1,248,157 SHARES OF CLASS A COMMON STOCK

                      [Logo Omitted] The Morgan Group, Inc.


     We currently have two classes of common stock issued and outstanding, Class
A common stock,  $.015 par value, and Class B common stock,  $.015 par value. We
have no other equity securities  outstanding.  We are distributing to holders of
our Class A common stock, Class A warrants to purchase  additional shares of our
Class A common  stock.  This  prospectus  relates  to the  Class A common  stock
issuable upon exercise of the Class A warrants.  Our Class A common stock trades
on the American Stock Exchange under the symbol "MG."

     o    For each share of our Class A common stock which you own on the record
          date of December 7, 2001 you will receive one Class A warrant.

     o    Each  Class A warrant  entitles  you to  purchase,  subject to certain
          adjustments,  one  share of our  Class A common  stock at the  warrant
          exercise price of $9.00 per share.  The exercise price for the Class A
          warrants will be reduced to $6.00 per share during a reduction  period
          of at least 30 days to be set by our Board of Directors. The Board has
          not  yet  determined  the  timing  of  the  reduction  period.  If the
          reduction  period has not been set by October 12, 2006,  the reduction
          period will be November 11, 2006 to December 11, 2006.

     o    The closing  price for the shares of Class A common  stock on November
          26,  2001  was  $3.30.  Therefore,   the  warrant  exercise  price  is
          considerably  higher  than the  recent  trading  price of the  Class A
          common stock as of the date of this Prospectus.

     o    On July 12,  2001,  we issued  1,000,000  shares of our Class B common
          stock to a wholly owned subsidiary of Lynch  Interactive  Corporation,
          our controlling stockholder,  for a purchase price of $2.00 per share.
          See "The Morgan Group, Inc. -- Lynch Interactive  Corporation" on page
          for a more complete description of the transaction and a discussion of
          the disparity in price.

     o    The  Class A  warrants  may not be  transferred.  We do not  intend to
          apply,  and are not obligated to apply, for listing of the warrants on
          any securities  exchange.  However,  we intend to apply for listing of
          the  Class A common  stock  underlying  the  Class A  warrants  on the
          American Stock Exchange.

     o    We will not issue fractional shares, and we will not pay cash in place
          of warrants or fractional  shares. If the number of warrants which you
          own on the record date would result,  when exercised,  in your receipt
          of fractional  shares,  the number of shares which you will be able to
          purchase  pursuant to such  warrants  will be rounded down to the next
          whole number.

     o    The warrants are exercisable for a 5-year period beginning on the date
          of this  prospectus,  when completed,  and continuing until 5:00 p.m.,
          New York City Time, on December 11, 2006.

     o    Warrants are irrevocable once exercised.

                                     Maximum               Maximum            Underwriting             Maximum
                                    Number of              Warrant            Discounts and          Proceeds to
                                 Shares Issuable       Exercise Price        Commissions (1)         Company (2)
                                 ---------------       --------------        ---------------         -----------
Per Share of Class A
   Common Stock                     1,248,157                $9.00 (3)            None                     $9.00 (3)
Total (4)                           1,248,157          $11,233,413 (3)            None               $11,233,413 (3)

- -------------------------
(1)  We are  distributing  the warrants  directly to our stockholders and do not
     intend to pay any  commissions  or other  remuneration  to any  person  for
     soliciting  purchasers of the shares of Class A common stock underlying the
(2)  Before  estimated  expenses of $182,808.35.  The warrant  exercise price is
     considerably  higher  than the recent  trading  price of the Class A common
     stock as of the date of this  Prospectus.  There  is no  minimum  offering.
     There is no assurance that any of the warrants will be exercised.
(3)  The  exercise  price for the Class A warrants  will be reduced to $6.00 per
     share during a reduction  period of at least 30 days to be set by our Board
     of  Directors.  If such  period is not set prior to the date 60 days before
     the expiration date, such period will comprise the final 30 days before the
     expiration date.
(4)  Assumes exercise of all warrants to be issued in this offering.

This  investment  involves risk.  See "Risk  Factors"  beginning on page to read
about risks that you should consider carefully before buying shares of our Class
A Common Stock.

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Neither  the  Securities  and  Exchange  Commission  nor  any  State  Securities
Commission has approved or disapproved of these securities or determined if this
prospectus  is truthful or  complete.  Any  representation  to the contrary is a
criminal offense.

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

The date of this Prospectus is December 12, 2001.

                                TABLE OF CONTENTS

Prospectus Summary ........................................................    1

The Morgan Group, Inc. ....................................................    1

The Offering ..............................................................    6

Risk Factors ..............................................................    8

Risks Related to the Offering .............................................    8

Risks Related to Us and Our Industry ......................................    9

Risks Related to Factors Outside Our Control ..............................   10

Capitalization ............................................................   12

Summary Financial Data ....................................................   13

Management's Discussion and Analysis of Financial Condition
   and Results of Operations ..............................................   14

Results of Operations for the Year 2000 Compared with 1999 ................   14

Interim Results of Operations for the Quarter Ended September 30, 2001 ....   17

Market for Common Equity and Related Stockholder Matters ..................   21
   Market Information .....................................................   21
   Dividend Policy ........................................................   21

Use of Proceeds ...........................................................   21

The Offering ..............................................................   22
   Exercising Your Warrants ...............................................   22
   Warrant Exercise Price .................................................   22
   Expiration Time ........................................................   23
   Warrant Agent ..........................................................   23
   Determination of the Warrant Exercise Price ............................   23
   Plan of Distribution ...................................................   23
   Warrant Payments .......................................................   24
   Anti-Dilution Protection ...............................................   24
   Warrant Amendments .....................................................   24
   Nominee Holders ........................................................   24
   Ambiguities in Exercise of the Warrants ................................   25
   Interpretation .........................................................   25
   Risk of Loss on Delivery of Warrant Certificates and Payments ..........   25
   Exercise of Less Than All Warrants .....................................   25
   Warrants Are Not Transferable ..........................................   26
   Signature Guarantees ...................................................   26
   Procedures for Depository Trust Company Participants ...................   26
   No Revocation ..........................................................   26
   No Board Recommendation ................................................   26
   Issuance of Stock Certificates .........................................   27
   Foreign Stockholders; Stockholders with APO or FPO Addresses ...........   27
   State and Foreign Securities Law .......................................   27
   Regulatory Limitation ..................................................   27
   Questions or Requests for Assistance ...................................   27

Dilution ..................................................................   27

Description of Capital Stock ..............................................   28
   Class A and Class B Common Stock .......................................   28
   Preferred Stock ........................................................   29
   Certain Statutory, Charter and ByLaw Provisions ........................   29

Certain Federal Income Tax Consequences ...................................   30

Indemnification of Directors and Officers -- Disclosure of
   Commission's Position on Indemnification ...............................   31

Legal Matters .............................................................   31

Experts ...................................................................   32

Forward Looking Statements ................................................   32

Where You Can Find More Information .......................................   32

Incorporation by Reference ................................................   32

                               PROSPECTUS SUMMARY

     This  summary  highlights  material  information  found in  greater  detail
elsewhere in this prospectus.  In addition to this summary,  we urge you to read
the entire  prospectus  carefully,  especially the risks involved in our Class A
common stock  discussed under "Risk Factors" before deciding to invest in shares
of our Class A common stock.

                             THE MORGAN GROUP, INC.

     The Morgan Group,  Inc., a majority owned  subsidiary of Lynch  Interactive
Corporation, is the nation's largest publicly owned service company managing the
delivery of manufactured homes, commercial vehicles and specialized equipment in
the United  States,  and,  through its wholly  owned and  principal  subsidiary,
Morgan Drive Away,  Inc.,  has been operating  since 1936. We primarily  provide
outsourcing  transportation services through a national network of approximately
775  independent  owner-operators  and  approximately  1,112 other drivers as of
October 31, 2001. We dispatch our drivers from 56 locations in 27 states,  as of
such  date.  We also  provide  certain  insurance  services  to the  independent
owner-operators through our insurance subsidiaries.

     As further  described below,  our strategy is to grow through  expansion in
our niche businesses while pursuing  appropriate  acquisitions or joint ventures
in related  industries.  In addition,  we will seek to expand insurance  product
offerings to drivers and owner-operators.

Our Services

     We  operate  in  four  business  segments:   Manufactured  Housing,  Driver
Outsourcing, Specialized Outsourcing Services, and Insurance and Finance.

     o    Manufactured  Housing  Segment.  We derive the largest  portion of our
          operating  revenues  from  transportation  of  manufactured   housing,
          primarily new manufactured homes,  modular homes, and office trailers.
          We also transport used manufactured homes and offices for individuals,
          businesses, and the U.S. Government. We are the largest transporter of
          manufactured  homes in the United  States.  As of October 31, 2001, we
          utilize  approximately  426 independent  owner-operators  to transport
          manufactured  homes  for our  customers.  The  number  of  independent
          owner-operators  decreased  approximately  47% from  October 31, 2000,
          principally  due to the decrease in  shipments.  To serve the regional
          structure of this industry,  we position each of our dispatch  offices
          close to the  production  facility it serves.  As of October 31, 2001,
          there are 37 regional dispatch offices.

          In 2001,  for the third  consecutive  year, the  manufactured  housing
          industry  experienced a decline in shipments and production.  However,
          we believe that the  manufactured  housing industry over the long-term
          should grow, but there is no assurance that manufactured housing sales
          will increase.

     o    Driver Outsourcing  Segment.  Our driver outsourcing  segment provides
          outsourcing  transportation  services  primarily to  manufacturers  of
          recreational  vehicles,   commercial  trucks,  and  other  specialized
          vehicles through a network of service centers in nine states utilizing
          1,112  drivers.  In 2000,  we  delivered  approximately  36,900  units
          through  the use of these  drivers.  While the  number  of  deliveries
          decreased, operating revenue per unit delivered increased in 2000.

     o    Specialized  Outsourcing Services Segment. Our specialized outsourcing
          services  segment  delivers  large trailers  ("Towaway  Services") and
          travel and other  small  trailers.  As of  October  31,  2001,  we had
          contracts with approximately 123 independent owner-operators who drive
          semi-tractors to provide Towaway  Services  compared to 89 independent
          owner-operators  at October  31,  2000.  As of October  31,  2001,  we
          deliver  travel  and other  small  trailers  through  226  independent

     o    Insurance  and Finance  Segment.  Our  insurance  and finance  segment
          provides  insurance  and  financing  to our  drivers  and  independent
          owner-operators. Our insurance subsidiary may accept a limited portion
          or all of the underwriting risk, retaining the appropriate  proportion
          of the premiums. This segment administers our cargo, bodily injury and
          property damage insurance programs.

Customers and Marketing

     Our  customers  are  located in various  parts of the  United  States.  Our
largest manufactured housing customer is Fleetwood Enterprises, Inc. Our largest
driver  outsourcing   customer  is  Winnebago   Industries,   Inc.  Our  largest
specialized  outsourcing services customer is Fleetwood Enterprises,  Inc. While
most  manufacturers  rely solely on  carriers  such as us,  other  manufacturers
operate their own equipment and may employ outside carriers on a limited basis.

     Our operating  revenues  primarily  include  linehaul  revenues  derived by
multiplying the miles of a given shipment by the stated mileage rate.  Operating
revenues also include charges for permits, insurance, escorts and other items. A
substantial  portion of our operating  revenues are generated under one, two, or
three-year   contracts  with  producers  of  manufactured  homes,   recreational
vehicles,  and the other products.  In these contracts,  the manufacturers agree
that we will provide a specific percentage (up to 100%) of their  transportation
service  requirements  from a  particular  location on the basis of a prescribed
rate schedule,  subject to certain  adjustments to accommodate  increases in our
transportation  costs.  Linehaul revenues  generated under customer contracts in
2000,  1999  and  1998  were  69%,  71%,  and 64% of  total  linehaul  revenues,

     Our ten largest customers all have been served for at least three years and
accounted for approximately  67%, 68% and 69% of linehaul revenues in 2000, 1999
and  1998,  respectively.   Linehaul  revenues  under  contract  with  Fleetwood
Enterprises,  Inc. accounted for over 15% of linehaul revenues in 2000. Linehaul
revenues  with  Oakwood  Homes  Corporation  accounted  for over 20% of linehaul
revenues in 2000.  The  Fleetwood  manufactured  housing  contract is continuous
except that it may be terminated  upon thirty (30) days written notice by either
party  if the  other  party  has  repeatedly  failed  to  perform,  persistently
disregarded applicable laws or regulations, or otherwise committed a substantial
violation of the contract.  We have been servicing  Fleetwood for over 25 years.
The Oakwood manufactured housing contract expired on September 30, 2001 and will
not be renewed;  however,  we will continue to be the primary backup carrier for
Oakwood.  Most of our contracts  provide for scheduled rate increases based upon
regional fuel prices. These increases are generally passed on to the independent
owner-operators who purchase fuel.

     We market  services  through 56 locations in 27 states at October 31, 2001,
concentrated  where  manufactured  housing and recreational  vehicle  production
facilities  are located.  Marketing  support  personnel  are located both at our
Elkhart, Indiana headquarters and regionally.

     Our  sales  personnel  meet  periodically  with   manufacturers  to  review
production schedules, requirements and maintain contact with customers' shipping
personnel.  Our senior  management  maintains  personal  contact with  corporate
officers of our largest customers.  Regional and terminal personnel also develop
relationships with manufactured home park owners,  retailers,  finance companies
and others to promote our services for shipment of used  manufactured  homes. We
also participate in industry trade shows throughout the country and advertise in
trade magazines, newspapers, and telephone directories.

Growth Strategy

     Our strategy is to focus on our core transportation  services. We will also
look for  opportunities  to  capitalize  and/or grow our market in  manufactured
housing and driver outsourcing through acquisitions,  if suitable  opportunities

     o    Manufactured  Housing.  We believe we can take better advantage of our
          position  in  the  manufactured  housing  industry  by  expanding  the
          services we offer within our specialized business. We will also pursue
          other national  contracts with  manufacturers.  While the manufactured
          housing  industry  has been in  recession,  we are seeking to position
          ourselves to take advantage of growth  opportunities  as this industry

     o    Driver Outsourcing.  We have focused our driver outsourcing operations
          in two broad markets,  recreational and commercial vehicles. Given the
          softness  in the  recreational  vehicle  industry,  we are  seeking to
          expand in the  delivery of  commercial  vehicles,  such as  commercial
          trucks, school buses, ambulances, dump trucks and shuttle buses.

     o    Specialized  Outsourcing  Services. We believe we can grow our Towaway
          business by increasing the number of available drivers and through the
          use of  transportation  brokers.  We have not been  able to take  full
          advantage of large trailer delivery  opportunities because we have not
          had a sufficient  number of Towaway drivers or our drivers were not in
          the required locations.

     o    Acquisitions/Joint   Ventures.   We  regularly  consider   acquisition
          opportunities.  We may consider  acquiring  regional or national firms
          that service the manufactured  housing and/or the outsourcing industry
          as well as logistics, transportation, or related industries.

     o    Insurance and Finance. We may seek to expand our insurance services to
          our independent  contractors and others. We currently have no plans to
          grow the finance portion of our business.

Lynch Interactive Corporation

     As of  June  30,  2001,  our  controlling  stockholder,  Lynch  Interactive
Corporation  ("Interactive")  owned 161,000  shares of our  outstanding  Class A
common stock and all 1,200,000  shares of our  outstanding  Class B common stock
through  its  wholly  owned  subsidiary  Brighton   Communications   Corporation
("Brighton"). On July 12, 2001, we issued 1,000,000 shares of our Class B common
stock to Interactive  through  Brighton for a purchase price of $2.00 per share.
The additional  issuance to  Interactive  increased its percentage of the voting
power of our common stock from approximately 70% to greater than 80%.

     There is a  significant  disparity  between the price per share  offered to
Interactive  in the sale of our Class B common  stock and the  warrant  exercise
price of $9.00,  subject to  adjustment,  for the warrants  distributed  in this
offering. This disparity is primarily due to the following considerations:

     o    On January  28,  2001,  our credit  facility  expired.  To support our
          operations,   we  were  obliged  to  establish  a  replacement  credit
          facility.  We  determined  that,  in  order  to  obtain  a new  credit
          facility,  we must raise  additional  equity  capital.  We  considered
          various  methods for raising  additional  equity  capital  including a
          traditional  public  offering,  and determined that the sale of equity
          capital to Interactive was the most favorable  alternative  that could
          be accomplished in a timely manner.

     o    In order to enhance its  internal  corporate  structuring  objectives,
          Interactive  deemed that, in  connection  with any  additional  equity
          investment in us, it was  essential  to, among other  things,  gain at
          least 80% of the voting power of our common stock.

     o    Unlike  our Class A common  stock,  the  shares of our Class B commons
          stock are not listed on any stock exchange or traded in any market.

     o    Our  Class  B  common  stock  is  subject  to   significant   transfer
          restrictions.  Any transfer in violation of the transfer  restrictions
          will result in the automatic  conversion of such transferred shares of
          Class A common stock and  substantially  dilute the voting  control of
          the Class B common stock.

     o    Our Certificate of Incorporation provides for dividends paid on shares
          of our Class A common  stock to be up to twice the amount of dividends
          paid on shares of our Class B common stock.

     o    Although  the  warrants are  currently  out-of-the-money,  they have a
          five-year  term and have the  potential to provide  holders with value
          over the long-term.

     On August 17,  2001,  Interactive  announced  that it plans to spin off its
investment  in us.  Interactive  contemplates  that all of the shares of Class A
common stock and Class B common stock held by Interactive  through Brighton will
be placed into a newly formed  corporation  wholly owned by Interactive and that
the  shares  of that  new  corporation  will  be  distributed  to  Interactive's
stockholders.  We do not  expect  that  the  Interactive  spin-off  will  have a
material effect on the company.

     In the event that the Class A warrants  issued  pursuant to this prospectus
and the Class B warrants  described  below under  "-Concurrent  Private  Sale of
Class B Warrants to our Class B Holder" are  distributed to Interactive  through
Brighton prior to the Interactive spin-off described above, we have consented to
the assignment of the Class A and Class B warrants to the new entity.

Concurrent Private Sale of Class B Warrants to our Class B Holder

     Concurrently  with  our  distribution  of  the  Class  A  warrants,  we are
distributing  to the holder of our Class B common  stock on the record  date one
Class B warrant  for each  share of our Class B common  stock held on that date,
for a total of  2,200,000  Class B warrants.  Each Class B warrant  entitles the
holder to purchase one share of our Class B common stock at an exercise price of
$9.00 per share,  subject to  adjustment  upon  occurrence  of certain  dilutive
events.  The terms of the Class B  warrants  are  identical  to the terms of the
Class A warrants, except that the Class B warrants will not carry any right to a
reduction in their  exercise  price and transfer of the Class B warrants will be
restricted on terms identical to the restrictions on transfer of shares of Class
B common stock.

Legal Proceedings

     On September 26, 2001,  we filed suit in federal  court in Georgia  against
one of our former senior  officers,  a competitor and certain of its affiliates,
alleging that the parties had secretly  conspired to misappropriate our drivers,
employees, customers and trade secrets through unlawful means at a time when the
senior  officer was still a senior officer of the company.  The lawsuit  further
alleges  that,  while  on our  payroll,  the  senior  officer  and  some  of her
subordinates  worked with the competitor,  using false information,  to convince
drivers under contract with us to leave and work for the competitor  instead. It
is also  alleged  that the senior  officer  and others  working on behalf of the
competitor  sent more  than 20 faxes  (including  some from our own  facilities)
encouraging  retail dealers under false pretenses to instruct  manufacturers  to
have their homes shipped by the competitor  rather than us in interference  with
those manufacturers' written agreement with us. The lawsuit further alleges that
the senior officer and others acting for the competitor improperly removed trade
secret  information  and files from two of our offices,  including  confidential
pricing data that the competitor allegedly is using to unfairly compete with our
price structure.

     At a hearing on September 28, 2001,  the  competitor and the senior officer
denied many of the allegations  and any  wrongdoing.  The federal court issued a
preliminary  injunction under which the court invalidated  contracts between the
competitor  and the drivers the  competitor had recruited from us. Those drivers
were freed from their  contracts with the competitor and given 10 days to choose
among  us,  the  competitor  or  another  carrier  based on full  disclosure  of
information.  The court also  invalidated  the letters  from  retail  dealers to
manufacturers  that the competitor and the senior officer allegedly  instigated,
and confirmed  that retail  dealers  should not be improperly  induced to use an
alternate  carrier.  The  competitor  and the  senior  officer  also  have  been
prohibited by the court from keeping or using any  confidential  information and
files allegedly taken from us.

     Since the issuance of the preliminary injunction,  we have succeeded in our
efforts to bring some of these  employees,  drivers  and  customers  back to the
company.  The alleged  illegal  actions  described  above  obviously  negatively
impacted the manufactured house business in the third quarter.

