PROXY STATEMENT PURSUANT TO SECTION 14(A)
                                      OF THE SECURITIES EXCHANGE ACT OF 1934

Filed by the Registrant                                                [X]

Filed by a Party other than the Registrant                             [  ]

Check the Appropriate Box:

[x]      Preliminary Proxy Statement

[ ]      Confidential, for Use of the Commission Only
           (as permitted by Rule 14a-6(e)(2))                          [  ]

[ ]      Definitive Proxy Statement

[ ]      Definitive Additional Materials

[ ]      Soliciting Material Pursuant to Rule 14a-11(c) or Rule 14a-12

                             Endeavor Series Trust
       (Name of Registrant as Specified in Its Charter)

                             Endeavor Series Trust
     (Name of Person Filing Proxy Statement, if Other Than the Registrant)

Payment of filing fee (check the appropriate box):

[X]     No fee required.

[ ]     Fee computed on table below per Exchange Act Rules 14a-6(i)(1) and 0-11.

        (1)      Title of each class of securities to which transaction applies:

         (2) Aggregate number of securities to which transaction applies:


        (3)      Per  unit  price  or other  underlying  value  of  transaction
                 computed  pursuant  to  Exchange  Act Rule 0-11 (set forth the
                 amount on which the filing fee is calculated  and state how it
                 was determined):

        (4) Proposed maximum aggregate value of transaction:

        (5)      Total fee paid:

[ ]     Fee paid previously with preliminary material

[       ] Check box if any part of the fee is offset as  provided  by  Exchange
        Act Rule 0- 11(a)(2) and  identify the filing for which the  offsetting
        fee was paid  previously.  Identify the previous filing by registration
        statement number, or the Form or Schedule and the date of its filing.

        (1)      Amount Previously Paid:                                

        (2)      Form, Schedule or Registration Statement No.:          

        (3)      Filing Party:                                          

        (4)      Date Filed:                                            


                                               ENDEAVOR SERIES TRUST
                                              2101 East Coast Highway
                                                     Suite 300
                                         Corona del Mar, California 92625
                                                  April 19, 1999

Dear Shareholder:

         I am writing to  shareholders  of the Portfolios of the Endeavor Series
Trust (the "Trust") to let you know about a Special  Meeting of  Shareholders to
be held on May 27, 1999. Before that meeting,  I would like your vote on several
important  proposals  described in the accompanying Notice of Special Meeting of
Shareholders  and  Proxy  Statement.  You  will be  asked to vote on up to eight
proposals regarding the Trust:

     1. An Amendment to the Management Agreement (All Portfolios except Endeavor
Select 50 Portfolio and Endeavor High Yield Portfolio)

         Currently,  Endeavor Management Co. (the "Manager") manages each of the
Portfolios under a Management  Agreement and receives a management fee from each
Portfolio based on that  Portfolio's net assets.  Out of the management fee, the
Manager  compensates  separate  investment  advisers  for  each  Portfolio.   In
addition,  for all Portfolios  except  Endeavor Select 50 Portfolio and Endeavor
High Yield Portfolio,  the Manager pays the Portfolio's  proportionate  share of
certain of the Trust's  administrative  expenses,  including fees charged by the
Trust's administrator,  First Data Investor Services Group, Inc. ("First Data"),
which  assists  the  Manager  in  providing   administrative   services  to  the
Portfolios.  The Trustees recommend that the management  agreement be amended to
provide  that  each  Portfolio  will  reimburse  the  Manager  for its  share of
administrative fees charged by a third party administrator, such as First Data.

         2.       Approval of a New Management Agreement (All Portfolios)

         AUSA Holding Company,  an affiliate of PFL Life Insurance Company,  has
agreed to acquire all of the  outstanding  common  shares of the  Manager.  This
acquisition,  if  consummated,  will  result in a  "change  in  control"  of the
Manager,  which will  terminate the existing  management  agreement  between the
Trust  on  behalf  of  each of the  Portfolios  and the  Manager.  The  Trustees
recommend  that the  shareholders  of each  Portfolio  approve a new  management
agreement with terms substantially  identical to those of the current management
agreement.  If shareholders  approve  Proposal 1, described above, the amendment
will become part of the new management agreement.


         3.       New Advisory Agreements (All Portfolios)

         The  proposed  change of  control of the  Manager  will  terminate  the
investment  advisory  agreements between the Manager and the investment advisers
that are  responsible for the day-to-day  management of the Portfolios'  assets.
The Trustees  recommend that the  shareholders  of each Portfolio  approve a new
investment advisory agreement, with substantially identical terms to the current
investment  advisory   agreement,   between  the  Manager  and  the  Portfolio's
respective investment adviser.

         4.       Adviser Hiring Exemptions (All Portfolios)

         The  Manager is  responsible  to  shareholders  for the  selection  and
oversight of the investment adviser for each Portfolio.  Currently,  the Manager
may employ,  terminate or change  investment  advisers for a Portfolio only with
the approval of the Portfolio's  shareholders.  The Manager requests shareholder
approval  of a  proposal  to change  the  operation  of the Trust to permit  the
Manager,  with the  approval of the Board of  Trustees,  to hire or terminate an
investment adviser for a Portfolio without a shareholder vote. This change could
benefit  shareholders by reducing the Portfolios'  expenses,  permitting  faster
changes  in  investment   advisers  when  warranted,   and  improving  operating

     5. Changes to Investment Policies Concerning Borrowing (All Portfolios)

         Currently,  the Portfolios have varying policies concerning  borrowing.
The  Trustees  recommend  that the  policies  of all of the  Portfolios  be made

     6. Investments in Illiquid Securities  (Dreyfus U.S. Government  Securities
Portfolio only)

         Currently,   the  Dreyfus  U.S.  Government   Securities  Portfolio  is
permitted to invest up to 10% of its assets in illiquid securities. The Trustees
recommend  that the  Portfolio be permitted to invest up to 15% of its assets in
illiquid securities and that the policy be nonfundamental.

         7.       Election of Trustees (All Portfolios)

         The Trustees propose to elect Trustees of the Trust.

         8.       Ratification of Auditors (All Portfolios)

         The Trustees have selected Ernst & Young LLP as the Trust's independent
auditors and recommend that shareholders ratify this selection.

         The Board of Trustees has  unanimously  approved  each of the proposals
and recommends that you vote FOR each proposal.


         You may think that your vote is not  important,  but it is. Please take
the time to familiarize  yourself with the Proposals and to sign and return your
proxy card(s) in the enclosed  postage-paid envelope today. You may receive more
than one proxy card if you own shares in more than one  Portfolio.  Please  sign
and return each card you receive.  You may also vote by calling toll-free [ ] 24
hours a day. Instructions on how to complete the proxy card or vote by telephone
are included immediately after the Notice of Special Meeting.

         If you have any  questions  about  the  proxy,  please  call our  proxy
solicitor,  Shareholder Communications  Corporation, at __________. You may also
fax your completed and signed proxy card to ______________.

         If we do not receive your completed proxy card(s) within several weeks,
you may be contacted by Shareholder  Communications Corporation to remind you to
vote your shares.

         Thank  you for  taking  the  time to  participate  in  these  important


                                                     Vincent J. McGuinness, Jr.


                                               ENDEAVOR SERIES TRUST
                                              2101 East Coast Highway
                                                     Suite 300
                                         Corona del Mar, California 92625

                                        Endeavor Asset Allocation Portfolio
                                          Endeavor Money Market Portfolio
                                    T. Rowe Price International Stock Portfolio
                                          Endeavor Value Equity Portfolio
                                         Dreyfus Small Cap Value Portfolio
                                   Dreyfus U.S. Government Securities Portfolio
                                       T. Rowe Price Equity Income Portfolio
                                       T. Rowe Price Growth Stock Portfolio
                                       Endeavor Opportunity Value Portfolio
                                         Endeavor Enhanced Index Portfolio
                                           Endeavor Select 50 Portfolio
                                           Endeavor High Yield Portfolio

                                     NOTICE OF SPECIAL MEETING OF SHAREHOLDERS
                                            To be Held on May 27, 1999

To the Shareholders of Endeavor Series Trust:

         NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT a Special  Meeting of the  Shareholders  of
the Portfolios of Endeavor Series Trust (the "Trust"), a Massachusetts  business
trust, will be held at the Four Seasons Hotel, 690 Newport Center Drive, Newport
Beach,  California  92660 on May 27,  1999 at 10:00  a.m.  Pacific  Time and any
adjournments  thereof  (collectively,  the "Special  Meeting") for the following

         1.       To  approve  or  disapprove  an  amendment  to the  management
                  agreement  between the Trust and Endeavor  Management Co., the
                  manager of the Trust (all Portfolios except Endeavor Select 50
                  Portfolio and Endeavor High Yield Portfolio)

         2.       To approve or disapprove a new  management  agreement  between
                  the Trust and Endeavor Management Co. (all Portfolios)

         3.       To approve or disapprove a new investment  advisory  agreement
                  between   Endeavor   Management   Co.  and  each   Portfolio's
                  investment adviser (all Portfolios)

         4.       To  approve  or  disapprove  a  proposal  to  permit  Endeavor
                  Management Co. to hire and replace  investment  advisers or to
                  modify  investment  advisory  agreements  without  shareholder
                  approval (all Portfolios)


         5.       To  adopt  uniform  policies   concerning   borrowing  by  the
                  Portfolios (all Portfolios)

          6.   To amend a fundamental policy concerning  investments in illiquid
               securities and to make the policy  non-fundamental  (Dreyfus U.S.
               Government Securities Portfolio only)

         7. To elect  the  named  individuals  as  Trustees  of the  Trust  (all

         8.       To ratify the  selection  of Ernst & Young LLP as  independent
                  auditors of the Trust (all Portfolios)

         9.       To transact  such other  business as may properly  come before
                  the Special Meeting or any adjournment thereof.

         The Board of Trustees  has fixed the close of business on April 2, 1999
as the record date for  determination of shareholders  entitled to notice of and
to vote at the Special Meeting.

                                   By order of the Board of Trustees

                                   Pamela Shelton

April 19, 1999



                                       INSTRUCTIONS FOR SIGNING PROXY CARDS

         The  following  general  rules  for  signing  proxy  cards  may  be  of
assistance  to you and  avoid the time and  expense  to the  Trust  involved  in
validating your vote if you fail to sign your proxy card properly.

          1.   Individual Accounts:  Sign your name exactly as it appears in the
               registration on the proxy card.

         2.       Joint  Accounts:  Either  party may sign,  but the name of the
                  party signing should conform  exactly to the name shown in the
                  registration on the proxy card.

         3.       All Other Accounts: The capacity of the individual signing the
                  proxy card should be  indicated  unless it is reflected in the
                  form of registration. For example:

         Registration                                           Valid Signature

         Corporate Accounts

         (1)      ABC Corp. . . . . . . . . . . . . .ABC Corp.
         (2)      ABC Corp. . . . . . . . . . . . . .John Doe, Treasurer
         (3)      ABC Corp.
                  c/o John Doe, Treasurer . . . . . .John Doe
         (4)      ABC Corp. Profit Sharing Plan .    John Doe, Trustee

         Trust Accounts

         (1)      ABC Trust . . . . . . . . . . .  . Jane B. Doe, Trustee
         (2)      Jane B. Doe, Trustee
                  u/t/d 12/28/78 . . . . . . . . . . Jane B. Doe

         Custodial or Estate Accounts

         (1)      John B. Smith, Cust.
                  f/b/o John B. Smith, Jr. UGMA .   John B. Smith
         (2)      Estate of John B. Smith . . . . . John B. Smith, Jr., Executor


                                         INSTRUCTIONS FOR TELEPHONE VOTING

To vote your proxy by  telephone  follow the four easy  steps  below.  Or if you
prefer you may send back your signed proxy  ballot in the postage paid  envelope

1.       Read the accompanying proxy information and ballot.

2. Identify the twelve-digit  "CONTROL NO." in the middle portion of your ballot
on the left hand side.  This control number is the key to casting your vote over
the telephone.

3. Dial [ ].

4. Follow the simple instructions.


                                               ENDEAVOR SERIES TRUST

                                        Endeavor Asset Allocation Portfolio
                                          Endeavor Money Market Portfolio
                                    T. Rowe Price International Stock Portfolio
                                          Endeavor Value Equity Portfolio
                                         Dreyfus Small Cap Value Portfolio
                                   Dreyfus U.S. Government Securities Portfolio
                                       T. Rowe Price Equity Income Portfolio
                                       T. Rowe Price Growth Stock Portfolio
                                       Endeavor Opportunity Value Portfolio
                                         Endeavor Enhanced Index Portfolio
                                           Endeavor Select 50 Portfolio
                                           Endeavor High Yield Portfolio

                                              2101 East Coast Highway
                                                     Suite 300
                                         Corona del Mar, California 92625

                                          SPECIAL MEETING OF SHAREHOLDERS
                                                   May 27, 1999

                                                  PROXY STATEMENT

         This Proxy Statement is furnished in connection  with the  solicitation
of proxies by the Board of Trustees of Endeavor  Series Trust (the  "Trust") for
each of twelve Portfolios (the  "Portfolios") of the Trust, for use at a Special
Meeting of Shareholders of the Portfolios to be held at 10:00 a.m.  Pacific Time
on May 27, 1999 at the Four Seasons  Hotel,  690 Newport  Center Drive,  Newport
Beach,  California  92660,  and  any  adjournments  thereof  (collectively,  the
"Special  Meeting").  A notice of the Special Meeting and a proxy card accompany
this  Proxy  Statement.  This Proxy  Statement  and the  accompanying  Notice of
Special  Meeting and proxy card(s) are first being mailed to  shareholders on or
about April 19, 1999. In addition to solicitations of proxies by mail, beginning
on or about May 14, 1999,  proxy  solicitations  may also be made by  telephone,
telegraph or personal  interviews  conducted  by officers of the Trust;  regular
employees of Endeavor Management Co., the Trust's manager (the "Manager"); First
Data Investor Services Group,  Inc. ("First Data"), 53 State Street,  Boston, MA
02109,  a subsidiary  of First Data  Corporation,  the Trust's  transfer  agent;
Shareholders  Communication  Corporation,  the Trust's proxy solicitor; or other
representatives  of the  Trust.  The  costs  of  solicitation  and the  expenses
incurred in connection  with preparing  this Proxy  Statement and its enclosures
will be shared equally by the Trust and Endeavor Management Co. The Trust's most
recent  annual  report is available  upon request  without  charge by writing or
calling  the Trust at 2101 East Coast  Highway,  Suite 300,  Corona del Mar,  CA
92625 or 1-800-854-8393.


