September 25, 2003

FFW Corporation
Holding Company For
First Federal Savings Bank of Wabash

Dear Fellow Stockholders:

     On behalf of the Board of Directors and management of FFW  Corporation,  we
cordially  invite  you to attend  the  Annual  Meeting  of  Stockholders  of the
Company. The Meeting will be held at 2:30 p.m., Wabash, Indiana time, on October
28,  2003,  at the office of the  Company  located  at 1205  North Cass  Street,
Wabash, Indiana.

     An  important  aspect of the  meeting  process is the  stockholder  vote on
corporate business items. I urge you to exercise your rights as a stockholder to
vote and participate in this process.  Stockholders are being asked to elect two
directors  of the  Company  and to ratify the  appointment  of Crowe  Chizek and
Company  LLC as the  Companys  auditors.  Your  Board of  Directors  unanimously
recommends that you vote for the election of the director nominees named in this
proxy statement and for the ratification of the appointment of auditors.

     We encourage  you to attend the Meeting in person.  Whether or not you plan
to attend,  however, please read the enclosed Proxy Statement and then complete,
sign and date the enclosed proxy card and return it in the accompanying postpaid
return envelope as promptly as possible.  This will save the Company  additional
expense in soliciting  proxies and will ensure that your shares are  represented
at the Meeting.

     Thank you for your attention to this important matter.

                                        Very truly yours,

                                        /s/ Roger K. Cromer

                                        ROGER K. CROMER
                                        President and Chief Executive Officer

                                FFW CORPORATION
                             1205 North Cass Street
                             Wabash, Indiana 46992
                                 (260) 563-3185


                         To be Held on October 28, 2003

     Notice  is  hereby  given  that an  Annual  Meeting  of  Stockholders  (the
"Meeting")  of FFW  Corporation  ("FFW"  or the  "Company")  will be held at the
office of the Company  located at 1205 North Cass Street,  Wabash,  Indiana,  at
2:30 p.m. Wabash, Indiana time, on October 28, 2003.

     A Proxy Card and a Proxy Statement for the Meeting are enclosed.

     The Meeting is for the purpose of considering and acting upon:

     1.   The election of two directors of the Company;

     2.   The ratification of the appointment of Crowe Chizek and Company LLC as
          auditors for the Company for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2004;

and  such  other  matters  as  may  properly  come  before  the  Meeting  or any
adjournments or  postponements  thereof.  The Board of Directors is not aware of
any other business to come before the Meeting.

     Any action may be taken on the  foregoing  proposals  at the Meeting on the
date  specified  above,  or on any date or dates to  which  the  Meeting  may be
adjourned  or  postponed.  Stockholders  of record at the close of  business  on
September 15, 2003 are the stockholders  entitled to vote at the Meeting and any
adjournments or postponements thereof.

     You are  requested to complete and sign the enclosed  proxy card,  which is
solicited  on behalf of the Board of  Directors,  and to mail it promptly in the
enclosed  envelope.  The proxy  will not be used if you  attend  and vote at the
Meeting in person.

                                        BY ORDER OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS

                                        /s/ Wayne W. Rees

                                        WAYNE W. REES
                                        Chairman of the Board

Wabash, Indiana
September 25, 2003



                                PROXY STATEMENT

                                FFW CORPORATION
                             1205 North Cass Street
                             Wabash, Indiana 46992
                                 (260) 563-3185

                         ANNUAL MEETING OF STOCKHOLDERS

                                October 28, 2003

     This Proxy  Statement is furnished in connection  with the  solicitation on
behalf of the Board of Directors of FFW Corporation  ("FFW" or the "Company") of
proxies to be used at the Annual  Meeting of  Stockholders  of the Company which
will be held at the office of the  Company,  located at 1205 North Cass  Street,
Wabash,  Indiana,  on October 28, 2003, at 2:30 p.m., Wabash,  Indiana time, and
all  adjournments  and  postponements  of the annual meeting.  The  accompanying
Notice of Meeting, proxy card and this Proxy Statement are first being mailed to
stockholders on or about September 25, 2003. Certain of the information provided
herein  relates  to  First  Federal  Savings  Bank  of  Wabash,  a  wholly-owned
subsidiary of the Company ("First Federal" or the "Bank").

Matters to be Considered at the Annual Meeting

     At the  annual  meeting,  stockholders  of the  Company  will be  asked  to
consider and vote upon (i) the election of two directors of the Company and (ii)
the  ratification  of the  appointment  of Crowe  Chizek and Company LLC ("Crowe
Chizek") as the Company's auditors for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2004.

Vote Required and Proxy Information

     All shares of the Company's common stock, par value $.01 per share ("Common
Stock"), represented at the annual meeting by properly executed proxies received
prior to or at the annual meeting, and not revoked,  will be voted at the annual
meeting in accordance with the  instructions  thereon.  If no  instructions  are
indicated,  properly  executed  proxies  will be voted for the  election  of the
director  nominees named in this Proxy Statement and for the ratification of the
appointment of Crowe Chizek. The Company is not aware of any matters, other than
those described in the Notice of the Annual Meeting, that are to come before the
annual  meeting.  If any other  matters  are  properly  presented  at the annual
meeting for action, proxies for the stockholder will have the discretion to vote
on such matters in accordance with their best judgment.

