EQUITY SERIES
                              SECURITY FIRST TRUST
                          11365 West Olympic Boulevard
                          Los Angeles, California 90064

April 5, 1998

Dear Shareholder:

         I am writing  to  shareholders  of the U.S.  Government  Income  Series
(formerly the "Virtus U.S.  Government  Income Series") and of the Equity Series
(formerly the "Virtus Equity Series")  (collectively,  the "Series"),  to inform
you of a Special  Meeting of Shareholders to be held on May 5, 1998. The meeting
originally  scheduled  for May 5, 1998,  has been  adjourned  to June 8, 1998 at
10:00 a.m. P.S.T.

         Before  that  meeting,  I would like your vote on the issues  affecting
your Series as described in the attached Proxy  Statement.  The Proxy  Statement
contains two proposals.  The first proposal requests that shareholders  consider
and act upon an Interim Investment Sub-Advisory Agreement between Security First
Investment  Management  Corporation,  the Series'  Adviser,  and Virtus  Capital
Management,   Inc.  with  respect  to  the  Series  (the  "Interim  Sub-Advisory

     The  second  proposal  requests   shareholder   consideration  of  two  new
Investment  Sub-  Advisory  Agreements  effective  upon the  termination  of the
Interim  Sub-Advisory  Agreement.  The first agreement is between Security First
Investment  Management,  Inc. and  BlackRock  Financial  Management,  Inc.  with
respect to the U.S.  Government  Income  Series (the  "BlackRock  Sub-  Advisory
Agreement").   The  second   agreement  is  between  Security  First  Investment
Management,  Inc. and  Provident  Capital  Management,  Inc. with respect to the
Equity Series (the "Provident Sub- Advisory Agreement").

         Information  relating  to  the  Interim  Sub-Advisory  Agreement,   the
BlackRock  Sub-Advisory  Agreement and the Provident  Sub-Advisory  Agreement is
contained in the attached Proxy Statement.

         The Board of Trustees has approved the  proposals and  recommends  that
you vote FOR these proposals.

         I realize that this Proxy Statement will take time to review,  but your
vote is very  important.  Please take the time to familiarize  yourself with the
proposals  presented and sign and return your proxy card in the enclosed postage
paid envelope today.

         If you have any  questions  about  this  proxy,  please  call  Customer
Service at Security First Group, Inc. at 1-800-284-4536.

         Thank you for taking this matter  seriously  and for  participating  in
this important process.


                                                       Richard C. Pearson
                                                       Security First Trust

                          U.S. GOVERNMENT INCOME SERIES
                                  EQUITY SERIES
                              SECURITY FIRST TRUST
                          11365 West Olympic Boulevard
                          Los Angeles, California 90064

                            To be held on May 5, 1998

To the Shareholders of:
         U.S. Government Income Series of Security First Trust
         Equity Series of Security First Trust

         NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN That a Special  Meeting of  Shareholders  of the
U.S.  Government  Income  Series  (formerly the "Virtus U.S.  Government  Income
Series")  and of  the  Equity  Series  (formerly  the  "Virtus  Equity  Series")
(individually  and  collectively,  the  "Series")  of Security  First Trust (the
"Trust"),  a  Massachusetts  business  trust,  will be held  at the  offices  of
Security  First  Group,  Inc.  at 11365 West  Olympic  Boulevard,  Los  Angeles,
California  90064,  on May 5, 1998 at 10:00  a.m.  P.S.T.  and any  adjournments
thereof (collectively the "Special Meeting") for the following purposes:

1.       To approve or disapprove the Interim Investment  Sub-Advisory Agreement
         between  Security First  Investment  Management  Corporation and Virtus
         Capital  Management,  Inc.  with  respect to the Series  (the  "Interim
         Sub-Advisory Agreement") (Proposal 1).

2.       To  approve  or  disapprove  new  Investment  Sub-Advisory  Agreements,
         effective upon the termination of the Interim  Sub-Advisory  Agreement,
         between Security First Investment Management Corporation and:

         (a)      BlackRock Financial Management, Inc. with respect to the U.S.
                  Government Income Series; and

         (b)      Provident Capital Management, Inc. with respect to the Equity
                  Series (Proposal 2).

3.       To transact such other business as may properly come before the Special
         Meeting or any adjournment thereof.

         The Board of Trustees has fixed the close of business on March 25, 1998
as the record date for the  determination of shareholders  entitled to notice of
and to vote at the Special Meeting or any adjournment thereof.

                                          By order of the Board of Trustees

                                          Cheryl Finney
                                          Assistant Secretary

April 5, 1998



         The  following  general  rules  for  signing  proxy  cards  may  be  of
assistance  to you and may help to avoid  the time  and  expense  to the  Series
involved in validating your vote if you fail to sign your proxy card properly.

         1. Individual Accounts:  Sign your name exactly as it appears in 
            the Registration on the proxy card.

         2. Joint  Accounts:  Either  party may sign,  but the name of the party
signing  should  conform  exactly to the name shown in the  Registration  on the
proxy card.

         3. All Other Accounts: The capacity of the individual signing the proxy
card should be indicated unless it is reflected in the form of Registration. For

Registration                                       Valid Signature

Corporate Accounts

(1)  ABC Corp......................................ABC Corp.
(2)  ABC Corp......................................John Doe, Treasurer
(3)  ABC Corp.
              c/o John Doe, Treasurer..............John Doe
(4)  ABC Corp. Profit Sharing Plan.................John Doe, Trustee

Trust Accounts

(1)  ABC Trust......................................Jane B. Doe, Trustee
(2)  Jane B. Doe, Trustee
              u/t/d 12/28/78........................Jane B. Doe

Custodial or Estate Accounts

(1)  John B. Smith, Cust.
              f/b/o John B. Smith, Jr. UGMA.........John B. Smith
(2)  Estate of John B. Smith........................John B. Smith, Jr.,

                          U.S. GOVERNMENT INCOME SERIES
                                  EQUITY SERIES
                              SECURITY FIRST TRUST

                          11365 West Olympic Boulevard
                          Los Angeles, California 90064

                         SPECIAL MEETING OF SHAREHOLDERS
                                   May 5, 1998

                                 PROXY STATEMENT

         This Proxy Statement is furnished in connection  with the  solicitation
of proxies by the Board of Trustees  (the  "Trustees")  of Security  First Trust
(the "Trust") for the U.S. Government Income Series (formerly,  the "Virtus U.S.
Government  Income  Series") and the Equity Series  (formerly the "Virtus Equity
Series")  (individually  and collectively,  the "Series"),  for use at a Special
Meeting of Shareholders of the Series to be held at 10:00 a.m. on May 5, 1998 at
the offices of Security First Group, Inc.  ("Security First Group"),  11365 West
Olympic Boulevard,  Los Angeles,  California 90064, and any adjournments thereof
(collectively,   the  "Special  Meeting").   A  notice  of  Special  Meeting  of
Shareholders  and a proxy  card  accompany  this  Proxy  Statement.  This  Proxy
Statement  and the  accompanying  proxy  card are first  being  sent or given to
shareholders  on or about  April 9,  1998.  The  costs of  solicitation  and the
expenses  incurred  in  connection  with  preparing  Proposal  1 of  this  Proxy
Statement and its  enclosures  will be paid by First Union  Corporation  ("First
Union"),  the parent of Virtus Capital  Management,  Inc. ("VCM"),  the Series's
Sub-Adviser.  The costs of solicitation and the expenses  incurred in connection
with preparing  Proposal 2 of this Proxy  Statement and its  enclosures  will be
paid by the Trust.  The Trust's most recent  annual and  semi-annual  report are
available to  shareholders  upon request without charge by writing or by calling
                           Security First Group, Inc.
                          11365 West Olympic Boulevard
                          Los Angeles, California 90064
                               Attn: Bank Services

         If the enclosed  proxy is properly  executed and returned in time to be
voted at the  Special  Meeting,  the shares of  beneficial  interest  ("Shares")
represented  by the  proxy  will be voted in  accordance  with the  instructions
marked therein.  Unless instructions to the contrary are marked on the proxy, it
will be voted FOR the  matters  listed  in the  accompanying  Notice of  Special
Meeting of Shareholders.  Any shareholder who has given a proxy has the right to
revoke it at any time prior to its  exercise  either by  attending  the  Special
Meeting  and voting his or her Shares in person,  or by  submitting  a letter of
revocation  or a  later-dated  proxy to the  Secretary of the Trust at the above
address before the date of the Special Meeting.

         For ease of reference,  the  following  table lists the proposals to be
acted on by the  shareholders  of the Series,  and  indicates  which  Series are
eligible to vote on each such proposal:


Proposal                   Description                                          Series Affected
 (1)              The consideration of the Interim Sub-                   U.S. Government Income Series
                  Advisory Agreement between Security                     Equity Series
                  First Investment Management
                  Corporation (the "Adviser") and Virtus
                  Capital Management, Inc.

(2)(a)            The consideration of a New Investment Sub-              U.S. Government Income Series
                  Advisory Agreement between the Adviser
                  and BlackRock Financial Management, Inc.,
                  effective upon the termination of the Interim
                  Sub-Advisory Agreement.

(2)(b)            The consideration of a New Investment Sub-              Equity Series
                  Advisory Agreement between the Adviser
                  and Provident Capital Management,
                  Inc., effective upon the termination of the
                  Interim Sub-Advisory Agreement.

         The Trustees do not know of any actions to be considered at the Meeting
other than the above-mentioned  proposals. If any other matter is presented, the
persons named in the proxy will vote in accordance with their best judgment.

         Security First Life Separate  Account A ("SFLSAA"),  a separate account
created  pursuant to Delaware  insurance law and registered as a unit investment
trust under the  Investment  Company Act of 1940,  as amended  (the "1940 Act"),
owns all of the shares of the Series. As a result, it has the right to vote upon
certain  matters  that the 1940 Act  requires  to be approved or ratified by the
shareholders  and to vote  upon any  other  matter  that may be voted  upon at a
shareholders'  meeting.  SFLSAA  will vote the  shares of each of the  Series in
accordance with the instructions  furnished by variable annuity  contractholders
whose contract values are invested in shares of each of the relevant Series.  In
the event  that a  contractholder  fails to give  instructions  as to a proposal
described  in  the  proxy  card,  the  Shares  that  are  the  subject  of  such
instructions will be voted for the proposals.  Shares as to which no proxies are
received will be voted  proportionately based upon the voting instructions given
by other  contractholders,  with those  proxies  that were  received but did not
contain voting  instructions as to a proposal treated as votes for the proposals
in determining  the voting  proportion.  Each full Share is entitled to one vote
and any fractional Share is entitled to a fractional vote. Contractholder voting
instructions may be revoked at any time by submitting a subsequently dated proxy
card or by giving written notice of revocation to the Secretary.

         The number of Shares of each  Series for which each  contractholder  is
entitled to give voting instructions to SFLSAA is computed as follows:


         (1)      For a contract/certificate in the accumulation phase:

                  The total  value of  accumulation  units in that  Series  held
         under the  contract/certificate  as of the record date,  divided by the
         net asset value of one share of the Series on that same date; and

         (2) For a contract/certificate in the payout phase:

                  The  actuarial  value of annuity  units in that Series held by
         SFLSAA   attributable   to  the  future  annuity   payments  under  the
         contract/certificate  in that Series as of the record date,  divided by
         the net asset value of one share of the Series on that same date.

         The Board has fixed  the  close of  business  on March 25,  1998 as the
record date (the "Record Date") for the  determination  of  shareholders  of the
Series entitled to notice of and to vote at the Special Meeting. At the close of
business on the Record Date,  the following  number of Shares of the Series were

Series                                                     Outstanding
U.S. Government Income Series                              6,430,366

Equity   Series                                            6,715,060

                                     Total               13,145,426

           Under the Trust's  Declaration  of Trust dated  February  13, 1987, a
quorum of  shareholders  is constituted by the presence in person or by proxy of
the holders of a majority  of the  outstanding  Shares of the Trust  entitled to
vote at the  Special  Meeting.  In the event that a quorum is not present at the
Special  Meeting,  or in the event that a quorum is present but sufficient votes
to approve the proposals  are not received,  the persons named as proxies on the
enclosed proxy card may propose one or more  adjournments of the Special Meeting
to permit further solicitation of proxies. In determining whether to adjourn the
Special  Meeting,  the following  factors may be  considered:  the nature of the
proposals that are the subject of the Special  Meeting;  the percentage of votes
actually cast; the percentage of negative votes actually cast; the nature of any
further  solicitation  and the information to be provided to  shareholders  with
respect to the reasons for the  solicitation.  Any adjournment  will require the
affirmative  vote of a  majority  of those  Shares  represented  at the  Special
Meeting in person or by proxy. A shareholder vote may be taken on one or more of
the  proposals  in  this  Proxy  Statement  prior  to any  such  adjournment  if
sufficient votes have been received for approval.


         In order that your Shares may be  represented  at the Special  Meeting,
you are requested to:

         -   indicate your instructions on the enclosed proxy card;

         -   date and sign the proxy card;

         -   mail the proxy card promptly in the enclosed envelope, which
             requires no postage if mailed in the United States; and

         -   allow sufficient time for the proxy card to be received on or
             before 10:00 a.m. P.S.T. on April 30, 1998.

                         REASON FOR THE SPECIAL MEETING

         Security First Investment Management Corporation ("Security Management"
or the "Adviser") is the investment  adviser and business  manager of the Series
pursuant to a Master Investment  Management and Advisory  Agreement (the "Master
Advisory   Agreement")  dated  October  30,  1997.   Security  Management  is  a
wholly-owned  subsidiary  of Security  First  Group,  whose  business  primarily
involves  insurance  marketing  and service and acting as an  insurance  holding
company.  Security First Group is a wholly-owned subsidiary of Metropolitan Life
Insurance  Company  ("MetLife").  Security  Management  and Security First Group
maintain their principal place of business at 11365 West Olympic Boulevard,  Los
Angeles,  California  90064.  Pursuant to its  authority  under the terms of the
Master Advisory Agreement, Security Management executed a Sub-Advisory Agreement
with VCM dated October 30, 1997 (the "Previous Sub- Advisory  Agreement").  This
Previous Sub-Advisory  Agreement was approved by the shareholders on October 29,

         As discussed below, VCM was a wholly-owned subsidiary of Signet Banking
Corporation ("Signet").  Effective November 28, 1997, Signet was merged with and
into First  Union in  exchange  for shares of common  stock of First  Union (the
"Merger"),  and VCM  became a  wholly-owned  subsidiary  of First  Union.  VCM's
operations were not  substantially  changed as a result of the Merger.  The only
significant  change  resulting  from the Merger which affects the Series is that
First Union is now the ultimate parent of VCM.

