August 14, 2002

Mr. Anthony T. Castor, III
Chief Executive Officer
The Morgan Group, Inc.
2746 Old U.S. 20 West
Elkhart, IN 46514-1351

     RE:  Letter  Agreement  for  Bennett  Truck  Transport,   LLC  (or  related
          entities)   to   Purchase   Assets   of   the   Manufactured   Housing
          Transportation Division of Morgan Drive Away, Inc.

Dear Mr. Castor:

     This  document  constitutes  an agreement  (the  "Agreement")  by and among
Morgan Drive Away, Inc., an Indiana corporation,  and its sole shareholder,  The
Morgan Group, Inc.  (referred to collectively as the "Sellers" and/or "Morgan"),
and Bennett Truck Transport, LLC ("Purchaser" and/or "Bennett").

     Sellers desire to sell and Purchaser desires to purchase  substantially all
of the assets of Morgan's  manufactured  housing  transportation  business  (the
"Business") on the terms and subject to the conditions set forth herein.

                          SALE AND PURCHASE OF ASSETS

     (a) Purchased  Assets.  For the  consideration  hereinafter  provided,  and
subject to the terms and provisions of this Agreement,  Sellers agree to (and do
hereby as of the Closing  (as  hereinafter  defined))  sell,  convey,  transfer,
assign and deliver to Purchaser on the Closing Date (as hereinafter defined) all
of their  respective  rights in and to the following assets used or held for use
by such Seller in connection with the Business to the extent such rights therein
and  thereto  as  of  the  Closing  Date  are  transferable  (collectively,  the

               (1) all fixtures, furniture, apparatus,  instruments,  equipment,
          customer lists, customer rate books,  accounts,  "title certificates,"
          driver qualification files, supplies, offices, terminals and all other
          business  property  located at those terminal  locations  specified on
          Exhibit  "A"  hereto  and all  "agency  offices"  used  in  connection
          therewith;  provided,  however,  that the Assets shall not include any
          fixtures,  furniture,  apparatus,  instruments,  equipment,  supplies,
          offices or other personal property located at Morgan's headquarters in
          Elkhart, Indiana;

               (2)  to  the  extent  assignable,  all  authorizations,  permits,
          "license plates," truck "legalization" and other licenses necessary to
          own and operate the Business and its facilities;

               (3) all contractual rights,  including,  without limitation,  all
          leases and/or  independent  contractor  and/or driver  agreements  for
          trucks,  "toters" or other  vehicles  (including,  without  limitation
          those  agreements  that Morgan has  negotiated to obtain from Weststar
          Systems, Inc., through its agreement with Kermit Wolff ("Wolff")), all
          agency and contractor  agreements,  terminal agreements,  all customer
          contracts and agreements, all other written agreements, guarantees and
          warranties,  and all applicable supply and service agreements,  all of
          which are  specifically  set forth in Exhibit "B"  (collectively,  the
          "Assigned   Agreements");   provided,   however,   that  the  Assigned
          Agreements  shall  specifically  exclude  all  contracts,  leases  and
          agreements with those  owner/operators who have transferred to Bennett
          prior to the execution of this Agreement;

               (4)  telephone  numbers and  telephone  book  "listings"  for all
          locations  except the Elkhart,  Indiana  headquarters;  and all books,
          records and  documents  required or incident to the  operation  of the
          business,  including  without  limitation,  all  driver  qualification
          files,  personnel files,  equipment  inspection  files, and operations
          files;  provided,  however,  that Sellers shall retain all of Seller's
          financial business records;

               (5) that certain  Employment  Agreement by and between  Wolff and
          Morgan (the "Wolff Agreement");

               (6) the specific  vehicles (all of which  currently must be under
          an "active" lease),  vehicle titles and/or vehicle financing contracts
          with owner/operators set forth in Exhibit "C";

