{LOGO}[GRAPHIC OMITTED][GRAPHIC OMITTED]

                                   ITOUCH PLC

                                     - AND -

                                   m-WISE INC


                             AGREEMENT FOR SUPPLY OF
                          SOFTWARE AND RELATED SERVICES



        AGREEMENT - between iTouch Plc and m-Wise Inc

        SCHEDULE 1 - Specification

        SCHEDULE 2 - Recommended Platform and Access / Facilities / Information

        SCHEDULE 3 - Documentation

        SCHEDULE 4 - Acceptance Tests

        SCHEDULE 5 - Training

        SCHEDULE 6 - Project Managers

        SCHEDULE 7 - Financial

        SCHEDULE 8 - Additional Development/Customisations

        SCHEDULE 9 - Service Level Agreement

        SCHEDULE 10 - Change Form

        SCHEDULE 11 - Publicity

        SCHEDULE 12 - Escrow Agreement

        SCHEDULE 13 - Support Agreement

THIS AGREEMENT is made on  October 14,                        2002


(1)      ITOUCH PLC, a company registered in England under number 3911278, whose
         registered office is situated at 4th Floor, The Tower Building, 11 York
         Road, London, SE1 7NX ("iTouch")

(2)      M-WISE INC having an office at 2711 Centerville Road, Suite 400, New
         Castle County, Wilmington, Delaware 19808, USA ("m-Wise") together with
         its Group subsidiaries.


(A)      iTouch offers a content provision service to its customers for use on a
         variety of platforms including, without limitation, the Internet, IVR,
         mobile networks and other distribution platforms.

(B)      m-Wise develops and enables the use of applications over mobile
         telephone networks.

(C)      Pursuant to an agreement dated 12 March 2002 ("ASP Agreement"), m-Wise
         is providing to iTouch use of certain software and applications
         proprietary to m-Wise in return for monthly payments.

(D)      The parties have agreed that m-Wise will customise such software for
         iTouch and supply such customised software and applications and certain
         ancillary services to iTouch, all subject to the terms and conditions
         of this Agreement.



         In this Agreement the following words and phrases shall, unless the
         context otherwise requires, have the following meanings:

         "Acceptance"          acceptance of the Licensed Software in accordance
                               with Clause 4;

         "Acceptance           Tests" tests complying with the requirements of
                               Schedule 4 for testing conformity of the Licensed
                               Software with the Specification in Schedule 1;

         "Applications"        m-Wise's software applications listed in Schedule
                               1(3) at column 3  titled `Application', for use
                               in conjunction with the MOMA Platform;

         "ASP Agreement"       see above paragraph C Application Service

         "Connector"           JMS (java messeging services), TIBCO, IBM MQ

         "Documentation"       documentation pertaining to the Licensed Software
                               and related processes/procedures including all
                               updates and revisions and complying with the
                               requirements set out in Schedule 3;

         Engine                generic application enabling the configuration of
         "Hardware"            services as set out in Schedule 2(1) (Recommended
                               Platform and Access / Facilities / Information);

         "Installation"        the completion of integration of the Licensed
                               Software on the  Recommended  Platform
                               more fully described in  Schedule 1(5);

         "iTouch Group"        iTouch and any company directly or indirectly
                               controlling, controlled by iTouch

         "Licensed Software"   the MOMA Platform and the Applications
                               conforming to the Specification including all
                               additional developments and customisations as set
                               out in Schedule 8, all updates and revisions and
                               for the purposes of Clauses 5 (Licence) and 12
                               (Escrow) includes the MOMA Platform, the
                               Applications and all additional developments and
                               customisations as set out in Schedule 8, as they
                               may from time to time be altered or added to and
                               does not have less functionality than previous

         "MOMA Platform"       m-Wise's proprietary software identified as such
                               in Schedule 1 (MOMA V 7.0 Specification);


         "Recommended          Hardware and software conforming with the
         Platform"             description in Schedule 2 (m-Wise Recommended
                               Platform and Access/Facilities/Information); and
                               for the purposes of Clause 5 (Licence) includes
                               such hardware and Software as it may from time to
                               time be altered or added to or replaced;

         "Services"            the services to be provided by m-Wise
                               under this Agreement, including without
                               limitation all customisation,
                               Installation, training services and
                               support during the Warranty Period set
                               out in Clause 14.1.2;

         "Site"                the premises occupied or used by iTouch
                               at TeleCity, 8/9 Harbour Exchange, Isle
                               of Dogs, London, E14 9GE or any other
                               location in the UK or as specified by

         "Specification"       the specification and other  requirements
                               pertaining to the Licensed Software set out in
                               Schedule 1;

         "SMS Location         a third party application to be purchased at a
         Based Application"    later date by iTouch and integrated into the MOMA
                               Platform by m-Wise as set out in Schedule 1

         "Translator           A third party application to be supplied and
         Application"          integrated into the MOMA Platform by m-Wise as
                               set out in Schedule 1 (2)(c).


         On and subject to the terms and conditions of this Agreement m-Wise

2.1      Confirm by way of authorised signature m-Wise's approval and
         recommendation of the Hardware described in Schedule 2 (Recommended
         Platform and Access/Facilities/Information) as being sufficiently
         adequate for the purposes of this Agreement.

2.2      Customise the MOMA Platform so that it conforms to the Specification
         and carry out the additional technical changes and requirements as set
         out in Schedule 1 (Specification) and all additional developments and
         customisations as set out in Schedule 8 (Additional

2.3      Deliver the Licensed  Software to the Site and install the Licensed
         Software on the Recommended Platform at the Site.

2.4      Supply to iTouch all Documentation set out in Schedule 3

2.5      Supply to iTouch the training services detailed in Schedule 5

2.6      Ensure that all platforms, applications and services are functioning
         correctly before commissioning.

2.7      Ensure that all personnel attending the Site or training location as
         set out in Schedule 5 (Training) comply with the applicable health and
         safety regulations or any other reasonable requests as dictated by
         iTouch at such location.
2.8      Carry out its maintenance obligations set out in the maintenance
         agreement of even date

2.9      Ensure that all engines which support existing applications are
         included in the Licensed Software and all upgrades will be made
         available within the cost of the maintenance agreement. For avoidance
         of doubt all newly developed engines may be offered to iTouch at a
         price to be agreed.


         On and subject to the terms and conditions of this Agreement iTouch

3.1      Use all reasonable endeavours to provide the Hardware at the Site ready
         for Installation of the Licensed Software.

3.2      Provide the access/facilities/information etc stated in Schedule 2
         (Recommended Platform and Access/Facilities/Information) to be provided
         by iTouch.

3.3      Pay to m-Wise in accordance with this Agreement sums becoming due to
         m-Wise under this Agreement.


4.1      m-Wise shall submit to iTouch test scripts and data complying with the
         requirements of Schedule 4 (Acceptance and Testing) and being suitable
         to comprehensively test conformity of the Licensed Software to the


4.2      m-Wise shall rectify any deficiencies in such test scripts and/or test
         data drawn to its attention by iTouch in accordance with the Service
         Level Agreement at Schedule 9. iTouch may use such test scripts and
         data and such other tests as it thinks appropriate, to test the
         Licensed Software.

4.3      m-Wise agrees that it shall not submit the Licensed Software to iTouch

4.3.1    m-Wise is satisfied, from previous testing that the Licensed Software
         should pass the Acceptance Test;

4.3.2    the Licensed Software passed all preliminary and stage test as defined
         in the test specification; and

4.3.3    the Licensed Software meets the requirements of this Agreement.

4.4      iTouch shall use its reasonable endeavours to carry out the Acceptance
         Tests within 14 (fourteen) working days of Installation of the Licensed
         Software or, later if receipt of test scripts and data conforming to
         the requirements of Clause 4.1 is delayed. iTouch shall give m-Wise not
         less than 3 (three) days notice of the date and time at which it will
         carry out the Acceptance Tests at the Site, and m-Wise shall be
         entitled to have one or more of its representatives attend the
         Acceptance Tests at m-Wise's cost.

4.5      When Acceptance Test has been passed satisfactorily in accordance with
         Schedule 4 (Acceptance Test), a written notification will confirm this
         subject to any deficiencies stated in the written notice of acceptance.

4.6      If the Licensed Software fails any Acceptance Tests then m-Wise shall
         forthwith free of charge implement such modifications to the Licensed
         Software as are required to rectify the deficiencies identified in the
         carrying out of the Acceptance Tests, and the Acceptance Tests will be
         repeated as above.

4.7      Subject to Clause 4.8, the Acceptance Tests shall be repeated as above
         until Acceptance is achieved.

4.8      After the first occasion that the Acceptance Tests are repeated if
         Acceptance is not achieved, then iTouch may at its own option, instead
         of requiring m-Wise to make modifications in accordance with Clause 4.6
         above, accept (in whole or in part) the Acceptance tests.

4.9      If after 2 (two) subsequent occasions the Licensed Software continues
         to fail the Acceptance Test then iTouch shall be entitled to the refund
         and all rights as set out in Clause 20.3 (Consequences of Termination)
         of this Agreement and shall give notice to m-Wise terminating this
         Agreement with immediate effect.

4.10     m-Wise shall make good and rectify any errors or defects in the
         Licensed Software in accordance with Schedule 9 (Service Level
         Agreement) and implement such modifications to the Licensed Software as
         is required to rectify the deficiencies free of charge within 90
         (ninety) days following final payment from iTouch. During the warranty
         period iTouch may receive a full refund according to clause 20.3 and
         cancel the contract if m-Wise is unable to rectify any material defect
         without prejudice to its other rights and remedies.

4.11     To remove any and all doubt: it is iTouch's responsibility to provide
         SMS connectivity and access to the site for the UK operators and to
         re-route its short numbers currently operating at the ASP environment.
         Delays in this process will not be considered as a reason to delay

5.       LICENCE

5.1      m-Wise hereby grants to the iTouch Group a non-exclusive licence to use
         the Licensed Software subject to the terms and conditions of this

5.2      Such licence:

         5.2.1    is perpetual and irrevocable.

         5.2.3    is for production use of the Licensed Software only on the
                  Recommended Platform (whether at the Site or elsewhere) and,
                  for fail-over/backup, development, testing and staging
                  purposes and an off-site fail over platform. The installation
                  of the off site fail-over platform will be charged at a rate
                  to be agreed. If support for the off site fail-over platform
                  is required the parties will negotiate in good faith to agree
                  a fee. Any other environment - including an off-site fail over
                  platform - will incur an additional fee for Installation
                  assistance on no less favourable terms to iTouch as set out
                  herein. Any maintenance agreement supporting the Licensed
                  Software shall also support the fail-over platform in the
                  event that it is activated due to the failure of the main

         5.2.4    entitles use of only one production instance of the MOMA
                  Platform at a time (plus fail-over/backup Installations as
                  above) but an unlimited number of simultaneous production
                  instances of the Applications.


         5.2.5    entitles the iTouch Group from time to time to further develop
                  and test the Licensed Software without restriction, and for
                  this purpose to install the Licensed Software on such
                  additional non-production platforms as it may from time to
                  time decide. Any additional development and testing outside of
                  the iTouch Group shall be subject to m-Wise's prior written
                  consent, which shall not be unreasonably withheld or delayed.

         5.2.6    entitles the iTouch Group to use the Licensed Software by its
                  employees, agents, consultants and sub-contractors, and to
                  permit iTouch's customers and others to use it as reasonably
                  necessary for the purposes of the iTouch Group providing
                  services of a kind for which the Licensed Software is designed
                  to be used.

5.3      The iTouch Group may use and reproduce, and permit use and reproduction
         of the Documentation as reasonably necessary or desirable for exercise
         of the rights granted in Clauses 5.1 and 5.2 but any such use and
         reproduction outside of the iTouch Group or disclosure of Documentation
         other than in Clause 18.2.5 shall be subject to the prior written
         consent of m-Wise which consent shall not be unreasonably withheld or

6.       PERSONNEL

6.1      iTouch and m-Wise have each nominated a project manager, as stated in
         Schedule 6 (Project Managers), who shall be responsible for ensuring
         appropriate liaison and co-operation between the parties in relation to
         performance of this Agreement. Each party shall promptly inform the
         other of any change in the identity of its project manager.

6.2      All communications between the parties in relation to this Agreement
         shall be between the parties' respective project managers, or as the
         project managers may otherwise decide.

6.3      m-Wise warrants that the Services shall be performed by an appropriate
         number of suitably qualified and competent personnel who shall carry
         out their work with due diligence, care and skill in accordance with
         best practice in the IT industry and in all respects in accordance with
         the requirements of Schedule 9 (Service Level Agreement). m-Wise shall
         ensure continuity of staff, but shall take appropriate and prompt
         action, which may include the replacement of a particular individual,
         where iTouch in writing expresses any genuine concerns about such
         individual to m-Wise in relation to (without limitation) any
         misconduct, gross negligence or recklessness by such individual in the
         performance of their duties.



         Progress meetings shall take place fortnightly (or more frequently as
         required) at venues to be agreed or by conference call as appropriate.
         These meetings shall without limitations include a report by m-Wise of
         progress against the plans that have been produced for the performance
         of the Services and any changes to key personnel.


         During the agreement in accordance with the following m-Wise shall:

         7.2.1    The review process m-Wise will maintain regular contact (at
                  minimum monthly) with iTouch in order to review: (a) the
                  current requirements and future trends; (b) the performance of
                  the service being provided; (c) the effectiveness of the
                  Service Level Agreement; and (d) changes in m-Wise's
                  departmental or process re-organisation.

         7.2.2    Support Service review meeting

                  A service review meeting will be held quarterly, to audit the
                  levels of service being provided according to the criteria
                  defined herein. The parties shall agree on the type of meeting
                  to be set up prior to the meeting.

         7.2.3    Customer quality reviews
                  m-Wise will set up ongoing dialogue with iTouch for continuous
                  monitoring of customer satisfaction levels.


8.1      iTouch may at any time in writing by means of the Change Form in
         Schedule 10 submit to m-Wise a request for variations to the
         Specification and/or the Services and/or any other matter in relation
         to this Agreement. m-Wise shall promptly respond to any such request,
         and iTouch shall provide to m-Wise such further particulars in relation
         to its request as m-Wise may reasonably require.


8.2      Within 7 (seven) days of receiving such request or, if later, such
         further particulars, m-Wise shall inform iTouch in writing whether the
         modification is technically feasible and shall inform iTouch of the
         necessary alterations (if any) to sums payable under this Agreement
         that it shall reasonably judge necessary to accommodate such

8.3      iTouch may in its absolute discretion decide to proceed or not to
         proceed with such modification. If it elects to proceed with it, then
         m-Wise shall comply. If it elects not to proceed with it, then m-Wise
         shall continue to perform this Agreement without such modification.

8.4      m-Wise will ensure that within every 6 (six) months the MOMA Platform
         is reviewed and upgraded at least once in that 6 (six) month's period.


9.1      Without prejudice to any other right or remedy available to iTouch
         under this Agreement or at law, if Acceptance of the Licensed Software
         is not achieved on or before the date specified by which Acceptance is
         to be achieved then:

         9.1.1    a) the iTouch Group shall at its choice be entitled to
                  continue to use, free of charge but otherwise on the terms and
                  conditions of the ASP Agreement, the Licensed Software and
                  services provided under the ASP Agreement, until December 2003
                  or until Acceptance is achieved whichever is the sooner ,

         9.1.2    b) any delay in Installation resulting from the sole fault of
                  iTouch or third parties appointed by iTouch - including but
                  not limited to mobile operators, fixed lines suppliers,
                  hardware suppliers and service providers - shall incur a pro
                  rata fee share of the sum of (pound)15,000 per calendar month
                  for the continued use of the m-Wise ASP platform under the
                  existing terms of the ASP agreement ;The sum of (pound)15,000
                  shall be reviewed by the parties after a period of 6 months
                  has expired or

         9.1.2    in addition to 9.1.1 above after one month of delayed
                  Acceptance if and to the extent that the delay in achieving
                  Acceptance is not due to the sole default by iTouch, m-Wise
                  shall pay to iTouch by way of liquidated damages the sum
                  of(pound)1,000 (one thousand ) per day commencing on the day
                  after the due date for Installation stated in the Schedule
                  1(5), until Acceptance is achieved. Such payment shall be
                  without prejudice to m-Wise's obligation to ensure Acceptance
                  is achieved as soon thereafter as shall be reasonably
                  possible. m-Wise acknowledges that the liquidated damages
                  provided for this Clause represents a genuine pre-estimate of
                  the loss that iTouch would suffer as a result of delayed
                  Acceptance, and are fair and reasonable in all the

9.2      If, ignoring any delay in achieving Acceptance that is due to default
         by iTouch as defined in 9.1.1, Acceptance is not achieved within 30
         (thirty) days after the date stated by which Acceptance is to be
         achieved for the Licensed Software, then iTouch shall be entitled to
         the refund and all rights as set out in Clause 20.3 (Consequences of
         Termination) of this Agreement and shall give notice to m-Wise
         terminating this Agreement with immediate effect.


