 10.8 (e) to Post-Effective
                      1977 between Oxford Homes for the                                       Amendment No. 1 to
                      Elderly, Ltd. and the Secretary of                                      Form S-11 Registration
                      Housing and Urban Development.                                          Statement (File 2-90617)

*10.8 (f)             Housing Assistance Payments Contract                                    Exhibit 10.8 (f) to Post-Effective
                      dated July 3, 1978 between Oxford                                       Amendment No. 1 to Form S-11 
                      Homes for the Elderly, Ltd. and the                                     Registration Statement
                      Secretary of Housing and Urban Development.                             (File 2-90617)

Exhibit                                                                                      Page Number or Filing from 
Numbers                             Description                                              which Incorporated by Reference
- -------                             -----------                                              -------------------------------
10.9                  Documents Relating to Partnership
                      Interest in Williamston Homes for the
                      Elderly, Ltd.

*10.9 (a)             Escrow Agreement dated September 28,                                    Exhibit 10.9 (a) to Post-Effective
                      1984 between Billy P. Shadrick, Bobby                                   Amendment No. 1 to Form S-11
                      Ray Badgett and Liberty Housing                                         Registration Statement
                      Partners Limited Partnership.                                           (File  2-90617)

*10.9 (b)             Amended and Restated Certificate and                                    Exhibit 10.9 (b) to Post-Effective
                      Agreement of Limited Partnership of                                     Amendment No. 1 to
                      Williamston Homes for the Elderly,                                      Form S-11 Registration
                      Ltd.                                                                    Statement (File 2-90617)

*10.9 (c)             Promissory Note form dated September                                    Exhibit 10.9 (c) to
                      28, 1984, Purchase Money Note form                                      Post-Effective
                      dated September 28, 1984, Pledge                                        Amendment No. 1 to
                      Agreement form dated September 28,                                      Form S-11 Registration
                      1984 and Schedule of Promissory Notes,                                  Statement (File
                      Purchase Money Notes and Pledge                                         2-90617)
                      Agreements between Liberty Housing
                      Partners Limited Partnership and the
                      partners of Williamston Homes for the
                      Elderly, Ltd.

*10.9 (d)             Deed of Trust Note dated May 24, 1977                                   Exhibit 10.9 (d) to
                      from Williamston Homes for the                                          Post-Effective
                      Elderly, Ltd. and Cincinnati Mortgage                                   Amendment No. 1 to
                      Corporation and related Deed of Trust                                   Form S-11 Registration
                      between Williamston Homes for the                                       Statement (File
                      Elderly, Ltd. and Cincinnati Mortgage Corporation.                      2-90617)
*10.9 (e)             Regulatory Agreement dated May 24,                                      Exhibit 10.9 (e) to Post-Effective
                      1977 between Williamston Homes for the                                  Amendment No. 1 to Form S-11
                      Elderly, Ltd. and the Secretary of                                      Registration Statement
                      Housing and Urban Development.                                          (File  2-90617)

*10.9 (f)             Housing Assistance Payments Contract                                    Exhibit 10.9 (f) to
                      dated September 19, 1978 between                                        Post-Effective
                      Williamston Homes for the Elderly,                                      Amendment No. 1 to
                      Ltd. and the Secretary of Housing and                                   Form S-11 Registration
                      Urban Development.                                                      Statement (File 2-90617)


Exhibit                                                                                      Page Number or Filing from 
Numbers                             Description                                              which Incorporated by Reference
- -------                             -----------                                              -------------------------------
10.10                   Documents Relating to Partnership
                        Interest in Austintown Associates

*10.10 (a)              Escrow Agreement dated October 30,                                    Exhibit 10.10 (a) to
                        1984 between James P. Manchi, Robert                                  Post-Effective
                        P. Baker, First March Realty                                          Amendment No. 1 to
                        Corporation and Liberty Housing                                       Form S-11 Registration
                        Partners Limited Partnership.                                         Statement (File 2-90617)

*10.10 (b)              Amended and Restated Certificate of                                   Exhibit 10.10 (b) to Post-Effective
                        Formation and Agreement of Limited                                    Amendment No. 1 to Form S-11 
                        Partnership of Austintown Associates.                                 Registration Statement (File 2-90617)

*10.10 (c)              Promissory Note form dated October                                    Exhibit 10.10 (c) to
                        30, 1984, Purchase Money Note form                                    Post-Effective
                        dated October 30, 1984, Pledge                                        Amendment No. 1 to
                        Agreement form dated October 30, 1984                                 Form S-11 Registration
                        and Schedule of Promissory Notes,                                     Statement (File
                        Purchase Money Notes and Pledge                                       2-90617)
                        Agreements between Liberty Housing
                        Partners Limited Partnership and the
                        partners of Austintown Associates.