         Under the 1940 Act, an  assignment is defined as any direct or indirect
transfer  of a  contract  by the  assignor,  or of a  controlling  block  of the
assignor's  outstanding  voting securities by a security holder of the assignor.
An  investment  advisory  agreement,  including  a  sub-advisory  agreement,  is
automatically terminated in the event of an assignment.

         The Merger of Signet  into First  Union is  presumed  to be an indirect
change of control of VCM,  and is,  therefore,  an  assignment  of the  Previous
Sub-Advisory   Agreement  under  the  1940  Act.  As  a  result,   the  Previous
Sub-Advisory Agreement was terminated as of the effective date of the


Merger,  and a new sub-advisory  agreement must be executed.  In accordance with
the 1940 Act, the new  sub-advisory  agreement must be approved by a majority of
the outstanding Shares of the Series.

         Reason for Proposal 1

         The Securities and Exchange Commission (the "SEC") granted the Trust an
exemption  to allow VCM to  continue to serve as the  Sub-Adviser  of the Series
without  shareholder  approval  for a  period  of up to 120 days  following  the
termination date of the Previous Sub-Advisory  Agreement (the "Interim Period"),
provided  that the Trust  submits the Interim  Sub-Advisory  Agreement  executed
between Security Management and VCM (the "Interim  Sub-Advisory  Agreement") for
shareholder approval.

         Reason for Proposal 2

         Because VCM is  withdrawing  from the  business of  providing  advisory
services to registered investment companies,  new sub-advisory agreements needed
to be entered into with respect to the Series before the Interim  Period expired
on March 28, 1998.  After  considering the various factors  detailed below,  the
Trustees   approved  new  sub-advisory   agreements  with  BlackRock   Financial
Management,  Inc.  with respect to the U.S.  Government  Income  Series and with
Provident Capital Management,  Inc. with respect to the Equity Series. These new
sub-advisory  agreements  became effective at the close of business on March 27,
1998  and  must  be   approved  by   shareholders   within  120  days  of  their

         The shareholders  are asked to vote upon both the Interim  Sub-Advisory
Agreement  and the new  sub-advisory  agreements,  which went into  effect  upon
expiration of the Interim Period.



                              SUMMARY OF PROPOSAL 1

         For the  reasons  discussed  above and based  upon an  analysis  of the
factors  described  below, a majority of the Trustees of the Trust have approved
Security Management's  execution of the Interim Sub-Advisory Agreement with VCM.
The Trustees met on October 7, 1997,  to evaluate  whether an interim  agreement
was in the best interests of the Series. A majority of the Trustees, including a
majority  of the  Trustees  who are not  "interested  persons" of the Adviser or
Sub-Adviser  as  such  term  is  defined  in  the  1940  Act  (the  "Independent
Trustees"),  approved  the  Interim  Sub-  Advisory  Agreement  for  the  Series
effective upon the Merger, which occurred on November 28,


1997. Pursuant to an order issued by the SEC, all fees payable under the Interim
Sub-Advisory  Agreement have been placed in an  interest-bearing  escrow account
and will be paid to VCM if the shareholders  approve the contract.  Any money in
such account will be paid to the Series in the absence of shareholder  approval.
The Interim  Sub-Advisory  Agreement  contains  substantially the same terms and
conditions as the Previous Sub-Advisory Agreement (as described below). The only
difference  between  the  Previous   Sub-Advisory   Agreement  and  the  Interim
Sub-Advisory  Agreement  is the length of time for which each  Agreement  was in
effect. A description of the Interim Sub- Advisory  Agreement  pursuant to which
VCM continued as investment  sub-adviser to the Series,  as well as the services
provided by VCM  pursuant  thereto,  is set forth below under "The  Interim Sub-
Advisory Agreement."

                              INFORMATION ABOUT VCM

         As discussed  above,  Security  Management is directly  responsible for
providing  investment  advisory and business  management  services to the Series
under the Master Advisory Agreement. VCM became the Series' Sub-Adviser pursuant
to the Previous Sub-Advisory Agreement.

         VCM, a Maryland  corporation  formed in 1995 to succeed to the business
of  Signet  Asset  Management  (a  division  of  Signet  Trust  Company),  was a
wholly-owned  subsidiary  of Signet  prior to the Merger.  As  discussed  above,
Signet was merged  with and into First  Union,  and VCM is now  wholly-owned  by
First  Union.  The  principal  offices of First  Union are  located at 201 South
College Street,  Charlotte,  North Carolina 28288-1195.  VCM's principal offices
are located at 707 East Main Street, Suite 1300,  Richmond,  Virginia 23219. VCM
had served as the Sub-Adviser to the Series since 1994.

         As of December 31, 1997, VCM had investment authority over $2.2 billion
in assets.  VCM advised 15 mutual funds  having over $1.5 billion in assets.  In
addition, VCM managed three fixed income common trust funds with $104 million in

         Until  March 2, 1998,  VCM also  managed  and  advised  The Virtus U.S.
Government  Securities Fund and The Style Manager:  Large Cap Fund.  These Funds
were registered  management  investment  companies with sizable total net assets
and had  substantially  similar  investment  objectives and policies as the U.S.
Government  Income Series and the Equity  Series,  respectively.  As of March 2,
1998, these two funds  consummated  reorganizations  pursuant to which they were
merged  into  funds  managed  by  affiliates  of First  Union.  The table  below
indicates  the size of each of the Funds and the advisory fees that were paid by
each to VCM:


                                                                                   Rate of investment
                                                     Total Net assets           advisory compensation
Fund                                                 on June 30, 1997            (% of average daily net assets)
- ----                                                 ----------------            -------------------------------

The Virtus U.S. Government
Securities Fund                                      $161.8 Million                     0.75%*

The Style Manager: Large Cap Fund                    $105.0 Million                     0.75%**

*    VCM waived a portion of its fees for the fund.
**  VCM did not waive a portion of its fees for the fund.

         VCM is  registered  as an  investment  adviser  with the SEC  under the
Investment  Advisers Act of 1940 (the "Advisers  Act").  The name and address of
each of the  executive  officers  and the  directors  of VCM  are set  forth  in
Appendix A to this Proxy Statement.

                           EVALUATION BY THE TRUSTEES

         The Trustees  requested,  received and considered  such  information as
they  deemed  reasonably  necessary  to  enable  them to  evaluate  the  Interim
Sub-Advisory Agreement.  On October 7, 1997, the Trustees,  including a majority
of the independent Trustees, voted to approve the Interim Sub-Advisory Agreement
and to submit the proposed Interim Sub-Advisory Agreement to the shareholders of
the Series.

         The material  factors  considered by the Trustees  were: the nature and
quality of  services  rendered  by VCM;  VCM's  performance  under the  Previous
Sub-Advisory  Agreement;  the  performance  of similar funds advised by VCM; the
amount of sub-advisory  fees to be paid; VCM's financial  strength and insurance
coverage;  VCM's investment  advisory  experience and reputation;  VCM's code of
ethics  and  compliance  controls;  and  administrative  support  services.  The
Trustees  also  considered  the fact that  there  were no  material  differences
between the terms of the  Interim  Sub-Advisory  Agreement  and the terms of the
Previous Sub-Advisory Agreement.

         The factor that the Trustees  considered most  significant was that the
Series  would  continue to receive the  benefit of  sub-advisory  services of no
lesser quality or scope than had been provided  under the Previous  Sub-Advisory
Agreement,  at no increase in the sub-advisory fee to be paid for such services.
The Trustees were also satisfied that VCM (1) was  knowledgeable and experienced
in the  operations  of the relevant  financial  markets and in the laws that are
applicable to such operations  insofar as they might affect the Series,  and (2)
had the personnel,  financial  resources and standing in the financial community
to enable it to discharge its duties under the Interim Sub-  Advisory  Agreement
adequately. The Trustees determined that the Series would receive the benefit of
maintaining  uninterrupted  sub-advisory services of the same quality, scope and
cost as the Series received before the Merger.


         After  careful  consideration,  the  Trustees  believe  that  the  best
interests  of the  shareholders  of the  Series  would be served if the  Interim
Sub-Advisory  Agreement is approved,  and the Sub- Adviser thereby  receives its
fees for services  provided during the Interim Period.  Such fees are no greater
than  those  previously   approved  by  the  shareholders   under  the  Previous
Sub-Advisory Agreement for the same time period.


         Under the terms of the Previous  Sub-Advisory  Agreement  dated October
30, 1997, VCM managed each Series and continually  conducted investment research
and  supervision of the Series.  VCM also was  responsible  for the purchase and
sale of portfolio  securities.  Except for provisions  regarding  duration,  the
terms of the Previous Sub-Advisory  Agreement were identical to the terms of the
Interim Sub-Advisory Agreement (see "The Interim Sub-Advisory Agreement" below).

         Fees and Expenses

         Under the Previous Sub-Advisory Agreement,  VCM received a sub-advisory
fee from the Adviser at the annual rate of 0.75% of the average daily net assets
of each of the Series.  The sub-  advisory fee was accrued for each calendar day
and  the  sum  of  the  daily  fee  accruals  was  paid  monthly.  The  Previous
Sub-Advisory Agreement provided that the sub-advisory fee would be waived to the
extent  that the  expenses  of either  Series must be reduced in order to comply
with any state law expense  limitation,  if the aggregate expenses of the Series
exceed such  expense  limitation  and the Adviser has waived all or a portion of
its fees pursuant to the Master Advisory  Agreement.  The Sub-Adviser also could
voluntarily waive a greater amount of its fee than required by this provision or
could make  contributions to the Series in order to maintain the expenses of the
Series below the levels required by state law.

         During the fiscal year ended July 31, 1997,  VCM earned a  sub-advisory
fee of $153,616  from the U.S.  Government  Income  Series,  but waived  $69,578
pursuant to the Previous Sub- Advisory  Agreement.  In the same fiscal year, VCM
earned a sub-advisory fee of $233,813 from the Equity Series, but waived $14,845
pursuant to the Previous Sub-Advisory Agreement.


         Under its provisions, the Previous Sub-Advisory Agreement was to remain
in effect for an initial  term of two years and would  continue  in effect  from
year to year  thereafter,  provided that such  continuance was approved at least
annually  by either a majority  of  Trustees  or a majority  of the  outstanding
voting securities of the Series, and a majority of the Independent  Trustees who
are not parties to the Agreement.



         The  description  of the Interim  Sub-Advisory  Agreement in this Proxy
Statement is qualified entirely by reference to the actual Interim  Sub-Advisory
Agreement,  attached hereto as Exhibit A. The terms of the Interim  Sub-Advisory
Agreement were identical in all material  respects to the Previous  Sub-Advisory
Agreement  with the  exception of the length of time for which the agreement was
in effect.  The management and advisory services to be provided by VCM under the
Interim Sub-Advisory Agreement were identical to those provided by VCM under the
Previous  Sub-  Advisory  Agreement.  VCM was  required  to obtain and  evaluate
information relating to the economy, industries,  businesses, securities markets
and  securities  as it  deemed  necessary  or  useful  in the  discharge  of its
obligations  under the Interim  Sub-Advisory  Agreement.  In  addition,  VCM was
required to formulate and implement a continuous  program for performance of its

         Pursuant to the terms of the Interim  Sub-Advisory  Agreement,  VCM had
discretion to purchase or sell  securities on behalf of the Series in accordance
with  their  respective  investment  objectives  or  restrictions.  The  Interim
Sub-Advisory  Agreement  permitted VCM to  communicate  with  brokers,  dealers,
custodians or other parties on behalf of such Series,  and to allocate brokerage
or obtain research services from  organizations with which the Trust or Security
Management may be dealing. See "Portfolio Transactions."

         Fees and Expenses

         The Interim  Sub-Advisory  Agreement contained the same provisions with
respect  to fees and  expenses  as  described  under the  Previous  Sub-Advisory


         The Interim Sub-Advisory  Agreement  automatically  terminated upon the
expiration of the Interim Period.

         Limitation of Liability

         As in the Previous  Sub-Advisory  Agreement,  VCM was not liable to the
Trust or to the Adviser for any act or omission in the course of or connected in
any way with  rendering  services or for any losses that may be sustained in the
purchase, holding or sale of any security in the absence of willful misfeasance,
bad faith, gross negligence or reckless disregard of its obligations or duties.

         Termination; Assignment

         The  Interim   Sub-Advisory   Agreement   provided  that  it  could  be
terminated,  without penalty,  by the Adviser on sixty (60) days' written notice
to VCM or by VCM on sixty (60) days' written  notice to the Adviser.  The Series
could also terminate the Interim  Sub-Advisory  Agreement,  by either a majority
vote of the  outstanding  voting  shares of the  Series or a  resolution  of the
Trustees, on sixty (60) days' written notice to both the Adviser and to VCM. The
Interim Sub-Advisory


Agreement provided for its automatic  termination in the event of its Assignment
or in the  event  of the  termination  of the  Master  Advisory  Agreement.  The
Previous Sub-Advisory Agreement contained identical provisions as to termination
and assignment.

                             PORTFOLIO TRANSACTIONS

         Decisions with respect to the purchase and sale of portfolio securities
on behalf of the Trust are made by Security  Management pursuant to the terms of
the Master Advisory  Agreement.  Under the terms of each sub-advisory  agreement
between  Security  Management  and  a  sub-adviser  with  respect  to a  Series,
including the Interim  Sub-Advisory  Agreement,  a  sub-adviser  such as VCM may
allocate  brokerage  and  principal  business or obtain  research  services from
organizations  with which the Trust or the sub-adviser may be dealing.  However,
Security Management is ultimately  responsible for implementing these decisions,
including  the  negotiation  of  commissions  and the  allocation  of  principal
business and portfolio brokerage.