10.1     The ASP Agreement shall continue in full force and effect until such
         time as Acceptance is achieved and iTouch Group has made its commercial
         launch into production use of the Licensed Software supplied to it
         under this Agreement. At such time the ASP Agreement shall
         automatically terminate, without prejudice to the accrued rights of
         either party under it, and save that Clause 4.8 and any other clause
         stated therein as surviving termination of the ASP Agreement shall
         remain in force.

10.2     The financial provisions of the ASP Agreement shall however be varied
         as stated in Schedule 7 (Financial), and shall also be subject to
         Clause 9.1 above.


11.1     At the same time as signing this Agreement, the parties shall sign a
         maintenance and support agreement in the form at Schedule 13 (Support

12.      ESCROW

12.1     Source Code Deposit - At the same time as signing this Agreement,
         m-Wise shall sign an escrow agreement in the form set out in Schedule
         12 (Escrow Agreement).

12.2     m-Wise shall forthwith following Acceptance deposit the up to date
         source code of the Licensed Software, in accordance with the provisions
         of such Escrow Agreement.

12.3     iTouch will pay all fees in connection with the escrow agreement on


13.      FINANCIAL

13.1     In consideration of the due and punctual performance by m-Wise of its
         obligations under this Agreement, iTouch shall pay to m-Wise the sums
         stated in Schedule 7 (Financial). Save as expressly otherwise stated in
         such Schedule, such sums are all-inclusive and m-Wise shall not be
         entitled to charge iTouch any other sum.

13.2     iTouch shall make the payments due to m-Wise when they become due in
         accordance with Schedule 7 (Financial).

13.3     Except as otherwise expressly stated in Schedule 7, (Financial) all
         sums due to m-Wise under this Agreement exclude VAT, which iTouch shall
         pay in addition at the rate from time to time required by law, and
         provided that in respect of each payment m-Wise shall submit to iTouch
         a valid and accurate VAT invoice.

14.      WARRANTY

 14.1    m-Wise represents and warrants that:

         14.1.1   it has the right and power to grant to iTouch the rights and
                  licences granted under this Agreement.

         14.1.2   for the period of 90 (ninety) days from the date of final
                  payment of the Licensed Software by iTouch( "Warranty Period")
                  that, the media on which such software is furnished and the
                  Licensed Software itself shall be free from material defaults,
                  faulty design and workmanship supplied by m-Wise or neglect on
                  the part of-Wise and that the Licensed Software shall possess
                  all material functions and features set forth in the

         14.1.3   although it cannot guarantee that the Licensed Software will
                  be error free m-Wise will use best endeavours to ensure that
                  the Licensed Software is free from viruses or electronic
                  repossession. For the purposes of this clause `viruses' shall
                  include `logic-bombs' and `Trojan horses' as the same may be
                  generally understood within the computing industry from time
                  to time and `electronic repossession' which shall mean any
                  function in the Licensed Software which prevents iTouch from
                  continuing to use the Licensed Software.

         14.1.4   the Licensed Software and all amendments or additions thereto
                  supplied by m-Wise pursuant to this Agreement will be of
                  satisfactory quality, fit for their purpose and conform to the
                  Specification as set out in Schedule 1 (Specification)

         14.1.5   Performance Guarantee

                  The MOMA configuration provided to ITouch1 is guaranteed to
                  meet at least the following benchmarks:

                  ---------- ----------------------------------------------- --------------------- -------- ---------
                  Benchmark     Description                                        Msg/sec         With     Open
                                                                                  (Msg/hour)        DLR    session
                  ---------- ----------------------------------------------- --------------------- -------- ---------
                        A       MT push without delivery reports, and                100             No        No
                                without sessions (e.g. alert without DLR)         (360,000)
                  ---------- ----------------------------------------------- --------------------- -------- ---------
                        B       MT push with delivery reports, and with               80             Yes       No
                                sessions (e.g. alert)                             (288,000)
                  ---------- ----------------------------------------------- --------------------- -------- ---------
                        C       MO + MT handling with delivery reports           20 MO + 20 MT       Yes      Yes
                                with sessions  (static response)               (72,000 + 72,000)
                                simulating an interactive medium
                                capacity game
                  ---------- ----------------------------------------------- --------------------- -------- ---------

                  o        The numbers provided are estimation based on
                           benchmarks performed with non-similar configurations.

                  o        Increasing the number of application servers or their
                           strength (number of CPUs, and/or amount of memory)
                           will increase the capacity accordingly.

                  o        Increasing the strength (number of CPUs, and/or
                           amount of memory) of the database will increase the
                           capacity accordingly.

                  o        In order for m-wise to demonstrate the above
                           benchmarks to ITouch, ITouch gateway must be able to
                           generate (MOs) or handle (MTs) at the above rates.

                  o        M-wise cannot provide the exact metrics for the
                           scaling up that will result from adding additional
                           application servers, or increasing the performance of
                           the database unless it benchmarks the exact
                           configuration. But from m-Wise's experience, it will
                           be reasonable to assume that adding an additional
                           application server (to the existing three) will add
                           at least 20% increase in the performance.

- -----------------
(1) The MOMA platform to be provided by m-wise for ITouch consists of (among
other hardware and software items) three application servers (1 x Pentium
1.3Ghertz), and one database machine (2 x Xeon Pentium IV).

SMSC connectivity will be implemented using ITouch SMSC gateway, via m-wise
SMSCI level API.


                  In the current configuration as per schedule 1, iTouch has 1
                  API server, which supports at least incoming 20 MO and 20 MT
                  outgoing transactions per second (Web, WAP & IVR interface
                  through the API) or 40 MT per second. Should iTouch need to
                  increase this capacity, an additional API Server can be added
                  which will add at least 30% to the performance guaranteed

         14.1.6   the Documentation as set out in Schedule 3 (Documentation) and
                  all amendments thereto will be of satisfactory quality, fit
                  for its purpose and such as to enable any reasonably competent
                  IT professional to provide first line maintenance and support
                  for the Licensed Software.

         14.1.7   the authorised possession and use as set out herein by iTouch
                  Group of those parts of the Licensed Software and/or
                  Documentation pursuant to this Agreement will not infringe or
                  violate the patent, trade mark, copyright or other right of
                  any person.

         14.1.8   Forthwith following receipt of any notice of any breach of any
                  of the warranties herein, m-Wise shall free of charge and at
                  its sole cost take such steps as are required in order to
                  remedy the breach. Further, m-Wise shall defend, indemnify and
                  hold harmless iTouch from and against all losses, costs,
                  claims and expenses whatsoever arising out of or in connection
                  with any breach resulting from iTouch Group's authorised
                  possession and use as set out herein.

14.2     iTouch represents and warrants that:

         14.2.1   Except as otherwise permitted herein or by law it will not
                  copy, adapt, analyze, decompile, disassemble, reverse
                  engineer, modify, translate (or the like) the Licensed
                  Software and/or the Documentation.

         14.2.2   It will ensure that all copyright and other proprietary rights
                  notices of m-Wise on or in the Licensed Software, the
                  Documentation or the media on which they are stored are
                  preserved, subject to the requirements in the Specification
                  concerning the m-Wise and iTouch logos.

         14.2.3   It will only use the Licensed Software for lawful purposes.

14.3     Any tampering with or modification of the Licensed Software and/or the
         Documentation without m-Wise's prior written consent or as otherwise
         permitted herein will invalidate the warranty pertaining to that
         particular breach.


15.1     All intellectual property rights belonging to a party shall remain with
         that party and nothing in this Agreement shall transfer ownership or
         any aspect of ownership of the other party's intellectual property
         rights to the other party.

15.2     Title to the Licensed Software and the Documentation, including all
         translations, compilations, derivative works and copies thereof are and
         shall remain with m-Wise or its third party suppliers.

15.2     Any modifications, corrections or enhancements, and any related
         materials and documentation (and all proprietary rights in the Licensed
         Software and Documentation, including, but not limited to, copyrights)
         to the Licensed Software and the Documentation, no matter by whom made
         shall belong exclusively to m-Wise or its third party suppliers.


16.1     m-Wise will indemnify iTouch against any cost, liability and expense
         (including reasonable counsel fees) sustained by it in connection with
         any claim, suit or proceeding brought by any third party claiming that
         the Licensed Software infringes any patent, copyright or trademark of
         any third party; provided however, that iTouch shall:

         16.1.1   give m-Wise prompt written notice of any such claim, suit or

         16.1.2   have granted m-Wise exclusive control over the defence and/or
                  settlement of any such claim, suit or proceeding;

         16.1.3   have made no compromising admission, offer to settle or the
                  like in the context of any such claim, suit or proceeding; and

         16.1.4   will cooperate with m-Wise in relation to any such claim, suit
                  or proceeding by way of, inter alia, the provision of
                  assistance (including availability of appropriate personnel of
                  iTouch), information and authority necessary to perform the
                  above at m-Wise's cost.


16.2     If a claim for infringement as aforesaid is brought, or m-Wise in good
         faith determines that a claim of infringement is likely, m-Wise will
         notify iTouch and at iTouch's sole discretion but at m-Wise sole cost,

         16.2.1   procure for iTouch the right to continue exercising its rights
                  under the licence granted by this Agreement; or

         16.2.2   modify the Licensed Software so that there will no longer be
                  an infringement or misappropriation; or

         16.2.3   terminate the licence granted by this Agreement and all use of
                  the Licensed Software by iTouch and refund to iTouch all sums
                  paid under this Agreement without prejudice to any other
                  claims of damages.

16.3     m-Wise has no obligations for any claim of infringement arising from:

         16.3.1   m-Wise's compliance with iTouch's designs, specifications or
                  instructions not approved by m-Wise;

         16.3.2   m-Wise's use of technical information or technology provided
                  by iTouch and not approved by m-Wise;

         16.3.3   any modifications to the Licensed Software and/or
                  Documentation by iTouch or a third party authorised by iTouch
                  which is not permitted herein or with the prior written
                  consent of m-Wise; and

         16.3.4   use of Licensed Software with any products not supplied or
                  recommended or authorised by m-Wise.

16.4     iTouch shall indemnify m-Wise against any cost, liability and expense
         (including reasonable counsel fees) sustained by it in connection with
         any claim, suit or proceeding brought by any third party claiming that
         the Licensed Software infringes any patent, copyright or trademark of
         any third party where such breach resulted from iTouch Group's use
         otherwise than as permitted herein.


17.1     Excluding Clauses 16.1, 17.3 and 20.3, each parties' maximum aggregate
         liability for all claims arising under this Agreement shall be limited
         to twice the fees paid by iTouch to m-Wise and in particular without
         prejudice to the generality of the foregoing, neither party shall have
         any liability by reason of any implied warranty, condition or other
         term or duty under statute or at common law.

17.2     Without limiting the foregoing and subject to Clause 17.3 neither party
         shall be liable to the other for any indirect or consequential loss of
         profits, financial loss, loss of data or for any consequential loss or
         damage arising out of any use or inability to use the Licensed Software
         and/or Documentation whether in contract or tort or whether or not such
         losses were within the contemplation of the parties at the date of this

17.3     Nothing in this Agreement shall exclude or limit the liability of
         either party for death or personal injury arising as a result of the
         other party's negligence or for any loss or damage from fraudulent
         misrepresentation or for breach of any third party's intellectual
         property rights or the wilful insertion of the Licensed Software of a
         logic bomb in breach of clause 14.1.3.


18.1     Each party agrees to maintain secret and confidential all information
         of a technical or commercially sensitive nature obtained from the other
         both pursuant to this Agreement and prior to and in contemplation of it
         and all other information that it may acquire from the other in the
         course of this Agreement, to use such information exclusively for the
         purposes of this Agreement or exercise of the rights granted under this
         Agreement, and to disclose the same only to those of its employees,
         agents, contractors and sub-contractors pursuant to this Agreement (if
         any) to whom and to the extent that such disclosure is reasonably
         necessary for the purposes of this Agreement or exercise of the rights
         granted under this Agreement.

18.2     Clause 18.1 shall not apply to information which:

         18.2.1   prior to receipt thereof from one party was in the possession
                  of the other and at its free disposal; or

         18.2.2   is subsequently disclosed to the recipient party without any
                  obligations of confidence by a third party who has not derived
                  it directly or indirectly from the other; or

         18.2.3   is or becomes generally available to the public through no act
                  or default of the recipient party or its employees, agents,
                  contractors or sub-contractors; or

         18.2.4   is required by law or a court or other competent authority to
                  be disclosed; provided that in such case the recipient party
                  shall promptly notify the other party in writing and in such
                  detail as the other party may reasonably require of such
                  requirement for disclosure and shall assist that other party
                  in any lawful efforts to prevent or limit the disclosure; or


         18.2.5   is considered `non-confidential' Documents as so described in
                  Schedule 3(2) column B (Documents); or

         18.2.6   is developed independently without reference to the
                  confidential information of the disclosing party.

18.3     Each party shall procure that all its employees, agents, contractors
         and sub-contractors pursuant to this Agreement (if any) who have access
         to any information of the other to which the obligations of Clause 18.1
         apply shall treat such information in a manner that is consistent with
         this Clause 18.

18.4     This Clause 18 shall survive any termination or expiry of this
         Agreement and shall continue in force for a period of 5 (five) years
         following Acceptance or earlier termination of this Agreement.


19.1     In addition to the other termination provisions as set out herein
         either party may terminate this Agreement by written notice to the
         other having immediate effect if:

         19.1.1   the other commits a material breach of the terms of this
                  Agreement which is incapable of remedy or commits a persistent
                  breach; and/or

         19.1.2   the other commits a material breach of this Agreement which is
                  capable of remedy and, having received from the other written
                  notice of such breach stating the intention to terminate this
                  Agreement if the breach is not remedied, fails to remedy the
                  breach within 14 (fourteen) days; and/or

         19.1.3   the other ceases to carry on its business or has a liquidator,
                  receiver or administrative receiver appointed to it or over
                  any part of its undertaking or assets or passes a resolution
                  for its winding up (otherwise than for the purpose of a bona
                  fide scheme of solvent amalgamation or reconstruction where
                  the resulting entity shall assume all of the liabilities of
                  it) or a court of competent jurisdiction makes an
                  administration order or liquidation order or similar order, or
                  that other party enters into any voluntary arrangement with
                  its creditors or is unable to pay its debts as they fall due;

         19.1.4   any event occurs in relation to the other party, which is
                  analogous under a foreign jurisdiction to any of the events,
                  listed in Clause 19.1.3.

19.2     The right to terminate under this Clause 19 or any other provision of
         this Agreement shall be without prejudice to any other right or remedy
         under this Agreement or at law.


20.1     Termination of this Agreement shall be without prejudice to any accrued
         right of either party under this Agreement, and Clauses 9 (Late
         Completion), 10 (ASP Agreement), 12 (Escrow), 14 (Warranty), 18
         (Confidentiality), 30 (Further Assurance) and this Clause 20 shall
         survive any termination of this Agreement.