         If the enclosed  proxy is properly  executed and returned in time to be
voted at the  Special  Meeting,  the shares of  beneficial  interest  ("Shares")
represented  by the  proxy  will be voted in  accordance  with the  instructions
marked therein.  Unless instructions to the contrary are marked on the proxy, it
will be voted FOR the  matters  listed  in the  accompanying  Notice of  Special
Meeting of Shareholders.  Any shareholder who has given a proxy has the right to
revoke it at any time prior to its  exercise  either by  attending  the  Special
Meeting  and voting his or her Shares in person,  or by  submitting  a letter of
revocation or a later-dated proxy to the Trust at the above address prior to the
date of the Special Meeting.

         If a quorum is not  present at the Special  Meeting,  or if a quorum is
present but  sufficient  votes to approve each  proposal are not  received,  the
persons  named as proxies on the  enclosed  proxy card may  propose  one or more
adjournments of the Special  Meeting to permit further  solicitation of proxies.
In determining whether to adjourn the Special Meeting, the following factors may
be  considered:  the nature of the proposals that are the subject of the Special
Meeting, the percentage of votes actually cast, the percentage of negative votes
actually cast, the nature of any further  solicitation and the information to be
provided to shareholders with respect to the reasons for the  solicitation.  Any
adjournment  will  require the  affirmative  vote of a majority of those  Shares
represented at the Special Meeting in person or by proxy. A shareholder vote may
be taken on one or more of the  proposals in this Proxy  Statement  prior to any
such adjournment if sufficient votes have been received for approval.  Under the
Trust's  Agreement  and  Declaration  of Trust  dated  November  18,  1988  (the
"Declaration of Trust"), a quorum of shareholders is constituted by the presence
in person or by proxy of the holders of a majority of the outstanding  Shares of
the Trust entitled to vote at the Special Meeting.

         The Board of Trustees  has fixed the close of business on April 2, 1999
as the record date (the "Record Date") for the  determination of shareholders of
the  Portfolios  entitled to notice of and to vote at the Special  Meeting.  The
number of shares of each  Portfolio  outstanding on the Record Date is set forth
in Exhibit A.

         PFL Life Insurance  Company ("PFL Life") and its affiliates,  AUSA Life
Insurance Company, Inc. ("AUSA Life") and Peoples Benefit Life Insurance Company
("Peoples")  are the owners of all of the Shares of each  Portfolio  and as such
have the right to vote upon certain  matters that are required by the Investment
Company Act of 1940, as amended (the "1940 Act"),  to be approved or ratified by
the  shareholders  and to vote upon any other matter that may be voted upon at a
shareholders'  meeting.  Each of PFL Life,  AUSA Life, and Peoples will vote the
Shares of each Portfolio for the owners of the variable  annuities  issued by it
(the  "Contracts")  in  accordance  with  instructions  received from the policy
owners.  Interests in Contracts  for which no timely  instructions  are received
will be voted in  proportion to the  instructions  which are received from other
Contract  owners.  PFL Life, AUSA Life, and Peoples will also vote any shares in
separate  accounts that they own and which are not  attributable to Contracts in
the same proportion.  Each full Share is entitled to one vote and any fractional
Share is entitled to a fractional vote.

         As of April 19,  1999,  the officers and the Trustees of the Trust as a
group beneficially owned less than 1% of the Shares of each Portfolio.


         In order that your Shares may be  represented  at the Special  Meeting,
you are requested to:

         --       indicate your instructions on the enclosed proxy card;

         --       date and sign the proxy card;

          --   mail the proxy card  promptly  in the  enclosed  envelope,  which
               requires no postage if mailed in the United States; and

          --   allow  sufficient  time for the proxy card to be  received  on or
               before 10:00 a.m.
                  Pacific Time on May 27, 1999.

         You  may  also  fax  your   completed   and   signed   proxy   card  to
________________  or you may  vote by  telephone.  Instructions  for  voting  by
telephone appear immediately after the Notice of Special Meeting at the front of
this proxy statement.

         For ease of reference,  the  following  table lists the proposals to be
acted on by the  shareholders of the Portfolios,  and indicates which Portfolios
are eligible to vote on each proposal:

Proposal                                  Description                                       Series Affected

(1)             The consideration of an amendment to the management             All Portfolios except Endeavor
                agreement between the Trust and the Manager.                    Select 50 Portfolio and Endeavor
                                                                                High Yield Portfolio
(2)             The consideration of a new management agreement                 All Portfolios
                between the Trust and the Manager.
(3)             The consideration of a new investment advisory agreement        All Portfolios
                between the Manager and each Portfolio's investment
(4)             The consideration of a proposal to permit the Manager to        All Portfolios
                hire and replace investment advisers or to modify
                investment advisory agreements without shareholder
(5)             The consideration of a proposal to adopt uniform policies       All Portfolios
                concerning borrowing by the Portfolios.
(6)             The consideration of a proposal to amend a fundamental          Dreyfus U.S. Government
                policy concerning investments in illiquid securities and to     Securities Portfolio only
                make the policy non-fundamental.
(7)             The consideration of a proposal to elect the named              All Portfolios
                individuals as Trustees of the Trust.
(8)             The consideration of a proposal to ratify the selection of      All Portfolios
                Ernst & Young LLP as independent auditors of the Trust.


                                       PROPOSAL 1

                             ENDEAVOR HIGH YIELD PORTFOLIO)

                                 SUMMARY OF THE PROPOSAL

         The Manager  currently  provides  investment  advisory services to each
Portfolio of the Trust under a management agreement dated November 23, 1992, and
amended January 28, 1998, (as amended, the "Current Management Agreement").  The
Manager,  2101 East Coast Highway,  Suite 300, Corona del Mar, California 92625,
has overall responsibility for the general management and administration of each
Portfolio.  The Manager  selects the  investment  adviser for each Portfolio and
monitors each investment  adviser's  investment  program.  Out of the management
fees it receives under the Current  Management  Agreement,  the Manager pays the
fees  of  the  investment   advisers  and  also  pays  certain  of  the  Trust's
administrative expenses.

         At the meeting, shareholders of each Portfolio will be asked to approve
an amendment to the Current Management  Agreement (the "Amendment")  between the
Trust and the Manager with respect to each Portfolio.  Under the Amendment,  the
Manager  would  have  the  same  responsibilities  and  would  receive  the same
management  fee from each Portfolio as under the Current  Management  Agreement.
However,  each Portfolio would be responsible for its proportionate share of the
Trust's administrative expenses.

         A copy of the  Management  Agreement  marked to indicate  the  proposed
Amendment  as well as the other  changes  described  under  "Proposal  2 - Other
Information"  is attached to this Proxy  Statement  as Exhibit B. The  following
description  of the Current  Management  Agreement  and the  Amendment is only a
summary.  You should  refer to  Exhibit B for the  complete  Current  Management
Agreement and the Amendment.

         At a meeting of the Trustees of the Trust held on March 24,  1999,  the
Trustees present,  including all Trustees who are not "interested  persons" (the
"Independent  Trustees")  of the  Trust  or the  Manager,  unanimously  voted to
approve the  Amendment  and to recommend  that  shareholders  of each  Portfolio
approve the Amendment.


     The  Trust  is a  series-type  mutual  fund  that is  registered  with  the
Securities  and  Exchange  Commission  as an  open-end,  diversified  management
investment  company.  The Trust currently has twelve portfolios:  Endeavor Asset
Allocation   Portfolio,   Endeavor  Money  Market   Portfolio,   T.  Rowe  Price
International Stock Portfolio, Endeavor Value Equity Portfolio, Dreyfus Small


Cap Value Portfolio, Dreyfus U.S. Government Securities Portfolio, T. Rowe Price
Equity Income Portfolio,  T. Rowe Price Growth Portfolio,  Endeavor  Opportunity
Value Portfolio, Endeavor Enhanced Index Portfolio, Endeavor Select 50 Portfolio
and  Endeavor  High  Yield  Portfolio.  The  assets of each  Portfolio  are held
separate from the assets of the other Portfolios, and each Portfolio has its own
distinct  investment  objectives  and  policies.  Each  Portfolio  operates as a
separate  investment fund, and the income,  losses, or expenses of one Portfolio
generally have no effect on the investment performance of any other Portfolio.

         Under  the  Current  Management  Agreement,  the  Manager  has  overall
supervisory  responsibility  for the general  management  and  investment of the
Portfolios'  assets and for the general  administration  and  management  of the
Trust. As authorized by the Current  Management  Agreement,  the Manager selects
and contracts with an investment adviser for investment services for each of the
Portfolios  and reviews the adviser's  activities.  Currently,  nine  investment
advisers  (the  "Advisers")  each  perform  investment   advisory  services  for
particular  Portfolios  of the Trust.  The  Manager  pays each  Adviser  for its
services a portion of the  management  fee the Manager  receives with respect to
the Portfolio.  None of the Advisers is an affiliate of the Manager. The Manager
is also  permitted  to hire third  parties to assist  the  Manager in  providing
administrative  services,  and the  Manager has  retained  First Data to provide
certain services,  including certain accounting and bookkeeping services and the
preparation of shareholder reports,  governmental  reports, and tax returns. The
Manager  pays First Data's fees and  expenses,  except that  Endeavor  Select 50
Portfolio and Endeavor High Yield  Portfolio  each reimburse the Manager for the
Portfolio's allocable share of First Data's fees and expenses.

The Proposed Amendment

         The Manager  requested that the Trust's  Trustees  consider a change to
the Current  Management  Agreement to provide that each Portfolio will reimburse
the Manager for the Portfolio's  proportionate  share of the administrative fees
charged by First Data. At a meeting held March 24, 1999,  the Trustees  present,
including all of the Trustees who are not  "interested  persons" of the Trust or
the Manager (the "Independent Trustees"),  voted to approve the Amendment, which
changes the Current Management  Agreement only with respect to the reimbursement
of administrative fees charged by a third party administrator.

         The Trustees  considered a number of factors in making their  decision.
First, the Manager  represented that it is customary in the mutual fund industry
for an investment  company,  and not its investment adviser, to pay the fees and
expenses of third party service providers other than investment advisers. At the
time the Trust was  organized,  the Manager  agreed to pay these  administrative
expenses in order to keep the  Portfolios'  expense  ratios  down.  Now that the
Trust  has  increased  in  assets,   the  Manager  has   represented   that  the
implementation  of the  Amendment  would  generally  increase  each  Portfolio's
expense  ratio by  approximately  0.04% to 0.05%  (that is,  four-hundredths  to
five-hundredths  of one percent) of net assets.  The  following  table shows (1)
each Portfolio's expenses, as a percentage of average net assets, for the fiscal
year ended December 31, 1998; (2) each  Portfolio's  estimated  expenses for the
fiscal year ending December 31, 1999 under the Current Management Agreement; and
(3) on a pro forma basis, what each


Portfolio's  estimated expenses would be for the fiscal year ending December 31,
1999 if the  Amendment  were in effect.  This table  does not  reflect  separate
account expenses.

Portfolio                    Current Management Agreement                    Under the Proposed Amendment
                            Based on 1998 Actual Expenses                  Based on 1999 Estimated Expenses

                        Mgmt.      Other          Total        Mgmt.        Other        Proposed Cost     Total
                        Fee        Expenses       Expenses     Fee          Expenses     Adjustment(1)     Expenses
Endeavor Money
Market Portfolio        .50%       .10%           .60%         .50%         .05%         .04%              .59%
Endeavor Enhanced
Index Portfolio         .75%       .35%           1.10%        .75%         .15%         .05%              .95%
Opportunity Value
Portfolio               .80%       .18%           .98%         .80%         .10%         .05%              .95%
Endeavor Allocation
Portfolio               .75%       .03%           .78%         .75%         .03%         .04%              .82%
Endeavor Value
Equity Portfolio        .80%       .04%           .84%         .80%         .04%         .04%              .88%
Dreyfus Small Cap
Value Portfolio         .80%       .06%           .86%         .80%         .06%         .05%              .91%
Dreyfus U.S.
Securities Portfolio    .65%       .07%           .72%         .65%         .07%         .05%              .77%
T. Rowe Price
Equity Income
Portfolio               .80%       .05%           .85%         .80%         .05%         .04%              .89%
T. Rowe Price
Growth Stock
Portfolio               .80%       .07%           .87%         .80%         .05%         .05%              .90%
T. Rowe Price
International Stock
Portfolio               .90%       .08%           .98%         .90%         .05%         .05%              1.00%

(1) The Proposed Cost Adjustment is each Portfolio's annual reimbursement to the
Manager  of the  Portfolio's  portion  of the  administrative  fees  paid by the
Manager to First Data determined as a percentage of average daily net assets.