         In  purchasing  and  selling the Trust's  portfolio  securities,  it is
Security  Management's and the sub-advisers' policy to seek quality execution at
the most favorable prices through responsible broker-dealers and, in the case of
agency transactions,  at competitive  commission rates.  However,  under certain
conditions,  a  Series  may pay  higher  brokerage  commissions  in  return  for
brokerage and research  services,  although it has no current  arrangement to do
so. In selecting  broker-dealers  to execute a Series'  portfolio  transactions,
Security  Management and the  sub-adviser  consider such factors as the price of
the security, the rate of commission,  the size and difficulty of the order, the
reliability,  integrity,  financial condition, general execution and operational
capabilities of competing  broker-dealers,  and brokerage and research  services
they provide to Security Management, the sub- adviser or the Series.

         Security  Management  may  cause a Series  to pay a  broker-dealer  who
furnishes  brokerage and/or research  services a commission that is in excess of
the  commission  another  broker-dealer  would have  received for  executing the
transaction if it is determined  that such  commission is reasonable in relation
to the value of the brokerage and/or research services which have been provided.
This determination may be viewed in terms of either that particular  transaction
or the overall  responsibilities  of  Security  Management  with  respect to the
accounts over which it exercises investment discretion.  In some cases, research
services are generated by third parties,  but are provided to the sub-adviser by
or through broker-dealers.

         A sub-adviser may effect  principal  transactions on behalf of a Series
with a broker-dealer who furnishes brokerage and/or research services, designate
any such  broker-dealer  to  receive  selling  concessions,  discounts  or other
allowances, or otherwise deal with any such broker-dealer in connection with the
acquisition of securities in underwritings.

         Security  Management  and the  sub-advisers  receive  a wide  range  of
research  services  from  broker-dealers,  including  information  on securities
markets, the economy, individual companies, statistical information,  accounting
and tax law interpretations, technical market action, pricing and


appraisal  services,  and  credit  analyses.   Research  services  are  received
primarily  in the form of  written  reports,  telephone  contacts  and  personal
meetings with security analysts, corporate and industry spokespersons.  Research
services received from broker-dealers are supplemental to Security  Management's
and the  sub-advisers'  own research efforts and, when utilized,  are subject to
internal analysis before being incorporated into the investment process.

         Each year,  Security  Management and the  sub-advisers  will assess the
contribution of the brokerage and research  services  provided by broker-dealers
and will allocate a portion of the brokerage business of clients on the basis of
these  assessments.  In addition,  broker-dealers  sometimes  suggest a level of
business  they would like to receive  in return for the  various  brokerage  and
research  services they provide.  Actual  brokerage  received by any firm may be
less  than the  suggested  allocations,  but can (and  often  does)  exceed  the
suggestions  because  total  brokerage  is  allocated  on the  basis  of all the
considerations  described above. In no instance is a broker-dealer excluded from
receiving  business  because it has not been  identified  as providing  research

         Security  Management and the sub-advisers  cannot readily determine the
extent to which commission rates or net prices charged by broker-dealers reflect
the value of their research services. In some instances, Security Management and
the sub-advisers will receive research services they might otherwise have had to
perform for themselves.  The research services provided by broker-dealers can be
useful to the sub-advisers in serving other clients, but they can also be useful
in serving the Trust.

         Neither Security  Management nor the sub-advisers  allocate business to
any  broker-dealer  on the basis of its sales of shares of the Series.  However,
this does not mean that  broker-dealers  who  purchase  Series  shares for their
clients will not receive other business from the Trust.

         Some of the sub-advisers' other clients have investment  objectives and
programs  similar to those of the Series.  A sub-adviser may  occasionally  make
recommendations  to other  clients  which result in their  purchasing or selling
securities  simultaneously with a Series it advises. As a result, the demand for
securities  being purchased or the supply of securities being sold may increase,
and this could have an adverse  effect on the price of those  securities.  It is
the  sub-advisers'  policy  not to favor  one  client  over  another  in  making
recommendations or in placing orders. If two or more of a sub-adviser's  clients
are purchasing a given security on the same day from the same broker-dealer, the
sub-adviser may average the price of the  transactions  and allocate the average
among  the  clients  participating  in the  transaction.  Each  sub-adviser  has
established  a  general  investment  policy  that it will  ordinarily  not  make
additional  purchases  of a common  stock of a company  for its clients if, as a
result of such purchases,  10% or more of the  outstanding  common stock of such
company would be held by its clients in the aggregate.

         All  brokerage  commissions  will  be  allocated  by  the  sub-advisers
according to the foregoing  policies.  The U.S. Government Income Series paid no
brokerage  commissions  or discounts to  securities  dealers for the fiscal year
ended July 31, 1997. The Equity Series paid brokerage  commissions to securities
dealers in the amount of $13,361 for the fiscal year ended July 31, 1997.


                                  REQUIRED VOTE

         Approval of the Interim Sub-Advisory Agreement requires the affirmative
vote of a  "majority"  of the  outstanding  voting  shares of each of the Series
acting independently. Majority, as defined in the 1940 Act, means the lesser of:
(a) 67% of the voting securities of the Series present at the Special Meeting if
more than 50% of the outstanding Shares are present in person or by proxy at the
Special Meeting;  or (b) more than 50% of the outstanding  voting  securities of
the Series ("Majority Vote").  Rejection of the proposed Agreement by one Series
will not prevent it from being approved by the other Series.




                            SUMMARY OF PROPOSAL 2(a)

         Based on an  analysis  of factors  described  below,  a majority of the
Trustees of the Trust have approved the Adviser's  execution of a new Investment
Sub-Advisory Agreement (the "BlackRock  Sub-Advisory  Agreement") with BlackRock
Financial Management,  Inc. ("BlackRock").  At a meeting of the Trustees held on
February 24, 1998, the Trustees,  including the Independent  Trustees,  approved
the BlackRock  Sub-Advisory  Agreement,  which contains  substantially  the same
terms and  conditions as the Previous  Sub-Advisory  Agreement,  except that the
sub-advisory  fee  is  lower  and  an  additional   provision  relating  to  the
indemnification of the Sub-Adviser has been included. The BlackRock Sub-Advisory
Agreement  became  effective at the close of business on March 27, 1998,  and if
approved by  shareholders,  will have an initial  duration of two years and will
continue for successive annual periods thereafter,  provided such continuance is
approved  at least  annually  by both a majority  of all of the  Trustees  and a
majority of the  Independent  Trustees or by a Majority Vote of the  outstanding
voting  shares of the Series.  In addition,  Security  Management  has agreed to
lower its  advisory  fee from the annual rate of 0.90% of the value of the daily
net  assets of the  Series to 0.55% of the  daily  net  assets if the  BlackRock
Sub-Advisory Agreement is approved by shareholders.


                           INFORMATION ABOUT BLACKROCK

         BlackRock is a wholly-owned  subsidiary of BlackRock,  Inc., which is a
wholly-owned subsidiary of PNC Bank, N.A. The principal offices of BlackRock and
BlackRock,  Inc. are located at 345 Park Avenue,  New York, New York 10154, with
additional   offices  in  Philadelphia,   Wilmington,   Chicago  and  Edinburgh.
BlackRock,  Inc. is a fully  integrated  money management firm with global fixed
income, equity and cash management capabilities.

         As of December 31, 1997,  BlackRock,  Inc. and its subsidiaries managed
or administered approximately $108 billion in assets, including $54.9 billion in
fixed   income,   $11.5  billion  in  equity  and  $41.6  billion  in  liquidity

         Investment  companies with similar investment  objectives to the Series
for which BlackRock provides investment  advisory services,  the amount of their
net assets as of December 31, 1997, and the annual rates of BlackRock's fees for
its services to such companies are indicated in the table below:

                                                                                Rate of investment
                                                     Total Net assets on        advisory compensation
Fund                                                 December 31, 1997           (% of average daily net assets)
- ----                                                 -----------------           -------------------------------

BlackRock Government Income Portfolio                  $23.2 Million                    0.50%*

BlackRock Intermediate Government
Bond Portfolio                                       $139.7 Million                     0.50%*

* During  fiscal year 1997,  BlackRock has agreed to waive a portion of its fees
for each portfolio.

BlackRock is registered as an investment adviser with the SEC under the Advisers
Act. The principal executive officers and the directors of BlackRock are:


Name and
Position with BlackRock                                Address

Laurence D. Fink                   BlackRock Financial Management, Inc.Chairman,
                                   Chief Executive Officer
                                   345 Park Avenue
 and Director                      New York, New York  10154

Ralph L. Schlosstein               BlackRock Financial Management, Inc.
President                          345 Park Avenue
                                   New York, New York  10154

Robert S. Kapito                   BlackRock Financial Management, Inc.
Vice Chairman                      345 Park Avenue
                                   New York, New York  10154

Susan L. Wagner                    BlackRock Financial Management, Inc.
Managing Director                  345 Park Avenue
 and Secretary                     New York, New York  10154

No  Trustee  or  officer of the  Series is an  officer,  employee,  director  or
security  holder of  BlackRock  or has any  other  material  direct or  indirect
interest in BlackRock or in BlackRock's parent or affiliates.


         At a meeting on February 24, 1998, the Trustees reviewed and considered
various materials furnished by BlackRock.  The materials described,  among other
matters,  BlackRock and its affiliates,  senior personnel,  portfolio  managers,
analysts, economists, and others, methods of operation,  investment philosophies
and  financial  condition.  Representatives  of  BlackRock  discussed  with  the
Trustees the written materials and responded to questions from the Trustees.  At
the end of this meeting,  the  Trustees,  including  the  Independent  Trustees,
determined that entering into a sub- advisory relationship with BlackRock was in
the best interests of the Series, and therefore,  voted to approve the BlackRock
Sub-Advisory Agreement.

         The  factors  that  the  Trustees   considered  most  significant  were
BlackRock's  experience and past performance in managing  securities  portfolios
with similar investment objectives as the Series and BlackRock's  willingness to
serve  as  sub-adviser  for  a  lower  fee  than  that  charged  by  the  former
Sub-Adviser.  In addition, the Adviser informed the Trustees that it would agree
to lower its management fee, from an annual rate of 0.90 % to 0.55% of the daily
net assets of the Series,  if  shareholders  approve the BlackRock  Sub-Advisory
Agreement. The Trustees were also satisfied


that  BlackRock (1) is  knowledgeable  and  experienced in the operations of the
relevant  financial  markets  and  in the  laws  that  are  applicable  to  such
operations  insofar as they might affect the Series,  and (2) has the personnel,
financial  resources  and  standing in the  financial  community to enable it to
discharge its duties under the BlackRock Sub-Advisory Agreement adequately.


         The  description of the BlackRock  Sub-Advisory  Agreement is qualified
entirely by reference to the actual BlackRock Sub-Advisory  Agreement,  attached
hereto as  Exhibit  B. The terms of the  BlackRock  Sub-Advisory  Agreement  are
substantially the same as those contained in the Previous Sub-Advisory Agreement
with the exception of the amount of the sub-advisory fee and the inclusion of an
additional provision relating to indemnification.

         Under the BlackRock  Sub-Advisory  Agreement,  BlackRock is responsible
for making investment  decisions,  supplying  investment  research and portfolio
management  services  and  placing  purchase  and  sales  orders  for  portfolio

         Expenses and Fees

         Pursuant to the BlackRock Sub-Advisory Agreement,  the Adviser will pay
BlackRock a monthly fee at an annual rate of 0.40% of the Series'  average daily
net assets.


         Pursuant to its terms, the BlackRock Sub-Advisory Agreement will remain
in effect  for two years  following  its date of  execution,  provided  that the
Agreement has been approved by shareholders  of the Series.  It will continue in
effect  thereafter so long as its continuance is specifically  approved annually
by  either  the  Trust's  Trustees  or a  majority  of  the  outstanding  voting
securities of the Series,  provided that, in either event,  the continuance also
is  approved  by at least a majority of the  Independent  Trustees,  who are not
parties  to the  Agreement,  by vote cast in person at a meeting  called for the
purpose of voting on such approval.

         Expense Reimbursement

          As in the Previous Sub-Advisory Agreement,  the Sub-Adviser will waive
its fee to the  extent  that the  Series'  expenses  must be reduced in order to
comply with state law expense  limitations and also may  voluntarily  reduce its
fee or make  contributions to the Series so as to reduce the Series' expenses to
a level below that required by law.


         Limitation of Liability

         As in the Previous Sub-Advisory  Agreement,  BlackRock is not liable to
the  Trust  or to the  Adviser  for  any act or  omission  in the  course  of or
connected  in any way with  rendering  services  or for any  losses  that may be
sustained  in the  purchase,  holding or sale of any  security in the absence of
willful  misfeasance,  bad faith,  gross  negligence  or reckless  disregard  of
obligations or duties under the Agreement on the part of BlackRock.

         Unlike the Previous Sub-Advisory Agreement,  the BlackRock Sub-Advisory
Agreement  provides that the Adviser will indemnify and hold BlackRock  harmless
from  and  against  all  claims,  losses,  liabilities  or  damages  arising  in
connection with the Sub-Advisory  Agreement or from the performance of BlackRock
in  relation  to  the  Sub-Advisory   Agreement,   in  the  absence  of  willful
misfeasance,  bad faith,  gross negligence or reckless disregard of duties under
the Agreement on the part of BlackRock.

         Termination; Assignment

          The  Previous  Sub-Advisory  Agreement  could be  terminated,  without
penalty, by the Adviser on sixty (60) days' written notice to the Sub-Adviser or
by the Sub-Adviser on sixty (60) days' written notice to the Adviser. The Series
also could terminate the Previous Sub-Advisory  Agreement,  by either a majority
vote of the  outstanding  voting  shares of the  Series or a  resolution  of the
Trustees,  on sixty  (60)  days'  written  notice  to both the  Adviser  and the
Sub-Adviser. The Previous Sub-Advisory Agreement automatically terminated in the
event  of its  Assignment  or in the  event  of the  termination  of the  Master
Advisory  Agreement.  The BlackRock  Sub-Advisory  Agreement  contains identical
provisions as to termination and assignment.

                             PORTFOLIO TRANSACTIONS

         BlackRock  will  have  the  same  duties  and  responsibilities  as the
previous  Sub-Adviser  with respect to the allocation of principal  business and
portfolio brokerage (see "Proposal 1-- Portfolio Transactions" above).