20.2     Provided that this Agreement is not terminated by iTouch in accordance
         with Clause 4.9 (Testing and Acceptance) or Clause 19.1 (Termination),
         then Clauses 5 (Licence) and 12 (Escrow) shall also survive termination
         of this Agreement, and all rights granted to the iTouch Group in this
         Agreement shall continue in full force and effect.

20.3     If this Agreement is terminated by iTouch in accordance with Clause 4.9
         (Testing and Acceptance) or Clause 19.1 (Termination) or m-Wise is in
         breach of Clause 11.5 (Support Services) then without prejudice to any
         other right or remedy available under this Agreement or at law, m-Wise
         shall forthwith repay to iTouch all sums paid by iTouch under this
         Agreement less (pound)36,500.00 or (at iTouch's sole option) in respect
         of any part of this Agreement to be performed; and to recover from
         m-Wise all losses and expenses (including, without limitation) the
         reasonably foreseeable and direct additional costs necessarily and
         solely incurred in completing m-Wise's obligations herein, or have the
         Licensed Software completed by another software supplier , to a similar
         standard or the costs of enforcing any right to payment of any sums due
         or other remedy under this Agreement.


21.1     If either party to this Agreement is prevented or delayed in the
         performance of any of its obligations under this Agreement by force
         majeure, and if such party gives written notice thereof to the other
         party specifying the matters constituting force majeure, together with
         such evidence as it reasonably can give and specifying the period for
         which it is estimated that such prevention or delay will continue then
         the party in question shall be excused the performance or the punctual
         performance as the case may be as from the date of such notice for so
         long as such cause of prevention or delay shall continue for a period
         of 14 (fourteen) days only and the party so affected by force majeure
         shall use all reasonable endeavours to resume performance of this
         Agreement as soon as it can or the other party not in default may
         terminate this Agreement forthwith following expiry of the 14
         (fourteen) day period above and iTouch shall reserve the right in its
         sole discretion to activate the escrow arrangement set out in Clause 12
         (Escrow) above without prejudice.


21.2     For the purpose of this Agreement "force majeure" shall be deemed to be
         any cause affecting the performance of this Agreement arising from or
         attributable to acts, events, omissions or accidents beyond the
         reasonable control of the party to perform, including without
         limitation acts of God, acts of the public, enemy, decrees or
         restraints by governmental authorities, strikes, war, riots,
         insurrections and civil commotion.


22.1     Any dispute arising out of or in connection with this Agreement will be
         referred at first instance to each party's representative. In the event
         that the dispute cannot be resolved between the parties within 14
         (fourteen) days the matter will be referred to management at the level
         immediately above the representative of both parties. Should the
         parties still fail to resolve the dispute within 30 (thirty) days the
         party alleging the dispute will refer the matter to the President of
         the Institute of Chartered Accountant in England and Wales. The
         Independent Accountant so appointed shall act as an expert and not as
         an arbitrator and his decision shall be final and binding on the

22.2     The Expert shall determine who shall pay his/her costs. Any amount
         payable in accordance with the Expert's decision shall be paid within
         14 (fourteen) days of the decision being notified in writing.

23.      PUBLICITY

23.1     Neither party may issue any press release or make any public statement
         about the terms of their relationship or about m-Wise's provision of
         any Licensed Software or Services to iTouch except as may otherwise be
         agreed in writing between the parties from time to time such consent
         not to be unreasonably withheld or delayed.

23.2     The parties acknowledge that upon final signature of this Agreement a
         press release attached hereto as Schedule 11 (Publicity) will be
         released by m-Wise.


24.1     This Agreement is personal to m-Wise and m-Wise shall not sub-contract
         or delegate or purport to sub-contract or delegate its rights or
         obligations under this Agreement in whole or in part, without iTouch's
         prior written consent, which consent shall not be unreasonably withheld
         or delayed. Upon such consent being granted by iTouch m-Wise will not
         be relieved from any of its obligations as set out herein. In this
         context, and without limiting iTouch's rights reasonably to withhold
         its consent, it shall be reasonable for iTouch to withhold its consent
         if it believes that the proposed assignee or sub-contractor could not
         or will not or may not fully perform m-Wise's obligations under this
         Agreement or may not act in iTouch's best interest which for the
         avoidance of doubt shall include a competitor of the iTouch Group.

24.2     Neither party may at any time assign its rights and/or obligations
         under this Agreement in whole or in part.


         This Agreement shall not be modified, amended or in any way altered
         except by an instrument in writing signed by each party. All amendments
         or modifications of this Agreement shall be binding upon the parties
         despite any lack of consideration.


         In the event any provision hereof is found illegal, invalid or
         unenforceable pursuant to judicial decree, such provision shall be
         ineffective to the extent of such prohibition and shall be replaced by
         an enforceable provision to the same or the nearest possible equivalent
         effect. Notwithstanding the foregoing, the remainder of this Agreement
         shall remain valid and enforceable according to its terms unless the
         ineffectiveness of any provision shall substantially affect the
         consideration received by either party hereunder.


27.1     The headings in this Agreement are for convenience only and are not
         intended to have any legal effect; all references to Clauses and to
         Schedules are references respectively to clauses in and schedules to
         this Agreement; references to a "person" shall be deemed to include an
         individual, a company or an unincorporated business or other body or
         legal person; all references to a statute shall be deemed to include
         any statutory modification, extension or re-enactment thereof for the
         time being in force; references importing the singular shall include
         the plural and vice versa; and words such as "in particular",
         "including" or other words indicating that examples falling within more
         general wording follow shall not be construed as limiting in any way
         the scope of the preceding more general wording. This Agreement may not
         be construed adversely to a party solely because that party prepared


28.      NO WAIVER

         A failure by either party hereto to exercise or enforce any rights
         conferred upon it by this Agreement shall not be deemed to be a waiver
         of any such rights or operate so as to bar the exercise or enforcement
         thereof at any subsequent time or times.


         This Agreement constitutes the entire understanding and contract
         between the parties and supersedes any and all prior or contemporaneous
         oral or written representations, arrangements or communications with
         respect to the subject matter hereof but nothing in this Clause shall
         operate to limit or exclude liability for fraud. The terms and
         conditions of this Agreement shall prevail over any conflicting terms
         and conditions included in either party's invoice, unless the invoice
         term or condition has been previously agreed to by the parties as an
         amendment to this Agreement.


         Each party shall at the request and cost of the other execute such
         documents and do all other lawful things reasonably required by the
         other to give effect to the provisions of this Agreement and to give
         the other party the full benefit thereof.


         Only the parties and their successors and permitted assignees shall
         have a right to enforce any provision of this Agreement and no other
         person shall have any rights to enforce a term of this Agreement which
         confers a benefit on that person. This Contracts (Rights of Third
         Parties) Act 1999 shall not apply to this Agreement.


         Nothing contained in this Agreement shall be construed as creating a
         joint venture, partnership or employment relationship between the
         parties, nor shall either party have the right, power or authority to
         create any obligation or duty, express or implied, on behalf of the
         other party.

33.      NOTICES

         Except as otherwise expressly specified herein, all notices, requests
         or other communications shall be in writing and shall be deemed to have
         been given if delivered personally or mailed, by certified or
         registered mail, postage prepaid, return receipt requested, to the
         parties at their respective addresses set forth at Schedule 6 (Project
         Managers). All notices, requests or communications shall be deemed
         effective upon personal delivery or ten (10) days following deposit,
         first class postage prepaid, in the mail or by facsimile transmission
         to the facsimile number of the other party given in such Schedule 6
         (Project Managers).


         Any dispute arising out of or relating to this Agreement, or the breach
         thereof shall be governed by the laws of England without regard to or
         application of choice of law rules or principles. The parties
         acknowledge that the courts of England are the sole appropriate and
         acceptable forums and venues for any legal action necessary to construe
         or enforce any term or provision of this Agreement and the parties
         consent to the exclusive jurisdiction of such courts and consent to the
         service of process by registered mail.

         IN WITNESS WHEREOF, this Agreement has been executed by the parties
         hereto as of the date first above written.

         ITOUCH PLC                                    M-WISE INC

         By: /s/ Avi Azulai                            By: /s/ Shay Ben-Asulin
             --------------                                -------------------

         (Print)   AVI AZULAI                         (Print)  Shay Ben-Asulin
                 --------------                                ---------------

         Title:  MANAGING DIRECTOR                    Title:  Managing Director
                -------------------                          ------------------

         Date: October 14, 2002                       Date: October 14, 2002
               ----------------                             ----------------


                                                                      SCHEDULE 1



                             Written by: Asaf Lewin
                          DOCUMENTATION INVENTORY LIST
                      TABLE 1 - MOMA DOCUMENTATION PACKAGE

- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
          DOCUMENT                                   CONTENT                         ASSOCIATED TRAINING
                                                                                       SESSION DURATION
 MOMA architecture           (1)  MOMA software components                             2 hours
                             (2)  MOMA physical architecture
                             (3)  MOMA network security layers
                             (4)  MOMA service request flow
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
 Terms and Acronyms          (1)  Client                                               2 hours
                             (2)  Provider
                             (3)  Port / short codes
                             (4)  MO/MT
                             (5)  Message status
                             (6)  Sessions
                             (7)  Channels
                             (8)  Retries
                             (9)  Application
                             (10) Trigger
                             (11) Trigger Alias
                             (12) Charge Profile
                             (13) Logical port
                             (14) System applications: Help, Session timeout,
                                  Unrecognized, etc...
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
 MOMA monitoring tools       (1)  MOMAMC Live MO/MT monitors                           2 hours
                             (2)  MOMAMC MO view
                             (3)  MOMAMC MT view, message timestamp trace
                             (4)  MO and MT message queue views
                             (5)  Open / Closed Sessions views
                             (6)  Archive sessions views via help desk tool
                             (7)  Active monitor view
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
 Application provisioning    (1)  Application settings                                  1 hour
 tools                       (2)  Client setting
                             (3)  Trigger Setting
                             (4)  Trigger Alias setting
                             (5)  Logical port setting
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------


- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
 MOMA provider / port        (1)  Provider provisioning                                 1 hour
 provisioning                (2)  SMSCI settings
                             (3)  Port provisioning (4) SMSCI interface protocol
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
 Application management      (5)  Preface                                              2 hours
                             (6)  Client / Application / Trigger relationship
                             (7)  Master applications
                             (8)  Naming conventions
                             (1)  Application implementation workflow
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
 Reporting suite             (2)  Report generation                                    2 hours
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
 MOMA system applications    (1)  MOMA system applications                             3 hours
 user manual                 (2)  MOMA voucher system
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
 MOMA active monitoring Suite(1)  MOMA Active Monitor Management Console               3 hours
                             (2)  Active Monitor Login Window
                             (3)  Test Groups
                             (4)  Notification Groups
                             (5)  Notification Groups
                             (6)  Test Definition
                             (7)  Active Monitor Tools
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
 Troubleshooting guide       (1)  Events and reactions                                 3 hours
                             (2)  Problem handling procedure
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
 SDK user manual             (1)  MOMA SDK user manual                             2 days (frontal)
                                                                                       3 days exercises
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
 API user manual             (1)  Application level API user manual                    4 hours
                             (2)  Application level SMSCI level user manual
                             (3)  Content feed API user manual
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
 MOMA roadmap                (1)  MOMA features list                             5 days (SDK training
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
 Application user manuals    (1)  Application specific user manuals                      N/A
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
 System Testing Documents    (1)  System test documentation                              N/A
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
 Installation manual         (1)  MOMA installation procedure                           1 day
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------


- ------------------- ----------------------- -------------------------------- --------------------------------
Category            Feature                 Feature description              Related document
- ------------------- ----------------------- -------------------------------- --------------------------------
API                 Application level API   XML over HTTP API for 3rd        MAG API user manual
                    (AKA: MAG API)          party content providers using
                                            the MOMA API interface
- ------------------- ----------------------- -------------------------------- --------------------------------
                    SMSCI level API         HTTP based SMSC interface for    SMSCI user manual
                                            SMS relays
- ------------------- ----------------------- -------------------------------- --------------------------------
                    Content feed API        XML over HTTP API for content    Content feed API user manual
                                            feed (used by the alerting
- ------------------- ----------------------- -------------------------------- --------------------------------
                    MAG API monitoring      Built in web-based monitoring    SMSCI API user manual
                    back-end                back-end for API level content
- ------------------- ----------------------- -------------------------------- --------------------------------


- ------------------- ----------------------- -------------------------------- --------------------------------
Category            Feature                 Feature description              Related document

- ------------------- ----------------------- -------------------------------- --------------------------------
SDK and             Web based SDK           Web based SDK IDE (integrated    SDK user manual
application engine                          development environment)
- ------------------- ----------------------- -------------------------------- --------------------------------
                    Clustered application   Clustered Java based             Application provisioning tools
                    engine                  application engine (running
                                            the SDK based applications)
- ------------------- ----------------------- -------------------------------- --------------------------------
Session management  Session management      MOMA session management          Terms and Acronyms
- ------------------- ----------------------- -------------------------------- --------------------------------
                    System level            System level applications:       MOMA system applications user
                    applications            OPTIN, OPTOUT, HELP, STOP,       manual
                                             NICKNAME, CREDIT, RECHARGE,
- ------------------- ----------------------- -------------------------------- --------------------------------
                    Trigger alias           Enable multiple triggers for a   Application provisioning tools
                    management              single application; associate
                                            the application user profile
                                            to the Trigger Alias.
- ------------------- ----------------------- -------------------------------- --------------------------------
Message types       Support multiple        Support most common types of     MAG API user manual
                    message types           messages: text, ringtones,
                                            logos, picture, binary, and
                                            other binary types (e.g. EMS
                                            messages, WAP push)
- ------------------- ----------------------- -------------------------------- --------------------------------
                    Nokia                   converters Built in converters for
                                            Nokia A part of the Digital Content
                                            ringtones, logos, and picture (RTL)
                                            application back-end messages.
- ------------------- ----------------------- -------------------------------- --------------------------------
                    Multi-Lingual support   Multi-lingual support using      Application provisioning tools
                                            UNICODE character sets
- ------------------- ----------------------- -------------------------------- --------------------------------
Management tools    Application             Application (trigger, trigger    Application provisioning tools
                    provisioning tool       alias) and Client setup and
                                            management tools
- ------------------- ----------------------- -------------------------------- --------------------------------
                    Application copy tool   Application copy tool            Application provisioning tools
- ------------------- ----------------------- -------------------------------- --------------------------------
                    Web based system        Online Traffic screening and     MOMA monitoring tools
                    monitoring              monitoring tools, user session
                                            message history views
- ------------------- ----------------------- -------------------------------- --------------------------------
                    MOMA Active Monitor     Passive and active monitoring    MOMA active monitoring Suite
                    Suite                   system, with Flexible built in
                                            test management, SMS, email
                                            and WEB alerts.
- ------------------- ----------------------- -------------------------------- --------------------------------
                    Mobile network          Mobile network, Ports, logical   MOMA provider / port
                    management              ports, charging provisioning     provisioning
                                            setup and management tools
- ------------------- ----------------------- -------------------------------- --------------------------------
                    Content provider        Web based content provider's     Application back-end user
                    Help desk utility       help desk tool integrated into   manuals
                                            the Application back-end
- ------------------- ----------------------- -------------------------------- --------------------------------
                    MOMA manager Help       Web based system admin help      MOMA monitoring tools
                    desk utility            desk tool integrated into the
                                            MOMA management center
- ------------------- ----------------------- -------------------------------- --------------------------------


- ------------------- ----------------------- -------------------------------- --------------------------------
Category            Feature                 Feature description              Related document

- ------------------- ----------------------- -------------------------------- --------------------------------