               (7) the bond  accounts for those drivers  and/or  owner/operators
          who transferred to Bennett both before and after the execution of this
          Agreement  (collectively,  the "Bond  Accounts"),  it being understood
          that the Bond  Accounts  are an integral  part of, and are  maintained
          pursuant to, those driver and/or owner/operator contracts,  leases and
          agreements  described  in  subsection  (3)  above.  From and after the
          Closing Date, Bennett will assume and will be responsible for the Bond
          Accounts for those drivers and/or  owner/operators  who transferred to
          Bennett both before and after the execution of this Agreement, subject
          to Section  2(b)  hereof.  Morgan will  prepare and deliver to Bennett
          within 45 days  following  the Closing  Date a final  statement of the
          balance in each Bond  Account,  the  aggregate of which is referred to
          herein as the "Aggregate Bond Account  Balance".  In  consideration of
          Bennett assuming the Bond Accounts, the Purchase Price will be reduced
          by the Aggregate Bond Account  Balance by deducting the Aggregate Bond
          Account Balance from the payments due Morgan as set forth in Section 2
          hereof; and

               (8) the name  and  trademark  "Transamerica"  and all  rights  of
          Sellers incident thereto.

     (b) Excluded Assets.  The parties expressly  acknowledge and agree that the
Assets shall not include the  following:  (i) any rights in or to any parcels of
real  property  or any  real  property  leases,  subleases  or  other  leasehold
interest, except that Purchaser shall have the right, in Purchaser's discretion,
to assume Morgan's leasehold interests in those terminal locations so designated
on  Exhibit  "A" or, to the extent any of such  leasehold  interests  may not be
assigned,  to sublease  such  properties  from Morgan,  all at the same rates as
charged to Morgan with respect to such  properties  as of the the Closing  Date;
(ii) any cash (except for  transfer of  owner/operator  or driver Bond  Accounts
which shall be credited  against the Purchase  Price payable in accordance  with
Section 2); (iii) any current  accounts  receivable of Sellers (all of which are
being  retained  by  Sellers);  and (iv) any other  asset of any kind or nature,
whether  tangible or  intangible,  not used or held for use  exclusively  in the
conduct  of  the  Business  (collectively,  the  "Excluded  Assets).  Except  as
expressly set forth herein,  Purchaser  shall not acquire any rights or interest
in or to any of the Excluded Assets.

     (c) Consent of Third Parties.  Notwithstanding  anything to the contrary in
this  Agreement,  this Agreement shall not constitute an assignment or agreement
to assign or transfer any governmental approval,  instrument,  contract,  lease,
permit or other agreement or arrangement or any claim,  right or benefit arising
thereunder or resulting  therefrom if an assignment or transfer or an attempt to
make such an assignment  or transfer  without the consent of a third party would
constitute  a breach  or  violation  thereof  or affect  adversely  the right of
Purchaser or Sellers thereunder;  and any transfer or assignment to Purchaser by
Sellers of any interest under any such instrument,  contract,  lease,  permit or
other agreement or arrangement  that required the consent of a third party shall
be made subject to such  consent or approval  being  obtained.  In the event any
such consent or approval is not  obtained  prior to or  simultaneously  with the
Closing, Sellers shall continue to use all reasonable efforts to obtain any such
approval  or  consent  after the  Closing  until  such time as such  consent  or
approval has been  obtained,  and Sellers will  cooperate  with Purchaser in any
lawful and  economically  feasible  arrangement to provide that Purchaser  shall
receive  the  interest  of Sellers in the  benefits  under any such  instrument,
contract, lease or permit or other agreement or arrangement,  including, without
limitation,  performance by Sellers as agent, if economically feasible; provided
that Purchaser shall undertake to pay or satisfy the  corresponding  liabilities
for the  enjoyment  of such  benefit  to the  extent  Purchaser  would have been
responsible  therefor  hereunder if such consent or approval had been  obtained.
Nothing in this  Section 1(c) shall be deemed a waiver by Purchaser of its right
to have received on or before the Closing an effective  assignment of all of the
Assets nor shall this  Section  1(c) be deemed to  constitute  an  agreement  to
exclude from the Assets any assets described under Section 1(a).