                                  REQUIRED VOTE

         Approval of the BlackRock  Sub-Advisory Agreement requires the Majority
Vote (as previously defined herein) of shareholders.

         If the BlackRock  Sub-Advisory  Agreement is approved by  shareholders,
the Master Advisory Agreement between the Trust and Security  Management will be
amended to reduce the annual  management  fee payable to Security  Management to
0.55% of the average  daily net assets of the Series  from the  current  rate of
0.90%. If the BlackRock Sub-Advisory Agreement is not


approved by the  shareholders  of the Series,  the Trustees will consider  other
possible courses of action which are in the best interests of shareholders.




                            SUMMARY OF PROPOSAL 2(b)

         Based on an  analysis  of factors  described  below,  a majority of the
Trustees of the Trust have approved the Adviser's  execution of a new Investment
Sub-Advisory Agreement (the "Provident  Sub-Advisory  Agreement") with Provident
Capital  Management,  Inc.  ("Provident").  At a meeting of the Trustees held on
February 24, 1998, the Trustees,  including the Independent  Trustees,  approved
the Provident  Sub-Advisory  Agreement,  which contains  substantially  the same
terms and conditions as the Previous Sub-Advisory Agreement,  with the exception
that the  sub-advisory  fee is lower and an  additional  provision  relating  to
indemnification of the Sub-Adviser has been included. The Provident Sub-Advisory
Agreement became  effective,  at the close of business on March 27, 1998, and if
approved by  shareholders,  will have an initial  duration of two years and will
continue for successive annual periods thereafter,  provided such continuance is
approved  at least  annually  by both a majority  of all of the  Trustees  and a
majority of the  Independent  Trustees or by a Majority Vote of the  outstanding
voting  shares of the Series.  In addition,  Security  Management  has agreed to
lower its  advisory  fee from the annual rate of 0.90% of the value of the daily
net  assets of the  Series to 0.70% of the  daily  net  assets if the  Provident
Sub-Advisory Agreement is approved by shareholders.

                           INFORMATION ABOUT PROVIDENT

         At the date of the  execution of the Provident  Sub-Advisory  Agreement
and  prior  to the  merger  with  BlackRock  described  below,  Provident  was a
wholly-owned  subsidiary of BlackRock,  Inc., which is a wholly-owned subsidiary
of PNC Bank, N.A. The principal offices of Provident were and of BlackRock, Inc.
are located at 345 Park Avenue,  New York, New York 10154, with other offices in
Philadelphia, Wilmington, Chicago and Edinburgh. BlackRock, Inc. is a fully


integrated  money  management  firm with global  fixed  income,  equity and cash
management capabilities.

         As of December 31, 1997,  BlackRock,  Inc. and its subsidiaries managed
or administered approximately $108 billion in assets, including $54.9 billion in
fixed   income,   $11.5  billion  in  equity  and  $41.6  billion  in  liquidity

         Investment  companies with similar investment  objectives to the Series
for which Provident provided investment  advisory services,  the amount of their
net assets as of December 31, 1997, and the annual rates of Provident's fees for
its services to such companies are indicated in the table below:

                                                                                Rate of investment
                                                     Total Net assets on        advisory compensation
Fund                                                 December 31, 1997           (% of average daily net assets)
- ----                                                 -----------------           -------------------------------

BlackRock Select Equity Portfolio                       $736.7 Million                  0.52%*

BlackRock Large Cap Value Portfolio                  $1,409.2 Million                   0.54%*

* During  fiscal year 1997,  Provident has agreed to waive a portion of its fees
for each portfolio.

At the  date of the  execution  of the  Sub-Advisory  Agreement,  Provident  was
registered  as an  investment  adviser with the SEC under the Advisers  Act. The
principal executive officers and directors of Provident were:

Name and
Position with Provident                 Address

Laurence D. Fink                        Provident Capital Management, Inc.
Chairman, Chief Executive Officer       1600 Market Street
 and Director                           Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 19103

Ralph L. Schlosstein                    Provident Capital Management, Inc.
President                               1600 Market Street
                                        Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 19103


Name and
Position with Provident                 Address

Robert S. Kapito                        Provident Capital Management, Inc.
Vice Chairman                           1600 Market Street
                                        Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 19103

Susan L. Wagner                         Provident Capital Management, Inc.
Managing Director                       1600 Market Street
and Secretary                           Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 19103

No  Trustee or officer of the  Series  was an  officer,  employee,  director  or
security  holder of  Provident  or had any  other  material  direct or  indirect
interest in Provident or in Provident's parent or affiliates.

         On March 31,  1998,  Provident  was merged  into  BlackRock.  BlackRock
assumed Provident's responsibilities under the Provident Sub-Advisory Agreement,
and  substantially  all of the  Provident  employees  responsible  for providing
sub-advisory  services to the Series  became  employees  of  BlackRock.  Because
Provident and BlackRock are both  wholly-owned  subsidiaries of BlackRock,  Inc.
and all of the  directors  and officers of Provident  are also the directors and
officers of BlackRock, the merger did not result in an assignment under the 1940
Act (as previously  described herein) of the Provident  Sub-Advisory  Agreement.
The Provident Sub-Advisory Agreement,  therefore,  continues in effect after the


         At a meeting on February 24, 1998, the Trustees reviewed and considered
various materials furnished by Provident.  The materials described,  among other
matters,  Provident and its affiliates,  senior personnel,  portfolio  managers,
analysts, economists, and others, methods of operation,  investment philosophies
and  financial  condition.  Representatives  of  Provident  discussed  with  the
Trustees the written materials and responded to questions from the Trustees.  At
the end of this meeting,  the  Trustees,  including  the  Independent  Trustees,
determined that entering into a sub- advisory relationship with Provident was in
the best interests of the Series, and therefore,  voted to approve the Provident
Sub-Advisory Agreement.

         The  factors  that  the  Trustees   considered  most  significant  were
Provident's  experience and past performance in managing  securities  portfolios
with similar investment objectives as the Series and Provident's  willingness to
serve  as  sub-adviser  for  a  lower  fee  than  that  charged  by  the  former
Sub-Adviser.  In addition, the Adviser informed the Trustees that it would agree
to lower its management fee, from an annual rate of 0.90 % to 0.70% of the daily
net assets of the Series,  if  shareholders  approve the Provident  Sub-Advisory
Agreement. The Trustees were also satisfied that Provident (1) was knowledgeable
and experienced in the operations of the relevant  financial  markets and in the
laws that are  applicable  to such  operations  insofar as they might affect the
Series, and (2)


had the personnel,  financial  resources and standing in the financial community
to enable it to discharge its duties under the Provident  Sub-Advisory Agreement


         The  description of the Provident  Sub-Advisory  Agreement is qualified
entirely by reference to the actual Provident Sub-Advisory  Agreement,  attached
hereto as  Exhibit  C. The terms of the  Provident  Sub-Advisory  Agreement  are
substantially the same as those contained in the Previous Sub-Advisory Agreement
with the exception and the amount of the  sub-advisory  fee and the inclusion of
the additional provision relating to indemnification.

         Under the Provident  Sub-Advisory  Agreement,  Provident is responsible
for making investment  decisions,  supplying  investment  research and portfolio
management  services  and  placing  purchase  and  sales  orders  for  portfolio

         Expenses and Fees

         Pursuant to the Provident Sub-Advisory Agreement,  the Adviser will pay
Provident a monthly fee at an annual rate of 0.55% of the Series'  average daily
net assets.


         Pursuant to its terms, the Provident Sub-Advisory Agreement will remain
in effect  for two years  following  its date of  execution,  provided  that the
Agreement has been approved by shareholders  of the Series.  It will continue in
effect  thereafter so long as its continuance is specifically  approved annually
by  either  the  Trust's  Trustees  or a  majority  of  the  outstanding  voting
securities of the Series,  provided that, in either event,  the continuance also
is  approved  by at least a majority of the  Independent  Trustees,  who are not
parties  to the  Agreement,  by vote cast in person at a meeting  called for the
purpose of voting on such approval.

         Expense Reimbursement

          As in the Previous Sub-Advisory Agreement,  the Sub-Adviser will waive
its fee to the  extent  that the  Series'  expenses  must be reduced in order to
comply with state law expense  limitations and also may  voluntarily  reduce its
fee or make  contributions to the Series so as to reduce the Series' expenses to
a level below that required by law.


         Limitation of Liability

         As in the Previous Sub-Advisory  Agreement,  Provident is not liable to
the  Trust  or to the  Adviser  for  any act or  omission  in the  course  of or
connected  in any way with  rendering  services  or for any  losses  that may be
sustained  in the  purchase,  holding or sale of any  security in the absence of
willful  misfeasance,  bad faith,  gross  negligence  or reckless  disregard  of
obligations or duties under the Agreement on the part of Provident.

         Unlike the Previous Sub-Advisory Agreement,  the Provident Sub-Advisory
Agreement  provides that the Adviser will indemnify and hold Provident  harmless
from  and  against  all  claims,  losses,  liabilities  or  damages  arising  in
connection with the Sub-Advisory  Agreement or from the performance of Provident
in  relation  to  the  Sub-Advisory   Agreement,   in  the  absence  of  willful
misfeasance,  bad faith,  gross negligence or reckless disregard of duties under
the Agreement on the part of Provident.

         Termination; Assignment

           The Previous  Sub-Advisory  Agreement  could be  terminated,  without
penalty, by the Adviser on sixty (60) days' written notice to the Sub-Adviser or
by the Sub-Adviser on sixty (60) days' written notice to the Adviser. The Series
also could terminate the Previous Sub-Advisory  Agreement,  by either a majority
vote of the  outstanding  voting  shares of the  Series or a  resolution  of the
Trustees,  on sixty  (60)  days'  written  notice  to both the  Adviser  and the
Sub-Adviser. The Previous Sub-Advisory Agreement automatically terminated in the
event  of its  Assignment  or in the  event  of the  termination  of the  Master
Advisory  Agreement.  The Provident  Sub-Advisory  Agreement  contains identical
provisions as to termination and assignment.

                             PORTFOLIO TRANSACTIONS

         Provident  will  have  the  same  duties  and  responsibilities  as the
previous  Sub-Adviser  with respect to the allocation of principal  business and
portfolio brokerage (see "Proposal 1--Portfolio Transactions above").

                                  REQUIRED VOTE

         Approval of the Provident  Sub-Advisory Agreement requires the Majority
Vote (as previously defined herein) of shareholders.

         If the Provident  Sub-Advisory  Agreement is approved by  shareholders,
the Master Advisory Agreement between the Trust and Security  Management will be
amended to reduce the annual  management  fee to 0.70% of the average  daily net
assets of the Series from the current rate of


0.90%.  If  the  Provident   Sub-Advisory  Agreement  is  not  approved  by  the
shareholders of the Series, the Trustees will consider other possible courses of
action which are in the best interests of shareholders.



         Voting Rights

         Under the Declaration of Trust, shares of each Series of the Trust vote
separately  as a class on matters  submitted  to the  shareholders  except as to
voting for Trustees  and  independent  auditors  and except as otherwise  may be
required by the 1940 Act. In regard to the election of Trustees and the approval
of independent  auditors,  shareholders of all Series of the Trust vote together
as one class.  In the event that the Trustees  determine  that a matter  affects
only the  interest  of one or more  Series,  such as is the case of  approval of
advisory and sub-advisory contracts,  then only the shareholders of the affected
Series will be entitled to vote on that  particular  matter.  Approval of such a
matter by one or more Series will not affect the  interests  of any other Series
of the Trust.

         Shareholder Meetings

         The Trust is not  required  to,  and does not intend  to,  hold  annual
meetings  of  its   shareholders.   Anyone  wishing  to  submit   proposals  for
consideration  for inclusion in a proxy  statement for a subsequent  shareholder
meeting  should send their  written  proposals to the  Secretary of the Trust at
11365 West Olympic Boulevard, Los Angeles, California 90064, such that they will
be received in a reasonable period of time before any such meeting.

April 9, 1998



                                   APPENDIX A

The names and addresses of the executive officers and directors of Virtus
Capital Management, Inc. are as follows:


Name and
Position with VCM                                  Address

David C. Francis,
Chief Investment Officer              First Union National Bank
                                      201 South College Street
                                      Charlotte, North Carolina 28288-1195
Tanya Orr Bird, Vice President        Virtus Capital Management, Inc.
                                      707 East Main Street
                                      Suite 1300
                                      Richmond, Virginia  23219
Josie Clemons Rosson,
Vice President, Assistant             Virtus Capital Management, Inc.
Secretary                             707 East Main Street
                                      Suite 1300
                                      Richmond, Virginia  23219
L. Robert Cheshire,
Vice President                        First Union National Bank
                                      201 South College Street
                                      Charlotte, North Carolina 28288-1195
John E. Gray, Vice President          First Union National Bank
                                      201 South College Street
                                      Charlotte, North Carolina 28288-1195
Dillon S. Harris, Jr., Vice President First Union National Bank
                                      201 South College Street
                                      Charlotte, North Carolina 28288-1195
J. Kellie Allen, Vice President       First Union National Bank
                                      201 South College Street
                                      Charlotte, North Carolina 28288-1195
Ethel B. Sutton, Vice President       Evergreen Asset Management Corp.
                                      2500 Westchester Avenue
                                      Purchase, New York 10577



Name and
Position with VCM                   Address

David C. Francis                   First Union National Bank
                                   201 South College Street
                                   Charlotte, North Carolina 28288-1195
Donald A. McMullen                 First Union National Bank
                                   201 South College Street
                                   Charlotte, North Carolina 28288-1195
William M. Ennis                   First Union National Bank
                                   201 South College Street
                                   Charlotte, North Carolina 28288-1195
Barbara J. Colvin                  First Union National Bank
                                   201 South College Street
                                   Charlotte, North Carolina 28288-1195
William D. Munn                    First Union National Bank
                                   201 South College Street
                                   Charlotte, North Carolina 28288-1195


                                                                EXHIBIT A

                         INTERIM SUB-ADVISORY AGREEMENT




                         VIRTUS CAPITAL MANAGEMENT, INC.

