Computation of Earnings Per Share on Primary and Fully Diluted Basis Year Ended December 31, 1996 -------------------- Average Shares Outstanding Net income $ 912,953.00 Average number of common shares outstanding 1,316,372.00 Earnings per average shares outstanding (1) $ .69 Primary Net income $ 912,953.00 Average number of common shares outstanding 1,316,372.00 Add incremental shares for stock options 12,672.00 -------------------- Adjusted average shares 1,329,044.00 Primary earnings per share (1) $ .69 Fully Diluted Net income $ 912,953.00 Average number of common shares outstanding 1,316,372.00 Add incremental shares for stock options 7,280.00 ------------------ Adjusted average shares 1,323,652.00 Fully diluted earnings per share (1) $ .69 (1) Due to the immaterial differences, computed before rounding, between primary and fully diluted earnings per share and earnings per average shares outstanding, earnings per average shares outstanding only is reported.