                        PURCHASE PRICE AND PAYMENT TERMS

     The aggregate  purchase price for all of the Assets (the "Purchase  Price")
shall be paid by the Purchaser to Sellers as follows:

     (a) The sum of  $400,000  shall be paid by Bennett to Morgan on the Closing
Date by wire transfer of immediately  available funds into the account set forth
on Exhibit "D".

     (b) The sum of $400,000  shall be paid by Bennett to Morgan on the 60th day
following the Closing Date by wire transfer of immediately  available funds into
an account  specified  by Sellers,  with such sum  reduced by any bond  transfer
amounts  set forth in the final  accounting  of Bond  Accounts to be provided by
Morgan to  Bennett  within 45 days after the  Closing  Date and by any rights of
set-off of Bennett under the set-off provisions of Section 6(g) hereof.

     (c) The sum of $200,000, payable with respect to the Wolff Agreement, shall
be paid by Bennett to Morgan in three (3)  installments as follows:  (i) $66,667
shall be paid on  September 1, 2002;  (ii)  $66,667  shall be paid on October 1,
2002;  and (iii)  $66,666  shall be paid on  November  1, 2002.  Notwithstanding
anything  herein to the  contrary,  in the event that Wolff has not consented in
writing to the assignment by the Sellers of the Wolff  Agreement to Purchaser or
entered into a new  employment  agreement with Purchaser on or prior to the date
set forth in this Section 2(c) for the payment of any installment, then one-half
(1/2) of such  installment  shall be paid by  Bennett  to Morgan on the date set
forth herein, so long as Wolff is otherwise serving as an employee or contractor
of Bennett on such date, and the balance of such installment  shall be placed in
escrow.  In the event that Wolff has not consented in writing to the  assignment
by the  Sellers  of the Wolff  Agreement  to  Purchaser  or  entered  into a new
employment  agreement with  Purchaser on or prior to November 1, 2002,  then all
amounts  placed in escrow  pursuant to this  Section  2(c) shall be  immediately
forfeited  by Sellers  and  returned to  Purchaser,  and in the event that Wolff
shall consent in writing to the assignment by the Sellers of the Wolff Agreement
to Purchaser or shall enter into a new employment agreement with Purchaser on or
prior to November 1, 2002,  then all  remaining  installments  set forth in this
Section  2(c) shall be paid on the dates set forth  above and all  amounts  then
held in escrow  pursuant to this Section 2(c) shall  immediately be released and
paid to Sellers.

     (d) The sum of $50,000 shall be paid by Bennett to Morgan as  consideration
for the nine (9) vehicles,  vehicle titles and/or vehicle contracts set forth in
Exhibit  "C",  such sum to be  reduced  by the  amount of any liens or any other
adjustments  relating to securing good title to such scheduled assets and/or any
sums paid to fulfill contingencies regarding such assets. The net sum payable by
Bennett to Morgan in accordance with the foregoing sentence shall by paid within
30 days after the Closing Date. Morgan shall transfer to Bennett any "escrow" or
"repair  account" in  conjunction  with the subject  vehicle  contracts  and the
purchase price of the vehicles shall be adjusted accordingly.

                            PURCHASE PRICE ALLOCATION

     The Purchaser reserves the right to reasonably  determine the allocation of
the Purchase Price among the Assets, and Sellers shall report such allocation on
all reports, returns and documents created by Sellers.

