Set forth below is certain balance sheet and income statement  consolidated
financial  information  for Vectren  Utility  Holdings,  Inc. as of, and for the
eleven months ended, November 30, 2000.

             Vectren Utility Holdings, Inc. and Subsidiary Companies
                             Selected Financial Data
                          (Unaudited -- $ in Millions)

                        Consolidated Statement of Income
                    Eleven Months Ended November 30, 2000 (1)
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  Operating Revenues.................................................$ 877.9
  Margin on Operating Revenues.......................................  419.2
  Operating Income...................................................  100.8 (2)
  Net Income ........................................................   37.5 (2)

               Consolidated Balance Sheet at November 30, 2000 (1)
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  Total Assets......................................................$2,263.1
  Total Liabilities................................................. 1,690.8
  Common and Preferred Shareholders Equity..........................   572.3

(1)  Totals  reflect  one month of  operating  results  for the  Vectren  Energy
     Delivery of Ohio, Inc. operations, which was acquired on October 31, 2000.

(2)  Includes  pre-tax  expenses of $40.5  million,  including  $10.1 million of
     accelerated  depreciation,  related to the merger between  Indiana  Energy,
     Inc. and SIGCORP, Inc. to form Vectren Corporation.


     The  following  table sets forth as of  November  30,  2000 the  historical
unaudited capitalization of Vectren Utility Holdings, Inc.

                     Capitalization at November 30, 2000 (1)
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                                                                      Amount               % of Total
                                                                      ------               ----------
  Short-term Debt and Current Maturities of Adjustable Rate
  Pollution Control Bonds...................................         $  728.0                  41.6%
  Long-term Debt, Net of Current Maturities.................            449.1 (2)              25.7%
  Preferred Stock...........................................             17.0                   1.0%
  Common Shareholders Equity................................            555.3                  31.7%
                                                                   -----------              --------

        Total Capitalization                                         $1,749.4                 100.0%
                                                                   ===========              ========

(1)  Totals  reflect  one month of  operating  results  for the  Vectren  Energy
     Delivery of Ohio, Inc. operations, which was acquired on October 31, 2000.

(2)  Amount does not include  $70,000,000 in the aggregate  principal  amount of
     insured   quarterly  notes  to  be  issued  by  one  of  the  Corporation's
     subsidiaries, Indiana Gas Company, Inc., on or about December 28, 2000. The
     notes will be issued by Indiana  Gas Company in two  tranches:  $20,000,000
     aggregate  principal  amount with a 15 year  maturity and a 7.15%  interest
     rate, and $50,000,000  aggregate  principal  amount with a 30 year maturity
     and a 7.45% interest rate.