     In addition to the preliminary  injunction issued by the court on September
28, we are also  seeking  monetary  damages from the  competitor  and the senior
officer,  as well as a  permanent  injunction  against  unfair  competition  and
unlawful interference with our contracts.  Over the competitor's objection,  the
court ruled on September 28 that the parties could take  immediate  discovery in
the case on these remaining issues.

     On October 18, 2001, our competitor filed certain  counterclaims against us
which we plan to defend vigorously.

Summary Historical Financial Data

     The following  table sets forth  certain  selected  consolidated  financial
information  reflecting our  consolidated  operations for each year in the three
year period ended December 31, 2000 (and as of each year end) and the nine month
period ended  September 30, 2001.  This data should be read in conjunction  with
our  consolidated  financial  statements  and related  notes  thereto as well as
Management's  Discussion  and Analysis of Results of  Operations  and  Financial
Condition included herein.

                           Nine Months Ended
                          September 30, 2001
                             (Unaudited)             Year Ended December 31,
                          ------------------- ----------------------------------
                                  2001           2000         1999        1998
                          ------------------- ----------------------------------
Operating  Revenues ..........   $  70,954    $ 108,024    $ 145,629   $ 150,545
   Operating Income (Loss) ...        (247)      (2,038)         550       2,007
   Pre-tax Income (Loss) .....        (429)      (2,348)         212       1,462
         Net Income (Loss) ...        (174)      (4,799)          19         903

Our Address

     Our principal office is located at 2746 Old U.S. 20 West, Elkhart,  Indiana

                                  THE OFFERING

The Offering            We are  offering to sell an aggregate of up to 1,248,157
                        shares of our Class A common  stock upon the exercise of
                        the Class A warrants being distributed to holders of our
                        Class A common stock.

Record Date             December 7, 2001

The Warrants            We are distributing to each record holder of our Class A
                        common  stock on the record date one Class A warrant for
                        each  share  of our  Class A common  stock  held on that
                        date,  for a total of  1,248,157  Class A  warrants.  No
                        warrants  to purchase  fractional  shares will be issued
                        and the number of  warrants  to be issued to each holder
                        will be rounded down to the nearest whole warrant.

                        Each Class A warrant entitles the holder to purchase one
                        share of our Class A common  stock at an exercise  price
                        of $9.00  per  share,  subject  to  adjustment  upon the
                        occurrence of certain dilutive  events.  Please see "The
                        Offering-Anti-Dilution  Protection."  The exercise price
                        for the Class A  warrants  will be  reduced to $6.00 per
                        share during a period of not less than 30 days to be set
                        by our Board of  Directors.  Please see "The  Offering -
                        Warrant Exercise Price".

                        There is no minimum  amount of shares you must  purchase
                        to exercise warrants.

No Minimum Offering     There is no minimum  offering.  We are  distributing the
                        warrants to give our stockholders a fixed opportunity to
                        purchase  additional  shares of our common stock.  As of
                        November  26, 2001,  the closing  price of our shares of
                        Class A common  stock was  $3.30.  Because  the  warrant
                        exercise  price is $9.00,  subject  to  adjustment,  the
                        warrants are  "out-of-the-money"  on the date hereof and
                        are  likely  to be  out-of-the-money  for an  indefinite
                        period of time,  there is no  assurance  that any of the
                        warrants will be exercised. Expiration Time The warrants
                        have a five-year  term.  You may exercise  your warrants
                        commencing  on  the  date  of  this   prospectus,   when
                        completed. The warrants will expire on December 11, 2006
                        at 5:00 p.m., New York City Time.

How Warrants will be    We will  distribute to each record holder of our Class A
Evidenced               common  stock on the record  date a warrant  certificate
                        representing such holder's Class A warrants.

Exercising Your         You may exercise your warrants at any time  beginning on
Warrants                the date of this  prospectus  and  continuing  until the
                        expiration time by properly  completing and signing your
                        warrant  certificate and returning it, with full payment
                        for the total  number of shares you are  purchasing,  to
                        our warrant agent by the expiration  time.  Your payment
                        should be made by bank certified check,  cashier's check
                        or wire  transfer.  You may elect to  exercise  all or a
                        portion of your warrants. See "The Offering--Exercise of
                        Warrants"  and  "--Method of Payment" for details  about
                        delivery  and  payment.  Any  warrants  that  you do not
                        exercise  by the  expiration  time will  become null and
                        void after the expiration time.

Warrants Are Not        The  Class A  warrants  may  not be sold or  transferred
Transferable            except in  limited  circumstances.  We do not  intend to
                        apply,  and are not  obligated to apply,  for listing of
                        the warrants on any  securities  exchange.  However,  we
                        intend to apply for listing of the Class A common  stock
                        underlying  the Class A warrants on the  American  Stock

Irrevocability of       Your  exercise  of  warrants  is  irrevocable  after you
Warrants                submit the warrant  certificate and the warrant exercise

Warrant Agent           American  Stock Transfer & Trust Company 59 Maiden Lane,
                        9 Plaza  Level  New  York,  New  York  10038  Attention:
                        Shareholder Relations

Questions               If you have any questions about the offering,  including
                        questions  about  exercising  your warrants and requests
                        for  additional  copies  of  this  prospectus  or  other
                        documents,  please contact the warrant agent,  toll free
                        at (800) 777-0800.

Stock Certificates      Certificates  representing  shares of our Class A common
                        stock  purchased in this  offering  will be delivered to
                        purchasers  as soon as  practicable  after we  receive a
                        properly  completed  warrant  certificate and payment of
                        the warrant exercise price.

Federal Income Tax      Your  receipt  or  exercise  of  warrants  should not be
Consequences            treated  as a taxable  event for United  States  federal
                        income tax purposes.  Please see "Certain Federal Income
                        Tax Consequences."

Risk Factors            An investment  in shares of our common stock  involves a
                        high degree of risk. Please see "Risk Factors."

Use of Proceeds         Any net proceeds of this offering will be used by us for
                        general corporate purposes.  Because there is no minimum
                        offering,  and the warrant  exercise  price of $9.00 per
                        share significantly  exceeds the recent trading price of
                        the Class A common stock at the date of this prospectus,
                        we do not expect to receive  proceeds from this offering
                        for an indefinite period of time.

                                  RISK FACTORS

     This offering involves a high degree of risk. You should carefully consider
the risks  described below and the other  information in this prospectus  before
deciding  to invest  in shares of our  common  stock.  Our  business,  operating
results and financial condition could be affected by any of the following risks.
The trading price of our common stock could decline due to any of these risks or
for unforeseen reasons,  and you could lose all or part of your investment.  You
should  also  refer to the  other  information  set  forth  in this  prospectus,
including our consolidated  financial  statements and the related notes included
elsewhere in this prospectus.

     This prospectus also contains forward-looking statements that involve risks
and  uncertainties.  These  statements  relate to our future plans,  objectives,
expectations and intentions,  and the assumptions  underlying or relating to any
of these statements. These statements may be identified by the use of words such
as "expects,"  "anticipates,"  "intends,"  "plans,"  "objectives,"  "should" and
similar  expressions.  Our actual  results  could differ  materially  from those
discussed in these statements.

                         RISKS RELATED TO THE OFFERING

The warrants are "out-of-the-money."

     The warrant exercise price is substantially  higher than the recent trading
prices of our Class A common stock at the date of this  Prospectus.  In light of
our  expectation  to sell  additional  shares of our Class B common stock to our
controlling stockholder,  our Board of Directors determined the warrant exercise
price (including the Class A warrant exercise price reduction to $6.00 per share
during a period of at least 30 days) and approved the  distribution  of warrants
to give our  stockholders a fixed  opportunity to buy additional  shares without
brokerage fees and with a view that the warrants may prove to be of value to our
stockholders over the long-term.  However, there is no assurance that the public
market will develop in the warrants or that the market price of our common stock
will equal or exceed the  exercise  price of the  warrants at any time before or
after the expiration time.

     The offering  price was  determined  by our Board of Directors and bears no
direct  relationship  to the value of our assets,  financial  condition or other
established  criteria  for value.  Our Class A common  stock may trade at prices
above or below this price.

     Our  Board  of  Directors  determined  the  warrant  exercise  price  after
considering a number of factors including:

     o    past and recent trading prices of our Class A common stock;

     o    book value of our stock;

     o    past operations;

     o    past and potential future cash flows and earnings and losses;

     o    our overall financial condition; and

     o    our future prospects.

     The  Board of  Directors  did not  assign  weighting  to any one  factor in
setting the warrant exercise price.

Your interest in us may be diluted to the extent other warrant holders  exercise
warrants and you do not.

     If you do not exercise your warrants in full, your percentage ownership and
voting rights will decrease to the extent that warrants are exercised by others.

After submitting your warrant certificate and exercise price, you may not revoke
your exercise and could be committed to buy shares above the  prevailing  market

     As of November 26, 2001,  the trading price of the Class A common stock was
$3.30.  Because  the  warrant  exercise  price is $9.00 per  share,  subject  to
adjustment,  the  warrants  are  "out-of-the-money"  on the date  hereof and are
likely to be  out-of-the-money  for an indefinite period of time. We can give no
assurance  that the trading  price of our Class A common stock will ever meet or
exceed the warrant  exercise  price and,  consequently,  whether it will ever be
profitable for the holders of warrants to exercise the warrants. If you exercise
your  warrants  while the trading price of our Class A common stock is less than
the warrant  exercise  price,  then you will have committed to buy shares of our
common  stock  at a price  above  the  prevailing  market  price.  Once you have
exercised your warrants, you may not revoke your exercise.  Moreover, you may be
unable to sell your shares of common  stock at a price equal to or greater  than
the warrant exercise price you pay.


Our credit  facilities  may not be adequate  to support  our  current  letter of
credit and working capital requirements.

     The availability and sufficiency of such credit  facilities  depends on our
financial  condition and operating  performance,  which is affected by the other
factors  described  herein,  as well as the  willingness  of  lenders to provide
credit  support in the  transportation  and  manufactured  housing  sector.  Our
operations could be adversely affected by inadequate credit availability.

We are controlled by Lynch Interactive Corporation.

     As of the  date  of  this  prospectus,  our  principal  stockholder,  Lynch
Interactive  Corporation  ("Interactive"),  was the beneficial  owner of 161,000
shares of our Class A common  stock and  2,200,000  shares of our Class B common
stock through its wholly owned subsidiary  Brighton  Communications  Corporation
("Brighton").  Shares of our Class A common stock carry one vote per share while
shares of our Class B common  stock  carry  two votes per  share.  Interactive's
voting control  currently  exceeds 80% of the voting power of all classes of our
common stock. The stock ownership of Interactive  enables it to elect all of our
directors  other than the director  elected by the holders of our Class A common
stock and effectively control the vote on all matters submitted to a vote of our
stockholders  other than those  subject to approval by holders of Class A common
stock voting separately as a class.  Interactive can be expected to exercise its
voting  control in its best interests  which may result in  stockholder  actions
which, though favored by Interactive, are not favored by all other stockholders.
In  addition,  as a result of  Interactive's  voting  control  we may enter into
transactions  with Interactive in the future which are less favorable to us than
might be reflected  in a  comparable  transaction  between  independent  parties
dealing at arms' length.

     On August 17,  2001,  Interactive  announced  that it plans to spin off its
investment  in us.  Interactive  contemplates  that all of the shares of Class A
common stock and Class B common stock held by Interactive  through Brighton will
be placed into a newly formed  corporation  wholly owned by Interactive and that
the  shares  of that  new  corporation  will  be  distributed  to  Interactive's
stockholders.  Interactive  has not  announced  a time frame for  effecting  the
spin-off. The Interactive spin-off will effect no substantial change in ultimate
control of the company.

We cannot assure you that we will pay dividends.

     Payment of dividends is within the discretion of our Board of Directors and
will depend, among other factors,  upon our earnings,  financial condition,  and
capital requirements.  Our ability to pay dividends is limited by covenants with
our lenders. We cannot assure you that we will pay any dividends.

We are dependent on the manufactured housing industry.

     Shipments  of  manufactured  housing  have  historically  accounted  for  a
majority of our operating revenues.  Therefore,  our prospects are substantially
dependent  upon this  industry,  which is  subject to broad  production  cycles.
Currently,  manufactured  housing is  experiencing an  industry-wide  decline in
shipments,  which is having an  adverse  impact on our  operating  revenues  and

The costs of accident claims and insurance could reduce our profitability.

     Motor  vehicle  accidents  occur in the  ordinary  course of our  business.
Although we maintain  liability and cargo insurance,  the number and severity of
the accidents  involving our  independent  owner-operators  and drivers can have
significant adverse effects on the profitability of our business through premium
increases  and amounts of loss retained by us below  deductible  limits or above
total coverage.

Our  results of  operations  would be  adversely  affected if we lose any of our
major customers.

     Historically,  a majority of our operating revenues have been derived under
contracts with customers.  Our top ten customers have historically accounted for
a  majority  of our  operating  revenues,  and the  loss of one or more of these
significant customers could adversely affect our results of operations. A number
of our major customers are experiencing  financial difficulty as a result of the
softness in the manufactured housing and recreational vehicle markets.

The  competition  for  qualified  drivers is  intense  and we may not be able to
recruit enough drivers.

     Recruitment   and   retention   of   qualified   drivers  and   independent
owner-operators  is highly  competitive.  There is no assurance that our drivers
will  continue to maintain  their  contracts  with us or that we will be able to
recruit a sufficient  number of new drivers on terms similar to those  presently
in force.

If  our  owner-operators  were  considered  employees  rather  than  independent
contractors, our costs would increase.

     From time to time, tax authorities  have sought to assert that  independent
contractors in the  transportation  service industry are employees,  rather than
independent contractors. We maintain that our owner-operators are not employees.
If  our  independent   contractors   were  determined  to  be  employees,   such
determination  could  materially  increase  our  tax and  workers'  compensation

Our future acquisitions and expansions may not be profitable.

     We will continue to seek favorable acquisition opportunities. Our strategic
plans may also  include  the  initiation  of new  services or  products,  either
directly  or  through  acquisition,  within  existing  business  lines  or which
complement  our  business.  There  is no  assurance  that the we will be able to
identify  favorable  acquisition  opportunities in the future or that our future
acquisitions  will be successfully  integrated into operations or that they will
prove to be profitable for us.

The  seasonality  of our business may cause  significant  variation in quarterly

     Our  operations  have  historically  been seasonal,  with generally  higher
operating  revenues generated in the second and third quarters than in the first
and fourth  quarters.  The  seasonality  of our business may cause a significant
variation in our quarterly operating results.


Economic  slowdowns  or  recessions,  especially  in  the  manufactured  housing
industry, adversely affect our business.

     Periods of economic  slowdown or recession,  whether  general,  regional or
industry-related,  may have a great impact on our business. The present downturn
in manufactured  housing sales and the financial difficulty of our customers has
had a significant adverse impact on our profitability. We cannot assure you that
we can achieve or sustain profitability under these conditions.  Such conditions
could result in such severe  reductions  in the cash flows  available to us that
our ability to meet all our  financial  obligations  and cash flow  requirements
could be impaired.  Additionally,  there are no assurances that the manufactured
housing industry will rebound.

Changes in government regulation could increase our costs.

     Motor  carriers  are  subject to  regulation  by various  federal and state
governmental agencies, including the United States Department of Transportation.
These regulatory  agencies have broad powers,  and the motor carrier industry is
subject to regulatory and  legislative  changes that can affect the economics of
the industry by requiring changes in the operating  practices or influencing the
demand for, and the costs of providing, services to shippers. We may not be able
to pass  such  increased  costs on to our  customers,  which  could  impair  our

Increases in interest rates and fuel prices may reduce profitability.

     Our operations are affected by fluctuations  in interest rates.  Demand for
our  services  is  affected  by the  availability  of  credit to  purchasers  of
manufactured homes and recreational vehicles. Additionally, the price of fuel is
an expense  over which we have little or no control.  An increase in these costs
could have an adverse impact on profitability.

Current increases in the cost of insurance premiums may reduce profitability.

     Increases in the cost of insurance  premiums will increase our expenses and
will have an adverse impact on our  profitability to the extent we are unable to
pass such increases through to our customers.

We are in a competitive industry that could reduce the rates we can charge.

     We are participating in a highly competitive  industry and rates offered by
competitors  affect  the  rates  that  we  can  charge  for  our  services.   If
competitors'  rates are reduced,  such reduction may have the effect of reducing
the rates we can charge, thereby impairing our profitability.


     The following table sets forth our consolidated debt and  capitalization as
of  September  30,  2001.  This  table  should be read in  conjunction  with our
consolidated  financial  statements and notes thereto included elsewhere in this

                                                                        At September 30, 2001
                                                                  (In thousands, except share data)
Current Liabilities:
   Trade accounts payable................................................    $  4,806
   Notes payable, banks..................................................       1,369
   Accrued liabilities...................................................       4,489
   Accrued claims payable................................................       3,013
   Refundable deposits...................................................       1,154
   Current portion of long-term debt and capital lease obligations.......         147

Total current liabilities................................................      14,978

Long-term debt and capital lease obligations, less current portion.......          16
Long-term accrued claims payable.........................................       4,821
Total Liabilities........................................................      19,815

Shareholders' Equity:
Common stock, $.015 par value
   Class A: Authorized shares - 7,500,000
   Issued shares - 1,607,303.............................................          23
   Class B: Authorized shares - 4,400,000
   Issued and outstanding shares - 2,200,000.............................          33
Additional paid-in capital...............................................      14,318
Retained earnings (deficit)..............................................      (2,292)

Total capital and retained earnings......................................      12,082
Less - treasury stock at cost (359,146 Class A shares)...................      (3,183)

Total shareholders' equity...............................................       8,899

Total Liabilities and Shareholders' Equity ........................           $28,714

                             SUMMARY FINANCIAL DATA

     The following  table sets forth  certain  selected  consolidated  financial
information  reflecting our consolidated  operations and financial condition for
each year in the five year period  ended  December 31, 2000 (and as of each year
end) and the nine month  periods ended  September  30, 2001 and 2000.  This data
should be read in conjunction  with our  consolidated  financial  statements and
related notes thereto as well as Management's Discussion and Analysis of Results
of  Operations  and  Financial  Condition  included  herein.  Nine Months  Ended
September 30,

                                     Nine Months Ended
                                       September  30,
                                        (Unaudited)                              Year Ended December 31,
                                     ----------------------    ---------------------------------------------------------------
                                       2001          2000        2000           1999         1998         1997         1996
                                     --------      --------    --------       --------     --------     --------     --------
                                                       (Dollars in thousands, except share amounts)
Operating  Revenues..............     $70,954      $87,447     $108,024      $145,629     $150,545     $146,154      $132,208
   Operating Income (Loss).......       (247)        (607)      (2,038)           550        2,007        1,015       (3,263)
   Pre-tax Income (Loss).........       (429)        (817)      (2,348)           212        1,462          296       (3,615)
   Net Income (Loss).............      (174)        (524)      (4,799)            19          903          196       (2,070)

Net Income (Loss) Per Share:
   Basic.........................     ($0.06)      ($0.21)      ($1.96)         $0.01        $0.35        $0.07       ($0.77)
   Diluted.......................     ($0.06)      ($0.21)      ($1.96)         $0.01        $0.35        $0.07       ($0.77)

Cash Dividends Declared:
  Class A........................       ---          $0.05        $0.05         $0.08        $0.08        $0.08         $0.08
  Class B........................       ---          $0.025       $0.025        $0.04        $0.04        $0.04         $0.04

Financial Position
  Total Assets...................     $28,714      $29,588      $23,269       $32,264      $33,387      $33,135       $33,066
  Working Capital................       3,431        2,734        1,063         3,189        3,806        1,613         1,635
  Long-term Debt.................         163          357          288           965        1,480        2,513         4,206
  Shareholders' Equity...........       8,899       11,476        7,201        12,092       13,221       12,724        13,104

Common shares outstanding
  at period end..................   3,448,157    2,448,157    2,448,157     2,448,157    2,554,085    2,637,910     2,685,520
Basic weighted average
  shares outstanding.............   2,744,860    2,448,157    2,448,157     2,469,675    2,606,237    2,656,690     2,684,242



Consolidated Results

     The year 2000 was  characterized by the continued  downturn in manufactured
housing  production,   which  began  in  1999.   Industrial  production  of  new
manufactured  homes  decreased 26% in 2000. We were also affected by the decline
in  activity  in other  markets we serve,  including  delivery  of  recreational
vehicles  and  large  trailers.  As a result  of these  declines,  our  revenues
decreased 26% from 1999 levels.

     To combat  this severe  decline in  revenues,  in March 2000 we  instituted
significant cost reduction  initiatives in all areas with primary focus on staff
reduction and consolidation of facilities. The effects of these initiatives were
savings  of $1.8  million  in  2000.  We  estimate  that  the  effects  of these
initiatives will continue and will approximate  savings of $3.2 million in 2001.
In  spite of these  significant  efforts,  operating  costs as a  percentage  of
revenue were 102% for the year ended  December 31, 2000,  compared to 99% in the
prior year, resulting in a loss from operations of $2.0 million.