                            ASSUMPTION OF LIABILITIES

     (a)  Assumed  Liabilities.  Purchaser  shall  (and  does  hereby  as of the
Closing)  assume  all  liabilities  arising  out of events  occurring  after the
Closing Date (collectively,  the "Assumed Liabilities") only with respect to and
under each of the clauses (1) and (2) below and Sellers shall be responsible for
such liabilities arising out of events occurring on or prior to the Closing Date
only with respect to and under each of the clauses (1) and (2) below:

               (1)  Purchaser  shall (and does hereby as of the Closing)  assume
          and fulfill all  obligations of Sellers under the Assigned  Agreements
          arising out of events occurring after the Closing Date; and

               (2)  Purchaser  shall (and does hereby as of the Closing)  assume
          and  fulfill all  obligations  of Sellers  under the Bond  Accounts as
          contemplated by Section 1(a)(7) hereof

     (b) Excluded  Liabilities.  Unless  expressly  provided in this  Agreement,
Purchaser shall assume no liability of the Sellers or otherwise in regard to any
of the Assets which are subject to this  Agreement.  Specifically,  Morgan shall
continue  to be  responsible  for all  cargo and  liability  claims  arising  in
connection with its operation of the Business on or prior to the Closing Date.

                             COVENANT NOT TO COMPETE

     Sellers  covenant  and agree  that,  for a  twenty-four  (24) month  period
commencing on the Closing Date,  Sellers shall not,  provided that Purchaser has
performed its obligations under this Agreement,  own, manage, operate,  control,
finance or  participate  in the  ownership,  management,  operation,  control or
financing of any person, business or enterprise engaged, directly or indirectly,
in the manufactured housing transportation  business in the 48 contiguous states
of the United States of America; it being understood and acknowledged,  however,
that  Bennett  and  certain of its  affiliates  and  Morgan  and  certain of its
affiliates  currently  compete,  and will continue to compete,  in certain other
aspects of the  transportation  business,  including,  but not limited to, drive
away, tow away, pick up and recreational vehicle freight.


     It is further agreed as follows:

     (a) Approvals and Consents.  Each of the parties hereto agrees to cooperate
with the other to obtain the consents,  approvals and  authorizations of, and to
prepare  and  deliver all filings  and  registrations  with,  third  parties and
governmental  authorities,  comissions,  boards and other  regulatory  bodies as
shall  be  necessary  to  consummate  the  transactions   contemplated  by  this

     (b)  Assignment  of  Wolff  Agreement.   Sellers  agree  to  to  use  their
commerically  reasonable  best  efforts  to obtain  the  consent of Wolff to the
assignment  by the Sellers of the Wolff  Agreement to Purchaser as  contemplated
hereby  and,  absent  such  consent,  Sellers  agree to use  their  commercially
reasonable best efforts to cause Wolff to enter into a new employment  agreement
with Purchaser effective as of the Closing Date.

     (c)  Further  Assurances.  Subject  to  the  terms  and  conditions  herein
provided,  each of the parties hereto agrees to use its commercially  reasonable
best efforts to take, or cause to be taken, all action and to do, or cause to be
done,  all things  necessary,  proper or  advisable  under  applicable  laws and
regulations to consummate and make effective the transaction contemplated hereby
in accordance  with the terms of this  Agreement.  In case at any time after the
Closing  Date any further  action is  necessary  or  desirable  to carry out the
purposes of this and the foregoing agreements, the proper officers, directors or
other  representatives  of each party to this Agreement are hereby  directed and
authorized to use their best efforts to effectuate all such action.

     (d) Instruments of Transfer. Simultaneously with the Closing or as promptly
thereafter as  practicable,  Sellers  shall deliver to Purchaser any  assignment
agreements,  bills of sale and  such  other  documentation  as  Purchaser  shall
reasonably  request and as shall be reasonably  necessary to convey to Purchaser
title to the Assets.

     (e)  Instruments  of  Assumption.  Simultaneously  with the  Closing  or as
promptly  thereafter  as  practicable,  Purchaser  shall  deliver to Sellers any
assumption  agreements and such other  documentation as Sellers shall reasonably
request and as shall be reasonably  necessary in connection  with the assumption
of the Assumed Liabilities by Purchaser.

