Exhibit 3.1


                            ARTICLES OF INCORPORATION


                        SYMONS INTERNATIONAL GROUP, INC.

                                    ARTICLE I


         The name of the Corporation is Symons International Group, Inc.

                                   ARTICLE II


         The  purpose  of the  Corporation  is to  engage in any  lawful  act or
activity  for which  corporations  may be organized  under the Indiana  Business
Corporation Law, as amended from time to time.

                                   ARTICLE III

                                Term of Existence

      The period during which the Corporation shall continue is perpetual.

                                   ARTICLE IV

                     Registered Office and Registered Agent

         The address of the  Corporation's  registered office in Indiana is 4720
Kingsway Drive,  Indianapolis,  Indiana 46205, and the name of the Corporation's
registered agent is Douglas H. Symons.

                                    ARTICLE V

                    Number, Terms and Voting Rights of Shares

         Section 1.  Number and  Classes of Shares.  The total  number of shares
which the Corporation shall have authority to issue is One Hundred Fifty Million
(150,000,000) shares,  consisting of One Hundred Million (100,000,000) shares of
a single  class  of  shares  to be known as  Common  Stock,  and  Fifty  Million
(50,000,000) shares of a single class of shares to be known as Preferred Stock.

         Section 2. Terms of Common Stock.  Only when all  dividends  accrued on
all preferred or special classes of shares  entitled to  preferential  dividends
shall have been paid or declared and set apart for payment,  but not  otherwise,
then the holders of Common  Stock shall be entitled to receive  dividends,  when
and as  declared  by the  Board  of  Directors.  In  event  of any  dissolution,
liquidation  or winding up of the  Corporation,  the holders of the Common Stock
shall be entitled,  after due payment or provision  for payment of the debts and
other  liabilities of the  Corporation,  and the amounts to which the holders of
preferred or special classes of shares may be entitled,  to share ratably in the
remaining net assets of the Corporation.

         Section 3. Voting Rights of Common Stock.  Except as otherwise provided
by law, every holder of Common Stock of the Corporation  shall have the right at
every shareholders'  meeting to one vote for each share of Common Stock standing
in his name on the books of the Corporation on the date established by the Board
of Directors as the record date for  determination  of shareholders  entitled to
vote at such meeting.

         Section 4. Terms of Preferred  Stock. The Board of Directors shall have
authority  to  determine  and state in the manner  provided  by law the  rights,
preferences,  qualifications,  limitations and  restrictions  (including  voting
rights) of the Preferred Stock. The Preferred Stock may be issued in one or more
series for such an amount of  consideration as may be fixed from time to time by
the Board of  Directors,  and the Board of  Directors  shall have  authority  to
determine  and state in the  manner  provided  by law the  designations  and the
relative  rights,  preferences,  qualifications,  limitations  and  restrictions
(including voting rights) of each series.

         Section 5. Class  Voting.  The holders of the  outstanding  shares of a
class, or of any series thereof, shall not be entitled to vote as a class except
as shall be expressly provided by this Article or by law.


                                   ARTICLE VI


         Section 1.  Number.  The number of  Directors  may from time to time be
fixed by the bylaws of the Corporation at any number not less than three and not
more than twenty-five. In the absence of a bylaw fixing the number of Directors,
the number shall be seven.

         Section 2.  Qualifications.  Directors need not be  shareholders of the
Corporation,   but  shall  have  other  qualifications  as  the  bylaws  of  the
Corporation prescribe.

         Section 3.  Classification.  The bylaws of the  Corporation may provide
that the  Directors  shall be divided  into two or more  classes  whose terms of
office shall expire at different  times,  but no term shall continue longer than
three years.

         Section 4. Removal. Any or all of the members of the Board of Directors
may be  removed,  with or without  cause,  at a meeting of  shareholders  called
expressly  for that purpose by a vote of the holders of a majority of the shares
of the  Corporation  outstanding  and then  entitled  to vote at an  election of

         Section 5. Amendment,  Repeal, etc.  Notwithstanding anything contained
in these Articles of Incorporation to the contrary,  the affirmative vote of the
holders of at least a majority of the shares of the Corporation  outstanding and
then  entitled to vote at an election of Directors,  voting  together and not by
class,  shall  be  required  to  alter,  amend,   repeal,  or  adopt  provisions
inconsistent with, this Article VI of these Articles of Incorporation.