     Because  of  the  existence  of  significant  non-cash  expenses,  such  as
depreciation of fixed assets and amortization of intangible  assets,  we believe
that EBITDA contributes to a better  understanding of our ability to satisfy our
obligations  and to  utilize  cash for  other  purposes.  EBITDA  should  not be
considered in isolation from or as a substitute for operating income,  cash flow
from  operating  activities,  and  other  consolidated  income or cash flow data
prepared in accordance with generally accepted accounting  principles.  The loss
before interest, taxes, depreciation and amortization (EBITDA loss) was $971,000
in 2000, as compared to positive EBITDA of $1.8 million in 1999.

     In the fourth  quarter 2000, we recorded a non-cash  charge of $3.2 million
relating to the  valuation of deferred tax assets.  Because we have a cumulative
loss in our three  most  recent  fiscal  years and are in  default on our credit
facility (see "Liquidity and Capital Resources" below and Note 3 of the Notes to
Consolidated  Financial  Statements),  our management  believes that it would be
inconsistent with the technical  provisions of Statement of Financial Accounting
Standard No. 109, to rely on future taxable income to support realization of the
deferred tax assets.  We  therefore  wrote off deferred tax assets that were not
currently realizable.  For additional  information  concerning the provision for
income taxes as well as information  regarding differences between effective tax
rates and statutory  rates,  see Note 5 of the Notes to  Consolidated  Financial

     We experienced net loss for 2000 of $4.8 million  compared to net income of
$19,000 in 1999.

Segment Results

     We conduct our  operations in four principal  segments as discussed  below.
The  following  discussion  sets forth  certain  information  about the  segment

Manufactured Housing

     Manufactured  Housing  operating  revenues  are  generated  from  providing
transportation and logistical  services to manufacturers of manufactured  homes.
Manufactured Housing operating revenues decreased 29% from 1999 to $70.6 million
in 2000.

     The manufactured  housing industry as a whole continued to decline in 2000,
with  industry  shipments  down by 26%.  The decline is due in large part to the
combined  impact of tightened  consumer  credit  standards,  increased  industry
repossessions   and  excess   inventory.   We  are  highly  dependent  upon  the
manufactured  housing  industry  generally and on certain major customers within
that  industry.  Some of our  customers  are  financially  stressed by continued
weakness in the industry.  Our unit deliveries in Manufactured  Housing declined
by 31% in 2000,  indicating a loss of market share due primarily to  competitive
pricing pressures.

     EBITDA  decreased  $4.5  million to $5.8  million  due to the  decrease  in
business.  The decrease in revenue of $6.9 million was partially  offset by $2.2
million in reduced  costs.  We closed some  terminals due to plant  closures and
consolidated  terminals  in  other  areas to serve  the  needs of more  than one
customer from a single location.

Driver Outsourcing

     Our Driver Outsourcing segment provides outsourcing transportation services
primarily to manufacturers of recreational vehicles, commercial trucks and other
specialized  vehicles.  Driver  Outsourcing  operating revenues decreased 10% in
2000 to $20.9 million.  The decrease was primarily the result of softness in the
recreational  vehicle  market.  However,  Driver  Outsourcing  EBITDA  increased
$900,000 to $1.3 million from improved  operating  efficiencies,  consolidations
and other reductions in overhead costs.

Specialized Outsourcing Services

     Specialized  Outsourcing  Services  consists of delivering  large trailers,
travel and other small trailers. We discontinued a specialized transport service
("Decking") in 2000.  Operating revenues decreased 28% to $15.3 million in 2000.
This  decrease was  primarily  caused by a reduction  in  available  drivers and
discontinuing the Decking deliveries.  Specialized Outsourcing Services incurred
an EBITDA loss of  $140,000  in 2000  compared to an EBITDA of $469,000 in 1999.
This  loss was  caused  primarily  by the  reduction  in the  delivery  of large
trailers  ($1.1  million) and Decking  ($360,000)  partially  offset by improved
operating  efficiencies  and overhead cost reductions  representing an aggregate
savings of $882,000.


     Our Insurance/Finance  segment provides insurance and financing services to
our drivers and  independent  owner-operators.  This segment also acts as a cost
center because we account for all bodily injury,  property damage and cargo loss
costs under this segment.

     Insurance/Finance operating revenues decreased $1.0 million to $2.9 million
in 2000 reflecting a decrease in owner-operator  insurance  premiums relating to
the decline in the manufactured  housing  industry.  However,  Insurance/Finance
EBITDA loss  decreased  $2.2  million to $6.8  million  due to  improved  bodily
injury,  property  damage and cargo loss claims  experience.  The deductible for
personal  injury and  property  damage is  $250,000  per  occurrence.  The cargo
deductible is $1,000,000. Accordingly, we are essentially self-insured for cargo

     As a part of continuing efforts to contain claims expense, we are expanding
our  safety  awareness  as well as formal  safety  training  efforts  among both
owner-operators and terminal  personnel.  Cargo claims as a percent of operating
revenue  decreased from 2.3% in 1999 to 1.9% in 2000.  Similarly,  bodily injury
and property damage claims decreased from 3.6% to 3.3% of operating revenue.

Year 1999 Compared with 1998

Consolidated Results

     During  1999,  we  experienced  a decrease  in the  number of  Manufactured
Housing  shipments and a continued  increase in insurance  and claims costs.  We
also  experienced  a reduction in operating  revenues and  profitability  in the
Specialized Outsourcing Services segment.

     Industrial shipment of new manufactured homes decreased approximately 4% in
1999.  We were more severely  impacted as our largest  customer  experienced  an
approximate 21% decline in retail sales of new homes. As a result,  we sustained
an 8% decrease in shipments of new homes in 1999.

     Our total  operating  revenues  in 1999  decreased  $4.9  million to $145.6
million from $150.5  million in 1998.  Our  operating  income  before  interest,
taxes,  depreciation  and amortization  (EBITDA)  decreased from $3.2 million in
1998 to $1.8 million in 1999.

     Net interest expense decreased from $545,000 in 1998 to $338,000 in 1999 as
a result of improved cash management  which reduced the amount of our borrowings
from the credit facility.

     For  information  concerning  the  provision  for  income  taxes as well as
information  regarding  differences  between  effective  tax rates and statutory
rates, see Note 5 of the Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements.

     Accordingly, net income for 1999 was $19,000 compared to $903,000 in 1998.

Segment Results

     Manufactured   Housing.   Manufactured  Housing  operating  revenues  began
decreasing in the second quarter,  and ended the year at $99.5 million,  or a 6%
reduction from 1998. In spite of this reduction,  EBITDA for 1999 ended at $10.3
million  compared to $10.8 million for 1998 because of cost  reduction  measures
instituted by our management that largely mitigated the revenue decline.

     Driver  Outsourcing.   The  Driver  Outsourcing  segment  of  our  business
demonstrated  good growth in 1999.  Operating  revenues  increased  18% to $23.4
million in 1999  while  EBITDA  increased  by  $301,000.  However,  high  driver
recruiting and other overhead costs  continued to depress the  profitability  of
this  segment  in 1999.  Accrued  expenses  in this  segment  for 1999 were $1.0
million,  representing  an increase of $200,000 from 1998, and overhead costs of
$2.1 million, representing an increase of $128,000 from 1998.

     Specialized   Outsourcing   Services.   Specialized   Outsourcing  Services
operating  revenues  decreased  8% to $21.2  million in 1999.  We received  $1.0
million less revenue  from pick-up  shipments by one customer and $673,000  less
revenue  from  Decking  operations  as a result  of a  general  market  decline.
Specialized  Outsourcing  Services EBITDA  decreased  $542,000  primarily on the
lower volume and an increase in overhead costs of $460,000 associated with large
trailer delivery.

     Insurance/Finance. Insurance/Finance operating revenues decreased less than
3% in 1999,  particularly in the latter months of the year reflecting a decrease
in  owner-operator   insurance   premiums  relating  to  the  slow-down  in  the
manufactured housing industry.

     During 1999, we continued to be affected by increasing claims costs.  Claim
costs in 1999, as a percent of operating  revenue increased to 5.9% from 5.1% in
1998.  Effective  April 1, 1999, the deductible for personal injury and property
damage increased to $250,000 per occurrence.  Additionally,  the cargo stop-loss
insurance  policy  provision  terminated  and the  deductible  was  increased to
$1,000,000. Accordingly, we are essentially self-insured for cargo losses.

Liquidity and Capital Resources at December 31, 2000

     Operating  activities  used $0.9 million of cash in 2000 compared to a $4.9
million cash  generation  in 1999.  The 2000 net loss and  reductions in working
capital  liabilities was partially  offset by the deferred tax assets  valuation
reserve and by reductions in trade accounts receivable and other working capital
assets. We recorded an income tax receivable of $499,000 as of December 31, 2000
as we  intend  to file  for tax  refunds  based on prior  year  payments.  Trade
accounts  receivable  decreased  $2.4  million  primarily  due to the decline in
operating  revenue.  Day's sales  outstanding  ("DSO")  increased  to 33 days at
December 31, 2000 as compared to 28 days at December 31, 1999.

     Our investment in property and equipment decreased in 2000 to $106,000 with
expenditures for an optical  scanning system and other new information  systems.
Our 2001 capital expenditure plan approximates $150,000.

     At December 31, 2000, we had a $7.7 million revolving credit facility, with
a $6.7 million  letter of credit  sub-limit.  At December  31,  2000,  we had no
outstanding  debt  under our  credit  facility,  and $6.6  million of letters of
credit  were  outstanding  under the  credit  facility.  Letters  of credit  are
required for self-insurance retention reserves and other corporate needs.

     Our credit  facility  matured on January 28, 2001,  at which time we had no
outstanding debt and $6.6 million  outstanding letters of credit. As a result of
the credit facility not being renewed, we had a payment default arising from the
lender's right to demand cash to meet outstanding  obligations under the letters
of credit and the bank had  discretion  whether to make any loans to us or issue
additional  letters of credit for us. In July 2001,  we  established  two credit
facilities to replace the matured credit facility.  Please see "-Interim Results
of  Operations  for the  Quarter  Ending  June 30,  2001-Liquidity  and  Capital
Resources" below.

     During 2000, we declared quarterly dividends on our Class A common stock of
$.05 per share  and  dividends  of $.025  per share on our Class B common  stock
through the first  three  quarters.  No  dividends  were  declared in the fourth
quarter.  Payment  of  dividends  is  within  the  discretion  of the  board  of
directors.  Payment of future  dividends  will be  dependent  upon,  among other
things, earnings, debt covenants,  future growth plans, legal restrictions,  and
our financial condition.

     We had minimal exposure to interest rates as of December 31, 2000,  because
our outstanding  long-term debt was not significant.  Our new credit  facilities
mentioned  above bear interest at variable rates based on either The Bank of New
York Alternate Base Rate or LIBOR, or, in the case of the new mortgage facility,
the prime  rate.  Accordingly,  borrowings  under  the  credit  facilities  have
exposure to changes in interest rates.

     Under  our  current  policies,  we do  not  use  interest  rate  derivative
instruments to manage exposure to interest rate changes.  Also, we currently are
not using any fuel hedging instruments.


     Most of our expenses are affected by inflation,  which generally results in
increased  costs.  During  2000,  the  effect of  inflation  on our  results  of
operation was minimal.

     The transportation  industry is dependent upon the availability and cost of
fuel.  Although  fuel costs are paid by our  owner-operators,  increases in fuel
prices may have  significant  adverse  effects  on our  operations  for  various
reasons.  Since  fuel costs  vary  between  regions,  drivers  may  become  more
selective  as to  regions  in which  they  will  transport  goods  resulting  in
diminished driver availability. Also, we would experience adverse effects during
the time  period  from when fuel  costs  begin to  increase  until the time when
scheduled rate increases to customers are enacted.  Increases in fuel prices may
also  affect  the sale of  recreational  vehicles  by making the  purchase  less
attractive to consumers.  A decrease in the sale of recreational  vehicles would
be accompanied by a decrease in the transportation of recreational  vehicles and
a decrease in the need for Driver Outsourcing services.

Impact of Seasonality

     Shipments  of  manufactured  homes tend to decline in the winter  months in
areas where poor weather  conditions  inhibit  transport.  This usually  reduces
operating  revenues in the first and fourth  quarters of the year. Our operating
revenues, therefore, tend to be stronger in the second and third quarters.


Consolidated Results

     For  third-quarter  2001,  revenues  were down 13 percent to $24.8  million
versus the $28.6 million reported in the year-ago  quarter.  We reported revenue
improvements  of 51% in the tow away  division  and 26% in the pickup  division.
These  increases  were offset by a 27% decline in revenue from the  manufactured
housing division.

     Revenues for September were  negatively  impacted for all four divisions by
the September 11 terrorist  attacks.  Shippers  experienced  work  slowdowns and
demand fell as some customers  canceled orders. In addition,  continued weakness
in  the  manufactured  housing  sector  resulted  in  reduced  revenues  in  the
manufactured housing division,  although the industry continues to make progress
since hitting bottom in February 2001.

     To offset the lower  revenue,  we have  implemented  cost-cutting  programs
designed to match  company  expenses  with reduced  revenue  levels.  In the our
business  model,  86% of expenses are variable on a load-by-load  basis,  11% of
expenses are variable within a 60-day period,  and only 3% are fixed in the long
term.  We have  continued to  eliminate  or reduce  costs to maximize  operating
profit on overall lower revenues.

     We renewed our liability and workers compensation insurance on July 1, 2001
resulting in increased  expense.  The  liability  insurance  market for trucking
companies has been negatively  impacted by increased loss ratios,  higher credit
risk and a decrease in available capacity in the excess  reinsurance  market. We
will  attempt to recover  much of the  increased  insurance  cost in the form of
apportioned insurance charges (AIC) to customers.

     Operating  costs were 91.3% of total  revenues for the quarter  compared to
91.0% in prior year. Selling,  general and administrative  expenses were 8.6% of
revenue compared to 7.5% of revenue in the third quarter of 2000.

     The  reduced  revenue  and  increased  insurance  expense  resulted  in  an
operating loss of $169,000 in the third quarter  compared to operating income of
$178,000 in 2000.

Segment Results

     The  following  discussion  sets forth  certain  information  about segment

     Manufactured  Housing.  Revenues  for  the  manufactured  housing  division
decreased by $4.8 million or 27% in the third quarter compared to prior year.

     The  manufactured  housing market continues to rebound slowly from a severe
two-year slump.  Shipments of manufactured homes in July and August of 2001 were
down 17% compared to the prior year. This compares to year-over-year declines of
41% in the first quarter and 29% in the second quarter of 2001 compared to 2000.

     Effective October 1, 2001, we are no longer the primary carrier for Oakwood
Homes Corporation  (NYSE: OH). In past years,  Oakwood was our largest customer,
generating  revenues  in  excess of $25  million  for our  manufactured  housing
division. A weakened market for manufactured homes and reductions in capacity at
Oakwood had reduced our revenue stream from Oakwood to a $12 million  annualized
base. We will continue as the primary backup  carrier for Oakwood.  Revenues for
September  manufactured  housing were  negatively  impacted by a loss of drivers
that primarily hauled Oakwood homes.

     Management is currently  implementing marketing and sales programs directed
at  successfully  replacing  the  Oakwood  revenue.  The  Company  has  obtained
significant  new  contracts  with New  Flyer  Industries,  Monaco  Coach,  Union
Pacific,  Wabash  Trailers  and others  that in the  aggregate  are  expected to
generate annual revenue offsetting the Oakwood decline.

     In  September  we filed a lawsuit  alleging  that one of our former  senior
officers  had  conspired  with  a  competitor  to  misappropriate  our  drivers,
employees,  customers  and trade secrets both during that  officer's  employment
with us and  after  she left our  employment.  The  court  issued a  preliminary
injunction  against  certain of the  complained  of  activities on September 28,
2001.  In  addition  we are  seeking  monetary  damages  as well as a  permanent
injunction  against  unfair  competition  and  unlawful  interference  with  our

     Driver Outsourcing.  Operating revenues for the driver outsourcing division
in the  quarter  decreased  by  $620,000  or 12% from  prior year as a result of
reduced demand for recreational vehicles.

     The driver  outsourcing  division has acquired  several new contracts  that
will increase revenue beginning in October 2001.

     Specialized  Outsourcing  Services.  Operating revenues for the specialized
outsourcing  division  increased  by $1.7  million or 42% compared to prior year
third  quarter.  Revenues  of  our  towaway  division  that  leases  independent
contractors  with Class 8 tractors  grew by 51% compared to prior year.  The tow
away  division  has 123  owner  operators  leased on and  continues  to grow its
brokerage function which contracts customer loads to other carriers. The pick-up
division,  which utilizes independent  contractors with dual-axle pick-up trucks
to move travel trailers and boats, reported 26% revenue growth compared to prior
year despite the down market in recreational vehicles.

     Insurance and Finance. Our Insurance and Finance segment provides insurance
and  financing  services to our drivers and  independent  owner-operators.  This
segment also acts as a cost center  because our accounts for all bodily  injury,
property  damage and cargo loss costs under this segment.  Insurance and Finance
operating  revenues  decreased  $97,000 or 13% in the third quarter of 2001 as a
result of  decreases in the number of drivers and  independent  owner-operators.


Consolidated Results

     Revenues for the first nine months of 2001  decreased  by $16.5  million or
19%  compared to 2000.  The  decrease  is  primarily  related to the  previously
discussed weak market for shipments of new manufactured homes.

     As a result of comprehensive  cost reduction  initiatives,  we were able to
reduce the  operating  loss to $247,00 from $607,000 in the first nine months of

Segment Results

     The following  discussion sets forth certain  information about our segment

     Manufactured  Housing.  Manufactured  housing  revenues  declined  by $17.5
million or 31% for the nine months ended  September  30, 2001  compared to 2000.
According to the Manufactured  Housing Institute,  shipments of new manufactured
homes from January  through August of 2001 decreased by 33% compared to the same
period in 2000.

     Driver  Outsourcing.  Operating  revenues for the first nine months of 2001
declined by 17% or $2.8  million  compared to 2000.  This decline is primarily a
result of weak demand for  recreational  vehicles in 2001  compared to 2000.  In
addition,  the general demand for commercial trucks, buses, step-out vans, trams
and  other  specialized  equipment  declined  in step with the  slowdown  in the
national economy.

     Specialized   Outsourcing  Services.   Operating  revenues  in  specialized
outsourcing  services increased 36% or $4.2 million during the first nine months
of 2001 compared to 2000. The tow away division has expanded  revenues by 43% by
adding to the number of owner  operators  leased on to us and by  expanding  its
brokerage  operation.  The pick up division has grown by 27% by  recruiting  new
employees, business and drivers throughout the year.

Liquidity and Capital Resources at September 31, 2001

     On July 12, 2001,  we completed a previously  announced $2 million  capital
infusion from our majority stockholder Lynch Interactive Corporation.  We issued
one million new Class B shares of common stock in exchange for a $2 million cash
investment,  thereby increasing  Interactive's  ownership position from 55.6% to
68.5%.  The proceeds from the transaction  are invested in U.S.  Treasury backed
instruments and are pledged as collateral for the Credit Facility.

     On July 27,  2001,  we  obtained  a new  three-year  $12.5  million  Credit

     The Credit  Facility  replaces our previous credit line that had expired on
January  28,  2001 and was not  renewed.  The Credit  Facility  will be used for
working capital purposes and to post letters of credit for insurance  contracts.
As of September  30, 2001,  we had  outstanding  borrowings of $869,000 and $7.6
million outstanding  letters of credit.  Borrowings will bear interest at a rate
per annum  equal to either Bank of New York  Alternate  Base Rate  ("ABR")  plus
one-half  percent or, at our option,  absent an event of default,  the one month
London Interbank Offered Rate ("LIBOR") as published in The Wall Street Journal,
averaged monthly, plus three percent. Borrowings and posted letters of credit on
the Credit  Facility are limited to a borrowing base  calculation  that includes
85% of eligible receivables and 95% of eligible investments,  and are subject to
certain financial covenants including minimum tangible net worth, maximum funded
debt,  minimum fixed interest  coverage and maximum  capital  expenditures.  The
facility is secured by accounts receivable,  investments,  inventory,  equipment
and general  intangibles.  The facility may be prepaid  anytime with  prepayment
being subject to a 3%, .75% and .25% prepayment  penalty during year 1, 2 and 3,

     The prior Credit Facility matured on January 28, 2001, at which time we had
no outstanding debt and $6.6 million  outstanding  letters of credit. We were in
default of the  financial  covenants.  The bank  decided not to renew the Credit
Facility.  As a result of the prior Credit Facility not being renewed,  we had a
payment default.

     On July 31, 2001, we closed on a new real estate mortgage for $500,000 that
is secured by our land and buildings in Elkhart,  Indiana. The loan will be used
for short-term  working capital  purposes.  The mortgage bears interest at prime
rate plus 0.75%, and is for a six-month term with  outstanding  principal due on
February 1, 2002. The loan may be prepaid at any time with no penalties,  and is
subject  to the same  covenants  as the Credit  Facility.  Our  application  for
additional capacity under this facility is under consideration.