     (f) Execution of Settlement Agreements.  Simultaneously with the Closing or
as promptly  thereafter as practicable,  the parties shall enter into definitive
settlement  agreements with respect to the Lawsuits (as hereinafter  defined) on
mutually  acceptable  terms,  which shall include,  without  limitation,  mutual
releases,  dismissals  with  prejudice  and no derogation  provisions,  and that
otherwise  fully and finally  resolve all claims and  counterclaims  between and
among  all  parties  to the  Lawsuits.  For  purposes  of  this  Agreement,  the
"Lawsuits" shall include,  collectively,  the following:  (i) Morgan Drive Away,
Inc. v. Bennett International Group, Inc., Bennett Motor Express,  Inc., Bennett
Truck Transport, LLC, Ruby Davis and Lanell Davis; United States District Court,
Northern  District  of  Georgia,   Atlanta  Division;   Civil  Action  File  No.
1-01-CV-2572-RWS;  and (ii) Morgan  Drive Away,  Inc. v. James  McDowell,  James
Tinkler, and Bennett Motor Express,  Inc.; District Court of Hill County, Texas;
Civil Action File No. 36231.

     (g) Payment of Certain Payables by Sellers.  Sellers shall pay all accounts
payable,  "line of credit",  trade debt,  terminal rent,  employee wages,  agent
commissions,  payroll taxes,  claims,  insurance,  utilities,  fuel tax permits,
liens,  encumbrances and any other expenses attributable to the operation of the
Business and all transfer taxes and fees necessary to close the transactions set
forth  herein as such  payments  shall come due prior to or on the Closing  Date
(collectively, the "Seller Payables"). Specifically, all owner/operators must be
paid in full for all work performed under their  agreements with Morgan prior to
the Closing (or as promptly as practicable  thereafter),  and Purchaser shall be
entitled to a set off from the Purchase Price payable in accordance with Section
2 hereof of any such amount  which it shall elect to pay to said  drivers and of
any amount paid or incurred by Purchaser  with respect to Seller  Payables other
than claims  which Morgan  disputes in good faith.  Morgan shall insure that any
insurance  purchased through Morgan and charged to the  owner/operators  for the
month of August 2002, shall remain in effect through August 31, 2002,  including
but not limited to bobtail,  physical damage and  occupational  accident for all
owner/operators who transfer to Bennett, provided that the Bond Accounts contain
funds  sufficient  to pay the  premiums  and/or  obligations  of the  respective
owner/operator.  Morgan shall  notify  Bennett of the  cancellation  of any such
insurance.  Sellers shall hold Purchaser  harmless in regard to any indebtedness
for such  insurance  or claims  under such  insurance.  All  expenses  which are
subject  to  audit,  such as  taxes,  fuel tax and  insurance,  shall be paid by
Sellers  through the  Closing  Date  (regardless  of when such  adjustments  are

     (h)  Indemnification  by Sellers.  From and after the Closing Date, Sellers
shall  indemnify  Purchaser  and  hold it  harmless  from all  claims,  demands,
actions,  assessments,  losses,  liabilities,  damages or costs  arising from or
related to (i) the  ownership  or  operation  of the Assets prior to the Closing
Date (except for  liabilities  and  obligations of Sellers  assumed by Purchaser
pursuant to the terms of this  Agreement)  and (ii) any claim or  liability  for
Bond Accounts or otherwise by an  owner/operator  and/or  driver  arising out of
operations  prior to such  owner/operator  and/or driver "leasing on" to Bennett
and  Bennett  assuming  control  of such  owner/operator  and/or  driver's  Bond
Account;  it being  understood,  that in no event shall Sellers  liability under
this  Section  6(h)  exceed  the  Purchase  Price  paid to it  pursuant  to this

     (i)  Indemnification  by  Purchaser.  From  and  after  the  Closing  Date,
Purchaser  shall  indemnify  Sellers  and hold them  harmless  from all  claims,
demands, actions, assessments, losses, liabilities, damage or costs arising from
or related  to any and all  obligations  and  liabilities  of  Sellers  that are
assumed by Purchaser  pursuant to the terms of this  Agreement or the ownership,
operation or use of the Assets from and after the Closing Date.