Second,  the Trustees reviewed the management fees and total operating  expenses
of comparable  funds. The Trustees noted that the Manager's  management fees are
competitive  with the fees  charged to other  comparable  mutual funds and that,
even  after the  Amendment,  the  Portfolios'  total  operating  expenses  would
generally  be less than the  average of total  operating  expenses  incurred  by
comparable funds.  Third, the Trustees considered the level of services provided
by the Manager and the profitability of the Current Management  Agreement to the
Manager.  In  this  connection,  the  Manager  represented  that  its  costs  of
performing  services for the Trust have risen because it has increased the level
of resources dedicated to its management of the Trust's activities. The Trustees
also considered such other factors as they deemed relevant.


Summary of the Current Management Agreement and the Amendment

         The Current Management  Agreement provides that the Manager has overall
supervisory  responsibility  for the general  management  and investment of each
Portfolio's assets and has full investment discretion with respect to the assets
of any Portfolio not then being managed by an Adviser.  The Manager is expressly
authorized to delegate day-to-day  investment management of a Portfolio's assets
to another investment adviser.

         The  Current  Management   Agreement  provides  that  Manager  is  also
responsible  for providing  the Trust with office  facilities,  statistical  and
research data, data processing  services,  clerical,  accounting and bookkeeping
services and for  preparation of  shareholder  reports,  tax returns,  and other
government  filings.  The Manager is authorized to hire third parties to provide
any of these services.

         The Current Management Agreement provides that the Manager will be paid
a fee with respect to each Portfolio based on that Portfolio's average daily net
assets. The amount of the management fee varies among the Portfolios, but is the
same for each  Portfolio  under both the Current  Management  Agreement  and the
Amendment.  The  management  fee in effect for each  Portfolio and the aggregate
amount of compensation  paid to the Manager by each Portfolio during the Trust's
fiscal year ended December 31, 1998 is set forth below.

        Portfolio                    Management Fee              Aggregate Management Fee Paid During Fiscal
                                 (as a % of net assets)                 Year Ended December 31, 1998

Endeavor Money
Market Portfolio          .50%                                  $387,793
Endeavor Asset
Allocation Portfolio      .75%                                  $2,449,659
T. Rowe Price
International Stock
Portfolio                 .90%                                  $1,603,389
Endeavor Value Equity
Portfolio                 .80%                                  $1,901,572
Dreyfus Small Cap
Value Portfolio           .80%                                  $1,207,617
Dreyfus U.S.
Government Securities
Portfolio                 .65%                                  $422,963
T. Rowe Price Equity
Income Portfolio          .80%                                  $1,866,844
T. Rowe Price Growth
Stock Portfolio           .80%                                  $1,255,157
Endeavor Opportunity
Value Portfolio           .80%                                  $303,103


        Portfolio                    Management Fee              Aggregate Management Fee Paid During Fiscal
Endeavor Enhanced
Index Portfolio           .75%                                  $30,074

         The Current  Management  Agreement  provides  that,  for any  Portfolio
commencing  operations  after  January 28, 1998  (including,  to date,  Endeavor
Select 50 Portfolio  and Endeavor  High Yield  Portfolio),  the  Portfolio  will
reimburse the Manager for the Portfolio's  proportionate share of administrative
expenses  incurred  under an  administration  agreement  between the Manager and
First Data.  The Amendment  would provide for the same level of management  fees
for each Portfolio,  but would make all Portfolios of the Trust  responsible for
their   proportionate   share  of  administrative   expenses  charged  under  an
administration  agreement  with First Data.  Because the Manager  currently pays
these  expenses for all  Portfolios  except  Endeavor  Select 50  Portfolio  and
Endeavor High Yield Portfolio the effect of the change would be to increase by a
small amount the expenses of the affected Portfolios.

         The Current Management Agreement provides that the Trust is responsible
for all expenses other than those expressly assumed by the Manager. The Trust is
responsible for, among other things, (1) the Manager's fees; (2) legal and audit
expenses;  (3) fees for  registration  of Trust Shares;  (4) fees of the Trust's
transfer agent, registrar, custodian, dividend disbursing agent, and shareholder
servicing agent; (5) taxes; (6) brokerage and other  transaction  expenses;  (7)
interest  expenses;  (8) expenses of shareholders  and Trustees'  meetings;  (9)
printing of share certificates and prospectuses; (10) mailing of prospectuses to
existing  Trust  shareholders;  (11)  insurance  premiums;  (12)  charges  of an
independent  pricing  service;   (13)  expenses  related  to  the  purchase  and
redemption of Trust shares; and (14) nonrecurring expenses,  such as the cost of

         The  Current  Management  Agreement  provides  that the  Manager is not
liable for its acts or omissions  under the  agreement,  but that the Manager is
not protected against liability arising out of its own willful misfeasance,  bad
faith, or gross negligence in the performance of its duties.

         The Current Management  Agreement provides (1) that it will continue in
effect  with  respect  to each  Portfolio  for a period  of two  years  from its
effective date and thereafter from year to year if approved at least annually by
a majority vote of the shares of the Portfolio or a majority of the Trustees and
by a majority of the Independent  Trustees;  (2) that it may be terminated as to
any Portfolio,  without penalty, by the Trustees or by the vote of a majority of
the outstanding  shares of a Portfolio upon 60 days' prior written  notice;  (3)
that it may be terminated by the Manager on 90 days' prior written notice to the
Trust;  and  (4)  that it  will  terminate  automatically  in the  event  of its
"assignment" as such term is defined in the 1940 Act.

Portfolio Transactions


         Subject to the  supervision and control of the Manager and the Trustees
of the Trust,  each Portfolio's  Adviser is responsible for decisions to buy and
sell securities for its account and for the placement of its portfolio  business
and the negotiation of commissions, if any, paid on such transactions. Brokerage
commissions are paid on transactions in equity securities traded on a securities
exchange and on options,  futures  contracts and options  thereon.  Fixed income
securities  and certain  equity  securities in which the  Portfolios  invest are
traded in the over-the-counter  market. These securities are generally traded on
a net basis with  dealers  acting as principal  for their own account  without a
stated  commission,  although prices of such securities usually include a profit
to the dealer. In over-the-counter transactions, orders are placed directly with
a principal  market maker unless a better price and execution can be obtained by
using a broker. In underwritten offerings, securities are usually purchased at a
fixed  price  which  includes  an  amount  of  compensation  to the  underwriter
generally referred to as the underwriter's concession or discount. Certain money
market  securities  may be purchased  directly from an issuer,  in which case no
commissions  or discounts are paid.  U.S.  government  securities  are generally
purchased from  underwriters  or dealers,  although  certain  newly-issued  U.S.
government  securities may be purchased  directly from the U.S. Treasury or from
the issuing agency or  instrumentality.  Each Portfolio's Adviser is responsible
for effecting its portfolio  transactions and will do so in a manner deemed fair
and  reasonable to the  Portfolio and not according to any formula.  The primary
consideration in all portfolio  transactions  will be prompt execution of orders
in an efficient  manner at a favorable  price. In selecting  broker-dealers  and
negotiating  commissions,  an  Adviser  considers  the firm's  reliability,  the
quality  of its  execution  services  on a  continuing  basis and its  financial
condition.  When  more  than  one  firm  is  believed  to meet  these  criteria,
preference may be given to brokers that provide the Portfolios or their Advisers
with brokerage and research  services within the meaning of Section 28(e) of the
Securities  Exchange  Act of 1934.  Each  Portfolio's  Adviser is of the opinion
that,  because this material must be analyzed and reviewed,  its receipt and use
does not tend to reduce expenses but may benefit the Portfolio by  supplementing
the  Adviser's  research.  In seeking  the most  favorable  price and  execution
available,  an Adviser may, if permitted by law, consider sales of the Contracts
as  described  in  the  Trust's   prospectus  a  factor  in  the   selection  of

         An  Adviser  may effect  portfolio  transactions  for other  investment
companies and advisory  accounts.  Research services furnished by broker-dealers
through which a Portfolio effects its securities transactions may be used by the
Portfolio's Adviser in servicing all of its accounts;  not all such services may
be used in connection with the Portfolio.  In the opinion of each Adviser, it is
not possible to measure  separately the benefits from research  services to each
of its accounts,  including a Portfolio.  Whenever concurrent decisions are made
to  purchase  or  sell  securities  by a  Portfolio  and  another  account,  the
Portfolio's  Adviser will attempt to allocate equitably  portfolio  transactions
among the Portfolio and other accounts.  In making such allocations  between the
Portfolio  and  other  accounts,  the  main  factors  to be  considered  are the
respective investment objectives, the relative size of portfolio holdings of the
same or comparable securities, the availability of cash for investment, the size
of  investment  commitments  generally  held,  and the  opinions  of the persons
responsible  for  recommending  investments  to  the  Portfolio  and  the  other
accounts.  In some  cases  this  procedure  could  have an  adverse  effect on a
Portfolio.  In the  opinion  of  each  Adviser,  however,  the  results  of such
procedures will, on the whole, be in the best interest of each of the accounts.


         The Advisers to the Endeavor Money Market,  Endeavor Asset  Allocation,
T. Rowe Price  International  Stock, T. Rowe Price Equity Income,  T. Rowe Price
Growth Stock,  Endeavor  Enhanced  Index and Endeavor  Select 50 Portfolios  may
execute  portfolio  transactions  through certain of their  affiliated  brokers,
acting as agent in accordance with  procedures  established by the Trust's Board
of Trustees, but will not purchase any securities from or sell any securities to
any such affiliate acting as principal for its own account.

         For the year ended December 31, 1998,  Endeavor Money Market  Portfolio
and Endeavor High Yield  Portfolio did not pay any brokerage  commissions  while
the Endeavor Asset Allocation  Portfolio paid $699,420 in brokerage  commissions
of which $288 (0.04%) was paid to Morgan  Stanley & Co., Inc. For the year ended
December 31, 1998, T. Rowe Price International  Stock Portfolio,  Endeavor Value
Equity  Portfolio and Dreyfus Small Cap Value Portfolio paid $121,001,  $142,104
and $889,611,  respectively,  in brokerage  commissions of which $1,917 (1.58%),
$10,301  (8.51%) and $759 (0.63%)  with  respect to T. Rowe Price  International
Stock  Portfolio was paid to Robert Fleming  Holdings  Limited,  Jardine Fleming
Group Limited, and Ord Minnett Securities Ltd., respectively. For the year ended
December  31,  1998,  T. Rowe Price Equity  Income  Portfolio  and T. Rowe Price
Growth Stock  Portfolio  paid $122,431 and $21,866,  respectively,  in brokerage
commissions  of which $2,964  (1.37%) with respect to T. Rowe Price Growth Stock
Portfolio  was paid to  Robert  Fleming  Holdings  Limited.  For the year  ended
December  31, 1998,  Dreyfus  U.S.  Government  Securities  Portfolio,  Endeavor
Opportunity  Value Portfolio and Endeavor Enhanced Index Portfolio paid $67,575,
$43,947 and $46,321, respectively, in brokerage commissions. For the fiscal year
ended December 31, 1998, Endeavor Select 50 Portfolio paid $177,608 in brokerage
commissions of which $1,356 (0.76%) was paid to Montgomery Securities, Inc.

Brokerage Enhancement Plan

         The Board of Trustees of the Trust,  including  all of the  Independent
Trustees,  and each  Portfolio's  shareholders,  have voted to adopt a Brokerage
Enhancement Plan (the "Plan") for the purpose of utilizing the Trust's brokerage
commissions,  to the extent  available,  to promote the sale and distribution of
the Trust's shares. Neither the Trust nor any series of the Trust, including the
Portfolios,  will incur any new fees or charges.  As part of the Plan, the Trust
and Endeavor  Group (the  "Distributor"),  2101 East Coast  Highway,  Suite 300,
Corona del Mar,  California 92625,  have entered into a Distribution  Agreement.
Under the Distribution  Agreement,  the Distributor is the principal underwriter
of the Trust,  with  responsibility  for  promoting  sales of the shares of each

         The Distributor,  however, does not receive any additional compensation
from the  Trust for  performing  this  function.  Instead,  under the Plan,  the
Manager is authorized to direct that the  investment  adviser of each  Portfolio
effect   brokerage   transactions  in  portfolio   securities   through  certain
broker-dealers, consistent with each investment adviser's obligations to achieve
best price and execution. It is anticipated that these broker-dealers will agree
that a percentage of the  commission  will be directed to the  Distributor.  The
Distributor  will use a part of these  directed  commissions to defray legal and
administrative  costs associated with implementation of the Plan. These expenses
are expected to be minimal. The remainder of the commissions received by the


Distributor will be used to finance activities principally intended to result in
the sale of shares of the Portfolios.  These activities will include: holding or
participating  in seminars  and sales  meetings  designed to promote the sale of
Trust  shares;  paying  marketing  fees  requested  by  broker-dealers  who sell
Contracts;  training sales personnel;  compensating  broker-dealers and/or their
registered  representatives in connection with the allocation of cash values and
premiums of the Contracts to the Trust; printing and mailing Trust prospectuses,
statements of additional  information,  and  shareholder  reports to prospective
Contract holders; and creating and mailing advertising and sales literature.

         The Distributor is obligated to use all of the funds directed to it for
distribution  expenses,  except  for a small  amount  to be used to  defray  the
incidental costs associated with  implementation of the Plan.  Accordingly,  the
Distributor will not make any profit from the operation of the Plan.