                                   ARTICLE VII


         Section 1.  Actions by a Third Party.  The  corporation  shall,  to the
fullest  extent  to  which  it is  empowered  to do so by the  Indiana  Business
Corporation  Law, or any other  applicable laws, as from time to time in effect,
indemnify  any  person  who is or was a  party,  or is  threatened  to be made a
defendant or respondent, to a proceeding,  including any threatened,  pending or
completed action, suit or proceeding, whether civil, criminal, administrative or
investigative  (other than actions by or in the right of the  corporation),  and
whether  formal or informal,  who is or was a director,  officer,  employee,  or
agent of the corporation or who, while a director,  officer,  employee, or agent
of  the  corporation,  is or  was  serving  at the  corporation's  request  as a
director,  officer, partner,  trustee,  employee, or agent of another foreign or
domestic corporation,  partnership, joint venture, trust, employee benefit plan,
or other enterprise, whether for profit or not, against:


         (a)      any reasonable expenses  (including  attorneys' fees) incurred
                  with  respect  to a  proceeding,  if  such  person  is  wholly
                  successful  on the merits or  otherwise in the defense of such
                  proceeding, or

         (b)      judgments,  settlements,  penalties,  fines (including  excise
                  taxes  assessed  with respect to employee  benefit  plans) and
                  reasonable expenses  (including  attorneys fees) incurred with
                  respect  to a  proceeding  where  such  person  is not  wholly
                  successful  on the merits or  otherwise  in the defense of the
                  proceeding if:

                  (i)      the individual's conduct was in good faith; and

                  (ii)     the individual reasonably believed:

                           (A)      in the case of conduct  in the  individual's
                                    official  capacity as a  director,  officer,
                                    employee or agent of the  corporation,  that
                                    the   individual's   conduct   was   in  the
                                    corporation's best interests; and

                           (B)      in all other  cases,  that the  individual's
                                    conduct  was at  least  not  opposed  to the
                                    corporation's best interests; and

                  (iii)    in  the  case  of  any   criminal   proceeding,   the
                           individual either:

                           (A)      had   reasonable   cause  to   believe   the
                                    individual's conduct was lawful; or

                           (B)      had  no  reasonable  cause  to  believe  the
                                    individual's conduct was unlawful;

except  that the  foregoing  shall not apply to a  director  or  officer  of the
corporation  with respect to a proceeding that was commenced by such director or
officer  prior to a Change in Control (as  defined in Section 9 to this  Article

The termination of a proceeding by a judgment, order, settlement, conviction, or
upon  a  plea  of  nolo   contendere  or  its  equivalent  is  not,  of  itself,
determinative that the director,  officer, or employee did not meet the standard
of conduct described in this section.

         Section  2.  Actions  by  or in  the  Right  of  the  Corporation.  The
corporation  shall,  to the fullest  extent to which it is empowered to do so by
the Indiana Business Corporation Law, or any other applicable laws, as from time
to time in effect,  indemnify any person who is or was a party, or is threatened
to be made a defendant or respondent, to a proceeding, including any threatened,
pending  or  completed  action,  suit or  proceeding,  by or in the right of the
corporation to procure a judgment in its favor,  by reason of the fact that such
person is or was a director,  officer,  employee, or agent of the corporation or
is or was serving at


the  request  of the  corporation  as a  director,  officer,  partner,  trustee,
employee,  or agent of another  foreign or  domestic  corporation,  partnership,
joint venture,  trust,  employee benefit plan, or other enterprise,  whether for
profit or not, against any reasonable expenses (including attorneys' fees):

         (a)      if such person is wholly successful on the merits or otherwise
                  in the defense of such proceeding, or

         (b)      if not wholly successful:

                  (i)      the individual's conduct was in good faith; and

                  (ii)     the individual reasonably believed:

                           (A)      in the case of conduct  in the  individual's
                                    official capacity as a director, officer, or
                                    employee  of  the   corporation,   that  the
                                    individual's     conduct    was    in    the
                                    corporation's best interests; and

                           (B)      in all other  cases,  that the  individual's
                                    conduct  was at  least  not  opposed  to the
                                    corporation's best interests;

except  that the  foregoing  shall not apply to a  director  or  officer  of the
corporation  with respect to a proceeding that was commenced by such director or
officer prior to a Change in Control.