         INTERIM SUB-ADVISORY AGREEMENT (the "Agreement"), made this 28th day of
a  corporation  organized  and existing  under the laws of the State of Delaware
(the "Adviser"),  and VIRTUS CAPITAL  MANAGEMENT,  INC., (the  "Subadviser"),  a
subsidiary  of First Union  Corporation,  a  corporation  organized and existing
under the laws of the State of North Carolina.


         WHEREAS,   Security  First  Trust  (the   "Trust"),   is  an  open-end,
diversified,   management  investment  company  registered  as  such  under  the
Investment  Company Act of 1940 (the "Act")  consisting  of multiple  investment
series; and

         WHEREAS,  shares  of the  Trust  are made  available  to fund  variable
contracts offered by life insurance companies; and

         WHEREAS,  at present the Trust is comprised of four investment  series,
two of which,  the Virtus  Equity Series and the Virtus U.S.  Government  Income
Series (collectively,  the "Virtus Series"),  are the subject of this Agreement;

         WHEREAS,  the Trust has contracted  with the Adviser for the Adviser to
provide investment advisory,  business management and administrative services to
the  Trust on  behalf  of the  Virtus  Series  pursuant  to a Master  Investment
Management and Advisory Agreement (the "Advisory Agreement"); and

         WHEREAS,  the  Adviser  is  authorized  by the  terms  of the  Advisory
Agreement to enter into subadvisory agreements with third parties; and

         WHEREAS,  the  Subadviser  is  engaged  in the  business  of  rendering
investment management services and desires to serve as subadviser for the Virtus


         NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the mutual covenants and agreements
contained herein, the parties agree as follows:

         1. The Adviser shall act as investment  adviser and manager for each of
the Virtus Series pursuant to the Advisory Agreement,  and as such has authority
and  responsibility  for supervising and directing the investments of the Virtus
Series in accordance with their investment objectives and policies, programs and
restrictions  as stated in the Trust's  registration  statement  and its current
prospectus and statement of additional  information,  and such other limitations
as are imposed upon the Trust pursuant to section 817(h) of the Internal Revenue
Code.  Pursuant  to its  agreement  with the Trust,  the  Adviser,  as agent and
attorney-in-fact for the Trust on behalf of the Virtus Series may, when it deems
appropriate, (a) buy, sell, exchange, convert and otherwise trade in any stocks,
bonds or other  securities,  and (b)  place  orders  for the  execution  of such
security  transactions  with or through such brokers,  dealers or issuers as the
Adviser may select  subject,  however,  at all times to the  supervision  of the
Board of Trustees of the Trust.  The Adviser may delegate  any of the  foregoing
authority to Subadviser; provided, however, that nothing in this Agreement shall
be interpreted to derogate the  responsibilities  of the Adviser to the Trust or
the Virtus Series under the aforementioned Advisory Agreement.

         2. The  Adviser  hereby  employs  Subadviser  to  render  the  advisory
services set forth herein for the fee specified herein.

         3. During the term of this  Agreement,  or any extension  thereof,  and
unless otherwise limited by the Adviser as hereinafter provided,  the Subadviser
will, to the best of its ability,  exercise  investment  discretion on behalf of
the Virtus Series with respect to the purchase, holding or sale of securities in
accordance with the stated investment  objectives and policies of the respective
Virtus  Series  as  communicated  to the  Subadviser  by the  Adviser  and as is
required to comply with the terms of the Advisory Agreement, the diversification
requirements  of the Act and section  817(h) of the Internal  Revenue Code.  The
Subadviser  shall not be required to respond to inquiries  from the Adviser with
regard to specific  securities other than securities which are or have been held
by the Virtus  Series during the time this  Agreement is in effect.  The Adviser
reserves the right, subject to shareholder approval as required by law, to limit
the authority of the Subadviser herein solely in its discretion.  The Subadviser
shall, for all purposes stated herein,  be deemed an independent  contractor and
shall not have  custody of any of the assets of the Trust nor  authority  to act
for or represent the Virtus Series except as expressly provided herein.

         4. The Subadviser may employ,  retain or otherwise  avail itself of the
services or  facilities of other  persons or  organizations  for the purposes of
obtaining such statistical and other factual information,  such advice regarding
economic  factors  and  trends,  such advice as to  occasional  transactions  in
specific  securities  or such other  information,  advice or  assistance  as the
Subadviser  may deem  necessary,  appropriate or convenient for the discharge of
its obligations  hereunder or otherwise  helpful to the Virtus Series, or in the
discharge of  Subadviser's  overall  responsibilities  with respect to the other
accounts which it serves as investment adviser or subadviser. The


Subadviser is authorized to allocate  brokerage and principal  business to firms
that provide such services or facilities and to cause the Virtus Series to pay a
member of a securities  exchange or any other  securities  broker or dealer,  an
amount of commission for effecting a securities transaction in

excess of the amount of  commission  another  member of an  exchange,  broker or
dealer would have charged for  effecting  that  transaction,  if the  Subadviser
determines  in good  faith  that such  amount of  commission  is  reasonable  in
relation to the value of the brokerage  and research  services (as such services
are defined in Section 28(e) of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934) provided by
such  member,  broker  or  dealer,  viewed in terms of  either  that  particular
transaction or the overall  responsibilities  of the Subadviser  with respect to
the accounts as to which the Subadviser exercises investment discretion (as that
term is defined in Section 3(a)(35) of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934).

         5. The Subadviser shall obtain and evaluate such  information  relating
to the economy, industries,  businesses, securities markets and securities as it
may deem necessary or useful in the discharge of its  obligations  hereunder and
shall  formulate  and  implement a  continuing  program for  performance  of its
services pursuant to this Agreement.

         6. The Subadviser,  its directors,  officers and employees,  shall make
available and provide such information relating to itself, its organization, its
personnel, and its activities as may be required by the Trust in the preparation
of registration  statements,  prospectuses,  proxy materials,  reports and other
documents  required by federal  and state  securities  laws.  In  addition,  the
Subadviser, its directors, officers and employees shall provide such information
to the Board of Trustees of the Trust as said Board shall  request and which may
be reasonably necessary for the Board to evaluate the terms of this Agreement in
accordance with the requirements of the Act.

         7. The  Subadviser  agrees to maintain  and preserve for such period or
periods as the  Securities  and Exchange  Commission  may prescribe by rules and
regulations,  such accounts,  books, and other documents  relating to the Virtus
Series as constitute  the records  forming the basis for all reports,  including
financial  statements  required  to be  filed  pursuant  to the  Act and for the
Trust's auditor's certification.  The Subadviser agrees that all accounts, books
and other records  maintained and preserved as required  hereby shall be subject
at any time,  and from time to time, to such  reasonable  periodic,  special and
other  examinations  by the  Securities  and  Exchange  Commission,  the Trust's
auditors,  the Trust or any  representative  of the Trust,  or any  governmental
agency or other  instrumentality  having regulatory authority over the Trust. It
is expressly  understood and agreed that any books and records maintained by the
Subadviser  on behalf of the Trust shall at all times remain the property of the
Trust.  Moreover, the Adviser agrees to supply the Subadviser with copies of all
documents  filed by the Trust with the  Securities  and Exchange  Commission and
with such other  information  relating to the Trust's  affairs as the Subadviser
may reasonably request.


         8. The Adviser  shall pay the  Subadviser a fee,  based on the value of
the net assets of each of the Virtus Series as determined in accordance with the
Trust's current prospectus and statement of additional information, and computed
as follows:

              (a)  The  fee  shall  be at the  annual  rate of 0.75 of 1% of the
         average daily net assets of each of the Virtus Series.

              (b) The fee shall be accrued for each  calendar day and the sum of
         the daily fee accruals  shall be paid monthly to the Subadviser as soon
         as is practicable after the end of each month and, in any event, by the
         tenth day of each  succeeding  calendar  month.  The daily fee accruals
         will be computed by multiplying  the fraction of one over the number of
         calendar days in the year by the annual rate described in  subparagraph
         (a) of this Paragraph 8, and multiplying this product by the net assets
         of each of the  Virtus  Series as  determined  in  accordance  with the
         procedures set forth in the Trust's current prospectus and statement of
         additional  information  as of the close of  business  on the  previous
         business day.

     9. The Adviser agrees to furnish the Subadviser at its principal office all
post-effective   amendments  to  the  Trust's  registration  statement  and  all
prospectuses,  statements of additional information, proxy materials, reports to
shareholders,  sales literature, and other material prepared for distribution to
persons having a beneficial  interest in shares of the Virtus Series,  or to the
public,  which  refer in any way to the  Subadviser  ten (10) days  prior to use
thereof and not to use such material if the  Subadviser  shall object thereto in
writing  within seven (7) days after receipt of such  material.  In the event of
termination of this Agreement,  the Adviser shall ensure that the Trust will, on
written  request  of the  Subadviser,  forthwith  delete  any  reference  to the
Subadviser from any materials described in the preceding  sentence.  The Adviser
shall  furnish  or  otherwise  make  available  to  the  Subadviser  such  other
information  relating to the business affairs of the Trust and the Virtus Series
as the  Subadviser  at any time,  or from time to time,  reasonably  requires in
order to discharge its obligations hereunder.

     10. Nothing herein  contained  shall limit the freedom of the Subadviser or
any affiliated  person of the Subadviser to render  investment  supervisory  and
management  administrative  services to other  investment  companies,  to act as
investment  adviser  or  investment  counselor  to  other  persons,   firms,  or
corporations, or to engage in other business activities. The Adviser understands
and agrees that the  Subadviser  may give advice and take action with respect to
any of its other clients which may differ from action taken under this Agreement
so long as it is the Subadviser's  policy, to the extent practical,  to allocate
investment  opportunities  to the Virtus  Series over a period of time on a fair
and  equitable  basis  relative  to other  clients.  It is  understood  that the
Subadviser  shall not have any  obligation  to  purchase  or sell for the Virtus
Series any security which the Subadviser, its principals,  affiliated persons or
employees may


purchase  or sell for its or their own  accounts or for the account of any other
client,  if in the opinion of the  Subadviser  such  transaction  or  investment
appears  unsuitable,  impractical  or  undesirable  for the  Virtus  Series.  In
discharging  its  duties   hereunder,   Subadviser  shall  be  governed  by  the
requirements of the Act, including, but not limited to, Section 17 thereof.

     11. The Subadviser shall not purchase or sell, or recommend the purchase or
sale of the  securities  of any issuer for the Virtus Series on the basis of any
material non-public ("inside") information.

     12.  (a) This  Agreement  shall  take  effect as to each  Virtus  Series on
November 28, 1997 (the  "Effective  Date") and shall continue in effect pursuant
to the terms and  provisions  of an order,  dated  November  5, 1997,  which was
issued by the  Securities  and  Exchange  Commission  under 1940 Act Release No.

     (b) This Agreement shall continue in effect as to a Virtus Series from year
to year  after  the  initial  two year  period  described  above so long as such
continuance is specifically  approved at least annually by the Board of Trustees
of the Trust, or by vote of a majority of the outstanding  voting  securities of
the Virtus Series, and, concurrently with such approval by the Board of Trustees
or prior to such approval by the holders of the outstanding voting securities of
the Virtus Series,  as the case may be, by the vote, cast in person at a meeting
called for the purpose of voting on such approval,  of a majority of Trustees of
the Trust who are not parties to this  Agreement  or  "interested  persons"  (as
defined  in the  Act) of any  such  party;  and the  Subadviser  shall  not have
notified  the Adviser nor shall the Adviser  have  notified  the  Subadviser  in
writing that it does not desire such continuation at least sixty (60) days prior
to the termination date of this Agreement.

     (c) This  Agreement may be  terminated by either party hereto,  without the
payment of any  penalty,  upon  sixty (60) days'  notice in writing to the other
party,  or by either or both of the Virtus  Series  upon sixty (60) days'  prior
written notice to both parties hereto, provided, that in the case of termination
by one or both of the Virtus Series,  such actions shall have been authorized by
resolution of the Board of Trustees of the Trust or by vote of a majority of the
outstanding voting securities of the affected Virtus Series.

     (d) This  Agreement may not be amended  without the written  consent of the
Adviser and Subadviser,  and  affirmative  vote of a majority of the outstanding
voting  securities of the affected  Virtus Series and by a vote of a majority of
the Board of Trustees of the Trust  including a majority of the Trustees who are
not parties to this Agreement or interested  persons of any such party,  cast in
person at a meeting called for the purpose of voting on such amendment.

     (e) It is  understood  and  agreed  that this  Agreement  may be  approved,
continued,  terminated  without  penalty  or  amended as to either of the Virtus
Series without  affecting the other Virtus Series.  The approval,  continuation,
termination  without penalty or amendment of this Agreement shall be conditioned
upon the actions of each of the Virtus Series acting as a separate


entity.  Failure to approve or continue this  Agreement or the vote to terminate
this Agreement as to one Virtus Series shall not act to negate this Agreement as
to the other Virtus Series.

     13.  This  Agreement  shall  terminate  automatically  in the  event of its
assignment  by  either  party.  For the  purpose  of this  paragraph,  the  term
"assignment" shall have the meaning set forth in Section 2(a)(4) of the Act.

     14. If the  aggregate  expenses of a Virtus  Series  exceed any  applicable
state expense  limitations  and the Adviser  waives all or a portion of its fees
attributable  to such Virtus  Series  pursuant to  Paragraph  10 of the Advisory
Agreement dated October 30, 1997, the Subadviser agrees to waive such portion of
its fee under this Agreement  attributable to that Series as may be necessary to
provide for any such excess expenses,  but such waiver shall not exceed the full
amount of the fee for such year  except as may be elected by the  Subadviser  in
its discretion or as provided hereinbelow.  For this purpose, aggregate expenses
of a Virtus  Series shall  include the  compensation  of the Adviser,  but shall
exclude interest,  taxes, brokerage fees on portfolio transactions,  commissions
paid on the distribution of shares, and certain extraordinary expenses

including  litigation  expenses.  For the  purposes of this  paragraph  the term
"fiscal  year"  shall be  prorated  in the event of a period of less than a full
fiscal year. The expense  limitation shall be that part of the applicable annual
expense  limitation  proportional  to the portion of a full fiscal year elapsed.
Notwithstanding the foregoing,  the Adviser and Subadviser may voluntarily agree
to waive their respective fees, or to make  contributions to a Virtus Series, so
as to reduce the expenses of the Virtus Series below that required by law.