     In  addition,  in August  2001 we received an income tax refund of $664,000
from  filing a federal net  operating  loss  carry-back  return for the 2000 tax

     Effective July 1, 2001, we renewed our primary liability insurance, workers
compensation,  cargo, and property insurance. Acquisition of liability insurance
in the trucking  industry has become  increasingly  more difficult and expensive
over the past year. As a result,  our insurance  premiums effective July 1, 2001
increased significantly. We will recover much of this increase from customers in
the form of apportioned insurance charges (AIC). The net impact on our operating
results for the next 12 months cannot be determined at this time.

     We have  posted  increased  letters  of  credit to the  insurance  carriers
through  the new  credit  facility  as  collateral  for  the  payment  of  claim
reimbursements.  Management  believes  the  combination  of the above  financial
transactions will be adequate to allow us to post all required letters of credit
for insurance contracts.

     On August 17, 2001, Interactive, our majority stockholder,  announced plans
to spin off its investment in us to Interactive stockholders.  The proposed spin
off of the Company  will allow  Interactive  stockholders  to continue to own us
through a new entity instead of through Interactive.

     Our financial  statements  were prepared on a going  concern  basis,  which
contemplates  the  realization of assets and the  satisfaction of liabilities in
the normal  course of  business.  Our ability to continue as a going  concern is
dependent upon our ability to successfully  maintain our financing  arrangements
and to comply with the terms thereof.

     Management  believes  that  internally  generated  funds  together with the
recent equity infusion and resources  available under the replacement credit and
mortgage  facilities  will be  sufficient  to provide our capital and  liquidity
requirements for the next 12 months.

                            MARKET FOR COMMON EQUITY

Market Information

     Shares  of our  Class A common  stock  are  quoted  on the  American  Stock
Exchange under the symbol "MG." The following  table sets forth the high and low
sales  price per share of our Class A common  stock for each  quarter  in fiscal
2000 and 1999, and the first three quarters of fiscal 2001.

                                                                  Year Ended December 31,
                                      2001                                2000                                  1999
                         ------------------------------     --------------------------------     ----------------------------------
                             High              Low              High               Low                High               Low
                         -------------    -------------     -------------     --------------     --------------    ----------------
First Quarter .........     $4.75            $3.80             $8.50              $5.38              $9.13               $6.63
Second Quarter ........      4.20             3.65              7.88               6.13               8.75                6.75
Third Quarter .........      3.85             3.45              7.25               5.25               9.88                7.00
Fourth Quarter ........       N/A              N/A              6.06               3.75               7.88                5.44

     As of  September  30,  2001,  there  were 150  holders of record of Class A
common stock and one holder of record of our Class B common  stock.  We estimate
that  our  Class A  common  stock is owned  beneficially  by  approximately  289
persons. There is no market for our Class B common stock, and our management has
no plans to list the Class B common stock on any exchange.

     As of September 30, 2001, there were 1,248,157 shares of our Class A common
stock  outstanding and 2,200,000 shares of our Class B common stock  outstanding
for an aggregate of 3,448,157 shares of our common stock issued and outstanding.

Dividend Policy

     In 1999,  we declared a dividend  of $0.02 each  quarter,  and in 2000,  we
declared  a  dividend  of $0.02 in the first and  second  quarter.  In the third
quarter 2000,  we reduced the dividend  rate to $0.01,  and we did not declare a
dividend in the fourth quarter of 2000.  Our charter  provides that dividends of
the Class A common  stock may be up to 100% more than  dividends  on the Class B
common stock. Historically, dividends paid on the Class A common stock have been
twice the amount paid on the Class B common stock.  We expect this will continue
to be true of future  dividends,  if any. The payment of dividends is within the
discretion of our Board of Directors and will depend,  among other things,  upon
earnings,  capital  requirements,  any  financing  agreement  covenants  and our
financial  condition.  Our ability to pay dividends is limited by covenants with
our lenders.

                                USE OF PROCEEDS

     The maximum net proceeds that we may receive from this offering could be up
to  approximately  $31.0 million if all warrants are exercised.  However,  it is
unlikely that all warrants will be exercised and no assurance can be given as to
when or whether any warrants will be exercised,  nor as to the timing of receipt
or  amount  of  proceeds  therefrom.   The  warrants  are  intended  to  provide
stockholders a fixed,  long-term opportunity to acquire additional shares of our
common stock. We are not dependent  upon, nor do we expect,  any material amount
of proceeds from the warrants at any given time, if ever.  Although  there is no
accurate way to determine the number of warrants that will be exercised, if any,
we will use any net proceeds of the sale of our common stock from this  offering
for general  corporate  purposes  (and,  in  particular,  to reduce  outstanding
revolving credit borrowings).

                                  THE OFFERING

     We are  distributing  to holders of our Class A common  stock,  one Class A
warrant  for each share of our Class A common  stock that they own on the record
date of December 7, 2001.  Only those record holders who own our common stock on
the record date will receive warrants  directly from us. You are a record holder
for this  purpose  only if your name is  registered  as a  stockholder  with our
transfer agent, American Stock Transfer & Trust Company, as of the record date.

     As a warrant  holder,  you may purchase  shares of our Class A common stock
through  exercise  of your Class A  warrants,  or allow your Class A warrants to
expire  unexercised.  To purchase  shares of our Class A common stock,  you must
deliver  one Class A  warrant  for each  share of our  Class A common  stock you
intend to  purchase.  We are  issuing  warrants  to  purchase  an  aggregate  of
1,248,157 shares of our Class A common stock.

Exercising Your Warrants

     Each Class A warrant entitles the holder to purchase one share of our Class
A common stock. Commencing on the date of this prospectus, you may exercise your
warrants by properly completing and signing your warrant certificate, including,
if required, a signature guarantee from an eligible institution. Mail or deliver
the properly  executed warrant  certificate to the warrant agent,  together with
payment of the aggregate  warrant  exercise price in full.  Please see "-Warrant
Exercise Price" below.

     There is no  minimum  amount  of  shares  that you must  purchase.  You may
exercise your warrants in whole or in part, but no warrants may be exercised for
fractional  shares.  We are required to keep  available a  sufficient  number of
authorized shares of our common stock to permit exercise of the warrants.

     A holder of warrants will not have any rights, privileges or liabilities as
a stockholder prior to exercise of the warrants.

Warrant Exercise Price

     The exercise price for the Class A warrants is $9.00 per share,  payable in
cash.  Please  see  "--Anti-Dilution  Protection"  for a  discussion  of certain
adjustments to the warrant exercise price and number of shares issuable upon the
occurrence of certain dilutive events.

     The  exercise  price for the Class A warrants  will be reduced to $6.00 per
share  for a  reduction  period  of at least  30 days to be set by our  Board of
Directors.  If the price reduction  period has not been set prior to the date 60
days before the  expiration  date,  such period will  comprise the final 30 days
prior to the date  upon  which  the Class A  warrants  expire.  In the event the
reduction  period  is set by our  Board of  Directors,  we will  cause a written
notice to all record holders of Class A warrants indicating the dates upon which
the reduction period shall commence and end.

     To exercise your Class A warrants to purchase  shares of our Class A common
stock,  you must  deliver  a  properly  completed  and  signed  Class A  warrant
certificate together with payment of the aggregate warrant exercise price to the
warrant agent within the reduction period. We will not be obligated to honor any
purported exercise of Class A warrants at the reduced exercise price of $6.00 if
the  documents  and/or  payment  relating to such  exercise  are received by the
warrant  agent before or after the  reduction  period,  regardless  of when such
documents and/or payment were sent.

Expiration Time

     The warrants have a 5-year term. The warrants will expire at 5:00 p.m., New
York City Time, on December 11, 2006, the expiration  time.  After expiration of
the  warrants,  all  unexercised  warrants  will be null and void and no  longer
exercisable  by the  holder.  We will not be  obligated  to honor any  purported
exercise of warrants  received by the warrant agent after the  expiration  time,
regardless of when the documents relating to such exercise were sent.

Warrant Agent

     The warrant agent is American Stock  Transfer & Trust Company.  The address
to which you must make any required deliveries is:

        American Stock Transfer & Trust Company
        59 Maiden Lane, Plaza Level
        New York, New York  10038

Determination of the Warrant Exercise Price

     Our Board of  Directors  determined  the warrant  exercise  price on May 9,
2001. In setting the warrant exercise price, our board of directors  considered,
among other  things,  the factors  set forth above under  "Risks  Related to the
Offering," as well as our business  potential  and prospects and current  market
conditions.  The warrant exercise price was determined by our Board of Directors
and bears no direct relationship to the value of our assets, financial condition
or other  established  criteria  for value.  In light of our sale of  additional
shares of our Class B common stock to our  principal  stockholder,  our Board of
Directors  determined the warrant  exercise price (including the Class A warrant
exercise price reduction to $6.00 per share during a 30-day period) and approved
the distribution of warrants to give our stockholders a fixed opportunity to buy
additional  shares without  brokerage fees and with a view that the warrants may
prove to be of value to our stockholders over the long-term.

     As of November 26, 2001,  the closing price of our Class A common stock was
$3.30.  Because  the  warrant  exercise  price is $9.00 per  share,  subject  to
adjustment,  the warrants are out-of-the-money on the date hereof and are likely
to be  out-of-the-money  for an  indefinite  period  of  time.  We can  give  no
assurance that the trading price for our Class A common stock will ever equal or
exceed the warrant exercise price.

Plan of Distribution

     We are  distributing  the  warrants  at no cost to  those  persons  who are
holders of  outstanding  shares of our common  stock on the record  date.  Where
shares are held indirectly through a broker, bank or other institution,  we will
reimburse the institution's  reasonable out-of-pocket costs in distributing this
prospectus  and other  materials to beneficial  owners of our common  stock.  No
commission or fee will be paid to any person in connection  with the issuance of
the warrants or upon issuance of our common stock upon exercise of the warrants.

     No warrants will be  exercisable  unless at the time of exercise there is a
current prospectus covering the shares of common stock issuable upon exercise of
such  warrants  under  an  effective   registration  statement  filed  with  the
Securities and Exchange  Commission and such shares have been qualified for sale
or are  exempt  from  qualification  under the  securities  laws of the state or
residence of the holder of such warrants. Although we intend to seek to have the
shares of our common  stock so  qualified  in the states  where the warrants are
being offered and to maintain a current prospectus  relating thereto,  until the
expiration of the warrants, there can be no assurance that we will be able to do

     We have appointed  American Stock Transfer & Trust Company,  to assist with
the  offering.  To exercise  your  warrants,  you should  deliver  your  warrant
certificate  together with payment of the warrant  exercise price to the warrant
agent.  Please  see "-The  Warrant  Agent"  above for the  address  to which the
warrant certificate and payment should be delivered.

     The warrant agent will be responsible  for, among other things,  delivering
warrant certificates to our stockholders,  stock certificates to warrant holders
whose exercise is accepted,  and delivering  refunds to warrant holders who have
over-paid their aggregate  warrant exercise price or whose exercise is rejected.
We will pay the fees and expenses of the warrant  agent in  connection  with the

Warrant Payments

     You must pay the warrant  exercise  price in full for all shares you intend
to purchase by:

     (1)  check or bank draft drawn upon a U.S. bank, or postal,  telegraphic or
          express  money  order,  payable  to  American  Stock  Transfer & Trust
          Company, as warrant agent; or

     (2)  wire transfer of immediately  available  funds to an account which the
          warrant agent  maintains for this purpose.  Please contact the warrant
          agent at (800) 777-0800 to obtain appropriate wiring instructions.

     The  warrant  exercise  price will be deemed to have been  received  by the
warrant agent only upon:

     (1)  clearance of any uncertified check;

     (2)  receipt  by the  warrant  agent of any  certified  check or bank draft
          drawn upon a U.S.  bank or of a postal,  telegraphic  or express money
          order; or

     (3)  receipt of good funds in the warrant agent's account designated in the
          wiring instructions provided by the warrant agent.

Anti-Dilution Protection

     The warrant exercise price and the number of shares of Class A common stock
issuable  upon  exercise of the each  warrant will be subject to  adjustment  to
protect  against  dilution  in the  event  of  stock  dividends,  stock  splits,
combinations,  subdivisions,  reclassifications,  reorganizations,  mergers, and
similar  corporate  transactions.  However,  the  warrants  are not  subject  to
adjustment for issuance of shares of our common stock (or securities convertible
into or exercisable  for our common stock) at prices below the exercise price of
the warrants. Any adjustment required by the foregoing events will be determined
by our Board of Directors.

Warrant Amendments

     We  reserve  the right (by  action  of our  Board of  Directors,  including
approval of our director elected by holders of Class A common stock) to make any
modification to the terms of the warrants that is not materially  adverse to the
holders of the warrants,  including, without limitation,  decreasing the warrant
exercise  price.  Any  such  modification  will be  determined  by our  Board of
Directors and we will cause written notice of any such  modification  to be sent
to all record holders of Class A warrants which describes the  modification  and
its effective date.

Nominee Holders

     Holders on the  record  date who hold  shares of our  common  stock for the
account of others,  such as brokers,  trustees or  depositories  for securities,
should contact the respective  beneficial owners of such shares to ascertain the
intentions of the  beneficial  owners of such shares and to obtain  instructions
with respect to their warrants. If a beneficial owner so instructs,  the nominee
should properly complete the applicable warrant certificate and submit it to the
warrant agent with the proper  payment.  In addition,  beneficial  owners of our
common stock or warrants  held through such nominee  should  contact the nominee
and request the nominee to effect transactions in accordance with the beneficial
owner's instructions.

Ambiguities in Exercise of the Warrants

     If you do not  specify  the  number of  warrants  being  exercised  on your
warrant  certificate,  or if your  payment  is not  sufficient  to pay the total
warrant  exercise  price for all of the  shares  that you  indicate  you wish to
purchase,  you will be deemed to have  exercised the maximum  number of warrants
that could be  exercised  for the amount of the payment  that the warrant  agent
receives from you.

     If your  payment  exceeds  the number of  warrants  you  specify  are being
exercised on your warrant certificate,  you will be deemed to have exercised the
maximum number of warrants that could be exercised for the amount of payment the
warrant  agent  receives  from  you,  up to the  aggregate  number  of  warrants
exercisable by your warrant certificate.

     Any  excess  payment  remaining  after  the  foregoing  allocation  will be
returned  to you by mail as soon as  practicable  following  processing  of your
warrant certificate, without interest or deduction.


     All questions concerning the timeliness,  validity, form and eligibility of
any exercise of warrants will be determined by us and our determinations will be
final and binding.  We reserve the right, in our sole  discretion,  to waive any
defect  or  irregularity,  or permit a defect or  irregularity  to be  corrected
within such time as we may  determine,  or reject the purported  exercise of any
warrant. Warrants will not be deemed to have been received or accepted until all
irregularities have been waived or cured within such time as we determine in our
sole  discretion.  We reserve the right, in our sole  discretion,  to reject any
exercise  or  related  documents  or  payment  not  properly  submitted  or  the
acceptance of which would, in the opinion of our counsel,  be unlawful.  Neither
we nor the  warrant  agent  will be under any duty to give  notification  of any
defect or irregularity  in connection with the exercise of warrant  certificates
or incur any liability for failure to give such notification.

Risk of Loss on Delivery of Warrant Certificates and Payments

     The  instructions  contained  in the  warrant  certificate  should  be read
carefully and followed in detail. Do not send  subscription  certificates to us.
The  method of  delivery  of warrant  certificates  and  payment of the  warrant
exercise  price to the  warrant  agent will be at the  election  and risk of the
warrant holders but, if sent by mail it is recommended that warrant certificates
and payments be sent by registered mail,  properly insured,  with return receipt
requested, and that a sufficient number of days be allowed to ensure delivery to
the warrant agent and clearance of payment at or prior to the  expiration  time.
In addition,  if you request reissuance of a warrant  certificate,  the delivery
will be at your risk.

Exercise of Less Than All Warrants

     If you exercise your warrants for fewer than all of the shares  represented
by your  warrant  certificate,  you may  receive  from the  warrant  agent a new
warrant  certificate  representing  the  unexercised  warrants.  A  new  warrant
certificate for the remaining warrants will be issued to you only if the warrant
agent receives a properly  endorsed  warrant  certificate from you no later than
5:00 p.m., New York City Time, on the fifth business day prior to the expiration
time.  The warrant agent will not issue new warrant  certificates  for partially
exercised  warrant  certificates  submitted  after that date and time. If you do
submit a warrant  certificate  after that date and time, you will not be able to
exercise the unexercised warrants.

     Unless  you  make  other   arrangements  with  the  agent,  a  new  warrant
certificate  issued after 5:00 p.m.,  New York City Time, on the fifth  business
day before the expiration time will be held for pick-up by you at the offices of
the transfer agent at 59 Maiden Lane, Plaza Level, New York, New York 10028.

Warrants Are Not Transferable

     You may not sell your Class A warrants.  You may not transfer  your Class A
warrants  except (i) if you are, or if you are the  beneficial  owner of Class A
warrants  that are held by, an entity that merges or  consolidates  with another
entity, or otherwise by operation of law, pursuant to court order or pursuant to
the laws of descent and  distribution;  or (ii) with our express  prior  written
consent, which we may give or withhold in our sole discretion.  You may transfer
your warrant  certificate  if such transfer does not represent any change of the
beneficial ownership of your Class A warrants.  The warrant agent shall not give
effect to any transfer in violation of these restrictions.  Upon presentation of
your warrant  certificate  for transfer,  the warrant agent shall require you to
deliver  such  written   representations  and/or  other  evidence  as  it  deems
reasonable to substantiate  that the transfer does not violate the  restrictions
of your warrant certificate.

     In  the  event  you  desire  to  present  your  warrant   certificate   for
registration  of transfer,  the Exercise  Form  included  therein  shall be duly
endorsed,  or be accompanied by a written instrument or instruments of transfer,
in form  satisfactory to us and the warrant agent,  duly executed by you or your
attorney-in-fact  duly authorized in writing.  Moreover,  your signature on your
warrant  certificate  must be guaranteed by an Eligible  Guarantor  Institution.
Please see "-Signature  Guarantees" below for a discussions  regarding  Eligible
Guarantor Institutions and guaranteed signatures. The warrant agent may impose a
reasonable  service charge against you for any  registration of transfer of your
warrant  certificate.  You may also be required you to pay a sum  sufficient  to
cover any tax or other  governmental  charge  that may be imposed in  connection
with any such transfer.

     In addition, we do not intend to apply, and are not obligated to apply, for
listing of the warrants on any securities exchange,  the Nasdaq Stock Market, or
any other market.

Signature Guarantees

     Signatures on your warrant  certificate do not need to be guaranteed unless
you desire to transfer any or all of your Class A warrants in a manner permitted
in this offering.  Please see "-Warrants Are Not  Transferable"  above.  If your
shares are being transferred in a manner permitted,  then your signature on each
warrant certificate must be guaranteed by an Eligible Guarantor Institution,  as
defined in Rule 17Ad-15 of the  Securities  Exchange  Act of 1934,  and required
under the  standards  and  procedures  adopted by the  warrant  agent.  Eligible
Guarantor Institutions include banks, brokers,  dealers, credit unions, national
securities exchanges and savings associations, each as defined.

Procedures for Depository Trust Company Participants

     We expect that you will be able to exercise  your Class A warrants  through
the facilities of Depository Trust Company. If your Class A warrants are held of
record through the Depository  Trust Company,  you may exercise your warrants by
instructing the Depository  Trust Company to transfer your Class A warrants from
your account to the account of the transfer agent, together with instructions as
to the aggregate number of warrants you are exercising,  the number of shares of
our common stock you are purchasing,  the warrant  exercise price for each share
of our common stock that you intend to purchase,  and the  identification of the
transferee to whom your Class A warrants are to be ultimately transferred by the
transfer agent.

No Revocation

     Once you exercise your warrants, you may not revoke that exercise. Warrants
not exercised  prior to their  expiration  will be null and void as of and after
such time.

No Board Recommendation

     Our  Board of  Directors  does not make  any  recommendation  to you  about
whether you should  exercise any warrants.  If you exercise  warrants,  you risk
investment loss on money invested.  We cannot assure you that anyone  purchasing
shares  of our Class A common  stock  will be able to sell  those  shares in the
future at a higher price. An investment in our Class A common stock must be made
in accordance with your evaluation of your own best interest.

Issuance of Stock Certificates

     Stock  certificates  for shares purchased in the offering will be issued to
you as soon as practicable  after your due exercise of your  warrants.  American
Stock  Transfer & Trust  Company  will deliver  payment of the warrant  exercise
price to us only after the issuance of stock  certificates  to those  exercising

     If you exercise  warrants,  you will have no rights as a stockholder  until
certificates  representing the shares you purchased are issued. Shares purchased
by the  exercise  of  warrants  will be  registered  in the  name of the  person
exercising the warrants.