     (j)  Solicitation of Employees.  From and after the Closing,  Purchaser (or
any affiliate of Purchaser)  may solicit the employment of and may employ any or
all existing and/or former employees of Sellers whose  employment  duties relate
or, in the case of former employees,  related, primarily to the operation of the
Business  (whether or not such individuals  previously were subject to covenants
and/or  limitations by Morgan).  Sellers shall provide  Purchaser with a list of
such employees and their employment terms at or prior to the Closing.

                         DATE OF PERFORMANCE AND CLOSING

     This Agreement  shall be effective as of the date of execution as set forth
in Section 10(j) below (the "Closing Date") and the closing for the consummation
of the  transactions  contemplated  by this  Agreement  shall be deemed  for all
purposes to have occurred as of 12:01 a.m. on the Closing Date (the  "Closing").
The  Closing  shall take place at the  offices  of  MEADOWS & LEWIS,  P.C.,  101
Eagle's Pointe Parkway,  Stockbridge,  Georgia 30253,  (770)  957-1199,  or such
other  reasonable  place as may be  designated  by  Purchaser.  All  deliveries,
shipments, loads, freight bills, trips and otherwise originating (and continuing
until delivered and accepted by the customer) in connection with the Business on
or prior to the Closing Date shall be conducted  pursuant to a bill of lading of
Morgan, and all deliveries, shipments, loads, freight bills, trips and otherwise
originating  in  connection  with the  Business  after the Closing Date shall be
conducted pursuant to a bill of lading of Bennett.

                              WARRANTIES OF SELLERS

     Sellers represent and warrant to Purchaser as follows:

     (a)  Organization  and  Standing.  Each Seller is duly  organized,  validly
existing  and  in  good  standing  under  the  laws  of  its   jurisdiction   of

     (b) Title to Assets.  Subject to the receipt of necessary consents of third
parties,  the  respective  Seller  has good title to the Assets to be sold by it
hereunder,  and the right to sell,  transfer,  assign and deliver such Assets to
Purchaser,  free  and  clear  of  all  liens,  encumbrances,   claims,  security
interests, pledges, agreements and rights of others (individually,  a "Lien" and
collectively,  "Liens"),  other  than  Liens for  current  taxes not yet due and
payable or being contested in good faith by appropriate proceedings.

     (c) Authorization  and Binding Effect.  Each Seller has all requisite power
and authority to execute, deliver and perform this Agreement. This Agreement has
been duly and validly  authorized,  executed  and  delivered  by each Seller and
constitutes the legal, valid and binding obligation of each Seller,  enforceable
in  accordance  with  its  terms,  except  as  may  be  limited  by  bankruptcy,
reorganization,  insolvency  and  other  similar  laws or  equitable  principles
relating to or affecting the enforcement of rights of creditors  generally.  The
execution,  delivery and  performance  by Sellers of this Agreement will not (i)
constitute a violation of,  conflict with or constitute a default under any term
or  provision  of the  articles or  certificate  of  incorporation  or bylaws of
Sellers, (ii) constitute a violation of any statute, ordinance, judgment, order,
decree, regulation or rule of any court, governmental authority or arbitrator or
any license,  permit or franchise  applicable or relating to the Assets or (iii)
result  in the  creation  of any Lien  upon any of the  Assets  pursuant  to the
provisions of any of the foregoing.

     (d)  Condition of Assets.  The tangible  assets  comprising  the Assets are
merchantable  and have  been  maintained  in  accordance  with  normal  industry
practice and are in good operating condition (subject to normal wear and tear).