     15. Neither the Subadviser nor any of its officers, directors, or employees
performing  services  under  this  Agreement  shall be  liable  for any error of
judgment or mistake of law or for any loss  suffered by the Trust or the Adviser
in connection with the matters to which this Agreement relates,  except for loss
resulting  from  willful  misfeasance,  bad faith,  or gross  negligence  in the
performance  by the Subadviser or such person of the duties of the Subadviser or
from  reckless  disregard by the  Subadviser or such person of the duties of the
Subadviser under this Agreement.

     16.  Any  question  of  interpretation  of any  term or  provision  of this
Agreement having a counterpart in or otherwise  derived from a term or provision
of the Act shall be resolved by  reference to such term or provision of that Act
and to  interpretations  thereof,  if any, by the United States  Courts,  and by
rules,  regulations or orders of the Securities and Exchange  Commission validly
issued pursuant to the Act. Specifically, the terms "affiliated person," as used
in paragraph 10, and "vote of a majority of the outstanding voting  securities,"
and "interested person," as used in paragraph 12 hereof, shall have the meanings
assigned to them by Section 2(a) of the Act. In addition,  where the effect of a
requirement  of the Act reflected in any provision of this  Agreement is relaxed
by a rule, regulation or order of the Securities and


Exchange  Commission,  whether  of  special  or  of  general  application,  such
provision shall be deemed to incorporate the effect of such rule,  regulation or

     17. Unless otherwise specified herein, all notices, instructions and advice
with respect to securities  transactions  or other matters  contemplated by this
Agreement  shall be deemed duly given to Subadviser  when received in writing by
Subadviser at 7 North Eighth Street,  Richmond,  Virginia 23219, to the Trust at
11365 West Olympic Boulevard,  Los Angeles,  California 90064 and to the Adviser
at 11365 West Olympic Boulevard,  Los Angeles,  California 90064. The Subadviser
may rely upon any notice  (written or oral) from any person which the Subadviser
reasonably believes to be genuine and authorized.

     18.  Nothing herein  contained  shall be deemed to prevent the Adviser from
contracting  with  investment  advisory  organizations  other than Subadviser to
provide  investment  advisory  services  on a  subadvisory  basis to one or more
investment series of the Trust other than the Virtus Series.

     19. This writing  constitutes the entire agreement  between the parties and
no conditions or warranties shall be implied herefrom unless expressly set forth

     20. This Agreement shall be governed by the laws of the State of Delaware.

     IN WITNESS WHEREOF,  the parties have caused this Agreement to be signed by
their  respective  officers  thereunto  duly  authorized  and  their  respective
corporate seals to be hereunto  affixed,  as of the day and the year first above

                                        SECURITY FIRST INVESTMENT
                                        MANAGEMENT CORPORATION

______________________________          By: _____________________________

                                        VIRTUS CAPITAL MANAGEMENT, INC.

______________________________          By: _____________________________




                                                                  EXHIBIT B

                             SUB-ADVISORY AGREEMENT





         SUB-ADVISORY  AGREEMENT  ("Agreement"),  made  this  27th day of March,
corporation  organized and existing under the laws of the State of Delaware (the
"Adviser"),  and  BLACKROCK  FINANCIAL  MANAGEMENT,  INC. (the  "Subadviser),  a
Delaware Corporation.


         WHEREAS,   Security  First  Trust  (the   "Trust"),   is  an  open-end,
diversified,   management  investment  company  registered  as  such  under  the
Investment Company Act of 1940 ("Act") consisting of multiple investment series;

         WHEREAS,  shares  of the  Trust  are made  available  to fund  variable
contracts offered by life insurance companies; and

         WHEREAS,  at present the Trust is comprised of four investment  series,
one of which, the U.S.  Government Income Series (the "Series"),  is the subject
of this Agreement; and

         WHEREAS,  the Trust has contracted  with the Adviser for the Adviser to
provide investment advisory,  business management and administrative services to
the Trust on behalf of the Series pursuant to a Master Investment Management and
Advisory Agreement (the "Advisory Agreement"); and

         WHEREAS,  the  Adviser  is  authorized  by the  terms  of the  Advisory
Agreement to enter into subadvisory agreements with third parties; and

         WHEREAS,  the  Subadviser  is  engaged  in the  business  of  rendering
investment  management  services  and  desires  to serve as  subadviser  for the


         NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the mutual covenants and agreements
contained herein, the parties agree as follows:

         1. The  Adviser  shall act as  investment  adviser  and manager for the
Series  pursuant  to the  Advisory  Agreement,  and as such  has  authority  and
responsibility  for  supervising  and directing the investments of the Series in
accordance  with  their  investment   objectives  and  policies,   programs  and
restrictions  as stated in the Trust's  registration  statement  and its current
prospectus and statement of additional  information,  and such other limitations
as are imposed upon the Trust pursuant to section 817(h) of the Internal Revenue
Code.  Pursuant  to its  agreement  with the Trust,  the  Adviser,  as agent and
attorney-in-fact  for the  Trust on  behalf  of the  Series  may,  when it deems
appropriate, (a) buy, sell, exchange, convert and otherwise trade in any stocks,
bonds or other  securities,  and (b)  place  orders  for the  execution  of such
security  transactions  with or through such brokers,  dealers or issuers as the
Adviser may select  subject,  however,  at all times to the  supervision  of the
Board of Trustees of the Trust.  The Adviser may delegate  any of the  foregoing
authority to Subadviser; provided, however, that nothing in this Agreement shall
be interpreted to derogate the  responsibilities  of the Adviser to the Trust or
the Series under the aforementioned Advisory Agreement.

         2. The  Adviser  hereby  employs  Subadviser  to  render  the  advisory
services set forth herein for the fee specified herein.

         3. During the term of this  Agreement,  or any extension  thereof,  and
unless otherwise limited by the Adviser as hereinafter provided,  the Subadviser
will, to the best of its ability,  exercise  investment  discretion on behalf of
the Series  with  respect to the  purchase,  holding  or sale of  securities  in
accordance with the stated  investment  objectives and policies of the Series as
communicated  to the Subadviser by the Adviser and as is required to comply with
the terms of the Advisory Agreement, the diversification requirements of the Act
and section 817(h) of the Internal  Revenue Code.  The  Subadviser  shall not be
required  to respond to  inquiries  from the  Adviser  with  regard to  specific
securities  other  than  securities  which are or have  been held by the  Series
during the time this  Agreement  is in effect.  The Adviser  reserves the right,
subject to  shareholder  approval as required by law, to limit the  authority of
the Subadviser  herein solely in its discretion.  The Subadviser  shall, for all
purposes stated herein,  be deemed an independent  contractor and shall not have
custody of any of the assets of the Trust nor  authority to act for or represent
the Series except as expressly provided herein.

         4. The Subadviser may employ,  retain or otherwise  avail itself of the
services or  facilities of other  persons or  organizations  for the purposes of
obtaining such statistical and other factual information,  such advice regarding
economic  factors  and  trends,  such advice as to  occasional  transactions  in
specific  securities  or such other  information,  advice or  assistance  as the
Subadviser  may deem  necessary,  appropriate or convenient for the discharge of
its  obligations  hereunder  or  otherwise  helpful  to  the  Series,  or in the
discharge of  Subadviser's  overall  responsibilities  with respect to the other
accounts which it serves as investment adviser or subadviser. The Subadviser


is authorized to allocate brokerage and principal business to firms that provide
such  services  or  facilities  and to cause  the  Series  to pay a member  of a
securities  exchange  or any other  securities  broker or  dealer,  an amount of
commission for effecting a securities transaction in excess of the

amount of commission another member of an exchange,  broker or dealer would have
charged for effecting that  transaction,  if the  Subadviser  determines in good
faith that such amount of  commission  is reasonable in relation to the value of
the  brokerage  and research  services (as such  services are defined in Section
28(e) of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934) provided by such member, broker or
dealer,  viewed in terms of either that  particular  transaction  or the overall
responsibilities  of the Subadviser with respect to the accounts as to which the
Subadviser exercises  investment  discretion (as that term is defined in Section
3(a)(35) of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934).

         5. The Subadviser shall obtain and evaluate such  information  relating
to the economy, industries,  businesses, securities markets and securities as it
may deem necessary or useful in the discharge of its  obligations  hereunder and
shall  formulate  and  implement a  continuing  program for  performance  of its
services pursuant to this Agreement.

         6. The Subadviser,  its directors,  officers and employees,  shall make
available and provide such information relating to itself, its organization, its
personnel, and its activities as may be required by the Trust in the preparation
of registration  statements,  prospectuses,  proxy materials,  reports and other
documents  required by federal  and state  securities  laws.  In  addition,  the
Subadviser, its directors, officers and employees shall provide such information
to the Board of Trustees of the Trust as said Board shall  request and which may
be reasonably necessary for the Board to evaluate the terms of this Agreement in
accordance with the requirements of the Act.

         7. The  Subadviser  agrees to maintain  and preserve for such period or
periods as the  Securities  and Exchange  Commission  may prescribe by rules and
regulations, such accounts, books, and other documents relating to the Series as
constitute the records  forming the basis for all reports,  including  financial
statements  required  to be  filed  pursuant  to the Act  and  for  the  Trust's
auditor's  certification.  The  Subadviser  agrees that all accounts,  books and
other records  maintained  and preserved as required  hereby shall be subject at
any time, and from time to time, to such reasonable periodic,  special and other
examinations by the Securities and Exchange  Commission,  the Trust's  auditors,
the Trust or any  representative  of the Trust,  or any  governmental  agency or
other  instrumentality  having  regulatory  authority  over  the  Trust.  It  is
expressly  understood  and agreed that any books and records  maintained  by the
Subadviser  on behalf of the Trust shall at all times remain the property of the
Trust.  Moreover, the Adviser agrees to supply the Subadviser with copies of all
documents  filed by the Trust with the  Securities  and Exchange  Commission and
with such other  information  relating to the Trust's  affairs as the Subadviser
may reasonably request.

         8. The Adviser  shall pay the  Subadviser a fee,  based on the value of
the net  assets  of each of the  Series as  determined  in  accordance  with the
Trust's current prospectus and statement of additional information, and computed
as follows:


     (a) The fees shall be at the annual rate of 0.40 of 1% of the average daily
net assets of the U.S. Government Income Series;

              (b) The fees shall be accrued for each calendar day and the sum of
         the daily fee accruals  shall be paid monthly to the Subadviser as soon
         as is practicable after the end of each month and, in any event, by the
         tenth day of each  succeeding  calendar  month.  The daily fee accruals
         will be computed by multiplying  the fraction of one over the number of
         calendar days in the year by the annual rates described in subparagraph
         (a) of this  Paragraph  8, and  multiplying  these  products by the net
         assets of the Series as determined in  accordance  with the  procedures
         set forth in the Trust's current prospectus and statement of additional
         information as of the close of business on the previous business day.

     9. The Adviser agrees to furnish the Subadviser at its principal office all
post-effective   amendments  to  the  Trust's  registration  statement  and  all
prospectuses,  statements of additional information, proxy materials, reports to
shareholders,  sales literature, and other material prepared for distribution to
persons having a beneficial  interest in shares of the Series, or to the public,
which refer in any way to the  Subadviser ten (10) days prior to use thereof and
not to use such  material  if the  Subadviser  shall  object  thereto in writing
within  seven  (7)  days  after  receipt  of  such  material.  In the  event  of
termination of this Agreement,  the Adviser shall ensure that the Trust will, on
written  request  of the  Subadviser,  forthwith  delete  any  reference  to the
Subadviser from any materials described in the preceding  sentence.  The Adviser
shall  furnish  or  otherwise  make  available  to  the  Subadviser  such  other
information  relating to the business affairs of the Trust and the Series as the
Subadviser  at any time, or from time to time,  reasonably  requires in order to
discharge its obligations hereunder.

     10. Nothing herein  contained  shall limit the freedom of the Subadviser or
any affiliated  person of the Subadviser to render  investment  supervisory  and
management  administrative  services to other  investment  companies,  to act as
investment  adviser  or  investment  counselor  to  other  persons,   firms,  or
corporations, or to engage in other business activities. The Adviser understands
and agrees that the  Subadviser  may give advice and take action with respect to
any of its other clients which may differ from action taken under this Agreement
so long as it is the Subadviser's  policy, to the extent practical,  to allocate
investment  opportunities  to the  Series  over a  period  of time on a fair and
equitable basis relative to other clients.  It is understood that the Subadviser
shall not have any  obligation  to purchase or sell for the Series any  security
which the  Subadviser,  its  principals,  affiliated  persons or  employees  may
purchase  or sell for its or their own  accounts or for the account of any other
client,  if in the opinion of the  Subadviser  such  transaction  or  investment
appears  unsuitable,  impractical or undesirable for the Series.  In discharging
its duties  hereunder,  Subadviser  shall be governed by the requirements of the
Act, including, but not limited to, Section 17 thereof.


     11. The Subadviser shall not purchase or sell, or recommend the purchase or
sale of the securities of any issuer for the Series on the basis of any material
non-public ("inside") information.

     12. (a) This  Agreement  shall take effect as to the Series at the close of
business on March 27, 1998 (the  "Effective  Date") and shall continue in effect
for a period of two years provided that prior to the Effective Date the terms of
this  Agreement have been approved by a vote of (a) a majority of the members of
the Board of Trustees of the Trust, including a majority of the Trustees who are
not parties to this Agreement or "interested persons" (as defined in the Act) of
any such party,  cast in person at a meeting called for the purpose of voting on
such approval,  and (b) a majority of the  outstanding  "voting  securities" (as
defined in the Act) of the Series.


     (b) This  Agreement  shall continue in effect as to the Series from year to
year  after  the  initial  two  year  period  described  above  so  long as such
continuance is specifically  approved at least annually by the Board of Trustees
of the Trust, or by vote of a majority of the outstanding  voting  securities of
the Series,  and,  concurrently  with such  approval by the Board of Trustees or
prior to such approval by the holders of the  outstanding  voting  securities of
the Series,  as the case may be, by the vote, cast in person at a meeting called
for the  purpose of voting on such  approval,  of a majority  of Trustees of the
Trust who are not parties to this Agreement or "interested  persons" (as defined
in the Act) of any such party;  and the  Subadviser  shall not have notified the
Adviser nor shall the Adviser have  notified the  Subadviser  in writing that it
does  not  desire  such  continuation  at least  sixty  (60)  days  prior to the
termination date of this Agreement.