     The holders of at least one-third of the  outstanding  shares of the Common
Stock,  present in person or represented by proxy,  will constitute a quorum for
purposes of the annual meeting.  Proxies marked to abstain or withhold authority
to vote on one or more director  nominees and broker  non-votes  will be counted
for purposes of determining a quorum.

     Directors  are  elected by a  plurality  of the votes  present in person or
represented  by proxy at the  meeting and  entitled  to vote on the  election of
directors.  Plurality  means that  individuals who receive the largest number of
votes cast are elected up to the maximum number of directors to be chosen at the
meeting.  In the election of directors,  stockholders  may either vote "FOR" all
nominees  for  election or withhold  their votes from one or more  nominees  for
election.  Votes that are withheld and shares held by a broker, as nominee, that
are not voted (so-called  "broker  non-votes") in the election of directors will
not be included in  determining  the number of votes cast,  and  therefore  will
result in the director receiving fewer votes.

     The  ratification  of the  appointment  of Crowe  Chizek  as the  Company's
independent  auditors  requires the affirmative  vote of a majority of the votes
present in person or represented by proxy at the meeting and entitled to vote on
the  matter.  For the  proposal  to ratify the  appointment  of the  independent
auditors,  stockholders  may vote "FOR,"  "AGAINST" or "ABSTAIN" with respect to
this  proposal.  Proxies  marked to abstain  will have the same  effect as votes
against the proposal, and broker non-votes will have no effect on the proposal.

     A proxy  given  pursuant  to the  solicitation  may be  revoked at any time
before it is voted.  Proxies may be revoked by: (i) filing with the Secretary of
the  Company  at or before  the annual  meeting a written  notice of  revocation
bearing a later date than the proxy;  (ii) duly  executing  a  subsequent  proxy
relating to the same shares and delivering it to the Secretary of the Company at
or before the annual  meeting;  or (iii) attending the annual meeting and voting
in person  (although  attendance at the annual meeting will not in and of itself
constitute revocation of a proxy). Any written notice revoking a proxy should be
delivered to Christine K. Noonan,  Secretary,  FFW Corporation,  1205 North Cass
Street, Wabash, Indiana 46992.

Voting Securities and Principal Holders Thereof

     Stockholders  of record as of the close of business on  September  15, 2003
(the  "Voting  Record  Date"),  will be  entitled  to one vote for each share of
Common Stock then held.  As of that date,  the Company had  1,292,229  shares of
Common Stock issued and outstanding. The following table sets forth information,
as of the Voting Record Date, regarding share ownership of: (i) those persons or
entities known by management to  beneficially  own more than five percent of the
outstanding  shares  of  Common  Stock;  and (ii) all  directors  and  executive
officers as a group.  See  "Proposal I - Election of Directors"  for  beneficial
share ownership of the directors.

                                                      Beneficially    Percent
Beneficial Owner                                        Owned         of Class
- ---------------------------------------------------   ------------    --------
First Manhattan Co.
437 Madison Avenue
New York, NY 10022                                     121,610 (1)     9.41%

Lee Ann George
30 Garden Drive
Wabash, IN  46992                                      127,683         9.88%

Directors and executive officers
   of the Company and the Bank
   as a group (10 persons)                             218,567 (2)    16.64%
- ----------------------

(1)  As  reported  in an  amendment  to a  Schedule  13G  filed  with the SEC on
     February 13, 2003, in which First  Manhattan  Co.  reported sole voting and
     dispositive power over all shares listed.

(2)  Includes  shares held directly,  as well as, by family members  residing in
     the homes of the  directors and  executive  officers,  and shares held in a
     fiduciary  capacity with respect to which shares the listed  individuals or
     group members may be deemed to have voting and/or  investment  power.  This
     table includes  21,043 shares  subject to options  granted to directors and
     executive  officers  as a group  which  are  exercisable  within 60 days of
     September 15, 2003, 3,000 restricted  shares,  and 5,563 shares held in the
     Bank's  401(k)  plan  (the  "401(k)  Plan") as of June 30,  2003.  Excludes
     options  for  14,054  shares  which are not  exercisable  within 60 days of
     September 15, 2003.

Section 16(a) Beneficial Ownership Reporting Compliance.

     Section 16(a) of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934 requires the Company's
directors,  executive  officers  and persons who own more than 10% of the Common
Stock to report their initial  ownership of the Common Stock and any  subsequent
changes in that  ownership to the SEC.  Specific due dates for these reports are
established  by the SEC and the  Company is  required  to disclose in this proxy
statement any late filings or failures to file.

     To the Company's knowledge,  based solely on a review of the copies of such
reports  furnished  to the  Company and  written  representations  that no other
reports were  required  during the fiscal year ended June 30, 2003,  the Company
believes that all Section 16(a) filing requirements  applicable to our executive
officers, directors and greater than 10% beneficial owners were complied with.