*10.10 (d)              Mortgage Note dated February 22, 1973                                 Exhibit 10.10 (d) to
                        from Austintown Associates to                                         Post-Effective
                        Metropolitan Mortgage Corporation of                                  Amendment No. 1 to
                        Ohio, Supplementary Mortgage Note                                     Form S-11 Registration
                        dated November, 1975 from Austintown                                  Statement (File
                        Associates to The Cleveland Trust                                     2-90617)
                        Company, Supplementary Mortgage Note
                        dated March 24, 1978 from Austintown
                        Associates to Diversified Financial &
                        Mortgage Services, Inc. and the
                        related Mortgage dated February 22,
                        1973 between Austintown Associates
                        and Metropolitan Mortgage Corporation
                        of Ohio.


Exhibit                                                                                      Page Number or Filing from 
Numbers                             Description                                              which Incorporated by Reference
- -------                             -----------                                              -------------------------------
*10.10 (e)              Regulatory Agreement dated February                                   Exhibit 10.10 (e) to Post-Effective
                        22, 1973 between Austintown                                           Amendment No. 1 to Form S-11 
                        Associates and the Secretary of                                       Registration   Statement 
                        Housing and Urban Development.                                        (File 2-90617)

*10.10 (f)              Housing Assistance Payments Contracts                                 Exhibit 10.10 (f) to
                        dated December 1, 1983 and June 1,                                    Post-Effective
                        1984 between Austintown Associates                                    Amendment No. 1 to
                        and the Secretary of Housing and                                      Form S-11 Registration
                        Urban Development.                                                    Statement (File 2-90617)

10.11                   Documents Relating to Partnership
                        Interest in Meadowwood, Ltd.

*10.11 (a)              Second Amended and Restated                                           Exhibit 10.11 (a) to Post-Effective
                        Certificate and Agreement of Limited                                  Amendment No. 1 to Form S-11
                        Partnership of Meadowwood, Ltd.                                       Registration Statement (File 2-90617)

*10.11 (b)              Promissory Note form dated October                                    Exhibit 10.11 (b) to
                        30, 1984, Purchase Money Note form                                    Post-Effective
                        dated October 30, 1984, Pledge                                        Amendment No. 1 to
                        Agreement form dated October 30, 1984                                 Form S-11 Registration
                        and Schedule of Promissory Notes,                                     Statement (File
                        Purchase Money Notes and Pledge                                       2-90617)
                        Agreements between Liberty Housing
                        Partners Limited Partnership and the
                        partners of Meadowwood, Ltd.

*10.11 (c)              Promissory Notes dated October 3,                                     Exhibit 10.11 (c) to
                        1977 and October 25, 1978 from                                        Post-Effective
                        Meadowwood, Ltd. to Farmers Home                                      Amendment No. 1 to
                        Administration and related Deed to                                    Form S-11 Registration
                        Secure Debt dated October 25, 1978                                    Statement (File
                        between Meadowwood, Ltd. and Farmers                                  2-90617)
                        Home Administration.

*10.11 (d)              Farmers Home Administration Loan                                      Exhibit 10.11 (d) to Post-Effective
                        Agreement between Meadowwood, Ltd.                                    Amendment No. 1 to Form S-11
                        and Farmers Home Administration.                                      Registration Statement (File 2-90617)


Exhibit                                                                                      Page Number or Filing from 
Numbers                             Description                                              which Incorporated by Reference
- -------                             -----------                                              -------------------------------
*10.11 (e)              Interest Credit and Rental Assistance                                 Exhibit 10.11 (e) to Post-Effective
                        Agreement dated October 1, 1983                                       Amendment No. 1 to Form S-11
                        between Meadowwood, Ltd. and the                                      Registration Statement
                        Farmers Home Administration.                                          (File  2-90617)

*10.12                  Documents Relating to Partnership
                        Interest in Brierwood, Ltd.