     (c) This  Agreement may be  terminated by either party hereto,  without the
payment of any  penalty,  upon  sixty (60) days'  notice in writing to the other
party,  or by the Series  upon sixty (60)  days'  prior  written  notice to both
parties hereto,  provided,  that in the case of termination by the Series,  such
actions shall have been authorized by resolution of the Board of Trustees of the
Trust or by vote of a  majority  of the  outstanding  voting  securities  of the

     (d) This  Agreement may not be amended  without the written  consent of the
Adviser and Subadviser,  and  affirmative  vote of a majority of the outstanding
voting  securities  of the Series  and by a vote of a  majority  of the Board of
Trustees of the Trust  including a majority of the  Trustees who are not parties
to this Agreement or interested  persons of any such party,  cast in person at a
meeting called for the purpose of voting on such amendment.

     13.  This  Agreement  shall  terminate  automatically  in the  event of its
assignment  by  either  party.  For the  purpose  of this  paragraph,  the  term
"assignment" shall have the meaning set forth in Section 2(a)(4) of the Act.

     14. If the  aggregate  expenses of the Series exceed any  applicable  state
expense  limitations  and  the  Adviser  waives  all or a  portion  of its  fees
attributable  to the Series  pursuant to Paragraph 10 of the Advisory  Agreement
dated October 30, 1997, the Subadviser agrees to waive such portion of its


fee under  this  Agreement  attributable  to the Series as may be  necessary  to
provide for any such excess expenses,  but such waiver shall not exceed the full
amount of the fee for such year  except as may be elected by the  Subadviser  in
its discretion or as provided hereinbelow.  For this purpose, aggregate expenses
of the Series shall include the  compensation of the Adviser,  but shall exclude
interest,  taxes, brokerage fees on portfolio transactions,  commissions paid on
the  distribution  of  shares,  and  certain  extraordinary  expenses  including
litigation  expenses.  For the purposes of this paragraph the term "fiscal year"
shall be prorated in the event of a period of less than a full fiscal year.  The
expense  limitation  shall  be  that  part  of  the  applicable  annual  expense
limitation   proportional  to  the  portion  of  a  full  fiscal  year  elapsed.
Notwithstanding the foregoing,  the Adviser and Subadviser may voluntarily agree
to waive their respective fees, or to make contributions to the Series, so as to
reduce the expenses of the Series below that required by law.

     15. The Adviser shall  indemnify and hold harmless the Subadviser  from and
against any and all claims, losses, liabilities or damages (including reasonable
attorneys' fees and other related

expenses)  arising from or in connection  with this Agreement or the performance
by the  Subadviser  of its duties  hereunder;  provided,  however  that  nothing
contained herein shall require that the Subadviser be indemnified for any claim,
loss,  liability  or  damage  (including  reasonable  attorneys'  fees and other
related  expenses)  resulting from the willful  misfeasance,  bad faith or gross
negligence in the  performance by the  Subadviser or by its officers,  directors
and employees of the duties of the Subadviser or from the reckless  disregard by
the  Subadviser  or such  person of the  duties  of the  Subadviser  under  this

     16. Neither the Subadviser nor any of its officers, directors, or employees
performing  services  under  this  Agreement  shall be  liable  for any error of
judgment or mistake of law or for any loss  suffered by the Trust or the Adviser
in connection with the matters to which this Agreement relates,  except for loss
resulting  from  willful  misfeasance,  bad faith,  or gross  negligence  in the
performance  by the Subadviser or such person of the duties of the Subadviser or
from  reckless  disregard by the  Subadviser or such person of the duties of the
Subadviser under this Agreement.

     17.  Any  question  of  interpretation  of any  term or  provision  of this
Agreement having a counterpart in or otherwise  derived from a term or provision
of the Act shall be resolved by  reference to such term or provision of that Act
and to  interpretations  thereof,  if any, by the United States  Courts,  and by
rules,  regulations or orders of the Securities and Exchange  Commission validly
issued pursuant to the Act. Specifically, the terms "affiliated person," as used
in paragraph 10, and "vote of a majority of the outstanding voting  securities,"
and "interested person," as used in paragraph 12 hereof, shall have the meanings
assigned to them by Section 2(a) of the Act. In addition,  where the effect of a
requirement  of the Act reflected in any provision of this  Agreement is relaxed
by a rule,  regulation  or  order of the  Securities  and  Exchange  Commission,
whether of special or of general application,  such provision shall be deemed to
incorporate the effect of such rule, regulation or order.


     18. Unless otherwise specified herein, all notices, instructions and advice
with respect to securities  transactions  or other matters  contemplated by this
Agreement  shall be deemed duly given to Subadviser  when received in writing by
Subadviser at 345 Park Avenue,  New York,  NY 10154,  to the Trust at 11365 West
Olympic  Boulevard,  Los Angeles,  California  90064 and to the Adviser at 11365
West Olympic Boulevard,  Los Angeles,  California 90064. The Subadviser may rely
upon  any  notice  (written  or oral)  from  any  person  which  the  Subadviser
reasonably believes to be genuine and authorized.

     19.  Nothing herein  contained  shall be deemed to prevent the Adviser from
contracting  with  investment  advisory  organizations  other than Subadviser to
provide  investment  advisory  services  on a  subadvisory  basis to one or more
investment series of the Trust other than the Series.

     20. This writing  constitutes the entire agreement  between the parties and
no conditions or warranties shall be implied herefrom unless expressly set forth

     21. This Agreement shall be governed by the laws of the State of Delaware.

     IN WITNESS WHEREOF,  the parties have caused this Agreement to be signed by
their  respective  officers  thereunto  duly  authorized  and  their  respective
corporate seals to be hereunto  affixed,  as of the day and the year first above
                                            SECURITY FIRST INVESTMENT
                                            MANAGEMENT CORPORATION

______________________________              By: _____________________________

                                            BLACKROCK FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT, INC.

______________________________              By: _____________________________




                                                                EXHIBIT C

                             SUB-ADVISORY AGREEMENT





         SUB-ADVISORY  AGREEMENT  ("Agreement"),  made  this  27th day of March,
corporation  organized and existing under the laws of the State of Delaware (the
"Adviser"),  and  PROVIDENT  CAPITAL  MANAGEMENT,  INC.  (the  "Subadviser),   a
Pennsylvania Corporation.


         WHEREAS,   Security  First  Trust  (the   "Trust"),   is  an  open-end,
diversified,   management  investment  company  registered  as  such  under  the
Investment Company Act of 1940 ("Act") consisting of multiple investment series;

         WHEREAS,  shares  of the  Trust  are made  available  to fund  variable
contracts offered by life insurance companies; and

         WHEREAS,  at present the Trust is comprised of four investment  series,
one of  which,  the  Equity  Series  (the  "Series"),  is the  subject  of  this
Agreement; and

         WHEREAS,  the Trust has contracted  with the Adviser for the Adviser to
provide investment advisory,  business management and administrative services to
the Trust on behalf of the Series pursuant to a Master Investment Management and
Advisory Agreement (the "Advisory Agreement"); and

         WHEREAS,  the  Adviser  is  authorized  by the  terms  of the  Advisory
Agreement to enter into subadvisory agreements with third parties; and

         WHEREAS,  the  Subadviser  is  engaged  in the  business  of  rendering
investment  management  services  and  desires  to serve as  subadviser  for the


         NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the mutual covenants and agreements
contained herein, the parties agree as follows:

         1. The  Adviser  shall act as  investment  adviser  and manager for the
Series  pursuant  to the  Advisory  Agreement,  and as such  has  authority  and
responsibility  for  supervising  and directing the investments of the Series in
accordance  with  their  investment   objectives  and  policies,   programs  and
restrictions  as stated in the Trust's  registration  statement  and its current
prospectus and statement of additional  information,  and such other limitations
as are imposed upon the Trust pursuant to section 817(h) of the Internal Revenue
Code.  Pursuant  to its  agreement  with the Trust,  the  Adviser,  as agent and
attorney-in-fact  for the  Trust on  behalf  of the  Series  may,  when it deems
appropriate, (a) buy, sell, exchange, convert and otherwise trade in any stocks,
bonds or other  securities,  and (b)  place  orders  for the  execution  of such
security  transactions  with or through such brokers,  dealers or issuers as the
Adviser may select  subject,  however,  at all times to the  supervision  of the
Board of Trustees of the Trust.  The Adviser may delegate  any of the  foregoing
authority to Subadviser; provided, however, that nothing in this Agreement shall
be interpreted to derogate the  responsibilities  of the Adviser to the Trust or
the Series under the aforementioned Advisory Agreement.

         2. The  Adviser  hereby  employs  Subadviser  to  render  the  advisory
services set forth herein for the fee specified herein.

         3. During the term of this  Agreement,  or any extension  thereof,  and
unless otherwise limited by the Adviser as hereinafter provided,  the Subadviser
will, to the best of its ability,  exercise  investment  discretion on behalf of
the Series  with  respect to the  purchase,  holding  or sale of  securities  in
accordance with the stated  investment  objectives and policies of the Series as
communicated  to the Subadviser by the Adviser and as is required to comply with
the terms of the Advisory Agreement, the diversification requirements of the Act
and section 817(h) of the Internal  Revenue Code.  The  Subadviser  shall not be
required  to respond to  inquiries  from the  Adviser  with  regard to  specific
securities  other  than  securities  which are or have  been held by the  Series
during the time this  Agreement  is in effect.  The Adviser  reserves the right,
subject to  shareholder  approval as required by law, to limit the  authority of
the Subadviser  herein solely in its discretion.  The Subadviser  shall, for all
purposes stated herein,  be deemed an independent  contractor and shall not have
custody of any of the assets of the Trust nor  authority to act for or represent
the Series except as expressly provided herein.

         4. The Subadviser may employ,  retain or otherwise  avail itself of the
services or  facilities of other  persons or  organizations  for the purposes of
obtaining such statistical and other factual information,  such advice regarding
economic  factors  and  trends,  such advice as to  occasional  transactions  in
specific  securities  or such other  information,  advice or  assistance  as the
Subadviser  may deem  necessary,  appropriate or convenient for the discharge of
its  obligations  hereunder  or  otherwise  helpful  to  the  Series,  or in the
discharge of  Subadviser's  overall  responsibilities  with respect to the other
accounts which it serves as investment adviser or subadviser. The Subadviser


is authorized to allocate brokerage and principal business to firms that provide
such  services  or  facilities  and to cause  the  Series  to pay a member  of a
securities  exchange  or any other  securities  broker or  dealer,  an amount of
commission  for  effecting a securities  transaction  in excess of the amount of
commission  another  member of an exchange,  broker or dealer would have charged
for effecting that transaction,  if the Subadviser determines in good faith that
such  amount  of  commission  is  reasonable  in  relation  to the  value of the
brokerage and research services (as such services are

defined in Section  28(e) of the  Securities  Exchange Act of 1934)  provided by
such  member,  broker  or  dealer,  viewed in terms of  either  that  particular
transaction or the overall  responsibilities  of the Subadviser  with respect to
the accounts as to which the Subadviser exercises investment discretion (as that
term is defined in Section 3(a)(35) of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934).

         5. The Subadviser shall obtain and evaluate such  information  relating
to the economy, industries,  businesses, securities markets and securities as it
may deem necessary or useful in the discharge of its  obligations  hereunder and
shall  formulate  and  implement a  continuing  program for  performance  of its
services pursuant to this Agreement.

         6. The Subadviser,  its directors,  officers and employees,  shall make
available and provide such information relating to itself, its organization, its
personnel, and its activities as may be required by the Trust in the preparation
of registration  statements,  prospectuses,  proxy materials,  reports and other
documents  required by federal  and state  securities  laws.  In  addition,  the
Subadviser, its directors, officers and employees shall provide such information
to the Board of Trustees of the Trust as said Board shall  request and which may
be reasonably necessary for the Board to evaluate the terms of this Agreement in
accordance with the requirements of the Act.

         7. The  Subadviser  agrees to maintain  and preserve for such period or
periods as the  Securities  and Exchange  Commission  may prescribe by rules and
regulations, such accounts, books, and other documents relating to the Series as
constitute the records  forming the basis for all reports,  including  financial
statements  required  to be  filed  pursuant  to the Act  and  for  the  Trust's
auditor's  certification.  The  Subadviser  agrees that all accounts,  books and
other records  maintained  and preserved as required  hereby shall be subject at
any time, and from time to time, to such reasonable periodic,  special and other
examinations by the Securities and Exchange  Commission,  the Trust's  auditors,
the Trust or any  representative  of the Trust,  or any  governmental  agency or
other  instrumentality  having  regulatory  authority  over  the  Trust.  It  is
expressly  understood  and agreed that any books and records  maintained  by the
Subadviser  on behalf of the Trust shall at all times remain the property of the
Trust.  Moreover, the Adviser agrees to supply the Subadviser with copies of all
documents  filed by the Trust with the  Securities  and Exchange  Commission and
with such other  information  relating to the Trust's  affairs as the Subadviser
may reasonably request.