Network setup       Cross networking        Implementation of                MOMA provider / port
                                            multi-network application        provisioning
                                            running through cross
                                            network logical ports.
- ------------------- ----------------------- -------------------------------- --------------------------------
                    Short codes load        Implementation of clustered      Application provisioning tools
                    balancing               short codes for short codes
                                            load balancing
- ------------------- ----------------------- -------------------------------- --------------------------------
                    GSM modem SMS           Implementation of GSM modem      MOMA active monitoring Suite
                    interface               interface (used mostly for
                                            monitoring the network)
- ------------------- ----------------------- -------------------------------- --------------------------------
Billing &           Multiple reports        The MOMA reporting module        Reporting suite
Reporting                                   provides flexible Crystal
                                            Reports(TM) template based
- ------------------- ----------------------- -------------------------------- --------------------------------
                    Data cards credit       Support data cards (scratch      MOMA system applications user
                    based billing           card, vouchers) vouchers         manual
                                            management, and real-time
                                            credit management
- ------------------- ----------------------- -------------------------------- --------------------------------
                    Content provider        Web based reporting suite for    Reporting suite
                    (client) report         content providers, with a
                    profiles                flexible client report profile
- ------------------- ----------------------- -------------------------------- --------------------------------
                    Data cards management   The data card management suite   MOMA system applications user
                    suite                   enables users balance            manual
                                            management, data card codes
                                            generation, scratch card life
                                            cycle management and also
                                            queries and reports with
                                            regard to the scratch cards.
- ------------------- ----------------------- -------------------------------- --------------------------------

- -------------------------------------------- -----------------------------------
Document description                         Document name
- -------------------------------------------- -----------------------------------
Application provisioning tools               MomaTrainingLesson04.pdf
- -------------------------------------------- -----------------------------------
Content feed API user manual                 ContentFeedAPIV2.0.pdf
- -------------------------------------------- -----------------------------------
MAG API user manual                          MAG API V6.1.pdf
- -------------------------------------------- -----------------------------------
MOMA active monitoring Suite                 MomaTrainingLesson12.pdf
- -------------------------------------------- -----------------------------------
MOMA monitoring tools                        MomaTrainingLesson03.pdf
- -------------------------------------------- -----------------------------------
MOMA provider / port provisioning            MomaTrainingLesson06.pdf
- -------------------------------------------- -----------------------------------
MOMA system applications user manual         MomaSystemApplicationsV6.0.pdf
- -------------------------------------------- -----------------------------------
Reporting suite                              ReportingWhitepaper.pdf
- -------------------------------------------- -----------------------------------
SDK user manual                              MagSdkUserManualV5.1.pdf
- -------------------------------------------- -----------------------------------
SMSCI API user manual                        MomaSmscApi.pdf
- -------------------------------------------- -----------------------------------
Terms and Acronyms                           MomaTrainingLesson02.pdf
- -------------------------------------------- -----------------------------------



         The MOMA Platform shall be customised so that it complies with the
         specifications set out herein. In particular m-Wise shall:

         (a)      ensure that the MOMA Platform shall provide continuous
                  connectivity for existing OpCos and Virtual OpCos (existing
                  under the ASP Agreement) and any new OpCos and Virtual OpCos
                  and third parties at a cost not exceeding (pound)500 per party
                  added during the remaining period of the ASP Agreement and
                  until the Installation of the MOMA Platform Component has
                  obtained Acceptance.

         (b)      ensure the MOMA Platform is such that as an easy and routine
                  operation iTouch will be able to add an unlimited number of
                  OpCos and/or Virtual OpCos.

         (c)      add the Translator Application after the HTTP API converter
                  has been built at the Site to handle the translation.

         (d)      integrate into it SMS Location Based Application (based on UK
                  post code proximity software provided by iTouch).

         (e)      ensure all screens are customised so that as an easy and
                  routine operation iTouch can apply branding according to its
                  requirement from time to time and that the "powered by m-Wise"
                  logo is small and unobtrusive and is in respect of any
                  dimension no more than one quarter the size of the iTouch logo
                  as to any dimension.

         (f)      carry out the additional developments/customisations detailed
                  in Schedule 8 (Additional Development/Customisations).

         (g)      upon prior written request from iTouch develop TIBCO connector
                  (on a time and materials basis, according to the rates set out
                  in paragraph (2) of Schedule 7 (Financial). iTouch may request
                  that m-Wise develop other connectivity APIs or may use any new
                  ones already developed by m-Wise.

         The following MOMA level2 functionality will be provided for
         ITouch in the MOMA platform installed at ITouch facility:


         This list is not exhaustive and shall include all other m-Wise
         applications up until date of Acceptance of the Application Component.
         M-Wise also shall ensure that all iTouch's historical data is ported
         from the current ASP platform to the new platform.

                                          ITOUCH M-WISE APPLICATIONS LIVE AS AT 20-09-02

       TEST APPS    TestUDH         TestUDH           Download txt message, ringtone,      Configured iTouch Isr 23/08
                                    logo etc
                    iTouchTest      iTouchTest        MO capture app                       Configured MIH TH 30/08
          QUIZ      Quiz App 1      Simple Quiz       1 question quiz                      OPCO: iTouch UK, App Name:
                                                                                           iTouch Simple Quiz, Trigger:
                                                                                           Quick, Port: 81131
                    Quiz App 2      Quiz              3 question quiz                      OPCO: iTouch UK, App Name:
                                                                                           iTouch Quiz, Trigger: Quiz,
                                                                                           Port: 81131
                    Quiz App 3      Spiderman Quiz    5 question quiz                      OPCO: iTouch UK, App Name:
                                                                                           Spiderman 5Q Quiz, Trigger:
                                                                                           Spidey Quiz, Port: 81131
                    Quiz App 4      Guru Football     15 Question Multi Category, Multi    OPCO: iTouch UK, App Name:
                                                      Level. Category Selection, 3 x       Guru, Trigger: Guru, Port: 81131
                                                      levels, 5 questions per level quiz

- -------------
(2) Note: this does not include a description of the specific applications delivered to ITouch


        SCENARIO    Scenario        Spiderman         5 question, 3 scenario games.        OPCO: iTouch UK, App Name:
                    Game 1          Scenario 5        Categories are selected by sub       Spiderman Scenario 5 Questions,
                                    Questions         trigger, not category question.      Trigger: Spidey + Battle or
                                                                                           Wrestle or Parade, Port: 81131
                    Scenario        Spiderman         8 Question game, no category.        OPCO: iTouch UK, App Name:
                    Game 2          Scenario                                               Spiderman Scenario, Trigger:
                                                                                           Spiders, Port: 81131
                    Scenario        GetHerKitOff      8 question with category             OPCO: iTouch UK, App Name:
                    Game 3                            selection.                           GetHerKitOff, Trigger: Kitoff,
                                                                                           Port: 81131
         VOTING     Vote            Voting            Single Vote Application              OPCO: iTouch UK, App Name:
                                                                                           iTouch World Cup Voting,
                                                                                           Trigger: Squash, Port: 81131
                    Vote Rev 2.0    New Voting App    Enhanced voting application          Voting App released to iTouch
                                    (currently in     currently in m-Wise QA. URS will     15-08, testing and
                                    testing on        be distributed on completion of      documentation commence 16-08.
                                    staging server)   testing.                             Will release to OPCO's during
                                                                                           w/c 19-08
         GAMES      Safe            Safe              3 goes to guess the N x digit        OPCO: iTouch UK, App Name:
                                                      combination                          iTouch Safe, Trigger: Crack,
                                                                                           Port: 81131
                    Slot            Slot Machine      User sends trigger is prompted to    OPCO: iTouch UK, App Name:
                                                      enter (1) phone type Nokia or        iTouch Slot Machine, Trigger:
                                                      Other, (2) answer a trivia           SlotM, Port: 81131
                                                      question and then is sent 3 x Op
                                                      Logos or Text Messages based on
                                                      response to (1)
                    Brainmaster     Brainmaster       4 goes to guess the 4-digit          OPCO: iTouch UK, App Name:
                                                      combination. User is prompted        Brainmaster, Trigger: Master,
                                                      with no correct digits & no of       Port: 81131
                                                      correct positions
                    Luv             Love Calculator   User texts in name and partner       OPCO: iTouch UK, App Name:
                    Calculator                        name to receive compatibility %      iTouch Love Calculator,
                                                                                           Trigger: Luvcal, Port: 81131
          DATA      Capture         Info              Data Capture application, many       OPCO: iTouch UK, App Name:
                                                      functions: Opt-out, Opt-in, data     iTouch INFO, Trigger: INFO
                                                      capture app, competition entry.      Port: 81131
                    SMS                               Response SMS Response
                                                      m-Wise dev complete, spec
                                                      to be Application as it
                                                      stands is written to
                                                      detail output to XML.
                                                      Capture, output required
                                                      to Moderator under dev by
                                                      iTouch UK route XML add on
                                                      date to be provided.
                    Emailer         Emailer           Capture user details via SMSand
                                  forward email
         ALERTS     ALERTS APP 1    Football          Additional functionality being       OPCO: iTouch UK, App Name:
                    - FOOTBALL                        added as result of World Cup.        Football Alerts, Trigger: INFO
                                                      Content converter developed to       Port: 81131
                                                      facilitate Rivals 365 content.
                    Alerts App 2 Nat Mags Alerts      Users pre-register to receive N x    OPCO: iTouch UK, App Name: Nat
                    - Push                            alerts e.g. daily sex tips for a     Mags Alerts, Trigger: Cosmo +
                                                      week. Content is entered
                                                      manually Orgasm or Sex
                                                      Port: 81131 and broadcast
                                                      to all registered users
                                                      once daily.
          CHAT      Virtual Chat    Virtual Chat      Currently only supports single       Further development reqd to
                                                      keyword recognition based on         support keyword recognition
                                                      virtual pet                          from within text string
       DEVICE       Ringtones       WC RT             Nokia Mono - SMS delivery            OPCO: iTouch UK, App Name:
       PERSONALISATION                                                                     Spiderman Logo, Trigger: Spider
                                                                                           12999 Port: 81131
                    Logos           WC LG             Nokia  - SMS Delivery                OPCO: iTouch UK, App Name:
                                                                                           Spiderman Logo, Trigger: Spider
                                                                                           60548 Port: 81131
                    Polyphonics     In Development    Successfully delivered poly to       Demo is currently unavailable,
                                                      Samsung T100 via WAP OTA 01-08,      will request re-instatement.
                                                      further dev reqd.                    [JEM: TED RESPONDING]
       CREDIT       System          System            Credit management application,       OPCO: iTouch UK, App Name:
       MANAGEMENT   Application     Application       user management etc                  System iTouch (not demo)
                    Fantasy         Golden Goals      Top 5 goal scorers fantasy type      Application exists but no
                    Football                          football game used by iTouch UK      identified client exists.
                                 for World Cup.

o             Plus, without further charge, iTouch may within 12 (twelve) months
              immediately following Acceptance of the Licensed Software choose a
              further 5 (five) Applications from m-Wise's catalogue of



         o        DOCUMENTATION:
                  -        All new components to be fully documented, including
                           javadocs before delivery of the platform.
                  -        A schedule for delivery of documentation for old
                           components to be decided.
                  -        Installation documentation to be provided for the
                           exact configuration of the iTouch m-Wise platform

         o        PROCESS DEFINITION:
                  -        All processes to be documented, given an
                           iTouch-controlled platform. This includes upgrade and
                           bug fix processes.

         o        TEST AND PERFORMANCE:
                           Test scripts to be provided for system components so
                           that for all applications that are added to the
                           system, a simple mechanism exists for testing

                 MOMA Platform must allow iTouch to meet the standard iTouch
                 requirements listed below.
                 - iTouch require:
                           |X| real time transaction backup (m-Wise will be able
                           to provide CDR files with a log of all the
                           |X| 99.5% uptime
                           |X| full failover such that any component within the
                           platform will failover to a secondary instance in the
                           event that a failure of its primary instance occurs.
                           |X| no manual intervention on failover
                           |X| backups made at defined intervals to removable
                           storage (onto a backup tape device or recordable DVD)

                  -        Based on these requirements, m-Wise to provide the
                           necessary mechanisms so that the right measures can
                           be implemented.

         o        MONITORING:
                  -        m-Wise to supply monitoring components/support for
                           all hardware, connectivity and software components,
                           and to enable iTouch to perform same remote
                           monitoring functionality as exists in m-Wise's
                           offices. within two months of delivery.

         o        ARCHIVAL:
                  -        m-Wise to provide full warehousing and archival
                           functionality and connectivity.

         iTouch expects all these additional requirements to be part of the
         standard deliverables in the purchase of the MOMA Platform. In
         addition, there might be a requirement to develop a TIBCO connector or
         other connectors for the m-Wise Platform which for the avoidance of
         doubt shall include but is not limited to IBM MQ Series, JMS.

         iTouch will make available to m-Wise access to iTouch's fault logging
         systems. m-Wise will use these to log and track all iTouch related
         support issues and change requests. These systems will also be used by
         iTouch as the basis to measure compliance with the agreed service
         levels set out in Schedule 9 (Service Level Agreement).

         M-Wise shall ensure that there is no unauthorised back door access to
         the Platform which is not authorised by iTouch


The MOMA platform is to be fully deployed into all of the following eTec
environments within 2 (two) calendar months from the final signature of this
Agreement (including the full migration of all iTouch applications and data from
the ASP environment) (Installation):
  (a) Development;
  (b) testing
  (c) staging;
  (d) Production with fail-over; and
  (e) An off-site fail-over platform TBD


                                                                      SCHEDULE 2
         List of Hardware recommended by m-Wise

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
     Make and Model       Dell 1650
     Operating System     Linux (mWise RPM)
     CPU                  1x1.8 Ghz (or highest)
     Memory               1Gb (or highest)
     Storage              18Gb (SCSI)
     Network Cards                                                             2
Note 2 Machines to include 3 x18Gb RAID 5 Storage
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
     Make and Model       Gigabyte
     Operating System     Linux (mWise RPM)
     CPU                  1x1.8 Ghz (or highest)
     Memory               1Gb (or highest)
     Storage              18Gb (SCSI)
     Network Cards                                                             2
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
     Make and Model       Dell 6650
     Operating System     Win 2k Server
     CPU                  2 x 1.4Ghz Xeon/512kb cache (or highest) -
                          Upgradeable to 4 processors
     Memory               2Gb (or highest) - upgradeable to 8Gb
     Storage              2 x 18Gb (SCSI)
     Network Cards                                                             2
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
     Make and Model       NetApp F87
     Operating System
     Storage              8x76Gb SCSI
     Network Cards        1 Fibre Ethernet card + 1 10/100/1000 Ethernet card
     Quantity                                                                  1
      ote:                NetApp F87
                          Snap Restore
                          Install Service
                          5 Days Training
                          Snap Drive for SQL Server
                          36 month phone support and 4 hour on-site drive and
                          hardware replacement
     N                    36 months support subscription for software
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
     Make and Model       Cisco 3550 - Production Switch
     Quantity                                                                  4
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------


- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
     Make and Model       Cisco 2959 (24 port switch) - Non Production Switch
     Quantity                                                                  3
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
     Make and Model       iTouch Firewall
     Quantity                                                                  2
     Note:                Type A Server + 4 Network Cards
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

       Types of Servers and software licenses

       Quantity and type of machines

              DESCRIPTION                LIVE             REDUNDANT        TOTAL
                                      QTY    TYPE      QTY        TYPE      QTY
       APPLICATION SERVERS             3       A                             3
       SMS SERVERS                                                           0
       DATABASE SERVER PROD            1       C        1           C        2
       DATABASE SERVER NON PROD                                              4
       EXTERNAL STORAGE                1       D                             1
       WEB SERVER                      2       A                             2
       API SERVER                      2       A                             2
       SWITCHES                        2       E        2           E        2
       FIREWALL                        1       G        1           G        2
       MONITORING                      3       A                             3

Software License Requirement

- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
LICENSES                         Windows    MS SQL Server  Embarcadero   JTurbo  ColdFusion  Crystal Reports   IIS
                              Server 2000     Standard                           Enterprise
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
   APPLICATION SERVERS                                                     1
   DATABASE SERVER PROD            2              2             1
   DATABASE SERVER NON PROD        1              1             1
   WEB SERVER                      1                                                 1              1          1
   API SERVER                                                              1
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Official Software License versions

- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
NAME                                       DESCRIPTION                            VERSION
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Windows Server 2000
                                           Windows Server                    2000 Service Pack 3

MS SQL Server Standard                     MS SQL Server                     2000 Service Pack 2

Embrocadero                   MS SQL Development and Management Suite    Determined upon installation

JTurbo                                    JDBC Connector                          Version 3.0

Cold Fusion Enterprise                   Application Server              MX Server Enterprise (v. 6)

IIS                                         HTTP Server                   IIS 5.0 with latest patches

Crystal Reports                     Reports Generation package                      Version
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------



         iTouch acknowledges that any failure by iTouch to meet its obligations
         as set out below could incur subsequent delays in the performance of
         m-Wise's duties and any obligations relating thereto to m-Wise will be
         extended accordingly.

- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
            NAME                      CUSTOMER FURNISHED EQUIPMENT/INFORMATION         DUE DATE (from date of
                                                                                         final signature of
                                                                                           this Agreement)
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Hardware                        iTouch to provide all the hardware, rack space,               + 4 weeks
                                wiring, power supply, Hardware, air conditioning for
                                all installed systems (production, development,
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Archiving media                 iTouch to select their preferred archiving media and                 + 4 weeks
                                offline storage device.
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Off the shelf software          iTouch to provide all the off shelf software                  + 4 weeks
                                (Operating  systems, database, web servers, etc...)
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
DB                              servers Installation iTouch to install
                                the DB servers according to their + 4
                                weeks required clustering / high
                                availability configuration.
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Short codes / ports             iTouch to provide in advance all the short codes /            + 4 weeks
                                ports for all the networks in which the services must
                                be connected to including charging information,
                                throttling settings, etc...
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
IP range                        iTouch to provide in advance the IP numbers for all           + 4 weeks
                                the servers to be all installed systems (production,
                                development, pre-production)
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
VPN access for remote support   iTouch to provide VPN access for remote support to            + 4 weeks
                                the installed systems.
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Relays readiness                iTouch to prepare in advance all the interfaces for           + 5 weeks
                                all the SMS Relays that will be connected to the MOMA
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Network person during           iTouch to allocate a dedicated network person to              + 5 weeks
Installation                    attend and assist during the Installation (firewall
                                settings, IP allocations, etc...)
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
SIM cards                       At iTouch's discretion iTouch to provide SIM cards            + 5 weeks
                                for all networks that should be monitored by the MOMA
                                (including a Wavecom GSM modem for each one)
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Training                        iTouch to provide in advance the total number of              + 7 weeks
                                attendees in the training course. iTouch to provide a
                                training location including a CRT projector and
                                connectivity to pre-production environment. (m-wise
                                will provide 1 master softcopy of all training
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------


                                   SCHEDULE 3


(1)      The Documentation must comply with the warranty in Clause 14.1.5 and in

         o        All new components to be fully documented, including javadocs
                  before delivery of the platform.

         o        Installation documentation to be provided for the exact
                  configuration of the iTouch m-Wise platform.

         o        All documents pertaining to sub-headings "Process Definition"
                  and "Archival" under heading "Additional Technical Changes and
                  Requirements" as set out in Schedule 1 to be supplied.

         o        Full system documentation to be provided to the satisfaction
                  of iTouch and shall be at the same technical level and format
                  as the existing documentation provided to iTouch.

         o        A schedule for delivery of documentation for old components
                  shall be decided by the parties at a later date but no later
                  than 30 days after final signature of this Agreement. All such
                  documentation to include component functional description,
                  technical document including systems/component design and
                  online documentation.

(2)      Category of Documents:

         This list of Documents is not exhaustive and shall include all
         additional Documents as applicable and necessary for the proper
         fulfilment of this Agreement. The parties shall mutually agree the
         category to be applied for any additional Documents.

         ------------------------- ---------------------------------------------
                  CATEGORY                       DOCUMENT TYPE

         ------------------------- ---------------------------------------------
         ------------------------- ---------------------------------------------
                                   Platform technical documentation. For use by
                                   the iTouch Group only e.g.
           DOCUMENTS)              o Operation Manuals; and
                                   o System Development

         ------------------------- ---------------------------------------------
         ------------------------- ---------------------------------------------

            B                      User oriented instructions and API technical
                                   documentation. These can be offered
                                   to third parties as necessary to allow them
                                   to connect to or use the  m-Wise
            (NON-CONFIDENTIAL      platform.
                                   o User Manuals; and
                                   o White papers

         ------------------------- ---------------------------------------------


                                                                      SCHEDULE 4

                                ACCEPTANCE TESTS





         m-Wise to provide details of all testing as conducted for the Comtrend

         The following MOMA level3 functionality will be tested as a part of the
         qualification tests for ITouch:


                                                                      SCHEDULE 5


(1)      m-Wise shall provide the following training to iTouch technical staff
         in relation to the Licensed Software and at locations chosen by iTouch,
         free of any additional charge, namely 10 technical and 5 product
         manager days (120 hours) of structural training.

(2)      Such training shall be provided at mutually convenient times for both
         parties at the iTouch premises set out below in Clause 4 (or at such
         other location in Europe as provided to m-Wise in writing) but shall be
         no later than 10 (ten) days from the commencement date set out in
         Clause 4 below. m-Wise acknowledges and accepts that any failure to
         provide the training as set out herein will be a material breach of
         this Agreement.

(3)      If requested from time to time m-Wise shall also provide additional
         training to iTouch, to be charged at the rate to be charged for
         training stated in Schedule 7(2)(a) (Training).

(4)      The training agenda shall be as follows:

- -------------------------------------- --------------------------- ------------------- -------------------
              TRAINING                     COMMENCEMENT DATE            LOCATION        NUMBER OF HOURS

- -------------------------------------- --------------------------- ------------------- -------------------
- -------------------------------------- --------------------------- ------------------- -------------------
TECHNICAL  (10 iTouch staff)

- -------------------------------------- --------------------------- ------------------- -------------------
- -------------------------------------- --------------------------- ------------------- -------------------
PRODUCT MANAGER (5 iTouch staff)

- -------------------------------------- --------------------------- ------------------- -------------------
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
TOTAL: 120 hours of structural training

- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------


                                                                      SCHEDULE 6

                                PROJECT MANAGERS


REGISTERED OFFICE                  4th Floor, The Tower Building, 11 York Road,
                                   London, SE1 7NX

REGISTERED NUMBER                  3911278

If applicable VAT REGISTRATION     756 8716 81

CONTACT NAME                       Jem Eskenazi, Chief Information Officer
TELEPHONE:                         +44 (0)20 7803 1682
MOBILE:                            +44 (0)7766 426 008
FAX:                               +44 (0)20 7803 1661
EMAIL:                             JEM@ITOUCHPLC.COM

CONTACT NAME  (Technical)          Oliver O'Kelly, Operations Manager
TELEPHONE:                         +353 (0)1 411 2668
MOBILE:                            +353 (0)86 806 3584
FAX:                               +353 (0)1 411 2346
EMAIL:                             OLIVER.OKELLY@ITOUCH.IE



REGISTERED OFFICE                  2711 Centerville Road, Suite 400, New Castle
                                   County, Wilmington, Delaware 19808


If applicable

1ST CONTACT NAME                   Shay Ben-Asulin
TELEPHONE:                         020 76088555
MOBILE:                            0777 6236965 /+972-54-529247
FAX:                               020 76088550
EMAIL:                             shay@m-Wise.com

2ND CONTACT NAME                   Nir Simionovich
TELEPHONE:                         +972 (9) 958 1711
MOBILE:                            +972 (54) 482826
FAX:                               +972 (9) 958 1739
EMAIL:                             NIRS@M-WISE.COM

BILLING CONTACT DETAILS            20 Galagalei Haplada St., POB 12035,
                                   Herzeliya 46733, Israel


                                                                      SCHEDULE 7


(1)      FIXED PRICE

         Subject to paragraph (2) below, and to Clause 9.1 (Late Completion),
         the total all-inclusive price to be paid by iTouch to m-Wise for
         complete performance by m-Wise of all its obligations under this
         Agreement is (pound)246,500 (plus VAT if lawfully chargeable). This sum
         is made up as follows:

         (a)      One-off licence fee for the complete Licensed Software
                  conforming in all respects with the requirements of this
                  Agreement, (pound)200,000. Any additional production
                  environments shall be subject to an additional fee, which
                  shall be mutually agreed in good faith between the parties but
                  on no less favourable terms to iTouch than as set out herein.

         (b)      Fee for implementing all agreed customised changes to the
                  Licensed Software, and for all other Services to be provided
                  by m-Wise under this Agreement, (pound)10,000.

         (c)      By way of variation of the financial provisions of the ASP
                  Agreement (and instead of any payments to m-Wise that are now
                  due or would become due there under):

                  (i) outstanding fee for August 2002, (pound)11,500.

                  (ii) a fee of (pound)25,000 in respect of September, October
                       and November.


         In respect of any Services for which it is expressly provided in this
         Agreement that iTouch will pay m-Wise in addition to the fixed price
         referred to above, and in respect of any other services that the
         parties agree in writing should be provided at an additional charge,
         the following rates shall apply:

         (a)      (pound)1,000 per 8 hour day for additional training referred
                  to in paragraph (2) of Schedule 5 (Training).

         (b)      m-Wise a time and materials rate as of the date of this
                  Agreement is (pound)100.00 per hour or such other amount as
                  mutually agreed in writing between the parties.


         (a)      iTouch shall pay the fixed price of (pound)246,500 referred to
                  above as follows:

                  (i)    20% thereof on final signature of this Agreement.

                  (ii)   20% thereof upon completion of the Installation.

                  (iii)  20% thereof within 15 days of written Acceptance from

                  (iv) 40% thereof within 45 days post Acceptance.

         (b)      iTouch shall pay any other sums (i.e. in respect of additional
                  Services as referred to in paragraph (2) above) within 30 days
                  of receiving m-Wise's valid and accurate invoice, which m-Wise
                  shall only issue in each case following supply and/or
                  completion by it of the Services for which it is invoicing.


                                                                      SCHEDULE 8


- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
      APPLICATION                                  DESCRIPTION                                      DELIVERY DATE
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Java and RTL WAP            New app that will do the billing via SMS and will             |X|      4 weeks from
download                    send iTouch a unique WAP URL to download the Java                      Application Specifications
                            game/polyphonic ringtone or screen saver.                              (and final signing of this
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Alerts Applications         Add category (I.e. football team) connected to different      |X|      3 weeks from commercial
                            footer per Alias trigger                                               agreement
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Alerts                      Include a field for reporters name, which is carried across   |X|      3 weeks from commercial
                            to the Sent Messages screen.                                           agreement
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Alerts                      Weather Alerts                                                |X|      3 weeks from receipt of
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Smart Messaging             Integrate to iTouch Smart Messaging                           |X|      m-wise ready, waiting
                                                                                                   for iTouch
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Virtual Chat                Improve Virtual Chat Application (to recognise key words in a |X|      5 weeks from commercial
                            text string)                                                           agreement
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
System Application          Dynamic system messages per Alias trigger: Promotion text in  |X|      5 weeks from commercial
                            trigger alias message. Specifications need to be completed.            agreement
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Add Alias trigger           Interface for iTouch to add alias triggers to all iTouch's    |X|      3 weeks from commercial
                            applications the MOMAMC user interface given as a MOMA owner           agreement
                            allows doing that.

- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Reporting                   iTouch will send a proposed template for a new
                            report that will include                                      |X|     3 weeks from receipt of
                            the payment settlements (including IP rights).                        specification
                            Functional requirements to be specified by iTouch.

- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Enhancement to White        Web based application that will enable iTouch to create       |X|     7 weeks from commercial
Labelling Functionality     user name and password to each one of their clients and               agreement
                            associate alias trigger to them. iTouch client will
                            then have access to: 1. Support tool by trigger
                            alias for distributors and 2. one report for his/her
                            alias triggers.
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Support                     Additional customer support tool enhancement,                 |X|     4 weeks from commercial
                            enables them to send MO                                               agreement
                            or MT. Also enables them to add credit to
                            voucher/IVR users, un-register users from
                            alert service, etc.

- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Support                     m-Wise to implement a trouble ticket system for support       |X|      3 weeks from commercial
                            purposes (not development).                                            agreement

- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Documentation               Create a central document store of all their Applications and |X|      In process, will finish
                            systems documentation. (This needs to be updated regularly).           by 15 Sept - DONE

- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
General                     Each OpCo to be configured separately on the platform.        |X|      Done

- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------


                                                                      SCHEDULE 9

                             SERVICE LEVEL AGREEMENT


       This document serves to define the interfaces, times and management
       procedures regarding any malfunctions on services offered in
       collaboration with m-Wise services for the iTouch operation and all
       support and maintenance during the Warranty Period free of charge.

       On parallel, the document will specify the agreed communication
       arrangements between m-Wise and iTouch in regard to the activities
       planned on m-Wise respective platforms.

       The Services will consist in addition to all additional work necessary to
       comply with Clause 4 (Testing and Acceptance) in second level support and
       fall into the following categories:

                  m-Wise will immediately inform iTouch through the channels at
                  Schedule 6 (Project Managers) above of any bug/error or other
                  issue concerning the performance of the Licensed Software that
                  m-Wise becomes aware of. Any such bug/error or other
                  performance issue shall be deemed to have been reported to
                  m-Wise by iTouch in accordance with this Schedule at the time
                  m-Wise becomes aware of it.

         (B)      BUG/ERROR FIXING
                  Any malfunction, which affects the effective and continuous
                  use and operation of the Licensed Software.

         (C)      UPDATES/UPGRADES
                  Provisions of updates/upgrades which iTouch reserves the right
                  to accept and which if accepted shall include without charge
                  all additional or amended Documentation corresponding to them.

                  m-Wise will promptly supply to iTouch (without additional
                  charge, either under this Agreement or by way of licence fee)
                  all updates/upgrades that m-Wise from time to time makes
                  available to any of its ASP iTouch's and/or other licensees.


       The following iTouch Care Center/Support center will manage the service,
       which is to be updated on a regular basis:

       FIG 1
       ---------------------- --------------------- ----------------------------
       Support center         Telephone numbers     Interfaced with
       ---------------------- --------------------- ----------------------------
       ---------------------- --------------------- ----------------------------
       m-Wise Support center  +972 (54) 482827      m-Wise designated technical
                              +972 (9) 9581711      and management personnel
       ---------------------- --------------------- ----------------------------
       ---------------------- --------------------- ----------------------------
       iTouch Customer Care   Oliver O'Kelly        iTouch service customers
                               +353 86 806 3584
       ---------------------- --------------------- ----------------------------

         m-Wise support center will analyse iTouch calls and on the basis of
         responsibilities will undertake the following measures.
         o        Immediately open a Trouble Ticket, following the normal
                  internal procedure for opening Trouble Tickets used for the
         o        Analyze and assign the ticket to the competent body within
                  m-Wise or subcontractor.
         o        The competent body undertakes all steps necessary to resolve
                  the problem, and finally to communicate of the problem closure
                  to iTouch Customer Care.

         m-Wise Support center is available 24 x 7 x 52 weeks.

         When malfunctions are located on m-Wise infrastructures or applications
         that impact on the quality of the service offered, it alerts iTouch
         Customer care according to the following guidelines:


         o        Within 15 minutes of the fault opening, iTouch Customer care
                  will be alerted of the problem that has been found. Alerting
                  will take place by contacting iTouch Call Center by telephone;
                  this interface is active 24 hours x 365 days.
         o        Problem description will include at the minimum (1) Potential
                  impact on the service provided and (2) estimated time for
                  restoring the service.
         o        m-Wise technician or shift manager will phone and additionally
                  e-mail the contact person above, in which the problem is
                  described, including the references for contacting m-Wise
                  technician in charge of the problem.
         o        The closure of the outage will be communicated in the same

         o        The iTouch technician or shift manager contacts m-Wise Support
                  Center, this interface having been active since the commercial
                  launch of the service and is open 24 hours a day, 365 days per
                  year, as stated above.
         o        iTouch calls by phone m-Wise Contact person as outlined in
                  Schedule 6 and as backup sends a SMS or emails to m-Wise
                  support Center Mobile as set out above.