                       PROPOSAL I - ELECTION OF DIRECTORS


     The  Company's  Board of  Directors  currently  consists  of seven  members
divided into three classes. Each year one class of directors is elected to serve
for a three-year  period or until their  respective  successors  are elected and
qualified.  Directors  generally  must have their  principal  domicile in Wabash
County,  Indiana, must have had a loan or deposit relationship with the Bank for
a continuous  period of 12 months prior to their  nomination  to the Board,  and
non-employee  directors  must have  served  as a member of a civic or  community
organization  based in  Wabash  County  for at least a  continuous  period of 12
months during the five years prior to their nomination to the Board.

     The following table below sets forth certain information,  as of the Voting
Record Date,  regarding the  composition  of the  Company's  Board of Directors,
including each director's term of office. A nominating  committee  consisting of
outside  directors has recommended  and approved the nominees  identified in the
following  table.  It is intended  that the proxies  solicited  on behalf of the
Board of  Directors  (other  than  proxies in which the vote is withheld as to a
nominee) will be voted at the annual  meeting "FOR" the election of the nominees
identified below. If a nominee is unable to serve, the shares represented by all
valid proxies will be voted for the election of such  substitute  nominee as the
Board of Directors may recommend.  At this time, the Board of Directors knows of
no  reason  why the  nominee  may be  unable to  serve,  if  elected.  Except as
disclosed  herein,  there are no  arrangements  or  understandings  between  the
nominee and any other person pursuant to which the nominee was selected.

                                                                                          Shares of
                                                       Director    Director                Common
                                                        of the      of the      Term        Stock        Percent
                                Position(s) Held        Bank       Company       to      Beneficially      of
Name                   Age      in the Company          Since       Since       Expire    Owned (1)       Class
- --------------------   ---      ----------------       --------    --------     ------   ------------    --------
Wayne W. Rees           66      Chairman of the Board   1983        1992         2006     52,874 (2)     4.09%
Ronald D. Reynolds      57      Director                1991        1992         2006     22,874 (3)     1.77%

Directors Continuing
  in Office
Roger K. Cromer         38      President, CEO and
                                  Director              2001        2001         2004     25,762 (4)     1.98%
Thomas L. Frank         60      Director                1987        1992         2005     35,964 (5)     2.78%
Joseph W. McSpadden     56      Director                1987        1992         2004     22,874 (6)     1.77%
J. Stanley Myers        57      Director                1985        1992         2005     36,034 (7)     2.79%
John N. Philippsen      51      Director                2001        2001         2005        950            *

*    Under 1% of outstanding shares

(1)  Based upon information  furnished by the respective  directors and director
     nominees.   Under   applicable   regulations,   shares  are  deemed  to  be
     beneficially  owned by a person if he or she directly or indirectly  has or
     shares the power to vote or dispose of the shares, whether or not he or she
     has any economic power with respect to the shares. Includes shares owned by
     members of the immediate families of the directors residing in their homes.

(2)  Includes  40,950 shares held jointly with Mr. Rees' spouse and 2,000 shares
     subject to stock options exercisable within 60 days of September 15, 2003.

(3)  Includes  10,000  shares held jointly with Mr.  Reynolds'  spouse and 2,000
     shares subject to stock options exercisable within 60 days of September 15,

(4)  Includes  750  restricted  shares,  7,999 shares  subject to stock  options
     exercisable  within 60 days of September 15, 2003, and 3,535 shares held in
     the 401(k)  Plan as of June 30,  2003.  Excludes  9,998  shares  subject to
     options not exercisable within 60 days of September 15, 2003.

(5)  Includes  20,000  shares held  jointly  with Mr.  Frank's  spouse and 2,000
     shares subject to stock options exercisable within 60 days of September 15,

(6)  Includes 2,000 shares subject to stock options  exercisable  within 60 days
     of September 15, 2003. Excludes 2,000 shares held by a corporation in which
     Mr.  McSpadden  is a  minority  shareholder  and 2,600  shares  held by Mr.
     McSpadden's father.

(7)  Includes 2,000 shares subject to stock options  exercisable  within 60 days
     of September 15, 2003.

     The  principal  occupation  of each  director  of the  Company is set forth
below.  All directors  have held their present  position for at least five years
unless otherwise indicated.

     Roger K. Cromer is the President and Chief Executive Officer of the Company
and Bank,  positions  he has held since July 2000.  From October 1998 until July
2000,  Mr. Cromer was the Chief  Financial  Officer and Treasurer of the Company
and Bank. He became a director of the Company and Bank in February 2001.

     Joseph W. McSpadden.  Mr. McSpadden is the Vice President and part owner of
Beauchamp & McSpadden, an insurance agency located in Wabash, Indiana.

     Thomas L. Frank.  Mr. Frank is the  Controller  for B. Walter & Company,  a
manufacturer of metal components used in furniture  located in Wabash,  Indiana.
He is also Controller and part owner of Walter  Dimension Co., a manufacturer of
wood furniture components located in Jameston, Tennessee.

     J. Stanley  Myers.  Mr. Myers is the President of L.G.S.  Systems,  Inc., a
soft water appliance company located in Wabash, Indiana.