                             WARRANTIES OF PURCHASER

     Purchaser represents and warrants to Sellers as follows:

     (a)  Due  Organization.  Purchaser  is a  limited  liability  company  duly
organized,  validly  existing  and  in  good  standing  under  the  laws  of its
jurisdiction of incorporation  and has all requisite  limited  liability company
power and  authority to enter into this  Agreement,  to perform its  obligations
hereunder and to consummate the transactions contemplated hereby.

     (b)  Authorizations  and  Binding  Effect.  The  execution,   delivery  and
performance  of this  Agreement by Purchaser  have been duly  authorized  by the
members,  managers or other governing body of Purchaser, as the case may be, and
this Agreement  constitutes the legal, valid and binding obligation of Purchaser
enforceable  in  accordance  with  its  terms,  except  as  may  be  limited  by
bankruptcy,  reorganization,  insolvency  and other similar laws or of equitable
principles  relating to or  affecting  the  enforcement  of rights of  creditors
generally.  All other  proceedings  required  by the limited  liability  company
operating  agreement of Purchaser or otherwise for the execution and delivery of
this Agreement and the agreements  contemplated hereby, and for the consummation
of the transactions contemplated hereby and thereby, have been duly taken.

     (c) No Violation.  Neither the execution and delivery of this Agreement nor
the consummation of the  transactions  contemplated  hereby  constitutes or will
constitute a violation  of, is or will be in conflict  with, or  constitutes  or
will  constitute a default  under,  any term or provision of the  organizational
docuements of Purchaser.

     (d) Reliance Upon Personal Knowledge.  Purchaser  acknowledges that, except
as otherwise expressly provided in this Agreement, it is acquiring the Assets on
an "as is, where is" basis.

                            MISCELLANEOUS PROVISIONS

     (a)  Assignability.  Purchaser  has  the  absolute  right  to  assign  this
Agreement in whole or in part (or any sale/purchase contract entered into as any
part  of  the  subject  transaction)  to  any  related  corporation,  entity  or
individual;  provided,  however, that in any such event,  Purchaser shall remain
fully liable hereunder.

     (b)   Confidentiality.   The  parties  have   previously   entered  into  a
Confidentiality  Agreement in anticipation of the negotiation of this Agreement.
Upon the signing of this document,  the parties shall make a joint  announcement
of the transaction. Thereafter, Purchaser shall be free to make such disclosures
as are required in the  continuation of its operations.  Notwithstanding  all of
the foregoing,  the parties  acknowledge  that each party has negotiated in good
faith and proceeded in accordance with reasonable  business procedures in regard
to this transaction,  in light of significant  restraints.  During the course of
negotiations, various agents, owner/operators, former employees and customers of
Morgan have sought  contracts,  employment,  or other  agreements  with Bennett,
independent  of any  information  which  has come to  Bennett  throughout  these
negotiations. Bennett has responded to such contracts in accordance with its own
best interest.  Bennett has disclosed these matters to Morgan, and Morgan agrees
that  such  action  shall  not be the  basis of any  additional  claim by Morgan
against Bennett.

     (c) Entire Agreement.  This Agreement and its exhibits  constitute the sole
and entire agreement between the parties,  and no modification of this Agreement
shall be  binding  unless  attached  hereto  and  signed by all  parties to this
Agreement.  Unless expressly modified, the terms of this Agreement shall survive
the Closing. No representations,  promises,  or inducements not included in this
Agreement shall be binding upon any party hereto.

     (d)  Controlling   Law.  This  Agreement  and  the  obligations   hereunder
(including, but not limited to, the covenant not to compete discussed in Section
6) shall be construed and  interpreted in accordance  with the laws of the State
of Georgia without regard for principles of conflicts of laws.

     (e) Descriptive  Headings.  The descriptive  headings of this Agreement are
for convenience only and shall not control or affect the meaning or construction
of any provision of this Agreement.