Foreign Stockholders; Stockholders with APO or FPO Addresses

     If you are a holder  of record  and your  address  is  outside  the  United
States, or if you have no APO or FPO address, a warrant  certificate will not be
mailed to you, but rather will be held by the warrant agent for your account. To
exercise the  warrants,  you must notify the warrant  agent prior to 11:00 a.m.,
New York City Time, on the second trading day before the expiration time.

State and Foreign Securities Law

     The  warrants  may  not  be  exercised  by any  person,  and  neither  this
prospectus nor the warrant  certificate  shall  constitute an offer to sell or a
solicitation  of an offer to  purchase  any shares of our common  stock,  in any
jurisdiction in which such  transactions  would be unlawful.  We believe that no
action has been taken in any  jurisdiction  outside the United  States to permit
offers and sales of the  warrants  or the  offer,  sale or  distribution  of the
shares of our common  stock  outside  the United  States.  Consequently,  we may
reject the  exercise of  warrants  by any holder of warrants  outside the United
States.  We may also reject the exercise of warrants by holders in jurisdictions
within  the  United  States,  and we may refuse to  distribute  warrants  to any
person, if we should determine that we may not lawfully issue securities to such
person.  We may do so  even if we  could  qualify  the  securities  for  sale or
distribution  by taking other  actions or modifying the terms of the offering or
the distribution in such  jurisdictions,  which we may decline to do in our sole
discretion.   In  such  event,  warrant  holders  who  are  residents  of  these
jurisdictions  will not be eligible to exercise the warrants or  participate  in
the offering.

Regulatory Limitation

     We will not be required to issue shares pursuant to this offering to anyone
who,  in  our  opinion,   would  be  required  to  obtain  prior   clearance  or
authorization from any state or federal regulatory authorities to own or control
such shares if such  clearance  or  authorization  has not been  obtained at the
expiration of this offering.

Questions or Requests for Assistance

     If you have questions  about this offering,  including  questions about the
procedure  for  exercising  warrants or requests for  additional  copies of this
prospectus, please contact the warrant agent toll free at (800) 777-0800.


     Stockholders  that do not exercise  their  warrants in full may  experience
substantial dilution of their percentage of equity ownership interest and voting
power in us to the extent that other  stockholders  exercise their warrants.  In
addition,  it is  possible  that  in the  future  we may  find it  necessary  or
appropriate  for us to issue  additional  capital  stock to raise capital or for
compensatory  purposes.  In that event,  the  relative  voting  power and equity
interests  of  persons  purchasing  shares of our  Class A common  stock in this
offering could be reduced.

                          DESCRIPTION OF CAPITAL STOCK

     Our authorized  capital stock  consists of (a) 7,500,000  shares of Class A
common stock,  $.015 par value per share, (b) 4,400,000 shares of Class B common
stock,  $.015 par value per share,  and (c) 2,100,000 shares of preferred stock,
$.01 par value per share.

     As of September  30,  2001,  there are  1,248,157  shares of Class A common
stock  outstanding held of record by 150  stockholders,  and 2,200,000 shares of
Class B common  stock  outstanding  held of  record  by one  stockholder,  Lynch
Interactive  Corporation  ("Interactive")  through its wholly  owned  subsidiary
Brighton  Communications  Corporation.  No shares of  preferred  stock have been
designated and there are no outstanding shares of preferred stock.

     On August 17,  2001,  Interactive  announced  that it plans to spin off its
investment  in us.  Interactive  contemplates  that all of the shares of Class A
common stock and Class B common stock held by Interactive  through Brighton will
be placed into a newly formed  corporation  wholly owned by Interactive and that
the  shares  of that  new  corporation  will  be  distributed  to  Interactive's
stockholders.  Interactive  has not  announced  a time frame for  effecting  the
spin-off. The Interactive spin-off will effect no substantial change in ultimate
control of the company.

     If all warrants are exercised,  there would be 2,496,314  shares of Class A
common  stock   outstanding  and  4,400,000  shares  of  Class  B  common  stock
outstanding. See "Risk Factors."

     The relative  rights,  privileges and  limitations of our capital stock are
summarized below.

Class A and Class B Common Stock

     Class A Common Stock.  The shares of Class A common stock are listed on the
American Stock Exchange.  The shares of Class A common stock are entitled to one
vote per share on all matters presented to the stockholders,  and the holders of
shares of Class A common stock are entitled,  voting  separately as a class,  to
elect one member of our Board of Directors. The holders of the Class A and Class
B common  stock  vote  together  as a single  class  upon  the  election  of all
remaining  directors and on all other matters presented to stockholders,  except
that the Class A and Class B common stock also each vote  separately  as a class
when required by our charter or bylaws, or the Delaware General Corporation Law,
as amended ("DGCL").  See- "Certain  Statutory,  Charter and By-Law  Provisions"
below. The shares of Class A common stock are freely transferable by the holder.

     Class B Common  Stock.  The shares of Class B common  stock are entitled to
two votes per share on all matters presented to the stockholders. The holders of
Class A and Class B common stock vote  together as a single class on all matters
presented to the  stockholders,  except that the holders of Class A common stock
elect one director  exclusively  and except where voting by class is required by
our charter or bylaws,  or the DGCL.  The Class B common  stock is not listed on
any  exchange  or  traded in any  market.  The  shares  of Class B common  stock
automatically  convert  to shares  of Class A common  stock  upon any  transfer,
except for transfers to an  "affiliate"  of the  transferor.  An  "affiliate" is
defined  as  a  person  that,  directly  or  indirectly,  through  one  or  more
intermediaries,  controls or is controlled  by, or is under common control with,
the  transferring  holder  of  such  Class  B  warrants.   "Control"  means  the
possession, direct or indirect, of the power to direct or cause the direction of
the management and policies of a person, whether through the ownership of voting
securities,  by contract  or  otherwise,  and  specifically  includes  direct or
indirect ownership of at least 5% of the voting equity of such person.

     Common  Stock  Generally.  Holders  of both  classes  of  common  stock are
entitled to receive ratably such dividends, if any, as are declared by our Board
of Directors from legally available funds, subject to any preferential  dividend
owing to outstanding  preferred stock. See "--Preferred  Stock",  below. No cash
dividend may be paid on either class of our common stock unless a cash  dividend
is also paid on the other  class;  provided  that any  dividend  paid on Class B
common  stock may not be greater  than 100%,  nor less than 50%, of any dividend
paid on shares of Class A common  stock.  If holders of our Class A common stock
receive shares of our Class A common stock  distributed in connection with stock
dividends  or stock  splits,  holders of our Class B common  stock will  receive
shares of our Class B common stock in the same  per-share  proportion as holders
of our Class A common stock receive shares of our Class A common stock.

     Pursuant to our charter,  we may not issue any additional shares of Class B
common stock without the approval of a majority of the votes of the  outstanding
shares of Class A common stock and Class B common stock,  each voting separately
as a class. We may, however,  issue additional shares of Class B common stock in
the event of pro rata  stock  splits or stock  dividends.  Any shares of Class B
common  stock  received  by us upon  conversion  of the shares to Class A common
stock will be retired and not reissued.

     Upon our  liquidation,  dissolution  or  winding  up,  the  holders of both
classes of our common  stock are  entitled  to  receive  ratably  our net assets
available  after the payment of all debts and other  liabilities  and subject to
the prior rights of any outstanding preferred stock. Holders of our common stock
have no preemptive, subscription or redemption rights. All outstanding shares of
our common stock are fully paid and nonassessable.  The rights,  preferences and
privileges  of holders of our common  stock are subject to, and may be adversely
affected  by, the rights of the  holders  of any shares of our  preferred  stock
which we may designate and issue in the future.

Preferred Stock

     Our Board of Directors  has the authority to issue  preferred  stock and to
determine  its rights and  preferences  to eliminate  delays  associated  with a
stockholder vote on specific issuances. There are 2,100,000 authorized shares of
preferred stock which may be designated and issued pursuant to these provisions.
The  issuance of preferred  stock,  while  providing  desirable  flexibility  in
connection with possible  acquisitions and other corporate purposes,  could have
the  effect of making it more  difficult  for a third  party to  acquire,  or of
discouraging a third party from acquiring,  a majority of our outstanding voting
stock.  We have no present  plans to designate or issue any classes or series of
preferred stock.

Certain Statutory, Charter and ByLaw Provisions

     The following discussion is a general summary of material provisions of our
charter  and  bylaws  and the  DGCL,  certain  of which may be likely to have an
effect of delaying,  deferring or preventing a change in control.  The following
description of the material  provisions is general and not complete.  You should
read our charter and bylaws and the DGCL.

     We are  subject  to Section  203 of the DGCL,  which  prohibits  a Delaware
corporation  from  engaging in a wide range of specified  transactions  with any
interested  stockholder,  defined to include, among others, any person or entity
who in the last three years obtained 15% or more of any class or series of stock
entitled to vote in the election of directors,  unless,  among other exceptions,
the  transaction is approved by (a) our Board of Directors prior to the date the
interested  stockholder obtained such status or (b) the holders of two-thirds of
the  outstanding  shares  of each  class or  series  of stock  entitled  to vote
generally  in the  election of  directors,  not  including  those  shares of the
interested   stockholder.   Section  203  is  intended  to  discourage   certain
transactions with the target company.

     Our charter contains certain  provisions  permitted under the DGCL relating
to the liability of our directors and officers.  The provisions  provide that we
will  indemnify our directors  and officers  against all expense,  liability and
loss  suffered by our  director or officer in  connection  with his service as a
director or officer to the fullest  extent  authorized by the DGCL, and includes
the right of the director or officer to require us to pay the expenses  incurred
in defending any such proceeding in advance of its final disposition. Therefore,
the  directors and officers are  protected  from monetary  damages for breach of
fiduciary duty, except in certain circumstances involving wrongful acts, such as
the breach of a director's  duty of loyalty or acts or omissions  which  involve
intentional misconduct or a knowing violation of law.

     Our bylaws provide that any action required or permitted to be taken by our
stockholders  may be taken only at a duly  called  annual or special  meeting of
stockholders,  and special  meetings  may be called only by the  Chairman of our
Board of  Directors,  a majority of the members of the Board of Directors or the
holders of a majority of the voting power of our outstanding  common stock.  Our
bylaws also impose certain  notice and  information  requirements  in connection
with the nomination by  stockholders  of candidates for election to our Board of
Directors  or the proposal by our  stockholders  of business to be acted upon at
our annual meeting of our  stockholders.  These provisions could have the effect
of delaying  until the next annual  stockholders'  meeting  stockholder  actions
which are not favored by the  holders of a majority  of the voting  power of our
outstanding common stock.

     The DGCL provides  generally that the affirmative vote of a majority of the
shares entitled to vote on any matter,  and the  affirmative  vote of each class
entitled  to vote on any matter as a separate  class,  is  required to amend our
charter.  Each class of our common stock is entitled to vote on any amendment to
the  charter  which  would (a)  increase or  decrease  the  aggregate  number of
authorized  shares of such class,  (b) increase or decrease the par value of the
shares of such class, or (c) alter or change the powers, preferences, or special
rights of the shares of such class so as to affect them  adversely.  Our charter
and bylaws allow our  stockholders  and Board of  Directors  the power to amend,
repeal and adopt our bylaws.

     Under Delaware law, the vote of a simple majority of the outstanding shares
of the capital stock entitled to vote thereon is required to approve a merger or
consolidation,  or the sale,  lease,  or  exchange of  substantially  all of the
assets of a company.  With respect to a merger,  no vote of our  stockholders is
required if we are the surviving  corporation  and (a) the related  agreement of
merger  does not  amend our  charter,  (b) each  share of our stock  outstanding
immediately  before the merger is an  identical  outstanding  or treasury  share
after the merger,  and (c) the number of shares of our common stock to be issued
in the merger (or to be issuable upon conversion of any convertible  instruments
to be issued in the  merger)  does not  exceed  20% of the  shares of our common
stock outstanding immediately before the merger.

     Our Board of Directors is  authorized,  without  shareholder  approval,  to
issue  preferred  stock in series  and to fix and state the  voting  rights  and
powers, designation, preferences and relative, participating,  optional or other
special  rights  of the  shares  of each  such  series  and the  qualifications,
limitations  and  restrictions  thereof.  Preferred  stock may rank prior to the
Class A common  stock  and the  Class B  common  stock  as to  dividend  rights,
liquidation  preferences,  or both,  and may have full or limited voting rights.
Accordingly,  issuance of shares of preferred stock could  adversely  affect the
voting  power of  holders  of Class A common  stock and Class B common  stock or
could have the effect of deterring or delaying an attempt to obtain control over

     Certain of the foregoing provisions of our charter, our bylaws and the DGCL
could have the effect of  preventing  or  delaying a person  from  acquiring  or
seeking to acquire a substantial  equity  interest in, or control of, our equity


     This section  discusses  certain  federal  income tax  consequences  of the
offering to:

     o    beneficial  owners of common stock upon  distribution of the warrants,

     o    holders upon the exercise of warrants.

     This discussion is based on the Internal  Revenue Code of 1986, as amended,
the  Treasury   regulations   thereunder,   judicial   authority,   and  current
administrative rulings and practice, all of which are subject to change.

     This discussion is limited to U.S.  taxpayers who hold our common stock and
will hold the  warrants and any shares  acquired  upon the exercise of rights as
capital  assets.  This discussion  does not include any tax  consequences  under
state,  local and  foreign  law.  You should  consult  with your own tax advisor
concerning your own tax situation or special tax  considerations  that may apply
to you,  including  without  limitation  foreign,  state and local laws that may

     No Gain on Receipt of Warrants.  As an owner of Class A common  stock,  you
will not  recognize  taxable  income  as a  result  of our  distribution  of the
warrants to you.

     Basis and  Holding  Period  of  Warrants.  Your tax  basis in the  warrants
distributed to you by us will be zero, unless (1) you exercise the warrants, and
(2) either:

     o    the fair market value of the warrants on the date of  distribution  is
          15% or more of the fair market  value on that date of our common stock
          you  already  own,  in which case you will be  required  to allocate a
          portion of your basis in the  shares of our common  stock you  already
          own to the  warrants  we are  distributing  to  you,  based  upon  the
          relative  fair market  value of the  warrants  and common stock on the
          date of distribution, or

     o    you elect under  Section 307 of the Internal  Revenue Code of 1986, as
          amended,  to  allocate  a portion  of your  basis in the shares of our
          common  stock you already own to the warrants we are  distributing  to
          you,  based upon the  relative  fair market  value of the warrants and
          common stock on the date of distribution.

     Your holding period with respect to the warrants we are distributing to you
will include your holding  period for the common stock with respect to which the
warrants were distributed.

     Exercise  of  Warrants.  You will not  recognize  any gain or loss upon the
exercise of warrants. Your basis in the shares you acquire through your exercise
of the warrants will be equal to the sum of the  subscription  price you pay for
such shares and your basis in those  warrants (if any).  The holding  period for
the shares you acquire  through your  exercise of the warrants will begin on the
day following the date of acquisition.

     Expiration  of Warrants.  If the warrants we are  distributing  to you as a
holder of our common stock expire  unexercised,  you will not recognize any gain
or loss,  and no  adjustment  will be made to the basis of the common  stock you


     Under provisions of our charter,  any person made a party to any lawsuit by
reason of being a director or officer of The Morgan  Group,  Inc., or any parent
or subsidiary thereof, may be indemnified by us to the full extent authorized by
the General Corporation Law of the State of Delaware.

     Insofar as indemnification for liabilities arising under the Securities Act
of 1933,  as  amended,  may be  permitted  to  directors,  officers  or  persons
controlling us pursuant to the foregoing provisions,  we have been informed that
in the opinion of the Securities and Exchange Commission such indemnification is
against  public  policy  as  expressed  in the  Securities  Act of  1933  and is
therefore unenforceable.

                                 LEGAL MATTERS

     Certain legal matters with respect to the authorization and issuance of our
common  stock  offered  hereby will be passed upon for us by Barnes & Thornburg,
Indianapolis, Indiana.


     The consolidated financial statements of The Morgan Group, Inc. at December
31, 2000 and 1999,  and for each of the three years in the period ended December
31, 2000,  appearing in this  Prospectus  and  Registration  Statement have been
audited by Ernst & Young LLP, independent auditors, as set forth in their report
thereon (which  contains an explanatory  paragraph  describing  conditions  that
raise  substantial  doubt  about the  company's  ability to  continue as a going
concern  as  described  in  Note 4 to  the  consolidated  financial  statements)
appearing  elsewhere herein, and are included in reliance upon such report given
on the authority of such firm as experts in accounting and auditing.

                           FORWARD LOOKING STATEMENTS

     Included in the  prospectus  summary and elsewhere in this  prospectus  are
several "forward-looking statements." Forward-looking statements are those which
use words such as "believe,"  "expect,"  "anticipate,"  "intend," "plan," "may,"
"will," "should," "estimate," "continue," or other comparable expressions. These
words  indicate  future events and trends.  Forward-looking  statements  are our
current  views with respect to future events and  financial  performance.  These
forward-looking  statements  are  subject to many risks and  uncertainties  that
could cause actual results to differ  significantly  from historical  results or
from those  anticipated by us. The most significant  risks and  uncertainties we
face are:

     o    cyclicality of the manufactured  housing industry,  which is currently
          experiencing  a substantial  downturn,  because our revenues have been
          largely dependent on the industry;

     o    the continued  availability  and sufficiency of credit  facilities and
          other sources of funding for our operations; and

     o    accident  claims which can materially  adversely  affect our result of
          operations   and  the  cost   and   availability   of  our   insurance

     There are other risks and  uncertainties  we face,  including the effect of
changes in general economic  conditions and the effect of new laws,  regulations
and court  decisions and those risks described under the caption "Risk Factors."
You are cautioned not to place undue reliance on our forward looking statements.
We  undertake no  obligation  to publicly  update or revise any  forward-looking
statements, whether as a result of new information,  future events or otherwise,
except as required by law.


     We have filed with the SEC a  registration  statement on Form S-2 under the
Securities Act of 1933 with respect to the Class A common stock offered  hereby.
This prospectus,  which constitutes part of the registration statement, does not
contain all of the information set forth in the  registration  statement and the
exhibits and schedules relating to the registration statement.  You may read and
copy any  document  we file at the  SEC's  public  reference  room at 450  Fifth
Street,  N.W.,  Washington D.C. 20549. Please call the SEC at 1-800-SEC-0330 for
further  information  on the public  reference  room.  Our SEC  filings are also
available to the public from the SEC's Web site at

                           INCORPORATION BY REFERENCE

     The  following  documents,  all of which  were  previously  filed  with the
Securities  and  Exchange  Commission  (the "SEC")  pursuant  to the  Securities
Exchange Act of 1934, are hereby incorporated by reference in this prospectus:

     o    our Annual  Report on Form 10-K for the year ended  December  31, 2000
          and amendment thereto on Form 10-K/A filed on April 27, 2001;

     o    our definitive Proxy Statement for our annual meeting held on July 12,

     o    our  Quarterly  Report on Form 10-Q for the  quarter  ended  March 31,
          2001; and

     o    our Quarterly Report on Form 10-Q for the quarter ended June 30, 2001;

     o    our Quarterly  Report on Form 10-Q for the quarter ended September 30,

     All  other  reports  and  documents  filed  by us  after  the  date of this
prospectus  pursuant to Sections 13(a), 14 and 15(d) of the Securities  Exchange
Act of 1934 prior to the termination of the offering of the common stock covered
by this prospectus are also incorporated by reference in this prospectus and are
considered  to be part of this  prospectus  from the date  those  documents  are

     In any statement  contained in a document  incorporated by reference herein
conflicts with or is modified by a statement  contained in this prospectus or in
any other  subsequently  filed document that is  incorporated  by reference into
this prospectus,  the statement made at the latest point in time should control.
Any previous statements that have been subsequently altered should therefore not
be considered to be a part of this prospectus.  We will provide a copy of any or
all of the documents  referred to above that have been or may be incorporated by
reference in this prospectus to any person,  including any beneficial  owner, to
whom a copy of this  prospectus  has been delivered free of charge upon request.
Exhibits  to such  documents  will  not be  provided  unless  the  exhibits  are
specifically  incorporated by reference into the information that the prospectus
incorporates.  Written  requests  for copies of any  documents  incorporated  by
reference should be directed to Gary J. Klusman, 219-295-2200.

                    1,248,157 SHARES OF CLASS A COMMON STOCK

                      [Logo Omitted] The Morgan Group, Inc.