     John N.  Philippsen.  Mr.  Philippsen  has  served  since 2000 as the Chief
Financial  Officer of The Ford Meter Box Company,  Inc., a waterworks  brass and
pipe products  manufacturer based in Wabash,  Indiana.  Theretofore from 1998 to
2000 he served as Chief Financial Officer of Kennedy  Manufacturing  Co., a tool
storage manufacturer based in Van Wert, Ohio.

     Wayne W. Rees.  Mr. Rees is the owner and  publisher of The Paper of Wabash
County,  Inc.,  a  newspaper  published  in Wabash,  Indiana.  Mr. Rees has been
Chairman of the Board of the Company since December 1992. Mr. Rees has served as
Chairman of the Bank's Board of Directors since July 1992.

     Ronald D.  Reynolds.  Mr.  Reynolds  is the owner  and  President  of J. M.
Reynolds Oil Co., Inc., an oil supply company located in Wabash, Indiana.

Meetings and Committees of the Board of Directors

     Meetings and Committees of the Company.  Meetings of the Company's Board of
Directors are generally held on a monthly  basis.  The Board of Directors met 12
times during  fiscal 2003.  During  fiscal  2003,  no incumbent  director of the
Company  attended  fewer than 75% of the  aggregate of the total number of Board
meetings and the total number of meetings held by the committees of the Board of
Directors on which he served.

     The Board of Directors of the Company has standing Audit,  Stock Option and
Nominating Committees, as well as other committees which meet as needed.

     The Audit Committee of the Company operates under a written charter adopted
by the full Board of  Directors.  The Audit  Committee  is composed of Directors
Frank,  Philippsen and Myers. Each of these directors meets the requirements for
independence set forth in the Listing  Standards of the National  Association of
Securities  Dealers.  This  committee  is  responsible  for  the  review  of the
Company's  annual  audit  report  prepared  by  our  independent  auditors.  The
functions of the Audit Committee include:

     o    reviewing  significant financial information for the purpose of giving
          added  assurance that the  information is accurate and timely and that
          it includes all appropriate financial statement disclosures;

     o    ascertaining  the  existence  of  effective  accounting  and  internal
          control systems; and

     o    overseeing the entire audit function (both internal and independent).

In fiscal 2003, the Audit Committee met six times.

     The Stock Option  Committee is  comprised  of  Directors  Frank,  Myers and
Reynolds.  This Committee is responsible  for  administering  the Company's 1992
Stock Option and  Incentive  Plan and 1998 Omnibus  Incentive  Plan,  as well as
reviewing  compensation  and benefit  matters.  This  Committee  met three times
during the fiscal year ended June 30, 2003.

     The  Nominating  Committee is comprised  of Directors  Thomas L. Frank,  J.
Stanley Myers,  John N. Philippsen and Joseph W.  McSpadden.  This committee was
responsible  for selecting  nominees for election as directors.  Pursuant to the
Company's By-laws,  nominations by stockholders must be delivered in writing (as
prescribed  by the  By-laws)  to the  Secretary  of the Company at least 90 days
before the date of the annual meeting; provided,  however, that if less than 100
days' notice or prior  disclosure of the date of the meeting is given or made to
stockholders  (which notice or public disclosure includes the date of the annual
meeting specified in the Company's By-Laws if the annual meeting is held on such
date),  notice by the  stockholder  must be received not later than the close of
business on the tenth day  following  the day on which notice of the date of the
meeting is mailed or public  disclosure of the date of the meeting is made. This
Committee met one time during the fiscal year ended June 30, 2003.

Executive Officers of the Company Who Are Not Directors

     The following  information  as to the business  experience  during the past
five years is supplied with respect to executive  officers of the Company who do
not serve on the Company's  Board of  Directors.  There are no  arrangements  or
understandings  between the persons named and any other person pursuant to which
such officers were selected.

     Christine K. Noonan,  age 53, is Senior Vice President and Chief Operations
Officer and  Secretary  of First  Federal,  and also serves as  Secretary of the
Company.  She served as Vice President and Chief Operations  Officer of the Bank
since 2000, and became Senior Vice President in 2002.  Mrs.  Noonan joined First
Federal in 1987 as secretary  to the  President  and became the Data  Processing
Manager in 1989.  Other  duties over the years  include new  accounts,  customer
service, IRA administrator,  loan clerk, mortgage lending, and compliance. Prior
to joining First Federal,  Mrs.  Noonan worked for a company in Warsaw,  Indiana
for nine years that handled all aspects of qualified pension plans and financial

     Timothy A.  Sheppard,  age 35, is Vice  President  and  Controller of First
Federal,  and also  serves as  Treasurer  and Chief  Accounting  Officer  of the
Company,  positions  he has held since  October  2000.  Prior to  joining  First
Federal,  Mr.  Sheppard  was  employed  by Home  Bancorp  and Home Loan Bank fsb
located in Fort  Wayne,  Indiana  from 1995 to 2000 in a variety  of  positions,
including Assistant Treasurer from 1995 to 1999 and Treasurer from 1999 to 2000.