         Both the Plan and the  Distribution  Agreement  provide:  (A) that they
will be subject to annual approval by the Trustees and the Independent Trustees;
(B) that any person  authorized to make payments under the Plan or  Distribution
Agreement must provide the Trustees a quarterly  written report of payments made
and the purpose of the payments; (C) that the Plan may be terminated at any time
by the vote of a majority of the Independent Trustees; (D) that the Distribution
Agreement may be terminated  without penalty at any time by a vote of a majority
of the Independent Trustees or, as to a Portfolio,  by vote of a majority of the
outstanding  securities  of the  Portfolio  on not more  than 60  days'  written
notice;  and (E) that the Distribution  Agreement  terminates if it is assigned.
The Plan may not be amended to  increase  materially  the amount to be spent for
distribution without shareholder approval, and all material Plan amendments must
be approved by a vote of the Independent  Trustees.  In addition,  the selection
and nomination of the Independent  Trustees must be committed to the Independent

         For the year ended  December  31,  1998,  the  Distributor  received an
aggregate of $229,911 pursuant to the Plan, $32,000 of which was utilized to pay
the  costs  of  seminars  and  sales  meetings  and the  mailings  of  marketing

Other Information

         The Current Management Agreement with respect to Endeavor Money Market,
Endeavor Asset Allocation and T. Rowe Price  International  Stock Portfolios was
approved  by  the  Trustees  of the  Trust  (including  all  of the  Independent
Trustees) on July 20, 1992, and by the shareholders of the Trust on November 23,
1992.  With  respect  to  Endeavor  Value  Equity  and  Dreyfus  Small Cap Value
Portfolios, the Current Management Agreement was approved by the Trustees of the
Trust  (including all of the Independent  Trustees) on April 19, 1993 and by PFL
Life, the sole  shareholder of Endeavor Value Equity and Dreyfus Small Cap Value
Portfolios,  on  April  19,  1993.  With  respect  to  Dreyfus  U.S.  Government
Securities  Portfolio,  the Current  Management  Agreement  was  approved by the
Trustees of the Trust (including all of the Independent Trustees) on January 24,
1994 and by PFL Life, the sole shareholder of Dreyfus U.S. Government Securities
Portfolio,  on March 7, 1994. With respect to T. Rowe Price Equity Income and T.
Rowe Price  Growth  Stock  Portfolios,  the  Current  Management  Agreement  was
approved by the


Trustees of the Trust (including all of the Independent Trustees) on October 24,
1994 and by PFL Life, the sole shareholder of T. Rowe Price Equity Income and T.
Rowe Price Growth  Stock  Portfolios,  on November 1, 1994.  With respect to the
Endeavor  Opportunity Value and Endeavor Enhanced Index Portfolios,  the Current
Management Agreement was approved by the Trustees of the Trust (including all of
the  Independent  Trustees)  on  August  13,  1996  and by PFL  Life,  the  sole
shareholder  of  Endeavor   Opportunity   Value  and  Endeavor   Enhanced  Index
Portfolios, on August 26, 1996.

         On November 17, 1998,  the Trustees,  including all of the  Independent
Trustees  present,  approved a Transfer and Assumption of Management  Agreement,
pursuant  to which  Endeavor  Management  Co.  assumed the  responsibilities  of
Endeavor  Investment Advisers effective December 31, 1998. This change reflected
the fact that Endeavor Investment  Advisers,  a California general  partnership,
was dissolved  effective December 31, 1998. Endeavor Management Company had been
the  managing  general  partner and the holder of a majority of the  partnership
interests of Endeavor Investment Advisers.

         Vincent J. McGuinness,  together with his family members and trusts for
the  benefit  of his  family  members,  currently  owns  all  of  the  Manager's
outstanding common stock. The directors and principal  executive officers of the
Manager,  along with the principal  occupation of each, are set forth in Exhibit
C. The address of the Manager and each  officer and  director is 2101 East Coast
Highway, Corona del Mar, California 92625.

                                                   REQUIRED VOTE

         Approval of the  Amendment  to the Current  Management  Agreement  with
respect to a  Portfolio  requires  the  affirmative  vote of a  majority  of the
outstanding  voting securities of the Portfolio.  Under the 1940 Act, a majority
of a Portfolio's  outstanding  voting securities is defined as the lesser of (1)
67% of the outstanding shares represented at a meeting at which more than 50% of
the Portfolio's outstanding shares are present in person or represented by proxy
or (2)  more  than  50% of the  Portfolio's  outstanding  voting  securities  (a
"Majority  Vote").  If the Amendment is not approved by the  shareholders of the
Portfolios, Endeavor Management Co. would continue as Manager of the Trust under
the terms of the Current Management Agreement without such Amendment.


                                              PROPOSAL 2


The Proposed Acquisition


         On February 24, 1999,  AUSA Holding Company  ("AUSA"),  an affiliate of
PFL Life, and the Manager  entered into a non-binding  Letter of Intent pursuant
to which 100% of the  outstanding  common shares of the Manager will be acquired
by AUSA (the "Acquisition").  It is anticipated that the parties will enter into
a definitive  Purchase and Sale  Agreement on or about April 30, 1999,  and that
the  closing  of the  Acquisition  will  occur on or about May 31,  1999.  If no
definitive Purchase and Sale Agreement is entered into, the Acquisition will not
occur.  If a definitive  Purchase  and Sale  Agreement  is entered  into,  it is
anticipated  that the  closing  of the  Acquisition  will be  subject to certain
conditions.  One of  those  conditions  is  approval  by  shareholders  of  each
Portfolio of a new management agreement (the "New Management Agreement") between
the Trust,  on behalf of each  Portfolio,  and the Manager.  The New  Management
Agreement is substantially identical to the Trust's Current Management Agreement
except for the dates of execution,  effectiveness, and termination. In addition,
if shareholders of each Portfolio  approve  Proposal 1 (to adopt an Amendment to
the Current Management Contract),  the New Management Agreement will incorporate
the substance of the Amendment.

Description of the Manager

         The Manager is a California corporation.  All of the outstanding common
stock of the Manager is owned by Vincent J. McGuinness, together with his family
members  and trusts for the benefit of his family  members.  The  directors  and
principal executive officers of the Manager, along with the principal occupation
of each, are set forth in Exhibit C. The address of the Manager and each officer
and director is 2101 East Coast Highway, Corona del Mar, California 92625.

Description of AUSA

         AUSA is a  Maryland  corporation  incorporated  in 1986  under the name
"Monumental Corporation." It became a wholly owned subsidiary of AEGON USA, Inc.
in 1988.  AUSA is an  affiliate of PFL Life through  common  indirect  ownership
under AEGON USA, Inc. AUSA conducts  substantially all of its operations through
subsidiary companies engaged in providing  non-insurance financial services that
support the insurance operations of its affiliates. All of the outstanding stock
of AEGON USA, Inc. is indirectly owned by AEGON N.V. of the Netherlands.

1940 Act Considerations

         Section  15(a) of the 1940 Act  prohibits any person from serving as an
investment  adviser to a  registered  investment  company  except  pursuant to a
written  contract that has been approved by the  shareholders  of the investment
company.  Section  15(a) also  provides  that any such  advisory  contract  must
terminate  on its  "assignment"  and that a change in control of the  investment
adviser  constitutes an  "assignment."  Consequently,  the  consummation  of the
Acquisition will cause the Current Management  Agreement to terminate.  In order
for the  Manager  to  continue  to serve as  investment  adviser  to the  Trust,
shareholders of each Portfolio must approve the New Management Agreement.


Comparison of the Current Management Agreement and the New Management Agreement

         A  description  of the  Current  Management  Agreement  is set forth at
"Summary of the Current  Management  Agreement and the Amendment" under Proposal
1. The New Management Agreement contains  substantially  identical provisions as
the Current Management  Agreement except for its execution date, effective date,
and termination date. In addition,  if the Amendment  described under Proposal 1
is approved by shareholders  of each  Portfolio,  the substance of the Amendment
will be  incorporated  into the New  Management  Agreement.  The New  Management
Agreement  would also be restated to  incorporate  other changes which appear in
various  supplements  to the Current  Management  Agreement.  The New Management
Agreement  would also  reflect the fact that  Endeavor  Investment  Advisers,  a
California general  partnership,  was dissolved effective December 31, 1998, and
its duties  under the  Current  Management  Agreement  were  assumed by Endeavor
Management Co., which had been the managing  general partner and the holder of a
majority of the partnership interests of Endeavor Investment Advisers.

         If approved by the  shareholders of each Portfolio,  the New Management
Agreement  will be executed  and become  effective  on the  Closing  Date of the
Acquisition (currently scheduled for May 31, 1999).

Recommendation of the Trustees

         The  Trustees  of the  Trust  met on  March  1,  1999 to  consider  the
Acquisition  and its  anticipated  effects  on the  Manager  and the  investment
management  and other  services  provided to the Trust by the  Manager.  At this
meeting,  the Trustees,  including  all of the  Independent  Trustees,  voted to
approve  the New  Management  Agreement  and to  recommend  approval  of the New
Management Agreement by the shareholders of each Portfolio.

         The  Trustees  believe  that  the  terms  and  conditions  of  the  New
Management  Agreement are fair to, and in the best  interests of, each Portfolio
and its shareholders.  The Trustees  considered a number of factors,  including:
(1) the fact that the terms of the Current  Management  Agreement and of the New
Management Agreement are substantially identical; (2) the representation by AUSA
and PFL Life and the senior  management  of the Manager that it was  anticipated
that no material changes would be made to the senior  management of the Manager;
(3) the additional financial,  managerial, and marketing resources that AUSA and
PFL Life would be able to provide to the Manager; (4) the reputation of AUSA and
PFL Life; (5) the agreement by AUSA that it would not seek to impose any "unfair
burden," as defined in the 1940 Act, on the Portfolios  for two years  following
the  closing  of the  Acquisition;  and (6) such other  factors as the  Trustees
deemed relevant.

                                                   REQUIRED VOTE

         Approval of the New  Management  Agreement  with respect to a Portfolio
requires a  Majority  Vote of the  shareholders  of that  Portfolio.  If the New
Management  Agreement  is  not  approved  by  the  shareholders  of  all  of the
Portfolios, the Acquisition of the Manager will not occur.



                                             PROPOSAL 3


                                         SUMMARY OF PROPOSAL

         As  discussed  above under  Proposal  1, the  Manager has entered  into
Investment  Advisory  Agreements  with  eight  Advisers  to  provide  investment
advisory  services for each of the Portfolios,  subject to the Manager's overall
supervision.  As  required  by  Section  15(a)  of the 1940  Act,  each of these
Investment Advisory Agreements  provides,  in substance,  that it will terminate
upon any "assignment," as defined in the 1940 Act.

         The proposed  Acquisition  described  under  Proposal 2 constitutes  an
"assignment" of the Investment Advisory Agreements. Accordingly, consummation of
the  Acquisition  will  result in the  termination  of the  Investment  Advisory
Agreements.  Therefore,  in order to permit the  Advisers to continue to provide
investment  advisory  services  to the  Portfolios,  it is  necessary  that  the
shareholders  of each Portfolio  approve new Investment  Advisory  Agreements to
become effective on the Closing Date of the Acquisition (currently scheduled for
May 31, 1999).

         Based on an  analysis  of factors  described  below,  a majority of the
Trustees of the Trust have  approved the Manager's  execution of new  Investment
Advisory   Agreements   with  the  Advisers   (the  "New   Investment   Advisory
Agreements").  At a meeting held March 1, 1999, the Trustees present,  including
all of the  Independent  Trustees,  voted to  approve  New  Investment  Advisory
Agreements for each Portfolio and to recommend to shareholders of each Portfolio
that they approve the New Investment Advisory  Agreements.  Each Portfolio's New
Investment  Advisory Agreement is identical to the current  Investment  Advisory
Agreement  except for its dates of execution and  termination.  The same Adviser
will manage each Portfolio and will be paid by the Manager out of the Management
Fee it receives from the Portfolio at the same rate.

Information About the Advisers

         The following table shows, for each Portfolio,  the name of the Adviser
and the rate of the  advisory  fee paid by the Manager to the Adviser  under the
current Investment Advisory Agreements:

Portfolio                                    Sub-Adviser                                Sub-Advisory Fee

                                                                                        (as % of Net Assets)
Endeavor Money Market Portfolio              Morgan Stanley Asset Management            .25


Portfolio                                    Sub-Adviser                                Sub-Advisory Fee
T. Rowe Price International Stock            Rowe Price-Fleming International, Inc.     .75*
Endeavor Value Equity Portfolio              OpCap Advisors                             .40
Endeavor Opportunity Value Portfolio         OpCap Advisors                             .40
Dreyfus Small Cap Value Portfolio            The Dreyfus Corporation                    .375
T. Rowe Price Equity Income Portfolio        T. Rowe Price Associates, Inc.             .40
T. Rowe Price Growth Stock Portfolio         T. Rowe Price Associates, Inc.             .40
Endeavor Enhanced Index Portfolio            J.P. Morgan Investment Management          .35
Endeavor Select 50 Portfolio                 Montgomery Asset Management, LLC           .70
Dreyfus U.S. Government Securities           The Dreyfus Corporation                    .15
Endeavor High Yield Portfolio                Massachusetts Financial Services           .375
Endeavor Asset Allocation Portfolio          Morgan Stanley Asset Management            .30

- ------------------------------------------------
*        .75%  up to $20  million;  .60%  in  excess  of $20  million  up to $50
         million;  and .50% of assets in excess of $50 million.  At such time as
         net assets exceed $200 million, .50% of total net assets.

         Morgan Stanley Asset Management

         Morgan Stanley Asset Management ("Morgan Stanley"),  1221 Avenue of the
Americas,  New York,  New York 10020, a subsidiary of Morgan Stanley Dean Witter
Discover & Co., is the Adviser to Endeavor  Money Market  Portfolio and Endeavor
Asset Allocation Portfolio. Morgan Stanley has been in the investment management
business since 1975. As of December 31, 1998, Morgan Stanley,  together with its
affiliated   institutional  asset  management   companies,   managed  assets  of
approximately  $ 163.4  billion.  On  December  1, 1998,  Morgan  Stanley  Asset
Management  Inc.  changed  its name to Morgan  Stanley  Dean  Witter  Investment
Management Inc. but continues to do business in certain  circumstances using the
name Morgan Stanley Asset Management.