                               December 12, 2001

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
You may rely on the information contained in this prospectus.  The Morgan Group,
Inc. has not authorized anyone to provide  prospective  investors with different
or  additional  information.  This  prospectus is not an offer to sell nor is it
seeking an offer to buy these securities in any jurisdiction  where the offer or
sale is not permitted.  The information  contained in this prospectus is correct
only as of the date of this  prospectus,  regardless of the time of the delivery
of this prospectus or any sale of these securities.
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

                             THE MORGAN GROUP, INC.
                          INDEX TO AUDITED CONSOLIDATED
                              FINANCIAL STATEMENTS

Consolidated Financial Statements:                                         Page

     Report of Ernst & Young LLP, Independent Auditors......................F-2

     Consolidated Balance Sheets as of December 31, 2000 and 1999...........F-3

     Consolidated Statements of Operations for the Years Ended
             December 31, 2000, 1999 and 1998...............................F-4

     Consolidated Statements of Changes in Shareholders' Equity
             for the Years Ended December 31, 2000, 1999 and 1998...........F-5

     Consolidated Statements of Cash Flows for the Years Ended
             December 31, 2000, 1999 and 1998...............................F-6

     Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements.............................F-7


                         Report of Independent Auditors

The Board of Directors and Shareholders
The Morgan Group, Inc.

We have  audited  the  accompanying  consolidated  balance  sheets of The Morgan
Group,  Inc. and  subsidiaries as of December 31, 2000 and 1999, and the related
consolidated statements of operations, changes in shareholders' equity, and cash
flows for each of the three years in the period ended  December 31, 2000.  These
financial  statements are the  responsibility of the Company's  management.  Our
responsibility  is to express an opinion on these financial  statements based on
our audits.

We conducted our audits in accordance with auditing standards generally accepted
in the United States. Those standards require that we plan and perform the audit
to obtain reasonable  assurance about whether the financial  statements are free
of material misstatement. An audit includes examining, on a test basis, evidence
supporting  the amounts and  disclosures in the financial  statements.  An audit
also includes assessing the accounting principles used and significant estimates
made by  management,  as well as  evaluating  the  overall  financial  statement
presentation.  We believe  that our audits  provide a  reasonable  basis for our

In our opinion,  the financial  statements  referred to above present fairly, in
all material respects,  the consolidated financial position of The Morgan Group,
Inc. and  subsidiaries  as of December 31, 2000 and 1999,  and the  consolidated
results of their  operations and their cash flows for each of the three years in
the period ended  December 31, 2000, in conformity  with  accounting  principles
generally  accepted in the United  States.

The  accompanying  financial  statements  have been  prepared  assuming that the
Company will continue as a going concern. As more fully described in Note 4, the
Company,  incurred operating losses during the year ended December 31, 2000, and
was not in  compliance  with its credit  facility,  which expired on January 28,
2001. Under the terms of the expired credit facility,  the bank has the right to
demand cash to meet  outstanding  obligations  of the letters of credits.  These
conditions raise  substantial doubt about the Company's ability to continue as a
going concern.  Management's plans in regard to these matters, including raising
additional  equity and replacing  the expired  credit  facility,  are more fully
described in Note 4. The financial  statements do not include any adjustments to
reflect the possible future effects on the  recoverability and classification of
assets or the amounts and classification of liabilities that may result from the
outcome of this uncertainty.

/s/ Ernst & Young LLP

Greensboro, North Carolina
February 9, 2001



                             The Morgan Group, Inc.
                                and Subsidiaries
                          Consolidated Balance Sheets
                  (Dollars in thousands, except share amounts)

                                                            December 31
                                                       2000             1999
                                                       ----             ----
Current assets:
   Cash and cash equivalents                         $ 2,092           $ 3,847
   Trade accounts receivable, less allowances
      of $248 in 2000 and $313 in 1999                 7,748            10,130
   Accounts receivable, other                            133               313
   Refundable taxes                                      499                --
   Prepaid expenses and other current assets           1,147             1,960
   Deferred income taxes                                 319             1,475
                                                     -------           -------
Total current assets                                  11,938            17,725
                                                     -------           -------

Property and equipment, net                            3,688             4,309
Goodwill and other intangibles, net                    6,727             7,361
Deferred income taxes                                    282             2,172
Other assets                                             634               697
                                                     -------           -------
Total assets                                         $23,269           $32,264
                                                     =======           =======

Current liabilities:
   Trade accounts payable                            $ 2,373           $ 3,907
   Accrued liabilities                                 3,704             4,852
   Income taxes payable                                   --               278
   Accrued claims payable                              3,224             3,071
   Refundable deposits                                 1,357             1,752
   Current portion of long-term debt and capital
     lease obligations                                   217              676
                                                     -------           -------
Total current liabilities                             10,875            14,536
                                                     -------           -------

Long-term debt and capital lease obligations, less
  current portion                                         71               289
Long-term accrued claims payable                       5,122             5,347
Commitments and contingencies                             --                --

Shareholders' equity:
   Common stock, $.015 par value:
      Class A: Authorized shares - 7,500,000
      Issued shares - 1,607,303                           23                23

      Class B: Authorized shares - 2,500,000
      Issued and outstanding shares - 1,200,000           18                18
   Additional paid-in capital                         12,459            12,459
   Retained (deficit) earnings                        (2,116)            2,775
                                                     -------           -------
Total capital and retained earnings                   10,384            15,275

Less - treasury stock at cost (359,146 Class A
  Shares in 2000 and 1999)                            (3,183)           (3,183)
                                                     -------           -------
Total shareholders' equity                             7,201            12,092
                                                     -------           -------
Total liabilities and shareholders' equity           $23,269           $32,264
                                                     =======           =======
See accompanying notes.

                     The Morgan Group, Inc. and Subsidiaries
                      Consolidated Statements of Operations
                  (Dollars in thousands, except share amounts)

                                                             For the year ended December 31
                                                           2000             1999              1998
                                                           ----             ----              ----

Operating revenues                                      $ 108,024         $ 145,629        $ 150,454

Costs and expenses:
   Operating costs                                         99,552           133,774          136,963
   Selling, general and administration                      9,443            10,090           10,254
   Depreciation and amortization                            1,067             1,215            1,230
                                                        ---------         ---------        ---------
                                                          110,062           145,079          148,447
                                                        ---------         ---------        ---------

Operating (loss) income                                    (2,038)              550            2,007
Interest expense, net                                         310               338              545
                                                        ---------         ---------        ---------
(Loss) income before income taxes                          (2,348)              212            1,462

Income tax expense                                          2,451               193              559
                                                        ----------        ---------        ---------
Net (loss) income                                         ($4,799)        $      19        $     903
                                                        ==========        =========        =========

Net (loss) income per basic and diluted share              ($1.96)        $    0.01        $    0.35
                                                        ==========        =========        =========

Basic weighted average shares outstanding               2,448,157         2,469,675        2,606,237
                                                        =========         =========        =========

See accompanying notes.

                     The Morgan Group, Inc. and Subsidiaries
           Consolidated Statements of Changes in Shareholders' Equity
                (Dollars in thousands, except per share amounts)

                                             Class A      Class B    Additional                              Retained
                                             Common       Common       Paid-in      Officer    Treasury      (Deficit)
                                              Stock        Stock       Capital       Loan        Stock       Earnings      Total
                                              -----        -----       -------       ----        -----       --------      -----

Balance at December 31, 1997                   $23         $ 18        $ 12,453     $ (504)    $ (1,426)     $ 2,160      $ 12,724
   Net income                                   --           --              --         --           --          903           903
   Purchase of treasury stock                   --           --              --        504         (813)          --          (309)
   Common stock dividends:
      Class A ($.08 per share)                  --           --              --         --           --         (117)         (117)
      Class B ($.04 per share)                  --           --              --         --           --          (48)          (48)
   Options exercised                            --           --               6         --           62           --            68
                                              -----       ------       --------     ------     --------      -------      --------
Balance at December 31, 1998                   $23         $ 18        $ 12,459     $   --     $ (2,177)     $ 2,898      $ 13,221
   Net income                                   --           --              --         --           --           19            19
   Purchase of treasury stock                   --           --              --         --       (1,006)          --        (1,006)
   Common stock dividends:
      Class A ($.08 per share)                  --           --              --         --           --          (94)          (94)
      Class B ($.04 per share)                  --           --              --         --           --          (48)          (48)
                                              -----       ------       --------     ------     --------      -------      --------
Balance at December 31, 1999                   $23         $ 18        $ 12,459     $   --     $ (3,183)     $ 2,775      $ 12,092
   Net loss                                     --           --              --         --           --       (4,799)       (4,799)
   Common stock dividends:
      Class A ($.05 per share)                  --           --              --         --           --          (62)          (62)
      Class B ($.025 per share)                 --           --              --         --           --          (30)          (30)
                                              -----       ------       --------     ------     --------      -------      --------
Balance at December 31, 2000                   $23         $ 18        $ 12,459     $   --     $ (3,183)     $(2,116)     $  7,201
                                              =====       ======       ========     ======     ========      =======      ========

See accompanying notes.

                     The Morgan Group, Inc. and Subsidiaries
                      Consolidated Statements of Cash Flows
                             (Dollars in thousands)
                                                                                      For the year ended December 31
                                                                                  2000             1999              1998
                                                                                  ----             ----              ----
Operating activities:
Net (loss) income                                                               $(4,799)           $  19            $   903
Adjustments to reconcile net (loss) income to net cash (used in) provided
by operating activities:
        Depreciation and amortization                                             1,067            1,215              1,246
        Deferred income taxes                                                     3,046             (420)              (713)
        Loss on disposal of property and equipment                                  292              101                 20

Changes in operating assets and liabilities:
        Trade accounts receivable                                                 2,382             2,058             1,174
        Other accounts receivable                                                   180              901             (1,088)
        Refundable taxes                                                           (499)              --                 --
        Prepaid expenses and other current assets                                   813              507                139
        Other assets                                                                 63              (43)               810
        Trade accounts payable                                                   (1,534)            (397)               207
        Accrued liabilities                                                      (1,148)           1,286               (612)
        Income taxes payable                                                       (278)            (600)               489
        Accrued claims payable                                                      (72)             310              2,785
        Refundable deposits                                                        (395)             (78)               164
                                                                                --------          -------            -------
        Net cash (used in) provided by operating activities                        (882)           4,859              5,524

Investing activities:
        Purchases of property and equipment                                        (106)            (811)              (585)
        Proceeds from sale of property and equipment                                  2                7                 88
        Business acquisitions                                                        --              (35)              (228)
                                                                                --------          -------            -------
Net cash used in investing activities                                              (104)            (839)              (725)

Financing activities:
        Principle payments on long-term debt                                       (677)            (664)            (3,418)
        Proceeds from long-term debt                                                 --              149                135
        Purchase of treasury stock, net of officer loan of $504                      --           (1,006)              (309)
        in 1998
        Proceeds from exercise of stock options                                      --               --                 68
        Common stock dividends paid                                                 (92)            (142)              (165)
                                                                                --------          -------            -------
        Net cash used in financing activities                                      (769)          (1,663)            (3,689)
                                                                                --------          -------            -------

Net (decrease) increase in cash and cash equivalents                             (1,755)           2,357              1,110

Cash and cash equivalents at beginning of period                                  3,847            1,490                380
                                                                                --------          -------            -------

Cash and cash equivalents at end of period                                      $ 2,092           $3,847            $ 1,490
                                                                                ========          =======           ========

Cash payments for interest were $379,000 in 2000, $406,000 in 1999 and $566,000
in 1998.

See accompanying notes.



Description of Business

The Morgan  Group,  Inc.  ("Company"),  through its wholly  owned  subsidiaries,
Morgan Drive Away, Inc.  ("Morgan") and TDI, Inc. ("TDI"),  provides  outsourced
transportation  and  logistical   services  to  the  manufactured   housing  and
recreational  vehicle  industries and is a leading provider of delivery services
to the  commercial  truck and trailer  industries  in the United  States.  Lynch
Interactive  Corporation and its wholly owned subsidiaries ("Lynch Interactive")
owns all of the  1,200,000  shares  of the  Company's  Class B common  stock and
161,100  shares of the Company's  Class A common  stock,  which in the aggregate
represents  70% of the  combined  voting  power of the  combined  classes of the
Company's common stock.

The  Company's  other  significant  wholly  owned  subsidiaries  are  Interstate
Indemnity Company  ("Interstate") and Morgan Finance,  Inc.  ("Finance"),  which
provide insurance and financial services to its owner-operators.

Principles of Consolidation

The consolidated  financial  statements  include the accounts of the Company and
its subsidiaries.  Significant  intercompany accounts and transactions have been
eliminated in consolidation.

Use of Estimates in the Preparation of Financial Statements

The preparation of financial statements in conformity with accounting principles
generally  accepted in the United States  requires  Management to make estimates
and assumptions that affect the amounts reported in the financial statements and
accompanying notes. Actual results could materially differ from those estimates.

Operating Revenues and Expense Recognition

Operating revenues,  including  ancillary fees for permits,  escort services and
insurance  premiums,  and related driver pay are recognized when movement of the
product is completed. Other operating expenses are recognized when incurred.

Cash Equivalents

All  highly  liquid  investments  with  maturity  of three  months  or less when
purchased are considered to be cash equivalents.

Credit Risk

Financial  instruments that potentially subject the Company to concentrations of
credit risk consist principally of customer receivables. As discussed in Note 9,
two customers represent 33% of total customer receivables.  The remaining credit
risk is generally diversified due to the large number of entities comprising the
Company's  remaining  customer base and their  dispersion  across many different
industries and geographic regions. As noted on the consolidated  balance sheets,
the Company  maintains an allowance  for  doubtful  accounts to cover  estimated
credit losses.

Property and Equipment

Property and equipment is stated at cost.  Major additions and  improvements are
capitalized,  while  maintenance  and repairs  that do not improve or extend the
lives of the respective assets are charged to expense as incurred.  Depreciation
is computed using the straight-line  method over the following  estimated useful

                    Buildings                                 25 years
                    Transportation Equipment                  3 to 5 years
                    Office and Service Equipment              3 to 8 years

Goodwill and Other Intangibles

Goodwill and other  intangibles  are comprised  primarily of goodwill,  which is
stated  at the  excess  of  purchase  price  over  net  asset  acquired,  net of
accumulated  amortization  of $4,181,000 and $3,547,000 at December 31, 2000 and
1999,  respectively.  Intangible assets are being amortized by the straight-line
method over their estimated useful lives, which range from three to forty years.

Impairment of Assets

The Company  periodically  assesses the net  realizable  value of its long-lived
assets, including intangibles, and evaluates such assets for impairment whenever
events or changes in circumstances  indicate the carrying amount of an asset may
not be recoverable. Goodwill is evaluated for impairment whenever such events as
a loss of a  significant  customer,  a  permanent  decline  in the  manufactured
housing  industry,  or other  negative  trends occur.  For assets to be held and
used,  including goodwill and other intangible assets,  impairment is determined
to exist if estimated  undiscounted future cash flows are less than the carrying
amount.  For assets to be disposed of,  impairment is determined to exist if the
estimated net realizable value is less than the carrying amount. The Company, as
a result of the recent negative trends, has performed an assessment of potential
goodwill  impairment  and does not believe  that an  impairment,  or a change in
estimated useful lives exist at December 31, 2000.

Insurance and Claim Reserves

Claims and insurance  accruals  reflect the  estimated  ultimate cost of claims,
including  amounts  for claims  incurred  but not  reported,  for cargo loss and
damage,  bodily injury and property  damage,  workers'  compensation,  long-term
disability and group health not covered by insurance. These costs are charged to
operating costs.

Stock-Based Compensation

Stock based compensation expense for the Company's employee stock option plan is
recognized  under the provisions of Accounting  Principles Board Opinion No. 25,
Accounting   for  Stock   Issued  to   Employees   ("APB   25"),   and   related
interpretations.  Consistent  with APB 25, the exercise  price of the  Company's
employee stock options  equals the market price of the  underlying  stock on the
date of grant; therefore, no compensation expense is recognized.

Net Income (Loss) Per Common Share

Net income  (loss) per common  share  ("EPS")  is  computed  using the  weighted
average number of common shares outstanding during the period.  Since each share
of Class B common stock is freely  convertible  into one share of Class A common
stock,  the total of the  weighted  average  number of  common  shares  for both
classes of common stock is considered in the  computation  of EPS.

Fair Values of Financial Instruments

At December 31, 2000 and 1999, the carrying value of financial  instruments such
as cash and cash equivalents,  trade and other  receivables,  trade payables and
long-term debt approximate their fair values.  Fair value is determined based on
expected  future cash flows,  discounted  at market  interest  rates,  and other
appropriate valuation methodologies.

Comprehensive Income

There were no items of comprehensive income for the years presented,  as defined
under SFAS No. 130, "Reporting Comprehensive Income". Accordingly, comprehensive
income is equal to net income.

Recent Accounting Pronouncements

In June 1998,  the  Financial  Accounting  Standards  Board issued  Statement of
Financial  Accounting  Standards  (SFAS) No.  133,  "Accounting  for  Derivative
Instruments and Hedging  Activities,"  which is required to be adopted in fiscal
years beginning after June 15, 2000.  Under the statement,  all derivatives will
be required to be  recognized  on the balance  sheet at fair value.  Derivatives
that are not hedges  must be  adjusted  to fair  value  through  income.  If the
derivative is a hedge, depending on the nature of the hedge, changes in the fair
value of  derivatives  will either be offset against the change in fair value of
the  hedged  assets,  liabilities,  or  firm  commitments  through  earnings  or
recognized in other comprehensive  income until the hedged item is recognized in
earnings.  Under the statement, any ineffective portion of a derivative's change
in fair value must be  immediately  recognized  in  earnings.  The  Company  has
evaluated  the effect of SFAS No. 133 and  determined  that the adoption of SFAS
No.  133 will have no effect  on the  earnings  and  financial  position  of the


The components of property and equipment are as follows (in thousands):

                                                         December 31
                                                       2000         1999
                                                       ----         ----

Land                                                  $  873       $  873
Buildings                                              2,186        2,241
Transportation equipment                                 146          419
Office and service equipment                           2,288        3,491
                                                       -----        -----
                                                       5,493        7,024
Less accumulated depreciation                          1,805        2,715
                                                       -----        -----
Property and equipment, net                           $3,688       $4,309
                                                      ======       ======

Depreciation expense was $433,000, $511,000 and $581,000 for 2000, 1999 and
1998, respectively.


The  components  of  goodwill  and other  intangibles,  net are as  follows  (in

                                                                       December 31, 2000

                                        Useful                             Accumulated        Net Book
                                         Life              Cost           Amortization         Value
                                         ----              ----           ------------         -----
Goodwill                                40 Year             $1,660             $518            $1,142
Goodwill                                20 Year              6,734            1,567             5,167
Goodwill                               3-5 Year                335              273                62
Non-Compete agreements                 3-20 Year             2,179            1,823               356
                                                             -----            -----               ---
                                                           $10,908           $4,181            $6,727
                                                            ======            =====             =====

                                                                       December 31, 1999

                                        Useful                             Accumulated        Net Book
                                         Life              Cost           Amortization         Value
                                         ----              ----           ------------         -----
Goodwill                                40 Year             $1,660             $477            $1,183
Goodwill                                20 Year              6,734            1,229             5,505
Goodwill                               3-5 Year                335              196               139
Non-Compete agreements                 3-20 Year             2,179            1,645               534
                                                             -----            -----               ---
                                                           $10,908           $3,547            $7,361
                                                            ======            =====             =====


At December 31, 2000, the Company had a $7.7 million  revolving  credit facility
("Credit Facility"),  with a $6.7 million letter of credit sub-limit. The Credit
Facility  bears  interest  at the  Company's  option,  on either the  applicable
Eurodollar  Rate Margin or the  applicable  Base Rate  Margin,  all of which are
adjusted over the term of the Credit Facility.  Total borrowings and outstanding
letters of credit are limited to qualified trade accounts receivable,  qualified
in-transit  amounts,  contractor  loans, and qualified  investments.  The Credit
Facility contains financial covenants,  the most restrictive of which are a cash
flow coverage ratio, interest expense coverage ratio, and minimum net income. At
December  31,  2000,  the  Company  had no  outstanding  debt  under its  Credit
Facility,  and $6.6  million  of letters of credit  were  outstanding  under the
Credit  Facility.  Letters of credit are required for  self-insurance  retention
reserves and other corporate needs.

The Credit  Facility  matured on January 28, 2001, at which time the Company had
no outstanding debt and $6.6 million  outstanding letters of credit. The Company
was in default of the  financial  covenants,  resulting  in the bank  failing to
renew the Credit Facility. As a result of the Credit Facility not being renewed,
the Company has a payment default and the financial institution has the right to
demand cash to meet  outstanding  obligations  under the letters of credit.  The
bank has discretion as to whether to make any loans or issue additional  letters
of credit for the Company.

