Exhibit 23.1

                                                                    LOGO OMITTED
                                                             SF Partnership, LLP
                                                           Chartered Accountants

                                                                   April 7, 2004

                          INDEPENDENT AUDITORS CONSENT

We consent to the incorporation of m-Wise, Inc. financial statements for the
years ended December 31, 2002 and December 31, 2003 and our auditors report
dated March 29, 2004 appearing on the Form SB-2 of m-Wise, Inc.

                                                           Yours very truly,

                                                          /s/ SF Partnership LLP
                                                          SF Partnership, LLP

The Madison Centre, 4930 Yonge Street, Suite 400, Toronto,
                                                          Ontario Canada M2N 6K1
Telephone 416 250 1212 Fax 416 250 1225 email general@solfeld.com