         Rowe Price-Fleming International, Inc.

     Rowe Price-Fleming  International,  Inc. ("Rowe  Price-Fleming"),  100 East
Pratt Street,  Baltimore,  Maryland  21202, a joint venture  established in 1979
between T. Rowe Price  Associates,  Inc.  and the  London-based  Robert  Fleming
Holdings Limited, is the Adviser to T. Rowe Price International Stock Portfolio.
The common stock of Rowe Price-Fleming is 50% owned by a wholly-owned subsidiary
of T. Rowe Price, 25% by Jardin Fleming Group Limited,


and 25% by a subsidiary of Robert  Fleming  Holdings  Limited.  (Half of Jardine
Fleming is owned by Robert Fleming Holdings Limited and half by Jardine Matheson
Holdings  Limited.)  As  of  December  31,  1998,  Rowe  Price-Fleming   managed
approximately  $32  billion in  investments  for  individual  and  institutional

         OpCap Advisors

     OpCap Advisors  ("OpCap"),  One World Financial Center,  New York, New York
10281,  is  the  Adviser  to  Endeavor  Value  Equity   Portfolio  and  Endeavor
Opportunity Value Portfolio. OpCap is a majority-owned subsidiary of Oppenheimer
Capital,  an investment  management  firm dedicated to "value  investing"  whose
offices  are at the same  address  as those of OpCap.  OpCap and its  parent are
indirect  wholly-owned  subsidiaries  of PIMCO Advisors L.P. PIMCO Advisors L.P.
has two general partners:  PIMCO Partners, G.P. and PIMCO Advisors Holdings L.P.
(formerly  Oppenheimer  Capital,  L.P.),  a limited  partnership  of which PIMCO
Partners, G.P. is the sole general partner. PIMCO Partners, G.P. has two general
partners: Pacific Investment Management Company and PIMCO Partners L.L.C.

         OpCap and its parent have been investment  advisers to mutual funds and
other clients since 1968 and have  approximately $63 billion under management as
of December 31, 1998.

         The Dreyfus Corporation

         The Dreyfus  Corporation  ("Dreyfus"),  200 Park Avenue,  New York, New
York 10166, is the Adviser to Dreyfus Small Cap Value Portfolio and Dreyfus U.S.
Government Securities Portfolio. Dreyfus, which was founded in 1947, is a wholly
owned  subsidiary  of Mellon Bank,  N.A.,  One Mellon Bank  Center,  Pittsburgh,
Pennsylvania  15258.  Mellon Bank,  N.A. is a wholly-owned  subsidiary of Mellon
Bank  Corporation.  Dreyfus  manages  the funds in one of the  nation's  leading
mutual fund complexes,  with more than $120 billion in more than 175 mutual fund
portfolios as of January 31, 1999.

         T. Rowe Price Associates, Inc.

         T. Rowe Price Associates, Inc.("T. Rowe Price"), 100 East Pratt Street,
Baltimore,  Maryland  21202,  is the  Adviser  to T. Rowe  Price  Equity  Income
Portfolio and T. Rowe Price Growth Stock Portfolio. T. Rowe Price was founded in
1937.  As of  December  31,  1998,  T.  Rowe  Price  and its  affiliates  manage
approximately $147 billion in investments for more than 7 million individual and
institutional investor accounts.

         J.P. Morgan Investment Management Inc.

     J.P. Morgan Investment Management Inc. ("J.P.  Morgan"),  522 Fifth Avenue,
New York, New York 10036, is the Adviser to Endeavor  Enhanced Index  Portfolio.
J.P. Morgan is a wholly-owned  subsidiary of J.P. Morgan & Co. Incorporated,  60
Wall Street, New York, New York 10260-0060,  which has more than $308 billion in
assets under management as of December 31, 1998.


         Montgomery Asset Management, LLC

         Montgomery Asset Management, LLC ("Montgomery"), 101 California Street,
San Francisco, California 94111, is the Adviser to Endeavor Select 50 Portfolio.
As of December 31, 1998,  Montgomery  and its affiliates  managed  approximately
$9.3 billion of assets. Montgomery is a majority-owned subsidiary of Commerzbank
AG, 60261 Frankfurt am Main, Frankfurt, Germany, the third largest publicly held
commercial bank in Germany, which with its affiliates, managed over $120 billion
in assets as of December 31, 1998.

         Massachusetts Financial Services Company

         Massachusetts  Financial Services Company ("MFS"), 500 Boylston Street,
Boston,  Massachusetts  02108, is the Adviser to Endeavor High Yield  Portfolio.
MFS is  America's  oldest  mutual  fund  organization.  MFS and its  predecessor
organizations  have a  history  of money  management  dating  from  1924 and the
founding of the first mutual fund in the United  States.  MFS is a subsidiary of
Sun Life of  Canada  (U.S.)  Financial  Services  Holdings,  Inc.,  One Sun Life
Executive  Park,  Wellsley  Hills,  Massachusetts  02481,  which  in  turn is an
indirect wholly-owned  subsidiary of Sun Life Assurance Company of Canada. As of
December  31,  1998,  MFS  and  its   institutional   advisory   affiliates  had
approximately  $98 billion in assets under  management,  of which  approximately
$20.5 billion consisted of assets in fixed income funds.

         Each of the Advisers is registered  as an  investment  adviser with the
Securities and Exchange Commission (the "SEC") under the Investment Advisers Act
of 1940.

         No  Trustee  or  officer of the  Portfolios  is an  officer,  employee,
director or  security  holder of any of the  Advisers or has any other  material
direct or indirect interest in the Advisers or in their parents or affiliates.

Evaluation by the Trustees

         The Trustees  requested,  received and considered  such  information as
they deemed  reasonably  necessary to enable them to evaluate the New Investment
Advisory Agreements. On March 1, 1999, the Trustees, including a majority of the
Independent  Trustees,  voted to approve the New Investment  Advisory Agreements
and  to  submit  the  proposed  New  Investment   Advisory   Agreements  to  the
shareholders of each Portfolio.

         The material  factors  considered by the Trustees  were: the nature and
quality of services  rendered by the Advisers;  the Advisers'  performance under
the current  Investment  Advisory  Agreements;  the performance of similar funds
advised by the  Advisers;  the  amount of sub-  advisory  fees to be paid;  each
Adviser's financial strength and insurance coverage;  each Adviser's  investment
advisory experience and reputation; each Adviser's code of ethics and compliance
controls;  and administrative support services. The Trustees also considered the
fact  that  there  were no  material  differences  between  the terms of the New
Investment  Advisory Agreements and the terms of the current Investment Advisory


         The factor that the Trustees  considered most  significant was that the
Portfolios  would continue to receive the benefit of sub-advisory  services from
the same Advisors as under the current  Investment  Advisory  Agreements,  at no
increase in the sub-advisory fee to be paid for such services. The Trustees were
also satisfied that each Adviser (1) was  knowledgeable  and  experienced in the
operations of the relevant financial markets and in the laws that are applicable
to such  operations  insofar as they might affect a  Portfolio,  and (2) had the
personnel, financial resources and standing in the financial community to enable
it to discharge its duties under the Investment  Advisory Agreement  adequately.
The  Trustees  determined  that the  Portfolios  would  receive  the  benefit of
maintaining  uninterrupted  sub-advisory services of the same quality, scope and
cost as the Portfolios received before the Acquisition.

         After  careful  consideration,  the  Trustees  believe  that  the  best
interests  of the  shareholders  of the  Portfolios  would be  served if the New
Investment Advisory Agreements are approved.

Terms of the  Current  Investment  Advisory  Agreements  and the New  Investment
Advisory Agreements

         Effective  May 1, 1998,  Morgan  Stanley  Asset  Management  became the
Adviser of the Endeavor  Money Market  Portfolio and Endeavor  Asset  Allocation
Portfolio.  The Investment  Advisory  Agreements  between the Manager and Morgan
Stanley Asset  Management  were approved by the Trustees of the Fund  (including
all the  Trustees  who are not  "interested  persons"  of the  Manager or of the
Adviser) on February 23, 1998, and by the  shareholders of the Fund on April 21,
1998. The Investment Advisory Agreements between the Manager and OpCap were last
approved by the Trustees of the Fund  (including all of the Trustees who are not
"interested  persons"  of the  Manager or of the  Adviser) on April 8, 1997 with
respect to the Endeavor  Value  Equity  Portfolio  and the Endeavor  Opportunity
Value Portfolio and by the shareholders of each Portfolio on June 18, 1997.

         The Investment  Advisory  Agreement  between the Manager and The Boston
Company  Asset  Management,  Inc.  was  approved  by the  Trustees  of the  Fund
(including all of the Trustees who are not  "interested  persons" of the Manager
or of the Adviser) on January 24, 1994 and by PFL Life Insurance Company as sole
shareholder  of the Dreyfus  U.S.  Government  Securities  Portfolio on March 7,
1994.  The  Investment   Advisory  Agreement  was  transferred  to  The  Dreyfus
Corporation  effective May 1, 1996. The Investment  Advisory  Agreements between
the  Manager  and T.  Rowe  Price  were  approved  by the  Trustees  of the Fund
(including all of the Trustees who are not  "interested  persons" of the Manager
or of the Adviser) on October 24, 1994 and by PFL Life Insurance Company as sole
shareholder  of the T. Rowe Price  Equity  Income and T. Rowe Price Growth Stock
Portfolios on November 1, 1994. The Investment  Advisory  Agreement  between the
Manager and J.P.  Morgan was approved by the Trustees of the Fund (including all
of the  Trustees  who are not  "interested  persons"  of the  Manager  or of the
Adviser)  on  August  13,  1996  and by  PFL  Life  Insurance  Company  as  sole
shareholder  of the Endeavor  Enhanced  Index  Portfolio on August 26, 1996. The
Investment Advisory Agreement between the Manager and Montgomery was approved by
the Trustees of the Fund  (including all of the Trustees who are not "interested
persons"  of the  Manager or of the  Adviser)  on August 4, 1997 and by PFL Life
Insurance Company as sole shareholder of the Endeavor Select 50 Portfolio on


January 18, 1998. Effective January 1, 1995, Price-Fleming became the Adviser of
the T.  Rowe  Price  International  Stock  Portfolio.  The  Investment  Advisory
Agreement with Price-Fleming for the T. Rowe Price International Stock Portfolio
was approved by the Trustees of the Fund  (including all of the Trustees who are
not "interested  persons" of the Manager or of the Adviser) on December 19, 1994
and by shareholders of the Portfolio on March 24, 1995.  Effective September 16,
1996, The Dreyfus  Corporation became the Adviser of the Dreyfus Small Cap Value
Portfolio.  The Investment  Advisory Agreement with The Dreyfus  Corporation was
approved by the Trustees of the Fund  (including all of the Trustees who are not
"interested persons" of the Manager or of the Adviser) on August 13, 1996 and by
the  shareholders of the Portfolio on October 29, 1996. The Investment  Advisory
Agreement  between the Manager and MFS was  approved by the Trustees of the Fund
(including all of the Trustees who are not  "interested  persons" of the Manager
or of the  Adviser)  on May 11, 1998 and by PFL Life  Insurance  Company as sole
shareholder of the Endeavor High Yield Portfolio on May 11, 1998.

         Each New Investment  Advisory  Agreement,  like the current  Investment
Advisory  Agreements,  provides in  substance  (1) that the Manager will pay the
Adviser the same fee as paid under the current  Investment  Advisory  Agreement;
(2) that it will continue for a period of two years from its effective  date and
thereafter from year to year if approved at least annually by a Majority Vote of
the  outstanding  shares of the Portfolio or by a majority of the Trustees and a
majority of the  Independent  Trustees;  (3) that it may be terminated,  without
penalty,  by the Manager, by the Trustees or by Majority Vote of the outstanding
shares of the Portfolio upon 60 days' prior written  notice;  (4) that it may be
terminated  by the  Adviser on 150 days' (90 days with  respect to the  Endeavor
Money Market,  Endeavor Asset  Allocation,  Endeavor  Enhanced  Index,  Endeavor
Select 50, and  Endeavor  High Yield  Portfolios)  prior  written  notice to the
Manager;  and (5)  that it will  terminate  automatically  in the  event  of its
"assignment"  as such  term  is  defined  in the  1940  Act.  Both  the  current
Investment  Advisory  Agreements and New Investment  Advisory Agreements provide
that the  Advisers  are not liable to the Trust or to the Manager for any act or
omissions under the Agreements,  but that the Advisers are not protected against
liability  arising  out of their  own  willful  misfeasance,  bad  faith,  gross
negligence or reckless disregard in the performance of their duties.

Portfolio Transactions

         The Advisers  will have the same duties and  responsibilities  as under
the current  Investment  Advisory  Agreements  with respect to the allocation of
principal  business  and  portfolio  brokerage  (see  "Proposal  1  -  Portfolio
Transactions" above).

                                                   REQUIRED VOTE

         Approval of the New  Investment  Advisory  Agreement  with respect to a
Portfolio requires a Majority Vote of the shareholders of that Portfolio. If any
of the New Investment  Advisory  Agreements are not approved by the shareholders
of a Portfolio,  the Trustees will  consider  other  possible  courses of action
which are in the best interests of shareholders.



                                    PROPOSAL 4

                            WITHOUT SHAREHOLDER APPROVAL

         As discussed above, the Manager currently provides advisory services to
each Portfolio pursuant to the Current Management  Agreement (as defined above).
The  Manager  has  overall   responsibility   for  the  general  management  and
administration  of each  Portfolio,  but selects one or more  Advisers  for each
Portfolio.  The Trust proposes that the Manager,  with the approval of the Board
of  Trustees,  be  permitted  to  enter  into,  terminate,  or  modify  advisory
agreements on behalf of the Portfolios with the Advisers  without  obtaining the
prior  approval  of a  majority  of the  outstanding  voting  securities  of the
Portfolios, as is otherwise required by Section 15 of the 1940 Act.