The financial  statements  have been prepared on a going  concern  basis,  which
contemplates  the  realization of assets and the  satisfaction of liabilities in
the normal  course of  business.  The  Company is actively  seeking  alternative
financial  institutions  to replace  the  existing  Credit  Facility  as well as
seeking  additional capital  resources.  Currently,  negotiations are being held
with  several  financial  institutions  regarding  a  replacement  facility.  In
connection  with  these  potential  replacement   facilities,   the  Company  is
anticipating  raising equity capital up to $3.0 million. The Company has engaged
in discussions  with its principal  shareholder,  Lynch  Interactive,  regarding
these matters. Based on preliminary discussions, Lynch Interactive has expressed
interest in providing a portion of the capital support the Company will require,
but no terms have been agreed  upon.  The  Company  expects to seek to raise the
equity capital it will require from Lynch Interactive,  other stockholders,  or,
if necessary, privately from other sources. The Company's ability to continue as
a going  concern is  dependent  upon its ability to  successfully  maintain  its
financing arrangements and to comply with the terms thereof.  However,  although
no assurances can be given,  management  remains confident that the Company will
be able to continue operating as a going concern.

Long-term debt and capital lease obligations consisted of the following (in
                                                                                       December 31
                                                                                   2000          1999
                                                                                   ----          ----
Promissory notes with imputed interest rates from 6.31% to 10.0%, principal
   and interest payments due from monthly to annually, through June 30, 2002       $242          $837
Term note and capital leases with imputed interest rates of 8.25% to 11.04%
   with principal and interest payments due monthly through April 26, 2002           46           128
                                                                                   ----           ---
                                                                                    288           965
Less current portion                                                                217           676
                                                                                    ---           ---
Long-term debt and capital lease obligations, net                                  $ 71          $289
                                                                                   ====          ====

Maturities on long-term debt are $217,000 in 2001 and $71,000 in 2002.


Future minimum annual operating lease payments as of December 31, 2000, are as
follows (in thousands):

      2001                                       $  641
      2002                                          173
      2003                                           60
      2004                                           11
      2005                                            1
      Total minimum lease payments               $  886

Aggregate expense under operating leases  approximated  $1,672,000,  $2,115,000,
and $2,578,000 for 2000, 1999 and 1998, respectively.


Deferred tax assets and liabilities are determined based on differences  between
financial  reporting  and tax bases of assets and  liabilities  and are measured
using the enacted tax rates and laws that will be in effect when the differences
are expected to reverse.

The income tax provisions (benefits) are summarized as follows (in thousands):
                                           For the Year Ended December 31
                                          2000           1999            1998
                                          ----           ----            ----
        State                            $    -           $ 98          $  201
        Federal                            (595)           515           1,071
                                         -------         -----          ------
                                           (595)           613           1,272
        State                               488            (67)           (203)
        Federal                           2,558           (353)           (510)
                                         -------         ------         -------
                                          3,046           (420)           (713)
                                         -------         ------         -------
                                         $2,451          $ 193          $  559
                                         =======         ======         =======

Deferred tax assets (liabilities) are comprised of the following (in thousands):

                                                           December 31
                                                        2000          1999
                                                        ----          ----
Deferred tax assets:
   Accrued insurance claims                            $3,323        $3,232
   Special charges and accrued expenses                   367           487
   Depreciation                                           199           163
   Other                                                  84            125
                                                       ------        ------
                                                        3,973         4,007
Deferred tax liabilities:
   Prepaid expenses                                      (184)         (360)
                                                       -------       -------
                                                         (184)         (360)
                                                       -------       -------
                                                       $3,789        $3,647

Valuation allowance for deferred tax assets           ($3,188)           --
                                                       ------        ------
                                                       $  601        $3,647
                                                       ======        ======

A  reconciliation  of the income tax  provisions  and the  amounts  computed  by
applying the  statutory  federal  income tax rate to income  before income taxes
follows (in thousands):

                                                  For the Year Ended December 31
                                                 2000         1999         1998
                                                 ----         ----         ----
Income tax provision (benefits) at
   federal statutory rate                       $(772)        $ 72         $497
State income tax (benefit), net of
   federal tax benefit                            (44)          20           48
Changes in estimated
   state tax rates on
   beginning temporary differences                 --           --          (70)
Change in Valuation Allowance                   3,188           --           --
Permanent differences                              79          101           84
                                               -------        ----           --
                                               $2,451         $193         $559
                                               =======        ====         ====

Net cash  payments for income taxes were  $181,000,  $1,205,000  and $810,000 in
2000, 1999 and 1998, respectively.

In  assessing  the  realization  of deferred  tax assets,  Management  considers
whether it is more likely than not that some  portion or all of the deferred tax
assets will not be realized.  The ultimate realization of deferred tax assets is
dependent  upon the  generation  of future  taxable  income during the period in
which the temporary  differences  become  deductible.  A valuation  allowance of
$3,188,000  was recorded in 2000 to reduce the deferred tax asset as the Company
has  experienced  cumulative  losses for financial  reporting for the last three
years.  Management  considered,  in  reaching  the  conclusion  on the  required
valuation  allowance,  given the  cumulative  losses,  combined with the current
default on its Credit  Facility,  that it would be inconsistent  with applicable
accounting rules to rely on future taxable income to support full realization of
the  deferred  tax assets.  Accordingly,  the  remaining  deferred tax assets of
$601,000 relate to federal income tax carrybacks available to the Company.


The Company has two classes of common  stock  outstanding,  Class A and Class B.
Under the bylaws of the  Company:  (i) each share of Class A is  entitled to one
vote  and  each  share  of  Class  B is  entitled  to two  votes;  (ii)  Class A
shareholders  are  entitled  to a  dividend  ranging  from one to two  times the
dividend declared on Class B stock; (iii) any stock  distributions will maintain
the same  relative  percentages  outstanding  of Class A and  Class B;  (iv) any
liquidation  of the  Company  will  be  ratably  made  to  Class  A and  Class B
shareholders  after  satisfaction  of the Company's other  obligations;  and (v)
Class B stock is convertible into Class A stock at the discretion of the holder;
Class A stock is not convertible into Class B stock.

The  Company's  Board of  Directors  has  approved the purchase of up to 250,000
shares of Class A Common  Stock for its  Treasury  at  various  dates and market
prices.  During the year ended December 31, 2000, the Company did not repurchase
any shares under this plan.  As of December 31,  2000,  186,618  shares had been
repurchased  at  prices  between  $6.875  and  $11.375  per share for a total of
$1,561,000 under this plan.

In March 1999,  the  Company  repurchased  102,528  shares of Class A stock in a
Dutch  Auction  for  $985,000,  which  includes  $62,000  of fees  and  expenses
associated with the transaction.

In July 1998, the Company purchased 70,000 shares of Class A stock from a former
officer for $637,000  under a special  stock  purchase  approved by the Board of


The Company has an incentive  stock option plan which  provides for the granting
of incentive or non-qualified  stock options to purchase up to 200,000 shares of
Class A common stock to directors, officers, and other key employees. No options
may be granted under this plan for less than the fair market value of the common
stock at the date of the grant.  Although the exercise period is determined when
options are actually  granted,  an option shall not be exercised  later than ten
years and one day after it is granted.  Stock options  granted will terminate if
the  grantee's  employment  terminates  prior to exercise for reasons other than
retirement,  death,  or disability.  Stock options vest over a four-year  period
pursuant  to the  terms of the  plan,  except  for stock  options  granted  to a
non-employee director,  which are immediately vested. Employees and non-employee
directors have been granted  non-qualified  stock options to purchase 96,375 and
32,000 shares,  respectively,  of Class A common stock, net of cancellations and
shares exercised. There are 63,250 options reserved for future issuance.

In January  2000,  the  President  and Chief  Executive  Officer  entered into a
special stock option plan and agreement  with the Company which provides for the
granting of options to purchase  120,000 shares of Class A Common Stock in three
separate installments. The first installment is for 40,000 shares at an exercise
price of $5.625, exercisable 6 months from the date of the agreement. The second
installment is for 40,000 shares at an exercise price of $7.625,  exercisable 18
months  after the date of the  agreement.  The third  installment  is for 40,000
shares at an exercise  price of $9.625,  exercisable 30 months after the date of
the  agreement.  The options  granted under this stock option plan and agreement
are not granted pursuant to the Incentive Stock Option Plan described above; but
they are subject to the same general terms and conditions of the Incentive Stock
Option Plan.

A summary  of the  Company's  stock  option  activity  and  related  information

                                                                        Year Ended December 31

                                              2000                               1999                               1998
                                              ----                               ----                               ----
                                                 Weighted                            Weighted                           Weighted
                                                 Average                             Average                            Average
                                    Options      Exercise              Options       Exercise             Options       Exercise
                                    (000)        Price                 (000)         Price                (000)         Price
                                    -----        -----                 -----         -----                -----         -----

Outstanding at beginning of year    181          $8.23                 170           $8.28                167           $8.32
Granted                             120           7.63                  11            7.52                 23            8.11
Exercised                            --             --                  --              --                 (7)           8.25
Canceled                            (53)          7.79                  --              --                (13)           8.59
                                    ----         -----                 ---           -----                ----           ----

Outstanding at end of year          128          $8.42                 181           $8.23                170           $8.28
                                    ===          =====                 ===           -----                ===           =====

Exercisable at end of year          124          $8.41                 149           $8.31                124           $8.42
                                    ===          =====                 ===           =====                ===           =====

Exercise  prices for options  outstanding  as of December 31, 2000,  ranged from
$6.80  to  $10.19.  The  weighted-average  remaining  contractual  life of those
options is 4.6 years. The weighted-average  fair value of options granted during
each year was immaterial.

The following pro forma  information  regarding net income (loss) and net income
(loss)  per  share  is  required  when APB 25  accounting  is  elected,  and was
determined as if the Company had accounted for its employee  stock options under
the  fair  value   method  of  SFAS  No.  123,   "Accounting   for   Stock-Based
Compensation."  The fair values for these options were  estimated at the date of
grant using a Black-Scholes option pricing model with the following assumptions:
dividend yield of 0.1%;  expected life of 10 years;  expected volatility of .596
in 2000 and .316 in 1999 and .250 in 1998, and a risk-free interest rate of 6.5%
in  2000  and  5.0%  in 1999  and  6.0%  in  1998.  For  purposes  of pro  forma
disclosures,  the estimated  fair values of the options are amortized to expense
over  the  option's   vesting  periods  (in  thousands   except  for  per  share
                                        2000            1999           1998
                                        ----            ----           ----
Net (loss) income:
  As reported                          ($4,799)        $  19          $ 903
  Pro forma                            ($5,024)          (24)           861

Diluted (loss) earnings per share:
  As reported                           ($1.96)        $0.01          $0.35
  Pro forma                             ($2.05)        (0.01)          0.33

During the initial phase-in  period,  as required by SFAS No. 123, the pro forma
amounts were  determined  based on stock  options  granted after the 1995 fiscal
year only.  Therefore,  the pro forma amounts for  compensation  cost may not be
indicative  of the  effects on pro forma net income and pro forma net income per
share for future years.

The Company has a 401(k)  Savings Plan  covering  substantially  all  employees,
which matches 25% of the employee  contributions up to a designated  amount. The
Company's  contributions  to the Plan for  2000,  1999  and 1998  were  $18,000,
$23,000 and $29,000, respectively.


The Company has paid Lynch  Interactive  Corporation  ("Lynch  Interactive")  an
annual  service  fee  of  $100,000  for  executive,  financial  and  accounting,
planning,  budgeting,  tax, legal, and insurance services.  Additionally,  Lynch
Interactive   charges  the  Company  for  officers'  and  directors'   liability
insurance, which totaled $20,000 in 2000, and $16,000 in 1999 and 1998.

The  Company's  Class A and Class B common stock owned by Lynch  Interactive  is
pledged to secure a Lynch Interactive line of credit.


Description of Services by Segment

The Company operates in four business  segments:  manufactured  housing,  driver
outsourcing,  specialized  outsourcing services,  and insurance and finance. The
manufactured  housing segment primarily provides  specialized  transportation to
companies  which  produce new  manufactured  homes and modular  homes  through a
network of terminals  located in  twenty-eight  states.  The driver  outsourcing
segment  provides  outsourcing  transportation  primarily  to  manufacturers  of
recreational vehicles, commercial trucks, and other specialized vehicles through
a network of service centers in six states. The specialized outsourcing services
segment  consists of a large  trailer,  travel and small  trailer  delivery  and
another Specialized Service "Decking"  (discontinued in 2000). The last segment,
insurance and finance, provides insurance and financing to the Company's drivers
and independent owner-operators. This segment also acts as a cost center whereby
all  property  damage  and  bodily  injury  and cargo  costs are  captured.  The
Company's  segments are strategic  business units that offer different  services
and are managed separately based on the differences in these services.

The driver  outsourcing  segment and the specialized  outsourcing  services were
reported as one segment titled "SOS" in 1998. The year of 1998 has been restated
to show corresponding segment information.

Measurement of Segment (Loss) and Segment Assets

The Company  evaluates  performance  and  allocates  resources  based on several
factors,  of which the primary  financial  measure is business segment operating
income,   defined  as  earnings  before   interest,   taxes,   depreciation  and
amortization  (EBITDA).  The accounting policies of the segments are the same as
those described in the summary of significant  accounting policies (See Note 1).
There are no significant intersegment revenues.

The  following  table  presents  the  financial  information  for the  Company's
reportable segments for the years ended December 31 (in thousands):
                                                       2000              1999             1998
                                                       ----              ----             ----
    Operating revenues
         Manufactured Housing                        $ 70,631          $ 99,491         $ 106,145
         Driver Outsourcing                            20,939            23,351            19,710
         Specialized Outsourcing Services              15,260            21,172            23,064
         Insurance and Finance                          2,933             3,958             4,072
         All Other                                         (3)              148                48
                                                     --------          --------         ---------
                                                      109,760           148,120           153,039
    Total intersegment insurance revenues              (1,736)           (2,491)           (2,585)
                                                     --------          --------         ---------
    Total operating revenues                         $108,024          $145,629         $ 150,454
                                                     ========          ========         =========

    Segment (loss) profit - EBITDA
         Manufactured Housing                         $ 5,784          $ 10,265         $  10,836
         Driver Outsourcing                             1,324               416               115
         Specialized Outsourcing Services                (140)              469             1,011
         Insurance and Finance                         (6,765)           (9,058)           (8,358)
         All Other                                     (1,174)             (327)             (367)
                                                     --------          --------         ---------
                                                         (971)            1,765             3,237
    Depreciation and amortization                      (1,067)           (1,215)           (1,230)
    Interest expense                                     (310)             (338)             (545)
                                                     --------          --------         ---------
    (Loss) income before taxes                       $( 2,348)         $    212         $   1,462
                                                     ========          ========         =========
    Identifiable assets
         Manufactured Housing                        $ 11,255          $ 16,956         $  18,764
         Driver Outsourcing                             4,561             5,438             6,055
         Specialized Outsourcing Services               2,078             2,724             3,015
         Insurance and Finance                          1,433             1,801             1,864
         All Other (1)                                  3,942             5,345             3,689
                                                     --------          --------         ---------
         Total                                       $ 23,269          $ 32,264         $  33,387
                                                     ========          ========         =========

(1)      All other  represents  corporate assets comprised of cash, fixed assets
         and goodwill.

A majority of the Company's  accounts  receivable  are due from companies in the
manufactured  housing,  recreational  vehicle,  and commercial truck and trailer
industries  located  throughout the United States.  Services provided to Oakwood
Homes Corporation  accounted for approximately $22.5 million,  $28.8 million and
$31.8 million of revenues in 2000,  1999 and 1998,  respectively.  The Company's
gross accounts receivables from Oakwood were 23% and 16% of total receivables at
December 31, 2000 and 1999,  respectively.  In addition,  Fleetwood Enterprises,
Inc.,  accounted  for  approximately  $16.9  million,  $23.9  million  and $26.0
million, of revenues in 2000, 1999 and 1998,  respectively.  The Company's gross
accounts  receivables  from Fleetwood  were 10% and 17% of total  receivables at
December 31, 2000 and 1999, respectively.

                                            2000          1999          1998
                                            ----          ----          ----
Purchased transportation costs           $75,411       $ 101,046      $103,820
Operating supplies and expenses           10,826          13,559        14,092
Claims                                     5,658           8,633         7,698
Insurance                                  2,733           3,178         3,375
Operating taxes and licenses               4,924           7,358         7,978
                                         -------       ---------      --------
                                         $99,552       $ 133,774      $136,963
                                         =======       =========      ========

Significant Accruals

Material  components  (greater than 5% of total current  liabilities) of accrued
liabilities are as follows:

                               12/31/99        %        12/31/00           %

Government Fees                $   717        4.9       $   759           7.0
Workers' Comp                      638        4.4           839           7.7
Customer Incentives              1,104        7.6           588           5.4
Other                           12,077       83.1         8,689          79.9
                               -------      -----       -------         -----
Total Current Liabilities      $14,536      100.0%      $10,875         100.0%

Accruals  are  reviewed  and booked  monthly.  The  corresponding  expenses  are
reflected  in the  Selling,  general  and  administration  and  Operating  costs
sections of the Consolidated Statements of Operations.

Government  fees  represent  amounts due for fuel  taxes,  permits and use taxes
related to our linehaul transportation costs.

Workers'  compensation  represents  estimated  amounts due claimants  related to
unsettled claims related to injuries incurred by Company employee-drivers. These
claim amounts due are established by our insurance carrier, Liberty Mutual, on a
monthly basis.

Customer incentive  liability  represents volume discounts ranging from 1% to 7%
of revenue  earned by certain  customers.  The  customer  incentives  earned are
computed  and booked  monthly  based upon  linehaul  revenue  for that  specific
customer. The incentives are paid quarterly and are recorded as a charge against
Operating revenues in the Consolidated Statements of Operations.


The Company is involved in various legal proceedings and claims that have arisen
in the normal  course of  business  for which the  Company  maintains  liability
insurance covering amounts in excess of its self-insured  retention.  Management
believes that adequate reserves have been established on its self-insured claims
and that their ultimate  resolution  will not have a material  adverse effect on
the consolidated  financial  position,  liquidity,  or operating  results of the

The  Company  leases  certain  land,  buildings,  computer  equipment,  computer
software, and motor equipment under non-cancelable  operating leases that expire
in various years through 2005.  Several land and building leases contain monthly
renewal options.