*10.12 (a)              Second Amended and Restated                                           Exhibit 10.12 (a) to Post-Effective
                        Certificate and Agreement of Limited                                  Amendment No. 1 to Form S-11
                        Partnership of Brierwood, Ltd.                                        Registration Statement (File 2-90617)

*10.12 (b)              Promissory Note form dated October                                    Exhibit 10.12 (b) to
                        30, 1984, Purchase Money Note form                                    Post-Effective
                        dated October 30, 1984, Pledge                                        Amendment No. 1 to
                        Agreement form dated October 30, 1984                                 Form S-11 Registration
                        and Schedule of Promissory Notes,                                     Statement (File
                        Purchase Money Notes and Pledge                                       2-90617)
                        Agreements between Liberty Housing
                        Partners Limited Partnership and the
                        partners of Brierwood, Ltd.

*10.12 (c)              Promissory Note dated May 4, 1979                                     Exhibit 10.12 (c) to
                        from Brierwood, Ltd. to Farmers Home                                  Post-Effective
                        Administration and related Deed to                                    Amendment No. 1 to
                        Secure Debt dated May 4, 1979 between                                 Form S-11 Registration
                        Brierwood, Ltd. and Farmers Home Administration.                      Statement (File 2-90617)

*10.12 (d)              Farmers Home Administration Loan                                      Exhibit 10.12 (d) to Post-Effective
                        Agreement dated June 15, 1978 between                                 Amendment No. 1 to Form S-11
                        Brierwood, Ltd. and Farmers Home                                      Registration Statement
                        Administration.                                                       (File 2-90617)

*10.12 (e)              Interest Credit and Rental Assistance                                 Exhibit 10.12 (e) to Post-Effective
                        Agreement dated October 1, 1980                                       Amendment No. 1 to Form S-11
                        between Brierwood, Ltd. and the                                       Registration Statement
                        Farmers Home Administration.                                          (File  2-90617)


Exhibit                                                                                      Page Number or Filing from 
Numbers                             Description                                              which Incorporated by Reference
- -------                             -----------                                              -------------------------------
10.13                   Documents Relating to Partnership
                        Interest in Pine Forest Apartments,

*10.13 (a)              Second Amended and Restated                                           Exhibit 10.13 (a) to Post-Effective
                        Certificate and Agreement of Limited                                  Amendment No. 1 to Form S-11
                        Partnership of Pine Forest                                            Registration Statement
                        Apartments, Ltd.                                                      (File 2-90617)

*10.13 (b)              Promissory Note form dated October                                    Exhibit 10.13 (b) to
                        30, 1984, Purchase Money Note form                                    Post-Effective
                        dated October 30, 1984, Pledge                                        Amendment No. 1 to
                        Agreement form dated October 30, 1984                                 Form S-11 Registration
                        and Schedule of Promissory Notes,                                     Statement (File
                        Purchase Money Notes and Pledge                                       2-90617)
                        Agreements between Liberty Housing
                        Partners Limited Partnership and the
                        partners of Pine Forest Apartments, Ltd.
*10.13 (c)              Promissory Note dated August 6, 1980                                  Exhibit 10.13 (c) to
                        from Pine Forest Apartments, Ltd. to                                  Post-Effective
                        Farmers Home Administration and                                       Amendment No. 1 to
                        related Deed to Secure Debt dated                                     Form S-11 Registration
                        August 6, 1980 between Pine Forest                                    Statement (File
                        Apartments, Ltd. and Farmers Home Administration.                     2-90617)
*10.13 (d)              Farmers Home Administration Loan                                      Exhibit 10.13 (d) to Post-Effective
                        Agreement dated May 10, 1979 between                                  Amendment No. 1 to Form S-11
                        Pine Forest Apartments, Ltd. and                                      Registration Statement
                        Farmers Home Administration.                                          (File 2-90617)

*10.13 (e)              Interest Credit and Rental Assistance                                 Exhibit 10.13 (e) to Post-Effective
                        Agreement dated June 1, 1982 between                                  Amendment No. 1 to Form S-11 
                        Pine Forest Apartments, Ltd. and the                                  Registration Statement
                        Secretary of Housing and Urban Development.                           (File 2-90617)