     Noah T.  Smith,  age 32, is Vice  President  of  Commercial  Loans of First
Federal,  a  position  he has held since  August  2000.  Prior to joining  First
Federal,  Mr.  Smith was  employed  by Indiana  Lawrence  Bank  located in North
Manchester,  Indiana  from  1993 to  2000 in a  variety  of  lending  positions,
including Assistant Vice President from 1997 to 2000.


     The following Report of the Audit Committee of the Board of Directors shall
not be deemed to be soliciting  material or to be  incorporated  by reference by
any general  statement  incorporating by reference this proxy statement into any
filing under the Securities Act of 1933 or the Securities  Exchange Act of 1934,
except to the extent  FFW  Corporation  specifically  incorporates  this  Report
therein, and shall not otherwise be deemed filed under such Acts.

     The Board of Directors has adopted a charter for the Audit  Committee.  The
Audit  Committee  has issued the  following  report with  respect to the audited
financial statements of the Company for the fiscal year ended June 30, 2003.

          The Audit Committee (the  "Committee") has reviewed and discussed with
          management the Company's audited  financial  statements for the fiscal
          year ended June 30,  2003.  The  Committee  has  discussed  with Crowe
          Chizek the matters  required to be  discussed by Statement on Auditing
          Standards No. 61, Communication with Audit Committees,  as amended, by
          the Auditing  Standards  Board of the American  Institute of Certified
          Public  Accountants.  The  Committee  has  received  and  reviewed the
          written  disclosures  and the letter  from Crowe  Chizek  required  by
          Independence  Standard  No. 1,  Independence  Discussions  with  Audit
          Committees,  as amended, by the Independence  Standards Board, and has
          discussed with the auditors the auditors'  independence.  Based on the
          reviews and discussions  referred to above, the Committee  recommended
          to the Board of  Directors  (and the Board of  Directors  subsequently
          approved) that the financial  statements referred to above be included
          in the  Company's  Annual  Report on Form  10-KSB for the fiscal  year
          ended June 30, 2003.  The  Committee has also  considered  whether the
          provision  of services by Crowe Chizek not related to the audit of the
          financial  statements referred to above is compatible with maintaining
          Crowe  Chizek's  independence.  The Committee has concluded that Crowe
          Chizek's independence has been maintained with respect to the Company.

                               John N. Philippsen
                                Thomas L. Frank
                                J. Stanley Myers

Director Compensation

     Cash  Compensation.  The  Company's  directors  are  paid a fee of $250 per
meeting attended for serving on the Company's Board of Directors. No fee is paid
for  membership on the Board  committees.  All present  members of the Company's
Board of Directors  are also members of the Bank's Board of Directors  for which
each  director,  other than the  Chairman,  receives  a fee of $850 per  meeting
attended.  The Chairman of the Board of the Bank receives a fee of $950 per Bank
Board meeting attended.  No fees are paid to directors of the Bank for committee

     Deferred  Compensation Plan ("DCP"). In 1986, First Federal adopted the DCP
for the benefit of its directors.  The DCP is a voluntary deferred  compensation
plan which permits directors of the Bank to defer receipt of all or a portion of
their  regular  board  fees.  This plan was  established  to attract  and retain
quality directors by providing a retirement  benefit in amounts related to Board
fees deferred  annually.  Under the DCP, a participant or his  beneficiary  will
receive retirement  payments (equal to the amount deferred plus interest accrued
thereon) payable in monthly  installments  upon retirement from the Board at age

     If the  director's  service on the Board  ceases for any reason  other than
death or disability,  prior to age 70, amounts deferred pursuant to the DCP will
be held by the Bank until the director  reaches age 70. In the event of death or
disability of the director while serving on the Bank's board,  monthly or annual
payments  will be made to the  director or his  designated  beneficiary.  In the
event of the director's death following retirement,  the remaining benefits will
be paid to the designated beneficiary. These benefit payments are not subject to
any  reduction  for Social  Security  benefits or other  offset  amounts.  Until
disbursed,  the amounts due and payable  under the DCPs continue to be assets of
the Bank,  subject to the claims of general  creditors.  During  fiscal 2003, no
directors deferred compensation pursuant to the DCP.

Executive Compensation

     The following table sets forth information  regarding  compensation paid to
the Chief  Executive  Officer of the Company during the three fiscal years ended
June 30, 2003. No other  executive  officer earned a salary and bonus for fiscal
2003 in excess of $100,000.

                           Summary Compensation Table

                                                                       Long Term
                               Annual Compensation                 Compensation Awards
                        ---------------------------------       -------------------------
                                                                Restricted                         All Other
Name and                                                           Stock         Options/         Compensation
Principal Position      Year    Salary ($)(1)   Bonus ($)       Award(s)($)      SARs (#)            ($) (4)
- ------------------      ----    -------------   ---------       -----------      --------         ------------
Roger K. Cromer         2003      $108,269       $27,058             --              --              $19,366
   President and CEO    2002       103,270        21,798             --              --               21,247
                        2001        98,131        18,268        $11,375 (2)      20,000  (3)          21,128

(1)  Includes  compensation  deferred at Mr. Cromer's  election  pursuant to the
     401(k) plan.