The following is a summary of unaudited  quarterly results of operations for the
years ended December 31, 2000 and 1999 (in thousands, except share data):

                                                                             Three Months Ended
                                                        March 31       June 30       Sept. 30       Dec. 31
                                                        --------       -------       --------       -------
- ----
Operating revenues                                       $27,867       $29,961        $28,164       $ 22,032
Operating income (loss)                                     (898)          113            178         (1,431)
Net income (loss)                                           (616)           17             75         (4,275)
Net income (loss) per basic and diluted share            ($ 0.25)      $  0.01        $  0.03         ($1.75)

- ----
Operating revenues                                       $35,325       $40,270        $37,312       $ 32,722
Operating income (loss)                                      325           436            208           (419)
Net income (loss)                                            118           169             34           (302)
Net income (loss) per basic and diluted share            $  0.05       $  0.07        $  0.01       ($  0.12)

                             THE MORGAN GROUP, INC.
                          INDEX TO CONSOLIDATED INTERIM
                        FINANCIAL STATEMENTS (Unaudited)

Consolidated Interim Financial Statements (unaudited):                      Page

         Consolidated Balance Sheets as of September 30, 2001 and
             December 31, 2000..............................................F-20

         Consolidated Statements of Operations for the Nine Months Ended
             September 30, 2001 and 2000....................................F-21

         Consolidated Statements of Cash Flows for the Nine Months Ended
             September 30, 2001 and 2000....................................F-22

         Notes to Consolidated Interim Financial Statements (unaudited).....F-23

                     The Morgan Group, Inc. and Subsidiaries
                           Consolidated Balance Sheets
                  (Dollars in thousands, except share amounts)

                                                                          September 30      December 31
                                                                              2001             2000
                                                                          ------------      -----------
ASSETS                                                                    (Unaudited)        (Note 1)
Current assets:
   Cash and cash equivalents                                               $   1,393         $   2,092
   Investments - restricted                                                    2,623                --
    Trade accounts receivable, less allowances
        of $144 in 2001 and $254 in 2000                                       9,217             7,748
   Accounts receivable, other                                                    448               133
   Refundable taxes                                                              131               499
   Prepaid insurance                                                           2,896
   Prepaid expenses and other current assets                                   1,382             1,050
   Deferred income taxes                                                         319               319
                                                                           ---------         ---------
Total current assets                                                          18,409            11,938
                                                                           ---------         ---------

Property and equipment, net                                                     3,477            3,688
Goodwill and other intangibles, net                                             6,376            6,727
Deferred income taxes                                                             282              282
Other assets                                                                      170              634
                                                                           ----------        ---------
Total assets                                                               $   28,714        $  23,269
                                                                           ==========        =========
Current liabilities:
   Trade accounts payable                                                  $    4,806        $   2,373
   Notes payable, banks                                                         1,369               --
   Accrued liabilities                                                          4,489            3,704
   Accrued claims payable                                                       3,013            3,224
   Refundable deposits                                                          1,154            1,357
   Current portion of long-term debt and capital lease obligations                147              217
                                                                           ----------        ---------
Total current liabilities                                                      14,978           10,875
                                                                           ----------        ---------
Long-term debt and capital lease obligations, less current portion                 16               71
Long-term accrued claims payable                                                4,821            5,122
Shareholders' equity:
   Common stock, $.015 par value
      Class A: Authorized shares - 7,500,000
      Issued shares - 1,607,303                                                    23               23
      Class B: Authorized shares - 4,400,000
      Issued and outstanding shares - 2,200,000                                    33               18
   Additional paid-in capital                                                  14,318           12,459
   Retained earnings                                                           (2,292)          (2,116)
   Less - treasury stock at cost (359,146 Class A shares)                      (3,183)          (3,183)
                                                                           -----------       ----------
Total shareholders' equity                                                      8,899            7,201
                                                                           -----------       ----------
Total liabilities and shareholders' equity                                 $   28,714        $   23,269
                                                                           ===========       ==========

See notes to interim consolidated financial statements

                     The Morgan Group, Inc. and Subsidiaries
                      Consolidated Statements of Operations
                (Dollars in thousands, except per share amounts)

                                                               Three Months Ended                  Nine Months Ended
                                                                  September 30                       September 30
                                                              2001           2000                 2001           2000
                                                              ----           ----                 ----           ----

Operating revenues                                         $ 24,834       $ 28,629             $ 70,954       $ 87,447

Costs and expenses:
   Operating costs                                           22,666         26,055               64,306         80,445
   Selling, general and administration                        2,127          2,160                6,207          6,792
   Depreciation and amortization                                210            236                  688            817
                                                           ---------      ---------            ---------      ---------
                                                             25,003         28,451               71,201         88,054

Operating income (loss)                                        (169)           178                 (247)          (607)
Interest expense, net                                            90             77                  182            210
                                                           ---------      ---------            ---------      ---------
Income (loss) before income taxes                              (259)           101                 (429)          (817)
Income tax expense (benefit)                                     --             26                 (255)          (293)
                                                           ---------      ---------            ----------     ---------
Net income (loss)                                          $   (259)      $     75             $   (174)      $   (524)
                                                           =========      =========            ==========     =========

Net income (loss) per common share:
    Basic                                                  $  (0.08)      $   0.03             $  (0.06)      $  (0.21)
                                                           =========      =========            =========      =========
    Diluted                                                $  (0.08)      $   0.03             $  (0.06)      $  (0.21)
                                                           =========      =========            =========      =========

Weighted average shares outstanding (thousands)
    Basic                                                     3,329          2,448                2,745          2,448
                                                           =========      =========            =========      =========
    Diluted                                                   3,329          2,451                2,745          2,452
                                                           =========      =========            =========      =========

Cash dividends declared per common share
    Class A:                                               $     --       $   0.01             $     --       $   0.05
                                                           =========      =========            =========      =========
    Class B:                                               $     --       $  0.005             $     --       $  0.025
                                                           =========      =========            =========      =========

See notes to interim consolidated financial statements

                     The Morgan Group, Inc. and Subsidiaries
                      Consolidated Statements of Cash Flows
                             (Dollars in thousands)

                                                                                Nine Months Ended
                                                                                   September 30
                                                                               2001            2000
                                                                            -----------     ----------
Operating activities:
Net income (loss)                                                            $ (174)         $  (524)
Adjustments to reconcile net income (loss)
   to net cash used in operating activities:
   Depreciation and amortization                                                688              817
   Loss on disposal of property and equipment                                    12               60
Changes in operating assets and liabilities:
   Trade accounts receivable                                                 (1,469)            (652)
   Other accounts receivable                                                   (315)             (13)
   Refundable taxes                                                             368               --
   Prepaid insurance                                                         (2,799)              --
   Prepaid expenses and other current assets                                   (332)             429
   Other assets                                                                 464              229
   Trade accounts payable                                                     2,433             (285)
   Accrued liabilities                                                          785             (481)
   Income taxes payable                                                          --             (565)
   Accrued claims payable                                                      (512)            (213)
   Refundable deposits                                                         (203)            (195)
                                                                             -------         --------
   Net cash provided by (used in) operating activities                       (1,054)          (1,393)
                                                                             -------         --------
Investing activities:
   Purchase of restricted investments                                        (2,623)              --
   Purchases of property and equipment                                          (98)            (118)
   Other                                                                         (7)               2
                                                                             -------         --------
   Net cash provided by (used in) investing activities                       (2,728)            (116)
                                                                             -------         --------
Financing activities:
   Net proceeds from note payable to bank                                     1,369               --
   Principal payments on long-term debt                                        (160)            (608)
   Common stock dividends paid                                                   --              (92)
   Proceeds from issuance of common stock                                     1,874               --
                                                                             -------         --------
Net cash provided by (used in) financing activities                           3,083             (700)
                                                                             -------         --------

Net increase (decrease) in cash and equivalents                                (699)          (2,209)

Cash & cash equivalents at beginning of period                                2,092            3,847
                                                                             -------         --------

Cash and cash equivalents at end of period                                   $1,393          $ 1,638
                                                                             =======         ========

  See notes to interim consolidated financial statements.

                     The Morgan Group, Inc. and Subsidiaries
               Notes to Interim Consolidated Financial Statements

                               September 30, 2001

Note 1.Basis of Presentation

     The  accompanying  consolidated  interim  financial  statements  have  been
     prepared by The Morgan Group,  Inc. and Subsidiaries  (the  "Company"),  in
     accordance  with  generally  accepted  accounting  principles  for  interim
     financial  information and with instructions to Form 10-Q and Article 10 of
     Regulation S-X.  Accordingly,  certain information and footnote disclosures
     normally included for complete financial  statements prepared in accordance
     with generally accepted accounting principles have been omitted pursuant to
     such rules and regulations. The balance sheet at December 31, 2000 has been
     derived  from the audited  financial  statements  at that date but does not
     include all of the information and footnotes required by generally accepted
     accounting principles for complete financial  statements.  The consolidated
     interim  financial  statements  should  be read  in  conjunction  with  the
     financial  statements,  notes thereto and other information included in the
     Company's Annual Report on Form 10-K for the year ended December 31, 2000.

     Net income per common share ("EPS") is computed using the weighted  average
     number of common shares outstanding during the period.  Since each share of
     Class B common stock is freely convertible into one share of Class A common
     stock,  the total of the weighted average number of shares for both classes
     of common stock is considered in the computation of EPS.

     The  accompanying   unaudited  consolidated  interim  financial  statements
     reflect,  in the opinion of  management,  all  adjustments  (consisting  of
     normal recurring items) necessary for a fair presentation,  in all material
     respects,  of the  financial  position  and results of  operations  for the
     periods  presented.  The preparation of financial  statements in accordance
     with generally accepted  accounting  principles requires management to make
     estimates  and  assumptions.  Such  estimates  and  assumptions  affect the
     reported  amounts of assets and  liabilities,  the disclosure of contingent
     assets and  liabilities  at the date of the  financial  statements  and the
     reported  amounts of revenues and  expenses  during the  reporting  period.
     Actual results could differ from those estimates. The results of operations
     for the interim periods are not  necessarily  indicative of the results for
     the entire year.

     The consolidated  financial  statements include the accounts of the Company
     and its  subsidiaries,  Morgan  Drive Away,  Inc.,  TDI,  Inc.,  Interstate
     Indemnity Company, and Morgan Finance, Inc., all of which are wholly owned.
     Significant  intercompany accounts and transactions have been eliminated in

     Certain  2000  amounts  have  been  reclassified  to  conform  to the  2001

Note 2. Impairment of Long-Lived Assets and Recent Accounting Pronouncements

     As  disclosed  in the  accounting  policy  note  in the  audited  financial
     statements for the year ended December 31, 2000, periodic assessment of the
     net realizable value of its long-lived assets,  including intangibles,  and
     evaluation  of such  assets  for  impairment  are made  whenever  events or
     changes in circumstances indicate the carrying amount of the assets may not
     be recoverable. Impairment is determined to exist if estimated undiscounted
     future  cash  flows are less  than the  carrying  amount of the  intangible

     Significant negative indicators currently exist for the Company, including,
     but not limited to, significant  revenue declines of 26% in fiscal 2000 and
     13% in year-to-date  2001,  operating and cash flow losses in those periods
     and the loss of a significant  customer as of October 1, 2001. As a result,
     management deemed it appropriate to obtain an independent  valuation of the
     Company's  intangible  assets to  determine  if  impairment  existed  as of
     September  30, 2001.  This  valuation  was done for the current  accounting
     pronouncement relating to goodwill as prescribed by Statements of Financial
     Accounting  Standards No. 121,  Accounting for the Impairment of Long-Lived
     Assets and for  Long-Lived  Assets to be Disposed Of (Statement  121) under
     which  the  Company  has  adopted  an  accounting   policy  to  utilize  an
     undiscounted cash flow approach to estimate any potential impairment.

     Additionally in July 2001, the Financial  Accounting Standards Board issued
     Statements of Financial Accounting Standards, No. 141, Business Combination
     (Statement  141),  and  No.  142,  Goodwill  and  Other  Intangible  Assets
     (Statement  142).  These  Statements  change the  accounting  for  business
     combinations, goodwill, and intangible assets.

     Under Statement 142, goodwill and indefinite lived intangible assets are no
     longer  amortized  but  are  reviewed  for  impairment   annually  or  more
     frequently if impairment indicators arise. Separable intangible assets that
     are deemed to have definite  lives will continue to be amortized over their
     useful lives.  The  amortization  provisions of Statement 142 apply to both
     goodwill and intangible  assets  acquired after June 30, 2001. With respect
     to goodwill and intangible assets acquired prior to July 1, 2001, companies
     are required to adopt  Statement 142 in their fiscal year  beginning  after
     December 15, 2001.  Because of the different  transition dates for goodwill
     and  intangible  assets  acquired  on or  before  June 30,  2001 and  those
     acquired after that date,  pre-existing  goodwill and  intangibles  will be
     amortized  during this transition  period until adoption.  New goodwill and
     indefinite  lived  intangible  assets  acquired after June 30, 2001 will be
     recorded in accordance with the Statement 142 requirements.

     The  Company is required to, and will, adopt Statements  141 and 142 in the
     third  quarter of 2001 except with respect to the  provisions  of Statement
     142 relating to goodwill and  intangibles  acquired  prior to July 1, 2001.
     Statements  141 and 142 will be  adopted  in the first  quarter of 2002 for
     those assets.

     Key assumptions utilized in the independent  valuation are discussed in the
     following paragraphs.

     In  accordance  with the  requirements  of  Statement  142, the Company has
     identified two reporting units,  manufactured  housing and drive away, that
     contain material intangible assets that are subject to impairment analysis.
     The Company does not maintain or have access to accurate,  supportable  and
     reliable  financial  data at lower  operating  levels within these segments
     which  management  relies  upon in  making  its  operating  decisions.  The
     forecasts,  valuations and impairment  analyses for Statement 142 were made
     at these two reporting unit levels.

     Another  key  assumption  is the time  frame  for  which  the  Company  has
     estimated  its cash flows for the  projections.  The  valuation is based on
     cash flow projected  over a five-year  period after which time cash flow is
     normalized  and projected to grow at a constant rate.  Management  believes
     that five years is the  appropriate  period to forecast prior to normalized
     cash flows based on the current industry cycle in manufactured  housing and
     the Company's long term market strategy.

     The Company is projecting, and the valuation analysis assumes, net earnings
     in all periods from 2002 to 2006. For the valuation,  we projected  average
     net  earnings  in the  periods  from  2002  to  2006  of  $799,000  for the
     manufactured housing unit and $230,000 for the drive away unit.  Management
     believes  the  projected  period  and  earnings  are  appropriate  for  the
     valuation based on historical  operating results,  the current state of the
     manufactured  housing industry,  the Company's business model and long-term
     market strategy.

     The valuation  uses a discount rate of 15.5% which is the estimated rate of
     return expected by an investor  considering  the perceived  investment risk
     The discount rate reflects a risk-free rate of return and industry adjusted
     equity  premium,  a premium  for  small  size and the  industry's  level of
     leverage. The capitalization rate of 8.4 was derived from the discount rate
     and the long-term growth rate.

     The  projections  also assumed future capital  expenditures  of $170,000 to
     $280,000 per year for each of the forecasted years 2002 through 2006 actual
     capital expenditures incurred in the previous five years were significantly
     higher than these  projections.  The Company's  business model and strategy
     for the  future  is not asset  intensive  and the  Company  has no plans to
     acquire significant transportation equipment, real estate or other business
     property.  Capital expenditures for the first nine months of 2001 have been
     approximately   $100,000.   Management   believes   that   future   capital
     expenditures  used in the  projections  are  appropriate  to carry  out the
     Company's strategic plan.

     The independent  valuation based upon the Company's  estimated  future cash
     flow  concluded  that  currently  there is no  impairment  of the Company's
     intangible  assets under  Statement 121 as of September 30, 2001.  However,
     there  is a  projected  impairment  under  Statement  142 of  approximately
     $300,000 to $500,000  for  intangible  assets in the  manufactured  housing
     division and approximately $25,000 to $100,000 for intangible assets in the
     drive away division. These intangible asset impairments will be required to
     be recorded  on January 1, 2002,  when  Statement  142 is adopted for those

     The Company will be required to perform an updated analysis under Statement
     142 as of January 1, 2002.  There can be no assurance at this time that the
     projections or any of the key assumptions  will remain the same as business
     conditions  may dictate  significant  changes in either the estimated  cash
     flows,  or any of the other key  assumptions.  The Company  will update the
     analysis of  intangible  asset  impairment  on at least an annual  basis as
     required  by  Statement  142 as long as  material  goodwill  exists  on the
     balance sheet.

Note 3.Notes Payable, Banks

Credit Facility

     On July 27,  2001,  the Company  obtained a new  three-year  $12.5  million
     Credit Facility.

     The Credit Facility will be used for working  capital  purposes and to post
     letters of credit for insurance  contracts.  As of September 30, 2001,  the
     Company had outstanding borrowings of $869,000 and $7.6 million outstanding
     letters of credit.  Borrowings  bear  interest at a rate per annum equal to
     either Bank of New York Alternate  Base Rate ("ABR") plus one-half  percent
     or, at the option of  Company,  absent an event of  default,  the one month
     London  Interbank  Offered  Rate  ("LIBOR") as published in The Wall Street
     Journal,  averaged  monthly,  plus  three  percent.  Borrowings  and posted
     letters of credit on the Credit  Facility  are limited to a borrowing  base
     calculation  that includes 85% of eligible  receivables and 95% of eligible
     investments,  and are  subject to  certain  financial  covenants  including
     minimum  tangible net worth,  maximum  funded debt,  minimum fixed interest
     coverage  and  maximum  capital  expenditures.  The  facility is secured by
     accounts  receivable,   investments,   inventory,   equipment  and  general
     intangibles.  The facility may be prepaid  anytime  with  prepayment  being
     subject to a 3%, .75% and .25%  prepayment  penalty during year 1, 2 and 3,

     The prior Credit  Facility  matured on January 28, 2001,  at which time the
     Company had no  outstanding  debt and $6.6 million  outstanding  letters of
     credit. The Company was in default of the financial covenants, resulting in
     the bank failing to renew the prior Credit  Facility and, as a result,  the
     Company had a payment default.

Real Estate Loan

     On July 31,  2001,  the Company  closed on a new real estate  mortgage  for
     $500,000  that is secured by the  Company's  land and buildings in Elkhart,
     Indiana. The loan will be used for short-term working capital purposes. The
     mortgage  bears  interest at prime rate plus 0.75%,  and is for a six-month
     term with  outstanding  principal due on February 1, 2002.  The loan may be
     prepaid at any time with no penalties, and is subject to the same covenants
     as the Credit Facility.  The Company's  application for additional capacity
     under this facility is under consideration.

Note 4. Credit Risk

     With the  downturn  in the  national  economy,  management  is  continually
     reviewing credit  worthiness of its customers and taking  appropriate steps
     to ensure the quality of the receivables.  As of September 30, 2001, 35% of
     the open trade  accounts  receivable  was with five customers of which over
     97%  was  within  60 days of  invoice.  In  total,  96% of the  open  trade
     receivables are also within 60 days of invoice.

     Effective  October  1,  2001,  the  Company  will no longer be the  primary
     carrier for its largest customer,  Oakwood Homes  Corporation.  The Company
     has reduced the Oakwood open  accounts  receivable  from  $1,776,000  as of
     December 31, 2000, to $792,000 and $579,000 as of September  30, 2001,  and
     October 31, 2001,  respectively.  At this time, Company management believes
     the receivable is fully collectible.

Note 5.Stockholders' Equity

     Capital Infusion

     On July 12, 2001, the Company  received a $2 million capital  infusion from
     its majority stockholder Lynch Interactive Corporation.  The Company issued
     one  million  new  Class B shares of common  stock in  exchange  for the $2
     million cash investment,  thereby  increasing Lynch's ownership position in
     the Company from 55.6% to 68.5%. Proceeds from the transaction are invested
     in U.S.  Treasury backed  instruments and are pledged as collateral for the
     Credit Facility.

     Lynch Spin Off

     On August 17, 2001, Lynch Interactive Corporation, the majority stockholder
     of the Company,  announced  plans to spin off its investment in the Company
     to Lynch  Interactive  stockholders.  The proposed  spin off of the Company
     will allow Lynch  Interactive  stockholders  to continue to own the Company
     through a new entity instead of through Lynch Interactive.

Note 6.Income Taxes

     In assessing the realization of deferred tax assets,  Management  considers
     whether it is more likely than not that some portion or all of the deferred
     tax assets will not be realized.  The ultimate  realization of deferred tax
     assets is dependent upon the generation of future taxable income during the
     period in which the temporary  differences become  deductible.  A valuation
     allowance  of $3.2  million was recorded in 2000 to reduce the deferred tax
     assets,  as the Company has  experienced  cumulative  losses for  financial
     reporting for the last three years. Management considered,  in reaching the
     conclusion  on the  required  valuation  allowance,  given  the  cumulative
     losses,  that it would be inconsistent with applicable  accounting rules to
     rely on future taxable  income to support full  realization of the deferred
     tax  assets.  Accordingly,  the  remaining  deferred  tax assets  relate to
     federal income tax carry backs available to the Company.

Note 7.Segment Reporting

     Description of Services by Segment

     The  Company  operates in four  business  segments:  Manufactured  Housing,
     Driver Outsourcing,  Specialized  Outsourcing  Services,  and Insurance and
     Finance.  The Manufactured  Housing segment primarily provides  specialized
     transportation  to  companies,  which  produce new  manufactured  homes and
     modular  homes  through a network  of  terminals  located  in  twenty-eight
     states. The Driver Outsourcing segment provides outsourcing  transportation
     primarily to manufacturers of recreational vehicles, commercial trucks, and
     other  specialized  vehicles  through a network of  service  centers in six
     states.  The Specialized  Outsourcing  Services  segment  consists of large
     trailer, travel and small trailer delivery. The last segment, Insurance and
     Finance,  provides  insurance and  financing to the  Company's  drivers and
     independent  owner-operators.  This  segment  also  acts  as a cost  center
     whereby all property  damage,  bodily  injury and cargo costs are captured.
     The Company's  segments are strategic  business units that offer  different
     services  and are  managed  separately  based on the  differences  in these

     Measurement of Segment (Loss) Income

     The Company evaluates  performance and allocates resources based on several
     factors,  of which  the  primary  financial  measure  is  business  segment
     operating income, defined as earnings before interest,  taxes, depreciation
     and amortization  (EBITDA). The accounting policies of the segments are the
     same as those described in the Company's annual financial statements.

     The following  table presents the financial  information  for the Company's
     reportable  segments for the three and nine-month  periods ended  September
     30, (in thousands):

                                                              Three Months Ended             Nine Months Ended
                                                                September 30,                  September 30,
                                                              2001          2000             2001          2000
                                                            --------      --------         --------      --------
         Operating revenues
            Manufactured Housing                            $13,947       $18,730          $39,411       $56,931
            Driver Outsourcing                                4,532         5,152           13,759        16,584
            Specialized Outsourcing Services                  5,728         4,023           15,831        11,662
            Insurance and Finance                               627           724            1,953         2,273
            All Other                                             -             -                -            (3)
                                                            --------      --------         --------      --------
         Total operating revenues                           $24,834       $28,629          $70,954       $87,447
                                                            =======       =======          =======       =======

         Segment profit - EBITDA
            Manufactured Housing                            $ 1,146       $ 1,716          $ 3,266       $ 5,354
            Driver Outsourcing                                  283           194            1,003         1,100
            Specialized Outsourcing Services                    400            82              747           (37)
            Insurance and Finance                            (1,879)       (1,471)          (4,012)       (5,435)
            All Other                                            91          (107)            (563)         (772)
                                                            --------      --------         --------      --------
                                                                 41           414              441           210
         Depreciation and amortization                         (210)         (236)            (688)         (817)
         Interest expense                                       (90)          (77)            (182)         (210)
                                                            --------      --------         --------      --------
         (Loss) income before taxes                         $  (259)      $   101          $  (429)      $  (817)
                                                            ========      ========         ========      =========