         Following a Fault opening, m-Wise technicians in charge of the problem
         will work to resolve it in the shortest time possible, bearing in mind
         the critical nature of the service involved and communicating directly
         with each other if necessary. Half hourly updates required for severity
         1 issues and hourly updates for severity 2 issues, weekly updates for
         severity 3 issues.

         When the fault is resolved:
         o        M-Wise technician communicates iTouch to inform of the problem
                  resolution, and of any tests which iTouch's contact shall be
                  obliged to carry out, to check that the service has been

         o        M-Wise technician sends an e-mail describing the actions taken
                  to resolve the fault, specifying the date and time of closure
                  and referring in the e-mail to the opening of the fault. This
                  e-mail is considered as a report on the closure of the fault
                  and shall be sent to the iTouch contact list within three
                  working days of the closure.


         In the event of iTouch or m-Wise not being able to guarantee the
         service agreed to, because of activities connected with planned
         maintenance or for any other reason, they will communicate this to its
         respective partner giving as much prior notice as possible by e-mail
         and by telephone according to the contact details set out at Fig 1.

         In general, Planned activities would be scheduled according to lowest
         known traffic at the network, however if and when a work is to be
         carried out during busy hours the respective parties shall be advised
         at least 1 (one) week, except by prior written agreement before the
         work is scheduled to begin. For work to be carried out during
         off-hours, prior notice shall be given at least 3 (three) working days
         before the night in which the work is to be carried out.

         The communication shall contain the following information at the
         minimum, included in a predefined form):
         o        Description of the work
         o        Type of outage foreseen
         o        Time the work is planned to begin
         o        Time the work is planned to end
         o        Pan for roll-back in the event of problems with the planned
         o        Contact details for the person doing the maintenance


4.1      m-WISE
         m-Wise is responsible for restoring the service for the systems and
         applications that are developed and maintained by itself or used by
         iTouch. m-Wise shall communicate an estimate of the time when the
         service for which there has been an outage will be back in operation.
         m-Wise shall choose the solution making the least possible impact on
         the Services used by the end-customers of that service, preparing as
         soon as possible the necessary courtesy SMS.


4.2      SPARE PARTS
         The entire MOMA is designed and implemented as a totally redundant
         system. All MOMA elements are COTS (Off-the shelf) equipment that
         enables a very short lead-time. As such, each system element that could
         function as a "single point of failure" is duplicated. The practical
         usage of this design serves also as a "Spare part warehouse" enabling
         m-Wise to replace any faulty system element with a new one at a very
         short period of time, according to the "Response time and time to fix"
         table below. M-Wise has an also back-to-back service agreement with
         major equipment manufacturers, which enable a prompt recovery to
         initial functionality state.

         The system is monitored in the following levels:
         1.       Application
         2.       Software
         3.       Hardware (DB, IVR, communication equipment etc.)

         Each level generates an alarm in case of problems.

         The following priority levels table presents the resolution of problems
once established

         FIG 2
              -------- ------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
               LEVEL     HEADING                                        DESCRIPTION
              -------- ------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                 1     CRITICAL     a defect or problem  (i) that results in a complete System failure, or (ii) that
                       PROBLEM      creates a disturbance in the System's functionality resulting in a capacity
                                    decrease of more than 5%, or (iii) a billing/charging function disturbance -
                                    stops working or is seriously affected, or (iv) System restarts and/or resets resulting
                                    in loss of any subscriber data. A Critical Problem that has been circumvented or
                                    avoided on a temporary basis will be considered a major problem.

              -------- ------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
              -------- ------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                 2     MAJOR        a defect or problem that (i) creates a disturbance in the System's functionality
                       PROBLEM      resulting in a capacity decrease of less than 5%, or (ii) severely impairs system
                                    administration or major maintenance functions, (ii) results in a significant
                                    increase in complaints from end-users (iii) results in intermittent failure of
                                    subscribers' services, or (iv) causes System restarts and/or resets resulting in loss of
                                    some subscriber function or service more than once per day.

              -------- ------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
              -------- ------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                 3     MINOR        a defect or problem that is not a Critical Problem or a Major Problem.
              -------- ------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

         This section cover the committed time periods that may elapse between a
         reported or discovered malfunction and alerting of this to iTouch
         Customer care center according to the process specified in paragraph
         2.2. It also states the committed elapsed time until a malfunction is
         fixed or a workaround is provided (for "Low" severity malfunctions).
         (Fix time)

         The maximum time for restoring the service is determined according to
         the problem severity as set out in the table.

         FIG 3.
              ------------ --------------- --------------------- --------------------------------------
                 LEVEL        HEADING           ALERT TIME                     FIX TIME
              ------------ --------------- --------------------- --------------------------------------
              ------------ --------------- --------------------- --------------------------------------
                   1       Critical        30 minutes            95% of cases within 4 hours
              ------------ --------------- --------------------- --------------------------------------
              ------------ --------------- --------------------- --------------------------------------
                   2       Major           90 minutes            95% of cases within 8 hours
              ------------ --------------- --------------------- --------------------------------------
              ------------ --------------- --------------------- --------------------------------------
                   3       Minor           4 hours or NBD        90% of cases within 24 hours
              ------------ --------------- --------------------- --------------------------------------

4.5      REPORTING
         When a service fault has been picked up, m-Wise will send to iTouch
         Customer care center a report including the following information a
         o        Times of the beginning and end of the malfunction
         o        Actions taken for the resolution of the malfunction
         o        Description of the impact on the running of the service
         o        Description of the actions implemented and preventative

         iTouch may request further information if it so needs.


         If m-Wise cannot resolve a fault within the set time scales, the iTouch
         will initiate escalation procedures as per Clause 5.1 below

         If the fault has not been fixed within the time scales as per Fig 3
         iTouch may escalate the issue to the management team of m-Wise. When
         the appropriate person has accepted escalation, m-Wise will add a note
         to the fault log to confirm. Escalations will be accepted within the
         following parameters:


              ----------------- -------------------------------- ------------------------------ --------------------
              ESCALATION        NAME:                            POSITION:                      CONTACT TELEPHONE:
              ----------------- -------------------------------- ------------------------------ --------------------
              ----------------- -------------------------------- ------------------------------ --------------------
              Level 1                                            iTouch Care Manager
              ----------------- -------------------------------- ------------------------------ --------------------
              ----------------- -------------------------------- ------------------------------ --------------------
              Level 2                                            Operations Manager
              ----------------- -------------------------------- ------------------------------ --------------------
              ----------------- -------------------------------- ------------------------------ --------------------
              Level 3                                            [EUROPEAN] Business Manager
              ----------------- -------------------------------- ------------------------------ --------------------


              ----------------- -------------------------------- ------------------------------ --------------------
              ESCALATION        NAME:                            POSITION:                      CONTACT TELEPHONE:
              ----------------- -------------------------------- ------------------------------ --------------------
              ----------------- -------------------------------- ------------------------------ --------------------
              Level 1                                            iTouch Team Leader
              ----------------- -------------------------------- ------------------------------ --------------------
              ----------------- -------------------------------- ------------------------------ --------------------
              Level 2                                            Operations Manager
              ----------------- -------------------------------- ------------------------------ --------------------
              ----------------- -------------------------------- ------------------------------ --------------------
              Level 3                                            Project Manager
              ----------------- -------------------------------- ------------------------------ --------------------

         ESCALATION TIMES (hours):

              --------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------
                             Manager                                            Priority
              --------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------
              --------------------------------------- -------------------- -------------------- --------------------
                                                               1                    2                    3
              --------------------------------------- -------------------- -------------------- --------------------
              --------------------------------------- -------------------- -------------------- --------------------
              CUSTOMER CARE MANAGER                            1                    4                   28
              --------------------------------------- -------------------- -------------------- --------------------
              --------------------------------------- -------------------- -------------------- --------------------
              OPERATIONS MANAGER                               2                    8                   36
              --------------------------------------- -------------------- -------------------- --------------------
              --------------------------------------- -------------------- -------------------- --------------------
              EUROPEAN BUSINESS MANAGER                        4                   12                   45
              --------------------------------------- -------------------- -------------------- --------------------


                                                                     SCHEDULE 10

                                   CHANGE FORM

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                                                             CHANGE PROPOSAL NO:

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- ------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------

- ------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------
- ------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------

- ------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------
- ------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------
(use separate sheet if

- ------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------
- ------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------
(use separate sheet if

- ------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------
- ------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------

- ------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------
- ------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------

o        Timescale

o        System Performance

o        Downtime

o        Cost

o        Quality

- ------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------
- ------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------
(print name/title)

- ------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------

ITOUCH PLC                                      m-WISE INC

Name: Avi Azulai                               Name: Shay Ben-Asulin
      ------------                                   ---------------
Signature: /s/ Avi Azulai                      Signature: /s/ Shay Ben-Asulin
           --------------                                 -------------------
Title:  Managing Director                      Title:  Director
        -----------------                              --------
Date:  October 14, 2002                        Date: October 14, 2002
       ----------------                              -----------------


                                                                     SCHEDULE 11





LONDON, UK - OCTOBER XX, 2002:. m-Wise today announced that it has been selected
by iTouch plc, the London-listed (LSE: ITU) Wireless Application Service
Provider, to supply the m-Wise MOMA Gateway as the main technology platform for
iTouch's consumer mobile services.

iTouch, which was recently rated as the best UK provider of wireless
applications by Mobile Metrix, has licensed the m-Wise MOMA Gateway to be
installed at iTouch premises and managed by its Technology Group.

MOMA will manage and bill iTouch multi-language consumer services for its
operations in Europe, Asia and Africa. This includes integration and support of
MMS, SMS, IVR, WAP and J2ME consumer services developed by iTouch, its partners
and m-Wise, which will integrate into MOMA via its proprietary API.

This arrangement follows iTouch's use of MOMA as a hosted solution earlier this
year. Earlier cooperation included the launch of World Cup services and
Spider-Man applications, as well as pre-paid products sold through iTouch's
retail partner programme.

iTouch plc CIO Jem Eskenazi stated: "MOMA has proven to be robust, flexible and
valuable for both our commercial and technical needs. The installed solution
will enhance our ability to launch consumer applications, integrate third party
content and ensure the highest level of technical and customer service."

m-Wise co-founder Shay Ben-Asulin said: "Our carrier-grade mobile middleware
solution appeals to operators and large-scale WASPs, like iTouch, that require a
focus point through which to develop, bill and support services for the type of
large scale audiences with which iTouch deals. We are delighted to expand our
partnership with iTouch, which to date has been fruitful for both parties."

Now encompassing over 300 applications and content services launched on more
than 25 mobile networks Europe and Asia, the MOMA Gateway is critical middleware
for mobile operators, major WASPs and large global brands. MOMA increases data
traffic and premium revenues, and significantly minimises capital, commercial,
training and technical requirements for managing value-added mobile services.

                                    - ends -

iTouch plc is listed on the London Stock Exchange - ticker symbol: ITU.L iTouch
is a leading wireless application services provider, offering mobile services to
both consumers & businesses through an international presence.

iTouch aggregates, packages and transmits a broad range of consumer information
and corporate solutions on multiple network types. iTouch delivers services
through Voice, SMS, WAP and MMS and is a pioneer in launching PDA based
corporate solutions.

iTouch plc was listed on the London Stock Exchange in August 2000 and has
operations in South Africa, Ireland, the United Kingdom, Australia, New Zealand
and Israel. iTouch also has a revenue-sharing and licensing agreement with MIH
in Indonesia and Thailand.

iTouch has relationships with over 125 media companies worldwide to deliver
their mobile services along with contractual relationships with eighteen mobile
operators and a further five through the MIH partnership, giving our clients
access to over 90 million mobile users.


m-Wise (WWW.M-WISE.COM) is a leading mobile technology, billing and middleware
company that provides a one-stop shop for operators, WASPs and content providers
to deploy, bill and manage value-added services. These carrier-grade services
are simultaneously deployed in any language on GSM, CDMA and TDMA networks over
SMS, MMS, EMS, J2ME, WAP, USSD, IVR, Web, email and pagers.

The company's MOMA Gateway is commercially used with 25 European and Asian
carriers, plus dozens of leading vendors and content providers - including
Comverse, Ericsson, Nokia, HP, Intel, Pepsi, Bacardi and United International
Pictures. MOMA features integrated, content-based billing solutions, over 300
plug-and-play applications and content services, proprietary application
development and provisioning tools, and robust CRM, reporting and customer
support suites.


Leora Penchina, MarComms Manager, m-Wise, +44 (0) 20 7608 8557,
leora@m-Wise.com, www.m-Wise.com Matt Hardwick, Corporate Communications
Manager, iTouch plc, +44 (0) 20 7803 1660


DATE:             OCTOBER 14, 2002



(2) M-WISE Inc.



THIS AGREEMENT is made on .October 14, 2002
- --------------


(1)      ITOUCH PLC, a company registered in England under number 39112784th
         Floor, The Tower Building, 11 York Road, London, SE1 7NX ("iTouch")

(2)      M-WISE Inc, a company registered in Delaware with address at 2711
         Centerville Road, Suite 400, New Castle County, Wilmington, Delaware
         19808 U.S.A, including m-Wise Ltd whose registered office is at Dolphin
         House, 16 The Broadway, Stanmore, Middlesex, HA7 4BW and which has a
         business address at 46 Clerkenwell Close, London EC1R 0AZ ("m-Wise")


(A)      Pursuant to an agreement for supply of software and related services
         between iTouch and m-Wise dated October 14, 2002 ("Supply Agreement"),
         m-Wise has supplied and licensed to iTouch Group the Licensed Software

(B)      This Agreement, pursuant to which m-Wise is to supply to iTouch Group
         maintenance and support services for the Licensed Software, is entered
         into pursuant to the Supply Agreement

- -------------------


         "Applications"             m-Wise's software
                                    applications listed or
                                    referred to in Schedule 1,
                                    for use in conjunction with
                                    the MOMA Platform, together
                                    with such additional or
                                    replacement software
                                    applications for use in
                                    conjunction with the MOMA
                                    Platform as m-Wise may from
                                    time to time provide to

         "Commencement              Date" the date that
                                    Acceptance (as defined in
                                    the Supply Agreement) is
                                    achieved pursuant to Clause
                                    4 of the Supply Agreement

         "Documentation"            documentation pertaining to
                                    the Licensed Software and
                                    processes/procedures, as
                                    such documentation may from
                                    time to time be updated to
                                    reflect changes in the MOMA
                                    Platform and/or

         "iTouch Group"             iTouch and any company directly or
                                    indirectly controlling,
                                    controlled by iTouch

         "Licensed Software"        the MOMA Platform and the Applications

         "MOMA                      Platform" m-Wise's
                                    proprietary software
                                    identified as such in
                                    Schedule 1, as such
                                    proprietary software may
                                    from time to time be added
                                    to or altered

         "Services"                 the software maintenance
                                    and support services for
                                    the Licensed Software, to
                                    be supplied to iTouch by
                                    m-Wise pursuant to this
                                    Agreement, as described in
                                    Schedule 2

         "Specification"            the specification and other
                                    requirements pertaining to
                                    the Licensed Software set
                                    out in Schedule 1, as such
                                    specification and other
                                    requirements may from time
                                    to time be amended by
                                    agreement in writing
                                    between the parties or by
                                    necessary implication to
                                    reflect changes or
                                    additions to the MOMA
                                    Platform and/or

         "Supply Agreement"         see above


         m-Wise shall throughout the term of this Agreement provide the Services
         to iTouch, subject to the terms and conditions of this Agreement


3        FINANCIAL

         3.1      In consideration of the due and punctual performance by m-Wise
                  of its obligations under this Agreement, iTouch shall pay to
                  m-Wise the sums stated in Schedule 3. Save as expressly
                  otherwise stated in such Schedule, such sums are all-inclusive
                  and m-Wise shall not be entitled to charge iTouch any other

         3.2      iTouch shall make the payments due to m-Wise when they become
                  due in accordance with Schedule 3

         3.3      Except as otherwise expressly stated in Schedule 3, all sums
                  due to m-Wise under this Agreement exclude VAT which iTouch
                  shall pay in addition at the rate from time to time required
                  by law, and provided that in respect of each payment m-Wise
                  shall submit to iTouch a valid and accurate VAT invoice


         4.1      m-Wise represents and warrants:

                  4.1.1    all amendments or additions to the Licensed Software
                           supplied by m-Wise pursuant to this Agreement will be
                           of satisfactory quality, fit for their purpose and
                           conform to any specification for them agreed between
                           the parties in writing and any published
                           specification of m-Wise for them

                  4.1.2    all amendments to the Documentation provided by
                           m-Wise pursuant to this Agreement will be of
                           satisfactory quality, fit for their purpose and such
                           as to enable any reasonably competent IT professional
                           to [provide first line maintenance and support for
                           the corresponding parts of the Licensed Software]

                  4.1.3    it will carry out the Services only through
                           appropriately experienced and competent staff, with
                           all reasonable care and skill, in accordance with
                           best practice in the IT industry, and in all respects
                           in accordance with the requirements of Schedule 2

                  4.1.4    the possession and use by iTouch Group of those parts
                           of the Licensed Software and Documentation supplied
                           to iTouch pursuant to this Agreement will not
                           infringe or violate the patent, trade mark, copyright
                           or other right of any person

4.2      Forthwith following receipt of any notice of any breach of any of the
         warranties in Clause 4.1, m-Wise shall free of charge and at its sole
         cost take such steps as are required in order to remedy the breach.
         Further, m-Wise shall defend, indemnify and hold harmless iTouch from
         and against all losses, costs, claims and expenses whatsoever arising
         out of or in connection with any breach and, in the case of the
         warranty in Clause 4.1.4, alleged breach, of the warranties in Clause

4.3      M-Wise warrants that in the event of a fail-over the obligations
         hereunder shall transfer to the fail-over system.