(2)  Represents  the value of 1,000  shares  of  restricted  stock  based on the
     $11.375 closing price per share of the Common Stock on the Nasdaq Small Cap
     Market on February 6, 2001, the date of grant.  Twenty-five  percent of the
     1,000 shares vests on each annual anniversary date of the grant.  Dividends
     are paid on the  restricted  shares to the  extent  and on the same date as
     dividends are paid on all other outstanding  shares of Common Stock.  Based
     on the closing  price per share of the Common Stock on the Nasdaq Small Cap
     Market on June 30, 2003,  the 750  restricted  shares held by Mr. Cromer on
     June 30, 2003, had a value of $14,370.

(3)  Mr. Cromer was granted an option to purchase  20,000 shares of Common Stock
     on  February  6, 2001.  The  exercise  price of this  option is $11.375 per
     share, the Nasdaq Small Cap Market closing price on the date of grant. This
     option vests over four years with 25% vesting each year on the  anniversary
     of the grant date.

(4)  Includes  matching  contributions  to Mr.  Cromer's  401(k)  Plan  account,
     contributions  to Mr.  Cromer's ESOP account,  split-dollar  life insurance
     premiums paid on behalf of Mr. Cromer, and director's fees.

Stock Options

     The following table sets forth  information  regarding the number and value
of stock options held by Mr. Cromer at June 30, 2003.

                         Fiscal Year-End Option Values

                                                         Value of Unexercised
                         Number of Unexercised               in-the-Money
                            Options at Fiscal             Options at Fiscal
                              Year-End (#)                 Year-End ($)(1)
                      ---------------------------    ---------------------------
Name                  Exercisable   Unexercisable    Exercisable   Unexercisable
- ------------------    -----------   -------------    -----------   -------------
Roger K. Cromer         7,999           9,998           $53,647         $77,834

(1)  Represents the difference between the closing price per share of the Common
     Stock on the Nasdaq Small Cap Market on June 30, 2003, which was $19.16 per
     share,  and the exercise  price per share of the option,  multiplied by the
     number of shares  underlying the option.  An option is  in-the-money if the
     exercise price is less than the market value of the Common Stock subject to
     the option.  All of Mr. Cromer's  options were  in-the-money as of June 30,

     No stock  options  were  granted to or  exercised  by the  Company's  Chief
Executive Officer during fiscal 2003.

Employment Agreement with Roger K. Cromer

     The Bank has an employment agreement with Mr. Cromer for a three-year term.
The term may be  extended  for an  additional  year on each  anniversary  of the
effective date of the agreement, subject to review and approval of the extension
by the Board of Directors of the Bank. The agreement provides for an annual base
salary no less than Mr.  Cromer's  base salary as of the  effective  date of the
agreement,  subject  to  increase  in the  discretion  of the  Bank's  Board  of
Directors.  The  agreement  also  provides  for  bonuses  to be  awarded  in the
discretion  of the  Bank's  Board  of  Directors.  The  agreement  provides  for
termination in the event of Mr. Cromer's death, for cause or upon certain events
specified by Office of Thrift  Supervision  regulations.  The  agreement  may be
terminated by Mr. Cromer upon 90 days notice to the Bank. The agreement provides
that if there  is a change  in  control  of the  Company  or the  Bank,  and Mr.
Cromer's employment  terminates  involuntarily in connection with such change in
control or within 12 months  thereafter,  he will be  entitled to receive a lump
sum amount in cash equal to 299% of his "base amount" of  compensation as of the
effective date of the agreement.  If the payments  provided for in the contract,
together with any other payments made to Mr. Cromer by the Bank are deemed to be
payments in violation of the "golden  parachute"  rules of the Internal  Revenue
Code,  such payments will be reduced to the largest amount which would not cause
the Bank to lose a tax deduction for such payments under such rules.  Assuming a
change  in  control  were to take  place as of June 30,  2003,  the  termination
payment payable to Mr. Cromer pursuant to this change in control provision would
be approximately $310,477. The Bank has similar employment agreements with three
other executive officers,  which provide for payments equal to their base amount
of  compensation  over a one year period.  The aggregate  payments to such three
officers  as of June 30,  2003,  in the event of their  involuntary  termination
within 12 months following a change in control would be approximately $165,681.

Salary Continuation Agreements

     Effective January 1, 2003, the Company has entered into salary continuation
agreements with Messrs.  Cromer,  Sheppard,  and Smith (each,  an  "Executive").
These agreements  provide that upon normal  retirement after age 55, in the case
of Mr.  Cromer,  and after age 62, in the cases of Mr.  Sheppard and Mr.  Smith,
each  Executive  is to receive  an annual  benefit  payable  on a monthly  basis
throughout the year of $100,000,  in the case of Mr. Cromer, and $50,000, in the
cases of Mr. Sheppard and Mr. Smith. This benefit is payable for ten years.