         Section  15 of the 1940 Act and Rule 18f-2  under the 1940 Act  require
that  shareholders  of  a  Portfolio  approve  any  subadvisory   agreements  or
amendments  to those  agreements.  On  January  21,  1999,  the  Trust  filed an
application with the Securities and Exchange Commission (the "SEC") for an order
(the "Requested  Order") to exempt the Trust from these  provisions.  If the SEC
issues the Requested Order, the Manager would be permitted, with the approval of
the Board of Trustees,  to hire new  Advisers,  terminate  Advisers,  and modify
advisory agreements with Advisers without the prior approval of shareholders. By
eliminating  shareholder  approval  in these  matters,  the  Manager  would have
greater  flexibility in overseeing  the Advisers,  and the Trust would be spared
the time and expense of holding shareholder meetings and soliciting proxies. The
Proposed Order would be subject to several  conditions,  including the following

                  1. The Trust  will not enter  into an  advisory  agreement  on
behalf of a  Portfolio  with any  Adviser  that is an  "affiliated  person,"  as
defined in Section  2(a)(3) of the 1940 Act, of the Trust or the  Manager  other
than by reason of serving as an  Adviser  to one or more of the  Portfolios  (an
"Affiliated  Adviser") without that agreement,  including the compensation to be
paid thereunder,  being approved by the shareholders of the applicable Portfolio
(or,  if the  Portfolio  serves as a funding  medium  for any  sub-account  of a
registered  separate account,  pursuant to voting  instructions  provided by the
unitholders of the sub-account).

                  2. Before a Portfolio  may rely on the order  requested in the
Application,  the  operation  of the  Portfolio  in the manner  described in the
Application will be approved by a majority of the outstanding  voting securities
of the  Portfolio  (or,  if the  Portfolio  serves as a funding  medium  for any
sub-account of a registered separate account, pursuant to voting


instructions provided by the unitholders of the sub-account),  as defined in the
1940 Act, or, in the case of a new Portfolio whose public shareholders purchased
shares on the basis of a prospectus  containing the disclosure  contemplated  by
condition 3 below, by the sole initial  shareholder(s) before offering shares of
such Portfolio to the public.

                  3. The Trust will disclose in its  registration  statement the
existence,   substance,  and  effect  of  any  order  granted  pursuant  to  the
Application.  In addition,  each Portfolio  relying on the Requested  Order will
hold  itself  out to the  public as  employing  the  strategy  described  in the
application.  The Prospectus will prominently  disclose that the Manager has the
ultimate  responsibility  (subject to  oversight  by the Board of  Trustees)  to
oversee the Advisers and recommend their hiring, termination, and replacement.

                  4. Within 60 days of the hiring of any  Adviser,  the affected
Portfolio  will  furnish  its  shareholders  (or, if the  Portfolio  serves as a
funding  medium  for any  sub-account  of a  registered  separate  account,  the
unitholders  of the  sub-account)  with all  information  about the new  Adviser
agreement that would be included in a proxy  statement.  Such  information  will
include any change in such  disclosure  caused by the addition of a new Adviser.
The Manager  will meet this  condition  by  providing  shareholders  (or, if the
Portfolio  serves  as a  funding  medium  for any  sub-account  of a  registered
separate  account,  the unitholders of the  sub-account),  within 60 days of the
hiring of an Adviser with an information  statement  meeting the requirements of
Regulation  14C,  Schedule  14C,  and  Item 22 of the  Schedule  14A  under  the
Securities Exchange Act of 1934.

         In accordance with condition 2,  shareholder  approval of this proposed
new arrangement is being sought. Even if the Trust's  shareholders  approve this
arrangement,  any  new  Advisers  engaged  or  terminated  or  any  change  in a
subadvisory  agreement will still require approval of the Board of Trustees.  In
order to approve new  Advisers,  the Trustees will analyze the factors they deem
relevant,  including  the  nature,  quality  and scope of  services  provided by
Advisers to  investment  companies  comparable  to the Trust.  The Trustees will
review the  ability of the Adviser to provide its  services to a  Portfolio,  as
well as its personnel,  operation, financial condition or any other factor which
would affect the Adviser with respect to compliance and regulatory  matters over
the past  fiscal  year.  The  Trustees  will  review  the  Adviser's  investment
performance with respect to accounts deemed  comparable.  Finally,  the Trustees
will consider other factors deemed  relevant to the Adviser's  performance as an
investment  adviser.  The Trust  believes  that this  review  provides  adequate
shareholder protection in the selection of Advisers.


                                                   REQUIRED VOTE

         Approval  of the change in  operations  contemplated  in the  Requested
Order with respect to a Portfolio  requires a Majority Vote of the  shareholders
of that  Portfolio.  If the  shareholders  of a Portfolio  do not  approve  this
Proposal, the terms and conditions of the Requested Order will not be applicable
to that Portfolio.


                                               PROPOSAL 5

                                                CONCERNING BORROWING
                                                 (ALL PORTFOLIOS)

         Each Portfolio has a fundamental  restriction  concerning  borrowing by
the Portfolio.  Generally,  these  policies  provide that a Portfolio may borrow
amounts not  exceeding  5% of the value of its total assets (not  including  the
amount  borrowed) for temporary  purposes.  However,  two  Portfolios  (Endeavor
Opportunity  Value Portfolio and the Endeavor Enhanced Index Portfolio) are each
permitted  to borrow up to 10% of its total  assets for  temporary  or emergency
purposes, and five Portfolios (Dreyfus U.S. Government Securities Portfolio,  T.
Rowe Price Equity Income  Portfolio,  T. Rowe Price Growth Stock  Portfolio,  T.
Rowe Price International Stock Portfolio,  and Endeavor Select 50 Portfolio) are
each  permitted  to  borrow  up to 33 1/3% of its  total  assets  for  temporary
purposes. The exact language of the various restrictions is set forth in Exhibit

         The Trustees recommend that these various  fundamental  restrictions be
replaced with the following fundamental restriction:

          "The Portfolio may not borrow money, except to the extent permitted by
           applicable law."

         In general, under the 1940 Act, a Portfolio may not borrow money except
that (1) a  Portfolio  may borrow  from banks or enter into  reverse  repurchase
agreements,  in amounts up to 33 1/3% of its total assets  (including the amount
borrowed); (2) a Portfolio may borrow up to an additional 5% of its total assets
for temporary purposes; (3) a Portfolio may obtain such short-term credit as may
be necessary for the  clearance of purchases and sales of portfolio  securities;
and (4) a Portfolio  may not pledge its assets  other than to secure  borrowings
or, to the extent permitted by the Portfolio's investment policies, as set forth
in the Trust's prospectus and statement of additional  information,  as they may
be amended from time to time, in connection


with hedging  transactions,  short  sales,  when-issued  and forward  commitment
transactions, and similarly investment strategies.

         The  primary  purpose  of  the  proposed  change  is   standardization.
Accordingly,  adoption of the revised  restriction is not currently  expected to
materially affect the Portfolios' operations.  However, many Portfolios' current
restrictions  limit borrowing to a lower  percentage of total assets than the 33
1/3% permitted under the 1940 Act. For these  Portfolios,  although  adoption of
the proposed restriction would increase the amount of permitted borrowing by the
Portfolios,  historically  none of the Portfolios has engaged in any significant
borrowing nor do they presently intend to do so.

                                                   REQUIRED VOTE

         Approval  of the  proposed  restriction  with  respect  to a  Portfolio
requires  a  Majority  Vote  of  the  shareholders  of  that  Portfolio.  If the
shareholders  of a  Portfolio  do not approve  this  Proposal,  the  fundamental
borrowing policy of that Portfolio will remain unchanged.


                                          PROPOSAL 6


         Currently,   a  fundamental  policy  of  the  Dreyfus  U.S.  Government
Securities Portfolio permits the Portfolio to invest up to 10% of its net assets
in illiquid securities,  including  repurchase  agreements maturing in more than
seven days. All other  Portfolios  (except the Endeavor Money Market  Portfolio)
are  permitted  to invest up to 15% of their net assets in illiquid  securities.
The Trustees recommend that shareholders approve a change to this restriction of
U.S. Government  Securities  Portfolio to make it the same as those of the other
Portfolios.  (No change is proposed for Endeavor Money Market Portfolio  because
rules under the 1940 Act  applicable  to money market funds limit a money market
fund's investments in illiquid securities to 10% of its net assets.) The primary
purpose  of the  change is to  standardize  investment  restrictions.  It is not
currently  anticipated  that the change  will  affect the way the  Dreyfus  U.S.
Government Securities Portfolio is managed.

         The Trustees  also  recommend  that the new policy be  designated  as a
nonfundamental investment policy. This means that the Trustees will be permitted
to change  the  policy,  without a  shareholder  vote,  to  reflect  changes  in
regulatory requirements or industry practices.


                                                   REQUIRED VOTE

         Approval of the new  nonfundamental  policy requires a Majority Vote of
the  shareholders  of the Portfolio.  If the  shareholders of a Portfolio do not
approve this Proposal,  the Portfolio's  fundamental policy concerning  illiquid
securities will remain unchanged.


                                                    PROPOSAL 7

                                          TO ELECT TRUSTEES OF THE TRUST
                                                 (ALL PORTFOLIOS)

         The  Trustees   recommend   that   shareholders   elect  the  following
individuals as Trustees.  The following  table provides  information  concerning
each of the eight nominees. Proxies cannot be voted for more than eight persons.



           Name, Age, Office                           Principal Occupation(s)                        Shares Beneficially
      with the Trust and Address                         During Past 5 Years                           Owned, Directly or
                                                                                                         Indirectly, on
                                                                                                       December 31, 1998

+ *Vincent J. McGuinness, Jr.          From July 1997 to November 1997,
Age 34                                 Executive Vice President -Administration
Trustee, President and Chief           of the Trust; from September 1996 to June
Financial Officer (Treasurer)          1997, Chief Financial Officer (Treasurer)
2101 East Cost Highway                 of the Trust; from  February 1997 to
Suite 300                              December 1997, Executive Vice-President,
Corona del Mar, California             Chief of Operations, since March 1997,
92625                                  Director, since December 1997, Chief
                                       Operating Officer,  and since June 1998,
                                       Chief  Financial   Officer  of  Endeavor
                                       Group; from September 1996 to June 1997,
                                       and since  June  1998,  Chief  Financial
                                       Officer,  since May 1996,  Director  and
                                       from   June   1997  to   October   1998,
                                       Executive         Vice         President
                                       -Administration, and since October 1998,
                                       President  of Endeavor  Management  Co.;
                                       since  August  1996,   Chief   Financial
                                       Officer  of VJM  Corporation;  from  May
                                       1996 to  January  1997,  Executive  Vice
                                       President and Director of Sales, Western
                                       Division  of Endeavor  Group;  since May
                                       1996,   Chief   Financial   Officer   of
                                       McGuinness & Associates;  from July 1993
                                       to August 1995, Rocky Mountain  Regional
                                       Marketing Director.
*Vincent J. McGuinness                 Chairman, Chief Executive Officer and
Age 64                                 Director of McGuinness & Associates,
Trustee                                Endeavor Group, VJM Corporation, until
2101 East Cost Highway                 July 1996, McGuinness Group (insurance
Suite 300                              marketing) and since September 1988,
Corona del Mar, California             Endeavor Management Co.; President of
92625                                  VJM Corporation and until October 1998,
                                       Endeavor Management Co. and, since
                     February 1996, McGuinness & Associates.


Timothy A. Devine                    Vice President, Plant Control, Inc.
Age 63                               (landscape contracting and maintenance).
1424 Dolphin Terrace
Corona del Mar, California
Thomas J. Hawekotte                  President, Thomas J. Hawekotte, P.C. (law
Age 63                               practice).
6007 North Sheridan Road
Chicago, Illinois 60660

Steven L. Klosterman                 Since July 1995, President of Klosterman
Age 47                               Capital Corporation (investment adviser);
Trustee                              Investment Counselor, Robert J. Metcalf &
5973 Avenida Encinas                 Associates, Inc. (investment adviser) from
Suite 300                            August 1990 to June 1995.
Carlsbad, California 92008

Halbert D. Lindquist                 President, Lindquist, Stephenson & White,
Age 52                               Inc. (investment adviser) and since
Trustee                              December 1987 Tucson Asset
1650 E. Fort Lowell Road             Management, Inc. (commodity trading
Tucson, Arizona 85719-2324           adviser), and since November 1987,
                                     Presidio     Government      Securities,
                                     Incorporated (broker-dealer),  and since
                                     January 1998, Chief  Investment  Officer
                                     of    Blackstone    Alternative    Asset
Keith H. Wood                        Since 1972, Chairman and Chief Executive
Age 62                               Officer of Jamison, Eaton & Wood
Trustee                              (investment adviser) and from 1978 to
39 Main Street                       December 1997, President of Ivory &
Chatham, New Jersey 07928            Sime International, Inc. (investment

Peter F. Muratore                    From June 1989 to March 1998, President
Age 66                               of OCC Distributors (broker-dealer), a
Trustee                              subsidiary of Oppenheimer Capital.
Too Far
Posthouse Road
Morristown, New Jersey

* An "interested person" of the Trust as defined in the 1940 Act.
+ Vincent J. McGuinness, Jr. is the son of Vincent J. McGuiness.

Officers of the Trust

         The following table provides information concerning each officer of the
Trust who served during all or part of the last fiscal year of the Trust.