10.14                   Documents Relating to Partnership
                        Interest in Osuna Apartments Company


Exhibit                                                                                      Page Number or Filing from 
Numbers                             Description                                              which Incorporated by Reference
- -------                             -----------                                              -------------------------------
*10.14 (a)              Amended and Restated Certificate of                                   Exhibit 10.14 (a) to Post-Effective
                        Formation and Agreement of Limited                                    Amendment No. 2 To Form S-11 
                        Partnership of Osuna Apartments                                       Registration Statement
                        Company.                                                              (File 2-90617)

*10.14 (b)              Promissory Note form dated November                                   Exhibit 10.14 (b) to
                        27, 1984, Purchase Money Note form                                    Post-Effective
                        dated November 27, 1984, Pledge                                       Amendment No. 2 to
                        Agreement dated November 27, 1984                                     Form S-11 Registration
                        between Liberty Housing Partners                                      Statement (File
                        Limited Partnership, Liberty LGP                                      2-90617)
                        Limited Partnership and the Sovereign
                        Corporation, and Schedule of
                        Promissory Notes and Purchase Money
                        Notes between Liberty Housing
                        Partners Limited Partnership and the
                        partners of Osuna Apartments Company.

*10.14 (c)              Mortgage Note dated March 5, 1974                                     Exhibit 10.14 (c) to
                        from Osuna Apartments Company to                                      Post-Effective
                        Housing America Mortgage Co., Inc.                                    Amendment No. 2 to
                        and related Mortgage dated March 5,                                   Form S-11 Registration
                        1974 from Osuna Apartments Company to                                 Statement (File
                        Housing Mortgage Co., Inc.                                            2-90617)

*10.14 (d)              Regulatory Agreement dated March 5,                                   Exhibit 10.14 (d) to Post Effective
                        1974 between Osuna Apartments Company                                 Amendment No. 2 to Form S-11
                        and the Secretary of Housing and                                      Registration Statement
                        Urban Development.                                                    (File 2-90617)

*10.14 (e)              Housing Assistance Payments Contracts                                 Exhibit 10.14 (e) to Post-Effective
                        dated August 7, 1984 between Osuna                                    Amendment No. 2 to Form S-11
                        Apartments Company and the Secretary                                  Registration Statement
                        of Housing and Urban Development.                                     (File 2-90617)

10.15                   Documents Relating to Partnership Interest in Linden 
                        Park Associates Limited Partnership


Exhibit                                                                                      Page Number or Filing from 
Numbers                             Description                                              which Incorporated by Reference
- -------                             -----------                                              -------------------------------
*10.15 (a)              Certificate and Agreement of Limited                                  Exhibit 10.15 (a) to Post-Effective
                        Partnership of Linden Park Associates                                 Amendment No. 2 to Form S-11 
                        Limited Partnership.                                                  Registration Statement (File 2-90617)

*10.15 (b)              Promissory Note form dated December                                   Exhibit 10.15 (b) to
                        11, 1984, Purchase Money Note form                                    Post-Effective
                        dated December 11, 1984, Pledge                                       Amendment No. 2 to
                        Agreement dated December 11, 1984 by                                  Form S-11 Registration
                        and between Liberty LGP Limited                                       Statement (File
                        Partnership, John L. Wagner, Liberty                                  2-90617)
                        Housing Partners Limited Partnership
                        and Graham Park Venture, and Schedule
                        of Promissory Notes and Purchase
                        Money Notes between Linden Park
                        Associates Limited Partnership and
                        Graham Park Venture.

*10.15 (c)              Deed of Trust Note and related Deed                                   Exhibit 10.15 (c) to
                        of Trust both dated December 5, 1972                                  Post-Effective
                        and Allonge of January 29, 1976,                                      Amendment No. 2 to
                        Supplemental Deed of Trust both dated                                 Form S-11 Regis-
                        December 17, 1974 and Allonge of                                      tration Statement
                        January 29, 1976, and Second                                          (File 2-90617)
                        Supplemental Deed of Trust Note and
                        related Second Supplemental Deed of
                        Trust both dated January 29, 1976 all
                        documents between Graham Park Venture
                        and Loyola Federal Savings and Loan

*10.15 (d)              Loan Assumption Agreement dated March                                 Exhibit 10.15 (d) to Post-Effective
                        23, 1976 between Pennamco, Inc. and                                   Amendment No. 2 to Form S-11 
                        Virginia Housing Development Authority.                               Registration Statement (File 2-90617)