     The Executive may receive monthly early retirement  benefits payable over a
ten-year  period  with an annual  payment  equal to the  vested  portion  of the
benefits which have been accrued by the Company ("Accrued Benefits") at the time
of the Executive's early  termination of employment.  These benefits vest at the
rate of 6.25% per year  commencing  with the initial date of  employment  of the
Executive  with the Bank which was October 26, 1998, in the case of Mr.  Cromer,
October 23, 2000, in the case of Mr. Sheppard, and July 31, 2000, in the case of
Mr. Smith.  One hundred  percent of the  Executive's  Accrued Benefit is payable
each  year for ten years in the event  his  employment  terminates  by reason of
death,  disability  or within 12 months  following  a change of  control  of the

     The Company has the  discretion  to increase  benefits  payable under these
agreements.  In Mr.  Cromer's  case,  benefits  payable  under  the plan will be
reduced to the extent they would otherwise be deemed excess  parachute  payments
under Section 280G of the Internal  Revenue Code.  Under the  agreements,  if an
Executive is  terminated  for cause as defined in the  agreements,  all benefits
under the agreements are forfeited.

     The  Company  has  purchased  paid-up  life  insurance  on the lives of the
Executives  covered by these agreements to fund the benefits payable under them.
The insurance is provided by Clarica and West Coast Life Insurance  Company.  At
June 30, 2003, the cash surrender value of the policies was carried on the books
of the Company at an amount equal to $20,517.

Split-Dollar Insurance Agreements

     The  Company has  purchased  insurance  on the lives of its four  executive
officers,  including  Mr.  Cromer,  and  another  officer  of  the  Bank.  Under
agreements  between  the  Company  and  these  five  individuals,   the  covered
employee's  designated  beneficiary will be entitled to life insurance  proceeds
payable  in a lump sum  equal to two  times the  employee's  base  salary at the
earliest  of his  date of  death,  the day he  becomes  disabled  or the date he
attains 65. Each employee's right to these benefits terminates at any time he or
she is terminated for cause, retires, or terminates his or her employment before
age 65.

     The Company pays all premiums on the split-dollar life insurance  policies.
Each covered  employee is taxed each year on the imputed economic benefit to him
or her of this arrangement. The Company may terminate the program at any time.

Certain Transactions

     The Bank,  like  many  financial  institutions,  has  followed  a policy of
granting  to  eligible  officers,  directors,  employees  and  members  of their
immediate families loans secured by the borrower's residence and consumer loans.
All such  loans  are made in the  ordinary  course of  business  and on the same
terms,  including  interest  rate and  collateral,  and  conditions  as those of
comparable transactions prevailing at the time, and do not involve more than the
normal risk of collectibility or present other unfavorable features.


     The Board of Directors  has renewed the  Company's  arrangement  with Crowe
Chizek to be its auditors  for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2004,  subject to
the ratification of the Company's stockholders. A representative of Crowe Chizek
is  expected to attend the Meeting to respond to  appropriate  questions  and to
make a statement if desired.

Audit Fees

     The firm of Crowe Chizek served as our independent  public  accountants for
each of our last two fiscal  years ended June 30, 2002 and 2003.  The  aggregate
fees billed by Crowe Chizek for the audit of our financial  statements  included
in our  annual  report  on  Form  10-KSB  and for the  review  of our  financial
statements included in our quarterly reports on Form 10-QSB for our fiscal years
ended June 30, 2002 and 2003, were $44,050 and $46,800, respectively.

Audit-Related Fees

     The aggregate fees billed in each of fiscal 2002 and 2003 for assurance and
related  services by Crowe  Chizek that are  reasonably  related to the audit or
review of our financial  statements  and that were not covered in the Audit Fees
disclosure above were $33,900 and $22,500.

Tax Fees

     The aggregate fees billed in each of fiscal 2002 and 2003 for  professional
services rendered by Crowe Chizek for tax compliance, tax advice or tax planning
were $16,455 and $8,120, respectively.

All Other Fees

     During fiscal 2002 or 2003 and prior to May 6, 2003,  $14,580 and $9,350 in
fees, respectively, were billed for additional professional services rendered by
Crowe Chizek not included in the disclosure  above.  Services  rendered included
consulting services.

     Our  independent  auditors  performed all work  described  above with their
respective full-time, permanent employees.

Board of Directors Pre-Approval

     Our  Audit  Committee  formally  adopted   resolutions   pre-approving  our
engagement of Crowe Chizek to act as our independent  auditor and other services
rendered for the last two fiscal years ended June 30, 2003. The Audit  Committee
has  not  adopted  pre-approval  policies  and  procedures  in  accordance  with
paragraph (c) (7) (i) of Rule 2-01 of  Regulation  S-X,  because it  anticipates
that in the  future the  engagement  of Crowe  Chizek  will be made by the Audit
Committee and all  non-audit  and audit  services to be rendered by Crowe Chizek
will be pre-approved by the Audit Committee.


                             STOCKHOLDER PROPOSALS

     Stockholder proposals intended to be presented at the Company's next annual
meeting  must be received by its  Secretary  at the main office of the  Company,
located at 1205 North Cass Street,  Wabash, Indiana 46992, no later than 90 days
in advance of September  25, 2004, to be eligible for inclusion in the Company's
proxy statement and form of proxy relating to the next annual meeting.  Any such
proposal  will be subject to the  requirements  of the proxy rules adopted under
the  Securities  Exchange  Act of 1934  and as  with  any  stockholder  proposal
(regardless of whether included in the Company's proxy materials), the Company's
certificate of incorporation, By-laws and Delaware law.