          Name and Principal Occupation                           Office                    Age     Officer Since
          -----------------------------                           ------                    ---     -------------

Vincent J. McGuinness                              President, Chief Financial            34         September 1996
See Information under "Trustees"                   Officer (Treasurer)

P. Michael Pond                                    Executive Vice-President              45         November 1998
Since November 1998, Executive                     Administration and
Vice- President - Administration and               Compliance
Compliance of Endeavor Group and
Endeavor Management Co. and Chief
Investment Officer of Endeavor
Management Co.; from November
1991 to November 1996, Chairman and
President of The Preferred Group of
Mutual Funds; from October 1989 to
December 1996, President of
Caterpillar Securities Inc. and
Caterpillar Investment Manager Ltd.

Pamela A. Shelton                                  Secretary                            49          April 1996
Executive Secretary to Chairman of the
Board and Chief  Executive  Officer  of,
nd since  April  1996;  Secretary  of
McGuinness & Associates,  Endeavor  Group,
VJM  Corporation,  McGuinness  Group
(until July 1996) and Endeavor Management Co.

No remuneration will be paid by the Trust to any Trustee or officer of the Trust
who is affiliated with the Manager or the investment advisers.  Each Trustee who
is not an affiliated  person of the Manager or the  investment  advisers will be
reimbursed for  out-of-pocket  expenses and currently  receives an annual fee of
$10,000 and $500 for attendance at each Trustees' Board or committee


meeting.  Set forth below for each of the Trustees of the Trust is the aggregate
compensation paid to such Trustees for the fiscal year ended December 31, 1998.

                                                COMPENSATION TABLE

                                                                                From Fund
                                              Aggregate                         and Fund
Name of                                       Compensation                      Complex
Person                                        From Fund                         Paid to Trustees

Timothy A. Devine                             $12,375                           $15,018
Thomas J. Hawekotte                           $12,375                           $15,015
Steven L. Klosterman                          $12,375                           $15,015
Halbert D. Lindquist                          $7,875                            $8,225
R. Daniel Olmstead*                           $12,375                           $13,075
Keith H. Wood                                 $12,375                           $13,075
Peter F. Muratore                             $6,000                            $6,700
- ---------------

*  Former Trustee - retired as of December 31, 1998.

         The Agreement and  Declaration  of Trust of the Trust provides that the
Trust will indemnify its Trustees and officers against  liabilities and expenses
incurred in connection with litigation in which they may be involved  because of
their offices with the Trust, except if it is determined in the manner specified
in the Agreement and Declaration of Trust that they have not acted in good faith
in the  reasonable  belief that their actions were in the best  interests of the
Trust or that such  indemnification  would relieve any officer or Trustee of any
liability to the Trust or its shareholders by reason of willful misfeasance, bad
faith,  gross negligence or reckless  disregard of his duties. The Trust, at its
expense,  provides  liability  insurance  for the  benefit of its  Trustees  and

         The  Trust  has  an  audit  committee  consisting  of  Messrs.  DeVine,
Hawekotte,  Lindquist,  Muratore, and Wood. During the Trust's fiscal year ended
December 31, 1998 there was one meting of the audit  committee and five meetings
of the Trustees.  Each Trustee except Mr.  Lindquist and Vincent J.  McGuinness,
Jr.  attended at least 75 percent of the  aggregate  of (1) the total  number of
Trustees  meetings  held  while he was a  Trustee  and (2) the  total  number of
meetings of a committee on which he served.

                                                   REQUIRED VOTE

         Election of the listed  nominees for Trustees  requires the affirmative
vote of the  holders  of the  majority  of the  Shares of the Trust  present  or
represented  by proxy at the Special  Meeting.  For this purpose,  shares of all
Portfolios are treated as a single class.



                                            PROPOSAL 8

                             AUDITORS OF THE TRUST (ALL PORTFOLIOS)

         At a meeting held on March 1, 1999, the Trustees selected Ernst & Young
LLP as independent auditors of the Trust for the fiscal year ending December 31,
1999. The Trustees recommend that shareholders of the Trust ratify the selection
of Ernst & Young  LLP.  The Trust has been  advised by Ernst & Young LLP that at
December  31, 1998  neither the firm nor any of its  partners  had any direct or
indirect  financial interest in the Trust. A representative of Ernst & Young LLP
will be  available  at the meeting to answer  questions  concerning  the Trust's
financial  statements  and will have an opportunity to make a statement if he or
she chooses to do so.

                                                   REQUIRED VOTE

         Ratification  of the  selection  of  Ernst & Young  LLP as  independent
auditors of the Trust requires the affirmative vote of the holders of a majority
of the Trust's outstanding shares present or represented by proxy at the Special
Meeting.  For this  purpose,  shares of all  Portfolios  are treated as a single



Submission of Shareholder Proposals

         The Trust is not generally  required to hold annual or special meetings
of  shareholders.  Shareholders  wishing to submit  proposals for inclusion in a
proxy statement for a subsequent shareholders' meeting should send their written
proposals to the Assistant  Secretary of the Endeavor  Series  Trust,  c/o First
Data  Investor  Services  Group,  Inc.,  Mail Zone BOS610,  101 Federal  Street,
Boston, MA 02111.

Shareholders' Request for Special Meeting

         Shareholders  holding at least 10% of the  Trust's  outstanding  voting
securities  (as defined in the 1940 Act) may require the calling of a meeting of
the Trust's  shareholders  for the purpose of voting on the removal of any Board
member.  Meetings of the Trust's shareholders for any other purpose will also be
called by the Board when requested in writing by shareholders holding


at least 10% of the Shares then  outstanding or, if the Board members shall fail
to call or give  notice of any meeting of  shareholders  for a period of 30 days
after such  application,  shareholders  holding at least 10% of the Shares  then
outstanding may call and give notice of such meeting.

Other Matters to Come Before the Meeting

         The Board does not intend to present any other  business at the Special
Meeting other than as described in this Proxy Statement,  nor is the Board aware
that any  shareholder  intends  to do so. If,  however,  any other  matters  are
properly  brought  before  the  Special  Meeting,   the  persons  named  in  the
accompanying proxy card will vote thereon in accordance with their judgment.


April 19, 1999


                                                                      EXHIBIT A

                                           INFORMATION CONCERNING SHARES
                                          OUTSTANDING AS OF APRIL 2, 1999

Name of Series                                      Number of Shares Outstanding

Endeavor Asset Allocation  Portfolio

Endeavor Market Portfolio

T. Rowe Price International Stock Portfolio

Endeavor Value Equity Portfolio

Dreyfus Small Cap Value Portfolio

Dreyfus U.S. Government Securities          Portfolio

T. Rowe Price Equity Income Portfolio

T. Rowe Price Growth Stock Portfolio

Endeavor Opportunity Value Portfolio

Endeavor Enhanced Index Portfolio

Endeavor Select 50 Portfolio

Endeavor High Yield Portfolio



                                         UNDERLINED LANGUAGE WILL BE ADDED
                                       [BRACKETED] LANGUAGE WILL BE DELETED

                                               MANAGEMENT AGREEMENT
                                                [November 23, 1992]
                                                   June 1, 1999

Endeavor Management Co, [Managing Partner
Endeavor Investment Advisers]
Suite [200] 300
[1100 Newport Center Drive] 2101 East Coast Highway
[Newport Beach, CA  92660] Corona del Mar, CA  92625

Dear Sirs:

         Endeavor  Series Trust (the "Trust"),  a  Massachusetts  business trust
created  pursuant  to an  Agreement  and  Declaration  of Trust  filed  with the
Secretary of State of The Commonwealth of  Massachusetts,  herewith confirms its
agreement  with Endeavor  Management  Co.  [Investment  Advisers],  a California
corporation [general partnership], (the "Manager") as follows:

         1.  Investment Description; Appointment

         The Trust desires to employ its capital by investing and reinvesting in
investments of the kind and in accordance with the limitations  specified in its
Agreement and  Declaration  of Trust,  as amended from time to time,  and in its
registration statement filed with the Securities and Exchange Commission ("SEC")
on Form N-1A, as amended from time to time (the "Registration  Statement"),  and
in such  manner and to such  extent as may from time to time be  approved by the
Board of  Trustees.  The Trust has  designated  the [four]  separate  investment
portfolios set forth in Schedule A[: Domestic Money Market  Portfolio,  Domestic
Managed Asset Allocation  Portfolio,  Global Growth Portfolio and Global Managed
Asset Allocation  Portfolio].  The Trust may in the future designate  additional
separate  investment  portfolios.   Such  existing  and  future  portfolios  are
hereinafter  referred  to  as  the  "Portfolios."  Copies  of  the  Registration
Statement and the Trust's  Agreement and Declaration of Trust, as amended,  have
been or will be  submitted  to the  Manager.  The Trust  desires  to employ  the
Manager  to  act  as  its  investment  manager  and  administrator.   The  Trust
acknowledges  and agrees that the Manager  intends to appoint a person to act as
investment  adviser  ("Adviser")  to  render  investment  advice  to each of the
Portfolios. Such


Adviser shall make all determinations with respect to the Portfolio's assets for
which it has responsibility.  The Manager accepts this appointment and agrees to
furnish the services for the compensation set forth below.

         2.  Services as Investment Manager and Administrator

         (a) Subject to the  supervision  and direction of the Board of Trustees
of the Trust, the Manager will have (i) overall  supervisory  responsibility for
the general  management and investment of the Portfolios'  assets, and (ii) full
investment  discretion to make all determinations with respect to the investment
of a Portfolio's assets not then managed by an investment adviser. In connection
with its  responsibilities  set forth under (i) above,  Trust  acknowledges  and
agrees that the Manager  will select a person to act as  investment  adviser (an
"Adviser")  to render  investment  advice to each of the  Portfolios.  Each such
Adviser shall make all determinations with respect to the Portfolio's assets for
which it has responsibility.  In addition, the Manager will conduct a program of
evaluations of the Advisers' performance,  review the activities of the Advisers
for compliance with the Portfolios'  investment objectives and policies and will
keep the Trust informed of developments  materially affecting the Portfolios and
shall,  on its own  initiative,  furnish to the Trust from time to time whatever
information the Manager believes appropriate for this purpose.

         (b) Subject to the  supervision  and direction of the Board of Trustees
of the Trust, the Manager will also (1) supply the Trust with office  facilities
(which may be in Manager's own offices),  statistical  and research  data,  data
processing services, clerical,  accounting and bookkeeping services,  including,
but not  limited  to, the  calculation  of the net asset  value of shares of the
Trust,   internal   auditing  and  legal   services,   internal   executive  and
administrative  services,  and stationery and office  supplies;  and (2) prepare
reports to  shareholders of the Trust,  tax returns,  and reports to and filings
with the SEC and state blue sky  authorities.  The Manager may contract with any
other person or persons to provide to the Trust any of the services contemplated
in this  paragraph  under such terms as it deems  reasonable  and shall have the
authority to direct the activities of such other person or persons in the manner
it deems  appropriate.  In connection  with such  administrative  services,  the
Manager  shall  be  responsible  for  creating  and  maintaining  all  necessary
administrative  records of the Trust in  accordance  with all  applicable  laws,
rules and regulations,  including but not limited to records required by Section
31(a) of the Investment Company Act of 1940 (the "1940


Act"). All records shall be the property of the Trust and shall be available for
inspection  and use by the SEC,  the Trust or any person  retained by the Trust.
Where  applicable,  such  records  shall be  maintained  by the  Manager for the
periods and in the places required by Rule 31a-2 under the 1940 Act.

         The services of the Manager to the Trust hereunder are not to be deemed
exclusive,  and the Manager shall be free to render  similar  services to others
and to engage in other activities, so long as the services rendered to the Trust
are not impaired.

         3.  Compensation

         In consideration of services rendered  pursuant to this Agreement,  the
Trust will pay the Manager a fee at the respective  annual rates of the value of
each Portfolio's  average daily net asset set forth in Schedule A hereto as such
schedule may be amended from time to time.  Such fees shall be accrued daily and
paid monthly as soon as practicable  after the end of each month. If the Manager
shall  serve for less than the whole of any month,  the  foregoing  compensation
shall be prorated.  For the purpose of determining  fees payable to the Manager,
the value of the  Portfolios'  net assets  shall be computed at the times and in
the manner specified in the Registration Statement.

         [For Portfolios of the Trust commencing  operations on or after January
28, 1998,  each] Each Portfolio shall reimburse the Manager for such Portfolio's
allocable share of third party,  administration expenses incurred pursuant to an
administration agreement between the Manager and a third party administrator.

         4.  Expenses

         The Trust shall pay all expenses other than those expressly  assumed by
the Manager herein,  which expenses payable by the Trust shall include,  but are
not limited to:

         a.  Fees to the Manager;

         b.  Legal and audit expenses;

         c.  Fees and expenses related to the registration and
qualification of the Trust and its shares for distribution under
federal and state securities laws;

         d.  Expenses of the Trust's transfer agent, registrar,
custodian, dividend disbursing agent and shareholder servicing


         e.  Salaries,  fees and expenses of Trustees and executive  officers of
the Trust who are not "affiliated persons" of the Manager or the Advisers within
the meaning of the 1940 Act;

         f.  Taxes (including the expenses related to preparation of
tax returns) and corporate or other fees levied against the

         g.  Brokerage commissions and other expenses associated with
the purchase and sale of portfolio securities for the Trust;

         h.  Expenses, including interest, of borrowing money;

         i.  Expenses incidental to meetings of the Trust's
shareholders, Board of Trustees and the maintenance of the
Trust's organizational existence;

         j. Expenses of printing  certificates  representing shares of the Trust
and expenses of preparing, printing and mailing notices, proxy material, reports
to regulatory bodies and reports to shareholders of the Trust;

         k.  Expenses of preparing and typesetting of prospectuses of
the Trust;

         l.  Expenses of printing and distributing prospectuses to
shareholders of the Trust;

         m.  Association membership dues;

         n.  Premiums for fidelity insurance, directors and officers
liability insurance and other coverage;

         o.  Charges of an independent pricing service to value the
Portfolio's assets;

         p.  Expenses related to the purchase or redemption of the
Trust's shares; and

         q. Such nonrecurring expenses as may arise,  including those associated
with actions,  suits,  or  proceedings to which the Trust is a party and arising
from any legal obligation which the Trust may have to indemnify its officers and
Trustees with respect thereto.