         Section 3. Good Faith Defined.  For purposes of any determination under
Section 1 or 2, a person shall be deemed to have acted in good faith and to have
otherwise  met the  applicable  standard of conduct set forth in such section if
his action is based on information,  opinions, reports, or statements, including
financial  statements and other  financial data, if prepared or presented by (1)
one or more officers or employees of the corporation or another  enterprise whom
he reasonably  believes to be reliable and  competent in the matters  presented;
(2) legal counsel, public accountants, appraisers or other persons as to matters
he  reasonably   believes  are  within  the  person's   professional  or  expert
competence;  or (3) a committee of the board of directors of the  corporation or
another enterprise of which the person is not a member if he reasonably believes
the committee merits confidence.  The term "another  enterprise" as used in this
Section 3 shall mean any other  corporation or any  partnership,  joint venture,
trust,  employee benefit plan or other enterprise of which such person is or was
serving at the  request of the  corporation  as a  director,  officer,  partner,
trustee, employee or agent. The provisions of this Section 3 shall not be deemed
to be exclusive or to limit in any way the  circumstances  in which a person may
be deemed to have met the applicable standards of conduct set forth in Section 1
or 2.

         Section 4. Advancement of Defense  Expenses.  The corporation shall pay
for or  reimburse  the  reasonable  expenses  incurred by a  director,  officer,
employee or agent who is a party to a proceeding  described in Section 1 or 2 of
this Article VII in advance of the final disposition of said proceeding if:


         (a)      the  director,   officer,  employee  or  agent  furnishes  the
                  corporation  a written  affirmation  of his good faith  belief
                  that he has met the standard of conduct described in Section 1
                  or 2; and

         (b)      the  director,   officer,  employee  or  agent  furnishes  the
                  corporation a written  undertaking,  executed personally or on
                  his  behalf,   to  repay  the  advance  if  it  is  ultimately
                  determined that the director,  officer,  employee or agent did
                  not meet the standard of conduct; and

         (c)      a  determination  is made that the facts  then  known to those
                  making the  determination  would not preclude  indemnification
                  under Section 1 or 2.

The  undertaking  required  by  this  Section  4 must  be an  unlimited  general
obligation of the director,  officer,  employee or agent but need not be secured
and may be  accepted  by the  corporation  without  reference  to the  financial
ability of such person to make repayment.

         Section 5.  Non-Exclusiveness  of Indemnification.  The indemnification
and  advancement  of expenses  provided for or authorized by this Article VII do
not exclude any other rights to  indemnification or advancement of expenses that
a person may have under:

         (a)      the corporation's articles of incorporation or bylaws;

         (b)      any  resolution of the board of directors or the  shareholders
                  of the corporation;

         (c)      any other authorization adopted by the shareholders;

         (d)      any director and officer  insurance  policy, or any other type
                  of insurance policy; or

         (e)      otherwise as provided by law, both as to such person's actions
                  in his capacity as a director,  officer,  employee or agent of
                  the  corporation  and as to actions in another  capacity while
                  holding such office.

Such  indemnification  shall  continue  as to a person  who has  ceased  to be a
director,  officer, or employee, and shall inure to the benefit of the heirs and
personal representatives of such person.

         Section 6. Vested Right to Indemnification. The right of any individual
to  indemnification  under this Article VII shall vest at the time of occurrence
or performance of any event, act or omission giving rise to any action,  suit or
proceeding of the nature  referred to in Section 1 or 2 and, once vested,  shall
not later be impaired as a result of any amendment,  repeal, alteration or other
modification  of any or  all  of  these  provisions,  whether  or not  any  such
amendment, repeal, alteration or other modification occurs after


a Change in Control. Notwithstanding the foregoing, the indemnification afforded
under  this  Article  VII  shall be  applicable  to all  alleged  prior  acts or
omissions of any individual seeking indemnification hereunder, regardless of the
fact that such alleged acts or omissions may have occurred prior to the adoption
of this Article VII. To the extent such prior acts or omissions cannot be deemed
to  be  covered  by  this  Article  VII,   the  right  of  any   individual   to
indemnification shall be governed by the indemnification provisions in effect at
the time of such prior acts or omissions.