*10.15 (e)              Regulatory Agreement dated December                                   Exhibit 10.15 (e) to Post-Effective
                        12, 1984 between Linden Park                                          Amendment No. 2 to Form S-11 
                        Associates Limited Partnership and                                    Registration Statement 
                        the Secretary of Housing and Urban Development.                       (File 2-90617)


Exhibit                                                                                      Page Number or Filing from 
Numbers                             Description                                              which Incorporated by Reference
- -------                             -----------                                              -------------------------------
*10.15 (f)              Regulatory Agreement dated January                                    Exhibit 10.15 (f) to Post-Effective
                        31, 1976 between Graham Park Venture                                  Amendment No. 2 to
                        and Virginia Housing Development                                      Form S-11 Registration  Statement
                        Authority.                                                            (File 2-90617)

10.16                   Documents Relating to Partnership
                        Interest Brierwood II, Ltd.

*10.16 (a)              Amended and Restated Certificate and                                  Exhibit 10.16 (a) to Post-Effective
                        Agreement of Limited Partnership of                                   Amendment No. 2 to Form S-11
                        Brierwood II, Ltd.                                                    Registration Statement (File 2-90617)

*10.16 (b)              Promissory Note form dated January 4,                                 Exhibit 10.16 (b) to
                        1985, Pledge Agreement form dated                                     Post-Effective
                        January 4, 1985 and Schedule of                                       Amendment No. 2 to
                        Promissory Notes and Pledge                                           Form S-11 Registration
                        Agreements between Liberty Housing                                    Statement (File
                        Partners Limited Partnership and the                                  2-90617)
                        partners of Brierwood II, Ltd.

*10.16 (c)              Promissory Note dated January 4, 1985                                 Exhibit 10.16 (c) to
                        from Brierwood II, Ltd. to Farmers                                    Post-Effective
                        Home Administration and related Deed                                  Amendment No. 2 to
                        to Secure Debt dated January 4, 1985                                  Form S-11 Registration
                        between Brierwood II, Ltd. and                                        Statement (File
                        Farmers Home Administration.                                          2-90617)

*10.16 (d)              Farmers Home Administration Loan                                      Exhibit 10.16 (d) to Post-Effective
                        Agreement dated June 30, 1983 between                                 Amendment No. 2 to Form S-11
                        Brierwood II, Ltd. and Farmers Home                                   Registration Statement
                        Administration.                                                       (File  2-90617)

*10.16 (e)              Interest Credit and Rental Assistance                                 Exhibit 10.16 (e) to Post-Effective
                        Agreement dated January 4, 1985                                       Amendment No. 2 to Form S-11
                        between Brierwood II, Ltd. and the                                    Registration  Statement
                        Farmers Home Administration.                                          (File 2-90617)


*Incorporated by Reference as noted



        Pursuant to the  requirements  of Section 13 or 15(d) of the  Securities
and  Exchange  Act of 1934,  the  Registrant  has duly  caused this report to be
signed on its behalf by the undersigned, thereunto duly authorized.

                                       By:    LIBERTY HOUSING PARTNERS LIMITED
                                       By:    TNG Properties, Inc.,
                                              Managing General Partner

Date: 3/26/98                          By: /s/ Michael A. Stoller
                                              Michael A. Stoller
                                              President, CEO, and Director of
                                              TNG Properties, Inc.
                                              Managing General Partner

        Pursuant to the  requirements  of the  Securities  Exchange Act of 1934,
this report  signed below by the following  persons on behalf of the  Registrant
and in the capacities and on the dates indicated.

Signature                     Title                                   Date

                            Vice President, Treasurer
                            and Director (principal
                            financial and accounting officer)
                            of TNG Properties, Inc. Managing
                            General Partner
/s/ Wilma R. Brooks                                                   3/26/98
Wilma R. Brooks


Signatures, continued

Signature                     Title                                    Date

                            President, CEO and Director of
                            TNG Properties, Inc. Managing
                            General Partner
/s/ Michael A. Stoller                                                3/26/98
Michael A. Stoller

                            Director of TNG Properties, Inc.
                            Managing General Partner
/s/ Stephen D. Puliafico                                              3/26/98
Stephen D. Puliafico

                            Director of TNG Properties, Inc.
                            Managing General Partner
/s/ James C. Coughlin                                                 3/26/98
James C. Coughlin