         5.  Reduction of Fee or Reimbursement to the Trust


         If in any fiscal year the  aggregate  expenses of any  Portfolio of the
Trust (including fees pursuant to this Agreement but excluding interest,  taxes,
brokerage,  distribution  fees and  extraordinary  expenses)  exceed the expense
limitations of any state having  jurisdiction  over the Trust,  the Manager will
reduce  its fees or  reimburse  the  Portfolio  for the  amount of such  excess,
limited to the amount of its fees  hereunder.  Such reduction in fees or expense
reimbursement,  if any, will be estimated,  reconciled  and paid, in the case of
reimbursement, on a monthly basis.

         6.  Standard of Care

         The Manager shall  exercise its best judgment in rendering the services
hereunder.  The Manager shall not be liable for any error of judgment or mistake
of law or for any loss suffered by the Trust in  connection  with the matters to
which this  Agreement  relates,  provided that nothing herein shall be deemed to
protect or purport to protect the Manager  against  liability to the Trust or to
the shareholders of the Trust to which the Manager would otherwise be subject by
reason of willful misfeasance,  bad faith or gross negligence on its part in the
performance  of its duties or by reason of the Manager's  reckless  disregard of
its  obligations  and duties under this  Agreement.  Any person,  even though an
officer,  director,  employee or agent of the  Manager,  who may be or become an
officer,  Trustee,  employee  or  agent of the  Trust,  shall  be  deemed,  when
rendering  services to the Trust or when acting on any business of the Trust, to
be rendering such services to or to be acting solely for the Trust and not as an
officer,  director,  employee or agent, or one under the control or direction of
the Manager, even though paid by it.

         7.  Term

         This Agreement  shall continue in effect,  unless sooner  terminated as
hereinafter  provided,  for a period  of two  years  from the  date  hereof  and
indefinitely thereafter provided that its continuance after such two year period
as to each Portfolio shall be specifically approved at least annually by vote of
a majority of the outstanding  voting securities of such Portfolio or by vote of
a majority of the Trust's  Board of  Trustees;  and further  provided  that such
continuance is also approved  annually by the vote of a majority of the Trustees
who are not parties to this Agreement or interested  persons of the Trust or the
Manager,  cast in person at a meeting  called for the  purpose of voting on such
approval.  This  Agreement  may be  terminated  as to any Portfolio at any time,
without payment of any penalty, by the Trust's Board of Trustees or by a vote of
a majority of the


outstanding  voting  securities  of such  Portfolio  upon 60 days' prior written
notice to the Manager,  or by the Manager upon 90 days' prior written  notice to
the Trust,  or upon such shorter  notice as may be mutually  agreed  upon.  This
Agreement  may be amended at any time by the Manager  and the Trust,  subject to
approval by the Trust's  Board of Trustees  and, if required by  applicable  SEC
rules and regulations,  a vote of a majority of the Trust's  outstanding  voting
securities.  This Agreement shall terminate automatically and immediately in the
event of its assignment.  The terms  "assignment" and "vote of a majority of the
outstanding  voting  securities" shall have the meaning set forth for such terms
in the 1940 Act.

         8.  Limitation of Trust's Liability

         The Manager acknowledges that it has received notice of and accepts the
limitations  upon  the  Trust's   liability  set  forth  in  its  Agreement  and
Declaration of Trust. The Manager agrees that the Trust's obligations  hereunder
in any case shall be limited to the Trust and to its assets and that the Manager
shall not seek  satisfaction of any such obligation from the shareholders of the
Trust nor from any Trustee, officer, employee or agent of the Trust.

         9.  Force Majeure

         The  Manager  shall not be liable  for  delays or errors  occurring  by
reason of circumstances beyond its control, including but not limited to acts of
civil or military authority,  national emergencies, work stoppages, fire, flood,
catastrophe,  acts of God, insurrection,  war, riot, or failure of communication
or power supply. In the event of equipment  breakdowns  beyond its control,  the
Manager shall take reasonable steps to minimize service  interruptions but shall
have no liability with respect thereto.

         10.  Severability

         If any provision of this  Agreement  shall be held or made invalid by a
court  decision,  statute,  rule or otherwise,  the remainder of this  Agreement
shall not be affected thereby.

         11.  Miscellaneous

         This  Agreement  constitutes  the full and  complete  agreement  of the
parties hereto with respect to the subject  matter hereof.  Each party agrees to
perform such further actions and execute such further documents as are necessary
to effectuate the


purposes  hereof.  This Agreement  shall be construed and enforced in accordance
with and governed by the laws of the State of  California.  The captions in this
Agreement are included for convenience  only and in no way define or delimit any
of the provisions hereof or otherwise affect their construction or effect.  This
Agreement may be executed in several  counterparts,  all of which together shall
for all purposes constitute one Agreement, binding on all the parties.

         12.  Limitation of Liability

         A copy of the  Declaration  of Trust is on file with the  Secretary  of
State of The Commonwealth of Massachusetts  and notice is hereby given that this
Agreement is executed on behalf of the Trustees of the Trust as trustees and not
individually and that the obligations of this Agreement are not binding upon the
Trustees or holders of shares of the Trust  individually  but are  binding  only
upon the assets and property of the Trust.

         If the  foregoing  is in  accordance  with your  understanding,  kindly
indicate your acceptance hereof by signing and returning to us the enclosed copy

                                                Very truly yours,

                                                ENDEAVOR SERIES TRUST

                                                By  [Signature omitted]


By: [Signature omitted]


                             SCHEDULE A

                                                            Percentage of
Portfolio                                                   daily net assets
                                                            .50% of average
[Domestic Money Market Portfolio                            daily net assets]

[Domestic Managed Asset Allocation                          .75% of average
Portfolio                                                   daily net assets]
                                                            .90% of average
[Global Managed Asset Allocation Portfolio                  daily net assets]
                                                            .90% of average
[Global Growth Portfolio                                    daily net assets]

Endeavor Money Market Portfolio                             .50% of average
- -------------------------------                             ---------------
                                                            daily net assets
Endeavor Asset Allocation Portfolio                         .75% of average
- -----------------------------------                         ---------------
                                                            daily net assets
T. Rowe Price International Stock                           .90% of average
- ---------------------------------                           ---------------
Portfolio                                                   daily net assets
Endeavor Value Equity Portfolio                             .80% of average
- -------------------------------                             ---------------
                                                            daily net assets
Dreyfus Small Cap Portfolio                                 .80% of average
- ---------------------------                                 ---------------
                                                            daily net assets
Dreyfus U.S. Government Securities                          .65% of average
- ----------------------------------                          ---------------
Portfolio                                                   daily net assets

T. Rowe Price Equity Income Portfolio                       .80% of average
- -------------------------------------                       ---------------
                                                            daily net assets
T. Rowe Price Growth Stock Portfolio                        .80% of average
- ------------------------------------                        ---------------
                                                            daily net assets
Endeavor Opportunity Value Portfolio                        .80% of average
- ------------------------------------                        ---------------
                                                            daily net assets
Endeavor Enhanced Index Portfolio                           .75% of average
- ---------------------------------                           ---------------
                                                            daily net assets
Endeavor Select 50 Portfolio                                1.10% of average
- ----------------------------                                ----------------
                                                            daily net assets


                                                        Percentage of
Endeavor High Yield Portfolio                           .775% of average
- -----------------------------                           ----------------
                                                        daily net assets


                                                                       EXHIBIT C

                          Directors and Officers of Endeavor Management Co.

Vincent J. McGuinness, Sr.               Director, Chairman and CEO

Vincent J. McGuinness, Jr.               Director, Chief Operating Officer,
                                         Chief Financial Officer

Pamela A. Shelton                        Secretary


                                                                       EXHIBIT D

                                        INFORMATION CONCERNING FUNDAMENTAL
                                        BORROWING POLICY OF EACH PORTFOLIO

General Policy for All Portfolios

"A  Portfolio  may borrow  amounts  not  exceeding  5% of the value of its total
assets (not including the amount borrowed) for temporary purposes."

Exceptions                                       Portfolio
"May borrow from banks or through reverse     Dreyfus U.S. Government Securities
repurchase agreements or dollar roll
transactions in an amount equal to up to 33
1/3% of the value of its total assets
(calculated when the loan is made) for
temporary, extraordinary or emergency
purposes and to take advantage of
investment opportunities and may pledge up
to 33 1/3% of the value of its total assets to
secure these borrowings"

"May (i) borrow for non-leveraging,            T. Rowe Price Equity Income
temporary or emergency purposes and (ii)       T. Rowe Price Growth Stock
engage in reverse repurchase agreements        T. Rowe Price International Stock
and make other investments or engage in other transactions,  which may involve a
borrowing, in a manner consistent with each Portfolio's investment objective and
program,  provided that the combination of (i) and (ii) shall not exceed 33 1/3%
of the value of each  Portfolio's  total assets  (including the amount borrowed)
less  liabilities  (other than  borrowings)  and may pledge up to 33 1/3% of the
value of its total assets to secure those borrowings"


Exceptions   Portfolio  "May  borrow  money  from  banks  or  through   Endeavor
Opportunity  Value reverse  repurchase  agreements  for Endeavor  Enhanced Index
temporary or emergency  purposes in amounts up to 10% of each Portfolio's  total

"May borrow money from banks for                             Endeavor Select 50
temporary or emergency purposes or
pursuant to reverse repurchase agreements
in an amount up to 33 1/3% of the value of
its total assets, provided that immediately
after such borrowings there is asset
coverage of at least 300% of all

"May borrow money from banks for                             Endeavor High Yield
temporary or emergency purposes or
pursuant to reverse repurchase agreements
in an amount up to 33 1/3% of the value of
its total assets, provided that immediately
after such borrowings there is asset
coverage of at least 300% of all borrowings
and may engage in dollar roll transactions"



                                        Endeavor Asset Allocation Portfolio
                                          Endeavor Money Market Portfolio
                                    T. Rowe Price International Stock Portfolio
                                          Endeavor Value Equity Portfolio
                                         Dreyfus Small Cap Value Portfolio
                                   Dreyfus U.S. Government Securities Portfolio
                                       T. Rowe Price Equity Income Portfolio
                                       T. Rowe Price Growth Stock Portfolio
                                       Endeavor Opportunity Value Portfolio
                                         Endeavor Enhanced Index Portfolio
                                           Endeavor Select 50 Portfolio
                                           Endeavor High Yield Portfolio


The  undersigned  contract owner,  annuitant or participant,  by completing this
form does hereby appoint  [Peoples  Benefit Life and Health  Insurance  Company]
[AUSA Life Insurance  Company,  Inc.] attorneys and proxies for the undersigned,
with full powers of substitution  and  revocation,  to represent the undersigned
and to vote on behalf of the undersigned all shares of Beneficial Interest which
the  undersigned is entitled to vote at a Special  Meeting of Shareholders to be
held at 10:00 a.m.  Pacific time on May 27, 1999 at the Four Seasons Hotel,  690
Newport Center Drive, Newport, California 92660 and at any adjournments thereof.

The interest represented by this proxy will be voted as directed below, or if no
direction is indicated, will be voted FOR the proposals listed below. If a proxy
is not received from a particular contract owner, participant or annuitant, then
votes  attributable to his interest will be allocated in the same ratio as votes
for which instructions have been received.

1.       To approve or  disapprove  an  amendment  to the  management  agreement
         between the Trust and Endeavor Management Co., the manager of the Trust
         (all  Portfolios  except Endeavor Select 50 Portfolio and Endeavor High


FUND            UNITS            FOR             AGAINST              ABSTAIN

2.       To approve or disapprove a new management  agreement  between the Trust
         and Endeavor Management Co. (all Portfolios)

FUND           UNITS              FOR             AGAINST              ABSTAIN

3.       To approve or disapprove a new investment advisory agreement between
         Endeavor Management Co. and each Portfolio's investment adviser (all

FUND           UNITS               FOR             AGAINST              ABSTAIN

4.       To approve or disapprove a proposal to permit  Endeavor  Management Co.
         to  hire  and  replace  investment  advisers  or to  modify  investment
         advisory agreements without shareholder approval (all Portfolios)

FUND           UNITS                FOR            AGAINST              ABSTAIN

5.       To adopt uniform policies  concerning  borrowing by the Portfolios (all


FUND           UNITS            FOR             AGAINST               ABSTAIN

6.   To amend a fundamental policy concerning investments in illiquid securities
     and to make the policy non-fundamental  (Dreyfus U.S. Government Securities
     Portfolio only)

FUND           UNITS            FOR              AGAINST                 ABSTAIN

7. To elect the named individuals as Trustees of the Trust (all Portfolios)

FUND           UNITS             FOR              AGAINST                ABSTAIN

8.       To ratify the selection of Ernst & Young LLP as independent auditors of
         the Trust (all Portfolios)

FUND           UNITS             FOR              AGAINST               ABSTAIN

The undersigned,  by completing this form, does hereby request that the proxy be
authorized to exercise its  discretion in voting upon such other business as may
properly come before the meeting.




NOTE:  The  undersigned  hereby  acknowledges  receipt  of the Notice of Special
Meeting and Proxy Statement, and revokes any proxy heretofore given with respect
to the votes covered by this proxy.

Dated_______________ , 1999                      ______________________________
