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                                                       News Release
                                                       Vectren Corporation
                                                       P.O. Box 209
                                                       Evansville, IN 47702-0209

December 22, 2000

For Immediate Release

   Vectren Corporation Announces Additional Investment with Utilicom Networks

Evansville - Vectren  Corporation  (NYSE:VVC),  has invested an additional  $8.1
million with Utilicom Networks,  LLC and has also committed to invest up to $100
million with Utilicom  Networks,  pending  completion  of all funding.  Utilicom
Networks,  operating  under the brand name  TOTALink,  is a provider  of bundled
communications  services,  focusing  on last mile  delivery to  residential  and
commercial  customers in Tier 2 and Tier 3 markets. It builds, owns and operates
high  capacity  broadband  networks and delivers  cable TV, high speed  Internet
service and telephone  service to customers in  partnership  with  affiliates of
local electric and gas utilities.

Vectren  is a  current  partner  in  Utilicom  Networks'  initial  operation  in
Evansville,  Indiana, operating under the brand name of SIGECOM, LLC, a TOTALink
affiliate.  Vectren's  commitment  will  support  Utilicom's  plan to raise $600
million of  additional  capital to fund  ventures in  Indianapolis,  Indiana and
Dayton,  Ohio, where Utilicom has recently  received  authorization to build and
operate  networks,  and to  recapitalize  the  SIGECOM  venture.  While  Vectren
Corporation  has  committed  to  invest up to $100  million  and  management  is
confident  of the  ability of our  partners  to raise the  necessary  funds,  no
additional  funding beyond the $8.1 will be made until all financing is secured.
In  addition  to  Vectren,   Utilicom  has  obtained  $220  million  of  capital
commitments from Blackstone  Capital Partners III, First Union Capital Partners,
and JP Morgan Capital, also subject to achieving full funding.

Both the Indianapolis and Dayton projects have received all necessary regulatory
approvals and are in advanced  stages of  pre-engineering  and  pre-construction
planning.  Pole  attachment  rights have been  secured and a launch date of late
2001 is  expected.  The  Indianapolis  project,  TOTALink of Indiana  LLC,  will
consist of approximately  3,400 miles of broadband network passing 350,000 homes
and  businesses.  The Dayton  project,  TOTALink  of Ohio LLC,  will  consist of
approximately  1,100  miles of  broadband  network  passing  120,000  homes  and

Utilicom  Networks'  operation  in  Evansville,   SIGECOM,  serves  over  22,000
customers on a network built in  partnership  with SIGCORP,  Inc.,  formerly the
holding  company of Southern  Indiana Gas & Electric  (SIGECO),  a wholly  owned
subsidiary of Vectren Corporation. Total network construction of 880 miles began
in October 1998 and was completed in June 2000.  The network  passes over 83,000
homes and businesses of which  approximately 80% have had initial marketing.  To
date,   SIGECOM  has  approximately   54,800  Revenue  Generating  Units  (RGUs)
consisting of cable television,  high speed Internet and local and long distance
telephone.  SIGECOM counts each of the four services as a separate RGU, offering
multiple services at varying discounts.  SIGECOM is currently averaging 2.5 RGUs
per residential  customer and 2.1 RGUs per commercial  customer.  Most recently,
SIGECOM has  experienced  penetration  rates on homes marketed of 31% cable,  5%
high  speed  Internet,  23%  local  telephone  and 22% long  distance  telephone
service.  These  penetration  rates are in excess of  expectations  and industry

                                 SIGECOM, L.L.C
             Network Construction, Passings and Customer Information

                              12/31/99           6/30/00             11/30/00
                              --------           -------             --------
Total Activated Miles              360               880                  880
Total Customers Passed          41,900            83,400               83,400
Total Customers Marketed        33,700            50,700               69,500

Customer Count*
       Residential               8,100            15,500               21,400
       Commercial                  425               750                1,000

Customer Penetration Rate*         25%               32%                  32%

Revenue Generating Units*       15,400            37,900               54,800

RGUs per Customer*
       Residential                 1.8               2.3                  2.5
       Commercial                  1.7               2.1                  2.1

Penetration Rates per RGU*
       Cable                       24%               31%                  31%
       High Speed Internet          2%                4%                   5%
       Local Telephone              9%               21%                  23%
       Long Distance                9%               20%                  22%

*    Customers,  penetration  rates and RGUs are based on customers  marketed to
     within constructed network only.