     To be considered for  presentation at the next annual meeting,  but not for
inclusion in the Company's  proxy  statement and form of proxy for that meeting,
proposals  must be  received  by the Company at least 90 days before the date of
the meeting. If, however,  less than 100 days' notice or prior public disclosure
of the date of the next annual meeting is given or made to  stockholders  (which
notice or public disclosure includes the date of the annual meeting specified in
the  Company's  By-Laws if the annual  meeting is held on such date),  proposals
must  instead be received by the Company by the tenth day  following  the day on
which  notice  of the  date of the next  annual  meeting  is  mailed  or  public
disclosure  of the  date  of  the  next  annual  meeting  is  first  made.  If a
stockholder  proposal  that is  received  by the  Company  after the  applicable
deadline  for  presentation  at the next  annual  meeting  is raised at the next
annual  meeting,  the  holders of the  proxies  for that  meeting  will have the
discretion  to vote on the proposal in  accordance  with their best judgment and
discretion,  without  any  discussion  of the  proposal in the  Company's  proxy
statement for the next annual meeting.

                                 ANNUAL REPORTS

     A copy of the Company's  Annual Report on Form 10-KSB as filed with the SEC
will be furnished  without charge to  stockholders  as of the Voting Record Date
upon written request to Timothy A. Sheppard,  Treasurer,  FFW Corporation,  1205
North Cass Street, Wabash, Indiana 46992.

                                 OTHER MATTERS

     The Board of  Directors  is not aware of any  business  to come  before the
annual meeting other than those matters described above in this Proxy Statement.
However,  if any other matter should properly come before the annual meeting, it
is intended that holders of the proxies will act in  accordance  with their best

     The cost of  solicitation  of  proxies  will be borne by the  Company.  The
Company  will  reimburse  brokerage  firms and other  custodians,  nominees  and
fiduciaries for reasonable  expenses incurred by them in sending proxy materials
to the beneficial  owners of Common Stock.  In addition to solicitation by mail,
directors,  officers and regular  employees  of the Company  and/or the Bank may
solicit  proxies  personally  or by telegraph or  telephone  without  additional

                                 REVOCABLE PROXY

                                 FFW CORPORATION

                         ANNUAL MEETING OF STOCKHOLDERS
                                OCTOBER 28, 2003

     The undersigned  hereby  appoints  Timothy A. Sheppard and Roger K. Cromer,
with  full  power of  substitution,  to act as  attorneys  and  proxies  for the
undersigned  to  vote  all  shares  of  common  stock  of FFW  Corporation  (the
"Company")  which the  undersigned  is entitled to vote at the Annual Meeting of
Stockholders  (the  "Meeting"),  to be held on Tuesday,  October 28, 2003 at the
office of the Company  located at 1205 North Cass Street,  Wabash,  Indiana,  at
2:30 p.m., local time, and at any and all adjournments or postponements thereof,
as follows:

I.   The election of the following        FOR    WITHHOLD    FOR ALL EXCEPT
     directors for three-year terms:      [ ]       [ ]          [ ]

                WAYNE W. REES           RONALD D. REYNOLDS

INSTRUCTION: To withhold authority to vote for any individual nominee, mark "For
All Except" and write that nominee's name in the space provided below.

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

II.  The  ratification  of the
     appointment of Crowe,  Chizek
     and Company LLC as independent
     auditors of the Company for the
     fiscal year ending June 30, 2004.      FOR     AGAINST     ABSTAIN
                                            [ ]       [ ]         [ ]

     In their  discretion,  the  proxies  are  authorized  to vote on any  other
business  that may  properly  come  before  the  Meeting or any  adjournment  or
postponement thereof.

     The Board of Directors recommends a vote "FOR" the election of the nominees
named herein and "FOR" the  ratification  of the appointment of Crowe Chizek and
Company, LLC.



     Please sign  exactly as your  name(s)  appear(s)  above on this card.  When
signing as attorney,  executor,  administrator,  trustee,  guardian or corporate
officer  please give your full title.  If shares are held  jointly,  each holder
should sign.
                                           Date ________________________________

_____________________________________      _____________________________________
Stockholder sign above                     Co-holder (if any) sign above

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

    Detach above card, sign, date and mail in postage-paid envelope provided.

                                 FFW CORPORATION

     This  Proxy may be  revoked  at any time  before it is voted by: (i) filing
with the  Secretary of the Company at or before the Meeting a written  notice of
revocation bearing a later date than the proxy; (ii) duly executing a subsequent
proxy  relating to the same shares and  delivering  it to the  Secretary  of the
Company at or before the Meeting;  or (iii)  attending the Meeting and voting in
person (although  attendance at the Meeting will not in and of itself constitute
revocation of this Proxy). If this Proxy is properly revoked as described above,
then the power of such  attorneys and proxies shall be deemed  terminated and of
no further force and effect.

     The  above  signed  acknowledges  receipt  from the  Company,  prior to the
execution of this Proxy,  of Notice of the Meeting,  a Proxy  Statement  and the
Company's Annual Report to Stockholders for the fiscal year ended June 30, 2003.