4.4      Where m-Wise fails to adhere to the service levels contained in
         schedule [...] m-Wise shall pay to iTouch the sum of (pound)1000 per
         day as a genuine pre- estimate of the costs to iTouch in addition to
         any other rights and remedies iTouch may have.


5.1      Each party agrees to maintain secret and confidential all information
         of a technical or commercially sensitive nature obtained from the other
         both pursuant to this Agreement and prior to and in contemplation of it
         and all other information that it may acquire from the other in the
         course of this Agreement, to use such information exclusively for the
         purposes of this Agreement or exercise of the rights granted under this
         Agreement, and to disclose the same only to those of its employees,
         agents, contractors and sub-contractors pursuant to this Agreement (if
         any) to whom and to the extent that such disclosure is reasonably
         necessary for the purposes of this Agreement or exercise of the rights
         granted under this Agreement

5.2      Clause 5.1 shall not apply to information which:

                  5.2.1    prior to receipt thereof from one party was in the
                           possession of the other and at its free disposal; or

                  5.2.2    is subsequently disclosed to the recipient party
                           without any obligations of confidence by a third
                           party who has not derived it directly or indirectly
                           from the other; or


                  5.2.3    is or becomes generally available to the public
                           through no act or default of the recipient party or
                           its employees, agents, contractors or
                           sub-contractors; or

                  5.2.4    is required by law or a court or other competent
                           authority to be disclosed; provided that in such case
                           the recipient party shall promptly notify the other
                           party in writing and in such detail as the other
                           party may reasonably require of such requirement for
                           disclosure and shall assist that other party in any
                           lawful efforts to prevent or limit the disclosure

         5.3      Each party shall procure that all its employees, agents,
                  contractors and sub-contractors pursuant to this Agreement (if
                  any) who have access to any information of the other to which
                  the obligations of Clause 5.1 apply shall treat such
                  information in a manner that is consistent with this Clause 5

         5.4      This Clause 5 shall survive any termination or expiry of this
                  Agreement and shall continue in force for a period of 5 years
                  following Acceptance or earlier termination of this Agreement


         6.1      This Agreement shall be deemed to have commenced on the
                  Commencement Date and, subject to earlier termination in
                  accordance with its terms, shall continue until iTouch gives
                  to m-Wise at least 3 months' written notice of termination

         6.2      Either party may terminate this Agreement by written notice to
                  the other having immediate effect if:

                  6.2.1    the other commits a material breach of the terms of
                           this Agreement which is incapable of remedy; and/or

                  6.2.2    the other commits a material breach of this Agreement
                           which is capable of remedy and, having received from
                           the other written notice of such breach stating the
                           intention to terminate this Agreement if the breach
                           is not remedied, fails to remedy the breach within
                           [14] days; and/or

                  6.2.3    the other ceases to carry on its business or has a
                           liquidator, receiver or administrative receiver
                           appointed to it or over any part of its undertaking
                           or assets or passes a resolution for its winding up
                           (otherwise than for the purpose of a bona fide scheme
                           of solvent amalgamation or reconstruction where the
                           resulting entity shall assume all of the liabilities
                           of it) or a court of competent jurisdiction makes an
                           administration order or liquidation order or similar
                           order, or that other party enters into any voluntary
                           arrangement with its creditors or is unable to pay
                           its debts as they fall due; and/or

                  6.2.4    any event occurs in relation to the other party which
                           is analogous under a foreign jurisdiction to any of
                           the events listed in Clause 6.2.3

         6.3      The right to terminate under this Clause 6 shall be without
                  prejudice to any other right or remedy under this Agreement or
                  at law


         7.1      Termination of this Agreement shall be without prejudice to
                  any accrued right of either party under this Agreement, and
                  Clauses 4, 5 and this Clause 7 shall survive any termination
                  of this Agreement

         7.2      On any termination of this Agreement, m-Wise shall promptly
                  repay to iTouch such proportion of any fee paid by iTouch to
                  m-Wise under this Agreement in respect of the provision of
                  Services during any period as the unexpired part of that
                  period bears to the whole of that period

8        PUBLICITY

         Neither party may issue any press release or make any public statement
         about the terms of their relationship or about m-Wise's provision of
         any Licensed Software or Services to iTouch except as may otherwise be
         agreed in writing between the parties from time to time.


         9.1      This Agreement is personal to m-Wise and m-Wise shall not
                  assign, sub-contract or delegate or purport to assign,
                  sub-contract or delegate its rights or obligations under this
                  Agreement in whole or in part, without iTouch's prior written
                  consent, which consent shall not be unreasonably withheld. In
                  this context, and without limiting iTouch's rights reasonably
                  to withhold its consent, iTouch may reasonably withhold
                  consent if it believes that the proposed assignee or
                  sub-contractor could not or will not or may not fully perform
                  m-Wise's obligations under this Agreement


         9.2      iTouch may at any time assign its rights and/or obligations
                  under this Agreement in whole or in part to any other member
                  of the iTouch Group or to any person that purchases the
                  business of iTouch Group in which the Licensed Software is
                  used or to be used, but may otherwise assign this Agreement
                  only with the prior written consent of m-Wise, which consent
                  shall not unreasonably be withheld

         No variation or amendment of this Agreement shall bind either party
         unless made in writing and agreed to in writing by duly authorised
         officers of both parties


         If it transpires that the whole or any part of any provision of this
         Agreement is illegal, void or unenforceable under any law that is
         applicable to this Agreement, or if any competent authority or court of
         competent jurisdiction in a final decision so determines, this
         Agreement shall continue in force save that such provision (or the
         relevant part of it) shall be deemed to be deleted from this Agreement
         with effect from the date of such agreement or decision or such earlier
         date as the parties may in writing agree


         The headings in this Agreement are for convenience only and are not
         intended to have any legal effect; all references to Clauses and to
         Schedules and to Annexes are references respectively to clauses in and
         schedules to and annexes to this Agreement; references to a "person"
         shall be deemed to include an individual, a company or an
         unincorporated business or other body or legal person; all references
         to a statute shall be deemed to include any statutory modification,
         extension or re-enactment thereof for the time being in force;
         references importing the singular shall include the plural and vice
         versa; and words such as "in particular", "including" or other words
         indicating that examples falling within more general wording follow
         shall not be construed as limiting in any way the scope of the
         preceding more general wording

13       NO WAIVER

         A failure by either party hereto to exercise or enforce any rights
         conferred upon it by this Agreement shall not be deemed to be a waiver
         of any such rights or operate so as to bar the exercise or enforcement
         thereof at any subsequent time or times


         This Agreement constitutes the entire understanding between the parties
         in relation to the subject-matter of this Agreement


         Each party shall at the request and cost of the other execute such
         documents and do all other lawful things reasonably required by the
         other to give effect to the provisions of this Agreement and to give
         the other party the full benefit thereof. This Clause shall survive any
         termination of this Agreement


         16.1     Each and every member of the iTouch Group from time to time
                  shall be entitled to the benefit of this Agreement as if
                  expressly named together with iTouch as a party to this
                  Agreement, and each such member of the iTouch Group shall be
                  entitled to enforce this Agreement accordingly

         16.2     Subject to Clause 16.1, this Agreement is not intended to
                  confer a benefit on any third party, whether pursuant to the
                  Contracts (Rights of Third Parties) Act 1999 or otherwise, and
                  no third party shall have any right to enforce any of the
                  provisions of this Agreement


         The relationship of the parties under this Agreement is that of
         independent contractors and, subject as otherwise expressly provided in
         this Agreement, neither party is the agent of the other for any purpose
         and neither party shall make any representation, give any warranty or
         enter into any contractual or other commitment purporting to be binding
         on the other

18       NOTICES

         Any notice given hereunder by either party to the other shall be in
         writing and shall be served by sending it by registered or recorded
         delivery post to the address of the other party given in Schedule 4 or
         by facsimile transmission to the facsimile number of the other party
         given in such Schedule, and in any case marked for the attention of an
         individual officer or employee of the other party as required by such
         Schedule. Unless the contrary is proved, notices so sent by post shall
         be deemed received [2] days after posting and notices so sent by
         facsimile shall be deemed received on the next working day following



         This Agreement shall be governed by and construed in accordance with
         the laws of England and Wales and each party hereby irrevocably submits
         to the non-exclusive jurisdiction of the English courts in relation to
         any dispute or claim arising out of or in connection with this


                                   SCHEDULE 1



         The MOMA Platform shall be customised so that it complies with the
         specifications set out herein. In particular m-Wise shall:

         (a)      ensure that the MOMA Platform shall provide continuous
                  connectivity for existing OpCos and Virtual OpCos (existing
                  under the ASP Agreement) and any new OpCos and Virtual OpCos
                  and third parties at a cost not exceeding (pound)500 per party
                  added during the remaining period of the ASP Agreement and
                  until the Installation of the MOMA Platform Component has
                  obtained Acceptance.

         (b)      ensure the MOMA Platform is such that as an easy and routine
                  operation iTouch will be able to add an unlimited number of
                  OpCos and/or Virtual OpCos.

         (c)      add the Translator Application after the HTTP API converter
                  has been built at the Site to handle the translation.

         (d)      integrate into it SMS Location Based Application (based on UK
                  post code proximity software provided by iTouch).

         (e)      ensure all screens are customised so that as an easy and
                  routine operation iTouch can apply branding according to its
                  requirement from time to time and that the "powered by m-Wise"
                  logo is small and unobtrusive and is in respect of any
                  dimension no more than one quarter the size of the iTouch logo
                  as to any dimension.

         (f)      carry out the additional developments/customisations detailed
                  in Schedule 8 (Additional Development/Customisations).

         (g)      upon prior written request from iTouch develop TIBCO connector
                  (on a time and materials basis, according to the rates set out
                  in paragraph (2) of Schedule 7 (Financial). iTouch may request
                  that m-Wise develop other connectivity APIs or may use any new
                  ones already developed by m-Wise.

         The following MOMA level4 functionality will be provided for ITouch in
         the MOMA platform installed at ITouch facility:

                           TABLE - MOMA FUNCTIONALITY

         ------------------------- -------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------
                  Category                  Feature                          Feature description
         ------------------------- -------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------
         ------------------------- -------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------
                  API                       Application level API            XML over HTTP API for 3rd party
                                            (AKA: MAG API)                   content providers using the MOMA API
         ------------------------- -------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------
         ------------------------- -------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------
                                            SMSCI level API                  HTTP based SMSC interface for SMS
         ------------------------- -------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------
         ------------------------- -------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------
                                            Content feed API                 XML over HTTP API for content feed
                                                                             (used by the alerting platform)
         ------------------------- -------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------
         ------------------------- -------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------
                                            MAG API monitoring               Built in web-based monitoring
                                            back-end                         back-end for API level content
         ------------------------- -------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------
         ------------------------- -------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------
                  SDK and                   Web based SDK                    Web based SDK IDE (integrated
                  application                                                development environment)
         ------------------------- -------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------
         ------------------------- -------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------
                                            Clustered application            Clustered Java based application
                                            engine                           engine (running the SDK based
         ------------------------- -------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------
         ------------------------- -------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------
                  Session                   Session management               MOMA session management function
         ------------------------- -------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------
         ------------------------- -------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------
                                            System level                     System level applications: OPTIN,
                                            applications                     OPTOUT, HELP, STOP, USER PROFILE,
                                                                             CREDIT, RECHARGE, HANDSET, etc...
         ------------------------- -------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------
         ------------------------- -------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------
                                            Trigger alias                    Enable multiple triggers for a single
                                            management                       application; associate the
                                                                             application user profile to the
                                                                             Trigger Alias.
         ------------------------- -------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------


         ------------------------- -------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------
                  Category                  Feature                          Feature description
         ------------------------- -------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------

         ------------------------- -------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------
                  Message types             Support multiple                 Support most common types of
                                            message types                    messages: text, ringtones, logos,
                                                                             picture, and other binary types (e.g.
                                                                             EMS messages, WAP push)
         ------------------------- -------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------
         ------------------------- -------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------
                                                                             converters Built in converters for
                                                                             Nokia ringtones, logos, and picture
         ------------------------- -------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------
         ------------------------- -------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------
                                            Multi-Lingual support            Multi-lingual support using UNICODE
                                                                             character sets
         ------------------------- -------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------
         ------------------------- -------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------
                  Management                Application                      Application (trigger, trigger alias)
                  tools                     provisioning tool                and Client setup and management tools
         ------------------------- -------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------
         ------------------------- -------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------
                                            Application copy tool            Application copy tool
         ------------------------- -------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------
         ------------------------- -------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------
                                            Web based system                 Online Traffic screening and
                                            monitoring                       monitoring tools, user session
                                                                             message history views
         ------------------------- -------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------
         ------------------------- -------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------
                                            MOMA Active Monitor              Passive and active monitoring system,
                                            Suite                            with Flexible built in test
                                                                             management, SMS, email and WEB alerts.
         ------------------------- -------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------
         ------------------------- -------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------
                                            Mobile network                   Mobile network, Ports, logical ports,
                                            management                       charging provisioning setup and
                                                                             management tools
         ------------------------- -------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------
         ------------------------- -------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------
                                            Content provider help            Web based content provider's help
                                            desk utility                     desk tool integrated into the
                                                                             Application back-end
         ------------------------- -------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------
         ------------------------- -------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------
                                            MOMA manager help                Web based system admin help desk tool
                                            desk utility                     integrated into the MOMA management
         ------------------------- -------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------
         ------------------------- -------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------
                                                                             setup Cross networking Implementation
                                                                             of multi-network application running
                                                                             through cross network logical ports.
         ------------------------- -------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------
         ------------------------- -------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------
                                            Short codes load                 Implementation of clustered short
                                            balancing                        codes for short codes load balancing
         ------------------------- -------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------
         ------------------------- -------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------
                                            GSM modem SMS                    Implementation of GSM modem interface
                                            interface                        (used mostly for monitoring the
         ------------------------- -------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------
         ------------------------- -------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------
                  Billing &                 Multiple reports                 The MOMA reporting module provides
                  Reporting                                                  flexible Crystal Reports(TM)
                                                                             template based reports.

