Exhibit 6 -
                              INVESTMENT AGREEMENT

           THIS AGREEMENT MADE THIS 22nd day of March, 1999 by and between NEW
       SKY COMMUNICATIONS, INC., a publicly-traded New York corporation with
       offices at 731 Powers Building, 16 West Main Street, Rochester, New York
       14614 (hereinafter referred to as "New Sky") and MICHAEL CIDONI, STEPHEN
       MORSE and RICHARD HERRERA, d/b/a The Movie Place, with offices at 518
       Benton Street, Rochester, New York (hereinafter referred to individually
       and collectively as "The Movie Place").

           WHEREAS, The Movie Place owns, produces and operates the Internet
       site known as "movieplace.com" and the owners thereof are desirous of New
       Sky investing therein, and New Sky being desirous of making such

           NOW THEREFORE the parties hereto covenant and agree as follows:

           1) New Sky Communications, Inc. agrees to acquire a forty percent
       (40%) interest in the The Movie Place business and the Web site known as
       "movieplace.com" for a purchase price of $25,000.00. The Movie Place
       shall use the proceeds of the investment to promote the Web site,
       purchase equipment and for working capital.

            2) The Movie Place warrants and represents that Mike Cidoni, Stephen
       Morse and Richard Herrera own the entire business known as The Movie
       Place which owns and operates the Web site known as "movieplace.com", and
       that there exist no other encumbrances, liens, or restrictions upon the
       business and the Web site that would affect or impair such investment by
       New Sky in the business or the Web site. The Movie Place further warrants
       and represents that the Web address "movieplace.com" is registered to The
       Movie Place and that the Web site and its content were created by and is
       operated solely by The Movie Place and that, to the best of their
       knowledge, there exist no other claims to the Web address or the creative
       content of the site. The Movie Place further warrants and represents that
       the Movie Place business and the "movieplace.com" Web site are currently
       compliant with the so-called Y2K problem and that such problem will not
       adversely affect the business or the Web site.

            3) That the investment by New Sky is made in material reliance upon

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       documents and the representations made therein, presented to New Sky by
       The Movie Place, specifically the "Movie Place Business Plan" and an
       outline of a budget. New Sky, or its designated agents or
       representatives, shall have the right to examine all of the books and
       records of the business of Movie Place at reasonable times and places.
       The investment by New Sky is also made in material reliance on the
       representation that it is the intention of The Movie Place to incorporate
       as soon as is practicable after the execution of this Agreement. This
       Agreement shall survive and not be merged into such incorporation.

             4) The Movie Place agrees to consult with New Sky, its officers,
       directors and agents regarding business, legal and creative matters
       pertaining to the business of The Movie Place and the "movieplace.com"
       Web site. All partners in the business shall undertake to assist to make
       the business of the Web site a success and shall in no event take any
       action which shall impair, hinder or delay full exploitation of the
       business and the Web site. The primary duty and responsibility of Mike
       Cidoni is and shall remain creation of film-related content of the Web
       site. Stephen Morse's primary duty and responsibility is the technical
       aspects of the Web site. New Sky shall provide business, legal,
       accounting and financial consulting services as requested.

              5) Mike Cidoni hereby agrees to provide exclusive Internet
       film-related content services to the "movieplace.com" Web site for a
       minimum period of one year from the date of this Agreement. Such
       exclusivity shall not include Cidoni's other current Internet activities:
       www.rochestertoday.com, www.moviebuff.com, www.wegmans.com and other
       current radio- and TV-station Internet sites contributed to in connection
       with Cidoni's appearances on their airwaves. Any additional involvement
       of Cidoni in other Internet sites shall be undertaken only upon the
       consent of The Movie Place. At no time, without the prior approval of the
       remaining partners, shall any party hereto disclose the business methods,
       plans or any other informational reasonably deemed to be confidential
       regarding the business of The Movie Place to any third party, unless
       required by legal or regulatory mandate.

               6) No party hereto, nor its officers, directors employees or
       agents, shall be liable for any act or omission performed or omitted in
       good faith. Nothing herein shall place any party in the relationship of
       principal, agent, master and servant, partners, joint venturers or
       employer and employee of any other party and no party shall have the
       authority, express or implied, or represent themselves as having the

                                     Page 29

       authority to make binding contracts for the other or to bind or obligate
       the other in any way. No party hereto shall assume any liabilities of any
       other party and each party agrees to indemnify and hold the other
       parties, its officers, directors, employees and agents harmless from any
       manner of claim, action, or liability past, present or future not
       directly related to this Agreement.

              7) This Agreement shall be construed under the laws of the State
       of New York. Should there be any dispute between the parties concerning
       the interpretation of this Agreement or concerning an alleged breach,
       which the parties are unable to resolve after consultation with each
       other, such dispute shall be decided by arbitration pursuant to the
       regulations and procedures of the American Arbitration Association at
       Syracuse, New York. The parties agree that any award rendered by the
       American Arbitration Association may be entered in the Supreme Court of
       New York. In no event, shall any party seek injunctive relief or take any
       action which may impair, hinder or delay the production and full
       exploitation of the "movieplace.com" Web site or any of its ancillary

              8) The Movie Place shall maintain books and records of account in
       accordance with generally accepted accounting principles and shall,
       within 120 days following the end of its fiscal year, render a statement
       of financial condition and profit and loss. New Sky shall have the right
       to audit the books and records of The Movie Place, upon reasonable
       notice, but not more often than once a year.

             9) This Agreement may not be assigned without the written
       permission of the other party.

            10) This Agreement may be amended in writing only and shall be
       binding upon and inure to the benefit of the successors and assigns of
       the parties.

                                          NEW SKY COMMUNICATIONS, INC.


                                          By: -----------------------------

                                                     Stephen Morse

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                                                     Michael Cidoni

                                                    Richard Herrera

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