         Section  7.  Insurance.  The  corporation  may  purchase  and  maintain
insurance  covering  any person who is or was a director,  officer,  employee or
agent  of  the  corporation,  or who is or was  serving  at the  request  of the
corporation  as a  director,  officer,  partner,  trustee,  employee or agent of
another corporation, partnership, joint venture, trust, employee benefit plan or
other  enterprise,  against any  liability  asserted  against or incurred by the
individual  in that  capacity  or  arising  from the  individual's  status  as a
director,  officer, employee or agent, whether or not the corporation would have
power to indemnify the individual  against the same liability under this Article

         Section 8.  Additional  Definitions.  For purposes of this Article VII,
references  to  the   "corporation"   shall  include  any  domestic  or  foreign
predecessor  entity of the corporation in a merger or other transaction in which
the predecessor's existence ceased upon consummation of the transaction.

         For  purposes of this  Article  VII,  "Change in Control"  shall mean a
change in control of the  corporation  of a nature  that would be required to be
reported in response to Item 6(e) (or any  successor  provision) of Schedule 14A
of Regulation 14A (or any amendment or successor provision thereto)  promulgated
under the Securities  Exchange Act of 1934 (the "1934 Act"),  whether or not the
corporation  is then  subject  to such  reporting  requirement;  provided  that,
without limitation, such a change in control shall be deemed to have occurred if
(A) any "person"  (as such term is used in Sections  13(d) and 14(d) of the 1934
Act) is or becomes  the  "beneficial  owner" (as defined in Rule 13d-3 under the
1934 Act), directly or indirectly, of securities of the corporation representing
20% or more of the  voting  power  of all  outstanding  shares  of  stock of the
corporation  entitled to vote generally in an election of directors  without the
prior  approval of at least  two-thirds of the members of the board of directors
in office immediately prior to such acquisition;  (B) the corporation is a party
to any merger or consolidation in which the corporation is not the continuing or
surviving  corporation or pursuant to which shares of the  corporation's  common
stock would be converted into cash,  securities or other property,  other than a
merger of the corporation in which the holders of the corporation's common stock
immediately prior to the merger have the same proportionate  ownership of common
stock of the surviving corporation  immediately after the merger, (C) there is a
sale,  lease,  exchange or other  transfer  (in one  transaction  or a series of
related   transactions)  of  all,  or  substantially  all,  the  assets  of  the
corporation,  or  liquidation  or  dissolution  of  the  corporation;   (D)  the
corporation  is a party to a  merger,  consolidation,  sale of  assets  or other
reorganization,  or a proxy  contest,  as a consequence  of which members of the
board of directors in office immediately prior to such


transaction or event  constitute  less than a majority of the board of directors
thereafter;  or (E) during any period of two consecutive years,  individuals who
at the beginning of such period  constituted  the board of directors  (including
for this purpose any new director  whose  election or nomination for election by
the  shareholders was approved by a vote of at least two-thirds of the directors
then still in office who were  directors at the  beginning of such period) cease
for any reason to constitute at least a majority of the board of directors.

         For purposes of this Article VII,  "serving an employee benefit plan at
the  request of the  corporation"  shall  include  any  service  as a  director,
officer,  employee  or agent of the  corporation  which  imposes  duties  on, or
involves services by, such director, officer, employee, or agent with respect to
an employee benefit plan, its participants, or beneficiaries. A person who acted
in good faith and in a manner he reasonably believed to be in the best interests
of the  participants  and  beneficiaries  of an employee  benefit  plan shall be
deemed  to have  acted in a manner  "not  opposed  to the best  interest  of the
corporation" referred to in this Article VII.

         For purposes of this Article VII,  "official  capacity," when used with
respect to a director, shall mean the office of director of the corporation; and
when used with respect to an  individual  other than a director,  shall mean the
office  in the  corporation  held by the  officer  or the  employment  or agency
relationship  undertaken by the employee or agent on behalf of the  corporation.
"Official  capacity" does not include  service for any other foreign or domestic
corporation or any partnership,  joint venture, trust, employee benefit plan, or
other enterprise, whether for profit or not.

         Section  9.  Payments a Business  Expense.  Any  payments  made to any
indemnified   party  under  this  Article  VII  or  under  any  other  right  to
indemnification shall be deemed to be an ordinary and necessary business expense
of the corporation, and payment thereof shall not subject any person responsible
for the payment, or the board of directors, to any action for corporate waste or
to any similar action.