         ------------------------- -------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------
         ------------------------- -------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------
                                            Data cards credit                Support data cards (scratch card,
                                            based billing                    vouchers) vouchers management, and
                                                                             real-time credit management
         ------------------------- -------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------
         ------------------------- -------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------
                                            Content provider                 Web based reporting suite for content
                                            report profiles editor           providers, with a flexible client
                                                                             report profile editor.
         ------------------------- -------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------
         ------------------------- -------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------
                                            Data cards management            The data card management suite
                                            suite                            enables users balance management,
                                                                             data card codes generation, scratch
                                                                             card life cycle management and also
                                                                             queries and reports with regard to
                                                                             the scratch cards.
         ------------------------- -------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------

         All new technologies such as, MMS types of all new handsets supported
         by mWise will be made available to iTouch and others will be supported
         and the tools to support those technologies will be provided as part of
         the Maintenance Contract.



         This list is not exhaustive and shall include all other m-Wise
         applications up until date of Acceptance of the Application Component.

                                          ITOUCH M-WISE APPLICATIONS LIVE AS AT 20-09-02

       TEST APPS    TestUDH         TestUDH           Download txt message, ringtone,      Configured iTouch Isr 23/08
                                    logo etc
                    iTouchTest      iTouchTest        MO capture app                       Configured MIH TH 30/08
          QUIZ      Quiz App 1      Simple Quiz       1 question quiz                      OPCO: iTouch UK, App Name:
                                                                                           iTouch Simple Quiz, Trigger:
                                                                                           Quick, Port: 81131
                    Quiz App 2      Quiz              3 question quiz                      OPCO: iTouch UK, App Name:
                                                                                           iTouch Quiz, Trigger: Quiz,
                                                                                           Port: 81131
                    Quiz App 3      Spiderman Quiz    5 question quiz                      OPCO: iTouch UK, App Name:
                                                                                           Spiderman 5Q Quiz, Trigger:
                                                                                           Spidey Quiz, Port: 81131
                    Quiz App 4      Guru Football     15 Question Multi Category, Multi    OPCO: iTouch UK, App Name:
                                                      Level. Category Selection, 3 x       Guru, Trigger: Guru, Port: 81131
                                                      levels, 5 questions per level quiz
        SCENARIO    Scenario        Spiderman         5 question, 3 scenario games.        OPCO: iTouch UK, App Name:
                    Game 1          Scenario 5        Categories are selected by sub       Spiderman Scenario 5 Questions,
                                    Questions         trigger, not category question.      Trigger: Spidey + Battle or
                                                                                           Wrestle or Parade, Port: 81131
                    Scenario        Spiderman         8 Question game, no category.        OPCO: iTouch UK, App Name:
                    Game 2          Scenario                                               Spiderman Scenario, Trigger:
                                                                                           Spiders, Port: 81131
                    Scenario        GetHerKitOff      8 question with category             OPCO: iTouch UK, App Name:
                    Game 3                            selection.                           GetHerKitOff, Trigger: Kitoff,
                                                                                           Port: 81131
         VOTING     Vote            Voting            Single Vote Application              OPCO: iTouch UK, App Name:
                                                                                           iTouch World Cup Voting,
                                                                                           Trigger: Squash, Port: 81131
                    Vote Rev 2.0    New Voting App    Enhanced voting application          Voting App released to iTouch
                                    (currently in     currently in m-Wise QA. URS will     15-08, testing and
                                    testing on        be distributed on completion of      documentation commence 16-08.
                                    staging server)   testing.                             Will release to OPCO's during
                                                                                           w/c 19-08
         GAMES      Safe            Safe              3 goes to guess the N x digit        OPCO: iTouch UK, App Name:
                                                      combination                          iTouch Safe, Trigger: Crack,
                                                                                           Port: 81131
                    Slot            Slot Machine      User sends trigger is prompted to    OPCO: iTouch UK, App Name:
                                                      enter (1) phone type Nokia or        iTouch Slot Machine, Trigger:
                                                      Other, (2) answer a trivia           SlotM, Port: 81131
                                                      question and then is sent 3 x Op
                                                      Logos or Text Messages based on
                                                      response to (1)
                    Brainmaster     Brainmaster       4 goes to guess the 4-digit          OPCO: iTouch UK, App Name:
                                                      combination. User is prompted        Brainmaster, Trigger: Master,
                                                      with no correct digits & no of       Port: 81131
                                                      correct positions
                    Luv             Love Calculator   User texts in name and partner       OPCO: iTouch UK, App Name:
                    Calculator                        name to receive compatibility %      iTouch Love Calculator,
                                                                                           Trigger: Luvcal, Port: 81131
          DATA      Capture         Info              Data Capture application, many       OPCO: iTouch UK, App Name:
                                                      functions: Opt-out, Opt-in, data     iTouch INFO, Trigger: INFO
                                                      capture app, competition entry.      Port: 81131
                    SMS Response                      SMS Response
                                                      m-Wise dev complete, spec
                                                      to be Application as it
                                                      stands is written to
                                                      detail output to XML.
                                                      Capture, output required
                                                      to Moderator under dev by
                                                      iTouch UK route XML add on
                                                      date to be provided.
                    Emailer         Emailer           Capture user details via SMSand
                                  forward email
         ALERTS     ALERTS APP 1    Football          Additional functionality being       OPCO: iTouch UK, App Name:
                    - FOOTBALL                        added as result of World Cup.        Football Alerts, Trigger: INFO
                                                      Content converter developed to       Port: 81131
                                                      facilitate Rivals 365 content.
                    Alerts App 2    Nat Mags Alerts   Users pre-register to receive N x    OPCO: iTouch UK, App Name: Nat
                    - Push                            alerts e.g. daily sex tips for a     Mags Alerts, Trigger: Cosmo +
                                                      week. Content is entered
                                                      manually Orgasm or Sex
                                                      Port: 81131 and broadcast
                                                      to all registered users
                                                      once daily.
          CHAT      Virtual Chat    Virtual Chat      Currently only supports single       Further development reqd to
                                                      keyword recognition based on         support keyword recognition
                                                      virtual pet                          from within text string
       DEVICE       Ringtones       WC RT             Nokia Mono - SMS delivery            OPCO: iTouch UK, App Name:
       PERSONALISATION                                                                     Spiderman Logo, Trigger: Spider
                                                                                           12999 Port: 81131
                    Logos           WC LG             Nokia  - SMS Delivery                OPCO: iTouch UK, App Name:
                                                                                           Spiderman Logo, Trigger: Spider
                                                                                           60548 Port: 81131
                    Polyphonics     In Development    Successfully delivered poly to       Demo is currently unavailable,
                                                      Samsung T100 via WAP OTA 01-08,      will request re-instatement.
                                                      further dev reqd.                    [JEM: TED RESPONDING]
       CREDIT       System          System            Credit management application,       OPCO: iTouch UK, App Name:
       MANAGEMENT   Application     Application       user management etc                  System iTouch (not demo)
                    Fantasy         Golden Goals      Top 5 goal scorers fantasy type      Application exists but no
                    Football                          football game used by iTouch UK      identified client exists.
                                 for World Cup.


o             Plus, without further charge, iTouch may within 12 (twelve) months
              immediately following Acceptance of the Licensed Software choose a
              further 5 (five) Applications from m-Wise's catalogue of

         List of Hardware recommended by m-Wise and Licensed Software

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
     Make and Model      Dell 1650
     Operating System    Linux (mWise RPM)
     CPU                 1x1.8 Ghz (or highest)
     Memory              1Gb (or highest)
     Storage             18Gb (SCSI)
     Network Cards                                                            2
Note 2 Machines to include 3 x18Gb RAID 5 Storage
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
     Make and Model      Gigabyte
     Operating System    Linux (mWise RPM)
     CPU                 1x1.8 Ghz (or highest)
     Memory              1Gb (or highest)
     Storage             18Gb (SCSI)
     Network Cards                                                            2
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
     Make and Model      Dell 6650
     Operating System    Win 2k Server
     CPU                 2 x 1.4Ghz Xeon/512kb cache (or highest) -
                         Upgradeable to 4 processors
     Memory              2Gb (or highest) - upgradeable to 8Gb
     Storage             2 x 18Gb (SCSI)
     Network Cards                                                            2
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
     Make and Model      NetApp F87
     Operating System
     Storage             8x76Gb SCSI
     Network Cards       1 Fibre Ethernet card + 1 10/100/1000 Ethernet card


     Note:               NetApp F87
                         Snap Restore
                         Install Service
                         5 Days Training
                         Snap Drive for SQL Server
                         36 month phone support and 4 hour on-site drive and
                         hardware replacement
                         36 months support subscription for software
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
     Make and Model      Cisco 3550 - Production Switch
     Quantity                                                                 4
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
     Make and Model      Cisco 2959 (24 port switch) - Non Production Switch
     Quantity                                                                 3
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Software License Requirement

- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
LICENSES                        Windows    MS SQL Server  Embarcadero       JTurbo       ColdFusion  Crystal Reports   IIS
                             Server 2000     Standard                                    Enterprise
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
   APPLICATION SERVERS                                                        1
   DATABASE SERVER PROD           2              2             1
   DATABASE SERVER NON PROD       1              1             1
   WEB SERVER                     1                                                          1              1          1
   API SERVER                                                                 1
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Official Software License versions

- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
NAME                                            DESCRIPTION                             VERSION
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    Windows Server 2000                       Windows Server                    2000 Service Pack 3

    MS SQL Server Standard                     MS SQL Server                     2000 Service Pack 2

    Embrocadero                   MS SQL Development and Management Suite    Determined upon installation

    JTurbo                                    JDBC Connector                          Version 3.0

    Cold Fusion Enterprise                   Application Server              MX Server Enterprise (v. 6)

    IIS                                         HTTP Server                   IIS 5.0 with latest patches

    Crystal Reports                     Reports Generation package                      Version
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

                                   SCHEDULE 2



         m-Wise will provide to iTouch second level maintenance and support for
         the Licensed Software, as described in more detail in this Schedule,
         and in accordance with and subject to the terms of this Schedule



         (a)      The respective project managers of the parties will have
                  responsibility for day to day management of provision of the
                  Services, and in particular m-Wise's project manager will be
                  iTouch's dedicated technical focal point of contact
                  responsible for delivery of the Services in accordance with
                  this Schedule and in particular the required service levels
                  (see paragraph (9) below). The project managers (with contact
                  details) are:

                  as in the relevant schedule of Supply Agreement

                  Either party may change its project manager but must forthwith
                  notify the other in writing of the change. However, m-Wise
                  will try to maintain continuity of project manager. m-Wise
                  will ensure that its project manager is at all times an
                  individual reasonably acceptable to iTouch

         (b)      Other contact details to be used for the Services are: Oliver
                  O'Kelly iTouch Jem Eskenazi iTouch

                  If a party changes any of its contact details it must
                  forthwith notify the other in writing of the change

         (c)      Periodic review meetings will be carried on a quarterly basis
                  in the UK with both parties senior technical staff attending
                  in person and monthly by telephone attendance.

         (d)      iTouch will make available to m-Wise access to iTouch's fault
                  logging systems. m-Wise will use these to log and track all
                  iTouch related support issues and change requests. These
                  systems will also be used by iTouch as the basis to measure
                  compliance with the agreed service levels (paragraph (9)


         (a)      m-Wise will provide the Services 365 days per year, 24 hours
                  per day

         (b)      The Services will consist in second level support and fall
                  into the following categories:

         o        remote monitoring of the Licensed Software
         o        bug/error fixing
         o        provision of updates/upgrades
         o        [change requests]


         m-Wise will inform iTouch through the channels at paragraph (2) above
         of any bug/error or other issue concerning the performance of the
         Licensed Software that m-Wise becomes aware of Any such bug/error or
         other performance issue shall be deemed to have been reported to m-Wise
         by iTouch in accordance with this Schedule at the time m-Wise becomes
         aware of it. m-Wise will not have administrative access without prior
         permission of iTouch


         o        requirements for reporting bugs/errors
         o        agreed categories (depending on business impact)
         o        for each category, initial m-Wise response time and fix time
         o        relevant procedures


         (a)      m-Wise will promptly supply to iTouch (without additional
                  charge, either under this Agreement or by way of licence fee)
                  all updates/upgrades [to the MOMA Platform (and the
                  Applications)] that m-Wise from time to time makes available
                  to any of its ASP customers and/or other licensees

         (b)      iTouch shall not be obliged to accept such updates/upgrades
                  but if it does accept them then m-Wise will also supply
                  additional or amended Documentation corresponding to them.


         (a)      iTouch may from time to time submit to m-Wise requests for
                  changes to be made to the Licensed Software. The parties will
                  work together to establish the precise requirements in
                  relation to any such change request, and whether it is
                  technically feasible

         (b)      Subject to technical feasibility, and to iTouch confirming to
                  m-Wise that it does require the change request implemented,
                  m-Wise will implement it and supply additional or amended
                  Documentation corresponding to it



       This document serves to define the interfaces, times and management
       procedures regarding any malfunctions on services offered in
       collaboration with m-Wise services for the iTouch operation and all
       support and maintenance.

       On parallel, the document will specify the agreed communication
       arrangements between m-Wise and iTouch in regard to the activities
       planned on m-Wise respective platforms.

       The Services will consist in addition to all additional work necessary to
       comply with second level support and fall into the following categories:

                  m-Wise will immediately inform iTouch through the channels at
                  Schedule 6 (Project Managers) above of any bug/error or other
                  issue concerning the performance of the Licensed Software that
                  m-Wise becomes aware of. Any such bug/error or other
                  performance issue shall be deemed to have been reported to
                  m-Wise by iTouch in accordance with this Schedule at the time
                  m-Wise becomes aware of it.

         (D)      BUG/ERROR FIXING
                  Any malfunction, which affects the effective and continuous
                  use and operation of the Licensed Software.

         (E)      UPDATES/UPGRADES
                  Provisions of updates/upgrades which iTouch reserves the right
                  to accept and which if accepted shall include without charge
                  all additional or amended Documentation corresponding to them.

                  m-Wise will promptly supply to iTouch (without additional
                  charge, either under this Agreement or by way of licence fee)
                  all updates/upgrades that m-Wise from time to time makes
                  available to any of its ASP and/or other licensees.

         For each category of the services, state:

o        Level        Severity       ResponseTime             Fix time
o        1            critical          30 mins             95% within 4 hours
o        2            major             90                  95% within 8 hours
o        3            minor           4 hours              90% within 24 hours

o                During national holidays or religious holidays in Israel the
                 response time may be slower, but m-Wise will do its best
                 endeavours to minimize delays.

o        SCHEDULE 3

o        Financial

         1        Subject to any reduction made to such sum in accordance with
                  clause 4.7.1 of the Supply Agreement, iTouch shall pay to
                  m-Wise a fee for the Services equal to (pound)2500 per
                  calendar month.
         2        ITouch shall pay such fee for each calendar month during the
                  term of this agreemnt within 30 days of receiving m-Wise's
                  valid and accurate invoice for such fee.m-Wise may issue its
                  invoice for the fee due for a calendar month at any time on or
                  after the start of the immediately preceding calendar month.
         3        ITouch may set off against any fee due to be paid to m-Wise
                  any amount due to iTouch from m-wise pursuant to the service
                  level provisions of schedule 2


                                   Schedule 4

         Notices ;

For iTouch all notices should be sent to Jen Eskanazi with a copy to the Company

AS WITNESS the hands of the duly authorised representatives of the parties on
the date first appearing above

For and on behalf of iTouch plc

Signed:   /s/ Avi Azulai

Print Name: Avi Azulai

Position/Title: Managing Director

Date: October 14, 2002

For and on behalf of m-Wise Inc

Signed:  /s/ Shay Ben-Asulin

Print Name: Shay Ben-Asulin

Position/Title:   Director

Date:             October 14, 2002


4 Note: this does not include a description of the specific applications
delivered to ITouch