     (f) Notices.  All notices and other  communications  hereunder  shall be in
writing  and shall be deemed  given if (i)  delivered  by hand,  (ii)  mailed by
registered   or   certified   mail   (return   receipt   requested)   or   (iii)
telecommunicated  and immediately  confirmed both orally and in writing,  to the
parties at the following  addresses  (or at such other  addresses for a party as
shall be  specified  by like  notice)  and shall be deemed  given on the date on
which so  hand-delivered  or so  telecommunicated  or on the third  business day
following  the date on which so mailed,  if deposited in a  regularly-maintained
receptacle for United States mail:

         If to Sellers:

                   The Morgan Group, Inc.
                   2746 Old U.S. 20 West
                   Elkhart, IN 46514-1351
                   Attn:  Mr. Anthony T. Castor, III, CEO
                   Telecopier:  (800) 285-0828
                   Telephone:  (800) 289-7565

         With a copy to:

                  Rogers & Hardin LLP
                  2700 International Tower
                  229 Peachtree Street, N.E.
                  Atlanta, GA 30303
                  Attn:  Jeffrey W. Willis, Esq.
                  Telecopier:  (404) 525-2224
                  Telephone:  (404) 522-4700

         If to Purchaser:

                  Bennett Truck Transport, LLC
                  1001 Industrial Parkway
                  McDonough, GA 30253
                  Attn:  Danny Lowry, President
                  Telecopier:  (800) 866-4420
                  Telephone:  (770) 957-1866

         With a copy to:

                  Meadows & Lewis, P.C.
                  101 Eagle's Pointe Parkway
                  Stockbridge, GA 30253
                  Attn:  Rod G. Meadows, Esq.
                  Telecopier:  (770) 954-1199
                  Telephone:  (770) 957-1199

     (g)   Counterparts.   This  Agreement  may  be  executed  in  one  or  more
counterparts,  all of which shall be considered one and the same agreement,  and
shall become effective when one or more counterparts have been signed by each of
the parties and delivered to the other parties.

     (h)  Third  Party  Rights.  Notwithstanding  any  other  provision  of this
Agreement, this Agreement shall not create benefits on behalf of any employee of
either  Seller,  third  party  or other  person,  and  this  Agreement  shall be
effective  only as between the parties  hereto,  their  successors and permitted

     (i)  Time  of  Essence.  Wherever  time  is  specified  for  the  doing  or
performance of any act or the payment of any funds,  time shall be considered of
the essence.

     (j) Effectiveness. This Agreement shall become effective as to both parties
when signed by their  respective  duly authorized  representatives.  When it has
been fully  executed,  this Agreement shall be binding upon each party and their
respective  successors and assigns (subject to the conditions and  contingencies
stated herein).

     (k)  Expenses.  Each of the  parties  hereto  will bear their own costs and
expenses  incurred  in  connection  with  this  Agreement  and  the  transaction
contemplated hereby.

     (l) Bulk Sales. The parties  acknowledge that the transaction  contemplated
herein may not require notice pursuant to the bulk sales laws applicable  within
the States of Georgia and/or Indiana.  However, should Purchaser elect to do so,
Sellers agree to join Purchaser in giving notice to all vendors,  suppliers, and
customers of the Business regarding the transfer of assets.

                                        BENNETT TRUCK TRANSPORT, LLC

                                       By:  /s/ Marcia G. Taylor
                                            Marcia G. Taylor
                                       Its: Chief Executive Officer



By:  /s/ Anthony T. Castor, III
     Anthony T. Castor, III
Its: Chief Executive Officer


By: /s/
Its: __________________________________

Date:  August 14, 2002


Exhibit A  Terminal Locations

Exhibit B  Agreements

Exhibit C  Vehicles

Exhibit D  Wire Instructions

(Exhibits will be provided supplementally to the Commission upon request.)