"This is a logical step in developing  and  maintaining  customer  relationships
supporting our core business," said Niel C. Ellerbrook,  Vectren's  Chairman and
Chief  Executive  Officer.  "The concept of  delivering  high quality  broadband
services and superior  customer care is consistent  with Vectren's  objective of
being the leading  regional  provider of energy and related  applied  technology
solutions  to  business,  residential  and  municipal  customers.  With  SIGECOM
expected to be cash flow positive from  operations in early 2001, we believe our
success in southern Indiana provides a model for future broadband investments in
the  Tier 2 and 3  markets.  SIGECOM's  value is  achieved  by the  delivery  of
superior and competitively  priced services to all customer classes from a known
and trusted company.  We have worked hard to ensure that Vectren has established
firm footprints in  Indianapolis,  Dayton and the surrounding  areas.  With both
TOTALlink  LLC's being marketed as affiliates of Vectren,  we are confident that
our existing presence,  coupled with the larger and more dense markets,  provide
tremendous opportunity for success."

Vectren has a 14% equity interest in SIGECOM following the  recapitalization  of
Utilicom in January of this year.  Vectren will have a 31% ownership in both the
Indianapolis and Dayton ventures and will own  approximately 8% of Utilicom upon
completion of all new funding. With the $8.1 million investment, Vectren has now
invested  $25 million  with  Utilicom as  convertible  subordinated  debt and $8
million as equity in SIGECOM Holdings.  Vectren does not expect the Indianapolis
and Dayton  investments to have any significant  financial impact on earnings in
2001 or 2002.  Capital will be contributed to fund  construction in Indianapolis
and Dayton over 5 years.

More about Vectren

Vectren  Corporation  (NYSE:VVC) is an energy holding company  headquartered  in
Evansville,  Indiana.  Through its regulated  subsidiaries,  Vectren  offers gas
and/or electricity to nearly 1 million customers in adjoining service areas that
cover  nearly   two-thirds   of  Indiana  and  west  central   Ohio.   Vectren's
non-regulated   subsidiaries  and  affiliates   currently  offer  energy-related
products and services,  fiber-optic based  communication  services,  and utility
related  services  including  underground  construction,  line  locating,  meter
reading,  materials management, and debt collections to customers throughout the
surrounding region.
To learn more about Vectren visit http://www.vectren.com.

More about Utilicom

Utilicom  Networks  Inc.  offers a turnkey  approach  that enables  deregulating
utilities  serving second and third tier markets to provide their customers with
enhanced voice, data and video services.  Utilicom builds and operates broadband
communications  networks in  conjunction  with its utility  partners,  under the
TOTALink brand name.  Utilicom's  broadband connection provides customers access
to such  services  as digital  telephony,  high  speed  Internet  access,  video
conferencing, digital cable television, and advanced data networking services.
To learn more about Utilicom visit http://www.utilicomnetworks.com.

More about Blackstone

The  Blackstone  Group, a private  investment  bank with offices in New York and
London,  was  founded  in 1985  by its  Chairman,  Peter  G.  Peterson,  and its
President  and CEO,  Stephen  A.  Schwarzman.  The  firm  has  raised a total of
approximately  $14 billion for alternative  asset investing since its formation.
The  Blackstone  Group's  six  core  businesses  are  Mergers  and  Acquisitions
Advisory,  Restructuring and Reorganization Advisory,  Private Equity Investing,
Private  Real  Estate  Investing,   Private  Mezzanine  Investing,   and  Liquid
Alternative Asset Management.

This  news  release  may  contain  forward-looking   statements  concerning  our
anticipation of future events that involve inherent risks and  uncertainties.  A
number of important factors which are difficult to predict and many of which are
beyond  the  control  of the  company  could  cause  actual  results  to  differ
materially  from  those  in  the  forward-looking  statements.   Forward-looking
statements  may be  significantly  impacted by certain risks and  uncertainties,
including,  but not limited to, economic or weather conditions  affecting future
sales,  changes in markets for energy  services,  changing energy market prices,
legislative   and   regulatory   changes,    including   revised   environmental
requirements, industry restructuring, availability and cost of capital and other
similar factors. SOURCE Vectren Corporation

Investor Contacts:  Steven M. Schein, VP/Investor Relations, Vectren
                    (812) 491-4209, sschein@vectren.com

Media Contact:      Jeffrey W. Whiteside, VP/Corporate Communications, Vectren
                    (812) 491-4205, jwhiteside@vectren.com

          Vectren Corporation, P.O. Box 209, Evansville, IN 47702-0209