         8. The Adviser  shall pay the  Subadviser a fee,  based on the value of
the net  assets  of each of the  Series as  determined  in  accordance  with the
Trust's current prospectus and statement of additional information, and computed
as follows:


              (a) The  fees  shall  be at the  annual  rate of 0.55 of 1% of the
         average daily net assets of the Equity Series;

              (b) The fees shall be accrued for each calendar day and the sum of
         the daily fee accruals  shall be paid monthly to the Subadviser as soon
         as is practicable after the end of each month and, in any event, by the
         tenth day of each  succeeding  calendar  month.  The daily fee accruals
         will be computed by multiplying  the fraction of one over the number of
         calendar days in the year by the annual rates described in subparagraph
         (a) of this  Paragraph  8, and  multiplying  these  products by the net
         assets of the Series as determined in  accordance  with the  procedures
         set forth in the Trust's current prospectus and statement of additional
         information as of the close of business on the previous business day.
     9. The Adviser agrees to furnish the Subadviser at its principal office all
post-effective   amendments  to  the  Trust's  registration  statement  and  all
prospectuses,  statements of additional information, proxy materials, reports to
shareholders,  sales literature, and other material prepared for distribution to
persons having a beneficial  interest in shares of the Series, or to the public,
which refer in any way to the  Subadviser ten (10) days prior to use thereof and
not to use such  material  if the  Subadviser  shall  object  thereto in writing
within  seven  (7)  days  after  receipt  of  such  material.  In the  event  of
termination of this Agreement,  the Adviser shall ensure that the Trust will, on
written  request  of the  Subadviser,  forthwith  delete  any  reference  to the
Subadviser from any materials described in the preceding  sentence.  The Adviser
shall  furnish  or  otherwise  make  available  to  the  Subadviser  such  other
information  relating to the business affairs of the Trust and the Series as the
Subadviser  at any time, or from time to time,  reasonably  requires in order to
discharge its obligations hereunder.

     10. Nothing herein  contained  shall limit the freedom of the Subadviser or
any affiliated  person of the Subadviser to render  investment  supervisory  and
management  administrative  services to other  investment  companies,  to act as
investment  adviser  or  investment  counselor  to  other  persons,   firms,  or
corporations, or to engage in other business activities. The Adviser understands
and agrees that the  Subadviser  may give advice and take action with respect to
any of its other clients which may differ from action taken under this Agreement
so long as it is the Subadviser's  policy, to the extent practical,  to allocate
investment  opportunities  to the  Series  over a  period  of time on a fair and
equitable basis relative to other clients.  It is understood that the Subadviser
shall not have any  obligation  to purchase or sell for the Series any  security
which the  Subadviser,  its  principals,  affiliated  persons or  employees  may
purchase  or sell for its or their own  accounts or for the account of any other
client,  if in the opinion of the  Subadviser  such  transaction  or  investment
appears  unsuitable,  impractical or undesirable for the Series.  In discharging
its duties  hereunder,  Subadviser  shall be governed by the requirements of the
Act, including, but not limited to, Section 17 thereof.

     11. The Subadviser shall not purchase or sell, or recommend the purchase or
sale of the securities of any issuer for the Series on the basis of any material
non-public ("inside") information.

     12. (a) This  Agreement  shall take effect as to the Series at the close of
business on March 27, 1998 (the  "Effective  Date") and shall continue in effect
for a period of two years provided that prior


to the Effective  Date the terms of this  Agreement have been approved by a vote
of (a) a  majority  of the  members  of the  Board  of  Trustees  of the  Trust,
including a majority of the  Trustees  who are not parties to this  Agreement or
"interested  persons" (as defined in the Act) of any such party,  cast in person
at a meeting  called  for the  purpose  of voting  on such  approval,  and (b) a
majority of the outstanding  "voting  securities" (as defined in the Act) of the

     (b) This  Agreement  shall continue in effect as to the Series from year to
year  after  the  initial  two  year  period  described  above  so  long as such
continuance is specifically  approved at least annually by the Board of Trustees
of the Trust, or by vote of a majority of the outstanding  voting  securities of
the Series,  and,  concurrently  with such  approval by the Board of Trustees or
prior to such approval by the holders of the  outstanding  voting  securities of
the Series,  as the case may be, by the vote, cast in person at a meeting called
for the  purpose of voting on such  approval,  of a majority  of Trustees of the
Trust who are not parties to this Agreement or "interested  persons" (as defined
in the Act) of any such party;  and the  Subadviser  shall not have notified the
Adviser nor shall the Adviser

have  notified  the   Subadviser  in  writing  that  it  does  not  desire  such
continuation  at least  sixty  (60) days prior to the  termination  date of this

     (c) This  Agreement may be  terminated by either party hereto,  without the
payment of any  penalty,  upon  sixty (60) days'  notice in writing to the other
party,  or by the Series  upon sixty (60)  days'  prior  written  notice to both
parties hereto,  provided,  that in the case of termination by the Series,  such
actions shall have been authorized by resolution of the Board of Trustees of the
Trust or by vote of a  majority  of the  outstanding  voting  securities  of the

     (d) This  Agreement may not be amended  without the written  consent of the
Adviser and Subadviser,  and  affirmative  vote of a majority of the outstanding
voting  securities  of the Series  and by a vote of a  majority  of the Board of
Trustees of the Trust  including a majority of the  Trustees who are not parties
to this Agreement or interested  persons of any such party,  cast in person at a
meeting called for the purpose of voting on such amendment.

     13.  This  Agreement  shall  terminate  automatically  in the  event of its
assignment  by  either  party.  For the  purpose  of this  paragraph,  the  term
"assignment" shall have the meaning set forth in Section 2(a)(4) of the Act.

     14. If the  aggregate  expenses of the Series exceed any  applicable  state
expense  limitations  and  the  Adviser  waives  all or a  portion  of its  fees
attributable  to the Series  pursuant to Paragraph 10 of the Advisory  Agreement
dated October 30, 1997, the  Subadviser  agrees to waive such portion of its fee
under this Agreement  attributable  to the Series as may be necessary to provide
for any such excess  expenses,  but such waiver shall not exceed the full amount
of the fee for such  year  except as may be  elected  by the  Subadviser  in its
discretion or as provided hereinbelow.  For this purpose,  aggregate expenses of
the Series shall  include the  compensation  of the Adviser,  but shall  exclude
interest,  taxes, brokerage fees on portfolio transactions,  commissions paid on
the  distribution  of  shares,  and  certain  extraordinary  expenses  including
litigation expenses. For the purposes of this


paragraph  the term "fiscal  year" shall be prorated in the event of a period of
less than a full fiscal year. The expense  limitation  shall be that part of the
applicable  annual  expense  limitation  proportional  to the  portion of a full
fiscal year elapsed.  Notwithstanding the foregoing,  the Adviser and Subadviser
may voluntarily  agree to waive their respective fees, or to make  contributions
to the Series, so as to reduce the expenses of the Series below that required by

     15. The Adviser shall  indemnify and hold harmless the Subadviser  from and
against any and all claims, losses, liabilities or damages (including reasonable
attorneys' fees and other related  expenses)  arising from or in connection with
this Agreement or the  performance  by the  Subadviser of its duties  hereunder;
provided,   however  that  nothing  contained  herein  shall  require  that  the
Subadviser be indemnified for any claim,  loss,  liability or damage  (including
reasonable  attorneys'  fees and  other  related  expenses)  resulting  from the
willful  misfeasance,  bad faith or gross  negligence in the  performance by the
Subadviser  or by its  officers,  directors  and  employees of the duties of the
Subadviser  or from the reckless  disregard by the  Subadviser or such person of
the duties of the Subadviser under this Agreement.

     16. Neither the Subadviser nor any of its officers, directors, or employees
performing services

under this Agreement shall be liable for any error of judgment or mistake of law
or for any loss  suffered  by the Trust or the  Adviser in  connection  with the
matters to which this Agreement relates,  except for loss resulting from willful
misfeasance, bad faith, or gross negligence in the performance by the Subadviser
or such person of the duties of the Subadviser or from reckless disregard by the
Subadviser or such person of the duties of the Subadviser under this Agreement.

     17.  Any  question  of  interpretation  of any  term or  provision  of this
Agreement having a counterpart in or otherwise  derived from a term or provision
of the Act shall be resolved by  reference to such term or provision of that Act
and to  interpretations  thereof,  if any, by the United States  Courts,  and by
rules,  regulations or orders of the Securities and Exchange  Commission validly
issued pursuant to the Act. Specifically, the terms "affiliated person," as used
in paragraph 10, and "vote of a majority of the outstanding voting  securities,"
and "interested person," as used in paragraph 12 hereof, shall have the meanings
assigned to them by Section 2(a) of the Act. In addition,  where the effect of a
requirement  of the Act reflected in any provision of this  Agreement is relaxed
by a rule,  regulation  or  order of the  Securities  and  Exchange  Commission,
whether of special or of general application,  such provision shall be deemed to
incorporate the effect of such rule, regulation or order.

     18. Unless otherwise specified herein, all notices, instructions and advice
with respect to securities  transactions  or other matters  contemplated by this
Agreement  shall be deemed duly given to Subadviser  when received in writing by
Subadviser at 345 Park Avenue,  New York,  NY 10154,  to the Trust at 11365 West
Olympic  Boulevard,  Los Angeles,  California  90064 and to the Adviser at 11365
West Olympic Boulevard,  Los Angeles,  California 90064. The Subadviser may rely


any notice  (written or oral) from any person  which the  Subadviser  reasonably
believes to be genuine and authorized.

     19.  Nothing herein  contained  shall be deemed to prevent the Adviser from
contracting  with  investment  advisory  organizations  other than Subadviser to
provide  investment  advisory  services  on a  subadvisory  basis to one or more
investment series of the Trust other than the Series.

     20. This writing  constitutes the entire agreement  between the parties and
no conditions or warranties shall be implied herefrom unless expressly set forth

     21. This Agreement shall be governed by the laws of the State of Delaware.

     IN WITNESS WHEREOF,  the parties have caused this Agreement to be signed by
their  respective  officers  thereunto  duly  authorized  and  their  respective
corporate seals to be hereunto  affixed,  as of the day and the year first above

                                             SECURITY FIRST INVESTMENT
                                             MANAGEMENT CORPORATION

______________________________               By: _____________________________

                                             PROVIDENT CAPITAL MANAGEMENT, INC.

______________________________               By: _____________________________




                              SECURITY FIRST TRUST

                          U.S. Government Income Series

                            OF THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES.

The  undersigned  contract owner,  annuitant or participant,  by completing this
form does hereby appoint  Security First Life Separate  Account A, attorneys and
proxies for the undersigned, with full powers of substitution and revocation, to
represent the undersigned and to vote on behalf of the undersigned all shares of
Beneficial  Interest  which the  undersigned  is  entitled  to vote at a Special
Meeting of Shareholders to be held at 10:00 a.m.  Pacific time on May 5, 1998 at
the offices of Security First Group,  Inc.,  11365 West Olympic  Boulevard,  Los
Angeles, CA 90064 and at any adjournments thereof.

The undersigned,  by completing this form, does hereby request that the proxy be
authorized to exercise its  discretion in voting upon such other business as may
properly come before the meeting.


                                                     PLEASE  VOTE,   DATE,  SIGN
                                                     EXACTLY    AS   YOUR   NAME
                                                     APPEARS  BELOW  AND  RETURN
                                                     THIS  FORM IN THE  ENCLOSED
                                                     SELF-ADDRESSED ENVELOPE.

                                                     NOTE:    The    undersigned
                                                     hereby acknowledges receipt
                                                     of the  Notice  of  Special
                                                     Meeting      and      Proxy
                                                     Statement,  and revokes any
                                                     proxy heretofore given with
                                                     respect    to   the   votes
                                                     covered by this proxy.

Dated______________,1998                    _______________________________

         The interest represented by this proxy will be voted as directed below,
or if no direction is indicated,  will be voted FOR each of the proposals below.
If a proxy is not received from


a particular contract owner,  participant or annuitant,  then votes attributable
to his  interest  will be  allocated  in the  same  ratio  as  votes  for  which
instructions have been received.

Please vote by checking your response to each proposal.

To approve the Interim Sub-Advisory  Agreement between Security First Investment
Management  Corporation and Virtus Capital Management,  Inc. with respect to the
U.S. Government Income Series (the "Series").

[ ] FOR                       [ ] AGAINST                        [ ] ABSTAIN

To approve the new Sub-Advisory Agreement,  effective upon the expiration of the
Interim Sub- Advisory  Agreement,  between Security First Investment  Management
Corporation and BlackRock Financial Management, Inc. with respect to the Series.

[ ] FOR                       [ ] AGAINST                        [ ] ABSTAIN


                              SECURITY FIRST TRUST

                                  Equity Series

                            OF THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES.

The  undersigned  contract owner,  annuitant or participant,  by completing this
form does hereby appoint  Security First Life Separate  Account A, attorneys and
proxies for the undersigned, with full powers of substitution and revocation, to
represent the undersigned and to vote on behalf of the undersigned all shares of
Beneficial  Interest  which the  undersigned  is  entitled  to vote at a Special
Meeting of Shareholders to be held at 10:00 a.m.  Pacific time on May 5, 1998 at
the offices of Security First Group,  Inc.,  11365 West Olympic  Boulevard,  Los
Angeles, CA 90064 and at any adjournments thereof.

The undersigned,  by completing this form, does hereby request that the proxy be
authorized to exercise its  discretion in voting upon such other business as may
properly come before the meeting.


                                                     PLEASE  VOTE,   DATE,  SIGN
                                                     EXACTLY    AS   YOUR   NAME
                                                     APPEARS  BELOW  AND  RETURN
                                                     THIS  FORM IN THE  ENCLOSED
                                                     SELF-ADDRESSED ENVELOPE.

                                                     NOTE:    The    undersigned
                                                     hereby acknowledges receipt
                                                     of the  Notice  of  Special
                                                     Meeting      and      Proxy
                                                     Statement,  and revokes any
                                                     proxy heretofore given with
                                                     respect    to   the   votes
                                                     covered by this proxy.

Dated______________,1998                    _______________________________

         The interest represented by this proxy will be voted as directed below,
or if no direction is indicated,  will be voted FOR each of the proposals below.
If a proxy is not received from


a particular contract owner,  participant or annuitant,  then votes attributable
to his  interest  will be  allocated  in the  same  ratio  as  votes  for  which
instructions have been received.

Please vote by checking your response to each proposal.

To approve the Interim Sub-Advisory  Agreement between Security First Investment
Management  Corporation and Virtus Capital Management,  Inc. with respect to the
Equity Series (the "Series").

[ ] FOR                        [ ] AGAINST                        [ ] ABSTAIN

To approve the new Sub-Advisory Agreement,  effective upon the expiration of the
Interim Sub- Advisory  Agreement,  between Security First Investment  Management
Corporation and Provident Capital Management, Inc. with respect to the Series.

[ ] FOR                        [ ] AGAINST                        [ ] ABSTAIN

